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geniconvtbl(4)			 File Formats			geniconvtbl(4)

       geniconvtbl - geniconvtbl input file format

       An  input  file	to  geniconvtbl is an ASCII text file that contains an
       iconv code conversion definition from one codeset to another codeset.

       The geniconvtbl utility accepts the code conversion definition  file(s)
       and  writes  code  conversion  binary table file(s) that can be used in
       iconv(1) and iconv(3C) to support user-defined  code  conversions.  See
       iconv(1)	 and iconv(3C)for more detail on the iconv code conversion and
       geniconvtbl(1) for more detail on the utility.

   The Lexical Conventions
       The following lexical conventions are used in the iconv code conversion

       CONVERSION_NAME	       A string of characters representing the name of
			       the iconv code conversion. The iconv code  con‐
			       version	name  should  start  with  one or more
			       printable ASCII characters followed by  a  per‐
			       centage	character  '%' followed by another one
			       or more of printable  ASCII  characters.	 Exam‐
			       ples: ISO8859-1%ASCII, 646%eucJP, CP_939%ASCII.

       NAME		       A  string  of characters starts with any one of
			       the ASCII alphabet characters or the underscore
			       character,  '_',	 followed by one or more ASCII
			       alphanumeric characters and underscore  charac‐
			       ter, '_'. Examples: _a1, ABC_codeset, K1.

       HEXADECIMAL	       A hexadecimal number. The hexadecimal represen‐
			       tation consists of  an  escape  character,  '0'
			       followed	 by the constant 'x' or 'X' and one or
			       more hexadecimal digits.	 Examples:  0x0,  0x1,
			       0x1a, 0X1A, 0x1B3.

       DECIMAL		       A  decimal  number,  represented by one or more
			       decimal digits. Examples: 0, 123, 2165.

       Each comment starts with '//' ends at the end of the line.

       The following keywords are reserved:

       automatic	    between		  binary
       break		    condition		  default
       dense		    direction		  discard
       else		    error		  escapeseq
       false		    if			  index
       init		    input		  inputsize
       map		    maptype		  no_change_copy
       operation	    output		  output_byte_length

       outputsize	    printchr		  printhd
       printint		    reset		  return

       Additionally, the following symbols are also reserved as tokens:

       {    }	 [    ]	   (	)    ;	  ,    ...

   The precedence and associativity
       The following table shows the precedence and associativity of the oper‐
       ators from lower precedence at the top to higher precedence at the bot‐
       tom of the table allowed in the iconv code conversion definition:

       Operator (Symbol)			    Associativity
       Assignment (=)				    Right
       Logical OR (||)				    Left
       Logical AND (&&)				    Left
       Bitwise OR (|)				    Left
       Exclusive OR (^)				    Left
       Bitwise AND (&)				    Left
       Equal-to (= =),				    Left
	  Inequality (!=)
       Less-than (<),				    Left
	  Less-than-or-equal-to (<=),
	  Greater-than (>),
	  Greater-than-or-equal-to (>=)
       Left-shift (<<),				    Left
	  Right-shift (>>)
       Addition (+),				    Left
	  Subtraction (-)
       Multiplication (*),			    Left
	  Division (/),
	  Remainder (%)
       Logical negation (!),			    Right
	  Bitwise complement (~),
	  Unary minus (-)

   The Syntax
       Each iconv code conversion definition starts with CONVERSION_NAME  fol‐
       lowed  by  one  or more semi-colon separated code conversion definition

       // a US-ASCII to ISO8859-1 iconv code conversion example:
       US-ASCII%ISO8859-1 {

	   // one or more code conversion definition elements here.



       Each code conversion definition element can be any one of the following





       To  have	 a  meaningful	code  conversion, there should be at least one
       direction, operation, or map element in the iconv code conversion defi‐

       The  direction element contains one or more semi-colon separated condi‐
       tion-action pairs that direct the code conversion:

       direction For_US-ASCII_2_ISO8859-1 {

	   // one or more condition-action pairs here.


