[Disrupt0r] Welcome disrupt0r

root root@gate.polarhome.com
Sun, 8 Sep 2002 17:20:31 +0200

Congratulations :-)

Your request has been accepted.
You could log-in with given (initial) password to linux server gate.polarhome.com... BUT please note that you have not got shell access.

Read rules, discamer and legal notices at http://www.polarhome.com/service/ .
and shell policy at http://www.polarhome.com/service/policy.html

With this account you've got:
- personal homepage http://www.polarhome.com/~username
- new e-mail address username@polarhome.com
- mail forwarding (edit file .forward)
- spam black hole with address spam@polarhome.com
- IMAP and POP3 account (even through web interface)
- read your e-mail with WAP phone ( http://wap.polarhome.com/mail/?u=username&p=password )
- free disk space of 20Mb + 5Mb mail
- irc, irc proxy, ftp etc. access from and to the internet
- irc clients, bouncers, bots etc.
- PHP, SSI, SSL etc. web environment
- MySQL database account 
- Culture of net usage and competent community
- Support for development
- NTP synchronized server
- possibility to have own mailing list(s).

Note: You can use PHP or simple server side includes imediatelly. 
BUT CGI-s written in perl (/usr/bin/perl), C or other language, are available just for shell users. 
More to read in polarhome's shell policy: http://www.polarhome.com/service/policy.html 

Do not forget: just cgi-bin directory allows CGI execution. Needed file permission is 755 -rwxr-xr-x.
Allowed CGI extensions are .cgi .pl .py .tcl. 
- Just cgi-bin directory allows CGI execution 
- Needed file permission is 755 -rwxr-xr-x.
- You have to be the owner as well.

It has been created one mailing list, polarhome@polarhome.com for system
announces, upgrades, planned shutdowns, network problems etc.

Everybody who is interested in such information should follow the list.
It is not necessary to be subscribed, because it is possible to read though
the web interface at www.polarhome.com/service/mailman/

If you delete your directory structure, or just want to upgrade, current skeleton can be found at ftp://ftp.polarhome.com/pub/current/

polarhome.com changed shell policy: It is not free any more. 
To achieve shell access you have to pay 10 local currency units admission fee.
You can find more information about at http://www.polarhome.com/service/policy.html
With sell access you will get:
- Napster client (nap 1.4.4) with DSL speed
- Gnutella client (gnut)
- Public eggdrop bot server
- crontab
- C/C++, Java, Perl Python work envoronment
- full access CGI environment 

Polarhome.com is non commercial effort for shell enabled systems popularisation,
but unfortunately I can not appreciate to upgrade this server myself any more...
If you:
- Like the concept of free communities
- Think that your serveris too slow
- Want to have more rights/space whatever

Please, contribute.
You can found more info at: http://www.polarhome.com/sponsor.html

Welcome..., and feel yourself at home.
If you have any question, problem or just need some extra information,
or if you face some problem using polarhome, please find help at
polarhome resources:

FAQ     - http://www.polarhome.com/cgi-bin/fom
Manuals - http://www.polarhome.com/service/manual/
Lists   - http://www.polarhome.com/mailman/listinfo
Support - mailto:support@polarhome.com

In all correspondence with support, please include your username@polarhome_hostname. 

Kind regards,
your system administrator