cxref man page on Ultrix

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cxref(1)							      cxref(1)

       cxref - generate C program cross reference

       cxref [options] files

       The  command  analyzes  a collection of C files and attempts to build a
       cross reference table.  The command utilizes a special  version	of  to
       include #define'd information in its symbol table.  It produces a list‐
       ing on standard output of all symbols (auto,  static,  and  global)  in
       each file separately, or with the -c option, in combination.  Each sym‐
       bol contains an asterisk (∗) before the declaring reference.

       -c	 Prints a combined cross-reference of all input files.

       -Dname	 Defines name to processor, as if by #define.	Default	 value
		 is 1.

       -Idir	 Searches  named  directory for files whose names do not begin
		 with a backslash (/).

       -o file	 Directs output to named file.

       -s	 Operates silently; does not print input file names.

       -t	 Formats listing for 80-column width.

       -Uname	 Removes any initial definition of name.

       -w<num>	 Width option which formats output no wider than <num>	(deci‐
		 mal) columns.	This option will default to 80 if <num> is not
		 specified or is less than 51.

       Error messages usually indicate a problem that will  prevent  the  file
       from compiling.

       /usr/lib/xcpp	special version of C-preprocessor.

See Also


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