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XmFrame(3X)			   OSF/Motif			   XmFrame(3X)

       XmFrame - The Frame widget class

       #include <Xm/Frame.h>

       Frame is a very simple manager used to enclose a single work area child
       in a border drawn by Frame.  It uses the Manager	 class	resources  for
       border drawing and performs geometry management so that its size always
       matches its child's outer size plus  the	 Frame's  margins  and	shadow

       Frame is most often used to enclose other managers when the application
       developer desires the manager to have the same border appearance as the
       primitive widgets.  Frame can also be used to enclose primitive widgets
       that do not support the same type of border drawing.  This gives visual
       consistency  when  you  develop applications using diverse widget sets.
       Constraint resources are used to designate a child as the Frame	title,
       align  its  text,  and  control	its  vertical alignment in relation to
       Frame's top shadow.  The title appears only at the top of the Frame.

       If the Frame's parent is a  Shell  widget,  XmNshadowType  defaults  to
       XmSHADOW_OUT, and Manager's resource XmNshadowThickness defaults to 1.

       If  the Frame's parent is not a Shell widget, XmNshadowType defaults to
       XmSHADOW_ETCHED_IN, and Manager's resource XmNshadowThickness  defaults
       to 2.

       Frame  inherits	behavior  and resources from the Core, Composite, Con‐
       straint, and XmManager classes.

       The class pointer is xmFrameWidgetClass.

       The class name is XmFrame.

   New Resources
       The following table defines a set of widget resources used by the  pro‐
       grammer to specify data.	 The programmer can also set the resource val‐
       ues for the inherited classes to set attributes for  this  widget.   To
       reference  a  resource by name or by class in a .Xdefaults file, remove
       the XmN or XmC prefix and use the remaining letters.  To specify one of
       the  defined  values for a resource in a .Xdefaults file, remove the Xm
       prefix and use the remaining letters (in either lowercase or uppercase,
       but  include  any  underscores between words).  The codes in the access
       column indicate if the given resource can be set at creation time  (C),
       set by using XtSetValues (S), retrieved by using XtGetValues (G), or is
       not applicable (N/A).

				XmFrame Resource Set
		Name			Default		       Access
		      Class		      Type
		XmNmarginWidth		0		       CSG
		      XmCMarginWidth	       Dimension
		XmNmarginHeight		0		       CSG

		      XmCMarginHeight	       Dimension
		XmNshadowType		dynamic		       CSG
		      XmCShadowType	       unsigned char
       Specifies the padding space on the left and right sides between Frame's
       child  and  Frame's shadow drawing.  Specifies the padding space on the
       top and bottom sides between Frame's child and Frame's shadow  drawing.
       When  a	title is present, the top margin equals the value specified by
       this resource plus the distance (if any) that the title	extends	 below
       the  top shadow.	 Describes the drawing style for Frame.	 This resource
       can have the following  values:	XmSHADOW_IN—draws  Frame  so  that  it
       appears	inset.	 This  means  that  the	 bottom shadow visuals and top
       shadow visuals are  reversed.   XmSHADOW_OUT—draws  Frame  so  that  it
       appears	outset.	 This is the default if Frame's parent is a Shell wid‐
       get.  XmSHADOW_ETCHED_IN—draws Frame using a  double  line  giving  the
       effect  of  a line etched into the window.  The thickness of the double
       line is equal to the value of XmNshadowThickness.  This is the  default
       when  Frame's  parent is not a Shell widget.  XmSHADOW_ETCHED_OUT—draws
       Frame using a double line giving the effect of a line coming out of the
       window.	The thickness of the double line is equal to the value of XmN‐

			   XmFrame Constraint Resource Set
	 Name				     Default		      Access
	       Class				   Type
	 XmNchildType			     XmFRAME_WORKAREA_CHILD   CSG
	       XmCChildType			    unsigned char
	 XmNchildHorizontalAlignment	     XmALIGNMENT_BEGINNING    CSG
	       XmCChildHorizontalAlignment	    unsigned char
	 XmNchildHorizontalSpacing	     dynamic		      CSG
	       XmCChildHorizontalSpacing	    Dimension
	 XmNchildVerticalAlignment	     XmALIGNMENT_CENTER	      CSG
	       XmCChildVerticalAlignment	    unsigned char
       Specifies whether a child is a title or work area.   Frame  supports  a
       single  title  and/or  work  area  child.   The	possible  values  are:

       The   Frame   geometry	manager	  ignores   any	   child    of	  type
       XmFRAME_GENERIC_CHILD.	Specifies  the	alignment  of the title.  This
       resource	 has  the  following  values:  XmALIGNMENT_BEGINNING  XmALIGN‐

