[Vim-vms] Vim: Caught deadly signal BUS

Groen Norbert n.groen at pinkroccade.com
Fri Oct 22 11:53:29 CEST 2004


> I never found a solution for the crash, but it might help you 
> to know that vim crashes/crashed while expanding filenames on 
> VMS, in particular: while expanding directory names.
> I suspect that your vim is looking for files, expands 
> filenames, and then crashes.

Yes that's what it looks like.

> However, your mail did not hint at why vim tried to open os_unix.c

No, I don't know why either. I did a very quick debug session because I'm on a tight scedule with a project.

> Can you post (confirm) exactly how you encountered this problem?
> Is ":help" the _exact_ command that you type?

Yes only ":help"

> Can you reproduce the problem without running any .vimrc 
> files, i.e. when you start vim with "vim -U NONE"?

I can reproduce it easy enough.

> The file "sys$login:[.vimfiles.doc]tags-??" looks like the 
> help index, i.e. the tags file that vim uses to find help texts.
> However, I would expect that file to be in 
> "VIM:[000000.DOC]tags.", not in your home directory. (unless 
> vim6.3 has moved it)
> Perhaps there is something wrong with your configuration of 
> the help files.
> Are your help files present?
> Are they in "VIM:[000000.DOC]"?

No, definitely not there!
The sysadmins don't want to install vim because everybody uses lse or tpu editor.
I'm on a big system with some kind of 50 developers. on about the same amount of applications. 
I have to put it in my own directories.
I suppose that [000000] works more or less like windows win32 bithole?

> Hope this helps,

It doesn't, but thanks anyhow.

> Coen


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