man page search on Cygwin

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[ (1)                - bash built-in commands, see bash(1)
411toppm(1)         - convert Sony Mavica .411 image to PPM
7z(1)               - A file archiver with highest compression ratio
7za(1)              - A file archiver with highest compression ratio
7zr(1)              - A file archiver with highest compression ratio
a2p(1)              - Awk to Perl translator
a2ping(1)           - - convert between PS, EPS and PDF and other page description formats
a2ps(1)             - format files for printing on a PostScript printer
a2x(1)              - A toolchain manager for AsciiDoc (converts Asciidoc text files to other file formats)
a64l(3)             - (unknown subject)
a68g(1)             - Algol 68 Genie, an Algol 68 compiler-interpreter
aa_attrs(3)         - returns pointer to the text output buffer used by AA-lib.
aa_autoinit(3)      - easy to use AA-lib initialization function.
aa_autoinitkbd(3)   - easy to use AA-lib keyboard initialization function.
aa_autoinitmouse(3) - easy to use AA-lib mouse initialization function.
aa_close(3)         - close the AA-lib context.
aa_createedit(3)    - Simple interactive line editor provided as helper function.
aa_currentfont(3)   - returns specification of the fonts used by AA-lib rendering routines.
aa_defparams(3)     - default hardware paramters requested by AA-lib programs.
aa_defrenderparams(3) - default rendering parameters.
aa_displayrecommended(3) - List of recommended drivers.
aa_dithernames(3)   - Names of dithering methods supported by AA-lib.
aa_drivers(3)       - NULL-terminated array of output drivers available in AA-lib.
aa_edit(3)          - Simple interactive line editor.
aa_editkey(3)       - Notify the line editor about keypress.
aa_fastrender(3)    - simple and fast AA-lib rendering function.
aafire(1)           - aalib example programs
aaflip(1)           - An ASCII art video player
aa_fonts(3)         - Null-terminated array of available fonts.
aa_formats(3)       - NULL terminated array of save formats supported by AA-lib.
aa_getevent(3)      - keyboard functions
aa_getkey(3)        - return next keypress event from queue.
aa_getmouse(3)      - Get mouse position as specified by last mouse event read by aa_getevent.
aa_gotoxy(3)        - move the hardware cursor (if any) to specified position.
aa_help(3)          - AA-lib help string for the default command line parser.
aa_hidecursor(3)    - hide the hardware cursor.
aa_hidemouse(3)     - hide the mouse cursor.
aa_image(3)         - returns pointer to the framebuffer emulated by AA-lib.
aa_imgheight(3)     - returns height of the emulated image in pixels.
aa_imgwidth(3)      - returns width of the emulated image in pixels.
aa_init(3)          - open the output display for AA-lib.
aa_initkbd(3)       - initialize the AA-lib keyboard driver.
aa_initmouse(3)     - initialize the AA-lib mouse driver.
aa_kbddrivers(3)    - NULL-terminated array of keyboard drivers available in AA_lib.
aa_kbdrecommended(3) - List of recommended drivers.
aa_mmheight(3)      - returns height of the output screen in millimeters.
aa_mmwidth(3)       - returns width of the output screen in millimeters.
aa_mousedrivers(3)  - NULL terminated array of mouse drivers supported by AA-lib.
aa_mouserecommended(3) - List of recommended drivers.
aa_parseoptions(3)  - parse the standard command line options used by AA-lib.
aa_printf(3)        - print text to AA-lib output buffers.
aa_putpixel(3)      - put pixel to emulated framebuffer
aa_puts(3)          - output string to AA-lib output buffers.
aa_recommendhi(3)   - insert the given driver on beggining of the list of recommended drivers.
aa_recommendhidisplay(3) - insert the given driver on beggining of the list of recommended display drivers.
aa_recommendhikbd(3) - insert the given driver on beggining of the list of recommended keyboard drivers.
aa_recommendhimouse(3) - insert the given driver on beggining of the list of recommended mouse drivers.
aa_recommendlow(3)  - Add the given driver to the end of list of recommended drivers.
aa_recommendlowdisplay(3) - Add the given driver to the end of list of display recommended drivers.
aa_recommendlowkbd(3) - Add the given driver to the end of list of keyboard recommended drivers.
aa_recommendlowmouse(3) - Add the given driver to the end of list of mouse recommended drivers.
aa_registerfont(3)  - add new font specification to aa_fonts array.
aa_render(3)        - convert image buffer to ASCII-art.
aa_resize(3)        - resize functions
aa_resizehandler(3) - Set user handler to be called on resize event.
aa_scrheight(3)     - returns height of the output screen in characters.
aa_scrwidth(3)      - returns width of the output screen in characters.
aa_setfont(3)       - set font specification to be used by rendering functions.
aa_setsupported(3)  - alter the "supported" field of hardware_params structure used by AA-lib
aa_showcursor(3)    - show the hardware cursor.
aa_showmouse(3)     - show the mouse cursor.
aa_text(3)          - returns pointer to the text output buffer used by AA-lib.
aa_uninitkbd(3)     - uninitialize the keyboard driver.
aa_uninitmouse(3)   - uninitialize the mouse driver.
ab2(8)              - Apache HTTP server benchmarking tool
abc2ly(1)           - manual page for abc2ly(LilyPond) 2.14.1
abook(1)            - text-based address book program
abookrc(5)          - configuration file for abook address book program
abort(3)            - (unknown subject)
ABORT(7)            - abort the current transaction
abs(3)              - (unknown subject)
acat(1)             - A script for managing file archives of various types
aclocal-1.11(1)     - manual page for aclocal 1.11.6
aclocal-1.12(1)     - manual page for aclocal 1.12.6
aclocal-1.13(1)     - manual page for aclocal 1.13.4
aclocal-1.14(1)     - manual page for aclocal 1.14
aclocal(1)          - manual page for aclocal 1.11.6
acos(3)             - (unknown subject)
acosf(3)            - (unknown subject)
acosh(3)            - (unknown subject)
acoshf(3)           - (unknown subject)
addch(3x)           - add a character (with attributes) to a curses window, then advance the cursor
addchnstr(3x)       - add a string of characters (and attributes) to a curses window
addchstr(3x)        - add a string of characters (and attributes) to a curses window
addcr(1)            - add a CR before each LF
addftinfo(1)        - add information to troff font files for use with groff
add_mibdir(3)       - netsnmp_mib_api functions
add_module_replacement(3) - netsnmp_mib_api functions
addnstr(3x)         - add a string of characters to a curses window and advance cursor
addnwstr(3x)        - add a string of wide characters to a curses window and advance cursor
addr2line(1)        - convert addresses into file names and line numbers.
addstr(3x)          - add a string of characters to a curses window and advance cursor
add_wch(3x)         - add a complex character and rendition to a curses window, then advance the cursor
add_wchnstr(3x)     - add an array of complex characters (and attributes) to a curses window
add_wchstr(3x)      - add an array of complex characters (and attributes) to a curses window
addwstr(3x)         - add a string of wide characters to a curses window and advance cursor
adiff(1)            - A script for managing file archives of various types
aewm++(1x)          - a minimalistic window manager for X11
aewm++_appbar(1x)   - a small application launcher
aewm++_fspanel(1x)  - small panel
aewm++_setrootimage(1) - puts a nice diagonal gradient image on the root window
aewm++_xsession(1x) - keeps an xsession alive
afio(1)             - manipulate archives and files
afm2afm(1)          - reencode an afm file
afm2pl(1)           - convert AFM font metrics to TeX pl font metrics
afm2tfm(1)          - convert Adobe font metrics to TeX font metrics
afmtodit(1)         - create font files for use with groff - Tps and - Tpdf
afslog(1)           - obtain AFS tokens
afterimage(3x)      - overview of libAfterImage image library libAfterImage/libAfterImage
after(n)            - Execute a command after a time delay
agentxtrap(1)       - send an AgentX NotifyPDU to an AgentX master agent
agetty(8)           - alternative Linux getty
aleph(1)            - extended Unicode TeX
ali(1)              - list mail aliases
alias(1)            - bash built-in commands, see bash(1)
allcm(1)            - force the most important Computer-Modern-fonts to be calculated
allec(1)            - force the most important ec-fonts to be calculated
allneeded(1)        - force the calculation of all fonts now needed
AllPlanes(3)        - Display macros and functions
als(1)              - A script for managing file archives of various types
ALTER_AGGREGATE(7)  - change the definition of an aggregate function
ALTER_COLLATION(7)  - change the definition of a collation
ALTER_CONVERSION(7) - change the definition of a conversion
ALTER_DATABASE(7)   - change a database
ALTER_DEFAULT_PRIVILEGES(7) - define default access privileges
ALTER_DOMAIN(7)     - change the definition of a domain
ALTER_EVENT_TRIGGER(7) - change the definition of an event trigger
ALTER_EXTENSION(7)  - change the definition of an extension
ALTER_FOREIGN_DATA_WRAPPER(7) - change the definition of a foreign-data wrapper
ALTER_FOREIGN_TABLE(7) - change the definition of a foreign table
ALTER_FUNCTION(7)   - change the definition of a function
ALTER_GROUP(7)      - change role name or membership
ALTER_INDEX(7)      - change the definition of an index
ALTER_LANGUAGE(7)   - change the definition of a procedural language
ALTER_LARGE_OBJECT(7) - change the definition of a large object
ALTER_MATERIALIZED_VIEW(7) - change the definition of a materialized view
alternatives(8)     - maintain symbolic links determining default commands
ALTER_OPERATOR(7)   - change the definition of an operator
ALTER_OPERATOR_CLASS(7) - change the definition of an operator class
ALTER_OPERATOR_FAMILY(7) - change the definition of an operator family
ALTER_ROLE(7)       - change a database role
ALTER_RULE(7)       - change the definition of a rule
ALTER_SCHEMA(7)     - change the definition of a schema
ALTER_SEQUENCE(7)   - change the definition of a sequence generator
ALTER_SERVER(7)     - change the definition of a foreign server
ALTER_TABLE(7)      - change the definition of a table
ALTER_TABLESPACE(7) - change the definition of a tablespace
ALTER_TEXT_SEARCH_CONFIGURATION(7) - change the definition of a text search configuration
ALTER_TEXT_SEARCH_DICTIONARY(7) - change the definition of a text search dictionary
ALTER_TEXT_SEARCH_PARSER(7) - change the definition of a text search parser
ALTER_TEXT_SEARCH_TEMPLATE(7) - change the definition of a text search template
ALTER_TRIGGER(7)    - change the definition of a trigger
ALTER_TYPE(7)       - change the definition of a type
ALTER_USER(7)       - change a database role
ALTER_USER_MAPPING(7) - change the definition of a user mapping
ALTER_VIEW(7)       - change the definition of a view
amaddclient(8)      - program to add client to an existing Amanda configuration
amadmin(8)          - administrative interface to control Amanda backups
amaespipe(8)        - wrapper program for aespipe
amanda(8)           - The Open Source Backup Platform
amanda-applications(7) - Application-api for amanda
amanda-archive-format(5) - Format of amanda archive streams
amanda-auth(7)      - Communication/Authentication methods between Amanda server and client
amanda-changers(7)  - Configuring and Using Amanda Changers
amanda-client.conf(5) - Client configuration file for Amanda, the Advanced Maryland Automatic Network Disk Archiver
amanda-compatibility(7) - Compatibility between Amanda versions
amanda.conf(5)      - Main configuration file for Amanda, the Advanced Maryland Automatic Network Disk Archiver
amanda-devices(7)   - Configuring and Using Amanda Devices
amanda-interactivity(7) - Configuring Interactivity with Amanda Amanda
amanda-match(7)     - Common Amanda Match Expression
amanda-scripts(7)   - Configuring and using the Script API
amanda-taperscan(7) - Amanda Taperscan Algorithms
amarchiver(8)       - Create, extract or list amanda archive
amcheck(8)          - run Amanda self-checks
amcheckdb(8)        - check Amanda database for tape consistency
amcheckdump(8)      - check the results of an Amanda dump
amcleanup(8)        - run the Amanda cleanup process after a failure
amcleanupdisk(8)    - cleanup holding disk directory
amcrypt(8)          - reference crypt program for Amanda symmetric data encryption
amcrypt-ossl(8)     - crypt program for Amanda symmetric data encryption using OpenSSL
amcrypt-ossl-asym(8) - crypt program for Amanda asymmetric data encryption using OpenSSL
amcryptsimple(8)    - reference simple crypt program for Amanda symmetric data encryption
amdevcheck(8)       - Validate an Amanda device and volume.
amdump(8)           - back up all disks in an Amanda configuration
amdump_client(8)    - back up all disks in an Amanda configuration
amfetchdump(8)      - extract backup images from multiple Amanda tapes.
amflush(8)          - flush Amanda backup files from holding disk to tape
amgetconf(8)        - look up configuration parameters and manipulate debug logs
amgpgcrypt(8)       - reference crypt program for Amanda public-key data encryption
amgtar(8)           - Amanda Application to interface with GNU Tar
amlabel(8)          - label an Amanda tape
amoverview(8)       - display file systems processed by Amanda over time
ampgsql(8)          - Amanda Application to interface with PostgreSQL
amraw(8)            - Amanda Application open and read data
amrecover(8)        - Amanda index database browser
amreport(8)         - generate a formatted output of statistics for an Amanda run
amrestore(8)        - low-level data-extraction from Amanda volumes
amrmtape(8)         - remove a tape from the Amanda database
amsamba(8)          - Amanda Application to interface with smbclient
amserverconfig(8)   - program to setup initial Amanda configuration
amservice(8)        - run an amanda service on a client
amstar(8)           - Amanda Application to interface with star
amstatus(8)         - display the state of an Amanda run
amstex(1)           - structured text formatting and typesetting
amsuntar(8)         - Amanda Application to interface with native tar utility available on solaris platforms
amtape(8)           - Control Amanda changers
amtapetype(8)       - generate a tapetype definition by testing the device directly
amtoc(8)            - generate TOC (Table Of Contents) for an Amanda run
amvault(8)          - Copy Amanda dumps from one volume to another
amzfs-sendrecv(8)   - Amanda script to create zfs sendrecv
amzfs-snapshot(8)   - Amanda script to create zfs snapshot
ANALYZE(7)          - collect statistics about a database
animate(1)          - animates an image or image sequence on any X server.
anno(1)             - annotate messages
annoyance-filter(1) - automatically detect junk mail
annoyance-filter-run(1) - Sendmail plugin filter
antic(1)            - Anti-C control flow analysis
antiword(1)         - show the text and images of MS Word documents
any2djvu(1)         - Convert .ps/.ps.gz/.pdf to .djvu
AnyDBM_File(3pm)    - provide framework for multiple DBMs
anytopnm(1)         - convert an arbitrary type of image file to PBM, PGM, or PPM
aot-compile(1)      - Compile bytecode to native and generate databases
ap(8)               - parse addresses 822-style
apachectl2(8)       - Apache HTTP Server Control Interface
apack(1)            - A script for managing file archives of various types
apng2gif(1)         - convert APNG animated images to GIF files
apngasm(1)          - assemble individual PNG files int to animated PNG file.
apngdis(1)          - deconstruct APNG file into a sequence of PNG frames
apngopt(1)          - optimize animated PNG image files
App.Cpan(3pm)       - easily interact with CPAN from the command line
appdata-validate(1) - Validate AppData metadata
append(n)           - Append to variable
ApplicationShell(3) - The ApplicationShell widget class
apply(n)            - Apply an anonymous function
App.Prove(3pm)      - Implements the "prove" command.
App.Prove.State(3pm) - State storage for the "prove" command.
App.Prove.State.Result(3pm) - Individual test suite results.
App.Prove.State.Result.Test(3pm) - Individual test results.
appres(1)           - list X application resource database
apropos(1)          - search the whatis database for strings
apxs2(8)            - APache eXtenSion tool
ar(1)               - create, modify, and extract from archives
arc(1)              - pc archive utility
arch(1)             - print machine hardware name (same as uname -m)
Archetype(n)        - base class for all [incr Tk] mega-widgets
archive_entry(3)    - functions for manipulating archive entry descriptions
Archive.Extract(3pm) - A generic archive extracting mechanism
archivemail(1)      - archive and compress your old email
archive_read(3)     - functions for reading streaming archives
archive_read_disk(3) - functions for reading objects from disk
Archive.Tar(3pm)    - module for manipulations of tar archives
Archive.Tar.File(3pm) - a subclass for in-memory extracted file from Archive::Tar
archive_util(3)     - libarchive utility functions
archive_write(3)    - functions for creating archives
archive_write_disk(3) - functions for creating objects on disk
Archive.Zip(3pm)    - Provide an interface to ZIP archive files.
Archive.Zip.FAQ(3pm) - Answers to a few frequently asked questions about Archive::Zip
Archive.Zip.MemberRead(3pm) - A wrapper that lets you read Zip archive members as if they were files.
Archive.Zip.Tree(3pm) - (DEPRECATED) methods for adding/extracting trees using Archive::Zip
arepack(1)          - A script for managing file archives of various types
Arg(3o)             - Parsing of command line arguments.
arg_printusage(3)   - collect command line options
argv0(1)            - run a program with a specified 0th argument
aria2c(1)           - The ultra fast download utility
arj(1)              - Archiver for .arj files
arjdisp(1)          - ARJ simple graphical interface
arj-register(1)     - Register the ARJ archiver
arlatex(1)          - archive a number of ancillary LaTeX files into a master .tex file
arpaname(1)         - translate IP addresses to the corresponding ARPA names
Array(3o)           - Array operations.
ArrayLabels(3o)     - Array operations.
array(n)            - Manipulate array variables
as(1)               - the portable GNU assembler.
ascii(1)            - report character aliases
asciidoc(1)         - converts an AsciiDoc text file to HTML or DocBook
asciitopgm(1)       - convert ASCII graphics into a PGM
asciiview(1)        - An high quality ascii-art image(pgm) browser
ascmap(3x)          - defines main structures and function for image quantization libAfterImage/ascmap.h
ascompose(1)        - provides access to libAfterImage functionality, using scripts written in custom XML dialect libAfterImage/ascompose
asctime(3)          - (unknown subject)
asflip(1)           - demonstrates flipping image in 90 degree increments libAfterImage/tutorials/ASFlip
asfont(3x)          - text drawing functionality and handling of TTF and X11 fonts libAfterImage/asfont.h
asgrad(1)           - demonstrates rendering of multi point linear gradients libAfterImage/tutorials/ASGrad
ash(1)              - command interpreter(shell)
asimage(3x)         - internal structures and methods used for image manipulation in libAfterImage libAfterImage/asimage.h
asimagexml(3x)      - XML schema to be used for scripting image manipulation by AfterStep and ascompose libAfterImage/asimagexml
asin(3)             - (unknown subject)
asinf(3)            - (unknown subject)
asinh(3)            - (unknown subject)
asinhf(3)           - (unknown subject)
askmara(1)          - do simple dns queries
asmerge(1)          - demonstrates blending of multiple image using different algorithms libAfterImage/tutorials/ASMerge
asn1_array2tree(3)  - API function
asn1_bit_der(3)     - API function
asn1_check_version(3) - API function
asn1Coding(1)       - ASN.1 DER encoder
asn1_copy_node(3)   - API function
asn1_create_element(3) - API function
asn1_decode_simple_der(3) - API function
asn1Decoding(1)     - ASN.1 DER decoder
asn1_delete_element(3) - API function
asn1_delete_structure(3) - API function
asn1_der_coding(3)  - API function
asn1_der_decoding(3) - API function
asn1_der_decoding_element(3) - API function
asn1_der_decoding_startEnd(3) - API function
asn1_encode_simple_der(3) - API function
asn1_expand_any_defined_by(3) - API function
asn1_expand_octet_string(3) - API function
asn1_find_node(3)   - API function
asn1_find_structure_from_oid(3) - API function
ASN1_generate_nconf(3) - ASN1 generation functions
ASN1_generate_v3(3) - ASN1 generation functions
asn1_get_bit_der(3) - API function
asn1_get_length_ber(3) - API function
asn1_get_length_der(3) - API function
asn1_get_octet_der(3) - API function
asn1_get_tag_der(3) - API function
asn1_length_der(3)  - API function
asn1_number_of_elements(3) - API function
ASN1_OBJECT_free(3) - object allocation functions
ASN1_OBJECT_new(3)  - object allocation functions
asn1_octet_der(3)   - API function
asn1parse(1)        - ASN.1 parsing tool
asn1Parser(1)       - ASN.1 syntax tree generator for libtasn1
asn1_parser2array(3) - API function
asn1_parser2tree(3) - API function
asn1_perror(3)      - API function
asn1_print_structure(3) - API function
asn1_read_node_value(3) - API function
asn1_read_tag(3)    - API function
asn1_read_value(3)  - API function
asn1_read_value_type(3) - API function
asn1_strerror(3)    - API function
ASN1_STRING_cmp(3)  - ASN1_STRING utility functions
ASN1_STRING_data(3) - ASN1_STRING utility functions
ASN1_STRING_dup(3)  - ASN1_STRING utility functions
ASN1_STRING_free(3) - ASN1_STRING allocation functions
ASN1_STRING_length(3) - ASN1_STRING utility functions
ASN1_STRING_length_set(3) - ASN1_STRING utility functions
ASN1_STRING_new(3)  - ASN1_STRING allocation functions
ASN1_STRING_print_ex(3) - ASN1_STRING output routines.
ASN1_STRING_print_ex_fp(3) - ASN1_STRING output routines.
ASN1_STRING_set(3)  - ASN1_STRING utility functions
ASN1_STRING_type(3) - ASN1_STRING utility functions
ASN1_STRING_type_new(3) - ASN1_STRING allocation functions
asn1_write_value(3) - API function
aspell(1)           - interactive spell checker
aspell-import(1)    - import old personal dictionaries into GNU Aspell
asscale(1)          - demonstrates image loading and scaling libAfterImage/tutorials/ASScale
assert(3)           - (unknown subject)
assume_default_colors(3x) - use terminal's default colors
astext(1)           - demonstrates antialiased texturized text rendering libAfterImage/tutorials/ASText
astile(1)           - demonstrates image tiling/cropping and tinting libAfterImage/tutorials/ASTile
asview(1)           - demonstrates loading and displaying of images libAfterImage/tutorials/ASView
asvisual(3x)        - abstraction layer on top of X Visuals, focusing on color handling libAfterImage/asvisual.h
asy(1)              - Asymptote: a script-based vector graphics language
atan2(3)            - (unknown subject)
atan2f(3)           - (unknown subject)
atan(3)             - (unknown subject)
atanf(3)            - (unknown subject)
atanh(3)            - (unknown subject)
atanhf(3)           - (unknown subject)
atexit(3)           - (unknown subject)
atktopbm(1)         - convert Andrew Toolkit raster object to PBM
atobm(1)            - bitmap editor and converter utilities for the X Window System
atof(3)             - (unknown subject)
atoi(3)             - (unknown subject)
atoll(3)            - (unknown subject)
atool(1)            - A script for managing file archives of various types
attemptckalloc(3)   - allocate or free heap memory
attemptckrealloc(3) - allocate or free heap memory
attr(1)             - extended attributes on XFS filesystem objects
attr(5)             - Extended attributes
attr_get(3)         - get the value of a user attribute of a filesystem object
attr_get(3x)        - curses character and window attribute control routines
attr_getf(3)        - get the value of a user attribute of a filesystem object
Attribute.Handlers(3pm) - Simpler definition of attribute handlers
attributes(3pm)     - get/set subroutine or variable attributes
attr_list(3)        - list the names of the user attributes of a filesystem object
attr_listf(3)       - list the names of the user attributes of a filesystem object
attr_multi(3)       - manipulate multiple user attributes on a filesystem object at once
attr_multif(3)      - manipulate multiple user attributes on a filesystem object at once
attr_off(3x)        - curses character and window attribute control routines
attroff(3x)         - curses character and window attribute control routines
attr_on(3x)         - curses character and window attribute control routines
attron(3x)          - curses character and window attribute control routines
attr_remove(3)      - remove a user attribute of a filesystem object
attr_removef(3)     - remove a user attribute of a filesystem object
attr_set(3)         - set the value of a user attribute of a filesystem object
attr_set(3x)        - curses character and window attribute control routines
attrset(3x)         - curses character and window attribute control routines
attr_setf(3)        - set the value of a user attribute of a filesystem object
AuAnyEvent(3)       - any event structure
AuBucketAttributes(3) - bucket attributes structure
AuCloseServer(3)    - disconnect from audio server
auconvert(1)        - perform various conversion operations on sound files
AuConvertDataToShort(3) - convert audio data from the specified format to signed short integer.
AuConvertShortToData(3) - convert signed short integers to the specified format.
AuCreateBucket(3)   - create a bucket
AuCreateFlow(3)     - create a flow
auctl(1)            - control various audio server parameters
AuDataFormats(3)    - audio data formats.
AuDataTypes(3)      - data types
AuDefineToFormat(3) - return the format specified by a C-preprocessor define.
audemo(1)           - Network Audio System record and play demo
AuDestroyBucket(3)  - destroy bucket
AuDestroyFlow(3)    - destroy flow
AuDeviceAttributes(3) - device attributes structure
audial(1)           - generate or recognize touch tones for North American telephones
AuDispatchEvent(3)  - send event to the event handlers.
auedit(1)           - graphically record and edit audio files
AuElement(3)        - AuElement union
AuElementNotifyEvent(3) - element notify event structure
AuElementParameters(3) - element parameters structure
AuElementState(3)   - element state structure
AuErrorEvent(3)     - error event structure
AuEvent(3)          - event union
AuEventsQueued(3)   - check the event queue
AuFileFormats(3)    - audio file formats.
AuFixedPointFractionalAddend(3) - (unknown subject)
AuFixedPointFromFraction(3) - make a fixed point value.
AuFixedPointFromSum(3) - make a fixed point value
AuFixedPointIntegralAddend(3) - get the integer portion of a fixed point value.
AuFixedPointRoundDown(3) - get the rounded down integer portion of a fixed point value.
AuFixedPointRoundUp(3) - (unknown subject)
AuFlush(3)          - flush output buffer
AuFormatToDefine(3) - return the C-preprocess define for a format.
AuFormatToString(3) - get the name of a format.
AuFreeBucketAttributes(3) - free memory used by lists of bucket attributes
AuFreeDeviceAttributes(3) - free memory used by lists of device attributes
AuFreeElements(3)   - free the memory used by lists of flow elements
AuFreeElementStates(3) - free the memory used by lists of flow element states
AuGetBucketAttributes(3) - get bucket attributes
AuGetCloseDownMode(3) - return the close down mode of a client
AuGetDeviceAttributes(3) - get device attributes
AuGetElementParameters(3) - get the parameters of elements in a flow
AuGetElements(3)    - get the elements in a flow
AuGetElementStates(3) - get the state of elements in a flow
AuGetErrorDatabaseText(3) - get an error message from the error database
AuGetErrorText(3)   - get a description of an error code
AuGetScratchFlow(3) - get a scratch flow
AuGetScratchFlowFromBucket(3) - use a scratch flow to create an import from a bucket.
AuGetScratchFlowToBucket(3) - use a scratch flow to create an export to a bucket.
AuGetServerTime(3)  - get current server time
AuGrabNotifyEvent(3) - grab notify event structure
AuHandleEvents(3)   - dispatch multiple events
AuIDOfEvent(3)      - return the ID of the source of the event
auinfo(1)           - show information about a Network Audio System server
AuInputTrack(3)     - input track structure
AuKillClient(3)     - destroy a client or its remaining resources
AuListBuckets(3)    - list buckets
AuListDevices(3)    - list devices
AuLookupEventHandler(3) - find the next handler for an event.
AuMakeChangeStateAction(3) - initialize an action
AuMakeElementAddConstant(3) - initialize an AddConstant element
AuMakeElementBundle(3) - initialize a Bundle element
AuMakeElementExportBucket(3) - initialize an ExportBucket element
AuMakeElementExportClient(3) - initialize an ExportClient element
AuMakeElementExportDevice(3) - initialize an ExportDevice element
AuMakeElementExportMonitor(3) - initialize an ExportMonitor element
AuMakeElementImportBucket(3) - initialize an ImportBucket element
AuMakeElementImportClient(3) - initialize an ImportClient element
AuMakeElementImportDevice(3) - initialize an ImportDevice element
AuMakeElementImportWaveForm(3) - initialize an ImportWaveForm element
AuMakeElementMultiplyConstant(3) - initialize a MultiplyConstant element
AuMakeElementState(3) - initialize an element state structure
AuMakeElementSum(3) - initialize an Sum element
AuMakeInputTrack(3) - initialize an input track
AuMakeNoopAction(3) - initialize an action
AuMakeSendNotifyAction(3) - initialize an action
AuMonitorDevice(3)  - (unknown subject)
AuMonitorNotifyEvent(3) - monitor notify event structure
AuNextEvent(3)      - return the next event
aunpack(1)          - A script for managing file archives of various types
AuOpenServer(3)     - connect to audio server
aupanel(1)          - allows user adjustment of Network Audio System device attributes
AuPauseFlow(3)      - pause a flow.
auphone(1)          - a simple telephone client
auplay(1)           - play a sound file to a Network Audio System server
AuReadElement(3)    - read data from an ExportClient element in a flow
aurecord(1)         - record a sound file from a Network Audio System server
AuRegisterEventHandler(3) - add an event handler.
AuReleaseScratchFlow(3) - release a scratch flow.
AuRequeueEvent(3)   - put an event back on the queue
AuScanEvents(3)     - return the first event that satisfies the predicate
AuScanForTypedEvent(3) - return the first event of a specific type
auscope(1)          - Network Audio System Protocol Filter
AuServer(3)         - AuServer structure
AuServerName(3)     - get name of the server to use.
AuSetBucketAttributes(3) - set bucket attributes
AuSetCloseDownMode(3) - change the close down mode of a client
AuSetDeviceAttributes(3) - set device attributes
AuSetElementParameters(3) - set the parameters of elements in a flow
AuSetElements(3)    - set elements in a flow
AuSetElementStates(3) - set the state of elements in a flow
AuSetErrorHandler(3) - set nonfatal error handler
AuSetIOErrorHandler(3) - set handler for fatal IO errors
AuSetString(3)      - initialize a description string structure
AuSoundCreateBucketFromData(3) - create a bucket and initialize its contents.
AuSoundCreateBucketFromFile(3) - create a bucket and initialize its contents.
AuSoundCreateDataFromBucket(3) - copy the data from a bucket into local memory.
AuSoundCreateFileFromBucket(3) - copy the data from a bucket into a file.
AuSoundPlay(3)      - create a flow to play audio from any source.
AuSoundPlayFromBucket(3) - create a flow to play from a bucket.
AuSoundPlayFromData(3) - create a flow to play from memory.
AuSoundPlayFromFile(3) - create a flow to play a file.
AuSoundPlaySynchronousFromFile(3) - play a file.
AuSoundRecord(3)    - create a flow to record audio to any destination.
AuSoundRecordToBucket(3) - create a flow to record to a bucket.
AuSoundRecordToData(3) - create a flow to record to memory.
AuSoundRecordToFile(3) - create a flow to record to a file.
AuSoundRecordToFileN(3) - (unknown subject)
AuStartFlow(3)      - start a flow.
AuStopFlow(3)       - stop a flow.
AuStringToFormat(3) - return the format described by string.
AuStringToWaveForm(3) - return the wave form described by string.
AuSync(3)           - flush the output buffer and wait for all events and errors to be processed by the server
AuSynchronize(3)    - enable or disable synchronization
autobuild(1)        - Read and parse build logs
autoconf-2.59(1)    - Generate configuration scripts
autoconf-2.64(1)    - Generate configuration scripts
autoconf-2.69(1)    - Generate configuration scripts
autodie(3pm)        - Replace functions with ones that succeed or die with lexical scope
autodie.exception(3pm) - Exceptions from autodying functions.
autodie.exception.system(3pm) - Exceptions from autodying system().
autodie.hints(3pm)  - Provide hints about user subroutines to autodie
auto_execok(n)      - standard library of Tcl procedures
autoheader-2.59(1)  - Create a template header for configure
autoheader-2.64(1)  - Create a template header for configure
autoheader-2.69(1)  - Create a template header for configure
auto_import(n)      - standard library of Tcl procedures
autoinst(1)         - wrapper around the LCDF TypeTools, for installing OpenType fonts in LaTeX.
AutoLoader(3pm)     - load subroutines only on demand
auto_load(n)        - standard library of Tcl procedures
autom4te-2.59(1)    - Generate files and scripts thanks to M4
autom4te-2.64(1)    - Generate files and scripts thanks to M4
autom4te-2.69(1)    - Generate files and scripts thanks to M4
automake-1.11(1)    - manual page for automake 1.11.6
automake-1.12(1)    - manual page for automake 1.12.6
automake-1.13(1)    - manual page for automake 1.13.4
automake-1.14(1)    - manual page for automake 1.14
automake(1)         - manual page for automake 1.11.6
auto_mkindex(n)     - standard library of Tcl procedures
auto_mkindex_old(n) - standard library of Tcl procedures
autool(1)           - audio play/record tool compatible with audiotool
autopoint(1)        - copies standard gettext infrastructure
auto_qualify(n)     - standard library of Tcl procedures
autoreconf-2.59(1)  - Update generated configuration files
autoreconf-2.64(1)  - Update generated configuration files
auto_reset(n)       - standard library of Tcl procedures
autoscan-2.59(1)    - Generate a preliminary
autoscan-2.64(1)    - Generate a preliminary
AutoSplit(3pm)      - split a package for autoloading
autossh(1)          - monitor and restart ssh sessions
autotrace(1)        - converts bitmap image data into vector graphics
autoupdate-2.59(1)  - Update a to a newer Autoconf
autoupdate-2.64(1)  - Update a to a newer Autoconf
autouse(3pm)        - postpone load of modules until a function is used
AuUnregisterEventHandler(3) - remove an event handler.
auwave(1)           - demonstrates the use of waveforms
AuWaveFormToString(3) - return string description of wave form.
AuWriteElement(3)   - write data to an ImportClient element in a flow
avahi-bookmarks(1)  - Web service showing mDNS/DNS-SD announced HTTP services using the Avahi daemon
avahi-browse(1)     - Browse for mDNS/DNS-SD services using the Avahi daemon
avahi-browse-domains(1) - Browse for mDNS/DNS-SD services using the Avahi daemon
avahi-daemon(8)     - The Avahi mDNS/DNS-SD daemon
avahi-daemon.conf(5) - avahi-daemon configuration file
avahi-discover(1)   - Browse for mDNS/DNS-SD services using the Avahi daemon
avahi-dnsconfd(8)   - Unicast DNS server from mDNS/DNS-SD configuration daemon
avahi-dnsconfd.action(8) - avahi-dnsconfd action script
avahi.hosts(5)      - avahi-daemon static host name file
avahi-publish(1)    - Register an mDNS/DNS-SD service or host name or address mapping using the Avahi daemon
avahi-publish-address(1) - Register an mDNS/DNS-SD service or host name or address mapping using the Avahi daemon
avahi-publish-service(1) - Register an mDNS/DNS-SD service or host name or address mapping using the Avahi daemon
avahi-resolve(1)    - Resolve one or more mDNS/DNS host name(s) to IP address(es) (and vice versa) using the Avahi daemon
avahi-resolve-address(1) - Resolve one or more mDNS/DNS host name(s) to IP address(es) (and vice versa) using the Avahi daemon
avahi-resolve-host-name(1) - Resolve one or more mDNS/DNS host name(s) to IP address(es) (and vice versa) using the Avahi daemon
avahi.service(5)    - avahi-daemon static service file
avahi-set-host-name(1) - Change mDNS host name
avcall(3)           - build a C argument list incrementally and call a C function on it.
aview(1)            - An high quality ascii-art image(pgm) browser
awk(1)              - pattern scanning and processing language
B(3pm)              - The Perl Compiler Backend
backend-spec(7)     - interface between jw and its backends
badblocks(8)        - search a device for bad blocks
balance(1)          - (unknown subject)
base(3pm)           - Establish an ISA relationship with base classes at compile time
base64(1)           - base64 encode/decode data and print to standard output
basename(1)         - strip directory and suffix from filenames
bash(1)             - GNU Bourne-Again SHell
bashbug(1)          - report a bug in bash
bash_builtins(1)    - bash built-in commands, see bash(1)
bashdb(1)           - bash debugger script
basic_db_auth(8)    - Database auth helper for Squid
basic_getpwnam_auth(8) - (unknown subject)
basic_ldap_auth(8)  - (unknown subject)
basic_ncsa_auth(8)  - (unknown subject)
basic_radius_auth(8) - (unknown subject)
basic_sasl_auth(8)  - (unknown subject)
baudrate(3x)        - curses environment query routines
bbox(1)             - prints out the bounding box of a rawppm or rawpbm image
bc(1)               - An arbitrary precision calculator language
bcmp(3)             - (unknown subject)
B.Concise(3pm)      - Walk Perl syntax tree, printing concise info about ops
bcopy(3)            - (unknown subject)
bcrypt(1)           - blowfish file encryption
B.Debug(3pm)        - Walk Perl syntax tree, printing debug info about ops
B.Deparse(3pm)      - Perl compiler backend to produce perl code
bdftopcf(1)         - convert X font from Bitmap Distribution Format to Portable Compiled Format
bdftruncate(1)      - generate truncated BDF font from ISO 10646-1-encoded BDF font
beep(3x)            - curses bell and screen flash routines
beforelight(1)      - screen saver
BEGIN(7)            - start a transaction block
bell(n)             - Ring a display's bell
Benchmark(3pm)      - benchmark running times of Perl code
ber_alloc_t(3)      - OpenLDAP LBER simplified Basic Encoding Rules library routines for encoding
ber_bvarray_add(3)  - OpenLDAP LBER types and allocation functions
ber_bvarray_free(3) - OpenLDAP LBER types and allocation functions
ber_bvdup(3)        - OpenLDAP LBER types and allocation functions
ber_bvecadd(3)      - OpenLDAP LBER types and allocation functions
ber_bvecfree(3)     - OpenLDAP LBER types and allocation functions
ber_bvfree(3)       - OpenLDAP LBER types and allocation functions
ber_bvstr(3)        - OpenLDAP LBER types and allocation functions
ber_bvstrdup(3)     - OpenLDAP LBER types and allocation functions
ber_dupbv(3)        - OpenLDAP LBER types and allocation functions
ber_first_element(3) - OpenLDAP LBER simplified Basic Encoding Rules library routines for decoding
ber_flush(3)        - OpenLDAP LBER simplified Basic Encoding Rules library routines for encoding
ber_free(3)         - OpenLDAP LBER types and allocation functions
ber_get_bitstring(3) - OpenLDAP LBER simplified Basic Encoding Rules library routines for decoding
ber_get_boolean(3)  - OpenLDAP LBER simplified Basic Encoding Rules library routines for decoding
ber_get_enum(3)     - OpenLDAP LBER simplified Basic Encoding Rules library routines for decoding
ber_get_int(3)      - OpenLDAP LBER simplified Basic Encoding Rules library routines for decoding
ber_get_next(3)     - OpenLDAP LBER simplified Basic Encoding Rules library routines for decoding
ber_get_null(3)     - OpenLDAP LBER simplified Basic Encoding Rules library routines for decoding
ber_get_stringa(3)  - OpenLDAP LBER simplified Basic Encoding Rules library routines for decoding
ber_get_stringb(3)  - OpenLDAP LBER simplified Basic Encoding Rules library routines for decoding
ber_next_element(3) - OpenLDAP LBER simplified Basic Encoding Rules library routines for decoding
ber_peek_tag(3)     - OpenLDAP LBER simplified Basic Encoding Rules library routines for decoding
ber_printf(3)       - OpenLDAP LBER simplified Basic Encoding Rules library routines for encoding
ber_put_enum(3)     - OpenLDAP LBER simplified Basic Encoding Rules library routines for encoding
ber_put_int(3)      - OpenLDAP LBER simplified Basic Encoding Rules library routines for encoding
ber_put_null(3)     - OpenLDAP LBER simplified Basic Encoding Rules library routines for encoding
ber_put_ostring(3)  - OpenLDAP LBER simplified Basic Encoding Rules library routines for encoding
ber_put_seq(3)      - OpenLDAP LBER simplified Basic Encoding Rules library routines for encoding
ber_put_set(3)      - OpenLDAP LBER simplified Basic Encoding Rules library routines for encoding
ber_put_string(3)   - OpenLDAP LBER simplified Basic Encoding Rules library routines for encoding
ber_scanf(3)        - OpenLDAP LBER simplified Basic Encoding Rules library routines for decoding
ber_skip_tag(3)     - OpenLDAP LBER simplified Basic Encoding Rules library routines for decoding
ber_start_set(3)    - OpenLDAP LBER simplified Basic Encoding Rules library routines for encoding
ber_str2bv(3)       - OpenLDAP LBER types and allocation functions
BF_cbc_encrypt(3)   - Blowfish encryption
BF_cfb64_encrypt(3) - Blowfish encryption
BF_decrypt(3)       - Blowfish encryption
BF_ecb_encrypt(3)   - Blowfish encryption
BF_encrypt(3)       - Blowfish encryption
BF_ofb64_encrypt(3) - Blowfish encryption
BF_options(3)       - Blowfish encryption
BF_set_key(3)       - Blowfish encryption
bg(1)               - bash built-in commands, see bash(1)
bg5conv(1)          - convert a TeX document in Big 5 encoding into `preprocessed' form.
B.Generate(3pm)     - Create your own op trees.
bgerror(n)          - Command invoked to process background errors
bibtex(1)           - make a bibliography for(La)TeX
Bigarray(3o)        - Large, multi-dimensional, numerical arrays.
Bigarray.Array1(3o) - One-dimensional arrays.
Bigarray.Array2(3o) - Two-dimensional arrays.
Bigarray.Array3(3o) - Three-dimensional arrays.
Bigarray.Genarray(3o) - no description
bigint(3pm)         - Transparent BigInteger support for Perl
bignum(3pm)         - Transparent BigNumber support for Perl
bigrat(3pm)         - Transparent BigNumber/BigRational support for Perl
binary(n)           - Insert and extract fields from binary strings
bind(1)             - bash built-in commands, see bash(1)
bind(n)             - Arrange for X events to invoke Tcl scripts
bindresvport(3t)    - bind a socket to a privileged IP port
bindtags(n)         - Determine which bindings apply to a window, and order of evaluation
bindtextdomain(3)   - set directory containing message catalogs
bind_textdomain_codeset(3) - set encoding of message translations
binsrch(3)          - general purpose functions for performing a binary search
bio(3)              - I/O abstraction
BIO_append_filename(3) - FILE bio
BIO_callback_ctrl(3) - BIO control operations
BIO_ctrl(3)         - BIO control operations
BIO_ctrl_get_read_request(3) - BIO pair BIO
BIO_ctrl_get_write_guarantee(3) - BIO pair BIO
BIO_ctrl_pending(3) - BIO control operations
BIO_ctrl_reset_read_request(3) - BIO pair BIO
BIO_ctrl_wpending(3) - BIO control operations
BIO_debug_callback(3) - BIO callback functions
BIO_destroy_bio_pair(3) - BIO pair BIO
BIO_do_accept(3)    - accept BIO
BIO_do_connect(3)   - connect BIO
BIO_eof(3)          - BIO control operations
BIO_f_base64(3)     - base64 BIO filter
BIO_f_buffer(3)     - buffering BIO
BIO_f_cipher(3)     - cipher BIO filter
BIO_find_type(3)    - BIO chain traversal
BIO_flush(3)        - BIO control operations
BIO_f_md(3)         - message digest BIO filter
BIO_f_null(3)       - null filter
BIO_free(3)         - BIO allocation and freeing functions
BIO_free_all(3)     - BIO allocation and freeing functions
BIO_f_ssl(3)        - SSL BIO
BIO_get_accept_port(3) - accept BIO
BIO_get_bind_mode(3) - accept BIO
BIO_get_callback(3) - BIO callback functions
BIO_get_callback_arg(3) - BIO callback functions
BIO_get_cipher_ctx(3) - cipher BIO filter
BIO_get_cipher_status(3) - cipher BIO filter
BIO_get_close(3)    - BIO control operations
BIO_get_conn_hostname(3) - connect BIO
BIO_get_conn_int_port(3) - connect BIO
BIO_get_conn_ip(3)  - connect BIO
BIO_get_conn_port(3) - connect BIO
BIO_get_fd(3)       - file descriptor BIO
BIO_get_fp(3)       - FILE bio
BIO_get_info_callback(3) - BIO control operations
BIO_get_md(3)       - message digest BIO filter
BIO_get_md_ctx(3)   - message digest BIO filter
BIO_get_mem_data(3) - memory BIO
BIO_get_mem_ptr(3)  - memory BIO
BIO_get_num_renegotiates(3) - SSL BIO
BIO_get_read_request(3) - BIO pair BIO
BIO_get_retry_BIO(3) - BIO retry functions
BIO_get_retry_reason(3) - BIO retry functions
BIO_gets(3)         - BIO I/O functions
BIO_get_ssl(3)      - SSL BIO
BIO_get_write_buf_size(3) - BIO pair BIO
BIO_get_write_guarantee(3) - BIO pair BIO
BIO_int_ctrl(3)     - BIO control operations
BIO_make_bio_pair(3) - BIO pair BIO
BIO_new(3)          - BIO allocation and freeing functions
BIO_new_bio_pair(3) - BIO pair BIO
BIO_new_buffer_ssl_connect(3) - SSL BIO
BIO_new_CMS(3)      - CMS streaming filter BIO
BIO_new_fd(3)       - file descriptor BIO
BIO_new_file(3)     - FILE bio
BIO_new_fp(3)       - FILE bio
BIO_new_mem_buf(3)  - memory BIO
BIO_new_socket(3)   - socket BIO
BIO_new_ssl(3)      - SSL BIO
BIO_new_ssl_connect(3) - SSL BIO
BIO_next(3)         - BIO chain traversal
BIO_pending(3)      - BIO control operations
BIO_pop(3)          - add and remove BIOs from a chain.
BIO_ptr_ctrl(3)     - BIO control operations
BIO_push(3)         - add and remove BIOs from a chain.
BIO_puts(3)         - BIO I/O functions
bioradtopgm(1)      - convert a Biorad confocal file into a PGM image
BIO_read(3)         - BIO I/O functions
BIO_read_filename(3) - FILE bio
BIO_reset(3)        - BIO control operations
BIO_retry_type(3)   - BIO retry functions
BIO_rw_filename(3)  - FILE bio
BIO_s_accept(3)     - accept BIO
BIO_s_bio(3)        - BIO pair BIO
BIO_s_connect(3)    - connect BIO
BIO_seek(3)         - BIO control operations
BIO_set(3)          - BIO allocation and freeing functions
BIO_set_accept_bios(3) - accept BIO
BIO_set_accept_port(3) - accept BIO
BIO_set_bind_mode(3) - accept BIO
BIO_set_callback(3) - BIO callback functions
BIO_set_callback_arg(3) - BIO callback functions
BIO_set_cipher(3)   - cipher BIO filter
BIO_set_close(3)    - BIO control operations
BIO_set_conn_hostname(3) - connect BIO
BIO_set_conn_int_port(3) - connect BIO
BIO_set_conn_ip(3)  - connect BIO
BIO_set_conn_port(3) - connect BIO
BIO_set_fd(3)       - file descriptor BIO
BIO_set_fp(3)       - FILE bio
BIO_set_info_callback(3) - BIO control operations
BIO_set_md(3)       - message digest BIO filter
BIO_set_mem_buf(3)  - memory BIO
BIO_set_mem_eof_return(3) - memory BIO
BIO_set_nbio(3)     - connect BIO
BIO_set_nbio_accept(3) - accept BIO
BIO_set_ssl(3)      - SSL BIO
BIO_set_ssl_mode(3) - SSL BIO
BIO_set_ssl_renegotiate_bytes(3) - SSL BIO
BIO_set_ssl_renegotiate_timeout(3) - SSL BIO
BIO_set_write_buf_size(3) - BIO pair BIO
BIO_s_fd(3)         - file descriptor BIO
BIO_s_file(3)       - FILE bio
BIO_should_io_special(3) - BIO retry functions
BIO_should_read(3)  - BIO retry functions
BIO_should_retry(3) - BIO retry functions
BIO_should_write(3) - BIO retry functions
BIO_shutdown_wr(3)  - BIO pair BIO
BIO_s_mem(3)        - memory BIO
BIO_s_null(3)       - null data sink
BIO_ssl_copy_session_id(3) - SSL BIO
BIO_ssl_shutdown(3) - SSL BIO
BIO_s_socket(3)     - socket BIO
BIO_tell(3)         - BIO control operations
BIO_vfree(3)        - BIO allocation and freeing functions
BIO_wpending(3)     - BIO control operations
BIO_write(3)        - BIO I/O functions
BIO_write_filename(3) - FILE bio
bison(1)            - GNU Project parser generator (yacc replacement)
bitmap(1)           - bitmap editor and converter utilities for the X Window System
BitmapBitOrder(3)   - image format functions and macros
bitmap(n)           - Images that display two colors
BitmapPad(3)        - image format functions and macros
BitmapUnit(3)       - image format functions and macros
bkgd(3x)            - curses window background manipulation routines
bkgdset(3x)         - curses window background manipulation routines
bkgrnd(3x)          - curses window complex background manipulation routines
bkgrndset(3x)       - curses window complex background manipulation routines
BlackPixel(3)       - Display macros and functions
BlackPixelOfScreen(3) - screen information functions and macros
BLAS_SRC_lsame.f(3) - (unknown subject)
BLAS_SRC_xerbla_array.f(3) - (unknown subject)
BLAS_SRC_xerbla.f(3) - (unknown subject)
blender(3x)         - functionality for blending of image data using diofferent algorithms libAfterImage/blender.h
blib(3pm)           - Use MakeMaker's uninstalled version of a package
B.Lint(3pm)         - Perl lint
B.Lint.Debug(3pm)   - Adds debugging stringification to B::
blkid(8)            - locate/print block device attributes
blowfish(3)         - Blowfish encryption
bmore(1)            - browse through a binary file
bmp2png(1)          - BMP-to-PNG converter
bmp2tiff(1)         - create a TIFF file from a Microsoft Windows Device Independent Bitmap image file
bmptopnm(1)         - convert a BMP file into a PBM, PGM, or PNM image
bmptoppm(1)         - replaced by bmptopnm
bmtoa(1)            - bitmap editor and converter utilities for the X Window System
bn(3)               - multiprecision integer arithmetics
BN_add(3)           - arithmetic operations on BIGNUMs
BN_add_word(3)      - arithmetic functions on BIGNUMs with integers
bn_add_words(3)     - BIGNUM library internal functions
BN_bin2bn(3)        - format conversions
BN_BLINDING_convert(3) - blinding related BIGNUM functions.
BN_BLINDING_convert_ex(3) - blinding related BIGNUM functions.
BN_BLINDING_create_param(3) - blinding related BIGNUM functions.
BN_BLINDING_free(3) - blinding related BIGNUM functions.
BN_BLINDING_get_flags(3) - blinding related BIGNUM functions.
BN_BLINDING_get_thread_id(3) - blinding related BIGNUM functions.
BN_BLINDING_invert(3) - blinding related BIGNUM functions.
BN_BLINDING_invert_ex(3) - blinding related BIGNUM functions.
BN_BLINDING_new(3)  - blinding related BIGNUM functions.
BN_BLINDING_set_flags(3) - blinding related BIGNUM functions.
BN_BLINDING_set_thread_id(3) - blinding related BIGNUM functions.
BN_BLINDING_update(3) - blinding related BIGNUM functions.
BN_bn2bin(3)        - format conversions
BN_bn2dec(3)        - format conversions
BN_bn2hex(3)        - format conversions
BN_bn2mpi(3)        - format conversions
bn_check_top(3)     - BIGNUM library internal functions
BN_clear(3)         - allocate and free BIGNUMs
BN_clear_bit(3)     - bit operations on BIGNUMs
BN_clear_free(3)    - allocate and free BIGNUMs
BN_cmp(3)           - BIGNUM comparison and test functions
bn_cmp_words(3)     - BIGNUM library internal functions
BN_copy(3)          - copy BIGNUMs
BN_CTX_end(3)       - use temporary BIGNUM variables
BN_CTX_free(3)      - allocate and free BN_CTX structures
BN_CTX_get(3)       - use temporary BIGNUM variables
BN_CTX_init(3)      - allocate and free BN_CTX structures
BN_CTX_new(3)       - allocate and free BN_CTX structures
BN_CTX_start(3)     - use temporary BIGNUM variables
BN_dec2bn(3)        - format conversions
BN_div(3)           - arithmetic operations on BIGNUMs
BN_div_recp(3)      - modular multiplication using reciprocal
BN_div_word(3)      - arithmetic functions on BIGNUMs with integers
bn_div_words(3)     - BIGNUM library internal functions
bn_dump(3)          - BIGNUM library internal functions
BN_dup(3)           - copy BIGNUMs
BN_exp(3)           - arithmetic operations on BIGNUMs
bn_expand2(3)       - BIGNUM library internal functions
bn_expand(3)        - BIGNUM library internal functions
bn_fix_top(3)       - BIGNUM library internal functions
BN_free(3)          - allocate and free BIGNUMs
BN_from_montgomery(3) - Montgomery multiplication
BN_gcd(3)           - arithmetic operations on BIGNUMs
BN_generate_prime(3) - generate primes and test for primality
BN_get_word(3)      - BIGNUM assignment operations
BN_hex2bn(3)        - format conversions
BN_init(3)          - allocate and free BIGNUMs
bn_internal(3)      - BIGNUM library internal functions
BN_is_bit_set(3)    - bit operations on BIGNUMs
BN_is_odd(3)        - BIGNUM comparison and test functions
BN_is_one(3)        - BIGNUM comparison and test functions
BN_is_prime(3)      - generate primes and test for primality
BN_is_prime_fasttest(3) - generate primes and test for primality
BN_is_word(3)       - BIGNUM comparison and test functions
BN_is_zero(3)       - BIGNUM comparison and test functions
BN_lshift1(3)       - bit operations on BIGNUMs
BN_lshift(3)        - bit operations on BIGNUMs
BN_mask_bits(3)     - bit operations on BIGNUMs
BN_mod(3)           - arithmetic operations on BIGNUMs
BN_mod_add(3)       - arithmetic operations on BIGNUMs
BN_mod_exp(3)       - arithmetic operations on BIGNUMs
BN_mod_inverse(3)   - compute inverse modulo n
BN_mod_mul(3)       - arithmetic operations on BIGNUMs
BN_mod_mul_montgomery(3) - Montgomery multiplication
BN_mod_mul_reciprocal(3) - modular multiplication using reciprocal
BN_mod_sqr(3)       - arithmetic operations on BIGNUMs
BN_mod_sub(3)       - arithmetic operations on BIGNUMs
BN_mod_word(3)      - arithmetic functions on BIGNUMs with integers
BN_MONT_CTX_copy(3) - Montgomery multiplication
BN_MONT_CTX_free(3) - Montgomery multiplication
BN_MONT_CTX_init(3) - Montgomery multiplication
BN_MONT_CTX_new(3)  - Montgomery multiplication
BN_MONT_CTX_set(3)  - Montgomery multiplication
BN_mpi2bn(3)        - format conversions
BN_mul(3)           - arithmetic operations on BIGNUMs
bn_mul_add_words(3) - BIGNUM library internal functions
bn_mul_comba4(3)    - BIGNUM library internal functions
bn_mul_comba8(3)    - BIGNUM library internal functions
bn_mul_high(3)      - BIGNUM library internal functions
bn_mul_low_normal(3) - BIGNUM library internal functions
bn_mul_low_recursive(3) - BIGNUM library internal functions
bn_mul_normal(3)    - BIGNUM library internal functions
bn_mul_part_recursive(3) - BIGNUM library internal functions
bn_mul_recursive(3) - BIGNUM library internal functions
BN_mul_word(3)      - arithmetic functions on BIGNUMs with integers
bn_mul_words(3)     - BIGNUM library internal functions
BN_new(3)           - allocate and free BIGNUMs
BN_nnmod(3)         - arithmetic operations on BIGNUMs
BN_num_bits(3)      - get BIGNUM size
BN_num_bits_word(3) - get BIGNUM size
BN_num_bytes(3)     - get BIGNUM size
BN_one(3)           - BIGNUM assignment operations
bn_print(3)         - BIGNUM library internal functions
BN_print_fp(3)      - format conversions
BN_pseudo_rand(3)   - generate pseudo-random number
BN_rand(3)          - generate pseudo-random number
BN_RECP_CTX_free(3) - modular multiplication using reciprocal
BN_RECP_CTX_init(3) - modular multiplication using reciprocal
BN_RECP_CTX_new(3)  - modular multiplication using reciprocal
BN_RECP_CTX_set(3)  - modular multiplication using reciprocal
BN_rshift1(3)       - bit operations on BIGNUMs
BN_rshift(3)        - bit operations on BIGNUMs
BN_set_bit(3)       - bit operations on BIGNUMs
bn_set_high(3)      - BIGNUM library internal functions
bn_set_low(3)       - BIGNUM library internal functions
bn_set_max(3)       - BIGNUM library internal functions
BN_set_word(3)      - BIGNUM assignment operations
BN_sqr(3)           - arithmetic operations on BIGNUMs
bn_sqr_comba4(3)    - BIGNUM library internal functions
bn_sqr_comba8(3)    - BIGNUM library internal functions
bn_sqr_normal(3)    - BIGNUM library internal functions
bn_sqr_recursive(3) - BIGNUM library internal functions
bn_sqr_words(3)     - BIGNUM library internal functions
BN_sub(3)           - arithmetic operations on BIGNUMs
BN_sub_word(3)      - arithmetic functions on BIGNUMs with integers
bn_sub_words(3)     - BIGNUM library internal functions
BN_swap(3)          - exchange BIGNUMs
BN_to_montgomery(3) - Montgomery multiplication
BN_ucmp(3)          - BIGNUM comparison and test functions
BN_value_one(3)     - BIGNUM assignment operations
bn_wexpand(3)       - BIGNUM library internal functions
BN_zero(3)          - BIGNUM assignment operations
body(n)             - change the body for a class method/proc
bonobo-activation-server(1) - GNOME component tracker
bool(1)             - print context matching a boolean expression
border(3x)          - create curses borders, horizontal and vertical lines
border_set(3x)      - create curses borders or lines using complex characters and renditions
bottom_panel(3x)    - panel stack extension for curses
box(3x)             - create curses borders, horizontal and vertical lines
boxes(1)            - text mode box and comment drawing filter
box_set(3x)         - create curses borders or lines using complex characters and renditions
break(1)            - bash built-in commands, see bash(1)
break(n)            - Abort looping command
brlapi__acceptAllKeys(3) - (unknown subject)
brlapi_acceptAllKeys(3) - (unknown subject)
brlapi__acceptKeyRanges(3) - (unknown subject)
brlapi_acceptKeyRanges(3) - (unknown subject)
brlapi__acceptKeys(3) - (unknown subject)
brlapi_acceptKeys(3) - (unknown subject)
brlapi_authClientPacket_t(3) - (unknown subject)
brlapi_authServerPacket_t(3) - (unknown subject)
brlapi__closeConnection(3) - (unknown subject)
brlapi_closeConnection(3) - (unknown subject)
brlapi_connection(3) - (unknown subject)
brlapi_connectionSettings_t(3) - (unknown subject)
brlapi_constants.h(3) - (unknown subject)
brlapi__defaultExceptionHandler(3) - (unknown subject)
brlapi_defaultExceptionHandler(3) - (unknown subject)
brlapi_deprecated(3) - (unknown subject)
brlapi_describedKeyCode_t(3) - (unknown subject)
brlapi_describeKeyCode(3) - (unknown subject)
brlapi_driverspecific(3) - (unknown subject)
brlapi__enterRawMode(3) - (unknown subject)
brlapi_enterRawMode(3) - (unknown subject)
brlapi__enterTtyMode(3) - (unknown subject)
brlapi_enterTtyMode(3) - (unknown subject)
brlapi__enterTtyModeWithPath(3) - (unknown subject)
brlapi_enterTtyModeWithPath(3) - (unknown subject)
brlapi_errfun(3)    - (unknown subject)
brlapi_errlist(3)   - (unknown subject)
brlapi_errno(3)     - (unknown subject)
brlapi_error(3)     - (unknown subject)
brlapi_error_location(3) - (unknown subject)
brlapi_errorPacket_t(3) - (unknown subject)
brlapi_error_t(3)   - (unknown subject)
brlapi__exceptionHandler_t(3) - (unknown subject)
brlapi_exceptionHandler_t(3) - (unknown subject)
brlapi_expandedKeyCode_t(3) - (unknown subject)
brlapi_expandKeyCode(3) - (unknown subject)
brlapi_fd_mutex(3)  - (unknown subject)
brlapi_fileDescriptor(3) - (unknown subject)
brlapi_gaierrno(3)  - (unknown subject)
brlapi__getDisplaySize(3) - (unknown subject)
brlapi_getDisplaySize(3) - (unknown subject)
brlapi__getDriverName(3) - (unknown subject)
brlapi_getDriverName(3) - (unknown subject)
brlapi_getDriverSpecificModePacket_t(3) - (unknown subject)
brlapi_getHandleSize(3) - (unknown subject)
brlapi_getPacketTypeName(3) - (unknown subject)
brlapi_getRaw(3)    - (unknown subject)
brlapi_getTty(3)    - (unknown subject)
brlapi_getTtyPath(3) - (unknown subject)
brlapi_handles(3)   - (unknown subject)
brlapi_handle_t(3)  - (unknown subject)
brlapi_header_t(3)  - (unknown subject)
brlapi__ignoreAllKeys(3) - (unknown subject)
brlapi_ignoreAllKeys(3) - (unknown subject)
brlapi__ignoreKeyRanges(3) - (unknown subject)
brlapi_ignoreKeyRanges(3) - (unknown subject)
brlapi__ignoreKeys(3) - (unknown subject)
brlapi_ignoreKeys(3) - (unknown subject)
brlapi_info(3)      - (unknown subject)
brlapi_initializeConnection(3) - (unknown subject)
brlapi_keycodes(3)  - (unknown subject)
brlapi_keycodes.h(3) - (unknown subject)
brlapi_keyCode_t(3) - (unknown subject)
brlapi_keys(3)      - (unknown subject)
brlapi_leaveRaw(3)  - (unknown subject)
brlapi__leaveRawMode(3) - (unknown subject)
brlapi_leaveRawMode(3) - (unknown subject)
brlapi_leaveTty(3)  - (unknown subject)
brlapi__leaveTtyMode(3) - (unknown subject)
brlapi_leaveTtyMode(3) - (unknown subject)
brlapi_libcerrno(3) - (unknown subject)
brlapi_nerr(3)      - (unknown subject)
brlapi__openConnection(3) - (unknown subject)
brlapi_openConnection(3) - (unknown subject)
brlapi_packet_t(3)  - (unknown subject)
brlapi_packetType_t(3) - (unknown subject)
brlapi_perror(3)    - (unknown subject)
brlapi_protocol(3)  - (unknown subject)
brlapi_protocol.h(3) - (unknown subject)
brlapi_range_t(3)   - (unknown subject)
brlapi_rangeType_all(3) - (unknown subject)
brlapi_rangeType_code(3) - (unknown subject)
brlapi_rangeType_command(3) - (unknown subject)
brlapi_rangeType_key(3) - (unknown subject)
brlapi_rangeType_t(3) - (unknown subject)
brlapi_rangeType_type(3) - (unknown subject)
brlapi__readKey(3)  - (unknown subject)
brlapi_readKey(3)   - (unknown subject)
brlapi_readPacket(3) - (unknown subject)
brlapi_readPacketContent(3) - (unknown subject)
brlapi_readPacketHeader(3) - (unknown subject)
brlapi__recvRaw(3)  - (unknown subject)
brlapi_recvRaw(3)   - (unknown subject)
brlapi_resume(3)    - (unknown subject)
brlapi__resumeDriver(3) - (unknown subject)
brlapi_resumeDriver(3) - (unknown subject)
brlapi__sendRaw(3)  - (unknown subject)
brlapi_sendRaw(3)   - (unknown subject)
brlapi__setExceptionHandler(3) - (unknown subject)
brlapi_setExceptionHandler(3) - (unknown subject)
brlapi__setFocus(3) - (unknown subject)
brlapi_setFocus(3)  - (unknown subject)
brlapi_settings_t(3) - (unknown subject)
brlapi_strerror(3)  - (unknown subject)
brlapi__strexception(3) - (unknown subject)
brlapi_strexception(3) - (unknown subject)
brlapi_suspend(3)   - (unknown subject)
brlapi__suspendDriver(3) - (unknown subject)
brlapi_suspendDriver(3) - (unknown subject)
brlapi_tty(3)       - (unknown subject)
brlapi_unignoreKeyRange(3) - (unknown subject)
brlapi_unignoreKeySet(3) - (unknown subject)
brlapi_version(3)   - (unknown subject)
brlapi_versionPacket_t(3) - (unknown subject)
brlapi_write(3)     - (unknown subject)
brlapi_writeArgumentsPacket_t(3) - (unknown subject)
brlapi_writeArguments_t(3) - (unknown subject)
brlapi__writeDots(3) - (unknown subject)
brlapi_writeDots(3) - (unknown subject)
brlapi_writePacket(3) - (unknown subject)
brlapi_writeStruct(3) - (unknown subject)
brltty(1)           - refreshable braille display driver for Linux/Unix
broadwayd(1)        - Broadway display server
brushtopbm(1)       - convert a doodle brush file into a PBM image
bsdcpio(1)          - copy files to and from archives
bsdiff(1)           - generate a patch between two binary files
bsdtar(1)           - manipulate tape archives
bsearch(3)          - (unknown subject)
bsfilter(1)         - bayesian spam filter
bsflite(1)          - Minimalist AIM(R) client
B.Showlex(3pm)      - Show lexical variables used in functions or files
bspatch(1)          - apply a patch built with bsdiff(1)
bsqldb(1)           - batch SQL script processor using DB-Library
bsqlodbc(1)         - batch SQL script processor using ODBC
bssh(1)             - Browse for SSH/VNC servers on the local network
B.Terse(3pm)        - Walk Perl syntax tree, printing terse info about ops
Buffer(3o)          - Extensible string buffers.
buffer(3)           - simple character arrays structure
BUF_MEM_free(3)     - simple character arrays structure
BUF_MEM_grow(3)     - simple character arrays structure
BUF_MEM_new(3)      - simple character arrays structure
BUF_strdup(3)       - simple character arrays structure
bugpoint(1)         - automatic test case reduction tool
builtin(1)          - bash built-in commands, see bash(1)
Bundle.DBD.mysql(3pm) - A bundle to install Perl drivers for MySQL
Bundle.DBI(3pm)     - A bundle to install DBI and required modules.
bundledoc(1)        - bundle all the files needed by a LaTeX document
Bundle.libwin32(3pm) - install all modules that make up the libwin32 bundle
burst(1)            - explode digests into messages
button(n)           - Create and manipulate button widgets
bvi(1)              - visual editor for binary files
bvnc(1)             - Browse for SSH/VNC servers on the local network
B.Xref(3pm)         - Generates cross reference reports for Perl programs
byacc(1)            - an LALR(1) parser generator
bytes(3pm)          - Perl pragma to force byte semantics rather than character semantics
bzcmp(1)            - compare bzip2 compressed files
bzdiff(1)           - compare bzip2 compressed files
bzegrep(1)          - search possibly bzip2 compressed files for a regular expression
bzero(3)            - (unknown subject)
bzfgrep(1)          - search possibly bzip2 compressed files for a regular expression
bzgrep(1)           - search possibly bzip2 compressed files for a regular expression
bzip2(1)            - a block-sorting file compressor, v1.0.6
bzless(1)           - file perusal filter for crt viewing of bzip2 compressed text
bzmore(1)           - file perusal filter for crt viewing of bzip2 compressed text
bzr(1)              - Bazaar next-generation distributed version control
bzz(1)              - DjVu general purpose compression utility.
c2ph(1)             - Dump C structures as generated from "cc - g - S" stabs
c3270(1)            - curses-based IBM host access tool
c44(1)              - DjVuPhoto encode.
ca(1)               - sample minimal CA application
cabextract(1)       - program to extract files from Microsoft cabinet (.cab) archives
caca_add_dirty_rect(3caca) - (unknown subject)
CACA_API_VERSION_1(3caca) - (unknown subject)
caca_attr(3caca)    - (unknown subject)
caca_attributes(3caca) - (unknown subject)
caca_attr_to_ansi(3caca) - (unknown subject)
caca_attr_to_ansi_bg(3caca) - (unknown subject)
caca_attr_to_ansi_fg(3caca) - (unknown subject)
caca_attr_to_argb64(3caca) - (unknown subject)
caca_attr_to_rgb12_bg(3caca) - (unknown subject)
caca_attr_to_rgb12_fg(3caca) - (unknown subject)
CACA_BLACK(3caca)   - (unknown subject)
CACA_BLINK(3caca)   - (unknown subject)
caca_blit(3caca)    - (unknown subject)
CACA_BLUE(3caca)    - (unknown subject)
CACA_BOLD(3caca)    - (unknown subject)
CACA_BROWN(3caca)   - (unknown subject)
caca_canvas(3caca)  - (unknown subject)
caca_canvas_set_figfont(3caca) - (unknown subject)
caca_canvas_t(3caca) - (unknown subject)
caca_charfont(3caca) - (unknown subject)
caca_charfont_t(3caca) - (unknown subject)
caca_charset(3caca) - (unknown subject)
caca_clear_canvas(3caca) - (unknown subject)
caca_clear_dirty_rect_list(3caca) - (unknown subject)
caca_color(3caca)   - (unknown subject)
caca-config(1)      - script to get information about the installed version of libcaca
caca_conio_cgets(3caca) - (unknown subject)
caca_conio_clreol(3caca) - (unknown subject)
caca_conio_clrscr(3caca) - (unknown subject)
CACA_CONIO_COLORS(3caca) - (unknown subject)
caca_conio_cprintf(3caca) - (unknown subject)
caca_conio_cputs(3caca) - (unknown subject)
caca_conio_cscanf(3caca) - (unknown subject)
CACA_CONIO_CURSOR(3caca) - (unknown subject)
caca_conio_delay(3caca) - (unknown subject)
caca_conio_delline(3caca) - (unknown subject)
caca_conio_directvideo(3caca) - (unknown subject)
caca_conio_getch(3caca) - (unknown subject)
caca_conio_getche(3caca) - (unknown subject)
caca_conio_getpass(3caca) - (unknown subject)
caca_conio_gettext(3caca) - (unknown subject)
caca_conio_gettextinfo(3caca) - (unknown subject)
caca_conio_gotoxy(3caca) - (unknown subject)
caca_conio_highvideo(3caca) - (unknown subject)
caca_conio_insline(3caca) - (unknown subject)
caca_conio_kbhit(3caca) - (unknown subject)
caca_conio_lowvideo(3caca) - (unknown subject)
CACA_CONIO_MODE(3caca) - (unknown subject)
caca_conio_movetext(3caca) - (unknown subject)
caca_conio_normvideo(3caca) - (unknown subject)
caca_conio_nosound(3caca) - (unknown subject)
caca_conio_printf(3caca) - (unknown subject)
caca_conio_putch(3caca) - (unknown subject)
caca_conio_puttext(3caca) - (unknown subject)
caca_conio__setcursortype(3caca) - (unknown subject)
caca_conio_sleep(3caca) - (unknown subject)
caca_conio_sound(3caca) - (unknown subject)
caca_conio_textattr(3caca) - (unknown subject)
caca_conio_textbackground(3caca) - (unknown subject)
caca_conio_textcolor(3caca) - (unknown subject)
caca_conio_text_info(3caca) - (unknown subject)
caca_conio_textmode(3caca) - (unknown subject)
caca_conio_ungetch(3caca) - (unknown subject)
caca_conio_wherex(3caca) - (unknown subject)
caca_conio_wherey(3caca) - (unknown subject)
caca_conio_window(3caca) - (unknown subject)
caca_conio__wscroll(3caca) - (unknown subject)
caca_cp437_to_utf32(3caca) - (unknown subject)
caca_create_display(3caca) - (unknown subject)
caca_create_display_with_driver(3caca) - (unknown subject)
caca_create_dither(3caca) - (unknown subject)
caca_create_frame(3caca) - (unknown subject)
CACA_CYAN(3caca)    - (unknown subject)
CACA_DARKGRAY(3caca) - (unknown subject)
CACA_DEFAULT(3caca) - (unknown subject)
cacademo(1)         - libcaca's demonstration applications
caca_dirty(3caca)   - (unknown subject)
caca_disable_dirty_rect(3caca) - (unknown subject)
caca_display(3caca) - (unknown subject)
caca_display_t(3caca) - (unknown subject)
caca_dither(3caca)  - (unknown subject)
caca_dither_bitmap(3caca) - (unknown subject)
caca_dither_t(3caca) - (unknown subject)
caca_draw_box(3caca) - (unknown subject)
caca_draw_circle(3caca) - (unknown subject)
caca_draw_cp437_box(3caca) - (unknown subject)
caca_draw_ellipse(3caca) - (unknown subject)
caca_draw_line(3caca) - (unknown subject)
caca_draw_polyline(3caca) - (unknown subject)
caca_draw_thin_box(3caca) - (unknown subject)
caca_draw_thin_ellipse(3caca) - (unknown subject)
caca_draw_thin_line(3caca) - (unknown subject)
caca_draw_thin_polyline(3caca) - (unknown subject)
caca_draw_thin_triangle(3caca) - (unknown subject)
caca_draw_triangle(3caca) - (unknown subject)
caca_enable_dirty_rect(3caca) - (unknown subject)
caca_event(3caca)   - (unknown subject)
CACA_EVENT_ANY(3caca) - (unknown subject)
CACA_EVENT_KEY_PRESS(3caca) - (unknown subject)
CACA_EVENT_KEY_RELEASE(3caca) - (unknown subject)
CACA_EVENT_MOUSE_MOTION(3caca) - (unknown subject)
CACA_EVENT_MOUSE_PRESS(3caca) - (unknown subject)
CACA_EVENT_MOUSE_RELEASE(3caca) - (unknown subject)
CACA_EVENT_NONE(3caca) - (unknown subject)
CACA_EVENT_QUIT(3caca) - (unknown subject)
CACA_EVENT_RESIZE(3caca) - (unknown subject)
caca_event_t(3caca) - (unknown subject)
caca_event_type(3caca) - (unknown subject)
caca_export_area_to_memory(3caca) - (unknown subject)
caca_export_canvas_to_memory(3caca) - (unknown subject)
caca_figfont(3caca) - (unknown subject)
caca_file(3caca)    - (unknown subject)
caca_file_close(3caca) - (unknown subject)
caca_file_eof(3caca) - (unknown subject)
caca_file_gets(3caca) - (unknown subject)
caca_file_open(3caca) - (unknown subject)
caca_file_read(3caca) - (unknown subject)
caca_file_t(3caca)  - (unknown subject)
caca_file_tell(3caca) - (unknown subject)
caca_file_write(3caca) - (unknown subject)
caca_fill_box(3caca) - (unknown subject)
caca_fill_ellipse(3caca) - (unknown subject)
caca_fill_triangle(3caca) - (unknown subject)
caca_fill_triangle_textured(3caca) - (unknown subject)
cacafire(1)         - libcaca's demonstration applications
caca_flip(3caca)    - (unknown subject)
caca_flop(3caca)    - (unknown subject)
caca_flush_figlet(3caca) - (unknown subject)
caca_font(3caca)    - (unknown subject)
caca_font_t(3caca)  - (unknown subject)
caca_frame(3caca)   - (unknown subject)
caca_free_charfont(3caca) - (unknown subject)
caca_free_display(3caca) - (unknown subject)
caca_free_dither(3caca) - (unknown subject)
caca_free_font(3caca) - (unknown subject)
caca_free_frame(3caca) - (unknown subject)
caca_get_attr(3caca) - (unknown subject)
caca_get_canvas(3caca) - (unknown subject)
caca_get_canvas_handle_x(3caca) - (unknown subject)
caca_get_canvas_handle_y(3caca) - (unknown subject)
caca_get_char(3caca) - (unknown subject)
caca_get_dirty_rect(3caca) - (unknown subject)
caca_get_dirty_rect_count(3caca) - (unknown subject)
caca_get_display_driver(3caca) - (unknown subject)
caca_get_display_driver_list(3caca) - (unknown subject)
caca_get_display_height(3caca) - (unknown subject)
caca_get_display_time(3caca) - (unknown subject)
caca_get_display_width(3caca) - (unknown subject)
caca_get_dither_algorithm(3caca) - (unknown subject)
caca_get_dither_algorithm_list(3caca) - (unknown subject)
caca_get_dither_antialias(3caca) - (unknown subject)
caca_get_dither_antialias_list(3caca) - (unknown subject)
caca_get_dither_brightness(3caca) - (unknown subject)
caca_get_dither_charset(3caca) - (unknown subject)
caca_get_dither_charset_list(3caca) - (unknown subject)
caca_get_dither_color(3caca) - (unknown subject)
caca_get_dither_color_list(3caca) - (unknown subject)
caca_get_dither_contrast(3caca) - (unknown subject)
caca_get_dither_gamma(3caca) - (unknown subject)
caca_get_event(3caca) - (unknown subject)
caca_get_event_key_ch(3caca) - (unknown subject)
caca_get_event_key_utf32(3caca) - (unknown subject)
caca_get_event_key_utf8(3caca) - (unknown subject)
caca_get_event_mouse_button(3caca) - (unknown subject)
caca_get_event_mouse_x(3caca) - (unknown subject)
caca_get_event_mouse_y(3caca) - (unknown subject)
caca_get_event_resize_height(3caca) - (unknown subject)
caca_get_event_resize_width(3caca) - (unknown subject)
caca_get_event_type(3caca) - (unknown subject)
caca_get_export_list(3caca) - (unknown subject)
caca_get_font_blocks(3caca) - (unknown subject)
caca_get_font_height(3caca) - (unknown subject)
caca_get_font_list(3caca) - (unknown subject)
caca_get_font_width(3caca) - (unknown subject)
caca_get_frame_count(3caca) - (unknown subject)
caca_get_frame_name(3caca) - (unknown subject)
caca_get_import_list(3caca) - (unknown subject)
caca_get_mouse_x(3caca) - (unknown subject)
caca_get_mouse_y(3caca) - (unknown subject)
caca_getopt(3caca)  - (unknown subject)
caca_gotoxy(3caca)  - (unknown subject)
CACA_GREEN(3caca)   - (unknown subject)
caca.h(3caca)       - (unknown subject)
caca_import_area_from_file(3caca) - (unknown subject)
caca_import_area_from_memory(3caca) - (unknown subject)
caca_import_canvas_from_file(3caca) - (unknown subject)
caca_import_canvas_from_memory(3caca) - (unknown subject)
caca_importexport(3caca) - (unknown subject)
caca_invert(3caca)  - (unknown subject)
CACA_ITALICS(3caca) - (unknown subject)
caca_key(3caca)     - (unknown subject)
CACA_KEY_BACKSPACE(3caca) - (unknown subject)
CACA_KEY_CTRL_A(3caca) - (unknown subject)
CACA_KEY_CTRL_B(3caca) - (unknown subject)
CACA_KEY_CTRL_C(3caca) - (unknown subject)
CACA_KEY_CTRL_D(3caca) - (unknown subject)
CACA_KEY_CTRL_E(3caca) - (unknown subject)
CACA_KEY_CTRL_F(3caca) - (unknown subject)
CACA_KEY_CTRL_G(3caca) - (unknown subject)
CACA_KEY_CTRL_J(3caca) - (unknown subject)
CACA_KEY_CTRL_K(3caca) - (unknown subject)
CACA_KEY_CTRL_L(3caca) - (unknown subject)
CACA_KEY_CTRL_N(3caca) - (unknown subject)
CACA_KEY_CTRL_O(3caca) - (unknown subject)
CACA_KEY_CTRL_P(3caca) - (unknown subject)
CACA_KEY_CTRL_Q(3caca) - (unknown subject)
CACA_KEY_CTRL_R(3caca) - (unknown subject)
CACA_KEY_CTRL_T(3caca) - (unknown subject)
CACA_KEY_CTRL_U(3caca) - (unknown subject)
CACA_KEY_CTRL_V(3caca) - (unknown subject)
CACA_KEY_CTRL_W(3caca) - (unknown subject)
CACA_KEY_CTRL_X(3caca) - (unknown subject)
CACA_KEY_CTRL_Y(3caca) - (unknown subject)
CACA_KEY_CTRL_Z(3caca) - (unknown subject)
CACA_KEY_DELETE(3caca) - (unknown subject)
CACA_KEY_DOWN(3caca) - (unknown subject)
CACA_KEY_END(3caca) - (unknown subject)
CACA_KEY_ESCAPE(3caca) - (unknown subject)
CACA_KEY_F10(3caca) - (unknown subject)
CACA_KEY_F11(3caca) - (unknown subject)
CACA_KEY_F12(3caca) - (unknown subject)
CACA_KEY_F13(3caca) - (unknown subject)
CACA_KEY_F1(3caca)  - (unknown subject)
CACA_KEY_F14(3caca) - (unknown subject)
CACA_KEY_F15(3caca) - (unknown subject)
CACA_KEY_F2(3caca)  - (unknown subject)
CACA_KEY_F3(3caca)  - (unknown subject)
CACA_KEY_F4(3caca)  - (unknown subject)
CACA_KEY_F5(3caca)  - (unknown subject)
CACA_KEY_F6(3caca)  - (unknown subject)
CACA_KEY_F7(3caca)  - (unknown subject)
CACA_KEY_F8(3caca)  - (unknown subject)
CACA_KEY_F9(3caca)  - (unknown subject)
CACA_KEY_HOME(3caca) - (unknown subject)
CACA_KEY_INSERT(3caca) - (unknown subject)
CACA_KEY_LEFT(3caca) - (unknown subject)
CACA_KEY_PAGEDOWN(3caca) - (unknown subject)
CACA_KEY_PAGEUP(3caca) - (unknown subject)
CACA_KEY_PAUSE(3caca) - (unknown subject)
CACA_KEY_RETURN(3caca) - (unknown subject)
CACA_KEY_RIGHT(3caca) - (unknown subject)
CACA_KEY_TAB(3caca) - (unknown subject)
CACA_KEY_UNKNOWN(3caca) - (unknown subject)
CACA_KEY_UP(3caca)  - (unknown subject)
CACA_LIGHTBLUE(3caca) - (unknown subject)
CACA_LIGHTCYAN(3caca) - (unknown subject)
CACA_LIGHTGRAY(3caca) - (unknown subject)
CACA_LIGHTGREEN(3caca) - (unknown subject)
CACA_LIGHTMAGENTA(3caca) - (unknown subject)
CACA_LIGHTRED(3caca) - (unknown subject)
caca_load_charfont(3caca) - (unknown subject)
caca_load_font(3caca) - (unknown subject)
CACA_MAGENTA(3caca) - (unknown subject)
CACA_MAGIC_FULLWIDTH(3caca) - (unknown subject)
caca_optarg(3caca)  - (unknown subject)
caca_optind(3caca)  - (unknown subject)
caca_option(3caca)  - (unknown subject)
cacaplay(1)         - play libcaca files
caca_primitives(3caca) - (unknown subject)
caca_printf(3caca)  - (unknown subject)
caca_process(3caca) - (unknown subject)
caca_put_attr(3caca) - (unknown subject)
caca_put_char(3caca) - (unknown subject)
caca_put_figchar(3caca) - (unknown subject)
caca_put_str(3caca) - (unknown subject)
CACA_RED(3caca)     - (unknown subject)
caca_refresh_display(3caca) - (unknown subject)
caca_remove_dirty_rect(3caca) - (unknown subject)
caca_render_canvas(3caca) - (unknown subject)
caca_rotate_180(3caca) - (unknown subject)
caca_rotate_left(3caca) - (unknown subject)
caca_rotate_right(3caca) - (unknown subject)
cacaserver(1)       - telnet server for libcaca
caca_set_attr(3caca) - (unknown subject)
caca_set_canvas_boundaries(3caca) - (unknown subject)
caca_set_canvas_handle(3caca) - (unknown subject)
caca_set_color_ansi(3caca) - (unknown subject)
caca_set_color_argb(3caca) - (unknown subject)
caca_set_cursor(3caca) - (unknown subject)
caca_set_display_driver(3caca) - (unknown subject)
caca_set_display_time(3caca) - (unknown subject)
caca_set_display_title(3caca) - (unknown subject)
caca_set_dither_algorithm(3caca) - (unknown subject)
caca_set_dither_antialias(3caca) - (unknown subject)
caca_set_dither_brightness(3caca) - (unknown subject)
caca_set_dither_charset(3caca) - (unknown subject)
caca_set_dither_color(3caca) - (unknown subject)
caca_set_dither_contrast(3caca) - (unknown subject)
caca_set_dither_gamma(3caca) - (unknown subject)
caca_set_dither_palette(3caca) - (unknown subject)
caca_set_figfont_smush(3caca) - (unknown subject)
caca_set_figfont_width(3caca) - (unknown subject)
caca_set_frame(3caca) - (unknown subject)
caca_set_frame_name(3caca) - (unknown subject)
caca_set_mouse(3caca) - (unknown subject)
caca_stretch_left(3caca) - (unknown subject)
caca_stretch_right(3caca) - (unknown subject)
caca_style(3caca)   - (unknown subject)
caca_toggle_attr(3caca) - (unknown subject)
caca_transform(3caca) - (unknown subject)
CACA_TRANSPARENT(3caca) - (unknown subject)
CACA_UNDERLINE(3caca) - (unknown subject)
caca_unset_attr(3caca) - (unknown subject)
caca_utf32_is_fullwidth(3caca) - (unknown subject)
caca_utf32_to_ascii(3caca) - (unknown subject)
caca_utf32_to_cp437(3caca) - (unknown subject)
caca_utf32_to_utf8(3caca) - (unknown subject)
caca_utf8_to_utf32(3caca) - (unknown subject)
cacaview(1)         - ASCII image browser
caca_vprintf(3caca) - (unknown subject)
caca_wherex(3caca)  - (unknown subject)
caca_wherey(3caca)  - (unknown subject)
CACA_WHITE(3caca)   - (unknown subject)
CACA_YELLOW(3caca)  - (unknown subject)
cachemgr.cgi(8)     - (unknown subject)
cadaver(1)          - A command-line WebDAV client for Unix.
cal(1)              - display a calendar
callback(3)         - closures with variable arguments as first-class C functions
Callback(3o)        - Registering OCaml values with the C runtime.
caller(1)           - bash built-in commands, see bash(1)
calloc(3)           - (unknown subject)
cameratopam(1)      - convert raw camera image to PAM
CamlinternalLazy(3o) - Run-time support for lazy values.
