__SHIFTOUT_MASK man page on NetBSD

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BITS(3)			 BSD Library Functions Manual		       BITS(3)

     __BIT, __BITS, __SHIFTIN, __SHIFTOUT, __SHIFTOUT_MASK — macros for pre‐
     paring bitmasks and operating on bit fields

     #include <sys/param.h>
     #include <sys/cdefs.h>


     __BITS(m, n);

     __SHIFTIN(v, mask);

     __SHIFTOUT(v, mask);


     These macros prepare bitmasks, extract bitfields from words, and insert
     bitfields into words.  A “bitfield” is a span of consecutive bits defined
     by a bitmask, where 1s select the bits in the bitfield.

     Use __BIT() and __BITS() to define bitmasks:

		   Return a bitmask with bit n set, where the least signifi‐
		   cant bit is bit 0.

	   __BITS(m, n)
		   Return a bitmask with bits m through n, inclusive, set.  It
		   does not matter whether m > n or m <= n.  The least signif‐
		   icant bit is bit 0.

     __SHIFTIN(), __SHIFTOUT(), and __SHIFTOUT_MASK() help read and write bit‐
     fields from words:

	   __SHIFTIN(v, mask)
			    Left-shift bits v into the bitfield defined by
			    mask, and return them.  No side-effects.

	   __SHIFTOUT(v, mask)
			    Extract and return the bitfield selected by mask
			    from v, right-shifting the bits so that the right‐
			    most selected bit is at bit 0.  No side-effects.

			    Right-shift the bits in mask so that the rightmost
			    non-zero bit is at bit 0.  This is useful for
			    finding the greatest unsigned value that a bit‐
			    field can hold.  No side-effects.  Note that
			    __SHIFTOUT_MASK(m) = __SHIFTOUT(m, m).

     The following example demonstrates basic usage of the bits macros:

	   uint32_t bits, mask, val;

	   bits = __BITS(2, 3);			   /* 00001100 */
	   mask = __BIT(2) | __BIT(3);		   /* 00001100 */

	   val = __SHIFTIN(0x03, mask);		   /* 00001100 */
	   val = __SHIFTOUT(0xf, mask);		   /* 00000011 */

     bitops(3), cdefs(3)

     The bits macros first appeared in atw(4), with different names and imple‐
     mentation.	 In their current form these macros appeared in NetBSD 4.0.

     The bits macros were written by David Young ⟨dyoung@NetBSD.org⟩.
     Matt Thomas ⟨matt@NetBSD.org⟩ suggested important improvements to the
     implementation, and contributed the macro names SHIFTIN() and SHIFTOUT().

     __BIT() and __BITS() can only express 32-bit bitmasks.

BSD			       October 17, 2012				   BSD
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