ack man page on Oracle

Printed from

ack(3)				      MPI				ack(3)

       ack  -	ata  for  non-contiguous  buffer*/ if ((!sendtype_iscontig) &&
       (sendbuf != MPI_IN_PLACE)) { int sendtype_size=0;  int  position	 =  0;
       MPIR_Pack_size_impl(1,  sendtype, &sendtype_size); send_nbytes= sendcnt
       *    sendtype_size;    MPIU_CHKLMEM_MALLOC(local_sendbuf,    void    *,
       send_nbytes, mpi_errno, "local_sendbuf"); MPIR_Pack_impl(sendbuf, send‐
       cnt,  sendtype,	local_sendbuf,	send_nbytes,  &position);  }  else   {
       local_sendbuf = (void *)sendbuf; send_nbytes=nbytes; }

       #include ntra socket gather*/
       #include nter socket gather*/

       if  (intra_sock_rank == 0) { if (intra_node_leader_rank == 0) { /* Node
       leaders, allocate large buffers which is used to gather * data for  the
       entire  node.  The same buffer is used for inter-node * gather as well.
       This saves us a memcpy operation*/ if (rank == root) { intra_tmp_buf  =
       MPIU_Malloc(recvcnt * MPIR_MAX(recvtype_extent, recvtype_true_extent) *
       local_size);  }	else  {	 intra_tmp_buf	=  MPIU_Malloc(send_nbytes   *
       local_size); }

       } else {

       /*   Socket  leader,  allocate  tmp_buffer  */  if  (rank  ==  root)  {
       intra_tmp_buf = MPIU_Malloc(recvcnt *  MPIR_MAX(recvtype_extent,	 recv‐
       type_true_extent)  *  intra_sock_comm_size);  }	else { intra_tmp_buf =
       MPIU_Malloc(send_nbytes * intra_sock_comm_size); }


       if (intra_tmp_buf == NULL) { mpi_errno =	 MPIR_Err_create_code(MPI_SUC‐
       0); return mpi_errno; }

       /*Local copy  of	 buffer*/  if(sendbuf  !=  MPI_IN_PLACE)  {  MPIU_Mem‐
       cpy(intra_tmp_buf,  local_sendbuf,  send_nbytes);  } else { MPIR_Local‐
       copy(((char *) recvbuf +rank *  recvcnt	*  recvtype_extent),  recvcnt,
       recvtype, intra_tmp_buf, send_nbytes, MPI_BYTE); } }

       if(local_rank   !=0   &&	  sendbuf   ==	MPI_IN_PLACE)  {  mpi_errno  =
       MPIR_Limic_Gather_OSU(intra_tmp_buf,	 (intra_sock_comm_size	     *
       send_nbytes),  (recvbuf + (rank*nbytes)), nbytes, intra_sock_commptr );
       }   else	   {	mpi_errno    =	  MPIR_Limic_Gather_OSU(intra_tmp_buf,
       (intra_sock_comm_size   *   send_nbytes),  local_sendbuf,  send_nbytes,
       intra_sock_commptr ); } if (mpi_errno) { MPIU_ERR_POP(mpi_errno); }

       /*Inter socket gather*/ if(intra_sock_rank == 0) { /*When data in  each
       socket is different*/ if (shmem_commptr->ch.is_socket_uniform != 1) {

       int *displs = NULL; int *recvcnts = NULL; int *socket_sizes; int i = 0;
       socket_sizes = shmem_commptr->ch.socket_size;

       if (intra_node_leader_rank == 0) { tmp_buf = intra_tmp_buf;

       displs  =  MPIU_Malloc(sizeof  (int)  *	 intra_node_leader_comm_size);
       recvcnts	 = MPIU_Malloc(sizeof (int) * intra_node_leader_comm_size); if
       (!displs || !recvcnts) { mpi_errno =  MPIR_Err_create_code(MPI_SUCCESS,
       MPIR_ERR_RECOVERABLE,  FCNAME,  __LINE__, MPI_ERR_OTHER, "**nomem", 0);
       return mpi_errno; }

       recvcnts[0] = socket_sizes[0] * nbytes; displs[0] = 0;

       for (i = 1; i < intra_node_leader_comm_size; i++) {  displs[i]  =  dis‐
       pls[i   -   1]	+   socket_sizes[i   -	1]  *  nbytes;	recvcnts[i]  =
       socket_sizes[i] * nbytes; }

       mpi_errno = MPIR_Gatherv(MPI_IN_PLACE, intra_sock_comm_size  *  nbytes,
       MPI_BYTE,      tmp_buf,	    recvcnts,	  displs,     MPI_BYTE,	    0,
       intra_node_leader_commptr, errflag);

       /*Free  the  displacement  and  recvcnts	 buffer*/   MPIU_Free(displs);

