
UDI inter-module communications handle


#include <udi.h>

typedef <HANDLE> udi_channel_t;
/* NULL channel handle constant */

DESCRIPTION UDI Drivers communicate with other drivers and with certain environment modules (e.g. the Management Agent) via bi-directional communication channels established during configuration. Channels are point-to-point and have two ends. The object which keeps track of a particular end of a communication channel between two modules is called the channel object, which is referred to by a channel handle.

Channel handles are transferable between regions if and only if they refer to loose ends. (See "Channels".)

Warnings Drivers must not compare handle values for equality, but the UDI_HANDLE_IS_NULL macro can be used to determine if a handle variable currently holds a null value.

REFERENCES udi_channel_event_ind, udi_channel_anchor, udi_channel_close, UDI_HANDLE_IS_NULL

UDI Core Specification Contents