glcopyconvolutionfilter2dext man page on Solaris

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       glCopyConvolutionFilter1DEXT,  glCopyConvolutionFilter2DEXT - copy pix‐
       els into convolution filter image

       void glCopyConvolutionFilter1DEXT ( GLenum target,
	      GLenum internalformat,
	      GLint x,
	      GLint y,
	      GLsizei width)

       void glCopyConvolutionFilter2DEXT ( GLenum target,
	      GLenum  internalformat,
	      GLint x,
	      GLint y,
	      GLsizei width,
	      GLsizei height)

       target	       The target  Convolution	filter.	 Must  be  GL_CONVOLU‐
		       TION_1D_EXT   for    glCopyConvolutionFilter1DEXT   and
		       GL_CONVOLUTION_2D_EXT for glCopyConvolutionFilter2DEXT.

       internalformat  The internal storage format of the convolution  filter.
		       Must   be   one	of  GL_ALPHA,  GL_LUMINANCE,  GL_LUMI‐

       x	       The x coordinate of the lower-left corner of the	 pixel
		       rectangle to be transferred to the convolution filter.

       y	       The  y coordinate of the lower-left corner of the pixel
		       rectangle to be transferred to the convolution filter.

       width	       The width of the pixel rectangle.

       height	       The height of the pixel rectangle.

       glCopyConvolutionFilter1DEXT and glCopyConvolutionFilter2DEXT are  part
       of  the	GL_EXT_convolution  extension,	which  adds convolution to the
       pixel transfer path.

       These functions allow defining convolution filters using image data  in
       the  framebuffer.  Rather  than	accepting image data from memory, they
       copy image data from the color buffer specified by  the	current	 Read‐
       Buffer (GL_READ_BUFFER) mode.

       glCopyConvolutionFilter2DEXT  accepts  image  data from a <width> pixel
       wide by <height> pixel high color buffer region whose lower-left	 pixel
       has  window  coordinates	 <x>,<y>. If any pixels within this region are
       outside the window that is associated with the GL context,  the	values
       obtained for those pixels are undefined.

       These  pixel  values  are  obtained  from the framebuffer exactly as if
       glReadPixels had been called with <format> set to RGBA, with processing
       continuing  through conversion of RGBA values.  At this point all pixel
       component values are treated exactly as if glConvolutionFilter2DEXT had
       been  called.   Pixel  ordering is such that lower X screen coordinates
       correspond to lower i filter image  coordinates,	 and  lower  Y	screen
       coordinates correspond to lower j filter image coordinates.

       glCopyConvolutionFilter1DEXT  accepts  image  data from a <width> pixel
       wide by 1 pixel high color buffer region whose left-most pixel has win‐
       dow  coordinates	 <x>,<y>. If any pixels within this region are outside
       the window that is associated with the GL context, the values  obtained
       for those pixels are undefined.	The pixels are processed just as those
       of glCopyConvolutionFilter2DEXT are, and they  define  a	 filter	 image
       such that lower X window coordinates correspond to lower i filter image

       The four scale parameters  and  the  four  bias	parameters   that  are
       defined	 for   the filter image are then used to scale and bias the R,
       G, B,  and  A  components   of  each  pixel.  Use  glConvolutionParame‐
       ter[i|f]vEXT to set these scale and bias parameters.

       Each pixel is then converted to the internal format specified by inter‐
       nalformat. This conversion simply maps  the  component  values  of  the
       pixel  (R,  G,  B, and A) to the values included in the internal format
       (red, green, blue, alpha, luminance, and intensity). The mapping is  as

       |Base				      Stored values		    |
       |Internal Format	   Red	Green  Blue   Alpha	Luminance  Intensity|
       |								    |
       |GL_ALPHA				A			    |
       |GL_LUMINANCE					     R		    |
       |GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA			A	     R		    |
       |GL_INTENSITY							R   |
       |GL_RGB		    R	  G	B				    |
       |GL_RGBA		    R	  G	B	A			    |

       GL_INVALID_ENUM	is  generated  if  target is not one of the acceptable

       GL_INVALID_ENUM is generated  if	 internalformat	 is  not  one  of  the
       acceptable values.

       GL_INVALID_VALUE	 is  generated	if width, height, x, or y is less than

       glGetConvolutionFilterEXT and glGetSeparableFilterEXT

       glConvolutionFilter1DEXT,    glConvolutionFilter2DEXT,	  glSeparable‐
       Filter2DEXT,  glConvolutionParameteriEXT,  glConvolutionParameterivEXT,
       glConvolutionParameterfEXT, glConvolutionParameterfvEXT,	 glGetConvolu‐
       tionParameterivEXT,    glGetConvolutionParameterfvEXT,	 glTexImage1D,
       glGetTexImage, glDrawPixels, glCopyPixels, glReadPixels,	 glTexImage2D,
       glTexSubImage2DEXT, glCopyTexImage2DEXT, glCopyTexSubImage2DEXT, glPix‐
       elTransferf,  glPixelTransferi,	glGetTexImage,	glEnable,   glDisable,


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