       } else { mpi_errno = MPIR_Gatherv(intra_tmp_buf, intra_sock_comm_size *
       nbytes,	 MPI_BYTE,   tmp_buf,	recvcnts,   displs,    MPI_BYTE,    0,
       intra_node_leader_commptr, errflag);

       } } else {

       if (intra_node_leader_rank == 0) { tmp_buf = intra_tmp_buf;

       /*We  have  now	completed  the	intra_sock gather and all the * socket
       level leaders have data in  their  tmp_buf.  So	we  *  set  sendbuf  =
       MPI_IN_PLACE    and   also   explicity	set   the   *	is_data_avail=
       TEMP_BUF_HAS_DATA*/ mpi_errno  =	 MPIR_pt_pt_intra_gather(MPI_IN_PLACE,
       (send_nbytes*intra_sock_comm_size),  MPI_BYTE,  recvbuf, recvcnt, recv‐
       type,   root,   rank,   tmp_buf,	   (send_nbytes*intra_sock_comm_size),
       TEMP_BUF_HAS_DATA,     intra_node_leader_commptr,    intra_node_fn_ptr,
       errflag); } else {

       /*After the intra_sock gather, all the node level leaders  *  have  the
       data  in	 intra_tmp_buf(sendbuf)	 and  this is gathered into * tmp_buf.
       Since the tmp_buf(in non-root processes) does not have *	 the  data  in
       tmp_buf	  is_data_avail	   =   TEMP_BUF_HAS_NO_DATA*/	mpi_errno    =
       (send_nbytes*intra_sock_comm_size),  MPI_BYTE,  recvbuf, recvcnt, recv‐
       type,   root,   rank,   tmp_buf,	   (send_nbytes*intra_sock_comm_size),
       TEMP_BUF_HAS_NO_DATA,   intra_node_leader_commptr,   intra_node_fn_ptr,
       errflag); } }

       if (mpi_errno) { MPIU_ERR_POP(mpi_errno); } }

       /*Free the intra socket leader buffers*/ if (intra_sock_rank == 0) { if
       ((intra_node_leader_rank	  !=   0)   &&	 (intra_tmp_buf	 !=  NULL))  {
       MPIU_Free(intra_tmp_buf);   }	}    MPIU_CHKLMEM_FREEALL();	return
       (mpi_errno); }

       #undef  FUNCNAME	 #define  FUNCNAME  MPIR_Limic_Gather_Scheme_LINEAR_PT
       #undef  FCNAME	#define	  FCNAME   MPIU_QUOTE(FUNCNAME)	  static   int
       MPIR_Limic_Gather_Scheme_LINEAR_PT(  const  void	 *sendbuf,int sendcnt,
       MPI_Datatype sendtype, void *recvbuf,  int  recvcnt,MPI_Datatype	 recv‐
       type,   int   root,   MPID_Comm	 *  comm_ptr,  MV2_Gather_function_ptr
       intra_node_fn_ptr, int *errflag) {  void	 *intra_tmp_buf	 =  NULL;  int
       rank;  int local_size; int mpi_errno = MPI_SUCCESS; int recvtype_size =
       0,  sendtype_size   =   0,   nbytes=0;	int   sendtype_iscontig;   int
       intra_sock_rank=0,	       intra_sock_comm_size=0;		   int
       intra_node_leader_rank=0; MPI_Aint sendtype_extent = 0, recvtype_extent
       =  0;   /*  Datatype  extent */ MPI_Aint true_lb, sendtype_true_extent,
       recvtype_true_extent; MPI_Comm  shmem_comm;  MPID_Comm  *shmem_commptr;
       MPID_Comm *intra_sock_commptr = NULL, *intra_node_leader_commptr=NULL;

       rank = comm_ptr->rank;

       if  (((rank  == root) && (recvcnt == 0)) || ((rank != root) && (sendcnt
       == 0))) { return MPI_SUCCESS; }

       if (sendtype != MPI_DATATYPE_NULL)  {  MPIR_Datatype_iscontig(sendtype,
       &sendtype_iscontig);   MPID_Datatype_get_extent_macro(sendtype,	 send‐
       type_extent);  MPID_Datatype_get_size_macro(sendtype,   sendtype_size);
       MPIR_Type_get_true_extent_impl(sendtype,	       &true_lb,	&send‐
       type_true_extent);   }	if   (recvtype	 !=    MPI_DATATYPE_NULL)    {
       MPID_Datatype_get_extent_macro(recvtype,		     recvtype_extent);
       MPID_Datatype_get_size_macro(recvtype,		       recvtype_size);
       MPIR_Type_get_true_extent_impl(recvtype,	       &true_lb,	&recv‐
       type_true_extent); }

       /* extract the rank,size information for the intra-node *  communicator
       */  shmem_comm = comm_ptr->ch.shmem_comm; MPID_Comm_get_ptr(shmem_comm,
       shmem_commptr); local_size = shmem_commptr->local_size;

       if (rank == root) { nbytes = recvcnt * recvtype_size;

