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OPENSSL(1)		  BSD General Commands Manual		    OPENSSL(1)

     openssl — OpenSSL command line tool

     openssl command [command_opts] [command_args]

     openssl list-standard-commands | list-message-digest-commands |
	     list-cipher-commands | list-cipher-algorithms |
	     list-message-digest-algorithms | list-public-key-algorithms

     openssl no-XXX [arbitrary options]

     OpenSSL is a cryptography toolkit implementing the Secure Sockets Layer
     (SSL v3) and Transport Layer Security (TLS v1) network protocols and
     related cryptography standards required by them.

     The openssl program is a command line tool for using the various cryptog‐
     raphy functions of OpenSSL's crypto library from the shell.  It can be
     used for

	   ·   Creation and management of private keys, public keys, and
	   ·   Public key cryptographic operations
	   ·   Creation of X.509 certificates, CSRs and CRLs
	   ·   Calculation of Message Digests
	   ·   Encryption and Decryption with Ciphers
	   ·   SSL/TLS Client and Server Tests
	   ·   Handling of S/MIME signed or encrypted mail
	   ·   Time stamp requests, generation, and verification

     The openssl program provides a rich variety of commands (command in the
     SYNOPSIS above), each of which often has a wealth of options and argu‐
     ments (command_opts and command_args in the SYNOPSIS).

     The pseudo-commands list-standard-commands, list-message-digest-commands,
     and list-cipher-commands output a list (one entry per line) of the names
     of all standard commands, message digest commands, or cipher commands,
     respectively, that are available in the present openssl utility.

     The pseudo-commands list-cipher-algorithms and
     list-message-digest-algorithms list all cipher and message digest names,
     one entry per line.  Aliases are listed as:

	   from => to

     The pseudo-command list-public-key-algorithms lists all supported public
     key algorithms.

     The pseudo-command no-XXX tests whether a command of the specified name
     is available.  If no command named XXX exists, it returns 0 (success) and
     prints no-XXX; otherwise it returns 1 and prints XXX.  In both cases, the
     output goes to stdout and nothing is printed to stderr.  Additional com‐
     mand line arguments are always ignored.  Since for each cipher there is a
     command of the same name, this provides an easy way for shell scripts to
     test for the availability of ciphers in the openssl program.

     Note: no-XXX is not able to detect pseudo-commands such as quit,
     list-...-commands, or no-XXX itself.

     asn1parse	Parse an ASN.1 sequence.

     ca		Certificate Authority (CA) management.

     ciphers	Cipher suite description determination.

     crl	Certificate Revocation List (CRL) management.

     crl2pkcs7	CRL to PKCS#7 conversion.

     dgst	Message digest calculation.

     dh		Diffie-Hellman parameter management.  Obsoleted by dhparam.

     dhparam	Generation and management of Diffie-Hellman parameters.
		Superseded by genpkey and pkeyparam.

     dsa	DSA data management.

     dsaparam	DSA parameter generation and management.  Superseded by
		genpkey and pkeyparam.

     ec		Elliptic curve (EC) key processing.

     ecparam	EC parameter manipulation and generation.

     enc	Encoding with ciphers.

     engine	Engine (loadable module) information and manipulation.

     errstr	Error number to error string conversion.

     gendh	Generation of Diffie-Hellman parameters.  Obsoleted by

     gendsa	Generation of DSA private key from parameters.	Superseded by
		genpkey and pkey.

     genpkey	Generation of private keys or parameters.

     genrsa	Generation of RSA private key.	Superseded by genpkey.

     nseq	Create or examine a Netscape certificate sequence.

     ocsp	Online Certificate Status Protocol utility.

     passwd	Generation of hashed passwords.

     pkcs7	PKCS#7 data management.

     pkcs8	PKCS#8 data management.

     pkcs12	PKCS#12 data management.

     pkey	Public and private key management.

     pkeyparam	Public key algorithm parameter management.

     pkeyutl	Public key algorithm cryptographic operation utility.

     prime	Generate prime numbers or test numbers for primality.

     rand	Generate pseudo-random bytes.

     req	PKCS#10 X.509 Certificate Signing Request (CSR) management.

     rsa	RSA key management.

     rsautl	RSA utility for signing, verification, encryption, and decryp‐
		tion.  Superseded by pkeyutl.

     s_client	This implements a generic SSL/TLS client which can establish a
		transparent connection to a remote server speaking SSL/TLS.
		It's intended for testing purposes only and provides only
		rudimentary interface functionality but internally uses mostly
		all functionality of the OpenSSL ssl library.

     s_server	This implements a generic SSL/TLS server which accepts connec‐
		tions from remote clients speaking SSL/TLS.  It's intended for
		testing purposes only and provides only rudimentary interface
		functionality but internally uses mostly all functionality of
		the OpenSSL ssl library.  It provides both an own command line
		oriented protocol for testing SSL functions and a simple HTTP
		response facility to emulate an SSL/TLS-aware webserver.

     s_time	SSL connection timer.

     sess_id	SSL session data management.

     smime	S/MIME mail processing.

     speed	Algorithm speed measurement.

     spkac	SPKAC printing and generating utility.

     ts		Time stamping authority tool (client/server).

     verify	X.509 certificate verification.

     version	OpenSSL version information.

     x509	X.509 certificate data management.

     gost-mac	  GOST-MAC digest.

     streebog256  Streebog-256 digest.

     streebog512  Streebog-512 digest.

     md_gost94	  GOST R 34.11-94 digest.

     md4	  MD4 digest.

     md5	  MD5 digest.

     ripemd160	  RIPEMD-160 digest.

     sha	  SHA digest.

     sha1	  SHA-1 digest.

     sha224	  SHA-224 digest.

     sha256	  SHA-256 digest.

     sha384	  SHA-384 digest.

     sha512	  SHA-512 digest.

     whirlpool	  Whirlpool digest.

     aes-128-cbc | aes-128-ecb | aes-192-cbc | aes-192-ecb
     aes-256-cbc | aes-256-ecb
	     AES cipher.

     base64  Base64 encoding.

     bf | bf-cbc | bf-cfb | bf-ecb | bf-ofb
	     Blowfish cipher.

     cast | cast-cbc
	     CAST cipher.

     cast5-cbc | cast5-cfb | cast5-ecb | cast5-ofb
	     CAST5 cipher.

     des | des-cbc | des-cfb | des-ecb | des-ede | des-ede-cbc
     des-ede-cfb | des-ede-ofb | des-ofb
	     DES cipher.

     des3 | desx | des-ede3 | des-ede3-cbc | des-ede3-cfb | des-ede3-ofb
	     Triple DES cipher.

     rc2 | rc2-40-cbc | rc2-64-cbc | rc2-cbc | rc2-cfb | rc2-ecb | rc2-ofb
	     RC2 cipher.

     rc4 | rc4-40
	     RC4 cipher.

     Several commands accept password arguments, typically using -passin and
     -passout for input and output passwords, respectively.  These allow the
     password to be obtained from a variety of sources.	 Both of these options
     take a single argument whose format is described below.  If no password
     argument is given and a password is required, then the user is prompted
     to enter one: this will typically be read from the current terminal with
     echoing turned off.

		The actual password is password.  Since the password is visi‐
		ble to utilities (like ps(1) under UNIX) this form should only
		be used where security is not important.

     env:var	Obtain the password from the environment variable var.	Since
		the environment of other processes is visible on certain plat‐
		forms (e.g. ps(1) under certain UNIX OSes) this option should
		be used with caution.

     file:path	The first line of path is the password.	 If the same path
		argument is supplied to -passin and -passout, then the first
		line will be used for the input password and the next line for
		the output password.  path need not refer to a regular file:
		it could, for example, refer to a device or named pipe.

     fd:number	Read the password from the file descriptor number.  This can
		be used to send the data via a pipe for example.

     stdin	Read the password from standard input.

     openssl asn1parse [-i] [-dlimit number] [-dump] [-genconf file]
     [-genstr str] [-in file] [-inform DER | PEM | TXT] [-length number]
     [-noout] [-offset number] [-oid file] [-out file] [-strparse offset]

     The asn1parse command is a diagnostic utility that can parse ASN.1 struc‐
     tures.  It can also be used to extract data from ASN.1 formatted data.

     The options are as follows:

     -dlimit number
	     Dump the first number bytes of unknown data in hex form.

     -dump   Dump unknown data in hex form.

     -genconf file, -genstr str
	     Generate encoded data based on string str, file file, or both
	     using ASN1_generate_nconf(3) format.  If only file is present
	     then the string is obtained from the default section using the
	     name “asn1”.  The encoded data is passed through the ASN1 parser
	     and printed out as though it came from a file; the contents can
	     thus be examined and written to a file using the -out option.

     -i	     Indents the output according to the "depth" of the structures.

     -in file
	     The input file; default is standard input.

     -inform DER | PEM | TXT
	     The input format.	DER (Distinguished Encoding Rules) is binary
	     format and PEM (Privacy Enhanced Mail), the default, is
	     base64-encoded.  TXT is plain text.

     -length number
	     Number of bytes to parse; default is until end of file.

     -noout  Don't output the parsed version of the input file.

     -offset number
	     Starting offset to begin parsing; default is start of file.

     -oid file
	     A file containing additional object identifiers (OIDs).  The for‐
	     mat of this file is described in the ASN1PARSE NOTES section

     -out file
	     Output file to place the DER-encoded data into.  If this option
	     is not present, no encoded data will be output.  This is most
	     useful when combined with the -strparse option.

     -strparse offset
	     Parse the content octets of the ASN.1 object starting at offset.
	     This option can be used multiple times to "drill down" into a
	     nested structure.

     The output will typically contain lines like this:

       0:d=0  hl=4 l= 681 cons: SEQUENCE


       229:d=3	hl=3 l= 141 prim: BIT STRING
       373:d=2	hl=3 l= 162 cons: cont [ 3 ]
       376:d=3	hl=3 l= 159 cons: SEQUENCE
       379:d=4	hl=2 l=	 29 cons: SEQUENCE
       381:d=5	hl=2 l=	  3 prim: OBJECT	:X509v3 Subject Key Identifier
       386:d=5	hl=2 l=	 22 prim: OCTET STRING
       410:d=4	hl=2 l= 112 cons: SEQUENCE
       412:d=5	hl=2 l=	  3 prim: OBJECT	:X509v3 Authority Key Identifier
       417:d=5	hl=2 l= 105 prim: OCTET STRING
       524:d=4	hl=2 l=	 12 cons: SEQUENCE


     This example is part of a self-signed certificate.	 Each line starts with
     the offset in decimal.  d=XX specifies the current depth.	The depth is
     increased within the scope of any SET or SEQUENCE.	 hl=XX gives the
     header length (tag and length octets) of the current type.	 l=XX gives
     the length of the content octets.

     The -i option can be used to make the output more readable.

     Some knowledge of the ASN.1 structure is needed to interpret the output.

     In this example, the BIT STRING at offset 229 is the certificate public
     key.  The content octets of this will contain the public key information.
     This can be examined using the option -strparse 229 to yield:

	 0:d=0	hl=3 l= 137 cons: SEQUENCE
	 3:d=1	hl=3 l= 129 prim: INTEGER	    :E5D21E1F5C8D208EA7A2166C7FA
       135:d=1	hl=2 l=	  3 prim: INTEGER	    :010001

     If an OID (object identifier) is not part of OpenSSL's internal table it
     will be represented in numerical form (for example  The file
     passed to the -oid option allows additional OIDs to be included.  Each
     line consists of three columns: the first column is the OID in numerical
     format and should be followed by whitespace.  The second column is the
     "short name" which is a single word followed by whitespace.  The final
     column is the rest of the line and is the "long name".  asn1parse dis‐
     plays the long name.  Example:

	   "  shortname A long name"

     Parse a file:

	   $ openssl asn1parse -in file.pem

     Parse a DER file:

	   $ openssl asn1parse -inform DER -in file.der

     There should be options to change the format of output lines.  The output
     of some ASN.1 types is not well handled (if at all).

     openssl ca [-batch] [-cert file] [-config file] [-crl_CA_compromise time]
     [-crl_compromise time] [-crl_hold instruction] [-crl_reason reason]
     [-crldays days] [-crlexts section] [-crlhours hours] [-days arg]
     [-enddate date] [-engine id] [-extensions section] [-extfile section]
     [-gencrl] [-in file] [-infiles] [-key keyfile] [-keyfile arg]
     [-keyform ENGINE | PEM] [-md arg] [-msie_hack] [-name section]
     [-noemailDN] [-notext] [-out file] [-outdir dir] [-passin arg]
     [-policy arg] [-preserveDN] [-revoke file] [-spkac file] [-ss_cert file]
     [-startdate date] [-status serial] [-subj arg] [-updatedb] [-verbose]

     The ca command is a minimal CA application.  It can be used to sign cer‐
     tificate requests in a variety of forms and generate CRLs.	 It also main‐
     tains a text database of issued certificates and their status.

     The options descriptions will be divided into each purpose.

	   This sets the batch mode.  In this mode no questions will be asked
	   and all certificates will be certified automatically.

     -cert file
	   The CA certificate file.

     -config file
	   Specifies the configuration file to use.

     -days arg
	   The number of days to certify the certificate for.

     -enddate date
	   This allows the expiry date to be explicitly set.  The format of
	   the date is YYMMDDHHMMSSZ (the same as an ASN1 UTCTime structure).

     -engine id
	   Specifying an engine (by its unique id string) will cause ca to
	   attempt to obtain a functional reference to the specified engine,
	   thus initialising it if needed.  The engine will then be set as the
	   default for all available algorithms.

     -extensions section
	   The section of the configuration file containing certificate exten‐
	   sions to be added when a certificate is issued (defaults to
	   x509_extensions unless the -extfile option is used).	 If no exten‐
	   sion section is present, a V1 certificate is created.  If the
	   extension section is present (even if it is empty), then a V3 cer‐
	   tificate is created.

     -extfile file
	   An additional configuration file to read certificate extensions
	   from (using the default section unless the -extensions option is
	   also used).

     -in file
	   An input file containing a single certificate request to be signed
	   by the CA.

	   If present, this should be the last option; all subsequent argu‐
	   ments are assumed to be the names of files containing certificate

     -key keyfile
	   The password used to encrypt the private key.  Since on some sys‐
	   tems the command line arguments are visible (e.g. UNIX with the
	   ps(1) utility) this option should be used with caution.

     -keyfile file
	   The private key to sign requests with.

     -keyform ENGINE | PEM
	   Private key file format.

     -md alg
	   The message digest to use.  Possible values include md5 and sha1.
	   This option also applies to CRLs.

	   This is a legacy option to make ca work with very old versions of
	   the IE certificate enrollment control "certenr3".  It used Univer‐
	   salStrings for almost everything.  Since the old control has vari‐
	   ous security bugs, its use is strongly discouraged.	The newer con‐
	   trol "Xenroll" does not need this option.

     -name section
	   Specifies the configuration file section to use (overrides
	   default_ca in the ca section).

	   The DN of a certificate can contain the EMAIL field if present in
	   the request DN, however it is good policy just having the e-mail
	   set into the altName extension of the certificate.  When this
	   option is set, the EMAIL field is removed from the certificate's
	   subject and set only in the, eventually present, extensions.	 The
	   email_in_dn keyword can be used in the configuration file to enable
	   this behaviour.

	   Don't output the text form of a certificate to the output file.

     -out file
	   The output file to output certificates to.  The default is standard
	   output.  The certificate details will also be printed out to this

     -outdir directory
	   The directory to output certificates to.  The certificate will be
	   written to a file consisting of the serial number in hex with
	   ".pem" appended.

     -passin arg
	   The key password source.  For more information about the format of
	   arg, see the PASS PHRASE ARGUMENTS section above.

     -policy arg
	   This option defines the CA "policy" to use.	This is a section in
	   the configuration file which decides which fields should be manda‐
	   tory or match the CA certificate.  Check out the CA POLICY FORMAT
	   section for more information.

	   Normally, the DN order of a certificate is the same as the order of
	   the fields in the relevant policy section.  When this option is
	   set, the order is the same as the request.  This is largely for
	   compatibility with the older IE enrollment control which would only
	   accept certificates if their DNs matched the order of the request.
	   This is not needed for Xenroll.

     -spkac file
	   A file containing a single Netscape signed public key and chal‐
	   lenge, and additional field values to be signed by the CA.  See the
	   SPKAC FORMAT section for information on the required format.

     -ss_cert file
	   A single self-signed certificate to be signed by the CA.

     -startdate date
	   This allows the start date to be explicitly set.  The format of the
	   date is YYMMDDHHMMSSZ (the same as an ASN1 UTCTime structure).

     -status serial
	   Show status of certificate with serial number serial.

	   Update database for expired certificates.

	   This prints extra details about the operations being performed.

     -crl_CA_compromise time
	   This is the same as -crl_compromise, except the revocation reason
	   is set to CACompromise.

     -crl_compromise time
	   This sets the revocation reason to keyCompromise and the compromise
	   time to time.  time should be in GeneralizedTime format, i.e.

     -crl_hold instruction
	   This sets the CRL revocation reason code to certificateHold and the
	   hold instruction to instruction which must be an OID.  Although any
	   OID can be used, only holdInstructionNone (the use of which is dis‐
	   couraged by RFC 2459), holdInstructionCallIssuer or holdInstruc‐
	   tionReject will normally be used.

     -crl_reason reason
	   Revocation reason, where reason is one of: unspecified, keyCompro‐
	   mise, CACompromise, affiliationChanged, superseded, cessationOfOp‐
	   eration, certificateHold or removeFromCRL.  The matching of reason
	   is case insensitive.	 Setting any revocation reason will make the
	   CRL v2.  In practice, removeFromCRL is not particularly useful
	   because it is only used in delta CRLs which are not currently

     -crldays num
	   The number of days before the next CRL is due.  This is the days
	   from now to place in the CRL nextUpdate field.

     -crlexts section
	   The section of the configuration file containing CRL extensions to
	   include.  If no CRL extension section is present then a V1 CRL is
	   created; if the CRL extension section is present (even if it is
	   empty) then a V2 CRL is created.  The CRL extensions specified are
	   CRL extensions and not CRL entry extensions.	 It should be noted
	   that some software (for example Netscape) can't handle V2 CRLs.

     -crlhours num
	   The number of hours before the next CRL is due.

	   This option generates a CRL based on information in the index file.

     -revoke file
	   A file containing a certificate to revoke.

     -subj arg
	   Supersedes the subject name given in the request.  The arg must be
	   formatted as /type0=value0/type1=value1/type2=...; characters may
	   be escaped by ‘\’ (backslash), no spaces are skipped.

     The section of the configuration file containing options for ca is found
     as follows: If the -name command line option is used, then it names the
     section to be used.  Otherwise the section to be used must be named in
     the default_ca option of the ca section of the configuration file (or in
     the default section of the configuration file).  Besides default_ca, the
     following options are read directly from the ca section:


     This is probably a bug and may change in future releases.

     Many of the configuration file options are identical to command line
     options.  Where the option is present in the configuration file and the
     command line, the command line value is used.  Where an option is
     described as mandatory, then it must be present in the configuration file
     or the command line equivalent (if any) used.

	   The same as -cert.  It gives the file containing the CA certifi‐
	   cate.  Mandatory.

	   Determines how extensions in certificate requests should be han‐
	   dled.  If set to none or this option is not present, then exten‐
	   sions are ignored and not copied to the certificate.	 If set to
	   copy, then any extensions present in the request that are not
	   already present are copied to the certificate.  If set to copyall,
	   then all extensions in the request are copied to the certificate:
	   if the extension is already present in the certificate it is
	   deleted first.  See the CA WARNINGS section before using this

	   The main use of this option is to allow a certificate request to
	   supply values for certain extensions such as subjectAltName.

	   The same as -crlexts.

	   A text file containing the next CRL number to use in hex.  The CRL
	   number will be inserted in the CRLs only if this file exists.  If
	   this file is present, it must contain a valid CRL number.

	   The text database file to use.  Mandatory.  This file must be
	   present, though initially it will be empty.

     default_crl_hours, default_crl_days
	   The same as the -crlhours and -crldays options.  These will only be
	   used if neither command line option is present.  At least one of
	   these must be present to generate a CRL.

	   The same as the -days option.  The number of days to certify a cer‐
	   tificate for.

	   The same as the -enddate option.  Either this option or
	   default_days (or the command line equivalents) must be present.

	   The same as the -md option.	The message digest to use.  Mandatory.

	   The same as the -startdate option.  The start date to certify a
	   certificate for.  If not set, the current time is used.

	   The same as -noemailDN.  If the EMAIL field is to be removed from
	   the DN of the certificate, simply set this to "no".	If not
	   present, the default is to allow for the EMAIL field in the cer‐
	   tificate's DN.

	   The same as -msie_hack.

     name_opt, cert_opt
	   These options allow the format used to display the certificate
	   details when asking the user to confirm signing.  All the options
	   supported by the x509 utilities' -nameopt and -certopt switches can
	   be used here, except that no_signame and no_sigdump are permanently
	   set and cannot be disabled (this is because the certificate signa‐
	   ture cannot be displayed because the certificate has not been
	   signed at this point).

	   For convenience, the value ca_default is accepted by both to pro‐
	   duce a reasonable output.

	   If neither option is present, the format used in earlier versions
	   of OpenSSL is used.	Use of the old format is strongly discouraged
	   because it only displays fields mentioned in the policy section,
	   mishandles multicharacter string types and does not display exten‐

	   The same as the -outdir command line option.	 It specifies the
	   directory where new certificates will be placed.  Mandatory.

	   This specifies a file containing additional object identifiers.
	   Each line of the file should consist of the numerical form of the
	   object identifier followed by whitespace, then the short name fol‐
	   lowed by whitespace and finally the long name.

	   This specifies a section in the configuration file containing extra
	   object identifiers.	Each line should consist of the short name of
	   the object identifier followed by ‘=’ and the numerical form.  The
	   short and long names are the same when this option is used.

	   The same as -policy.	 Mandatory.  See the CA POLICY FORMAT section
	   for more information.

	   The same as -preserveDN.

	   Same as the -keyfile option.	 The file containing the CA private
	   key.	 Mandatory.

	   A text file containing the next serial number to use in hex.
	   Mandatory.  This file must be present and contain a valid serial

	   If the value yes is given, the valid certificate entries in the
	   database must have unique subjects.	If the value no is given, sev‐
	   eral valid certificate entries may have the exact same subject.
	   The default value is yes.

	   The same as -extensions.

     The policy section consists of a set of variables corresponding to cer‐
     tificate DN fields.  If the value is "match", then the field value must
     match the same field in the CA certificate.  If the value is "supplied",
     then it must be present.  If the value is "optional", then it may be
     present.  Any fields not mentioned in the policy section are silently
     deleted, unless the -preserveDN option is set, but this can be regarded
     more of a quirk than intended behaviour.

     The input to the -spkac command line option is a Netscape signed public
     key and challenge.	 This will usually come from the KEYGEN tag in an HTML
     form to create a new private key.	It is, however, possible to create
     SPKACs using the spkac utility.

     The file should contain the variable SPKAC set to the value of the SPKAC
     and also the required DN components as name value pairs.  If it's neces‐
     sary to include the same component twice, then it can be preceded by a
     number and a ‘.’.

     Note: these examples assume that the ca directory structure is already
     set up and the relevant files already exist.  This usually involves cre‐
     ating a CA certificate and private key with req, a serial number file and
     an empty index file and placing them in the relevant directories.

     To use the sample configuration file below, the directories demoCA,
     demoCA/private and demoCA/newcerts would be created.  The CA certificate
     would be copied to demoCA/cacert.pem and its private key to
     demoCA/private/cakey.pem.	A file demoCA/serial would be created contain‐
     ing, for example, "01" and the empty index file demoCA/index.txt.

     Sign a certificate request:

	   $ openssl ca -in req.pem -out newcert.pem

     Sign a certificate request, using CA extensions:

	   $ openssl ca -in req.pem -extensions v3_ca -out newcert.pem

     Generate a CRL:

	   $ openssl ca -gencrl -out crl.pem

     Sign several requests:

	   $ openssl ca -infiles req1.pem req2.pem req3.pem

     Certify a Netscape SPKAC:

	   $ openssl ca -spkac spkac.txt

     A sample SPKAC file (the SPKAC line has been truncated for clarity):

	   CN=Steve Test
	   0.OU=OpenSSL Group
	   1.OU=Another Group

     A sample configuration file with the relevant sections for ca:

      [ ca ]
      default_ca      = CA_default	      # The default ca section

      [ CA_default ]

      dir	     = ./demoCA		     # top dir
      database	     = $dir/index.txt	     # index file
      new_certs_dir  = $dir/newcerts	     # new certs dir

      certificate    = $dir/cacert.pem	     # The CA cert
      serial	     = $dir/serial	     # serial no file
      private_key    = $dir/private/cakey.pem# CA private key

      default_days   = 365		     # how long to certify for
      default_crl_days= 30		     # how long before next CRL
      default_md     = md5		     # md to use

      policy	     = policy_any	     # default policy
      email_in_dn    = no		     # Don't add the email into cert DN

      name_opt	      = ca_default	     # Subject name display option
      cert_opt	      = ca_default	     # Certificate display option
      copy_extensions = none		     #Don't copy extensions from request

      [ policy_any ]
      countryName	     = supplied
      stateOrProvinceName    = optional
      organizationName	     = optional
      organizationalUnitName = optional
      commonName	     = supplied
      emailAddress	     = optional

     Note: the location of all files can change either by compile time
     options, configuration file entries, environment variables, or command
     line options.  The values below reflect the default values.

	   /etc/ssl/openssl.cnf		  - master configuration file
	   ./demoCA			  - main CA directory
	   ./demoCA/cacert.pem		  - CA certificate
	   ./demoCA/private/cakey.pem	  - CA private key
	   ./demoCA/serial		  - CA serial number file
	   ./demoCA/serial.old		  - CA serial number backup file
	   ./demoCA/index.txt		  - CA text database file
	   ./demoCA/index.txt.old	  - CA text database backup file
	   ./demoCA/certs		  - certificate output file

     OPENSSL_CONF reflects the location of the master configuration file; it
     can be overridden by the -config command line option.

     The text database index file is a critical part of the process, and if
     corrupted it can be difficult to fix.  It is theoretically possible to
     rebuild the index file from all the issued certificates and a current
     CRL; however there is no option to do this.

     V2 CRL features like delta CRLs are not currently supported.

     Although several requests can be input and handled at once, it is only
     possible to include one SPKAC or self-signed certificate.

     The use of an in-memory text database can cause problems when large num‐
     bers of certificates are present because, as the name implies, the data‐
     base has to be kept in memory.

     It is not possible to certify two certificates with the same DN; this is
     a side effect of how the text database is indexed and it cannot easily be
     fixed without introducing other problems.	Some S/MIME clients can use
     two certificates with the same DN for separate signing and encryption

     The ca command really needs rewriting or the required functionality
     exposed at either a command or interface level so a more friendly utility
     (perl script or GUI) can handle things properly.

     Any fields in a request that are not present in a policy are silently
     deleted.  This does not happen if the -preserveDN option is used.	To
     enforce the absence of the EMAIL field within the DN, as suggested by
     RFCs, regardless of the contents of the request's subject the -noemailDN
     option can be used.  The behaviour should be more friendly and config‐

     Cancelling some commands by refusing to certify a certificate can create
     an empty file.

     The ca command is quirky and at times downright unfriendly.

     The ca utility was originally meant as an example of how to do things in
     a CA.  It was not supposed to be used as a full blown CA itself: never‐
     theless some people are using it for this purpose.

     The ca command is effectively a single user command: no locking is done
     on the various files, and attempts to run more than one ca command on the
     same database can have unpredictable results.

     The copy_extensions option should be used with caution.  If care is not
     taken, it can be a security risk.	For example, if a certificate request
     contains a basicConstraints extension with CA:TRUE and the
     copy_extensions value is set to copyall and the user does not spot this
     when the certificate is displayed, then this will hand the requestor a
     valid CA certificate.

     This situation can be avoided by setting copy_extensions to copy and
     including basicConstraints with CA:FALSE in the configuration file.  Then
     if the request contains a basicConstraints extension, it will be ignored.

     It is advisable to also include values for other extensions such as
     keyUsage to prevent a request supplying its own values.

     Additional restrictions can be placed on the CA certificate itself.  For
     example if the CA certificate has:

	   basicConstraints = CA:TRUE, pathlen:0

     then even if a certificate is issued with CA:TRUE it will not be valid.

     openssl ciphers [-hVv] [-tls1] [cipherlist]

     The ciphers command converts OpenSSL cipher lists into ordered SSL cipher
     preference lists.	It can be used as a test tool to determine the appro‐
     priate cipherlist.

     The options are as follows:

     -h, -?  Print a brief usage message.

