xcolorize man page on BSDi

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       xcolorize - start X client with pleasant background color

       xcolorize [-help] [-dark] [-only] [-rv] [-old|-oldsh|-sun]
       [command [args ...]]

       The xcolorize program is used to give an X client  program
       a   pleasant  randomly  generated  background  color.   It
       inserts the appropriate -fg and -bg options in the  client
       command line.

       -help   Prints a help message.

       -dark   Generates  a dark color background and white fore-
	       ground instead of the default pastel  color  back-
	       ground and black foreground.

       -only   Generates   only a  random  color  specification
	       instead	of  complete  foreground  and  background
	       color options.

       -rv     Reverses the  generated foreground and background

       -old    Generates the old #RRGGBB syntax instead	 of  the
	       newer  rgb:RR/GG/BB  syntax.  Useful for pre-X11R5
	       clients which don't understand the new syntax.

       -oldsh  Same as -old, but prefixes the # character with	a
	       backslash  to  prevent  it from being treated as a
	       shell comment character. This is sometimes useful
	       when  the  X client being colorized is implemented
	       as a shell script.

       -sun    Generates XView/SunView decimal RGB syntax.   Use-
	       ful when colorizing SunView and some XView clients
	       which don't understand X color syntax.

       command [args ...]
	       The generated color options are	inserted  between
	       the  command  and  the first argument supplied (if
	       any).  If no command is given, the generated color
	       options are written to stdout.

       Below  is an example .xinitrc file which uses xcolorize to
       make the screen more attractive:

	  xrdb -load $HOME/.Xresources
	  xcolorize -dark xterm -C -title Console -geometry 80x24+0+0 &
	  xsetroot -solid `xcolorize -dark -only`

X Version 11		Release 6				1


	  xcolorize xclock -geometry 50x50-0+0 -bw 0 &
	  xcolorize -dark xload -geometry 50x50-50+0 -bw 0 &
	  xcolorize xterm -geometry 80x24+0-0 &


       David DiGiacomo, david@slack.com

       The random color generation algorithm is not very good.

       There should be a way  to  generate  both  foreground  and
       background colors (non-clashing).

       If  you colorize too many applications you'll fill up your

X Version 11		Release 6				2


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