CamlinternalMod(3o) - Run-time support for recursive modules.
CamlinternalOO(3o)  - Run-time support for objects and classes.
can_change_color(3x) - curses color manipulation routines
canvas(n)           - Create and manipulate canvas widgets            - friendlier interface for OpenSSL certificate programs
captoinfo(1m)       - convert a termcap description into a terminfo description
Capture.Tiny(3pm)   - Capture STDOUT and STDERR from Perl, XS or external programs
card(1)             - print reference card of program options
Carp(3pm)           - alternative warn and die for modules
case(1)             - bash built-in commands, see bash(1)
case(n)             - Evaluate one of several scripts, depending on a given value
cat(1)              - concatenate files and print on the standard output
catch(n)            - Evaluate script and trap exceptional returns
catdoc(1)           - reads MS-Word file and puts its content as plain text on standard output
catppt(1)           - reads MS-PowerPoint file and puts its content on standard output
caxpy(3)            - (unknown subject)
caxpy.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
cbbcsd(3)           - (unknown subject)
cbbcsd.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
cbdsqr(3)           - (unknown subject)
cbdsqr.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
cbreak(3x)          - curses input options
cbrt(3)             - (unknown subject)
cbrtf(3)            - (unknown subject)
ccache(1)           - a fast C/C++ compiler cache
ccache-swig(1)      - a fast compiler cache
ccat(1)             - encrypt and decrypt files and streams
cccc(1)             - C and C++ Code Counter, a software metrics tool
ccdecrypt(1)        - encrypt and decrypt files and streams
ccdoc(1)            - C++ interface documentation tool
ccencrypt(1)        - encrypt and decrypt files and streams
ccguess(1)          - search for ccrypt encryption keys
ccmake(1)           - Curses Interface for CMake.
ccmakedep(1)        - create dependencies in makefiles using a C compiler
ccopy(3)            - (unknown subject)
ccopy.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
ccrypt(1)           - encrypt and decrypt files and streams
cd(1)               - bash built-in commands, see bash(1)
cdargs(1)           - bookmarks and browser for cd shell built-in
cdda2mp3(1)         - extract audio CD audio tracks and encode them
cdda2ogg(1)         - extract audio CD audio tracks and encode them
cdda2wav(1)         - a sampling utility that dumps CD audio data into wav sound files
cdiff(1)            - a wrapper tool for colordiff
cd(n)               - Change working directory
cdotc(3)            - (unknown subject)
cdotc.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
cdotu(3)            - (unknown subject)
cdotu.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
cdrecord(1)         - write data to optical disk media
cdv(1)              - codeville command line client tool
cdv-agent(1)        - codeville authentication agent
cdvpasswd(1)        - adds, removes, or sets passwords for users of a cdv server.
cdvserver(1)        - server for the codeville distributed revision system.
cdvupgrade(1)       - upgrades codeville repositories and server directories
cef5conv(1)         - convert a TeX document in Big 5 encoding containing CEF macros into `preprocessed' form.
cefconv(1)          - convert a TeX document containing CEF macros into `preprocessed' form.
cefsconv(1)         - convert a TeX document in SJIS encoding containing CEF macros into `preprocessed' form.
ceil(3)             - (unknown subject)
ceilf(3)            - (unknown subject)
CellsOfScreen(3)    - screen information functions and macros
certtool(1)         - GnuTLS certificate tool
cfdisk(8)           - display or manipulate disk partition table
cfftot1(1)          - convert PostScript font from CFF to Type 1
c++filt(1)          - Demangle C++ and Java symbols.
cfourcc(1)          - tool for changing FourCC in Microsoft RIFF AVI files
cfv(1)              - Verify file consistency with .sfv, .csv, .crc, .md5, md5sum, sha1sum, .torrent, par, or par2 files
cgbbrd(3)           - (unknown subject)
cgbbrd.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
cgbcon(3)           - (unknown subject)
cgbcon.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
cgbequ(3)           - (unknown subject)
cgbequb(3)          - (unknown subject)
cgbequb.f(3)        - (unknown subject)
cgbequ.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
cgbmv(3)            - (unknown subject)
cgbmv.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
cgbrfs(3)           - (unknown subject)
cgbrfs.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
cgbrfsx(3)          - (unknown subject)
cgbrfsx.f(3)        - (unknown subject)
cgbsv(3)            - (unknown subject)
cgbsv.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
cgbsvx(3)           - (unknown subject)
cgbsvx.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
cgbsvxx(3)          - (unknown subject)
cgbsvxx.f(3)        - (unknown subject)
cgbtf2(3)           - (unknown subject)
cgbtf2.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
cgbtrf(3)           - (unknown subject)
cgbtrf.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
cgbtrs(3)           - (unknown subject)
cgbtrs.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
cgdb(1)             - manual page for CGDB 0.6.6
cgebak(3)           - (unknown subject)
cgebak.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
cgebal(3)           - (unknown subject)
cgebal.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
cgebd2(3)           - (unknown subject)
cgebd2.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
cgebrd(3)           - (unknown subject)
cgebrd.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
cgecon(3)           - (unknown subject)
cgecon.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
cgeequ(3)           - (unknown subject)
cgeequb(3)          - (unknown subject)
cgeequb.f(3)        - (unknown subject)
cgeequ.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
cgees(3)            - (unknown subject)
cgees.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
cgeesx(3)           - (unknown subject)
cgeesx.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
cgeev(3)            - (unknown subject)
cgeev.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
cgeevx(3)           - (unknown subject)
cgeevx.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
cgegs(3)            - (unknown subject)
cgegs.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
cgegv(3)            - (unknown subject)
cgegv.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
cgehd2(3)           - (unknown subject)
cgehd2.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
cgehrd(3)           - (unknown subject)
cgehrd.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
cgelq2(3)           - (unknown subject)
cgelq2.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
cgelqf(3)           - (unknown subject)
cgelqf.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
cgels(3)            - (unknown subject)
cgelsd(3)           - (unknown subject)
cgelsd.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
cgels.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
cgelss(3)           - (unknown subject)
cgelss.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
cgelsx(3)           - (unknown subject)
cgelsx.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
cgelsy(3)           - (unknown subject)
cgelsy.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
cgemm(3)            - (unknown subject)
cgemm.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
cgemqrt(3)          - (unknown subject)
cgemqrt.f(3)        - (unknown subject)
cgemv(3)            - (unknown subject)
cgemv.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
cgeql2(3)           - (unknown subject)
cgeql2.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
cgeqlf(3)           - (unknown subject)
cgeqlf.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
cgeqp3(3)           - (unknown subject)
cgeqp3.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
cgeqpf(3)           - (unknown subject)
cgeqpf.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
cgeqr2(3)           - (unknown subject)
cgeqr2.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
cgeqr2p(3)          - (unknown subject)
cgeqr2p.f(3)        - (unknown subject)
cgeqrf(3)           - (unknown subject)
cgeqrf.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
cgeqrfp(3)          - (unknown subject)
cgeqrfp.f(3)        - (unknown subject)
cgeqrt2(3)          - (unknown subject)
cgeqrt2.f(3)        - (unknown subject)
cgeqrt3(3)          - (unknown subject)
cgeqrt3.f(3)        - (unknown subject)
cgeqrt(3)           - (unknown subject)
cgeqrt.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
cgerc(3)            - (unknown subject)
cgerc.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
cgerfs(3)           - (unknown subject)
cgerfs.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
cgerfsx(3)          - (unknown subject)
cgerfsx.f(3)        - (unknown subject)
cgerq2(3)           - (unknown subject)
cgerq2.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
cgerqf(3)           - (unknown subject)
cgerqf.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
cgeru(3)            - (unknown subject)
cgeru.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
cgesc2(3)           - (unknown subject)
cgesc2.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
cgesdd(3)           - (unknown subject)
cgesdd.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
cgesv(3)            - (unknown subject)
cgesvd(3)           - (unknown subject)
cgesvd.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
cgesv.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
cgesvx(3)           - (unknown subject)
cgesvx.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
cgesvxx(3)          - (unknown subject)
cgesvxx.f(3)        - (unknown subject)
cgetc2(3)           - (unknown subject)
cgetc2.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
cgetf2(3)           - (unknown subject)
cgetf2.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
cgetrf(3)           - (unknown subject)
cgetrf.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
cgetri(3)           - (unknown subject)
cgetri.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
cgetrs(3)           - (unknown subject)
cgetrs.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
cggbak(3)           - (unknown subject)
cggbak.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
cggbal(3)           - (unknown subject)
cggbal.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
cgges(3)            - (unknown subject)
cgges.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
cggesx(3)           - (unknown subject)
cggesx.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
cggev(3)            - (unknown subject)
cggev.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
cggevx(3)           - (unknown subject)
cggevx.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
cggglm(3)           - (unknown subject)
cggglm.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
cgghrd(3)           - (unknown subject)
cgghrd.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
cgglse(3)           - (unknown subject)
cgglse.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
cggqrf(3)           - (unknown subject)
cggqrf.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
cggrqf(3)           - (unknown subject)
cggrqf.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
cggsvd(3)           - (unknown subject)
cggsvd.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
cggsvp(3)           - (unknown subject)
cggsvp.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
CGI(3pm)            - Handle Common Gateway Interface requests and responses
CGI.Apache(3pm)     - Backward compatibility module for
CGI.Carp(3pm)       - CGI routines for writing to the HTTPD (or other) error log
CGI.Cookie(3pm)     - Interface to HTTP Cookies
CGI.Fast(3pm)       - CGI Interface for Fast CGI
CGI.Pretty(3pm)     - module to produce nicely formatted HTML code
CGI.Push(3pm)       - Simple Interface to Server Push
CGI.Switch(3pm)     - Backward compatibility module for defunct CGI::Switch
CGI.Util(3pm)       - Internal utilities used by CGI module
cgoban(6)           - X11 Go Toolset
cgtcon(3)           - (unknown subject)
cgtcon.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
cgtrfs(3)           - (unknown subject)
cgtrfs.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
cgtsv(3)            - (unknown subject)
cgtsv.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
cgtsvx(3)           - (unknown subject)
cgtsvx.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
cgttrf(3)           - (unknown subject)
cgttrf.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
cgttrs(3)           - (unknown subject)
cgttrs.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
cgtts2(3)           - (unknown subject)
cgtts2.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
challenge(3)        - (unknown subject)
chan(n)             - Read, write and manipulate channels
char2uni(3x)        - handling on Unicode, UTF-8 and localized 8 bit encodings libAfterImage/CHAR_SIZE
charnames(3pm)      - access to Unicode character names and named character sequences; also define character names
chattr(1)           - change file attributes on a Linux file system
chbev(3)            - (unknown subject)
chbevd(3)           - (unknown subject)
chbevd.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
chbev.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
chbevx(3)           - (unknown subject)
chbevx.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
chbgst(3)           - (unknown subject)
chbgst.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
chbgv(3)            - (unknown subject)
chbgvd(3)           - (unknown subject)
chbgvd.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
chbgv.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
chbgvx(3)           - (unknown subject)
chbgvx.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
chbmv(3)            - (unknown subject)
chbmv.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
chbtrd(3)           - (unknown subject)
chbtrd.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
chcon(1)            - change file security context
checkbashisms(1)    - check for bashisms in /bin/sh scripts
checkbutton(n)      - Create and manipulate checkbutton widgets
checkmail(1)        - plays a sound file when the user receives mail
checkmk(1)          - Awk script for generating C unit tests for use with the Check unit testing framework.
CHECKPOINT(7)       - force a transaction log checkpoint
check-regexp(1)     - test regular expressions from the command line
checkX(1)           - manual page for checkX (part of run2 0.3.0)
checon(3)           - (unknown subject)
checon.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
checon_rook(3)      - (unknown subject)
checon_rook.f(3)    - (unknown subject)
cheequb(3)          - (unknown subject)
cheequb.f(3)        - (unknown subject)
cheev(3)            - (unknown subject)
cheevd(3)           - (unknown subject)
cheevd.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
cheev.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
cheevr(3)           - (unknown subject)
cheevr.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
cheevx(3)           - (unknown subject)
cheevx.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
chegs2(3)           - (unknown subject)
chegs2.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
chegst(3)           - (unknown subject)
chegst.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
chegv(3)            - (unknown subject)
chegvd(3)           - (unknown subject)
chegvd.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
chegv.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
chegvx(3)           - (unknown subject)
chegvx.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
chem(1)             - groff preprocessor for producing chemical structure diagrams
chemm(3)            - (unknown subject)
chemm.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
chemv(3)            - (unknown subject)
chemv.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
cher2(3)            - (unknown subject)
cher2.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
cher2k(3)           - (unknown subject)
cher2k.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
cher(3)             - (unknown subject)
chere(1)            - manage Shell Here context menu items
cher.f(3)           - (unknown subject)
cherfs(3)           - (unknown subject)
cherfs.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
cherfsx(3)          - (unknown subject)
cherfsx.f(3)        - (unknown subject)
cherk(3)            - (unknown subject)
cherk.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
chesv(3)            - (unknown subject)
chesv.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
chesv_rook(3)       - (unknown subject)
chesv_rook.f(3)     - (unknown subject)
chesvx(3)           - (unknown subject)
chesvx.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
chesvxx(3)          - (unknown subject)
chesvxx.f(3)        - (unknown subject)
cheswapr(3)         - (unknown subject)
cheswapr.f(3)       - (unknown subject)
chetd2(3)           - (unknown subject)
chetd2.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
chetf2(3)           - (unknown subject)
chetf2.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
chetf2_rook(3)      - (unknown subject)
chetf2_rook.f(3)    - (unknown subject)
chetrd(3)           - (unknown subject)
chetrd.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
chetrf(3)           - (unknown subject)
chetrf.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
chetrf_rook(3)      - (unknown subject)
chetrf_rook.f(3)    - (unknown subject)
chetri2(3)          - (unknown subject)
chetri2.f(3)        - (unknown subject)
chetri2x(3)         - (unknown subject)
chetri2x.f(3)       - (unknown subject)
chetri(3)           - (unknown subject)
chetri.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
chetri_rook(3)      - (unknown subject)
chetri_rook.f(3)    - (unknown subject)
chetrs2(3)          - (unknown subject)
chetrs2.f(3)        - (unknown subject)
chetrs(3)           - (unknown subject)
chetrs.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
chetrs_rook(3)      - (unknown subject)
chetrs_rook.f(3)    - (unknown subject)
chewmail(1)         - mail archiver
chfrk(3)            - (unknown subject)
chfrk.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
chgat(3x)           - curses character and window attribute control routines
chgeqz(3)           - (unknown subject)
chgeqz.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
chgrp(1)            - change group ownership
chicken(1)          - A Scheme-to-C compiler
chicken-bug(1)      - generates a Chicken Scheme bug report from user input
chicken-profile(1)  - generate a report from Chicken Scheme profiled program output
chicken-setup(1)    - install extension libraries for Chicken Scheme
chkconfig(8)        - updates and queries runlevel information for system services
chkdupexe(1)        - find duplicate executables
chkfont(6)          - checks figlet 2.0 and up font files for format errors
chktex(1)           - finds typographic errors in LaTeX.
chkweb(1)           - runs the LaTeX parts of a CWEB file through chktex
chla_transtype(3)   - (unknown subject)
chla_transtype.f(3) - (unknown subject)
chmod(1)            - change file mode bits
chown(1)            - change file owner and group
chpcon(3)           - (unknown subject)
chpcon.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
chpev(3)            - (unknown subject)
chpevd(3)           - (unknown subject)
chpevd.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
chpev.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
chpevx(3)           - (unknown subject)
chpevx.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
chpgst(3)           - (unknown subject)
chpgst.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
chpgv(3)            - (unknown subject)
chpgvd(3)           - (unknown subject)
chpgvd.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
chpgv.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
chpgvx(3)           - (unknown subject)
chpgvx.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
chpmv(3)            - (unknown subject)
chpmv.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
chpr2(3)            - (unknown subject)
chpr2.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
chpr(3)             - (unknown subject)
chpr.f(3)           - (unknown subject)
chprfs(3)           - (unknown subject)
chprfs.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
chpsv(3)            - (unknown subject)
chpsv.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
chpsvx(3)           - (unknown subject)
chpsvx.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
chptrd(3)           - (unknown subject)
chptrd.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
chptrf(3)           - (unknown subject)
chptrf.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
chptri(3)           - (unknown subject)
chptri.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
chptrs(3)           - (unknown subject)
chptrs.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
chroot(1)           - run command or interactive shell with special root directory
chsein(3)           - (unknown subject)
chsein.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
chseqr(3)           - (unknown subject)
chseqr.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
ci(1)               - check in RCS revisions
ciphers(1)          - SSL cipher display and cipher list tool.
cjb2(1)             - Simple DjVuBitonal encoder.
cjpeg(1)            - compress an image file to a JPEG file
ckalloc(3)          - allocate or free heap memory
ckfree(3)           - allocate or free heap memory
ckrealloc(3)        - allocate or free heap memory
cksum(1)            - checksum and count the bytes in a file
clabrd(3)           - (unknown subject)
clabrd.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
clacgv(3)           - (unknown subject)
clacgv.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
clacn2(3)           - (unknown subject)
clacn2.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
clacon(3)           - (unknown subject)
clacon.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
clacp2(3)           - (unknown subject)
clacp2.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
clacpy(3)           - (unknown subject)
clacpy.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
clacrm(3)           - (unknown subject)
clacrm.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
clacrt(3)           - (unknown subject)
clacrt.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
cladiv(3)           - (unknown subject)
cladiv.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
claed0(3)           - (unknown subject)
claed0.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
claed7(3)           - (unknown subject)
claed7.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
claed8(3)           - (unknown subject)
claed8.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
claein(3)           - (unknown subject)
claein.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
claesy(3)           - (unknown subject)
claesy.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
claev2(3)           - (unknown subject)
claev2.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
clag2z(3)           - (unknown subject)
clag2z.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
cla_gbamv(3)        - (unknown subject)
cla_gbamv.f(3)      - (unknown subject)
cla_gbrcond_c(3)    - (unknown subject)
cla_gbrcond_c.f(3)  - (unknown subject)
cla_gbrcond_x(3)    - (unknown subject)
cla_gbrcond_x.f(3)  - (unknown subject)
cla_gbrfsx_extended(3) - (unknown subject)
cla_gbrfsx_extended.f(3) - (unknown subject)
cla_gbrpvgrw(3)     - (unknown subject)
cla_gbrpvgrw.f(3)   - (unknown subject)
cla_geamv(3)        - (unknown subject)
cla_geamv.f(3)      - (unknown subject)
cla_gercond_c(3)    - (unknown subject)
cla_gercond_c.f(3)  - (unknown subject)
cla_gercond_x(3)    - (unknown subject)
cla_gercond_x.f(3)  - (unknown subject)
cla_gerfsx_extended(3) - (unknown subject)
cla_gerfsx_extended.f(3) - (unknown subject)
cla_gerpvgrw(3)     - (unknown subject)
cla_gerpvgrw.f(3)   - (unknown subject)
clags2(3)           - (unknown subject)
clags2.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
clagtm(3)           - (unknown subject)
clagtm.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
cla_heamv(3)        - (unknown subject)
cla_heamv.f(3)      - (unknown subject)
clahef(3)           - (unknown subject)
clahef.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
clahef_rook(3)      - (unknown subject)
clahef_rook.f(3)    - (unknown subject)
cla_hercond_c(3)    - (unknown subject)
cla_hercond_c.f(3)  - (unknown subject)
cla_hercond_x(3)    - (unknown subject)
cla_hercond_x.f(3)  - (unknown subject)
cla_herfsx_extended(3) - (unknown subject)
cla_herfsx_extended.f(3) - (unknown subject)
cla_herpvgrw(3)     - (unknown subject)
cla_herpvgrw.f(3)   - (unknown subject)
clahqr(3)           - (unknown subject)
clahqr.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
clahr2(3)           - (unknown subject)
clahr2.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
clahrd(3)           - (unknown subject)
clahrd.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
claic1(3)           - (unknown subject)
claic1.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
cla_lin_berr(3)     - (unknown subject)
cla_lin_berr.f(3)   - (unknown subject)
clals0(3)           - (unknown subject)
clals0.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
clalsa(3)           - (unknown subject)
clalsa.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
clalsd(3)           - (unknown subject)
clalsd.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
clamav-milter.conf(5) - Configuration file for clamav-milter
clambc(1)           - Bytecode Testing Tool
clamconf(1)         - Clam AntiVirus configuration utility
clamd(8)            - an anti-virus daemon
clamd.conf(5)       - Configuration file for Clam AntiVirus Daemon
clamdscan(1)        - scan files and directories for viruses using Clam AntiVirus Daemon
clamdtop(1)         - monitor the Clam AntiVirus Daemon
clamscan(1)         - scan files and directories for viruses
clang(1)            - the Clang C, C++, and Objective-C compiler
clangb(3)           - (unknown subject)
clangb.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
clange(3)           - (unknown subject)
clange.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
clangt(3)           - (unknown subject)
clangt.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
clanhb(3)           - (unknown subject)
clanhb.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
clanhe(3)           - (unknown subject)
clanhe.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
clanhf(3)           - (unknown subject)
clanhf.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
clanhp(3)           - (unknown subject)
clanhp.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
clanhs(3)           - (unknown subject)
clanhs.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
clanht(3)           - (unknown subject)
clanht.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
clansb(3)           - (unknown subject)
clansb.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
clansp(3)           - (unknown subject)
clansp.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
clansy(3)           - (unknown subject)
clansy.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
clantb(3)           - (unknown subject)
clantb.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
clantp(3)           - (unknown subject)
clantp.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
clantr(3)           - (unknown subject)
clantr.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
clapll(3)           - (unknown subject)
clapll.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
clapmr(3)           - (unknown subject)
clapmr.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
clapmt(3)           - (unknown subject)
clapmt.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
cla_porcond_c(3)    - (unknown subject)
cla_porcond_c.f(3)  - (unknown subject)
cla_porcond_x(3)    - (unknown subject)
cla_porcond_x.f(3)  - (unknown subject)
cla_porfsx_extended(3) - (unknown subject)
cla_porfsx_extended.f(3) - (unknown subject)
cla_porpvgrw(3)     - (unknown subject)
cla_porpvgrw.f(3)   - (unknown subject)
claqgb(3)           - (unknown subject)
claqgb.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
claqge(3)           - (unknown subject)
claqge.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
claqhb(3)           - (unknown subject)
claqhb.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
claqhe(3)           - (unknown subject)
claqhe.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
claqhp(3)           - (unknown subject)
claqhp.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
claqp2(3)           - (unknown subject)
claqp2.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
claqps(3)           - (unknown subject)
claqps.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
claqr0(3)           - (unknown subject)
claqr0.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
claqr1(3)           - (unknown subject)
claqr1.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
claqr2(3)           - (unknown subject)
claqr2.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
claqr3(3)           - (unknown subject)
claqr3.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
claqr4(3)           - (unknown subject)
claqr4.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
claqr5(3)           - (unknown subject)
claqr5.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
claqsb(3)           - (unknown subject)
claqsb.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
claqsp(3)           - (unknown subject)
claqsp.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
claqsy(3)           - (unknown subject)
claqsy.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
clar1v(3)           - (unknown subject)
clar1v.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
clar2v(3)           - (unknown subject)
clar2v.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
clarcm(3)           - (unknown subject)
clarcm.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
clarf(3)            - (unknown subject)
clarfb(3)           - (unknown subject)
clarfb.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
clarf.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
clarfg(3)           - (unknown subject)
clarfg.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
clarfgp(3)          - (unknown subject)
clarfgp.f(3)        - (unknown subject)
clarft(3)           - (unknown subject)
clarft.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
clarfx(3)           - (unknown subject)
clarfx.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
clargv(3)           - (unknown subject)
clargv.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
clarnv(3)           - (unknown subject)
clarnv.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
clarrv(3)           - (unknown subject)
clarrv.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
clarscl2(3)         - (unknown subject)
clarscl2.f(3)       - (unknown subject)
clartg(3)           - (unknown subject)
clartg.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
clartv(3)           - (unknown subject)
clartv.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
clarz(3)            - (unknown subject)
clarzb(3)           - (unknown subject)
clarzb.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
clarz.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
clarzt(3)           - (unknown subject)
clarzt.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
clascl2(3)          - (unknown subject)
clascl2.f(3)        - (unknown subject)
clascl(3)           - (unknown subject)
clascl.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
claset(3)           - (unknown subject)
claset.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
clasr(3)            - (unknown subject)
clasr.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
class(n)            - create a class of objects
classq(3)           - (unknown subject)
classq.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
Class.Struct(3pm)   - declare struct-like datatypes as Perl classes
claswp(3)           - (unknown subject)
claswp.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
cla_syamv(3)        - (unknown subject)
cla_syamv.f(3)      - (unknown subject)
clasyf(3)           - (unknown subject)
clasyf.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
clasyf_rook(3)      - (unknown subject)
clasyf_rook.f(3)    - (unknown subject)
cla_syrcond_c(3)    - (unknown subject)
cla_syrcond_c.f(3)  - (unknown subject)
cla_syrcond_x(3)    - (unknown subject)
cla_syrcond_x.f(3)  - (unknown subject)
cla_syrfsx_extended(3) - (unknown subject)
cla_syrfsx_extended.f(3) - (unknown subject)
cla_syrpvgrw(3)     - (unknown subject)
cla_syrpvgrw.f(3)   - (unknown subject)
clatbs(3)           - (unknown subject)
clatbs.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
clatdf(3)           - (unknown subject)
clatdf.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
clatps(3)           - (unknown subject)
clatps.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
clatrd(3)           - (unknown subject)
clatrd.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
clatrs(3)           - (unknown subject)
clatrs.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
clatrz(3)           - (unknown subject)
clatrz.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
clatzm(3)           - (unknown subject)
clatzm.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
clauu2(3)           - (unknown subject)
clauu2.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
clauum(3)           - (unknown subject)
clauum.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
cla_wwaddw(3)       - (unknown subject)
cla_wwaddw.f(3)     - (unknown subject)
cleanlinks(1)       - remove dangling symbolic links and empty directories
clear(1)            - clear the terminal screen
clear(3x)           - clear all or part of a curses window
clearerr(3)         - (unknown subject)
clearok(3x)         - curses output options
ClientWhitePointOfCCC(3) - Color Conversion Context macros
clipboard(n)        - Manipulate Tk clipboard
clisp(1)            - ANSI Common Lisp compiler, interpreter and debugger.
clock(1)            - display the time in an icon or window
clock(3)            - (unknown subject)
clock(n)            - Obtain and manipulate dates and times
Clone(3pm)          - recursively copy Perl datatypes
CLOSE(7)            - close a cursor
close(n)            - Close an open channel
clrtobot(3x)        - clear all or part of a curses window
clrtoeol(3x)        - clear all or part of a curses window
CLUSTER(7)          - cluster a table according to an index
clusterdb(1)        - cluster a PostgreSQL database
cmake(1)            - Cross-Platform Makefile Generator.
cmakecommands(1)    - Reference of available CMake commands.
cmakecompat(1)      - Reference of CMake compatibility commands.
cmakemodules(1)     - Reference of available CMake modules.
cmakepolicies(1)    - Reference of CMake policies.
cmakeprops(1)       - Reference of CMake properties.
cmakevars(1)        - Reference of CMake variables.
cmdtool(1)          - run a shell (or other program) in an OpenWindows enhanced terminal window
cmp(1)              - compare two files byte by byte
cms(1)              - CMS utility
CMS_add0_cert(3)    - CMS certificate and CRL utility functions
CMS_add0_crl(3)     - CMS certificate and CRL utility functions
CMS_add0_recipient_key(3) - add recipients to a CMS enveloped data structure
CMS_add1_cert(3)    - CMS certificate and CRL utility functions
CMS_add1_ReceiptRequest(3) - CMS signed receipt request functions.
CMS_add1_recipient_cert(3) - add recipients to a CMS enveloped data structure
CMS_compress(3)     - create a CMS CompressedData structure
CMS_decrypt(3)      - decrypt content from a CMS envelopedData structure
CMS_encrypt(3)      - create a CMS envelopedData structure
CMS_final(3)        - finalise a CMS_ContentInfo structure
CMS_get0_eContentType(3) - get and set CMS content types
CMS_get0_RecipientInfos(3) - CMS envelopedData RecipientInfo routines
CMS_get0_SignerInfos(3) - CMS signedData signer functions.
CMS_get0_type(3)    - get and set CMS content types
CMS_get1_certs(3)   - CMS certificate and CRL utility functions
CMS_get1_crls(3)    - CMS certificate and CRL utility functions
CMS_get1_ReceiptRequest(3) - CMS signed receipt request functions.
CMS_ReceiptRequest_create0(3) - CMS signed receipt request functions.
CMS_ReceiptRequest_get0_values(3) - CMS signed receipt request functions.
CMS_RecipientInfo_decrypt(3) - CMS envelopedData RecipientInfo routines
CMS_RecipientInfo_kekri_get0_id(3) - CMS envelopedData RecipientInfo routines
CMS_RecipientInfo_kekri_id_cmp(3) - CMS envelopedData RecipientInfo routines
CMS_RecipientInfo_ktri_cert_cmp(3) - CMS envelopedData RecipientInfo routines
CMS_RecipientInfo_ktri_get0_signer_id(3) - CMS envelopedData RecipientInfo routines
CMS_RecipientInfo_set0_key(3) - CMS envelopedData RecipientInfo routines
CMS_RecipientInfo_set0_pkey(3) - CMS envelopedData RecipientInfo routines
CMS_RecipientInfo_type(3) - CMS envelopedData RecipientInfo routines
CMS_set1_eContentType(3) - get and set CMS content types
CMS_set1_signer_certs(3) - CMS signedData signer functions.
CMS_sign(3)         - create a CMS SignedData structure
CMS_sign_add1_signer(3) - add a signer to a CMS_ContentInfo signed data structure.
CMS_SignerInfo_cert_cmp(3) - CMS signedData signer functions.
CMS_SignerInfo_get0_signer_id(3) - CMS signedData signer functions.
CMS_SignerInfo_sign(3) - add a signer to a CMS_ContentInfo signed data structure.
CMS_sign_receipt(3) - create a CMS signed receipt
CMS_uncompress(3)   - uncompress a CMS CompressedData structure
CMS_verify(3)       - verify a CMS SignedData structure
CMS_verify_receipt(3) - verify a CMS signed receipt
cmuwmtopbm(1)       - convert a CMU window manager bitmap into a PBM image
cntlist(5)          - file listing number of times each tagged sense occurs in a semantic concordance, sorted most to least frequently tagged
co(1)               - check out RCS revisions
code2html(1)        - Converts a program source code to HTML
code(n)             - capture the namespace context for a code fragment
colcrt(1)           - filter nroff output for CRT previewing  - generate DocBook index files
color_content(3x)   - curses color manipulation routines
colordiff(1)        - a tool to colorize diff output
colorgcc(1)         - colorization wrapper for gcc
colorgccrc(5)       - configuration file for colorgcc
COLOR_PAIR(3x)      - curses color manipulation routines
color_set(3x)       - curses character and window attribute control routines
colors(n)           - symbolic color names recognized by Tk
colrm(1)            - remove columns from a file
column(1)           - columnate lists
combinediff(1)      - create a cumulative unified patch from two incremental patches
com_err(3)          - common error display routine
comm(1)             - compare two sorted files line by line
command(1)          - bash built-in commands, see bash(1)
COMMENT(7)          - define or change the comment of an object
COMMIT(7)           - commit the current transaction
COMMIT_PREPARED(7)  - commit a transaction that was earlier prepared for two-phase commit
common(3x)          - common functions used in other examples libAfterImage/tutorials/common.h
common.sense(3pm)   - save a tree AND a kitten, use common::sense!
comp(1)             - compose a message
compare(1)          - mathematically and visually annotate the difference between an image and its reconstruction.
comp_err(1)         - compile MySQL error message file
compface(1)         - compress and expand 48x48x1 face image files
compface(3)         - compress and expand 48x48x1 face image files
compgen(1)          - bash built-in commands, see bash(1)
compile_et(1)       - error table compiler
complete(1)         - bash built-in commands, see bash(1)
Complex(3o)         - Complex numbers.
Compose(3)          - X client mappings for multi-key input sequences
Compose(5)          - X client mappings for multi-key input sequences
composite(1)        - overlaps one image over another.
Composite(3)        - The Composite widget class
Compress.Bzip2(3pm) - Interface to Bzip2 compression library
Compress.Raw.Bzip2(3pm) - Low-Level Interface to bzip2 compression library
Compress.Raw.Zlib(3pm) - Low-Level Interface to zlib compression library
Compress.Zlib(3pm)  - Interface to zlib compression library
concat(n)           - Join lists together
Config(3pm)         - access Perl configuration information
config(5)           - OpenSSL CONF library configuration files
configbody(n)       - change the "config" code for a public variable
config_data(1)      - Query or change configuration of Perl modules
Config.Extensions(3pm) - hash lookup of which core extensions were built.
config.guess-2.59(1) - guess the build system triplet
config.guess-2.64(1) - guess the build system triplet
Config.Perl.V(3pm)  - Structured data retrieval of perl - V output
config_perror(3)    - netsnmp_config_api functions
config_pwarn(3)     - netsnmp_config_api functions
config.sub-2.59(1)  - validate and canonicalize a configuration triplet
config.sub-2.64(1)  - validate and canonicalize a configuration triplet
Config.Tiny(3pm)    - Read/Write .ini style files with as little code as possible
conflict(8)         - search for alias/password conflicts
CONF_modules_finish(3) - OpenSSL configuration cleanup functions
CONF_modules_free(3) - OpenSSL configuration cleanup functions
CONF_modules_load(3) - OpenSSL configuration functions
CONF_modules_load_file(3) - OpenSSL configuration functions
CONF_modules_unload(3) - OpenSSL configuration cleanup functions
conjure(1)          - interprets and executes scripts written in the Magick Scripting Language(MSL).
connect(1)          - SSH Proxy Command
ConnectionNumber(3) - Display macros and functions
connect-proxy(1)    - SSH Proxy Command
console(n)          - Control the console on systems without a real console
Consortium(7)       - X Consortium information
constant(3pm)       - Perl pragma to declare constants
Constraint(3)       - The Constraint widget class
context(1)          - (unknown subject)
context(3)          - (unknown subject)
continue(1)         - bash built-in commands, see bash(1)
continue(n)         - Skip to the next iteration of a loop
convcal(1)          - convert dates to different formats
convert(1)          - convert between image formats as well as resize an image, blur, crop, despeckle, dither, draw on, flip, join, re-sample, and much more.
convert-ly(1)       - manual page for convert-ly 2.14.1
convmv(1)           - converts filenames from one encoding to another
COPY(7)             - copy data between a file and a table
copyright-update(1) - Update Copyright information in files
copysign(3)         - (unknown subject)
copysignf(3)        - (unknown subject)
copywin(3x)         - overlay and manipulate overlapped curses windows
CORE(3pm)           - Pseudo-namespace for Perl's core routines
Core(3)             - The Core widget class
corelist(1)         - a commandline frontend to Module::CoreList
corkscrew(1)        - Tunnel TCP connections through HTTP proxies
cos(3)              - (unknown subject)
cosf(3)             - (unknown subject)
cosh(3)             - (unknown subject)
cp(1)               - copy files and directories
cpack(1)            - Packaging driver provided by CMake.
cpaldjvu(1)         - DjVuDocument encoder for low-color images.
cpan(1)             - easily interact with CPAN from the command line
cpan2dist(1)        - The CPANPLUS distribution creator
CPAN(3pm)           - query, download and build perl modules from CPAN sites
CPAN.API.HOWTO(3pm) - a recipe book for programming with
CPAN.DistnameInfo(3pm) - Extract distribution name and version from a distribution filename
CPAN.Distroprefs(3pm) - - read and match distroprefs
CPAN.FirstTime(3pm) - Utility for CPAN::Config file Initialization
CPAN.Kwalify(3pm)   - Interface between and
CPAN.Meta(3pm)      - the distribution metadata for a CPAN dist
CPAN.Meta.Converter(3pm) - Convert CPAN distribution metadata structures
CPAN.Meta.Feature(3pm) - an optional feature provided by a CPAN distribution
CPAN.Meta.History(3pm) - history of CPAN Meta Spec changes
CPAN.Meta.Prereqs(3pm) - a set of distribution prerequisites by phase and type
CPAN.Meta.Spec(3pm) - specification for CPAN distribution metadata
CPAN.Meta.Validator(3pm) - validate CPAN distribution metadata structures
CPAN.Meta.YAML(3pm) - Read and write a subset of YAML for CPAN Meta files
CPAN.Nox(3pm)       - Wrapper around without using any XS module
cpanp(1)            - The CPANPLUS launcher
CPANPLUS(3pm)       - API & CLI access to the CPAN mirrors
CPANPLUS.Backend(3pm) - (unknown subject)
CPANPLUS.Backend.RV(3pm) - (unknown subject)
CPANPLUS.Config(3pm) - (unknown subject)
CPANPLUS.Configure(3pm) - (unknown subject)
CPANPLUS.Dist(3pm)  - (unknown subject)
CPANPLUS.Dist.Autobundle(3pm) - (unknown subject)
CPANPLUS.Dist.Base(3pm) - Base class for custom distribution classes
CPANPLUS.Dist.Build(3pm) - CPANPLUS plugin to install packages that use Build.PL
CPANPLUS.Dist.Build.Constants(3pm) - Constants for CPANPLUS::Dist::Build
CPANPLUS.Dist.MM(3pm) - (unknown subject)
CPANPLUS.Dist.Sample(3pm) - - Sample code to create your own Dist::* plugin
CPANPLUS.Error(3pm) - (unknown subject)
CPANPLUS.FAQ(3pm)   - (unknown subject)
CPANPLUS.Hacking(3pm) - (unknown subject)
CPANPLUS.Internals(3pm) - (unknown subject)
CPANPLUS.Internals.Extract(3pm) - (unknown subject)
CPANPLUS.Internals.Fetch(3pm) - (unknown subject)
CPANPLUS.Internals.Report(3pm) - (unknown subject)
CPANPLUS.Internals.Search(3pm) - (unknown subject)
CPANPLUS.Internals.Source(3pm) - (unknown subject)
CPANPLUS.Internals.Source.Memory(3pm) - In memory implementation
CPANPLUS.Internals.Source.SQLite(3pm) - SQLite implementation
CPANPLUS.Internals.Utils(3pm) - (unknown subject)
CPANPLUS.Module(3pm) - (unknown subject)
CPANPLUS.Module.Author(3pm) - (unknown subject)
CPANPLUS.Module.Author.Fake(3pm) - (unknown subject)
CPANPLUS.Module.Checksums(3pm) - (unknown subject)
CPANPLUS.Module.Fake(3pm) - (unknown subject)
CPANPLUS.Selfupdate(3pm) - (unknown subject)
CPANPLUS.Shell(3pm) - (unknown subject)
CPANPLUS.Shell.Classic(3pm) - emulation for CPANPLUS
CPANPLUS.Shell.Default(3pm) - (unknown subject)
CPANPLUS.Shell.Default.Plugins.CustomSource(3pm) - (unknown subject)
CPANPLUS.Shell.Default.Plugins.HOWTO(3pm) - - documentation on how to write your own plugins
CPANPLUS.Shell.Default.Plugins.Remote(3pm) - (unknown subject)
CPANPLUS.Shell.Default.Plugins.Source(3pm) - (unknown subject)
CPAN.Reporter(3pm)  - Adds CPAN Testers reporting to
CPAN.Reporter.API(3pm) - Programmer's interface to CPAN::Reporter
CPAN.Reporter.Config(3pm) - Config file options for CPAN::Reporter
CPAN.Reporter.FAQ(3pm) - Answers and tips for using CPAN::Reporter
CPAN.Reporter.History(3pm) - Read or write a CPAN::Reporter history log
CPAN.Reporter.PrereqCheck(3pm) - Modulino for prerequisite tests
cpansign(1)         - CPAN signature management utility
CPAN.Testers.Fact.InstalledModules(3pm) - Versions of particular modules installed on a system
CPAN.Testers.Fact.LegacyReport(3pm) - an email-style report for CPAN Testers
CPAN.Testers.Fact.PerlConfig(3pm) - Perl build and configuration information for a CPAN Testers report
CPAN.Testers.Fact.Prereqs(3pm) - prerequisites detected in running a CPAN Testers report
CPAN.Testers.Fact.TestEnvironment(3pm) - Environment vars and other local context during a CPAN Testers report
CPAN.Testers.Fact.TesterComment(3pm) - comment about a CPAN Tester report
CPAN.Testers.Fact.TestOutput(3pm) - output from configuration, build and test
CPAN.Testers.Fact.TestSummary(3pm) - summary of a CPAN Testers analysis of a distribution
CPAN.Testers.Report(3pm) - CPAN Testers report object
CPAN.Version(3pm)   - utility functions to compare CPAN versions
cpbcon(3)           - (unknown subject)
cpbcon.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
cpbequ(3)           - (unknown subject)
cpbequ.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
cpbrfs(3)           - (unknown subject)
cpbrfs.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
cpbstf(3)           - (unknown subject)
cpbstf.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
cpbsv(3)            - (unknown subject)
cpbsv.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
cpbsvx(3)           - (unknown subject)
cpbsvx.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
cpbtf2(3)           - (unknown subject)
cpbtf2.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
cpbtrf(3)           - (unknown subject)
cpbtrf.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
cpbtrs(3)           - (unknown subject)
cpbtrs.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
cpftrf(3)           - (unknown subject)
cpftrf.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
cpftri(3)           - (unknown subject)
cpftri.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
cpftrs(3)           - (unknown subject)
cpftrs.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
cpio(1)             - copy files to and from archives
cpio(5)             - format of cpio archive files
cpocon(3)           - (unknown subject)
cpocon.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
cpoequ(3)           - (unknown subject)
cpoequb(3)          - (unknown subject)
cpoequb.f(3)        - (unknown subject)
cpoequ.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
cporfs(3)           - (unknown subject)
cporfs.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
cporfsx(3)          - (unknown subject)
cporfsx.f(3)        - (unknown subject)
cposv(3)            - (unknown subject)
cposv.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
cposvx(3)           - (unknown subject)
cposvx.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
cposvxx(3)          - (unknown subject)
cposvxx.f(3)        - (unknown subject)
cpotf2(3)           - (unknown subject)
cpotf2.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
cpotrf(3)           - (unknown subject)
cpotrf.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
cpotri(3)           - (unknown subject)
cpotri.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
cpotrs(3)           - (unknown subject)
cpotrs.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
cpp(1)              - The C Preprocessor
cppcheck(1)         - Tool for static C/C++ code analysis
cppcon(3)           - (unknown subject)
cppcon.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
cppequ(3)           - (unknown subject)
cppequ.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
cppi(1)             - indent the C preprocessor directives in FILE to reflect their nesting
cpprfs(3)           - (unknown subject)
cpprfs.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
cppsv(3)            - (unknown subject)
cppsv.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
cppsvx(3)           - (unknown subject)
cppsvx.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
cpptrf(3)           - (unknown subject)
cpptrf.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
cpptri(3)           - (unknown subject)
cpptri.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
cpptrs(3)           - (unknown subject)
cpptrs.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
cppunit-config(1)   - script to get information about the installed version of cppunit
cpstf2(3)           - (unknown subject)
cpstf2.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
cpstrf(3)           - (unknown subject)
cpstrf.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
cptcon(3)           - (unknown subject)
cptcon.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
cpteqr(3)           - (unknown subject)
cpteqr.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
cptrfs(3)           - (unknown subject)
cptrfs.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
cptsv(3)            - (unknown subject)
cptsv.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
cptsvx(3)           - (unknown subject)
cptsvx.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
cpttrf(3)           - (unknown subject)
cpttrf.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
cpttrs(3)           - (unknown subject)
cpttrs.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
cptts2(3)           - (unknown subject)
cptts2.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
CREATE_AGGREGATE(7) - define a new aggregate function
CREATE_CAST(7)      - define a new cast
CREATE_COLLATION(7) - define a new collation
CREATE_CONVERSION(7) - define a new encoding conversion
CREATE_DATABASE(7)  - create a new database
createdb(1)         - create a new PostgreSQL database
CREATE_DOMAIN(7)    - define a new domain
CREATE_EVENT_TRIGGER(7) - define a new event trigger
CREATE_EXTENSION(7) - install an extension
CREATE_FOREIGN_DATA_WRAPPER(7) - define a new foreign-data wrapper
CREATE_FOREIGN_TABLE(7) - define a new foreign table
CREATE_FUNCTION(7)  - define a new function
CREATE_GROUP(7)     - define a new database role
CREATE_INDEX(7)     - define a new index
createlang(1)       - install a PostgreSQL procedural language
CREATE_LANGUAGE(7)  - define a new procedural language
CREATE_MATERIALIZED_VIEW(7) - define a new materialized view
CREATE_OPERATOR(7)  - define a new operator
CREATE_OPERATOR_CLASS(7) - define a new operator class
CREATE_OPERATOR_FAMILY(7) - define a new operator family
CREATE_ROLE(7)      - define a new database role
CREATE_RULE(7)      - define a new rewrite rule
CREATE_SCHEMA(7)    - define a new schema
CREATE_SEQUENCE(7)  - define a new sequence generator
CREATE_SERVER(7)    - define a new foreign server
CREATE_TABLE(7)     - define a new table
CREATE_TABLE_AS(7)  - define a new table from the results of a query
CREATE_TABLESPACE(7) - define a new tablespace
CREATE_TEXT_SEARCH_CONFIGURATION(7) - define a new text search configuration
CREATE_TEXT_SEARCH_DICTIONARY(7) - define a new text search dictionary
CREATE_TEXT_SEARCH_PARSER(7) - define a new text search parser
CREATE_TEXT_SEARCH_TEMPLATE(7) - define a new text search template
CREATE_TRIGGER(7)   - define a new trigger
CREATE_TYPE(7)      - define a new data type
createuser(1)       - define a new PostgreSQL user account
CREATE_USER(7)      - define a new database role
CREATE_USER_MAPPING(7) - define a new mapping of a user to a foreign server
CREATE_VIEW(7)      - define a new view
crl(1)              - CRL utility
crl2pkcs7(1)        - Create a PKCS#7 structure from a CRL and certificates.
cron(8)             - daemon to execute scheduled commands (ISC Cron V4.1)
crontab(1)          - maintain crontab files for individual users (ISC Cron V4.1)
crontab(5)          - tables for driving cron (ISC Cron V4.1)
crot(3)             - (unknown subject)
crot.f(3)           - (unknown subject)
crotg(3)            - (unknown subject)
crotg.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
crypto(3)           - OpenSSL cryptographic library
CRYPTO_destroy_dynlockid(3) - OpenSSL thread support
CRYPTO_get_ex_data(3) - internal application specific data functions
CRYPTO_get_new_dynlockid(3) - OpenSSL thread support
CRYPTO_lock(3)      - OpenSSL thread support
CRYPTO_num_locks(3) - OpenSSL thread support
CRYPTO_set_dynlock_create_callback(3) - OpenSSL thread support
CRYPTO_set_dynlock_destroy_callback(3) - OpenSSL thread support
CRYPTO_set_dynlock_lock_callback(3) - OpenSSL thread support
CRYPTO_set_ex_data(3) - internal application specific data functions
CRYPTO_set_locking_callback(3) - OpenSSL thread support
CRYPTO_THREADID_cmp(3) - OpenSSL thread support
CRYPTO_THREADID_cpy(3) - OpenSSL thread support
CRYPTO_THREADID_current(3) - OpenSSL thread support
CRYPTO_THREADID_get_callback(3) - OpenSSL thread support
CRYPTO_THREADID_hash(3) - OpenSSL thread support
CRYPTO_THREADID_set_callback(3) - OpenSSL thread support
Crypt.Rijndael_PP(3pm) - Perl implementation of Rijndael
Crypt.SSLeay(3pm)   - OpenSSL support for LWP
cs2cs(1)            - cartographic coordinate system filter
csc(1)              - driver program for the Chicken Scheme compiler
cscal(3)            - (unknown subject)
cscal.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
cscope(1)           - interactively examine a C program
cscope-indexer(1)   - Script to index files for cscope
csepdjvu(1)         - DjVu encoder for separated data files.
csi(1)              - Chicken Scheme interpreter
cspcon(3)           - (unknown subject)
cspcon.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
csplit(1)           - split a file into sections determined by context lines
cspmv(3)            - (unknown subject)
cspmv.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
cspr(3)             - (unknown subject)
cspr.f(3)           - (unknown subject)
csprfs(3)           - (unknown subject)
csprfs.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
cspsv(3)            - (unknown subject)
cspsv.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
cspsvx(3)           - (unknown subject)
cspsvx.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
csptrf(3)           - (unknown subject)
csptrf.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
csptri(3)           - (unknown subject)
csptri.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
csptrs(3)           - (unknown subject)
csptrs.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
csrot(3)            - (unknown subject)
csrot.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
csrscl(3)           - (unknown subject)
csrscl.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
csscal(3)           - (unknown subject)
csscal.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
cstedc(3)           - (unknown subject)
cstedc.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
cstegr(3)           - (unknown subject)
cstegr.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
cstein(3)           - (unknown subject)
cstein.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
cstemr(3)           - (unknown subject)
cstemr.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
csteqr(3)           - (unknown subject)
csteqr.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
csv1(5)             - Format of the csv1 zone file that MaraDNS uses
csv2(5)             - Description of the csv2 zone file that MaraDNS uses
csv2_txt(5)         - Description of txt and raw resource records in the csv2 zone file
cswap(3)            - (unknown subject)
cswap.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
csycon(3)           - (unknown subject)
csycon.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
csycon_rook(3)      - (unknown subject)
csycon_rook.f(3)    - (unknown subject)
csyconv(3)          - (unknown subject)
csyconv.f(3)        - (unknown subject)
csyequb(3)          - (unknown subject)
csyequb.f(3)        - (unknown subject)
csymm(3)            - (unknown subject)
csymm.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
csymv(3)            - (unknown subject)
csymv.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
csyr2k(3)           - (unknown subject)
csyr2k.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
csyr(3)             - (unknown subject)
csyr.f(3)           - (unknown subject)
csyrfs(3)           - (unknown subject)
csyrfs.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
csyrfsx(3)          - (unknown subject)
csyrfsx.f(3)        - (unknown subject)
csyrk(3)            - (unknown subject)
csyrk.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
csysv(3)            - (unknown subject)
csysv.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
csysv_rook(3)       - (unknown subject)
csysv_rook.f(3)     - (unknown subject)
csysvx(3)           - (unknown subject)
csysvx.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
csysvxx(3)          - (unknown subject)
csysvxx.f(3)        - (unknown subject)
csyswapr(3)         - (unknown subject)
csyswapr.f(3)       - (unknown subject)
csytf2(3)           - (unknown subject)
csytf2.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
csytf2_rook(3)      - (unknown subject)
csytf2_rook.f(3)    - (unknown subject)
csytrf(3)           - (unknown subject)
csytrf.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
csytrf_rook(3)      - (unknown subject)
csytrf_rook.f(3)    - (unknown subject)
csytri2(3)          - (unknown subject)
csytri2.f(3)        - (unknown subject)
csytri2x(3)         - (unknown subject)
csytri2x.f(3)       - (unknown subject)
csytri(3)           - (unknown subject)
csytri.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
csytri_rook(3)      - (unknown subject)
csytri_rook.f(3)    - (unknown subject)
csytrs2(3)          - (unknown subject)
csytrs2.f(3)        - (unknown subject)
csytrs(3)           - (unknown subject)
csytrs.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
csytrs_rook(3)      - (unknown subject)
csytrs_rook.f(3)    - (unknown subject)
ctags(1)            - Generate tag files for source code
ctangle(1)          - translate CWEB to C and/or TeX
ctanify(1)          - Prepare a package for upload to CTAN
ctbcon(3)           - (unknown subject)
ctbcon.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
ctbmv(3)            - (unknown subject)
ctbmv.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
ctbrfs(3)           - (unknown subject)
ctbrfs.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
ctbsv(3)            - (unknown subject)
ctbsv.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
ctbtrs(3)           - (unknown subject)
ctbtrs.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
ctest(1)            - Testing driver provided by CMake.
ctfsm(3)            - (unknown subject)
ctfsm.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
ctftri(3)           - (unknown subject)
ctftri.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
ctfttp(3)           - (unknown subject)
ctfttp.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
ctfttr(3)           - (unknown subject)
ctfttr.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
ctgevc(3)           - (unknown subject)
ctgevc.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
ctgex2(3)           - (unknown subject)
ctgex2.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
ctgexc(3)           - (unknown subject)
ctgexc.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
ctgsen(3)           - (unknown subject)
ctgsen.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
ctgsja(3)           - (unknown subject)
ctgsja.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
ctgsna(3)           - (unknown subject)
ctgsna.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
ctgsy2(3)           - (unknown subject)
ctgsy2.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
ctgsyl(3)           - (unknown subject)
ctgsyl.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
ctie(1)             - merge or apply CWEB change files
ctime(3)            - (unknown subject)
ctorrent(1)         - program that allows a user to download bittorrent files by using a terminal, even used remotely with an ssh access
ctpcon(3)           - (unknown subject)
ctpcon.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
ctpmqrt(3)          - (unknown subject)
ctpmqrt.f(3)        - (unknown subject)
ctpmv(3)            - (unknown subject)
ctpmv.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
ctpqrt2(3)          - (unknown subject)
ctpqrt2.f(3)        - (unknown subject)
ctpqrt(3)           - (unknown subject)
ctpqrt.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
ctprfb(3)           - (unknown subject)
ctprfb.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
ctprfs(3)           - (unknown subject)
ctprfs.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
ctpsv(3)            - (unknown subject)
ctpsv.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
ctptri(3)           - (unknown subject)
ctptri.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
ctptrs(3)           - (unknown subject)
ctptrs.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
ctpttf(3)           - (unknown subject)
ctpttf.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
ctpttr(3)           - (unknown subject)
ctpttr.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
ctrcon(3)           - (unknown subject)
ctrcon.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
ctrevc(3)           - (unknown subject)
ctrevc.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
ctrexc(3)           - (unknown subject)
ctrexc.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
ctris(6)            - (unknown subject)
ctrmm(3)            - (unknown subject)
ctrmm.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
ctrmv(3)            - (unknown subject)
ctrmv.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
ctrrfs(3)           - (unknown subject)
ctrrfs.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
ctrsen(3)           - (unknown subject)
ctrsen.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
ctrsm(3)            - (unknown subject)
ctrsm.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
ctrsna(3)           - (unknown subject)
ctrsna.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
ctrsv(3)            - (unknown subject)
ctrsv.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
ctrsyl(3)           - (unknown subject)
ctrsyl.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
ctrti2(3)           - (unknown subject)
ctrti2.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
ctrtri(3)           - (unknown subject)
ctrtri.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
ctrtrs(3)           - (unknown subject)
ctrtrs.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
ctrttf(3)           - (unknown subject)
ctrttf.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
ctrttp(3)           - (unknown subject)
ctrttp.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
ctxtools(1)         - (unknown subject)
ctzrqf(3)           - (unknown subject)
ctzrqf.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
ctzrzf(3)           - (unknown subject)
ctzrzf.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
cunbdb1(3)          - (unknown subject)
cunbdb1.f(3)        - (unknown subject)
cunbdb2(3)          - (unknown subject)
cunbdb2.f(3)        - (unknown subject)
cunbdb3(3)          - (unknown subject)
cunbdb3.f(3)        - (unknown subject)
cunbdb(3)           - (unknown subject)
cunbdb4(3)          - (unknown subject)
cunbdb4.f(3)        - (unknown subject)
cunbdb5(3)          - (unknown subject)
cunbdb5.f(3)        - (unknown subject)
cunbdb6(3)          - (unknown subject)
cunbdb6.f(3)        - (unknown subject)
cunbdb.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
cuncsd2by1(3)       - (unknown subject)
cuncsd2by1.f(3)     - (unknown subject)
cuncsd(3)           - (unknown subject)
cuncsd.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
cung2l(3)           - (unknown subject)
cung2l.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
cung2r(3)           - (unknown subject)
cung2r.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
cungbr(3)           - (unknown subject)
cungbr.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
cunghr(3)           - (unknown subject)
cunghr.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
cungl2(3)           - (unknown subject)
cungl2.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
cunglq(3)           - (unknown subject)
cunglq.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
cungql(3)           - (unknown subject)
cungql.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
cungqr(3)           - (unknown subject)
cungqr.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
cungr2(3)           - (unknown subject)
cungr2.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
cungrq(3)           - (unknown subject)
cungrq.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
cungtr(3)           - (unknown subject)
cungtr.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
CUnit(3)            - A unit testing framework for C
cunm2l(3)           - (unknown subject)
cunm2l.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
cunm2r(3)           - (unknown subject)
cunm2r.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
cunmbr(3)           - (unknown subject)
cunmbr.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
cunmhr(3)           - (unknown subject)
cunmhr.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
cunml2(3)           - (unknown subject)
cunml2.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
cunmlq(3)           - (unknown subject)
cunmlq.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
cunmql(3)           - (unknown subject)
cunmql.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
cunmqr(3)           - (unknown subject)
cunmqr.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
cunmr2(3)           - (unknown subject)
cunmr2.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
cunmr3(3)           - (unknown subject)
cunmr3.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
cunmrq(3)           - (unknown subject)
cunmrq.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
cunmrz(3)           - (unknown subject)
cunmrz.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
cunmtr(3)           - (unknown subject)
cunmtr.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
cupgtr(3)           - (unknown subject)
cupgtr.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
cupmtr(3)           - (unknown subject)
cupmtr.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
curl(1)             - transfer a URL
curl-config(1)      - Get information about a libcurl installation
curl_easy_cleanup(3) - End a libcurl easy session
curl_easy_duphandle(3) - Clone a libcurl session handle
curl_easy_escape(3) - URL encodes the given string
curl_easy_getinfo(3) - extract information from a curl handle
curl_easy_init(3)   - Start a libcurl easy session
curl_easy_pause(3)  - pause and unpause a connection
curl_easy_perform(3) - Perform a file transfer
curl_easy_recv(3)   - receives raw data on an "easy" connection
curl_easy_reset(3)  - reset all options of a libcurl session handle
curl_easy_send(3)   - sends raw data over an "easy" connection
curl_easy_setopt(3) - set options for a curl easy handle
curl_easy_strerror(3) - return string describing error code
curl_easy_unescape(3) - URL decodes the given string
curl_escape(3)      - URL encodes the given string
curl_formadd(3)     - add a section to a multipart/formdata HTTP POST
curl_formfree(3)    - free a previously build multipart/formdata HTTP POST chain
curl_formget(3)     - serialize a previously built multipart/formdata HTTP POST chain
curl_free(3)        - reclaim memory that has been obtained through a libcurl call
curl_getdate(3)     - Convert a date string to number of seconds since January 1, 1970
curl_getenv(3)      - return value for environment name
curl_global_cleanup(3) - global libcurl cleanup
curl_global_init(3) - Global libcurl initialisation
curl_global_init_mem(3) - Global libcurl initialisation with memory callbacks
curl_mprintf(3)     - formatted output conversion
curl_multi_add_handle(3) - add an easy handle to a multi session
curl_multi_assign(3) - set data to association with an internal socket
curl_multi_cleanup(3) - close down a multi session
curl_multi_fdset(3) - extracts file descriptor information from a multi handle
curl_multi_info_read(3) - read multi stack informationals
curl_multi_init(3)  - create a multi handle
curl_multi_perform(3) - reads/writes available data from each easy handle
curl_multi_remove_handle(3) - remove an easy handle from a multi session
curl_multi_setopt(3) - set options for a curl multi handle
curl_multi_socket(3) - reads/writes available data
curl_multi_socket_action(3) - reads/writes available data given an action
curl_multi_strerror(3) - return string describing error code
curl_multi_timeout(3) - how long to wait for action before proceeding
curl_multi_wait(3)  - polls on all easy handles in a multi handle
curl_share_cleanup(3) - Clean up a shared object
curl_share_init(3)  - Create a shared object
curl_share_setopt(3) - Set options for a shared object
curl_share_strerror(3) - return string describing error code
curl_slist_append(3) - add a string to an slist
curl_slist_free_all(3) - free an entire curl_slist list
curl_strequal(3)    - case insensitive string comparisons
curl_unescape(3)    - URL decodes the given string
curl_version(3)     - returns the libcurl version string
curl_version_info(3) - returns run-time libcurl version info
current_field(3x)   - set and get form page number
current_item(3x)    - set and get current_menu_item
curs_addch(3x)      - add a character (with attributes) to a curses window, then advance the cursor
curs_addchstr(3x)   - add a string of characters (and attributes) to a curses window
curs_addstr(3x)     - add a string of characters to a curses window and advance cursor
curs_add_wch(3x)    - add a complex character and rendition to a curses window, then advance the cursor
curs_add_wchstr(3x) - add an array of complex characters (and attributes) to a curses window
curs_addwstr(3x)    - add a string of wide characters to a curses window and advance cursor
curs_attr(3x)       - curses character and window attribute control routines
curs_beep(3x)       - curses bell and screen flash routines
curs_bkgd(3x)       - curses window background manipulation routines
curs_bkgrnd(3x)     - curses window complex background manipulation routines
curs_border(3x)     - create curses borders, horizontal and vertical lines
curs_border_set(3x) - create curses borders or lines using complex characters and renditions
curs_clear(3x)      - clear all or part of a curses window
curs_color(3x)      - curses color manipulation routines
curs_delch(3x)      - delete character under the cursor in a curses window
curs_deleteln(3x)   - delete and insert lines in a curses window
curses_version(3x)  - miscellaneous curses extensions
curs_extend(3x)     - miscellaneous curses extensions
curs_getcchar(3x)   - Get a wide character string and rendition from a cchar_t or set a cchar_t from a wide-character string
curs_getch(3x)      - get (or push back) characters from curses terminal keyboard
curs_getstr(3x)     - accept character strings from curses terminal keyboard
curs_get_wch(3x)    - get (or push back) a wide character from curses terminal keyboard
curs_get_wstr(3x)   - get an array of wide characters from a curses terminal keyboard
curs_getyx(3x)      - get curses cursor and window coordinates
curs_inch(3x)       - get a character and attributes from a curses window
curs_inchstr(3x)    - get a string of characters (and attributes) from a curses window
curs_initscr(3x)    - curses screen initialization and manipulation routines
curs_inopts(3x)     - curses input options
curs_insch(3x)      - insert a character before cursor in a curses window
curs_insstr(3x)     - insert string before cursor in a curses window
curs_instr(3x)      - get a string of characters from a curses window
curs_ins_wch(3x)    - insert a complex character and rendition into a window
curs_ins_wstr(3x)   - insert a wide-character string into a curses window
curs_in_wch(3x)     - extract a complex character and rendition from a window
curs_in_wchstr(3x)  - get an array of complex characters and renditions from a curses window
curs_inwstr(3x)     - get a string of wchar_t characters from a curses window
curs_kernel(3x)     - low-level curses routines
curs_legacy(3x)     - get curses cursor and window coordinates
curs_memleaks(3x)   - curses memory-leak checking
curs_mouse(3x)      - mouse interface through curses
curs_move(3x)       - move curses window cursor
curs_opaque(3x)     - curses window properties
cursors(n)          - mouse cursors available in Tk
curs_outopts(3x)    - curses output options
curs_overlay(3x)    - overlay and manipulate overlapped curses windows
curs_pad(3x)        - create and display curses pads
curs_print(3x)      - ship binary data to printer
curs_printw(3x)     - print formatted output in curses windows
curs_refresh(3x)    - refresh curses windows and lines
curs_scanw(3x)      - convert formatted input from a curses window
curs_scr_dump(3x)   - read(write) a curses screen from(to) a file
curs_scroll(3x)     - scroll a curses window
curs_set(3x)        - low-level curses routines
curs_slk(3x)        - curses soft label routines
curs_termattrs(3x)  - curses environment query routines
curs_termcap(3x)    - direct curses interface to the terminfo capability database
curs_terminfo(3x)   - curses interfaces to terminfo database
curs_threads(3x)    - curses thread support
curs_touch(3x)      - curses refresh control routines
curs_trace(3x)      - curses debugging routines
curs_util(3x)       - miscellaneous curses utility routines
curs_window(3x)     - create curses windows
cut(1)              - remove sections from each line of files
cvs(1)              - Concurrent Versions System
cvs(5)              - Concurrent Versions System support files
cvsbug(8)           - send problem report(PR) about CVS to a central support site
cvschroot(1)        - CVS utilities for use in working directories
cvsco(1)            - CVS utilities for use in working directories
cvsdiscard(1)       - CVS utilities for use in working directories
cvsdo(1)            - CVS utilities for use in working directories
cvsps(1)            - create patchset information from CVS
cvspurge(1)         - CVS utilities for use in working directories
cvstrim(1)          - CVS utilities for use in working directories
cvsu(1)             - CVS utilities for use in working directories
cvsutils(1)         - CVS utilities for use in working directories
Cwd(3pm)            - get pathname of current working directory
cweave(1)           - translate CWEB to C and/or TeX
cweb(1)             - translate CWEB to C and/or TeX
cwebp(1)            - compress an image file to a WebP file
cxpm(1)             - Check an XPM (X PixMap) file, versions XPM 1, 2, or 3.
cxpm-noX(1)         - Check an XPM (X PixMap) file - XPM 1, 2, or 3.
cygcheck(1)         - (unknown subject)
cygpath(1)          - (unknown subject)
cygport(1)          - Cygwin source packaging tool
cygstart(1)         - start a program or open a file or URL
cygwin(1)           - Introduction to the Cygwin Environment
cygwin_attach_handle_to_fd(3) - (unknown subject)
cygwin_conv_path(3) - (unknown subject)
cygwin_conv_path_list(3) - (unknown subject)
cygwin_create_path(3) - (unknown subject)
cygwin_detach_dll(3) - (unknown subject)
cygwin_internal(3)  - (unknown subject)
cygwin_logon_user(3) - (unknown subject)
cygwin_posix_path_list_p(3) - (unknown subject)
cygwin_set_impersonation_token(3) - (unknown subject)
cygwin_split_path(3) - (unknown subject)
cygwin_stackdump(3) - (unknown subject)
cygwin_winpid_to_pid(3) - (unknown subject)
d2i_509_CRL_fp(3)   - PKCS#10 certificate request functions.
d2i_DHparams(3)     - PKCS#3 DH parameter functions.
d2i_DSAPrivateKey(3) - DSA key encoding and parsing functions.
d2i_DSA_PUBKEY(3)   - DSA key encoding and parsing functions.
d2i_DSAPublicKey(3) - DSA key encoding and parsing functions.
d2i_DSA_SIG(3)      - DSA key encoding and parsing functions.
d2i_Netscape_RSA(3) - RSA public and private key encoding functions.
d2i_PKCS8PrivateKey(3) - PKCS#8 format private key functions
d2i_PKCS8PrivateKey_bio(3) - PKCS#8 format private key functions
d2i_PKCS8PrivateKey_fp(3) - PKCS#8 format private key functions
d2i_RSAPrivateKey(3) - RSA public and private key encoding functions.
d2i_RSA_PUBKEY(3)   - RSA public and private key encoding functions.
d2i_RSAPublicKey(3) - RSA public and private key encoding functions.
d2i_SSL_SESSION(3)  - convert SSL_SESSION object from/to ASN1 representation
d2i_X509(3)         - X509 encode and decode functions
d2i_X509_ALGOR(3)   - AlgorithmIdentifier functions.
d2i_X509_bio(3)     - X509 encode and decode functions
d2i_X509_CRL(3)     - PKCS#10 certificate request functions.
d2i_X509_CRL_bio(3) - PKCS#10 certificate request functions.
d2i_X509_fp(3)      - X509 encode and decode functions
d2i_X509_NAME(3)    - X509_NAME encoding functions
d2i_X509_REQ(3)     - PKCS#10 certificate request functions.
d2i_X509_REQ_bio(3) - PKCS#10 certificate request functions.
d2i_X509_REQ_fp(3)  - PKCS#10 certificate request functions.
d2i_X509_SIG(3)     - DigestInfo functions.
d2u(1)              - DOS/Mac to Unix and vice versa text file format converter
dash(1)             - command interpreter(shell)
dasum(3)            - (unknown subject)
dasum.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
data(3)             - (unknown subject)
data_ahead(3x)      - test for off-screen data in given forms
Data.Alias(3pm)     - Comprehensive set of aliasing operations
data_behind(3x)     - test for off-screen data in given forms
datacopy(1)         - move table data between two servers
Data.Dumper(3pm)    - stringified perl data structures, suitable for both printing and "eval"
Data.GUID(3pm)      - globally unique identifiers
Data.OptList(3pm)   - parse and validate simple name/value option pairs
Data.UUID(3pm)      - Perl extension for generating Globally/Universally Unique Identifiers (GUIDs/UUIDs).
date(1)             - print or set the system date and time
date@ (1)            - print the date on a host
Date.Manip(3pm)     - Date manipulation routines
Date.Manip.Base(3pm) - Base methods for date manipulation
Date.Manip.Calc(3pm) - describes date calculations
Date.Manip.Changes5(3pm) - changes in Date::Manip 5.xx
Date.Manip.Changes5to6(3pm) - describes differences between 5.xx and 6.00
Date.Manip.Changes6(3pm) - changes in Date::Manip 6.xx
Date.Manip.Config(3pm) - Date::Manip configuration
Date.Manip.ConfigFile(3pm) - sample config file
Date.Manip.Date(3pm) - Methods for working with dates
Date.Manip.Delta(3pm) - Methods for working with deltas
Date.Manip.DM5(3pm) - Date manipulation routines
Date.Manip.DM5abbrevs(3pm) - A list of all timezone abbreviations
Date.Manip.DM6(3pm) - Date manipulation routines
Date.Manip.Examples(3pm) - examples of how to use Date::Manip
Date.Manip.Holidays(3pm) - describes holidays and events
Date.Manip.Lang(3pm) - language support for Date::Manip
Date.Manip.Lang.catalan(3pm) - Catalan language support.
Date.Manip.Lang.danish(3pm) - Danish language support.
Date.Manip.Lang.dutch(3pm) - Dutch language support.
Date.Manip.Lang.english(3pm) - English language support.
Date.Manip.Lang.finnish(3pm) - Finnish language support.
Date.Manip.Lang.french(3pm) - French language support.
Date.Manip.Lang.german(3pm) - German language support.
Date.Manip.Lang.index(3pm) - An index of languages supported by Date::Manip
Date.Manip.Lang.italian(3pm) - Italian language support.
Date.Manip.Lang.norwegian(3pm) - Norwegian language support.
Date.Manip.Lang.polish(3pm) - Polish language support.
Date.Manip.Lang.portugue(3pm) - Portuguese language support.
Date.Manip.Lang.romanian(3pm) - Romanian language support.
Date.Manip.Lang.russian(3pm) - Russian language support.
Date.Manip.Lang.spanish(3pm) - Spanish language support.
Date.Manip.Lang.swedish(3pm) - Swedish language support.
Date.Manip.Lang.turkish(3pm) - Turkish language support.