     -tls1   Only include TLS v1 ciphers.

     -V	     Like -v, but include cipher suite codes in output (hex format).

     -v	     Verbose option.  List ciphers with a complete description of pro‐
	     tocol version, key exchange, authentication, encryption and mac
	     algorithms used along with any key size restrictions.  Note that
	     without the -v option, ciphers may seem to appear twice in a
	     cipher list.

	     A cipher list to convert to a cipher preference list.  If it is
	     not included, the default cipher list will be used.  The format
	     is described below.

     The cipher list consists of one or more cipher strings separated by
     colons.  Commas or spaces are also acceptable separators, but colons are
     normally used.

     The actual cipher string can take several different forms:

     It can consist of a single cipher suite such as RC4-SHA.

     It can represent a list of cipher suites containing a certain algorithm,
     or cipher suites of a certain type.  For example SHA1 represents all
     cipher suites using the digest algorithm SHA1.

     Lists of cipher suites can be combined in a single cipher string using
     the ‘+’ character.	 This is used as a logical and operation.  For exam‐
     ple, SHA1+DES represents all cipher suites containing the SHA1 and the
     DES algorithms.

     Each cipher string can be optionally preceded by the characters ‘!’, ‘-’,
     or ‘+’.

     If ‘!’ is used, then the ciphers are permanently deleted from the list.
     The ciphers deleted can never reappear in the list even if they are
     explicitly stated.

     If ‘-’ is used, then the ciphers are deleted from the list, but some or
     all of the ciphers can be added again by later options.

     If ‘+’ is used, then the ciphers are moved to the end of the list.	 This
     option doesn't add any new ciphers, it just moves matching existing ones.

     If none of these characters is present, the string is just interpreted as
     a list of ciphers to be appended to the current preference list.  If the
     list includes any ciphers already present, they will be ignored; that is,
     they will not be moved to the end of the list.

     Additionally, the cipher string @STRENGTH can be used at any point to
     sort the current cipher list in order of encryption algorithm key length.

     The following is a list of all permitted cipher strings and their mean‐

	   The default cipher list.  This is determined at compile time and is
	   currently ALL:!aNULL:!eNULL:!SSLv2.	This must be the first cipher
	   string specified.

	   The ciphers included in ALL, but not enabled by default.  Currently
	   this is ADH.	 Note that this rule does not cover eNULL, which is
	   not included by ALL (use COMPLEMENTOFALL if necessary).

     ALL   All cipher suites except the eNULL ciphers which must be explicitly

	   The cipher suites not enabled by ALL, currently being eNULL.

     HIGH  "High" encryption cipher suites.  This currently means those with
	   key lengths larger than 128 bits.

	   "Medium" encryption cipher suites, currently those using 128-bit

     LOW   "Low" encryption cipher suites, currently those using 64- or 56-bit
	   encryption algorithms.

     eNULL, NULL
	   The "NULL" ciphers; that is, those offering no encryption.  Because
	   these offer no encryption at all and are a security risk, they are
	   disabled unless explicitly included.

	   The cipher suites offering no authentication.  This is currently
	   the anonymous DH algorithms.	 These cipher suites are vulnerable to
	   a "man in the middle" attack, so their use is normally discouraged.

     kRSA, RSA
	   Cipher suites using RSA key exchange.

     kEDH  Cipher suites using ephemeral DH key agreement.

     aRSA  Cipher suites using RSA authentication, i.e. the certificates carry
	   RSA keys.

     aDSS, DSS
	   Cipher suites using DSS authentication, i.e. the certificates carry
	   DSS keys.

	   TLS v1.0 cipher suites.

     DH	   Cipher suites using DH, including anonymous DH.

     ADH   Anonymous DH cipher suites.

     AES   Cipher suites using AES.

     3DES  Cipher suites using triple DES.

     DES   Cipher suites using DES (not triple DES).

     RC4   Cipher suites using RC4.

	   Cipher suites using Camellia.

	   Cipher suites using ChaCha20.

     IDEA  Cipher suites using IDEA.

     MD5   Cipher suites using MD5.

     SHA1, SHA
	   Cipher suites using SHA1.

     Verbose listing of all OpenSSL ciphers including NULL ciphers:

	   $ openssl ciphers -v 'ALL:eNULL'

     Include all ciphers except NULL and anonymous DH then sort by strength:

	   $ openssl ciphers -v 'ALL:!ADH:@STRENGTH'

     Include only 3DES ciphers and then place RSA ciphers last:

	   $ openssl ciphers -v '3DES:+RSA'

     Include all RC4 ciphers but leave out those without authentication:

	   $ openssl ciphers -v 'RC4:!COMPLEMENTOFDEFAULT'

     Include all ciphers with RSA authentication but leave out ciphers without

	   $ openssl ciphers -v 'RSA:!COMPLEMENTOFALL'

     openssl crl [-CAfile file] [-CApath dir] [-fingerprint] [-hash]
     [-in file] [-inform DER | PEM] [-issuer] [-lastupdate] [-nextupdate]
     [-noout] [-out file] [-outform DER | PEM] [-text]

     The crl command processes CRL files in DER or PEM format.

     The options are as follows:

     -CAfile file
	     Verify the signature on a CRL by looking up the issuing certifi‐
	     cate in file.

     -CApath directory
	     Verify the signature on a CRL by looking up the issuing certifi‐
	     cate in dir.  This directory must be a standard certificate
	     directory, i.e. a hash of each subject name (using x509 -hash)
	     should be linked to each certificate.

	     Print the CRL fingerprint.

     -hash   Output a hash of the issuer name.	This can be used to look up
	     CRLs in a directory by issuer name.

     -in file
	     This specifies the input file to read from, or standard input if
	     this option is not specified.

     -inform DER | PEM
	     This specifies the input format.  DER format is a DER-encoded CRL
	     structure.	 PEM (the default) is a base64-encoded version of the
	     DER form with header and footer lines.

	     Output the issuer name.

	     Output the lastUpdate field.

	     Output the nextUpdate field.

     -noout  Don't output the encoded version of the CRL.

     -out file
	     Specifies the output file to write to, or standard output by

     -outform DER | PEM
	     This specifies the output format; the options have the same mean‐
	     ing as the -inform option.

     -text   Print out the CRL in text form.

     The PEM CRL format uses the header and footer lines:

	   -----BEGIN X509 CRL-----
	   -----END X509 CRL-----

     Convert a CRL file from PEM to DER:

	   $ openssl crl -in crl.pem -outform DER -out crl.der

     Output the text form of a DER-encoded certificate:

	   $ openssl crl -in crl.der -inform DER -text -noout

     Ideally, it should be possible to create a CRL using appropriate options
     and files too.

     openssl crl2pkcs7 [-certfile file] [-in file] [-inform DER | PEM]
     [-nocrl] [-out file] [-outform DER | PEM]

     The crl2pkcs7 command takes an optional CRL and one or more certificates
     and converts them into a PKCS#7 degenerate "certificates only" structure.

     The options are as follows:

     -certfile file
	     Specifies a file containing one or more certificates in PEM for‐
	     mat.  All certificates in the file will be added to the PKCS#7
	     structure.	 This option can be used more than once to read cer‐
	     tificates from multiple files.

     -in file
	     This specifies the input file to read a CRL from, or standard
	     input if this option is not specified.

     -inform DER | PEM
	     This specifies the CRL input format.  DER format is a DER-encoded
	     CRL structure.  PEM (the default) is a base64-encoded version of
	     the DER form with header and footer lines.

     -nocrl  Normally, a CRL is included in the output file.  With this
	     option, no CRL is included in the output file and a CRL is not
	     read from the input file.

     -out file
	     Specifies the output file to write the PKCS#7 structure to, or
	     standard output by default.

     -outform DER | PEM
	     This specifies the PKCS#7 structure output format.	 DER format is
	     a DER-encoded PKCS#7 structure.  PEM (the default) is a
	     base64-encoded version of the DER form with header and footer

     Create a PKCS#7 structure from a certificate and CRL:

	   $ openssl crl2pkcs7 -in crl.pem -certfile cert.pem -out p7.pem

     Create a PKCS#7 structure in DER format with no CRL from several differ‐
     ent certificates:

	   $ openssl crl2pkcs7 -nocrl -certfile newcert.pem \
		   -certfile demoCA/cacert.pem -outform DER -out p7.der

     The output file is a PKCS#7 signed data structure containing no signers
     and just certificates and an optional CRL.

     This utility can be used to send certificates and CAs to Netscape as part
     of the certificate enrollment process.  This involves sending the DER-
     encoded output as MIME type application/x-x509-user-cert.

     The PEM-encoded form with the header and footer lines removed can be used
     to install user certificates and CAs in MSIE using the Xenroll control.

     openssl dgst [-gost-mac | -streebog256 | -streebog512 | -md_gost94 |
     -md4 | -md5 | -ripemd160 | -sha | -sha1 |
     -sha224 | -sha256 | -sha384 | -sha512 | -whirlpool] [-binary] [-cd]
     [-engine id] [-hex] [-hmac key] [-keyform ENGINE | PEM] [-mac algorithm]
     [-macopt nm:v] [-out file] [-passin arg] [-prverify file] [-sign file]
     [-signature file] [-sigopt nm:v] [-verify file] [file ...]

     openssl gost-mac | streebog256 | streebog512 | md_gost94 | md4 | md5 |
     ripemd160 | sha | sha1 | sha224 | sha256 | sha384 | sha512 | whirlpool
     [-c] [-d] [file ...]

     The digest functions output the message digest of a supplied file or
     files in hexadecimal form.	 They can also be used for digital signing and

     The options are as follows:

	     Output the digest or signature in binary form.

     -c	     Print out the digest in two-digit groups separated by colons;
	     only relevant if hex format output is used.

     -d	     Print out BIO debugging information.

     -engine id
	     Specifying an engine (by its unique id string) will cause dgst to
	     attempt to obtain a functional reference to the specified engine,
	     thus initialising it if needed.  The engine will then be set as
	     the default for all available algorithms.	This engine is not
	     used as a source for digest algorithms unless it is also speci‐
	     fied in the configuration file.

     -hex    Digest is to be output as a hex dump.  This is the default case
	     for a "normal" digest as opposed to a digital signature.

     -hmac key
	     Create a hashed MAC using key.

     -keyform ENGINE | PEM
	     Specifies the key format to sign the digest with.

     -mac algorithm
	     Create a keyed Message Authentication Code (MAC).	The most popu‐
	     lar MAC algorithm is HMAC (hash-based MAC), but there are other
	     MAC algorithms which are not based on hash.  MAC keys and other
	     options should be set via the -macopt parameter.

     -macopt nm:v
	     Passes options to the MAC algorithm, specified by -mac.  The fol‐
	     lowing options are supported by HMAC:

		     Specifies the MAC key as an alphanumeric string (use if
		     the key contain printable characters only).  String
		     length must conform to any restrictions of the MAC algo‐

		     Specifies the MAC key in hexadecimal form (two hex digits
		     per byte).	 Key length must conform to any restrictions
		     of the MAC algorithm.

     -out file
	     The file to output to, or standard output by default.

     -passin arg
	     The key password source.  For more information about the format
	     of arg, see the PASS PHRASE ARGUMENTS section above.

     -prverify file
	     Verify the signature using the private key in file.  The output
	     is either "Verification OK" or "Verification Failure".

     -sign file
	     Digitally sign the digest using the private key in file.

     -signature file
	     The actual signature to verify.

     -sigopt nm:v
	     Pass options to the signature algorithm during sign or verify
	     operations.  The names and values of these options are algorithm-

     -verify file
	     Verify the signature using the public key in file.	 The output is
	     either "Verification OK" or "Verification Failure".

     file ...
	     File or files to digest.  If no files are specified then standard
	     input is used.

     The digest of choice for all new applications is SHA1.  Other digests
     are, however, still widely used.

     If you wish to sign or verify data using the DSA algorithm, the dss1
     digest must be used.

     A source of random numbers is required for certain signing algorithms, in
     particular DSA.

     The signing and verify options should only be used if a single file is
     being signed or verified.

     Diffie-Hellman Parameter Management.  The dh command has been replaced by
     dhparam.  See DHPARAM below.

     openssl dhparam [-2 | -5] [-C] [-check] [-dsaparam] [-engine id]
     [-in file] [-inform DER | PEM] [-noout] [-out file] [-outform DER | PEM]
     [-text] [numbits]

     The dhparam command is used to manipulate DH parameter files.

     The options are as follows:

     -2, -5  The generator to use, either 2 or 5.  2 is the default.  If
	     present, the input file is ignored and parameters are generated

     -C	     This option converts the parameters into C code.  The parameters
	     can then be loaded by calling the get_dhnumbits() function.

     -check  Check the DH parameters.

	     If this option is used, DSA rather than DH parameters are read or
	     created; they are converted to DH format.	Otherwise, "strong"
	     primes (such that (p-1)/2 is also prime) will be used for DH
	     parameter generation.

	     DH parameter generation with the -dsaparam option is much faster,
	     and the recommended exponent length is shorter, which makes DH
	     key exchange more efficient.  Beware that with such DSA-style DH
	     parameters, a fresh DH key should be created for each use to
	     avoid small-subgroup attacks that may be possible otherwise.

     -engine id
	     Specifying an engine (by its unique id string) will cause dhparam
	     to attempt to obtain a functional reference to the specified
	     engine, thus initialising it if needed.  The engine will then be
	     set as the default for all available algorithms.

     -in file
	     This specifies the input file to read parameters from, or stan‐
	     dard input if this option is not specified.

     -inform DER | PEM
	     This specifies the input format.  The argument DER uses an ASN1
	     DER-encoded form compatible with the PKCS#3 DHparameter struc‐
	     ture.  The PEM form is the default format: it consists of the DER
	     format base64-encoded with additional header and footer lines.

     -noout  This option inhibits the output of the encoded version of the

	     This argument specifies that a parameter set should be generated
	     of size numbits.  It must be the last option.  If not present, a
	     value of 2048 is used.  If this value is present, the input file
	     is ignored and parameters are generated instead.

     -out file
	     This specifies the output file to write parameters to.  Standard
	     output is used if this option is not present.  The output file‐
	     name should not be the same as the input filename.

     -outform DER | PEM
	     This specifies the output format; the options have the same mean‐
	     ing as the -inform option.

     -text   This option prints out the DH parameters in human readable form.

     The program dhparam combines the functionality of the programs dh and
     gendh in previous versions of OpenSSL and SSLeay.	The dh and gendh pro‐
     grams are retained for now, but may have different purposes in future
     versions of OpenSSL.

     PEM format DH parameters use the header and footer lines:

	   -----END DH PARAMETERS-----

     OpenSSL currently only supports the older PKCS#3 DH, not the newer X9.42

     This program manipulates DH parameters not keys.

     There should be a way to generate and manipulate DH keys.

     The dhparam command was added in OpenSSL 0.9.5.  The -dsaparam option was
     added in OpenSSL 0.9.6.

     openssl dsa [-aes128 | -aes192 | -aes256 | -des | -des3] [-engine id]
     [-in file] [-inform DER | PEM] [-modulus] [-noout] [-out file]
     [-outform DER | PEM] [-passin arg] [-passout arg] [-pubin] [-pubout]

     The dsa command processes DSA keys.  They can be converted between vari‐
     ous forms and their components printed out.

     Note: This command uses the traditional SSLeay compatible format for pri‐
     vate key encryption: newer applications should use the more secure PKCS#8
     format using the pkcs8 command.

     The options are as follows:

     -aes128 | -aes192 | -aes256 | -des | -des3
	     These options encrypt the private key with the AES, DES, or the
	     triple DES ciphers, respectively, before outputting it.  A pass
	     phrase is prompted for.  If none of these options is specified,
	     the key is written in plain text.	This means that using the dsa
	     utility to read in an encrypted key with no encryption option can
	     be used to remove the pass phrase from a key, or by setting the
	     encryption options it can be use to add or change the pass
	     phrase.  These options can only be used with PEM format output

     -engine id
	     Specifying an engine (by its unique id string) will cause dsa to
	     attempt to obtain a functional reference to the specified engine,
	     thus initialising it if needed.  The engine will then be set as
	     the default for all available algorithms.

     -in file
	     This specifies the input file to read a key from, or standard
	     input if this option is not specified.  If the key is encrypted,
	     a pass phrase will be prompted for.

     -inform DER | PEM
	     This specifies the input format.  The DER argument with a private
	     key uses an ASN1 DER-encoded form of an ASN.1 SEQUENCE consisting
	     of the values of version (currently zero), P, Q, G, and the pub‐
	     lic and private key components, respectively, as ASN.1 INTEGERs.
	     When used with a public key it uses a SubjectPublicKeyInfo struc‐
	     ture: it is an error if the key is not DSA.

	     The PEM form is the default format: it consists of the DER format
	     base64-encoded with additional header and footer lines.  In the
	     case of a private key, PKCS#8 format is also accepted.

	     This option prints out the value of the public key component of
	     the key.

     -noout  This option prevents output of the encoded version of the key.

     -out file
	     This specifies the output file to write a key to, or standard
	     output if not specified.  If any encryption options are set then
	     a pass phrase will be prompted for.  The output filename should
	     not be the same as the input filename.

     -outform DER | PEM
	     This specifies the output format; the options have the same mean‐
	     ing as the -inform option.

     -passin arg
	     The key password source.  For more information about the format
	     of arg, see the PASS PHRASE ARGUMENTS section above.

     -passout arg
	     The output file password source.  For more information about the
	     format of arg, see the PASS PHRASE ARGUMENTS section above.

     -pubin  By default, a private key is read from the input file.  With this
	     option a public key is read instead.

	     By default, a private key is output.  With this option a public
	     key will be output instead.  This option is automatically set if
	     the input is a public key.

     -text   Prints out the public/private key components and parameters.

     The PEM private key format uses the header and footer lines:

	   -----END DSA PRIVATE KEY-----

     The PEM public key format uses the header and footer lines:

	   -----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----
	   -----END PUBLIC KEY-----

     To remove the pass phrase on a DSA private key:

	   $ openssl dsa -in key.pem -out keyout.pem

     To encrypt a private key using triple DES:

	   $ openssl dsa -in key.pem -des3 -out keyout.pem

     To convert a private key from PEM to DER format:

	   $ openssl dsa -in key.pem -outform DER -out keyout.der

     To print out the components of a private key to standard output:

	   $ openssl dsa -in key.pem -text -noout

     To just output the public part of a private key:

	   $ openssl dsa -in key.pem -pubout -out pubkey.pem

     openssl dsaparam [-C] [-engine id] [-genkey] [-in file]
     [-inform DER | PEM] [-noout] [-out file] [-outform DER | PEM] [-text]

     The dsaparam command is used to manipulate or generate DSA parameter

     The options are as follows:

     -C	     This option converts the parameters into C code.  The parameters
	     can then be loaded by calling the get_dsaXXX() function.

     -engine id
	     Specifying an engine (by its unique id string) will cause
	     dsaparam to attempt to obtain a functional reference to the spec‐
	     ified engine, thus initialising it if needed.  The engine will
	     then be set as the default for all available algorithms.

	     This option will generate a DSA either using the specified or
	     generated parameters.

     -in file
	     This specifies the input file to read parameters from, or stan‐
	     dard input if this option is not specified.  If the numbits
	     parameter is included, then this option will be ignored.

     -inform DER | PEM
	     This specifies the input format.  The DER argument uses an ASN1
	     DER-encoded form compatible with RFC 2459 (PKIX) DSS-Parms that
	     is a SEQUENCE consisting of p, q and g, respectively.  The PEM
	     form is the default format: it consists of the DER format
	     base64-encoded with additional header and footer lines.

     -noout  This option inhibits the output of the encoded version of the

	     This option specifies that a parameter set should be generated of
	     size numbits.  If this option is included, the input file (if
	     any) is ignored.

     -out file
	     This specifies the output file to write parameters to.  Standard
	     output is used if this option is not present.  The output file‐
	     name should not be the same as the input filename.

     -outform DER | PEM
	     This specifies the output format; the options have the same mean‐
	     ing as the -inform option.

     -text   This option prints out the DSA parameters in human readable form.

     PEM format DSA parameters use the header and footer lines:

	   -----END DSA PARAMETERS-----

     DSA parameter generation is a slow process and as a result the same set
     of DSA parameters is often used to generate several distinct keys.

     openssl ec [-conv_form arg] [-des] [-des3] [-engine id] [-in file]
     [-inform DER | PEM] [-noout] [-out file] [-outform DER | PEM]
     [-param_enc arg] [-param_out] [-passin arg] [-passout arg] [-pubin]
     [-pubout] [-text]

     The ec command processes EC keys.	They can be converted between various
     forms and their components printed out.  Note: OpenSSL uses the private
     key format specified in “SEC 1: Elliptic Curve Cryptography”
     (  To convert an OpenSSL EC private key into the
     PKCS#8 private key format use the pkcs8 command.

     The options are as follows:

     -conv_form arg
	     This specifies how the points on the elliptic curve are converted
	     into octet strings.  Possible values are: compressed (the default
	     value), uncompressed, and hybrid.	For more information regarding
	     the point conversion forms please read the X9.62 standard.	 Note:
	     Due to patent issues the compressed option is disabled by default
	     for binary curves and can be enabled by defining the preprocessor
	     macro OPENSSL_EC_BIN_PT_COMP at compile time.

     -des | -des3
	     These options encrypt the private key with the DES, triple DES,
	     or any other cipher supported by OpenSSL before outputting it.  A
	     pass phrase is prompted for.  If none of these options is speci‐
	     fied the key is written in plain text.  This means that using the
	     ec utility to read in an encrypted key with no encryption option
	     can be used to remove the pass phrase from a key, or by setting
	     the encryption options it can be use to add or change the pass
	     phrase.  These options can only be used with PEM format output

     -engine id
	     Specifying an engine (by its unique id string) will cause ec to
	     attempt to obtain a functional reference to the specified engine,
	     thus initialising it if needed.  The engine will then be set as
	     the default for all available algorithms.

     -in file
	     This specifies the input filename to read a key from, or standard
	     input if this option is not specified.  If the key is encrypted a
	     pass phrase will be prompted for.

     -inform DER | PEM
	     This specifies the input format.  DER with a private key uses an
	     ASN.1 DER-encoded SEC1 private key.  When used with a public key
	     it uses the SubjectPublicKeyInfo structure as specified in RFC
	     3280.  PEM is the default format: it consists of the DER format
	     base64 encoded with additional header and footer lines.  In the
	     case of a private key PKCS#8 format is also accepted.

     -noout  Prevents output of the encoded version of the key.

     -out file
	     Specifies the output filename to write a key to, or standard out‐
	     put if none is specified.	If any encryption options are set then
	     a pass phrase will be prompted for.  The output filename should
	     not be the same as the input filename.

     -outform DER | PEM
	     This specifies the output format.	The options have the same
	     meaning as the -inform option.

     -param_enc arg
	     This specifies how the elliptic curve parameters are encoded.
	     Possible value are: named_curve, i.e. the EC parameters are spec‐
	     ified by an OID; or explicit, where the EC parameters are explic‐
	     itly given (see RFC 3279 for the definition of the EC parameter
	     structures).  The default value is named_curve.  Note: the
	     implicitlyCA alternative, as specified in RFC 3279, is currently
	     not implemented in OpenSSL.

     -passin arg
	     The key password source.  For more information about the format
	     of arg, see the PASS PHRASE ARGUMENTS section above.

     -passout arg
	     The output file password source.  For more information about the
	     format of arg, see the PASS PHRASE ARGUMENTS section above.

     -pubin  By default a private key is read from the input file; with this
	     option a public key is read instead.

	     By default a private key is output; with this option a public key
	     is output instead.	 This option is automatically set if the input
	     is a public key.

     -text   Prints out the public/private key components and parameters.

     The PEM private key format uses the header and footer lines:

	   -----BEGIN EC PRIVATE KEY-----
	   -----END EC PRIVATE KEY-----

     The PEM public key format uses the header and footer lines:

	   -----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----
	   -----END PUBLIC KEY-----

     To encrypt a private key using triple DES:

	   $ openssl ec -in key.pem -des3 -out keyout.pem

     To convert a private key from PEM to DER format:

	   $ openssl ec -in key.pem -outform DER -out keyout.der

     To print out the components of a private key to standard output:

	   $ openssl ec -in key.pem -text -noout

     To just output the public part of a private key:

	   $ openssl ec -in key.pem -pubout -out pubkey.pem

     To change the parameter encoding to explicit:

	   $ openssl ec -in key.pem -param_enc explicit -out keyout.pem

     To change the point conversion form to compressed:

	   $ openssl ec -in key.pem -conv_form compressed -out keyout.pem

     The ec command was first introduced in OpenSSL 0.9.8.

     Nils Larsch.

     openssl ecparam [-C] [-check] [-conv_form arg] [-engine id] [-genkey]
     [-in file] [-inform DER | PEM] [-list_curves] [-name arg] [-no_seed]
     [-noout] [-out file] [-outform DER | PEM] [-param_enc arg] [-text]

     This command is used to manipulate or generate EC parameter files.

     The options are as follows:

     -C	     Convert the EC parameters into C code.  The parameters can then
	     be loaded by calling the get_ec_group_XXX() function.

     -check  Validate the elliptic curve parameters.

     -conv_form arg
	     Specify how the points on the elliptic curve are converted into
	     octet strings.  Possible values are: compressed (the default
	     value), uncompressed, and hybrid.	For more information regarding
	     the point conversion forms please read the X9.62 standard.	 Note:
	     Due to patent issues the compressed option is disabled by default
	     for binary curves and can be enabled by defining the preprocessor
	     macro OPENSSL_EC_BIN_PT_COMP at compile time.

     -engine id
	     Specifying an engine (by its unique id string) will cause ecparam
	     to attempt to obtain a functional reference to the specified
	     engine, thus initialising it if needed.  The engine will then be
	     set as the default for all available algorithms.

	     Generate an EC private key using the specified parameters.

     -in file
	     Specify the input filename to read parameters from or standard
	     input if this option is not specified.

     -inform DER | PEM
	     Specify the input format.	DER uses an ASN.1 DER-encoded form
	     compatible with RFC 3279 EcpkParameters.  PEM is the default for‐
	     mat: it consists of the DER format base64 encoded with additional
	     header and footer lines.

	     Print out a list of all currently implemented EC parameter names
	     and exit.

     -name arg
	     Use the EC parameters with the specified 'short' name.  Use
	     -list_curves to get a list of all currently implemented EC param‐

	     Inhibit that the 'seed' for the parameter generation is included
	     in the ECParameters structure (see RFC 3279).

     -noout  Inhibit the output of the encoded version of the parameters.

     -out file
	     Specify the output filename parameters are written to.  Standard
	     output is used if this option is not present.  The output file‐
	     name should not be the same as the input filename.

     -outform DER | PEM
	     Specify the output format; the parameters have the same meaning
	     as the -inform option.

     -param_enc arg
	     This specifies how the elliptic curve parameters are encoded.
	     Possible value are: named_curve, i.e. the EC parameters are spec‐
	     ified by an OID, or explicit, where the EC parameters are explic‐
	     itly given (see RFC 3279 for the definition of the EC parameter
	     structures).  The default value is named_curve.  Note: the
	     implicitlyCA alternative, as specified in RFC 3279, is currently
	     not implemented in OpenSSL.

     -text   Print out the EC parameters in human readable form.

     PEM format EC parameters use the header and footer lines:

	   -----END EC PARAMETERS-----

     OpenSSL is currently not able to generate new groups and therefore
     ecparam can only create EC parameters from known (named) curves.

     To create EC parameters with the group 'prime192v1':

	   $ openssl ecparam -out ec_param.pem -name prime192v1

     To create EC parameters with explicit parameters:

	   $ openssl ecparam -out ec_param.pem -name prime192v1 \
		   -param_enc explicit

     To validate given EC parameters:

	   $ openssl ecparam -in ec_param.pem -check

     To create EC parameters and a private key:

	   $ openssl ecparam -out ec_key.pem -name prime192v1 -genkey

     To change the point encoding to 'compressed':

	   $ openssl ecparam -in ec_in.pem -out ec_out.pem \
		   -conv_form compressed

     To print out the EC parameters to standard output:

	   $ openssl ecparam -in ec_param.pem -noout -text

     The ecparam command was first introduced in OpenSSL 0.9.8.

     Nils Larsch.

     openssl enc -ciphername [-AadePp] [-base64] [-bufsize number] [-debug]
     [-engine id] [-in file] [-iv IV] [-K key] [-k password] [-kfile file]
     [-md digest] [-none] [-nopad] [-nosalt] [-out file] [-pass arg] [-S salt]

     The symmetric cipher commands allow data to be encrypted or decrypted
     using various block and stream ciphers using keys based on passwords or
     explicitly provided.  Base64 encoding or decoding can also be performed
     either by itself or in addition to the encryption or decryption.

