cdk_display man page on DragonFly

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cdk_display(3)							cdk_display(3)

       cdk_display - Curses Development Kit Display Capabilities.

       Cdk  has a number of pre-defined display types.	The following are out‐
       lined in this manual page:

       · How To Use Colors

       · How To Use Different Character Attributes

       · How To Justify Strings

       · How To Use Special Drawing Characters

       · Edit/Display Type Codes (EDisplayType)

       Cdk has special formatting commands which can be included in any string
       which  add highlights, justification, or even colors to a basic string.
       These attributes, once set, remain in effect until changed  explicitly,
       or until the end of the string.

       This manual page outlines and demonstrates how they work.

   How To Use Colors
       Cdk  has	 the  capability to display colors in almost every string type
       displayed in a Cdk widget.  To turn on colors,  the  function  initCDK‐
       Color  has  to  be called.  When this function is called 64 color pairs
       are created.  Normally the color pairs are accessed via the  COLOR_PAIR
       macro.  You can still do this, but creating a string with multiple col‐
       ors gets terribly difficult.  That is why the color commands were  cre‐

       The  color settings are stored directly in the string.  When the widget
       is created or activated, the string is converted to take	 advantage  of
       any color commands in the string.  To turn on a color pair insert </XX>
       into the string; where XX is a numeric value from 0 to 64.  Color  pair
       0  is  the  standard  default color pair for the screen.	 To turn off a
       color pair use the format command <!XX> where XX	 is  a	numeric	 value
       from 0 to 64.

       The following example demonstrates the use of the color commands.

       #include <cdk/cdk.h>

       void main()
	  CDKSCREEN   *cdkscreen;
	  CDKLABEL    *demo;
	  WINDOW      *screen;
	  char	      *mesg[4];

	  /* Initialize the Cdk screen.	  */
	  screen = initscr();
	  cdkscreen = initCDKScreen (screen);

	  /* Start CDK Colors */

	  /* Set the labels up.	     */
	  mesg[0] = "</31>This line should have a yellow foreground and a cyan background.<!31>";
	  mesg[1] = "</05>This line should have a white	 foreground and a blue background.<!05>";
	  mesg[2] = "</26>This line should have a yellow foreground and a red  background.<!26>";
	  mesg[3] = "<C>This line should be set to whatever the screen default is.";

	  /* Declare the labels.     */
	  demo	 = newCDKLabel (cdkscreen, CENTER, CENTER, mesg, 4, TRUE, TRUE);

	  /* Draw the label	     */
	  drawCDKLabel (demo, TRUE);
	  waitCDKLabel (demo, ' ');

	  /* Clean up		*/
	  destroyCDKLabel (demo);
	  destroyCDKScreen (cdkscreen);
	  exit (0);

   How To Use Different Character Attributes
       Cdk  also  provides  attribute commands which allow different character
       attributes to be displayed  in  a  Cdk  widget.	 To  use  a  character
       attribute  the format command is </X> where X is one of several command
       characters.  To turn a attribute off use the command <!X>.  The follow‐
       ing table outlines the command characters:

	      │Command Character   Character Attribute		       │
	      │B		   Bold				       │
	      │U		   Underline			       │
	      │K		   Blink			       │
	      │R		   Reverse			       │
	      │S		   Standout			       │
	      │D		   Dim				       │
	      │N		   Normal			       │
       The  following  example	demonstrates  the  use	of  character  display

       #include <cdk/cdk.h>

       void main()
	  CDKSCREEN    *cdkscreen;
	  CDKLABEL     *demo;
	  WINDOW       *screen;
	  char	       *mesg[4];

	  /* Initialize the Cdk screen.	 */
	  screen = initscr();
	  cdkscreen = initCDKScreen (screen);

	  /* Start CDK Colors */

	  /* Set the labels up.	 */
	  mesg[0] = "</B/31>Bold text		 yellow foreground / blue background.<!31>";
	  mesg[1] = "</U/05>Underlined text	 white	foreground / blue background.<!05>";
	  mesg[2] = "</K/26>Blinking text	 yellow foreground / red  background.<!26>";
	  mesg[3] = "<C>This line uses the screen default colors.";

	  /* Declare the labels.  */
	  demo = newCDKLabel (cdkscreen, CENTER, CENTER, mesg, 4, TRUE, TRUE);

	  /* Draw the label */
	  drawCDKLabel (demo, TRUE);
	  waitCDKLabel (demo, ' ');

	  /* Clean up */
	  destroyCDKLabel (demo);
	  destroyCDKScreen (cdkscreen);
	  exit (0);

       Note that color commands and format commands can be  mixed  inside  the
       same  format  marker.   The  above example underlines the label marker,
       which also sets color pair number 2.

