
Convert a generic control block to a specific one


#include <udi.h>

#define UDI_MCB(gcb, cb_type) ((cb_type *)(gcb))

ARGUMENTS gcb is a pointer to the control block reference to be converted.

cb_type is the type name for the desired specific control block type.

DESCRIPTION This macro is used to convert a generic control block pointer to a metalanguage-specific control block type. The original control block is not copied or re-allocated. The control block itself must already be of the type appropriate to cb_type.

This macro is provided for convenience only. Its use is highly recommended but not required.

WARNINGS The control block referenced by gcb must have been previously obtained by a call to udi_cb_alloc with a cb_idx appropriate to cb_type.

Control block usage must follow the rules described in the "Asynchronous Service Calls" section of "Calling Sequence and Naming Conventions"


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