     The options are as follows:

     -A	     If the -a option is set, then base64 process the data on one

     -a, -base64
	     Base64 process the data.  This means that if encryption is taking
	     place, the data is base64-encoded after encryption.  If decryp‐
	     tion is set, the input data is base64 decoded before being

     -bufsize number
	     Set the buffer size for I/O.

     -d	     Decrypt the input data.

     -debug  Debug the BIOs used for I/O.

     -e	     Encrypt the input data: this is the default.

     -engine id
	     Specifying an engine (by its unique id string) will cause enc to
	     attempt to obtain a functional reference to the specified engine,
	     thus initialising it if needed.  The engine will then be set as
	     the default for all available algorithms.

     -in file
	     The input file; standard input by default.

     -iv IV  The actual IV (initialisation vector) to use: this must be repre‐
	     sented as a string comprised only of hex digits.  When only the
	     key is specified using the -K option, the IV must explicitly be
	     defined.  When a password is being specified using one of the
	     other options, the IV is generated from this password.

     -K key  The actual key to use: this must be represented as a string com‐
	     prised only of hex digits.	 If only the key is specified, the IV
	     must be additionally specified using the -iv option.  When both a
	     key and a password are specified, the key given with the -K
	     option will be used and the IV generated from the password will
	     be taken.	It probably does not make much sense to specify both
	     key and password.

     -k password
	     The password to derive the key from.  This is for compatibility
	     with previous versions of OpenSSL.	 Superseded by the -pass

     -kfile file
	     Read the password to derive the key from the first line of file.
	     This is for compatibility with previous versions of OpenSSL.
	     Superseded by the -pass option.

     -md digest
	     Use digest to create a key from a pass phrase.  digest may be one
	     of “md2”, “md5”, “sha”, or “sha1”.

     -none   Use NULL cipher (no encryption or decryption of input).

     -nopad  Disable standard block padding.

	     Don't use a salt in the key derivation routines.  This option
	     should NEVER be used unless compatibility with previous versions
	     of OpenSSL or SSLeay is required.

     -out file
	     The output file, standard output by default.

     -P	     Print out the salt, key, and IV used, then immediately exit;
	     don't do any encryption or decryption.

     -p	     Print out the salt, key, and IV used.

     -pass arg
	     The password source.  For more information about the format of
	     arg, see the PASS PHRASE ARGUMENTS section above.

     -S salt
	     The actual salt to use: this must be represented as a string com‐
	     prised only of hex digits.

     -salt   Use a salt in the key derivation routines.	 This is the default.

     The program can be called either as openssl ciphername or openssl enc
     -ciphername.  But the first form doesn't work with engine-provided
     ciphers, because this form is processed before the configuration file is
     read and any engines loaded.

     Engines which provide entirely new encryption algorithms should be con‐
     figured in the configuration file.	 Engines, specified on the command
     line using the -engine option, can only be used for hardware-assisted
     implementations of ciphers, supported by OpenSSL core, or by other
     engines specified in the configuration file.

     When enc lists supported ciphers, ciphers provided by engines specified
     in the configuration files are listed too.

     A password will be prompted for to derive the key and IV if necessary.

     The -nosalt option should NEVER be used unless compatibility with previ‐
     ous versions of OpenSSL or SSLeay is required.

     With the -nosalt option it is possible to perform efficient dictionary
     attacks on the password and to attack stream cipher encrypted data.  The
     reason for this is that without the salt the same password always gener‐
     ates the same encryption key.  When the salt is being used the first
     eight bytes of the encrypted data are reserved for the salt: it is gener‐
     ated at random when encrypting a file and read from the encrypted file
     when it is decrypted.

     Some of the ciphers do not have large keys and others have security
     implications if not used correctly.  A beginner is advised to just use a
     strong block cipher in CBC mode such as bf or des3.

     All the block ciphers normally use PKCS#5 padding also known as standard
     block padding: this allows a rudimentary integrity or password check to
     be performed.  However, since the chance of random data passing the test
     is better than 1 in 256, it isn't a very good test.

     If padding is disabled, the input data must be a multiple of the cipher
     block length.

     All RC2 ciphers have the same key and effective key length.

     Blowfish and RC5 algorithms use a 128-bit key.

	   aes-[128|192|256]-cbc    128/192/256 bit AES in CBC mode
	   aes-[128|192|256]   Alias for aes-[128|192|256]-cbc
	   aes-[128|192|256]-cfb    128/192/256 bit AES in 128 bit CFB mode
	   aes-[128|192|256]-cfb1   128/192/256 bit AES in 1 bit CFB mode
	   aes-[128|192|256]-cfb8   128/192/256 bit AES in 8 bit CFB mode
	   aes-[128|192|256]-ecb    128/192/256 bit AES in ECB mode
	   aes-[128|192|256]-ofb    128/192/256 bit AES in OFB mode

	   base64	       Base 64

	   bf		  Alias for bf-cbc
	   bf-cbc	       Blowfish in CBC mode
	   bf-cfb	       Blowfish in CFB mode
	   bf-ecb	       Blowfish in ECB mode
	   bf-ofb	       Blowfish in OFB mode

	   cast		  Alias for cast-cbc
	   cast-cbc	  CAST in CBC mode
	   cast5-cbc	  CAST5 in CBC mode
	   cast5-cfb	  CAST5 in CFB mode
	   cast5-ecb	  CAST5 in ECB mode
	   cast5-ofb	  CAST5 in OFB mode

	   des		  Alias for des-cbc
	   des-cbc	       DES in CBC mode
	   des-cfb	       DES in CBC mode
	   des-ecb	       DES in ECB mode
	   des-ofb	       DES in OFB mode

	   des-ede	       Two key triple DES EDE in ECB mode
	   des-ede-cbc	       Two key triple DES EDE in CBC mode
	   des-ede-cfb	       Two key triple DES EDE in CFB mode
	   des-ede-ofb	       Two key triple DES EDE in OFB mode

	   des3		  Alias for des-ede3-cbc
	   des-ede3	  Three key triple DES EDE in ECB mode
	   des-ede3-cbc	       Three key triple DES EDE in CBC mode
	   des-ede3-cfb	       Three key triple DES EDE CFB mode
	   des-ede3-ofb	       Three key triple DES EDE in OFB mode

	   desx		  DESX algorithm

	   rc2		  Alias for rc2-cbc
	   rc2-cbc	       128-bit RC2 in CBC mode
	   rc2-cfb	       128-bit RC2 in CFB mode
	   rc2-ecb	       128-bit RC2 in ECB mode
	   rc2-ofb	       128-bit RC2 in OFB mode
	   rc2-64-cbc	       64-bit RC2 in CBC mode
	   rc2-40-cbc	       40-bit RC2 in CBC mode

	   rc4		  128-bit RC4
	   rc4-40	       40-bit RC4

     Just base64 encode a binary file:

	   $ openssl base64 -in file.bin -out file.b64

     Decode the same file:

	   $ openssl base64 -d -in file.b64 -out file.bin

     Encrypt a file using triple DES in CBC mode using a prompted password:

	   $ openssl des3 -salt -in file.txt -out file.des3

     Decrypt a file using a supplied password:

	   $ openssl des3 -d -in file.des3 -out file.txt -k mypassword

     Encrypt a file then base64 encode it (so it can be sent via mail for
     example) using Blowfish in CBC mode:

	   $ openssl bf -a -salt -in file.txt -out

     Base64 decode a file then decrypt it:

	   $ openssl bf -d -a -in -out file.txt

     The -A option when used with large files doesn't work properly.

     There should be an option to allow an iteration count to be included.

     The enc program only supports a fixed number of algorithms with certain
     parameters.  Therefore it is not possible to use RC2 with a 76-bit key or
     RC4 with an 84-bit key with this program.

     openssl engine [-ctv] [-post cmd] [-pre cmd] [engine ...]

     The engine command provides loadable module information and manipulation
     of various engines.  Any options are applied to all engines supplied on
     the command line, or all supported engines if none are specified.

     The options are as follows:

     -c	     For each engine, also list the capabilities.

     -post cmd
	     Run command cmd against the engine after loading it (only used if
	     -t is also provided).

     -pre cmd
	     Run command cmd against the engine before any attempts to load it
	     (only used if -t is also provided).

     -t	     For each engine, check that they are really available.  -tt will
	     display an error trace for unavailable engines.

     -v	     Verbose mode.  For each engine, list its 'control commands'.  -vv
	     will additionally display each command's description.  -vvv will
	     also add the input flags for each command.	 -vvvv will also show
	     internal input flags.

     openssl errstr [-stats] errno ...

     The errstr command performs error number to error string conversion, gen‐
     erating a human-readable string representing the error code errno.	 The
     string is obtained through the ERR_error_string_n(3) function and has the
     following format:

	   error:[error code]:[library name]:[function name]:[reason string]

     [error code] is an 8-digit hexadecimal number.  The remaining fields
     [library name], [function name], and [reason string] are all ASCII text.

     The options are as follows:

     -stats  Print debugging statistics about various aspects of the hash ta‐

     The following error code:


     ...can be displayed with:

	   $ openssl errstr 2006D080 produce the error message:

	   error:2006D080:BIO routines:BIO_new_file:no such file

     Generation of Diffie-Hellman Parameters.  Replaced by dhparam.  See
     DHPARAM above.

     openssl gendsa [-aes128 | -aes192 | -aes256 | -des | -des3] [-engine id]
     [-out file] [paramfile]

     The gendsa command generates a DSA private key from a DSA parameter file
     (which will typically be generated by the openssl dsaparam command).

     The options are as follows:

     -aes128 | -aes192 | -aes256 | -des | -des3
	     These options encrypt the private key with the AES, DES, or the
	     triple DES ciphers, respectively, before outputting it.  A pass
	     phrase is prompted for.  If none of these options are specified,
	     no encryption is used.

     -engine id
	     Specifying an engine (by its unique id string) will cause gendsa
	     to attempt to obtain a functional reference to the specified
	     engine, thus initialising it if needed.  The engine will then be
	     set as the default for all available algorithms.

     -out file
	     The output file.  If this argument is not specified, standard
	     output is used.

	     This option specifies the DSA parameter file to use.  The parame‐
	     ters in this file determine the size of the private key.  DSA
	     parameters can be generated and examined using the openssl
	     dsaparam command.

     DSA key generation is little more than random number generation so it is
     much quicker than RSA key generation, for example.

     openssl genpkey [-algorithm alg] [cipher] [-engine id] [-genparam]
     [-out file] [-outform DER | PEM] [-paramfile file] [-pass arg]
     [-pkeyopt opt:value] [-text]

     The genpkey command generates private keys.  The use of this program is
     encouraged over the algorithm specific utilities because additional algo‐
     rithm options and engine-provided algorithms can be used.

     The options are as follows:

     -algorithm alg
	     The public key algorithm to use, such as RSA, DSA, or DH.	If
	     used this option must precede any -pkeyopt options.  The options
	     -paramfile and -algorithm are mutually exclusive.

     cipher  Encrypt the private key with the supplied cipher.	Any algorithm
	     name accepted by EVP_get_cipherbyname() is acceptable, such as

     -engine id
	     Specifying an engine (by its unique id string) will cause genpkey
	     to attempt to obtain a functional reference to the specified
	     engine, thus initialising it if needed.  The engine will then be
	     set as the default for all available algorithms.

	     Generate a set of parameters instead of a private key.  If used
	     this option must precede any -algorithm, -paramfile, or -pkeyopt

     -out file
	     The output filename.  If this argument is not specified then
	     standard output is used.

     -outform DER | PEM
	     This specifies the output format, DER or PEM.

     -paramfile file
	     Some public key algorithms generate a private key based on a set
	     of parameters.  They can be supplied using this option.  If this
	     option is used the public key algorithm used is determined by the
	     parameters.  If used this option must precede any -pkeyopt
	     options.  The options -paramfile and -algorithm are mutually

     -pass arg
	     The output file password source.  For more information about the
	     format of arg, see the PASS PHRASE ARGUMENTS section above.

     -pkeyopt opt:value
	     Set the public key algorithm option opt to value.	The precise
	     set of options supported depends on the public key algorithm used
	     and its implementation.  See GENPKEY KEY GENERATION OPTIONS below
	     for more details.

     -text   Print an (unencrypted) text representation of private and public
	     keys and parameters along with the DER or PEM structure.

     The options supported by each algorithm and indeed each implementation of
     an algorithm can vary.  The options for the OpenSSL implementations are
     detailed below.

		   (RSA) The number of bits in the generated key.  If not
		   specified 2048 is used.

		   (RSA) The RSA public exponent value.	 This can be a large
		   decimal or hexadecimal value if preceded by 0x.  The
		   default value is 65537.

		   (DSA) The number of bits in the generated parameters.  If
		   not specified 1024 is used.

		   (DH) The number of bits in the prime parameter p.

		   (DH) The value to use for the generator g.

		   (EC) The EC curve to use.

     Generate an RSA private key using default parameters:

	   $ openssl genpkey -algorithm RSA -out key.pem

     Encrypt and output a private key using 128-bit AES and the passphrase

	   $ openssl genpkey -algorithm RSA -out key.pem \
		   -aes-128-cbc -pass pass:hello

     Generate a 2048-bit RSA key using 3 as the public exponent:

	   $ openssl genpkey -algorithm RSA -out key.pem \
		   -pkeyopt rsa_keygen_bits:2048 -pkeyopt rsa_keygen_pubexp:3

     Generate 1024-bit DSA parameters:

	   $ openssl genpkey -genparam -algorithm DSA \
		   -out dsap.pem -pkeyopt dsa_paramgen_bits:1024

     Generate a DSA key from parameters:

	   $ openssl genpkey -paramfile dsap.pem -out dsakey.pem

     Generate 1024-bit DH parameters:

	   $ openssl genpkey -genparam -algorithm DH \
		   -out dhp.pem -pkeyopt dh_paramgen_prime_len:1024

     Generate a DH key from parameters:

	   $ openssl genpkey -paramfile dhp.pem -out dhkey.pem

     openssl genrsa [-3 | -f4] [-aes128 | -aes192 | -aes256 | -des | -des3]
     [-engine id] [-out file] [-passout arg] [numbits]

     The genrsa command generates an RSA private key.

     The options are as follows:

     -3 | -f4
	     The public exponent to use, either 3 or 65537.  The default is

     -aes128 | -aes192 | -aes256 | -des | -des3
	     These options encrypt the private key with the AES, DES, or the
	     triple DES ciphers, respectively, before outputting it.  If none
	     of these options are specified, no encryption is used.  If
	     encryption is used, a pass phrase is prompted for, if it is not
	     supplied via the -passout option.

     -engine id
	     Specifying an engine (by its unique id string) will cause genrsa
	     to attempt to obtain a functional reference to the specified
	     engine, thus initialising it if needed.  The engine will then be
	     set as the default for all available algorithms.

     -out file
	     The output file.  If this argument is not specified, standard
	     output is used.

     -passout arg
	     The output file password source.  For more information about the
	     format of arg, see the PASS PHRASE ARGUMENTS section above.

	     The size of the private key to generate in bits.  This must be
	     the last option specified.	 The default is 2048.

     RSA private key generation essentially involves the generation of two
     prime numbers.  When generating a private key, various symbols will be
     output to indicate the progress of the generation.	 A ‘.’ represents each
     number which has passed an initial sieve test; ‘+’ means a number has
     passed a single round of the Miller-Rabin primality test.	A newline
     means that the number has passed all the prime tests (the actual number
     depends on the key size).

     Because key generation is a random process, the time taken to generate a
     key may vary somewhat.

     A quirk of the prime generation algorithm is that it cannot generate
     small primes.  Therefore the number of bits should not be less that 64.
     For typical private keys this will not matter because for security rea‐
     sons they will be much larger (typically 2048 bits).

     openssl nseq [-in file] [-out file] [-toseq]

     The nseq command takes a file containing a Netscape certificate sequence
     and prints out the certificates contained in it or takes a file of cer‐
     tificates and converts it into a Netscape certificate sequence.

     The options are as follows:

     -in file
	     This specifies the input file to read, or standard input if this
	     option is not specified.

     -out file
	     Specifies the output file, or standard output by default.

     -toseq  Normally, a Netscape certificate sequence will be input and the
	     output is the certificates contained in it.  With the -toseq
	     option the situation is reversed: a Netscape certificate sequence
	     is created from a file of certificates.

     Output the certificates in a Netscape certificate sequence:

	   $ openssl nseq -in nseq.pem -out certs.pem

     Create a Netscape certificate sequence:

	   $ openssl nseq -in certs.pem -toseq -out nseq.pem

     The PEM-encoded form uses the same headers and footers as a certificate:

	   -----END CERTIFICATE-----

     A Netscape certificate sequence is a Netscape specific form that can be
     sent to browsers as an alternative to the standard PKCS#7 format when
     several certificates are sent to the browser: for example during certifi‐
     cate enrollment.  It is used by the Netscape certificate server, for

     This program needs a few more options, like allowing DER or PEM input and
     output files and allowing multiple certificate files to be used.

     openssl ocsp [-CA file] [-CAfile file] [-CApath directory] [-cert file]
     [-dgst alg] [-host hostname:port] [-index indexfile] [-issuer file]
     [-ndays days] [-nmin minutes] [-no_cert_checks] [-no_cert_verify]
     [-no_certs] [-no_chain] [-no_intern] [-no_nonce] [-no_signature_verify]
     [-nonce] [-noverify] [-nrequest number] [-out file] [-path path]
     [-port portnum] [-req_text] [-reqin file] [-reqout file] [-resp_key_id]
     [-resp_no_certs] [-resp_text] [-respin file] [-respout file] [-rkey file]
     [-rother file] [-rsigner file] [-serial number] [-sign_other file]
     [-signer file] [-signkey file] [-status_age age] [-text] [-trust_other]
     [-url responder_url] [-VAfile file] [-validity_period nsec]
     [-verify_other file]

     The Online Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP) enables applications to
     determine the (revocation) state of an identified certificate (RFC 2560).

     The ocsp command performs many common OCSP tasks.	It can be used to
     print out requests and responses, create requests and send queries to an
     OCSP responder, and behave like a mini OCSP server itself.

     The options are as follows:

     -CAfile file, -CApath directory
	     file or path containing trusted CA certificates.  These are used
	     to verify the signature on the OCSP response.

     -cert file
	     Add the certificate file to the request.  The issuer certificate
	     is taken from the previous -issuer option, or an error occurs if
	     no issuer certificate is specified.

     -dgst alg
	     Sets the digest algorithm to use for certificate identification
	     in the OCSP request.  By default SHA-1 is used.

     -host hostname:port, -path path
	     If the -host option is present, then the OCSP request is sent to
	     the host hostname on port port.  -path specifies the HTTP path
	     name to use, or ‘/’ by default.

     -issuer file
	     This specifies the current issuer certificate.  This option can
	     be used multiple times.  The certificate specified in file must
	     be in PEM format.	This option must come before any -cert

	     Don't perform any additional checks on the OCSP response signer's
	     certificate.  That is, do not make any checks to see if the
	     signer's certificate is authorised to provide the necessary sta‐
	     tus information: as a result this option should only be used for
	     testing purposes.

	     Don't verify the OCSP response signer's certificate at all.
	     Since this option allows the OCSP response to be signed by any
	     certificate, it should only be used for testing purposes.

	     Don't include any certificates in signed request.

	     Do not use certificates in the response as additional untrusted
	     CA certificates.

	     Ignore certificates contained in the OCSP response when searching
	     for the signer's certificate.  With this option, the signer's
	     certificate must be specified with either the -verify_other or
	     -VAfile options.

	     Don't check the signature on the OCSP response.  Since this
	     option tolerates invalid signatures on OCSP responses, it will
	     normally only be used for testing purposes.

     -nonce, -no_nonce
	     Add an OCSP nonce extension to a request or disable an OCSP nonce
	     addition.	Normally, if an OCSP request is input using the
	     -respin option no nonce is added: using the -nonce option will
	     force addition of a nonce.	 If an OCSP request is being created
	     (using the -cert and -serial options) a nonce is automatically
	     added; specifying -no_nonce overrides this.

	     Don't attempt to verify the OCSP response signature or the nonce
	     values.  This option will normally only be used for debugging
	     since it disables all verification of the responder's certifi‐

     -out file
	     Specify output file; default is standard output.

     -req_text, -resp_text, -text
	     Print out the text form of the OCSP request, response, or both,

     -reqin file, -respin file
	     Read an OCSP request or response file from file.  These options
	     are ignored if an OCSP request or response creation is implied by
	     other options (for example with the -serial, -cert, and -host

     -reqout file, -respout file
	     Write out the DER-encoded certificate request or response to

     -serial num
	     Same as the -cert option except the certificate with serial num‐
	     ber num is added to the request.  The serial number is inter‐
	     preted as a decimal integer unless preceded by ‘0x’.  Negative
	     integers can also be specified by preceding the value with a ‘-’

     -sign_other file
	     Additional certificates to include in the signed request.

     -signer file, -signkey file
	     Sign the OCSP request using the certificate specified in the
	     -signer option and the private key specified by the -signkey
	     option.  If the -signkey option is not present, then the private
	     key is read from the same file as the certificate.	 If neither
	     option is specified, the OCSP request is not signed.

	     The certificates specified by the -verify_other option should be
	     explicitly trusted and no additional checks will be performed on
	     them.  This is useful when the complete responder certificate
	     chain is not available or trusting a root CA is not appropriate.

     -url responder_url
	     Specify the responder URL.	 Both HTTP and HTTPS (SSL/TLS) URLs
	     can be specified.

     -VAfile file
	     file containing explicitly trusted responder certificates.
	     Equivalent to the -verify_other and -trust_other options.

     -validity_period nsec, -status_age age
	     These options specify the range of times, in seconds, which will
	     be tolerated in an OCSP response.	Each certificate status
	     response includes a notBefore time and an optional notAfter time.
	     The current time should fall between these two values, but the
	     interval between the two times may be only a few seconds.	In
	     practice the OCSP responder and clients' clocks may not be pre‐
	     cisely synchronised and so such a check may fail.	To avoid this
	     the -validity_period option can be used to specify an acceptable
	     error range in seconds, the default value is 5 minutes.

	     If the notAfter time is omitted from a response, then this means
	     that new status information is immediately available.  In this
	     case the age of the notBefore field is checked to see it is not
	     older than age seconds old.  By default, this additional check is
	     not performed.

     -verify_other file
	     file containing additional certificates to search when attempting
	     to locate the OCSP response signing certificate.  Some responders
	     omit the actual signer's certificate from the response; this
	     option can be used to supply the necessary certificate in such

     -CA file
	   CA certificate corresponding to the revocation information in

     -index indexfile
	   indexfile is a text index file in ca format containing certificate
	   revocation information.

	   If the -index option is specified, the ocsp utility is in responder
	   mode, otherwise it is in client mode.  The request(s) the responder
	   processes can be either specified on the command line (using the
	   -issuer and -serial options), supplied in a file (using the -respin
	   option) or via external OCSP clients (if port or url is specified).

	   If the -index option is present, then the -CA and -rsigner options
	   must also be present.

     -nmin minutes, -ndays days
	   Number of minutes or days when fresh revocation information is
	   available: used in the nextUpdate field.  If neither option is
	   present, the nextUpdate field is omitted, meaning fresh revocation
	   information is immediately available.

     -nrequest number
	   The OCSP server will exit after receiving number requests, default

     -port portnum
	   Port to listen for OCSP requests on.	 The port may also be speci‐
	   fied using the -url option.

	   Identify the signer certificate using the key ID; default is to use
	   the subject name.

	   Don't include any certificates in the OCSP response.

     -rkey file
	   The private key to sign OCSP responses with; if not present, the
	   file specified in the -rsigner option is used.

     -rother file
	   Additional certificates to include in the OCSP response.

     -rsigner file
	   The certificate to sign OCSP responses with.

     OCSP Response follows the rules specified in RFC 2560.

     Initially the OCSP responder certificate is located and the signature on
     the OCSP request checked using the responder certificate's public key.

     Then a normal certificate verify is performed on the OCSP responder cer‐
     tificate building up a certificate chain in the process.  The locations
     of the trusted certificates used to build the chain can be specified by
     the -CAfile and -CApath options or they will be looked for in the stan‐
     dard OpenSSL certificates directory.

     If the initial verify fails, the OCSP verify process halts with an error.

     Otherwise the issuing CA certificate in the request is compared to the
     OCSP responder certificate: if there is a match then the OCSP verify suc‐

     Otherwise the OCSP responder certificate's CA is checked against the
     issuing CA certificate in the request.  If there is a match and the OCSP‐
     Signing extended key usage is present in the OCSP responder certificate,
     then the OCSP verify succeeds.

     Otherwise the root CA of the OCSP responder's CA is checked to see if it
     is trusted for OCSP signing.  If it is, the OCSP verify succeeds.

     If none of these checks is successful, the OCSP verify fails.

     What this effectively means is that if the OCSP responder certificate is
     authorised directly by the CA it is issuing revocation information about
     (and it is correctly configured), then verification will succeed.

     If the OCSP responder is a global responder which can give details about
     multiple CAs and has its own separate certificate chain, then its root CA
     can be trusted for OCSP signing.  For example:

	   $ openssl x509 -in ocspCA.pem -addtrust OCSPSigning \
		   -out trustedCA.pem

     Alternatively, the responder certificate itself can be explicitly trusted
     with the -VAfile option.

     As noted, most of the verify options are for testing or debugging pur‐
     poses.  Normally, only the -CApath, -CAfile and (if the responder is a
     `global VA') -VAfile options need to be used.

     The OCSP server is only useful for test and demonstration purposes: it is
     not really usable as a full OCSP responder.  It contains only a very sim‐
     ple HTTP request handling and can only handle the POST form of OCSP
     queries.  It also handles requests serially, meaning it cannot respond to
     new requests until it has processed the current one.  The text index file
     format of revocation is also inefficient for large quantities of revoca‐
     tion data.

     It is possible to run the ocsp application in responder mode via a CGI
     script using the -respin and -respout options.

     Create an OCSP request and write it to a file:

	   $ openssl ocsp -issuer issuer.pem -cert c1.pem -cert c2.pem \
		   -reqout req.der

     Send a query to an OCSP responder with URL, save
     the response to a file and print it out in text form:

	   $ openssl ocsp -issuer issuer.pem -cert c1.pem -cert c2.pem \
		   -url -resp_text -respout resp.der

     Read in an OCSP response and print out in text form:

	   $ openssl ocsp -respin resp.der -text

     OCSP server on port 8888 using a standard ca configuration, and a sepa‐
     rate responder certificate.  All requests and responses are printed to a

	   $ openssl ocsp -index demoCA/index.txt -port 8888 -rsigner \
		   rcert.pem -CA demoCA/cacert.pem -text -out log.txt

     As above, but exit after processing one request:

	   $ openssl ocsp -index demoCA/index.txt -port 8888 -rsigner \
		   rcert.pem -CA demoCA/cacert.pem -nrequest 1

     Query status information using internally generated request:

	   $ openssl ocsp -index demoCA/index.txt -rsigner rcert.pem -CA \
		   demoCA/cacert.pem -issuer demoCA/cacert.pem -serial 1

     Query status information using request read from a file and write the
     response to a second file:

	   $ openssl ocsp -index demoCA/index.txt -rsigner rcert.pem -CA \
		   demoCA/cacert.pem -reqin req.der -respout resp.der

     openssl passwd [-1 | -apr1 | -crypt] [-in file] [-noverify] [-quiet]
     [-reverse] [-salt string] [-stdin] [-table] [password]

     The passwd command computes the hash of a password typed at run-time or
     the hash of each password in a list.  The password list is taken from the
     named file for option -in, from stdin for option -stdin, or from the com‐
     mand line, or from the terminal otherwise.	 The UNIX standard algorithm
     crypt and the MD5-based BSD password algorithm 1 and its Apache variant
     apr1 are available.

     The options are as follows:

     -1	     Use the MD5 based BSD password algorithm 1.

     -apr1   Use the apr1 algorithm (Apache variant of the) BSD algorithm.

     -crypt  Use the crypt algorithm (default).

     -in file
	     Read passwords from file.

	     Don't verify when reading a password from the terminal.

     -quiet  Don't output warnings when passwords given on the command line
	     are truncated.

	     Switch table columns.  This only makes sense in conjunction with
	     the -table option.

     -salt string
	     Use the specified salt.  When reading a password from the termi‐
	     nal, this implies -noverify.

     -stdin  Read passwords from stdin.

     -table  In the output list, prepend the cleartext password and a TAB
	     character to each password hash.

	   $ openssl passwd -crypt -salt xx password
     prints "xxj31ZMTZzkVA".

	   $ openssl passwd -1 -salt xxxxxxxx password
     prints "$1$xxxxxxxx$UYCIxa628.9qXjpQCjM4a.".

