i'm a redhat user, i sucessfully connected to readhat but i just couldn't upload files at all - or i should say i could - but all the files are 0kb.
it keeps poping up a "file transfer log" warning and it says "temporary completion problem reply", what's happening??
it was abosuletly fine before can anyone help?? thankyou
200 Switching to Binary mode.
COMMAND:> SIZE banner.gif
550 Could not get file size.
STATUS:> Requested action not taken (e.g., file or directory not found, no access).
COMMAND:> CWD /home/i/ivywnm/public_html/banner.gif
550 Failed to change directory.
STATUS:> Requested action not taken (e.g., file or directory not found, no access).
COMMAND:> CWD /home/i/ivywnm/public_html
250 Directory successfully changed.
STATUS:> PWD skipped. Current folder: "/home/i/ivywnm/public_html".
227 Entering Passive Mode (84,218,21,85,130,103)
COMMAND:> STOR banner.gif
STATUS:> Connecting FTP data socket
150 Ok to send data.
451 Failure writing to local file.
ERROR:> Temporary completion problem reply.