Resize man page on Mandriva

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RESIZE(1)							     RESIZE(1)

       resize - set TERMCAP and terminal settings to current xterm window size

       resize [ -u | -c ] [ -s [ row col ] ]

       Resize prints a shell command for setting the TERM and TERMCAP environ‐
       ment variables to indicate the current size of xterm window from	 which
       the command is run.  For this output to take effect, resize must either
       be evaluated as part of the command line (usually  done	with  a	 shell
       alias  or function) or else redirected to a file which can then be read
       in.  From the C shell (usually known as /bin/csh), the following	 alias
       could be defined in the user's .cshrc:

	       %  alias rs 'set noglob; eval `resize`'

       After resizing the window, the user would type:

	       %  rs

       Users  of  versions of the Bourne shell (usually known as /bin/sh) that
       don't have command functions will need to send the output to  a	tempo‐
       rary file and then read it back in with the “.” command:

	       $  resize > /tmp/out
	       $  . /tmp/out

       The following options may be used with resize:

       -u      This option indicates that Bourne shell commands should be gen‐
	       erated even if the user's current shell isn't /bin/sh.

       -c      This option indicates that C shell commands should be generated
	       even if the user's current shell isn't /bin/csh.

       -s [rows columns]
	       This option indicates that Sun console escape sequences will be
	       used instead of the VT100-style xterm escape  codes.   If  rows
	       and  columns  are  given,  resize  will ask the xterm to resize
	       itself.	However, the window manager may choose to disallow the

	       Note  that  the	Sun console escape sequences are recognized by
	       XFree86 xterm  and  by  dtterm.	 The  resize  program  may  be
	       installed  as  sunsize,	which  causes  makes  it assume the -s

	       The rows and columns arguments must appear  last;  though  they
	       are  normally  associated  with	the -s option, they are parsed

       /etc/termcap   for the base termcap entry to modify.

       ~/.cshrc	      user's alias for the command.

       csh(1), tset(1), xterm(1)

       Mark Vandevoorde (MIT-Athena), Edward Moy (Berkeley)
       Copyright (c) 1984, 1985 by X Consortium
       See X(109:) for a complete copyright notice.

				X Window System			     RESIZE(1)

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