	   $ openssl passwd -apr1 -salt xxxxxxxx password
     prints "$apr1$xxxxxxxx$dxHfLAsjHkDRmG83UXe8K0".

     openssl pkcs7 [-engine id] [-in file] [-inform DER | PEM] [-noout]
     [-out file] [-outform DER | PEM] [-print_certs] [-text]

     The pkcs7 command processes PKCS#7 files in DER or PEM format.

     The options are as follows:

     -engine id
	     Specifying an engine (by its unique id string) will cause pkcs7
	     to attempt to obtain a functional reference to the specified
	     engine, thus initialising it if needed.  The engine will then be
	     set as the default for all available algorithms.

     -in file
	     This specifies the input file to read from, or standard input if
	     this option is not specified.

     -inform DER | PEM
	     This specifies the input format.  DER format is a DER-encoded
	     PKCS#7 v1.5 structure.  PEM (the default) is a base64-encoded
	     version of the DER form with header and footer lines.

     -noout  Don't output the encoded version of the PKCS#7 structure (or cer‐
	     tificates if -print_certs is set).

     -out file
	     Specifies the output file to write to, or standard output by

     -outform DER | PEM
	     This specifies the output format; the options have the same mean‐
	     ing as the -inform option.

	     Prints out any certificates or CRLs contained in the file.	 They
	     are preceded by their subject and issuer names in a one-line for‐

     -text   Prints out certificate details in full rather than just subject
	     and issuer names.

     Convert a PKCS#7 file from PEM to DER:

	   $ openssl pkcs7 -in file.pem -outform DER -out file.der

     Output all certificates in a file:

	   $ openssl pkcs7 -in file.pem -print_certs -out certs.pem

     The PEM PKCS#7 format uses the header and footer lines:

	   -----BEGIN PKCS7-----
	   -----END PKCS7-----

     For compatibility with some CAs it will also accept:

	   -----END CERTIFICATE-----

     There is no option to print out all the fields of a PKCS#7 file.

     The PKCS#7 routines only understand PKCS#7 v 1.5 as specified in RFC
     2315.  They cannot currently parse, for example, the new CMS as described
     in RFC 2630.

     openssl pkcs8 [-embed] [-engine id] [-in file] [-inform DER | PEM]
     [-nocrypt] [-noiter] [-nooct] [-nsdb] [-out file] [-outform DER | PEM]
     [-passin arg] [-passout arg] [-topk8] [-v1 alg] [-v2 alg]

     The pkcs8 command processes private keys in PKCS#8 format.	 It can handle
     both unencrypted PKCS#8 PrivateKeyInfo format and EncryptedPrivateKeyInfo
     format with a variety of PKCS#5 (v1.5 and v2.0) and PKCS#12 algorithms.

     The options are as follows:

     -embed  This option generates DSA keys in a broken format.	 The DSA
	     parameters are embedded inside the PrivateKey structure.  In this
	     form the OCTET STRING contains an ASN1 SEQUENCE consisting of two
	     structures: a SEQUENCE containing the parameters and an ASN1
	     INTEGER containing the private key.

     -engine id
	     Specifying an engine (by its unique id string) will cause pkcs8
	     to attempt to obtain a functional reference to the specified
	     engine, thus initialising it if needed.  The engine will then be
	     set as the default for all available algorithms.

     -in file
	     This specifies the input file to read a key from, or standard
	     input if this option is not specified.  If the key is encrypted,
	     a pass phrase will be prompted for.

     -inform DER | PEM
	     This specifies the input format.  If a PKCS#8 format key is
	     expected on input, then either a DER- or PEM-encoded version of a
	     PKCS#8 key will be expected.  Otherwise the DER or PEM format of
	     the traditional format private key is used.

	     PKCS#8 keys generated or input are normally PKCS#8
	     EncryptedPrivateKeyInfo structures using an appropriate password-
	     based encryption algorithm.  With this option, an unencrypted
	     PrivateKeyInfo structure is expected or output.  This option does
	     not encrypt private keys at all and should only be used when
	     absolutely necessary.  Certain software such as some versions of
	     Java code signing software use unencrypted private keys.

	     Use an iteration count of 1.  See the PKCS12 section below for a
	     detailed explanation of this option.

     -nooct  This option generates RSA private keys in a broken format that
	     some software uses.  Specifically the private key should be
	     enclosed in an OCTET STRING, but some software just includes the
	     structure itself without the surrounding OCTET STRING.

     -nsdb   This option generates DSA keys in a broken format compatible with
	     Netscape private key databases.  The PrivateKey contains a
	     SEQUENCE consisting of the public and private keys, respectively.

     -out file
	     This specifies the output file to write a key to, or standard
	     output by default.	 If any encryption options are set, a pass
	     phrase will be prompted for.  The output filename should not be
	     the same as the input filename.

     -outform DER | PEM
	     This specifies the output format; the options have the same mean‐
	     ing as the -inform option.

     -passin arg
	     The key password source.  For more information about the format
	     of arg, see the PASS PHRASE ARGUMENTS section above.

     -passout arg
	     The output file password source.  For more information about the
	     format of arg, see the PASS PHRASE ARGUMENTS section above.

     -topk8  Normally, a PKCS#8 private key is expected on input and a tradi‐
	     tional format private key will be written.	 With the -topk8
	     option the situation is reversed: it reads a traditional format
	     private key and writes a PKCS#8 format key.

     -v1 alg
	     This option specifies a PKCS#5 v1.5 or PKCS#12 algorithm to use.
	     A complete list of possible algorithms is included below.

     -v2 alg
	     This option enables the use of PKCS#5 v2.0 algorithms.  Normally,
	     PKCS#8 private keys are encrypted with the password-based encryp‐
	     tion algorithm called pbeWithMD5AndDES-CBC; this uses 56-bit DES
	     encryption but it was the strongest encryption algorithm sup‐
	     ported in PKCS#5 v1.5.  Using the -v2 option PKCS#5 v2.0 algo‐
	     rithms are used which can use any encryption algorithm such as
	     168-bit triple DES or 128-bit RC2, however not many implementa‐
	     tions support PKCS#5 v2.0 yet.  If using private keys with
	     OpenSSL then this doesn't matter.

	     The alg argument is the encryption algorithm to use; valid values
	     include des, des3, and rc2.  It is recommended that des3 is used.

     The encrypted form of a PEM-encoded PKCS#8 file uses the following head‐
     ers and footers:


     The unencrypted form uses:

	   -----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----
	   -----END PRIVATE KEY-----

     Private keys encrypted using PKCS#5 v2.0 algorithms and high iteration
     counts are more secure than those encrypted using the traditional SSLeay
     compatible formats.  So if additional security is considered important,
     the keys should be converted.

     The default encryption is only 56 bits because this is the encryption
     that most current implementations of PKCS#8 support.

     Some software may use PKCS#12 password-based encryption algorithms with
     PKCS#8 format private keys: these are handled automatically but there is
     no option to produce them.

     It is possible to write out DER-encoded encrypted private keys in PKCS#8
     format because the encryption details are included at an ASN1 level
     whereas the traditional format includes them at a PEM level.

     Various algorithms can be used with the -v1 command line option, includ‐
     ing PKCS#5 v1.5 and PKCS#12.  These are described in more detail below.

	   These algorithms were included in the original PKCS#5 v1.5 specifi‐
	   cation.  They only offer 56 bits of protection since they both use

     PBE-SHA1-RC2-64 | PBE-MD2-RC2-64 | PBE-MD5-RC2-64 | PBE-SHA1-DES
	   These algorithms are not mentioned in the original PKCS#5 v1.5
	   specification but they use the same key derivation algorithm and
	   are supported by some software.  They are mentioned in PKCS#5 v2.0.
	   They use either 64-bit RC2 or 56-bit DES.

     PBE-SHA1-RC4-128 | PBE-SHA1-RC4-40 | PBE-SHA1-3DES | PBE-SHA1-2DES
     PBE-SHA1-RC2-128 | PBE-SHA1-RC2-40
	   These algorithms use the PKCS#12 password-based encryption algo‐
	   rithm and allow strong encryption algorithms like triple DES or
	   128-bit RC2 to be used.

     Convert a private key from traditional to PKCS#5 v2.0 format using triple

	   $ openssl pkcs8 -in key.pem -topk8 -v2 des3 -out enckey.pem

     Convert a private key to PKCS#8 using a PKCS#5 1.5 compatible algorithm

	   $ openssl pkcs8 -in key.pem -topk8 -out enckey.pem

     Convert a private key to PKCS#8 using a PKCS#12 compatible algorithm

	   $ openssl pkcs8 -in key.pem -topk8 -out enckey.pem \
		   -v1 PBE-SHA1-3DES

     Read a DER-unencrypted PKCS#8 format private key:

	   $ openssl pkcs8 -inform DER -nocrypt -in key.der -out key.pem

     Convert a private key from any PKCS#8 format to traditional format:

	   $ openssl pkcs8 -in pk8.pem -out key.pem

     Test vectors from this PKCS#5 v2.0 implementation were posted to the
     pkcs-tng mailing list using triple DES, DES and RC2 with high iteration
     counts; several people confirmed that they could decrypt the private keys
     produced and therefore it can be assumed that the PKCS#5 v2.0 implementa‐
     tion is reasonably accurate at least as far as these algorithms are con‐

     The format of PKCS#8 DSA (and other) private keys is not well documented:
     it is hidden away in PKCS#11 v2.01, section 11.9; OpenSSL's default DSA
     PKCS#8 private key format complies with this standard.

     There should be an option that prints out the encryption algorithm in use
     and other details such as the iteration count.

     PKCS#8 using triple DES and PKCS#5 v2.0 should be the default private key
     format; for OpenSSL compatibility, several of the utilities use the old
     format at present.

     openssl pkcs12 [-aes128 | -aes192 | -aes256 | -des | -des3] [-cacerts]
     [-CAfile file] [-caname name] [-CApath directory] [-certfile file]
     [-certpbe alg] [-chain] [-clcerts] [-CSP name] [-descert] [-engine id]
     [-export] [-in file] [-info] [-inkey file] [-keyex] [-keypbe alg]
     [-keysig] [-macalg alg] [-maciter] [-name name] [-nocerts] [-nodes]
     [-noiter] [-nokeys] [-nomac] [-nomaciter] [-nomacver] [-noout]
     [-out file] [-passin arg] [-passout arg] [-twopass]

     The pkcs12 command allows PKCS#12 files (sometimes referred to as PFX
     files) to be created and parsed.  PKCS#12 files are used by several pro‐
     grams including Netscape, MSIE and MS Outlook.

     There are a lot of options; the meaning of some depends on whether a
     PKCS#12 file is being created or parsed.  By default, a PKCS#12 file is
     parsed; a PKCS#12 file can be created by using the -export option (see

     -aes128 | -aes192 | -aes256 | -des | -des3
	   Use AES, DES, or triple DES, respectively, to encrypt private keys
	   before outputting.  The default is triple DES.

	   Only output CA certificates (not client certificates).

	   Only output client certificates (not CA certificates).

     -in file
	   This specifies the file of the PKCS#12 file to be parsed.  Standard
	   input is used by default.

	   Output additional information about the PKCS#12 file structure,
	   algorithms used, and iteration counts.

	   No certificates at all will be output.

	   Don't encrypt the private keys at all.

	   No private keys will be output.

	   Don't attempt to verify the integrity MAC before reading the file.

	   This option inhibits output of the keys and certificates to the
	   output file version of the PKCS#12 file.

     -out file
	   The file to write certificates and private keys to, standard output
	   by default.	They are all written in PEM format.

     -passin arg
	   The key password source.  For more information about the format of
	   arg, see the PASS PHRASE ARGUMENTS section above.

     -passout arg
	   The output file password source.  For more information about the
	   format of arg, see the PASS PHRASE ARGUMENTS section above.

	   Prompt for separate integrity and encryption passwords: most soft‐
	   ware always assumes these are the same so this option will render
	   such PKCS#12 files unreadable.

     -CAfile file
	   CA storage as a file.

     -CApath directory
	   CA storage as a directory.  This directory must be a standard cer‐
	   tificate directory: that is, a hash of each subject name (using
	   x509 -hash) should be linked to each certificate.

     -caname name
	   This specifies the "friendly name" for other certificates.  This
	   option may be used multiple times to specify names for all certifi‐
	   cates in the order they appear.  Netscape ignores friendly names on
	   other certificates, whereas MSIE displays them.

     -certfile file
	   A file to read additional certificates from.

     -certpbe alg, -keypbe alg
	   These options allow the algorithm used to encrypt the private key
	   and certificates to be selected.  Any PKCS#5 v1.5 or PKCS#12 PBE
	   algorithm name can be used (see the PKCS12 NOTES section for more
	   information).  If a cipher name (as output by the
	   list-cipher-algorithms command) is specified then it is used with
	   PKCS#5 v2.0.	 For interoperability reasons it is advisable to only
	   use PKCS#12 algorithms.

	   If this option is present, an attempt is made to include the entire
	   certificate chain of the user certificate.  The standard CA store
	   is used for this search.  If the search fails, it is considered a
	   fatal error.

     -CSP name
	   Write name as a Microsoft CSP name.

	   Encrypt the certificate using triple DES; this may render the
	   PKCS#12 file unreadable by some "export grade" software.  By
	   default, the private key is encrypted using triple DES and the cer‐
	   tificate using 40-bit RC2.

     -engine id
	   Specifying an engine (by its unique id string) will cause pkcs12 to
	   attempt to obtain a functional reference to the specified engine,
	   thus initialising it if needed.  The engine will then be set as the
	   default for all available algorithms.

	   This option specifies that a PKCS#12 file will be created rather
	   than parsed.

     -in file
	   The file to read certificates and private keys from, standard input
	   by default.	They must all be in PEM format.	 The order doesn't
	   matter but one private key and its corresponding certificate should
	   be present.	If additional certificates are present, they will also
	   be included in the PKCS#12 file.

     -inkey file
	   File to read private key from.  If not present, a private key must
	   be present in the input file.

     -keyex | -keysig
	   Specifies that the private key is to be used for key exchange or
	   just signing.  This option is only interpreted by MSIE and similar
	   MS software.	 Normally, "export grade" software will only allow
	   512-bit RSA keys to be used for encryption purposes, but arbitrary
	   length keys for signing.  The -keysig option marks the key for
	   signing only.  Signing only keys can be used for S/MIME signing,
	   authenticode (ActiveX control signing) and SSL client authentica‐
	   tion; however, due to a bug only MSIE 5.0 and later support the use
	   of signing only keys for SSL client authentication.

     -macalg alg
	   Specify the MAC digest algorithm.  If not included then SHA1 is

	   This option is included for compatibility with previous versions;
	   it used to be needed to use MAC iterations counts but they are now
	   used by default.

     -name name
	   This specifies the "friendly name" for the certificate and private
	   key.	 This name is typically displayed in list boxes by software
	   importing the file.

	   Don't attempt to provide the MAC integrity.

     -nomaciter, -noiter
	   These options affect the iteration counts on the MAC and key algo‐
	   rithms.  Unless you wish to produce files compatible with MSIE 4.0,
	   you should leave these options alone.

	   To discourage attacks by using large dictionaries of common pass‐
	   words, the algorithm that derives keys from passwords can have an
	   iteration count applied to it: this causes a certain part of the
	   algorithm to be repeated and slows it down.	The MAC is used to
	   check the file integrity but since it will normally have the same
	   password as the keys and certificates it could also be attacked.
	   By default, both MAC and encryption iteration counts are set to
	   2048; using these options the MAC and encryption iteration counts
	   can be set to 1.  Since this reduces the file security you should
	   not use these options unless you really have to.  Most software
	   supports both MAC and key iteration counts.	MSIE 4.0 doesn't sup‐
	   port MAC iteration counts, so it needs the -nomaciter option.

     -out file
	   This specifies file to write the PKCS#12 file to.  Standard output
	   is used by default.

     -passin arg
	   The key password source.  For more information about the format of
	   arg, see the PASS PHRASE ARGUMENTS section above.

     -passout arg
	   The output file password source.  For more information about the
	   format of arg, see the PASS PHRASE ARGUMENTS section above.

     Although there are a large number of options, most of them are very
     rarely used.  For PKCS#12 file parsing, only -in and -out need to be used
     for PKCS#12 file creation.	 -export and -name are also used.

     If none of the -clcerts, -cacerts, or -nocerts options are present, then
     all certificates will be output in the order they appear in the input
     PKCS#12 files.  There is no guarantee that the first certificate present
     is the one corresponding to the private key.  Certain software which
     requires a private key and certificate and assumes the first certificate
     in the file is the one corresponding to the private key: this may not
     always be the case.  Using the -clcerts option will solve this problem by
     only outputting the certificate corresponding to the private key.	If the
     CA certificates are required, they can be output to a separate file using
     the -nokeys and -cacerts options to just output CA certificates.

     The -keypbe and -certpbe algorithms allow the precise encryption algo‐
     rithms for private keys and certificates to be specified.	Normally, the
     defaults are fine but occasionally software can't handle triple DES
     encrypted private keys; then the option -keypbe PBE-SHA1-RC2-40 can be
     used to reduce the private key encryption to 40-bit RC2.  A complete
     description of all algorithms is contained in the PKCS8 section above.

     Parse a PKCS#12 file and output it to a file:

	   $ openssl pkcs12 -in file.p12 -out file.pem

     Output only client certificates to a file:

	   $ openssl pkcs12 -in file.p12 -clcerts -out file.pem

     Don't encrypt the private key:

	   $ openssl pkcs12 -in file.p12 -out file.pem -nodes

     Print some info about a PKCS#12 file:

	   $ openssl pkcs12 -in file.p12 -info -noout

     Create a PKCS#12 file:

	   $ openssl pkcs12 -export -in file.pem -out file.p12 \
		   -name "My Certificate"

     Include some extra certificates:

	   $ openssl pkcs12 -export -in file.pem -out file.p12 \
		   -name "My Certificate" -certfile othercerts.pem

     Some would argue that the PKCS#12 standard is one big bug :-)

     Versions of OpenSSL before 0.9.6a had a bug in the PKCS#12 key generation
     routines.	Under rare circumstances this could produce a PKCS#12 file
     encrypted with an invalid key.  As a result some PKCS#12 files which
     triggered this bug from other implementations (MSIE or Netscape) could
     not be decrypted by OpenSSL and similarly OpenSSL could produce PKCS#12
     files which could not be decrypted by other implementations.  The chances
     of producing such a file are relatively small: less than 1 in 256.

     A side effect of fixing this bug is that any old invalidly encrypted
     PKCS#12 files can no longer be parsed by the fixed version.  Under such
     circumstances the pkcs12 utility will report that the MAC is OK but fail
     with a decryption error when extracting private keys.

     This problem can be resolved by extracting the private keys and certifi‐
     cates from the PKCS#12 file using an older version of OpenSSL and recre‐
     ating the PKCS#12 file from the keys and certificates using a newer ver‐
     sion of OpenSSL.  For example:

	   $ old-openssl -in bad.p12 -out keycerts.pem
	   $ openssl -in keycerts.pem -export -name "My PKCS#12 file" \
		   -out fixed.p12

     openssl pkey [cipher] [-engine id] [-in file] [-inform DER | PEM]
     [-noout] [-out file] [-outform DER | PEM] [-passin arg] [-passout arg]
     [-pubin] [-pubout] [-text] [-text_pub]

     The pkey command processes public or private keys.	 They can be converted
     between various forms and their components printed out.

     The options are as follows:

     cipher  These options encrypt the private key with the supplied cipher.
	     Any algorithm name accepted by EVP_get_cipherbyname() is accept‐
	     able, such as des3.

     -engine id
	     Specifying an engine (by its unique id string) will cause pkey to
	     attempt to obtain a functional reference to the specified engine,
	     thus initialising it if needed.  The engine will then be set as
	     the default for all available algorithms.

     -in file
	     This specifies the input filename to read a key from, or standard
	     input if this option is not specified.  If the key is encrypted a
	     pass phrase will be prompted for.

     -inform DER | PEM
	     This specifies the input format, DER or PEM.

     -noout  Do not output the encoded version of the key.

     -out file
	     This specifies the output filename to write a key to, or standard
	     output if this option is not specified.  If any encryption
	     options are set then a pass phrase will be prompted for.  The
	     output filename should not be the same as the input filename.

     -outform DER | PEM
	     This specifies the output format; the options have the same mean‐
	     ing as the -inform option.

     -passin arg
	     The key password source.  For more information about the format
	     of arg, see the PASS PHRASE ARGUMENTS section above.

     -passout arg
	     The output file password source.  For more information about the
	     format of arg see the PASS PHRASE ARGUMENTS section above.

     -pubin  By default a private key is read from the input file: with this
	     option a public key is read instead.

	     By default a private key is output: with this option a public key
	     will be output instead.  This option is automatically set if the
	     input is a public key.

     -text   Print out the various public or private key components in plain
	     text in addition to the encoded version.

	     Print out only public key components even if a private key is
	     being processed.

     To remove the pass phrase on an RSA private key:

	   $ openssl pkey -in key.pem -out keyout.pem

     To encrypt a private key using triple DES:

	   $ openssl pkey -in key.pem -des3 -out keyout.pem

     To convert a private key from PEM to DER format:

	   $ openssl pkey -in key.pem -outform DER -out keyout.der

     To print the components of a private key to standard output:

	   $ openssl pkey -in key.pem -text -noout

     To print the public components of a private key to standard output:

	   $ openssl pkey -in key.pem -text_pub -noout

     To just output the public part of a private key:

	   $ openssl pkey -in key.pem -pubout -out pubkey.pem

     openssl pkeyparam [-engine id] [-in file] [-noout] [-out file] [-text]

     The pkey command processes public or private keys.	 They can be converted
     between various forms and their components printed out.

     The options are as follows:

     -engine id
	     Specifying an engine (by its unique id string) will cause
	     pkeyparam to attempt to obtain a functional reference to the
	     specified engine, thus initialising it if needed.	The engine
	     will then be set as the default for all available algorithms.

     -in file
	     This specifies the input filename to read parameters from, or
	     standard input if this option is not specified.

     -noout  Do not output the encoded version of the parameters.

     -out file
	     This specifies the output filename to write parameters to, or
	     standard output if this option is not specified.

     -text   Prints out the parameters in plain text in addition to the
	     encoded version.

     Print out text version of parameters:

	   $ openssl pkeyparam -in param.pem -text

     There are no -inform or -outform options for this command because only
     PEM format is supported because the key type is determined by the PEM

     openssl pkeyutl [-asn1parse] [-certin] [-decrypt] [-derive] [-encrypt]
     [-engine id] [-hexdump] [-in file] [-inkey file]
     [-keyform DER | ENGINE | PEM] [-out file] [-passin arg]
     [-peerform DER | ENGINE | PEM] [-peerkey file] [-pkeyopt opt:value]
     [-pubin] [-rev] [-sigfile file] [-sign] [-verify] [-verifyrecover]

     The pkeyutl command can be used to perform public key operations using
     any supported algorithm.

     The options are as follows:

	     ASN1parse the output data.	 This is useful when combined with the
	     -verifyrecover option when an ASN1 structure is signed.

	     The input is a certificate containing a public key.

	     Decrypt the input data using a private key.

	     Derive a shared secret using the peer key.

	     Encrypt the input data using a public key.

     -engine id
	     Specifying an engine (by its unique id string) will cause pkeyutl
	     to attempt to obtain a functional reference to the specified
	     engine, thus initialising it if needed.  The engine will then be
	     set as the default for all available algorithms.

	     Hex dump the output data.

     -in file
	     Specify the input filename to read data from, or standard input
	     if this option is not specified.

     -inkey file
	     The input key file.  By default it should be a private key.

     -keyform DER | ENGINE | PEM
	     The key format DER, ENGINE, or PEM.

     -out file
	     Specify the output filename to write to, or standard output by

     -passin arg
	     The key password source.  For more information about the format
	     of arg, see the PASS PHRASE ARGUMENTS section above.

     -peerform DER | ENGINE | PEM
	     The peer key format DER, ENGINE, or PEM.

     -peerkey file
	     The peer key file, used by key derivation (agreement) operations.

     -pkeyopt opt:value
	     Public key options.

     -pubin  The input file is a public key.

     -rev    Reverse the order of the input buffer.  This is useful for some
	     libraries (such as CryptoAPI) which represent the buffer in lit‐
	     tle endian format.

     -sigfile file
	     Signature file (verify operation only).

     -sign   Sign the input data and output the signed result.	This requires
	     a private key.

	     Verify the input data against the signature file and indicate if
	     the verification succeeded or failed.

	     Verify the input data and output the recovered data.

     The operations and options supported vary according to the key algorithm
     and its implementation.  The OpenSSL operations and options are indicated

     Unless otherwise mentioned all algorithms support the digest:alg option
     which specifies the digest in use for sign, verify, and verifyrecover
     operations.  The value alg should represent a digest name as used in the
     EVP_get_digestbyname() function, for example sha1.

   RSA algorithm
     The RSA algorithm supports the encrypt, decrypt, sign, verify, and veri‐
     fyrecover operations in general.  Some padding modes only support some of
     these operations however.

	     This sets the RSA padding mode.  Acceptable values for mode are
	     pkcs1 for PKCS#1 padding; none for no padding; oaep for OAEP
	     mode; x931 for X9.31 mode; and pss for PSS.

	     In PKCS#1 padding if the message digest is not set then the sup‐
	     plied data is signed or verified directly instead of using a
	     DigestInfo structure.  If a digest is set then a DigestInfo
	     structure is used and its length must correspond to the digest

	     For oeap mode only encryption and decryption is supported.

	     For x931 if the digest type is set it is used to format the block
	     data; otherwise the first byte is used to specify the X9.31
	     digest ID.	 Sign, verify, and verifyrecover can be performed in
	     this mode.

	     For pss mode only sign and verify are supported and the digest
	     type must be specified.

	     For pss mode only this option specifies the salt length.  Two
	     special values are supported: -1 sets the salt length to the
	     digest length.  When signing -2 sets the salt length to the maxi‐
	     mum permissible value.  When verifying -2 causes the salt length
	     to be automatically determined based on the PSS block structure.

   DSA algorithm
     The DSA algorithm supports the sign and verify operations.	 Currently
     there are no additional options other than digest.	 Only the SHA1 digest
     can be used and this digest is assumed by default.

   DH algorithm
     The DH algorithm supports the derive operation and no additional options.

   EC algorithm
     The EC algorithm supports the sign, verify, and derive operations.	 The
     sign and verify operations use ECDSA and derive uses ECDH.	 Currently
     there are no additional options other than digest.	 Only the SHA1 digest
     can be used and this digest is assumed by default.

     Sign some data using a private key:

	   $ openssl pkeyutl -sign -in file -inkey key.pem -out sig

     Recover the signed data (e.g. if an RSA key is used):

	   $ openssl pkeyutl -verifyrecover -in sig -inkey key.pem

     Verify the signature (e.g. a DSA key):

	   $ openssl pkeyutl -verify -in file -sigfile sig \
		   -inkey key.pem

     Sign data using a message digest value (this is currently only valid for

	   $ openssl pkeyutl -sign -in file -inkey key.pem \
		   -out sig -pkeyopt digest:sha256

     Derive a shared secret value:

	   $ openssl pkeyutl -derive -inkey key.pem \
		   -peerkey pubkey.pem -out secret

     openssl prime [-bits n] [-checks n] [-generate] [-hex] [-safe] p

     The prime command is used to generate prime numbers, or to check numbers
     for primality.  Results are probabilistic: they have an exceedingly high
     likelihood of being correct, but are not guaranteed.

     The options are as follows:

     -bits n
	     Specify the number of bits in the generated prime number.	Must
	     be used in conjunction with -generate.

     -checks n
	     Perform a Miller-Rabin probabilistic primality test with n itera‐
	     tions.  The default is 20.

	     Generate a pseudo-random prime number.  Must be used in conjunc‐
	     tion with -bits.

     -hex    Output in hex format.

     -safe   Generate only "safe" prime numbers (i.e. a prime p so that
	     (p-1)/2 is also prime).

     p	     Test if number p is prime.

     openssl rand [-base64] [-engine id] [-hex] [-out file] num

     The rand command outputs num pseudo-random bytes.

     The options are as follows:

	     Perform base64 encoding on the output.

     -engine id
	     Specifying an engine (by its unique id string) will cause rand to
	     attempt to obtain a functional reference to the specified engine,
	     thus initialising it if needed.  The engine will then be set as
	     the default for all available algorithms.

     -hex    Specify hexadecimal output.