       } else { nbytes = sendcnt * sendtype_size; }

       if(shmem_commptr->ch.use_intra_sock_comm	       ==	  1)	     {

       intra_sock_rank	=  intra_sock_commptr->rank;  intra_sock_comm_size   =
       intra_sock_commptr->local_size;	   if(intra_sock_rank	 ==    0)    {
       intra_node_leader_rank = intra_node_leader_commptr->rank; } }

       if (intra_sock_rank == 0) { if (intra_node_leader_rank == 0) { /*  Node
       leaders,	 allocate large buffers which is used to gather * data for the
       entire node. The same buffer is used for inter-node * gather  as	 well.
       This  saves us a memcpy operation*/ if (rank == root) { intra_tmp_buf =
       MPIU_Malloc(recvcnt * MPIR_MAX(recvtype_extent, recvtype_true_extent) *
       local_size);   }	  else	 {   intra_tmp_buf   =	MPIU_Malloc(sendcnt  *
       MPIR_MAX(sendtype_extent, sendtype_true_extent) * local_size); } } else

       /*   Socket  leader,  allocate  tmp_buffer  */  if  (rank  ==  root)  {
       intra_tmp_buf = MPIU_Malloc(recvcnt *  MPIR_MAX(recvtype_extent,	 recv‐
       type_true_extent)  *  intra_sock_comm_size);  }	else { intra_tmp_buf =
       MPIU_Malloc(sendcnt * MPIR_MAX(sendtype_extent, sendtype_true_extent) *
       intra_sock_comm_size);  }  }  if	 (intra_tmp_buf == NULL) { mpi_errno =
       MPIR_Err_create_code(MPI_SUCCESS,     MPIR_ERR_RECOVERABLE,     FCNAME,
       __LINE__, MPI_ERR_OTHER, "**nomem", 0); return mpi_errno; } }

       /*Intra	socket gather*/ /*We are gathering the data into intra_tmp_buf
       and the output * will be of MPI_BYTE datatype. Since the tmp_buf has no
       *  local data, we pass is_data_avail = TEMP_BUF_HAS_NO_DATA*/ mpi_errno
       = MPIR_pt_pt_intra_gather(sendbuf, sendcnt, sendtype, recvbuf, recvcnt,
       recvtype,  root,	 rank,	intra_tmp_buf,	nbytes,	 TEMP_BUF_HAS_NO_DATA,
       intra_sock_commptr, intra_node_fn_ptr, errflag);

       if (mpi_errno) { MPIU_ERR_POP(mpi_errno); }

       /*Inter	 socket	  gather*/   if(intra_sock_rank	   ==	 0)    {    if
       (intra_node_leader_rank	== 0) { tmp_buf = intra_tmp_buf; } mpi_errno =
       MPIR_Limic_Gather_OSU(tmp_buf, (local_size  *  nbytes),	intra_tmp_buf,
       (intra_sock_comm_size * nbytes), intra_node_leader_commptr); }

       if (mpi_errno) { MPIU_ERR_POP(mpi_errno); }

       /*Free the intra socket leader buffers*/ if (intra_sock_rank == 0) { if
       ((intra_node_leader_rank	 !=  0)	 &&   (intra_tmp_buf   !=   NULL))   {
       MPIU_Free(intra_tmp_buf); } }

       return (mpi_errno); }

       #undef FUNCNAME #define FUNCNAME MPIR_Limic_Gather_Scheme_LINEAR_LINEAR
       #undef  FCNAME	#define	  FCNAME   MPIU_QUOTE(FUNCNAME)	  static   int
       MPIR_Limic_Gather_Scheme_LINEAR_LINEAR(	const  void *sendbuf,int send‐
       cnt, MPI_Datatype sendtype,  void  *recvbuf,  int  recvcnt,MPI_Datatype
       recvtype,  int  root,  MPID_Comm	 *  comm_ptr,  int  *errflag)  {  void
       *intra_tmp_buf  =  NULL;	 void  *local_sendbuf=NULL;  int   rank;   int
       local_rank,  local_size; int mpi_errno = MPI_SUCCESS; int recvtype_size
       =  0,  sendtype_size  =	0,  nbytes=0;	int   sendtype_iscontig;   int
       intra_sock_rank=0,	       intra_sock_comm_size=0;		   int
       intra_node_leader_rank=0; int send_nbytes=0; MPI_Aint recvtype_extent =
       0;  /* Datatype extent */ MPI_Aint true_lb, sendtype_true_extent, recv‐
       type_true_extent;  MPI_Comm   shmem_comm;   MPID_Comm   *shmem_commptr;
       MPID_Comm  *intra_sock_commptr = NULL, *intra_node_leader_commptr=NULL;

