rint man page on Ultrix

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floor(3m)							     floor(3m)

       fabs,  floor, ceil, fmod, rint - absolute value, floor, ceiling, float‐
       ing point remainder, and round-to-nearest functions

       #include <math.h>

       double floor(x)
       double x;

       double ceil(x)
       double x;

       double fabs(x)
       double x;

       double fmod (x, y)
       double x, y;

       double rint(x)
       double x;

       The routine returns the absolute value |x|.

       The routine returns the largest integer no greater than x.

       The routine returns the smallest integer no less than x.

       The routine returns the floating point remainder of the division	 of  x
       by  y: zero if y is zero or if x/y would overflow; otherwise the number
       f with the same sign as x, such that x = iy + f for some integer i, and
       |f| < |y|.

       The routine returns the integer (represented as a double precision num‐
       ber) nearest x in the direction of the prevailing rounding mode.

See Also
       abs(3), intro(3m)

				      VAX			     floor(3m)

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