netcsetnet man page on BSDi

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NETCSETNET(8)		  BSD System Manager's Manual		 NETCSETNET(8)

     netcsetnet - manually configure network framing type for IPX/SPX service

     netcsetnet type

     The netsetnet command is used to manually configure the framing type to
     be used by the local NetWare (IPX/SPX) server.  Normally, the network
     framing type is determined automatically.	It should only be necessary to
     set it manually if multiple framing types are used on the same network to
     provide a sort of separate virtual IPX LAN on the same physical network.
     The netcsetnet command should normally be run automatically by the
     /etc/netstart script if the appropriate variables are set in the initial
     configuration section of netstart. The possible framing types are:

     0	     Novell Standard 802.3

     8137    Novell Ethernet TYPE II 8137

     e0e0    Novell 802.2

     For example,
	   netcsetnet 0
     would cause the IPX interface to use standard 802.3 framing, while
	   netcsetnet e0e0
     would cause the IPX interface to use 802.2 framing.


BSDI BSD/OS			 July 31, 1997				     1

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