RSA_verify man page on Syllable

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RSA_sign(3)			    OpenSSL			   RSA_sign(3)

       RSA_sign, RSA_verify - RSA signatures

	#include <openssl/rsa.h>

	int RSA_sign(int type, const unsigned char *m, unsigned int m_len,
	   unsigned char *sigret, unsigned int *siglen, RSA *rsa);

	int RSA_verify(int type, const unsigned char *m, unsigned int m_len,
	   unsigned char *sigbuf, unsigned int siglen, RSA *rsa);

       RSA_sign() signs the message digest m of size m_len using the private
       key rsa as specified in PKCS #1 v2.0. It stores the signature in sigret
       and the signature size in siglen. sigret must point to RSA_size(rsa)
       bytes of memory.

       type denotes the message digest algorithm that was used to generate m.
       It usually is one of NID_sha1, NID_ripemd160 and NID_md5; see
       objects(3) for details. If type is NID_md5_sha1, an SSL signature (MD5
       and SHA1 message digests with PKCS #1 padding and no algorithm
       identifier) is created.

       RSA_verify() verifies that the signature sigbuf of size siglen matches
       a given message digest m of size m_len. type denotes the message digest
       algorithm that was used to generate the signature.  rsa is the signer's
       public key.

       RSA_sign() returns 1 on success, 0 otherwise.  RSA_verify() returns 1
       on successful verification, 0 otherwise.

       The error codes can be obtained by ERR_get_error(3).

       Certain signatures with an improper algorithm identifier are accepted
       for compatibility with SSLeay 0.4.5 :-)

       SSL, PKCS #1 v2.0

       ERR_get_error(3), objects(3), rsa(3), RSA_private_encrypt(3),

       RSA_sign() and RSA_verify() are available in all versions of SSLeay and

0.9.8k				  2005-04-21			   RSA_sign(3)
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