     -out file
	     Write to file instead of standard output.

     openssl req [-asn1-kludge] [-batch] [-config file] [-days n] [-engine id]
     [-extensions section] [-in file] [-inform DER | PEM] [-key keyfile]
     [-keyform DER | PEM] [-keyout file] [-md4 | -md5 | -sha1] [-modulus]
     [-nameopt option] [-new] [-newhdr] [-newkey arg] [-no-asn1-kludge]
     [-nodes] [-noout] [-out file] [-outform DER | PEM] [-passin arg]
     [-passout arg] [-pubkey] [-reqexts section] [-reqopt option]
     [-set_serial n] [-subj arg] [-subject] [-text] [-utf8] [-verbose]
     [-verify] [-x509]

     The req command primarily creates and processes certificate requests in
     PKCS#10 format.  It can additionally create self-signed certificates, for
     use as root CAs, for example.

     The options are as follows:

	     By default, the req command outputs certificate requests contain‐
	     ing no attributes in the correct PKCS#10 format.  However certain
	     CAs will only accept requests containing no attributes in an
	     invalid form: this option produces this invalid format.

	     More precisely, the Attributes in a PKCS#10 certificate request
	     are defined as a SET OF Attribute.	 They are not optional, so if
	     no attributes are present then they should be encoded as an empty
	     SET OF.  The invalid form does not include the empty SET OF,
	     whereas the correct form does.

	     It should be noted that very few CAs still require the use of
	     this option.

     -batch  Non-interactive mode.

     -config file
	     This allows an alternative configuration file to be specified;
	     this overrides the compile time filename or any specified in the
	     OPENSSL_CONF environment variable.

     -days n
	     When the -x509 option is being used, this specifies the number of
	     days to certify the certificate for.  The default is 30 days.

     -engine id
	     Specifying an engine (by its unique id string) will cause req to
	     attempt to obtain a functional reference to the specified engine,
	     thus initialising it if needed.  The engine will then be set as
	     the default for all available algorithms.

     -extensions section, -reqexts section
	     These options specify alternative sections to include certificate
	     extensions (if the -x509 option is present) or certificate
	     request extensions.  This allows several different sections to be
	     used in the same configuration file to specify requests for a
	     variety of purposes.

     -in file
	     This specifies the input file to read a request from, or standard
	     input if this option is not specified.  A request is only read if
	     the creation options -new and -newkey are not specified.

     -inform DER | PEM
	     This specifies the input format.  The DER argument uses an ASN1
	     DER-encoded form compatible with the PKCS#10.  The PEM form is
	     the default format: it consists of the DER format base64-encoded
	     with additional header and footer lines.

     -key keyfile
	     This specifies the file to read the private key from.  It also
	     accepts PKCS#8 format private keys for PEM format files.

     -keyform DER | PEM
	     The format of the private key file specified in the -key argu‐
	     ment.  PEM is the default.

     -keyout file
	     This gives the file to write the newly created private key to.
	     If this option is not specified, the filename present in the con‐
	     figuration file is used.

     -md5 | -sha1 | -sha256
	     This specifies the message digest to sign the request with.  This
	     overrides the digest algorithm specified in the configuration

	     Some public key algorithms may override this choice.  For
	     instance, DSA signatures always use SHA1.

	     This option prints out the value of the modulus of the public key
	     contained in the request.

     -nameopt option, -reqopt option
	     These options determine how the subject or issuer names are dis‐
	     played.  The option argument can be a single option or multiple
	     options separated by commas.  Alternatively, these options may be
	     used more than once to set multiple options.  See the X509 sec‐
	     tion below for details.

     -new    This option generates a new certificate request.  It will prompt
	     the user for the relevant field values.  The actual fields
	     prompted for and their maximum and minimum sizes are specified in
	     the configuration file and any requested extensions.

	     If the -key option is not used, it will generate a new RSA pri‐
	     vate key using information specified in the configuration file.

	     Adds the word NEW to the PEM file header and footer lines on the
	     outputed request.	Some software (Netscape certificate server)
	     and some CAs need this.

     -newkey arg
	     This option creates a new certificate request and a new private
	     key.  The argument takes one of several forms.  rsa:nbits, where
	     nbits is the number of bits, generates an RSA key nbits in size.
	     If nbits is omitted, i.e. -newkey rsa specified, the default key
	     size, specified in the configuration file, is used.

	     All other algorithms support the alg:file form, where file may be
	     an algorithm parameter file, created by the genpkey -genparam
	     command or an X.509 certificate for a key with appropriate algo‐

	     param:file generates a key using the parameter file or certifi‐
	     cate file; the algorithm is determined by the parameters.
	     algname:file use algorithm algname and parameter file file: the
	     two algorithms must match or an error occurs.  algname just uses
	     algorithm algname, and parameters, if necessary, should be speci‐
	     fied via the -pkeyopt option.

	     dsa:file generates a DSA key using the parameters in the file

	     Reverses the effect of -asn1-kludge.

     -nodes  If this option is specified and a private key is created, it will
	     not be encrypted.

     -noout  This option prevents output of the encoded version of the

     -out file
	     This specifies the output file to write to, or standard output by

     -outform DER | PEM
	     This specifies the output format; the options have the same mean‐
	     ing as the -inform option.

     -passin arg
	     The key password source.  For more information about the format
	     of arg, see the PASS PHRASE ARGUMENTS section above.

     -passout arg
	     The output file password source.  For more information about the
	     format of arg, see the PASS PHRASE ARGUMENTS section above.

	     Outputs the public key.

     -reqopt option
	     Customise the output format used with -text.  The option argument
	     can be a single option or multiple options separated by commas.

	     See the discussion of the -certopt option in the x509 command.

     -set_serial n
	     Serial number to use when outputting a self-signed certificate.
	     This may be specified as a decimal value or a hex value if pre‐
	     ceded by ‘0x’.  It is possible to use negative serial numbers but
	     this is not recommended.

     -subj arg
	     Replaces subject field of input request with specified data and
	     outputs modified request.	The arg must be formatted as
	     /type0=value0/type1=value1/type2=...; characters may be escaped
	     by ‘\’ (backslash); no spaces are skipped.

	     Prints out the request subject (or certificate subject if -x509
	     is specified.

     -text   Prints out the certificate request in text form.

     -utf8   This option causes field values to be interpreted as UTF8
	     strings; by default they are interpreted as ASCII.	 This means
	     that the field values, whether prompted from a terminal or
	     obtained from a configuration file, must be valid UTF8 strings.

	     Print extra details about the operations being performed.

	     Verifies the signature on the request.

     -x509   This option outputs a self-signed certificate instead of a cer‐
	     tificate request.	This is typically used to generate a test cer‐
	     tificate or a self-signed root CA.	 The extensions added to the
	     certificate (if any) are specified in the configuration file.
	     Unless specified using the -set_serial option, 0 will be used for
	     the serial number.

     The configuration options are specified in the req section of the config‐
     uration file.  As with all configuration files, if no value is specified
     in the specific section (i.e. req) then the initial unnamed or default
     section is searched too.

     The options available are described in detail below.

	   This specifies the section containing any request attributes: its
	   format is the same as distinguished_name.  Typically these may con‐
	   tain the challengePassword or unstructuredName types.  They are
	   currently ignored by OpenSSL's request signing utilities, but some
	   CAs might want them.

	   This specifies the default key size in bits.	 If not specified,
	   2048 is used.  It is used if the -new option is used.  It can be
	   overridden by using the -newkey option.

	   This is the default file to write a private key to.	If not speci‐
	   fied, the key is written to standard output.	 This can be overrid‐
	   den by the -keyout option.

	   This option specifies the digest algorithm to use.  Possible values
	   include md5, sha1 and sha256.  If not present, SHA256 is used.
	   This option can be overridden on the command line.

	   This specifies the section containing the distinguished name fields
	   to prompt for when generating a certificate or certificate request.
	   The format is described in the next section.

	   If this is set to no and a private key is generated, it is not
	   encrypted.  This is equivalent to the -nodes command line option.
	   For compatibility, encrypt_rsa_key is an equivalent option.

     input_password | output_password
	   The passwords for the input private key file (if present) and the
	   output private key file (if one will be created).  The command line
	   options -passin and -passout override the configuration file val‐

	   This specifies a file containing additional OBJECT IDENTIFIERS.
	   Each line of the file should consist of the numerical form of the
	   object identifier, followed by whitespace, then the short name fol‐
	   lowed by whitespace and finally the long name.

	   This specifies a section in the configuration file containing extra
	   object identifiers.	Each line should consist of the short name of
	   the object identifier followed by ‘=’ and the numerical form.  The
	   short and long names are the same when this option is used.

	   If set to the value no, this disables prompting of certificate
	   fields and just takes values from the config file directly.	It
	   also changes the expected format of the distinguished_name and
	   attributes sections.

	   This specifies the configuration file section containing a list of
	   extensions to add to the certificate request.  It can be overridden
	   by the -reqexts command line switch.

	   This option limits the string types for encoding certain fields.
	   The following values may be used, limiting strings to the indicated

	   utf8only	UTF8String. This is the default, as recommended by
			PKIX in RFC 2459.

	   default	PrintableString, IA5String, T61String, BMPString,

	   pkix		PrintableString, IA5String, BMPString, UTF8String.
			This was inspired by the PKIX recommendation in RFC
			2459 for certificates generated before 2004, but dif‐
			fers by also permitting IA5String.

	   nombstr	PrintableString, IA5String, T61String,
			UniversalString.  This was a workaround for some
			ancient software that had problems with the variable-
			sized BMPString and UTF8String types.

	   MASK:number	This is an explicit bitmask of permitted types, where
			number is a C-style hex, decimal, or octal number
			that's a bit-wise OR of B_ASN1_* values from

     utf8  If set to the value yes, then field values are interpreted as UTF8
	   strings; by default they are interpreted as ASCII.  This means that
	   the field values, whether prompted from a terminal or obtained from
	   a configuration file, must be valid UTF8 strings.

	   This specifies the configuration file section containing a list of
	   extensions to add to a certificate generated when the -x509 switch
	   is used.  It can be overridden by the -extensions command line

     There are two separate formats for the distinguished name and attribute
     sections.	If the -prompt option is set to no, then these sections just
     consist of field names and values: for example,

	   CN=My Name
	   OU=My Organization

     This allows external programs (e.g. GUI based) to generate a template
     file with all the field names and values and just pass it to req.	An
     example of this kind of configuration file is contained in the REQ
     EXAMPLES section.

     Alternatively if the -prompt option is absent or not set to no, then the
     file contains field prompting information.	 It consists of lines of the

	   fieldName_default="default field value"
	   fieldName_min= 2
	   fieldName_max= 4

     "fieldName" is the field name being used, for example commonName (or CN).
     The "prompt" string is used to ask the user to enter the relevant
     details.  If the user enters nothing, the default value is used; if no
     default value is present, the field is omitted.  A field can still be
     omitted if a default value is present, if the user just enters the ‘.’

     The number of characters entered must be between the fieldName_min and
     fieldName_max limits: there may be additional restrictions based on the
     field being used (for example countryName can only ever be two characters
     long and must fit in a PrintableString).

     Some fields (such as organizationName) can be used more than once in a
     DN.  This presents a problem because configuration files will not recog‐
     nize the same name occurring twice.  To avoid this problem, if the
     fieldName contains some characters followed by a full stop, they will be
     ignored.  So, for example, a second organizationName can be input by
     calling it "1.organizationName".

     The actual permitted field names are any object identifier short or long
     names.  These are compiled into OpenSSL and include the usual values such
     as commonName, countryName, localityName, organizationName,
     organizationUnitName, stateOrProvinceName.	 Additionally, emailAddress is
     included as well as name, surname, givenName initials and dnQualifier.

     Additional object identifiers can be defined with the oid_file or
     oid_section options in the configuration file.  Any additional fields
     will be treated as though they were a DirectoryString.

     Examine and verify a certificate request:

	   $ openssl req -in req.pem -text -verify -noout

     Create a private key and then generate a certificate request from it:

	   $ openssl genrsa -out key.pem 2048
	   $ openssl req -new -key key.pem -out req.pem

     The same but just using req:

	   $ openssl req -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout key.pem -out req.pem

     Generate a self-signed root certificate:

	   $ openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout key.pem -out req.pem

     Example of a file pointed to by the oid_file option:	  shortName	  A longer Name	  otherName	  Other longer Name

     Example of a section pointed to by oid_section making use of variable


     Sample configuration file prompting for field values:

      [ req ]
      default_bits	     = 1024
      default_keyfile	     = privkey.pem
      distinguished_name     = req_distinguished_name
      attributes	     = req_attributes
      x509_extensions	     = v3_ca

      dirstring_type = nobmp

      [ req_distinguished_name ]
      countryName		     = Country Name (2 letter code)
      countryName_default	     = AU
      countryName_min		     = 2
      countryName_max		     = 2

      localityName		     = Locality Name (eg, city)

      organizationalUnitName	     = Organizational Unit Name (eg, section)

      commonName		     = Common Name (eg, YOUR name)
      commonName_max		     = 64

      emailAddress		     = Email Address
      emailAddress_max		     = 40

      [ req_attributes ]
      challengePassword		     = A challenge password
      challengePassword_min	     = 4
      challengePassword_max	     = 20

      [ v3_ca ]

      basicConstraints = CA:true

     Sample configuration containing all field values:

      [ req ]
      default_bits	     = 1024
      default_keyfile	     = keyfile.pem
      distinguished_name     = req_distinguished_name
      attributes	     = req_attributes
      prompt		     = no
      output_password	     = mypass

      [ req_distinguished_name ]
      C			     = GB
      ST		     = Test State or Province
      L			     = Test Locality
      O			     = Organization Name
      OU		     = Organizational Unit Name
      CN		     = Common Name
      emailAddress	     = test@email.address

      [ req_attributes ]
      challengePassword		     = A challenge password

     The header and footer lines in the PEM format are normally:


     Some software (some versions of Netscape certificate server) instead


     which is produced with the -newhdr option but is otherwise compatible.
     Either form is accepted transparently on input.

     The certificate requests generated by Xenroll with MSIE have extensions
     added.  It includes the keyUsage extension which determines the type of
     key (signature only or general purpose) and any additional OIDs entered
     by the script in an extendedKeyUsage extension.

     The following messages are frequently asked about:

	   Using configuration from /some/path/openssl.cnf
	   Unable to load config info

     This is followed some time later by...

	   unable to find 'distinguished_name' in config
	   problems making Certificate Request

     The first error message is the clue: it can't find the configuration
     file!  Certain operations (like examining a certificate request) don't
     need a configuration file so its use isn't enforced.  Generation of cer‐
     tificates or requests, however, do need a configuration file.  This could
     be regarded as a bug.

     Another puzzling message is this:


     This is displayed when no attributes are present and the request includes
     the correct empty SET OF structure (the DER encoding of which is 0xa0
     0x00).  If you just see:


     then the SET OF is missing and the encoding is technically invalid (but
     it is tolerated).	See the description of the command line option
     -asn1-kludge for more information.

     The variable OPENSSL_CONF, if defined, allows an alternative configura‐
     tion file location to be specified; it will be overridden by the -config
     command line switch if it is present.  For compatibility reasons the
     SSLEAY_CONF environment variable serves the same purpose but its use is

     OpenSSL's handling of T61Strings (aka TeletexStrings) is broken: it
     effectively treats them as ISO 8859-1 (Latin 1); Netscape and MSIE have
     similar behaviour.	 This can cause problems if you need characters that
     aren't available in PrintableStrings and you don't want to or can't use

     As a consequence of the T61String handling, the only correct way to rep‐
     resent accented characters in OpenSSL is to use a BMPString: unfortu‐
     nately Netscape currently chokes on these.	 If you have to use accented
     characters with Netscape and MSIE then you currently need to use the
     invalid T61String form.

     The current prompting is not very friendly.  It doesn't allow you to con‐
     firm what you've just entered.  Other things, like extensions in certifi‐
     cate requests, are statically defined in the configuration file.  Some of
     these, like an email address in subjectAltName, should be input by the

     openssl rsa [-aes128 | -aes192 | -aes256 | -des | -des3] [-check]
     [-engine id] [-in file] [-inform DER | NET | PEM] [-modulus] [-noout]
     [-out file] [-outform DER | NET | PEM] [-passin arg] [-passout arg]
     [-pubin] [-pubout] [-sgckey] [-text]

     The rsa command processes RSA keys.  They can be converted between vari‐
     ous forms and their components printed out.

     Note: this command uses the traditional SSLeay compatible format for pri‐
     vate key encryption: newer applications should use the more secure PKCS#8
     format using the pkcs8 utility.

     The options are as follows:

     -aes128 | -aes192 | -aes256 | -des | -des3
	     These options encrypt the private key with the AES, DES, or the
	     triple DES ciphers, respectively, before outputting it.  A pass
	     phrase is prompted for.  If none of these options are specified,
	     the key is written in plain text.	This means that using the rsa
	     utility to read in an encrypted key with no encryption option can
	     be used to remove the pass phrase from a key, or by setting the
	     encryption options it can be used to add or change the pass
	     phrase.  These options can only be used with PEM format output

     -check  This option checks the consistency of an RSA private key.

     -engine id
	     Specifying an engine (by its unique id string) will cause rsa to
	     attempt to obtain a functional reference to the specified engine,
	     thus initialising it if needed.  The engine will then be set as
	     the default for all available algorithms.

     -in file
	     This specifies the input file to read a key from, or standard
	     input if this option is not specified.  If the key is encrypted,
	     a pass phrase will be prompted for.

     -inform DER | NET | PEM
	     This specifies the input format.  The DER argument uses an ASN1
	     DER-encoded form compatible with the PKCS#1 RSAPrivateKey or Sub‐
	     jectPublicKeyInfo format.	The PEM form is the default format: it
	     consists of the DER format base64-encoded with additional header
	     and footer lines.	On input PKCS#8 format private keys are also
	     accepted.	The NET form is a format described in the RSA NOTES

     -noout  This option prevents output of the encoded version of the key.

	     This option prints out the value of the modulus of the key.

     -out file
	     This specifies the output file to write a key to, or standard
	     output if this option is not specified.  If any encryption
	     options are set, a pass phrase will be prompted for.  The output
	     filename should not be the same as the input filename.

     -outform DER | NET | PEM
	     This specifies the output format; the options have the same mean‐
	     ing as the -inform option.

     -passin arg
	     The key password source.  For more information about the format
	     of arg, see the PASS PHRASE ARGUMENTS section above.

     -passout arg
	     The output file password source.  For more information about the
	     format of arg, see the PASS PHRASE ARGUMENTS section above.

     -pubin  By default, a private key is read from the input file; with this
	     option a public key is read instead.

	     By default, a private key is output; with this option a public
	     key will be output instead.  This option is automatically set if
	     the input is a public key.

	     Use the modified NET algorithm used with some versions of Micro‐
	     soft IIS and SGC keys.

     -text   Prints out the various public or private key components in plain
	     text, in addition to the encoded version.

     The PEM private key format uses the header and footer lines:

	   -----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----

     The PEM public key format uses the header and footer lines:

	   -----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----
	   -----END PUBLIC KEY-----

     The NET form is a format compatible with older Netscape servers and Mi‐
     crosoft IIS .key files; this uses unsalted RC4 for its encryption.	 It is
     not very secure and so should only be used when necessary.

     Some newer version of IIS have additional data in the exported .key
     files.  To use these with the rsa utility, view the file with a binary
     editor and look for the string "private-key", then trace back to the byte
     sequence 0x30, 0x82 (this is an ASN1 SEQUENCE).  Copy all the data from
     this point onwards to another file and use that as the input to the rsa
     utility with the -inform NET option.  If there is an error after entering
     the password, try the -sgckey option.

     To remove the pass phrase on an RSA private key:

	   $ openssl rsa -in key.pem -out keyout.pem

     To encrypt a private key using triple DES:

	   $ openssl rsa -in key.pem -des3 -out keyout.pem

     To convert a private key from PEM to DER format:

	   $ openssl rsa -in key.pem -outform DER -out keyout.der

     To print out the components of a private key to standard output:

	   $ openssl rsa -in key.pem -text -noout

     To just output the public part of a private key:

	   $ openssl rsa -in key.pem -pubout -out pubkey.pem

     The command line password arguments don't currently work with NET format.

     There should be an option that automatically handles .key files, without
     having to manually edit them.

     openssl rsautl [-asn1parse] [-certin] [-decrypt] [-encrypt] [-engine id]
     [-hexdump] [-in file] [-inkey file] [-keyform DER | PEM]
     [-oaep | -pkcs | -raw | -ssl] [-out file] [-pubin] [-sign] [-verify]

     The rsautl command can be used to sign, verify, encrypt and decrypt data
     using the RSA algorithm.

     The options are as follows:

	     Asn1parse the output data; this is useful when combined with the
	     -verify option.

	     The input is a certificate containing an RSA public key.

	     Decrypt the input data using an RSA private key.

	     Encrypt the input data using an RSA public key.

     -engine id
	     Specifying an engine (by its unique id string) will cause rsautl
	     to attempt to obtain a functional reference to the specified
	     engine, thus initialising it if needed.  The engine will then be
	     set as the default for all available algorithms.

	     Hex dump the output data.

     -in file
	     This specifies the input file to read data from, or standard
	     input if this option is not specified.

     -inkey file
	     The input key file, by default it should be an RSA private key.

     -keyform DER | PEM
	     Private ket format.  Default is PEM.

     -oaep | -pkcs | -raw | -ssl
	     The padding to use: PKCS#1 OAEP, PKCS#1 v1.5 (the default), or no
	     padding, respectively.  For signatures, only -pkcs and -raw can
	     be used.

     -out file
	     Specifies the output file to write to, or standard output by

     -pubin  The input file is an RSA public key.

     -sign   Sign the input data and output the signed result.	This requires
	     an RSA private key.

	     Verify the input data and output the recovered data.

     rsautl, because it uses the RSA algorithm directly, can only be used to
     sign or verify small pieces of data.

     Sign some data using a private key:

	   $ openssl rsautl -sign -in file -inkey key.pem -out sig

     Recover the signed data:

	   $ openssl rsautl -verify -in sig -inkey key.pem

     Examine the raw signed data:

      $ openssl rsautl -verify -in file -inkey key.pem -raw -hexdump

      0000 - 00 01 ff ff ff ff ff ff-ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff   ................
      0010 - ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff-ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff   ................
      0020 - ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff-ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff   ................
      0030 - ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff-ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff   ................
      0040 - ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff-ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff   ................
      0050 - ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff-ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff   ................
      0060 - ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff-ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff   ................
      0070 - ff ff ff ff 00 68 65 6c-6c 6f 20 77 6f 72 6c 64   .....hello world

     The PKCS#1 block formatting is evident from this.	If this was done using
     encrypt and decrypt, the block would have been of type 2 (the second
     byte) and random padding data visible instead of the 0xff bytes.

     It is possible to analyse the signature of certificates using this util‐
     ity in conjunction with asn1parse.	 Consider the self-signed example in
     certs/pca-cert.pem: running asn1parse as follows yields:

      $ openssl asn1parse -in pca-cert.pem

	 0:d=0	hl=4 l= 742 cons: SEQUENCE
	 4:d=1	hl=4 l= 591 cons:  SEQUENCE
	 8:d=2	hl=2 l=	  3 cons:   cont [ 0 ]
	10:d=3	hl=2 l=	  1 prim:    INTEGER	       :02
	13:d=2	hl=2 l=	  1 prim:   INTEGER	      :00
	16:d=2	hl=2 l=	 13 cons:   SEQUENCE
	18:d=3	hl=2 l=	  9 prim:    OBJECT	       :md5WithRSAEncryption
	29:d=3	hl=2 l=	  0 prim:    NULL
	31:d=2	hl=2 l=	 92 cons:   SEQUENCE
	33:d=3	hl=2 l=	 11 cons:    SET
	35:d=4	hl=2 l=	  9 cons:     SEQUENCE
	37:d=5	hl=2 l=	  3 prim:      OBJECT		 :countryName
	42:d=5	hl=2 l=	  2 prim:      PRINTABLESTRING	 :AU
       599:d=1	hl=2 l=	 13 cons:  SEQUENCE
       601:d=2	hl=2 l=	  9 prim:   OBJECT	      :md5WithRSAEncryption
       612:d=2	hl=2 l=	  0 prim:   NULL
       614:d=1	hl=3 l= 129 prim:  BIT STRING

     The final BIT STRING contains the actual signature.  It can be extracted

	   $ openssl asn1parse -in pca-cert.pem -out sig -noout -strparse 614

     The certificate public key can be extracted with:

	   $ openssl x509 -in test/testx509.pem -pubkey -noout >pubkey.pem

     The signature can be analysed with:

      $ openssl rsautl -in sig -verify -asn1parse -inkey pubkey.pem -pubin

	 0:d=0	hl=2 l=	 32 cons: SEQUENCE
	 2:d=1	hl=2 l=	 12 cons:  SEQUENCE
	 4:d=2	hl=2 l=	  8 prim:   OBJECT	      :md5
	14:d=2	hl=2 l=	  0 prim:   NULL
	16:d=1	hl=2 l=	 16 prim:  OCTET STRING
	0000 - f3 46 9e aa 1a 4a 73 c9-37 ea 93 00 48 25 08 b5	.F...Js.7...H%..

     This is the parsed version of an ASN1 DigestInfo structure.  It can be
     seen that the digest used was MD5.	 The actual part of the certificate
     that was signed can be extracted with:

	   $ openssl asn1parse -in pca-cert.pem -out tbs -noout -strparse 4

     and its digest computed with:

	   $ openssl md5 -c tbs
	   MD5(tbs)= f3:46:9e:aa:1a:4a:73:c9:37:ea:93:00:48:25:08:b5

     which it can be seen agrees with the recovered value above.

     openssl s_client [-4 | -6] [-bugs] [-CAfile file] [-CApath directory]
     [-cert file] [-check_ss_sig] [-cipher cipherlist] [-connect host:port |
     host/port] [-crl_check] [-crl_check_all] [-crlf] [-debug] [-engine id]
     [-extended_crl] [-ign_eof] [-ignore_critical] [-issuer_checks]
     [-key keyfile] [-msg] [-nbio] [-nbio_test] [-no_ticket] [-no_tls1]
     [-no_tls1_1] [-no_tls1_2] [-pause] [-policy_check] [-prexit]
     [-proxy host:port] [-psk key] [-psk_identity identity] [-quiet]
     [-reconnect] [-servername name] [-showcerts] [-starttls protocol]
     [-state] [-tls1] [-tlsextdebug] [-verify depth] [-x509_strict]

     The s_client command implements a generic SSL/TLS client which connects
     to a remote host using SSL/TLS.  It is a very useful diagnostic tool for
     SSL servers.

     The options are as follows:

     -4	     Specify that s_client should attempt connections using IPv4 only.

     -6	     Specify that s_client should attempt connections using IPv6 only.

     -bugs   There are several known bugs in SSL and TLS implementations.
	     Adding this option enables various workarounds.

     -CAfile file
	     A file containing trusted certificates to use during server
	     authentication and to use when attempting to build the client
	     certificate chain.

     -CApath directory
	     The directory to use for server certificate verification.	This
	     directory must be in "hash format"; see -verify for more informa‐
	     tion.  These are also used when building the client certificate

     -cert file
	     The certificate to use, if one is requested by the server.	 The
	     default is not to use a certificate.

     -check_ss_sig, -crl_check, -crl_check_all, -extended_crl,
	     -ignore_critical, -issuer_checks, -policy_check, -x509_strict
	     Set various certificate chain validation options.	See the VERIFY
	     command for details.

     -cipher cipherlist
	     This allows the cipher list sent by the client to be modified.
	     Although the server determines which cipher suite is used, it
	     should take the first supported cipher in the list sent by the
	     client.  See the CIPHERS section above for more information.

     -connect host:port | host/port
	     This specifies the host and optional port to connect to.  If not
	     specified, an attempt is made to connect to the local host on
	     port 4433.	 Alternatively, the host and port pair may be sepa‐
	     rated using a forward-slash character.  This form is useful for
	     numeric IPv6 addresses.

     -crlf   This option translates a line feed from the terminal into CR+LF
	     as required by some servers.

     -debug  Print extensive debugging information including a hex dump of all

     -engine id
	     Specifying an engine (by its unique id string) will cause
	     s_client to attempt to obtain a functional reference to the spec‐
	     ified engine, thus initialising it if needed.  The engine will
	     then be set as the default for all available algorithms.

	     Inhibit shutting down the connection when end of file is reached
	     in the input.

     -key keyfile
	     The private key to use.  If not specified, the certificate file
	     will be used.

     -msg    Show all protocol messages with hex dump.

     -nbio   Turns on non-blocking I/O.

	     Tests non-blocking I/O.

     -no_tls1 | -no_tls1_1 | -no_tls1_2 | -tls1
	     These options disable the use of certain SSL or TLS protocols.
	     By default, the initial handshake uses a method which should be
	     compatible with all servers and permit them to use SSL v3 or TLS
	     as appropriate.

