[#65] minix public key ssh auth does not work
Summary minix public key ssh auth does not work
Queue Polarhome
Queue Version minix
Type Issue
State Accepted
Priority 1. Low
Requester zoli (at) polarhome (dot) com
Created 12/12/2015 (3351 days ago)
Updated 01/11/2016 (3321 days ago)

01/11/2016 Zoltan Arpadffy Comment #2
State ⇒ Accepted
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will be solved with a 3.3 upgrade once there is a functional compiler
12/12/2015 zoli (at) polarhome (dot) com Comment #1
State ⇒ Unconfirmed
Queue ⇒ Polarhome
Summary ⇒ minix public key ssh auth does not work
Type ⇒ Issue
Priority ⇒ 1. Low
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Using public key auth with minix server does not work.
The server drops the connection for some reason.

Removing the keys will result to the password auth - that works perfect.