
mas_put -- write metrics and metric registration information for provider use


   cc [options] file -lmas

#include <mas.h> int mas_put(void);


The function mas_put writes metric registration information to the metric registration file(s). The file name(s) and permissions are those that were previously passed to mas_init during MAS provider initialization. The first time mas_put is called, it creates the metric registration file(s). On subsequent invocations the metric registration files are rewritten with the updated registration information.

If a provider is using an internal metric segment within the metric registration header file, or if dynamic registration was not requested by calling mas_init with file names for the metric registration table, metadata, and strings table, then mas_put should not be called more than once.

Return values

On success, mas_put returns 0.

On failure, mas_put returns -1 and sets mas_errno to identify the error.


MAS_USAGE - mas not initialized
mas_init was not called prior to calling mas_put.

MAS_SYSERR - can't create mas file
The open system call failed.

MAS_SYSERR - cannot malloc space for mas_buf
The malloc library call failed.

MAS_SYSERR - write of mas header failed
The write system call failed.

MAS_SYSERR - write of mas buf failed
The write system call failed.

MAS_SYSERR - write of metric reg header failed
The write system call failed.

MAS_SYSERR - can't create metric registration table file
The open system call failed.

MAS_SYSERR - write of met reg table failed
The write system call failed.

MAS_SYSERR - can't create strings file
The open system call failed.

MAS_SYSERR - write of string table failed
The write system call failed.

MAS_SYSERR - can't create metadata file
The open system call failed.

MAS_SYSERR - write of meta data failed
The write system call failed.

MAS_SYSERR - can't create metrics file
The open system call failed.

MAS_SYSERR - can't seek to start of mas file
The lseek system call failed.

MAS_SYSERR - write of mas header failed
The write system call failed.




Future directions

Currently, mas_put does not notify active consumers that a change in registration information has occurred. This may be supported in a future release.
© 2004 The SCO Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
UnixWare 7 Release 7.1.4 - 25 April 2004