       rank = comm_ptr->rank;

       if (((rank == root) && (recvcnt == 0)) || ((rank != root)  &&  (sendcnt
       == 0))) { return MPI_SUCCESS; }

       if  (sendtype  != MPI_DATATYPE_NULL) { MPIR_Datatype_iscontig(sendtype,
       &sendtype_iscontig);    MPID_Datatype_get_size_macro(sendtype,	 send‐
       type_size);  MPIR_Type_get_true_extent_impl(sendtype,  &true_lb, &send‐
       type_true_extent);   }	if   (recvtype	 !=    MPI_DATATYPE_NULL)    {
       MPID_Datatype_get_extent_macro(recvtype,		     recvtype_extent);
       MPID_Datatype_get_size_macro(recvtype,		       recvtype_size);
       MPIR_Type_get_true_extent_impl(recvtype,	       &true_lb,	&recv‐
       type_true_extent); }

       /* extract the rank,size information for the intra-node *  communicator
       */  shmem_comm = comm_ptr->ch.shmem_comm; MPID_Comm_get_ptr(shmem_comm,
       shmem_commptr);	local_rank   =	 shmem_commptr->rank;	local_size   =

       if (rank == root) { nbytes = recvcnt * recvtype_size;

       } else { nbytes = sendcnt * sendtype_size; }

       if(shmem_commptr->ch.use_intra_sock_comm		==	   1)	     {

       intra_sock_rank	 =  intra_sock_commptr->rank;  intra_sock_comm_size  =
       intra_sock_commptr->local_size;	  if(intra_sock_rank	==    0)     {
       intra_node_leader_rank = intra_node_leader_commptr->rank; } }

       /*Pack  data  for  non-contiguous  buffer*/ if ((!sendtype_iscontig) &&
       (sendbuf != MPI_IN_PLACE)) {

       int sendtype_size=0; int position = 0; MPIR_Pack_size_impl(1, sendtype,
       &sendtype_size);	     send_nbytes=     sendcnt	  *	sendtype_size;
       MPIU_CHKLMEM_MALLOC(local_sendbuf,  void	 *,  send_nbytes,   mpi_errno,
       "local_sendbuf");     MPIR_Pack_impl(sendbuf,	 sendcnt,    sendtype,
       local_sendbuf, send_nbytes, &position); } else { local_sendbuf =	 (void
       *)sendbuf; send_nbytes = nbytes; }

       if  (intra_sock_rank == 0) { if (intra_node_leader_rank == 0) { /* Node
       leaders, allocate large buffers which is used to gather * data for  the
       entire  node.  The same buffer is used for inter-node * gather as well.
       This saves us a memcpy operation*/ if (rank == root) { intra_tmp_buf  =
       MPIU_Malloc(recvcnt * MPIR_MAX(recvtype_extent, recvtype_true_extent) *
       local_size);  }	else  {	 intra_tmp_buf	=  MPIU_Malloc(send_nbytes   *
       local_size); }

       } else {

       /*   Socket  leader,  allocate  tmp_buffer  */  if  (rank  ==  root)  {
       intra_tmp_buf = MPIU_Malloc(recvcnt *  MPIR_MAX(recvtype_extent,	 recv‐
       type_true_extent)  *  intra_sock_comm_size);  }	else { intra_tmp_buf =
       MPIU_Malloc(send_nbytes * intra_sock_comm_size); }

       }  if   (intra_tmp_buf	==   NULL)   {	 mpi_errno   =	 MPIR_Err_cre‐
       MPI_ERR_OTHER, "**nomem", 0); return mpi_errno; }

       /*Local copy  of	 buffer*/  if(sendbuf  !=  MPI_IN_PLACE)  {  MPIU_Mem‐
       cpy(intra_tmp_buf,  local_sendbuf,  send_nbytes);  } else { MPIR_Local‐
       copy(((char *) recvbuf +rank *  recvcnt	*  recvtype_extent),  recvcnt,
       recvtype, intra_tmp_buf, send_nbytes, MPI_BYTE); } }

       if(local_rank   !=0   &&	  sendbuf   ==	MPI_IN_PLACE)  {  mpi_errno  =
       MPIR_Limic_Gather_OSU(intra_tmp_buf,	 (intra_sock_comm_size	     *
       send_nbytes), (recvbuf + (rank*nbytes)), nbytes, intra_sock_commptr); }
       else	{     mpi_errno	    =	  MPIR_Limic_Gather_OSU(intra_tmp_buf,
       (intra_sock_comm_size   *   send_nbytes),  local_sendbuf,  send_nbytes,
       intra_sock_commptr ); } if (mpi_errno) { MPIU_ERR_POP(mpi_errno); }