       Each condition-action pair contains a conditional code conversion  that
       consists of a condition element and an action element.

       condition action

       If  the	pre-defined condition is met, the corresponding action is exe‐
       cuted. If there is no pre-defined condition met, iconv(3C) will	return
       -1  with errno set to EILSEQ. The condition can be a condition element,
       a name to a pre-defined	condition  element,  or	 a  condition  literal
       value,  true.  The 'true' condition literal value always yields success
       and thus the corresponding action is always executed. The  action  also
       can be an action element or a name to a pre-defined action element.

       The  condition  element specifies one or more condition expression ele‐
       ments. Since each condition element can have a name and also can	 exist
       stand-alone,  a	pre-defined condition element can be referenced by the
       name at any action pairs later. To be used in that way, the correspond‐
       ing condition element should be defined beforehand:

       condition For_US-ASCII_2_ISO8859-1 {

	   // one or more condition expression elements here.


       The  name  of  the  condition  element  in the above example is For_US-
       ASCII_2_ISO8859-1. Each condition element can have one or  more	condi‐
       tion  expression elements. If there are more than one condition expres‐
       sion elements, the condition expression elements are checked  from  top
       to  bottom  to see if any one of the condition expression elements will
       yield a true. Any one of the following can be  a	 condition  expression




       The between condition expression element defines one or more comma-sep‐
       arated ranges:

       between 0x0...0x1f, 0x7f...0x9f ;
       between 0xa1a1...0xfefe ;

       In the first expression in the example above, the  covered  ranges  are
       0x0 to 0x1f and 0x7f to 0x9f inclusively. In the second expression, the
       covered range is the range whose first byte is 0xa1 to 0xfe  and	 whose
       second  byte  is	 between  0xa1	to  0xfe. This means that the range is
       defined by each byte. In this case, the sequence 0xa280 does  not  meet
       the range.

       The  escapeseq  condition expression element defines an equal-to condi‐
       tion for one or more comma-separated escape sequence designators:

	 // ESC $ ) C sequence:
	 escapeseq 0x1b242943;

	 // ESC $ ) C sequence or ShiftOut (SO) control character code, 0x0e:
	 escapeseq 0x1b242943, 0x0e;

       The expression can be any one of the following and can be surrounded by
       a pair of parentheses, '(' and ')':

       // HEXADECIMAL:

       // DECIMAL

       // A boolean value, true:

       // A boolean value, false:

       // Addition expression:
       1 + 2

       // Subtraction expression:
       10 - 3

       // Multiplication expression:
       0x20 * 10

       // Division expression:
       20 / 10

       // Remainder expression:
       17 % 3

       // Left-shift expression:
       1 << 4

       // Right-shift expression:
       0xa1 >> 2

       // Bitwise OR expression:
       0x2121 | 0x8080

       // Exclusive OR expression:
       0xa1a1 ^ 0x8080

       // Bitwise AND expression:
       0xa1 & 0x80

       // Equal-to expression:
       0x10 == 16

       // Inequality expression:
       0x10 != 10

       // Less-than expression:
       0x20 < 25

       // Less-than-or-equal-to expression:
       10 <= 0x10

       // Bigger-than expression:
       0x10 > 12

       // Bigger-than-or-equal-to expression:
       0x10 >= 0xa

       // Logical OR expression:
       0x10 || false

       // Logical AND expression:
       0x10 && false

       // Logical negation expression:
       ! false

       // Bitwise complement expression:

       // Unary minus expression:

       There is a single type available in this expression: integer. The bool‐
       ean values are two special cases of integer values. The 'true'  boolean
       value's	integer	 value	is  1  and the 'false' boolean value's integer
       value is 0. Also, any integer value other than  0  is  a	 true  boolean
       value.  Consequently,  the  integer value 0 is the false boolean value.
       Any boolean expression yields integer value  1  for  true  and  integer
       value 0 for false as the result.

