[Vim-vms] Vim: Caught deadly signal BUS

Coen Engelbarts coen.engelbarts at cmg.nl
Fri Oct 22 12:26:31 CEST 2004

vim-vms-bounces at polarhome.com wrote on Friday, October 22, 2004 11:53 AM:

>> Perhaps there is something wrong with your configuration of
>> the help files.
>> Are your help files present?
>> Are they in "VIM:[000000.DOC]"?

> No, definitely not there!
> The sysadmins don't want to install vim because everybody uses lse or
> tpu editor. 
> I'm on a big system with some kind of 50 developers. on about the
> same amount of applications. 
> I have to put it in my own directories.
> I suppose that [000000] works more or less like windows win32 bithole?

I think I was not quite clear enough.

With "VIM:[000000.DOC]" I mean "The subdirectory [.DOC] in the Vim install directory"
where "the vim install directory" is whatever your logical "vim:" points to.
In Unix terms that would be "$VIM/doc", or on windows "$VIM\doc".

You wrote:

Do you have the help files and a file "tags." in the directory

If your sysadmin won't install vim for you, then I assume that you installed vim in SMS_DSK:[DEVSMS.USR.ALGEMEEN.VIM.VIM63]" yourself.
If you can do that, you can also install the help files there.

I think that we want to find out why vim looks in "sys$login:[.vimfiles.doc]".
Yes, vim has a problem with expanding file names, but I don't think you should see that problem if you just type ":help".

If I understand you correctly:
- you installed the pre-compiled vim-binary from polarhome.com, and that crashed
- you only compiled a debug-version yourself to analyse the crash.

I haven't installed vim 6.3 yet, so I don't know if the new pre-compiled binary has a problem.
At the moment I can only say that it does indeed have help files and a tags.-file in the subdirectory [.vim63.doc]


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