       /*Inter	 socket	  gather*/   if(intra_sock_rank	   ==	 0)    {    if
       (intra_node_leader_rank	== 0) { tmp_buf = intra_tmp_buf; } mpi_errno =
       MPIR_Limic_Gather_OSU(tmp_buf,	  (local_size	  *	 send_nbytes),
       intra_tmp_buf,	     (intra_sock_comm_size	 *	 send_nbytes),
       intra_node_leader_commptr ); }

       if (mpi_errno) { MPIU_ERR_POP(mpi_errno); }

       /*Free the intra socket leader buffers*/ if (intra_sock_rank == 0) { if
       ((intra_node_leader_rank	  !=   0)   &&	 (intra_tmp_buf	 !=  NULL))  {
       MPIU_Free(intra_tmp_buf); } }

       MPIU_CHKLMEM_FREEALL(); return (mpi_errno); }

       #undef FUNCNAME #define FUNCNAME MPIR_Limic_Gather_Scheme_SINGLE_LEADER
       #undef	FCNAME	 #define   FCNAME   MPIU_QUOTE(FUNCNAME)   static  int
       MPIR_Limic_Gather_Scheme_SINGLE_LEADER( const void  *sendbuf,int	 send‐
       cnt,  MPI_Datatype  sendtype,  void  *recvbuf, int recvcnt,MPI_Datatype
       recvtype,  int  root,  MPID_Comm	 *  comm_ptr,  int  *errflag)  {  void
       *local_sendbuf=NULL;   int   rank;   int	 local_rank,  local_size;  int
       mpi_errno = MPI_SUCCESS; int recvtype_size  =  0,  sendtype_size	 =  0,
       nbytes=0;  int  sendtype_iscontig;  int	send_nbytes=0;	MPI_Aint recv‐
       type_extent =  0;   /*  Datatype	 extent	 */  MPI_Aint  true_lb,	 send‐
       type_true_extent,  recvtype_true_extent; MPI_Comm shmem_comm; MPID_Comm
       *shmem_commptr; MPIU_CHKLMEM_DECL(1);

       rank = comm_ptr->rank;

       if (((rank == root) && (recvcnt == 0)) || ((rank != root)  &&  (sendcnt
       == 0))) { return MPI_SUCCESS; }

       if  (sendtype  != MPI_DATATYPE_NULL) { MPIR_Datatype_iscontig(sendtype,
       &sendtype_iscontig);    MPID_Datatype_get_size_macro(sendtype,	 send‐
       type_size);  MPIR_Type_get_true_extent_impl(sendtype,  &true_lb, &send‐
       type_true_extent);   }	if   (recvtype	 !=    MPI_DATATYPE_NULL)    {
       MPID_Datatype_get_extent_macro(recvtype,		     recvtype_extent);
       MPID_Datatype_get_size_macro(recvtype,		       recvtype_size);
       MPIR_Type_get_true_extent_impl(recvtype,	       &true_lb,	&recv‐
       type_true_extent); }

       /* extract the rank,size information for the intra-node *  communicator
       */  shmem_comm = comm_ptr->ch.shmem_comm; MPID_Comm_get_ptr(shmem_comm,
       shmem_commptr);	local_rank   =	 shmem_commptr->rank;	local_size   =

       if (rank == root) { nbytes = recvcnt * recvtype_size;

       } else { nbytes = sendcnt * sendtype_size; }

       /*Pack  data  for  non-contiguous  buffer*/ if ((!sendtype_iscontig) &&
       (sendbuf != MPI_IN_PLACE)) {

       int sendtype_size=0; int position = 0; MPIR_Pack_size_impl(1, sendtype,
       &sendtype_size);	     send_nbytes=     sendcnt	  *	sendtype_size;
       MPIU_CHKLMEM_MALLOC(local_sendbuf,  void	 *,  send_nbytes,   mpi_errno,
       "local_sendbuf");     MPIR_Pack_impl(sendbuf,	 sendcnt,    sendtype,
       local_sendbuf, send_nbytes, &position); } else { local_sendbuf =	 (void
       *)sendbuf; send_nbytes = nbytes; }

       if  (local_rank == 0) { /* Node leader, allocate tmp_buffer */ if (rank
       == root) { tmp_buf =  MPIU_Malloc(recvcnt  *  MPIR_MAX(recvtype_extent,
       recvtype_true_extent)  *	 local_size);  } else { tmp_buf = MPIU_Malloc(
       send_nbytes * local_size);  }  if  (tmp_buf  ==	NULL)  {  mpi_errno  =
       MPIR_Err_create_code(MPI_SUCCESS,     MPIR_ERR_RECOVERABLE,     FCNAME,
       __LINE__, MPI_ERR_OTHER, "**nomem", 0); return mpi_errno; }

