
Network receive packet indication


#include <udi.h>

void udi_nsr_exp_rx_ind (

	udi_nic_rx_cb_t *cb );

ARGUMENTS cb is a pointer to a Network Interface Metalanguage receive control block.

TARGET CHANNEL This request is issued to the NSR over the Network Interface Metalanguage receive data transfer channel.

DESCRIPTION The udi_nsr_exp_rx_ind is used when the ND has received an expedited (high-priority) packet and is passing it to the NSR for handling by the protocol stack. The functionality of this operation is identical to the udi_nsr_rx_ind operation except that this interface must be used if the packet was determined to be urgent or high-priority.

warnings The control block must be one that was passed to the ND previously via the udi_nd_rx_rdy operation.

REFERENCES udi_nd_rx_rdy, udi_nsr_rx_ind

UDI NIC Driver Specification Contents