	     Unfortunately there are a lot of ancient and broken servers in
	     use which cannot handle this technique and will fail to connect.
	     Some servers only work if TLS is turned off with the -no_tls

	     Disable RFC 4507 session ticket support.

     -pause  Pauses 1 second between each read and write call.

	     Print session information when the program exits.	This will
	     always attempt to print out information even if the connection
	     fails.  Normally, information will only be printed out once if
	     the connection succeeds.  This option is useful because the
	     cipher in use may be renegotiated or the connection may fail
	     because a client certificate is required or is requested only
	     after an attempt is made to access a certain URL.	Note: the out‐
	     put produced by this option is not always accurate because a con‐
	     nection might never have been established.

     -proxy host:port
	     Use the HTTP proxy at host and port.  The connection to the proxy
	     is done in cleartext and the -connect argument is given to the
	     proxy.  If not specified, localhost is used as final destination.
	     After that, switch the connection through the proxy to the desti‐
	     nation to TLS.

     -psk key
	     Use the PSK key key when using a PSK cipher suite.	 The key is
	     given as a hexadecimal number without the leading 0x, for example
	     -psk 1a2b3c4d.

     -psk_identity identity
	     Use the PSK identity identity when using a PSK cipher suite.

     -quiet  Inhibit printing of session and certificate information.  This
	     implicitly turns on -ign_eof as well.

	     Reconnects to the same server 5 times using the same session ID;
	     this can be used as a test that session caching is working.

     -servername name
	     Include the TLS Server Name Indication (SNI) extension in the
	     ClientHello message, using the specified server name.

	     Display the whole server certificate chain: normally only the
	     server certificate itself is displayed.

     -starttls protocol
	     Send the protocol-specific message(s) to switch to TLS for commu‐
	     nication.	protocol is a keyword for the intended protocol.  Cur‐
	     rently, the supported keywords are "ftp", "imap", "smtp", "pop3",
	     and "xmpp".

     -state  Prints out the SSL session states.

	     Print out a hex dump of any TLS extensions received from the

     -verify depth
	     The verify depth to use.  This specifies the maximum length of
	     the server certificate chain and turns on server certificate ver‐
	     ification.	 Currently the verify operation continues after errors
	     so all the problems with a certificate chain can be seen.	As a
	     side effect the connection will never fail due to a server cer‐
	     tificate verify failure.

     If a connection is established with an SSL server, any data received from
     the server is displayed and any key presses will be sent to the server.
     When used interactively (which means neither -quiet nor -ign_eof have
     been given), the session will be renegotiated if the line begins with an
     R; if the line begins with a Q or if end of file is reached, the connec‐
     tion will be closed down.

     s_client can be used to debug SSL servers.	 To connect to an SSL HTTP
     server the command:

	   $ openssl s_client -connect servername:443

     would typically be used (HTTPS uses port 443).  If the connection suc‐
     ceeds, an HTTP command can be given such as "GET" to retrieve a web page.

     If the handshake fails, there are several possible causes; if it is noth‐
     ing obvious like no client certificate, then the -bugs, -tls1, -no_tls1,
     -no_tls1_1, and -no_tls1_2 options can be tried in case it is a buggy

     A frequent problem when attempting to get client certificates working is
     that a web client complains it has no certificates or gives an empty list
     to choose from.  This is normally because the server is not sending the
     client's certificate authority in its "acceptable CA list" when it
     requests a certificate.  By using s_client the CA list can be viewed and
     checked.  However some servers only request client authentication after a
     specific URL is requested.	 To obtain the list in this case it is neces‐
     sary to use the -prexit option and send an HTTP request for an appropri‐
     ate page.

     If a certificate is specified on the command line using the -cert option,
     it will not be used unless the server specifically requests a client cer‐
     tificate.	Therefore merely including a client certificate on the command
     line is no guarantee that the certificate works.

     If there are problems verifying a server certificate, the -showcerts
     option can be used to show the whole chain.

     Compression methods are only supported for -tls1.

     Because this program has a lot of options and also because some of the
     techniques used are rather old, the C source of s_client is rather hard
     to read and not a model of how things should be done.  A typical SSL
     client program would be much simpler.

     The -verify option should really exit if the server verification fails.

     The -prexit option is a bit of a hack.  We should really report informa‐
     tion whenever a session is renegotiated.

     openssl s_server [-accept port] [-bugs] [-CAfile file]
     [-CApath directory] [-cert file] [-cipher cipherlist] [-context id]
     [-crl_check] [-crl_check_all] [-crlf] [-dcert file] [-debug]
     [-dhparam file] [-dkey file] [-engine id] [-hack] [-HTTP]
     [-id_prefix arg] [-key keyfile] [-msg] [-nbio] [-nbio_test] [-no_dhe]
     [-no_tls1] [-no_tls1_1] [-no_tls1_2] [-no_tmp_rsa] [-nocert] [-psk key]
     [-psk_hint hint] [-quiet] [-serverpref] [-state] [-tls1] [-Verify depth]
     [-verify depth] [-WWW] [-www]

     The s_server command implements a generic SSL/TLS server which listens
     for connections on a given port using SSL/TLS.

     The options are as follows:

     -accept port
	     The TCP port to listen on for connections.	 If not specified,
	     4433 is used.

     -bugs   There are several known bugs in SSL and TLS implementations.
	     Adding this option enables various workarounds.

     -CAfile file
	     A file containing trusted certificates to use during client
	     authentication and to use when attempting to build the server
	     certificate chain.	 The list is also used in the list of accept‐
	     able client CAs passed to the client when a certificate is

     -CApath directory
	     The directory to use for client certificate verification.	This
	     directory must be in "hash format"; see -verify for more informa‐
	     tion.  These are also used when building the server certificate

     -cert file
	     The certificate to use; most server's cipher suites require the
	     use of a certificate and some require a certificate with a cer‐
	     tain public key type: for example the DSS cipher suites require a
	     certificate containing a DSS (DSA) key.  If not specified, the
	     file server.pem will be used.

     -cipher cipherlist
	     This allows the cipher list used by the server to be modified.
	     When the client sends a list of supported ciphers, the first
	     client cipher also included in the server list is used.  Because
	     the client specifies the preference order, the order of the
	     server cipherlist is irrelevant.  See the CIPHERS section for
	     more information.

     -context id
	     Sets the SSL context ID.  It can be given any string value.  If
	     this option is not present, a default value will be used.

     -crl_check, -crl_check_all
	     Check the peer certificate has not been revoked by its CA.	 The
	     CRLs are appended to the certificate file.	 With the
	     -crl_check_all option, all CRLs of all CAs in the chain are

     -crlf   This option translates a line feed from the terminal into CR+LF.

     -dcert file, -dkey file
	     Specify an additional certificate and private key; these behave
	     in the same manner as the -cert and -key options except there is
	     no default if they are not specified (no additional certificate
	     or key is used).  As noted above some cipher suites require a
	     certificate containing a key of a certain type.  Some cipher
	     suites need a certificate carrying an RSA key and some a DSS
	     (DSA) key.	 By using RSA and DSS certificates and keys, a server
	     can support clients which only support RSA or DSS cipher suites
	     by using an appropriate certificate.

     -debug  Print extensive debugging information including a hex dump of all

     -dhparam file
	     The DH parameter file to use.  The ephemeral DH cipher suites
	     generate keys using a set of DH parameters.  If not specified, an
	     attempt is made to load the parameters from the server certifi‐
	     cate file.	 If this fails, a static set of parameters hard coded
	     into the s_server program will be used.

     -engine id
	     Specifying an engine (by its unique id string) will cause
	     s_server to attempt to obtain a functional reference to the spec‐
	     ified engine, thus initialising it if needed.  The engine will
	     then be set as the default for all available algorithms.

     -hack   This option enables a further workaround for some early Netscape
	     SSL code (?).

     -HTTP   Emulates a simple web server.  Pages will be resolved relative to
	     the current directory; for example if the URL
	     https://myhost/page.html is requested, the file ./page.html will
	     be loaded.	 The files loaded are assumed to contain a complete
	     and correct HTTP response (lines that are part of the HTTP
	     response line and headers must end with CRLF).

     -id_prefix arg
	     Generate SSL/TLS session IDs prefixed by arg.  This is mostly
	     useful for testing any SSL/TLS code (e.g. proxies) that wish to
	     deal with multiple servers, when each of which might be generat‐
	     ing a unique range of session IDs (e.g. with a certain prefix).

     -key keyfile
	     The private key to use.  If not specified, the certificate file
	     will be used.

     -msg    Show all protocol messages with hex dump.

     -nbio   Turns on non-blocking I/O.

	     Tests non-blocking I/O.

	     If this option is set, no DH parameters will be loaded, effec‐
	     tively disabling the ephemeral DH cipher suites.

     -no_tls1 | -no_tls1_1 | -no_tls1_2 | -tls1
	     These options disable the use of certain SSL or TLS protocols.
	     By default, the initial handshake uses a method which should be
	     compatible with all servers and permit them to use SSL v3 or TLS
	     as appropriate.

	     Certain export cipher suites sometimes use a temporary RSA key;
	     this option disables temporary RSA key generation.

	     If this option is set, no certificate is used.  This restricts
	     the cipher suites available to the anonymous ones (currently just
	     anonymous DH).

     -psk key
	     Use the PSK key key when using a PSK cipher suite.	 The key is
	     given as a hexadecimal number without the leading 0x, for example
	     -psk 1a2b3c4d.

     -psk_hint hint
	     Use the PSK identity hint hint when using a PSK cipher suite.

     -quiet  Inhibit printing of session and certificate information.

	     Use server's cipher preferences.

     -state  Prints out the SSL session states.

     -WWW    Emulates a simple web server.  Pages will be resolved relative to
	     the current directory; for example if the URL
	     https://myhost/page.html is requested, the file ./page.html will
	     be loaded.

     -www    Sends a status message back to the client when it connects.  This
	     includes lots of information about the ciphers used and various
	     session parameters.  The output is in HTML format so this option
	     will normally be used with a web browser.

     -Verify depth, -verify depth
	     The verify depth to use.  This specifies the maximum length of
	     the client certificate chain and makes the server request a cer‐
	     tificate from the client.	With the -Verify option, the client
	     must supply a certificate or an error occurs.  With the -verify
	     option, a certificate is requested but the client does not have
	     to send one.

     If a connection request is established with an SSL client and neither the
     -www nor the -WWW option has been used, then normally any data received
     from the client is displayed and any key presses will be sent to the

     Certain single letter commands are also recognized which perform special
     operations: these are listed below.

     P	   Send some plain text down the underlying TCP connection: this
	   should cause the client to disconnect due to a protocol violation.

     Q	   End the current SSL connection and exit.

     q	   End the current SSL connection, but still accept new connections.

     R	   Renegotiate the SSL session and request a client certificate.

     r	   Renegotiate the SSL session.

     S	   Print out some session cache status information.

     s_server can be used to debug SSL clients.	 To accept connections from a
     web browser the command:

	   $ openssl s_server -accept 443 -www

     can be used, for example.

     Most web browsers (in particular Netscape and MSIE) only support RSA
     cipher suites, so they cannot connect to servers which don't use a cer‐
     tificate carrying an RSA key or a version of OpenSSL with RSA disabled.

     Although specifying an empty list of CAs when requesting a client cer‐
     tificate is strictly speaking a protocol violation, some SSL clients
     interpret this to mean any CA is acceptable.  This is useful for debug‐
     ging purposes.

     The session parameters can printed out using the sess_id program.

     Because this program has a lot of options and also because some of the
     techniques used are rather old, the C source of s_server is rather hard
     to read and not a model of how things should be done.  A typical SSL
     server program would be much simpler.

     The output of common ciphers is wrong: it just gives the list of ciphers
     that OpenSSL recognizes and the client supports.

     There should be a way for the s_server program to print out details of
     any unknown cipher suites a client says it supports.

     openssl s_time [-bugs] [-CAfile file] [-CApath directory] [-cert file]
     [-cipher cipherlist] [-connect host:port] [-key keyfile] [-nbio] [-new]
     [-reuse] [-time seconds] [-verify depth] [-www page]

     The s_client command implements a generic SSL/TLS client which connects
     to a remote host using SSL/TLS.  It can request a page from the server
     and includes the time to transfer the payload data in its timing measure‐
     ments.  It measures the number of connections within a given timeframe,
     the amount of data transferred (if any), and calculates the average time
     spent for one connection.

     The options are as follows:

     -bugs   There are several known bugs in SSL and TLS implementations.
	     Adding this option enables various workarounds.

     -CAfile file
	     A file containing trusted certificates to use during server
	     authentication and to use when attempting to build the client
	     certificate chain.

     -CApath directory
	     The directory to use for server certificate verification.	This
	     directory must be in "hash format"; see verify for more informa‐
	     tion.  These are also used when building the client certificate

     -cert file
	     The certificate to use, if one is requested by the server.	 The
	     default is not to use a certificate.  The file is in PEM format.

     -cipher cipherlist
	     This allows the cipher list sent by the client to be modified.
	     Although the server determines which cipher suite is used, it
	     should take the first supported cipher in the list sent by the
	     client.  See the ciphers command for more information.

     -connect host:port
	     This specifies the host and optional port to connect to.

     -key keyfile
	     The private key to use.  If not specified, the certificate file
	     will be used.  The file is in PEM format.

     -nbio   Turns on non-blocking I/O.

     -new    Performs the timing test using a new session ID for each connec‐
	     tion.  If neither -new nor -reuse are specified, they are both on
	     by default and executed in sequence.

     -reuse  Performs the timing test using the same session ID; this can be
	     used as a test that session caching is working.  If neither -new
	     nor -reuse are specified, they are both on by default and exe‐
	     cuted in sequence.

     -time seconds
	     Specifies how long (in seconds) s_time should establish connec‐
	     tions and optionally transfer payload data from a server.	The
	     default is 30 seconds.  Server and client performance and the
	     link speed determine how many connections s_time can establish.

     -verify depth
	     The verify depth to use.  This specifies the maximum length of
	     the server certificate chain and turns on server certificate ver‐
	     ification.	 Currently the verify operation continues after
	     errors, so all the problems with a certificate chain can be seen.
	     As a side effect, the connection will never fail due to a server
	     certificate verify failure.

     -www page
	     This specifies the page to GET from the server.  A value of ‘/’
	     gets the index.htm[l] page.  If this parameter is not specified,
	     s_time will only perform the handshake to establish SSL connec‐
	     tions but not transfer any payload data.

     s_client can be used to measure the performance of an SSL connection.  To
     connect to an SSL HTTP server and get the default page the command

	   $ openssl s_time -connect servername:443 -www / -CApath yourdir \
		   -CAfile yourfile.pem -cipher commoncipher

     would typically be used (HTTPS uses port 443).  “commoncipher” is a
     cipher to which both client and server can agree; see the ciphers command
     for details.

     If the handshake fails, there are several possible causes: if it is noth‐
     ing obvious like no client certificate, the -bugs option can be tried in
     case it is a buggy server.

     A frequent problem when attempting to get client certificates working is
     that a web client complains it has no certificates or gives an empty list
     to choose from.  This is normally because the server is not sending the
     clients certificate authority in its "acceptable CA list" when it
     requests a certificate.  By using s_client, the CA list can be viewed and
     checked.  However some servers only request client authentication after a
     specific URL is requested.	 To obtain the list in this case, it is neces‐
     sary to use the -prexit option of s_client and send an HTTP request for
     an appropriate page.

     If a certificate is specified on the command line using the -cert option,
     it will not be used unless the server specifically requests a client cer‐
     tificate.	Therefore merely including a client certificate on the command
     line is no guarantee that the certificate works.

     Because this program does not have all the options of the s_client pro‐
     gram to turn protocols on and off, you may not be able to measure the
     performance of all protocols with all servers.

     The -verify option should really exit if the server verification fails.

     openssl sess_id [-cert] [-context ID] [-in file] [-inform DER | PEM]
     [-noout] [-out file] [-outform DER | PEM] [-text]

     The sess_id program processes the encoded version of the SSL session
     structure and optionally prints out SSL session details (for example the
     SSL session master key) in human readable format.	Since this is a diag‐
     nostic tool that needs some knowledge of the SSL protocol to use prop‐
     erly, most users will not need to use it.

     The options are as follows:

     -cert   If a certificate is present in the session, it will be output
	     using this option; if the -text option is also present, then it
	     will be printed out in text form.

     -context ID
	     This option can set the session ID so the output session informa‐
	     tion uses the supplied ID.	 The ID can be any string of charac‐
	     ters.  This option won't normally be used.

     -in file
	     This specifies the input file to read session information from,
	     or standard input by default.

     -inform DER | PEM
	     This specifies the input format.  The DER argument uses an ASN1
	     DER-encoded format containing session details.  The precise for‐
	     mat can vary from one version to the next.	 The PEM form is the
	     default format: it consists of the DER format base64-encoded with
	     additional header and footer lines.

     -noout  This option prevents output of the encoded version of the ses‐

     -out file
	     This specifies the output file to write session information to,
	     or standard output if this option is not specified.

     -outform DER | PEM
	     This specifies the output format; the options have the same mean‐
	     ing as the -inform option.

     -text   Prints out the various public or private key components in plain
	     text in addition to the encoded version.

     Typical output:

	 Protocol  : TLSv1
	 Cipher	   : 0016
	 Session-ID: 871E62626C554CE95488823752CBD5F3673A3EF3DCE9C67BD916C809914B40ED
	 Session-ID-ctx: 01000000
	 Master-Key: A7CEFC571974BE02CAC305269DC59F76EA9F0B180CB6642697A68251F2D2BB57E51DBBB4C7885573192AE9AEE220FACD
	 Key-Arg   : None
	 Start Time: 948459261
	 Timeout   : 300 (sec)
	 Verify return code 0 (ok)

     These are described below in more detail.

     Protocol		  This is the protocol in use.
     Cipher		  The cipher used is the actual raw SSL or TLS cipher
			  code; see the SSL or TLS specifications for more
     Session-ID		  The SSL session ID in hex format.
     Session-ID-ctx	  The session ID context in hex format.
     Master-Key		  This is the SSL session master key.
     Key-Arg		  The key argument; this is only used in SSL v2.
     Start Time		  This is the session start time, represented as an
			  integer in standard UNIX format.
     Timeout		  The timeout in seconds.
     Verify return code	  This is the return code when an SSL client certifi‐
			  cate is verified.

     The PEM-encoded session format uses the header and footer lines:


     Since the SSL session output contains the master key, it is possible to
     read the contents of an encrypted session using this information.	There‐
     fore appropriate security precautions should be taken if the information
     is being output by a "real" application.  This is, however, strongly dis‐
     couraged and should only be used for debugging purposes.

     The cipher and start time should be printed out in human readable form.

     openssl smime [-aes128 | -aes192 | -aes256 | -des |
     -des3 | -rc2-40 | -rc2-64 | -rc2-128] [-binary] [-CAfile file]
     [-CApath directory] [-certfile file] [-check_ss_sig] [-content file]
     [-crl_check] [-crl_check_all] [-decrypt] [-encrypt] [-engine id]
     [-extended_crl] [-from addr] [-ignore_critical] [-in file] [-indef]
     [-inform DER | PEM | SMIME] [-inkey file] [-issuer_checks]
     [-keyform ENGINE | PEM] [-md digest] [-noattr] [-nocerts] [-nochain]
     [-nodetach] [-noindef] [-nointern] [-nosigs] [-noverify] [-out file]
     [-outform DER | PEM | SMIME] [-passin arg] [-pk7out] [-policy_check]
     [-recip file] [-resign] [-sign] [-signer file] [-stream] [-subject s]
     [-text] [-to addr] [-verify] [-x509_strict] [cert.pem ...]

     The smime command handles S/MIME mail.  It can encrypt, decrypt, sign,
     and verify S/MIME messages.

     There are six operation options that set the type of operation to be per‐
     formed.  The meaning of the other options varies according to the opera‐
     tion type.

     The six operation options are as follows:

	   Decrypt mail using the supplied certificate and private key.
	   Expects an encrypted mail message in MIME format for the input
	   file.  The decrypted mail is written to the output file.

	   Encrypt mail for the given recipient certificates.  Input file is
	   the message to be encrypted.	 The output file is the encrypted mail
	   in MIME format.

	   Takes an input message and writes out a PEM-encoded PKCS#7 struc‐

	   Resign a message: take an existing message and one or more new

	   Sign mail using the supplied certificate and private key.  Input
	   file is the message to be signed.  The signed message in MIME for‐
	   mat is written to the output file.

	   Verify signed mail.	Expects a signed mail message on input and
	   outputs the signed data.  Both clear text and opaque signing is

     The remaining options are as follows:

     -aes128 | -aes192 | -aes256 | -des | -des3 | -rc2-40 | -rc2-64 | -rc2-128
	   The encryption algorithm to use.  128-, 192-, or 256-bit AES, DES
	   (56 bits), triple DES (168 bits), or 40-, 64-, or 128-bit RC2,
	   respectively; if not specified, 40-bit RC2 is used.	Only used with

	   Normally, the input message is converted to "canonical" format
	   which is effectively using CR and LF as end of line - as required
	   by the S/MIME specification.	 When this option is present no trans‐
	   lation occurs.  This is useful when handling binary data which may
	   not be in MIME format.

     -CAfile file
	   A file containing trusted CA certificates; only used with -verify.

     -CApath directory
	   A directory containing trusted CA certificates; only used with
	   -verify.  This directory must be a standard certificate directory:
	   that is, a hash of each subject name (using x509 -hash) should be
	   linked to each certificate.

     cert.pem ...
	   One or more certificates of message recipients: used when encrypt‐
	   ing a message.

     -certfile file
	   Allows additional certificates to be specified.  When signing,
	   these will be included with the message.  When verifying, these
	   will be searched for the signers' certificates.  The certificates
	   should be in PEM format.

     -check_ss_sig, -crl_check, -crl_check_all, -extended_crl,
	   -ignore_critical, -issuer_checks, -policy_check, -x509_strict
	   Set various certificate chain validation options.  See the VERIFY
	   command for details.

     -content file
	   This specifies a file containing the detached content.  This is
	   only useful with the -verify command.  This is only usable if the
	   PKCS#7 structure is using the detached signature form where the
	   content is not included.  This option will override any content if
	   the input format is S/MIME and it uses the multipart/signed MIME
	   content type.

     -engine id
	   Specifying an engine (by its unique id string) will cause smime to
	   attempt to obtain a functional reference to the specified engine,
	   thus initialising it if needed.  The engine will then be set as the
	   default for all available algorithms.

     -from addr, -subject s, -to addr
	   The relevant mail headers.  These are included outside the signed
	   portion of a message so they may be included manually.  When sign‐
	   ing, many S/MIME mail clients check that the signer's certificate
	   email address matches the From: address.

     -in file
	   The input message to be encrypted or signed or the MIME message to
	   be decrypted or verified.

	   Enable streaming I/O for encoding operations.  This permits single
	   pass processing of data without the need to hold the entire con‐
	   tents in memory, potentially supporting very large files.  Stream‐
	   ing is automatically set for S/MIME signing with detached data if
	   the output format is SMIME; it is currently off by default for all
	   other operations.

     -inform DER | PEM | SMIME
	   This specifies the input format for the PKCS#7 structure.  The
	   default is SMIME, which reads an S/MIME format message.  PEM and
	   DER format change this to expect PEM and DER format PKCS#7 struc‐
	   tures instead.  This currently only affects the input format of the
	   PKCS#7 structure; if no PKCS#7 structure is being input (for exam‐
	   ple with -encrypt or -sign), this option has no effect.

     -inkey file
	   The private key to use when signing or decrypting.  This must match
	   the corresponding certificate.  If this option is not specified,
	   the private key must be included in the certificate file specified
	   with the -recip or -signer file.  When signing, this option can be
	   used multiple times to specify successive keys.

     -keyform ENGINE | PEM
	   Input private key format.

     -md digest
	   The digest algorithm to use when signing or resigning.  If not
	   present then the default digest algorithm for the signing key is
	   used (usually SHA1).

	   Normally, when a message is signed a set of attributes are included
	   which include the signing time and supported symmetric algorithms.
	   With this option they are not included.

	   When signing a message, the signer's certificate is normally
	   included; with this option it is excluded.  This will reduce the
	   size of the signed message but the verifier must have a copy of the
	   signer's certificate available locally (passed using the -certfile
	   option, for example).

	   Do not do chain verification of signers' certificates: that is,
	   don't use the certificates in the signed message as untrusted CAs.

	   When signing a message use opaque signing: this form is more resis‐
	   tant to translation by mail relays but it cannot be read by mail
	   agents that do not support S/MIME.  Without this option cleartext
	   signing with the MIME type multipart/signed is used.

	   Disable streaming I/O where it would produce an encoding of indefi‐
	   nite length.	 This option currently has no effect.  In future
	   streaming will be enabled by default on all relevant operations and
	   this option will disable it.

	   When verifying a message, normally certificates (if any) included
	   in the message are searched for the signing certificate.  With this
	   option, only the certificates specified in the -certfile option are
	   used.  The supplied certificates can still be used as untrusted CAs

	   Don't try to verify the signatures on the message.

	   Do not verify the signer's certificate of a signed message.

     -out file
	   The message text that has been decrypted or verified, or the output
	   MIME format message that has been signed or verified.

     -outform DER | PEM | SMIME
	   This specifies the output format for the PKCS#7 structure.  The
	   default is SMIME, which writes an S/MIME format message.  PEM and
	   DER format change this to write PEM and DER format PKCS#7 struc‐
	   tures instead.  This currently only affects the output format of
	   the PKCS#7 structure; if no PKCS#7 structure is being output (for
	   example with -verify or -decrypt) this option has no effect.

     -passin arg
	   The key password source.  For more information about the format of
	   arg, see the PASS PHRASE ARGUMENTS section above.

     -recip file
	   The recipients certificate when decrypting a message.  This cer‐
	   tificate must match one of the recipients of the message or an
	   error occurs.

     -signer file
	   A signing certificate when signing or resigning a message; this
	   option can be used multiple times if more than one signer is
	   required.  If a message is being verified, the signer's certifi‐
	   cates will be written to this file if the verification was success‐

	   The same as -indef.

	   This option adds plain text (text/plain) MIME headers to the sup‐
	   plied message if encrypting or signing.  If decrypting or verify‐
	   ing, it strips off text headers: if the decrypted or verified mes‐
	   sage is not of MIME type text/plain then an error occurs.

     The MIME message must be sent without any blank lines between the headers
     and the output.  Some mail programs will automatically add a blank line.
     Piping the mail directly to an MTA is one way to achieve the correct for‐

     The supplied message to be signed or encrypted must include the necessary
     MIME headers or many S/MIME clients won't display it properly (if at
     all).  You can use the -text option to automatically add plain text head‐

     A "signed and encrypted" message is one where a signed message is then
     encrypted.	 This can be produced by encrypting an already signed message:
     see the SMIME EXAMPLES section.

     This version of the program only allows one signer per message, but it
     will verify multiple signers on received messages.	 Some S/MIME clients
     choke if a message contains multiple signers.  It is possible to sign
     messages "in parallel" by signing an already signed message.

     The options -encrypt and -decrypt reflect common usage in S/MIME clients.
     Strictly speaking these process PKCS#7 enveloped data: PKCS#7 encrypted
     data is used for other purposes.

     The -resign option uses an existing message digest when adding a new
     signer.  This means that attributes must be present in at least one
     existing signer using the same message digest or this operation will

     The -stream and -indef options enable experimental streaming I/O support.
     As a result the encoding is BER using indefinite length constructed
     encoding and no longer DER.  Streaming is supported for the -encrypt and
     -sign operations if the content is not detached.

     Streaming is always used for the -sign operation with detached data but
     since the content is no longer part of the PKCS#7 structure the encoding
     remains DER.

     0	   The operation was completely successful.

     1	   An error occurred parsing the command options.

     2	   One of the input files could not be read.

     3	   An error occurred creating the PKCS#7 file or when reading the MIME

     4	   An error occurred decrypting or verifying the message.

     5	   The message was verified correctly, but an error occurred writing
	   out the signer's certificates.

     Create a cleartext signed message:

	   $ openssl smime -sign -in message.txt -text -out mail.msg \
		   -signer mycert.pem

     Create an opaque signed message:

	   $ openssl smime -sign -in message.txt -text -out mail.msg \
		   -nodetach -signer mycert.pem

     Create a signed message, include some additional certificates and read
     the private key from another file:

	   $ openssl smime -sign -in in.txt -text -out mail.msg \
		   -signer mycert.pem -inkey mykey.pem -certfile mycerts.pem

     Create a signed message with two signers:

	   openssl smime -sign -in message.txt -text -out mail.msg \
		   -signer mycert.pem -signer othercert.pem

     Send a signed message under UNIX directly to sendmail(8), including head‐

	   $ openssl smime -sign -in in.txt -text -signer mycert.pem \
		   -from -to someone@somewhere \
		   -subject "Signed message" | sendmail someone@somewhere

     Verify a message and extract the signer's certificate if successful:

	   $ openssl smime -verify -in mail.msg -signer user.pem \
		   -out signedtext.txt

     Send encrypted mail using triple DES:

	   $ openssl smime -encrypt -in in.txt -from \
		   -to someone@somewhere -subject "Encrypted message" \
		   -des3 -out mail.msg user.pem

     Sign and encrypt mail:

	   $ openssl smime -sign -in ml.txt -signer my.pem -text | \
		   openssl smime -encrypt -out mail.msg \
		   -from -to someone@somewhere \
		   -subject "Signed and Encrypted message" -des3 user.pem

     Note: The encryption command does not include the -text option because
     the message being encrypted already has MIME headers.