       /*Local copy  of	 buffer*/  if(sendbuf  !=  MPI_IN_PLACE)  {  MPIU_Mem‐
       cpy(tmp_buf,   local_sendbuf,   send_nbytes);   }  else	{  MPIR_Local‐
       copy(((char *) recvbuf +rank *  recvcnt	*  recvtype_extent),  recvcnt,
       recvtype, tmp_buf, send_nbytes, MPI_BYTE); } }

       if(local_rank   !=0   &&	  sendbuf   ==	MPI_IN_PLACE)  {  mpi_errno  =
       MPIR_Limic_Gather_OSU(tmp_buf, (local_size * send_nbytes),  (recvbuf  +
       (rank*nbytes)),	 nbytes,   shmem_commptr  );  }	 else  {  mpi_errno  =
       MPIR_Limic_Gather_OSU(tmp_buf, (local_size * send_nbytes),  local_send‐
       buf, nbytes, shmem_commptr ); }

       if (mpi_errno) { MPIU_ERR_POP(mpi_errno); }

       MPIU_CHKLMEM_FREEALL(); return (mpi_errno); }

       #undef	FUNCNAME   #define  FUNCNAME  MPIR_Intra_node_LIMIC_Gather_MV2
       #undef	 FCNAME	   #define     FCNAME	  MPIU_QUOTE(FUNCNAME)	   int
       MPIR_Intra_node_LIMIC_Gather_MV2(   const  void	*sendbuf,int  sendcnt,
       MPI_Datatype sendtype, void *recvbuf,  int  recvcnt,MPI_Datatype	 recv‐
       type,  int  root, MPID_Comm * comm_ptr, int *errflag) { int mpi_errno =
       MPI_SUCCESS; MPI_Comm shmem_comm; MPID_Comm *shmem_commptr;

       /* extract the rank,size information for the intra-node *  communicator
       */  shmem_comm = comm_ptr->ch.shmem_comm; MPID_Comm_get_ptr(shmem_comm,

       /*This case  uses  the  PT-PT  scheme  with  binomial  *	 algorithm  */
       if((shmem_commptr->ch.use_intra_sock_comm   ==  1)  &&  (num_scheme  ==

       mpi_errno = MPIR_Limic_Gather_Scheme_PT_PT(sendbuf, sendcnt,  sendtype,
       recvbuf,	  recvcnt,   recvtype,	 root,	 comm_ptr,  MPIR_Gather_intra,
       errflag); if (mpi_errno) { MPIU_ERR_POP(mpi_errno);  }  }  /*This  case
       uses   the   PT-PT   scheme   with   DIRECT   *	 algorithm   */	  else
       if((shmem_commptr->ch.use_intra_sock_comm  ==  1)  &&  (num_scheme   ==

       mpi_errno  = MPIR_Limic_Gather_Scheme_PT_PT(sendbuf, sendcnt, sendtype,
       recvbuf, recvcnt,  recvtype,  root,  comm_ptr,  MPIR_Gather_MV2_Direct,
       errflag);  if  (mpi_errno)  {  MPIU_ERR_POP(mpi_errno); } } /*This case
       uses  the  PT-LINEAR  scheme  with  binomial  *	 algorithm   */	  else
       if((shmem_commptr->ch.use_intra_sock_comm   ==  1)  &&  (num_scheme  ==

       mpi_errno = MPIR_Limic_Gather_Scheme_PT_LINEAR(sendbuf, sendcnt,	 send‐
       type,  recvbuf,	recvcnt,  recvtype, root, comm_ptr, MPIR_Gather_intra,
       errflag); if (mpi_errno) { MPIU_ERR_POP(mpi_errno); }

       } /*This case uses the PT-LINEAR scheme with DIRECT * algorithm */ else
       if((shmem_commptr->ch.use_intra_sock_comm   ==  1)  &&  (num_scheme  ==

       mpi_errno = MPIR_Limic_Gather_Scheme_PT_LINEAR(sendbuf, sendcnt,	 send‐
       type,	  recvbuf,	recvcnt,     recvtype,	   root,     comm_ptr,
       MPIR_Gather_MV2_Direct,	    errflag);	   if	   (mpi_errno)	     {
       MPIU_ERR_POP(mpi_errno); }

       }  /*This  case	uses the LINEAR-PT scheme with binomial * algorithm */
       else if((shmem_commptr->ch.use_intra_sock_comm == 1) && (num_scheme  ==

       mpi_errno  = MPIR_Limic_Gather_Scheme_LINEAR_PT(sendbuf, sendcnt, send‐
       type, recvbuf, recvcnt, recvtype,  root,	 comm_ptr,  MPIR_Gather_intra,
       errflag); if (mpi_errno) { MPIU_ERR_POP(mpi_errno); }