       Any  literal  value shown at the above expression examples as operands,
       that is, DECIMAL, HEXADECIMAL, and boolean values, can be replaced with
       another expression. There are a few other special operands that you can
       use as well in the expressions: 'input', 'inputsize', 'outputsize', and
       variables.  input  is  a	 keyword pointing to the current input buffer.
       inputsize is a keyword pointing to the current  input  buffer  size  in
       bytes.  outputsize  is  a keyword pointing to the current output buffer
       size in bytes. The NAME lexical convention is used to name a  variable.
       The  initial  value  of	a variable is 0. The following expressions are
       allowed with the special operands:

       // Pointer to the third byte value of the current input buffer:

       // Equal-to expression with the 'input':
       input == 0x8020

       // Alternative way to write the above expression:
       0x8020 == input

       // The size of the current input buffer size:

       // The size of the current output buffer size:

       // A variable:

       // Assignment expression with the variable:
       saved_second_byte = input[1]

       The input keyword without index value can be used only with the	equal-
       to  operator,  '=='. When used in that way, the current input buffer is
       consecutively compared with another operand byte by byte. An expression
       can  be	another	 operand.  If  the input keyword is used with an index
       value n, it is a pointer to the (n+1)th byte from the beginning of  the
       current	input  buffer. An expression can be the index. Only a variable
       can be placed on the left hand side of an assignment expression.

       The action element specifies an action for a condition and can  be  any
       one of the following elements:




       The  operation  element specifies one or more operation expression ele‐

       operation For_US-ASCII_2_ISO8859-1 {

	   // one or more operation expression element definitions here.


       If the name of the operation element, in the case of the above example,
       For_US -ASCII_2_ISO8859-1, is either init or reset, it defines the ini‐
       tial operation and the reset operation of the iconv code conversion:

       // The initial operation element:
       operation init {

	   // one or more operation expression element definitions here.


       // The reset operation element:
       operation reset {

	   // one or more operation expression element definitions here.


       The initial operation element defines the operations that  need	to  be
       performed  in  the  beginning  of  the iconv code conversion. The reset
       operation element defines the operations that need to be performed when
       a  user	of  the	 iconv(3) function requests a state reset of the iconv
       code  conversion.  For  more  detail  on	 the  state  reset,  refer  to

       The  operation expression can be any one of the following three differ‐
       ent expressions and each operation expression should be separated by an
       ending semicolon:

       if-else operation expression
       output operation expression
       control operation expression

       The  if-else operation expression makes a selection depend on the bool‐
       ean expression result. If the boolean expression result	is  true,  the
       true  task that follows the 'if' is executed. If the boolean expression
       yields false and if a false task is supplied, the false task that  fol‐
       lows the 'else' is executed. There are three different kinds of if-else
       operation expressions:

       // The if-else operation expression with only true task:
       if (expression) {

	   // one or more operation expression element definitions here.


       // The if-else operation expression with both true and false
       // tasks:
       if (expression) {

	   // one or more operation expression element definitions here.

       } else {

	   // one or more operation expression element definitions here.


       // The if-else operation expression with true task and
       // another if-else operation expression as the false task:
       if (expression) {

	   // one or more operation expression element definitions here.

       } else if (expression) {

	   // one or more operation expression element definitions here.

       } else {

	   // one or more operation expression element definitions here.


       The last if-else operation expression can have another  if-else	opera‐
       tion  expression as the false task. The other if-else operation expres‐
       sion can be any one of above three if-else operation expressions.

       The output operation expression saves the right	hand  side  expression
       result to the output buffer:

       // Save 0x8080 at the output buffer:
       output = 0x8080;

       If  the	size  of  the output buffer left is smaller than the necessary
       output buffer size resulting from the right hand side  expression,  the
       iconv  code conversion will stop with E2BIG errno and (size_t)-1 return
       value to indicate that the code conversion needs more output buffer  to
       complete.  Any  expression  can be used for the right hand side expres‐
       sion. The output buffer pointer will automatically move forward	appro‐
       priately once the operation is executed.