Date.Manip.Migration5to6(3pm) - how to upgrade from 5.xx to 6.00
Date.Manip.Misc(3pm) - Miscellaneous information about Date::Manip
Date.Manip.Obj(3pm) - Base class for Date::Manip objects
Date.Manip.Objects(3pm) - A description of the various Date::Manip objects
Date.Manip.Offset.off000(3pm) - Support for the +00:00:00 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off001(3pm) - Support for the +00:04:52 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off002(3pm) - Support for the +00:06:04 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off003(3pm) - Support for the +00:08:28 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off004(3pm) - Support for the +00:09:21 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off005(3pm) - Support for the +00:10:28 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off006(3pm) - Support for the +00:12:12 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off007(3pm) - Support for the +00:13:36 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off008(3pm) - Support for the +00:17:30 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off009(3pm) - Support for the +00:19:32 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off010(3pm) - Support for the +00:20:00 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off011(3pm) - Support for the +00:24:36 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off012(3pm) - Support for the +00:26:56 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off013(3pm) - Support for the +00:29:32 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off014(3pm) - Support for the +00:29:44 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off015(3pm) - Support for the +00:34:08 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off016(3pm) - Support for the +00:34:39 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off017(3pm) - Support for the +00:35:08 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off018(3pm) - Support for the +00:37:48 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off019(3pm) - Support for the +00:38:04 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off020(3pm) - Support for the +00:38:48 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off021(3pm) - Support for the +00:40:44 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off022(3pm) - Support for the +00:43:00 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off023(3pm) - Support for the +00:49:56 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off024(3pm) - Support for the +00:50:20 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off025(3pm) - Support for the +00:52:04 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off026(3pm) - Support for the +00:52:44 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off027(3pm) - Support for the +00:52:56 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off028(3pm) - Support for the +00:53:28 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off029(3pm) - Support for the +00:57:44 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off030(3pm) - Support for the +00:58:04 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off031(3pm) - Support for the +01:00:00 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off032(3pm) - Support for the +01:00:12 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off033(3pm) - Support for the +01:00:14 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off034(3pm) - Support for the +01:01:08 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off035(3pm) - Support for the +01:01:12 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off036(3pm) - Support for the +01:05:20 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off037(3pm) - Support for the +01:08:24 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off038(3pm) - Support for the +01:12:12 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off039(3pm) - Support for the +01:14:20 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off040(3pm) - Support for the +01:16:20 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off041(3pm) - Support for the +01:19:20 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off042(3pm) - Support for the +01:19:32 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off043(3pm) - Support for the +01:20:00 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off044(3pm) - Support for the +01:22:00 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off045(3pm) - Support for the +01:24:00 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off046(3pm) - Support for the +01:29:12 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off047(3pm) - Support for the +01:30:00 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off048(3pm) - Support for the +01:33:16 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off049(3pm) - Support for the +01:34:52 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off050(3pm) - Support for the +01:35:36 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off051(3pm) - Support for the +01:36:24 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off052(3pm) - Support for the +01:39:00 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off053(3pm) - Support for the +01:39:52 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off054(3pm) - Support for the +01:41:16 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off055(3pm) - Support for the +01:43:40 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off056(3pm) - Support for the +01:44:24 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off057(3pm) - Support for the +01:49:52 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off058(3pm) - Support for the +01:50:00 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off059(3pm) - Support for the +01:50:16 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off060(3pm) - Support for the +01:52:00 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off061(3pm) - Support for the +01:53:08 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off062(3pm) - Support for the +01:55:00 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off063(3pm) - Support for the +01:55:20 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off064(3pm) - Support for the +01:55:52 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off065(3pm) - Support for the +01:56:56 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off066(3pm) - Support for the +01:57:28 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off067(3pm) - Support for the +02:00:00 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off068(3pm) - Support for the +02:00:16 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off069(3pm) - Support for the +02:02:04 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off070(3pm) - Support for the +02:04:12 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off071(3pm) - Support for the +02:04:24 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off072(3pm) - Support for the +02:05:00 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off073(3pm) - Support for the +02:06:24 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off074(3pm) - Support for the +02:09:40 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off075(3pm) - Support for the +02:10:08 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off076(3pm) - Support for the +02:10:20 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off077(3pm) - Support for the +02:13:28 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off078(3pm) - Support for the +02:16:00 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off079(3pm) - Support for the +02:16:24 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off080(3pm) - Support for the +02:17:52 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off081(3pm) - Support for the +02:20:00 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off082(3pm) - Support for the +02:20:23 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off083(3pm) - Support for the +02:20:40 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off084(3pm) - Support for the +02:20:56 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off085(3pm) - Support for the +02:22:00 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off086(3pm) - Support for the +02:23:44 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off087(3pm) - Support for the +02:25:12 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off088(3pm) - Support for the +02:27:16 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off089(3pm) - Support for the +02:30:00 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off090(3pm) - Support for the +02:30:20 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off091(3pm) - Support for the +02:30:48 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off092(3pm) - Support for the +02:34:48 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off093(3pm) - Support for the +02:35:20 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off094(3pm) - Support for the +02:35:32 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off095(3pm) - Support for the +02:36:24 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off096(3pm) - Support for the +02:37:08 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off097(3pm) - Support for the +02:45:00 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off098(3pm) - Support for the +02:52:36 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off099(3pm) - Support for the +02:53:04 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off100(3pm) - Support for the +02:57:36 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off101(3pm) - Support for the +02:57:40 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off102(3pm) - Support for the +02:58:00 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off103(3pm) - Support for the +02:59:16 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off104(3pm) - Support for the +03:00:00 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off105(3pm) - Support for the +03:00:48 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off106(3pm) - Support for the +03:00:56 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off107(3pm) - Support for the +03:01:28 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off108(3pm) - Support for the +03:06:52 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off109(3pm) - Support for the +03:10:04 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off110(3pm) - Support for the +03:11:56 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off111(3pm) - Support for the +03:19:24 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off112(3pm) - Support for the +03:20:36 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off113(3pm) - Support for the +03:21:04 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off114(3pm) - Support for the +03:22:20 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off115(3pm) - Support for the +03:25:24 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off116(3pm) - Support for the +03:25:44 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off117(3pm) - Support for the +03:26:08 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off118(3pm) - Support for the +03:30:00 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off119(3pm) - Support for the +03:30:48 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off120(3pm) - Support for the +03:41:12 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off121(3pm) - Support for the +03:41:48 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off122(3pm) - Support for the +03:41:52 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off123(3pm) - Support for the +03:48:40 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off124(3pm) - Support for the +03:50:00 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off125(3pm) - Support for the +03:53:32 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off126(3pm) - Support for the +03:54:20 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off127(3pm) - Support for the +04:00:00 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off128(3pm) - Support for the +04:02:24 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off129(3pm) - Support for the +04:21:52 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off130(3pm) - Support for the +04:27:12 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off131(3pm) - Support for the +04:28:12 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off132(3pm) - Support for the +04:30:00 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off133(3pm) - Support for the +04:30:48 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off134(3pm) - Support for the +04:35:12 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off135(3pm) - Support for the +04:36:48 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off136(3pm) - Support for the +04:37:12 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off137(3pm) - Support for the +04:49:40 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off138(3pm) - Support for the +04:53:36 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off139(3pm) - Support for the +04:54:00 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off140(3pm) - Support for the +04:58:24 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off141(3pm) - Support for the +05:00:00 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off142(3pm) - Support for the +05:03:56 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off143(3pm) - Support for the +05:07:48 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off144(3pm) - Support for the +05:19:24 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off145(3pm) - Support for the +05:19:32 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off146(3pm) - Support for the +05:30:00 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off147(3pm) - Support for the +05:31:40 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off148(3pm) - Support for the +05:41:16 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off149(3pm) - Support for the +05:45:00 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off150(3pm) - Support for the +05:48:48 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off151(3pm) - Support for the +05:50:20 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off152(3pm) - Support for the +05:53:20 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off153(3pm) - Support for the +05:53:28 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off154(3pm) - Support for the +05:58:36 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off155(3pm) - Support for the +06:00:00 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off156(3pm) - Support for the +06:01:40 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off157(3pm) - Support for the +06:06:36 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off158(3pm) - Support for the +06:11:20 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off159(3pm) - Support for the +06:24:36 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off160(3pm) - Support for the +06:24:40 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off161(3pm) - Support for the +06:27:40 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off162(3pm) - Support for the +06:30:00 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off163(3pm) - Support for the +06:42:04 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off164(3pm) - Support for the +06:46:46 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off165(3pm) - Support for the +06:50:24 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off166(3pm) - Support for the +06:55:25 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off167(3pm) - Support for the +06:57:20 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off168(3pm) - Support for the +06:59:40 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off169(3pm) - Support for the +07:00:00 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off170(3pm) - Support for the +07:02:52 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off171(3pm) - Support for the +07:06:20 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off172(3pm) - Support for the +07:06:40 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off173(3pm) - Support for the +07:07:12 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off174(3pm) - Support for the +07:07:32 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off175(3pm) - Support for the +07:17:20 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off176(3pm) - Support for the +07:20:00 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off177(3pm) - Support for the +07:21:20 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off178(3pm) - Support for the +07:30:00 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off179(3pm) - Support for the +07:34:20 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off180(3pm) - Support for the +07:36:36 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off181(3pm) - Support for the +07:38:00 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off182(3pm) - Support for the +07:39:40 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off183(3pm) - Support for the +07:43:24 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off184(3pm) - Support for the +07:57:36 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off185(3pm) - Support for the +08:00:00 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off186(3pm) - Support for the +08:04:00 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off187(3pm) - Support for the +08:05:52 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off188(3pm) - Support for the +08:06:00 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off189(3pm) - Support for the +08:20:00 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off190(3pm) - Support for the +08:22:20 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off191(3pm) - Support for the +08:23:00 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off192(3pm) - Support for the +08:26:44 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off193(3pm) - Support for the +08:27:52 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off194(3pm) - Support for the +08:30:00 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off195(3pm) - Support for the +08:35:28 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off196(3pm) - Support for the +08:38:40 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off197(3pm) - Support for the +08:43:20 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off198(3pm) - Support for the +08:45:00 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off199(3pm) - Support for the +08:47:44 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off200(3pm) - Support for the +08:57:56 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off201(3pm) - Support for the +09:00:00 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off202(3pm) - Support for the +09:14:20 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off203(3pm) - Support for the +09:18:59 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off204(3pm) - Support for the +09:22:48 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off205(3pm) - Support for the +09:25:48 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off206(3pm) - Support for the +09:30:00 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off207(3pm) - Support for the +09:30:48 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off208(3pm) - Support for the +09:35:28 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off209(3pm) - Support for the +09:39:00 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off210(3pm) - Support for the +09:39:52 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off211(3pm) - Support for the +09:43:00 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off212(3pm) - Support for the +09:45:00 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off213(3pm) - Support for the +09:48:32 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off214(3pm) - Support for the +09:48:40 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off215(3pm) - Support for the +09:49:16 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off216(3pm) - Support for the +09:55:56 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off217(3pm) - Support for the +10:00:00 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off218(3pm) - Support for the +10:03:12 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off219(3pm) - Support for the +10:04:52 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off220(3pm) - Support for the +10:07:08 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off221(3pm) - Support for the +10:12:08 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off222(3pm) - Support for the +10:30:00 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off223(3pm) - Support for the +10:32:52 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off224(3pm) - Support for the +10:34:36 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off225(3pm) - Support for the +10:36:20 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off226(3pm) - Support for the +10:39:48 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off227(3pm) - Support for the +10:51:56 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off228(3pm) - Support for the +11:00:00 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off229(3pm) - Support for the +11:05:48 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off230(3pm) - Support for the +11:06:28 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off231(3pm) - Support for the +11:07:40 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off232(3pm) - Support for the +11:09:20 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off233(3pm) - Support for the +11:11:52 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off234(3pm) - Support for the +11:12:00 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off235(3pm) - Support for the +11:13:16 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off236(3pm) - Support for the +11:24:48 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off237(3pm) - Support for the +11:30:00 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off238(3pm) - Support for the +11:32:04 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off239(3pm) - Support for the +11:39:04 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off240(3pm) - Support for the +11:49:56 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off241(3pm) - Support for the +11:53:40 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off242(3pm) - Support for the +11:56:52 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off243(3pm) - Support for the +12:00:00 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off244(3pm) - Support for the +12:13:21 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off245(3pm) - Support for the +12:13:48 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off246(3pm) - Support for the +12:15:20 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off247(3pm) - Support for the +12:19:20 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off248(3pm) - Support for the +12:20:00 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off249(3pm) - Support for the +12:30:00 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off250(3pm) - Support for the +12:33:04 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off251(3pm) - Support for the +12:37:12 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off252(3pm) - Support for the +12:45:00 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off253(3pm) - Support for the +12:58:21 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off254(3pm) - Support for the +13:00:00 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off255(3pm) - Support for the +13:45:00 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off256(3pm) - Support for the +14:00:00 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off257(3pm) - Support for the +14:00:24 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off258(3pm) - Support for the +14:41:05 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off259(3pm) - Support for the +14:58:47 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off260(3pm) - Support for the +15:02:19 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off261(3pm) - Support for the +15:13:42 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off262(3pm) - Support for the - 00:00:52 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off263(3pm) - Support for the - 00:01:15 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off264(3pm) - Support for the - 00:06:04 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off265(3pm) - Support for the - 00:14:44 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off266(3pm) - Support for the - 00:16:08 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off267(3pm) - Support for the - 00:20:00 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off268(3pm) - Support for the - 00:21:16 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off269(3pm) - Support for the - 00:21:24 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off270(3pm) - Support for the - 00:22:48 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off271(3pm) - Support for the - 00:25:00 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off272(3pm) - Support for the - 00:25:21 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off273(3pm) - Support for the - 00:27:04 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off274(3pm) - Support for the - 00:30:20 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off275(3pm) - Support for the - 00:32:00 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off276(3pm) - Support for the - 00:36:32 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off277(3pm) - Support for the - 00:43:08 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off278(3pm) - Support for the - 00:44:30 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off279(3pm) - Support for the - 00:52:48 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off280(3pm) - Support for the - 00:53:00 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off281(3pm) - Support for the - 00:54:52 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off282(3pm) - Support for the - 01:00:00 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off283(3pm) - Support for the - 01:01:36 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off284(3pm) - Support for the - 01:02:20 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off285(3pm) - Support for the - 01:03:48 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off286(3pm) - Support for the - 01:06:36 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off287(3pm) - Support for the - 01:07:36 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off288(3pm) - Support for the - 01:09:44 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off289(3pm) - Support for the - 01:14:40 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off290(3pm) - Support for the - 01:27:24 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off291(3pm) - Support for the - 01:27:48 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off292(3pm) - Support for the - 01:27:52 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off293(3pm) - Support for the - 01:30:00 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off294(3pm) - Support for the - 01:34:04 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off295(3pm) - Support for the - 01:42:40 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off296(3pm) - Support for the - 01:54:32 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off297(3pm) - Support for the - 02:00:00 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off298(3pm) - Support for the - 02:09:40 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off299(3pm) - Support for the - 02:19:36 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off300(3pm) - Support for the - 02:22:52 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off301(3pm) - Support for the - 02:26:08 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off302(3pm) - Support for the - 02:30:00 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off303(3pm) - Support for the - 02:30:52 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off304(3pm) - Support for the - 02:34:00 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off305(3pm) - Support for the - 02:34:04 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off306(3pm) - Support for the - 03:00:00 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off307(3pm) - Support for the - 03:06:28 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off308(3pm) - Support for the - 03:12:48 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off309(3pm) - Support for the - 03:13:56 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off310(3pm) - Support for the - 03:26:56 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off311(3pm) - Support for the - 03:29:20 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off312(3pm) - Support for the - 03:30:00 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off313(3pm) - Support for the - 03:30:52 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off314(3pm) - Support for the - 03:32:36 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off315(3pm) - Support for the - 03:38:28 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off316(3pm) - Support for the - 03:38:48 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off317(3pm) - Support for the - 03:40:36 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off318(3pm) - Support for the - 03:40:40 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off319(3pm) - Support for the - 03:40:52 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off320(3pm) - Support for the - 03:44:20 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off321(3pm) - Support for the - 03:44:40 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off322(3pm) - Support for the - 03:44:44 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off323(3pm) - Support for the - 03:45:00 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off324(3pm) - Support for the - 03:48:28 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off325(3pm) - Support for the - 03:50:40 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off326(3pm) - Support for the - 03:51:24 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off327(3pm) - Support for the - 03:52:40 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off328(3pm) - Support for the - 03:53:48 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off329(3pm) - Support for the - 03:58:28 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off330(3pm) - Support for the - 03:59:48 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off331(3pm) - Support for the - 04:00:00 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off332(3pm) - Support for the - 04:00:04 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off333(3pm) - Support for the - 04:01:40 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off334(3pm) - Support for the - 04:02:40 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off335(3pm) - Support for the - 04:04:00 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off336(3pm) - Support for the - 04:04:20 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off337(3pm) - Support for the - 04:04:56 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off338(3pm) - Support for the - 04:05:36 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off339(3pm) - Support for the - 04:06:04 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off340(3pm) - Support for the - 04:06:08 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off341(3pm) - Support for the - 04:07:00 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off342(3pm) - Support for the - 04:07:12 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off343(3pm) - Support for the - 04:08:52 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off344(3pm) - Support for the - 04:10:52 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off345(3pm) - Support for the - 04:12:16 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off346(3pm) - Support for the - 04:14:24 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off347(3pm) - Support for the - 04:15:36 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off348(3pm) - Support for the - 04:16:48 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off349(3pm) - Support for the - 04:18:28 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off350(3pm) - Support for the - 04:19:04 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off351(3pm) - Support for the - 04:19:08 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off352(3pm) - Support for the - 04:19:44 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off353(3pm) - Support for the - 04:20:52 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off354(3pm) - Support for the - 04:21:12 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off355(3pm) - Support for the - 04:21:40 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off356(3pm) - Support for the - 04:23:08 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off357(3pm) - Support for the - 04:24:25 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off358(3pm) - Support for the - 04:25:24 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off359(3pm) - Support for the - 04:27:24 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off360(3pm) - Support for the - 04:27:40 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off361(3pm) - Support for the - 04:27:44 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off362(3pm) - Support for the - 04:30:00 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off363(3pm) - Support for the - 04:31:12 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off364(3pm) - Support for the - 04:32:36 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off365(3pm) - Support for the - 04:33:12 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off366(3pm) - Support for the - 04:34:04 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off367(3pm) - Support for the - 04:35:08 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off368(3pm) - Support for the - 04:35:16 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off369(3pm) - Support for the - 04:35:44 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off370(3pm) - Support for the - 04:36:52 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off371(3pm) - Support for the - 04:39:28 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off372(3pm) - Support for the - 04:39:36 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off373(3pm) - Support for the - 04:40:00 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off374(3pm) - Support for the - 04:40:24 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off375(3pm) - Support for the - 04:42:46 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off376(3pm) - Support for the - 04:44:32 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off377(3pm) - Support for the - 04:49:00 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off378(3pm) - Support for the - 04:49:20 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off379(3pm) - Support for the - 04:54:16 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off380(3pm) - Support for the - 04:56:02 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off381(3pm) - Support for the - 04:56:20 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off382(3pm) - Support for the - 05:00:00 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off383(3pm) - Support for the - 05:07:12 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off384(3pm) - Support for the - 05:08:12 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off385(3pm) - Support for the - 05:08:36 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off386(3pm) - Support for the - 05:09:24 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off387(3pm) - Support for the - 05:14:00 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off388(3pm) - Support for the - 05:17:32 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off389(3pm) - Support for the - 05:18:08 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off390(3pm) - Support for the - 05:19:20 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off391(3pm) - Support for the - 05:19:36 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off392(3pm) - Support for the - 05:25:32 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off393(3pm) - Support for the - 05:29:28 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off394(3pm) - Support for the - 05:29:36 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off395(3pm) - Support for the - 05:30:00 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off396(3pm) - Support for the - 05:32:11 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off397(3pm) - Support for the - 05:36:20 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off398(3pm) - Support for the - 05:39:24 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off399(3pm) - Support for the - 05:40:16 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off400(3pm) - Support for the - 05:43:02 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off401(3pm) - Support for the - 05:44:38 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off402(3pm) - Support for the - 05:45:08 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off403(3pm) - Support for the - 05:45:12 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off404(3pm) - Support for the - 05:45:23 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off405(3pm) - Support for the - 05:46:25 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off406(3pm) - Support for the - 05:46:30 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off407(3pm) - Support for the - 05:47:03 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off408(3pm) - Support for the - 05:47:04 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off409(3pm) - Support for the - 05:48:52 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off410(3pm) - Support for the - 05:49:07 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off411(3pm) - Support for the - 05:50:07 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off412(3pm) - Support for the - 05:50:27 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off413(3pm) - Support for the - 05:50:36 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off414(3pm) - Support for the - 05:52:48 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off415(3pm) - Support for the - 05:53:04 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off416(3pm) - Support for the - 05:56:48 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off417(3pm) - Support for the - 05:57:00 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off418(3pm) - Support for the - 05:58:24 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off419(3pm) - Support for the - 05:58:28 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off420(3pm) - Support for the - 06:00:00 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off421(3pm) - Support for the - 06:02:04 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off422(3pm) - Support for the - 06:06:28 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off423(3pm) - Support for the - 06:18:16 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off424(3pm) - Support for the - 06:28:36 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off425(3pm) - Support for the - 06:36:36 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off426(3pm) - Support for the - 06:40:00 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off427(3pm) - Support for the - 06:41:16 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off428(3pm) - Support for the - 06:45:12 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off429(3pm) - Support for the - 06:45:39 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off430(3pm) - Support for the - 06:47:07 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off431(3pm) - Support for the - 06:57:40 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off432(3pm) - Support for the - 06:58:36 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off433(3pm) - Support for the - 06:59:56 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off434(3pm) - Support for the - 07:00:00 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off435(3pm) - Support for the - 07:01:00 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off436(3pm) - Support for the - 07:04:20 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off437(3pm) - Support for the - 07:05:40 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off438(3pm) - Support for the - 07:11:20 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off439(3pm) - Support for the - 07:17:28 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off440(3pm) - Support for the - 07:17:44 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off441(3pm) - Support for the - 07:23:52 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off442(3pm) - Support for the - 07:28:18 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off443(3pm) - Support for the - 07:33:52 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off444(3pm) - Support for the - 07:39:28 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off445(3pm) - Support for the - 07:44:49 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off446(3pm) - Support for the - 07:46:04 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off447(3pm) - Support for the - 07:48:04 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off448(3pm) - Support for the - 07:52:58 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off449(3pm) - Support for the - 08:00:00 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off450(3pm) - Support for the - 08:00:56 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off451(3pm) - Support for the - 08:12:28 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off452(3pm) - Support for the - 08:30:00 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off453(3pm) - Support for the - 08:40:20 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off454(3pm) - Support for the - 08:46:18 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off455(3pm) - Support for the - 08:57:41 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off456(3pm) - Support for the - 08:59:48 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off457(3pm) - Support for the - 09:00:00 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off458(3pm) - Support for the - 09:00:12 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off459(3pm) - Support for the - 09:01:13 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off460(3pm) - Support for the - 09:17:40 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off461(3pm) - Support for the - 09:18:00 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off462(3pm) - Support for the - 09:18:55 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off463(3pm) - Support for the - 09:30:00 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off464(3pm) - Support for the - 09:58:16 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off465(3pm) - Support for the - 09:59:36 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off466(3pm) - Support for the - 10:00:00 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off467(3pm) - Support for the - 10:29:20 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off468(3pm) - Support for the - 10:30:00 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off469(3pm) - Support for the - 10:31:26 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off470(3pm) - Support for the - 10:39:04 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off471(3pm) - Support for the - 10:40:00 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off472(3pm) - Support for the - 11:00:00 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off473(3pm) - Support for the - 11:01:38 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off474(3pm) - Support for the - 11:19:40 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off475(3pm) - Support for the - 11:20:00 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off476(3pm) - Support for the - 11:22:48 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off477(3pm) - Support for the - 11:24:20 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off478(3pm) - Support for the - 11:24:56 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off479(3pm) - Support for the - 11:26:56 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off480(3pm) - Support for the - 11:30:00 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off481(3pm) - Support for the - 11:46:38 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off482(3pm) - Support for the - 11:49:28 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off483(3pm) - Support for the - 12:00:00 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off484(3pm) - Support for the - 13:00:00 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off485(3pm) - Support for the - 14:00:00 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off486(3pm) - Support for the - 14:17:00 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off487(3pm) - Support for the - 14:21:00 offset
Date.Manip.Offset.off488(3pm) - Support for the - 15:56:00 offset
Date.Manip.Problems(3pm) - problems and bugs
Date.Manip.Recur(3pm) - methods for working with recurring events
Date.Manip.TZ(3pm)  - an interface to the time zone data
Date.Manip.TZ.a00(3pm) - Support for the A time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.afabid00(3pm) - Support for the Africa/Abidjan time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.afaccr00(3pm) - Support for the Africa/Accra time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.afaddi00(3pm) - Support for the Africa/Addis_Ababa time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.afalgi00(3pm) - Support for the Africa/Algiers time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.afasma00(3pm) - Support for the Africa/Asmara time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.afbama00(3pm) - Support for the Africa/Bamako time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.afbang00(3pm) - Support for the Africa/Bangui time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.afbanj00(3pm) - Support for the Africa/Banjul time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.afbiss00(3pm) - Support for the Africa/Bissau time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.afblan00(3pm) - Support for the Africa/Blantyre time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.afbraz00(3pm) - Support for the Africa/Brazzaville time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.afbuju00(3pm) - Support for the Africa/Bujumbura time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.afcair00(3pm) - Support for the Africa/Cairo time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.afcasa00(3pm) - Support for the Africa/Casablanca time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.afceut00(3pm) - Support for the Africa/Ceuta time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.afcona00(3pm) - Support for the Africa/Conakry time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.afdaka00(3pm) - Support for the Africa/Dakar time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.afdar_00(3pm) - Support for the Africa/Dar_es_Salaam time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.afdjib00(3pm) - Support for the Africa/Djibouti time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.afdoua00(3pm) - Support for the Africa/Douala time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.afel_a00(3pm) - Support for the Africa/El_Aaiun time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.affree00(3pm) - Support for the Africa/Freetown time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.afgabo00(3pm) - Support for the Africa/Gaborone time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.afhara00(3pm) - Support for the Africa/Harare time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.afjoha00(3pm) - Support for the Africa/Johannesburg time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.afjuba00(3pm) - Support for the Africa/Juba time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.afkamp00(3pm) - Support for the Africa/Kampala time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.afkhar00(3pm) - Support for the Africa/Khartoum time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.afkiga00(3pm) - Support for the Africa/Kigali time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.afkins00(3pm) - Support for the Africa/Kinshasa time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.aflago00(3pm) - Support for the Africa/Lagos time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.aflibr00(3pm) - Support for the Africa/Libreville time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.aflome00(3pm) - Support for the Africa/Lome time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.afluan00(3pm) - Support for the Africa/Luanda time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.aflubu00(3pm) - Support for the Africa/Lubumbashi time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.aflusa00(3pm) - Support for the Africa/Lusaka time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.afmala00(3pm) - Support for the Africa/Malabo time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.afmapu00(3pm) - Support for the Africa/Maputo time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.afmase00(3pm) - Support for the Africa/Maseru time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.afmbab00(3pm) - Support for the Africa/Mbabane time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.afmoga00(3pm) - Support for the Africa/Mogadishu time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.afmonr00(3pm) - Support for the Africa/Monrovia time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.afnair00(3pm) - Support for the Africa/Nairobi time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.afndja00(3pm) - Support for the Africa/Ndjamena time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.afniam00(3pm) - Support for the Africa/Niamey time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.afnoua00(3pm) - Support for the Africa/Nouakchott time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.afouag00(3pm) - Support for the Africa/Ouagadougou time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.afport00(3pm) - Support for the Africa/Porto-Novo time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.afsao_00(3pm) - Support for the Africa/Sao_Tome time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.aftrip00(3pm) - Support for the Africa/Tripoli time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.aftuni00(3pm) - Support for the Africa/Tunis time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.afwind00(3pm) - Support for the Africa/Windhoek time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.amadak00(3pm) - Support for the America/Adak time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.amanch00(3pm) - Support for the America/Anchorage time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.amangu00(3pm) - Support for the America/Anguilla time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.amanti00(3pm) - Support for the America/Antigua time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.amarag00(3pm) - Support for the America/Araguaina time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.amarub00(3pm) - Support for the America/Aruba time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.amasun00(3pm) - Support for the America/Asuncion time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.amatik00(3pm) - Support for the America/Atikokan time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.ambahi00(3pm) - Support for the America/Bahia time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.ambahi01(3pm) - Support for the America/Bahia_Banderas time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.ambarb00(3pm) - Support for the America/Barbados time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.ambele00(3pm) - Support for the America/Belem time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.ambeli00(3pm) - Support for the America/Belize time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.ambeul00(3pm) - Support for the America/North_Dakota/Beulah time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.amblan00(3pm) - Support for the America/Blanc-Sablon time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.amboa_00(3pm) - Support for the America/Boa_Vista time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.ambogo00(3pm) - Support for the America/Bogota time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.ambois00(3pm) - Support for the America/Boise time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.ambuen00(3pm) - Support for the America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.amcamb00(3pm) - Support for the America/Cambridge_Bay time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.amcamp00(3pm) - Support for the America/Campo_Grande time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.amcanc00(3pm) - Support for the America/Cancun time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.amcara00(3pm) - Support for the America/Caracas time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.amcata00(3pm) - Support for the America/Argentina/Catamarca time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.amcaye00(3pm) - Support for the America/Cayenne time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.amcaym00(3pm) - Support for the America/Cayman time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.amcent00(3pm) - Support for the America/North_Dakota/Center time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.amchic00(3pm) - Support for the America/Chicago time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.amchih00(3pm) - Support for the America/Chihuahua time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.amcord00(3pm) - Support for the America/Argentina/Cordoba time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.amcost00(3pm) - Support for the America/Costa_Rica time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.amcres00(3pm) - Support for the America/Creston time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.amcuia00(3pm) - Support for the America/Cuiaba time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.amcura00(3pm) - Support for the America/Curacao time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.amdanm00(3pm) - Support for the America/Danmarkshavn time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.amdaws00(3pm) - Support for the America/Dawson time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.amdaws01(3pm) - Support for the America/Dawson_Creek time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.amdenv00(3pm) - Support for the America/Denver time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.amdetr00(3pm) - Support for the America/Detroit time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.amdomi00(3pm) - Support for the America/Dominica time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.amedmo00(3pm) - Support for the America/Edmonton time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.ameiru00(3pm) - Support for the America/Eirunepe time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.amel_s00(3pm) - Support for the America/El_Salvador time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.amfort00(3pm) - Support for the America/Fortaleza time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.amglac00(3pm) - Support for the America/Glace_Bay time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.amgodt00(3pm) - Support for the America/Godthab time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.amgoos00(3pm) - Support for the America/Goose_Bay time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.amgran00(3pm) - Support for the America/Grand_Turk time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.amgren00(3pm) - Support for the America/Grenada time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.amguad00(3pm) - Support for the America/Guadeloupe time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.amguat00(3pm) - Support for the America/Guatemala time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.amguay00(3pm) - Support for the America/Guayaquil time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.amguya00(3pm) - Support for the America/Guyana time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.amhali00(3pm) - Support for the America/Halifax time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.amhava00(3pm) - Support for the America/Havana time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.amherm00(3pm) - Support for the America/Hermosillo time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.amindi00(3pm) - Support for the America/Indiana/Indianapolis time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.aminuv00(3pm) - Support for the America/Inuvik time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.amiqal00(3pm) - Support for the America/Iqaluit time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.amjama00(3pm) - Support for the America/Jamaica time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.amjuju00(3pm) - Support for the America/Argentina/Jujuy time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.amjune00(3pm) - Support for the America/Juneau time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.amknox00(3pm) - Support for the America/Indiana/Knox time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.amla_p00(3pm) - Support for the America/La_Paz time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.amla_r00(3pm) - Support for the America/Argentina/La_Rioja time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.amlima00(3pm) - Support for the America/Lima time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.amlos_00(3pm) - Support for the America/Los_Angeles time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.amloui00(3pm) - Support for the America/Kentucky/Louisville time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.ammace00(3pm) - Support for the America/Maceio time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.ammana00(3pm) - Support for the America/Managua time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.ammana01(3pm) - Support for the America/Manaus time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.ammare00(3pm) - Support for the America/Indiana/Marengo time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.ammart00(3pm) - Support for the America/Martinique time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.ammata00(3pm) - Support for the America/Matamoros time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.ammaza00(3pm) - Support for the America/Mazatlan time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.ammend00(3pm) - Support for the America/Argentina/Mendoza time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.ammeno00(3pm) - Support for the America/Menominee time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.ammeri00(3pm) - Support for the America/Merida time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.ammetl00(3pm) - Support for the America/Metlakatla time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.ammexi00(3pm) - Support for the America/Mexico_City time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.ammiqu00(3pm) - Support for the America/Miquelon time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.ammonc00(3pm) - Support for the America/Moncton time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.ammont00(3pm) - Support for the America/Kentucky/Monticello time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.ammont01(3pm) - Support for the America/Monterrey time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.ammont02(3pm) - Support for the America/Montevideo time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.ammont03(3pm) - Support for the America/Montreal time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.ammont04(3pm) - Support for the America/Montserrat time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.amnass00(3pm) - Support for the America/Nassau time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.amnew_00(3pm) - Support for the America/New_York time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.amnew_01(3pm) - Support for the America/North_Dakota/New_Salem time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.amnipi00(3pm) - Support for the America/Nipigon time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.amnome00(3pm) - Support for the America/Nome time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.amnoro00(3pm) - Support for the America/Noronha time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.amojin00(3pm) - Support for the America/Ojinaga time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.ampana00(3pm) - Support for the America/Panama time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.ampang00(3pm) - Support for the America/Pangnirtung time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.ampara00(3pm) - Support for the America/Paramaribo time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.ampete00(3pm) - Support for the America/Indiana/Petersburg time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.amphoe00(3pm) - Support for the America/Phoenix time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.amport00(3pm) - Support for the America/Port-au-Prince time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.amport01(3pm) - Support for the America/Port_of_Spain time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.amport02(3pm) - Support for the America/Porto_Velho time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.ampuer00(3pm) - Support for the America/Puerto_Rico time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.amrain00(3pm) - Support for the America/Rainy_River time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.amrank00(3pm) - Support for the America/Rankin_Inlet time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.amreci00(3pm) - Support for the America/Recife time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.amregi00(3pm) - Support for the America/Regina time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.amreso00(3pm) - Support for the America/Resolute time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.amrio_00(3pm) - Support for the America/Argentina/Rio_Gallegos time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.amrio_01(3pm) - Support for the America/Rio_Branco time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.amsalt00(3pm) - Support for the America/Argentina/Salta time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.amsan_00(3pm) - Support for the America/Argentina/San_Juan time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.amsan_01(3pm) - Support for the America/Argentina/San_Luis time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.amsant00(3pm) - Support for the America/Santa_Isabel time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.amsant01(3pm) - Support for the America/Santarem time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.amsant02(3pm) - Support for the America/Santiago time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.amsant03(3pm) - Support for the America/Santo_Domingo time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.amsao_00(3pm) - Support for the America/Sao_Paulo time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.amscor00(3pm) - Support for the America/Scoresbysund time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.amsitk00(3pm) - Support for the America/Sitka time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.amst_j00(3pm) - Support for the America/St_Johns time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.amst_k00(3pm) - Support for the America/St_Kitts time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.amst_l00(3pm) - Support for the America/St_Lucia time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.amst_t00(3pm) - Support for the America/St_Thomas time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.amst_v00(3pm) - Support for the America/St_Vincent time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.amswif00(3pm) - Support for the America/Swift_Current time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.amtegu00(3pm) - Support for the America/Tegucigalpa time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.amtell00(3pm) - Support for the America/Indiana/Tell_City time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.amthul00(3pm) - Support for the America/Thule time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.amthun00(3pm) - Support for the America/Thunder_Bay time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.amtiju00(3pm) - Support for the America/Tijuana time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.amtoro00(3pm) - Support for the America/Toronto time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.amtort00(3pm) - Support for the America/Tortola time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.amtucu00(3pm) - Support for the America/Argentina/Tucuman time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.amushu00(3pm) - Support for the America/Argentina/Ushuaia time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.amvanc00(3pm) - Support for the America/Vancouver time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.amveva00(3pm) - Support for the America/Indiana/Vevay time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.amvinc00(3pm) - Support for the America/Indiana/Vincennes time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.amwhit00(3pm) - Support for the America/Whitehorse time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.amwina00(3pm) - Support for the America/Indiana/Winamac time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.amwinn00(3pm) - Support for the America/Winnipeg time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.amyaku00(3pm) - Support for the America/Yakutat time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.amyell00(3pm) - Support for the America/Yellowknife time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.ancase00(3pm) - Support for the Antarctica/Casey time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.andavi00(3pm) - Support for the Antarctica/Davis time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.andumo00(3pm) - Support for the Antarctica/DumontDUrville time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.anmacq00(3pm) - Support for the Antarctica/Macquarie time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.anmaws00(3pm) - Support for the Antarctica/Mawson time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.anmcmu00(3pm) - Support for the Antarctica/McMurdo time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.anpalm00(3pm) - Support for the Antarctica/Palmer time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.anroth00(3pm) - Support for the Antarctica/Rothera time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.ansyow00(3pm) - Support for the Antarctica/Syowa time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.anvost00(3pm) - Support for the Antarctica/Vostok time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.asaden00(3pm) - Support for the Asia/Aden time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.asalma00(3pm) - Support for the Asia/Almaty time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.asamma00(3pm) - Support for the Asia/Amman time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.asanad00(3pm) - Support for the Asia/Anadyr time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.asaqta00(3pm) - Support for the Asia/Aqtau time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.asaqto00(3pm) - Support for the Asia/Aqtobe time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.asashg00(3pm) - Support for the Asia/Ashgabat time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.asbagh00(3pm) - Support for the Asia/Baghdad time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.asbahr00(3pm) - Support for the Asia/Bahrain time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.asbaku00(3pm) - Support for the Asia/Baku time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.asbang00(3pm) - Support for the Asia/Bangkok time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.asbeir00(3pm) - Support for the Asia/Beirut time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.asbish00(3pm) - Support for the Asia/Bishkek time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.asbrun00(3pm) - Support for the Asia/Brunei time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.aschoi00(3pm) - Support for the Asia/Choibalsan time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.aschon00(3pm) - Support for the Asia/Chongqing time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.ascolo00(3pm) - Support for the Asia/Colombo time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.asdama00(3pm) - Support for the Asia/Damascus time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.asdhak00(3pm) - Support for the Asia/Dhaka time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.asdili00(3pm) - Support for the Asia/Dili time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.asduba00(3pm) - Support for the Asia/Dubai time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.asdush00(3pm) - Support for the Asia/Dushanbe time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.asgaza00(3pm) - Support for the Asia/Gaza time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.asharb00(3pm) - Support for the Asia/Harbin time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.ashebr00(3pm) - Support for the Asia/Hebron time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.asho_c00(3pm) - Support for the Asia/Ho_Chi_Minh time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.ashong00(3pm) - Support for the Asia/Hong_Kong time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.ashovd00(3pm) - Support for the Asia/Hovd time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.asirku00(3pm) - Support for the Asia/Irkutsk time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.asjaka00(3pm) - Support for the Asia/Jakarta time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.asjaya00(3pm) - Support for the Asia/Jayapura time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.asjeru00(3pm) - Support for the Asia/Jerusalem time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.askabu00(3pm) - Support for the Asia/Kabul time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.askamc00(3pm) - Support for the Asia/Kamchatka time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.askara00(3pm) - Support for the Asia/Karachi time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.askash00(3pm) - Support for the Asia/Kashgar time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.askath00(3pm) - Support for the Asia/Kathmandu time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.askolk00(3pm) - Support for the Asia/Kolkata time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.askras00(3pm) - Support for the Asia/Krasnoyarsk time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.askual00(3pm) - Support for the Asia/Kuala_Lumpur time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.askuch00(3pm) - Support for the Asia/Kuching time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.askuwa00(3pm) - Support for the Asia/Kuwait time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.asmaca00(3pm) - Support for the Asia/Macau time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.asmaga00(3pm) - Support for the Asia/Magadan time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.asmaka00(3pm) - Support for the Asia/Makassar time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.asmani00(3pm) - Support for the Asia/Manila time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.asmusc00(3pm) - Support for the Asia/Muscat time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.asnico00(3pm) - Support for the Asia/Nicosia time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.asnovo00(3pm) - Support for the Asia/Novokuznetsk time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.asnovo01(3pm) - Support for the Asia/Novosibirsk time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.asomsk00(3pm) - Support for the Asia/Omsk time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.asoral00(3pm) - Support for the Asia/Oral time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.asphno00(3pm) - Support for the Asia/Phnom_Penh time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.aspont00(3pm) - Support for the Asia/Pontianak time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.aspyon00(3pm) - Support for the Asia/Pyongyang time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.asqata00(3pm) - Support for the Asia/Qatar time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.asqyzy00(3pm) - Support for the Asia/Qyzylorda time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.asrang00(3pm) - Support for the Asia/Rangoon time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.asriya00(3pm) - Support for the Asia/Riyadh time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.assakh00(3pm) - Support for the Asia/Sakhalin time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.assama00(3pm) - Support for the Asia/Samarkand time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.asseou00(3pm) - Support for the Asia/Seoul time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.asshan00(3pm) - Support for the Asia/Shanghai time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.assing00(3pm) - Support for the Asia/Singapore time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.astaip00(3pm) - Support for the Asia/Taipei time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.astash00(3pm) - Support for the Asia/Tashkent time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.astbil00(3pm) - Support for the Asia/Tbilisi time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.astehr00(3pm) - Support for the Asia/Tehran time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.asthim00(3pm) - Support for the Asia/Thimphu time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.astoky00(3pm) - Support for the Asia/Tokyo time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.asulaa00(3pm) - Support for the Asia/Ulaanbaatar time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.asurum00(3pm) - Support for the Asia/Urumqi time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.asvien00(3pm) - Support for the Asia/Vientiane time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.asvlad00(3pm) - Support for the Asia/Vladivostok time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.asyaku00(3pm) - Support for the Asia/Yakutsk time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.asyeka00(3pm) - Support for the Asia/Yekaterinburg time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.asyere00(3pm) - Support for the Asia/Yerevan time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.atazor00(3pm) - Support for the Atlantic/Azores time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.atberm00(3pm) - Support for the Atlantic/Bermuda time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.atcana00(3pm) - Support for the Atlantic/Canary time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.atcape00(3pm) - Support for the Atlantic/Cape_Verde time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.atfaro00(3pm) - Support for the Atlantic/Faroe time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.atmade00(3pm) - Support for the Atlantic/Madeira time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.atreyk00(3pm) - Support for the Atlantic/Reykjavik time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.atsout00(3pm) - Support for the Atlantic/South_Georgia time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.atstan00(3pm) - Support for the Atlantic/Stanley time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.atst_h00(3pm) - Support for the Atlantic/St_Helena time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.auadel00(3pm) - Support for the Australia/Adelaide time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.aubris00(3pm) - Support for the Australia/Brisbane time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.aubrok00(3pm) - Support for the Australia/Broken_Hill time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.aucurr00(3pm) - Support for the Australia/Currie time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.audarw00(3pm) - Support for the Australia/Darwin time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.aueucl00(3pm) - Support for the Australia/Eucla time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.auhoba00(3pm) - Support for the Australia/Hobart time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.aulind00(3pm) - Support for the Australia/Lindeman time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.aulord00(3pm) - Support for the Australia/Lord_Howe time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.aumelb00(3pm) - Support for the Australia/Melbourne time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.aupert00(3pm) - Support for the Australia/Perth time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.ausydn00(3pm) - Support for the Australia/Sydney time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.b00(3pm) - Support for the B time zone
Date.Manip.TZ_Base(3pm) - Methods common to the TZ and Base classes
Date.Manip.TZ.c00(3pm) - Support for the C time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.cet00(3pm) - Support for the CET time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.d00(3pm) - Support for the D time zone
Date.Manip.TZdata(3pm) - - Internal module for working with the tzdata files
Date.Manip.TZ.e00(3pm) - Support for the E time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.eet00(3pm) - Support for the EET time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.etgmt00(3pm) - Support for the Etc/GMT time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.etgmtm00(3pm) - Support for the Etc/GMT-1 time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.etgmtm01(3pm) - Support for the Etc/GMT-10 time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.etgmtm02(3pm) - Support for the Etc/GMT-11 time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.etgmtm03(3pm) - Support for the Etc/GMT-12 time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.etgmtm04(3pm) - Support for the Etc/GMT-13 time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.etgmtm05(3pm) - Support for the Etc/GMT-14 time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.etgmtm06(3pm) - Support for the Etc/GMT-2 time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.etgmtm07(3pm) - Support for the Etc/GMT-3 time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.etgmtm08(3pm) - Support for the Etc/GMT-4 time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.etgmtm09(3pm) - Support for the Etc/GMT-5 time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.etgmtm10(3pm) - Support for the Etc/GMT-6 time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.etgmtm11(3pm) - Support for the Etc/GMT-7 time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.etgmtm12(3pm) - Support for the Etc/GMT-8 time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.etgmtm13(3pm) - Support for the Etc/GMT-9 time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.etgmtp00(3pm) - Support for the Etc/GMT+1 time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.etgmtp01(3pm) - Support for the Etc/GMT+10 time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.etgmtp02(3pm) - Support for the Etc/GMT+11 time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.etgmtp03(3pm) - Support for the Etc/GMT+12 time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.etgmtp04(3pm) - Support for the Etc/GMT+2 time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.etgmtp05(3pm) - Support for the Etc/GMT+3 time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.etgmtp06(3pm) - Support for the Etc/GMT+4 time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.etgmtp07(3pm) - Support for the Etc/GMT+5 time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.etgmtp08(3pm) - Support for the Etc/GMT+6 time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.etgmtp09(3pm) - Support for the Etc/GMT+7 time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.etgmtp10(3pm) - Support for the Etc/GMT+8 time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.etgmtp11(3pm) - Support for the Etc/GMT+9 time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.euamst00(3pm) - Support for the Europe/Amsterdam time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.euando00(3pm) - Support for the Europe/Andorra time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.euathe00(3pm) - Support for the Europe/Athens time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.eubelg00(3pm) - Support for the Europe/Belgrade time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.euberl00(3pm) - Support for the Europe/Berlin time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.eubrus00(3pm) - Support for the Europe/Brussels time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.eubuch00(3pm) - Support for the Europe/Bucharest time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.eubuda00(3pm) - Support for the Europe/Budapest time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.euchis00(3pm) - Support for the Europe/Chisinau time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.eucope00(3pm) - Support for the Europe/Copenhagen time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.eudubl00(3pm) - Support for the Europe/Dublin time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.eugibr00(3pm) - Support for the Europe/Gibraltar time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.euhels00(3pm) - Support for the Europe/Helsinki time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.euista00(3pm) - Support for the Europe/Istanbul time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.eukali00(3pm) - Support for the Europe/Kaliningrad time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.eukiev00(3pm) - Support for the Europe/Kiev time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.eulisb00(3pm) - Support for the Europe/Lisbon time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.eulond00(3pm) - Support for the Europe/London time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.euluxe00(3pm) - Support for the Europe/Luxembourg time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.eumadr00(3pm) - Support for the Europe/Madrid time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.eumalt00(3pm) - Support for the Europe/Malta time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.eumins00(3pm) - Support for the Europe/Minsk time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.eumona00(3pm) - Support for the Europe/Monaco time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.eumosc00(3pm) - Support for the Europe/Moscow time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.euoslo00(3pm) - Support for the Europe/Oslo time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.eupari00(3pm) - Support for the Europe/Paris time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.euprag00(3pm) - Support for the Europe/Prague time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.euriga00(3pm) - Support for the Europe/Riga time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.eurome00(3pm) - Support for the Europe/Rome time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.eusama00(3pm) - Support for the Europe/Samara time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.eusimf00(3pm) - Support for the Europe/Simferopol time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.eusofi00(3pm) - Support for the Europe/Sofia time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.eustoc00(3pm) - Support for the Europe/Stockholm time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.eutall00(3pm) - Support for the Europe/Tallinn time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.eutira00(3pm) - Support for the Europe/Tirane time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.euuzhg00(3pm) - Support for the Europe/Uzhgorod time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.euvadu00(3pm) - Support for the Europe/Vaduz time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.euvien00(3pm) - Support for the Europe/Vienna time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.euviln00(3pm) - Support for the Europe/Vilnius time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.euvolg00(3pm) - Support for the Europe/Volgograd time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.euwars00(3pm) - Support for the Europe/Warsaw time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.euzapo00(3pm) - Support for the Europe/Zaporozhye time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.euzuri00(3pm) - Support for the Europe/Zurich time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.f00(3pm) - Support for the F time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.g00(3pm) - Support for the G time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.h00(3pm) - Support for the H time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.i00(3pm) - Support for the I time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.inanta00(3pm) - Support for the Indian/Antananarivo time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.inchag00(3pm) - Support for the Indian/Chagos time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.inchri00(3pm) - Support for the Indian/Christmas time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.incoco00(3pm) - Support for the Indian/Cocos time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.incomo00(3pm) - Support for the Indian/Comoro time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.inkerg00(3pm) - Support for the Indian/Kerguelen time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.inmahe00(3pm) - Support for the Indian/Mahe time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.inmald00(3pm) - Support for the Indian/Maldives time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.inmaur00(3pm) - Support for the Indian/Mauritius time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.inmayo00(3pm) - Support for the Indian/Mayotte time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.inreun00(3pm) - Support for the Indian/Reunion time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.k00(3pm) - Support for the K time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.l00(3pm) - Support for the L time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.m00(3pm) - Support for the M time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.met00(3pm) - Support for the MET time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.n00(3pm) - Support for the N time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.o00(3pm) - Support for the O time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.p00(3pm) - Support for the P time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.paapia00(3pm) - Support for the Pacific/Apia time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.paauck00(3pm) - Support for the Pacific/Auckland time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.pachat00(3pm) - Support for the Pacific/Chatham time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.pachuu00(3pm) - Support for the Pacific/Chuuk time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.paeast00(3pm) - Support for the Pacific/Easter time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.paefat00(3pm) - Support for the Pacific/Efate time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.paende00(3pm) - Support for the Pacific/Enderbury time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.pafaka00(3pm) - Support for the Pacific/Fakaofo time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.pafiji00(3pm) - Support for the Pacific/Fiji time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.pafuna00(3pm) - Support for the Pacific/Funafuti time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.pagala00(3pm) - Support for the Pacific/Galapagos time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.pagamb00(3pm) - Support for the Pacific/Gambier time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.paguad00(3pm) - Support for the Pacific/Guadalcanal time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.paguam00(3pm) - Support for the Pacific/Guam time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.pahono00(3pm) - Support for the Pacific/Honolulu time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.pakiri00(3pm) - Support for the Pacific/Kiritimati time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.pakosr00(3pm) - Support for the Pacific/Kosrae time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.pakwaj00(3pm) - Support for the Pacific/Kwajalein time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.pamaju00(3pm) - Support for the Pacific/Majuro time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.pamarq00(3pm) - Support for the Pacific/Marquesas time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.pamidw00(3pm) - Support for the Pacific/Midway time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.panaur00(3pm) - Support for the Pacific/Nauru time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.paniue00(3pm) - Support for the Pacific/Niue time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.panorf00(3pm) - Support for the Pacific/Norfolk time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.panoum00(3pm) - Support for the Pacific/Noumea time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.papago00(3pm) - Support for the Pacific/Pago_Pago time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.papala00(3pm) - Support for the Pacific/Palau time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.papitc00(3pm) - Support for the Pacific/Pitcairn time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.papohn00(3pm) - Support for the Pacific/Pohnpei time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.paport00(3pm) - Support for the Pacific/Port_Moresby time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.pararo00(3pm) - Support for the Pacific/Rarotonga time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.pasaip00(3pm) - Support for the Pacific/Saipan time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.patahi00(3pm) - Support for the Pacific/Tahiti time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.patara00(3pm) - Support for the Pacific/Tarawa time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.patong00(3pm) - Support for the Pacific/Tongatapu time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.pawake00(3pm) - Support for the Pacific/Wake time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.pawall00(3pm) - Support for the Pacific/Wallis time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.q00(3pm) - Support for the Q time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.r00(3pm) - Support for the R time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.s00(3pm) - Support for the S time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.t00(3pm) - Support for the T time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.u00(3pm) - Support for the U time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.ut00(3pm) - Support for the UT time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.utc00(3pm) - Support for the UTC time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.v00(3pm) - Support for the V time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.w00(3pm) - Support for the W time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.wet00(3pm) - Support for the WET time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.x00(3pm) - Support for the X time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.y00(3pm) - Support for the Y time zone
Date.Manip.TZ.z00(3pm) - Support for the Z time zone
Date.Manip.Zones(3pm) - Time zone information
daxpy(3)            - (unknown subject)
daxpy.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
db2x_manxml(1)      - Make man pages from Man-XML
db2x_texixml(1)     - Make Texinfo files from Texi-XML
db2x_xsltproc(1)    - XSLT processor invocation wrapper
DB(3pm)             - programmatic interface to the Perl debugging API
dbbcsd(3)           - (unknown subject)
dbbcsd.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
DBD.DBM(3pm)        - a DBI driver for DBM & MLDBM files
DBD.File(3pm)       - Base class for writing file based DBI drivers
DBD.File.Developers(3pm) - Developers documentation for DBD::File
DBD.File.HowTo(3pm) - Guide to create DBD::File based driver
DBD.File.Roadmap(3pm) - Planned Enhancements for DBD::File and pure Perl DBD's
DBD.Gofer(3pm)      - A stateless-proxy driver for communicating with a remote DBI
DBD.Gofer.Policy.Base(3pm) - Base class for DBD::Gofer policies
DBD.Gofer.Policy.classic(3pm) - The 'classic' policy for DBD::Gofer
DBD.Gofer.Policy.pedantic(3pm) - The 'pedantic' policy for DBD::Gofer
DBD.Gofer.Policy.rush(3pm) - The 'rush' policy for DBD::Gofer
DBD.Gofer.Transport.Base(3pm) - base class for DBD::Gofer client transports
DBD.Gofer.Transport.corostream(3pm) - Async DBD::Gofer stream transport using Coro and AnyEvent
DBD.Gofer.Transport.null(3pm) - DBD::Gofer client transport for testing
DBD.Gofer.Transport.pipeone(3pm) - DBD::Gofer client transport for testing - DBD::Gofer transport for stdio streaming
DBD.mysql(3pm)      - MySQL driver for the Perl5 Database Interface(DBI)
DBD.mysql.INSTALL(3pm) - How to install and configure DBD::mysql
DBD.Proxy(3pm)      - A proxy driver for the DBI
dbdsdc(3)           - (unknown subject)
dbdsdc.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
DBD.Sponge(3pm)     - Create a DBI statement handle from Perl data
DBD.SQLite(3pm)     - Self-contained RDBMS in a DBI Driver
DBD.SQLite.Cookbook(3pm) - The DBD::SQLite Cookbook
dbdsqr(3)           - (unknown subject)
dbdsqr.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
DBE(3)              - Double Buffer Extension
DB_File(3pm)        - Perl5 access to Berkeley DB version 1.x
DBI(3pm)            - Database independent interface for Perl
DBI.Const.GetInfo.ANSI(3pm) - ISO/IEC SQL/CLI Constants for GetInfo
DBI.Const.GetInfo.ODBC(3pm) - ODBC Constants for GetInfo
DBI.Const.GetInfoReturn(3pm) - Data and functions for describing GetInfo results
DBI.Const.GetInfoType(3pm) - Data describing GetInfo type codes
DBI.DBD(3pm)        - Perl DBI Database Driver Writer's Guide
DBI.DBD.Metadata(3pm) - Generate the code and data for some DBI metadata methods
DBI.DBD.SqlEngine(3pm) - Base class for DBI drivers without their own SQL engine
DBI.DBD.SqlEngine.Developers(3pm) - Developers documentation for DBI::DBD::SqlEngine
DBI.DBD.SqlEngine.HowTo(3pm) - Guide to create DBI::DBD::SqlEngine based driver
DBI.FAQ(3pm)        - - The Frequently Asked Questions for the Perl5 Database Interface
DBI.Gofer.Execute(3pm) - Executes Gofer requests and returns Gofer responses
DBI.Gofer.Request(3pm) - Encapsulate a request from DBD::Gofer to DBI::Gofer::Execute
DBI.Gofer.Response(3pm) - Encapsulate a response from DBI::Gofer::Execute to DBD::Gofer
DBI.Gofer.Serializer.Base(3pm) - base class for Gofer serialization
DBI.Gofer.Serializer.DataDumper(3pm) - Gofer serialization using DataDumper
DBI.Gofer.Serializer.Storable(3pm) - Gofer serialization using Storable
DBI.Gofer.Transport.Base(3pm) - Base class for Gofer transports
DBI.Gofer.Transport.pipeone(3pm) - DBD::Gofer server-side transport for pipeone - DBD::Gofer server-side transport for stream
dbilogstrip(1)      - filter to normalize DBI trace logs for diff'ing
dbiprof(1)          - command-line client for DBI::ProfileData
DBI.Profile(3pm)    - Performance profiling and benchmarking for the DBI
DBI.ProfileData(3pm) - manipulate DBI::ProfileDumper data dumps
DBI.ProfileDumper(3pm) - profile DBI usage and output data to a file
DBI.ProfileDumper.Apache(3pm) - capture DBI profiling data from Apache/mod_perl
DBI.ProfileSubs(3pm) - Subroutines for dynamic profile Path
dbiproxy(1)         - A proxy server for the DBD::Proxy driver
DBI.ProxyServer(3pm) - a server for the DBD::Proxy driver
DBI.PurePerl(3pm)   - - a DBI emulation using pure perl (no C/XS compilation required)
DBI.SQL.Nano(3pm)   - a very tiny SQL engine
DBI.Util.CacheMemory(3pm) - a very fast but very minimal subset of Cache::Memory
DBI.W32ODBC(3pm)    - An experimental DBI emulation layer for Win32::ODBC
dbl2png(1)          - convert a dbl file to an png file
dblatex(1)          - convert DocBook to LaTeX, DVI, PostScript, and PDF
DBM_Filter(3pm)     - - Filter DBM keys/values
DBM_Filter.compress(3pm) - filter for DBM_Filter
DBM_Filter.encode(3pm) - filter for DBM_Filter
DBM_Filter.int32(3pm) - filter for DBM_Filter
DBM_Filter.null(3pm) - filter for DBM_Filter
DBM_Filter.utf8(3pm) - filter for DBM_Filter
dbmmanage2(1)       - Manage user authentication files in DBM format
dbus-binding-tool(1) - C language GLib bindings generation utility.
dbus-cleanup-sockets(1) - clean up leftover sockets in a directory
dbus-daemon(1)      - Message bus daemon
dbus-launch(1)      - Utility to start a message bus from a shell script
dbus-monitor(1)     - debug probe to print message bus messages
dbus-send(1)        - Send a message to a message bus
dbus-uuidgen(1)     - Utility to generate UUIDs
dc(1)               - an arbitrary precision calculator
dcabs1(3)           - (unknown subject)
dcabs1.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dcgettext(3)        - translate message
dcngettext(3)       - translate message and choose plural form
dconf(1)            - Simple tool for manipulating a dconf database
dconf(7)            - A configuration systen
dconf-editor(1)     - Graphical editor for dconf
dconf-service(1)    - D-Bus service for writes to the dconf database
dcopy(3)            - (unknown subject)
dcopy.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
dd(1)               - convert and copy a file
ddbugtopbm(1)       - convert Diddle or DiddleBug sketches to PBM files
ddd(1)              - The Data Display Debugger
dde(n)              - Execute a Dynamic Data Exchange command
ddir(1)             - display hierarchical directory tree
ddisna(3)           - (unknown subject)
ddisna.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
ddjvu(1)            - Command line DjVu decoder.
ddns-confgen(8)     - ddns key generation tool
ddot(3)             - (unknown subject)
ddot.f(3)           - (unknown subject)
ddrescue(1)         - data recovery tool
ddrescuelog(1)      - tool for ddrescue logfiles
Deadwood(1)         - A fully recursive caching DNS resolver
DEALLOCATE(7)       - deallocate a prepared statement
debugfs(8)          - ext2/ext3/ext4 file system debugger
declare(1)          - bash built-in commands, see bash(1)
DECLARE(7)          - define a cursor
DefaultColormap(3)  - Display macros and functions
DefaultColormapOfScreen(3) - screen information functions and macros
default_colors(3x)  - use terminal's default colors
DefaultDepth(3)     - Display macros and functions
DefaultDepthOfScreen(3) - screen information functions and macros
DefaultGC(3)        - Display macros and functions
DefaultGCOfScreen(3) - screen information functions and macros       - PulseAudio Sound Server Startup Script
defaultpapername(3) - return names for managing system paper information
defaultpapersizefile(3) - return names for managing system paper information
DefaultRootWindow(3) - Display macros and functions
DefaultScreen(3)    - Display macros and functions
DefaultScreenOfDisplay(3) - Display macros and functions
default_store(3)    - generic storage of global data.
DefaultVisual(3)    - Display macros and functions
DefaultVisualOfScreen(3) - screen information functions and macros
define_key(3x)      - define a keycode
defncopy(1)         - extract procedures and views from a Microsoft server.
def_prog_mode(3x)   - low-level curses routines
def_shell_mode(3x)  - low-level curses routines
dehtmldiff(1)       - get usable diff from an HTML page
delay_output(3x)    - miscellaneous curses utility routines
delch(3x)           - delete character under the cursor in a curses window
delcr(1)            - remove a CR before each LF
del_curterm(3x)     - curses interfaces to terminfo database
DELETE(7)           - delete rows of a table
deleteln(3x)        - delete and insert lines in a curses window
delete(n)           - delete things in the interpreter
del_panel(3x)       - panel stack extension for curses
delscreen(3x)       - curses screen initialization and manipulation routines
delta(1)            - heuristic minimizer of interesting files
delwin(3x)          - create curses windows
deprecate(3pm)      - Perl pragma for deprecating the core version of a module
deroff(1)           - remove roff and preprocessor constructs
derwin(3x)          - create curses windows
des(3)              - DES encryption
DES_cbc_cksum(3)    - DES encryption
DES_cbc_cksum(3)    - (unknown subject)
DES_cbc_encrypt(3)  - (unknown subject)
DES_cfb64_encrypt(3) - DES encryption
DES_cfb64_encrypt(3) - (unknown subject)
DES_cfb_encrypt(3)  - DES encryption
DES_check_key_parity(3) - (unknown subject)
DES_crypt(3)        - DES encryption
des_crypt(3t)       - "fast DES encryption"
DES_ecb2_encrypt(3) - DES encryption
DES_ecb3_encrypt(3) - DES encryption
DES_ecb3_encrypt(3) - (unknown subject)
DES_ecb_encrypt(3)  - DES encryption
DES_ecb_encrypt(3)  - (unknown subject)
DES_ede2_cbc_encrypt(3) - DES encryption
DES_ede2_cfb64_encrypt(3) - DES encryption
DES_ede2_ofb64_encrypt(3) - DES encryption
DES_ede3_cbc_encrypt(3) - DES encryption
DES_ede3_cbc_encrypt(3) - (unknown subject)
DES_ede3_cbcm_encrypt(3) - DES encryption
DES_ede3_cfb64_encrypt(3) - DES encryption
DES_ede3_ofb64_encrypt(3) - DES encryption
DES_enc_read(3)     - DES encryption
DES_encrypt(3)      - (unknown subject)
DES_enc_write(3)    - DES encryption
DES_fcrypt(3)       - DES encryption
DES_init_random_number_generator(3) - (unknown subject)
DES_is_weak_key(3)  - DES encryption
DES_is_weak_key(3)  - (unknown subject)
DES_key_sched(3)    - DES encryption
DES_key_sched(3)    - (unknown subject)
desktop-file-edit(1) - Installation and edition of desktop files
desktop-file-install(1) - Installation and edition of desktop files
desktop-file-validate(1) - Validate desktop entry files
des_modes(7)        - the variants of DES and other crypto algorithms of OpenSSL
DES_ncbc_encrypt(3) - DES encryption
DES_new_random_key(3) - (unknown subject)
DES_ofb64_encrypt(3) - DES encryption
DES_ofb_encrypt(3)  - DES encryption
DES_pcbc_encrypt(3) - DES encryption
DES_pcbc_encrypt(3) - (unknown subject)
DES_quad_cksum(3)   - DES encryption
DES_random_key(3)   - DES encryption
DES_random_key(3)   - (unknown subject)
des_read_2passwords(3) - Compatibility user interface functions
des_read_password(3) - Compatibility user interface functions
des_read_pw(3)      - Compatibility user interface functions
des_read_pw_string(3) - Compatibility user interface functions
DES_set_key(3)      - DES encryption
DES_set_key(3)      - (unknown subject)
DES_set_key_checked(3) - DES encryption
DES_set_key_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
DES_set_key_unchecked(3) - DES encryption
DES_set_key_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
DES_set_odd_parity(3) - DES encryption
DES_set_odd_parity(3) - (unknown subject)
DES_string_to_2keys(3) - DES encryption
DES_string_to_key(3) - DES encryption
DES_string_to_key(3) - (unknown subject)
destroy(n)          - Destroy one or more windows
destroySWFMovie(3)  - destroy a SWFMovie
DES_xcbc_encrypt(3) - DES encryption
detex(1)            - a filter to strip TeX commands from a .tex file.
deurlname(1)        - Remove URL-encoded characters from file names.
devdump(1)          - Utility programs for dumping and verifying iso9660 images.
Devel.Autoflush(3pm) - Set autoflush from the command line
Devel.DProf(3pm)    - a DEPRECATED Perl code profiler
Devel.InnerPackage(3pm) - find all the inner packages of a package
Devel.Peek(3pm)     - A data debugging tool for the XS programmer
Devel.PPPort(3pm)   - Perl/Pollution/Portability
Devel.SelfStubber(3pm) - generate stubs for a SelfLoading module
Devel.Symdump(3pm)  - dump symbol names or the symbol table
deweb(1)            - strips away C & CWEB commands from CWEB sources
df(1)               - report file system disk space usage
dgbbrd(3)           - (unknown subject)
dgbbrd.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dgbcon(3)           - (unknown subject)
dgbcon.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dgbequ(3)           - (unknown subject)
dgbequb(3)          - (unknown subject)
dgbequb.f(3)        - (unknown subject)
dgbequ.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dgbmv(3)            - (unknown subject)
dgbmv.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
dgbrfs(3)           - (unknown subject)
dgbrfs.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dgbrfsx(3)          - (unknown subject)
dgbrfsx.f(3)        - (unknown subject)
dgbsv(3)            - (unknown subject)
dgbsv.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
dgbsvx(3)           - (unknown subject)
dgbsvx.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dgbsvxx(3)          - (unknown subject)
dgbsvxx.f(3)        - (unknown subject)
dgbtf2(3)           - (unknown subject)
dgbtf2.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dgbtrf(3)           - (unknown subject)
dgbtrf.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dgbtrs(3)           - (unknown subject)
dgbtrs.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dgebak(3)           - (unknown subject)
dgebak.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dgebal(3)           - (unknown subject)
dgebal.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dgebd2(3)           - (unknown subject)
dgebd2.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dgebrd(3)           - (unknown subject)
dgebrd.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dgecon(3)           - (unknown subject)
dgecon.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dgeequ(3)           - (unknown subject)
dgeequb(3)          - (unknown subject)
dgeequb.f(3)        - (unknown subject)
dgeequ.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dgees(3)            - (unknown subject)
dgees.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
dgeesx(3)           - (unknown subject)
dgeesx.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dgeev(3)            - (unknown subject)
dgeev.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
dgeevx(3)           - (unknown subject)
dgeevx.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dgegs(3)            - (unknown subject)
dgegs.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
dgegv(3)            - (unknown subject)
dgegv.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
dgehd2(3)           - (unknown subject)
dgehd2.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dgehrd(3)           - (unknown subject)
dgehrd.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dgejsv(3)           - (unknown subject)
dgejsv.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dgelq2(3)           - (unknown subject)
dgelq2.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dgelqf(3)           - (unknown subject)
dgelqf.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dgels(3)            - (unknown subject)
dgelsd(3)           - (unknown subject)
dgelsd.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dgels.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
dgelss(3)           - (unknown subject)
dgelss.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dgelsx(3)           - (unknown subject)
dgelsx.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dgelsy(3)           - (unknown subject)
dgelsy.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dgemm(3)            - (unknown subject)
dgemm.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
dgemqrt(3)          - (unknown subject)
dgemqrt.f(3)        - (unknown subject)
dgemv(3)            - (unknown subject)
dgemv.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
dgeql2(3)           - (unknown subject)
dgeql2.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dgeqlf(3)           - (unknown subject)
dgeqlf.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dgeqp3(3)           - (unknown subject)
dgeqp3.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dgeqpf(3)           - (unknown subject)
dgeqpf.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dgeqr2(3)           - (unknown subject)
dgeqr2.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dgeqr2p(3)          - (unknown subject)
dgeqr2p.f(3)        - (unknown subject)
dgeqrf(3)           - (unknown subject)
dgeqrf.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dgeqrfp(3)          - (unknown subject)
dgeqrfp.f(3)        - (unknown subject)
dgeqrt2(3)          - (unknown subject)
dgeqrt2.f(3)        - (unknown subject)
dgeqrt3(3)          - (unknown subject)
dgeqrt3.f(3)        - (unknown subject)
dgeqrt(3)           - (unknown subject)
dgeqrt.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dger(3)             - (unknown subject)
dger.f(3)           - (unknown subject)
dgerfs(3)           - (unknown subject)
dgerfs.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dgerfsx(3)          - (unknown subject)
dgerfsx.f(3)        - (unknown subject)
dgerq2(3)           - (unknown subject)
dgerq2.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dgerqf(3)           - (unknown subject)
dgerqf.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dgesc2(3)           - (unknown subject)
dgesc2.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dgesdd(3)           - (unknown subject)
dgesdd.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dgesv(3)            - (unknown subject)
dgesvd(3)           - (unknown subject)
dgesvd.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dgesv.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
dgesvj(3)           - (unknown subject)
dgesvj.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dgesvx(3)           - (unknown subject)
dgesvx.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dgesvxx(3)          - (unknown subject)
dgesvxx.f(3)        - (unknown subject)
dgetc2(3)           - (unknown subject)
dgetc2.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dgetf2(3)           - (unknown subject)
dgetf2.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dgetrf(3)           - (unknown subject)
dgetrf.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dgetri(3)           - (unknown subject)
dgetri.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dgetrs(3)           - (unknown subject)
dgetrs.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dgettext(3)         - translate message
dggbak(3)           - (unknown subject)
dggbak.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dggbal(3)           - (unknown subject)
dggbal.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dgges(3)            - (unknown subject)
dgges.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
dggesx(3)           - (unknown subject)
dggesx.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dggev(3)            - (unknown subject)
dggev.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
dggevx(3)           - (unknown subject)
dggevx.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dggglm(3)           - (unknown subject)
dggglm.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dgghrd(3)           - (unknown subject)
dgghrd.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dgglse(3)           - (unknown subject)
dgglse.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dggqrf(3)           - (unknown subject)
dggqrf.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dggrqf(3)           - (unknown subject)
dggrqf.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dggsvd(3)           - (unknown subject)
dggsvd.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dggsvp(3)           - (unknown subject)
dggsvp.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dgst(1)             - message digests
dgsvj0(3)           - (unknown subject)
dgsvj0.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dgsvj1(3)           - (unknown subject)
dgsvj1.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dgtcon(3)           - (unknown subject)
dgtcon.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dgtrfs(3)           - (unknown subject)
dgtrfs.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dgtsv(3)            - (unknown subject)
dgtsv.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
dgtsvx(3)           - (unknown subject)
dgtsvx.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dgttrf(3)           - (unknown subject)
dgttrf.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dgttrs(3)           - (unknown subject)
dgttrs.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dgtts2(3)           - (unknown subject)
dgtts2.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dh(3)               - Diffie-Hellman key agreement
DH_check(3)         - generate and check Diffie-Hellman parameters
DH_check_pubkey(3)  - (unknown subject)
DH_compute_key(3)   - perform Diffie-Hellman key exchange
DH_compute_key(3)   - (unknown subject)
DH_free(3)          - allocate and free DH objects
DH_free(3)          - (unknown subject)
DH_generate_key(3)  - perform Diffie-Hellman key exchange
DH_generate_key(3)  - (unknown subject)
DH_generate_parameters(3) - generate and check Diffie-Hellman parameters
DH_generate_parameters_ex(3) - (unknown subject)
dhgeqz(3)           - (unknown subject)
dhgeqz.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
DH_get_default_method(3) - select DH method
DH_get_default_method(3) - (unknown subject)
DH_get_ex_data(3)   - add application specific data to DH structures
DH_get_ex_data(3)   - (unknown subject)
DH_get_ex_new_index(3) - add application specific data to DH structures
DH_ltm_method(3)    - (unknown subject)
DH_new(3)           - allocate and free DH objects
DH_new(3)           - (unknown subject)
DH_new_method(3)    - select DH method
DH_new_method(3)    - (unknown subject)
DH_null_method(3)   - (unknown subject)
DH_OpenSSL(3)       - select DH method
dhparam(1)          - DH parameter manipulation and generation
DHparams_print(3)   - print cryptographic parameters
DHparams_print_fp(3) - print cryptographic parameters
dhsein(3)           - (unknown subject)
dhsein.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dhseqr(3)           - (unknown subject)
dhseqr.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
DH_set_default_method(3) - select DH method
DH_set_default_method(3) - (unknown subject)
DH_set_ex_data(3)   - add application specific data to DH structures
DH_set_ex_data(3)   - (unknown subject)
DH_set_method(3)    - select DH method
DH_set_method(3)    - (unknown subject)
DH_size(3)          - get Diffie-Hellman prime size
DH_size(3)          - (unknown subject)
dhttpd(1)           - Minimal webserver without cgi-bin support.
DH_up_ref(3)        - (unknown subject)
diagnostics(3pm)    - produce verbose warning diagnostics
dialog(1)           - display dialog boxes from shell scripts
dialog(3)           - widgets and utilities for the  program
dict(n)             - Manipulate dictionaries
diff(1)             - compare files line by line
diff3(1)            - compare three files line by line
diffpp(1)           - pretty-print diff outputs with GNU enscript
diffstat(1)         - make histogram from diff-output
difftime(3)         - (unknown subject)
dig(1)              - DNS lookup utility
Digest(3o)          - MD5 message digest.
Digest(3pm)         - Modules that calculate message digests
Digest.base(3pm)    - Digest base class
Digest.file(3pm)    - Calculate digests of files
digest_file_auth(8) - (unknown subject)
Digest.HMAC(3pm)    - Keyed-Hashing for Message Authentication
Digest.HMAC_MD5(3pm) - Keyed-Hashing for Message Authentication
Digest.HMAC_SHA1(3pm) - Keyed-Hashing for Message Authentication
Digest.MD5(3pm)     - Perl interface to the MD5 Algorithm
Digest.SHA(3pm)     - Perl extension for SHA-1/224/256/384/512
dino(1)             - the interpreter of the programming language DINO
diprintf(3)         - (unknown subject)
dir(1)              - list directory contents
dircolors(1)        - color setup for ls
DirHandle(3pm)      - supply object methods for directory handles
dirname(1)          - strip last component from file name
dirs(1)             - bash built-in commands, see bash(1)
dirsplit(1)         - splits directory into multiple with equal size
dirtail(1)          - follow tail on all files in a directory
DISCARD(7)          - discard session state
disdvi(1)           - `disassemble' a(p)TeX or XeTeX DVI file
disklist(5)         - List of partitions to back up for Amanda
disnan(3)           - (unknown subject)
disnan.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
disown(1)           - bash built-in commands, see bash(1)
display(1)          - displays an image or image sequence on any X server.
display-aa(7)       - (unknown subject)
display-auto(7)     - (unknown subject)
DisplayCells(3)     - Display macros and functions
display-directx(7)  - (unknown subject)
display-fbdev(7)    - (unknown subject)
display-file(7)     - (unknown subject)
display-glide(7)    - (unknown subject)
DisplayHeight(3)    - image format functions and macros
DisplayHeightMM(3)  - image format functions and macros
display-mansync(7)  - (unknown subject)
display-memory(7)   - (unknown subject)
display-monotext(7) - (unknown subject)
display-multi(7)    - (unknown subject)
DisplayOfCCC(3)     - Color Conversion Context macros
DisplayOfScreen(3)  - screen information functions and macros
display-palemu(7)   - (unknown subject)
DisplayPlanes(3)    - Display macros and functions
display-quartz(7)   - (unknown subject)
DisplayString(3)    - Display macros and functions
display-sub(7)      - (unknown subject)
display-svgalib(7)  - (unknown subject)
display-tele(7)     - (unknown subject)
display-terminfo(7) - (unknown subject)
display-tile(7)     - (unknown subject)
display-trueemu(7)  - (unknown subject)
display-vcsa(7)     - (unknown subject)
display-vgl(7)      - (unknown subject)
DisplayWidth(3)     - image format functions and macros
DisplayWidthMM(3)   - image format functions and macros
display-x(7)        - (unknown subject)
dist(1)             - redistribute a message to additional addresses
distcc(1)           - distributed C/C++/ObjC compiler
distccd(1)          - distributed C/C++ compiler server
distccmon-text(1)   - Displays current compilation jobs in text form.
ditroff(7)          - classical device independent roff
div(3)              - (unknown subject)
djpeg(1)            - decompress a JPEG file to an image file
djvm(1)             - Manipulate bundled multi-page DjVu documents.
djvmcvt(1)          - Convert multi-page DjVu documents.
djvu(1)             - DjVu and DjVuLibre.
djvudump(1)         - Display internal structure of DjVu files.
djvuextract(1)      - Extract chunks from DjVu image files.
djvumake(1)         - Assemble DjVu image files.
djvups(1)           - Convert DjVu documents to PostScript.
djvused(1)          - Multi-purpose DjVu document editor.
djvuserve(1)        - Generate indirect DjVu documents on the fly.
djvutxt(1)          - Extract the hidden text from DjVu documents.
dlabad(3)           - (unknown subject)
dlabad.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dlabrd(3)           - (unknown subject)
dlabrd.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dlacn2(3)           - (unknown subject)
dlacn2.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dlacon(3)           - (unknown subject)
dlacon.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dlacpy(3)           - (unknown subject)
dlacpy.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dladiv1(3)          - (unknown subject)
dladiv2(3)          - (unknown subject)
dladiv(3)           - (unknown subject)
dladiv.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dlae2(3)            - (unknown subject)
dlae2.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
dlaebz(3)           - (unknown subject)
dlaebz.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dlaed0(3)           - (unknown subject)
dlaed0.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dlaed1(3)           - (unknown subject)
dlaed1.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dlaed2(3)           - (unknown subject)
dlaed2.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dlaed3(3)           - (unknown subject)
dlaed3.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dlaed4(3)           - (unknown subject)
dlaed4.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dlaed5(3)           - (unknown subject)
dlaed5.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dlaed6(3)           - (unknown subject)
dlaed6.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dlaed7(3)           - (unknown subject)
dlaed7.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dlaed8(3)           - (unknown subject)
dlaed8.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dlaed9(3)           - (unknown subject)
dlaed9.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dlaeda(3)           - (unknown subject)
dlaeda.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dlaein(3)           - (unknown subject)
dlaein.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dlaev2(3)           - (unknown subject)
dlaev2.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dlaexc(3)           - (unknown subject)
dlaexc.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dlag2(3)            - (unknown subject)
dlag2.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
dlag2s(3)           - (unknown subject)
dlag2s.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dla_gbamv(3)        - (unknown subject)
dla_gbamv.f(3)      - (unknown subject)
dla_gbrcond(3)      - (unknown subject)
dla_gbrcond.f(3)    - (unknown subject)
dla_gbrfsx_extended(3) - (unknown subject)
dla_gbrfsx_extended.f(3) - (unknown subject)
dla_gbrpvgrw(3)     - (unknown subject)
dla_gbrpvgrw.f(3)   - (unknown subject)
dla_geamv(3)        - (unknown subject)
dla_geamv.f(3)      - (unknown subject)
dla_gercond(3)      - (unknown subject)
dla_gercond.f(3)    - (unknown subject)
dla_gerfsx_extended(3) - (unknown subject)
dla_gerfsx_extended.f(3) - (unknown subject)
dla_gerpvgrw(3)     - (unknown subject)
dla_gerpvgrw.f(3)   - (unknown subject)
dlags2(3)           - (unknown subject)
dlags2.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dlagtf(3)           - (unknown subject)
dlagtf.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dlagtm(3)           - (unknown subject)
dlagtm.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dlagts(3)           - (unknown subject)
dlagts.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dlagv2(3)           - (unknown subject)
dlagv2.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dlahqr(3)           - (unknown subject)
dlahqr.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dlahr2(3)           - (unknown subject)
dlahr2.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dlahrd(3)           - (unknown subject)
dlahrd.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dlaic1(3)           - (unknown subject)
dlaic1.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dlaisnan(3)         - (unknown subject)
dlaisnan.f(3)       - (unknown subject)
dla_lin_berr(3)     - (unknown subject)
dla_lin_berr.f(3)   - (unknown subject)
dlaln2(3)           - (unknown subject)
dlaln2.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dlals0(3)           - (unknown subject)
dlals0.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dlalsa(3)           - (unknown subject)
dlalsa.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dlalsd(3)           - (unknown subject)
dlalsd.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dlamc1(3)           - (unknown subject)
dlamc2(3)           - (unknown subject)
dlamc3(3)           - (unknown subject)
dlamc4(3)           - (unknown subject)
dlamc5(3)           - (unknown subject)
dlamch(3)           - (unknown subject)
dlamch.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dlamchf77.f(3)      - (unknown subject)
__dlamchtst.f__(3)  - (unknown subject)
dlamchtst.f(3)      - (unknown subject)
dlamrg(3)           - (unknown subject)
dlamrg.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dlaneg(3)           - (unknown subject)
dlaneg.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dlangb(3)           - (unknown subject)
dlangb.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dlange(3)           - (unknown subject)
dlange.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dlangt(3)           - (unknown subject)
dlangt.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dlanhs(3)           - (unknown subject)
dlanhs.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dlansb(3)           - (unknown subject)
dlansb.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dlansf(3)           - (unknown subject)
dlansf.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dlansp(3)           - (unknown subject)
dlansp.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dlanst(3)           - (unknown subject)
dlanst.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dlansy(3)           - (unknown subject)
dlansy.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dlantb(3)           - (unknown subject)
dlantb.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dlantp(3)           - (unknown subject)
dlantp.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dlantr(3)           - (unknown subject)
dlantr.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dlanv2(3)           - (unknown subject)
dlanv2.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dlapll(3)           - (unknown subject)
dlapll.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dlapmr(3)           - (unknown subject)
dlapmr.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dlapmt(3)           - (unknown subject)
dlapmt.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dla_porcond(3)      - (unknown subject)
dla_porcond.f(3)    - (unknown subject)
dla_porfsx_extended(3) - (unknown subject)
dla_porfsx_extended.f(3) - (unknown subject)
dla_porpvgrw(3)     - (unknown subject)
dla_porpvgrw.f(3)   - (unknown subject)
dlapy2(3)           - (unknown subject)
dlapy2.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dlapy3(3)           - (unknown subject)
dlapy3.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dlaqgb(3)           - (unknown subject)
dlaqgb.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dlaqge(3)           - (unknown subject)
dlaqge.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dlaqp2(3)           - (unknown subject)
dlaqp2.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dlaqps(3)           - (unknown subject)
dlaqps.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dlaqr0(3)           - (unknown subject)
dlaqr0.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dlaqr1(3)           - (unknown subject)
dlaqr1.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dlaqr2(3)           - (unknown subject)
dlaqr2.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dlaqr3(3)           - (unknown subject)
dlaqr3.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dlaqr4(3)           - (unknown subject)
dlaqr4.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dlaqr5(3)           - (unknown subject)
dlaqr5.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dlaqsb(3)           - (unknown subject)
dlaqsb.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dlaqsp(3)           - (unknown subject)
dlaqsp.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dlaqsy(3)           - (unknown subject)
dlaqsy.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dlaqtr(3)           - (unknown subject)
dlaqtr.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dlar1v(3)           - (unknown subject)
dlar1v.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dlar2v(3)           - (unknown subject)
dlar2v.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dlarf(3)            - (unknown subject)
dlarfb(3)           - (unknown subject)
dlarfb.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dlarf.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
dlarfg(3)           - (unknown subject)
dlarfg.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dlarfgp(3)          - (unknown subject)
dlarfgp.f(3)        - (unknown subject)
dlarft(3)           - (unknown subject)
dlarft.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dlarfx(3)           - (unknown subject)
dlarfx.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dlargv(3)           - (unknown subject)
dlargv.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dlarnv(3)           - (unknown subject)
dlarnv.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dlarra(3)           - (unknown subject)
dlarra.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dlarrb(3)           - (unknown subject)
dlarrb.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dlarrc(3)           - (unknown subject)
dlarrc.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dlarrd(3)           - (unknown subject)
dlarrd.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dlarre(3)           - (unknown subject)
dlarre.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dlarrf(3)           - (unknown subject)
dlarrf.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dlarrj(3)           - (unknown subject)
dlarrj.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dlarrk(3)           - (unknown subject)
dlarrk.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dlarrr(3)           - (unknown subject)
dlarrr.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dlarrv(3)           - (unknown subject)
dlarrv.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dlarscl2(3)         - (unknown subject)
dlarscl2.f(3)       - (unknown subject)
dlartg(3)           - (unknown subject)
dlartg.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dlartgp(3)          - (unknown subject)
dlartgp.f(3)        - (unknown subject)
dlartgs(3)          - (unknown subject)
dlartgs.f(3)        - (unknown subject)
dlartv(3)           - (unknown subject)
dlartv.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dlaruv(3)           - (unknown subject)
dlaruv.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dlarz(3)            - (unknown subject)
dlarzb(3)           - (unknown subject)
dlarzb.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dlarz.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
dlarzt(3)           - (unknown subject)
dlarzt.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dlas2(3)            - (unknown subject)
dlas2.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
dlascl2(3)          - (unknown subject)
dlascl2.f(3)        - (unknown subject)
dlascl(3)           - (unknown subject)
dlascl.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dlasd0(3)           - (unknown subject)
dlasd0.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dlasd1(3)           - (unknown subject)
dlasd1.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dlasd2(3)           - (unknown subject)
dlasd2.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dlasd3(3)           - (unknown subject)
dlasd3.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dlasd4(3)           - (unknown subject)
dlasd4.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dlasd5(3)           - (unknown subject)
dlasd5.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dlasd6(3)           - (unknown subject)
dlasd6.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dlasd7(3)           - (unknown subject)
dlasd7.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dlasd8(3)           - (unknown subject)
dlasd8.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dlasda(3)           - (unknown subject)
dlasda.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dlasdq(3)           - (unknown subject)
dlasdq.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dlasdt(3)           - (unknown subject)
dlasdt.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dlaset(3)           - (unknown subject)
dlaset.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dlasq1(3)           - (unknown subject)
dlasq1.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dlasq2(3)           - (unknown subject)
dlasq2.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dlasq3(3)           - (unknown subject)
dlasq3.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dlasq4(3)           - (unknown subject)
dlasq4.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dlasq5(3)           - (unknown subject)
dlasq5.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dlasq6(3)           - (unknown subject)
dlasq6.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dlasr(3)            - (unknown subject)
dlasr.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
dlasrt(3)           - (unknown subject)
dlasrt.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dlassq(3)           - (unknown subject)
dlassq.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dlasv2(3)           - (unknown subject)
dlasv2.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dlaswp(3)           - (unknown subject)
dlaswp.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dlasy2(3)           - (unknown subject)
dlasy2.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dla_syamv(3)        - (unknown subject)
dla_syamv.f(3)      - (unknown subject)
dlasyf(3)           - (unknown subject)
dlasyf.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dlasyf_rook(3)      - (unknown subject)
dlasyf_rook.f(3)    - (unknown subject)
dla_syrcond(3)      - (unknown subject)
dla_syrcond.f(3)    - (unknown subject)
dla_syrfsx_extended(3) - (unknown subject)
dla_syrfsx_extended.f(3) - (unknown subject)
dla_syrpvgrw(3)     - (unknown subject)
dla_syrpvgrw.f(3)   - (unknown subject)
dlat2s(3)           - (unknown subject)
dlat2s.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dlatbs(3)           - (unknown subject)
dlatbs.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dlatdf(3)           - (unknown subject)
dlatdf.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dlatps(3)           - (unknown subject)
dlatps.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dlatrd(3)           - (unknown subject)
dlatrd.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dlatrs(3)           - (unknown subject)
dlatrs.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dlatrz(3)           - (unknown subject)
dlatrz.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dlatzm(3)           - (unknown subject)
dlatzm.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dlauu2(3)           - (unknown subject)
dlauu2.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dlauum(3)           - (unknown subject)
dlauum.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dla_wwaddw(3)       - (unknown subject)
dla_wwaddw.f(3)     - (unknown subject)
dlltool(1)          - Create files needed to build and use DLLs.
dmail(1)            - procmail Mail Delivery Module
dm_date(1)          - print out the system date and time
DMX(3)              - X Window System DMX (Distributed Multihead X) extension
DMXAddInput(3)      - attach a new input
DMXAddScreen(3)     - attach a new back-end screen
DMXChangeDesktopAttributes(3) - change global bounding box
DMXChangeScreensAttributes(3) - change back-end screen attributes
DMXForceWindowCreation(3) - force immediate back-end window creation
DMXGetDesktopAttributes(3) - determine global bounding box
DMXGetInputAttributes(3) - determine input device attributes
DMXGetInputCount(3) - determine number of input devices
DMXGetScreenAttributes(3) - determine back-end screen attributes
DMXGetScreenCount(3) - determine number of back-end screens
DMXGetWindowAttributes(3) - determine back-end window attributes
DMXQueryExtension(3) - determine if DMX is available
DMXQueryVersion(3)  - determine DMX extension version
DMXRemoveInput(3)   - detach an input
DMXRemoveScreen(3)  - detach a back-end screen
DMXSync(3)          - flush protocol requests between Xdmx and back-end X servers
dmxtodmx(1)         - dmx configuration file parser and printer
dm_zdump(1)         - timezone dumper
dngettext(3)        - translate message and choose plural form
dnrm2(3)            - (unknown subject)
dnrm2.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
dnssec-checkds(8)   - A DNSSEC delegation consistency checking tool.