   How To Justify Strings
       Justification commands can left justify, right  justify,	 or  center  a
       string  of text.	 To use a justification format in a string the command
       <X> is used.  The following table lists the format commands:

	     │Command		Action.				       │
	     │<L>		Left Justified. Default if not stated. │
	     │<C>		Centered text.			       │
	     │<R>		Right justified.		       │
	     │<I=X>		Indent the line X characters.	       │
	     │<B=X>		Bullet. X is the bullet string to use. │
	     │<F=X>		Links in a file where X is  the	 file‐ │
	     │			name.  This works only with the viewer │
	     │			widget.				       │
       The following example demonstrates how to use  the  justification  com‐
       mands in a Cdk widget.
       #include <cdk/cdk.h>

       void main()
	  CDKSCREEN    *cdkscreen;
	  CDKLABEL     *demo;
	  WINDOW       *screen;
	  char	       *mesg[5];

	  /* Initialize the Cdk screen.	 */
	  screen = initscr();
	  cdkscreen = initCDKScreen (screen);

	  /* Start CDK Colors */

	  /* Set the labels up.	 */
	  mesg[0] = "<R></B/31>This line should have a yellow foreground and a blue background.<!31>";
	  mesg[1] = "</U/05>This line should have a white  foreground and a blue background.<!05>";
	  mesg[2] = "<B=+>This is a bullet.";
	  mesg[3] = "<I=10>This is indented 10 characters.";
	  mesg[4] = "<C>This line should be set to whatever the screen default is.";

	  /* Declare the labels.  */
	  demo = newCDKLabel (cdkscreen, CENTER, CENTER, mesg, 5, TRUE, TRUE);

	  /* Draw the label */
	  drawCDKLabel (demo, TRUE);
	  waitCDKLabel (demo, ' ');

	  /* Clean up */
	  destroyCDKLabel (demo);
	  destroyCDKScreen (cdkscreen);
	  exit (0);

       The  bullet  format  command  can  take	either a single character or a
       string.	The bullet in the above example would look like
	  + This is a bullet.
       but if we were to use the following command instead
	  <B=***>This is a bullet.
       it would look like
	  *** This is a bullet.

       A format command must be at the beginning of the string.

   How To Use Special Drawing Characters
       Cdk has a set of special drawing characters which can be inserted  into
       any ASCII file.	In order to use a special character the format command
       <#XXX> is used.	The following table lists all of the special character
       commands available.

	      │Special_Character   Character			       │
	      │<#UL>		   Upper Left Corner		       │
	      │<#UR>		   Upper Right Corner		       │
	      │<#LL>		   Lower Left Corner		       │
	      │<#LR>		   Lower Right Corner		       │
	      │<#LT>		   Left Tee			       │
	      │<#RT>		   Right Tee			       │
	      │<#TT>		   Top Tee			       │
	      │<#BT>		   Bottom Tee			       │
	      │<#HL>		   Horizontal Line		       │
	      │<#VL>		   Vertical Line		       │
	      │<#PL>		   Plus Sign			       │
	      │<#PM>		   Plus or Minus Sign		       │
	      │<#DG>		   Degree Sign			       │
	      │<#CB>		   Checker Board		       │
	      │<#DI>		   Diamond			       │
	      │<#BU>		   Bullet			       │
	      │<#S1>		   Scan line 1			       │
	      │<#S9>		   Scan line 9			       │
	      │<#LA>		   Left Arrow			       │
	      │<#RA>		   Right Arrow			       │
	      │<#TA>		   Top Arrow			       │
	      │<#BA>		   Bottom Arrow			       │
       The  character formats can be repeated using an optional numeric repeat
       value.  To repeat a character add the repeat count  within  parentheses
       to  the	end  of	 the character format.	The following example draws 10
       horizontal-line characters:


