[Vim-vms] if executable("perl") ... while "perl" is set up as a symbol

Samuel Ferencik sferencik at gmail.com
Tue Dec 28 09:24:27 CET 2010


the Perl ftplugin (ftplugin/perl.vim) performs the following check:
    if executable("perl")
        system('perl -e ...')

On my VMS system, perl is a (global) symbol set as follows:
    PERL == "$PERL_ROOT:[000000]PERL.EXE"

Obviously, this is not recongnised by executable(), although it is

So I have two questions:

1) is this kind of set-up ("perl" being a symbol) common on other (yoru) VMS
systems? Or is my set-up exotic?

2) have you got any idea how to check for an executable symbol on VMS? The
simple solution is to change this to:

        if executable("perl") || has("vms") && exists($perl)

    but that's based on the (perhaps reasonable?) assumption that perl 1) is
a symbol (rather than a logical name) and that 2) it can be invoked to
execute the perl interpreter.

    Any better idea?

Thanks and regards,
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