dnssec-coverage(8)  - checks future DNSKEY coverage for a zone
dnssec-dsfromkey(8) - DNSSEC DS RR generation tool
dnssec-keyfromlabel(8) - DNSSEC key generation tool
dnssec-keygen(8)    - DNSSEC key generation tool
dnssec-revoke(8)    - Set the REVOKED bit on a DNSSEC key
dnssec-settime(8)   - Set the key timing metadata for a DNSSEC key
dnssec-signzone(8)  - DNSSEC zone signing tool
dnssec-verify(8)    - DNSSEC zone verification tool
do(1)               - bash built-in commands, see bash(1)
DO(7)               - execute an anonymous code block
docbook2dvi(1)      - (Jade Wrapper) converts SGML files to other formats
docbook2html(1)     - (Jade Wrapper) converts SGML files to other formats
docbook2man(1)      - (Jade Wrapper) converts SGML files to other formats - convert DocBook RefEntries to man pages
docbook2pdf(1)      - (Jade Wrapper) converts SGML files to other formats
docbook2ps(1)       - (Jade Wrapper) converts SGML files to other formats
docbook2rtf(1)      - (Jade Wrapper) converts SGML files to other formats
docbook2tex(1)      - (Jade Wrapper) converts SGML files to other formats
docbook2texi(1)     - (Jade Wrapper) converts SGML files to other formats - convert DocBook Booksto Texinfo documents
docbook2x-man(1)    - Convert DocBook to man pages
docbook2x-texi(1)   - Convert DocBook to Texinfo
DoesBackingStore(3) - screen information functions and macros
DoesSaveUnders(3)   - screen information functions and macros
dog(1)              - better than cat
domain(3)           - (unknown subject)
done(1)             - bash built-in commands, see bash(1)
dopgtr(3)           - (unknown subject)
dopgtr.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dopmtr(3)           - (unknown subject)
dopmtr.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dorbdb1(3)          - (unknown subject)
dorbdb1.f(3)        - (unknown subject)
dorbdb2(3)          - (unknown subject)
dorbdb2.f(3)        - (unknown subject)
dorbdb3(3)          - (unknown subject)
dorbdb3.f(3)        - (unknown subject)
dorbdb(3)           - (unknown subject)
dorbdb4(3)          - (unknown subject)
dorbdb4.f(3)        - (unknown subject)
dorbdb5(3)          - (unknown subject)
dorbdb5.f(3)        - (unknown subject)
dorbdb6(3)          - (unknown subject)
dorbdb6.f(3)        - (unknown subject)
dorbdb.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dorcsd2by1(3)       - (unknown subject)
dorcsd2by1.f(3)     - (unknown subject)
dorcsd(3)           - (unknown subject)
dorcsd.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dorg2l(3)           - (unknown subject)
dorg2l.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dorg2r(3)           - (unknown subject)
dorg2r.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dorgbr(3)           - (unknown subject)
dorgbr.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dorghr(3)           - (unknown subject)
dorghr.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dorgl2(3)           - (unknown subject)
dorgl2.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dorglq(3)           - (unknown subject)
dorglq.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dorgql(3)           - (unknown subject)
dorgql.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dorgqr(3)           - (unknown subject)
dorgqr.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dorgr2(3)           - (unknown subject)
dorgr2.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dorgrq(3)           - (unknown subject)
dorgrq.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dorgtr(3)           - (unknown subject)
dorgtr.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dorm2l(3)           - (unknown subject)
dorm2l.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dorm2r(3)           - (unknown subject)
dorm2r.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dormbr(3)           - (unknown subject)
dormbr.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dormhr(3)           - (unknown subject)
dormhr.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dorml2(3)           - (unknown subject)
dorml2.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dormlq(3)           - (unknown subject)
dormlq.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dormql(3)           - (unknown subject)
dormql.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dormqr(3)           - (unknown subject)
dormqr.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dormr2(3)           - (unknown subject)
dormr2.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dormr3(3)           - (unknown subject)
dormr3.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dormrq(3)           - (unknown subject)
dormrq.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dormrz(3)           - (unknown subject)
dormrz.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dormtr(3)           - (unknown subject)
dormtr.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dos2unix(1)         - DOS/Mac to Unix and vice versa text file format converter
dosepsbin(1)        - - Extract PS/WMF/TIFF sections from DOS EPS binary files
doupdate(3x)        - refresh curses windows and lines
doxygen(1)          - documentation system for various programming languages
doxywizard(1)       - a tool to configure and run doxygen on your source files
dp(8)               - parse dates 822-style
dpbcon(3)           - (unknown subject)
dpbcon.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dpbequ(3)           - (unknown subject)
dpbequ.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dpbrfs(3)           - (unknown subject)
dpbrfs.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dpbstf(3)           - (unknown subject)
dpbstf.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dpbsv(3)            - (unknown subject)
dpbsv.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
dpbsvx(3)           - (unknown subject)
dpbsvx.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dpbtf2(3)           - (unknown subject)
dpbtf2.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dpbtrf(3)           - (unknown subject)
dpbtrf.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dpbtrs(3)           - (unknown subject)
dpbtrs.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dpftrf(3)           - (unknown subject)
dpftrf.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dpftri(3)           - (unknown subject)
dpftri.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dpftrs(3)           - (unknown subject)
dpftrs.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
DPMSCapable(3)      - returns the DPMS capability of the X server
DPMSDisable(3)      - disables DPMS on the specified display
DPMSEnable(3)       - enables DPMS on the specified display
DPMSForceLevel(3)   - forces a DPMS capable display into the specified power level
DPMSGetTimeouts(3)  - retrieves the timeout values used by the X server for DPMS timings
DPMSGetVersion(3)   - returns the version of the DPMS extension implemented by the X server
DPMSInfo(3)         - returns information about the current DPMS state
DPMSQueryExtension(3) - queries the X server to determine the availability of the DPMS Extension
DPMSSetTimeouts(3)  - permits applications to set the timeout values used by the X server for DPMS timings
dpocon(3)           - (unknown subject)
dpocon.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dpoequ(3)           - (unknown subject)
dpoequb(3)          - (unknown subject)
dpoequb.f(3)        - (unknown subject)
dpoequ.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dporfs(3)           - (unknown subject)
dporfs.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dporfsx(3)          - (unknown subject)
dporfsx.f(3)        - (unknown subject)
dposv(3)            - (unknown subject)
dposv.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
dposvx(3)           - (unknown subject)
dposvx.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dposvxx(3)          - (unknown subject)
dposvxx.f(3)        - (unknown subject)
dpotf2(3)           - (unknown subject)
dpotf2.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dpotrf(3)           - (unknown subject)
dpotrf.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dpotri(3)           - (unknown subject)
dpotri.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dpotrs(3)           - (unknown subject)
dpotrs.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dppcon(3)           - (unknown subject)
dppcon.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dppequ(3)           - (unknown subject)
dppequ.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dpprfs(3)           - (unknown subject)
dpprfs.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dppsv(3)            - (unknown subject)
dppsv.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
dppsvx(3)           - (unknown subject)
dppsvx.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dpptrf(3)           - (unknown subject)
dpptrf.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dpptri(3)           - (unknown subject)
dpptri.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dpptrs(3)           - (unknown subject)
dpptrs.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dprintf(3)          - (unknown subject)
dprofpp(1)          - display perl profile data
dpstf2(3)           - (unknown subject)
dpstf2.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dpstrf(3)           - (unknown subject)
dpstrf.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dptcon(3)           - (unknown subject)
dptcon.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dpteqr(3)           - (unknown subject)
dpteqr.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dptrfs(3)           - (unknown subject)
dptrfs.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dptsv(3)            - (unknown subject)
dptsv.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
dptsvx(3)           - (unknown subject)
dptsvx.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dpttrf(3)           - (unknown subject)
dpttrf.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dpttrs(3)           - (unknown subject)
dpttrs.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dptts2(3)           - (unknown subject)
dptts2.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
DROP_AGGREGATE(7)   - remove an aggregate function
DROP_CAST(7)        - remove a cast
DROP_COLLATION(7)   - remove a collation
DROP_CONVERSION(7)  - remove a conversion
DROP_DATABASE(7)    - remove a database
dropdb(1)           - remove a PostgreSQL database
DROP_DOMAIN(7)      - remove a domain
DROP_EVENT_TRIGGER(7) - remove an event trigger
DROP_EXTENSION(7)   - remove an extension
DROP_FOREIGN_DATA_WRAPPER(7) - remove a foreign-data wrapper
DROP_FOREIGN_TABLE(7) - remove a foreign table
DROP_FUNCTION(7)    - remove a function
DROP_GROUP(7)       - remove a database role
DROP_INDEX(7)       - remove an index
droplang(1)         - remove a PostgreSQL procedural language
DROP_LANGUAGE(7)    - remove a procedural language
DROP_MATERIALIZED_VIEW(7) - remove a materialized view
DROP_OPERATOR(7)    - remove an operator
DROP_OPERATOR_CLASS(7) - remove an operator class
DROP_OPERATOR_FAMILY(7) - remove an operator family
DROP_OWNED(7)       - remove database objects owned by a database role
DROP_ROLE(7)        - remove a database role
DROP_RULE(7)        - remove a rewrite rule
DROP_SCHEMA(7)      - remove a schema
DROP_SEQUENCE(7)    - remove a sequence
DROP_SERVER(7)      - remove a foreign server descriptor
DROP_TABLE(7)       - remove a table
DROP_TABLESPACE(7)  - remove a tablespace
DROP_TEXT_SEARCH_CONFIGURATION(7) - remove a text search configuration
DROP_TEXT_SEARCH_DICTIONARY(7) - remove a text search dictionary
DROP_TEXT_SEARCH_PARSER(7) - remove a text search parser
DROP_TEXT_SEARCH_TEMPLATE(7) - remove a text search template
DROP_TRIGGER(7)     - remove a trigger
DROP_TYPE(7)        - remove a data type
dropuser(1)         - remove a PostgreSQL user account
DROP_USER(7)        - remove a database role
DROP_USER_MAPPING(7) - remove a user mapping for a foreign server
DROP_VIEW(7)        - remove a view
drot(3)             - (unknown subject)
drot.f(3)           - (unknown subject)
drotg(3)            - (unknown subject)
drotg.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
drotm(3)            - (unknown subject)
drotm.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
drotmg(3)           - (unknown subject)
drotmg.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
drscl(3)            - (unknown subject)
drscl.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
dsa(1)              - DSA key processing
dsa(3)              - Digital Signature Algorithm
DSA_do_sign(3)      - raw DSA signature operations
DSA_do_verify(3)    - raw DSA signature operations
DSA_dup_DH(3)       - create a DH structure out of DSA structure
DSA_free(3)         - allocate and free DSA objects
DSA_generate_key(3) - generate DSA key pair
DSA_generate_parameters(3) - generate DSA parameters
DSA_get_default_method(3) - select DSA method
DSA_get_ex_data(3)  - add application specific data to DSA structures
DSA_get_ex_new_index(3) - add application specific data to DSA structures
DSA_new(3)          - allocate and free DSA objects
DSA_new_method(3)   - select DSA method
DSA_OpenSSL(3)      - select DSA method
dsaparam(1)         - DSA parameter manipulation and generation
DSAparams_print(3)  - print cryptographic parameters
DSAparams_print_fp(3) - print cryptographic parameters
DSA_print(3)        - print cryptographic parameters
DSA_print_fp(3)     - print cryptographic parameters
DSA_set_default_method(3) - select DSA method
DSA_set_ex_data(3)  - add application specific data to DSA structures
DSA_set_method(3)   - select DSA method
DSA_SIG_free(3)     - allocate and free DSA signature objects
DSA_sign(3)         - DSA signatures
DSA_SIG_new(3)      - allocate and free DSA signature objects
DSA_sign_setup(3)   - DSA signatures
DSA_size(3)         - get DSA signature size
DSA_verify(3)       - DSA signatures
dsbev(3)            - (unknown subject)
dsbevd(3)           - (unknown subject)
dsbevd.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dsbev.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
dsbevx(3)           - (unknown subject)
dsbevx.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dsbgst(3)           - (unknown subject)
dsbgst.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dsbgv(3)            - (unknown subject)
dsbgvd(3)           - (unknown subject)
dsbgvd.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dsbgv.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
dsbgvx(3)           - (unknown subject)
dsbgvx.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dsbmv(3)            - (unknown subject)
dsbmv.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
dsbtrd(3)           - (unknown subject)
dsbtrd.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dscal(3)            - (unknown subject)
dscal.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
dsdot(3)            - (unknown subject)
dsdot.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
dsecnd(3)           - (unknown subject)
dsecnd_EXT_ETIME_.f(3) - (unknown subject)
dsecnd_EXT_ETIME.f(3) - (unknown subject)
dsecnd_INT_CPU_TIME.f(3) - (unknown subject)
dsecnd_INT_ETIME.f(3) - (unknown subject)
dsecnd_NONE.f(3)    - (unknown subject)
__dsecndtst.f__(3)  - (unknown subject)
dsecndtst.f(3)      - (unknown subject)
dsfrk(3)            - (unknown subject)
dsfrk.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
dsgesv(3)           - (unknown subject)
dsgesv.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dspcon(3)           - (unknown subject)
dspcon.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dspev(3)            - (unknown subject)
dspevd(3)           - (unknown subject)
dspevd.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dspev.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
dspevx(3)           - (unknown subject)
dspevx.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dspgst(3)           - (unknown subject)
dspgst.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dspgv(3)            - (unknown subject)
dspgvd(3)           - (unknown subject)
dspgvd.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dspgv.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
dspgvx(3)           - (unknown subject)
dspgvx.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dspmv(3)            - (unknown subject)
dspmv.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
dsposv(3)           - (unknown subject)
dsposv.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dspr2(3)            - (unknown subject)
dspr2.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
dspr(3)             - (unknown subject)
dspr.f(3)           - (unknown subject)
dsprfs(3)           - (unknown subject)
dsprfs.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dspsv(3)            - (unknown subject)
dspsv.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
dspsvx(3)           - (unknown subject)
dspsvx.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dsptrd(3)           - (unknown subject)
dsptrd.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dsptrf(3)           - (unknown subject)
dsptrf.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dsptri(3)           - (unknown subject)
dsptri.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dsptrs(3)           - (unknown subject)
dsptrs.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dstebz(3)           - (unknown subject)
dstebz.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dstedc(3)           - (unknown subject)
dstedc.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dstegr(3)           - (unknown subject)
dstegr.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dstein(3)           - (unknown subject)
dstein.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dstemr(3)           - (unknown subject)
dstemr.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dsteqr(3)           - (unknown subject)
dsteqr.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dsterf(3)           - (unknown subject)
dsterf.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dstev(3)            - (unknown subject)
dstevd(3)           - (unknown subject)
dstevd.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dstev.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
dstevr(3)           - (unknown subject)
dstevr.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dstevx(3)           - (unknown subject)
dstevx.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dswap(3)            - (unknown subject)
dswap.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
dsycon(3)           - (unknown subject)
dsycon.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dsycon_rook(3)      - (unknown subject)
dsycon_rook.f(3)    - (unknown subject)
dsyconv(3)          - (unknown subject)
dsyconv.f(3)        - (unknown subject)
dsyequb(3)          - (unknown subject)
dsyequb.f(3)        - (unknown subject)
dsyev(3)            - (unknown subject)
dsyevd(3)           - (unknown subject)
dsyevd.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dsyev.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
dsyevr(3)           - (unknown subject)
dsyevr.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dsyevx(3)           - (unknown subject)
dsyevx.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dsygs2(3)           - (unknown subject)
dsygs2.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dsygst(3)           - (unknown subject)
dsygst.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dsygv(3)            - (unknown subject)
dsygvd(3)           - (unknown subject)
dsygvd.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dsygv.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
dsygvx(3)           - (unknown subject)
dsygvx.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dsymm(3)            - (unknown subject)
dsymm.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
dsymv(3)            - (unknown subject)
dsymv.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
dsyr2(3)            - (unknown subject)
dsyr2.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
dsyr2k(3)           - (unknown subject)
dsyr2k.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dsyr(3)             - (unknown subject)
dsyr.f(3)           - (unknown subject)
dsyrfs(3)           - (unknown subject)
dsyrfs.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dsyrfsx(3)          - (unknown subject)
dsyrfsx.f(3)        - (unknown subject)
dsyrk(3)            - (unknown subject)
dsyrk.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
dsysv(3)            - (unknown subject)
dsysv.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
dsysv_rook(3)       - (unknown subject)
dsysv_rook.f(3)     - (unknown subject)
dsysvx(3)           - (unknown subject)
dsysvx.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dsysvxx(3)          - (unknown subject)
dsysvxx.f(3)        - (unknown subject)
dsyswapr(3)         - (unknown subject)
dsyswapr.f(3)       - (unknown subject)
dsytd2(3)           - (unknown subject)
dsytd2.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dsytf2(3)           - (unknown subject)
dsytf2.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dsytf2_rook(3)      - (unknown subject)
dsytf2_rook.f(3)    - (unknown subject)
dsytrd(3)           - (unknown subject)
dsytrd.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dsytrf(3)           - (unknown subject)
dsytrf.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dsytrf_rook(3)      - (unknown subject)
dsytrf_rook.f(3)    - (unknown subject)
dsytri2(3)          - (unknown subject)
dsytri2.f(3)        - (unknown subject)
dsytri2x(3)         - (unknown subject)
dsytri2x.f(3)       - (unknown subject)
dsytri(3)           - (unknown subject)
dsytri.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dsytri_rook(3)      - (unknown subject)
dsytri_rook.f(3)    - (unknown subject)
dsytrs2(3)          - (unknown subject)
dsytrs2.f(3)        - (unknown subject)
dsytrs(3)           - (unknown subject)
dsytrs.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dsytrs_rook(3)      - (unknown subject)
dsytrs_rook.f(3)    - (unknown subject)
dt2dv(1)            - convert a DTL text representation of a TeX DVI file to a binary DVI file
dtbcon(3)           - (unknown subject)
dtbcon.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dtbmv(3)            - (unknown subject)
dtbmv.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
dtbrfs(3)           - (unknown subject)
dtbrfs.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dtbsv(3)            - (unknown subject)
dtbsv.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
dtbtrs(3)           - (unknown subject)
dtbtrs.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dtfsm(3)            - (unknown subject)
dtfsm.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
dtftri(3)           - (unknown subject)
dtftri.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dtfttp(3)           - (unknown subject)
dtfttp.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dtfttr(3)           - (unknown subject)
dtfttr.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dtgevc(3)           - (unknown subject)
dtgevc.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dtgex2(3)           - (unknown subject)
dtgex2.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dtgexc(3)           - (unknown subject)
dtgexc.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dtgsen(3)           - (unknown subject)
dtgsen.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dtgsja(3)           - (unknown subject)
dtgsja.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dtgsna(3)           - (unknown subject)
dtgsna.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dtgsy2(3)           - (unknown subject)
dtgsy2.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dtgsyl(3)           - (unknown subject)
dtgsyl.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dtpcon(3)           - (unknown subject)
dtpcon.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dtpmqrt(3)          - (unknown subject)
dtpmqrt.f(3)        - (unknown subject)
dtpmv(3)            - (unknown subject)
dtpmv.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
dtpqrt2(3)          - (unknown subject)
dtpqrt2.f(3)        - (unknown subject)
dtpqrt(3)           - (unknown subject)
dtpqrt.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dtprfb(3)           - (unknown subject)
dtprfb.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dtprfs(3)           - (unknown subject)
dtprfs.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dtpsv(3)            - (unknown subject)
dtpsv.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
dtptri(3)           - (unknown subject)
dtptri.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dtptrs(3)           - (unknown subject)
dtptrs.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dtpttf(3)           - (unknown subject)
dtpttf.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dtpttr(3)           - (unknown subject)
dtpttr.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dtrcon(3)           - (unknown subject)
dtrcon.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dtrevc(3)           - (unknown subject)
dtrevc.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dtrexc(3)           - (unknown subject)
dtrexc.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dtrmm(3)            - (unknown subject)
dtrmm.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
dtrmv(3)            - (unknown subject)
dtrmv.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
dtrrfs(3)           - (unknown subject)
dtrrfs.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dtrsen(3)           - (unknown subject)
dtrsen.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dtrsm(3)            - (unknown subject)
dtrsm.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
dtrsna(3)           - (unknown subject)
dtrsna.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dtrsv(3)            - (unknown subject)
dtrsv.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
dtrsyl(3)           - (unknown subject)
dtrsyl.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dtrti2(3)           - (unknown subject)
dtrti2.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dtrtri(3)           - (unknown subject)
dtrtri.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dtrtrs(3)           - (unknown subject)
dtrtrs.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dtrttf(3)           - (unknown subject)
dtrttf.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dtrttp(3)           - (unknown subject)
dtrttp.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dtzrqf(3)           - (unknown subject)
dtzrqf.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dtzrzf(3)           - (unknown subject)
dtzrzf.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
du(1)               - estimate file space usage
duende(8)           - run a child process as a daemon
duff(1)             - duplicate file finder
dumpe2fs(8)         - dump ext2/ext3/ext4 filesystem information
dumper(1)           - (unknown subject)
Dumpvalue(3pm)      - provides screen dump of Perl data.
dup_field(3x)       - create and destroy form fields
dupwin(3x)          - create curses windows
dv2dt(1)            - convert a binary TeX DVI file to DTL text representation
dvi2fax(1)          - convert a TeX DVI file to G3 fax format
dvi2tty(1)          - preview a TeX DVI-file on an ordinary ascii terminal
dvibook(1)          - rearrange pages in DVI file into signatures
dviconcat(1)        - concatenate DVI files
dvicopy(1)          - produce modified copy of DVI file
dvidvi(1)           - selects and/or re-arranges pages in a TeX dvi file
dvigif(1)           - A DVI-to-PNG translator
dvihp(1)            - convert a TeX DVI file to Hewlett-Packard PCL
dvilj(1)            - convert a TeX DVI file to PCL, for HP LaserJet printers
dvilj2p(1)          - convert a TeX DVI file to PCL, for HP LaserJet printers
dvilj4(1)           - convert a TeX DVI file to PCL, for HP LaserJet printers
dvilj4l(1)          - convert a TeX DVI file to PCL, for HP LaserJet printers
dvilj6(1)           - convert a TeX DVI file to PCL, for HP LaserJet printers
dvipdf(1)           - Convert TeX DVI file to PDF using ghostscript and dvips
dvipdfm(1)          - produce PDF files directly from DVI files
dvipdft(1)          - create thumbnail images for use with dvipdfm
dvipng(1)           - A DVI-to-PNG translator
dvipos(1)           - compute positions in a DVI file
dvips(1)            - convert a TeX DVI file to PostScript
dvired(1)           - print dvi-files
dviselect(1)        - extract pages from DVI files
dvisvgm(1)          - converts DVI files to the XML-based SVG format
dvitodvi(1)         - rearrange pages in a DVI file
dvitomp(1)          - convert a TeX DVI file to a MetaPost MPXFILE
dvitype(1)          - translate a dvi file for humans
dwebp(1)            - decompress a WebP file to an image file
DynaLoader(3pm)     - Dynamically load C libraries into Perl code
dynamic_field_info(3x) - retrieve field characteristics
dzasum(3)           - (unknown subject)
dzasum.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dznrm2(3)           - (unknown subject)
dznrm2.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
dzsum1(3)           - (unknown subject)
dzsum1.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
e2freefrag(8)       - report free space fragmentation information
e2fsck(8)           - check a Linux ext2/ext3/ext4 file system
e2fsck.conf(5)      - Configuration file for e2fsck
e2fsimage(1)        - create and populate an ext2 filesystem image as non-root user
e2image(8)          - Save critical ext2/ext3/ext4 filesystem metadata to a file
e2label(8)          - Change the label on an ext2/ext3/ext4 filesystem
e2pall(1)           - convert all EPS files in a LaTeX document to PDF
e2undo(8)           - Replay an undo log for an ext2/ext3/ext4 filesystem
ebb(1)              - extract bounding box information from graphics files
ebrowse(1)          - create a class hierarchy database
ec(1)               - EC key processing
ecalloc(3)          - exit-on-failure wrapper functions
ecdsa(3)            - Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm
echo(1)             - display a line of text
echo(3x)            - curses input options
echochar(3x)        - add a character (with attributes) to a curses window, then advance the cursor
echo_wchar(3x)      - add a complex character and rendition to a curses window, then advance the cursor
ecparam(1)          - EC parameter manipulation and generation
ecpg(1)             - embedded SQL C preprocessor
ecvt(3)             - (unknown subject)
ecvtbuf(3)          - (unknown subject)
ed(1)               - line-oriented text editor
editdiff(1)         - fix offsets and counts of a hand-edited diff
editline(3)         - line editor, history and tokenization functions
editrc(5)           - configuration file for editline library
editres(1)          - a dynamic resource editor for X Toolkit applications
editrights(1)       - edit Windows user rights and privileges
egrep(1)            - print lines matching a pattern
el_deletestr(3)     - line editor, history and tokenization functions
el_end(3)           - line editor, history and tokenization functions
elfedit(1)          - Update the ELF header of ELF files.
el_get(3)           - line editor, history and tokenization functions
el_getc(3)          - line editor, history and tokenization functions
el_gets(3)          - line editor, history and tokenization functions
el_history(3)       - line editor, history and tokenization functions
el_history_end(3)   - line editor, history and tokenization functions
el_history_init(3)  - line editor, history and tokenization functions
elif(1)             - bash built-in commands, see bash(1)
el_init(3)          - line editor, history and tokenization functions
el_insertstr(3)     - line editor, history and tokenization functions
el_line(3)          - line editor, history and tokenization functions
el_parse(3)         - line editor, history and tokenization functions
el_push(3)          - line editor, history and tokenization functions
el_reset(3)         - line editor, history and tokenization functions
el_resize(3)        - line editor, history and tokenization functions
else(1)             - bash built-in commands, see bash(1)
el_set(3)           - line editor, history and tokenization functions
el_source(3)        - line editor, history and tokenization functions
el_tok_end(3)       - line editor, history and tokenization functions
el_tok_init(3)      - line editor, history and tokenization functions
el_tok_line(3)      - line editor, history and tokenization functions
el_tok_reset(3)     - line editor, history and tokenization functions
el_tok_str(3)       - line editor, history and tokenization functions
emacs(1)            - GNU project Emacs
emacsclient(1)      - tells a running Emacs to visit a file
email(1)            - Encrypted SMTP email via Command line
emalloc(3)          - exit-on-failure wrapper functions
enable(1)           - bash built-in commands, see bash(1)
enc(1)              - symmetric cipher routines
enc2xs(1)           - - Perl Encode Module Generator
enchant(1)          - a spellchecker
Encode(3pm)         - character encodings
Encode.Alias(3pm)   - alias definitions to encodings
Encode.Byte(3pm)    - Single Byte Encodings
Encode.CJKConstants(3pm) - - Internally used by Encode::??::ISO_2022_*
Encode.CN(3pm)      - China-based Chinese Encodings
Encode.CN.HZ(3pm)   - - internally used by Encode::CN
Encode.Config(3pm)  - - internally used by Encode
Encode.EBCDIC(3pm)  - EBCDIC Encodings
Encode.Encoder(3pm) - - Object Oriented Encoder
Encode.Encoding(3pm) - Encode Implementation Base Class
Encode.GSM0338(3pm) - - ESTI GSM 03.38 Encoding
Encode.Guess(3pm)   - - Guesses encoding from data
Encode.JP(3pm)      - Japanese Encodings
Encode.JP.H2Z(3pm)  - - internally used by Encode::JP::2022_JP*
Encode.JP.JIS7(3pm) - - internally used by Encode::JP
encode_keychange(1) - produce the KeyChange string for SNMPv3
Encode.KR.2022_KR(3pm) - - internally used by Encode::KR
Encode.KR(3pm)      - Korean Encodings
Encode.Locale(3pm)  - Determine the locale encoding
Encode.MIME.Header(3pm) - - MIME 'B' and 'Q' header encoding
Encode.MIME.Name(3pm) - - internally used by Encode
Encode.PerlIO(3pm)  - - a detailed document on Encode and PerlIO
Encode.Supported(3pm) - - Encodings supported by Encode
Encode.Symbol(3pm)  - Symbol Encodings
Encode.TW(3pm)      - Taiwan-based Chinese Encodings
Encode.Unicode(3pm) - - Various Unicode Transformation Formats
Encode.Unicode.UTF7(3pm) - - UTF-7 encoding
encoding(3pm)       - allows you to write your script in non-ascii or non-utf8
encoding(n)         - Manipulate encodings
encoding.warnings(3pm) - Warn on implicit encoding conversions
END(7)              - commit the current transaction
endwin(3x)          - curses screen initialization and manipulation routines
engine(3)           - ENGINE cryptographic module support
English(3pm)        - use nice English (or awk) names for ugly punctuation variables
enscript(1)         - convert text files to PostScript, HTML, RTF, ANSI, and overstrikes
ensemble(n)         - create or modify a composite command
entry(n)            - Create and manipulate entry widgets
env(1)              - run a program in a modified environment
Env(3pm)            - perl module that imports environment variables as scalars or arrays
__env_lock(3)       - (unknown subject)
envsubst(1)         - substitutes environment variables in shell format strings
eof(n)              - Check for end of file condition on channel
eplain(1)           - expanded plain TeX
eps2eps(1)          - Ghostscript PostScript "distiller"
epsffit(1)          - fit encapsulated PostScript file(EPSF) into constrained size
epstool(1)          - Edit preview images and fix bounding boxes in EPS files.
epstopdf(1)         - convert an EPS file to PDF
epylint(1)          - Emacs and Flymake compatible Pylint
eqn(1)              - format equations for troff or MathML
eqn2graph(1)        - convert an EQN equation into a cropped image
erase(3x)           - clear all or part of a curses window
erasechar(3x)       - curses environment query routines
erasewchar(3x)      - curses environment query routines
erb(1)              - Ruby Templating
eread(3)            - exit-on-failure wrapper functions
erealloc(3)         - exit-on-failure wrapper functions
erf(3)              - (unknown subject)
erfc(3)             - (unknown subject)
erfcf(3)            - (unknown subject)
erff(3)             - (unknown subject)
err(3)              - error codes
ERR_add_error_data(3) - record an error
ERR_clear_error(3)  - clear the error queue
ERR_error_string(3) - obtain human-readable error message
ERR_error_string_n(3) - obtain human-readable error message
ERR_free_strings(3) - load and free error strings
ERR_func_error_string(3) - obtain human-readable error message
ERR_get_error(3)    - obtain error code and data
ERR_get_error_line(3) - obtain error code and data
ERR_get_error_line_data(3) - obtain error code and data
ERR_GET_FUNC(3)     - get library, function and reason code
ERR_GET_LIB(3)      - get library, function and reason code
ERR_get_next_error_library(3) - load arbitrary error strings
ERR_GET_REASON(3)   - get library, function and reason code
ERR_lib_error_string(3) - obtain human-readable error message
ERR_load_crypto_strings(3) - load and free error strings
ERR_load_strings(3) - load arbitrary error strings
ERR_load_UI_strings(3) - New User Interface
Errno(3pm)          - System errno constants
Error(3pm)          - Error/exception handling in an OO-ish way
error(n)            - Generate an error
Error.Simple(3pm)   - the simple error sub-class of Error
ERR_PACK(3)         - load arbitrary error strings
ERR_peek_error(3)   - obtain error code and data
ERR_peek_error_line(3) - obtain error code and data
ERR_peek_error_line_data(3) - obtain error code and data
ERR_peek_last_error(3) - obtain error code and data
ERR_peek_last_error_line(3) - obtain error code and data
ERR_peek_last_error_line_data(3) - obtain error code and data
ERR_pop_to_mark(3)  - set marks and pop errors until mark
ERR_print_errors(3) - print error messages
ERR_print_errors_fp(3) - print error messages
ERR_put_error(3)    - record an error
ERR_reason_error_string(3) - obtain human-readable error message
ERR_remove_state(3) - free a thread's error queue
ERR_set_mark(3)     - set marks and pop errors until mark
errstr(1)           - lookup error codes
esac(1)             - bash built-in commands, see bash(1)
esdcat(1)           - play a sound file from stdin
esdcompat(1)        - PulseAudio ESD wrapper script
esd-config(1)       - The Enlightened Sound Daemon
esdctl(1)           - The Enlightened Sound Daemon
esdfilt(1)          - The Enlightened Sound Daemon
esdloop(1)          - The Enlightened Sound Daemon
esdmon(1)           - The Enlightened Sound Daemon
esdplay(1)          - attempt to reroute audio device to esd
esdrec(1)           - record a sound file
esdsample(1)        - play a sample
esetenv(3)          - exit-on-failure wrapper functions
espdiff(1)          - apply the appropriate transformation to a set of patches
estrdup(3)          - exit-on-failure wrapper functions
etags(1)            - Generate tag files for source code
etex(1)             - extended(plain) TeX
etf2ly(1)           - manual page for etf2ly(LilyPond) 2.14.1
eval(1)             - bash built-in commands, see bash(1)
eval(n)             - Evaluate a Tcl script
EventMaskOfScreen(3) - screen information functions and macros
event(n)            - Miscellaneous event facilities: define virtual events and generate events
eview(1)            - easy Vim, edit a file with Vim and setup for modeless editing
evim(1)             - easy Vim, edit a file with Vim and setup for modeless editing
evp(3)              - high-level cryptographic functions
EVP_aes_128_cbc(3)  - (unknown subject)
EVP_aes_128_cfb8(3) - (unknown subject)
EVP_aes_192_cbc(3)  - (unknown subject)
EVP_aes_192_cfb8(3) - (unknown subject)
EVP_aes_256_cbc(3)  - (unknown subject)
EVP_aes_256_cfb8(3) - (unknown subject)
EVP_BytesToKey(3)   - password based encryption routine
EVP_BytesToKey(3)   - (unknown subject)
EVP_camellia_128_cbc(3) - (unknown subject)
EVP_camellia_192_cbc(3) - (unknown subject)
EVP_camellia_256_cbc(3) - (unknown subject)
EVP_CIPHER_asn1_to_param(3) - EVP cipher routines
EVP_CIPHER_block_size(3) - EVP cipher routines
EVP_CIPHER_block_size(3) - (unknown subject)
EVP_CIPHER_CTX_block_size(3) - EVP cipher routines
EVP_CIPHER_CTX_block_size(3) - (unknown subject)
EVP_CIPHER_CTX_cipher(3) - EVP cipher routines
EVP_CIPHER_CTX_cipher(3) - (unknown subject)
EVP_CIPHER_CTX_cleanup(3) - EVP cipher routines
EVP_CIPHER_CTX_cleanup(3) - (unknown subject)
EVP_CIPHER_CTX_ctrl(3) - EVP cipher routines
EVP_CIPHER_CTX_ctrl(3) - (unknown subject)
EVP_CIPHER_CTX_flags(3) - EVP cipher routines
EVP_CIPHER_CTX_flags(3) - (unknown subject)
EVP_CIPHER_CTX_get_app_data(3) - EVP cipher routines
EVP_CIPHER_CTX_get_app_data(3) - (unknown subject)
EVP_CIPHER_CTX_init(3) - EVP cipher routines
EVP_CIPHER_CTX_init(3) - (unknown subject)
EVP_CIPHER_CTX_iv_length(3) - EVP cipher routines
EVP_CIPHER_CTX_iv_length(3) - (unknown subject)
EVP_CIPHER_CTX_key_length(3) - EVP cipher routines
EVP_CIPHER_CTX_key_length(3) - (unknown subject)
EVP_CIPHER_CTX_mode(3) - EVP cipher routines
EVP_CIPHER_CTX_mode(3) - (unknown subject)
EVP_CIPHER_CTX_nid(3) - EVP cipher routines
EVP_CIPHER_CTX_rand_key(3) - (unknown subject)
EVP_CIPHER_CTX_set_app_data(3) - EVP cipher routines
EVP_CIPHER_CTX_set_app_data(3) - (unknown subject)
EVP_CIPHER_CTX_set_key_length(3) - EVP cipher routines
EVP_CIPHER_CTX_set_key_length(3) - (unknown subject)
EVP_CIPHER_CTX_set_padding(3) - EVP cipher routines
EVP_CIPHER_CTX_type(3) - EVP cipher routines
EVP_CipherFinal(3)  - EVP cipher routines
EVP_CipherFinal_ex(3) - EVP cipher routines
EVP_CipherFinal_ex(3) - (unknown subject)
EVP_CIPHER_flags(3) - EVP cipher routines
EVP_CipherInit(3)   - EVP cipher routines
EVP_CipherInit_ex(3) - EVP cipher routines
EVP_CipherInit_ex(3) - (unknown subject)
EVP_CIPHER_iv_length(3) - EVP cipher routines
EVP_CIPHER_iv_length(3) - (unknown subject)
EVP_CIPHER_key_length(3) - EVP cipher routines
EVP_CIPHER_key_length(3) - (unknown subject)
EVP_CIPHER_mode(3)  - EVP cipher routines
EVP_CIPHER_nid(3)   - EVP cipher routines
EVP_CIPHER_param_to_asn1(3) - EVP cipher routines
EVP_CIPHER_type(3)  - EVP cipher routines
EVP_CipherUpdate(3) - EVP cipher routines
EVP_CipherUpdate(3) - (unknown subject)
EVP_DecryptFinal(3) - EVP cipher routines
EVP_DecryptFinal_ex(3) - EVP cipher routines
EVP_DecryptInit(3)  - EVP cipher routines
EVP_DecryptInit_ex(3) - EVP cipher routines
EVP_DecryptUpdate(3) - EVP cipher routines
EVP_des_cbc(3)      - (unknown subject)
EVP_des_ede3_cbc(3) - (unknown subject)
EVP_Digest(3)       - (unknown subject)
EVP_DigestFinal_ex(3) - EVP digest routines
EVP_DigestFinal_ex(3) - (unknown subject)
EVP_DigestInit(3)   - EVP digest routines
EVP_DigestInit_ex(3) - EVP digest routines
EVP_DigestInit_ex(3) - (unknown subject)
EVP_DigestSignFinal(3) - EVP signing functions
EVP_DigestSignInit(3) - EVP signing functions
EVP_DigestSignUpdate(3) - EVP signing functions
EVP_DigestUpdate(3) - EVP digest routines
EVP_DigestUpdate(3) - (unknown subject)
EVP_DigestVerifyFinal(3) - EVP signature verification functions
EVP_DigestVerifyInit(3) - EVP signature verification functions
EVP_DigestVerifyUpdate(3) - EVP signature verification functions
EVP_dss1(3)         - EVP digest routines
EVP_dss(3)          - EVP digest routines
EVP_enc_null(3)     - (unknown subject)
EVP_EncryptFinal(3) - EVP cipher routines
EVP_EncryptFinal_ex(3) - EVP cipher routines
EVP_EncryptInit(3)  - EVP cipher routines
EVP_EncryptInit_ex(3) - EVP cipher routines
EVP_EncryptUpdate(3) - EVP cipher routines
EVP_get_cipherbyname(3) - EVP cipher routines
EVP_get_cipherbyname(3) - (unknown subject)
EVP_get_cipherbynid(3) - EVP cipher routines
EVP_get_cipherbyobj(3) - EVP cipher routines
EVP_get_digestbyname(3) - EVP digest routines
EVP_get_digestbynid(3) - EVP digest routines
EVP_get_digestbyobj(3) - EVP digest routines
EVP_hcrypto_aes_128_cbc(3) - (unknown subject)
EVP_hcrypto_aes_128_cfb8(3) - (unknown subject)
EVP_hcrypto_aes_192_cbc(3) - (unknown subject)
EVP_hcrypto_aes_192_cfb8(3) - (unknown subject)
EVP_hcrypto_aes_256_cbc(3) - (unknown subject)
EVP_hcrypto_aes_256_cfb8(3) - (unknown subject)
EVP_hcrypto_camellia_128_cbc(3) - (unknown subject)
EVP_hcrypto_camellia_192_cbc(3) - (unknown subject)
EVP_hcrypto_camellia_256_cbc(3) - (unknown subject)
EVP_hcrypto_des_cbc(3) - (unknown subject)
EVP_hcrypto_des_ede3_cbc(3) - (unknown subject)
EVP_hcrypto_md2(3)  - (unknown subject)
EVP_hcrypto_md4(3)  - (unknown subject)
EVP_hcrypto_md5(3)  - (unknown subject)
EVP_hcrypto_rc2_40_cbc(3) - (unknown subject)
EVP_hcrypto_rc2_64_cbc(3) - (unknown subject)
EVP_hcrypto_rc2_cbc(3) - (unknown subject)
EVP_hcrypto_sha1(3) - (unknown subject)
EVP_hcrypto_sha256(3) - (unknown subject)
EVP_hcrypto_sha384(3) - (unknown subject)
EVP_hcrypto_sha512(3) - (unknown subject)
EVP_MAX_MD_SIZE(3)  - EVP digest routines
EVP_md2(3)          - EVP digest routines
EVP_md2(3)          - (unknown subject)
EVP_md4(3)          - (unknown subject)
EVP_md5(3)          - EVP digest routines
EVP_md5(3)          - (unknown subject)
EVP_MD_block_size(3) - EVP digest routines
EVP_MD_block_size(3) - (unknown subject)
EVP_mdc2(3)         - EVP digest routines
EVP_MD_CTX_block_size(3) - EVP digest routines
EVP_MD_CTX_block_size(3) - (unknown subject)
EVP_MD_CTX_cleanup(3) - EVP digest routines
EVP_MD_CTX_cleanup(3) - (unknown subject)
EVP_MD_CTX_copy(3)  - EVP digest routines
EVP_MD_CTX_copy_ex(3) - EVP digest routines
EVP_MD_CTX_create(3) - EVP digest routines
EVP_MD_CTX_create(3) - (unknown subject)
EVP_MD_CTX_destroy(3) - EVP digest routines
EVP_MD_CTX_destroy(3) - (unknown subject)
EVP_MD_CTX_init(3)  - EVP digest routines
EVP_MD_CTX_init(3)  - (unknown subject)
EVP_MD_CTX_md(3)    - EVP digest routines
EVP_MD_CTX_md(3)    - (unknown subject)
EVP_MD_CTX_size(3)  - EVP digest routines
EVP_MD_CTX_size(3)  - (unknown subject)
EVP_MD_CTX_type(3)  - EVP digest routines
EVP_md_null(3)      - EVP digest routines
EVP_md_null(3)      - (unknown subject)
EVP_MD_pkey_type(3) - EVP digest routines
EVP_MD_size(3)      - EVP digest routines
EVP_MD_size(3)      - (unknown subject)
EVP_MD_type(3)      - EVP digest routines
EVP_OpenFinal(3)    - EVP envelope decryption
EVP_OpenInit(3)     - EVP envelope decryption
EVP_OpenUpdate(3)   - EVP envelope decryption
EVP_PKEVP_PKEY_CTX_set_app_data(3) - key and parameter generation functions
EVP_PKEY_assign_DH(3) - EVP_PKEY assignment functions.
EVP_PKEY_assign_DSA(3) - EVP_PKEY assignment functions.
EVP_PKEY_assign_EC_KEY(3) - EVP_PKEY assignment functions.
EVP_PKEY_assign_RSA(3) - EVP_PKEY assignment functions.
EVP_PKEY_cmp(3)     - public key parameter and comparison functions
EVP_PKEY_cmp_parameters(3) - public key parameter and comparison functions
EVP_PKEY_copy_parameters(3) - public key parameter and comparison functions
EVP_PKEY_ctrl(3)    - algorithm specific control operations
EVP_PKEY_ctrl_str(3) - algorithm specific control operations
EVP_PKEY_CTX_ctrl(3) - algorithm specific control operations
EVP_PKEY_CTX_dup(3) - public key algorithm context functions.
EVP_PKEY_CTX_free(3) - public key algorithm context functions.
EVP_PKEY_CTX_get_app_data(3) - key and parameter generation functions
EVP_PKEY_CTX_get_cb(3) - key and parameter generation functions
EVP_PKEY_CTX_get_keygen_info(3) - key and parameter generation functions
EVP_PKEY_CTX_new(3) - public key algorithm context functions.
EVP_PKEY_CTX_new_id(3) - public key algorithm context functions.
EVP_PKEY_CTX_set_cb(3) - key and parameter generation functions
EVP_PKEY_decrypt(3) - decrypt using a public key algorithm
EVP_PKEY_decrypt_init(3) - decrypt using a public key algorithm
EVP_PKEY_derive(3)  - derive public key algorithm shared secret.
EVP_PKEY_derive_init(3) - derive public key algorithm shared secret.
EVP_PKEY_derive_set_peer(3) - derive public key algorithm shared secret.
EVP_PKEY_encrypt(3) - encrypt using a public key algorithm
EVP_PKEY_encrypt_init(3) - encrypt using a public key algorithm
EVP_PKEY_free(3)    - private key allocation functions.
EVP_PKEY_get1_DH(3) - EVP_PKEY assignment functions.
EVP_PKEY_get1_DSA(3) - EVP_PKEY assignment functions.
EVP_PKEY_get1_EC_KEY(3) - EVP_PKEY assignment functions.
EVP_PKEY_get1_RSA(3) - EVP_PKEY assignment functions.
EVP_PKEY_get_default_digest(3) - get default signature digest
EVP_PKEY_get_default_digest_nid(3) - get default signature digest
EVP_PKEY_keygen(3)  - key and parameter generation functions
EVP_PKEY_keygen_init(3) - key and parameter generation functions
EVP_PKEY_missing_parameters(3) - public key parameter and comparison functions
EVP_PKEY_new(3)     - private key allocation functions.
EVP_PKEY_paramgen(3) - key and parameter generation functions
EVP_PKEY_paramgen_init(3) - key and parameter generation functions
EVP_PKEY_print_params(3) - public key algorithm printing routines.
EVP_PKEY_print_private(3) - public key algorithm printing routines.
EVP_PKEY_print_public(3) - public key algorithm printing routines.
EVP_PKEY_set1_DH(3) - EVP_PKEY assignment functions.
EVP_PKEY_set1_DSA(3) - EVP_PKEY assignment functions.
EVP_PKEY_set1_EC_KEY(3) - EVP_PKEY assignment functions.
EVP_PKEY_set1_RSA(3) - EVP_PKEY assignment functions.
EVP_PKEY_sign(3)    - sign using a public key algorithm
EVP_PKEY_sign_init(3) - sign using a public key algorithm
EVP_PKEY_type(3)    - EVP_PKEY assignment functions.
EVP_PKEY_verify(3)  - signature verification using a public key algorithm
EVP_PKEY_verify_init(3) - signature verification using a public key algorithm
EVP_PKEY_verify_recover(3) - recover signature using a public key algorithm
EVP_PKEY_verify_recover_init(3) - recover signature using a public key algorithm
EVP_rc2_40_cbc(3)   - (unknown subject)
EVP_rc2_64_cbc(3)   - (unknown subject)
EVP_rc2_cbc(3)      - (unknown subject)
EVP_rc4(3)          - (unknown subject)
EVP_rc4_40(3)       - (unknown subject)
EVP_ripemd160(3)    - EVP digest routines
EVP_SealFinal(3)    - EVP envelope encryption
EVP_SealInit(3)     - EVP envelope encryption
EVP_SealUpdate(3)   - EVP envelope encryption
EVP_sha1(3)         - EVP digest routines
EVP_sha1(3)         - (unknown subject)
EVP_sha224(3)       - EVP digest routines
EVP_sha256(3)       - EVP digest routines
EVP_sha256(3)       - (unknown subject)
EVP_sha384(3)       - EVP digest routines
EVP_sha384(3)       - (unknown subject)
EVP_sha(3)          - EVP digest routines
EVP_sha(3)          - (unknown subject)
EVP_sha512(3)       - EVP digest routines
EVP_sha512(3)       - (unknown subject)
EVP_SignFinal(3)    - EVP signing functions
EVP_SignInit(3)     - EVP signing functions
EVP_SignUpdate(3)   - EVP signing functions
EVP_VerifyFinal(3)  - EVP signature verification functions
EVP_VerifyInit(3)   - EVP signature verification functions
EVP_VerifyUpdate(3) - EVP signature verification functions
EVP_wincrypt_des_ede3_cbc(3) - (unknown subject)
ewrite(3)           - exit-on-failure wrapper functions
ex(1)               - Vi IMproved, a programmers text editor
exa(4)              - new 2D acceleration architecture for X.Org
exec(1)             - bash built-in commands, see bash(1)
exec(n)             - Invoke subprocesses
EXECUTE(7)          - execute a prepared statement
exif(1)             - shows EXIF information in JPEG files
exifautotran(1)     - Transforms Exif files so that Orientation becomes 1
exim(8)             - a Mail Transfer Agent
exit(1)             - bash built-in commands, see bash(1)
_exit(3)            - (unknown subject)
exit(3)             - (unknown subject)
exit(n)             - End the application
exp2(3)             - (unknown subject)
exp2f(3)            - (unknown subject)
exp(3)              - (unknown subject)
expand(1)           - convert tabs to spaces
expect(1)           - programmed dialogue with interactive programs, Version 5
expf(3)             - (unknown subject)
EXPLAIN(7)          - show the execution plan of a statement
expm1(3)            - (unknown subject)
expm1f(3)           - (unknown subject)
export(1)           - bash built-in commands, see bash(1)
export(3x)          - functionality for writing images into files libAfterImage/export.h
Exporter(3pm)       - Implements default import method for modules
Exporter.Heavy(3pm) - Exporter guts
exports(5)          - NFS file systems being exported
expr(1)             - evaluate expressions
expr(n)             - Evaluate an expression
extconv(1)          - convert a TeX document in either Big 5+ or GBK encoding into `preprocessed' form.
ext_edirectory_userip_acl(8) - (unknown subject)
extendedopacity(5)  - theory of netpbm interpolation and extrapolation
ext_file_userip_acl(8) - (unknown subject)
ext_ldap_group_acl(8) - (unknown subject)
extractbb(1)        - extract bounding box information from graphics files
extractres(1)       - filter to extract resources from a PostScript document
extresso(1)         - wrapper for wrestool and icotool
ext_session_acl(8)  - (unknown subject)
ext_sql_session_acl(8) - SQL Database session lookup helper for Squid
ext_time_quota_acl(8) - (unknown subject)
ext_unix_group_acl(8) - (unknown subject)
ExtUtils.CBuilder(3pm) - Compile and link C code for Perl modules
ExtUtils.CBuilder.Platform.Windows(3pm) - Builder class for Windows platforms
ExtUtils.Command(3pm) - utilities to replace common UNIX commands in Makefiles etc.
ExtUtils.Command.MM(3pm) - Commands for the MM's to use in Makefiles
ExtUtils.Constant(3pm) - generate XS code to import C header constants
ExtUtils.Constant.Base(3pm) - base class for ExtUtils::Constant objects
ExtUtils.Constant.Utils(3pm) - helper functions for ExtUtils::Constant
ExtUtils.Constant.XS(3pm) - generate C code for XS modules' constants.
ExtUtils.Depends(3pm) - Easily build XS extensions that depend on XS extensions
ExtUtils.Embed(3pm) - Utilities for embedding Perl in C/C++ applications
ExtUtils.Install(3pm) - install files from here to there
ExtUtils.Installed(3pm) - Inventory management of installed modules
ExtUtils.Liblist(3pm) - determine libraries to use and how to use them
ExtUtils.MakeMaker(3pm) - Create a module Makefile
ExtUtils.MakeMaker.Config(3pm) - Wrapper around
ExtUtils.MakeMaker.FAQ(3pm) - Frequently Asked Questions About MakeMaker
ExtUtils.MakeMaker.Tutorial(3pm) - Writing a module with MakeMaker
ExtUtils.MakeMaker.YAML(3pm) - clone of YAML::Tiny
ExtUtils.Manifest(3pm) - utilities to write and check a MANIFEST file
ExtUtils.Miniperl(3pm) - write the C code for perlmain.c
ExtUtils.Mkbootstrap(3pm) - make a bootstrap file for use by DynaLoader
ExtUtils.Mksymlists(3pm) - write linker options files for dynamic extension
ExtUtils.MM(3pm)    - OS adjusted ExtUtils::MakeMaker subclass
ExtUtils.MM_AIX(3pm) - AIX specific subclass of ExtUtils::MM_Unix
ExtUtils.MM_Any(3pm) - Platform-agnostic MM methods
ExtUtils.MM_BeOS(3pm) - methods to override UN*X behaviour in ExtUtils::MakeMaker
ExtUtils.MM_Cygwin(3pm) - methods to override UN*X behaviour in ExtUtils::MakeMaker
ExtUtils.MM_Darwin(3pm) - special behaviors for OS X
ExtUtils.MM_DOS(3pm) - DOS specific subclass of ExtUtils::MM_Unix
ExtUtils.MM_MacOS(3pm) - once produced Makefiles for MacOS Classic
ExtUtils.MM_NW5(3pm) - methods to override UN*X behaviour in ExtUtils::MakeMaker
ExtUtils.MM_OS2(3pm) - methods to override UN*X behaviour in ExtUtils::MakeMaker
ExtUtils.MM_QNX(3pm) - QNX specific subclass of ExtUtils::MM_Unix
ExtUtils.MM_Unix(3pm) - methods used by ExtUtils::MakeMaker
ExtUtils.MM_UWIN(3pm) - U/WIN specific subclass of ExtUtils::MM_Unix
ExtUtils.MM_VMS(3pm) - methods to override UN*X behaviour in ExtUtils::MakeMaker
ExtUtils.MM_VOS(3pm) - VOS specific subclass of ExtUtils::MM_Unix
ExtUtils.MM_Win32(3pm) - methods to override UN*X behaviour in ExtUtils::MakeMaker
ExtUtils.MM_Win95(3pm) - method to customize MakeMaker for Win9X
ExtUtils.MY(3pm)    - ExtUtils::MakeMaker subclass for customization
ExtUtils.Packlist(3pm) - manage .packlist files
ExtUtils.ParseXS(3pm) - converts Perl XS code into C code
ExtUtils.PkgConfig(3pm) - simplistic interface to pkg-config
ExtUtils.testlib(3pm) - add blib/* directories to @INC
ExtUtils.XSSymSet(3pm) - keep sets of symbol names palatable to the VMS linker
ext_wbinfo_group_acl(8) - external ACL helper for Squid to verify NT Domain group membership using wbinfo.
eyuvtoppm(1)        - convert a Berkeley YUV file to a PPM file
fabs(3)             - (unknown subject)
fabsf(3)            - (unknown subject)
factor(1)           - factor numbers
false(1)            - do nothing, unsuccessfully
Fatal(3pm)          - Replace functions with equivalents which succeed or die
fax2ps(1)           - convert a TIFF facsimile to compressed
fax2tiff(1)         - create a TIFF Class F fax file from raw fax data
fbdevhw(4)          - os-specific submodule for framebuffer device access
fblocked(n)         - Test whether the last input operation exhausted all available input
fc(1)               - bash built-in commands, see bash(1)
FcAtomicCreate(3)   - create an FcAtomic object
FcAtomicDeleteNew(3) - delete new file
FcAtomicDestroy(3)  - destroy an FcAtomic object
FcAtomicLock(3)     - lock a file
FcAtomicNewFile(3)  - return new temporary file name
FcAtomicOrigFile(3) - return original file name
FcAtomicReplaceOrig(3) - replace original with new
FcAtomicUnlock(3)   - unlock a file
FcBlanksAdd(3)      - Add a character to an FcBlanks
FcBlanksCreate(3)   - Create an FcBlanks
FcBlanksDestroy(3)  - Destroy and FcBlanks
FcBlanksIsMember(3) - Query membership in an FcBlanks
fc-cache(1)         - build font information cache files
FcCacheCopySet(3)   - Returns a copy of the fontset from cache
FcCacheCreateTagFile(3) - Create CACHEDIR.TAG at cache directory.
FcCacheDir(3)       - Return directory of cache
FcCacheNumFont(3)   - Returns the number of fonts in cache.
FcCacheNumSubdir(3) - Return the number of subdirectories in cache.
FcCacheSubdir(3)    - Return the i'th subdirectory.
fc-cat(1)           - read font information cache files
FcCharSetAddChar(3) - Add a character to a charset
FcCharSetCopy(3)    - Copy a charset
FcCharSetCount(3)   - Count entries in a charset
FcCharSetCoverage(3) - DEPRECATED return coverage for a Unicode page
FcCharSetCreate(3)  - Create an empty character set
FcCharSetDelChar(3) - Add a character to a charset
FcCharSetDestroy(3) - Destroy a character set
FcCharSetEqual(3)   - Compare two charsets
FcCharSetFirstPage(3) - Start enumerating charset contents
FcCharSetHasChar(3) - Check a charset for a char
FcCharSetIntersect(3) - Intersect charsets
FcCharSetIntersectCount(3) - Intersect and count charsets
FcCharSetIsSubset(3) - Test for charset inclusion
FcCharSetMerge(3)   - Merge charsets
FcCharSetNew(3)     - DEPRECATED alias for FcCharSetCreate
FcCharSetNextPage(3) - Continue enumerating charset contents
FcCharSetSubtract(3) - Subtract charsets
FcCharSetSubtractCount(3) - Subtract and count charsets
FcCharSetUnion(3)   - Add charsets
FcConfigAppFontAddDir(3) - Add fonts from directory to font database
FcConfigAppFontAddFile(3) - Add font file to font database
FcConfigAppFontClear(3) - Remove all app fonts from font database
FcConfigBuildFonts(3) - Build font database
FcConfigCreate(3)   - Create a configuration
FcConfigDestroy(3)  - Destroy a configuration
FcConfigEnableHome(3) - controls use of the home directory.
FcConfigFilename(3) - Find a config file
FcConfigGetBlanks(3) - Get config blanks
FcConfigGetCache(3) - DEPRECATED used to return per-user cache filename
FcConfigGetCacheDirs(3) - return the list of directories searched for cache files
FcConfigGetConfigDirs(3) - Get config directories
FcConfigGetConfigFiles(3) - Get config files
FcConfigGetCurrent(3) - Return current configuration
FcConfigGetFontDirs(3) - Get font directories
FcConfigGetFonts(3) - Get config font set
FcConfigGetRescanInterval(3) - Get config rescan interval
FcConfigGetSysRoot(3) - Obtain the system root directory
FcConfigHome(3)     - return the current home directory.
FcConfigParseAndLoad(3) - load a configuration file
FcConfigReference(3) - Increment config reference count
FcConfigSetCurrent(3) - Set configuration as default
FcConfigSetRescanInterval(3) - Set config rescan interval
FcConfigSetSysRoot(3) - Set the system root directory
FcConfigSubstitute(3) - Execute substitutions
FcConfigSubstituteWithPat(3) - Execute substitutions
FcConfigUptoDate(3) - Check timestamps on config files
FcDefaultSubstitute(3) - Perform default substitutions in a pattern
FcDirCacheClean(3)  - This tries to clean up the cache directory of cache_dir.This returns FcTrue if the operation is successfully complete. otherwise FcFalse.
FcDirCacheLoad(3)   - load a directory cache
FcDirCacheLoadFile(3) - load a cache file
FcDirCacheRead(3)   - read or construct a directory cache
FcDirCacheUnlink(3) - Remove all caches related to dir
FcDirCacheUnload(3) - unload a cache file
FcDirCacheValid(3)  - check directory cache
FcDirSave(3)        - DEPRECATED: formerly used to save a directory cache
FcDirScan(3)        - scan a font directory without caching it
FcFileIsDir(3)      - check whether a file is a directory
FcFileScan(3)       - scan a font file
FcFini(3)           - finalize fontconfig library
FcFontList(3)       - List fonts
FcFontMatch(3)      - Return best font
FcFontRenderPrepare(3) - Prepare pattern for loading font file
FcFontSetAdd(3)     - Add to a font set
FcFontSetCreate(3)  - Create a font set
FcFontSetDestroy(3) - Destroy a font set
FcFontSetList(3)    - List fonts from a set of font sets
FcFontSetMatch(3)   - Return the best font from a set of font sets
FcFontSetPrint(3)   - Print a set of patterns to stdout
FcFontSetSort(3)    - Add to a font set
FcFontSetSortDestroy(3) - DEPRECATED destroy a font set
FcFontSort(3)       - Return list of matching fonts
FcFreeTypeCharIndex(3) - map Unicode to glyph id
FcFreeTypeCharSet(3) - compute Unicode coverage
FcFreeTypeCharSetAndSpacing(3) - compute Unicode coverage and spacing type
FcFreeTypeQuery(3)  - compute pattern from font file (and index)
FcFreeTypeQueryFace(3) - compute pattern from FT_Face
FcGetDefaultLangs(3) - Get the default languages list
FcGetLangs(3)       - Get list of languages
FcGetVersion(3)     - library version number
FcInit(3)           - initialize fontconfig library
FcInitBringUptoDate(3) - reload configuration files if needed
FcInitLoadConfig(3) - load configuration
FcInitLoadConfigAndFonts(3) - load configuration and font data
FcInitReinitialize(3) - re-initialize library
FcIsLower(3)        - check for lower case ASCII character
FcIsUpper(3)        - check for upper case ASCII character
FcLangGetCharSet(3) - Get character map for a language
FcLangNormalize(3)  - Normalize the language string
FcLangSetAdd(3)     - add a language to a langset
FcLangSetCompare(3) - compare language sets
FcLangSetContains(3) - check langset subset relation
FcLangSetCopy(3)    - copy a langset object
FcLangSetCreate(3)  - create a langset object
FcLangSetDel(3)     - delete a language from a langset
FcLangSetDestroy(3) - destroy a langset object
FcLangSetEqual(3)   - test for matching langsets
FcLangSetHash(3)    - return a hash value for a langset
FcLangSetHasLang(3) - test langset for language support
FcLangSetSubtract(3) - Subtract langsets
FcLangSetUnion(3)   - Add langsets
fc-list(1)          - list available fonts
fclose(3)           - (unknown subject)
fcloseall(3)        - (unknown subject)
fc-match(1)         - match available fonts
FcMatrixCopy(3)     - Copy a matrix
FcMatrixEqual(3)    - Compare two matrices
FcMatrixInit(3)     - initialize an FcMatrix structure
FcMatrixMultiply(3) - Multiply matrices
FcMatrixRotate(3)   - Rotate a matrix
FcMatrixScale(3)    - Scale a matrix
FcMatrixShear(3)    - Shear a matrix
FcNameConstant(3)   - Get the value for a symbolic constant
FcNameGetConstant(3) - Lookup symbolic constant
FcNameGetObjectType(3) - Lookup an object type
FcNameParse(3)      - Parse a pattern string
FcNameRegisterConstants(3) - Register symbolic constants
FcNameRegisterObjectTypes(3) - Register object types
FcNameUnparse(3)    - Convert a pattern back into a string that can be parsed
FcNameUnregisterConstants(3) - Unregister symbolic constants
FcNameUnregisterObjectTypes(3) - Unregister object types
Fcntl(3pm)          - load the C Fcntl.h defines
FcObjectSetAdd(3)   - Add to an object set
FcObjectSetBuild(3) - Build object set from args
FcObjectSetCreate(3) - Create an object set
FcObjectSetDestroy(3) - Destroy an object set
fconfigure(n)       - Set and get options on a channel
fcopy(n)            - Copy data from one channel to another
fc-pattern(1)       - parse and show pattern
FcPatternAdd(3)     - Add a value to a pattern
FcPatternAdd-Type(3) - Add a typed value to a pattern
FcPatternAddWeak(3) - Add a value to a pattern with weak binding
FcPatternBuild(3)   - Create patterns from arguments
FcPatternCreate(3)  - Create a pattern
FcPatternDel(3)     - Delete a property from a pattern
FcPatternDestroy(3) - Destroy a pattern
FcPatternDuplicate(3) - Copy a pattern
FcPatternEqual(3)   - Compare patterns
FcPatternEqualSubset(3) - Compare portions of patterns
FcPatternFilter(3)  - Filter the objects of pattern
FcPatternFormat(3)  - Format a pattern into a string according to a format specifier
FcPatternGet(3)     - Return a value from a pattern
FcPatternGet-Type(3) - Return a typed value from a pattern
FcPatternHash(3)    - Compute a pattern hash value
FcPatternPrint(3)   - Print a pattern for debugging
FcPatternReference(3) - Increment pattern reference count
FcPatternRemove(3)  - Remove one object of the specified type from the pattern
fc-query(1)         - query font files
fcrackzip(1)        - a Free/Fast Zip Password Cracker
fcrackzipinfo(1)    - tell me about a zip file
fc-scan(1)          - scan font files or directories
FcStrBasename(3)    - last component of filename
FcStrCmp(3)         - compare UTF-8 strings
FcStrCmpIgnoreCase(3) - compare UTF-8 strings ignoring case
FcStrCopy(3)        - duplicate a string
FcStrCopyFilename(3) - create a complete path from a filename
FcStrDirname(3)     - directory part of filename
FcStrDowncase(3)    - create a lower case translation of a string
FcStrFree(3)        - free a string
FcStrListCreate(3)  - create a string iterator
FcStrListDone(3)    - destroy a string iterator
FcStrListNext(3)    - get next string in iteration
FcStrPlus(3)        - concatenate two strings
FcStrSetAdd(3)      - add to a string set
FcStrSetAddFilename(3) - add a filename to a string set
FcStrSetCreate(3)   - create a string set
FcStrSetDel(3)      - delete from a string set
FcStrSetDestroy(3)  - destroy a string set
FcStrSetEqual(3)    - check sets for equality
FcStrSetMember(3)   - check set for membership
FcStrStr(3)         - locate UTF-8 substring
FcStrStrIgnoreCase(3) - locate UTF-8 substring ignoring ASCII case
FcToLower(3)        - convert upper case ASCII to lower case
FcUcs4ToUtf8(3)     - convert UCS4 to UTF-8
FcUtf16Len(3)       - count UTF-16 encoded chars
FcUtf16ToUcs4(3)    - convert UTF-16 to UCS4
FcUtf8Len(3)        - count UTF-8 encoded chars
FcUtf8ToUcs4(3)     - convert UTF-8 to UCS4
fc-validate(1)      - validate font files
FcValueDestroy(3)   - Free a value
FcValueEqual(3)     - Test two values for equality
FcValuePrint(3)     - Print a value to stdout
FcValueSave(3)      - Copy a value
fdim(3)             - (unknown subject)
fdimf(3)            - (unknown subject)
fdisk(8)            - manipulate disk partition table
fdopen(3)           - (unknown subject)
fdupes(1)           - finds duplicate files in a given set of directories
feature(3pm)        - Perl pragma to enable new features
feof(3)             - (unknown subject)
ferror(3)           - (unknown subject)
FETCH(7)            - retrieve rows from a query using a cursor
fetchmail(1)        - fetch mail from a POP, IMAP, ETRN, or ODMR-capable server
fetchmailconf(1)    - fetch mail from a POP, IMAP, ETRN, or ODMR-capable server
fetchzone(1)        - get dns zone from server
ffi(3)              - Foreign Function Interface
ffi_call(3)         - Invoke a foreign function.
ffi_prep_cif(3)     - Prepare a ffi_cif structure for use with ffi_call
ffi_prep_cif_var(3) - Prepare a ffi_cif structure for use with ffi_call for variadic functions.
fflush(3)           - (unknown subject)
ffs(3)              - (unknown subject)
fftwf-wisdom(1)     - create wisdom (pre-optimized FFTs)
fftw-wisdom(1)      - create wisdom (pre-optimized FFTs)
fftw-wisdom-to-conf(1) - generate FFTW wisdom (pre-planned transforms)
fg(1)               - bash built-in commands, see bash(1)
fgetc(3)            - (unknown subject)
fgetpos(3)          - (unknown subject)
fgetpos64(3)        - (unknown subject)
fgets(3)            - (unknown subject)
fgetwc(3)           - (unknown subject)
fgetws(3)           - (unknown subject)
fgetxattr(2)        - retrieve an extended attribute value
fgrep(1)            - print lines matching a pattern
fi(1)               - bash built-in commands, see bash(1)
fiascotopnm(1)      - Convert compressed FIASCO image to PGM, or PPM
field_arg(3x)       - data type validation for fields
field_back(3x)      - color and attribute control for form fields
field_buffer(3x)    - field buffer control
field_count(3x)     - make and break connections between fields and forms
field_fore(3x)      - color and attribute control for form fields
field_index(3x)     - set and get form page number
field_info(3x)      - retrieve field characteristics
field_init(3x)      - set hooks for automatic invocation by applications
field_just(3x)      - retrieve field characteristics
field_opts(3x)      - set and get field options
field_opts_off(3x)  - set and get field options
field_opts_on(3x)   - set and get field options
field_pad(3x)       - color and attribute control for form fields
fields(3pm)         - compile-time class fields
field_status(3x)    - field buffer control
field_term(3x)      - set hooks for automatic invocation by applications
field_type(3x)      - data type validation for fields
field_userptr(3x)   - associate application data with a form field
fig2dev(1)          - translates Fig code to various graphics languages
fig2ps(1)           - conversion of xfig pictures to postscript
fig2ps2tex(1)       - generate a TeX file for including a PostScript file
figlet(6)           - display large characters made up of ordinary screen characters
file(1)             - determine file type
File.Basename(3pm)  - Parse file paths into directory, filename and suffix.
FileCache(3pm)      - keep more files open than the system permits
File.CheckTree(3pm) - run many filetest checks on a tree
File.Compare(3pm)   - Compare files or filehandles
File.Copy(3pm)      - Copy files or filehandles
File.Copy.Recursive(3pm) - Perl extension for recursively copying files and directories
File.DosGlob(3pm)   - DOS like globbing and then some
fileevent(n)        - Execute a script when a channel becomes readable or writable
File.Fetch(3pm)     - A generic file fetching mechanism
File.Find(3pm)      - Traverse a directory tree.
filefrag(8)         - report on file fragmentation
filefuncs(3am)      - provide some file related functionality to gawk
File.Glob(3pm)      - Perl extension for BSD glob routine
File.GlobMapper(3pm) - Extend File Glob to Allow Input and Output Files
FileHandle(3pm)     - supply object methods for filehandles
File.HomeDir(3pm)   - Find your home and other directories on any platform
File.HomeDir.Darwin(3pm) - Find your home and other directories on Darwin (OS X)
File.HomeDir.Darwin.Carbon(3pm) - Find your home and other directories on Darwin (OS X)
File.HomeDir.Darwin.Cocoa(3pm) - Find your home and other directories on Darwin (OS X)
File.HomeDir.Driver(3pm) - Base class for all File::HomeDir drivers
File.HomeDir.FreeDesktop(3pm) - Find your home and other directories on Unix
File.HomeDir.MacOS9(3pm) - Find your home and other directories on legacy Macs
File.HomeDir.Test(3pm) - Prevent the accidental creation of user-owned files during testing
File.HomeDir.Unix(3pm) - Find your home and other directories on legacy Unix
File.HomeDir.Windows(3pm) - Find your home and other directories on Windows
File.Listing(3pm)   - parse directory listing
Filename(3o)        - Operations on file names.
filename(n)         - File name conventions supported by Tcl commands
file(n)             - Manipulate file names and attributes
fileno(3)           - (unknown subject)
File.Path(3pm)      - Create or remove directory trees
File.pushd(3pm)     - change directory temporarily for a limited scope
File.Spec(3pm)      - portably perform operations on file names
File.Spec.Cygwin(3pm) - methods for Cygwin file specs
File.Spec.Epoc(3pm) - methods for Epoc file specs
File.Spec.Functions(3pm) - portably perform operations on file names
File.Spec.Mac(3pm)  - File::Spec for Mac OS(Classic)
File.Spec.OS2(3pm)  - methods for OS/2 file specs
File.Spec.Unix(3pm) - File::Spec for Unix, base for other File::Spec modules
File.Spec.VMS(3pm)  - methods for VMS file specs
File.Spec.Win32(3pm) - methods for Win32 file specs
File.stat(3pm)      - by-name interface to Perl's built-in stat() functions
File.Temp(3pm)      - return name and handle of a temporary file safely
filetest(3pm)       - Perl pragma to control the filetest permission operators
File.Which(3pm)     - Portable implementation of the `which' utility
filter(3x)          - miscellaneous curses utility routines
filterdiff(1)       - extract or exclude diffs from a diff file
filter-key(7)       - (unknown subject)
filter-keytrans(7)  - (unknown subject)
filter-mouse(7)     - (unknown subject)
filter-save(7)      - (unknown subject)
Filter.Simple(3pm)  - Simplified source filtering
filter-tcp(7)       - (unknown subject)
Filter.Util.Call(3pm) - Perl Source Filter Utility Module
find(1)             - search for files in a directory hierarchy
find2perl(1)        - translate find command lines to Perl code
FindBin(3pm)        - Locate directory of original perl script
findfs(8)           - find a filesystem by label or UUID
findhyph(1)         - find words hyphenated by TeX in a document
find(n)             - search for classes and objects
finger@ (1)          - get user information from a host
finite(3)           - (unknown subject)
finitef(3)          - (unknown subject)
fish(1)             - fish - the friendly interactive shell
fishd(1)            - fishd - universal variable daemon
fish_indent(1)      - fish_indent - indenter and prettifier
fish_pager(1)       - fish_pager - internal command used by fish
fisql(1)            - interactive SQL shell
fitstopnm(1)        - convert a FITS file into a PNM image
fixcr(1)            - make sure that there is a CR before each LF
fixcvsdiff(1)       - fix problematic diff files
fixdlsrps(1)        - filter to fix DviLaser/PS documents to work with PSUtils
fixfmps(1)          - filter to fix Framemaker documents so PSUtils work
fixproc(1)          - Fixes a process by performing the specified action.
fixps(1)            - sanitize PostScript files
fixpsditps(1)       - filter to fix Transcript psdit documents so PSUtils work
fixpspps(1)         - filter to fix PSPrint PostScript so PSUtils work
fixscribeps(1)      - filter to fix Scribe documents so PSUtils work
fixtpps(1)          - filter to fix Tpscript documents to work with PSUtils
fixwfwps(1)         - filter to fix Word for Windows documents so PSUtils work
fixwpps(1)          - filter to fix WP documents so PSUtils work
fixwwps(1)          - filter to fix Windows Write documents so PSUtils work
fiz(1)              - analyze damaged zoo archive for data recovery
flac(1)             - Free Lossless Audio Codec
flags(3)            - (unknown subject)
flash(3x)           - curses bell and screen flash routines
flawfinder(1)       - find potential security flaws ("hits") in source code
flea(1)             - Report a bug (or rather a flea) in mutt.
flex(1)             - the fast lexical analyser generator
flip(1)             - do newline conversions between **IX and MS-DOS
flipdiff(1)         - exchange the order of two incremental patches
flist(1)            - list the number of messages in given sequence(s)
flists(1)           - list the number of messages in given sequence(s)
flistxattr(2)       - list extended attribute names
flock(1)            - manage locks from shell scripts
flog(1)             - dump STDIN to file and reopen on SIGHUP
floor(3)            - (unknown subject)
floorf(3)           - (unknown subject)
fltk(3)             - the fast light tool kit
fltk-config(1)      - script to get information about the installed version of fltk.
fluid(1)            - the fast light user-interface designer
flushinp(3x)        - miscellaneous curses utility routines
flush(n)            - Flush buffered output for a channel
fma(3)              - (unknown subject)
fmaf(3)             - (unknown subject)
fmax(3)             - (unknown subject)
fmaxf(3)            - (unknown subject)
fmemopen(3)         - (unknown subject)
fmin(3)             - (unknown subject)
fminf(3)            - (unknown subject)
fmod(3)             - (unknown subject)
fmodf(3)            - (unknown subject)
fmt(1)              - simple optimal text formatter
fmtdump(8)          - decode nmh format files
fmtutil(1)          - utility for maintaining TeX format files
fmtutil.cnf(5)      - configuration file for fmtutil
fmtutil-sys(1)      - utility for maintaining TeX format files system-wide
fnext(1)            - set current folder to next folder with new messages
fnmatch(3am)        - compare a string against a filename wildcard
focus(n)            - Manage the input focus
fold(1)             - wrap each input line to fit in specified width
folder(1)           - set/list current folder/message
folders(1)          - set/list current folder/message
font2c(1)           - Write PostScript Type 0 or Type 1 font as C code
fontinst(1)         - utility to run TeX as fontinst
font(n)             - Create and inspect fonts.
fonts-conf(5)       - Font configuration files
fonttosfnt(1)       - Wrap a bitmap font in a sfnt(TrueType) wrapper
fopen(3)            - (unknown subject)
fopen64(3)          - (unknown subject)
fopencookie(3)      - (unknown subject)
for(1)              - bash built-in commands, see bash(1)
foreach(n)          - Iterate over all elements in one or more lists
fork(3am)           - basic process management
form(3x)            - curses extension for programming forms
formail(1)          - mail(re)formatter
Format(3o)          - Pretty printing.
format(n)           - Format a string in the style of sprintf
form_cursor(3x)     - position a form window cursor
form_data(3x)       - test for off-screen data in given forms
form_driver(3x)     - command-processing loop of the form system
form_field(3x)      - make and break connections between fields and forms
form_field_attributes(3x) - color and attribute control for form fields
form_field_buffer(3x) - field buffer control
form_field_info(3x) - retrieve field characteristics
form_field_just(3x) - retrieve field characteristics
form_field_new(3x)  - create and destroy form fields
form_field_opts(3x) - set and get field options
form_fields(3x)     - make and break connections between fields and forms
form_fieldtype(3x)  - define validation-field types
form_field_userptr(3x) - associate application data with a form field
form_field_validation(3x) - data type validation for fields
form_hook(3x)       - set hooks for automatic invocation by applications
form_init(3x)       - set hooks for automatic invocation by applications
form_new(3x)        - create and destroy forms
form_new_page(3x)   - form pagination functions
form_opts(3x)       - set and get form options
form_opts_off(3x)   - set and get form options
form_opts_on(3x)    - set and get form options
form_page(3x)       - set and get form page number
form_post(3x)       - write or erase forms from associated subwindows
form_request_by_name(3x) - handle printable form request names
form_request_name(3x) - handle printable form request names
form_requestname(3x) - handle printable form request names
form_sub(3x)        - make and break form window and subwindow associations
form_term(3x)       - set hooks for automatic invocation by applications
form_userptr(3x)    - associate application data with a form item
form_win(3x)        - make and break form window and subwindow associations
for(n)              - 'For' loop
fortune(6)          - print a random, hopefully interesting, adage
forw(1)             - forward messages
fossil(1)           - Distributed Version Control System
fpclassify(3)       - (unknown subject)
fprev(1)            - set current folder to previous folder with new messages
fprint_description(3) - netsnmp_mib_api functions
fprint_objid(3)     - netsnmp_mib_api functions
fprint_value(3)     - netsnmp_varbind_api functions
fprint_variable(3)  - netsnmp_varbind_api functions
fpurge(3)           - (unknown subject)
fputc(3)            - (unknown subject)
fputs(3)            - (unknown subject)
fputwc(3)           - (unknown subject)
fputws(3)           - (unknown subject)
frame(n)            - Create and manipulate frame widgets
fread(3)            - (unknown subject)
free(1)             - Display amount of free and used memory in the system
freebcp(1)          - bulk loading utility for Sybase and Microsoft databases
free_field(3x)      - create and destroy form fields
free_fieldtype(3x)  - define validation-field types
free_form(3x)       - create and destroy forms
free_item(3x)       - create and destroy menu items
free_menu(3x)       - create and destroy menus
freetds.conf(5)     - configuration file for FreeTDS
fremovexattr(2)     - remove an extended attribute
freopen(3)          - (unknown subject)
freopen64(3)        - (unknown subject)
freshclam(1)        - update virus databases
freshclam.conf(5)   - Configuration file for Clam AntiVirus database update tool
frexp(3)            - (unknown subject)
frexpf(3)           - (unknown subject)
fribidi_charset_to_unicode(3) - convert string to Unicode
fribidi_debug_status(3) - FRIBIDI_BEGIN_DECLS should be used at the beginning of your declarations,
fribidi_get_bidi_type(3) - get character bidi type
fribidi_get_bidi_type_name(3) - get bidi type name
fribidi_get_bidi_types(3) - get bidi types for an string of characters
fribidi_get_joining_type(3) - get character joining type
fribidi_get_joining_type_name(3) - get joining type name
fribidi_get_joining_types(3) - get joining types for an string of characters
fribidi_get_mirror_char(3) - get mirrored character
fribidi_get_par_direction(3) - get base paragraph direction
fribidi_get_par_embedding_levels(3) - get bidi embedding levels of a paragraph
fribidi_get_type(3) - get character bidi type
fribidi_get_type_internal(3) - get character bidi type
fribidi_join_arabic(3) - do Arabic joining
fribidi_log2vis(3)  - get visual string
fribidi_log2vis_get_embedding_levels(3) - get embedding levels
fribidi_mirroring_status(3) - get current mirroring status
fribidi_parse_charset(3) - parse character set name
fribidi_remove_bidi_marks(3) - remove bidi marks out of an string
fribidi_reorder_line(3) - reorder a line of logical string to visual
fribidi_reorder_nsm_status(3) - get current marks reordering status
fribidi_set_mirroring(3) - set mirroring on or off
fribidi_set_reorder_nsm(3) - set marks reordering on or off
fribidi_shape(3)    - do bidi-aware shaping
fribidi_shape_mirroring(3) - do mirroring shaping
fribidi_unicode_to_charset(3) - convert string from Unicode
frontend-spec(7)    - interface between jw and its frontends
fsck(8)             - check and repair a Linux filesystem
fsck.ext2(8)        - check a Linux ext2/ext3/ext4 file system
fsck.ext3(8)        - check a Linux ext2/ext3/ext4 file system
fsck.ext4(8)        - check a Linux ext2/ext3/ext4 file system
fsck.ext4dev(8)     - check a Linux ext2/ext3/ext4 file system
fsck.minix(8)       - check consistency of Minix filesystem
fseek(3)            - (unknown subject)
fseeko64(3)         - (unknown subject)
fsetpos(3)          - (unknown subject)
fsetpos64(3)        - (unknown subject)
fsetxattr(2)        - set an extended attribute value
fsf-funding(7)      - Funding Free Software
fstopgm(1)          - convert a Usenix FaceSaver(tm) file into a PGM image
ftell(3)            - (unknown subject)
ftello64(3)         - (unknown subject)
ftp(1)              - File Transfer Protocol client.
ftpcount(1)         - show current number of connections for each proftpd server configuration
ftpd(8)             - File Transfer Protocol server.
ftpdctl(8)          - ProFTPD control program
ftpshut(8)          - shut down all proftpd servers at a given time
ftptop(1)           - display running status on proftpd server connections
ftpusers(5)         - (unknown subject)
ftpwho(1)           - show current process information for each FTP session
function(1)         - bash built-in commands, see bash(1)
funopen(3)          - (unknown subject)
funzip(1)           - filter for extracting from a ZIP archive in a pipe
fuser(1)            - identify processes using files or sockets
fvwm(1)             - F? Virtual Window Manager for X11
fvwm2(1)            - F? Virtual Window Manager for X11
FvwmAnimate(1)      - the fvwm animate module
FvwmAuto(1)         - the fvwm auto-raise module
FvwmBacker(1)       - the fvwm background changer module
FvwmBanner(1)       - the Fvwm Banner module
fvwm-bug(1)         - report a bug in fvwm
FvwmButtons(1)      - the fvwm buttonbox module
FvwmCommand(1)      - fvwm command external interface
fvwm-config(1)      - query an existing fvwm installation
FvwmConsole(1)      - an fvwm command input interface  - Command editor for fvwm command input interface
fvwm-convert-2.4(1) - convert fvwm 2.2.x configuration file to fvwm 2.4 syntax
fvwm-convert-2.6(1) - convert fvwm 2.4.x configuration file to fvwm 2.6 style
FvwmCpp(1)          - the Fvwm Cpp pre-processor
FvwmDebug(1)        - the fvwm module debugger
FvwmDragWell(1)     - A XDND drag well
FvwmEvent(1)        - the fvwm event module
FvwmForm(1)         - input form module for Fvwm
FvwmGtkDebug(1)     - graphical interactive fvwm module debugger
FvwmIconBox(1)      - the fvwm icon box module
FvwmIconMan(1)      - an fvwm icon manager
FvwmIdent(1)        - the Fvwm identify-window module
FvwmM4(1)           - the fvwm M4 pre-processor
fvwm-menu-desktop(1) - builds GNOME and KDE menus and style commands for fvwm
fvwm-menu-directory(1) - builds a directory browsing menu for fvwm
fvwm-menu-headlines(1) - builds headlines menu definition for fvwm
fvwm-menu-xlock(1)  - builds xlock menu definition for fvwm
FvwmPager(1)        - the Fvwm Pager module
FvwmPerl(1)         - the fvwm perl manipulator and preprocessor
fvwm-perllib(1)     - shows the documentation of the Fvwm Perl library
FvwmProxy(1)        - the fvwm proxy module
FvwmRearrange(1)    - rearrange fvwm windows
fvwm-root(1)        - Sets the root window of the current X display to image
FvwmSave(1)         - the Fvwm desktop-layout saving module
FvwmSaveDesk(1)     - another fvwm desktop-layout saving module
FvwmScript(1)       - module to build graphic user interface
FvwmScroll(1)       - the fvwm scroll-bar module
FvwmTabs(1)         - a generic tabbing module for the fvwm window manager.
FvwmTaskBar(1)      - the fvwm taskbar module
FvwmTheme(1)        - an fvwm module for managing the appearance of fvwm and its modules
FvwmWharf(1)        - the AfterStep application "dock" module ported to Fvwm.