       The following example draws a box within a label window:
       #include <cdk/cdk.h>

       void main()
	  /* Declare variables.	 */
	  CDKSCREEN    *cdkscreen;
	  CDKLABEL     *demo;
	  WINDOW       *cursesWin;
	  char	       *mesg[4];

	  /* Set up CDK */
	  cursesWin = initscr();
	  cdkscreen = initCDKScreen (cursesWin);

	  /* Start CDK Colors */

	  /* Set the labels up.	 */
	  mesg[0] = "<C><#UL><#HL(26)><#UR>";
	  mesg[1] = "<C><#VL></R>This text should be boxed.<!R><#VL>";
	  mesg[2] = "<C><#LL><#HL(26)><#LR>";
	  mesg[3] = "<C>While this is not.";

	  /* Declare the labels.  */
	  demo = newCDKLabel (cdkscreen, CENTER, CENTER, mesg, 4, TRUE, TRUE);

	  /* Is the label NULL???  */
	  if (demo == (CDKLABEL *)NULL)
	     /* Clean up the memory.  */
	     destroyCDKScreen (cdkscreen);

	     /* End curses...  */

	     /* Spit out a message.  */
	     printf ("Oops. Can't seem to create the label. Is the window too small?\n");
	     exit (1);

	  /* Draw the CDK screen.  */
	  refreshCDKScreen (cdkscreen);
	  waitCDKLabel (demo, ' ');

	  /* Clean up */
	  destroyCDKLabel (demo);
	  destroyCDKScreen (cdkscreen);
	  delwin (cursesWin);
	  exit (0);

       Notice that drawn text can also be justified.

   Edit/Display Type Codes (EDisplayType)
	  │Display_Type	     Result					   │
	  │vCHAR	     Only accepts alphabetic characters.	   │
	  │vLCHAR	     Only accepts alphabetic characters.  Maps the │
	  │		     character	to lower case when a character has │
	  │		     been accepted.				   │
	  │vUCHAR	     Only accepts alphabetic characters.  Maps the │
	  │		     character	to upper case when a character has │
	  │		     been accepted.				   │
	  │vHCHAR	     Only accepts alphabetic characters.  Displays │
	  │		     a	period	(.)  when  a  character	 has  been │
	  │		     accepted.					   │
	  │vUHCHAR	     Only accepts alphabetic characters.  Displays │
	  │		     a	period (.) and maps the character to upper │
	  │		     case when a character has been accepted.	   │
	  │vLHCHAR	     Only accepts alphabetic characters.  Displays │
	  │		     a	period (.) and maps the character to lower │
	  │		     case when a character has been accepted.	   │
	  │vINT		     Only accepts numeric characters.		   │
	  │vHINT	     Only accepts numeric characters.  Displays	 a │
	  │		     period   (.)   when   a  character	 has  been │
	  │		     accepted.					   │
	  │vMIXED	     Accepts any character types.		   │
	  │vLMIXED	     Accepts any character types.  Maps the  char‐ │
	  │		     acter  to lower case when an alphabetic char‐ │
	  │		     acter has been accepted.			   │
	  │vUMIXED	     Accepts any character types.  Maps the  char‐ │
	  │		     acter  to upper case when an alphabetic char‐ │
	  │		     acter has been accepted.			   │
	  │vHMIXED	     Accepts  any  character  types.   Displays	 a │
	  │		     period   (.)   when   a  character	 has  been │
	  │		     accepted.					   │
	  │vLHMIXED	     Accepts  any  character  types.   Displays	 a │
	  │		     period  (.)  and  maps the character to lower │
	  │		     case when a character has been accepted.	   │
	  │vUHMIXED	     Accepts  any  character  types.   Displays	 a │
	  │		     period  (.)  and  maps the character to upper │
	  │		     case when a character has been accepted.	   │
	  │vVIEWONLY	     Uneditable field.				   │
       cdk(3), cdk_binding(3), cdk_screen(3)


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