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job(n)			Tnm Tcl Extension		   job(n)


       job - Invoke Tcl procedures at regular intervals.

       The  job command provides a convenient mechanism to imple-
       ment Tcl procedures that are invoked at regular intervals.
       Jobs  are activated from the Tcl event loop. Every job can
       have arbitrary attributes  to  store  job  specific  state
       information between two invocations. These attributes help
       to avoid global variables in order to keep the  Tcl  name-
       space clean.

       The  job command allows to create new jobs and to wait for
       jobs to complete. The job command  can  also  be	 used  to
       retrieve status information from the job scheduler.

       job create [option value ...]
	      The  job	create	command creates a new job object.
	      The options can be used to configure the	behaviour
	      of the new job. See the configure command below for
	      the details.

       job current
	      The job current command returns  the  name  of  the
	      currently	 running job. An empty string is returned
	      if no job is running.

       job info
	      The job info command returns  a  list  of	 all  job
	      names.  The list will be empty if there are no jobs
	      known in this Tcl interpreter.

       job schedule
	      The job schedule command invoke the scheduler. This
	      is  usually done automatically from the event loop.
	      This command may be used during  long  computations
	      since  the  scheduler is not preemptive. Note, this
	      command can cause arbitrary side effects and should
	      be used with care.

       job wait
	      The job wait command blocks until all existing jobs
	      have  been  finished.   The   command   will   wait
	      infinitely  if  there  is	 at  least  one job left.
	      Events are processed while waiting for the jobs  to
	      finish which can have arbitrary side effects.

Tnm								1

job(n)			Tnm Tcl Extension		   job(n)

       Every  job  is  represented  by a job object command which
       allows to manipulate the job.

       job# attribute [name [value]]
	      The job# attribute command allows to save job  spe-
	      cific data in job attributes. If called without any
	      arguments, all existing attribute	 names	for  this
	      job  will	 be returned. If called with a name argu-
	      ment, the current value of the  attribute	 will  be
	      returned. Non-existing attributes do not produce an
	      error. Instead, an empty string is returned.  Call-
	      ing  the	option with a name and a value causes the
	      value to be saved in the job attribute.

       job# cget option
	      The job# cget command returns the current value  of
	      a configuration option. See the description of sup-
	      ported options below.

       job# configure [option value ...]
	      The job# configure command  manipulates  configura-
	      tion  options.   See  the	 description of supported
	      options  below.  A  list	describing  all	  current
	      options is returns if the options argument is miss-

       job# destroy
	      The job# destroy command destroys the  job  object.
	      This  command  forces the object to change into the
	      expired state.  The  scheduler  will  cleanup  this
	      object the next time it is active.

       job# wait
	      The  job#	 wait command blocks and processes events
	      until the current	 job  changes  into  the  expired

       Every  job has associated configuration options which con-
       trol when a job is activated  and  which	 Tcl  command  is
       bound to the job.

       -command command
	      The -command option defines the Tcl command that is
	      evaluated whenever the job is activated.

       -interval time
	      The -interval  option  defines  the  time	 interval
	      between two job activations in milliseconds.

       -iterations number
	      The  -iterations option defines the total number of

Tnm								2

job(n)			Tnm Tcl Extension		   job(n)

	      times that  a  job  is  activated.  If  this  value
	      reaches  0,  the	job  will  change  its	state  to
	      expired. Note, if the iterations options	is  never
	      used,  it	 will  also  have the value 0 but nothing
	      special happens to the job object.

       -status state
	      The -status option provides access to  the  current
	      job  state.  A  job  is always in one of the states
	      waiting, suspended, running and expired. A  job  in
	      the  expired  state will be removed from the system
	      once the scheduler gets activated again.	Suspended
	      jobs are not activated by the job scheduler. A sus-
	      pended job can be resumed by changing its state  to

       -time time
	      The -time option returns the number of milliseconds
	      until this job is activated  the	next  time.  This
	      option is read-only.

       scotty(1), Tnm(n), Tcl(n)

       Juergen Schoenwaelder <>

Tnm								3


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