     Decrypt mail:

	   $ openssl smime -decrypt -in mail.msg -recip mycert.pem \
		   -inkey key.pem"

     The output from Netscape form signing is a PKCS#7 structure with the
     detached signature format.	 You can use this program to verify the signa‐
     ture by line wrapping the base64-encoded structure and surrounding it

	   -----BEGIN PKCS7-----
	   -----END PKCS7-----

     and using the command:

	   $ openssl smime -verify -inform PEM -in signature.pem \
		   -content content.txt

     Alternatively, you can base64 decode the signature and use:

	   $ openssl smime -verify -inform DER -in signature.der \
		   -content content.txt

     Create an encrypted message using 128-bit AES:

	   openssl smime -encrypt -in plain.txt -aes128 \
		   -out mail.msg cert.pem

     Add a signer to an existing message:

	   openssl smime -resign -in mail.msg -signer newsign.pem \
		   -out mail2.msg

     The MIME parser isn't very clever: it seems to handle most messages that
     I've thrown at it, but it may choke on others.

     The code currently will only write out the signer's certificate to a
     file: if the signer has a separate encryption certificate this must be
     manually extracted.  There should be some heuristic that determines the
     correct encryption certificate.

     Ideally, a database should be maintained of a certificate for each email

     The code doesn't currently take note of the permitted symmetric encryp‐
     tion algorithms as supplied in the SMIMECapabilities signed attribute.
     This means the user has to manually include the correct encryption algo‐
     rithm.  It should store the list of permitted ciphers in a database and
     only use those.

     No revocation checking is done on the signer's certificate.

     The current code can only handle S/MIME v2 messages; the more complex
     S/MIME v3 structures may cause parsing errors.

     The use of multiple -signer options and the -resign command were first
     added in OpenSSL 1.0.0.

     openssl speed [aes] [aes-128-cbc] [aes-192-cbc] [aes-256-cbc] [blowfish]
     [bf-cbc] [cast] [cast-cbc] [des] [des-cbc] [des-ede3] [dsa] [dsa512]
     [dsa1024] [dsa2048] [hmac] [md2] [md4] [md5] [rc2] [rc2-cbc] [rc4]
     [rmd160] [rsa] [rsa512] [rsa1024] [rsa2048] [rsa4096] [sha1] [-decrypt]
     [-elapsed] [-engine id] [-evp e] [-mr] [-multi number]

     The speed command is used to test the performance of cryptographic algo‐

     [zero or more test algorithms]
	   If any options are given, speed tests those algorithms, otherwise
	   all of the above are tested.

	   Time decryption instead of encryption (only EVP).

     -engine id
	   Specifying an engine (by its unique id string) will cause speed to
	   attempt to obtain a functional reference to the specified engine,
	   thus initialising it if needed.  The engine will then be set as the
	   default for all available algorithms.

	   Measure time in real time instead of CPU user time.

     -evp e
	   Use EVP e.

     -mr   Produce machine readable output.

     -multi number
	   Run number benchmarks in parallel.

     openssl ts -query [-md4 | -md5 | -ripemd160 | -sha | -sha1] [-cert]
     [-config configfile] [-data file_to_hash] [-digest digest_bytes]
     [-in request.tsq] [-no_nonce] [-out request.tsq] [-policy object_id]

     openssl ts -reply [-chain certs_file.pem] [-config configfile]
     [-engine id] [-in response.tsr] [-inkey private.pem] [-out response.tsr]
     [-passin arg] [-policy object_id] [-queryfile request.tsq]
     [-section tsa_section] [-signer tsa_cert.pem] [-text] [-token_in]

     openssl ts -verify [-CAfile trusted_certs.pem]
     [-CApath trusted_cert_path] [-data file_to_hash] [-digest digest_bytes]
     [-in response.tsr] [-queryfile request.tsq] [-token_in]
     [-untrusted cert_file.pem]

     The ts command is a basic Time Stamping Authority (TSA) client and server
     application as specified in RFC 3161 (Time-Stamp Protocol, TSP).  A TSA
     can be part of a PKI deployment and its role is to provide long term
     proof of the existence of a certain datum before a particular time.  Here
     is a brief description of the protocol:

     1.	  The TSA client computes a one-way hash value for a data file and
	  sends the hash to the TSA.

     2.	  The TSA attaches the current date and time to the received hash
	  value, signs them and sends the time stamp token back to the client.
	  By creating this token the TSA certifies the existence of the origi‐
	  nal data file at the time of response generation.

     3.	  The TSA client receives the time stamp token and verifies the signa‐
	  ture on it.  It also checks if the token contains the same hash
	  value that it had sent to the TSA.

     There is one DER-encoded protocol data unit defined for transporting a
     time stamp request to the TSA and one for sending the time stamp response
     back to the client.  The ts command has three main functions: creating a
     time stamp request based on a data file; creating a time stamp response
     based on a request; and verifying if a response corresponds to a particu‐
     lar request or a data file.

     There is no support for sending the requests/responses automatically over
     HTTP or TCP yet as suggested in RFC 3161.	Users must send the requests
     either by FTP or email.

     The -query switch can be used for creating and printing a time stamp
     request with the following options:

     -cert   The TSA is expected to include its signing certificate in the

     -config configfile
	     The configuration file to use.  This option overrides the
	     OPENSSL_CONF environment variable.	 Only the OID section of the
	     config file is used with the -query command.

     -data file_to_hash
	     The data file for which the time stamp request needs to be cre‐
	     ated.  stdin is the default if neither the -data nor the -digest
	     option is specified.

     -digest digest_bytes
	     It is possible to specify the message imprint explicitly without
	     the data file.  The imprint must be specified in a hexadecimal
	     format, two characters per byte, the bytes optionally separated
	     by colons (e.g. 1A:F6:01:... or 1AF601...).  The number of bytes
	     must match the message digest algorithm in use.

     -in request.tsq
	     This option specifies a previously created time stamp request in
	     DER format that will be printed into the output file.  Useful
	     when you need to examine the content of a request in human-read‐
	     able format.

	     The message digest to apply to the data file.  It supports all
	     the message digest algorithms that are supported by the dgst com‐
	     mand.  The default is SHA-1.

	     No nonce is specified in the request if this option is given.
	     Otherwise a 64-bit long pseudo-random none is included in the
	     request.  It is recommended to use nonce to protect against

     -out request.tsq
	     Name of the output file to which the request will be written.
	     The default is stdout.

     -policy object_id
	     The policy that the client expects the TSA to use for creating
	     the time stamp token.  Either the dotted OID notation or OID
	     names defined in the config file can be used.  If no policy is
	     requested the TSA will use its own default policy.

     -text   If this option is specified the output is in human-readable text
	     format instead of DER.

     A time stamp response (TimeStampResp) consists of a response status and
     the time stamp token itself (ContentInfo), if the token generation was
     successful.  The -reply command is for creating a time stamp response or
     time stamp token based on a request and printing the response/token in
     human-readable format.  If -token_out is not specified the output is
     always a time stamp response (TimeStampResp), otherwise it is a time
     stamp token (ContentInfo).

     -chain certs_file.pem
	     The collection of certificates, in PEM format, that will be
	     included in the response in addition to the signer certificate if
	     the -cert option was used for the request.	 This file is supposed
	     to contain the certificate chain for the signer certificate from
	     its issuer upwards.  The -reply command does not build a certifi‐
	     cate chain automatically.

     -config configfile
	     The configuration file to use.  This option overrides the
	     OPENSSL_CONF environment variable.	 See TS CONFIGURATION FILE
	     OPTIONS for configurable variables.

     -engine id
	     Specifying an engine (by its unique id string) will cause ts to
	     attempt to obtain a functional reference to the specified engine,
	     thus initialising it if needed.  The engine will then be set as
	     the default for all available algorithms.

     -in response.tsr
	     Specifies a previously created time stamp response or time stamp
	     token, if -token_in is also specified, in DER format that will be
	     written to the output file.  This option does not require a
	     request; it is useful, for example, when you need to examine the
	     content of a response or token or you want to extract the time
	     stamp token from a response.  If the input is a token and the
	     output is a time stamp response a default “granted” status info
	     is added to the token.

     -inkey private.pem
	     The signer private key of the TSA in PEM format.  Overrides the
	     signer_key config file option.

     -out response.tsr
	     The response is written to this file.  The format and content of
	     the file depends on other options (see -text and -token_out).
	     The default is stdout.

     -passin arg
	     The key password source.  For more information about the format
	     of arg, see the PASS PHRASE ARGUMENTS section above.

     -policy object_id
	     The default policy to use for the response unless the client
	     explicitly requires a particular TSA policy.  The OID can be
	     specified either in dotted notation or with its name.  Overrides
	     the default_policy config file option.

     -queryfile request.tsq
	     The name of the file containing a DER-encoded time stamp request.

     -section tsa_section
	     The name of the config file section containing the settings for
	     the response generation.  If not specified the default TSA sec‐
	     tion is used; see TS CONFIGURATION FILE OPTIONS for details.

     -signer tsa_cert.pem
	     The signer certificate of the TSA in PEM format.  The TSA signing
	     certificate must have exactly one extended key usage assigned to
	     it: timeStamping.	The extended key usage must also be critical,
	     otherwise the certificate is going to be refused.	Overrides the
	     signer_cert variable of the config file.

     -text   If this option is specified the output is human-readable text
	     format instead of DER.

	     This flag can be used together with the -in option and indicates
	     that the input is a DER-encoded time stamp token (ContentInfo)
	     instead of a time stamp response (TimeStampResp).

	     The output is a time stamp token (ContentInfo) instead of time
	     stamp response (TimeStampResp).

     The -verify command is for verifying if a time stamp response or time
     stamp token is valid and matches a particular time stamp request or data
     file.  The -verify command does not use the configuration file.

     -CAfile trusted_certs.pem
	     The name of the file containing a set of trusted self-signed CA
	     certificates in PEM format.  See the similar option of verify for
	     additional details.  Either this option or -CApath must be speci‐

     -CApath trusted_cert_path
	     The name of the directory containing the trused CA certificates
	     of the client.  See the similar option of verify for additional
	     details.  Either this option or -CAfile must be specified.

     -data file_to_hash
	     The response or token must be verified against file_to_hash.  The
	     file is hashed with the message digest algorithm specified in the
	     token.  The -digest and -queryfile options must not be specified
	     with this one.

     -digest digest_bytes
	     The response or token must be verified against the message digest
	     specified with this option.  The number of bytes must match the
	     message digest algorithm specified in the token.  The -data and
	     -queryfile options must not be specified with this one.

     -in response.tsr
	     The time stamp response that needs to be verified, in DER format.
	     This option in mandatory.

     -queryfile request.tsq
	     The original time stamp request, in DER format.  The -data and
	     -digest options must not be specified with this one.

	     This flag can be used together with the -in option and indicates
	     that the input is a DER-encoded time stamp token (ContentInfo)
	     instead of a time stamp response (TimeStampResp).

     -untrusted cert_file.pem
	     Set of additional untrusted certificates in PEM format which may
	     be needed when building the certificate chain for the TSA's sign‐
	     ing certificate.  This file must contain the TSA signing certifi‐
	     cate and all intermediate CA certificates unless the response
	     includes them.

     The -query and -reply options make use of a configuration file defined by
     the OPENSSL_CONF environment variable.  The -query option uses only the
     symbolic OID names section and it can work without it.  However, the
     -reply option needs the config file for its operation.

     When there is a command line switch equivalent of a variable the switch
     always overrides the settings in the config file.

     tsa section, default_tsa
	     This is the main section and it specifies the name of another
	     section that contains all the options for the -reply option.
	     This default section can be overridden with the -section command
	     line switch.

	     See ca for a description.

	     See ca for a description.

     serial  The name of the file containing the hexadecimal serial number of
	     the last time stamp response created.  This number is incremented
	     by 1 for each response.  If the file does not exist at the time
	     of response generation a new file is created with serial number
	     1.	 This parameter is mandatory.

	     Specifies the OpenSSL engine that will be set as the default for
	     all available algorithms.

	     TSA signing certificate, in PEM format.  The same as the -signer
	     command line option.

     certs   A file containing a set of PEM-encoded certificates that need to
	     be included in the response.  The same as the -chain command line

	     The private key of the TSA, in PEM format.	 The same as the
	     -inkey command line option.

	     The default policy to use when the request does not mandate any
	     policy.  The same as the -policy command line option.

	     Comma separated list of policies that are also acceptable by the
	     TSA and used only if the request explicitly specifies one of

	     The list of message digest algorithms that the TSA accepts.  At
	     least one algorithm must be specified.  This parameter is manda‐

	     The accuracy of the time source of the TSA in seconds, millisec‐
	     onds and microseconds.  For example, secs:1, millisecs:500,
	     microsecs:100.  If any of the components is missing, zero is
	     assumed for that field.

	     Specifies the maximum number of digits, which represent the frac‐
	     tion of seconds, that need to be included in the time field.  The
	     trailing zeroes must be removed from the time, so there might
	     actually be fewer digits, or no fraction of seconds at all.  The
	     maximum value is 6; the default is 0.

	     If this option is yes, the responses generated by this TSA can
	     always be ordered, even if the time difference between two
	     responses is less than the sum of their accuracies.  The default
	     is no.

	     Set this option to yes if the subject name of the TSA must be
	     included in the TSA name field of the response.  The default is

	     The SignedData objects created by the TSA always contain the cer‐
	     tificate identifier of the signing certificate in a signed
	     attribute (see RFC 2634, Enhanced Security Services).  If this
	     option is set to yes and either the certs variable or the -chain
	     option is specified then the certificate identifiers of the chain
	     will also be included in the SigningCertificate signed attribute.
	     If this variable is set to no, only the signing certificate iden‐
	     tifier is included.  The default is no.

     OPENSSL_CONF contains the path of the configuration file and can be over‐
     ridden by the -config command line option.

     All the examples below presume that OPENSSL_CONF is set to a proper con‐
     figuration file, e.g. the example configuration file
     openssl/apps/openssl.cnf will do.

     To create a time stamp request for design1.txt with SHA-1 without nonce
     and policy and no certificate is required in the response:

	   $ openssl ts -query -data design1.txt -no_nonce \
		   -out design1.tsq

     To create a similar time stamp request but specifying the message imprint

	   $ openssl ts -query \
		   -digest b7e5d3f93198b38379852f2c04e78d73abdd0f4b \
		   -no_nonce -out design1.tsq

     To print the content of the previous request in human readable format:

	   $ openssl ts -query -in design1.tsq -text

     To create a time stamp request which includes the MD5 digest of
     design2.txt, requests the signer certificate and nonce, specifies a pol‐
     icy ID (assuming the tsa_policy1 name is defined in the OID section of
     the config file):

	   $ openssl ts -query -data design2.txt -md5 \
		   -policy tsa_policy1 -cert -out design2.tsq

     Before generating a response, a signing certificate must be created for
     the TSA that contains the timeStamping critical extended key usage exten‐
     sion without any other key usage extensions.  You can add the
     “extendedKeyUsage = critical,timeStamping” line to the user certificate
     section of the config file to generate a proper certificate.  See the
     req, ca, and x509 commands for instructions.  The examples below assume
     that cacert.pem contains the certificate of the CA, tsacert.pem is the
     signing certificate issued by cacert.pem and tsakey.pem is the private
     key of the TSA.

     To create a time stamp response for a request:

	   $ openssl ts -reply -queryfile design1.tsq -inkey tsakey.pem \
		   -signer tsacert.pem -out design1.tsr

     If you want to use the settings in the config file you could just write:

	   $ openssl ts -reply -queryfile design1.tsq -out design1.tsr

     To print a time stamp reply to stdout in human readable format:

	   $ openssl ts -reply -in design1.tsr -text

     To create a time stamp token instead of time stamp response:

	   $ openssl ts -reply -queryfile design1.tsq \
		   -out design1_token.der -token_out

     To print a time stamp token to stdout in human readable format:

	   $ openssl ts -reply -in design1_token.der -token_in \
		   -text -token_out

     To extract the time stamp token from a response:

	   $ openssl ts -reply -in design1.tsr -out design1_token.der \

     To add “granted” status info to a time stamp token thereby creating a
     valid response:

	   $ openssl ts -reply -in design1_token.der \
		   -token_in -out design1.tsr

     To verify a time stamp reply against a request:

	   $ openssl ts -verify -queryfile design1.tsq -in design1.tsr \
		   -CAfile cacert.pem -untrusted tsacert.pem

     To verify a time stamp reply that includes the certificate chain:

	   $ openssl ts -verify -queryfile design2.tsq -in design2.tsr \
		   -CAfile cacert.pem

     To verify a time stamp token against the original data file:

	   $ openssl ts -verify -data design2.txt -in design2.tsr \
		   -CAfile cacert.pem

     To verify a time stamp token against a message imprint:

	   $ openssl ts -verify \
		   -digest b7e5d3f93198b38379852f2c04e78d73abdd0f4b \
		   -in design2.tsr -CAfile cacert.pem

     No support for time stamps over SMTP, though it is quite easy to imple‐
     ment an automatic email-based TSA with procmail and perl(1).  Pure TCP/IP
     is not supported.

     The file containing the last serial number of the TSA is not locked when
     being read or written.  This is a problem if more than one instance of
     OpenSSL is trying to create a time stamp response at the same time.

     Look for the FIXME word in the source files.

     The source code should really be reviewed by somebody else, too.

     More testing is needed.

     Zoltan Glozik ⟨⟩, OpenTSA project

     openssl spkac [-challenge string] [-engine id] [-in file] [-key keyfile]
     [-noout] [-out file] [-passin arg] [-pubkey] [-spkac spkacname]
     [-spksect section] [-verify]

     The spkac command processes Netscape signed public key and challenge
     (SPKAC) files.  It can print out their contents, verify the signature,
     and produce its own SPKACs from a supplied private key.

     The options are as follows:

     -challenge string
	     Specifies the challenge string if an SPKAC is being created.

     -engine id
	     Specifying an engine (by its unique id string) will cause spkac
	     to attempt to obtain a functional reference to the specified
	     engine, thus initialising it if needed.  The engine will then be
	     set as the default for all available algorithms.

     -in file
	     This specifies the input file to read from, or standard input if
	     this option is not specified.  Ignored if the -key option is

     -key keyfile
	     Create an SPKAC file using the private key in keyfile.  The -in,
	     -noout, -spksect, and -verify options are ignored if present.

     -noout  Don't output the text version of the SPKAC (not used if an SPKAC
	     is being created).

     -out file
	     Specifies the output file to write to, or standard output by

     -passin arg
	     The key password source.  For more information about the format
	     of arg, see the PASS PHRASE ARGUMENTS section above.

	     Output the public key of an SPKAC (not used if an SPKAC is being

     -spkac spkacname
	     Allows an alternative name for the variable containing the SPKAC.
	     The default is "SPKAC".  This option affects both generated and
	     input SPKAC files.

     -spksect section
	     Allows an alternative name for the section containing the SPKAC.
	     The default is the default section.

	     Verifies the digital signature on the supplied SPKAC.

     Print out the contents of an SPKAC:

	   $ openssl spkac -in spkac.cnf

     Verify the signature of an SPKAC:

	   $ openssl spkac -in spkac.cnf -noout -verify

     Create an SPKAC using the challenge string "hello":

	   $ openssl spkac -key key.pem -challenge hello -out spkac.cnf

     Example of an SPKAC, (long lines split up for clarity):


     A created SPKAC with suitable DN components appended can be fed into the
     ca utility.

     SPKACs are typically generated by Netscape when a form is submitted con‐
     taining the KEYGEN tag as part of the certificate enrollment process.

     The challenge string permits a primitive form of proof of possession of
     private key.  By checking the SPKAC signature and a random challenge
     string, some guarantee is given that the user knows the private key cor‐
     responding to the public key being certified.  This is important in some
     applications.  Without this it is possible for a previous SPKAC to be
     used in a "replay attack".

     openssl verify [-CAfile file] [-CApath directory] [-check_ss_sig]
     [-crl_check] [-crl_check_all] [-engine id] [-explicit_policy]
     [-extended_crl] [-help] [-ignore_critical] [-inhibit_any] [-inhibit_map]
     [-issuer_checks] [-policy_check] [-purpose purpose] [-untrusted file]
     [-verbose] [-x509_strict] [-] [certificates]

     The verify command verifies certificate chains.

     The options are as follows:

	     Verify the signature on the self-signed root CA.  This is dis‐
	     abled by default because it doesn't add any security.

     -CAfile file
	     A file of trusted certificates.  The file should contain multiple
	     certificates in PEM format, concatenated together.

     -CApath directory
	     A directory of trusted certificates.  The certificates should
	     have names of the form hash.0, or have symbolic links to them of
	     this form ("hash" is the hashed certificate subject name: see the
	     -hash option of the x509 utility).	 The c_rehash script distrib‐
	     uted with OpenSSL will automatically create symbolic links to a
	     directory of certificates.

	     Checks end entity certificate validity by attempting to look up a
	     valid CRL.	 If a valid CRL cannot be found an error occurs.

	     Checks the validity of all certificates in the chain by attempt‐
	     ing to look up valid CRLs.

     -engine id
	     Specifying an engine (by its unique id string) will cause verify
	     to attempt to obtain a functional reference to the specified
	     engine, thus initialising it if needed.  The engine will then be
	     set as the default for all available algorithms.

	     Set policy variable require-explicit-policy (see RFC 3280 et al).

	     Enable extended CRL features such as indirect CRLs and alternate
	     CRL signing keys.

     -help   Prints out a usage message.

	     Normally if an unhandled critical extension is present which is
	     not supported by OpenSSL, the certificate is rejected (as
	     required by RFC 3280 et al).  If this option is set, critical
	     extensions are ignored.

	     Set policy variable inhibit-any-policy (see RFC 3280 et al).

	     Set policy variable inhibit-policy-mapping (see RFC 3280 et al).

	     Print out diagnostics relating to searches for the issuer cer‐
	     tificate of the current certificate.  This shows why each candi‐
	     date issuer certificate was rejected.  However the presence of
	     rejection messages does not itself imply that anything is wrong:
	     during the normal verify process several rejections may take

	     Enables certificate policy processing.

     -purpose purpose
	     The intended use for the certificate.  Without this option no
	     chain verification will be done.  Currently accepted uses are
	     sslclient, sslserver, nssslserver, smimesign, smimeencrypt,
	     crlsign, any, and ocsphelper.  See the VERIFY OPERATION section
	     for more information.

     -untrusted file
	     A file of untrusted certificates.	The file should contain multi‐
	     ple certificates.

	     Print extra information about the operations being performed.

	     Disable workarounds for broken certificates which have to be dis‐
	     abled for strict X.509 compliance.

     -	     Marks the last option.  All arguments following this are assumed
	     to be certificate files.  This is useful if the first certificate
	     filename begins with a ‘-’.

	     One or more certificates to verify.  If no certificate files are
	     included, an attempt is made to read a certificate from standard
	     input.  They should all be in PEM format.

     The verify program uses the same functions as the internal SSL and S/MIME
     verification, therefore this description applies to these verify opera‐
     tions too.

     There is one crucial difference between the verify operations performed
     by the verify program: wherever possible an attempt is made to continue
     after an error, whereas normally the verify operation would halt on the
     first error.  This allows all the problems with a certificate chain to be

     The verify operation consists of a number of separate steps:

     Firstly a certificate chain is built up starting from the supplied cer‐
     tificate and ending in the root CA.  It is an error if the whole chain
     cannot be built up.  The chain is built up by looking up the issuer's
     certificate of the current certificate.  If a certificate is found which
     is its own issuer, it is assumed to be the root CA.

     The process of "looking up the issuer's certificate" itself involves a
     number of steps.  In versions of OpenSSL before 0.9.5a the first certifi‐
     cate whose subject name matched the issuer of the current certificate was
     assumed to be the issuer's certificate.  In OpenSSL 0.9.6 and later all
     certificates whose subject name matches the issuer name of the current
     certificate are subject to further tests.	The relevant authority key
     identifier components of the current certificate (if present) must match
     the subject key identifier (if present) and issuer and serial number of
     the candidate issuer; in addition the keyUsage extension of the candidate
     issuer (if present) must permit certificate signing.

     The lookup first looks in the list of untrusted certificates and if no
     match is found the remaining lookups are from the trusted certificates.
     The root CA is always looked up in the trusted certificate list: if the
     certificate to verify is a root certificate, then an exact match must be
     found in the trusted list.

     The second operation is to check every untrusted certificate's extensions
     for consistency with the supplied purpose.	 If the -purpose option is not
     included, then no checks are done.	 The supplied or "leaf" certificate
     must have extensions compatible with the supplied purpose and all other
     certificates must also be valid CA certificates.  The precise extensions
     required are described in more detail in the X.509 CERTIFICATE EXTENSIONS
     section below.

     The third operation is to check the trust settings on the root CA.	 The
     root CA should be trusted for the supplied purpose.  For compatibility
     with previous versions of SSLeay and OpenSSL, a certificate with no trust
     settings is considered to be valid for all purposes.

     The final operation is to check the validity of the certificate chain.
     The validity period is checked against the current system time and the
     notBefore and notAfter dates in the certificate.  The certificate signa‐
     tures are also checked at this point.

     If all operations complete successfully, the certificate is considered
     valid.  If any operation fails then the certificate is not valid.

     When a verify operation fails, the output messages can be somewhat cryp‐
     tic.  The general form of the error message is:

      server.pem: /C=AU/ST=Queensland/O=CryptSoft Pty Ltd/CN=Test CA (1024-bit)
      error 24 at 1 depth lookup:invalid CA certificate

     The first line contains the name of the certificate being verified, fol‐
     lowed by the subject name of the certificate.  The second line contains
     the error number and the depth.  The depth is the number of the certifi‐
     cate being verified when a problem was detected starting with zero for
     the certificate being verified itself, then 1 for the CA that signed the
     certificate and so on.  Finally a text version of the error number is

     An exhaustive list of the error codes and messages is shown below; this
     also includes the name of the error code as defined in the header file
     <openssl/x509_vfy.h>.  Some of the error codes are defined but never
     returned: these are described as "unused".

     0 X509_V_OK: ok
	   The operation was successful.

     2 X509_V_ERR_UNABLE_TO_GET_ISSUER_CERT: unable to get issuer certificate
	   The issuer certificate could not be found: this occurs if the
	   issuer certificate of an untrusted certificate cannot be found.

     3 X509_V_ERR_UNABLE_TO_GET_CRL: unable to get certificate CRL
	   The CRL of a certificate could not be found.

     4 X509_V_ERR_UNABLE_TO_DECRYPT_CERT_SIGNATURE: unable to decrypt
	   certificate's signature
	   The certificate signature could not be decrypted.  This means that
	   the actual signature value could not be determined rather than it
	   not matching the expected value.  This is only meaningful for RSA

     5 X509_V_ERR_UNABLE_TO_DECRYPT_CRL_SIGNATURE: unable to decrypt CRL's
	   The CRL signature could not be decrypted: this means that the
	   actual signature value could not be determined rather than it not
	   matching the expected value.	 Unused.

     6 X509_V_ERR_UNABLE_TO_DECODE_ISSUER_PUBLIC_KEY: unable to decode issuer
	   public key
	   The public key in the certificate SubjectPublicKeyInfo could not be

     7 X509_V_ERR_CERT_SIGNATURE_FAILURE: certificate signature failure
	   The signature of the certificate is invalid.

     8 X509_V_ERR_CRL_SIGNATURE_FAILURE: CRL signature failure
	   The signature of the certificate is invalid.

     9 X509_V_ERR_CERT_NOT_YET_VALID: certificate is not yet valid
	   The certificate is not yet valid: the notBefore date is after the
	   current time.

     10 X509_V_ERR_CERT_HAS_EXPIRED: certificate has expired
	   The certificate has expired; that is, the notAfter date is before
	   the current time.

     11 X509_V_ERR_CRL_NOT_YET_VALID: CRL is not yet valid
	   The CRL is not yet valid.

     12 X509_V_ERR_CRL_HAS_EXPIRED: CRL has expired
	   The CRL has expired.

     13 X509_V_ERR_ERROR_IN_CERT_NOT_BEFORE_FIELD: format error in
	   certificate's notBefore field
	   The certificate notBefore field contains an invalid time.