       The  control  operation	expression  can	 be  any  one of the following

       // Return (size_t)-1 as the return value with an EINVAL errno:

       // Return (size_t)-1 as the return value with an EBADF errno:
       error 9;

       // Discard input buffer byte operation. This discards a byte from
       // the current input buffer and move the input buffer pointer to
       // the 2'nd byte of the input buffer:

       // Discard input buffer byte operation. This discards
       // 10 bytes from the current input buffer and move the input
       // buffer pointer to the 11'th byte of the input buffer:
       discard 10;

       // Return operation. This stops the execution of the current
       // operation:

       // Operation execution operation. This executes the init
       // operation defined and sets all variables to zero:
       operation init;

       // Operation execution operation. This executes the reset
       // operation defined and sets all variables to zero:
       operation reset;

       // Operation execution operation. This executes an operation
       // defined and named 'ISO8859_1_to_ISO8859_2':
       operation ISO8859_1_to_ISO8859_2;

       // Direction operation. This executes a direction defined and
       // named 'ISO8859_1_to_KOI8_R:
       direction ISO8859_1_to_KOI8_R;

       // Map execution operation. This executes a mapping defined
       // and named 'Map_ISO8859_1_to_US_ASCII':
       map Map_ISO8859_1_to_US_ASCII;

       // Map execution operation. This executes a mapping defined
       // and named 'Map_ISO8859_1_to_US_ASCII' after discarding
       // 10 input buffer bytes:
       map Map_ISO8859_1_to_US_ASCII 10;

       In case of init and reset operations, if there is no  pre-defined  init
       and/or  reset  operations  in  the iconv code conversions, only system-
       defined internal init and reset operations will be executed. The execu‐
       tion  of	 the  system-defined  internal	init and reset operations will
       clear the system-maintained internal state.

       There are three special operators that can be used in the operation:

       printchr expression;
       printhd expression;
       printint expression;

       The above three operators will print out	 the  given  expression	 as  a
       character, a hexadecimal number, and a decimal number, respectively, at
       the standard error stream. These three operators are for debugging pur‐
       poses  only  and	 should be removed from the final version of the iconv
       code conversion definition file.

       In addition to the above operations, any valid expression separated  by
       a semi-colon can be an operation, including an empty operation, denoted
       by a semi-colon alone as an operation.

       The map element specifies a direct code conversion mapping by using one
       or more map pairs. When used, usually many map pairs are used to repre‐
       sent an iconv code conversion definition:

       map For_US-ASCII_2_ISO8859-1 {

	    // one or more map pairs here


       Each map element also can have one or two comma-separated map attribute
       elements like the following examples:

       // Map with densely encoded mapping table map type:
       map maptype = dense {

	    // one or more map pairs here


       // Map with hash mapping table map type with hash factor 10.
       // Only hash mapping table map type can have hash factor. If
       // the hash factor is specified with other map types, it will be
       // ignored.
       map maptype = hash : 10 {

	   // one or more map pairs here.


       // Map with binary search tree based mapping table map type:
       map maptype = binary {

	   // one more more map pairs here.

       // Map with index table based mapping table map type:
       map maptype = index {

	   // one or more map pairs here.


       // Map with automatic mapping table map type. If defined,
       // system will assign the best possible map type.
       map maptype = automatic {

	   // one or more map pairs here.


       // Map with output_byte_length limit set to 2.
       map output_byte_length = 2 {

	   // one or more map pairs here.


       // Map with densely encoded mapping table map type and
       // output_bute_length limit set to 2:
       map maptype = dense, output_byte_length = 2 {

	  // one or more map pairs here.


       If   no	 maptype   is  defined,	 automatic  is	assumed.  If  no  out‐
       put_byte_length is defined, the system figures out the maximum possible
       output  byte length for the mapping by scanning all the possible output
       values in the mappings. If the actual output  byte  length  scanned  is
       bigger  than  the  defined  output_byte_length, the geniconvtbl utility
       issues an error and stops generating the	 code  conversion  binary  ta‐

       The following are allowed map pairs:

       // Single mapping. This maps an input character denoted by
       // the code value 0x20 to an output character value 0x21:
       0x20	   0x21