FvwmWindowMenu(1)   - open configurable fvwm menu listing current windows
FvwmWinList(1)      - the fvwm window list module
fwide(3)            - (unknown subject)
fwrite(3)           - (unknown subject)
g++(1)              - GNU project C and C++ compiler
g3topbm(1)          - convert a Group 3 fax file into a PBM image
gamma(3)            - (unknown subject)
gammaf(3)           - (unknown subject)
gammaf_r(3)         - (unknown subject)
gamma_r(3)          - (unknown subject)
gappletviewer(1)    - Load and runs an applet
gawk(1)             - pattern scanning and processing language
Gc(3o)              - Memory management control and statistics; finalised values.
gc-analyze(1)       - Analyze Garbage Collector(GC) memory dumps
gcc(1)              - GNU project C and C++ compiler
gccmakedep(1)       - create dependencies in makefiles using 'gcc -M'
gcj(1)              - Ahead-of-time compiler for the Java language
gcj-dbtool(1)       - Manipulate class file mapping databases for libgcj
gcjh(1)             - - generate header files from Java class files
gconftool-2(1)      - GNOME configuration tool
gcov(1)             - coverage testing tool
gdb(1)              - The GNU Debugger
gdbinit(5)          - GDB initialization scripts
gdbm(3)             - The GNU database manager. Includes dbm and ndbm compatability. (Version .)
GDBM_File(3pm)      - Perl5 access to the gdbm library.
gdbus(1)            - Tool for working with D-Bus objects
gdbus-codegen(1)    - D-Bus code and documentation generator
gdiffmk(1)          - mark differences between groff/nroff/troff files
gdk-pixbuf-csource(1) - C code generation utility for GdkPixbuf images
gdk-pixbuf-query-loaders(1) - GdkPixbuf loader registration utility
gemtopbm(1)         - replaced by gemtopnm
gemtopnm(1)         - convert a GEM .img file into a PNM image
gendiff(1)          - utility to aid in error-free diff file generation
gendsa(1)           - generate a DSA private key from a set of parameters
genisoimage(1)      - create ISO9660/Joliet/HFS filesystem with optional Rock Ridge attributes
genisoimagerc(5)    - startup configuration file for genisoimage
Genlex(3o)          - A generic lexical analyzer.
genpkey(1)          - generate a private key
genrandom(8)        - generate a file containing random data
genresscript(1)     - generate resource script from PE and NE binaries
genrsa(1)           - generate an RSA private key
geod(1)             - direct geodesic computations
geoipexport(1)      - a program for exporting the GeoIP IP-to-country database
geoiplookup(1)      - look up country using IP Address or hostname
geoipupdate(1)      - a program for updating the MaxMind GeoIP databases
getafm(1)           - create an AFM file for a PostScript font.
getarg(3)           - collect command line options
getbegx(3x)         - get curses cursor and window coordinates
getbegy(3x)         - get curses cursor and window coordinates
getbegyx(3x)        - get curses cursor and window coordinates
getbkgd(3x)         - curses window background manipulation routines
getbkgrnd(3x)       - curses window complex background manipulation routines
getc(3)             - (unknown subject)
getcchar(3x)        - Get a wide character string and rendition from a cchar_t or set a cchar_t from a wide-character string
getch(3x)           - get (or push back) characters from curses terminal keyboard
getchar(3)          - (unknown subject)
getchar_unlocked(3) - (unknown subject)
getc_unlocked(3)    - (unknown subject)
getcurx(3x)         - get curses cursor and window coordinates
getcury(3x)         - get curses cursor and window coordinates
getdelim(3)         - (unknown subject)
geteltorito(1)      - an El Torito boot image extractor
getent(1)           - get entries from Name Service Switch libraries
getenv(3)           - (unknown subject)
getfacl(1)          - (unknown subject)
getfattr(1)         - get extended attributes of filesystem objects
geticonset(1x)      - gets the current Window Maker iconset
getline(3)          - (unknown subject)
getmail(1)          - retrieve messages from one or more POP3, IMAP4, or SDPS mailboxes and deliver to a maildir, mboxrd-format mbox file, or external MDA
getmail_fetch(1)    - retrieve messages from one or more POP3 or POP3-over-SSL mailboxes and deliver to a maildir, mboxrd-format mbox file, or external MDA
getmail_maildir(1)  - read a message from stdin and deliver to a named maildir
getmail_mbox(1)     - read a message from stdin and deliver to a named mboxrd-format mbox file with fcntl-style locking.
getmaxx(3x)         - get curses cursor and window coordinates
getmaxy(3x)         - get curses cursor and window coordinates
getmaxyx(3x)        - get curses cursor and window coordinates
get_module_node(3)  - netsnmp_mib_api functions
getmouse(3x)        - mouse interface through curses
getnetconfig(3t)    - get network configuration database entry
getnetpath(3t)      - get
getnstr(3x)         - accept character strings from curses terminal keyboard
getn_wstr(3x)       - get an array of wide characters from a curses terminal keyboard
getopt(1)           - parse command options(enhanced)
Getopt.Long(3pm)    - Extended processing of command line options
getopts(1)          - bash built-in commands, see bash(1)
Getopt.Std(3pm)     - Process single-character switches with switch clustering
getparx(3x)         - get curses cursor and window coordinates
getpary(3x)         - get curses cursor and window coordinates
getparyx(3x)        - get curses cursor and window coordinates
getrpcent(3t)       - get RPC entry
getrpcport(3t)      - get RPC port number
gets(3)             - (unknown subject)
gets(n)             - Read a line from a channel
getstr(3x)          - accept character strings from curses terminal keyboard
getstyle(1x)        - dumps the current Window Maker style related configuration or creates a theme pack.
getsyx(3x)          - low-level curses routines
gettext(1)          - translate message
gettext(3)          - translate message
gettextize(1)       - install or upgrade gettext infrastructure
getw(3)             - (unknown subject)
get_wch(3x)         - get (or push back) a wide character from curses terminal keyboard
getwchar(3)         - (unknown subject)
getwin(3x)          - miscellaneous curses utility routines
get-wings-flags(1)  - output libWINGs compile and linker flags
get-wraster-flags(1) - output libwraster compile and linker flags
get_wstr(3x)        - get an array of wide characters from a curses terminal keyboard
get-wutil-flags(1)  - output libwutil compile and linker flags
getxattr(2)         - retrieve an extended attribute value
getyx(3x)           - get curses cursor and window coordinates
getzone(1)          - get dns zone from server
gfdl(7)             - GNU Free Documentation License
gfortran(1)         - GNU Fortran compiler
gftodvi(1)          - make proof sheets from generic font files
gftopk(1)           - convert generic font files to packed font files
gftype(1)           - translate a generic font file for humans to read
ggAddObserver(3)    - (unknown subject)
ggAddTask(3)        - (unknown subject)
GG_CIRCLEQ_EMPTY(3) - (unknown subject)
GG_CIRCLEQ_ENTRY(3) - (unknown subject)
GG_CIRCLEQ_FIRST(3) - (unknown subject)
GG_CIRCLEQ_FOREACH(3) - (unknown subject)
GG_CIRCLEQ_FOREACH_REVERSE(3) - (unknown subject)
GG_CIRCLEQ_HEAD(3)  - (unknown subject)
GG_CIRCLEQ_HEAD_INITIALIZER(3) - (unknown subject)
GG_CIRCLEQ_INIT(3)  - (unknown subject)
GG_CIRCLEQ_INSERT_AFTER(3) - (unknown subject)
GG_CIRCLEQ_INSERT_BEFORE(3) - (unknown subject)
GG_CIRCLEQ_INSERT_HEAD(3) - (unknown subject)
GG_CIRCLEQ_INSERT_TAIL(3) - (unknown subject)
GG_CIRCLEQ_LAST(3)  - (unknown subject)
GG_CIRCLEQ_NEXT(3)  - (unknown subject)
GG_CIRCLEQ_PREV(3)  - (unknown subject)
GG_CIRCLEQ_REMOVE(3) - (unknown subject)
ggCleanupForceExit(3) - (unknown subject)
ggClearPublisher(3) - (unknown subject)
ggConfigIterLocation(3) - (unknown subject)
ggConfigIterTarget(3) - (unknown subject)
ggCurTime(3)        - (unknown subject)
ggDelObserver(3)    - (unknown subject)
ggDelScope(3)       - (unknown subject)
ggDelTask(3)        - (unknown subject)
gg-error(3)         - (unknown subject)
ggExit(3)           - (unknown subject)
ggFreeConfig(3)     - (unknown subject)
ggFromScope(3)      - (unknown subject)
ggGetScope(3)       - (unknown subject)
ggGetSwarType(3)    - (unknown subject)
ggGetUserDir(3)     - (unknown subject)
ggiAddEventMask(3)  - (unknown subject)
ggiAddFlags(3)      - (unknown subject)
ggiCheckGraphMode(3) - (unknown subject)
ggiCheckMode(3)     - (unknown subject)
ggiCheckSimpleMode(3) - (unknown subject)
ggiCheckTextMode(3) - (unknown subject)
ggiClose(3)         - (unknown subject)
ggi_color(3)        - (unknown subject)
ggi_colormap(3)     - (unknown subject)
ggi_colormap_region(3) - (unknown subject)
ggi_coord(3)        - (unknown subject)
ggiCopyBox(3)       - (unknown subject)
ggiCrossBlit(3)     - (unknown subject)
ggi-cube3d(1)       - (unknown subject)
ggiDBGetBuffer(3)   - (unknown subject)
ggiDBGetNumBuffers(3) - (unknown subject)
ggi-demo(1)         - (unknown subject)
ggiDetachInput(3)   - (unknown subject)
ggidev-abs_3(3)     - (unknown subject)
ggidev-add_3(3)     - (unknown subject)
ggidev-assign_3(3)  - (unknown subject)
ggidev-assign_int_3(3) - (unknown subject)
ggidev-assign_unsigned_3(3) - (unknown subject)
ggidev-bits_3(3)    - (unknown subject)
ggidev-dec_3(3)     - (unknown subject)
ggidev-divmod_3(3)  - (unknown subject)
ggidev-eq0_3(3)     - (unknown subject)
ggidev-eq_3(3)      - (unknown subject)
ggidev-ge0_3(3)     - (unknown subject)
ggidev-ge_3(3)      - (unknown subject)
ggidev-gt0_3(3)     - (unknown subject)
ggidev-inc_3(3)     - (unknown subject)
ggidev-invert_3(3)  - (unknown subject)
ggidev-le0_3(3)     - (unknown subject)
ggidev-lshift_3(3)  - (unknown subject)
ggidev-lt0_3(3)     - (unknown subject)
ggidev-mul_3(3)     - (unknown subject)
ggidev-negate_3(3)  - (unknown subject)
ggidev-rshift_3(3)  - (unknown subject)
ggidev-sign_3(3)    - (unknown subject)
ggidev-sub_3(3)     - (unknown subject)
ggidev-triple-int(7) - (unknown subject)
ggi_directbuffer(3) - (unknown subject)
ggiDrawBox(3)       - (unknown subject)
ggiDrawHLine(3)     - (unknown subject)
ggiDrawLine(3)      - (unknown subject)
ggiDrawPixel(3)     - (unknown subject)
ggiDrawVLine(3)     - (unknown subject)
ggi-error(3)        - (unknown subject)
ggiEventPoll(3)     - (unknown subject)
ggiEventRead(3)     - (unknown subject)
ggiEventSelect(3)   - (unknown subject)
ggiEventSend(3)     - (unknown subject)
ggiEventsQueued(3)  - (unknown subject)
ggiExit(3)          - (unknown subject)
ggiFillscreen(3)    - (unknown subject)
ggiFlush(3)         - (unknown subject)
ggiFlushRegion(3)   - (unknown subject)
ggiFPrintMode(3)    - (unknown subject)
ggiGammaMax(3)      - (unknown subject)
ggiGetBox(3)        - (unknown subject)
ggiGetc(3)          - (unknown subject)
ggiGetCharSize(3)   - (unknown subject)
ggiGetDisplayFrame(3) - (unknown subject)
ggiGetEventMask(3)  - (unknown subject)
ggiGetFlags(3)      - (unknown subject)
ggiGetGamma(3)      - (unknown subject)
ggiGetGammaMap(3)   - (unknown subject)
ggiGetGCBackground(3) - (unknown subject)
ggiGetGCClipping(3) - (unknown subject)
ggiGetGCForeground(3) - (unknown subject)
ggiGetHLine(3)      - (unknown subject)
ggiGetInput(3)      - (unknown subject)
ggiGetMode(3)       - (unknown subject)
ggiGetOrigin(3)     - (unknown subject)
ggiGetPalette(3)    - (unknown subject)
ggiGetPixel(3)      - (unknown subject)
ggiGetPixelFormat(3) - (unknown subject)
ggiGetRayPos(3)     - (unknown subject)
ggiGetReadFrame(3)  - (unknown subject)
ggiGetVLine(3)      - (unknown subject)
ggiGetWriteFrame(3) - (unknown subject)
ggi_graphtype(3)    - (unknown subject)
ggiInit(3)          - (unknown subject)
ggiJoinInputs(3)    - (unknown subject)
ggiKbhit(3)         - (unknown subject)
ggiMapColor(3)      - (unknown subject)
ggi_mode(3)         - (unknown subject)
ggi-monitest(1)     - (unknown subject)
ggInit(3)           - (unknown subject)
ggiOpen(3)          - (unknown subject)
ggiPackColors(3)    - (unknown subject)
ggiPanic(3)         - (unknown subject)
ggiParseMode(3)     - (unknown subject)
ggi_pixel(3)        - (unknown subject)
ggi_pixelformat(3)  - (unknown subject)
ggi_pixellinearbuffer(3) - (unknown subject)
ggi_pixelplanarbuffer(3) - (unknown subject)
ggiPrintMode(3)     - (unknown subject)
ggiPutBox(3)        - (unknown subject)
ggiPutc(3)          - (unknown subject)
ggiPutHLine(3)      - (unknown subject)
ggiPutPixel(3)      - (unknown subject)
ggiPuts(3)          - (unknown subject)
ggiPutVLine(3)      - (unknown subject)
ggiRemoveEventMask(3) - (unknown subject)
ggiRemoveFlags(3)   - (unknown subject)
ggiResourceAcquire(3) - (unknown subject)
ggiResourceMustAcquire(3) - (unknown subject)
ggiResourceRelease(3) - (unknown subject)
ggi_samplelinearbuffer(3) - (unknown subject)
ggi_sampleplanarbuffer(3) - (unknown subject)
ggiSetColorfulPalette(3) - (unknown subject)
ggiSetDisplayFrame(3) - (unknown subject)
ggiSetEventMask(3)  - (unknown subject)
ggiSetFlags(3)      - (unknown subject)
ggiSetGamma(3)      - (unknown subject)
ggiSetGammaMap(3)   - (unknown subject)
ggiSetGCBackground(3) - (unknown subject)
ggiSetGCClipping(3) - (unknown subject)
ggiSetGCForeground(3) - (unknown subject)
ggiSetGraphMode(3)  - (unknown subject)
ggiSetMode(3)       - (unknown subject)
ggiSetOrigin(3)     - (unknown subject)
ggiSetPalette(3)    - (unknown subject)
ggiSetReadFrame(3)  - (unknown subject)
ggiSetSimpleMode(3) - (unknown subject)
ggiSetSplitline(3)  - (unknown subject)
ggiSetTextMode(3)   - (unknown subject)
ggiSetWriteFrame(3) - (unknown subject)
ggiSPrintMode(3)    - (unknown subject)
ggiteleserver(1)    - (unknown subject)
ggiUnmapPixel(3)    - (unknown subject)
ggiUnpackPixels(3)  - (unknown subject)
ggiWaitRayPos(3)    - (unknown subject)
ggiWmhAllowResize(3) - (unknown subject)
ggiWmhAttach(3)     - (unknown subject)
ggiWmhDetach(3)     - (unknown subject)
ggiWmhExit(3)       - (unknown subject)
ggiWmhGetPos(3)     - (unknown subject)
ggiWmhGetSize(3)    - (unknown subject)
ggiWmhIconify(3)    - (unknown subject)
ggiWmhInit(3)       - (unknown subject)
ggiWmhMaximize(3)   - (unknown subject)
ggiWmhMove(3)       - (unknown subject)
ggiWmhMoveIcon(3)   - (unknown subject)
ggiWmhResize(3)     - (unknown subject)
ggiWmhSetIconTitle(3) - (unknown subject)
ggiWmhSetTitle(3)   - (unknown subject)
ggiWmhZOrder(3)     - (unknown subject)
GG_LIST_EMPTY(3)    - (unknown subject)
GG_LIST_ENTRY(3)    - (unknown subject)
GG_LIST_FIRST(3)    - (unknown subject)
GG_LIST_FOREACH(3)  - (unknown subject)
GG_LIST_HEAD(3)     - (unknown subject)
GG_LIST_HEAD_INITIALIZER(3) - (unknown subject)
GG_LIST_INIT(3)     - (unknown subject)
GG_LIST_INSERT_AFTER(3) - (unknown subject)
GG_LIST_INSERT_BEFORE(3) - (unknown subject)
GG_LIST_INSERT_HEAD(3) - (unknown subject)
GG_LIST_NEXT(3)     - (unknown subject)
GG_LIST_REMOVE(3)   - (unknown subject)
ggLoadConfig(3)     - (unknown subject)
ggLock(3)           - (unknown subject)
ggLockCreate(3)     - (unknown subject)
ggLockDestroy(3)    - (unknown subject)
ggNewScope(3)       - (unknown subject)
ggNotifyObservers(3) - (unknown subject)
ggParseOptions(3)   - (unknown subject)
gg-queue(3)         - (unknown subject)
GG_RB_EMPTY(3)      - (unknown subject)
GG_RB_ENTRY(3)      - (unknown subject)
GG_RB_FIND(3)       - (unknown subject)
GG_RB_FOREACH(3)    - (unknown subject)
GG_RB_GENERATE(3)   - (unknown subject)
GG_RB_HEAD(3)       - (unknown subject)
GG_RB_INIT(3)       - (unknown subject)
GG_RB_INITIALIZER(3) - (unknown subject)
GG_RB_INSERT(3)     - (unknown subject)
GG_RB_LEFT(3)       - (unknown subject)
GG_RB_MAX(3)        - (unknown subject)
GG_RB_MIN(3)        - (unknown subject)
GG_RB_NEXT(3)       - (unknown subject)
GG_RB_PARENT(3)     - (unknown subject)
GG_RB_PROTOTYPE(3)  - (unknown subject)
GG_RB_REMOVE(3)     - (unknown subject)
GG_RB_RIGHT(3)      - (unknown subject)
GG_RB_ROOT(3)       - (unknown subject)
ggRegisterCleanup(3) - (unknown subject)
GG_SCHED_TICKS2USECS(3) - (unknown subject)
GG_SCHED_USECS2TICKS(3) - (unknown subject)
GG_SIMPLEQ_EMPTY(3) - (unknown subject)
GG_SIMPLEQ_ENTRY(3) - (unknown subject)
GG_SIMPLEQ_FIRST(3) - (unknown subject)
GG_SIMPLEQ_FOREACH(3) - (unknown subject)
GG_SIMPLEQ_HEAD(3)  - (unknown subject)
GG_SIMPLEQ_HEAD_INITIALIZER(3) - (unknown subject)
GG_SIMPLEQ_INIT(3)  - (unknown subject)
GG_SIMPLEQ_INSERT_AFTER(3) - (unknown subject)
GG_SIMPLEQ_INSERT_HEAD(3) - (unknown subject)
GG_SIMPLEQ_INSERT_TAIL(3) - (unknown subject)
GG_SIMPLEQ_NEXT(3)  - (unknown subject)
GG_SIMPLEQ_REMOVE(3) - (unknown subject)
GG_SIMPLEQ_REMOVE_HEAD(3) - (unknown subject)
GG_SLIST_EMPTY(3)   - (unknown subject)
GG_SLIST_ENTRY(3)   - (unknown subject)
GG_SLIST_FIRST(3)   - (unknown subject)
GG_SLIST_FOREACH(3) - (unknown subject)
GG_SLIST_HEAD(3)    - (unknown subject)
GG_SLIST_HEAD_INITIALIZER(3) - (unknown subject)
GG_SLIST_INIT2(3)   - (unknown subject)
GG_SLIST_INSERT_AFTER(3) - (unknown subject)
GG_SLIST_INSERT_HEAD(3) - (unknown subject)
GG_SLIST_NEXT(3)    - (unknown subject)
GG_SLIST_REMOVE(3)  - (unknown subject)
GG_SLIST_REMOVE_HEAD(3) - (unknown subject)
GG_SPLAY_EMPTY(3)   - (unknown subject)
GG_SPLAY_ENTRY(3)   - (unknown subject)
GG_SPLAY_FIND(3)    - (unknown subject)
GG_SPLAY_FOREACH(3) - (unknown subject)
GG_SPLAY_GENERATE(3) - (unknown subject)
GG_SPLAY_HEAD(3)    - (unknown subject)
GG_SPLAY_INIT(3)    - (unknown subject)
GG_SPLAY_INITIALIZER(3) - (unknown subject)
GG_SPLAY_INSERT(3)  - (unknown subject)
GG_SPLAY_LEFT(3)    - (unknown subject)
GG_SPLAY_MAX(3)     - (unknown subject)
GG_SPLAY_MIN(3)     - (unknown subject)
GG_SPLAY_NEXT(3)    - (unknown subject)
GG_SPLAY_PROTOTYPE(3) - (unknown subject)
GG_SPLAY_REMOVE(3)  - (unknown subject)
GG_SPLAY_RIGHT(3)   - (unknown subject)
GG_SPLAY_ROOT(3)    - (unknown subject)
ggstrlcat(3)        - (unknown subject)
ggstrlcpy(3)        - (unknown subject)
GG_TAILQ_EMPTY(3)   - (unknown subject)
GG_TAILQ_ENTRY(3)   - (unknown subject)
GG_TAILQ_FIRST(3)   - (unknown subject)
GG_TAILQ_FOREACH(3) - (unknown subject)
GG_TAILQ_FOREACH_REVERSE(3) - (unknown subject)
GG_TAILQ_HEAD(3)    - (unknown subject)
GG_TAILQ_HEAD_INITIALIZER(3) - (unknown subject)
GG_TAILQ_INIT(3)    - (unknown subject)
GG_TAILQ_INSERT_AFTER(3) - (unknown subject)
GG_TAILQ_INSERT_BEFORE(3) - (unknown subject)
GG_TAILQ_INSERT_HEAD(3) - (unknown subject)
GG_TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(3) - (unknown subject)
GG_TAILQ_LAST(3)    - (unknown subject)
GG_TAILQ_NEXT(3)    - (unknown subject)
GG_TAILQ_PREV(3)    - (unknown subject)
GG_TAILQ_REMOVE(3)  - (unknown subject)
ggTimeBase(3)       - (unknown subject)
gg-tree(3)          - (unknown subject)
ggTryLock(3)        - (unknown subject)
gg-types(3)         - (unknown subject)
ggUnlock(3)         - (unknown subject)
ggUnregisterCleanup(3) - (unknown subject)
ggUSleep(3)         - (unknown subject)
ggUSlumber(3)       - (unknown subject)
gif2apng(1)         - convert animated GIF to animated PNG files
gif2dbl(1)          - convert a gif file to an dbl file using a RGB palette
gif2mask(1)         - convert a gif file to an aaaalpha mask
gif2tiff(1)         - create a TIFF file from a GIF87 format image file
gif2webp(1)         - Convert a GIF image to WebP
giftopnm(1)         - convert a GIF file into a PNM image
giiAddEventMask(3)  - (unknown subject)
gii_any_event(3)    - (unknown subject)
giiClose(3)         - (unknown subject)
gii_cmddata_getdevinfo(3) - (unknown subject)
gii_cmddata_getvalinfo(3) - (unknown subject)
gii_cmd_event(3)    - (unknown subject)
gii_cmd_nodata_event(3) - (unknown subject)
gii-error(3)        - (unknown subject)
gii_event(3)        - (unknown subject)
gii_event_mask(3)   - (unknown subject)
giiEventPoll(3)     - (unknown subject)
giiEventRead(3)     - (unknown subject)
giiEventSelect(3)   - (unknown subject)
giiEventSend(3)     - (unknown subject)
giiEventsQueued(3)  - (unknown subject)
gii_event_type(3)   - (unknown subject)
giiExit(3)          - (unknown subject)
gii_expose_event(3) - (unknown subject)
giiGetEventMask(3)  - (unknown subject)
giiInit(3)          - (unknown subject)
giiJoinInputs(3)    - (unknown subject)
gii_key_event(3)    - (unknown subject)
giiMTInit(3)        - (unknown subject)
giiOpen(3)          - (unknown subject)
giiPanic(3)         - (unknown subject)
gii_pbutton_event(3) - (unknown subject)
gii_phystype(3)     - (unknown subject)
gii_pmove_event(3)  - (unknown subject)
giiQueryDeviceInfo(3) - (unknown subject)
giiQueryDeviceInfoByNumber(3) - (unknown subject)
giiQueryValInfo(3)  - (unknown subject)
giiRemoveEventMask(3) - (unknown subject)
giiSetEventMask(3)  - (unknown subject)
giiSplitInputs(3)   - (unknown subject)
gii_val_event(3)    - (unknown subject)
gii_valrange(3)     - (unknown subject)
gij(1)              - GNU interpreter for Java bytecode
gio-querymodules(1) - GIO module cache creation
g-ir-compiler(1)    - typelib compiler.
g-ir-generate(1)    - typelib generator
g-ir-scanner(1)     - extracting C metadata from sources and headers
git(1)              - the stupid content tracker
Git(3pm)            - Perl interface to the Git version control system
git-add(1)          - Add file contents to the index
git-am(1)           - Apply a series of patches from a mailbox
git-annotate(1)     - Annotate file lines with commit information
git-apply(1)        - Apply a patch to files and/or to the index
git-archimport(1)   - Import an Arch repository into git
git-archive(1)      - Create an archive of files from a named tree
gitattributes(5)    - defining attributes per path
git-bisect(1)       - Find by binary search the change that introduced a bug
git-blame(1)        - Show what revision and author last modified each line of a file
git-branch(1)       - List, create, or delete branches
git-bundle(1)       - Move objects and refs by archive
git-cat-file(1)     - Provide content or type and size information for repository objects
git-check-attr(1)   - Display gitattributes information
git-checkout(1)     - Checkout a branch or paths to the working tree
git-checkout-index(1) - Copy files from the index to the working tree
git-check-ref-format(1) - Ensures that a reference name is well formed
git-cherry(1)       - Find commits not merged upstream
git-cherry-pick(1)  - Apply the changes introduced by some existing commits
git-citool(1)       - Graphical alternative to git-commit
git-clean(1)        - Remove untracked files from the working tree
gitcli(7)           - git command line interface and conventions
git-clone(1)        - Clone a repository into a new directory
git-commit(1)       - Record changes to the repository
git-commit-tree(1)  - Create a new commit object
git-config(1)       - Get and set repository or global options
gitcore-tutorial(7) - A git core tutorial for developers
git-count-objects(1) - Count unpacked number of objects and their disk consumption
git-credential-cache(1) - helper to temporarily store passwords in memory
git-credential-cache--daemon(1) - temporarily store user credentials in memory
gitcredentials(7)   - providing usernames and passwords to git
git-credential-store(1) - helper to store credentials on disk
git-cvsexportcommit(1) - Export a single commit to a CVS checkout
git-cvsimport(1)    - Salvage your data out of another SCM people love to hate
gitcvs-migration(7) - git for CVS users
git-cvsserver(1)    - A CVS server emulator for git
git-daemon(1)       - A really simple server for git repositories
git-describe(1)     - Show the most recent tag that is reachable from a commit
git-diff(1)         - Show changes between commits, commit and working tree, etc
gitdiffcore(7)      - Tweaking diff output
git-diff-files(1)   - Compares files in the working tree and the index
git-diff-index(1)   - Compares content and mode of blobs between the index and repository
git-difftool(1)     - Show changes using common diff tools
git-diff-tree(1)    - Compares the content and mode of blobs found via two tree objects
git-fast-export(1)  - Git data exporter
git-fast-import(1)  - Backend for fast Git data importers
git-fetch(1)        - Download objects and refs from another repository
git-fetch-pack(1)   - Receive missing objects from another repository
git-filter-branch(1) - Rewrite branches
git-fmt-merge-msg(1) - Produce a merge commit message
git-for-each-ref(1) - Output information on each ref
git-format-patch(1) - Prepare patches for e-mail submission
git-fsck(1)         - Verifies the connectivity and validity of the objects in the database
git-fsck-objects(1) - Verifies the connectivity and validity of the objects in the database
git-gc(1)           - Cleanup unnecessary files and optimize the local repository
git-get-tar-commit-id(1) - Extract commit ID from an archive created using git-archive
gitglossary(7)      - A GIT Glossary
git-grep(1)         - Print lines matching a pattern
git-gui(1)          - A portable graphical interface to Git
git-hash-object(1)  - Compute object ID and optionally creates a blob from a file
git-help(1)         - display help information about git
githooks(5)         - Hooks used by git
git-http-backend(1) - Server side implementation of Git over HTTP
git-http-fetch(1)   - Download from a remote git repository via HTTP
git-http-push(1)    - Push objects over HTTP/DAV to another repository
Git.I18N(3pm)       - Perl interface to Git's Gettext localizations
gitignore(5)        - Specifies intentionally untracked files to ignore
git-imap-send(1)    - Send a collection of patches from stdin to an IMAP folder
git-index-pack(1)   - Build pack index file for an existing packed archive
git-init(1)         - Create an empty git repository or reinitialize an existing one
git-init-db(1)      - Creates an empty git repository
git-instaweb(1)     - Instantly browse your working repository in gitweb
gitk(1)             - The git repository browser
git-log(1)          - Show commit logs
git-lost-found(1)   - Recover lost refs that luckily have not yet been pruned
git-ls-files(1)     - Show information about files in the index and the working tree
git-ls-remote(1)    - List references in a remote repository
git-ls-tree(1)      - List the contents of a tree object
git-mailinfo(1)     - Extracts patch and authorship from a single e-mail message
git-mailsplit(1)    - Simple UNIX mbox splitter program
git-merge(1)        - Join two or more development histories together
git-merge-base(1)   - Find as good common ancestors as possible for a merge
git-merge-file(1)   - Run a three-way file merge
git-merge-index(1)  - Run a merge for files needing merging
git-merge-one-file(1) - The standard helper program to use with git-merge-index
git-mergetool(1)    - Run merge conflict resolution tools to resolve merge conflicts
git-mergetool--lib(1) - Common git merge tool shell scriptlets
git-merge-tree(1)   - Show three-way merge without touching index
git-mktag(1)        - Creates a tag object
git-mktree(1)       - Build a tree-object from ls-tree formatted text
gitmodules(5)       - defining submodule properties
git-mv(1)           - Move or rename a file, a directory, or a symlink
git-name-rev(1)     - Find symbolic names for given revs
gitnamespaces(7)    - Git namespaces
git-notes(1)        - Add or inspect object notes
git-oodiff(1)       - Git diff filter for OpenOffice documents
git-p4(1)           - Import from and submit to Perforce repositories
git-pack-objects(1) - Create a packed archive of objects
git-pack-redundant(1) - Find redundant pack files
git-pack-refs(1)    - Pack heads and tags for efficient repository access
git-parse-remote(1) - Routines to help parsing remote repository access parameters
git-patch-id(1)     - Compute unique ID for a patch
git-peek-remote(1)  - List the references in a remote repository
git-prune(1)        - Prune all unreachable objects from the object database
git-prune-packed(1) - Remove extra objects that are already in pack files
git-pull(1)         - Fetch from and merge with another repository or a local branch
git-push(1)         - Update remote refs along with associated objects
git-quiltimport(1)  - Applies a quilt patchset onto the current branch
git-read-tree(1)    - Reads tree information into the index
git-rebase(1)       - Forward-port local commits to the updated upstream head
git-receive-pack(1) - Receive what is pushed into the repository
git-reflog(1)       - Manage reflog information
git-relink(1)       - Hardlink common objects in local repositories
git-remote(1)       - manage set of tracked repositories
git-remote-ext(1)   - Bridge smart transport to external command.
git-remote-fd(1)    - Reflect smart transport stream back to caller
git-remote-helpers(1) - Helper programs to interact with remote repositories
git-remote-testgit(1) - Example remote-helper
git-repack(1)       - Pack unpacked objects in a repository
git-replace(1)      - Create, list, delete refs to replace objects
git-repo-config(1)  - Get and set repository or global options
gitrepository-layout(5) - Git Repository Layout
git-request-pull(1) - Generates a summary of pending changes
git-rerere(1)       - Reuse recorded resolution of conflicted merges
git-reset(1)        - Reset current HEAD to the specified state
git-revert(1)       - Revert some existing commits
git-review(1)       - Submit changes to Gerrit for review
gitrevisions(7)     - specifying revisions and ranges for git
git-rev-list(1)     - Lists commit objects in reverse chronological order
git-rev-parse(1)    - Pick out and massage parameters
git-rm(1)           - Remove files from the working tree and from the index
git-send-email(1)   - Send a collection of patches as emails
git-send-pack(1)    - Push objects over git protocol to another repository
git-shell(1)        - Restricted login shell for Git-only SSH access
git-sh-i18n(1)      - Git's i18n setup code for shell scripts
git-sh-i18n--envsubst(1) - Git's own envsubst(1) for i18n fallbacks
git-shortlog(1)     - Summarize 'git log' output
git-show(1)         - Show various types of objects
git-show-branch(1)  - Show branches and their commits
git-show-index(1)   - Show packed archive index
git-show-ref(1)     - List references in a local repository
git-sh-setup(1)     - Common git shell script setup code
git-stage(1)        - Add file contents to the staging area
git-stash(1)        - Stash the changes in a dirty working directory away
git-status(1)       - Show the working tree status
git-stripspace(1)   - Remove unnecessary whitespace
git-submodule(1)    - Initialize, update or inspect submodules
git-svn(1)          - Bidirectional operation between a Subversion repository and git
git-symbolic-ref(1) - Read and modify symbolic refs
git-tag(1)          - Create, list, delete or verify a tag object signed with GPG
git-tar-tree(1)     - Create a tar archive of the files in the named tree object
gittutorial-2(7)    - A tutorial introduction to git: part two
gittutorial(7)      - A tutorial introduction to git (for version 1.5.1 or newer)
git-unpack-file(1)  - Creates a temporary file with a blob's contents
git-unpack-objects(1) - Unpack objects from a packed archive
git-update-index(1) - Register file contents in the working tree to the index
git-update-ref(1)   - Update the object name stored in a ref safely
git-update-server-info(1) - Update auxiliary info file to help dumb servers
git-upload-archive(1) - Send archive back to git-archive
git-upload-pack(1)  - Send objects packed back to git-fetch-pack
git-var(1)          - Show a git logical variable
git-verify-pack(1)  - Validate packed git archive files
git-verify-tag(1)   - Check the GPG signature of tags
gitweb(1)           - Git web interface (web frontend to Git repositories)
git-web--browse(1)  - git helper script to launch a web browser
gitweb.conf(5)      - Gitweb (git web interface) configuration file
git-whatchanged(1)  - Show logs with difference each commit introduces
gitworkflows(7)     - An overview of recommended workflows with git
git-write-tree(1)   - Create a tree object from the current index
gjar(1)             - - Archive tool for Java archives
gjarsigner(1)       - Java ARchive(JAR) file signing and verification tool
gjavah(1)           - - generate header files from Java class files
gjdoc(1)            - GNU Classpath Tools Guide
gkeytool(1)         - Manage private keys and public certificates
gkill(1)            - send signals to processes, or list signals
glib-compile-resources(1) - GLib resource compiler
glib-compile-schemas(1) - GSettings schema compiler
glib-config(1)      - script to get information about the installed version of GLib
glib-genmarshal(1)  - C code marshaller generation utility for GLib closures
glib-gettextize(1)  - gettext internationalization utility
glib-mkenums(1)     - C language enum description generation utility
global(n)           - Access global variables
glob(n)             - Return names of files that match patterns
gm(1)               - command-line utility to create, edit, compare, convert, or display images
gmtime(3)           - (unknown subject)
gnative2ascii(1)    - - An encoding converter
gnome-keyring-daemon(1) - The gnome-keyring daemon
gnome-options(7)    - Standard Command Line Options for GNOME 2 Programs
gnuattach(1)        - Server and Clients for XEmacs
gnubg(6)            - GNU Backgammon program
gnucap(1)           - GNU Circuit Analysis Package
gnucap-ibis(1)      - GNU Circuit Analysis Package IBIS translator
gnuclient(1)        - Server and Clients for XEmacs
gnudoit(1)          - Server and Clients for XEmacs
gnugo(6)            - The GNU program to play the game of Go
gnupg(7)            - The GNU Privacy Guard suite of programs
gnuplot(1)          - an interactive plotting program
gnuserv(1)          - Server and Clients for XEmacs
gnutls_alert_get(3) - API function
gnutls_alert_get_name(3) - API function
gnutls_alert_get_strname(3) - API function
gnutls_alert_send(3) - API function
gnutls_alert_send_appropriate(3) - API function
gnutls_alpn_get_selected_protocol(3) - API function
gnutls_alpn_set_protocols(3) - API function
gnutls_anon_allocate_client_credentials(3) - API function
gnutls_anon_allocate_server_credentials(3) - API function
gnutls_anon_free_client_credentials(3) - API function
gnutls_anon_free_server_credentials(3) - API function
gnutls_anon_set_params_function(3) - API function
gnutls_anon_set_server_dh_params(3) - API function
gnutls_anon_set_server_params_function(3) - API function
gnutls_auth_client_get_type(3) - API function
gnutls_auth_get_type(3) - API function
gnutls_auth_server_get_type(3) - API function
gnutls_bye(3)       - API function
gnutls_certificate_activation_time_peers(3) - API function
gnutls_certificate_allocate_credentials(3) - API function
gnutls_certificate_client_get_request_status(3) - API function
gnutls_certificate_expiration_time_peers(3) - API function
gnutls_certificate_free_ca_names(3) - API function
gnutls_certificate_free_cas(3) - API function
gnutls_certificate_free_credentials(3) - API function
gnutls_certificate_free_crls(3) - API function
gnutls_certificate_free_keys(3) - API function
gnutls_certificate_get_issuer(3) - API function
gnutls_certificate_get_ours(3) - API function
gnutls_certificate_get_peers(3) - API function
gnutls_certificate_get_peers_subkey_id(3) - API function
gnutls_certificate_send_x509_rdn_sequence(3) - API function
gnutls_certificate_server_set_request(3) - API function
gnutls_certificate_set_dh_params(3) - API function
gnutls_certificate_set_key(3) - API function
gnutls_certificate_set_ocsp_status_request_file(3) - API function
gnutls_certificate_set_ocsp_status_request_function(3) - API function
gnutls_certificate_set_openpgp_key(3) - API function
gnutls_certificate_set_openpgp_key_file2(3) - API function
gnutls_certificate_set_openpgp_key_file(3) - API function
gnutls_certificate_set_openpgp_key_mem2(3) - API function
gnutls_certificate_set_openpgp_key_mem(3) - API function
gnutls_certificate_set_openpgp_keyring_file(3) - API function
gnutls_certificate_set_openpgp_keyring_mem(3) - API function
gnutls_certificate_set_params_function(3) - API function
gnutls_certificate_set_pin_function(3) - API function
gnutls_certificate_set_retrieve_function2(3) - API function
gnutls_certificate_set_retrieve_function(3) - API function
gnutls_certificate_set_rsa_export_params(3) - API function
gnutls_certificate_set_trust_list(3) - API function
gnutls_certificate_set_verify_flags(3) - API function
gnutls_certificate_set_verify_function(3) - API function
gnutls_certificate_set_verify_limits(3) - API function
gnutls_certificate_set_x509_crl(3) - API function
gnutls_certificate_set_x509_crl_file(3) - API function
gnutls_certificate_set_x509_crl_mem(3) - API function
gnutls_certificate_set_x509_key(3) - API function
gnutls_certificate_set_x509_key_file2(3) - API function
gnutls_certificate_set_x509_key_file(3) - API function
gnutls_certificate_set_x509_key_mem2(3) - API function
gnutls_certificate_set_x509_key_mem(3) - API function
gnutls_certificate_set_x509_simple_pkcs12_file(3) - API function
gnutls_certificate_set_x509_simple_pkcs12_mem(3) - API function
gnutls_certificate_set_x509_system_trust(3) - API function
gnutls_certificate_set_x509_trust(3) - API function
gnutls_certificate_set_x509_trust_file(3) - API function
gnutls_certificate_set_x509_trust_mem(3) - API function
gnutls_certificate_type_get(3) - API function
gnutls_certificate_type_get_id(3) - API function
gnutls_certificate_type_get_name(3) - API function
gnutls_certificate_type_list(3) - API function
gnutls_certificate_type_set_priority(3) - API function
gnutls_certificate_verification_status_print(3) - API function
gnutls_certificate_verify_peers2(3) - API function
gnutls_certificate_verify_peers3(3) - API function
gnutls_check_version(3) - API function
gnutls_cipher_add_auth(3) - API function
gnutls_cipher_decrypt2(3) - API function
gnutls_cipher_decrypt(3) - API function
gnutls_cipher_deinit(3) - API function
gnutls_cipher_encrypt2(3) - API function
gnutls_cipher_encrypt(3) - API function
gnutls_cipher_get(3) - API function
gnutls_cipher_get_block_size(3) - API function
gnutls_cipher_get_id(3) - API function
gnutls_cipher_get_iv_size(3) - API function
gnutls_cipher_get_key_size(3) - API function
gnutls_cipher_get_name(3) - API function
gnutls_cipher_get_tag_size(3) - API function
gnutls_cipher_init(3) - API function
gnutls_cipher_list(3) - API function
gnutls_cipher_set_iv(3) - API function
gnutls_cipher_set_priority(3) - API function
gnutls_cipher_suite_get_name(3) - API function
gnutls_cipher_suite_info(3) - API function
gnutls_cipher_tag(3) - API function
gnutls-cli(1)       - GnuTLS client
gnutls-cli-debug(1) - GnuTLS debug client
gnutls_compression_get(3) - API function
gnutls_compression_get_id(3) - API function
gnutls_compression_get_name(3) - API function
gnutls_compression_list(3) - API function
gnutls_compression_set_priority(3) - API function
gnutls_credentials_clear(3) - API function
gnutls_credentials_set(3) - API function
gnutls_db_check_entry(3) - API function
gnutls_db_check_entry_time(3) - API function
gnutls_db_get_ptr(3) - API function
gnutls_db_remove_session(3) - API function
gnutls_db_set_cache_expiration(3) - API function
gnutls_db_set_ptr(3) - API function
gnutls_db_set_remove_function(3) - API function
gnutls_db_set_retrieve_function(3) - API function
gnutls_db_set_store_function(3) - API function
gnutls_deinit(3)    - API function
gnutls_dh_get_group(3) - API function
gnutls_dh_get_peers_public_bits(3) - API function
gnutls_dh_get_prime_bits(3) - API function
gnutls_dh_get_pubkey(3) - API function
gnutls_dh_get_secret_bits(3) - API function
gnutls_dh_params_cpy(3) - API function
gnutls_dh_params_deinit(3) - API function
gnutls_dh_params_export2_pkcs3(3) - API function
gnutls_dh_params_export_pkcs3(3) - API function
gnutls_dh_params_export_raw(3) - API function
gnutls_dh_params_generate2(3) - API function
gnutls_dh_params_import_pkcs3(3) - API function
gnutls_dh_params_import_raw(3) - API function
gnutls_dh_params_init(3) - API function
gnutls_dh_set_prime_bits(3) - API function
gnutls_digest_get_id(3) - API function
gnutls_digest_get_name(3) - API function
gnutls_digest_list(3) - API function
gnutls_dtls_cookie_send(3) - API function
gnutls_dtls_cookie_verify(3) - API function
gnutls_dtls_get_data_mtu(3) - API function
gnutls_dtls_get_mtu(3) - API function
gnutls_dtls_get_timeout(3) - API function
gnutls_dtls_prestate_set(3) - API function
gnutls_dtls_set_data_mtu(3) - API function
gnutls_dtls_set_mtu(3) - API function
gnutls_dtls_set_timeouts(3) - API function
gnutls_ecc_curve_get(3) - API function
gnutls_ecc_curve_get_name(3) - API function
gnutls_ecc_curve_get_size(3) - API function
gnutls_ecc_curve_list(3) - API function
gnutls_error_is_fatal(3) - API function
gnutls_error_to_alert(3) - API function
gnutls_est_record_overhead_size(3) - API function
gnutls_fingerprint(3) - API function
gnutls_global_deinit(3) - API function
gnutls_global_init(3) - API function
gnutls_global_set_audit_log_function(3) - API function
gnutls_global_set_log_function(3) - API function
gnutls_global_set_log_level(3) - API function
gnutls_global_set_mem_functions(3) - API function
gnutls_global_set_mutex(3) - API function
gnutls_global_set_time_function(3) - API function
gnutls_handshake(3) - API function
gnutls_handshake_description_get_name(3) - API function
gnutls_handshake_get_last_in(3) - API function
gnutls_handshake_get_last_out(3) - API function
gnutls_handshake_set_hook_function(3) - API function
gnutls_handshake_set_max_packet_length(3) - API function
gnutls_handshake_set_post_client_hello_function(3) - API function
gnutls_handshake_set_private_extensions(3) - API function
gnutls_handshake_set_random(3) - API function
gnutls_handshake_set_timeout(3) - API function
gnutls_hash(3)      - API function
gnutls_hash_deinit(3) - API function
gnutls_hash_fast(3) - API function
gnutls_hash_get_len(3) - API function
gnutls_hash_init(3) - API function
gnutls_hash_output(3) - API function
gnutls_heartbeat_allowed(3) - API function
gnutls_heartbeat_enable(3) - API function
gnutls_heartbeat_get_timeout(3) - API function
gnutls_heartbeat_ping(3) - API function
gnutls_heartbeat_pong(3) - API function
gnutls_heartbeat_set_timeouts(3) - API function
gnutls_hex2bin(3)   - API function
gnutls_hex_decode(3) - API function
gnutls_hex_encode(3) - API function
gnutls_hmac(3)      - API function
gnutls_hmac_deinit(3) - API function
gnutls_hmac_fast(3) - API function
gnutls_hmac_get_len(3) - API function
gnutls_hmac_init(3) - API function
gnutls_hmac_output(3) - API function
gnutls_hmac_set_nonce(3) - API function
gnutls_init(3)      - API function
gnutls_key_generate(3) - API function
gnutls_kx_get(3)    - API function
gnutls_kx_get_id(3) - API function
gnutls_kx_get_name(3) - API function
gnutls_kx_list(3)   - API function
gnutls_kx_set_priority(3) - API function
gnutls_load_file(3) - API function
gnutls_mac_get(3)   - API function
gnutls_mac_get_id(3) - API function
gnutls_mac_get_key_size(3) - API function
gnutls_mac_get_name(3) - API function
gnutls_mac_get_nonce_size(3) - API function
gnutls_mac_list(3)  - API function
gnutls_mac_set_priority(3) - API function
gnutls_ocsp_req_add_cert(3) - API function
gnutls_ocsp_req_add_cert_id(3) - API function
gnutls_ocsp_req_deinit(3) - API function
gnutls_ocsp_req_export(3) - API function
gnutls_ocsp_req_get_cert_id(3) - API function
gnutls_ocsp_req_get_extension(3) - API function
gnutls_ocsp_req_get_nonce(3) - API function
gnutls_ocsp_req_get_version(3) - API function
gnutls_ocsp_req_import(3) - API function
gnutls_ocsp_req_init(3) - API function
gnutls_ocsp_req_print(3) - API function
gnutls_ocsp_req_randomize_nonce(3) - API function
gnutls_ocsp_req_set_extension(3) - API function
gnutls_ocsp_req_set_nonce(3) - API function
gnutls_ocsp_resp_check_crt(3) - API function
gnutls_ocsp_resp_deinit(3) - API function
gnutls_ocsp_resp_export(3) - API function
gnutls_ocsp_resp_get_certs(3) - API function
gnutls_ocsp_resp_get_extension(3) - API function
gnutls_ocsp_resp_get_nonce(3) - API function
gnutls_ocsp_resp_get_produced(3) - API function
gnutls_ocsp_resp_get_responder(3) - API function
gnutls_ocsp_resp_get_response(3) - API function
gnutls_ocsp_resp_get_signature(3) - API function
gnutls_ocsp_resp_get_signature_algorithm(3) - API function
gnutls_ocsp_resp_get_single(3) - API function
gnutls_ocsp_resp_get_status(3) - API function
gnutls_ocsp_resp_get_version(3) - API function
gnutls_ocsp_resp_import(3) - API function
gnutls_ocsp_resp_init(3) - API function
gnutls_ocsp_resp_print(3) - API function
gnutls_ocsp_resp_verify(3) - API function
gnutls_ocsp_resp_verify_direct(3) - API function
gnutls_ocsp_status_request_enable_client(3) - API function
gnutls_ocsp_status_request_get(3) - API function
gnutls_ocsp_status_request_is_checked(3) - API function
gnutls_openpgp_crt_check_hostname(3) - API function
gnutls_openpgp_crt_deinit(3) - API function
gnutls_openpgp_crt_export2(3) - API function
gnutls_openpgp_crt_export(3) - API function
gnutls_openpgp_crt_get_auth_subkey(3) - API function
gnutls_openpgp_crt_get_creation_time(3) - API function
gnutls_openpgp_crt_get_expiration_time(3) - API function
gnutls_openpgp_crt_get_fingerprint(3) - API function
gnutls_openpgp_crt_get_key_id(3) - API function
gnutls_openpgp_crt_get_key_usage(3) - API function
gnutls_openpgp_crt_get_name(3) - API function
gnutls_openpgp_crt_get_pk_algorithm(3) - API function
gnutls_openpgp_crt_get_pk_dsa_raw(3) - API function
gnutls_openpgp_crt_get_pk_rsa_raw(3) - API function
gnutls_openpgp_crt_get_preferred_key_id(3) - API function
gnutls_openpgp_crt_get_revoked_status(3) - API function
gnutls_openpgp_crt_get_subkey_count(3) - API function
gnutls_openpgp_crt_get_subkey_creation_time(3) - API function
gnutls_openpgp_crt_get_subkey_expiration_time(3) - API function
gnutls_openpgp_crt_get_subkey_fingerprint(3) - API function
gnutls_openpgp_crt_get_subkey_id(3) - API function
gnutls_openpgp_crt_get_subkey_idx(3) - API function
gnutls_openpgp_crt_get_subkey_pk_algorithm(3) - API function
gnutls_openpgp_crt_get_subkey_pk_dsa_raw(3) - API function
gnutls_openpgp_crt_get_subkey_pk_rsa_raw(3) - API function
gnutls_openpgp_crt_get_subkey_revoked_status(3) - API function
gnutls_openpgp_crt_get_subkey_usage(3) - API function
gnutls_openpgp_crt_get_version(3) - API function
gnutls_openpgp_crt_import(3) - API function
gnutls_openpgp_crt_init(3) - API function
gnutls_openpgp_crt_print(3) - API function
gnutls_openpgp_crt_set_preferred_key_id(3) - API function
gnutls_openpgp_crt_verify_ring(3) - API function
gnutls_openpgp_crt_verify_self(3) - API function
gnutls_openpgp_keyring_check_id(3) - API function
gnutls_openpgp_keyring_deinit(3) - API function
gnutls_openpgp_keyring_get_crt(3) - API function
gnutls_openpgp_keyring_get_crt_count(3) - API function
gnutls_openpgp_keyring_import(3) - API function
gnutls_openpgp_keyring_init(3) - API function
gnutls_openpgp_privkey_deinit(3) - API function
gnutls_openpgp_privkey_export2(3) - API function
gnutls_openpgp_privkey_export(3) - API function
gnutls_openpgp_privkey_export_dsa_raw(3) - API function
gnutls_openpgp_privkey_export_rsa_raw(3) - API function
gnutls_openpgp_privkey_export_subkey_dsa_raw(3) - API function
gnutls_openpgp_privkey_export_subkey_rsa_raw(3) - API function
gnutls_openpgp_privkey_get_fingerprint(3) - API function
gnutls_openpgp_privkey_get_key_id(3) - API function
gnutls_openpgp_privkey_get_pk_algorithm(3) - API function
gnutls_openpgp_privkey_get_preferred_key_id(3) - API function
gnutls_openpgp_privkey_get_revoked_status(3) - API function
gnutls_openpgp_privkey_get_subkey_count(3) - API function
gnutls_openpgp_privkey_get_subkey_creation_time(3) - API function
gnutls_openpgp_privkey_get_subkey_fingerprint(3) - API function
gnutls_openpgp_privkey_get_subkey_id(3) - API function
gnutls_openpgp_privkey_get_subkey_idx(3) - API function
gnutls_openpgp_privkey_get_subkey_pk_algorithm(3) - API function
gnutls_openpgp_privkey_get_subkey_revoked_status(3) - API function
gnutls_openpgp_privkey_import(3) - API function
gnutls_openpgp_privkey_init(3) - API function
gnutls_openpgp_privkey_sec_param(3) - API function
gnutls_openpgp_privkey_set_preferred_key_id(3) - API function
gnutls_openpgp_privkey_sign_hash(3) - API function
gnutls_openpgp_send_cert(3) - API function
gnutls_openpgp_set_recv_key_function(3) - API function
gnutls_pcert_deinit(3) - API function
gnutls_pcert_import_openpgp(3) - API function
gnutls_pcert_import_openpgp_raw(3) - API function
gnutls_pcert_import_x509(3) - API function
gnutls_pcert_import_x509_raw(3) - API function
gnutls_pcert_list_import_x509_raw(3) - API function
gnutls_pem_base64_decode(3) - API function
gnutls_pem_base64_decode_alloc(3) - API function
gnutls_pem_base64_encode(3) - API function
gnutls_pem_base64_encode_alloc(3) - API function
gnutls_perror(3)    - API function
gnutls_pk_algorithm_get_name(3) - API function
gnutls_pk_bits_to_sec_param(3) - API function
gnutls_pkcs11_add_provider(3) - API function
gnutls_pkcs11_copy_secret_key(3) - API function
gnutls_pkcs11_copy_x509_crt(3) - API function
gnutls_pkcs11_copy_x509_privkey(3) - API function
gnutls_pkcs11_deinit(3) - API function
gnutls_pkcs11_delete_url(3) - API function
gnutls_pkcs11_get_pin_function(3) - API function
gnutls_pkcs11_init(3) - API function
gnutls_pkcs11_obj_deinit(3) - API function
gnutls_pkcs11_obj_export2(3) - API function
gnutls_pkcs11_obj_export(3) - API function
gnutls_pkcs11_obj_export_url(3) - API function
gnutls_pkcs11_obj_get_info(3) - API function
gnutls_pkcs11_obj_get_type(3) - API function
gnutls_pkcs11_obj_import_url(3) - API function
gnutls_pkcs11_obj_init(3) - API function
gnutls_pkcs11_obj_list_import_url2(3) - API function
gnutls_pkcs11_obj_list_import_url(3) - API function
gnutls_pkcs11_obj_set_pin_function(3) - API function
gnutls_pkcs11_privkey_deinit(3) - API function
gnutls_pkcs11_privkey_export_url(3) - API function
gnutls_pkcs11_privkey_generate2(3) - API function
gnutls_pkcs11_privkey_generate(3) - API function
gnutls_pkcs11_privkey_get_info(3) - API function
gnutls_pkcs11_privkey_get_pk_algorithm(3) - API function
gnutls_pkcs11_privkey_import_url(3) - API function
gnutls_pkcs11_privkey_init(3) - API function
gnutls_pkcs11_privkey_set_pin_function(3) - API function
gnutls_pkcs11_privkey_status(3) - API function
gnutls_pkcs11_reinit(3) - API function
gnutls_pkcs11_set_pin_function(3) - API function
gnutls_pkcs11_set_token_function(3) - API function
gnutls_pkcs11_token_get_flags(3) - API function
gnutls_pkcs11_token_get_info(3) - API function
gnutls_pkcs11_token_get_mechanism(3) - API function
gnutls_pkcs11_token_get_url(3) - API function
gnutls_pkcs11_token_init(3) - API function
gnutls_pkcs11_token_set_pin(3) - API function
gnutls_pkcs11_type_get_name(3) - API function
gnutls_pkcs12_bag_decrypt(3) - API function
gnutls_pkcs12_bag_deinit(3) - API function
gnutls_pkcs12_bag_encrypt(3) - API function
gnutls_pkcs12_bag_get_count(3) - API function
gnutls_pkcs12_bag_get_data(3) - API function
gnutls_pkcs12_bag_get_friendly_name(3) - API function
gnutls_pkcs12_bag_get_key_id(3) - API function
gnutls_pkcs12_bag_get_type(3) - API function
gnutls_pkcs12_bag_init(3) - API function
gnutls_pkcs12_bag_set_crl(3) - API function
gnutls_pkcs12_bag_set_crt(3) - API function
gnutls_pkcs12_bag_set_data(3) - API function
gnutls_pkcs12_bag_set_friendly_name(3) - API function
gnutls_pkcs12_bag_set_key_id(3) - API function
gnutls_pkcs12_deinit(3) - API function
gnutls_pkcs12_export2(3) - API function
gnutls_pkcs12_export(3) - API function
gnutls_pkcs12_generate_mac(3) - API function
gnutls_pkcs12_get_bag(3) - API function
gnutls_pkcs12_import(3) - API function
gnutls_pkcs12_init(3) - API function
gnutls_pkcs12_set_bag(3) - API function
gnutls_pkcs12_simple_parse(3) - API function
gnutls_pkcs12_verify_mac(3) - API function
gnutls_pkcs7_deinit(3) - API function
gnutls_pkcs7_delete_crl(3) - API function
gnutls_pkcs7_delete_crt(3) - API function
gnutls_pkcs7_export2(3) - API function
gnutls_pkcs7_export(3) - API function
gnutls_pkcs7_get_crl_count(3) - API function
gnutls_pkcs7_get_crl_raw(3) - API function
gnutls_pkcs7_get_crt_count(3) - API function
gnutls_pkcs7_get_crt_raw(3) - API function
gnutls_pkcs7_import(3) - API function
gnutls_pkcs7_init(3) - API function
gnutls_pkcs7_set_crl(3) - API function
gnutls_pkcs7_set_crl_raw(3) - API function
gnutls_pkcs7_set_crt(3) - API function
gnutls_pkcs7_set_crt_raw(3) - API function
gnutls_pk_get_id(3) - API function
gnutls_pk_get_name(3) - API function
gnutls_pk_list(3)   - API function
gnutls_pk_to_sign(3) - API function
gnutls_prf(3)       - API function
gnutls_prf_raw(3)   - API function
gnutls_priority_certificate_type_list(3) - API function
gnutls_priority_cipher_list(3) - API function
gnutls_priority_compression_list(3) - API function
gnutls_priority_deinit(3) - API function
gnutls_priority_ecc_curve_list(3) - API function
gnutls_priority_get_cipher_suite_index(3) - API function
gnutls_priority_init(3) - API function
gnutls_priority_kx_list(3) - API function
gnutls_priority_mac_list(3) - API function
gnutls_priority_protocol_list(3) - API function
gnutls_priority_set(3) - API function
gnutls_priority_set_direct(3) - API function
gnutls_priority_sign_list(3) - API function
gnutls_privkey_decrypt_data(3) - API function
gnutls_privkey_deinit(3) - API function
gnutls_privkey_get_pk_algorithm(3) - API function
gnutls_privkey_get_type(3) - API function
gnutls_privkey_import_ext2(3) - API function
gnutls_privkey_import_ext(3) - API function
gnutls_privkey_import_openpgp(3) - API function
gnutls_privkey_import_openpgp_raw(3) - API function
gnutls_privkey_import_pkcs11(3) - API function
gnutls_privkey_import_pkcs11_url(3) - API function
gnutls_privkey_import_tpm_raw(3) - API function
gnutls_privkey_import_tpm_url(3) - API function
gnutls_privkey_import_url(3) - API function
gnutls_privkey_import_x509(3) - API function
gnutls_privkey_import_x509_raw(3) - API function
gnutls_privkey_init(3) - API function
gnutls_privkey_set_pin_function(3) - API function
gnutls_privkey_sign_data(3) - API function
gnutls_privkey_sign_hash(3) - API function
gnutls_privkey_sign_raw_data(3) - API function
gnutls_privkey_status(3) - API function
gnutls_protocol_get_id(3) - API function
gnutls_protocol_get_name(3) - API function
gnutls_protocol_get_version(3) - API function
gnutls_protocol_list(3) - API function
gnutls_protocol_set_priority(3) - API function
gnutls_psk_allocate_client_credentials(3) - API function
gnutls_psk_allocate_server_credentials(3) - API function
gnutls_psk_client_get_hint(3) - API function
gnutls_psk_free_client_credentials(3) - API function
gnutls_psk_free_server_credentials(3) - API function
gnutls_psk_server_get_username(3) - API function
gnutls_psk_set_client_credentials(3) - API function
gnutls_psk_set_client_credentials_function(3) - API function
gnutls_psk_set_params_function(3) - API function
gnutls_psk_set_server_credentials_file(3) - API function
gnutls_psk_set_server_credentials_function(3) - API function
gnutls_psk_set_server_credentials_hint(3) - API function
gnutls_psk_set_server_dh_params(3) - API function
gnutls_psk_set_server_params_function(3) - API function
gnutls_pubkey_deinit(3) - API function
gnutls_pubkey_encrypt_data(3) - API function
gnutls_pubkey_export2(3) - API function
gnutls_pubkey_export(3) - API function
gnutls_pubkey_get_key_id(3) - API function
gnutls_pubkey_get_key_usage(3) - API function
gnutls_pubkey_get_openpgp_key_id(3) - API function
gnutls_pubkey_get_pk_algorithm(3) - API function
gnutls_pubkey_get_pk_dsa_raw(3) - API function
gnutls_pubkey_get_pk_ecc_raw(3) - API function
gnutls_pubkey_get_pk_ecc_x962(3) - API function
gnutls_pubkey_get_pk_rsa_raw(3) - API function
gnutls_pubkey_get_preferred_hash_algorithm(3) - API function
gnutls_pubkey_get_verify_algorithm(3) - API function
gnutls_pubkey_import(3) - API function
gnutls_pubkey_import_dsa_raw(3) - API function
gnutls_pubkey_import_ecc_raw(3) - API function
gnutls_pubkey_import_ecc_x962(3) - API function
gnutls_pubkey_import_openpgp(3) - API function
gnutls_pubkey_import_openpgp_raw(3) - API function
gnutls_pubkey_import_pkcs11(3) - API function
gnutls_pubkey_import_pkcs11_url(3) - API function
gnutls_pubkey_import_privkey(3) - API function
gnutls_pubkey_import_rsa_raw(3) - API function
gnutls_pubkey_import_tpm_raw(3) - API function
gnutls_pubkey_import_tpm_url(3) - API function
gnutls_pubkey_import_url(3) - API function
gnutls_pubkey_import_x509(3) - API function
gnutls_pubkey_import_x509_crq(3) - API function
gnutls_pubkey_import_x509_raw(3) - API function
gnutls_pubkey_init(3) - API function
gnutls_pubkey_print(3) - API function
gnutls_pubkey_set_key_usage(3) - API function
gnutls_pubkey_set_pin_function(3) - API function
gnutls_pubkey_verify_data2(3) - API function
gnutls_pubkey_verify_data(3) - API function
gnutls_pubkey_verify_hash2(3) - API function
gnutls_pubkey_verify_hash(3) - API function
gnutls_random_art(3) - API function
gnutls_range_split(3) - API function
gnutls_record_can_use_length_hiding(3) - API function
gnutls_record_check_pending(3) - API function
gnutls_record_cork(3) - API function
gnutls_record_disable_padding(3) - API function
gnutls_record_get_direction(3) - API function
gnutls_record_get_discarded(3) - API function
gnutls_record_get_max_size(3) - API function
gnutls_record_overhead_size(3) - API function
gnutls_record_recv(3) - API function
gnutls_record_recv_seq(3) - API function
gnutls_record_send(3) - API function
gnutls_record_send_range(3) - API function
gnutls_record_set_max_empty_records(3) - API function
gnutls_record_set_max_size(3) - API function
gnutls_record_set_timeout(3) - API function
gnutls_record_uncork(3) - API function
gnutls_rehandshake(3) - API function
gnutls_rnd(3)       - API function
gnutls_rnd_refresh(3) - API function
gnutls_rsa_export_get_modulus_bits(3) - API function
gnutls_rsa_export_get_pubkey(3) - API function
gnutls_rsa_params_cpy(3) - API function
gnutls_rsa_params_deinit(3) - API function
gnutls_rsa_params_export_pkcs1(3) - API function
gnutls_rsa_params_export_raw(3) - API function
gnutls_rsa_params_generate2(3) - API function
gnutls_rsa_params_import_pkcs1(3) - API function
gnutls_rsa_params_import_raw(3) - API function
gnutls_rsa_params_init(3) - API function
gnutls_safe_renegotiation_status(3) - API function
gnutls_sec_param_get_name(3) - API function
gnutls_sec_param_to_pk_bits(3) - API function
gnutls-serv(1)      - GnuTLS server
gnutls_server_name_get(3) - API function
gnutls_server_name_set(3) - API function
gnutls_session_channel_binding(3) - API function
gnutls_session_enable_compatibility_mode(3) - API function
gnutls_session_force_valid(3) - API function
gnutls_session_get_data2(3) - API function
gnutls_session_get_data(3) - API function
gnutls_session_get_desc(3) - API function
gnutls_session_get_id2(3) - API function
gnutls_session_get_id(3) - API function
gnutls_session_get_ptr(3) - API function
gnutls_session_get_random(3) - API function
gnutls_session_is_resumed(3) - API function
gnutls_session_resumption_requested(3) - API function
gnutls_session_set_data(3) - API function
gnutls_session_set_id(3) - API function
gnutls_session_set_premaster(3) - API function
gnutls_session_set_ptr(3) - API function
gnutls_session_ticket_enable_client(3) - API function
gnutls_session_ticket_enable_server(3) - API function
gnutls_session_ticket_key_generate(3) - API function
gnutls_set_default_export_priority(3) - API function
gnutls_set_default_priority(3) - API function
gnutls_sign_algorithm_get(3) - API function
gnutls_sign_algorithm_get_client(3) - API function
gnutls_sign_algorithm_get_requested(3) - API function
gnutls_sign_callback_get(3) - API function
gnutls_sign_callback_set(3) - API function
gnutls_sign_get_hash_algorithm(3) - API function
gnutls_sign_get_id(3) - API function
gnutls_sign_get_name(3) - API function
gnutls_sign_get_pk_algorithm(3) - API function
gnutls_sign_is_secure(3) - API function
gnutls_sign_list(3) - API function
gnutls_srp_allocate_client_credentials(3) - API function
gnutls_srp_allocate_server_credentials(3) - API function
gnutls_srp_base64_decode(3) - API function
gnutls_srp_base64_decode_alloc(3) - API function
gnutls_srp_base64_encode(3) - API function
gnutls_srp_base64_encode_alloc(3) - API function
gnutls_srp_free_client_credentials(3) - API function
gnutls_srp_free_server_credentials(3) - API function
gnutls_srp_server_get_username(3) - API function
gnutls_srp_set_client_credentials(3) - API function
gnutls_srp_set_client_credentials_function(3) - API function
gnutls_srp_set_prime_bits(3) - API function
gnutls_srp_set_server_credentials_file(3) - API function
gnutls_srp_set_server_credentials_function(3) - API function
gnutls_srp_verifier(3) - API function
gnutls_srtp_get_keys(3) - API function
gnutls_srtp_get_mki(3) - API function
gnutls_srtp_get_profile_id(3) - API function
gnutls_srtp_get_profile_name(3) - API function
gnutls_srtp_get_selected_profile(3) - API function
gnutls_srtp_set_mki(3) - API function
gnutls_srtp_set_profile(3) - API function
gnutls_srtp_set_profile_direct(3) - API function
gnutls_store_commitment(3) - API function
gnutls_store_pubkey(3) - API function
gnutls_strerror(3)  - API function
gnutls_strerror_name(3) - API function
gnutls_supplemental_get_name(3) - API function
gnutls_tdb_deinit(3) - API function
gnutls_tdb_init(3)  - API function
gnutls_tdb_set_store_commitment_func(3) - API function
gnutls_tdb_set_store_func(3) - API function
gnutls_tdb_set_verify_func(3) - API function
gnutls_tpm_get_registered(3) - API function
gnutls_tpm_key_list_deinit(3) - API function
gnutls_tpm_key_list_get_url(3) - API function
gnutls_tpm_privkey_delete(3) - API function
gnutls_tpm_privkey_generate(3) - API function
gnutls_transport_get_int2(3) - API function
gnutls_transport_get_int(3) - API function
gnutls_transport_get_ptr2(3) - API function
gnutls_transport_get_ptr(3) - API function
gnutls_transport_set_errno(3) - API function
gnutls_transport_set_errno_function(3) - API function
gnutls_transport_set_int2(3) - API function
gnutls_transport_set_int(3) - API function
gnutls_transport_set_ptr2(3) - API function
gnutls_transport_set_ptr(3) - API function
gnutls_transport_set_pull_function(3) - API function
gnutls_transport_set_pull_timeout_function(3) - API function
gnutls_transport_set_push_function(3) - API function
gnutls_transport_set_vec_push_function(3) - API function
gnutls_url_is_supported(3) - API function
gnutls_verify_stored_pubkey(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_crl_check_issuer(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_crl_deinit(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_crl_export2(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_crl_export(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_crl_get_authority_key_gn_serial(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_crl_get_authority_key_id(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_crl_get_crt_count(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_crl_get_crt_serial(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_crl_get_dn_oid(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_crl_get_extension_data(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_crl_get_extension_info(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_crl_get_extension_oid(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_crl_get_issuer_dn2(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_crl_get_issuer_dn(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_crl_get_issuer_dn_by_oid(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_crl_get_next_update(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_crl_get_number(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_crl_get_raw_issuer_dn(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_crl_get_signature(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_crl_get_signature_algorithm(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_crl_get_this_update(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_crl_get_version(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_crl_import(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_crl_init(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_crl_list_import2(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_crl_list_import(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_crl_print(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_crl_privkey_sign(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_crl_set_authority_key_id(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_crl_set_crt(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_crl_set_crt_serial(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_crl_set_next_update(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_crl_set_number(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_crl_set_this_update(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_crl_set_version(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_crl_sign2(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_crl_sign(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_crl_verify(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_crq_deinit(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_crq_export2(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_crq_export(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_crq_get_attribute_by_oid(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_crq_get_attribute_data(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_crq_get_attribute_info(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_crq_get_basic_constraints(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_crq_get_challenge_password(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_crq_get_dn2(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_crq_get_dn(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_crq_get_dn_by_oid(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_crq_get_dn_oid(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_crq_get_extension_by_oid(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_crq_get_extension_data(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_crq_get_extension_info(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_crq_get_key_id(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_crq_get_key_purpose_oid(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_crq_get_key_rsa_raw(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_crq_get_key_usage(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_crq_get_pk_algorithm(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_crq_get_private_key_usage_period(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_crq_get_subject_alt_name(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_crq_get_subject_alt_othername_oid(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_crq_get_version(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_crq_import(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_crq_init(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_crq_print(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_crq_privkey_sign(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_crq_set_attribute_by_oid(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_crq_set_basic_constraints(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_crq_set_challenge_password(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_crq_set_dn(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_crq_set_dn_by_oid(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_crq_set_key(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_crq_set_key_purpose_oid(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_crq_set_key_rsa_raw(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_crq_set_key_usage(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_crq_set_private_key_usage_period(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_crq_set_pubkey(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_crq_set_subject_alt_name(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_crq_set_version(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_crq_sign2(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_crq_sign(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_crq_verify(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_crt_check_hostname(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_crt_check_issuer(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_crt_check_revocation(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_crt_cpy_crl_dist_points(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_crt_deinit(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_crt_export2(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_crt_export(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_crt_get_activation_time(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_crt_get_authority_info_access(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_crt_get_authority_key_gn_serial(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_crt_get_authority_key_id(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_crt_get_basic_constraints(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_crt_get_ca_status(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_crt_get_crl_dist_points(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_crt_get_dn2(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_crt_get_dn(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_crt_get_dn_by_oid(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_crt_get_dn_oid(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_crt_get_expiration_time(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_crt_get_extension_by_oid(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_crt_get_extension_data(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_crt_get_extension_info(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_crt_get_extension_oid(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_crt_get_fingerprint(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_crt_get_issuer(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_crt_get_issuer_alt_name2(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_crt_get_issuer_alt_name(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_crt_get_issuer_alt_othername_oid(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_crt_get_issuer_dn2(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_crt_get_issuer_dn(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_crt_get_issuer_dn_by_oid(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_crt_get_issuer_dn_oid(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_crt_get_issuer_unique_id(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_crt_get_key_id(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_crt_get_key_purpose_oid(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_crt_get_key_usage(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_crt_get_pk_algorithm(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_crt_get_pk_dsa_raw(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_crt_get_pk_rsa_raw(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_crt_get_policy(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_crt_get_preferred_hash_algorithm(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_crt_get_private_key_usage_period(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_crt_get_proxy(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_crt_get_raw_dn(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_crt_get_raw_issuer_dn(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_crt_get_serial(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_crt_get_signature(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_crt_get_signature_algorithm(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_crt_get_subject(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_crt_get_subject_alt_name2(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_crt_get_subject_alt_name(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_crt_get_subject_alt_othername_oid(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_crt_get_subject_key_id(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_crt_get_subject_unique_id(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_crt_get_verify_algorithm(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_crt_get_version(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_crt_import(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_crt_import_pkcs11(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_crt_import_pkcs11_url(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_crt_init(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_crt_list_import2(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_crt_list_import(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_crt_list_import_pkcs11(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_crt_list_verify(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_crt_print(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_crt_privkey_sign(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_crt_set_activation_time(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_crt_set_authority_info_access(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_crt_set_authority_key_id(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_crt_set_basic_constraints(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_crt_set_ca_status(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_crt_set_crl_dist_points2(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_crt_set_crl_dist_points(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_crt_set_crq(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_crt_set_crq_extensions(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_crt_set_dn(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_crt_set_dn_by_oid(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_crt_set_expiration_time(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_crt_set_extension_by_oid(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_crt_set_issuer_dn(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_crt_set_issuer_dn_by_oid(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_crt_set_key(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_crt_set_key_purpose_oid(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_crt_set_key_usage(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_crt_set_pin_function(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_crt_set_policy(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_crt_set_private_key_usage_period(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_crt_set_proxy(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_crt_set_proxy_dn(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_crt_set_pubkey(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_crt_set_serial(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_crt_set_subject_alternative_name(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_crt_set_subject_alt_name(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_crt_set_subject_key_id(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_crt_set_version(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_crt_sign2(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_crt_sign(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_crt_verify(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_crt_verify_data(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_crt_verify_hash(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_dn_deinit(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_dn_export2(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_dn_export(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_dn_get_rdn_ava(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_dn_import(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_dn_init(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_dn_oid_known(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_dn_oid_name(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_policy_release(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_privkey_cpy(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_privkey_deinit(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_privkey_export2(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_privkey_export2_pkcs8(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_privkey_export(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_privkey_export_dsa_raw(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_privkey_export_ecc_raw(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_privkey_export_pkcs8(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_privkey_export_rsa_raw2(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_privkey_export_rsa_raw(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_privkey_fix(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_privkey_generate(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_privkey_get_key_id(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_privkey_get_pk_algorithm2(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_privkey_get_pk_algorithm(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_privkey_import2(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_privkey_import(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_privkey_import_dsa_raw(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_privkey_import_ecc_raw(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_privkey_import_openssl(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_privkey_import_pkcs8(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_privkey_import_rsa_raw2(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_privkey_import_rsa_raw(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_privkey_init(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_privkey_sec_param(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_privkey_sign_data(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_privkey_sign_hash(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_privkey_verify_params(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_rdn_get(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_rdn_get_by_oid(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_rdn_get_oid(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_trust_list_add_cas(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_trust_list_add_crls(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_trust_list_add_named_crt(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_trust_list_add_system_trust(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_trust_list_add_trust_file(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_trust_list_add_trust_mem(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_trust_list_deinit(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_trust_list_get_issuer(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_trust_list_init(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_trust_list_remove_cas(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_trust_list_remove_trust_file(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_trust_list_remove_trust_mem(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_trust_list_verify_crt(3) - API function
gnutls_x509_trust_list_verify_named_crt(3) - API function
gobject-query(1)    - display a tree of types
gorbd(1)            - - An object request broker daemon
gouldtoppm(1)       - convert Gould scanner file into a PPM image
gperf(1)            - generate a perfect hash function from a key set
gpg(1)              - OpenPGP encryption and signing tool
gpgv(1)             - Verify OpenPGP signatures
gpg-zip(1)          - Encrypt or sign files into an archive
gpl(7)              - GNU General Public License
gprof(1)            - display call graph profile data
grab_cgoban(6)      - take a snapshot of a cgoban board
grab(n)             - Confine pointer and keyboard events to a window sub-tree
grace(1)            - command line interface
gracebat(1)         - batch mode - print and exit
GRANT(7)            - define access privileges
grap2graph(1)       - convert a grap diagram into a cropped bitmap image
Graphics.Magick(3pm) - Perl extension for calling GraphicsMagick's libGraphicsMagick routines
GraphicsMagick-config(1) - get information about the installed version of GraphicsMagick
GraphicsMagick++-config(1) - get information about the installed version of Magick++
GraphicsMagickWand-config(1) - get information about the installed version of GraphicsMagick
grconvert(1)        - (unknown subject)
greed(6)            - eat a game field until you run out of moves
grep(1)             - print lines matching a pattern
grep-changelog(1)   - print ChangeLog entries matching criteria
grepdiff(1)         - show files modified by a diff containing a regex
grepmail(1)         - search mailboxes for mail matching a regular expression
gresource(1)        - GResource tool
grid(n)             - Geometry manager that arranges widgets in a grid
grind(1)            - process WordNet lexicographer files
grmic(1)            - Generate stubs for Remote Method Invocation
grmid(1)            - - RMI activation system daemon
grmiregistry(1)     - - Remote object registry
grn(1)              - groff preprocessor for gremlin files
grodvi(1)           - convert groff output to TeX dvi format
groff(1)            - front-end for the groff document formatting system
groff(7)            - a short reference for the GNU roff language
groff_char(7)       - groff glyph names
groff_diff(7)       - differences between GNU troff and classical troff
groffer(1)          - display groff files and man pages on X and tty
groff_font(5)       - format of groff device and font description files
groff_hdtbl(7)      - groff `hdtbl' macros for generation of tables
groff_man(7)        - groff `man' macros to support generation of man pages
groff_mdoc(7)       - reference for groff's mdoc implementation
groff_me(7)         - troff macros for formatting papers
groff_mm(7)         - groff mm macros
groff_mmse(7)       - svenska mm makro fr groff
groff_mom(7)        - groff `mom' macros
groff_ms(7)         - groff ms macros
groff_out(5)        - groff intermediate output format
groff_tmac(5)       - macro files in the roff typesetting system
groff_trace(7)      - groff macro package trace.tmac
groff_www(7)        - groff macros for authoring web pages
grog(1)             - guess options for groff command
grohtml(1)          - html driver for groff
grolbp(1)           - groff driver for Canon CAPSL printers (LBP-4 and LBP-8 series laser printers).
grolj4(1)           - groff driver for HP Laserjet 4 family
gropdf(1)           - PDF driver for groff
grops(1)            - PostScript driver for groff
grotty(1)           - groff driver for typewriter-like devices
groups(1)           - print the groups a user is in
gs(1)               - Ghostscript (PostScript and PDF language interpreter and previewer)
gsbj(1)             - Format and print text for BubbleJet printer using ghostscript
gsdj(1)             - Format and print text for DeskJet printer using ghostscript
gsdj500(1)          - Format and print text for DeskJet 500 BubbleJet using ghostscript
gserialver(1)       - version command
gsettings(1)        - GSettings configuration tool
gsettings-data-convert(1) - GConf to GSettings data migration
gsettings-schema-convert(1) - GConf to GSettings schema conversion
gsf(1)              - archiving utility using the G Structured File library
gsf-office-thumbnailer(1) - office files thumbnailer for the GNOME desktop
gsftopk(1)          - render a ghostscript font in TeX pk form
gsf-vba-dump(1)     - extract Visual Basic for Applications macros
gsl(3)              - GNU Scientific Library
gsl-config(1)       - script to get version number and compiler flags of the installed GSL library
gsl-histogram(1)    - compute histogram of data on stdin
gslj(1)             - Format and print text for LaserJet printer using ghostscript
gslp(1)             - Format and print text using ghostscript
gsl-randist(1)      - generate random samples from various distributions
gsm(3)              - GSM 06.10 lossy sound compression
gsm_explode(3)      - GSM 06.10 supplementary functions for testing
gsm_option(3)       - customizing the GSM 06.10 implementation
gsm_print(3)        - GSM 06.10 supplementary function for debugging
gsnd(1)             - Run ghostscript (PostScript and PDF engine) without display
gss_accept_sec_context(3) - Generic Security Service Application Program Interface library
gss_acquire_cred(3) - Generic Security Service Application Program Interface library
gss_add_cred(3)     - Generic Security Service Application Program Interface library
gss_add_oid_set_member(3) - (unknown subject)
gssapi(3)           - (unknown subject)
gssapi_mechs_intro(3) - GSS-API mechanisms
gssapi_services_intro(3) - Introduction to GSS-API services
gss_canonicalize_name(3) - (unknown subject)
__gss_c_attr_stream_sizes_oid_desc(3) - (unknown subject)
gss_compare_name(3) - Generic Security Service Application Program Interface library
gss_context_time(3) - Generic Security Service Application Program Interface library
gss_create_empty_oid_set(3) - Generic Security Service Application Program Interface library
gss_delete_sec_context(3) - Generic Security Service Application Program Interface library
gss_display_name(3) - Generic Security Service Application Program Interface library
gss_display_status(3) - Generic Security Service Application Program Interface library
gss_duplicate_name(3) - Generic Security Service Application Program Interface library
gss_export_name(3)  - Generic Security Service Application Program Interface library
gss_export_sec_context(3) - Generic Security Service Application Program Interface library
gss_get_mic(3)      - Generic Security Service Application Program Interface library
gss_import_name(3)  - (unknown subject)
gss_import_sec_context(3) - Generic Security Service Application Program Interface library
gss_indicate_mechs(3) - Generic Security Service Application Program Interface library
gss_init_sec_context(3) - (unknown subject)
gss_inquire_attrs_for_mech(3) - (unknown subject)
gss_inquire_context(3) - Generic Security Service Application Program Interface library
gss_inquire_cred(3) - Generic Security Service Application Program Interface library
gss_inquire_cred_by_mech(3) - Generic Security Service Application Program Interface library
gss_inquire_mechs_for_name(3) - Generic Security Service Application Program Interface library
gss_inquire_names_for_mech(3) - Generic Security Service Application Program Interface library
gss_inquire_saslname_for_mech(3) - (unknown subject)
gss_krb5_ccache_name(3) - Generic Security Service Application Program Interface library
gss_krb5_compat_des3_mic(3) - Generic Security Service Application Program Interface library
gss_krb5_copy_ccache(3) - Generic Security Service Application Program Interface library
gsskrb5_extract_authz_data_from_sec_context(3) - Generic Security Service Application Program Interface library
gss_krb5_get_tkt_flags(3) - Generic Security Service Application Program Interface library
gss_krb5_import_ccache(3) - Generic Security Service Application Program Interface library
gss_krb5_import_cred(3) - Generic Security Service Application Program Interface library
gsskrb5_register_acceptor_identity(3) - Generic Security Service Application Program Interface library
gss_oid_equal(3)    - (unknown subject)
gss_process_context_token(3) - Generic Security Service Application Program Interface library
gss_release_buffer(3) - Generic Security Service Application Program Interface library
gss_release_cred(3) - (unknown subject)
gss_release_iov_buffer(3) - (unknown subject)
gss_release_name(3) - (unknown subject)
gss_release_oid_set(3) - Generic Security Service Application Program Interface library
gss_seal(3)         - Generic Security Service Application Program Interface library
gss_sign(3)         - Generic Security Service Application Program Interface library
gss_test_oid_set_member(3) - Generic Security Service Application Program Interface library
gss_unseal(3)       - Generic Security Service Application Program Interface library
gss_unwrap(3)       - Generic Security Service Application Program Interface library
gss_unwrap_iov(3)   - (unknown subject)
gss_verify(3)       - Generic Security Service Application Program Interface library
gss_verify_mic(3)   - Generic Security Service Application Program Interface library
gss_wrap(3)         - (unknown subject)
gss_wrap_iov(3)     - (unknown subject)
gss_wrap_iov_length(3) - (unknown subject)
gss_wrap_size_limit(3) - Generic Security Service Application Program Interface library
gst-discoverer-1.0(1) - Display file metadata and stream information
gst-feedback-0.10(1) - generate debug info for GStreamer bug reports
gst-inspect-0.10(1) - print info about a GStreamer plugin or element
gst-inspect-1.0(1)  - print info about a GStreamer plugin or element
gst-launch-0.10(1)  - build and run a GStreamer pipeline
gst-launch-1.0(1)   - build and run a GStreamer pipeline
gst-play-1.0(1)     - Simple command line playback testing tool
gst-typefind-0.10(1) - print MIME type of file
gst-typefind-1.0(1) - print Media type of file
gst-visualise-0.10(1) - Run a GStreamer pipeline to display an audio visualisation
gst-xmlinspect-0.10(1) - print info about a GStreamer plugin or element
gst-xmllaunch-0.10(1) - build and run a GStreamer pipeline from an XML serialization
gt5(1)              - a diff-capable 'du-browser'
gtester(1)          - test running utility
gtester-report(1)   - test report formatting utility
gtk-builder-convert(1) - Glade file conversion utility
gtk-config(1)       - script to get information about the installed version of GTK+
gtk-launch(1)       - Launch an application
gtk-query-immodules-2.0(1) - Input method module registration utility
gtk-query-immodules-3.0(1) - Input method module registration utility
gtk-update-icon-cache(1) - Icon theme caching utility
gtnameserv(1)       - Naming service
gtypist(1)          - a typing tutor with lessons for different keyboards and languages
guards(1)           - select from a list of files guarded by conditions
guile(1)            - a Scheme interpreter
guilt(7)            - quilt on top of git
guilt-add(1)        - Add a file to git and guilt
guilt-applied(1)    - List applied patches
guilt-branch(1)     - Branch the entire patch series
guilt-commit(1)     - Commit specified number of patches
guilt-delete(1)     - Delete a patch
guilt-diff(1)       - Outputs various diffs
guilt-export(1)     - Export a patch series (to be used by quilt)
guilt-files(1)      - Print the list of files that the topmost patch changes
guilt-fold(1)       - Fold a specified patch into the topmost applied patch
guilt-fork(1)       - Fork the topmost applied patch
guilt-graph(1)      - Create a patch dependency graph
guilt-guard(1)      - Assign guards to patches
guilt-header(1)     - Print a patch header
guilt-help(1)       - open man page of a guilt command
guilt-import(1)     - Import specified patch file
guilt-import-commit(1) - Import one or more commits as patches
guilt-init(1)       - Initialize guilt for use in a git repository
guilt-new(1)        - Create a new patch
guilt-next(1)       - Output the name of next patch to be pushed
guilt-patchbomb(1)  - Email a series of commits interactively
guilt-pop(1)        - Pop patches from the tree
guilt-prev(1)       - Output name of second topmost applied patch
guilt-push(1)       - Push patches onto the tree
guilt-rebase(1)     - Rebase pushed patches
guilt-refresh(1)    - Refresh topmost applied patch
guilt-repair(1)     - Repair the repository state
guilt-rm(1)         - Remove a file from the git tree and guilt
guilt-select(1)     - Select guards to apply when pushing patches
guilt-series(1)     - Print the stack of patches
guilt-status(1)     - Print the status of files since the last refresh
guilt-top(1)        - Output name of topmost applied patch
guilt-unapplied(1)  - List all unapplied patches
gunzip(1)           - compress or expand files
gv(1)               - Postscript and PDF viewer
gvcvt(3)            - (unknown subject)
gvfs(7)             - GIO virtual file system
gvfs-cat(1)         - Concatenate files
gvfs-copy(1)        - Copy files
gvfsd(1)            - Main daemon for gvfs
gvfsd-fuse(1)       - Fuse daemon for gvfs
gvfsd-metadata(1)   - Metadata daemon for gvfs
gvfs-info(1)        - Show information about files
gvfs-ls(1)          - List files
gvfs-mime(1)        - Get or set mime handlers
gvfs-mkdir(1)       - Create directories
gvfs-monitor-dir(1) - Monitor directories for changes
gvfs-monitor-file(1) - Monitor files for changes
gvfs-mount(1)       - Mounts the locations
gvfs-move(1)        - Copy files
gvfs-open(1)        - Open files with the default handler
gvfs-rename(1)      - Rename a file
gvfs-rm(1)          - Delete files
gvfs-save(1)        - Save standard input
gvfs-set-attribute(1) - Set file attributes
gvfs-trash(1)       - Move files or directories to the trash
gvfs-tree(1)        - List contents of directories in a tree-like format
gview(1)            - Vi IMproved, a programmers text editor
gvimdiff(1)         - edit two, three or four versions of a file with Vim and show differences
gv-update-userconfig(1) - update ~/.gv config file
gzexe(1)            - compress executable files in place
gzip(1)             - compress or expand files
h2ph(1)             - convert .h C header files to .ph Perl header files
h2xs(1)             - convert .h C header files to Perl extensions
halfdelay(3x)       - curses input options
halt(8)             - reboot, stop or suspend the system.
has_colors(3x)      - curses color manipulation routines
hash(1)             - bash built-in commands, see bash(1)
hashdeep(1)         - Compute, compare, or audit multiple message digests
Hashtbl(3o)         - Hash tables and hash functions.
