
Data layout specifier for PIO


#include <udi.h>

typedef udi_ubit8_t udi_layout_t;
/* PIO Handle Layout Element Type Code */
#define  UDI_DL_PIO_HANDLE_T				200

DESCRIPTION This page lists additional layout specifier codes that can be used with the udi_layout_t type, defined in the UDI Core Specification, to specify PIO-related data layouts.

A data layout specifier consists of an array of one or more udi_layout_t layout elements. Each element contains a type code indicating one of the UDI data types that can be passed into a channel operation, either as a field in the control block or as an additional parameter. Each successive element of the array represents successive offsets within the described structure, with padding automatically inserted for alignment purposes as if the specified data types had appeared in a C struct declaration.

A UDI_DL_PIO_HANDLE_T layout element represents a PIO handle, of type udi_pio_handle_t, which may be UDI_NULL_PIO_HANDLE.

references udi_layout_t

UDI Physical I/O Specification Contents