       // Multiple mapping. This maps 128 input characters to 128
       // output characters. In this mapping, 0x0 maps to 0x10, 0x1 maps
       // to 0x11, 0x2 maps to 0x12, ..., and, 0x7f maps to 0x8f:
       0x0...0x7f  0x10

       // Default mapping. If specified, every undefined input character
       // in this mapping will be converted to a specified character
       // (in the following case, a character with code value of 0x3f):
       default	   0x3f;

       // Default mapping. If specified, every undefined input character
       // in this mapping will not be converted but directly copied to
       // the output buffer:
       default	   no_change_copy;

       // Error mapping. If specified, during the code conversion,
       // if input buffer contains the byte value, in this case, 0x80,
       // the iconv(3) will stop and return (size_t)-1 as the return
       // value with EILSEQ set to the errno:
       0x80	   error;

       If  no default mapping is specified, every undefined input character in
       the mapping will be treated as an error mapping. and thus the iconv(3C)
       will stop the code conversion and return (size_t)-1 as the return value
       with EILSEQ set to the errno.

       The syntax of the iconv code conversion definition in extended  BNF  is
       illustrated below:

		: CONVERSION_NAME '{' definition_element_list '}'

		: definition_element ';'
		| definition_element_list definition_element ';'

		: direction
		| condition
		| operation
		| map

		: 'direction' NAME '{' direction_unit_list '}'
		| 'direction' '{' direction_unit_list '}'
		: direction_unit
		| direction_unit_list direction_unit

		: condition action ';'
		| condition NAME ';'
		| NAME action ';'
		| NAME NAME ';'
		| 'true' action ';'
		| 'true' NAME ';'

		: direction
		| map
		| operation

		: 'condition' NAME '{' condition_list '}'
		| 'condition' '{' condition_list '}'

		: condition_expr ';'
		| condition_list condition_expr ';'

		: 'between' range_list
		| expr
		| 'escapeseq' escseq_list ';'

		: range_pair
		| range_list ',' range_pair


		: escseq
		| escseq_list ',' escseq


	map	: 'map' NAME '{' map_list '}'
		| 'map' '{' map_list '}'
		| 'map' NAME map_attribute '{' map_list '}'
		| 'map' map_attribute '{' map_list '}'

		: map_type ',' 'output_byte_length' '=' DECIMAL
		| map_type
		| 'output_byte_length' '=' DECIMAL ',' map_type
		| 'output_byte_length' '=' DECIMAL

	map_type: 'maptype' '=' map_type_name : DECIMAL
		| 'maptype' '=' map_type_name

		: 'automatic'
		| 'index'
		| 'hash'
		| 'binary'
		| 'dense'

		: map_pair
		| map_list map_pair
		| 'default'  HEXADECIMAL
		| 'default'  'no_change_copy'
		| HEXADECIMAL 'error'

		: 'operation' NAME '{' op_list '}'
		| 'operation' '{' op_list '}'
		| 'operation' 'init' '{' op_list '}'
		| 'operation' 'reset' '{' op_list '}'

	op_list : op_unit
		| op_list op_unit

	op_unit : ';'
		| expr ';'
		| 'error' ';'
		| 'error' expr ';'
		| 'discard' ';'
		| 'discard' expr ';'
		| 'output' '=' expr ';'
		| 'direction' NAME ';'
		| 'operation' NAME ';'
		| 'operation' 'init' ';'
		| 'operation' 'reset' ';'
		| 'map' NAME ';'
		| 'map' NAME expr ';'
		| op_if_else
		| 'return' ';'
		| 'printchr' expr ';'
		| 'printhd' expr ';'
		| 'printint' expr ';'