     14 X509_V_ERR_ERROR_IN_CERT_NOT_AFTER_FIELD: format error in
	   certificate's notAfter field
	   The certificate notAfter field contains an invalid time.

     15 X509_V_ERR_ERROR_IN_CRL_LAST_UPDATE_FIELD: format error in CRL's
	   lastUpdate field
	   The CRL lastUpdate field contains an invalid time.

     16 X509_V_ERR_ERROR_IN_CRL_NEXT_UPDATE_FIELD: format error in CRL's
	   nextUpdate field
	   The CRL nextUpdate field contains an invalid time.

     17 X509_V_ERR_OUT_OF_MEM: out of memory
	   An error occurred trying to allocate memory.	 This should never

     18 X509_V_ERR_DEPTH_ZERO_SELF_SIGNED_CERT: self signed certificate
	   The passed certificate is self-signed and the same certificate can‐
	   not be found in the list of trusted certificates.

     19 X509_V_ERR_SELF_SIGNED_CERT_IN_CHAIN: self signed certificate in
	   certificate chain
	   The certificate chain could be built up using the untrusted cer‐
	   tificates but the root could not be found locally.

     20 X509_V_ERR_UNABLE_TO_GET_ISSUER_CERT_LOCALLY: unable to get local
	   issuer certificate
	   The issuer certificate of a locally looked up certificate could not
	   be found.  This normally means the list of trusted certificates is
	   not complete.

     21 X509_V_ERR_UNABLE_TO_VERIFY_LEAF_SIGNATURE: unable to verify the first
	   No signatures could be verified because the chain contains only one
	   certificate and it is not self-signed.

     22 X509_V_ERR_CERT_CHAIN_TOO_LONG: certificate chain too long
	   The certificate chain length is greater than the supplied maximum
	   depth.  Unused.

     23 X509_V_ERR_CERT_REVOKED: certificate revoked
	   The certificate has been revoked.

     24 X509_V_ERR_INVALID_CA: invalid CA certificate
	   A CA certificate is invalid.	 Either it is not a CA or its exten‐
	   sions are not consistent with the supplied purpose.

     25 X509_V_ERR_PATH_LENGTH_EXCEEDED: path length constraint exceeded
	   The basicConstraints pathlength parameter has been exceeded.

     26 X509_V_ERR_INVALID_PURPOSE: unsupported certificate purpose
	   The supplied certificate cannot be used for the specified purpose.

     27 X509_V_ERR_CERT_UNTRUSTED: certificate not trusted
	   The root CA is not marked as trusted for the specified purpose.

     28 X509_V_ERR_CERT_REJECTED: certificate rejected
	   The root CA is marked to reject the specified purpose.

     29 X509_V_ERR_SUBJECT_ISSUER_MISMATCH: subject issuer mismatch
	   The current candidate issuer certificate was rejected because its
	   subject name did not match the issuer name of the current certifi‐
	   cate.  Only displayed when the -issuer_checks option is set.

     30 X509_V_ERR_AKID_SKID_MISMATCH: authority and subject key identifier
	   The current candidate issuer certificate was rejected because its
	   subject key identifier was present and did not match the authority
	   key identifier current certificate.	Only displayed when the
	   -issuer_checks option is set.

     31 X509_V_ERR_AKID_ISSUER_SERIAL_MISMATCH: authority and issuer serial
	   number mismatch
	   The current candidate issuer certificate was rejected because its
	   issuer name and serial number were present and did not match the
	   authority key identifier of the current certificate.	 Only dis‐
	   played when the -issuer_checks option is set.

     32 X509_V_ERR_KEYUSAGE_NO_CERTSIGN:key usage does not include certificate
	   The current candidate issuer certificate was rejected because its
	   keyUsage extension does not permit certificate signing.

     50 X509_V_ERR_APPLICATION_VERIFICATION: application verification failure
	   An application specific error.  Unused.

     Although the issuer checks are a considerable improvement over the old
     technique, they still suffer from limitations in the underlying
     X509_LOOKUP API.  One consequence of this is that trusted certificates
     with matching subject name must either appear in a file (as specified by
     the -CAfile option) or a directory (as specified by -CApath).  If they
     occur in both, only the certificates in the file will be recognised.

     Previous versions of OpenSSL assumed certificates with matching subject
     name were identical and mishandled them.

     openssl version [-abdfopv]

     The version command is used to print out version information about

     The options are as follows:

     -a	     All information: this is the same as setting all the other flags.

     -b	     The date the current version of OpenSSL was built.

     -d	     OPENSSLDIR setting.

     -f	     Compilation flags.

     -o	     Option information: various options set when the library was

     -p	     Platform setting.

     -v	     The current OpenSSL version.

     The output of openssl version -a would typically be used when sending in
     a bug report.

     The -d option was added in OpenSSL 0.9.7.

     openssl x509 [-C] [-addreject arg] [-addtrust arg] [-alias] [-CA file]
     [-CAcreateserial] [-CAform DER | PEM] [-CAkey file]
     [-CAkeyform DER | PEM] [-CAserial file] [-certopt option] [-checkend arg]
     [-clrext] [-clrreject] [-clrtrust] [-dates] [-days arg] [-email]
     [-enddate] [-engine id] [-extensions section] [-extfile file]
     [-fingerprint] [-hash] [-in file] [-inform DER | NET | PEM] [-issuer]
     [-issuer_hash] [-issuer_hash_old] [-keyform DER | PEM]
     [-md2 | -md5 | -sha1] [-modulus] [-nameopt option] [-noout] [-ocsp_uri]
     [-ocspid] [-out file] [-outform DER | NET | PEM] [-passin arg] [-pubkey]
     [-purpose] [-req] [-serial] [-set_serial n] [-setalias arg]
     [-signkey file] [-startdate] [-subject] [-subject_hash]
     [-subject_hash_old] [-text] [-trustout] [-x509toreq]

     The x509 command is a multi-purpose certificate utility.  It can be used
     to display certificate information, convert certificates to various
     forms, sign certificate requests like a "mini CA", or edit certificate
     trust settings.

     Since there are a large number of options, they are split up into various

     -engine id
	   Specifying an engine (by its unique id string) will cause x509 to
	   attempt to obtain a functional reference to the specified engine,
	   thus initialising it if needed.  The engine will then be set as the
	   default for all available algorithms.

     -in file
	   This specifies the input file to read a certificate from, or stan‐
	   dard input if this option is not specified.

     -inform DER | NET | PEM
	   This specifies the input format.  Normally, the command will expect
	   an X.509 certificate, but this can change if other options such as
	   -req are present.  The DER format is the DER encoding of the cer‐
	   tificate and PEM is the base64 encoding of the DER encoding with
	   header and footer lines added.  The NET option is an obscure Net‐
	   scape server format that is now obsolete.

     -md2 | -md5 | -sha1
	   The digest to use.  This affects any signing or display option that
	   uses a message digest, such as the -fingerprint, -signkey, and -CA
	   options.  If not specified, MD5 is used.  If the key being used to
	   sign with is a DSA key, this option has no effect: SHA1 is always
	   used with DSA keys.

     -out file
	   This specifies the output file to write to, or standard output by

     -outform DER | NET | PEM
	   This specifies the output format; the options have the same meaning
	   as the -inform option.

     -passin arg
	   The key password source.  For more information about the format of
	   arg, see the PASS PHRASE ARGUMENTS section above.

     Note: The -alias and -purpose options are also display options but are
     described in the X509 TRUST SETTINGS section.

     -C	   This outputs the certificate in the form of a C source file.

     -certopt option
	   Customise the output format used with -text.	 The option argument
	   can be a single option or multiple options separated by commas.
	   The -certopt switch may also be used more than once to set multiple
	   options.  See the X509 TEXT OPTIONS section for more information.

	   Prints out the start and expiry dates of a certificate.

	   Outputs the email address(es), if any.

	   Prints out the expiry date of the certificate; that is, the
	   notAfter date.

	   Prints out the digest of the DER-encoded version of the whole cer‐
	   tificate (see DIGEST OPTIONS).

	   A synonym for -subject_hash, for backwards compatibility.

	   Outputs the issuer name.

	   Outputs the "hash" of the certificate issuer name.

	   Outputs the "hash" of the certificate issuer name using the older
	   algorithm as used by OpenSSL versions before 1.0.0.

	   This option prints out the value of the modulus of the public key
	   contained in the certificate.

     -nameopt option
	   Option which determines how the subject or issuer names are dis‐
	   played.  The option argument can be a single option or multiple
	   options separated by commas.	 Alternatively, the -nameopt switch
	   may be used more than once to set multiple options.	See the X509
	   NAME OPTIONS section for more information.

	   This option prevents output of the encoded version of the request.

	   Outputs the OCSP responder addresses, if any.

	   Print OCSP hash values for the subject name and public key.

	   Output the public key.

	   Outputs the certificate serial number.

	   Prints out the start date of the certificate; that is, the
	   notBefore date.

	   Outputs the subject name.

	   Outputs the "hash" of the certificate subject name.	This is used
	   in OpenSSL to form an index to allow certificates in a directory to
	   be looked up by subject name.

	   Outputs the "hash" of the certificate subject name using the older
	   algorithm as used by OpenSSL versions before 1.0.0.

	   Prints out the certificate in text form.  Full details are output
	   including the public key, signature algorithms, issuer and subject
	   names, serial number, any extensions present, and any trust set‐

     Please note these options are currently experimental and may well change.

     A trusted certificate is an ordinary certificate which has several addi‐
     tional pieces of information attached to it such as the permitted and
     prohibited uses of the certificate and an "alias".

     Normally, when a certificate is being verified at least one certificate
     must be "trusted".	 By default, a trusted certificate must be stored
     locally and must be a root CA: any certificate chain ending in this CA is
     then usable for any purpose.

     Trust settings currently are only used with a root CA.  They allow a
     finer control over the purposes the root CA can be used for.  For exam‐
     ple, a CA may be trusted for an SSL client but not for SSL server use.

     See the description of the verify utility for more information on the
     meaning of trust settings.

     Future versions of OpenSSL will recognize trust settings on any certifi‐
     cate: not just root CAs.

     -addreject arg
	   Adds a prohibited use.  It accepts the same values as the -addtrust

     -addtrust arg
	   Adds a trusted certificate use.  Any object name can be used here,
	   but currently only clientAuth (SSL client use), serverAuth (SSL
	   server use), and emailProtection (S/MIME email) are used.  Other
	   OpenSSL applications may define additional uses.

	   Outputs the certificate alias, if any.

	   Clears all the prohibited or rejected uses of the certificate.

	   Clears all the permitted or trusted uses of the certificate.

	   This option performs tests on the certificate extensions and out‐
	   puts the results.  For a more complete description, see the X.509

     -setalias arg
	   Sets the alias of the certificate.  This will allow the certificate
	   to be referred to using a nickname, for example "Steve's

	   This causes x509 to output a trusted certificate.  An ordinary or
	   trusted certificate can be input, but by default an ordinary cer‐
	   tificate is output and any trust settings are discarded.  With the
	   -trustout option a trusted certificate is output.  A trusted cer‐
	   tificate is automatically output if any trust settings are modi‐

     The x509 utility can be used to sign certificates and requests: it can
     thus behave like a "mini CA".

     -CA file
	   Specifies the CA certificate to be used for signing.	 When this
	   option is present, x509 behaves like a "mini CA".  The input file
	   is signed by the CA using this option; that is, its issuer name is
	   set to the subject name of the CA and it is digitally signed using
	   the CA's private key.

	   This option is normally combined with the -req option.  Without the
	   -req option, the input is a certificate which must be self-signed.

	   With this option the CA serial number file is created if it does
	   not exist: it will contain the serial number ‘02’ and the certifi‐
	   cate being signed will have ‘1’ as its serial number.  Normally, if
	   the -CA option is specified and the serial number file does not
	   exist, it is an error.

     -CAform DER | PEM
	   The format of the CA certificate file.  The default is PEM.

     -CAkey file
	   Sets the CA private key to sign a certificate with.	If this option
	   is not specified, it is assumed that the CA private key is present
	   in the CA certificate file.

     -CAkeyform DER | PEM
	   The format of the CA private key.  The default is PEM.

     -CAserial file
	   Sets the CA serial number file to use.

	   When the -CA option is used to sign a certificate, it uses a serial
	   number specified in a file.	This file consists of one line con‐
	   taining an even number of hex digits with the serial number to use.
	   After each use the serial number is incremented and written out to
	   the file again.

	   The default filename consists of the CA certificate file base name
	   with .srl appended.	For example, if the CA certificate file is
	   called mycacert.pem, it expects to find a serial number file called

     -checkend arg
	   Check whether the certificate expires in the next arg seconds.  If
	   so, exit with return value 1; otherwise exit with return value 0.

	   Delete any extensions from a certificate.  This option is used when
	   a certificate is being created from another certificate (for exam‐
	   ple with the -signkey or the -CA options).  Normally, all exten‐
	   sions are retained.

     -days arg
	   Specifies the number of days to make a certificate valid for.  The
	   default is 30 days.

     -extensions section
	   The section to add certificate extensions from.  If this option is
	   not specified, the extensions should either be contained in the
	   unnamed (default) section or the default section should contain a
	   variable called "extensions" which contains the section to use.

     -extfile file
	   File containing certificate extensions to use.  If not specified,
	   no extensions are added to the certificate.

     -keyform DER | PEM
	   Specifies the format (DER or PEM) of the private key file used in
	   the -signkey option.

     -req  By default, a certificate is expected on input.  With this option a
	   certificate request is expected instead.

     -set_serial n
	   Specifies the serial number to use.	This option can be used with
	   either the -signkey or -CA options.	If used in conjunction with
	   the -CA option, the serial number file (as specified by the
	   -CAserial or -CAcreateserial options) is not used.

	   The serial number can be decimal or hex (if preceded by ‘0x’).
	   Negative serial numbers can also be specified but their use is not

     -signkey file
	   This option causes the input file to be self-signed using the sup‐
	   plied private key.

	   If the input file is a certificate, it sets the issuer name to the
	   subject name (i.e. makes it self-signed), changes the public key to
	   the supplied value, and changes the start and end dates.  The start
	   date is set to the current time and the end date is set to a value
	   determined by the -days option.  Any certificate extensions are
	   retained unless the -clrext option is supplied.

	   If the input is a certificate request, a self-signed certificate is
	   created using the supplied private key using the subject name in
	   the request.

	   Converts a certificate into a certificate request.  The -signkey
	   option is used to pass the required private key.

     The -nameopt command line switch determines how the subject and issuer
     names are displayed.  If no -nameopt switch is present, the default
     "oneline" format is used which is compatible with previous versions of
     OpenSSL.  Each option is described in detail below; all options can be
     preceded by a ‘-’ to turn the option off.	Only compat, RFC2253, oneline,
     and multiline will normally be used.

	   Align field values for a more readable output.  Only usable with

	   Use the old format.	This is equivalent to specifying no name
	   options at all.

	   Reverse the fields of the DN.  This is required by RFC 2253.	 As a
	   side effect, this also reverses the order of multiple AVAs but this
	   is permissible.

	   Dump all fields.  This option, when used with dump_der, allows the
	   DER encoding of the structure to be unambiguously determined.

	   When this option is set, any fields that need to be hexdumped will
	   be dumped using the DER encoding of the field.  Otherwise just the
	   content octets will be displayed.  Both options use the RFC 2253
	   #XXXX... format.

	   Dump non-character string types (for example OCTET STRING); if this
	   option is not set, non-character string types will be displayed as
	   though each content octet represents a single character.

	   Dump any field whose OID is not recognised by OpenSSL.

	   Escape the "special" characters required by RFC 2253 in a field
	   that is “ ,+"<>;”.  Additionally, ‘#’ is escaped at the beginning
	   of a string and a space character at the beginning or end of a

	   Escape control characters.  That is, those with ASCII values less
	   than 0x20 (space) and the delete (0x7f) character.  They are
	   escaped using the RFC 2253 \XX notation (where XX are two hex dig‐
	   its representing the character value).

	   Escape characters with the MSB set; that is, with ASCII values
	   larger than 127.

	   A multiline format.	It is equivalent to esc_ctrl, esc_msb,
	   sep_multiline, space_eq, lname, and align.

	   This option does not attempt to interpret multibyte characters in
	   any way.  That is, their content octets are merely dumped as though
	   one octet represents each character.	 This is useful for diagnostic
	   purposes but will result in rather odd looking output.

     nofname, sname, lname, oid
	   These options alter how the field name is displayed.	 nofname does
	   not display the field at all.  sname uses the "short name" form (CN
	   for commonName, for example).  lname uses the long form.  oid rep‐
	   resents the OID in numerical form and is useful for diagnostic pur‐

	   A oneline format which is more readable than RFC2253.  It is equiv‐
	   alent to specifying the esc_2253, esc_ctrl, esc_msb, utf8,
	   dump_nostr, dump_der, use_quote, sep_comma_plus_spc, space_eq, and
	   sname options.

	   Displays names compatible with RFC 2253; equivalent to esc_2253,
	   esc_ctrl, esc_msb, utf8, dump_nostr, dump_unknown, dump_der,
	   sep_comma_plus, dn_rev, and sname.

     sep_comma_plus, sep_comma_plus_space, sep_semi_plus_space, sep_multiline
	   These options determine the field separators.  The first character
	   is between RDNs and the second between multiple AVAs (multiple AVAs
	   are very rare and their use is discouraged).	 The options ending in
	   "space" additionally place a space after the separator to make it
	   more readable.  The sep_multiline uses a linefeed character for the
	   RDN separator and a spaced ‘+’ for the AVA separator.  It also
	   indents the fields by four characters.

	   Show the type of the ASN1 character string.	The type precedes the
	   field contents.  For example "BMPSTRING: Hello World".

	   Places spaces round the ‘=’ character which follows the field name.

	   Escapes some characters by surrounding the whole string with ‘"’
	   characters.	Without the option, all escaping is done with the ‘\’

     utf8  Convert all strings to UTF8 format first.  This is required by RFC
	   2253.  If you are lucky enough to have a UTF8 compatible terminal,
	   the use of this option (and not setting esc_msb) may result in the
	   correct display of multibyte (international) characters.  If this
	   option is not present, multibyte characters larger than 0xff will
	   be represented using the format \UXXXX for 16 bits and \WXXXXXXXX
	   for 32 bits.	 Also, if this option is off, any UTF8Strings will be
	   converted to their character form first.

     As well as customising the name output format, it is also possible to
     customise the actual fields printed using the -certopt options when the
     -text option is present.  The default behaviour is to print all fields.

	   The value used by the ca utility; equivalent to no_issuer,
	   no_pubkey, no_header, no_version, no_sigdump, and no_signame.

	   Use the old format.	This is equivalent to specifying no output
	   options at all.

	   Retain default extension behaviour: attempt to print out unsup‐
	   ported certificate extensions.

	   Hex dump unsupported extensions.

	   Print an error message for unsupported certificate extensions.

	   ASN1 parse unsupported extensions.

	   Don't print out certificate trust information.

	   Don't print out any X509V3 extensions.

	   Don't print header information: that is, the lines saying
	   "Certificate" and "Data".

	   Don't print out the issuer name.

	   Don't print out the public key.

	   Don't print out the serial number.

	   Don't give a hexadecimal dump of the certificate signature.

	   Don't print out the signature algorithm used.

	   Don't print out the subject name.

	   Don't print the validity; that is, the notBefore and notAfter

	   Don't print out the version number.

     Display the contents of a certificate:

	   $ openssl x509 -in cert.pem -noout -text

     Display the certificate serial number:

	   $ openssl x509 -in cert.pem -noout -serial

     Display the certificate subject name:

	   $ openssl x509 -in cert.pem -noout -subject

     Display the certificate subject name in RFC 2253 form:

	   $ openssl x509 -in cert.pem -noout -subject -nameopt RFC2253

     Display the certificate subject name in oneline form on a terminal sup‐
     porting UTF8:

	   $ openssl x509 -in cert.pem -noout -subject \
		   -nameopt oneline,-esc_msb

     Display the certificate MD5 fingerprint:

	   $ openssl x509 -in cert.pem -noout -fingerprint

     Display the certificate SHA1 fingerprint:

	   $ openssl x509 -sha1 -in cert.pem -noout -fingerprint

     Convert a certificate from PEM to DER format:

	   $ openssl x509 -in cert.pem -inform PEM -out cert.der -outform DER

     Convert a certificate to a certificate request:

	   $ openssl x509 -x509toreq -in cert.pem -out req.pem \
		   -signkey key.pem

     Convert a certificate request into a self-signed certificate using exten‐
     sions for a CA:

	   $ openssl x509 -req -in careq.pem -extfile openssl.cnf -extensions \
		   v3_ca -signkey key.pem -out cacert.pem

     Sign a certificate request using the CA certificate above and add user
     certificate extensions:

	   $ openssl x509 -req -in req.pem -extfile openssl.cnf -extensions \
		   v3_usr -CA cacert.pem -CAkey key.pem -CAcreateserial

     Set a certificate to be trusted for SSL client use and set its alias to
     "Steve's Class 1 CA":

	   $ openssl x509 -in cert.pem -addtrust clientAuth \
		   -setalias "Steve's Class 1 CA" -out trust.pem

     The PEM format uses the header and footer lines:

	   -----END CERTIFICATE-----

     It will also handle files containing:

	   -----BEGIN X509 CERTIFICATE-----
	   -----END X509 CERTIFICATE-----

     Trusted certificates have the lines:


     The conversion to UTF8 format used with the name options assumes that
     T61Strings use the ISO 8859-1 character set.  This is wrong, but Netscape
     and MSIE do this, as do many certificates.	 So although this is incorrect
     it is more likely to display the majority of certificates correctly.

     The -fingerprint option takes the digest of the DER-encoded certificate.
     This is commonly called a "fingerprint".  Because of the nature of mes‐
     sage digests, the fingerprint of a certificate is unique to that certifi‐
     cate and two certificates with the same fingerprint can be considered to
     be the same.

     The Netscape fingerprint uses MD5, whereas MSIE uses SHA1.

     The -email option searches the subject name and the subject alternative
     name extension.  Only unique email addresses will be printed out: it will
     not print the same address more than once.

     The -purpose option checks the certificate extensions and determines what
     the certificate can be used for.  The actual checks done are rather com‐
     plex and include various hacks and workarounds to handle broken certifi‐
     cates and software.

     The same code is used when verifying untrusted certificates in chains, so
     this section is useful if a chain is rejected by the verify code.

     The basicConstraints extension CA flag is used to determine whether the
     certificate can be used as a CA.  If the CA flag is true, it is a CA; if
     the CA flag is false, it is not a CA.  All CAs should have the CA flag
     set to true.

     If the basicConstraints extension is absent, then the certificate is con‐
     sidered to be a "possible CA"; other extensions are checked according to
     the intended use of the certificate.  A warning is given in this case
     because the certificate should really not be regarded as a CA: however,
     it is allowed to be a CA to work around some broken software.

     If the certificate is a V1 certificate (and thus has no extensions) and
     it is self-signed, it is also assumed to be a CA but a warning is again
     given: this is to work around the problem of Verisign roots which are V1
     self-signed certificates.

     If the keyUsage extension is present, then additional restraints are made
     on the uses of the certificate.  A CA certificate must have the
     keyCertSign bit set if the keyUsage extension is present.

     The extended key usage extension places additional restrictions on the
     certificate uses.	If this extension is present (whether critical or
     not), the key can only be used for the purposes specified.

     A complete description of each test is given below.  The comments about
     basicConstraints and keyUsage and V1 certificates above apply to all CA

     SSL Client
	   The extended key usage extension must be absent or include the "web
	   client authentication" OID.	keyUsage must be absent or it must
	   have the digitalSignature bit set.  Netscape certificate type must
	   be absent or it must have the SSL client bit set.

     SSL Client CA
	   The extended key usage extension must be absent or include the "web
	   client authentication" OID.	Netscape certificate type must be
	   absent or it must have the SSL CA bit set: this is used as a work
	   around if the basicConstraints extension is absent.

     SSL Server
	   The extended key usage extension must be absent or include the "web
	   server authentication" and/or one of the SGC OIDs.  keyUsage must
	   be absent or it must have the digitalSignature set, the
	   keyEncipherment set, or both bits set.  Netscape certificate type
	   must be absent or have the SSL server bit set.

     SSL Server CA
	   The extended key usage extension must be absent or include the "web
	   server authentication" and/or one of the SGC OIDs.  Netscape cer‐
	   tificate type must be absent or the SSL CA bit must be set: this is
	   used as a work around if the basicConstraints extension is absent.

     Netscape SSL Server
	   For Netscape SSL clients to connect to an SSL server; it must have
	   the keyEncipherment bit set if the keyUsage extension is present.
	   This isn't always valid because some cipher suites use the key for
	   digital signing.  Otherwise it is the same as a normal SSL server.

     Common S/MIME Client Tests
	   The extended key usage extension must be absent or include the
	   "email protection" OID.  Netscape certificate type must be absent
	   or should have the S/MIME bit set.  If the S/MIME bit is not set in
	   Netscape certificate type, then the SSL client bit is tolerated as
	   an alternative but a warning is shown: this is because some
	   Verisign certificates don't set the S/MIME bit.

     S/MIME Signing
	   In addition to the common S/MIME client tests, the digitalSignature
	   bit must be set if the keyUsage extension is present.

     S/MIME Encryption
	   In addition to the common S/MIME tests, the keyEncipherment bit
	   must be set if the keyUsage extension is present.

     S/MIME CA
	   The extended key usage extension must be absent or include the
	   "email protection" OID.  Netscape certificate type must be absent
	   or must have the S/MIME CA bit set: this is used as a work around
	   if the basicConstraints extension is absent.

     CRL Signing
	   The keyUsage extension must be absent or it must have the CRL sign‐
	   ing bit set.

     CRL Signing CA
	   The normal CA tests apply.  Except in this case the
	   basicConstraints extension must be present.

     Extensions in certificates are not transferred to certificate requests
     and vice versa.

     It is possible to produce invalid certificates or requests by specifying
     the wrong private key or using inconsistent options in some cases: these
     should be checked.

     There should be options to explicitly set such things as start and end
     dates, rather than an offset from the current time.

     The code to implement the verify behaviour described in the X509 TRUST
     SETTINGS is currently being developed.  It thus describes the intended
     behaviour rather than the current behaviour.  It is hoped that it will
     represent reality in OpenSSL 0.9.5 and later.

     Before OpenSSL 0.9.8, the default digest for RSA keys was MD5.

     The hash algorithm used in the -subject_hash and -issuer_hash options
     before OpenSSL 1.0.0 was based on the deprecated MD5 algorithm and the
     encoding of the distinguished name.  In OpenSSL 1.0.0 and later it is
     based on a canonical version of the DN using SHA1.	 This means that any
     directories using the old form must have their links rebuilt using
     c_rehash or similar.

     /etc/ssl/		   Default config directory for openssl.
     /etc/ssl/lib/	   Unused.
     /etc/ssl/private/	   Default private key directory.
     /etc/ssl/openssl.cnf  Default configuration file for openssl.
     /etc/ssl/x509v3.cnf   Default configuration file for x509 certificates.

     ssl(8), starttls(8)

     The SSL Protocol, Netscape Communications Corp., February 1995.

     The SSL 3.0 Protocol, Netscape Communications Corp., November 1996.

     T. Dierks and C. Allen, The TLS Protocol Version 1.0, RFC 2246, January

     M. Wahl, S. Killie, and T. Howes, Lightweight Directory Access Protocol
     (v3): UTF-8 String Representation of Distinguished Names, RFC 2253,
     December 1997.

     B. Kaliski, PKCS #7: Cryptographic Message Syntax Version 1.5, RFC 2315,
     March 1998.

     R. Housley, W. Ford, W. Polk, and D. Solo, Internet X.509 Public Key
     Infrastructure Certificate and CRL Profile, RFC 2459, January 1999.

     M. Myers, R. Ankney, A. Malpani, S. Galperin, and C. Adams, X.509
     Internet Public Key Infrastructure Online Certificate Status Protocol –
     OCSP, RFC 2560, June 1999.

     R. Housley, Cryptographic Message Syntax, RFC 2630, June 1999.

     P. Chown, Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) Ciphersuites for Transport
     Layer Security(TLS), RFC 3268, June 2002.

     The openssl(1) document appeared in OpenSSL 0.9.2.	 The list-XXX-commands
     pseudo-commands were added in OpenSSL 0.9.3; the no-XXX pseudo-commands
     were added in OpenSSL 0.9.5a; the list-XXX-algorithms pseudo-commands
     were added in OpenSSL 1.0.0.

BSD				 June 4, 2024				   BSD

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