       } /*This case uses the LINEAR-PT scheme with DIRECT * algorithm */ else
       if((shmem_commptr->ch.use_intra_sock_comm  ==  1)  &&  (num_scheme   ==

       mpi_errno  = MPIR_Limic_Gather_Scheme_LINEAR_PT(sendbuf, sendcnt, send‐
       type,	 recvbuf,     recvcnt,	   recvtype,	  root,	     comm_ptr,
       MPIR_Gather_MV2_Direct,	     errflag);	    if	    (mpi_errno)	     {
       MPIU_ERR_POP(mpi_errno); }

       } else if((shmem_commptr->ch.use_intra_sock_comm == 1)  &&  (num_scheme

       mpi_errno  =  MPIR_Limic_Gather_Scheme_LINEAR_LINEAR(sendbuf,  sendcnt,
       sendtype, recvbuf, recvcnt,  recvtype,  root,  comm_ptr,	 errflag);  if
       (mpi_errno) { MPIU_ERR_POP(mpi_errno); }

       }      else	if(((comm_ptr->ch.shmem_coll_ok	     ==	     1)	    ||
       (shmem_commptr->ch.use_intra_sock_comm  ==  1))	 &&   (num_scheme   ==

       mpi_errno  =  MPIR_Limic_Gather_Scheme_SINGLE_LEADER(sendbuf,  sendcnt,
       sendtype, recvbuf, recvcnt,  recvtype,  root,  comm_ptr,	 errflag);  if
       (mpi_errno)  {  MPIU_ERR_POP(mpi_errno); } } else { /*This is a invalid
       case, if we are in LIMIC Gather * the code flow should be in one of the
       if-else	  case*/    mpi_errno	 =   MPIR_Err_create_code(MPI_SUCCESS,
       MPIR_ERR_RECOVERABLE, FCNAME, __LINE__, MPI_ERR_OTHER, "**badcase", 0);

       return (mpi_errno); }

       #endif	 /*#if defined(_SMP_LIMIC_) */

       #endif	 /* #if defined(_OSU_MVAPICH_)	|| defined(_OSU_PSM_) */

       #undef  FUNCNAME #define FUNCNAME MPIR_Gather_MV2 #undef FCNAME #define
       FCNAME MPIU_QUOTE(FUNCNAME) int	MPIR_Gather_MV2(const  void  *sendbuf,
       int   sendcnt,  MPI_Datatype  sendtype,	void  *recvbuf,	 int  recvcnt,
       MPI_Datatype recvtype, int root, MPID_Comm * comm_ptr, int *errflag)  {
       int    mpi_errno	  =   MPI_SUCCESS;   #if   defined(_OSU_MVAPICH_)   ||
       defined(_OSU_PSM_)  int	range  =  0;  int  range_threshold  =  0;  int
       range_intra_threshold = 0; int nbytes = 0; int comm_size = 0; int recv‐
       type_size,     sendtype_size;	 int	 rank	  =	-1;	#endif
       /* #if defined(_OSU_MVAPICH_) */ MPIU_THREADPRIV_DECL;

       MPIDU_ERR_CHECK_MULTIPLE_THREADS_ENTER(comm_ptr); #if defined(_OSU_MVA‐
       PICH_) || defined(_OSU_PSM_) comm_size = comm_ptr->local_size;  rank  =
       comm_ptr->rank;	     #endif				   /*	   #if
       defined(_OSU_MVAPICH_) */

       MPIU_THREADPRIV_GET; #if defined(_OSU_MVAPICH_)	||  defined(_OSU_PSM_)
       if   (rank  ==  root)  {	 MPID_Datatype_get_size_macro(recvtype,	 recv‐
       type_size);   nbytes   =	  recvcnt   *	recvtype_size;	 }   else    {
       MPID_Datatype_get_size_macro(sendtype, sendtype_size); nbytes = sendcnt
       * sendtype_size; } /* Search for the corresponding system  size	inside
       the tuning table */ while ((range < (mv2_size_gather_tuning_table - 1))
       && (comm_size > mv2_gather_thresholds_table[range].numproc)) { range++;
       }   /*	Search	 for  corresponding  inter-leader  function  */	 while
       ((range_threshold <  (mv2_gather_thresholds_table[range].size_inter_ta‐
       ble     -     1))     &&	    (nbytes	>    mv2_gather_thresholds_ta‐
       ble[range].inter_leader[range_threshold].max)  &&   (mv2_gather_thresh‐
       olds_table[range].inter_leader[range_threshold].max     !=    -1))    {
       range_threshold++; }