		: 'if' '(' expr ')' '{' op_list '}'
		| 'if' '(' expr ')' '{' op_list '}' 'else' op_if_else
		| 'if' '(' expr ')' '{' op_list '}' 'else' '{' op_list '}'

	expr	: '(' expr ')'
		| NAME
		| 'input' '[' expr ']'
		| 'outputsize'
		| 'inputsize'
		| 'true'
		| 'false'
		| 'input' '==' expr
		| expr '==' 'input'
		| '!' expr
		| '~' expr
		| '-' expr
		| expr '+' expr
		| expr '-' expr
		| expr '*' expr
		| expr '/' expr
		| expr '%' expr
		| expr '<<' expr
		| expr '>>' expr
		| expr '|' expr
		| expr '^' expr
		| expr '&' expr
		| expr '==' expr
		| expr '!=' expr
		| expr '>'  expr
		| expr '>='  expr
		| expr '<'  expr
		| expr '<='  expr
		| NAME '=' expr
		| expr '||' expr
		| expr '&&' expr

       Example 1: Code conversion from ISO8859-1 to ISO646

       ISO8859-1%ISO646 {
		 // Use dense-encoded internal data structure.
		 map maptype = dense {
			 default	 0x3f
			 0x0...0x7f	 0x0

       Example 2: Code conversion from eucJP to ISO-2022-JP

       // Iconv code conversion from eucJP to ISO-2022-JP

	       #include <sys/errno.h>

	       eucJP%ISO-2022-JP {
		    operation init {
			codesetnum = 0;

		    operation reset {
			if (codesetnum != 0) {
			     // Emit state reset sequence, ESC ( J, for
			     // ISO-2022-JP.
			     output = 0x1b284a;
			operation init;

		    direction {
			condition {		// JIS X 0201 Latin (ASCII)
			     between 0x00...0x7f;
			} operation {
			     if (codesetnum != 0) {
				  // We will emit four bytes.
				  if (outputsize <= 3) {
					  error E2BIG;
				  // Emit state reset sequence, ESC ( J.
				  output = 0x1b284a;
				  codesetnum = 0;
			     } else {
				  if (outputsize <= 0) {
					  error E2BIG;
			     output = input[0];

			     // Move input buffer pointer one byte.

			condition {		// JIS X 0208
			     between 0xa1a1...0xfefe;
			} operation {
			     if (codesetnum != 1) {
				  if (outputsize <= 4) {
					  error E2BIG;
				  // Emit JIS X 0208 sequence, ESC $ B.
				  output = 0x1b2442;
				  codesetnum = 1;
			     } else {
				  if (outputsize <= 1) {
					  error E2BIG;
			     output = (input[0] & 0x7f);
			     output = (input[1] & 0x7f);

			     // Move input buffer pointer two bytes.
			     discard 2;

			condition {		// JIS X 0201 Kana
			     between 0x8ea1...0x8edf;
			} operation {
			     if (codesetnum != 2) {
				  if (outputsize <= 3) {
					  error E2BIG;
				  // Emit JIS X 0201 Kana sequence,
				  // ESC ( I.
				  output = 0x1b2849;
				  codesetnum = 2;
			     } else {
				  if (outputsize <= 0) {
					  error E2BIG;
			     output = (input[1] & 127);

			     // Move input buffer pointer two bytes.
			     discard 2;

			condition {		// JIS X 0212
			     between 0x8fa1a1...0x8ffefe;
			} operation {
			     if (codesetnum != 3) {
				  if (outputsize <= 5) {
					  error E2BIG;
				  // Emit JIS X 0212 sequence, ESC $ ( D.
				     output = 0x1b242844;
				     codesetnum = 3;
			     } else {
				     if (outputsize <= 1) {
					     error E2BIG;
			     output = (input[1] & 127);
			     output = (input[2] & 127);
			     discard 3;

			true	operation {	// error
			     error EILSEQ;


	   the utility geniconvtbl


	   conversion binary tables


	   conversion source files for user reference

       cpp(1),	  geniconvtbl(1),    iconv(1),	 iconv(3C),   iconv_close(3C),
       iconv_open(3C), attributes(5), environ(5)

       International Language Environments Guide

       The maximum length of HEXADECIMAL and DECIMAL digit length is 128.  The
       maximum length of a variable is 255. The maximum nest level is 16.

SunOS 5.10			  18 Feb 2003			geniconvtbl(4)

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Member of Polarhome portal.
Based on Fawad Halim's script.
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