Summary | Number of available processes on debian/redhat |
Queue | Polarhome |
Queue Version | debian |
Type | Issue |
State | Unconfirmed |
Priority | 1. Low |
Owners | |
Requester | tange (at) polarhome (dot) com |
Created | 09/16/2018 (2270 days ago) |
Due | |
Updated | |
Assigned | |
Resolved | |
Attachments |
State ⇒ Unconfirmed
Priority ⇒ 1. Low
Type ⇒ Issue
Summary ⇒ Number of available processes on debian/redhat
Queue ⇒ Polarhome
debian * soft nproc 60
debian * hard nproc 60
suse.p * hard nproc 16384
suse.p * soft nproc 4096
redhat @users soft nproc 100
redhat @users hard nproc 100
ubuntu: max user processes (-u) 3807
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