       See  the	 description  of   XmNalignment in the XmLabel man page for an
       explanation of these values.  Specifies the  minimum  distance  between
       either  edge  of the title text and the inner edge of the Frame shadow.
       Clipping of the title text occurs in order to  maintain	this  spacing.
       The default value is the margin width of the Frame.  Specifies the ver‐
       tical alignment of the title text, or the title area in relation to the
       top  shadow of the Frame.  XmALIGNMENT_BASELINE_BOTTOM—causes the base‐
       line of the title to align vertically with the top shadow of the Frame.
       In  the	case  of  a multi-line title, the baseline of the last line of
       text aligns vertically with the top  shadow  of	the  Frame.   XmALIGN‐
       MENT_BASELINE_TOP—causes the baseline of the first line of the title to
       align vertically with the top shadow of	the  Frame.   XmALIGNMENT_WID‐
       GET_TOP—causes  the top edge of the title area to align vertically with
       the top shadow of the Frame.  XmALIGNMENT_CENTER—causes the  center  of
       the  title  area	 to align vertically with the top shadow of the Frame.
       XmALIGNMENT_WIDGET_BOTTOM—causes the bottom edge of the title  area  to
       align vertically with the top shadow of the Frame.

   Inherited Resources
       Frame  inherits behavior and resources from the following superclasses.
       For a complete description of each resource, refer to the man page  for
       that superclass.

			       XmManager Resource Set
	   Name				 Default		    Access
		 Class			       Type
	   XmNbottomShadowColor		 dynamic		    CSG
		 XmCBottomShadowColor		Pixel
	   XmNbottomShadowPixmap	 XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP	    CSG
		 XmCBottomShadowPixmap		Pixmap
	   XmNforeground		 dynamic		    CSG
		 XmCForeground			Pixel
	   XmNhelpCallback		 NULL			    C
		 XmCCallback			XtCallbackList
	   XmNhighlightColor		 dynamic		    CSG
		 XmCHighlightColor		Pixel
	   XmNhighlightPixmap		 dynamic		    CSG
		 XmCHighlightPixmap		Pixmap
	   XmNinitialFocus		 NULL			    CSG
		 XmCInitialFocus		Widget
	   XmNnavigationType		 XmTAB_GROUP		    CSG
		 XmCNavigationType		XmNavigationType
	   XmNshadowThickness		 dynamic		    CSG
		 XmCShadowThickness		Dimension
	   XmNstringDirection		 dynamic		    CG
		 XmCStringDirection		XmStringDirection
	   XmNtopShadowColor		 dynamic		    CSG
		 XmCTopShadowColor		Pixel
	   XmNtopShadowPixmap		 dynamic		    CSG
		 XmCTopShadowPixmap		Pixmap
	   XmNtraversalOn		 True			    CSG
		 XmCTraversalOn			Boolean
	   XmNunitType			 dynamic		    CSG
		 XmCUnitType			unsigned char
	   XmNuserData			 NULL			    CSG
		 XmCUserData			XtPointer

			       Composite Resource Set
		Name			  Default	       Access
		      Class			Type

		XmNchildren		  NULL		       G
		      XmCReadOnly		 WidgetList
		XmNinsertPosition	  NULL		       CSG
		      XmCInsertPosition		 XtOrderProc
		XmNnumChildren		  0		       G
		      XmCReadOnly		 Cardinal

				 Core Resource Set
	Name				      Default		      Access
	      Class				    Type
	XmNaccelerators			      dynamic		      CSG
	      XmCAccelerators			     XtAccelerators
	XmNancestorSensitive		      dynamic		      G
	      XmCSensitive			     Boolean
	XmNbackground			      dynamic		      CSG
	      XmCBackground			     Pixel
	XmNbackgroundPixmap		      XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP    CSG
	      XmCPixmap				     Pixmap
	XmNborderColor			      XtDefaultForeground     CSG
	      XmCBorderColor			     Pixel
	XmNborderPixmap			      XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP    CSG
	      XmCPixmap				     Pixmap
	XmNborderWidth			      0			      CSG
	      XmCBorderWidth			     Dimension
	XmNcolormap			      dynamic		      CG
	      XmCColormap			     Colormap
	XmNdepth			      dynamic		      CG
	      XmCDepth				     int
	XmNdestroyCallback		      NULL		      C
	      XmCCallback			     XtCallbackList
	XmNheight			      dynamic		      CSG
	      XmCHeight				     Dimension
	XmNinitialResourcesPersistent	      True		      C
	      XmCInitialResourcesPersistent	     Boolean
	XmNmappedWhenManaged		      True		      CSG
	      XmCMappedWhenManaged		     Boolean
	XmNscreen			      dynamic		      CG
	      XmCScreen				     Screen *
	XmNsensitive			      True		      CSG
	      XmCSensitive			     Boolean
	XmNtranslations			      dynamic		      CSG
	      XmCTranslations			     XtTranslations

	XmNwidth			      dynamic		      CSG
	      XmCWidth				     Dimension
	XmNx				      0			      CSG
	      XmCPosition			     Position
	XmNy				      0			      CSG
	      XmCPosition			     Position

       XmFrame inherits translations from XmManager.

       Composite(3X), Constraint(3X), Core(3X), XmCreateFrame(3X), and XmMan‐


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