Hashtbl.HashedType(3o) - The input signature of the functor Hashtbl.Make.
Hashtbl.Make(3o)    - Functor building an implementation of the hashtable structure.
Hashtbl.MakeSeeded(3o) - Functor building an implementation of the hashtable structure.
Hashtbl.S(3o)       - The output signature of the functor Hashtbl.Make.
Hashtbl.SeededHashedType(3o) - The input signature of the functor Hashtbl.MakeSeeded.
Hashtbl.SeededS(3o) - The output signature of the functor Hashtbl.MakeSeeded.
Hash.Util(3pm)      - A selection of general-utility hash subroutines
Hash.Util.FieldHash(3pm) - Support for Inside-Out Classes
has_ic(3x)          - curses environment query routines
has_il(3x)          - curses environment query routines
has_key(3x)         - get (or push back) characters from curses terminal keyboard
has_mouse(3x)       - mouse interface through curses
hbf2gf(1)           - convert a CJK bitmap font into subfonts usable by TeX and Omega.
hcrypto_core(3)     - (unknown subject)
hcrypto_des(3)      - (unknown subject)
hcrypto_dh(3)       - (unknown subject)
hcrypto_evp(3)      - (unknown subject)
hcrypto_misc(3)     - (unknown subject)
hcrypto_rand(3)     - (unknown subject)
hcrypto_rsa(3)      - (unknown subject)
HDB(3)              - (unknown subject)
hdb_auth_status(3)  - (unknown subject)
hdb_check_constrained_delegation(3) - (unknown subject)
hdb_check_pkinit_ms_upn_match(3) - (unknown subject)
hdb_check_s4u2self(3) - (unknown subject)
hdb_close(3)        - (unknown subject)
hdb__del(3)         - (unknown subject)
hdb_destroy(3)      - (unknown subject)
hdb_entry_ex(3)     - (unknown subject)
hdb_fetch_kvno(3)   - (unknown subject)
hdb_firstkey(3)     - (unknown subject)
hdb_free(3)         - (unknown subject)
hdb__get(3)         - (unknown subject)
hdb_get_realms(3)   - (unknown subject)
hdb_lock(3)         - (unknown subject)
hdb_name(3)         - (unknown subject)
hdb_nextkey(3)      - (unknown subject)
hdb_open(3)         - (unknown subject)
hdb_password(3)     - (unknown subject)
hdb__put(3)         - (unknown subject)
hdb_remove(3)       - (unknown subject)
hdb_rename(3)       - (unknown subject)
hdb_store(3)        - (unknown subject)
hdb_unlock(3)       - (unknown subject)
hdifftopam(1)       - convert horizontal difference image to original PAM image
head(1)             - output the first part of files
HeightMMOfScreen(3) - screen information functions and macros
HeightOfScreen(3)   - screen information functions and macros
heim_ntlm_build_ntlm1_master(3) - (unknown subject)
heim_ntlm_build_ntlm2_master(3) - (unknown subject)
heim_ntlm_calculate_lm2(3) - (unknown subject)
heim_ntlm_calculate_ntlm1(3) - (unknown subject)
heim_ntlm_calculate_ntlm2(3) - (unknown subject)
heim_ntlm_decode_targetinfo(3) - (unknown subject)
heim_ntlm_encode_targetinfo(3) - (unknown subject)
heim_ntlm_encode_type1(3) - (unknown subject)
heim_ntlm_encode_type2(3) - (unknown subject)
heim_ntlm_encode_type3(3) - (unknown subject)
heim_ntlm_free_buf(3) - (unknown subject)
heim_ntlm_free_targetinfo(3) - (unknown subject)
heim_ntlm_free_type1(3) - (unknown subject)
heim_ntlm_free_type2(3) - (unknown subject)
heim_ntlm_free_type3(3) - (unknown subject)
heim_ntlm_keyex_unwrap(3) - (unknown subject)
heim_ntlm_nt_key(3) - (unknown subject)
heim_ntlm_ntlmv2_key(3) - (unknown subject)
heim_ntlm_verify_ntlm2(3) - (unknown subject)
help(1)             - bash built-in commands, see bash(1)
help2man(1)         - generate a simple manual page
hexdump(1)          - display file contents in ascii, decimal, hexadecimal, or octal
hexedit(1)          - view and edit files in hexadecimal or in ASCII
hg(1)               - Mercurial source code management system
hgignore(5)         - syntax for Mercurial ignore files
hgrc(5)             - configuration files for Mercurial
hibernate(8)        - reboot, stop or suspend the system.
hide_panel(3x)      - panel stack extension for curses
hipstopgm(1)        - convert a HIPS file into a PGM image
history(1)          - bash built-in commands, see bash(1)
history(3)          - GNU History Library
history(n)          - Manipulate the history list
hline(3x)           - create curses borders, horizontal and vertical lines
hline_set(3x)       - create curses borders or lines using complex characters and renditions
hmac(3)             - HMAC message authentication code
HMAC_cleanup(3)     - HMAC message authentication code
HMAC_Final(3)       - HMAC message authentication code
HMAC_Init(3)        - HMAC message authentication code
HMAC_Update(3)      - HMAC message authentication code
host(1)             - DNS lookup utility
hostid(1)           - print the numeric identifier for the current host
hostname(1)         - set or print the name of the current host system
hostname(3)         - (unknown subject)
hosts_access(3)     - access control library
hosts_access(5)     - format of host access control files
hosts_options(5)    - host access control language extensions
hp2xx(1)            - A HPGL converter into some vector- and raster formats
hpcdtoppm(1)        - convert a Photo-CD image into a PBM image
hpftodit(1)         - create font description files for use with groff - Tlj4
hprop(8)            - propagate the KDC database
hpropd(8)           - receive a propagated database
htc(1)              - httptunnel client
htcacheclean2(8)    - Clean up the disk cache
htdbm2(1)           - Manipulate DBM password databases
htdigest2(1)        - manage user files for digest authentication
html2ps(1)          - convert HTML to PostScript
html2psrc(5)        - configuration file format for html2ps(1)
HTML.Entities(3pm)  - Encode or decode strings with HTML entities
HTML.Filter(3pm)    - Filter HTML text through the parser
HTML.HeadParser(3pm) - Parse <HEAD> section of a HTML document
htmlize(1)          - Convert file to fancy HTML markup
HTML.LinkExtor(3pm) - Extract links from an HTML document
HTML.Parser(3pm)    - HTML parser class
HTML.PullParser(3pm) - Alternative HTML::Parser interface
HTML.Tagset(3pm)    - data tables useful in parsing HTML
HTML.TokeParser(3pm) - Alternative HTML::Parser interface
htpasswd2(1)        - Manage user files for basic authentication
hts(1)              - httptunnel server
http@ (1)            - get a web page from a host through HTTP
HTTP.Config(3pm)    - Configuration for request and response objects
HTTP.Cookies(3pm)   - HTTP cookie jars
HTTP.Cookies.Microsoft(3pm) - access to Microsoft cookies files
HTTP.Cookies.Netscape(3pm) - access to Netscape cookies files
httpd2(8)           - Apache Hypertext Transfer Protocol Server
HTTP.Daemon(3pm)    - a simple http server class
HTTP.Date(3pm)      - date conversion routines
httperf(1)          - HTTP performance measurement tool
HTTP.Headers(3pm)   - Class encapsulating HTTP Message headers
HTTP.Headers.Util(3pm) - Header value parsing utility functions
httping(1)          - ping-like program but for http-requests
HTTP.Message(3pm)   - HTTP style message (base class)
http(n)             - Client-side implementation of the HTTP/1.1 protocol
HTTP.Negotiate(3pm) - choose a variant to serve
HTTP.Request(3pm)   - HTTP style request message
HTTP.Request.Common(3pm) - Construct common HTTP::Request objects
HTTP.Response(3pm)  - HTTP style response message
HTTP.Status(3pm)    - HTTP Status code processing
HTTP.Tiny(3pm)      - A small, simple, correct HTTP/1.1 client
httxt2dbm(1)        - Generate dbm files for use with RewriteMap
hx509(3)            - (unknown subject)
hx509_bitstring_print(3) - (unknown subject)
hx509_ca(3)         - (unknown subject)
hx509_ca_sign(3)    - (unknown subject)
hx509_ca_sign_self(3) - (unknown subject)
hx509_ca_tbs_add_crl_dp_uri(3) - (unknown subject)
hx509_ca_tbs_add_eku(3) - (unknown subject)
hx509_ca_tbs_add_san_hostname(3) - (unknown subject)
hx509_ca_tbs_add_san_jid(3) - (unknown subject)
hx509_ca_tbs_add_san_ms_upn(3) - (unknown subject)
hx509_ca_tbs_add_san_otherName(3) - (unknown subject)
hx509_ca_tbs_add_san_pkinit(3) - (unknown subject)
hx509_ca_tbs_add_san_rfc822name(3) - (unknown subject)
hx509_ca_tbs_free(3) - (unknown subject)
hx509_ca_tbs_init(3) - (unknown subject)
hx509_ca_tbs_set_ca(3) - (unknown subject)
hx509_ca_tbs_set_domaincontroller(3) - (unknown subject)
hx509_ca_tbs_set_notAfter(3) - (unknown subject)
hx509_ca_tbs_set_notAfter_lifetime(3) - (unknown subject)
hx509_ca_tbs_set_notBefore(3) - (unknown subject)
hx509_ca_tbs_set_proxy(3) - (unknown subject)
hx509_ca_tbs_set_serialnumber(3) - (unknown subject)
hx509_ca_tbs_set_spki(3) - (unknown subject)
hx509_ca_tbs_set_subject(3) - (unknown subject)
hx509_ca_tbs_set_template(3) - (unknown subject)
hx509_ca_tbs_set_unique(3) - (unknown subject)
hx509_ca_tbs_subject_expand(3) - (unknown subject)
hx509_ca_tbs_template_units(3) - (unknown subject)
hx509_cert(3)       - (unknown subject)
hx509_cert_binary(3) - (unknown subject)
hx509_cert_check_eku(3) - (unknown subject)
hx509_cert_cmp(3)   - (unknown subject)
hx509_cert_find_subjectAltName_otherName(3) - (unknown subject)
hx509_cert_free(3)  - (unknown subject)
hx509_cert_get_attribute(3) - (unknown subject)
hx509_cert_get_base_subject(3) - (unknown subject)
hx509_cert_get_friendly_name(3) - (unknown subject)
hx509_cert_get_issuer(3) - (unknown subject)
hx509_cert_get_issuer_unique_id(3) - (unknown subject)
hx509_cert_get_notAfter(3) - (unknown subject)
hx509_cert_get_notBefore(3) - (unknown subject)
hx509_cert_get_serialnumber(3) - (unknown subject)
hx509_cert_get_SPKI(3) - (unknown subject)
hx509_cert_get_SPKI_AlgorithmIdentifier(3) - (unknown subject)
hx509_cert_get_subject(3) - (unknown subject)
hx509_cert_get_subject_unique_id(3) - (unknown subject)
hx509_cert_init(3)  - (unknown subject)
hx509_cert_init_data(3) - (unknown subject)
hx509_cert_keyusage_print(3) - (unknown subject)
hx509_cert_ref(3)   - (unknown subject)
hx509_certs_add(3)  - (unknown subject)
hx509_certs_append(3) - (unknown subject)
hx509_certs_end_seq(3) - (unknown subject)
hx509_cert_set_friendly_name(3) - (unknown subject)
hx509_certs_filter(3) - (unknown subject)
hx509_certs_find(3) - (unknown subject)
hx509_certs_free(3) - (unknown subject)
hx509_certs_info(3) - (unknown subject)
hx509_certs_init(3) - (unknown subject)
hx509_certs_iter_f(3) - (unknown subject)
hx509_certs_merge(3) - (unknown subject)
hx509_certs_next_cert(3) - (unknown subject)
hx509_certs_start_seq(3) - (unknown subject)
hx509_certs_store(3) - (unknown subject)
hx509_ci_print_names(3) - (unknown subject)
hx509_clear_error_string(3) - (unknown subject)
hx509_cms(3)        - (unknown subject)
hx509_cms_create_signed_1(3) - (unknown subject)
hx509_cms_envelope_1(3) - (unknown subject)
hx509_cms_unenvelope(3) - (unknown subject)
hx509_cms_unwrap_ContentInfo(3) - (unknown subject)
hx509_cms_verify_signed(3) - (unknown subject)
hx509_cms_wrap_ContentInfo(3) - (unknown subject)
hx509_context_free(3) - (unknown subject)
hx509_context_init(3) - (unknown subject)
hx509_context_set_missing_revoke(3) - (unknown subject)
hx509_crl_add_revoked_certs(3) - (unknown subject)
hx509_crl_alloc(3)  - (unknown subject)
hx509_crl_free(3)   - (unknown subject)
hx509_crl_lifetime(3) - (unknown subject)
hx509_crl_sign(3)   - (unknown subject)
hx509_crypto(3)     - (unknown subject)
hx509_env(3)        - (unknown subject)
hx509_env_add(3)    - (unknown subject)
hx509_env_add_binding(3) - (unknown subject)
hx509_env_find(3)   - (unknown subject)
hx509_env_find_binding(3) - (unknown subject)
hx509_env_free(3)   - (unknown subject)
hx509_env_lfind(3)  - (unknown subject)
hx509_err(3)        - (unknown subject)
hx509_error(3)      - (unknown subject)
hx509_free_error_string(3) - (unknown subject)
hx509_free_octet_string_list(3) - (unknown subject)
hx509_general_name_unparse(3) - (unknown subject)
hx509_get_error_string(3) - (unknown subject)
hx509_get_one_cert(3) - (unknown subject)
hx509_keyset(3)     - (unknown subject)
hx509_lock(3)       - (unknown subject)
hx509_misc(3)       - (unknown subject)
hx509_name(3)       - (unknown subject)
hx509_name_binary(3) - (unknown subject)
hx509_name_cmp(3)   - (unknown subject)
hx509_name_copy(3)  - (unknown subject)
hx509_name_expand(3) - (unknown subject)
hx509_name_free(3)  - (unknown subject)
hx509_name_is_null_p(3) - (unknown subject)
hx509_name_to_Name(3) - (unknown subject)
hx509_name_to_string(3) - (unknown subject)
hx509_ocsp_request(3) - (unknown subject)
hx509_ocsp_verify(3) - (unknown subject)
hx509_oid_print(3)  - (unknown subject)
hx509_oid_sprint(3) - (unknown subject)
hx509_parse_name(3) - (unknown subject)
hx509_peer(3)       - (unknown subject)
hx509_peer_info_add_cms_alg(3) - (unknown subject)
hx509_peer_info_alloc(3) - (unknown subject)
hx509_peer_info_free(3) - (unknown subject)
hx509_peer_info_set_cert(3) - (unknown subject)
hx509_peer_info_set_cms_algs(3) - (unknown subject)
hx509_print(3)      - (unknown subject)
hx509_print_cert(3) - (unknown subject)
hx509_print_stdout(3) - (unknown subject)
hx509_query(3)      - (unknown subject)
hx509_query_alloc(3) - (unknown subject)
hx509_query_free(3) - (unknown subject)
hx509_query_match_cmp_func(3) - (unknown subject)
hx509_query_match_eku(3) - (unknown subject)
hx509_query_match_friendly_name(3) - (unknown subject)
hx509_query_match_issuer_serial(3) - (unknown subject)
hx509_query_match_option(3) - (unknown subject)
hx509_query_statistic_file(3) - (unknown subject)
hx509_query_unparse_stats(3) - (unknown subject)
hx509_revoke(3)     - (unknown subject)
hx509_revoke_add_crl(3) - (unknown subject)
hx509_revoke_add_ocsp(3) - (unknown subject)
hx509_revoke_free(3) - (unknown subject)
hx509_revoke_init(3) - (unknown subject)
hx509_revoke_ocsp_print(3) - (unknown subject)
hx509_revoke_verify(3) - (unknown subject)
hx509_set_error_string(3) - (unknown subject)
hx509_set_error_stringv(3) - (unknown subject)
hx509_unparse_der_name(3) - (unknown subject)
hx509_validate_cert(3) - (unknown subject)
hx509_validate_ctx_add_flags(3) - (unknown subject)
hx509_validate_ctx_free(3) - (unknown subject)
hx509_validate_ctx_init(3) - (unknown subject)
hx509_validate_ctx_set_print(3) - (unknown subject)
hx509_verify(3)     - (unknown subject)
hx509_verify_attach_anchors(3) - (unknown subject)
hx509_verify_attach_revoke(3) - (unknown subject)
hx509_verify_ctx_f_allow_default_trustanchors(3) - (unknown subject)
hx509_verify_destroy_ctx(3) - (unknown subject)
hx509_verify_hostname(3) - (unknown subject)
hx509_verify_init_ctx(3) - (unknown subject)
hx509_verify_path(3) - (unknown subject)
hx509_verify_set_max_depth(3) - (unknown subject)
hx509_verify_set_proxy_certificate(3) - (unknown subject)
hx509_verify_set_strict_rfc3280_verification(3) - (unknown subject)
hx509_verify_set_time(3) - (unknown subject)
hx509_verify_signature(3) - (unknown subject)
hx509_xfree(3)      - (unknown subject)
hypot(3)            - (unknown subject)
hypotf(3)           - (unknown subject)
I18N.Collate(3pm)   - compare 8-bit scalar data according to the current locale
I18N.Langinfo(3pm)  - query locale information
I18N.LangTags(3pm)  - functions for dealing with RFC3066-style language tags
I18N.LangTags.Detect(3pm) - detect the user's language preferences
I18N.LangTags.List(3pm) - - tags and names for human languages
i2d_CMS_bio_stream(3) - output CMS_ContentInfo structure in BER format.
i2d_DHparams(3)     - PKCS#3 DH parameter functions.
i2d_DSAPrivateKey(3) - DSA key encoding and parsing functions.
i2d_DSA_PUBKEY(3)   - DSA key encoding and parsing functions.
i2d_DSAPublicKey(3) - DSA key encoding and parsing functions.
i2d_DSA_SIG(3)      - DSA key encoding and parsing functions.
i2d_Netscape_RSA(3) - RSA public and private key encoding functions.
i2d_PKCS7_bio_stream(3) - output PKCS7 structure in BER format.
i2d_PKCS8PrivateKey_bio(3) - PKCS#8 format private key functions
i2d_PKCS8PrivateKey_fp(3) - PKCS#8 format private key functions
i2d_PKCS8PrivateKey_nid_bio(3) - PKCS#8 format private key functions
i2d_PKCS8PrivateKey_nid_fp(3) - PKCS#8 format private key functions
i2d_RSAPrivateKey(3) - RSA public and private key encoding functions.
i2d_RSA_PUBKEY(3)   - RSA public and private key encoding functions.
i2d_RSAPublicKey(3) - RSA public and private key encoding functions.
i2d_SSL_SESSION(3)  - convert SSL_SESSION object from/to ASN1 representation
i2d_X509(3)         - X509 encode and decode functions
i2d_X509_ALGOR(3)   - AlgorithmIdentifier functions.
i2d_X509_bio(3)     - X509 encode and decode functions
i2d_X509_CRL(3)     - PKCS#10 certificate request functions.
i2d_X509_CRL_bio(3) - PKCS#10 certificate request functions.
i2d_X509_CRL_fp(3)  - PKCS#10 certificate request functions.
i2d_X509_fp(3)      - X509 encode and decode functions
i2d_X509_NAME(3)    - X509_NAME encoding functions
i2d_X509_REQ(3)     - PKCS#10 certificate request functions.
i2d_X509_REQ_bio(3) - PKCS#10 certificate request functions.
i2d_X509_REQ_fp(3)  - PKCS#10 certificate request functions.
i2d_X509_SIG(3)     - DigestInfo functions.
i686-pc-mingw32-addr2line(1) - convert addresses into file names and line numbers.
i686-pc-mingw32-ar(1) - create, modify, and extract from archives
i686-pc-mingw32-as(1) - the portable GNU assembler.
i686-pc-mingw32-c++filt(1) - Demangle C++ and Java symbols.
i686-pc-mingw32-cpp(1) - The C Preprocessor
i686-pc-mingw32-dlltool(1) - Create files needed to build and use DLLs.
i686-pc-mingw32-elfedit(1) - Update the ELF header of ELF files.
i686-pc-mingw32-g++(1) - GNU project C and C++ compiler
i686-pc-mingw32-gcc(1) - GNU project C and C++ compiler
i686-pc-mingw32-gcov(1) - coverage testing tool
i686-pc-mingw32-gfortran(1) - GNU Fortran compiler
i686-pc-mingw32-gprof(1) - display call graph profile data
i686-pc-mingw32-ld(1) - The GNU linker
i686-pc-mingw32-nlmconv(1) - converts object code into an NLM.
i686-pc-mingw32-nm(1) - list symbols from object files
i686-pc-mingw32-objcopy(1) - copy and translate object files
i686-pc-mingw32-objdump(1) - display information from object files.
i686-pc-mingw32-ranlib(1) - generate index to archive.
i686-pc-mingw32-readelf(1) - Displays information about ELF files.
i686-pc-mingw32-size(1) - list section sizes and total size.
i686-pc-mingw32-strings(1) - print the strings of printable characters in files.
i686-pc-mingw32-strip(1) - Discard symbols from object files.
i686-pc-mingw32-windmc(1) - generates Windows message resources.
i686-pc-mingw32-windres(1) - manipulate Windows resources.
i686-w64-mingw32-addr2line(1) - convert addresses into file names and line numbers.
i686-w64-mingw32-ar(1) - create, modify, and extract from archives
i686-w64-mingw32-as(1) - the portable GNU assembler.
i686-w64-mingw32-c++filt(1) - Demangle C++ and Java symbols.
i686-w64-mingw32-cpp(1) - The C Preprocessor
i686-w64-mingw32-dlltool(1) - Create files needed to build and use DLLs.
i686-w64-mingw32-elfedit(1) - Update the ELF header of ELF files.
i686-w64-mingw32-gcc(1) - GNU project C and C++ compiler
i686-w64-mingw32-gcov(1) - coverage testing tool
i686-w64-mingw32-gfortran(1) - GNU Fortran compiler
i686-w64-mingw32-gprof(1) - display call graph profile data
i686-w64-mingw32-ld(1) - The GNU linker
i686-w64-mingw32-nlmconv(1) - converts object code into an NLM.
i686-w64-mingw32-nm(1) - list symbols from object files
i686-w64-mingw32-objcopy(1) - copy and translate object files
i686-w64-mingw32-objdump(1) - display information from object files.
i686-w64-mingw32-pkg-config(1) - Return metainformation about installed libraries
i686-w64-mingw32-ranlib(1) - generate index to archive.
i686-w64-mingw32-readelf(1) - Displays information about ELF files.
i686-w64-mingw32-size(1) - list section sizes and total size.
i686-w64-mingw32-strings(1) - print the strings of printable characters in files.
i686-w64-mingw32-strip(1) - Discard symbols from object files.
i686-w64-mingw32-windmc(1) - generates Windows message resources.
i686-w64-mingw32-windres(1) - manipulate Windows resources.
ibm_hosts(5)        - host database for x3270 and c3270
icamax(3)           - (unknown subject)
icamax.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
icc2ps(1)           - little cms PostScript converter.
icclink(1)          - little cms device link generator.
iceauth(1)          - ICE authority file utility
icedax(1)           - a sampling utility that dumps CD audio data into wav sound files
icmax1(3)           - (unknown subject)
icmax1.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
icmd(1)             - Rename or copy a file by editing the destination name using GNU readline.
ico(1)              - animate an icosahedron or other polyhedron
icontopbm(1)        - convert a Sun icon image to PBM
iconv(1)            - character set conversion
iconv(3)            - perform character set conversion
iconv_close(3)      - deallocate descriptor for character set conversion
iconvctl(3)         - control iconv behavior
iconv_open(3)       - allocate descriptor for character set conversion
iconv_open_into(3)  - initialize descriptor for character set conversion
icotool(1)          - Convert and create Win32 icon and cursor files
icp(1)              - Rename or copy a file by editing the destination name using GNU readline.
id(1)               - print real and effective user and group IDs
idamax(3)           - (unknown subject)
idamax.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
idcok(3x)           - curses output options
ident(1)            - identify RCS keyword strings in files
identify(1)         - describes the format and characteristics of one or more image files.
idlok(3x)           - curses output options
idn(1)              - Internationalized Domain Names command line tool
idna_strerror(3)    - API function
idna_to_ascii_4i(3) - API function
idna_to_ascii_4z(3) - API function
idna_to_ascii_8z(3) - API function
idna_to_ascii_lz(3) - API function
idna_to_unicode_44i(3) - API function
idna_to_unicode_4z4z(3) - API function
idna_to_unicode_8z4z(3) - API function
idna_to_unicode_8z8z(3) - API function
idna_to_unicode_8zlz(3) - API function
idna_to_unicode_lzlz(3) - API function
idn_free(3)         - API function
ieeeck(3)           - (unknown subject)
ieeeck.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
if(1)               - bash built-in commands, see bash(1)
if(3pm)             - "use" a Perl module if a condition holds
ifile(1)            - core executable for the ifile mail filtering system
ifnames-2.59(1)     - Extract CPP conditionals from a set of files
ifnames-2.64(1)     - Extract CPP conditionals from a set of files
if(n)               - Execute scripts conditionally
igawk(1)            - gawk with include files
ignore.conf(5)      - logwatch configuration files
ii(1)               - irc it or irc improved
ilaclc(3)           - (unknown subject)
ilaclc.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
ilaclr(3)           - (unknown subject)
ilaclr.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
iladiag(3)          - (unknown subject)
iladiag.f(3)        - (unknown subject)
iladlc(3)           - (unknown subject)
iladlc.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
iladlr(3)           - (unknown subject)
iladlr.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
ilaenv(3)           - (unknown subject)
ilaenv.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
ilaprec(3)          - (unknown subject)
ilaprec.f(3)        - (unknown subject)
ilaslc(3)           - (unknown subject)
ilaslc.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
ilaslr(3)           - (unknown subject)
ilaslr.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
ilatrans(3)         - (unknown subject)
ilatrans.f(3)       - (unknown subject)
ilauplo(3)          - (unknown subject)
ilauplo.f(3)        - (unknown subject)
ilaver(3)           - (unknown subject)
ilazlc(3)           - (unknown subject)
ilazlc.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
ilazlr(3)           - (unknown subject)
ilazlr.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
ilbmtoppm(1)        - convert an ILBM file into a PPM image
ilogb(3)            - (unknown subject)
ilogbf(3)           - (unknown subject)
i-ls(1)             - display file stat and checksum information for files
ImageByteOrder(3)   - image format functions and macros
ImageMagick(1)      - is a free software suite for the creation, modification and display of bitmap images.
Image.Magick(3pm)   - objected-oriented Perl interface to ImageMagick. Use it to read, manipulate, or write an image or image sequence from within a Perl script.
image(n)            - Create and manipulate images
image_to_j2k(1)     - This program reads in an image of a certain type and converts it to a jpeg2000 file. It is part of the OpenJPEG library.
imake(1)            - C preprocessor interface to the make utility
imapd(8)            - Internet Message Access Protocol server
imencdec(3x)        - encoding/decoding ASImage data from/to usable data structures libAfterImage/imencdec.h
img2txt(1)          - convert images to various text-based coloured files
imgcmp(1)           - Image comparison utility
imginfo(1)          - Image information utility
imgtoppm(1)         - convert an Img-whatnot file into a PPM image
imlib-config(1)     - Display Imlib and GDK-Imlib Library Configuration
imlib_config(1)     - Imlib Configuration Editor
immedok(3x)         - curses output options
import(1)           - saves any visible window on an X server and outputs it as an image file. You can capture a single window, the entire screen, or any rectangular po...
import(3x)          - functionality for reading images from files libAfterImage/import.h
imv(1)              - Rename or copy a file by editing the destination name using GNU readline.
in(1)               - bash built-in commands, see bash(1)
inc(1)              - incorporate new mail
inch(3x)            - get a character and attributes from a curses window
inchnstr(3x)        - get a string of characters (and attributes) from a curses window
inchstr(3x)         - get a string of characters (and attributes) from a curses window
inc.latest(3pm)     - use modules bundled in inc/ if they are newer than installed ones
includeres(1)       - filter to include resources in a PostScript document
incr(n)             - Increment the value of a variable
indent(1)           - changes the appearance of a C program by inserting or deleting whitespace.
index(3)            - (unknown subject)
indxbib(1)          - make inverted index for bibliographic databases
inetd(8)            - Interner super-server
infinity(3)         - (unknown subject)
infinityf(3)        - (unknown subject)
info(1)             - read Info documents
info(5)             - readable online documentation
infocmp(1m)         - compare or print out terminfo descriptions
infokey(1)          - compile customizations for Info
info(n)             - Return information about the state of the Tcl interpreter
infotocap(1m)       - convert a terminfo description into a termcap description
infotopam(1)        - convert Amiga .info icons to PAM
init(8)             - process control initialization
init_color(3x)      - curses color manipulation routines
initdb(1)           - create a new PostgreSQL database cluster
init_pair(3x)       - curses color manipulation routines
initscr(3x)         - curses screen initialization and manipulation routines
initscript(5)       - script that executes inittab commands.
inittab(5)          - format of the inittab file used by the sysv-compatible init process
innochecksum(1)     - offline InnoDB file checksum utility
innstr(3x)          - get a string of characters from a curses window
innwstr(3x)         - get a string of wchar_t characters from a curses window
input-directx(7)    - (unknown subject)
input-file(7)       - (unknown subject)
input-linux-evdev(7) - (unknown subject)
input-linux-kbd(7)  - (unknown subject)
input-linux-mouse(7) - (unknown subject)
input-lk201(7)      - (unknown subject)
input-mouse(7)      - (unknown subject)
input-quartz(7)     - (unknown subject)
input-tcp(7)        - (unknown subject)
input-x(7)          - (unknown subject)
insch(3x)           - insert a character before cursor in a curses window
insdelln(3x)        - delete and insert lines in a curses window
INSERT(7)           - create new rows in a table
insertln(3x)        - delete and insert lines in a curses window
insnstr(3x)         - insert string before cursor in a curses window
ins_nwstr(3x)       - insert a wide-character string into a curses window
insstr(3x)          - insert string before cursor in a curses window
install(1)          - copy files and set attributes
install-catalog(8)  - Manage a SGML or XML centralized catalog
INSTALL_ilaver.f(3) - (unknown subject)
install-info(1)     - update info/dir entries
INSTALL_lsame.f(3)  - (unknown subject)
install-mh(1)       - initialize the nmh environment
instmodsh(1)        - A shell to examine installed modules
instr(3x)           - get a string of characters from a curses window
ins_wch(3x)         - insert a complex character and rendition into a window
ins_wstr(3x)        - insert a wide-character string into a curses window
Int32(3o)           - 32-bit integers.
Int64(3o)           - 64-bit integers.
integer(3pm)        - Perl pragma to use integer arithmetic instead of floating point
integrit(1)         - file integrity verification system
interdiff(1)        - show differences between two diff files
internalvsmechname(3) - Internal names and mechanism names
interp(n)           - Create and manipulate Tcl interpreters
intltool-extract(8) - generate header files which can be read by gettext
intltoolize(8)      - copy intltool related files to software package
intltool-merge(8)   - merge translated strings into various types of file
intltool-prepare(8) - Prepare software to make use of intltool
intltool-update(8)  - updates PO template file and merge translations with it
intrflush(3x)       - curses input options
intro(1)            - Introduction to the Cygwin Environment
intro(3)            - Introduction to the Cygwin API
introduction(3)     - (unknown subject)
in_wch(3x)          - extract a complex character and rendition from a window
in_wchnstr(3x)      - get an array of complex characters and renditions from a curses window
in_wchstr(3x)       - get an array of complex characters and renditions from a curses window
inwstr(3x)          - get a string of wchar_t characters from a curses window
IO(3pm)             - load various IO modules
IO.Compress.Base(3pm) - Base Class for IO::Compress modules
IO.Compress.Bzip2(3pm) - Write bzip2 files/buffers
IO.Compress.Deflate(3pm) - Write RFC 1950 files/buffers
IO.Compress.Gzip(3pm) - Write RFC 1952 files/buffers
IO.Compress.RawDeflate(3pm) - Write RFC 1951 files/buffers
IO.Compress.Zip(3pm) - Write zip files/buffers
iodbcadm-gtk(1)     - iODBC administration program.
iodbc-config(1)     - script to get information about the installed version of iODBC
iodbctest(1)        - iODBC Demonstration programs
iodbctestw(1)       - iODBC Demonstration programs
IO.Dir(3pm)         - supply object methods for directory handles
IO.File(3pm)        - supply object methods for filehandles
IO.Handle(3pm)      - supply object methods for I/O handles
IO.Pipe(3pm)        - supply object methods for pipes
IO.Poll(3pm)        - Object interface to system poll call
IO.Pty(3pm)         - Pseudo TTY object class
IO.Seekable(3pm)    - supply seek based methods for I/O objects
IO.Select(3pm)      - OO interface to the select system call
IO.Socket(3pm)      - Object interface to socket communications
IO.Socket.INET(3pm) - Object interface for AF_INET domain sockets
IO.Socket.INET6(3pm) - Object interface for AF_INET|AF_INET6 domain sockets
IO.Socket.UNIX(3pm) - Object interface for AF_UNIX domain sockets
IO.String(3pm)      - Emulate file interface for in-core strings
IO.Tty(3pm)         - Low-level allocate a pseudo-Tty, import constants.
IO.Tty.Constant(3pm) - Terminal Constants(autogenerated)
IO.Uncompress.AnyInflate(3pm) - Uncompress zlib-based (zip, gzip) file/buffer
IO.Uncompress.AnyUncompress(3pm) - Uncompress gzip, zip, bzip2 or lzop file/buffer
IO.Uncompress.Base(3pm) - Base Class for IO::Uncompress modules
IO.Uncompress.Bunzip2(3pm) - Read bzip2 files/buffers
IO.Uncompress.Gunzip(3pm) - Read RFC 1952 files/buffers
IO.Uncompress.Inflate(3pm) - Read RFC 1950 files/buffers
IO.Uncompress.RawInflate(3pm) - Read RFC 1951 files/buffers
IO.Uncompress.Unzip(3pm) - Read zip files/buffers
IO.Zlib(3pm)        - IO:: style interface to Compress::Zlib
iparmq(3)           - (unknown subject)
iparmq.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
ipcalc(1)           - An IP Netmask/broadcast/etc calculator
ipcalc_cgi(1)       - An IP Netmask/broadcast/etc cgi calculator
IPC.Cmd(3pm)        - finding and running system commands made easy
ipcmk(1)            - create various ipc resources
IPC.Msg(3pm)        - SysV Msg IPC object class
IPC.Open2(3pm)      - open a process for both reading and writing using open2()
IPC.Open3(3pm)      - open a process for reading, writing, and error handling using open3()
ipcrm(1)            - remove the specified message queues, semaphore sets, and shared memory segments
IPC.Run3(3pm)       - run a subprocess with input/ouput redirection
IPC.Run(3pm)        - system() and background procs w/ piping, redirs, ptys (Unix, Win32)
IPC.Run3.ProfArrayBuffer(3pm) - Store profile events in RAM in an array
IPC.Run3.ProfLogger(3pm) - write profiling data to a log file
IPC.Run3.ProfLogReader(3pm) - read and process a ProfLogger file
IPC.Run3.ProfPP(3pm) - Generate reports from IPC::Run3 profiling data
IPC.Run3.ProfReporter(3pm) - base class for handling profiling data
IPC.Run.Debug(3pm)  - debugging routines for IPC::Run
IPC.Run.IO(3pm)     - - I/O channels for IPC::Run.
IPC.Run.Timer(3pm)  - - Timer channels for IPC::Run.
IPC.Run.Win32Helper(3pm) - helper routines for IPC::Run on Win32 platforms.
IPC.Run.Win32IO(3pm) - helper routines for IPC::Run on Win32 platforms.
IPC.Run.Win32Pump(3pm) - helper processes to shovel data to/from parent, child
ipcs(1)             - report System V interprocess communication facilities status
IPC.Semaphore(3pm)  - SysV Semaphore IPC object class
IPC.SharedMem(3pm)  - SysV Shared Memory IPC object class
IPC.SysV(3pm)       - System V IPC constants and system calls
iperf(1)            - perform network throughput tests
ipopd(8)            - Post Office Protocol server
iprint(1)           - trivial integer print utility
iprop(8)            - propagate changes to a Heimdal Kerberos master KDC to slave KDCs
ipropd-master(8)    - propagate changes to a Heimdal Kerberos master KDC to slave KDCs
ipropd-slave(8)     - propagate changes to a Heimdal Kerberos master KDC to slave KDCs
iprop-log(8)        - maintain the iprop log file
irb(1)              - Interactive Ruby Shell
irssi(1)            - a modular IRC client for UNIX
isalnum(3)          - (unknown subject)
isalpha(3)          - (unknown subject)
isamax(3)           - (unknown subject)
isamax.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
isascii(3)          - (unknown subject)
isc-hmac-fixup(8)   - fixes HMAC keys generated by older versions of BIND
is_cleared(3x)      - curses window properties
iscntrl(3)          - (unknown subject)
IsCursorKey(3)      - keysym classification macros
isdigit(3)          - (unknown subject)
iselect(1)          - - Interactive Selection Tool
isendwin(3x)        - curses screen initialization and manipulation routines
isfinite(3)         - (unknown subject)
IsFunctionKey(3)    - keysym classification macros
isgreater(3)        - (unknown subject)
isgreaterequal(3)   - (unknown subject)
is_idcok(3x)        - curses window properties
is_idlok(3x)        - curses window properties
is_immedok(3x)      - curses window properties
isinf(3)            - (unknown subject)
isinff(3)           - (unknown subject)
is_keypad(3x)       - curses window properties
IsKeypadKey(3)      - keysym classification macros
is_leaveok(3x)      - curses window properties
isless(3)           - (unknown subject)
islessequal(3)      - (unknown subject)
islessgreater(3)    - (unknown subject)
is_linetouched(3x)  - curses refresh control routines
islower(3)          - (unknown subject)
IsMiscFunctionKey(3) - keysym classification macros
IsModifierKey(3)    - keysym classification macros
isnan(3)            - (unknown subject)
isnanf(3)           - (unknown subject)
is_nodelay(3x)      - curses window properties
isnormal(3)         - (unknown subject)
is_notimeout(3x)    - curses window properties
is(n)               - test argument to see if it is a class or an object
isodebug(1)         - print genisoimage debug info from ISO-9660 image
isodump(1)          - Utility programs for dumping and verifying iso9660 images.
isoinfo(1)          - Utility programs for dumping and verifying iso9660 images.
isomaster(1)        - an ISO image editor
isosize(8)          - output the length of an iso9660 filesystem
isovfy(1)           - Utility programs for dumping and verifying iso9660 images.
is_pad(3x)          - curses window properties
IsPFKey(3)          - keysym classification macros
isprint(3)          - (unknown subject)
IsPrivateKeypadKey(3) - keysym classification macros
ispunct(3)          - (unknown subject)
is_scrollok(3x)     - curses window properties
issndfile(1)        - checks if a file is in a recognized audio file format
isspace(3)          - (unknown subject)
is_subwin(3x)       - curses window properties
is_syncok(3x)       - curses window properties
is_term_resized(3x) - change the curses terminal size
isunordered(3)      - (unknown subject)
isupper(3)          - (unknown subject)
iswalnum(3)         - (unknown subject)
iswalpha(3)         - (unknown subject)
iswblank(3)         - (unknown subject)
iswcntrl(3)         - (unknown subject)
iswctype(3)         - (unknown subject)
iswdigit(3)         - (unknown subject)
iswgraph(3)         - (unknown subject)
is_wintouched(3x)   - curses refresh control routines
iswlower(3)         - (unknown subject)
iswprint(3)         - (unknown subject)
iswpunct(3)         - (unknown subject)
iswspace(3)         - (unknown subject)
iswupper(3)         - (unknown subject)
iswxdigit(3)        - (unknown subject)
isxdigit(3)         - (unknown subject)
itcl(n)             - object-oriented extensions to Tcl
itclvars(n)         - variables used by [incr Tcl]
item_count(3x)      - make and break connections between items and menus
item_description(3x) - get menu item name and description fields
item_index(3x)      - set and get current_menu_item
item_init(3x)       - set hooks for automatic invocation by applications
item_name(3x)       - get menu item name and description fields
item_opts(3x)       - set and get menu item options
item_opts_off(3x)   - set and get menu item options
item_opts_on(3x)    - set and get menu item options
item_term(3x)       - set hooks for automatic invocation by applications
item_userptr(3x)    - associate application data with a menu item
item_value(3x)      - set and get menu item values
item_visible(3x)    - check visibility of a menu item
itk(n)              - framework for building mega-widgets in Tcl/Tk
itkvars(n)          - variables used by [incr Tk]
itox(8)             - converts inetd.conf style configuration files to xinetd.conf
itstool(1)          - convert between XML and PO using ITS
i-viewdb(1)         - view the information stored in integrit databases
iwidgets_buttonbox(n) - Create and manipulate a manager widget for buttons
iwidgets_calendar(n) - Create and manipulate a monthly calendar
iwidgets_canvasprintbox(n) - Create and manipulate a canvas print box widget
iwidgets_canvasprintdialog(n) - Create and manipulate a canvas print dialog widget
iwidgets_checkbox(n) - Create and manipulate a checkbox widget
iwidgets_combobox(n) - Create and manipulate combination box widgets
iwidgets_dateentry(n) - Create and manipulate a dateentry widget
iwidgets_datefield(n) - Create and manipulate a date field widget
iwidgets_dialog(n)  - Create and manipulate a dialog widget
iwidgets_dialogshell(n) - Create and manipulate a dialog shell widget
iwidgets_disjointlistbox(n) - Create and manipulate a disjointlistbox widget
iwidgets_entryfield(n) - Create and manipulate a entry field widget
iwidgets_extbutton(n) - Extends the behavior of the Tk button by allowing a bitmap or image to coexist with text.
iwidgets_extfileselectionbox(n) - Create and manipulate a file selection box widget
iwidgets_extfileselectiondialog(n) - Create and manipulate a file selection dialog widget
iwidgets_feedback(n) - Create and manipulate a feedback widget to display feedback on the current status of an ongoing operation to the user.
iwidgets_fileselectionbox(n) - Create and manipulate a file selection box widget
iwidgets_fileselectiondialog(n) - Create and manipulate a file selection dialog widget
iwidgets_finddialog(n) - Create and manipulate a find dialog widget
iwidgets_hierarchy(n) - Create and manipulate a hierarchy widget
iwidgets_hyperhelp(n) - Create and manipulate a hyperhelp widget
iwidgets_labeledframe(n) - Create and manipulate a labeled frame widget
iwidgets_labeledwidget(n) - Create and manipulate a labeled widget
iwidgets_mainwindow(n) - Create and manipulate a mainwindow widget
iwidgets_menubar(n) - Create and manipulate menubar menu widgets
iwidgets_messagebox(n) - Create and manipulate a messagebox text widget
iwidgets_messagedialog(n) - Create and manipulate a message dialog widget
iwidgets_notebook(n) - create and manipulate notebook widgets
iwidgets_optionmenu(n) - Create and manipulate a option menu widget
iwidgets_panedwindow(n) - Create and manipulate a paned window widget
iwidgets_promptdialog(n) - Create and manipulate a prompt dialog widget
iwidgets_pushbutton(n) - Create and manipulate a push button widget
iwidgets_radiobox(n) - Create and manipulate a radiobox widget
iwidgets_scopedobject(n) - Create and manipulate a scoped [incr Tcl] class object.
iwidgets_scrolledcanvas(n) - Create and manipulate scrolled canvas widgets
iwidgets_scrolledframe(n) - Create and manipulate scrolled frame widgets
iwidgets_scrolledhtml(n) - Create and manipulate a scrolled text widget with the capability of displaying HTML formatted documents.
iwidgets_scrolledlistbox(n) - Create and manipulate scrolled listbox widgets
iwidgets_scrolledtext(n) - Create and manipulate a scrolled text widget
iwidgets_selectionbox(n) - Create and manipulate a selection box widget
iwidgets_selectiondialog(n) - Create and manipulate a selection dialog widget
iwidgets_shell(n)   - Create and manipulate a shell widget
iwidgets_spindate(n) - Create and manipulate time spinner widgets
iwidgets_spinint(n) - Create and manipulate a integer spinner widget
iwidgets_spinner(n) - Create and manipulate a spinner widget
iwidgets_spintime(n) - Create and manipulate time spinner widgets
iwidgets_tabnotebook(n) - create and manipulate tabnotebook widgets
iwidgets_tabset(n)  - create and manipulate tabs as as set
iwidgets_timeentry(n) - Create and manipulate a timeentry widget
iwidgets_timefield(n) - Create and manipulate a time field widget
iwidgets_toolbar(n) - Create and manipulate a tool bar
iwidgets_watch(n)   - Create and manipulate time with a watch widgets
izamax(3)           - (unknown subject)
izamax.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
izmax1(3)           - (unknown subject)
izmax1.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
j0(3)               - (unknown subject)
j0f(3)              - (unknown subject)
j1(3)               - (unknown subject)
j1f(3)              - (unknown subject)
j2k_dump(1)         - This program reads in a jpeg2000 image and dumps the contents to stdout. It is part of the OpenJPEG library.
j2k_to_image(1)     - This program reads in a jpeg2000 image and converts it to another image type. It is part of the OpenJPEG library.
jasper(1)           - File format converter specialized in JPEG-2000 encoding
jbgtopbm(1)         - JBIG1 to portable bitmap file converter
jbigtopnm(1)        - JBIG to PNM image file converter
jcf-dump(1)         - print information about Java class files
jgraph(1)           - filter for graph plotting to postscript
jiv(1)              - Image display utility
jlint(1)            - Java program checker         - Java program checker
jmacs(1)            - Joe's Own Editor
jn(3)               - (unknown subject)
jnf(3)              - (unknown subject)
jng(5)              - JPEG Network Graphics(JNG) sub-format
jobs(1)             - bash built-in commands, see bash(1)
joe(1)              - Joe's Own Editor
join(1)             - join lines of two files on a common field
join(n)             - Create a string by joining together list elements
jpeg2ktopam(1)      - convert JPEG-2000 code stream to PAM/PNM
jpegexiforient(1)   - reads or writes the Exif Orientation Tag
jpegicc(1)          - little cms ICC profile applier for JPEG.
jpegtopnm(1)        - convert JPEG/JFIF file to PPM or PGM image
jpegtran(1)         - lossless transformation of JPEG files
jpgicc(1)           - little cms ICC profile applier for JPEG.
jpico(1)            - Joe's Own Editor
JSON(3pm)           - JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) encoder/decoder
JSON.backportPP(3pm) - JSON::XS compatible pure-Perl module.
JSON.backportPP.Boolean(3pm) - dummy module providing JSON::PP::Boolean
JSON.backportPP.Compat5005(3pm) - Helper module in using JSON::PP in Perl 5.005
JSON.backportPP.Compat5006(3pm) - Helper module in using JSON::PP in Perl 5.6
json_pp(1)          - JSON::PP command utility
JSON.PP(3pm)        - JSON::XS compatible pure-Perl module.
JSON.PP.Boolean(3pm) - dummy module providing JSON::PP::Boolean
JSON.PP.Compat5006(3pm) - Helper module in using JSON::PP in Perl 5.6
JSON.Syck(3pm)      - JSON is YAML (but consider using JSON::XS instead!)
json_xs(1)          - JSON::XS commandline utility
JSON.XS(3pm)        - JSON serialising/deserialising, done correctly and fast
JSON.XS.Boolean(3pm) - dummy module providing JSON::XS::Boolean
jstar(1)            - Joe's Own Editor
jv-convert(1)       - Convert file from one encoding to another
jw(1)               - (Jade Wrapper) converts SGML files to other formats
kadm5_add_passwd_quality_verifier(3) - Heimdal warning and error functions
kadm5_check_password_quality(3) - Heimdal warning and error functions
kadm5_pwcheck(3)    - Heimdal warning and error functions
kadm5_setup_passwd_quality_check(3) - Heimdal warning and error functions
kadmin(8)           - Kerberos administration utility
kadmind(8)          - "server for administrative access to Kerberos database"
kafs(3)             - AFS library
k_afs_cell_of_file(3) - AFS library
kafs_settoken(3)    - AFS library
kafs_settoken5(3)   - AFS library
kafs_settoken_rxkad(3) - AFS library
kafs_set_verbose(3) - AFS library
kantiword(1)        - installs desktop icon for d'n'd function of antiword
katalyzer(1)        - analyzes Kate streams and displays various information about them.
katedec(1)          - decodes Kate streams to a textual description
kateenc(1)          - create Kate streams from text input
kcm(8)              - process-based credential cache for Kerberos tickets.
kdc(8)              - Kerberos 5 server
kdestroy(1)         - remove one credential or destroy the current ticket file
kdigest(8)          - userland tool to access digest interface in the KDC
keepassx(1)         - password manager
kerberos(8)         - introduction to the Kerberos system
keybound(3x)        - return definition of keycode
keychain(1)         - re-use ssh-agent and/or gpg-agent between logins
key_defined(3x)     - check if a keycode is defined
key_name(3x)        - miscellaneous curses utility routines
keyname(3x)         - miscellaneous curses utility routines
keyok(3x)           - enable or disable a keycode
keypad(3x)          - curses input options
keysyms(n)          - keysyms recognized by Tk
kf(1)               - securely forward tickets
kfd(8)              - receive forwarded tickets
kftp(1)             - ARPANET file transfer program
kftpd(8)            - Internet File Transfer Protocol server
kgb(1)              - .kgb files archiver
kgetcred(1)         - "get a ticket for a particular service"
k_hasafs(3)         - AFS library
k_hasafs_recheck(3) - AFS library
kill(1)             - (unknown subject)
killall(1)          - kill processes by name
killall5(8)         - send a signal to all processes.
killchar(3x)        - curses environment query routines
killwchar(3x)       - curses environment query routines
kimpersonate(8)     - impersonate a user when there exist a srvtab, keyfile or KeyFile
kinit(1)            - acquire initial tickets
klist(1)            - list Kerberos credentials
klogin(1)           - authenticate a user and start new session
koi8rxterm(1)       - X terminal emulator for KOI8-R environments
kpasswd(1)          - Kerberos 5 password changing program
kpasswdd(8)         - Kerberos 5 password changing server
k_pioctl(3)         - AFS library
kpseaccess(1)       - determine whether a file can be accessed
kpsepath(1)         - script to make teTeX-style kpsetool, kpsexpand, and kpsepath available
kpsereadlink(1)     - print contents of symbolic link
kpsestat(1)         - compute octal mode from mode of existing file
kpsetool(1)         - script to make teTeX-style kpsetool, kpsexpand, and kpsepath available
kpsewhere(1)        - Expanding kpsewhich to separately iterate over each texmf tree listed in $TEXMF.
kpsewhich(1)        - standalone path lookup and and expansion for kpathsea
kpsexpand(1)        - script to make teTeX-style kpsetool, kpsexpand, and kpsepath available
krb524_convert_creds_kdc(3) - (unknown subject)
krb524_convert_creds_kdc_ccache(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5(3)             - (unknown subject)
krb5_425_conv_principal(3) - converts to and from version 4 principals
krb5_425_conv_principal_ext(3) - converts to and from version 4 principals
krb5_524_conv_principal(3) - converts to and from version 4 principals
krb5_acc_ops(3)     - (unknown subject)
krb5_acl_match_file(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_acl_match_string(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_add_et_list(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_add_extra_addresses(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_add_ignore_addresses(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_addlog_dest(3) - Heimdal logging functions
krb5_addlog_func(3) - Heimdal logging functions
krb5_addr2sockaddr(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_address(3)     - (unknown subject)
krb5_address_compare(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_address_order(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_address_prefixlen_boundary(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_address_search(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_afslog(3)      - AFS library
krb5_afslog_uid(3)  - AFS library
krb5_allow_weak_crypto(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_aname_to_localname(3) - converts a principal to a system local name
krb5_anyaddr(3)     - (unknown subject)
krb5_appdefault(3)  - get application configuration value
krb5_appdefault_boolean(3) - get application configuration value
krb5_appdefault_string(3) - get application configuration value
krb5_appdefault_time(3) - get application configuration value
krb5_append_addresses(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_auth(3)        - (unknown subject)
krb5_auth_con_addflags(3) - manage authentication on connection level
krb5_auth_con_free(3) - manage authentication on connection level
krb5_auth_con_genaddrs(3) - manage authentication on connection level
krb5_auth_con_generatelocalsubkey(3) - manage authentication on connection level
krb5_auth_con_getaddrs(3) - manage authentication on connection level
krb5_auth_con_getauthenticator(3) - manage authentication on connection level
krb5_auth_con_getflags(3) - manage authentication on connection level
krb5_auth_con_getkey(3) - manage authentication on connection level
krb5_auth_con_getlocalsubkey(3) - manage authentication on connection level
krb5_auth_con_getrcache(3) - manage authentication on connection level
krb5_auth_con_getremotesubkey(3) - manage authentication on connection level
krb5_auth_con_getuserkey(3) - manage authentication on connection level
krb5_auth_con_init(3) - manage authentication on connection level
krb5_auth_con_initivector(3) - manage authentication on connection level
krb5_auth_con_removeflags(3) - manage authentication on connection level
krb5_auth_con_setaddrs(3) - manage authentication on connection level
krb5_auth_con_setaddrs_from_fd(3) - manage authentication on connection level
krb5_auth_con_setflags(3) - manage authentication on connection level
krb5_auth_con_setivector(3) - manage authentication on connection level
krb5_auth_con_setkey(3) - manage authentication on connection level
krb5_auth_con_setlocalsubkey(3) - manage authentication on connection level
krb5_auth_con_setrcache(3) - manage authentication on connection level
krb5_auth_con_setremotesubkey(3) - manage authentication on connection level
krb5_auth_con_setuserkey(3) - manage authentication on connection level
krb5_auth_context(3) - manage authentication on connection level
krb5_auth_getcksumtype(3) - manage authentication on connection level
krb5_auth_getkeytype(3) - manage authentication on connection level
krb5_auth_getlocalseqnumber(3) - manage authentication on connection level
krb5_auth_getremoteseqnumber(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_auth_setcksumtype(3) - manage authentication on connection level
krb5_auth_setkeytype(3) - manage authentication on connection level
krb5_auth_setlocalseqnumber(3) - manage authentication on connection level
krb5_auth_setremoteseqnumber(3) - manage authentication on connection level
krb5_build_ap_req(3) - create and read application authentication request
krb5_build_principal(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_build_principal_ext(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_build_principal_va(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_build_principal_va_ext(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_c_block_size(3) - Kerberos 5 crypto API
krb5_ccache(3)      - (unknown subject)
krb5_ccache_intro(3) - The credential cache functions
krb5_cc_cache_end_seq_get(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_cc_cache_get_first(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_cc_cache_match(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_cc_cache_next(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_cc_clear_mcred(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_cc_close(3)    - (unknown subject)
krb5_cccol_cursor_free(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_cccol_cursor_new(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_cccol_cursor_next(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_cccol_last_change_time(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_cc_copy_cache(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_cc_copy_creds(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_cc_copy_match_f(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_cc_default(3)  - (unknown subject)
krb5_cc_default_name(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_cc_destroy(3)  - (unknown subject)
krb5_cc_end_seq_get(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_cc_gen_new(3)  - (unknown subject)
krb5_cc_get_config(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_cc_get_flags(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_cc_get_friendly_name(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_cc_get_full_name(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_cc_get_kdc_offset(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_cc_get_lifetime(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_cc_get_name(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_cc_get_ops(3)  - (unknown subject)
krb5_cc_get_prefix_ops(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_cc_get_principal(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_cc_get_type(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_cc_get_version(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_c_checksum_length(3) - Kerberos 5 crypto API
krb5_cc_initialize(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_cc_last_change_time(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_cc_move(3)     - (unknown subject)
krb5_cc_new_unique(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_cc_next_cred(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_cc_register(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_cc_remove_cred(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_cc_resolve(3)  - (unknown subject)
krb5_cc_retrieve_cred(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_cc_set_config(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_cc_set_default_name(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_cc_set_flags(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_cc_set_friendly_name(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_cc_set_kdc_offset(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_cc_start_seq_get(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_cc_store_cred(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_cc_support_switch(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_cc_switch(3)   - (unknown subject)
krb5_c_decrypt(3)   - Kerberos 5 crypto API
krb5_c_encrypt(3)   - Kerberos 5 crypto API
krb5_c_encrypt_length(3) - Kerberos 5 crypto API
krb5_c_enctype_compare(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_c_get_checksum(3) - Kerberos 5 crypto API
krb5_change_password(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_checksum(3)    - creates, handles and verifies checksums
krb5_checksum_disable(3) - creates, handles and verifies checksums
krb5_checksum_is_collision_proof(3) - creates, handles and verifies checksums
krb5_checksum_is_keyed(3) - creates, handles and verifies checksums
krb5_checksumsize(3) - creates, handles and verifies checksums
krb5_check_transited(3) - realm transit verification and encoding/decoding functions
krb5_check_transited_realms(3) - realm transit verification and encoding/decoding functions
krb5_c_is_coll_proof_cksum(3) - Kerberos 5 crypto API
krb5_c_is_keyed_cksum(3) - Kerberos 5 crypto API
krb5_c_keylength(3) - Kerberos 5 crypto API
krb5_cksumtype_to_enctype(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_cksumtype_valid(3) - creates, handles and verifies checksums
krb5_clear_error_message(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_clear_error_string(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_closelog(3)    - Heimdal logging functions
krb5_c_make_checksum(3) - Kerberos 5 crypto API
krb5_c_make_random_key(3) - Kerberos 5 crypto API
krb5_compare_creds(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5.conf(5)        - configuration file for Kerberos 5
krb5-config(1)      - "give information on how to link code against Heimdal libraries"
krb5_config_file_free(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_config_free_strings(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_config_get_bool(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_config_get_bool_default(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_config_get_list(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_config_get_string(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_config_get_string_default(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_config_get_strings(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_config_get_time(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_config_get_time_default(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_config_parse_file_multi(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_config_parse_string_multi(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_config_vget_bool(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_config_vget_bool_default(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_config_vget_list(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_config_vget_string(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_config_vget_string_default(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_config_vget_strings(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_config_vget_time(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_config_vget_time_default(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_context(3)     - (unknown subject)
krb5_copy_address(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_copy_addresses(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_copy_checksum(3) - creates, handles and verifies checksums
krb5_copy_context(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_copy_creds(3)  - (unknown subject)
krb5_copy_creds_contents(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_copy_data(3)   - (unknown subject)
krb5_copy_host_realm(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_copy_keyblock(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_copy_keyblock_contents(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_copy_principal(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_copy_ticket(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_create_checksum(3) - creates, handles and verifies checksums
krb5_create_checksum_iov(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_credential(3)  - (unknown subject)
krb5_creds(3)       - Kerberos 5 credential handling functions
krb5_creds_get_ticket_flags(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_crypto(3)      - (unknown subject)
krb5_crypto_destroy(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_crypto_fx_cf2(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_crypto_getblocksize(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_crypto_get_checksum_type(3) - creates, handles and verifies checksums
krb5_crypto_getconfoundersize(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_crypto_getenctype(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_crypto_getpadsize(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_crypto_init(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_crypto_iov(3)  - (unknown subject)
krb5_crypto_overhead(3) - "encrypt and decrypt data, set and get encryption type parameters"
krb5_c_set_checksum(3) - Kerberos 5 crypto API
krb5_c_valid_cksumtype(3) - Kerberos 5 crypto API
krb5_c_valid_enctype(3) - Kerberos 5 crypto API
krb5_c_verify_checksum(3) - Kerberos 5 crypto API
krb5_data_alloc(3)  - (unknown subject)
krb5_data_cmp(3)    - (unknown subject)
krb5_data_copy(3)   - (unknown subject)
krb5_data_ct_cmp(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_data_free(3)   - (unknown subject)
krb5_data_realloc(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_data_zero(3)   - (unknown subject)
krb5_decrypt(3)     - "encrypt and decrypt data, set and get encryption type parameters"
krb5_decrypt_EncryptedData(3) - "encrypt and decrypt data, set and get encryption type parameters"
krb5_decrypt_iov_ivec(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_decrypt_ivec(3) - "encrypt and decrypt data, set and get encryption type parameters"
krb5_decrypt_ticket(3) - "encrypt and decrypt data, set and get encryption type parameters"
krb5_deprecated(3)  - (unknown subject)
krb5_digest(3)      - (unknown subject)
krb5_digest_alloc(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_digest_free(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_digest_get_a1_hash(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_digest_get_client_binding(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_digest_get_identifier(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_digest_get_opaque(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_digest_get_responseData(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_digest_get_rsp(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_digest_get_server_nonce(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_digest_get_tickets(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_digest_init_request(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_digest_probe(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_digest_request(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_digest_set_authentication_user(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_digest_set_authid(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_digest_set_client_nonce(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_digest_set_digest(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_digest_set_hostname(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_digest_set_identifier(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_digest_set_method(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_digest_set_nonceCount(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_digest_set_opaque(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_digest_set_qop(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_digest_set_realm(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_digest_set_server_cb(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_digest_set_server_nonce(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_digest_set_type(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_digest_set_uri(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_digest_set_username(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_domain_x500_decode(3) - realm transit verification and encoding/decoding functions
krb5_domain_x500_encode(3) - realm transit verification and encoding/decoding functions
krb5_eai_to_heim_errno(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_encrypt(3)     - "encrypt and decrypt data, set and get encryption type parameters"
krb5_encrypt_EncryptedData(3) - "encrypt and decrypt data, set and get encryption type parameters"
krb5_encrypt_iov_ivec(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_encrypt_ivec(3) - "encrypt and decrypt data, set and get encryption type parameters"
krb5_enctype_disable(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_enctype_enable(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_enctype_keysize(3) - "encrypt and decrypt data, set and get encryption type parameters"
krb5_enctypes_compatible_keys(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_enctype_to_string(3) - "encrypt and decrypt data, set and get encryption type parameters"
krb5_enctype_valid(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_error(3)       - (unknown subject)
krb5_error_from_rd_error(3) - parse, free and read error from KRB-ERROR message
krb5_expand_hostname(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_expand_hostname_realms(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_fcc_ops(3)     - (unknown subject)
krb5_fileformats(3) - File formats
krb5_find_padata(3) - Kerberos 5 pre-authentication data handling functions
krb5_format_time(3) - Kerberos 5 time handling functions
krb5_free_address(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_free_addresses(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_free_authenticator(3) - manage authentication on connection level
krb5_free_checksum(3) - creates, handles and verifies checksums
krb5_free_checksum_contents(3) - creates, handles and verifies checksums
krb5_free_config_files(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_free_context(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_free_cred_contents(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_free_creds(3)  - (unknown subject)
krb5_free_creds_contents(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_free_data(3)   - (unknown subject)
krb5_free_data_contents(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_free_error(3)  - parse, free and read error from KRB-ERROR message
krb5_free_error_contents(3) - parse, free and read error from KRB-ERROR message
krb5_free_error_string(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_free_host_realm(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_free_kdc_rep(3) - deprecated initial authentication functions
krb5_free_keyblock(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_free_keyblock_contents(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_free_krbhst(3) - lookup Kerberos KDC hosts
krb5_free_principal(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_free_salt(3)   - turns a string to a Kerberos key
krb5_free_ticket(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_free_unparsed_name(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_fwd_tgt_creds(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_generate_random_block(3) - Kerberos 5 random functions
krb5_generate_subkey(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_generate_subkey_extended(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_get_all_client_addrs(3) - return local addresses
krb5_get_all_server_addrs(3) - return local addresses
krb5_get_credentials(3) - get credentials from the KDC using krbtgt
krb5_get_credentials_with_flags(3) - get credentials from the KDC using krbtgt
krb5_get_cred_from_kdc(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_get_cred_from_kdc_opt(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_get_creds(3)   - get credentials from the KDC
krb5_get_creds_opt_add_options(3) - get credentials from the KDC
krb5_get_creds_opt_alloc(3) - get credentials from the KDC
krb5_get_creds_opt_free(3) - get credentials from the KDC
krb5_get_creds_opt_set_enctype(3) - get credentials from the KDC
krb5_get_creds_opt_set_impersonate(3) - get credentials from the KDC
krb5_get_creds_opt_set_options(3) - get credentials from the KDC
krb5_get_creds_opt_set_ticket(3) - get credentials from the KDC
krb5_get_default_config_files(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_get_default_in_tkt_etypes(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_get_default_principal(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_get_default_realm(3) - default and host realm read and manipulation routines
krb5_get_default_realms(3) - default and host realm read and manipulation routines
krb5_get_dns_canonicalize_hostname(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_get_dns_canonize_hostname(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_get_extra_addresses(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_get_fcache_version(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_get_forwarded_creds(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_get_host_realm(3) - default and host realm read and manipulation routines
krb5_get_ignore_addresses(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_get_in_cred(3) - deprecated initial authentication functions
krb5_get_init_creds(3) - Kerberos 5 initial authentication functions
krb5_get_init_creds_keyblock(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_get_init_creds_keytab(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_get_init_creds_opt(3) - Kerberos 5 initial authentication functions
krb5_get_init_creds_opt_alloc(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_get_init_creds_opt_free(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_get_init_creds_opt_get_error(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_get_init_creds_opt_init(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_get_init_creds_opt_set_addressless(3) - Kerberos 5 initial authentication functions
krb5_get_init_creds_opt_set_address_list(3) - Kerberos 5 initial authentication functions
krb5_get_init_creds_opt_set_anonymous(3) - Kerberos 5 initial authentication functions
krb5_get_init_creds_opt_set_canonicalize(3) - Kerberos 5 initial authentication functions
krb5_get_init_creds_opt_set_default_flags(3) - Kerberos 5 initial authentication functions
krb5_get_init_creds_opt_set_etype_list(3) - Kerberos 5 initial authentication functions
krb5_get_init_creds_opt_set_forwardable(3) - Kerberos 5 initial authentication functions
krb5_get_init_creds_opt_set_pa_password(3) - Kerberos 5 initial authentication functions
krb5_get_init_creds_opt_set_paq_request(3) - Kerberos 5 initial authentication functions
krb5_get_init_creds_opt_set_preauth_list(3) - Kerberos 5 initial authentication functions
krb5_get_init_creds_opt_set_proxiable(3) - Kerberos 5 initial authentication functions
krb5_get_init_creds_opt_set_renew_life(3) - Kerberos 5 initial authentication functions
krb5_get_init_creds_opt_set_salt(3) - Kerberos 5 initial authentication functions
krb5_get_init_creds_opt_set_tkt_life(3) - Kerberos 5 initial authentication functions
krb5_get_init_creds_opt_set_win2k(3) - Kerberos 5 initial authentication functions
krb5_get_init_creds_password(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_get_in_tkt(3)  - deprecated initial authentication functions
krb5_get_in_tkt_with_keytab(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_get_in_tkt_with_password(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_get_in_tkt_with_skey(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_get_kdc_cred(3) - get credentials from the KDC using krbtgt
krb5_get_kdc_sec_offset(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_get_krb524hst(3) - lookup Kerberos KDC hosts
krb5_get_krb_admin_hst(3) - lookup Kerberos KDC hosts
krb5_get_krb_changepw_hst(3) - lookup Kerberos KDC hosts
krb5_get_krbhst(3)  - lookup Kerberos KDC hosts
krb5_get_max_time_skew(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_getportbyname(3) - get port number by name
krb5_get_pw_salt(3) - turns a string to a Kerberos key
krb5_get_renewed_creds(3) - get credentials from the KDC using krbtgt
krb5_get_server_rcache(3) - Kerberos 5 replay cache
krb5_get_use_admin_kdc(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_get_validated_creds(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_get_wrapped_length(3) - "encrypt and decrypt data, set and get encryption type parameters"
krb5_h_addr2addr(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_h_addr2sockaddr(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_h_errno_to_heim_errno(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_hmac(3)        - creates, handles and verifies checksums
krb5_init_context(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_init_creds_free(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_init_creds_get(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_init_creds_get_error(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_init_creds_init(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_init_creds_intro(3) - The initial credential handing functions
krb5_init_creds_set_keytab(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_init_creds_set_password(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_init_creds_set_service(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_init_creds_step(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_init_ets(3)    - (unknown subject)
krb5_initlog(3)     - Heimdal logging functions
krb5_introduction(3) - Introduction to the Kerberos 5 API
krb5_is_config_principal(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_is_thread_safe(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_kerberos_enctypes(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_keyblock_get_enctype(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_keyblock_init(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_keyblock_zero(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_keytab(3)      - (unknown subject)
krb5_keytab_intro(3) - The keytab handing functions
krb5_keytab_key_proc(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_keytype_to_enctypes(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_keytype_to_enctypes_default(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_keytype_to_string(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_krbhst_format_string(3) - lookup Kerberos KDC hosts
krb5_krbhst_free(3) - lookup Kerberos KDC hosts
krb5_krbhst_get_addrinfo(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_krbhst_init(3) - lookup Kerberos KDC hosts
krb5_krbhst_init_flags(3) - lookup Kerberos KDC hosts
krb5_krbhst_next(3) - lookup Kerberos KDC hosts
krb5_krbhst_next_as_string(3) - lookup Kerberos KDC hosts
krb5_krbhst_reset(3) - lookup Kerberos KDC hosts
krb5_kt_add_entry(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_kt_close(3)    - (unknown subject)
krb5_kt_compare(3)  - (unknown subject)
krb5_kt_copy_entry_contents(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_kt_default(3)  - (unknown subject)
krb5_kt_default_modify_name(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_kt_default_name(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_kt_destroy(3)  - (unknown subject)
krb5_kt_end_seq_get(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_kt_free_entry(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_kt_get_entry(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_kt_get_full_name(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_kt_get_name(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_kt_get_type(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_kt_have_content(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_kt_next_entry(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_kt_read_service_key(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_kt_register(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_kt_remove_entry(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_kt_resolve(3)  - (unknown subject)
krb5_kt_start_seq_get(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_kuserok(3)     - (unknown subject)
krb5_log(3)         - Heimdal logging functions
krb5_log_msg(3)     - Heimdal logging functions
krb5_make_addrport(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_make_principal(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_max_sockaddr_size(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_mcc_ops(3)     - (unknown subject)
krb5_mk_priv(3)     - generates integrity protected and/or encrypted messages
krb5_mk_rep(3)      - create and read application authentication request
krb5_mk_rep_exact(3) - create and read application authentication request
krb5_mk_rep_extended(3) - create and read application authentication request
krb5_mk_req(3)      - create and read application authentication request
krb5_mk_req_exact(3) - create and read application authentication request
krb5_mk_req_extended(3) - create and read application authentication request
krb5_mk_safe(3)     - generates integrity protected and/or encrypted messages
krb5_openlog(3)     - Heimdal logging functions
krb5_pac(3)         - (unknown subject)
krb5_pac_get_buffer(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_pac_verify(3)  - (unknown subject)
krb5_padata_add(3)  - Kerberos 5 pre-authentication data handling functions
krb5_parse_address(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_parse_name(3)  - (unknown subject)
krb5_parse_name_flags(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_parse_nametype(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_passwd_result_to_string(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_password_key_proc(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_plugin_register(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_prepend_config_files(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_prepend_config_files_default(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_principal(3)   - (unknown subject)
krb5_principal_compare(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_principal_compare_any_realm(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_principal_get_comp_string(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_principal_get_num_comp(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_principal_get_realm(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_principal_get_type(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_principal_intro(3) - The principal handing functions. A Kerberos principal is a email address looking string that contains to parts separeted by a @. The later par...
krb5_principal_is_krbtgt(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_principal_match(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_principal_set_realm(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_principal_set_type(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_princ_realm(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_princ_set_realm(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_print_address(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_prompt(3)      - Kerberos 5 initial authentication functions
krb5_prompter_posix(3) - Kerberos 5 initial authentication functions
krb5_pwcheck(3)     - Heimdal warning and error functions
krb5_random_to_key(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_rcache(3)      - Kerberos 5 replay cache
krb5_rc_close(3)    - Kerberos 5 replay cache
krb5_rc_default(3)  - Kerberos 5 replay cache
krb5_rc_default_name(3) - Kerberos 5 replay cache
krb5_rc_default_type(3) - Kerberos 5 replay cache
krb5_rc_destroy(3)  - Kerberos 5 replay cache
krb5_rc_expunge(3)  - Kerberos 5 replay cache
krb5_rc_get_lifespan(3) - Kerberos 5 replay cache
krb5_rc_get_name(3) - Kerberos 5 replay cache
krb5_rc_get_type(3) - Kerberos 5 replay cache
krb5_rc_initialize(3) - Kerberos 5 replay cache
krb5_rc_recover(3)  - Kerberos 5 replay cache
krb5_rc_resolve(3)  - Kerberos 5 replay cache
krb5_rc_resolve_full(3) - Kerberos 5 replay cache
krb5_rc_resolve_type(3) - Kerberos 5 replay cache
krb5_rc_store(3)    - Kerberos 5 replay cache
krb5_rd_error(3)    - parse, free and read error from KRB-ERROR message
krb5_rd_priv(3)     - verifies authenticity of messages
krb5_rd_rep(3)      - create and read application authentication request
krb5_rd_req(3)      - create and read application authentication request
krb5_rd_req_ctx(3)  - (unknown subject)
krb5_rd_req_in_ctx_alloc(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_rd_req_in_set_keytab(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_rd_req_in_set_pac_check(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_rd_req_out_ctx_free(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_rd_req_out_get_server(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_rd_req_with_keyblock(3) - create and read application authentication request
krb5_rd_safe(3)     - verifies authenticity of messages
krb5_realm_compare(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_ret_address(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_ret_addrs(3)   - (unknown subject)
krb5_ret_authdata(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_ret_creds(3)   - (unknown subject)
krb5_ret_creds_tag(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_ret_data(3)    - (unknown subject)
krb5_ret_int16(3)   - (unknown subject)
krb5_ret_int32(3)   - (unknown subject)
krb5_ret_int8(3)    - (unknown subject)
krb5_ret_keyblock(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_ret_principal(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_ret_string(3)  - (unknown subject)
krb5_ret_stringz(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_ret_times(3)   - (unknown subject)
krb5_ret_uint16(3)  - (unknown subject)
krb5_ret_uint32(3)  - (unknown subject)
krb5_ret_uint8(3)   - (unknown subject)
krb5_set_config_files(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_set_default_in_tkt_etypes(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_set_default_realm(3) - default and host realm read and manipulation routines
krb5_set_dns_canonicalize_hostname(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_set_dns_canonize_hostname(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_set_error_message(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_set_error_string(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_set_extra_addresses(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_set_fcache_version(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_set_home_dir_access(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_set_ignore_addresses(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_set_kdc_sec_offset(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_set_max_time_skew(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_set_password(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_set_password_using_ccache(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_set_real_time(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_set_use_admin_kdc(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_sname_to_principal(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_sockaddr2address(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_sockaddr2port(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_sockaddr_uninteresting(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_sock_to_principal(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_storage(3)     - (unknown subject)
krb5_storage_clear_flags(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_storage_emem(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_storage_free(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_storage_from_data(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_storage_from_fd(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_storage_from_mem(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_storage_from_readonly_mem(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_storage_get_byteorder(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_storage_get_eof_code(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_storage_is_flags(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_storage_read(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_storage_seek(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_storage_set_byteorder(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_storage_set_eof_code(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_storage_set_flags(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_storage_set_max_alloc(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_storage_to_data(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_storage_truncate(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_storage_write(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_store_address(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_store_addrs(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_store_authdata(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_store_creds(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_store_creds_tag(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_store_data(3)  - (unknown subject)
krb5_store_int16(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_store_int32(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_store_int8(3)  - (unknown subject)
krb5_store_keyblock(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_store_principal(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_store_string(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_store_stringz(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_store_times(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_store_uint16(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_store_uint32(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_store_uint8(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_string_to_deltat(3) - Kerberos 5 time handling functions
krb5_string_to_enctype(3) - "encrypt and decrypt data, set and get encryption type parameters"
krb5_string_to_key(3) - turns a string to a Kerberos key
krb5_string_to_key_data(3) - turns a string to a Kerberos key
krb5_string_to_key_data_salt(3) - turns a string to a Kerberos key
krb5_string_to_key_data_salt_opaque(3) - turns a string to a Kerberos key
krb5_string_to_key_salt(3) - turns a string to a Kerberos key
krb5_string_to_key_salt_opaque(3) - turns a string to a Kerberos key
krb5_string_to_keytype(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_support(3)     - (unknown subject)
krb5_ticket(3)      - (unknown subject)
krb5_ticket_get_authorization_data_type(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_ticket_get_client(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_ticket_get_endtime(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_ticket_get_flags(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_ticket_get_server(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_timeofday(3)   - Kerberos 5 time handling functions
krb5_unparse_name(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_unparse_name_fixed(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_unparse_name_fixed_flags(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_unparse_name_fixed_short(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_unparse_name_flags(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_unparse_name_short(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_us_timeofday(3) - Kerberos 5 time handling functions
krb5_v4compat(3)    - (unknown subject)
krb5_verify_ap_req(3) - create and read application authentication request
krb5_verify_checksum(3) - creates, handles and verifies checksums
krb5_verify_checksum_iov(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_verify_init_creds(3) - "verifies a credential cache is correct by using a local keytab"
krb5_verify_init_creds_opt_init(3) - "verifies a credential cache is correct by using a local keytab"
krb5_verify_init_creds_opt_set_ap_req_nofail(3) - "verifies a credential cache is correct by using a local keytab"
krb5_verify_opt_alloc(3) - Heimdal password verifying functions
krb5_verify_opt_free(3) - Heimdal password verifying functions
krb5_verify_opt_init(3) - Heimdal password verifying functions
krb5_verify_opt_set_ccache(3) - Heimdal password verifying functions
krb5_verify_opt_set_flags(3) - Heimdal password verifying functions
krb5_verify_opt_set_keytab(3) - Heimdal password verifying functions
krb5_verify_opt_set_secure(3) - Heimdal password verifying functions
krb5_verify_opt_set_service(3) - Heimdal password verifying functions
krb5_verify_user(3) - Heimdal password verifying functions
krb5_verify_user_lrealm(3) - Heimdal password verifying functions
krb5_verify_user_opt(3) - Heimdal password verifying functions
krb5_vlog(3)        - Heimdal logging functions
krb5_vlog_msg(3)    - Heimdal logging functions
krb5_vset_error_string(3) - (unknown subject)
krb5_vwarn(3)       - (unknown subject)
krb_afslog(3)       - AFS library
krb_afslog_uid(3)   - AFS library
krcp(1)             - copy file to and from remote machines
krsh(1)             - remote shell
krshd(8)            - remote shell server
k_setpag(3)         - AFS library
kstash(8)           - "store the KDC master password in a file"
ksu(1)              - substitute user identity
kswitch(1)          - switch between default credential caches
ktelnet(1)          - user interface to the TELNET protocol
ktelnetd(8)         - DARPA TELNET protocol server
ktutil(8)           - manage Kerberos keytabs
k_unlog(3)          - AFS library
kx(1)               - securely forward X conections
kxd(8)              - securely forward X conections
labelframe(n)       - Create and manipulate labelframe widgets
label(n)            - Create and manipulate label widgets
labs(3)             - (unknown subject)
lacheck(1)          - A consistency checker for LaTeX documents.
