fastboot man page on NetBSD

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FASTBOOT(8)		  BSD System Manager's Manual		   FASTBOOT(8)

     fastboot, fasthalt — reboot/halt the system without checking the disks

     fastboot [boot-options]
     fasthalt [halt-options]

     fastboot and fasthalt are shell scripts which reboot or halt the system,
     and when next started, the system will skip the normal the file systems
     checks.  This is done by creating a file /fastboot, then invoking the
     reboot(8) program.	 The system startup script, /etc/rc, looks for this
     file and, if present, skips the normal invocation of fsck(8).

     halt(8), rc(8), reboot(8)

     The fastboot command appeared in 4.2BSD.

BSD				 June 5, 1993				   BSD
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                            \_/       \_/       \_/ 
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