
Read data bytes from a logical buffer


#include <udi.h>

void udi_buf_read (

	udi_buf_t *src_buf,

	udi_size_t src_off,

	udi_size_t src_len,

	void *dst_mem );

ARGUMENTS src_buf is a pointer to a buffer containing data to be read.

src_off is the offset, in bytes, into the logical data of src_buf at which to start reading data.

must be £ src_buf->buf_size.

src_len The number of bytes to be read from src_buf.

+src_len must not exceed src_buf->buf_size.

dst_mem pointer to caller's memory where data is to be copied.

DESCRIPTION udi_buf_read non-destructively reads data bytes from a logical buffer to a virtually contiguous driver memory area pointed to by src_buf. No endianness conversion will be performed by udi_buf_read.

If src_buf->buf_size was previously extended to include bytes not explicitly written, the resulting values in dst_mem for these bytes are unspecified.

UDI Core Specification Contents