lamed(1)            - extended Unicode TeX
__lapack_version.f__(3) - (unknown subject)
LAPACK_version.f(3) - (unknown subject)
lappend(n)          - Append list elements onto a variable
lasergnu(1)         - send gnuplot output to a printer
lassign(n)          - Assign list elements to variables
last(1)             - show listing of last logged in users
lastb(1)            - show listing of last logged in users
LastKnownRequestProcessed(3) - Display macros and functions
latex(1)            - structured text formatting and typesetting
latexdiff(1)        - determine and markup differences between two latex files
latexdiff-vc(1)     - wrapper script that calls latexdiff for different versions of a file under version management (CVS, RCS or SVN)
latexmk(1)          - generate LaTeX document
latexrevise(1)      - selectively remove markup and text from latexdiff output
lber-decode(3)      - OpenLDAP LBER simplified Basic Encoding Rules library routines for decoding
lber-encode(3)      - OpenLDAP LBER simplified Basic Encoding Rules library routines for encoding
lber-memory(3)      - OpenLDAP LBER memory allocators
lber-sockbuf(3)     - OpenLDAP LBER I/O infrastructure
lber-types(3)       - OpenLDAP LBER types and allocation functions
ld(1)               - The GNU linker
ldap(3)             - OpenLDAP Lightweight Directory Access Protocol API
ldap_abandon(3)     - Abandon an LDAP operation in progress
ldap_abandon_ext(3) - Abandon an LDAP operation in progress
ldapadd(1)          - LDAP modify entry and LDAP add entry tools
ldap_add(3)         - Perform an LDAP add operation
ldap_add_ext(3)     - Perform an LDAP add operation
ldap_add_ext_s(3)   - Perform an LDAP add operation
ldap_add_s(3)       - Perform an LDAP add operation
ldap_attributetype2name(3) - Schema definition handling routines
ldap_attributetype2str(3) - Schema definition handling routines
ldap_attributetype_free(3) - Schema definition handling routines
ldap_bind(3)        - LDAP bind routines
ldap_bind_s(3)      - LDAP bind routines
ldapcompare(1)      - LDAP compare tool
ldap_compare(3)     - Perform an LDAP compare operation.
ldap_compare_ext(3) - Perform an LDAP compare operation.
ldap_compare_ext_s(3) - Perform an LDAP compare operation.
ldap_compare_s(3)   - Perform an LDAP compare operation.
ldap.conf(5)        - LDAP configuration file/environment variables
ldap_control_create(3) - LDAP control manipulation routines
ldap_control_dup(3) - LDAP control manipulation routines
ldap_control_find(3) - LDAP control manipulation routines
ldap_control_free(3) - LDAP control manipulation routines
ldap_controls(3)    - LDAP control manipulation routines
ldap_controls_dup(3) - LDAP control manipulation routines
ldap_controls_free(3) - LDAP control manipulation routines
ldap_count_entries(3) - LDAP result entry parsing and counting routines
ldap_count_messages(3) - Stepping through messages in a result chain
ldap_count_references(3) - Stepping through continuation references in a result chain
ldap_count_values(3) - LDAP attribute value handling routines
ldap_count_values_len(3) - LDAP attribute value handling routines
ldap_dcedn2dn(3)    - LDAP DN handling routines
ldapdelete(1)       - LDAP delete entry tool
ldap_delete(3)      - Perform an LDAP delete operation.
ldap_delete_ext(3)  - Perform an LDAP delete operation.
ldap_delete_ext_s(3) - Perform an LDAP delete operation.
ldap_delete_s(3)    - Perform an LDAP delete operation.
ldap_destroy(3)     - Duplicate and destroy LDAP session handles
ldap_dn2ad_canonical(3) - LDAP DN handling routines
ldap_dn2dcedn(3)    - LDAP DN handling routines
ldap_dn2str(3)      - LDAP DN handling routines
ldap_dn2ufn(3)      - LDAP DN handling routines
ldap_dnfree(3)      - LDAP DN handling routines
ldap_dup(3)         - Duplicate and destroy LDAP session handles
ldap_err2string(3)  - LDAP protocol error handling routines
ldap_errlist(3)     - LDAP protocol error handling routines
ldap_error(3)       - LDAP protocol error handling routines
ldapexop(1)         - issue LDAP extended operations
ldap_explode_dn(3)  - LDAP DN handling routines
ldap_explode_rdn(3) - LDAP DN handling routines
ldap_extended_operation(3) - Extends the LDAP operations to the LDAP server.
ldap_extended_operation_s(3) - Extends the LDAP operations to the LDAP server.
ldap_first_attribute(3) - step through LDAP entry attributes
ldap_first_entry(3) - LDAP result entry parsing and counting routines
ldap_first_message(3) - Stepping through messages in a result chain
ldap_first_reference(3) - Stepping through continuation references in a result chain
ldap_free_urldesc(3) - LDAP Uniform Resource Locator routines
ldap_get_dn(3)      - LDAP DN handling routines
ldap_get_option(3)  - LDAP option handling routines
ldap_get_values(3)  - LDAP attribute value handling routines
ldap_get_values_len(3) - LDAP attribute value handling routines
ldap_init(3)        - Initialize the LDAP library and open a connection to an LDAP server
ldap_init_fd(3)     - Initialize the LDAP library and open a connection to an LDAP server
ldap_initialize(3)  - Initialize the LDAP library and open a connection to an LDAP server
ldap_install_tls(3) - LDAP TLS initialization routines
ldap_is_ldap_url(3) - LDAP Uniform Resource Locator routines
ldap_matchingrule2name(3) - Schema definition handling routines
ldap_matchingrule2str(3) - Schema definition handling routines
ldap_matchingrule_free(3) - Schema definition handling routines
ldap_memalloc(3)    - LDAP memory allocation routines
ldap_memcalloc(3)   - LDAP memory allocation routines
ldap_memfree(3)     - LDAP memory allocation routines
ldap_memory(3)      - LDAP memory allocation routines
ldap_memrealloc(3)  - LDAP memory allocation routines
ldap_memvfree(3)    - LDAP memory allocation routines
ldapmodify(1)       - LDAP modify entry and LDAP add entry tools
ldap_modify(3)      - Perform an LDAP modify operation
ldap_modify_ext(3)  - Perform an LDAP modify operation
ldap_modify_ext_s(3) - Perform an LDAP modify operation
ldap_modify_s(3)    - Perform an LDAP modify operation
ldapmodrdn(1)       - LDAP rename entry tool
ldap_modrdn2(3)     - Perform an LDAP modify RDN operation
ldap_modrdn2_s(3)   - Perform an LDAP modify RDN operation
ldap_modrdn(3)      - Perform an LDAP modify RDN operation
ldap_modrdn_s(3)    - Perform an LDAP modify RDN operation
ldap_mods_free(3)   - Perform an LDAP modify operation
ldap_msgfree(3)     - Wait for the result of an LDAP operation
ldap_msgid(3)       - Wait for the result of an LDAP operation
ldap_msgtype(3)     - Wait for the result of an LDAP operation
ldap_next_attribute(3) - step through LDAP entry attributes
ldap_next_entry(3)  - LDAP result entry parsing and counting routines
ldap_next_message(3) - Stepping through messages in a result chain
ldap_next_reference(3) - Stepping through continuation references in a result chain
ldap_objectclass2name(3) - Schema definition handling routines
ldap_objectclass2str(3) - Schema definition handling routines
ldap_objectclass_free(3) - Schema definition handling routines
ldap_open(3)        - Initialize the LDAP library and open a connection to an LDAP server
ldap_parse_extended_result(3) - Parsing results
ldap_parse_reference(3) - Extract referrals and controls from a reference message
ldap_parse_result(3) - Parsing results
ldap_parse_sasl_bind_result(3) - Parsing results
ldap_parse_sort_control(3) - Decode the information returned from a search operation that used a server-side sort control
ldap_parse_vlv_control(3) - Decode the information returned from a search operation that used a VLV (virtual list view) control
ldappasswd(1)       - change the password of an LDAP entry
ldap_perror(3)      - LDAP protocol error handling routines
ldap_rename(3)      - Renames the specified entry.
ldap_rename_s(3)    - Renames the specified entry.
ldap_result2error(3) - LDAP protocol error handling routines
ldap_result(3)      - Wait for the result of an LDAP operation
ldap_sasl_bind(3)   - LDAP bind routines
ldap_sasl_bind_s(3) - LDAP bind routines
ldap_schema(3)      - Schema definition handling routines
ldap_scherr2str(3)  - Schema definition handling routines
ldapsearch(1)       - LDAP search tool
ldap_search(3)      - Perform an LDAP search operation
ldap_search_ext(3)  - Perform an LDAP search operation
ldap_search_ext_s(3) - Perform an LDAP search operation
ldap_search_s(3)    - Perform an LDAP search operation
ldap_search_st(3)   - Perform an LDAP search operation
ldap_set_option(3)  - LDAP option handling routines
ldap_set_rebind_proc(3) - LDAP bind routines
ldap_set_urllist_proc(3) - Initialize the LDAP library and open a connection to an LDAP server
ldap_simple_bind(3) - LDAP bind routines
ldap_simple_bind_s(3) - LDAP bind routines
ldap_sort(3)        - LDAP sorting routines(deprecated)
ldap_sort_entries(3) - LDAP sorting routines(deprecated)
ldap_sort_strcasecmp(3) - LDAP sorting routines(deprecated)
ldap_sort_values(3) - LDAP sorting routines(deprecated)
ldap_start_tls(3)   - LDAP TLS initialization routines
ldap_start_tls_s(3) - LDAP TLS initialization routines
ldap_str2attributetype(3) - Schema definition handling routines
ldap_str2dn(3)      - LDAP DN handling routines
ldap_str2matchingrule(3) - Schema definition handling routines
ldap_str2objectclass(3) - Schema definition handling routines
ldap_str2syntax(3)  - Schema definition handling routines
ldap_strdup(3)      - LDAP memory allocation routines
ldap_sync(3)        - LDAP sync routines
ldap_syntax2name(3) - Schema definition handling routines
ldap_syntax2str(3)  - Schema definition handling routines
ldap_syntax_free(3) - Schema definition handling routines
ldap_tls(3)         - LDAP TLS initialization routines
ldap_tls_inplace(3) - LDAP TLS initialization routines
ldap_unbind(3)      - LDAP bind routines
ldap_unbind_ext(3)  - LDAP bind routines
ldap_unbind_ext_s(3) - LDAP bind routines
ldap_unbind_s(3)    - LDAP bind routines
ldapurl(1)          - LDAP URL formatting tool
ldap_url(3)         - LDAP Uniform Resource Locator routines
ldap_url_parse(3)   - LDAP Uniform Resource Locator routines
ldap_value_free(3)  - LDAP attribute value handling routines
ldap_value_free_len(3) - LDAP attribute value handling routines
ldapwhoami(1)       - LDAP who am i? tool
ld_errno(3)         - LDAP protocol error handling routines
ldexp(3)            - (unknown subject)
ldexpf(3)           - (unknown subject)
ldif(5)             - LDAP Data Interchange Format
ldiv(3)             - (unknown subject)
ldrdf(1)            - link RDOFF objects and libraries produced by rdflib(1)
leaftoppm(1)        - convert Interleaf image format to PPM image
leaveok(3x)         - curses output options
legacy_coding(3x)   - use terminal's default colors
length(3)           - (unknown subject)
less(1)             - opposite of more
less(3pm)           - perl pragma to request less of something
lessecho(1)         - expand metacharacters
lesskey(1)          - specify key bindings for less
let(1)              - bash built-in commands, see bash(1)
Lexing(3o)          - The run-time library for lexers generated by ocamllex.
lexnames(5)         - List of WordNet lexicographer file names and numbers
lftp(1)             - Sophisticated file transfer program
lftp.conf(5)        - the global configuration file for lftp
lftpget(1)          - get a file with lftp(1)
lgamma(3)           - (unknown subject)
lgammaf(3)          - (unknown subject)
lgammaf_r(3)        - (unknown subject)
lgamma_r(3)         - (unknown subject)
lgc(1)              - translate and publish logiweb page
lgc(5)              - the lgs source file format for the lgc compiler
lgc.conf(5)         - configuration file for the Logiweb compiler(lgc)
lgetxattr(2)        - retrieve an extended attribute value
lgrep(1)            - a Powerful Multilingual File Viewer / Grep
lgwam(1)            - Logiweb Abstract Machine
lhash(3)            - dynamic hash table
lh_delete(3)        - dynamic hash table
lh_doall(3)         - dynamic hash table
lh_doall_arg(3)     - dynamic hash table
lh_error(3)         - dynamic hash table
lh_free(3)          - dynamic hash table
lh_insert(3)        - dynamic hash table
lh_new(3)           - dynamic hash table
lh_node_stats(3)    - LHASH statistics
lh_node_stats_bio(3) - LHASH statistics
lh_node_usage_stats(3) - LHASH statistics
lh_node_usage_stats_bio(3) - LHASH statistics
lh_retrieve(3)      - dynamic hash table
lh_stats(3)         - LHASH statistics
lh_stats_bio(3)     - LHASH statistics
lib(3pm)            - manipulate @INC at compile time
libao.conf(5)       - configuration for libao.
libarchive(3)       - functions for reading and writing streaming archives
libarchive-formats(5) - archive formats supported by the libarchive library
libarchive_internals(3) - description of libarchive internal interfaces
libblkid(3)         - block device identification library
libc(3)             - (unknown subject)
libcurl(3)          - client-side URL transfers
libcurl-easy(3)     - easy interface overview
libcurl-errors(3)   - error codes in libcurl
libcurl-multi(3)    - how to use the multi interface
libcurl-share(3)    - how to use the share interface
libcurl-tutorial(3) - libcurl programming tutorial
libexpect(3)        - programmed dialogue library with interactive programs
libexslt(3)         - extension library for XSLT
libgg(7)            - (unknown subject)
libggi(7)           - (unknown subject)
libggimisc(7)       - (unknown subject)
libggiwmh(7)        - (unknown subject)
libgii(7)           - (unknown subject)
libgii.conf(5)      - (unknown subject)
libm(3)             - (unknown subject)
libmagic(3)         - Magic number recognition library
libmng(3)           - Multiple-image Network Graphics(MNG) Reference Library 1.0.9
libnetcfg(1)        - configure libnet
libnetpbm(3)        - general introduction to the netpbm library
libnetpbm_image(3)  - overview of netpbm image-processing functions
libnetpbm_ug(3)     - netpbm sample code
libopenjpeg(3)      - a library for reading and writing JPEG2000 image files.
libpbm(3)           - libnetpbm functions to read and write PBM image files
libpgm(3)           - libnetpbm functions to read and write PGM image files
libpng(3)           - Portable Network Graphics(PNG) Reference Library 1.5.12
libpngpf(3)         - Portable Network Graphics(PNG) Reference Library 1.5.12 (private functions)
libpnm(3)           - libnetpbm functions to read and write PNM image files
libppl(3)           - the C++ interface of the Parma Polyhedra Library
libppl_c(3)         - the C interface of the Parma Polyhedra Library
libppm(3)           - functions for PPM programs
librsync(3)         - library for delta compression of streams
libsmi(3)           - library to access SMI management information
libsox(3)           - SoX, an audio file-format and effect library
libssh2_agent_connect(3) - connect to an ssh-agent
libssh2_agent_disconnect(3) - close a connection to an ssh-agent
libssh2_agent_free(3) - free an ssh-agent handle
libssh2_agent_get_identity(3) - get a public key off the collection of public keys managed by ssh-agent
libssh2_agent_init(3) - init an ssh-agent handle
libssh2_agent_list_identities(3) - request an ssh-agent to list of public keys.
libssh2_agent_userauth(3) - authenticate a session with a public key, with the help of ssh-agent
libssh2_banner_set(3) - set the SSH prococol banner for the local client
libssh2_base64_decode(3) - decode a base64 encoded string
libssh2_channel_close(3) - close a channel
libssh2_channel_direct_tcpip(3) - convenience macro for libssh2_channel_direct_tcpip_ex(3) calls
libssh2_channel_direct_tcpip_ex(3) - Tunnel a TCP connection through an SSH session
libssh2_channel_eof(3) - check a channel's EOF status
libssh2_channel_exec(3) - convenience macro for libssh2_channel_process_startup(3) calls
libssh2_channel_flush(3) - convenience macro for libssh2_channel_flush_ex(3) calls
libssh2_channel_flush_ex(3) - flush a channel
libssh2_channel_flush_stderr(3) - convenience macro for libssh2_channel_flush_ex(3) calls
libssh2_channel_forward_accept(3) - accept a queued connection
libssh2_channel_forward_cancel(3) - cancel a forwarded TCP port
libssh2_channel_forward_listen(3) - convenience macro for libssh2_channel_forward_listen_ex(3) calls
libssh2_channel_forward_listen_ex(3) - listen to inbound connections
libssh2_channel_free(3) - free all resources associated with a channel
libssh2_channel_get_exit_signal(3) - get the remote exit signal
libssh2_channel_get_exit_status(3) - get the remote exit code
libssh2_channel_handle_extended_data2(3) - set extended data handling mode
libssh2_channel_handle_extended_data(3) - set extended data handling mode
libssh2_channel_ignore_extended_data(3) - convenience macro for libssh2_channel_handle_extended_data(3) calls
libssh2_channel_open_ex(3) - establish a generic session channel
libssh2_channel_open_session(3) - convenience macro for libssh2_channel_open_ex(3) calls
libssh2_channel_process_startup(3) - request a shell on a channel
libssh2_channel_read(3) - convenience macro for libssh2_channel_read_ex(3) calls
libssh2_channel_read_ex(3) - read data from a channel stream
libssh2_channel_read_stderr(3) - convenience macro for libssh2_channel_read_ex(3) calls
libssh2_channel_receive_window_adjust2(3) - adjust the channel window
libssh2_channel_receive_window_adjust(3) - adjust the channel window
libssh2_channel_request_pty(3) - convenience macro for libssh2_channel_request_pty_ex(3) calls
libssh2_channel_request_pty_ex(3) - short function description
libssh2_channel_request_pty_size(3) - convenience macro for libssh2_channel_request_pty_size_ex(3) calls
libssh2_channel_request_pty_size_ex(3) - TODO
libssh2_channel_send_eof(3) - send EOF to remote server
libssh2_channel_set_blocking(3) - set or clear blocking mode on channel
libssh2_channel_setenv(3) - convenience macro for libssh2_channel_setenv_ex(3) calls
libssh2_channel_setenv_ex(3) - set an environment variable on the channel
libssh2_channel_shell(3) - convenience macro for libssh2_channel_process_startup(3) calls
libssh2_channel_subsystem(3) - convenience macro for libssh2_channel_process_startup(3) calls
libssh2_channel_wait_closed(3) - wait for the remote to close the channel
libssh2_channel_wait_eof(3) - wait for the remote to reply to an EOF request
libssh2_channel_window_read(3) - convenience macro for libssh2_channel_window_read_ex(3) calls
libssh2_channel_window_read_ex(3) - Check the status of the read window
libssh2_channel_window_write(3) - convenience macro for libssh2_channel_window_write_ex(3) calls
libssh2_channel_window_write_ex(3) - Check the status of the write window
libssh2_channel_write(3) - convenience macro for libssh2_channel_write_ex(3)
libssh2_channel_write_ex(3) - write data to a channel stream blocking
libssh2_channel_write_stderr(3) - convenience macro for libssh2_channel_write_ex(3)
libssh2_channel_x11_req(3) - convenience macro for libssh2_channel_x11_req_ex(3) calls
libssh2_channel_x11_req_ex(3) - request an X11 forwarding channel
libssh2_exit(3)     - global library deinitialization
libssh2_free(3)     - deallocate libssh2 memory
libssh2_hostkey_hash(3) - return a hash of the remote host's key
libssh2_init(3)     - global library initialization
libssh2_keepalive_config(3) - short function description
libssh2_keepalive_send(3) - short function description
libssh2_knownhost_add(3) - add a known host
libssh2_knownhost_addc(3) - add a known host
libssh2_knownhost_check(3) - check a host+key against the list of known hosts
libssh2_knownhost_checkp(3) - check a host+key against the list of known hosts
libssh2_knownhost_del(3) - delete a known host entry
libssh2_knownhost_free(3) - free a collection of known hosts
libssh2_knownhost_get(3) - get a known host off the collection of known hosts
libssh2_knownhost_init(3) - init a collection of known hosts
libssh2_knownhost_readfile(3) - parse a file of known hosts
libssh2_knownhost_readline(3) - read a known host line
libssh2_knownhost_writefile(3) - write a collection of known hosts to a file
libssh2_knownhost_writeline(3) - convert a known host to a line for storage
libssh2_poll(3)     - poll for activity on a socket, channel or listener
libssh2_poll_channel_read(3) - check if data is available
libssh2_publickey_add(3) - convenience macro for libssh2_publickey_add_ex(3) calls
libssh2_publickey_add_ex(3) - Add a public key entry
libssh2_publickey_init(3) - TODO
libssh2_publickey_list_fetch(3) - TODO
libssh2_publickey_list_free(3) - TODO
libssh2_publickey_remove(3) - convenience macro for libssh2_publickey_remove_ex(3) calls
libssh2_publickey_remove_ex(3) - TODO
libssh2_publickey_shutdown(3) - TODO
libssh2_scp_recv(3) - request a remote file via SCP
libssh2_scp_send(3) - convenience macro for libssh2_scp_send_ex(3) calls
libssh2_scp_send64(3) - Send a file via SCP
libssh2_scp_send_ex(3) - Send a file via SCP
libssh2_session_abstract(3) - return a pointer to a session's abstract pointer
libssh2_session_banner_get(3) - get the remote banner
libssh2_session_banner_set(3) - set the SSH prococol banner for the local client
libssh2_session_block_directions(3) - get directions to wait for
libssh2_session_callback_set(3) - set a callback function
libssh2_session_disconnect(3) - convenience macro for libssh2_session_disconnect_ex(3) calls
libssh2_session_disconnect_ex(3) - terminate transport layer
libssh2_session_flag(3) - TODO
libssh2_session_free(3) - frees resources associated with a session instance
libssh2_session_get_blocking(3) - TODO
libssh2_session_get_timeout(3) - get the timeout for blocking functions
libssh2_session_hostkey(3) - get the remote key
libssh2_session_init(3) - convenience macro for libssh2_session_init_ex(3) calls
libssh2_session_init_ex(3) - initializes an SSH session object
libssh2_session_last_errno(3) - get the most recent error number
libssh2_session_last_error(3) - get the most recent error
libssh2_session_method_pref(3) - set preferred key exchange method
libssh2_session_methods(3) - return the currently active algorithms
libssh2_session_set_blocking(3) - set or clear blocking mode on session
libssh2_session_set_timeout(3) - set timeout for blocking functions
libssh2_session_startup(3) - begin transport layer
libssh2_session_supported_algs(3) - get list of supported algorithms
libssh2_sftp_close(3) - convenience macro for libssh2_sftp_close_handle(3) calls
libssh2_sftp_closedir(3) - convenience macro for libssh2_sftp_close_handle(3) calls
libssh2_sftp_close_handle(3) - close filehandle
libssh2_sftp_fsetstat(3) - convenience macro for libssh2_sftp_fstat_ex(3) calls
libssh2_sftp_fstat(3) - convenience macro for libssh2_sftp_fstat_ex(3) calls
libssh2_sftp_fstat_ex(3) - get or set attributes on an SFTP file handle
libssh2_sftp_fstatvfs(3) - get file system statistics
libssh2_sftp_get_channel(3) - return the channel of sftp
libssh2_sftp_init(3) - open SFTP channel for the given SSH session.
libssh2_sftp_last_error(3) - return the last SFTP-specific error code
libssh2_sftp_lstat(3) - convenience macro for libssh2_sftp_stat_ex(3) calls
libssh2_sftp_mkdir(3) - convenience macro for libssh2_sftp_mkdir_ex(3) calls
libssh2_sftp_mkdir_ex(3) - create a directory on the remote file system
libssh2_sftp_open(3) - convenience macro for libssh2_sftp_open_ex(3) calls
libssh2_sftp_opendir(3) - convenience macro for libssh2_sftp_open_ex(3) calls
libssh2_sftp_open_ex(3) - open filehandle for file on SFTP.
libssh2_sftp_read(3) - read data from an SFTP handle
libssh2_sftp_readdir(3) - convenience macro for libssh2_sftp_readdir_ex(3) calls
libssh2_sftp_readdir_ex(3) - read directory data from an SFTP handle
libssh2_sftp_readlink(3) - convenience macro for libssh2_sftp_symlink_ex(3)
libssh2_sftp_realpath(3) - convenience macro for libssh2_sftp_symlink_ex(3)
libssh2_sftp_rename(3) - convenience macro for libssh2_sftp_rename_ex(3) calls
libssh2_sftp_rename_ex(3) - rename an SFTP file
libssh2_sftp_rewind(3) - convenience macro for libssh2_sftp_seek64(3) calls
libssh2_sftp_rmdir(3) - convenience macro for libssh2_sftp_rmdir_ex(3)
libssh2_sftp_rmdir_ex(3) - remove an SFTP directory
libssh2_sftp_seek(3) - set the read/write position indicator within a file
libssh2_sftp_seek64(3) - set the read/write position within a file
libssh2_sftp_setstat(3) - convenience macro for libssh2_sftp_stat_ex(3) calls
libssh2_sftp_shutdown(3) - shut down an SFTP session
libssh2_sftp_stat(3) - convenience macro for libssh2_sftp_fstat_ex(3) calls
libssh2_sftp_stat_ex(3) - get status about an SFTP file
libssh2_sftp_statvfs(3) - get file system statistics
libssh2_sftp_symlink(3) - convenience macro for libssh2_sftp_symlink_ex(3)
libssh2_sftp_symlink_ex(3) - read or set a symbolic link
libssh2_sftp_tell(3) - get the current read/write position indicator for a file
libssh2_sftp_tell64(3) - get the current read/write position indicator for a file
libssh2_sftp_unlink(3) - convenience macro for libssh2_sftp_unlink_ex(3) calls
libssh2_sftp_unlink_ex(3) - unlink an SFTP file
libssh2_sftp_write(3) - write SFTP data
libssh2_trace(3)    - enable debug info from inside libssh2
libssh2_trace_sethandler(3) - set a trace output handler
libssh2_userauth_authenticated(3) - return authentication status
libssh2_userauth_hostbased_fromfile(3) - convenience macro for libssh2_userauth_hostbased_fromfile_ex(3) calls
libssh2_userauth_hostbased_fromfile_ex(3) - TODO
libssh2_userauth_keyboard_interactive(3) - convenience macro for libssh2_userauth_keyboard_interactive_ex(3) calls
libssh2_userauth_keyboard_interactive_ex(3) - authenticate a session using keyboard-interactive authentication
libssh2_userauth_list(3) - list supported authentication methods
libssh2_userauth_password(3) - convenience macro for libssh2_userauth_password_ex(3) calls
libssh2_userauth_password_ex(3) - authenticate a session with username and password
libssh2_userauth_publickey(3) - authenticate using a callback function
libssh2_userauth_publickey_fromfile(3) - convenience macro for libssh2_userauth_publickey_fromfile_ex(3) calls
libssh2_userauth_publickey_fromfile_ex(3) - authenticate a session with a public key, read from a file
libssh2_version(3)  - return the libssh2 version number
libsystem(3)        - run a Netpbm program with program input and output
libtiff(3tiff)      - introduction to libtiff, a library for reading and writing TIFF files
libtmpfile(3)       - create a temporary unnamed file
libtool(1)          - manual page for libtool 2.4
libtoolize(1)       - manual page for libtoolize 2.4
libxml(3)           - library used to parse XML files
libxslt(3)          - library used to do XSL transformations on XML documents
libzip(3)           - library for manipulating zip archives
licensecheck(1)     - simple license checker for source files
lighttpd(8)         - a fast, secure and flexible web server
lilymidi(1)         - manual page for lilymidi 2.14.1
lilypond(1)         - manual page for LilyPond 2.14.1
lilypond-book(1)    - manual page for lilypond-book 2.14.1
lilypond-invoke-editor(1) - manual page for lilypond-invoke-editor 2.14.1
lilysong(1)         - manual page for lilysong 2.14.1
lindex(n)           - Retrieve an element from a list
link(1)             - call the link function to create a link to a file
link_field(3x)      - create and destroy form fields
link_fieldtype(3x)  - define validation-field types
linklint(1)         - fast link checker and website maintenance tool
links(1)            - lynx-like alternative character mode WWW browser
linsert(n)          - Insert elements into a list
lispmtopgm(1)       - convert a Lisp Machine bitmap file to PGM
List(3o)            - List operations.
list_audio_tracks(1) - (unknown subject)
listbox(n)          - Create and manipulate listbox widgets
LISTEN(7)           - listen for a notification
listfdb(1)          - display the contents of a fdb format file
listjpeg(1)         - display the contents of a jpeg format file
ListLabels(3o)      - List operations.
listmp3(1)          - display the contents of a mp3 format file
list(n)             - Create a list
listres(1)          - list resources in widgets
List.Util(3pm)      - A selection of general-utility list subroutines
List.Util.XS(3pm)   - Indicate if List::Util was compiled with a C compiler
listxattr(2)        - list extended attribute names
lit(1)              - LLVM Integrated Tester
lj4_font(5)         - groff fonts for use with devlj4
lkbib(1)            - search bibliographic databases
llabs(3)            - (unknown subject)
llc(1)              - LLVM static compiler
lldiv(3)            - (unknown subject)
llength(n)          - Count the number of elements in a list
lli(1)              - directly execute programs from LLVM bitcode
llistxattr(2)       - list extended attribute names
llrint(3)           - (unknown subject)
llrintf(3)          - (unknown subject)
llround(3)          - (unknown subject)
llroundf(3)         - (unknown subject)
llvm-ar(1)          - LLVM archiver
llvm-as(1)          - LLVM assembler
llvm-bcanalyzer(1)  - LLVM bitcode analyzer
llvm-config(1)      - Print LLVM compilation options
llvm-cov(1)         - emit coverage information
llvm-diff(1)        - LLVM structural 'diff'
llvm-dis(1)         - LLVM disassembler
llvm-extract(1)     - extract a function from an LLVM module
llvm-ld(1)          - LLVM linker
llvm-link(1)        - LLVM linker
llvm-nm(1)          - list LLVM bitcode file's symbol table
llvm-prof(1)        - print execution profile of LLVM program
llvm-ranlib(1)      - Generate index for LLVM archive
llvm-stress(1)      - generate random .ll files
lm(3)               - (unknown subject)
lmove(1)            - move articles into /news/group/number directories
ln(1)               - make links between files
lndir(1)            - create a shadow directory of symbolic links to another directory tree
LOAD(7)             - load a shared library file
load(n)             - Load machine code and initialize new commands
loadTk(n)           - Load Tk into a safe interpreter.
local(1)            - bash built-in commands, see bash(1)
locale(1)           - (unknown subject)
locale(3pm)         - Perl pragma to use and avoid POSIX locales for built-in operations
Locale.Codes(3pm)   - a distribution of modules to handle locale codes
Locale.Codes.Changes(3pm) - details important changes after 2.07
Locale.Codes.Country(3pm) - country codes for the Locale::Country module
Locale.Codes.Currency(3pm) - currency codes for the Locale::Currency module
Locale.Codes.Language(3pm) - language codes for the Locale::Language module
Locale.Codes.Script(3pm) - script codes for the Locale::Script module
Locale.Constants(3pm) - constants for Locale codes
Locale.Country(3pm) - standard codes for country identification
Locale.Currency(3pm) - standard codes for currency identification
Locale.gettext(3pm) - message handling functions
Locale.Language(3pm) - standard codes for language identification
Locale.Maketext(3pm) - framework for localization
Locale.Maketext.Cookbook(3pm) - recipes for using Locale::Maketext
Locale.Maketext.Guts(3pm) - Deprecated module to load Locale::Maketext utf8 code
Locale.Maketext.GutsLoader(3pm) - Deprecated module to load Locale::Maketext utf8 code
Locale.Maketext.Simple(3pm) - Simple interface to Locale::Maketext::Lexicon
Locale.Maketext.TPJ13(3pm) - - article about software localization
Locale.Script(3pm)  - standard codes for script identification
local(n)            - create an object local to a procedure
localtime(3)        - (unknown subject)
locate(1)           - list files in databases that match a pattern
locatedb(5)         - front-compressed file name database
LOCK(7)             - lock a table
lockfile(1)         - conditional semaphore-file creator
log10(3)            - (unknown subject)
log10f(3)           - (unknown subject)
log1p(3)            - (unknown subject)
log1pf(3)           - (unknown subject)
log2(3)             - (unknown subject)
log2f(3)            - (unknown subject)
log(3)              - (unknown subject)
logb(3)             - (unknown subject)
logbf(3)            - (unknown subject)
log_db_daemon(8)    - Database logging daemon for Squid
logf(3)             - (unknown subject)
loggen(1)           - Generate syslog messages at a specified rate
logger(1)           - a shell command interface to the syslog(3) system log module
login(1)            - sign on
login.access(5)     - login access control table
logiweb(5)          - Logiweb file formats and protocols
logiweb(7)          - Logiweb protocol
Log.Message(3pm)    - A generic message storing mechanism;
Log.Message.Config(3pm) - Configuration options for Log::Message
Log.Message.Handlers(3pm) - Message handlers for Log::Message
Log.Message.Item(3pm) - Message objects for Log::Message
Log.Message.Simple(3pm) - Simplified interface to Log::Message
logname(1)          - print user's login name
logout(1)           - bash built-in commands, see bash(1)
logresolve2(8)      - Resolve IP-addresses to hostnames in Apache log files
logsave(8)          - save the output of a command in a logfile
logwatch(8)         - system log analyzer and reporter
logwatch.conf(5)    - logwatch configuration files
longdouble_functions(3) - (unknown subject)
longname(3x)        - curses environment query routines
look(1)             - display lines beginning with a given string
lookbib(1)          - search bibliographic databases
lower(n)            - Change a window's position in the stacking order
lpr(1)              - Spool files to a printer
lrange(n)           - Return one or more adjacent elements from a list
lremovexattr(2)     - remove an extended attribute
lrepeat(n)          - Build a list by repeating elements
lreplace(n)         - Replace elements in a list with new elements
lreverse(n)         - Reverse the order of a list
lrint(3)            - (unknown subject)
lrintf(3)           - (unknown subject)
lround(3)           - (unknown subject)
lroundf(3)          - (unknown subject)
ls(1)               - list directory contents
lsame(3)            - (unknown subject)
lsamen(3)           - (unknown subject)
lsamen.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
__lsametst.f__(3)   - (unknown subject)
lsametst.f(3)       - (unknown subject)
lsattr(1)           - list file attributes on a Linux second extended file system
lsdiff(1)           - show which files are modified by a patch
lsearch(n)          - See if a list contains a particular element
lset(n)             - Change an element in a list
lsetxattr(2)        - set an extended attribute value
lsort(n)            - Sort the elements of a list
lua(1)              - Lua interpreter
luac(1)             - Lua compiler
luaotfload-tool(1)  - generate and query the Luaotfload font names database
luatex(1)           - An extended version of pdfTeX using Lua as an embedded scripting language
luatools(1)         - (unknown subject)
luit(1)             - Locale and ISO 2022 support for Unicode terminals
lv(1)               - a Powerful Multilingual File Viewer / Grep
LWP(3pm)            - The World-Wide Web library for Perl
LWP.Authen.Ntlm(3pm) - Library for enabling NTLM authentication(Microsoft) in LWP
LWP.ConnCache(3pm)  - Connection cache manager
lwpcook(3pm)        - The libwww-perl cookbook
LWP.Debug(3pm)      - deprecated
lwp-download(1)     - Fetch large files from the web
lwp-dump(1)         - See what headers and content is returned for a URL
LWP.MediaTypes(3pm) - guess media type for a file or a URL
LWP.MemberMixin(3pm) - Member access mixin class
lwp-mirror(1)       - Simple mirror utility
LWP.Protocol(3pm)   - Base class for LWP protocols
lwp-request(1)      - Simple command line user agent
LWP.RobotUA(3pm)    - a class for well-behaved Web robots
LWP.Simple(3pm)     - simple procedural interface to LWP
lwptut(3pm)         - - An LWP Tutorial
LWP.UserAgent(3pm)  - Web user agent class
lwresd(8)           - lightweight resolver daemon
lynx(1)             - a general purpose distributed information browser for the World Wide Web
lyx(1)              - A Document Processor
lyxclient(1)        - send commands to a running LyX editor
lzcat(1)            - Compress or decompress .xz and .lzma files
lzcmp(1)            - compare compressed files
lzdiff(1)           - compare compressed files
lzegrep(1)          - search compressed files for a regular expression
lzfgrep(1)          - search compressed files for a regular expression
lzgrep(1)           - search compressed files for a regular expression
lzip(1)             - reduces the size of files
lziprecover(1)      - recovers data from damaged lzip files
lzless(1)           - view xz or lzma compressed(text) files
lzma(1)             - Compress or decompress .xz and .lzma files
lzmadec(1)          - Small .xz and .lzma decompressors
lzmainfo(1)         - show information stored in the .lzma file header
lzmore(1)           - view xz or lzma compressed(text) files
lzop(1)             - compress or expand files
m4(1)               - macro processor
mac2unix(1)         - DOS/Mac to Unix and vice versa text file format converter
macptopbm(1)        - convert a MacPaint file into a PBM image
mad(1)              - move/copy/append/link multiple files by wildcard patterns
mag(1)              - computes fontsizes and magsteps
magic(5)            - file command's magic pattern file
Magick-config(1)    - get information about the installed version of ImageMagick
Magick++-config(1)  - get information about the installed version of Magick++
MagickCore-config(1) - get information about the installed version of ImageMagick
MagickWand-config(1) - get information about the installed version of the Magick Wand
mailutil(1)         - mail utility program
mairix(1)           - index and search mail folders
mairixrc(5)         - configuration file for mairix(1)
make(1)             - GNU make utility to maintain groups of programs
makedepend(1)       - create dependencies in makefiles
makefdb(1)          - extract fdb files from a swf file
makeg(1)            - make a debuggable executable
makeindex(1)        - a general purpose, formatter-independent index processor
makeinfo(1)         - translate Texinfo documents
makepasswd(1)       - generate and/or encrypt passwords
makeself(1)         - An utility to generate self-extractable archives.
makeswf(1)          - actionscript compiler
makewhatis(8)       - Create the whatis database
mallinfo(3)         - (unknown subject)
malloc(3)           - (unknown subject)
__malloc_lock(3)    - (unknown subject)
man(1)              - format and display the on-line manual pages
man2html(1)         - format a manual page in html
man.conf(5)         - configuration data for man
manlint(1)          - program to report errors in man or mdoc pages
manpath(1)          - format and display the on-line manual pages
manweb(1)           - browse netpbm (and other) documentation
Map(3o)             - Association tables over ordered types.
Map.Make(3o)        - Functor building an implementation of the map structure given a totally ordered type.
Map.OrderedType(3o) - Input signature of the functor Map.Make.
Map.S(3o)           - Output signature of the functor Map.Make.
maradns(8)          - DNS server
mararc(5)           - Format of the mararc zone file that MaraDNS uses
marc(1)             - archive merger
mark(1)             - manipulate message sequences
Marshal(3o)         - Marshaling of data structures.
Math.BigFloat(3pm)  - Arbitrary size floating point math package
Math.BigInt(3pm)    - Arbitrary size integer/float math package
Math.BigInt.Calc(3pm) - Pure Perl module to support Math::BigInt
Math.BigInt.CalcEmu(3pm) - Emulate low-level math with BigInt code
Math.BigInt.FastCalc(3pm) - Math::BigInt::Calc with some XS for more speed
Math.BigRat(3pm)    - Arbitrary big rational numbers
Math.Complex(3pm)   - complex numbers and associated mathematical functions
matherr(3)          - (unknown subject)
mathfunc(n)         - Mathematical functions for Tcl expressions
matho(1)            - a computer algebra system with functions
matho_clear(3)      - Erase all equation spaces so they can be reused
matho_init(3)       - Initialize the Mathomatic symbolic math library
mathomatic(1)       - a computer algebra system
matho_parse(3)      - Process Mathomatic expression or equation input
mathop(n)           - Mathematical operators as Tcl commands
matho_process(3)    - Process Mathomatic command or expression input
Math.Trig(3pm)      - trigonometric functions
MaxCmapsOfScreen(3) - screen information functions and macros
mblen(3)            - (unknown subject)
mbox(5)             - Format for mail message storage.
mboxcheck(1)        - MBOX mail checking program.
mbsrtowcs(3)        - (unknown subject)
mbstowcs(3)         - (unknown subject)
mbtowc(3)           - (unknown subject)
mc(1)               - Visual shell for Unix-like systems.
mcedit(1)           - Internal file editor of GNU Midnight Commander.
mconnect(1)         - connect to the SMTP server on a host
mcookie(1)          - generate magic cookies for xauth
mcp(1)              - move/copy/append/link multiple files by wildcard patterns
mcpp(1)             - Matsui CPP, an alternative C preprocessor
mcprint(3x)         - ship binary data to printer
mcrypt(1)           - encrypt or decrypt files
mcrypt(3)           - encryption/decryption library
mcview(1)           - Internal file viewer of GNU Midnight Commander.
md2(1)              - message digests
MD2(3)              - MD2, MD4, and MD5 hash functions
MD2_Final(3)        - MD2, MD4, and MD5 hash functions
MD2_Init(3)         - MD2, MD4, and MD5 hash functions
MD2_Update(3)       - MD2, MD4, and MD5 hash functions
md4(1)              - message digests
MD4(3)              - MD2, MD4, and MD5 hash functions
MD4_Final(3)        - MD2, MD4, and MD5 hash functions
MD4_Init(3)         - MD2, MD4, and MD5 hash functions
MD4_Update(3)       - MD2, MD4, and MD5 hash functions
md5(1)              - message digests
md5(3)              - MD2, MD4, and MD5 hash functions
md5deep(1)          - Compute and compare MD5 message digests
MD5_Final(3)        - MD2, MD4, and MD5 hash functions
MD5_Init(3)         - MD2, MD4, and MD5 hash functions
md5sum(1)           - compute and check MD5 message digest
MD5_Update(3)       - MD2, MD4, and MD5 hash functions
mdatopbm(1)         - convert a Microdesign .mda or .mdp file into a PBM image
mdc2(1)             - message digests
mdc2(3)             - MDC2 hash function
MDC2_Final(3)       - MDC2 hash function
MDC2_Init(3)        - MDC2 hash function
MDC2_Update(3)      - MDC2 hash function
mech(5)             - "GSS-API Mechanism and QOP files"
memccpy(3)          - (unknown subject)
memchr(3)           - (unknown subject)
memcmp(3)           - (unknown subject)
memcpy(3)           - (unknown subject)
mem_d(3)            - AA-lib memory driver.
memmem(3)           - (unknown subject)
memmove(3)          - (unknown subject)
Memoize(3pm)        - Make functions faster by trading space for time
Memoize.AnyDBM_File(3pm) - glue to provide EXISTS for AnyDBM_File for Storable use
Memoize.Expire(3pm) - Plug-in module for automatic expiration of memoized values
Memoize.ExpireFile(3pm) - test for Memoize expiration semantics
Memoize.ExpireTest(3pm) - test for Memoize expiration semantics
Memoize.NDBM_File(3pm) - glue to provide EXISTS for NDBM_File for Storable use
Memoize.SDBM_File(3pm) - glue to provide EXISTS for SDBM_File for Storable use
Memoize.Storable(3pm) - store Memoized data in Storable database
memory(n)           - Control Tcl memory debugging capabilities
mempcpy(3)          - (unknown subject)
memset(3)           - (unknown subject)
menu(3x)            - curses extension for programming menus
menu_attributes(3x) - color and attribute control for menus
menu_back(3x)       - color and attribute control for menus
menubutton(n)       - Create and manipulate menubutton widgets
menu_cursor(3x)     - position a menu's cursor
menu_driver(3x)     - command-processing loop of the menu system
menu_fore(3x)       - color and attribute control for menus
menu_format(3x)     - set and get menu sizes
menu_grey(3x)       - color and attribute control for menus
menu_hook(3x)       - set hooks for automatic invocation by applications
menu_init(3x)       - set hooks for automatic invocation by applications
menu_items(3x)      - make and break connections between items and menus
menu_mark(3x)       - get and set the menu mark string
menu(n)             - Create and manipulate menu widgets
menu_new(3x)        - create and destroy menus
menu_opts(3x)       - set and get menu options
menu_opts_off(3x)   - set and get menu options
menu_opts_on(3x)    - set and get menu options
menu_pad(3x)        - color and attribute control for menus
menu_pattern(3x)    - get and set a menu's pattern buffer
MenuPopdown(3)      - unmap a pop-up
MenuPopup(3)        - map a pop-up
menu_post(3x)       - write or erase menus from associated subwindows
menu_request_by_name(3x) - handle printable menu request names
menu_request_name(3x) - handle printable menu request names
menu_requestname(3x) - handle printable menu request names
menu_spacing(3x)    - Control spacing between menu items.
menu_sub(3x)        - make and break menu window and subwindow associations
menu_term(3x)       - set hooks for automatic invocation by applications
menu_userptr(3x)    - associate application data with a menu item
menu_win(3x)        - make and break menu window and subwindow associations
merge(1)            - three-way file merge
mergelib(1)         - merge one library into another
mesg(1)             - control write access to your terminal
message(n)          - Create and manipulate message widgets
meta(3x)            - curses input options
Metabase.Client.Simple(3pm) - a client that submits to Metabase servers
Metabase.Fact(3pm)  - base class for Metabase Facts
Metabase.Fact.Hash(3pm) - fact subtype for simple hashes
Metabase.Fact.String(3pm) - fact subtype for simple strings
metabase-profile(1) - create a metabase profile
Metabase.Report(3pm) - a base class for collections of Metabase facts
Metabase.Resource(3pm) - factory class for Metabase resource descriptors
Metabase.Resource.cpan(3pm) - class for Metabase resources
Metabase.Resource.cpan.distfile(3pm) - class for Metabase resources
Metabase.Resource.metabase(3pm) - class for Metabase resources
Metabase.Resource.metabase.fact(3pm) - class for Metabase facts
Metabase.Resource.metabase.user(3pm) - class for Metabase user profiles
Metabase.Resource.perl(3pm) - class for Metabase resources under the perl scheme
Metabase.Resource.perl.commit(3pm) - class for Metabase resources about perl commits
Metabase.User.EmailAddress(3pm) - Metabase fact for user email address
Metabase.User.FullName(3pm) - Metabase fact for user full name
Metabase.User.Profile(3pm) - Metabase report class for user-related facts
Metabase.User.Secret(3pm) - Metabase fact for user shared authentication secret
metaflac(1)         - program to list, add, remove, or edit metadata in one or more FLAC files.
metalink_checksum_t(3) - The structure that holds a hash value of an entire resource.
metalink_chunk_checksum_t(3) - The structure that holds piece hashes for a resource.
metalink_delete(3)  - Free the allocated resources for metalink_t structure.
metalink_file_t(3)  - The structure that holds information of a single file.
metalink_parse_fd(3) - Parse Metalink file and create metalink_t object.
metalink_parse_file(3) - Parse Metalink file and create metalink_t object.
metalink_parse_final(3) - Parse Metalink file and create metalink_t object.
metalink_parse_fp(3) - Parse Metalink file and create metalink_t object.
metalink_parse_memory(3) - Parse Metalink file and create metalink_t object.
metalink_parser_context_delete(3) - Parse Metalink file and create metalink_t object.
metalink_parser_context_new(3) - Parse Metalink file and create metalink_t object.
metalink_parse_update(3) - Parse Metalink file and create metalink_t object.
metalink_piece_hash_t(3) - The structure that holds hash value of a piece.
metalink_resource_t(3) - The structure that holds an URL of a resource and its metadata.
metalink_t(3)       - Metalink top level structure.
mf(1)               - Metafont, a language for font and logo design
mf-nowin(1)         - Metafont, a language for font and logo design
mft(1)              - translate Metafont or MetaPost code to TeX code for prettyprinting
mgrtopbm(1)         - convert a MGR bitmap into a PBM image
mh-alias(5)         - alias file for nmh message system
mhash(3)            - Hash Library
mhbuild(1)          - translate MIME composition draft
mh-chart(7)         - Chart of nmh Commands
mh-draft(5)         - draft folder facility for nmh message system
mh-format(5)        - format file for nmh message system
mhl(1)              - produce formatted listings of nmh messages
mhlist(1)           - list information about MIME messages
mhmail(1)           - send or read mail
mh-mail(5)          - message format for nmh message system
mhn(1)              - display/list/store/cache MIME messages
mhparam(1)          - print nmh profile and context components
mhpath(1)           - print full pathnames of nmh messages and folders
mh_profile(5)       - user profile customization for nmh message handler
mh-profile(5)       - user profile customization for nmh message handler
mh-sequence(5)      - sequence specification for nmh message system
mhshow(1)           - display MIME messages
mhstore(1)          - store contents of MIME messages into files
mh-tailor(5)        - mail transport configuration for nmh message handler
mib2c(1)            - generate template code for extending the agent
mib2c.conf(5)       - (unknown subject)
mib2c-update(1)     - script to merge custom code into updated mib2c code
micro-httpd(8)      - really small HTTP server
midi2ly(1)          - manual page for midi2ly(LilyPond) 2.14.1
miff(4)             - Magick Image File Format
MIME.Base64(3pm)    - Encoding and decoding of base64 strings
mimedb(1)           - mimedb - lookup file information via the mime database
MIME.QuotedPrint(3pm) - Encoding and decoding of quoted-printable strings
MinCmapsOfScreen(3) - screen information functions and macros
mined(1)            - powerful text editor with extensive Unicode and CJK support
Ming_getScale(3)    - Get the global scaling factor
Ming_init(3)        - module-wide initialization.
Ming_setCubicThreshold(3) - Set the threshold used when approximating cubic quadratic shapes.
Ming_setErrorFunction(3) - Set the function that gets called when an error occurs within the library
Ming_setScale(3)    - Set the global scaling factor
Ming_setSWFCompression(3) - Set output compression level.
Ming_setWarnFunction(3) - Set the function that gets called when a warning occurs within the library
Ming_useSWFVersion(3) - set the version of SWF to produce on output
minmacs(1)          - powerful text editor with extensive Unicode and CJK support
mintty(1)           - Cygwin terminal emulator
mitem_current(3x)   - set and get current_menu_item
mitem_name(3x)      - get menu item name and description fields
mitem_new(3x)       - create and destroy menu items
mitem_opts(3x)      - set and get menu item options
mitem_userptr(3x)   - associate application data with a menu item
mitem_value(3x)     - set and get menu item values
mitem_visible(3x)   - check visibility of a menu item
mkbitmap(1)         - transform images into bitmaps with scaling and filtering
mk_cmds(1)          - error table compiler
mkcomposecache(8)   - create a cache file for a compose file explicitly
mkdir(1)            - make directories
mkdirhier(1)        - makes a directory hierarchy
mke2fs(8)           - create an ext2/ext3/ext4 filesystem
mke2fs.conf(5)      - Configuration file for mke2fs
mkfifo(1)           - make FIFOs (named pipes)
mkfontdir(1)        - create an index of X font files in a directory
mkfontscale(1)      - create an index of scalable font files for X
mkfs(8)             - build a Linux filesystem
mkfs.bfs(8)         - make an SCO bfs filesystem
mkfs.ext2(8)        - create an ext2/ext3/ext4 filesystem
mkfs.ext3(8)        - create an ext2/ext3/ext4 filesystem
mkfs.ext4(8)        - create an ext2/ext3/ext4 filesystem
mkfs.ext4dev(8)     - create an ext2/ext3/ext4 filesystem
mkfs.jffs2(1)       - Create a JFFS2 file system image from directory
mkfs.minix(8)       - make a Minix filesystem
mkgroup(1)          - (unknown subject)
mkhtmlindex(1)      - generate index files for HTML man pages
mkindex(1)          - script to process LaTeX index and glossary files
mkisofs(1)          - create ISO9660/Joliet/HFS filesystem with optional Rock Ridge attributes
mkjobtexmf(1)       - - Generate a texmf tree for a particular job
mklost+found(8)     - create a lost+found directory on a mounted Linux second extended file system
mknod(1)            - make block or character special files
mkocp(1)            - frontend to otp2ocp(1)
mkoctfile(1)        - Compile dynamic-load modules for GNU Octave
mkofm(1)            - front end to mktextfm(1)
mkpasswd(1)         - (unknown subject)
mksh(1)             - MirBSD Korn shell
mkshortcut(1)       - create a Windows shortcut
mkswap(8)           - set up a Linux swap area
mktemp(1)           - create a temporary file or directory
mktemp(3)           - (unknown subject)
mktexfmt(1)         - utility for maintaining TeX format files
mktexlsr(1)         - create ls-R databases
mktexmf(1)          - create a Metafont source file
mktexpk(1)          - create a PK file for a font
mktextfm(1)         - create a TFM file for a font
mktime(3)           - (unknown subject)
mkzftree(1)         - Create a zisofs/RockRidge compressed file tree
mln(1)              - move/copy/append/link multiple files by wildcard patterns
mmafm(1)            - creates AFM font metrics for multiple master fonts
mm-common-prepare(1) - Prepare a C++ binding module to use mm-common
mmdf(5)             - Multi-channel Memorandum Distribution Facility mailbox format
mmpfb(1)            - creates single-master fonts from multiple master fonts
mmroff(1)           - cross reference preprocessor
mmv(1)              - move/copy/append/link multiple files by wildcard patterns
mng(5)              - Multiple-image Network Graphics(MNG) format
modf(3)             - (unknown subject)
modff(3)            - (unknown subject)
Module.Build(3pm)   - Build and install Perl modules
Module.Build.API(3pm) - API Reference for Module Authors
Module.Build.Authoring(3pm) - Authoring Module::Build modules
Module.Build.Base(3pm) - Default methods for Module::Build
Module.Build.Bundling(3pm) - How to bundle Module::Build with a distribution
Module.Build.Compat(3pm) - Compatibility with ExtUtils::MakeMaker
Module.Build.ConfigData(3pm) - Configuration for Module::Build
Module.Build.Cookbook(3pm) - Examples of Module::Build Usage
Module.Build.ModuleInfo(3pm) - DEPRECATED
Module.Build.Notes(3pm) - Create persistent distribution configuration modules
Module.Build.Platform.aix(3pm) - Builder class for AIX platform
Module.Build.Platform.Amiga(3pm) - Builder class for Amiga platforms
Module.Build.Platform.cygwin(3pm) - Builder class for Cygwin platform
Module.Build.Platform.darwin(3pm) - Builder class for Mac OS X platform
Module.Build.Platform.Default(3pm) - Stub class for unknown platforms
Module.Build.Platform.EBCDIC(3pm) - Builder class for EBCDIC platforms
Module.Build.Platform.MacOS(3pm) - Builder class for MacOS platforms
Module.Build.Platform.MPEiX(3pm) - Builder class for MPEiX platforms
Module.Build.Platform.os2(3pm) - Builder class for OS/2 platform
Module.Build.Platform.RiscOS(3pm) - Builder class for RiscOS platforms
Module.Build.Platform.Unix(3pm) - Builder class for Unix platforms
Module.Build.Platform.VMS(3pm) - Builder class for VMS platforms
Module.Build.Platform.VOS(3pm) - Builder class for VOS platforms
Module.Build.Platform.Windows(3pm) - Builder class for Windows platforms
Module.Build.PPMMaker(3pm) - Perl Package Manager file creation
Module.Build.Version(3pm) - DEPRECATED
Module.Build.YAML(3pm) - DEPRECATED
Module.CoreList(3pm) - what modules shipped with versions of perl
Module.Load(3pm)    - runtime require of both modules and files
Module.Load.Conditional(3pm) - Looking up module information / loading at runtime
Module.Loaded(3pm)  - mark modules as loaded or unloaded
Module.Metadata(3pm) - Gather package and POD information from perl module files
Module.Pluggable(3pm) - automatically give your module the ability to have plugins
Module.Pluggable.Object(3pm) - automatically give your module the ability to have plugins
Module.ScanDeps(3pm) - Recursively scan Perl code for dependencies
Module.Signature(3pm) - Module signature file manipulation
moduli(5)           - Diffie-Hellman moduli
mogrify(1)          - resize an image, blur, crop, despeckle, dither, draw on, flip, join, re-sample, and much more. Mogrify overwrites the original image file, whereas...
montage(1)          - create a composite image by combining several separate images. The images are tiled on the composite image optionally adorned with a border, frame...
more(1)             - file perusal filter for crt viewing
MoreLabels(3o)      - Extra labeled libraries.
MoreLabels.Hashtbl(3o) - no description
MoreLabels.Hashtbl.HashedType(3o) - no description
MoreLabels.Hashtbl.Make(3o) - no description
MoreLabels.Hashtbl.MakeSeeded(3o) - no description
MoreLabels.Hashtbl.S(3o) - no description
MoreLabels.Hashtbl.SeededHashedType(3o) - no description
MoreLabels.Hashtbl.SeededS(3o) - no description
MoreLabels.Map(3o)  - no description
MoreLabels.Map.Make(3o) - no description
MoreLabels.Map.OrderedType(3o) - no description
MoreLabels.Map.S(3o) - no description
MoreLabels.Set(3o)  - no description
MoreLabels.Set.Make(3o) - no description
MoreLabels.Set.OrderedType(3o) - no description
MoreLabels.Set.S(3o) - no description
morph(3)            - WordNet morphological processor functions
morphy(7)           - discussion of WordNet's morphological processing
mosh(1)             - mobile shell with roaming and intelligent local echo
mosh-client(1)      - client-side helper for mosh
mosh-server(1)      - server-side helper for mosh
most(1)             - browse or page through a text file
mount(1)            - (unknown subject)
mountd(8)           - NFS mount daemon
mountpoint(1)       - see if a directory is a mountpoint
mouseinterval(3x)   - mouse interface through curses
mousemask(3x)       - mouse interface through curses
mouse_trafo(3x)     - mouse interface through curses
move(3x)            - move curses window cursor
MOVE(7)             - position a cursor
move_field(3x)      - make and break connections between fields and forms
move_panel(3x)      - panel stack extension for curses
MPI(3)              - General information Open MPI 1.7.4.
MPI_Abort(3)        - Terminates MPI execution environment.
MPI_Accumulate(3)   - Combines the contents of the origin buffer with that of a target buffer.
MPI_Add_error_class(3) - Creates a new error class and returns its value
MPI_Add_error_code(3) - Creates a new error code associated with errorclass
MPI_Add_error_string(3) - Associates a string with an error code or class
MPI_Address(3)      - Gets the address of a location in memory - use of this routine is deprecated.
MPI_Allgather(3)    - Gathers data from all processes and distributes it to all processes
MPI_Allgatherv(3)   - Gathers data from all processes and delivers it to all. Each process may contribute a different amount of data.
MPI_Alloc_mem(3)    - Allocates a specified memory segment.
MPI_Allreduce(3)    - Combines values from all processes and distributes the result back to all processes.
MPI_Alltoall(3)     - All processes send data to all processes
MPI_Alltoallv(3)    - All processes send different amount of data to, and receive different amount of data from, all processes
MPI_Alltoallw(3)    - All processes send data of different types to, and receive data of different types from, all processes
MPI_Attr_delete(3)  - Deletes attribute value associated with a key - use of this routine is deprecated.
MPI_Attr_get(3)     - Retrieves attribute value by key - use of this routine is deprecated.
MPI_Attr_put(3)     - Stores attribute value associated with a key - use of this routine is deprecated.
MPI_Barrier(3)      - Blocks until all processes have reached this routine.
MPI_Bcast(3)        - Broadcasts a message from the process with rank root to all other processes of the group.
MPI_Bsend(3)        - Basic send with user-specified buffering.
MPI_Bsend_init(3)   - Builds a handle for a buffered send.
MPI_Buffer_attach(3) - Attaches a user-defined buffer for sending.
MPI_Buffer_detach(3) - Removes an existing buffer (for use in MPI_Bsend, etc.)
mpic++(1)           - Open MPI C++ wrapper compiler
MPI_Cancel(3)       - Cancels a communication request.
MPI_Cart_coords(3)  - Determines process coords in Cartesian topology given rank in group.
MPI_Cart_create(3)  - Makes a new communicator to which Cartesian topology information has been attached.
MPI_Cartdim_get(3)  - Retrieves Cartesian topology information associated with a communicator.
MPI_Cart_get(3)     - Retrieves Cartesian topology information associated with a communicator.
MPI_Cart_map(3)     - Maps process to Cartesian topology information.
MPI_Cart_rank(3)    - Determines process rank in communicator given Cartesian location.
MPI_Cart_shift(3)   - Returns the shifted source and destination ranks, given a shift direction and amount.
MPI_Cart_sub(3)     - Partitions a communicator into subgroups, which form lower-dimensional Cartesian subgrids.
mpicc(1)            - Open MPI C wrapper compiler
MPI_Close_port(3)   - Releases the specified network address.
mpico(1)            - powerful text editor with extensive Unicode and CJK support
MPI_Comm_accept(3)  - Establishes communication with a client.
MPI_Comm_c2f(3)     - Translates a C handle into a Fortran handle, or vice versa.
MPI_Comm_call_errhandler(3) - Passes the supplied error code to the error handler assigned to a communicator
MPI_Comm_compare(3) - Compares two communicators.
MPI_Comm_connect(3) - Establishes communication with a server.
MPI_Comm_create(3)  - Creates a new communicator.
MPI_Comm_create_errhandler(3) - Creates an error handler that can be attached to communicators.
MPI_Comm_create_group(3) - Creates a new communicator.
MPI_Comm_create_keyval(3) - Generates a new attribute key.
MPI_Comm_delete_attr(3) - Deletes attribute value associated with a key.
MPI_Comm_disconnect(3) - Deallocates communicator object and sets handle to MPI_COMM_NULL.
MPI_Comm_dup(3)     - Duplicates an existing communicator with all its cached information.
MPI_Comm_dup_with_info(3) - Duplicates an existing communicator using provided info.
MPI_Comm_f2c(3)     - Translates a C handle into a Fortran handle, or vice versa.
MPI_Comm_free(3)    - Mark a communicator object for deallocation.
MPI_Comm_free_keyval(3) - Frees attribute key for communicator cache attribute.
MPI_Comm_get_attr(3) - Retrieves attribute value by key.
MPI_Comm_get_errhandler(3) - Retrieves error handler associated with a communicator.
MPI_Comm_get_name(3) - Returns the name that was most recently associated with a communicator.
MPI_Comm_get_parent(3) - Returns the parent intercommunicator of current spawned process.
MPI_Comm_group(3)   - Returns the group associated with a communicator.
MPI_Comm_idup(3)    - Start the nonblocking duplication of an existing communicator with all its cached information.
MPI_Comm_join(3)    - Establishes communication between MPI jobs
MPI_Comm_rank(3)    - Determines the rank of the calling process in the communicator.
MPI_Comm_remote_group(3) - Accesses the remote group associated with an intercommunicator.
MPI_Comm_remote_size(3) - Determines the size of the remote group associated with an intercommunicator.
MPI_Comm_set_attr(3) - Stores attribute value associated with a key.
MPI_Comm_set_errhandler(3) - Attaches a new error handler to a communicator.
MPI_Comm_set_name(3) - Associates a name with a communicator.
MPI_Comm_size(3)    - Returns the size of the group associated with a communicator.
MPI_Comm_spawn(3)   - Spawns a number of identical binaries.
MPI_Comm_spawn_multiple(3) - Spawns multiple binaries, or the same binary with multiple sets of arguments.
MPI_Comm_split(3)   - Creates new communicators based on colors and keys.
MPI_Comm_split_type(3) - Creates new communicators based on colors and keys.
MPI_Comm_test_inter(3) - Tests to see if a comm is an intercommunicator.
mpicxx(1)           - Open MPI C++ wrapper compiler
MPI_Dims_create(3)  - Creates a division of processors in a Cartesian grid.
MPI_Dist_graph_create(3) - Makes a new communicator to which topology information has been attached.
MPI_Dist_graph_create_adjacent(3) - Makes a new communicator to which topology information has been attached.
MPI_Dist_graph_neighbors(3) - Returns the neighbors of the calling process in a distributed graph topology.
MPI_Dist_graph_neighbors_count(3) - Returns the number of in and out edges for the calling processes in a distributed graph topology and a flag indicating whether the d...
MPI_Errhandler_create(3) - Creates an MPI-style error handler - use of this routine is deprecated.
MPI_Errhandler_free(3) - Frees an MPI-style error handler.
MPI_Errhandler_get(3) - Gets the error handler for a communicator - use of this routine is deprecated.
MPI_Errhandler_set(3) - Sets the error handler for a communicator - use of this routine is deprecated.
MPI_Error_class(3)  - Converts an error code into an error class.
MPI_Error_string(3) - Returns a string for a given error code.
mpiexec(1)          - Execute serial and parallel jobs in Open MPI.
MPI_Exscan(3)       - Computes an exclusive scan (partial reduction)
mpif77(1)           - Deprecated Open MPI Fortran wrapper compilers
mpif90(1)           - Deprecated Open MPI Fortran wrapper compilers
MPI_File_c2f(3)     - Translates a C handle into a Fortran handle, or vice versa.
MPI_File_call_errhandler(3) - Passes the supplied error code to the error handler assigned to a file
MPI_File_close(3)   - Closes a file(collective).
MPI_File_create_errhandler(3) - Creates an MPI-style error handler that can be attached to a file.
MPI_File_delete(3)  - Deletes a file.
MPI_File_f2c(3)     - Translates a C handle into a Fortran handle, or vice versa.
MPI_File_get_amode(3) - Returns access mode associated with an open file.
MPI_File_get_atomicity(3) - Returns current consistency semantics for data-access operations.
MPI_File_get_byte_offset(3) - Converts a view-relative offset into an absolute byte position.
MPI_File_get_errhandler(3) - Gets the error handler for a file.
MPI_File_get_group(3) - Returns a duplicate of the process group of a file.
MPI_File_get_info(3) - Returns a new info object containing values for current hints associated with a file.
MPI_File_get_position(3) - Returns the current position of the individual file pointer.
MPI_File_get_position_shared(3) - Returns the current position of the shared file pointer.
MPI_File_get_size(3) - Returns the current size of the file.
MPI_File_get_type_extent(3) - Returns the extent of the data type in a file.
MPI_File_get_view(3) - Returns the process's view of data in the file.
MPI_File_iread(3)   - Reads a file starting at the location specified by the individual file pointer (nonblocking, noncollective).
MPI_File_iread_at(3) - Reads a file at an explicitly specified offset (nonblocking, noncollective).
MPI_File_iread_shared(3) - Reads a file using the shared file pointer (nonblocking, noncollective).
MPI_File_iwrite(3)  - Writes a file starting at the location specified by the individual file pointer (nonblocking, noncollective).
MPI_File_iwrite_at(3) - Writes a file at an explicitly specified offset (nonblocking, noncollective).
MPI_File_iwrite_shared(3) - Writes a file using the shared file pointer (nonblocking, noncollective).
MPI_File_open(3)    - Opens a file(collective).
MPI_File_preallocate(3) - Preallocates a specified amount of storage space at the beginning of a file(collective).
MPI_File_read(3)    - Reads a file starting at the location specified by the individual file pointer (blocking, noncollective).
MPI_File_read_all(3) - Reads a file starting at the locations specified by individual file pointers (blocking, collective).
MPI_File_read_all_begin(3) - Reads a file starting at the locations specified by individual file pointers; beginning part of a split collective routine(nonblocking).
MPI_File_read_all_end(3) - Reads a file starting at the locations specified by individual file pointers; ending part of a split collective routine(blocking).
MPI_File_read_at(3) - Reads a file at an explicitly specified offset (blocking, noncollective).
MPI_File_read_at_all(3) - Reads a file at explicitly specified offsets (blocking, collective).
MPI_File_read_at_all_begin(3) - Reads a file at explicitly specified offsets; beginning part of a split collective routine(nonblocking).
MPI_File_read_at_all_end(3) - Reads a file at explicitly specified offsets; ending part of a split collective routine(blocking).
MPI_File_read_ordered(3) - Reads a file at a location specified by a shared file pointer (blocking, collective).
MPI_File_read_ordered_begin(3) - Reads a file at a location specified by a shared file pointer; beginning part of a split collective routine(nonblocking).
MPI_File_read_ordered_end(3) - Reads a file at a location specified by a shared file pointer; ending part of a split collective routine(blocking).
MPI_File_read_shared(3) - Reads a file using the shared file pointer (blocking, noncollective).
MPI_File_seek(3)    - Updates individual file pointers(noncollective).
MPI_File_seek_shared(3) - Updates the global shared file pointer(collective).
MPI_File_set_atomicity(3) - Sets consistency semantics for data-access operations(collective).
MPI_File_set_errhandler(3) - Sets the error handler for a file.
MPI_File_set_info(3) - Sets new values for hints(collective).
MPI_File_set_size(3) - Resizes a file(collective).
MPI_File_set_view(3) - Changes process's view of data in file(collective).
MPI_File_sync(3)    - Makes semantics consistent for data-access operations(collective).
MPI_File_write(3)   - Writes a file starting at the location specified by the individual file pointer (blocking, noncollective).
MPI_File_write_all(3) - Writes a file starting at the locations specified by individual file pointers (blocking, collective).
MPI_File_write_all_begin(3) - Writes a file starting at the locations specified by individual file pointers; beginning part of a split collective routine(nonblocking).
MPI_File_write_all_end(3) - Writes a file starting at the locations specified by individual file pointers; ending part of a split collective routine(blocking).
MPI_File_write_at(3) - Writes a file at an explicitly specified offset (blocking, noncollective).
MPI_File_write_at_all(3) - Writes a file at explicitly specified offsets (blocking, collective).
MPI_File_write_at_all_begin(3) - Writes a file at explicitly specified offsets; beginning part of a split collective routine(nonblocking).
MPI_File_write_at_all_end(3) - Writes a file at explicitly specified offsets; ending part of a split collective routine(blocking).
MPI_File_write_ordered(3) - Writes a file at a location specified by a shared file pointer (blocking, collective).
MPI_File_write_ordered_begin(3) - Writes a file at a location specified by a shared file pointer; beginning part of a split collective routine(nonblocking).
MPI_File_write_ordered_end(3) - Writes a file at a location specified by a shared file pointer; ending part of a split collective routine(blocking).
MPI_File_write_shared(3) - Writes a file using the shared file pointer (blocking, noncollective).
MPI_Finalize(3)     - Terminates MPI execution environment.
MPI_Finalized(3)    - Checks whether MPI_Finalize has completed.
mpifort(1)          - Open MPI Fortran wrapper compiler
MPI_Free_mem(3)     - Frees memory that has been allocated using MPI_Alloc_mem.
MPI_Gather(3)       - Gathers values from a group of processes.
MPI_Gatherv(3)      - Gathers varying amounts of data from all processes to the root process
MPI_Get(3)          - Copies data from the target memory to the origin.
MPI_Get_address(3)  - Gets the address of a location in memory.
MPI_Get_count(3)    - Gets the number of top-level elements received.
MPI_Get_elements(3) - Returns the number of basic elements in a data type.
MPI_Get_elements_x(3) - Returns the number of basic elements in a data type.
MPI_Get_library_version(3) - Returns a string of the current Open MPI version
MPI_Get_processor_name(3) - Gets the name of the processor.
MPI_Get_version(3)  - Returns the version of the standard corresponding to the current implementation.
MPI_Graph_create(3) - Makes a new communicator to which topology information has been attached.
MPI_Graphdims_get(3) - Retrieves graph topology information associated with a communicator.
MPI_Graph_get(3)    - Retrieves graph topology information associated with a communicator.
MPI_Graph_map(3)    - Maps process to graph topology information.
MPI_Graph_neighbors(3) - Returns the neighbors of a node associated with a graph topology.
MPI_Graph_neighbors_count(3) - Returns the number of neighbors of a node associated with a graph topology.
MPI_Grequest_complete(3) - Reports that a generalized request is complete.
MPI_Grequest_start(3) - Starts a generalized request and returns a handle to it in request.
MPI_Group_c2f(3)    - Translates a C handle into a Fortran handle, or vice versa.
MPI_Group_compare(3) - Compares two groups.
MPI_Group_difference(3) - Makes a group from the difference of two groups.
MPI_Group_excl(3)   - Produces a group by reordering an existing group and taking only unlisted members.
MPI_Group_f2c(3)    - Translates a C handle into a Fortran handle, or vice versa.
MPI_Group_free(3)   - Frees a group.
MPI_Group_incl(3)   - Produces a group by reordering an existing group and taking only listed members.
MPI_Group_intersection(3) - Produces a group at the intersection of two existing groups.
MPI_Group_range_excl(3) - Produces a group by excluding ranges of processes from an existing group.
MPI_Group_range_incl(3) - Creates a new group from ranges of ranks in an existing group.
MPI_Group_rank(3)   - Returns the rank of the calling process in the given group.
MPI_Group_size(3)   - Returns the size of a group.
MPI_Group_translate_ranks(3) - Translates the ranks of processes in one group to those in another group.
MPI_Group_union(3)  - Produces a group by combining two groups.
MPI_Iallgather(3)   - Gathers data from all processes and distributes it to all processes
MPI_Iallgatherv(3)  - Gathers data from all processes and delivers it to all. Each process may contribute a different amount of data.
MPI_Iallreduce(3)   - Combines values from all processes and distributes the result back to all processes.
MPI_Ialltoall(3)    - All processes send data to all processes
MPI_Ialltoallv(3)   - All processes send different amount of data to, and receive different amount of data from, all processes
MPI_Ialltoallw(3)   - All processes send data of different types to, and receive data of different types from, all processes
MPI_Ibcast(3)       - Broadcasts a message from the process with rank root to all other processes of the group.
MPI_Ibsend(3)       - Starts a nonblocking buffered send.
MPI_Iexscan(3)      - Computes an exclusive scan (partial reduction)
MPI_Igather(3)      - Gathers values from a group of processes.
MPI_Igatherv(3)     - Gathers varying amounts of data from all processes to the root process
MPI_Improbe(3)      - Non-blocking matched probe for a message.
MPI_Imrecv(3)       - Non-blocking receive for a matched message
MPI_Ineighbor_allgather(3) - Gathers and distributes data from and to all neighbors
MPI_Ineighbor_allgatherv(3) - Gathers and distributes data from and to all neighbors. Each process may contribute a different amount of data.
MPI_Ineighbor_alltoall(3) - All processes send data to neighboring processes in a virtual topology communicator
MPI_Ineighbor_alltoallv(3) - All processes send different amounts of data to, and receive different amounts of data from, all neighbors
MPI_Ineighbor_alltoallw(3) - All processes send data of different types to, and receive data of different types from, all processes
MPI_Info_c2f(3)     - Translates a C handle into a Fortran handle, or vice versa.
MPI_Info_create(3)  - Creates a new info object.
MPI_Info_delete(3)  - Deletes a key/value pair from info.
MPI_Info_dup(3)     - Duplicates an info object.
MPI_Info_env(3)     - Static MPI_Info object containing info about the application
MPI_Info_f2c(3)     - Translates a C handle into a Fortran handle, or vice versa.
MPI_Info_free(3)    - Frees an info object.
MPI_Info_get(3)     - Retrieves the value associated with a key in an info object.
MPI_Info_get_nkeys(3) - Gets the number of keys currently defined in an info object.
MPI_Info_get_nthkey(3) - Returns the nth defined key in info.
MPI_Info_get_valuelen(3) - Retrieves the length of the key value associated with an info object.
MPI_Info_set(3)     - Adds a key/value pair to info.
MPI_Init(3)         - Initializes the MPI execution environment
MPI_Initialized(3)  - Indicates whether MPI_Init has been called.
MPI_Init_thread(3)  - Initializes the MPI execution environment
MPI_Intercomm_create(3) - Creates an intercommunicator from two intracommunicators.
MPI_Intercomm_merge(3) - Creates an intracommunicator from an intercommunicator.
MPI_Iprobe(3)       - Nonblocking test for a message.
MPI_Irecv(3)        - Starts a standard-mode, nonblocking receive.
MPI_Ireduce(3)      - Reduces values on all processes within a group.
MPI_Ireduce_scatter(3) - Combines values and scatters the results.
MPI_Ireduce_scatter_block(3) - Combines values and scatters the results in blocks.
MPI_Irsend(3)       - Starts a ready-mode nonblocking send.
MPI_Iscan(3)        - Computes an inclusive scan (partial reduction)
MPI_Iscatter(3)     - Sends data from one task to all tasks in a group.
MPI_Iscatterv(3)    - Scatters a buffer in parts to all tasks in a group.
MPI_Isend(3)        - Starts a standard-mode, nonblocking send.
MPI_Issend(3)       - Starts a nonblocking synchronous send.
MPI_Is_thread_main(3) - Determines if thread called MPI_Init
MPI_Keyval_create(3) - Generates a new attribute key - use of this routine is deprecated.
MPI_Keyval_free(3)  - Frees attribute key for communicator cache attribute - use of this routine is deprecated.
MPI_Lookup_name(3)  - Finds port associated with a service name
MPI_Mprobe(3)       - Blocking matched probe for a message.
MPI_Mrecv(3)        - Blocking receive for a matched message
MPI_Neighbor_allgather(3) - Gathers and distributes data from and to all neighbors
MPI_Neighbor_allgatherv(3) - Gathers and distributes data from and to all neighbors. Each process may contribute a different amount of data.
MPI_Neighbor_alltoall(3) - All processes send data to neighboring processes in a virtual topology communicator
MPI_Neighbor_alltoallv(3) - All processes send different amounts of data to, and receive different amounts of data from, all neighbors
MPI_Neighbor_alltoallw(3) - All processes send data of different types to, and receive data of different types from, all processes
MPI_Op_c2f(3)       - Translates a C handle into a Fortran handle, or vice versa.
MPI_Op_create(3)    - Creates a user-defined combination function handle.
MPI_Open_port(3)    - Establishes a network address for a server to accept connections from clients.
MPI_Op_f2c(3)       - Translates a C handle into a Fortran handle, or vice versa.
MPI_Op_free(3)      - Frees a user-defined combination function handle.
MPI_Pack(3)         - Packs data of a given datatype into contiguous memory.
MPI_Pack_external(3) - Writes data to a portable format
MPI_Pack_external_size(3) - Calculates upper bound on space needed to write to a portable format
MPI_Pack_size(3)    - Returns the upper bound on the amount of space needed to pack a message.
MPI_Pcontrol(3)     - Controls profiling.
MPI_Probe(3)        - Blocking test for a message.
MPI_Publish_name(3) - Publishes a service name associated with a port
MPI_Put(3)          - Copies data from the origin memory to the target.
MPI_Query_thread(3) - Returns the current level of thread support
MPI_Recv(3)         - Performs a standard-mode blocking receive.
MPI_Recv_init(3)    - Builds a handle for a receive.
MPI_Reduce(3)       - Reduces values on all processes within a group.
MPI_Reduce_local(3) - Perform a local reduction
MPI_Reduce_scatter(3) - Combines values and scatters the results.
MPI_Reduce_scatter_block(3) - Combines values and scatters the results in blocks.
MPI_Register_datarep(3) - Defines data representation.
MPI_Request_c2f(3)  - Translates a C handle into a Fortran handle, or vice versa.
MPI_Request_f2c(3)  - Translates a C handle into a Fortran handle, or vice versa.
MPI_Request_free(3) - Frees a communication request object.
MPI_Request_get_status(3) - Access information associated with a request without freeing the request.
MPI_Rsend(3)        - Ready send.
MPI_Rsend_init(3)   - Builds a handle for a ready send.
mpirun(1)           - Execute serial and parallel jobs in Open MPI.
MPI_Scan(3)         - Computes an inclusive scan (partial reduction)
MPI_Scatter(3)      - Sends data from one task to all tasks in a group.
MPI_Scatterv(3)     - Scatters a buffer in parts to all tasks in a group.
MPI_Send(3)         - Performs a standard-mode blocking send.
MPI_Send_init(3)    - Builds a handle for a standard send.
MPI_Sendrecv(3)     - Sends and receives a message.
MPI_Sendrecv_replace(3) - Sends and receives a message using a single buffer.
MPI_Sizeof(3)       - Returns the size, in bytes, of the given type
MPI_Ssend(3)        - Standard synchronous send.
MPI_Ssend_init(3)   - Builds a handle for a synchronous send.
MPI_Start(3)        - Initiates a communication using a persistent request handle.
MPI_Startall(3)     - Starts a collection of requests.
MPI_Status_c2f(3)   - Translates a C status into a Fortran status, or vice versa.
MPI_Status_f2c(3)   - Translates a C status into a Fortran status, or vice versa.
MPI_Status_set_cancelled(3) - Sets status to indicate a request has been canceled.
MPI_Status_set_elements(3) - Modifies opaque part of status to allow MPI_Get_elements to return count.
MPI_Status_set_elements_x(3) - Modifies opaque part of status to allow MPI_Get_elements to return count.
MPI_Test(3)         - Tests for the completion of a specific send or receive.
MPI_Testall(3)      - Tests for the completion of all previously initiated communications in a list.
MPI_Testany(3)      - Tests for completion of any one previously initiated communication in a list.
MPI_Test_cancelled(3) - Tests whether a request was canceled.
MPI_Testsome(3)     - Tests for completion of one or more previously initiated communications in a list.
MPI_Topo_test(3)    - Determines the type of topology (if any) associated with a communicator.
MPI_Type_c2f(3)     - Translates a C handle into a Fortran handle, or vice versa.
MPI_Type_commit(3)  - Commits a data type.
MPI_Type_contiguous(3) - Creates a contiguous datatype.