       /*  Search   for	  corresponding	  intra	  node	 function   */	 while
       ((range_intra_threshold		 <	    (mv2_gather_thresholds_ta‐
       ble[range].size_intra_table  -  1))  &&	(nbytes	 >  mv2_gather_thresh‐
       olds_table[range].intra_node[range_intra_threshold].max)		    &&
       old].max	 != -1)) { range_intra_threshold++; } #if defined(_SMP_LIMIC_)
       int range_limic_scheme = 0; if (use_limic_gather){ /* Search for corre‐
       sponding	  limic-scheme	 function   */	while  ((range_limic_scheme  <
       (mv2_gather_thresholds_table[range].nb_limic_scheme - 1)) && (nbytes  >
       ble[range].limic_gather_scheme[range_limic_scheme].max)		    &&
       ble[range].limic_gather_scheme[range_limic_scheme].max	!=   -1))    {
       range_limic_scheme++;   }   num_scheme	=    mv2_gather_thresholds_ta‐
       ble[range].limic_gather_scheme[range_limic_scheme].scheme;   }	#endif
       /*#if   defined(_SMP_LIMIC_)*/	#ifdef	_ENABLE_CUDA_  MPI_Aint	 send‐
       type_extent; MPID_Datatype_get_extent_macro(sendtype, sendtype_extent);
       int recvtype_extent = 0; MPID_Datatype_get_extent_macro(recvtype, recv‐
       type_extent);  int  send_mem_type  =  0;	 int  recv_mem_type  =	0;  if
       (rdma_enable_cuda)   {	send_mem_type	=   is_device_buffer(sendbuf);
       recv_mem_type = is_device_buffer(recvbuf); }  if	 (rdma_enable_cuda  &&
       (send_mem_type  ||  recv_mem_type) && rdma_cuda_use_naive && (nbytes <=
       rdma_cuda_gather_naive_limit/comm_size)) { if (sendbuf != MPI_IN_PLACE)
       {  if (rank == root) { mpi_errno = cuda_stage_alloc (NULL, 0, &recvbuf,
       recvcnt*recvtype_extent*comm_size,  0,  recv_mem_type,  0);  }  else  {
       mpi_errno   =   cuda_stage_alloc	  ((void   **)&sendbuf,	 sendcnt*send‐
       type_extent, NULL, 0, send_mem_type, 0, 0); }  }	 else  {  mpi_errno  =
       cuda_stage_alloc ((void **)&sendbuf, recvcnt*recvtype_extent, &recvbuf,
       recvcnt*recvtype_extent*comm_size, 0, recv_mem_type, rank*recvcnt*recv‐
       type_extent); } if (mpi_errno) { MPIU_ERR_POP(mpi_errno); } }

       /*  Use	Direct algorithm in cuda configuration */ if (rdma_enable_cuda
       &&    (((nbytes	  >	rdma_cuda_gather_naive_limit/comm_size)	    &&
       rdma_cuda_use_naive)    ||   !rdma_cuda_use_naive))   {	 mpi_errno   =
       MPIR_Gather_MV2_Direct(sendbuf, sendcnt,	 sendtype,  recvbuf,  recvcnt,
       recvtype, root, comm_ptr, errflag); } else #endif /*_ENABLE_CUDA_*/

       if  (comm_ptr->ch.is_global_block == 1 && mv2_use_direct_gather == 1 &&
       mv2_use_two_level_gather == 1 && comm_ptr->ch.shmem_coll_ok == 1) {  /*
       Set     intra-node     function	   pt	 for	gather_two_level    */
       MV2_Gather_intra_node_function	    =	     mv2_gather_thresholds_ta‐
       ble[range].intra_node[range_intra_threshold].   MV2_pt_Gather_function;
       /*  Set	 inter-leader	pt   */	  MV2_Gather_inter_leader_function   =
       MV2_pt_Gather_function; /* We  call  Gather  function  */  mpi_errno  =
       MV2_Gather_inter_leader_function(sendbuf,  sendcnt,  sendtype, recvbuf,
       recvcnt, recvtype, root, comm_ptr, errflag);

       } else { #endif				/* #if	defined(_OSU_MVAPICH_)
       */  mpi_errno  = MPIR_Gather_intra(sendbuf, sendcnt, sendtype, recvbuf,
       recvcnt, recvtype, root, comm_ptr, errflag); #if defined(_OSU_MVAPICH_)
       || defined(_OSU_PSM_) }

       #ifdef	_ENABLE_CUDA_	if   (rdma_enable_cuda	&&  (send_mem_type  ||
       recv_mem_type)	  &&	 rdma_cuda_use_naive	 &&	(nbytes	    <=
       rdma_cuda_gather_naive_limit/comm_size)){   if	(rank	==   root)   {
       cuda_stage_free (NULL, &recvbuf, recvcnt*recvtype_extent*comm_size,  0,
       recv_mem_type);	}  else { cuda_stage_free ((void **)&sendbuf, NULL, 0,
       send_mem_type,  0);  }	}   #endif			      /*#ifdef

       #endif				/*  #if	 defined(_OSU_MVAPICH_)	 */ if
       (mpi_errno) { MPIU_ERR_POP(mpi_errno); }

       /* check if multiple threads are calling this  collective  function  */

       return mpi_errno;

       goto fn_exit; }

       /* end:nested */


				   8/22/2013				ack(3)

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