MPI_Type_create_darray(3) - Creates a distributed array datatype;
MPI_Type_create_f90_complex(3) - Returns a bounded MPI complex datatype
MPI_Type_create_f90_integer(3) - Returns a bounded MPI integer datatype
MPI_Type_create_f90_real(3) - Returns a bounded MPI real datatype
MPI_Type_create_hindexed(3) - Creates an indexed datatype.
MPI_Type_create_hindexed_block(3) - Creates an indexed data type with the same block length for all blocks.
MPI_Type_create_hvector(3) - Creates a vector(strided) data type with offset in bytes.
MPI_Type_create_indexed_block(3) - Creates an indexed data type with the same block length for all blocks.
MPI_Type_create_keyval(3) - Generates a new attribute key for caching on data types.
MPI_Type_create_resized(3) - Returns a new data type with new extent and upper and lower bounds.
MPI_Type_create_struct(3) - Creates a structured data type.
MPI_Type_create_subarray(3) - Creates a data type describing an n-dimensional subarray of an n-dimensional array.
MPI_Type_delete_attr(3) - Deletes a datatype-caching attribute value associated with a key.
MPI_Type_dup(3)     - Duplicates a data type with associated key values.
MPI_Type_extent(3)  - Returns the extent of a data type, the difference between the upper and lower bounds of the data type - use of this routine is deprecated.
MPI_Type_f2c(3)     - Translates a C handle into a Fortran handle, or vice versa.
MPI_Type_free(3)    - Frees a data type.
MPI_Type_free_keyval(3) - Frees a previously created type key value.
MPI_Type_get_attr(3) - Returns the attribute associated with a data type.
MPI_Type_get_contents(3) - Returns information about arguments used in creation of a data type.
MPI_Type_get_envelope(3) - Returns information about input arguments associated with a data type.
MPI_Type_get_extent(3) - Returns the lower bound and extent of a data type.
MPI_Type_get_extent_x(3) - Returns the lower bound and extent of a data type.
MPI_Type_get_name(3) - Gets the name of a data type.
MPI_Type_get_true_extent(3) - Returns the true lower bound and extent of a data type's corresponding typemap, ignoring MPI_UB and MPI_LB markers.
MPI_Type_get_true_extent_x(3) - Returns the true lower bound and extent of a data type's corresponding typemap, ignoring MPI_UB and MPI_LB markers.
MPI_Type_hindexed(3) - Creates an indexed datatype with offsets in bytes - use of this routine is deprecated.
MPI_Type_hvector(3) - Creates a vector(strided) datatype with offset in bytes - use of this routine is deprecated.
MPI_Type_indexed(3) - Creates an indexed datatype.
MPI_Type_lb(3)      - Returns the lower bound of a data type - use of this routine is deprecated.
MPI_Type_match_size(3) - Returns an MPI datatype of a given type and size
MPI_Type_set_attr(3) - Sets a key value/attribute pair to a data type.
MPI_Type_set_name(3) - Sets the name of a data type.
MPI_Type_size(3)    - Returns the number of bytes occupied by entries in a data type.
MPI_Type_size_x(3)  - Returns the number of bytes occupied by entries in a data type.
MPI_Type_struct(3)  - Creates a struct data type - use of this routine is deprecated.
MPI_Type_ub(3)      - Returns the upper bound of a datatype - use of this routine is deprecated.
MPI_Type_vector(3)  - Creates a vector(strided) datatype.
MPI_Unpack(3)       - Unpacks a datatype into contiguous memory.
MPI_Unpack_external(3) - Reads data from a portable format
MPI_Unpublish_name(3) - Unpublishes a service name
MPI_Wait(3)         - Waits for an MPI send or receive to complete.
MPI_Waitall(3)      - Waits for all given communications to complete.
MPI_Waitany(3)      - Waits for any specified send or receive to complete.
MPI_Waitsome(3)     - Waits for some given communications to complete.
MPI_Win_c2f(3)      - Translates a C handle into a Fortran handle, or vice versa.
MPI_Win_call_errhandler(3) - Passes the supplied error code to the error handler assigned to a window
MPI_Win_complete(3) - Completes an RMA access epoch on win started by a call to MPI_Win_start
MPI_Win_create(3)   - One-sided MPI call that returns a window object for RMA operations.
MPI_Win_create_errhandler(3) - Creates an error handler for a window.
MPI_Win_create_keyval(3) - Creates a keyval for a window.
MPI_Win_delete_attr(3) - Deletes an attribute from a window.
MPI_Win_f2c(3)      - Translates a C handle into a Fortran handle, or vice versa.
MPI_Win_fence(3)    - Synchronizes RMA calls on a window.
MPI_Win_free(3)     - Frees the window object and returns a null handle.
MPI_Win_free_keyval(3) - Frees a window keyval.
MPI_Win_get_attr(3) - Obtains the value of a window attribute.
MPI_Win_get_errhandler(3) - Retrieves the error handler currently associated with a window.
MPI_Win_get_group(3) - Returns a duplicate of the group of the communicator used to create the window.
MPI_Win_get_name(3) - Obtains the name of a window.
MPI_Win_lock(3)     - Starts an RMA access epoch locking access to a particular rank.
MPI_Win_post(3)     - Starts an RMA exposure epoch for the local window associated with win
MPI_Win_set_attr(3) - Sets the value of a window attribute.
MPI_Win_set_errhandler(3) - Attaches a new error handler to a window.
MPI_Win_set_name(3) - Sets the name of a window.
MPI_Win_start(3)    - Starts an RMA access epoch for win
MPI_Win_test(3)     - Attempts to complete an RMA exposure epoch; a nonblocking version of MPI_Win_wait
MPI_Win_unlock(3)   - Completes an RMA access epoch started by a call to MPI_Win_lock.
MPI_Win_wait(3)     - Completes an RMA exposure epoch started by a call to MPI_Win_post on win
MPI_Wtick(3)        - Returns the resolution of MPI_Wtime.
MPI_Wtime(3)        - Returns an elapsed time on the calling processor.
mpost(1)            - MetaPost, a system for creating graphics
mptopdf(1)          - (unknown subject)
mrf(1)              - monochrome recursive format (compressed bitmaps)
mrftopbm(1)         - convert an MRF image to PBM format
MrmCloseHierarchy(3) - Closes a UID hierarchy
MrmFetchBitmapLiteral(3) - Fetches a bitmap literal from a hierarchy
MrmFetchColorLiteral(3) - Fetches a named color literal from a UID file
MrmFetchIconLiteral(3) - Fetches an icon literal from a hierarchy
MrmFetchLiteral(3)  - Fetches a literal from a UID file
MrmFetchSetValues(3) - Fetches the values to be set from literals stored in UID files
MrmFetchWidget(3)   - Fetches and creates an indexed (UIL named) application widget and its children
MrmFetchWidgetOverride(3) - Fetches any indexed (UIL named) application widget. It overrides the arguments specified for this application widget in UIL
MrmInitialize(3)    - Prepares an application to use MRM widget-fetching facilities
MrmOpenHierarchy(3) - Allocates a hierarchy ID and opens all the UID files in the hierarchy
MrmOpenHierarchyFromBuffer(3) - Allocates a hierarchy ID and opens a buffer containing a memory image of a UID file
MrmOpenHierarchyPerDisplay(3) - Allocates a hierarchy ID and opens all the UID files in the hierarchy
MrmRegisterClass(3) - Saves the information needed for MRM to access the widget creation function for user-defined widgets
MrmRegisterNames(3) - Registers the values associated with the names referenced in UIL (for example, UIL callback function names or UIL identifier names)
MrmRegisterNamesInHierarchy(3) - Registers the values associated with the names referenced in UIL within a single hierarchy (for example, UIL callback function names or...
mro(3pm)            - Method Resolution Order
mscgen(1)           - Message Sequence Chart Renderer
msgattrib(1)        - attribute matching and manipulation on message catalog
msgcat(1)           - combines several message catalogs
msgcat(n)           - Tcl message catalog
msgchk(1)           - check for messages
msgcmp(1)           - compare message catalog and template
msgcomm(1)          - match two message catalogs
msgconv(1)          - character set conversion for message catalog
msgen(1)            - create English message catalog
msgexec(1)          - process translations of message catalog
msgfilter(1)        - edit translations of message catalog
msgfmt(1)           - compile message catalog to binary format
msggrep(1)          - pattern matching on message catalog
msginit(1)          - initialize a message catalog
msgmerge(1)         - merge message catalog and template
msgunfmt(1)         - uncompile message catalog from binary format
msguniq(1)          - unify duplicate translations in message catalog
msh(1)              - nmh shell (and BBoard reader)
msmtp(1)            - An SMTP client
msql2mysql(1)       - convert mSQL programs for use with MySQL
msta(1)             - syntax description translator
mstar(1)            - powerful text editor with extensive Unicode and CJK support
mt(1)               - control magnetic tape drive operation
mtn(1)              - a distributed version control system
mtn-cleanup(1)      - generate shell variables from monotone workspace options
mtnopt(1)           - generate shell variables from monotone workspace options
mtree(5)            - format of mtree dir hierarchy files
mts.conf(5)         - mail transport configuration for nmh message handler
mtvtoppm(1)         - convert output from an MTV or PRT ray tracer into a PPM
m-tx(1)             - This script processes mtx files then deletes intermediate files
mtx-babel(1)        - (unknown subject)
mtx-base(1)         - (unknown subject)
mtx-cache(1)        - (unknown subject)
mtx-chars(1)        - (unknown subject)
mtx-check(1)        - (unknown subject)
mtx-colors(1)       - (unknown subject)
mtx-context(1)      - (unknown subject)
mtx-epub(1)         - (unknown subject)
mtx-fcd(1)          - (unknown subject)
mtx-flac(1)         - (unknown subject)
mtx-fonts(1)        - (unknown subject)
mtx-grep(1)         - (unknown subject)
mtx-interface(1)    - (unknown subject)
mtx-metapost(1)     - (unknown subject)
mtx-metatex(1)      - (unknown subject)
mtx-modules(1)      - (unknown subject)
mtx-package(1)      - (unknown subject)
mtx-patterns(1)     - (unknown subject)
mtx-pdf(1)          - (unknown subject)
mtx-profile(1)      - (unknown subject)
mtx-rsync(1)        - (unknown subject)
mtxrun(1)           - (unknown subject)
mtx-scite(1)        - (unknown subject)
mtx-server(1)       - (unknown subject)
mtx-texworks(1)     - (unknown subject)
mtx-timing(1)       - (unknown subject)
mtx-tools(1)        - (unknown subject)
mtx-unzip(1)        - (unknown subject)
mtx-update(1)       - (unknown subject)
mtx-watch(1)        - (unknown subject)
multidelta(1)       - heuristic minimizer of interesting files
multitail(1)        - browse through several files at once
musicxml2ly(1)      - manual page for musicxml2ly(LilyPond) 2.14.1
musixflx(1)         - process mx1 files (the second pass of 3-pass MusiXTeX typesetting)
musixtex(1)         - processes MusiXTeX files, deleting intermediate files
mutt(1)             - The Mutt Mail User Agent
muttbug(1)          - Report a bug (or rather a flea) in mutt.
muttrc(5)           - Configuration file for the Mutt Mail User Agent
mv(1)               - move(rename) files
mvaddch(3x)         - add a character (with attributes) to a curses window, then advance the cursor
mvaddchnstr(3x)     - add a string of characters (and attributes) to a curses window
mvaddchstr(3x)      - add a string of characters (and attributes) to a curses window
mvaddnstr(3x)       - add a string of characters to a curses window and advance cursor
mvaddnwstr(3x)      - add a string of wide characters to a curses window and advance cursor
mvaddstr(3x)        - add a string of characters to a curses window and advance cursor
mvadd_wch(3x)       - add a complex character and rendition to a curses window, then advance the cursor
mvadd_wchnstr(3x)   - add an array of complex characters (and attributes) to a curses window
mvadd_wchstr(3x)    - add an array of complex characters (and attributes) to a curses window
mvaddwstr(3x)       - add a string of wide characters to a curses window and advance cursor
mvchgat(3x)         - curses character and window attribute control routines
mvcur(3x)           - curses interfaces to terminfo database
mvdelch(3x)         - delete character under the cursor in a curses window
mvderwin(3x)        - create curses windows
mvgetch(3x)         - get (or push back) characters from curses terminal keyboard
mvgetnstr(3x)       - accept character strings from curses terminal keyboard
mvgetn_wstr(3x)     - get an array of wide characters from a curses terminal keyboard
mvgetstr(3x)        - accept character strings from curses terminal keyboard
mvget_wch(3x)       - get (or push back) a wide character from curses terminal keyboard
mvget_wstr(3x)      - get an array of wide characters from a curses terminal keyboard
mvhline(3x)         - create curses borders, horizontal and vertical lines
mvhline_set(3x)     - create curses borders or lines using complex characters and renditions
mvinch(3x)          - get a character and attributes from a curses window
mvinchnstr(3x)      - get a string of characters (and attributes) from a curses window
mvinchstr(3x)       - get a string of characters (and attributes) from a curses window
mvinnstr(3x)        - get a string of characters from a curses window
mvinnwstr(3x)       - get a string of wchar_t characters from a curses window
mvinsch(3x)         - insert a character before cursor in a curses window
mvinsnstr(3x)       - insert string before cursor in a curses window
mvins_nwstr(3x)     - insert a wide-character string into a curses window
mvinsstr(3x)        - insert string before cursor in a curses window
mvinstr(3x)         - get a string of characters from a curses window
mvins_wch(3x)       - insert a complex character and rendition into a window
mvins_wstr(3x)      - insert a wide-character string into a curses window
mvin_wch(3x)        - extract a complex character and rendition from a window
mvin_wchnstr(3x)    - get an array of complex characters and renditions from a curses window
mvin_wchstr(3x)     - get an array of complex characters and renditions from a curses window
mvinwstr(3x)        - get a string of wchar_t characters from a curses window
mvprintw(3x)        - print formatted output in curses windows
mvscanw(3x)         - convert formatted input from a curses window
mvvline(3x)         - create curses borders, horizontal and vertical lines
mvvline_set(3x)     - create curses borders or lines using complex characters and renditions
mvwaddch(3x)        - add a character (with attributes) to a curses window, then advance the cursor
mvwaddchnstr(3x)    - add a string of characters (and attributes) to a curses window
mvwaddchstr(3x)     - add a string of characters (and attributes) to a curses window
mvwaddnstr(3x)      - add a string of characters to a curses window and advance cursor
mvwaddnwstr(3x)     - add a string of wide characters to a curses window and advance cursor
mvwaddstr(3x)       - add a string of characters to a curses window and advance cursor
mvwadd_wch(3x)      - add a complex character and rendition to a curses window, then advance the cursor
mvwadd_wchnstr(3x)  - add an array of complex characters (and attributes) to a curses window
mvwadd_wchstr(3x)   - add an array of complex characters (and attributes) to a curses window
mvwaddwstr(3x)      - add a string of wide characters to a curses window and advance cursor
mvwchgat(3x)        - curses character and window attribute control routines
mvwdelch(3x)        - delete character under the cursor in a curses window
mvwgetch(3x)        - get (or push back) characters from curses terminal keyboard
mvwgetnstr(3x)      - accept character strings from curses terminal keyboard
mvwgetn_wstr(3x)    - get an array of wide characters from a curses terminal keyboard
mvwgetstr(3x)       - accept character strings from curses terminal keyboard
mvwget_wch(3x)      - get (or push back) a wide character from curses terminal keyboard
mvwget_wstr(3x)     - get an array of wide characters from a curses terminal keyboard
mvwhline(3x)        - create curses borders, horizontal and vertical lines
mvwhline_set(3x)    - create curses borders or lines using complex characters and renditions
mvwin(3x)           - create curses windows
mvwinch(3x)         - get a character and attributes from a curses window
mvwinchnstr(3x)     - get a string of characters (and attributes) from a curses window
mvwinchstr(3x)      - get a string of characters (and attributes) from a curses window
mvwinnstr(3x)       - get a string of characters from a curses window
mvwinnwstr(3x)      - get a string of wchar_t characters from a curses window
mvwinsch(3x)        - insert a character before cursor in a curses window
mvwinsnstr(3x)      - insert string before cursor in a curses window
mvwins_nwstr(3x)    - insert a wide-character string into a curses window
mvwinsstr(3x)       - insert string before cursor in a curses window
mvwinstr(3x)        - get a string of characters from a curses window
mvwins_wch(3x)      - insert a complex character and rendition into a window
mvwins_wstr(3x)     - insert a wide-character string into a curses window
mvwin_wch(3x)       - extract a complex character and rendition from a window
mvwin_wchnstr(3x)   - get an array of complex characters and renditions from a curses window
mvwin_wchstr(3x)    - get an array of complex characters and renditions from a curses window
mvwinwstr(3x)       - get a string of wchar_t characters from a curses window
mvwprintw(3x)       - print formatted output in curses windows
mvwscanw(3x)        - convert formatted input from a curses window
mvwvline(3x)        - create curses borders, horizontal and vertical lines
mvwvline_set(3x)    - create curses borders or lines using complex characters and renditions
mwm(1)              - The Motif Window Manager
mwmrc(4)            - the Motif Window Manager Resource Description File
myisamchk(1)        - MyISAM table-maintenance utility
myisam_ftdump(1)    - display full-text index information
myisamlog(1)        - display MyISAM log file contents
myisampack(1)       - generate compressed, read-only MyISAM tables
my_print_defaults(1) - display options from option files
mysql(1)            - the MySQL command-line tool
mysqlaccess(1)      - client for checking access privileges
mysqladmin(1)       - client for administering a MySQL server
mysqlbinlog(1)      - utility for processing binary log files
mysqlbug(1)         - generate bug report
mysqlcheck(1)       - a table maintenance program
mysql_client_test(1) - test client API
mysql_config(1)     - display options for compiling clients
mysql_convert_table_format(1) - convert tables to use a given storage engine
mysqld(8)           - the MySQL server
mysqld_multi(1)     - manage multiple MySQL servers
mysqld_safe(1)      - MySQL server startup script
mysqldump(1)        - a database backup program
mysqldumpslow(1)    - Summarize slow query log files
mysql_find_rows(1)  - extract SQL statements from files
mysql_fix_extensions(1) - normalize table file name extensions
mysqlhotcopy(1)     - a database backup program
mysqlimport(1)      - a data import program
mysql_install_db(1) - initialize MySQL data directory
mysqlman(1)         - default man page for mysql
mysql_plugin(1)     - configure MySQL server plugins
mysql_secure_installation(1) - improve MySQL installation security
mysql.server(1)     - MySQL server startup script
mysql_setpermission(1) - interactively set permissions in grant tables
mysqlshow(1)        - display database, table, and column information
mysqlslap(1)        - load emulation client - server stress test program
mysqltest(1)        - program to run test cases - run MySQL test suite
mysql_tzinfo_to_sql(1) - load the time zone tables
mysql_upgrade(1)    - check and upgrade MySQL tables
mysql_waitpid(1)    - kill process and wait for its termination
mysql_zap(1)        - kill processes that match a pattern
mysub(3)            - (unknown subject)
nad2nad(1)          - North American Datum conversion filter
naim(1)             - console mode chat client
named(8)            - Internet domain name server
named-checkconf(8)  - named configuration file syntax checking tool
named-checkzone(8)  - zone file validity checking or converting tool
named-compilezone(8) - zone file validity checking or converting tool
named.conf(5)       - configuration file for named
named-journalprint(8) - print zone journal in human-readable form
namei(1)            - follow a pathname until a terminal point is found
namespace(n)        - create and manipulate contexts for commands and variables
nan(3)              - (unknown subject)
nanf(3)             - (unknown subject)
nano(1)             - Nano's ANOther editor, an enhanced free Pico clone
nanorc(5)           - GNU nano's rcfile
napms(3x)           - low-level curses routines
nas(1)              - (unknown subject)
nasd(1)             - Network Audio System server
nasd.conf(5)        - Configuration file for NAS servers.
nasm(1)             - the Netwide Assembler, a portable 80x86 assembler
Nativeint(3o)       - Processor-native integers.
nc(1)               - arbitrary TCP and UDP connections and listens
nc6(1)              - network swiss army knife
nccopy(1)           - Copy a netCDF file to specified variant of netCDF format, optionally compressing or chunking data in the output copy.
ncdu(1)             - NCurses Disk Usage
ncdump(1)           - Convert netCDF file to text form(CDL)
_nc_freeall(3x)     - curses memory-leak checking
_nc_free_and_exit(3x) - curses memory-leak checking
ncftp(1)            - Browser program for the File Transfer Protocol
ncftpbatch(1)       - Individual batch FTP job processor
ncftpget(1)         - Internet file transfer program for scripts
ncftpls(1)          - Internet file transfer program for scripts
ncftpput(1)         - Internet file transfer program for scripts
ncftpspooler(1)     - Global batch FTP job processor daemon
ncgen(1)            - From a CDL file generate a netCDF-3 file, a netCDF-4 file or a C program
ncgen3(1)           - From a CDL file generate a netCDF classic or 64 bit classicfile, a C program, or a Fortran program
_nc_tracebits(3x)   - curses debugging routines
ncurses(3x)         - CRT screen handling and optimization package
NDBM_File(3pm)      - Tied access to ndbm files
ndisasm(1)          - the Netwide Disassembler, an 80x86 binary file disassembler
ne_addr_destroy(3)  - functions to resolve hostnames to addresses
ne_add_request_header(3) - add headers to a request
ne_addr_error(3)    - functions to resolve hostnames to addresses
ne_addr_first(3)    - functions to resolve hostnames to addresses
ne_addr_next(3)     - functions to resolve hostnames to addresses
ne_addr_resolve(3)  - functions to resolve hostnames to addresses
ne_addr_result(3)   - functions to resolve hostnames to addresses
nearbyint(3)        - (unknown subject)
nearbyintf(3)       - (unknown subject)
ne_buffer(3)        - string buffer handling
ne_buffer_altered(3) - clear, grow, or mark as altered a string buffer
ne_buffer_append(3) - append data to a string buffer
ne_buffer_clear(3)  - clear, grow, or mark as altered a string buffer
ne_buffer_concat(3) - append data to a string buffer
ne_buffer_create(3) - create a string buffer
ne_buffer_destroy(3) - destroy a buffer object
ne_buffer_finish(3) - destroy a buffer object
ne_buffer_grow(3)   - clear, grow, or mark as altered a string buffer
ne_buffer_ncreate(3) - create a string buffer
ne_buffer_zappend(3) - append data to a string buffer
ne_calloc(3)        - memory allocation wrappers
ne_close_connection(3) - set up HTTP sessions
nedit(1)            - Text Editor
nedit-nc(1)         - Client program for NEdit text editor
ne_forget_auth(3)   - register authentication callbacks
ne_get_error(3)     - error handling for HTTP sessions
ne_get_request_flag(3) - set and retrieve per-request flags
ne_get_response_header(3) - functions to access response headers
ne_get_scheme(3)    - common properties for HTTP sessions
ne_get_server_hostport(3) - common properties for HTTP sessions
ne_get_session_flag(3) - set and retrieve session flags
ne_get_status(3)    - retrieve HTTP response status for request
ne_has_support(3)   - determine feature support status
ne_i18n_init(3)     - functions to initialize internationalization support
ne_iaddr_cmp(3)     - functions to manipulate network addresses
ne_iaddr_free(3)    - functions to manipulate network addresses
ne_iaddr_make(3)    - functions to manipulate network addresses
ne_iaddr_parse(3)   - functions to manipulate network addresses
ne_iaddr_print(3)   - functions to manipulate network addresses
ne_iaddr_raw(3)     - functions to manipulate network addresses
ne_iaddr_reverse(3) - functions to manipulate network addresses
ne_iaddr_typeof(3)  - functions to manipulate network addresses
ne_malloc(3)        - memory allocation wrappers
neon(3)             - HTTP and WebDAV client library
neon-config(1)      - script providing information about installed copy of neon library
ne_oom_callback(3)  - memory allocation wrappers
neotoppm(1)         - convert an Atari Neochrome .neo into a PPM image
ne_print_request_header(3) - add headers to a request
neqn(1)             - format equations for ascii output
ne_qtoken(3)        - string tokenizers
ne_realloc(3)       - memory allocation wrappers
ne_request_create(3) - low-level HTTP request handling
ne_request_destroy(3) - low-level HTTP request handling
ne_request_dispatch(3) - low-level HTTP request handling
ne_response_header_iterate(3) - functions to access response headers
ne_session_create(3) - set up HTTP sessions
ne_session_destroy(3) - set up HTTP sessions
ne_session_proxy(3) - set up HTTP sessions
ne_set_connect_timeout(3) - common properties for HTTP sessions
ne_set_error(3)     - error handling for HTTP sessions
ne_set_proxy_auth(3) - register authentication callbacks
ne_set_read_timeout(3) - common properties for HTTP sessions
ne_set_request_body_buffer(3) - include a message body with a request
ne_set_request_body_fd(3) - include a message body with a request
ne_set_request_body_fd64(3) - include a message body with a request
ne_set_request_flag(3) - set and retrieve per-request flags
ne_set_server_auth(3) - register authentication callbacks
ne_set_session_flag(3) - set and retrieve session flags
ne_set_useragent(3) - common properties for HTTP sessions
ne_shave(3)         - trim whitespace from a string
ne_sock_exit(3)     - perform library initialization
ne_sock_init(3)     - perform library initialization
ne_ssl_cert_cmp(3)  - functions to operate on certificate objects
ne_ssl_cert_export(3) - functions to read or write certificates to and from files or strings
ne_ssl_cert_free(3) - functions to operate on certificate objects
ne_ssl_cert_identity(3) - functions to access certificate properties
ne_ssl_cert_import(3) - functions to read or write certificates to and from files or strings
ne_ssl_cert_issuer(3) - functions to access certificate properties
ne_ssl_cert_read(3) - functions to read or write certificates to and from files or strings
ne_ssl_cert_signedby(3) - functions to access certificate properties
ne_ssl_cert_subject(3) - functions to access certificate properties
ne_ssl_cert_write(3) - functions to read or write certificates to and from files or strings
ne_ssl_clicert_decrypt(3) - SSL client certificate handling
ne_ssl_clicert_encrypted(3) - SSL client certificate handling
ne_ssl_clicert_free(3) - SSL client certificate handling
ne_ssl_clicert_name(3) - SSL client certificate handling
ne_ssl_clicert_owner(3) - SSL client certificate handling
ne_ssl_clicert_read(3) - SSL client certificate handling
ne_ssl_dname_cmp(3) - SSL distinguished name handling
ne_ssl_readable_dname(3) - SSL distinguished name handling
ne_ssl_set_verify(3) - register an SSL certificate verification callback
ne_ssl_trust_cert(3) - functions to indicate that certificates are trusted
ne_ssl_trust_default_ca(3) - functions to indicate that certificates are trusted
ne_status(3)        - HTTP status structure
ne_strdup(3)        - memory allocation wrappers
ne_strndup(3)       - memory allocation wrappers
netcdf(3)           - Unidata's Network Common Data Form(netCDF) library interface
netcdf_f77(3)       - Unidata's Network Common Data Form(netCDF) library interface
netcdf_f90(3)       - Unidata Network Common Data Form(netCDF) library, version 3 interface
Net.Cmd(3pm)        - Network Command class (as used by FTP, SMTP etc)
Net.Config(3pm)     - Local configuration data for libnet
netconfig(5)        - network configuration data base
Net.DNS(3pm)        - Perl interface to the Domain Name System
Net.DNS.Domain(3pm) - Domain Name System domains
Net.DNS.DomainName(3pm) - DNS domain name wire representation
Net.DNS.FAQ(3pm)    - Frequently Asked Net::DNS Questions
Net.DNS.Header(3pm) - DNS packet header
Net.DNS.Mailbox(3pm) - DNS mailbox representation
Net.DNS.Nameserver(3pm) - DNS server class
Net.DNS.Packet(3pm) - DNS protocol packet
Net.DNS.Question(3pm) - DNS question record
Net.DNS.Resolver(3pm) - DNS resolver class
Net.DNS.Resolver.Base(3pm) - Common Resolver Class
Net.DNS.Resolver.Cygwin(3pm) - Cygwin Resolver Class
Net.DNS.Resolver.Recurse(3pm) - Perform recursive dns lookups
Net.DNS.Resolver.UNIX(3pm) - UNIX Resolver Class
Net.DNS.RR(3pm)     - DNS Resource Record base class
Net.DNS.RR.A(3pm)   - DNS A resource record
Net.DNS.RR.AAAA(3pm) - DNS AAAA resource record
Net.DNS.RR.AFSDB(3pm) - DNS AFSDB resource record
Net.DNS.RR.APL(3pm) - DNS APL resource record
Net.DNS.RR.APL.ApItem(3pm) - DNS APL ApItem
Net.DNS.RR.CERT(3pm) - DNS CERT resource record
Net.DNS.RR.CNAME(3pm) - DNS CNAME resource record
Net.DNS.RR.DHCID(3pm) - DNS DHCID resource record
Net.DNS.RR.DNAME(3pm) - DNS DNAME resource record
Net.DNS.RR.EID(3pm) - DNS EID resource record
Net.DNS.RR.HINFO(3pm) - DNS HINFO resource record
Net.DNS.RR.HIP(3pm) - DNS HIP resource record
Net.DNS.RR.IPSECKEY(3pm) - DNS IPSECKEY resource record
Net.DNS.RR.ISDN(3pm) - DNS ISDN resource record
Net.DNS.RR.KX(3pm)  - DNS KX resource record
Net.DNS.RR.LOC(3pm) - DNS LOC resource record
Net.DNS.RR.MB(3pm)  - DNS MB resource record
Net.DNS.RR.MG(3pm)  - DNS MG resource record
Net.DNS.RR.MINFO(3pm) - DNS MINFO resource record
Net.DNS.RR.MR(3pm)  - DNS MR resource record
Net.DNS.RR.MX(3pm)  - DNS MX resource record
Net.DNS.RR.NAPTR(3pm) - DNS NAPTR resource record
Net.DNS.RR.NIMLOC(3pm) - DNS NIMLOC resource record
Net.DNS.RR.NS(3pm)  - DNS NS resource record
Net.DNS.RR.NSAP(3pm) - DNS NSAP resource record
Net.DNS.RR.NULL(3pm) - DNS NULL resource record
Net.DNS.RR.PTR(3pm) - DNS PTR resource record
Net.DNS.RR.PX(3pm)  - DNS PX resource record
Net.DNS.RR.RP(3pm)  - DNS RP resource record
Net.DNS.RR.RT(3pm)  - DNS RT resource record
Net.DNS.RR.SOA(3pm) - DNS SOA resource record
Net.DNS.RR.SPF(3pm) - DNS SPF resource record
Net.DNS.RR.SRV(3pm) - DNS SRV resource record
Net.DNS.RR.SSHFP(3pm) - DNS SSHFP resource record
Net.DNS.RR.TKEY(3pm) - DNS TKEY resource record
Net.DNS.RR.TSIG(3pm) - DNS TSIG resource record
Net.DNS.RR.TXT(3pm) - DNS TXT resource record
Net.DNS.RR.Unknown(3pm) - Unknown RR record
Net.DNS.RR.X25(3pm) - DNS X25 resource record
Net.DNS.Text(3pm)   - Domain Name System text representation
Net.DNS.Update(3pm) - Create a DNS update packet
Net.Domain(3pm)     - Attempt to evaluate the current host's internet name and domain
Net.FTP(3pm)        - FTP Client class
Net.hostent(3pm)    - by-name interface to Perl's built-in gethost*() functions
Net.HTTP(3pm)       - Low-level HTTP connection(client)
Net.HTTP.NB(3pm)    - Non-blocking HTTP client
Net.HTTPS(3pm)      - Low-level HTTP over SSL/TLS connection(client)
Net.IP(3pm)         - Perl extension for manipulating IPv4/IPv6 addresses
Net.libnetFAQ(3pm)  - libnet Frequently Asked Questions
Net.netent(3pm)     - by-name interface to Perl's built-in getnet*() functions
Net.Netrc(3pm)      - OO interface to users netrc file
Net.NNTP(3pm)       - NNTP Client class
ne_token(3)         - string tokenizers
netpbm(1)           - netpbm library overview
Net.Ping(3pm)       - check a remote host for reachability
Net.POP3(3pm)       - Post Office Protocol 3 Client class(RFC1939)
Net.protoent(3pm)   - by-name interface to Perl's built-in getproto*() functions
netscsid(1)         - write data to optical disk media
Net.servent(3pm)    - by-name interface to Perl's built-in getserv*() functions
Net.SMTP(3pm)       - Simple Mail Transfer Protocol Client
NetSNMP.agent(3pm)  - Perl extension for the net-snmp agent.
netsnmp_agent_api(3) - embedding an agent into a external application
NetSNMP.agent.default_store(3pm) - Perl extension for Net-SNMP agent default storage
NetSNMP.ASN(3pm)    - Perl extension for SNMP ASN.1 types
net-snmp-config(1)  - returns information about installed net-snmp libraries and binaries
netsnmp_config_api(3) - netsnmp_config_api functions
net-snmp-create-v3-user(1) - create a SNMPv3 user in net-snmp configuration file
NetSNMP.default_store(3pm) - Perl extension for Net-SNMP generic storage of global data
netsnmp_init_mib(3) - netsnmp_mib_api functions
netsnmp_mib_api(3)  - netsnmp_mib_api functions
NetSNMP.netsnmp_request_infoPtr(3pm) - Perl extension for request information
NetSNMP.OID(3pm)    - Perl extension for manipulating OIDs
netsnmp_pdu_api(3)  - netsnmp_pdu_api functions
netsnmp_read_module(3) - netsnmp_mib_api functions
netsnmp_sess_api(3) - session functions
netsnmp_session_api(3) - netsnmp_session_api functions
netsnmp_trap_api(3) - send TRAPs or INFORMs from a Net-SNMP MIB module
NetSNMP.TrapReceiver(3pm) - Embedded perl trap handling for Net-SNMP's snmptrapd
netsnmp_varbind_api(3) - netsnmp_varbind_api functions
Net.SSL(3pm)        - support for Secure Sockets Layer
Net.Time(3pm)       - time and daytime network client interface
ne_version_match(3) - library versioning
ne_version_string(3) - library versioning
new(1)              - report on folders with new messages
newctime(3)         - convert date and time to ASCII
new_field(3x)       - create and destroy form fields
new_fieldtype(3x)   - define validation-field types
new_form(3x)        - create and destroy forms
new_item(3x)        - create and destroy menu items
newmail(1)          - biff like tool for the terminal
new_menu(3x)        - create and destroy menus
newpad(3x)          - create and display curses pads
new_page(3x)        - form pagination functions
new_panel(3x)       - panel stack extension for curses
newSWFMovie(3)      - create a new SWFMovie
newSWFMovieWithVersion(3) - create a new SWFMovie
newSWFShapeFromBitmap(3) - Creates a shape filled with bitmap
newSWFVideoStream(3) - creates a new SWFVideoStream object
newSWFVideoStream_fromFile(3) - create a new SWFVideoSteam object
newSWFVideoStream_fromInput(3) - create a new SWFVideoSteam object
newterm(3x)         - curses screen initialization and manipulation routines
newtzset(3)         - initialize time conversion information
newwin(3x)          - create curses windows
ne_xml_create(3)    - create and destroy an XML parser
ne_xml_destroy(3)   - create and destroy an XML parser
next(1)             - show the next message
NEXT(3pm)           - Provide a pseudo-class NEXT (et al) that allows method redispatch
nextafter(3)        - (unknown subject)
nextafterf(3)       - (unknown subject)
NextRequest(3)      - Display macros and functions
nfrotz(6)           - interpreter for Infocom and other Z-Machine games
nfsd(8)             - NFS service daemon
ngettext(1)         - translate message and choose plural form
ngettext(3)         - translate message and choose plural form
ngmultidec(1)       - make ngpice sub-circuit for coupled transmission lines
ngnutmeg(1)         - ngspice post-processor
ngsconvert(1)       - convert spice formats
ngspice(1)          - circuit simulator derived from SPICE3f5
nice(1)             - run a program with modified scheduling priority
nicq(1)             - console mode chat client
ninvaders(6)        - ncurses version of space invaders
nirc(1)             - console mode chat client
nl(1)               - number lines of files
nl(3x)              - curses output options
nlily(1)            - console mode chat client
nlmconv(1)          - converts object code into an NLM.
nm(1)               - list symbols from object files
nmh(7)              - new MH message system
nocbreak(3x)        - curses input options
nodelay(3x)         - curses input options
noecho(3x)          - curses input options
nofilter(3x)        - miscellaneous curses utility routines
nohup(1)            - run a command immune to hangups, with output to a non-tty
nona(1)             - code selector description translator
nonl(3x)            - curses output options
noqiflush(3x)       - curses input options
noraw(3x)           - curses input options
nosleep(1)          - Run a program while inhibiting computer sleep or hibernation
NOTIFY(7)           - generate a notification
notimeout(3x)       - curses input options
nproc(1)            - print the number of processing units available
nroff(1)            - emulate nroff command with groff
nrss(1)             - An ncurses RSS reader
nsec3hash(8)        - generate NSEC3 hash
nseq(1)             - create or examine a netscape certificate sequence
nslookup(1)         - query Internet name servers interactively
nsupdate(1)         - Dynamic DNS update utility
ntlm(3)             - (unknown subject)
ntlm_buf(3)         - (unknown subject)
ntlm_core(3)        - (unknown subject)
ntlm_type1(3)       - (unknown subject)
ntlm_type2(3)       - (unknown subject)
ntlm_type3(3)       - (unknown subject)
nttcp(1)            - new test TCP program
Num(3o)             - Operation on arbitrary-precision numbers.
nyx-cardcrypto(1)   - Uses Rijndael algoritm to encrypt or decrypt data
nyxlog-find-files-by-date(1) - Find log files opened at a given point in time
nyxreg-display(1)   - Print Nyx windows registry tree to stdout        - - Tool used to craft rpc packets, send them on a tcp socket and then parse the reply.
O(3pm)              - Generic interface to Perl Compiler backends
Obj(3o)             - Operations on internal representations of values.
OBJ_cleanup(3)      - ASN1 object utility functions
OBJ_cmp(3)          - ASN1 object utility functions
objcopy(1)          - copy and translate object files
OBJ_create(3)       - ASN1 object utility functions
objdump(1)          - display information from object files.
OBJ_dup(3)          - ASN1 object utility functions
Object(3)           - The Object widget class
Object.Accessor(3pm) - interface to create per object accessors
OBJ_ln2nid(3)       - ASN1 object utility functions
OBJ_nid2ln(3)       - ASN1 object utility functions
OBJ_nid2obj(3)      - ASN1 object utility functions
OBJ_nid2sn(3)       - ASN1 object utility functions
OBJ_obj2nid(3)      - ASN1 object utility functions
OBJ_obj2txt(3)      - ASN1 object utility functions
OBJ_sn2nid(3)       - ASN1 object utility functions
OBJ_txt2nid(3)      - ASN1 object utility functions
OBJ_txt2obj(3)      - ASN1 object utility functions
obxprop(1)          - A minimalistic, highly configurable, next generation window manager with extensive standards support.
ocaml(1)            - The OCaml interactive toplevel
ocamlbuild(1)       - The OCaml project compilation tool
ocamlc(1)           - The OCaml bytecode compiler
ocamlc.opt(1)       - The OCaml bytecode compiler
ocamlcp(1)          - The OCaml profiling compilers
ocamldebug(1)       - the OCaml source-level replay debugger.
ocamldep(1)         - Dependency generator for OCaml
ocamldoc(1)         - The OCaml documentation generator
ocamllex(1)         - The OCaml lexer generator
ocamlmktop(1)       - Building custom toplevel systems
ocamlopt(1)         - The OCaml native-code compiler
ocamlopt.opt(1)     - The OCaml native-code compiler
ocamloptp(1)        - The OCaml profiling compilers
ocamlprof(1)        - The OCaml profiler
ocamlrun(1)         - The OCaml bytecode interpreter
ocamlyacc(1)        - The OCaml parser generator
oclock(1)           - round X clock
ocs(1)              - creates and maintains the database for cscope on a recursive directory set
ocsp(1)             - Online Certificate Status Protocol utility
ocsptool(1)         - GnuTLS OCSP tool
octave(1)           - A high-level interactive language for numerical computations.
octave-cli(1)       - A high-level interactive language for numerical computations.
octave-config(1)    - GNU Octave component and library information retrieval
od(1)               - dump files in octal and other formats
ODBM_File(3pm)      - Tied access to odbm files
ode(1)              - numerical solution of ordinary differential equations
odt2txt(1)          - a simple converter from OpenDocument Text to plain text
odvicopy(1)         - produce modified copy of DVI file
odvitype(1)         - translate a dvi file for humans
offlineimap(1)      - Powerful IMAP/Maildir synchronization and reader support
ofm2opl(1)          - convert Omega and TeX font-metric files to property-list files
ogg123(1)           - plays Ogg Vorbis files
oggdec(1)           - simple decoder, Ogg Vorbis file to PCM audio file (Wave or RAW).
oggenc(1)           - encode audio into the Ogg Vorbis format
ogginfo(1)          - gives information about Ogg files, and does extensive validity checking
ogmcat(1)           - Concatenate several OGG/OGM files into one big OGG/OGM file
ogmdemux(1)         - Extract streams from OGG/OGM files into separate files
ogminfo(1)          - Print information about streams in OGG/OGM files
ogmmerge(1)         - Merge multimedia streams into an OGG/OGM file
ogmsplit(1)         - Split OGG/OGM files into sevaral smaller OGG/OGM files
ogonkify(1)         - international support for PostScript
oid2name(1)         - resolve OIDs and file nodes in a PostgreSQL data directory
oka(1)              - pipeline Hazards Description Translator
oldfind(1)          - search for files in a directory hierarchy
olwm(1)             - OPEN LOOK window manager for OpenWindows
olwmslave(1)        - helper program for olwm
ompi-clean(1)       - Cleans up any stale processes and files leftover from Open MPI jobs.
ompi_crcp(7)        - Open MPI MCA Checkpoint/Restart Coordination Protocol(CRCP) Framework: Overview of Open MPI's CRCP framework, and selected modules. Open MPI 1.7.4
ompi_info(1)        - Display information about the Open MPI installation
ompi-ps(1)          - Displays information about the active jobs and processes in Open MPI.
ompi-server(1)      - Server for supporting name publish/lookup operations.
ompi-top(1)         - Diagnostic to provide process info similar to the popular "top" program.
on_exit(3)          - (unknown subject)
onsgmls(1)          - An SGML/XML parser and validator
Oo(3o)              - Operations on objects
oodiff(1)           - Diff program for OpenOffice documents
opal_crs(7)         - Open PAL MCA Checkpoint/Restart Service(CRS): Overview of Open PAL's CRS framework, and selected modules. Open MPI 1.7.4.
opal_wrapper(1)     - Back-end Open MPI wrapper command
Opcode(3pm)         - Disable named opcodes when compiling perl code
open(3pm)           - perl pragma to set default PerlIO layers for input and output
openbox(1)          - A minimalistic, highly configurable, next generation window manager with extensive standards support.
openbox-gnome-session(1) - Run a GNOME session with Openbox as the window manager
openbox-kde-session(1) - Run a KDE session with Openbox as the window manager
openbox-session(1)  - Runs an Openbox session without any session manager.
open_memstream(3)   - (unknown subject)
OpenMPI(3)          - General information Open MPI 1.7.4.
open(n)             - Open a file-based or command pipeline channel
openssl(1)          - OpenSSL command line tool
OpenSSL_add_all_algorithms(3) - add algorithms to internal table
OpenSSL_add_all_algorithms(3) - (unknown subject)
OpenSSL_add_all_algorithms_conf(3) - (unknown subject)
OpenSSL_add_all_algorithms_noconf(3) - (unknown subject)
OpenSSL_add_all_ciphers(3) - add algorithms to internal table
OpenSSL_add_all_digests(3) - add algorithms to internal table
OpenSSL_add_ssl_algorithms(3) - initialize SSL library by registering algorithms
OPENSSL_Applink(3)  - glue between OpenSSL BIO and Win32 compiler run-time
OPENSSL_config(3)   - simple OpenSSL configuration functions
OPENSSL_ia32cap(3)  - finding the IA-32 processor capabilities
OPENSSL_load_builtin_modules(3) - add standard configuration modules
OPENSSL_no_config(3) - simple OpenSSL configuration functions
OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER(3) - get OpenSSL version number
opl2ofm(1)          - convert Omega and TeX property-list files to font-metric files
opml2snow(1)        - snownews OPML subsription file import/export utility
ops2c(1)            - Convert Parrot opcodes to C
ops(3pm)            - Perl pragma to restrict unsafe operations when compiling
opt(1)              - LLVM optimizer      - Optimize case insensitive regexp filters for tin
option(n)           - Add/retrieve window options to/from the option database
options(n)          - Standard options supported by widgets
optipng(1)          - Optimize Portable Network Graphics files
ordchr(3am)         - convert characters to strings and vice versa
orpie(1)            - (unknown subject)
orpie-curses-keys(1) - (unknown subject)
orpierc(5)          - (unknown subject)
orte-clean(1)       - Cleans up any stale processes and files leftover from Open MPI jobs.
orted(1)            - Start an Open RTE User-Level Daemon
orte_filem(7)       - Open RTE MCA File Management(FileM) Framework: Overview of Open RTE's FileM framework, and selected modules. Open MPI 1.7.4
orte_hosts(7)       - OpenRTE Hostfile and HOST Behavior: Overview of OpenRTE's support for user-supplied hostfiles and comma-delimited lists of hosts
orte-info(1)        - Display information about the ORTE installation
orte-ps(1)          - Displays information about the active jobs and processes in Open MPI.
orterun(1)          - Execute serial and parallel jobs in Open MPI.
orte-server(1)      - Server for supporting name publish/lookup operations.
orte_snapc(7)       - Open RTE MCA Snapshot Coordination(SnapC) Framework: Overview of Open RTE's SnapC framework, and selected modules. Open MPI 1.7.4
orte_sstore(7)      - (unknown subject)
orte-top(1)         - Diagnostic to provide process info similar to the popular "top" program.
os(3)               - (unknown subject)
osgmlnorm(1)        - An SGML/XML document normalizer
ospam(1)            - An SGML/XML markup stream editor
ospcat(1)           - SGML print catalog
ospent(1)           - Concatenates entities in an SGML/XML document
osql(1)             - utility to test FreeTDS connections and queries
osx(1)              - An SGML to XML converter
ot2kpx(1)           - extract kerning information from OpenType fonts
otangle(1)          - translate WEB to Pascal
otfinfo(1)          - report information about OpenType fonts
otftotfm(1)         - create TeX font metrics from OpenType fonts
otp(1)              - manages one-time passwords
otp2ocp(1)          - convert Omega Translation Process files to Omega Compiled Process files
otpprint(1)         - print lists of one-time passwords
outguess(1)         - universal steganographic tool
outocp(1)           - debug an OCP file
overlay(3x)         - overlay and manipulate overlapped curses windows
overload(3pm)       - Package for overloading Perl operations
overloading(3pm)    - perl pragma to lexically control overloading
override.conf(5)    - logwatch configuration files
OverrideShell(3)    - The OverrideShell widget class
overwrite(3x)       - overlay and manipulate overlapped curses windows
ovf2ovp(1)          - convert a virtual font file and its associated font metric file into property-list format
ovp2ovf(1)          - convert a virtual property-list file into a virtual font file and its associated font metric file
p11-kit(8)          - Tool for operating on configured PKCS#11 modules
p11tool(1)          - GnuTLS PKCS #11 tool
p7zip(1)            - Wrapper on 7za, a 7-zip file archiver with high compression ratio
pacat(1)            - Play back or record raw or encoded audio streams on a PulseAudio sound server
Package.Constants(3pm) - List all constants declared in a package
package(n)          - Facilities for package loading and version control
packf(1)            - pack messages in nmh folder into a single file
pack(n)             - Geometry manager that packs around edges of cavity
pack-old(n)         - Obsolete syntax for packer geometry manager
pacmd(1)            - Reconfigure a PulseAudio sound server during runtime
pactl(1)            - Control a running PulseAudio sound server
padsp(1)            - PulseAudio OSS Wrapper
PadWalker(3pm)      - play with other peoples' lexical variables
page_ca(3)          - Hx509 CA functions See the library functions here: hx509 CA functions
page_cert(3)        - The basic certificate The basic hx509 cerificate object in hx509 is hx509_cert. The hx509_cert object is representing one X509/PKIX certificate an...
page_cms(3)         - CMS/PKCS7 message functions. CMS is defined in RFC 3369 and is an continuation of the RSA Labs standard PKCS7. The basic messages in CMS is
page_des(3)         - DES - Data Encryption Standard crypto interface See the library functions here: DES crypto functions
page_dh(3)          - DH - Diffie-Hellman key exchange Diffie-Hellman key exchange is a protocol that allows two parties to establish a shared secret key.
page_env(3)         - Hx509 enviroment functions See the library functions here: hx509 enviroment functions
page_error(3)       - Hx509 error reporting functions See the library functions here: hx509 error functions
page_evp(3)         - EVP - generic crypto interface See the library functions here: EVP generic crypto functions
page_keyset(3)      - Certificate store operations Type of certificates store:
page_lock(3)        - Locking and unlocking certificates and encrypted data. See the library functions here: hx509 lock functions
page_name(3)        - PKIX/X.509 Names There are several names in PKIX/X.509, GeneralName and Name.
page_peer(3)        - Hx509 crypto selecting functions Peer info structures are used togeter with hx509_crypto_select() to select the best avaible crypto algorithm to use.
page_print(3)       - Hx509 printing functions See the library functions here: hx509 printing functions
page_rand(3)        - RAND - random number See the library functions here: RAND crypto functions
page_revoke(3)      - Revocation methods There are two revocation method for PKIX/X.509: CRL and OCSP. Revocation is needed if the private key is lost and stolen. Depen...
page_rsa(3)         - RSA - public-key cryptography RSA is named by its inventors (Ron Rivest, Adi Shamir, and Leonard Adleman) (published in 1977), patented expired in...
pagsh(1)            - creates a new credential cache sandbox
pair_content(3x)    - curses color manipulation routines
PAIR_NUMBER(3x)     - curses character and window attribute control routines
pal(1)              - (unknown subject)
pal2rgb(1)          - convert a palette color TIFF image to a full color image
palmtopnm(1)        - convert a Palm Bitmap to a PNM image
pam(5)              - Netpbm common 2-dimensional bitmap format
pamaddnoise(1)      - add noise to a Netpbm image
pamarith(1)         - perform arithmetic on two Netpbm images
pambackground(1)    - create a mask of the background area of an image
pambayer(1)         - interpret Bayer patterns
pamchannel(1)       - extract channels from a PAM image
pamcomp(1)          - composite(overlay) two Netpbm images together
pamcut(1)           - cut a rectangle out of a PAM, PBM, PGM, or PPM image
pamdeinterlace(1)   - remove every other row from a PAM/PNM image
pamdepth(1)         - change the maxval in a Netpbm image
pamdice(1)          - slice a Netpbm image into many horizontally and/or vertically
pamditherbw(1)      - dither grayscale image to black and white
pamedge(1)          - edge-detect an image
pamendian(1)        - reverse endianness of a Netpbm image
pamenlarge(1)       - Enlarge a Netpbm image N times
pamfile(1)          - describe a Netpbm (PAM or PNM) file
pamfixtrunc(1)      - repair a Netpbm image whose file is truncated
pamflip(1)          - flip or rotate a PAM or PNM image
pamfunc(1)          - Apply a simple monadic arithmetic function to a Netpbm image
pamgauss(1)         - create a two dimensional gaussian function as a PAM image
pamgradient(1)      - create a four-corner gradient PAM image
pamlookup(1)        - map an image to a new image by using it as indices into a table
pammasksharpen(1)   - Sharpen an image via an unsharp mask
pammixinterlace(1)  - mix adjacent lines to merge interlaced images
pamoil(1)           - turn a PAM image into an oil painting
pamperspective(1)   - a reverse scanline renderer for Netpbm images
pampick(1)          - pick images out of a multi-image Netpbm image stream
pampop9(1)          - simulate a multi-lens camera such as the Pop9
pamrgbatopng(1)     - convert PAM color/transparency image to PNG
pamscale(1)         - scale a Netpbm image
pamseq(1)           - generate PAM image of all possible tuple values, in sequence
pamsharpmap(1)      - create map of sharpness in a PNM/PAM image
pamsharpness(1)     - measure the sharpness of a PNM/PAM image
pamslice(1)         - extract one line of values out of a Netpbm image
pamsplit(1)         - split a multi-image Netpbm file into single-image files
pamstack(1)         - stack planes of multiple PAM images into one PAM image
pamstereogram(1)    - create a single-image stereogram from a PAM depth map
pamstretch(1)       - scale up a PNM or PAM image by interpolating between pixels.
pamstretch-gen(1)   - use pamstretch and pamscale to scale by non-integer values
pamsumm(1)          - Summarize the samples in a Netpbm image arithmetically
pamsummcol(1)       - summarize (sum, average, etc) a Netpbm image by column
pamthreshold(1)     - threshold grayscale image to black and white
pamtilt(1)          - print the tilt angle of a PGM file
pamtodjvurle(1)     - convert a Netpbm image to DjVu Color RLE format
pamtofits(1)        - convert a Netpbm image into FITS format
pamtogif(1)         - convert a Netpbm image to a GIF image
pamtohdiff(1)       - convert PAM image to horizontal difference image
pamtohtmltbl(1)     - convert pnm/pam visual image to an HTML table
pamtojpeg2k(1)      - convert PAM/PNM image to a JPEG-2000 code stream
pamtopfm(1)         - Convert Netpbm image to PFM (Portable Float Map)
pamtopnm(1)         - convert PAM image to PBM, PGM, or PPM
pamtosvg(1)         - convert a Netpbm image to a SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) image
pamtotga(1)         - convert a Netpbm image to a TrueVision Targa file
pamtotiff(1)        - convert a Netpbm image to a TIFF file
pamtouil(1)         - convert a PNM or PNM/alpha image into a Motif UIL icon file
pamtoxvmini(1)      - convert Netpbm image to an XV 'thumbnail' picture
pamx(1)             - display Netpbm image in X Window System window
panedwindow(n)      - Create and manipulate panedwindow widgets
panel(3x)           - panel stack extension for curses
panel_above(3x)     - panel stack extension for curses
panel_below(3x)     - panel stack extension for curses
panel_hidden(3x)    - panel stack extension for curses
panel_userptr(3x)   - panel stack extension for curses
panel_window(3x)    - panel stack extension for curses
pango-querymodules(1) - Module registration utility
pango-view(1)       - Pango text viewer
paperconf(1)        - print paper configuration informations
paperconfig(8)      - configure the system default paper size
paperdone(3)        - begin and end using the paper library
paperfirst(3)       - return informations about a paper
paperinfo(3)        - return informations about a paper
paperinit(3)        - begin and end using the paper library
paperlast(3)        - return informations about a paper
papernext(3)        - return informations about a paper
paperprev(3)        - return informations about a paper
paperpsheight(3)    - return informations about a paper
paperpsname(3)      - return informations about a paper
paperpswidth(3)     - return informations about a paper
papersize(5)        - specify preferred paper size
paperwithsize(3)    - return informations about a paper
paplay(1)           - Play back audio files on a PulseAudio sound server
par(1)              - filter for reformatting paragraphs
Params.Check(3pm)   - A generic input parsing/checking mechanism.
Params.Util(3pm)    - Simple, compact and correct param-checking functions
PAR.Dist(3pm)       - Create and manipulate PAR distributions
parent(3pm)         - Establish an ISA relationship with base classes at compile time
parray(n)           - standard library of Tcl procedures
parrot(1)           - Parrot Virtual Machine
parrot_config(1)    - Parrot Configuration
parrot-nqp(1)       - Not Quite Perl(6)
parrot-prove(1)     - Prove is a PIR-based TAP (Test Anything Protocol) Harness
Parse.CPAN.Meta(3pm) - Parse META.yml and META.json CPAN metadata files
parse_time(3)       - parse and unparse time intervals
Parsing(3o)         - The run-time library for parsers generated by ocamlyacc.
passwd(1)           - compute password hashes
passwd(1)           - (unknown subject)
paste(1)            - merge lines of files
pasuspender(1)      - Temporarily suspend PulseAudio
patch(1)            - apply a diff file to an original
patcher(1)          - a patch maintenance tool
patgen(1)           - generate patterns for TeX hyphenation
pathchk(1)          - check whether file names are valid or portable
pax11publish(1)     - PulseAudio X11 Credential Utility
pax(1)              - read and write file archives and copy directory hierarchies
paxcpio(1)          - copy file archives in and out
paxtar(1)           - tape archiver
pbc_disassemble(1)  - parrot bytecode disassembler
pbc_dump(1)         - Dump or convert Parrot bytecode(PBC) files
pbc_merge(1)        - Merge multiple Parrot bytecode(PBC) files into a single PBC file.
pbc_to_exe(1)       - Generate executables from Parrot bytecode
pbm(5)              - Netpbm bi-level image format
pbmclean(1)         - despeckle a PBM image
pbmlife(1)          - apply Conway's rules of Life to a PBM image
pbmmake(1)          - create a blank bitmap of a specified size
pbmmask(1)          - create a mask bitmap from a regular bitmap
pbmpage(1)          - create a one page test pattern for printing
pbmpscale(1)        - enlarge a PBM image with edge smoothing
pbmreduce(1)        - read a PBM image and reduce it N times
pbmtext(1)          - render text into a PBM image
pbmtextps(1)        - render text into a PBM image using a postscript interpreter
pbmto10x(1)         - convert a PBM image into Gemini 10X printer graphics
pbmto4425(1)        - Display PBM images on an AT&T 4425 terminal
pbmtoascii(1)       - convert a PBM image to ASCII graphics
pbmtoatk(1)         - convert a PBM image to a Andrew Toolkit raster object
pbmtobbnbg(1)       - convert a PBM image into BitGraph graphics
pbmtocmuwm(1)       - convert a PBM image into a CMU window manager bitmap
pbmtodjvurle(1)     - convert a PBM image to DjVu Bitonal RLE format
pbmtoepsi(1)        - convert a PBM image to an encapsulated PostScript style preview bitmap
pbmtoepson(1)       - convert a PBM image into Epson printer graphics
pbmtoescp2(1)       - convert a PBM image to a ESC/P2 printer file
pbmtog3(1)          - convert a PBM image into a Group 3 MH fax file
pbmtogem(1)         - convert a PBM image into a GEM .img file
pbmtogo(1)          - convert a PBM image into compressed GraphOn graphics
pbmtoibm23xx(1)     - convert a PBM image to IBM 23XX printer stream
pbmtoicon(1)        - convert a Sun icon image to PBM
pbmtojbg(1)         - portable bitmap to JBIG1 file converter
pbmtolj(1)          - convert a PBM image to HP LaserJet format
pbmtoln03(1)        - convert PBM image to DEC LN03+ Sixel output
pbmtolps(1)         - convert PBM image to PostScript
pbmtomacp(1)        - convert a PBM image into a MacPaint file
pbmtomatrixorbital(1) - convert a PBM image to a Matrix Orbital LCD image
pbmtomda(1)         - convert a PBM image to a Microdesign .mda
pbmtomgr(1)         - convert a PBM image into a MGR bitmap
pbmtomrf(1)         - convert a PBM format image to MRF
pbmtonokia(1)       - convert a PBM image to Nokia Smart Messaging Formats
pbmtopgm(1)         - convert PBM image to PGM by averaging areas
pbmtopi3(1)         - convert a PBM image into an Atari Degas .pi3 file
pbmtopk(1)          - convert a PBM image into a packed(PK) format font
pbmtoplot(1)        - convert a PBM image into a Unix 'plot' file
pbmtoppa(1)         - convert PBM image to HP Printer Performance Architecture(PPA)
pbmtopsg3(1)        - convert PBM images to Postscript with G3 fax compression
pbmtoptx(1)         - convert a PBM image into Printronix printer graphics
pbmtowbmp(1)        - convert a PBM image to a wireless bitmap(wbmp) file
pbmtox10bm(1)       - convert a PBM image to an X11 bitmap
pbmtoxbm(1)         - convert a PBM image to an X11 bitmap
pbmtoybm(1)         - convert a PBM image into a Bennet Yee 'face' file
pbmtozinc(1)        - convert a PBM image into a Zinc bitmap
pbmupc(1)           - create a Universal Product Code PBM image
pbzip2(1)           - parallel bzip2 file compressor, v1.1.5
pc1toppm(1)         - convert an Atari Degas .pc1 into a PPM image
pcdovtoppm(1)       - create index image for a photo CD
pcre16(3)           - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcre16_assign_jit_stack(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcre16_compile2(3)  - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcre16_compile(3)   - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcre16_config(3)    - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcre16_copy_named_substring(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcre16_copy_substring(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcre16_dfa_exec(3)  - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcre16_exec(3)      - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcre16_free_study(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcre16_free_substring(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcre16_free_substring_list(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcre16_fullinfo(3)  - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcre16_get_named_substring(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcre16_get_stringnumber(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcre16_get_stringtable_entries(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcre16_get_substring(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcre16_get_substring_list(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcre16_jit_exec(3)  - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcre16_jit_stack_alloc(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcre16_jit_stack_free(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcre16_maketables(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcre16_pattern_to_host_byte_order(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcre16_refcount(3)  - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcre16_study(3)     - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcre16_utf16_to_host_byte_order(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcre16_version(3)   - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcre32(3)           - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcre32_assign_jit_stack(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcre32_compile2(3)  - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcre32_compile(3)   - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcre32_config(3)    - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcre32_copy_named_substring(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcre32_copy_substring(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcre32_dfa_exec(3)  - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcre32_exec(3)      - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcre32_free_study(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcre32_free_substring(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcre32_free_substring_list(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcre32_fullinfo(3)  - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcre32_get_named_substring(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcre32_get_stringnumber(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcre32_get_stringtable_entries(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcre32_get_substring(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcre32_get_substring_list(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcre32_jit_exec(3)  - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcre32_jit_stack_alloc(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcre32_jit_stack_free(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcre32_maketables(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcre32_pattern_to_host_byte_order(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcre32_refcount(3)  - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcre32_study(3)     - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcre32_utf32_to_host_byte_order(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcre32_version(3)   - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcre(3)             - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcreapi(3)          - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcre_assign_jit_stack(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcrebuild(3)        - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcrecallout(3)      - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcrecompat(3)       - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcre_compile2(3)    - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcre_compile(3)     - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcre-config(1)      - program to return PCRE configuration
pcre_config(3)      - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcre_copy_named_substring(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcre_copy_substring(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcrecpp(3)          - Perl-compatible regular expressions.
pcre_dfa_exec(3)    - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcre_exec(3)        - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcre_free_study(3)  - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcre_free_substring(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcre_free_substring_list(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcre_fullinfo(3)    - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcre_get_named_substring(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcre_get_stringnumber(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcre_get_stringtable_entries(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcre_get_substring(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcre_get_substring_list(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcregrep(1)         - a grep with Perl-compatible regular expressions.
pcrejit(3)          - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcre_jit_exec(3)    - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcre_jit_stack_alloc(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcre_jit_stack_free(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcrelimits(3)       - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcre_maketables(3)  - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcrematching(3)     - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcrepartial(3)      - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcrepattern(3)      - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcre_pattern_to_host_byte_order(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcreperform(3)      - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcreposix(3)        - Perl-compatible regular expressions.
pcreprecompile(3)   - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcre_refcount(3)    - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcresample(3)       - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcrestack(3)        - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcre_study(3)       - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcresyntax(3)       - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcretest(1)         - a program for testing Perl-compatible regular expressions.
pcreunicode(3)      - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcre_utf16_to_host_byte_order(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcre_utf32_to_host_byte_order(3) - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcre_version(3)     - Perl-compatible regular expressions
pcxtoppm(1)         - convert a PCX file into a PPM image
pdbtool(1)          - An application to test and convert syslog-ng pattern database rules
pdf180(1)           - rotate the pages of pdf files
pdf270(1)           - rotate the pages of pdf files
pdf2dsc(1)          - generate a PostScript page list of a PDF document
pdf2ps(1)           - Ghostscript PDF to PostScript translator
pdf90(1)            - rotate the pages of pdf files
pdfbook(1)          - put the pages of PDF files into 2-up signatures
pdfclose(1)         - open or close a PDF file viewer
pdfdetach(1)        - Portable Document Format(PDF) document embedded file extractor (version 3.03)
pdfetex(1)          - PDF output from e-TeX
pdfflip(1)          - rotate the pages of pdf files
pdffonts(1)         - Portable Document Format(PDF) font analyzer (version 3.03)
pdfimages(1)        - Portable Document Format(PDF) image extractor (version 3.03)
pdfinfo(1)          - Portable Document Format(PDF) document information extractor (version 3.03)
pdfjam(1)           - A shell script for manipulating PDF files
pdfjam-pocketmod(1) - make an 8-page PDF document into a pocket-sized booklet
pdfjam-slides3up(1) - put presentation slides onto 3-up pages
pdfjam-slides6up(1) - put presentation slides onto 6-up pages
pdfjoin(1)          - join together pages from multiple PDF files
pdflatex(1)         - PDF output from TeX
pdfmom(1)           - Produce PDF documents using the mom macro set
pdfnup(1)           - n-up the pages of pdf files
pdfopen(1)          - open or close a PDF file viewer
pdfpun(1)           - n-up the pages of a pdf file, with right-to-left ordering
pdfroff(1)          - create PDF documents using groff
pdfseparate(1)      - Portable Document Format(PDF) page extractor
pdftex(1)           - PDF output from TeX
pdftexi2dvi(1)      - convert Texinfo documents to DVI or PDF
pdftk(1)            - A handy tool for manipulating PDF
pdftocairo(1)       - Portable Document Format(PDF) to PNG/JPEG/TIFF/PDF/PS/EPS/SVG using cairo
pdftohtml(1)        - program to convert PDF files into HTML, XML and PNG images
pdftoppm(1)         - Portable Document Format(PDF) to Portable Pixmap(PPM) converter (version 3.03)
pdftops(1)          - Portable Document Format(PDF) to PostScript converter (version 3.03)
pdftosrc(1)         - extract source file or stream from PDF file
pdftotext(1)        - Portable Document Format(PDF) to text converter (version 3.03)
pdfunite(1)         - Portable Document Format(PDF) page merger
pdiff(1)            - produce a pretty comparison between files
pechochar(3x)       - create and display curses pads
pecho_wchar(3x)     - create and display curses pads
peekfd(1)           - peek at file descriptors of running processes
pem(3)              - PEM routines
PEM_read_bio_DHparams(3) - PEM routines
PEM_read_bio_DSAparams(3) - PEM routines
PEM_read_bio_DSAPrivateKey(3) - PEM routines
PEM_read_bio_DSA_PUBKEY(3) - PEM routines
PEM_read_bio_NETSCAPE_CERT_SEQUENCE(3) - PEM routines
PEM_read_bio_PKCS7(3) - PEM routines
PEM_read_bio_PrivateKey(3) - PEM routines
PEM_read_bio_PUBKEY(3) - PEM routines
PEM_read_bio_RSAPrivateKey(3) - PEM routines
PEM_read_bio_RSA_PUBKEY(3) - PEM routines
PEM_read_bio_RSAPublicKey(3) - PEM routines
PEM_read_bio_X509(3) - PEM routines
PEM_read_bio_X509_AUX(3) - PEM routines
PEM_read_bio_X509_CRL(3) - PEM routines
PEM_read_bio_X509_REQ(3) - PEM routines
PEM_read_DHparams(3) - PEM routines
PEM_read_DSAparams(3) - PEM routines
PEM_read_DSAPrivateKey(3) - PEM routines
PEM_read_DSA_PUBKEY(3) - PEM routines
PEM_read_PKCS7(3)   - PEM routines
PEM_read_PrivateKey(3) - PEM routines
PEM_read_PUBKEY(3)  - PEM routines
PEM_read_RSAPrivateKey(3) - PEM routines
PEM_read_RSA_PUBKEY(3) - PEM routines
PEM_read_RSAPublicKey(3) - PEM routines
PEM_read_X509(3)    - PEM routines
PEM_read_X509_AUX(3) - PEM routines
PEM_read_X509_CRL(3) - PEM routines
PEM_read_X509_REQ(3) - PEM routines
PEM_write_bio_CMS_stream(3) - output CMS_ContentInfo structure in PEM format.
PEM_write_bio_DHparams(3) - PEM routines
PEM_write_bio_DSAparams(3) - PEM routines
PEM_write_bio_DSAPrivateKey(3) - PEM routines
PEM_write_bio_DSA_PUBKEY(3) - PEM routines
PEM_write_bio_NETSCAPE_CERT_SEQUENCE(3) - PEM routines
PEM_write_bio_PKCS7(3) - PEM routines
PEM_write_bio_PKCS7_stream(3) - output PKCS7 structure in PEM format.
PEM_write_bio_PKCS8PrivateKey(3) - PEM routines
PEM_write_bio_PKCS8PrivateKey_nid(3) - PEM routines
PEM_write_bio_PrivateKey(3) - PEM routines
PEM_write_bio_PUBKEY(3) - PEM routines
PEM_write_bio_RSAPrivateKey(3) - PEM routines
PEM_write_bio_RSA_PUBKEY(3) - PEM routines
PEM_write_bio_RSAPublicKey(3) - PEM routines
PEM_write_bio_X509(3) - PEM routines
PEM_write_bio_X509_AUX(3) - PEM routines
PEM_write_bio_X509_CRL(3) - PEM routines
PEM_write_bio_X509_REQ(3) - PEM routines
PEM_write_bio_X509_REQ_NEW(3) - PEM routines
PEM_write_DHparams(3) - PEM routines
PEM_write_DSAparams(3) - PEM routines
PEM_write_DSAPrivateKey(3) - PEM routines
PEM_write_DSA_PUBKEY(3) - PEM routines
PEM_write_PKCS7(3)  - PEM routines
PEM_write_PKCS8PrivateKey(3) - PEM routines
PEM_write_PKCS8PrivateKey_nid(3) - PEM routines
PEM_write_PrivateKey(3) - PEM routines
PEM_write_PUBKEY(3) - PEM routines
PEM_write_RSAPrivateKey(3) - PEM routines
PEM_write_RSA_PUBKEY(3) - PEM routines
PEM_write_RSAPublicKey(3) - PEM routines
PEM_write_X509(3)   - PEM routines
PEM_write_X509_AUX(3) - PEM routines
PEM_write_X509_CRL(3) - PEM routines
PEM_write_X509_REQ(3) - PEM routines
PEM_write_X509_REQ_NEW(3) - PEM routines
perl(1)             - The Perl 5 language interpreter
perl5004delta(1)    - what's new for perl5.004
perl5005delta(1)    - what's new for perl5.005
perl5100delta(1)    - what is new for perl 5.10.0
perl5101delta(1)    - what is new for perl v5.10.1
perl5110delta(1)    - what is new for perl v5.11.0
perl5111delta(1)    - what is new for perl v5.11.1
perl5112delta(1)    - what is new for perl v5.11.2
perl5113delta(1)    - what is new for perl v5.11.3
perl5114delta(1)    - what is new for perl v5.11.4
perl5115delta(1)    - what is new for perl v5.11.5
perl5120delta(1)    - what is new for perl v5.12.0
perl5121delta(1)    - what is new for perl v5.12.1
perl5122delta(1)    - what is new for perl v5.12.2
perl5123delta(1)    - what is new for perl v5.12.3
perl5130delta(1)    - what is new for perl v5.13.0
perl51310delta(1)   - what is new for perl v5.13.10
perl51311delta(1)   - what is new for perl v5.13.11
perl5131delta(1)    - what is new for perl v5.13.1
perl5132delta(1)    - what is new for perl v5.13.2
perl5133delta(1)    - what is new for perl v5.13.3
perl5134delta(1)    - what is new for perl v5.13.4
perl5135delta(1)    - what is new for perl v5.13.5
perl5136delta(1)    - what is new for perl v5.13.6
perl5137delta(1)    - what is new for perl v5.13.7
perl5138delta(1)    - what is new for perl v5.13.8
perl5139delta(1)    - what is new for perl v5.13.9
perl5140delta(1)    - what is new for perl v5.14.0
perl5141delta(1)    - what is new for perl v5.14.1
perl5142delta(1)    - what is new for perl v5.14.2
perl561delta(1)     - what's new for perl v5.6.x
perl56delta(1)      - what's new for perl v5.6.0
perl570delta(1)     - what's new for perl v5.7.0
perl571delta(1)     - what's new for perl v5.7.1
perl572delta(1)     - what's new for perl v5.7.2
perl573delta(1)     - what's new for perl v5.7.3
perl581delta(1)     - what is new for perl v5.8.1
perl582delta(1)     - what is new for perl v5.8.2
perl583delta(1)     - what is new for perl v5.8.3
perl584delta(1)     - what is new for perl v5.8.4
perl585delta(1)     - what is new for perl v5.8.5
perl586delta(1)     - what is new for perl v5.8.6
perl587delta(1)     - what is new for perl v5.8.7
perl588delta(1)     - what is new for perl v5.8.8
perl589delta(1)     - what is new for perl v5.8.9
perl58delta(1)      - what is new for perl v5.8.0
perl590delta(1)     - what is new for perl v5.9.0
perl591delta(1)     - what is new for perl v5.9.1
perl592delta(1)     - what is new for perl v5.9.2
perl593delta(1)     - what is new for perl v5.9.3
perl594delta(1)     - what is new for perl v5.9.4
perl595delta(1)     - what is new for perl v5.9.5
perl6(1)            - Rakudo Perl 6 Compiler
perlaix(1)          - Perl version 5 on IBM AIX(UNIX) systems
perlamiga(1)        - Perl under Amiga OS
perlapi(1)          - autogenerated documentation for the perl public API
perlapio(1)         - perl's IO abstraction interface.
perlartistic(1)     - the Perl Artistic License
perlbeos(1)         - Perl version 5.8+ on BeOS
perlbook(1)         - Books about and related to Perl
perlboot(1)         - Beginner's Object-Oriented Tutorial
perlbot(1)          - Bag o' Object Tricks (the BOT)
perlbs2000(1)       - building and installing Perl for BS2000.
perlbug(1)          - how to submit bug reports on Perl
perlcall(1)         - Perl calling conventions from C
perlce(1)           - Perl for WinCE
perlcheat(1)        - Perl 5 Cheat Sheet
perlclib(1)         - Internal replacements for standard C library functions
perlcn(1)           - XXXX Perl XX
perlcommunity(1)    - a brief overview of the Perl community
perlcompile(1)      - Introduction to the Perl Compiler-Translator
perlcygwin(1)       - Perl for Cygwin
perldata(1)         - Perl data types
perldbmfilter(1)    - Perl DBM Filters
perldebguts(1)      - Guts of Perl debugging
perldebtut(1)       - Perl debugging tutorial
perldebug(1)        - Perl debugging
perldelta(1)        - what is new for perl v5.14.2
perldgux(1)         - Perl under DG/UX.
perldiag(1)         - various Perl diagnostics
perldoc(1)          - Look up Perl documentation in Pod format.
perldos(1)          - Perl under DOS, W31, W95.
perldsc(1)          - Perl Data Structures Cookbook
perlebcdic(1)       - Considerations for running Perl on EBCDIC platforms
perlembed(1)        - how to embed perl in your C program
perlepoc(1)         - Perl for EPOC
perlfaq1(1)         - General Questions About Perl
perlfaq(1)          - frequently asked questions about Perl
perlfaq2(1)         - Obtaining and Learning about Perl
perlfaq3(1)         - Programming Tools
perlfaq4(1)         - Data Manipulation
perlfaq5(1)         - Files and Formats
perlfaq6(1)         - Regular Expressions
perlfaq7(1)         - General Perl Language Issues
perlfaq8(1)         - System Interaction
perlfaq9(1)         - Networking
perlfilter(1)       - Source Filters
perlfork(1)         - Perl's fork() emulation
perlform(1)         - Perl formats
perlfreebsd(1)      - Perl version 5 on FreeBSD systems
perlfunc(1)         - Perl builtin functions
perlgit(1)          - Detailed information about git and the Perl repository
perlglossary(1)     - Perl Glossary
perlgpl(1)          - the GNU General Public License, version 1
perlguts(1)         - Introduction to the Perl API
perlhack(1)         - How to hack on Perl
perlhacktips(1)     - Tips for Perl core C code hacking
perlhacktut(1)      - Walk through the creation of a simple C code patch
perlhaiku(1)        - Perl version 5.10+ on Haiku
perlhist(1)         - the Perl history records
perlhpux(1)         - Perl version 5 on Hewlett-Packard Unix (HP-UX) systems
perlhurd(1)         - Perl version 5 on Hurd
perlintern(1)       - autogenerated documentation of purely internal Perl functions
perlinterp(1)       - An overview of the Perl interpreter
perlintro(1)        - - a brief introduction and overview of Perl
PerlIO(3pm)         - On demand loader for PerlIO layers and root of PerlIO::* name space
PerlIO.encoding(3pm) - encoding layer
perliol(1)          - C API for Perl's implementation of IO in Layers.
PerlIO.scalar(3pm)  - in-memory IO, scalar IO
PerlIO.via(3pm)     - Helper class for PerlIO layers implemented in perl
PerlIO.via.QuotedPrint(3pm) - PerlIO layer for quoted-printable strings
perlipc(1)          - Perl interprocess communication (signals, fifos, pipes, safe subprocesses, sockets, and semaphores)
perlirix(1)         - Perl version 5 on Irix systems
perlivp(1)          - Perl Installation Verification Procedure
perljp(1)           - XXX Perl XXX
perlko(1)           - PerlX XXX XXX
perllexwarn(1)      - Perl Lexical Warnings
perllinux(1)        - Perl version 5 on Linux systems
perllocale(1)       - Perl locale handling (internationalization and localization)
perllol(1)          - Manipulating Arrays of Arrays in Perl
perlmacos(1)        - Perl under Mac OS(Classic)
perlmacosx(1)       - Perl under Mac OS X
perlmod(1)          - Perl modules (packages and symbol tables)
perlmodinstall(1)   - Installing CPAN Modules
perlmodlib(1)       - constructing new Perl modules and finding existing ones
perlmodstyle(1)     - Perl module style guide
perlmpeix(1)        - Perl/iX for HP e3000 MPE
perlmroapi(1)       - Perl method resolution plugin interface
perlnetware(1)      - Perl for NetWare
perlnewmod(1)       - preparing a new module for distribution
perlnumber(1)       - semantics of numbers and numeric operations in Perl
perlobj(1)          - Perl objects
perlop(1)           - Perl operators and precedence
perlopenbsd(1)      - Perl version 5 on OpenBSD systems
perlopentut(1)      - tutorial on opening things in Perl
perlos2(1)          - Perl under OS/2, DOS, Win0.3*, Win0.95 and WinNT.
perlos390(1)        - building and installing Perl for OS/390 and z/OS
perlos400(1)        - Perl version 5 on OS/400
Perl.OSType(3pm)    - Map Perl operating system names to generic types
perlpacktut(1)      - tutorial on "pack" and "unpack"
perlperf(1)         - Perl Performance and Optimization Techniques
perlplan9(1)        - Plan 9-specific documentation for Perl
perlpod(1)          - the Plain Old Documentation format
perlpodspec(1)      - Plain Old Documentation: format specification and notes
perlpodstyle(1)     - Perl POD style guide
perlpolicy(1)       - Various and sundry policies and commitments related to the Perl core
perlport(1)         - Writing portable Perl
perlpragma(1)       - how to write a user pragma
perlqnx(1)          - Perl version 5 on QNX
perlre(1)           - Perl regular expressions
perlreapi(1)        - perl regular expression plugin interface
perlrebackslash(1)  - Perl Regular Expression Backslash Sequences and Escapes
perlrecharclass(1)  - Perl Regular Expression Character Classes
perlref(1)          - Perl references and nested data structures
perlreftut(1)       - Mark's very short tutorial about references
perlreguts(1)       - Description of the Perl regular expression engine.
perlrequick(1)      - Perl regular expressions quick start
perlreref(1)        - Perl Regular Expressions Reference
perlretut(1)        - Perl regular expressions tutorial
perlriscos(1)       - Perl version 5 for RISC OS
perlrun(1)          - how to execute the Perl interpreter
perlsec(1)          - Perl security
perlsolaris(1)      - Perl version 5 on Solaris systems
perlsource(1)       - A guide to the Perl source tree
perlstyle(1)        - Perl style guide
perlsub(1)          - Perl subroutines
perlsymbian(1)      - Perl version 5 on Symbian OS
perlsyn(1)          - Perl syntax
perltex(1)          - enable LaTeX macros to be defined in terms of Perl code
perlthanks(1)       - how to submit bug reports on Perl
perlthrtut(1)       - Tutorial on threads in Perl
perltie(1)          - how to hide an object class in a simple variable
perltoc(1)          - perl documentation table of contents
perltodo(1)         - Perl TO-DO List
perltooc(1)         - Tom's OO Tutorial for Class Data in Perl
perltoot(1)         - Tom's object-oriented tutorial for perl
perltrap(1)         - Perl traps for the unwary
perltru64(1)        - Perl version 5 on Tru64 (formerly known as Digital UNIX formerly known as DEC OSF/1) systems
perltw(1)           - XXXX Perl XX
perlunicode(1)      - Unicode support in Perl
perlunifaq(1)       - Perl Unicode FAQ
perluniintro(1)     - Perl Unicode introduction
perluniprops(1)     - Index of Unicode Version 6.0.0 properties in Perl
perlunitut(1)       - Perl Unicode Tutorial
perlutil(1)         - utilities packaged with the Perl distribution
perluts(1)          - Perl under UTS
perlvar(1)          - Perl predefined variables
perlvmesa(1)        - building and installing Perl for VM/ESA.
perlvms(1)          - VMS-specific documentation for Perl
perlvos(1)          - Perl for Stratus VOS
perlwin32(1)        - Perl under Windows
perlxs(1)           - XS language reference manual
perlxstut(1)        - Tutorial for writing XSUBs
perror(1)           - explain error codes
perror(3)           - (unknown subject)
Pervasives(3o)      - The initially opened module.
Pervasives.LargeFile(3o) - Operations on large files.
pf2afm(1)           - Make an AFM file from Postscript (PFB/PFA/PFM) font files using ghostscript
pfb2pfa(1)          - convert a type1 pfb file (binary MSDOS) into a pfa(ASCII)
pfbtopfa(1)         - Convert Postscript .pfb fonts to .pfa format using ghostscript
pfbtops(1)          - translate a PostScript font in .pfb format to ASCII
pfm(5)              - PFM graphic image file format
pfmtopam(1)         - Convert PFM (Portable Float Map) image to Netpbm format
pfrom(1)            - "fetch a list of the current mail via POP"
pg(1)               - browse pagewise through text files
pg_archivecleanup(1) - clean up PostgreSQL WAL archive files
pg_basebackup(1)    - take a base backup of a PostgreSQL cluster
pgbench(1)          - run a benchmark test on PostgreSQL
pg_config(1)        - retrieve information about the installed version of PostgreSQL
pg_controldata(1)   - display control information of a PostgreSQL database cluster
pg_ctl(1)           - initialize, start, stop, or control a PostgreSQL server
pg_dump(1)          - extract a PostgreSQL database into a script file or other archive file
pg_dumpall(1)       - extract a PostgreSQL database cluster into a script file
pg_isready(1)       - check the connection status of a PostgreSQL server
pgm(5)              - Netpbm grayscale image format
pgmabel(1)          - create cross section using Abel Integration for Deconvolution
pgmbentley(1)       - Bentleyize a PGM image
pgmcrater(1)        - create cratered terrain by fractal forgery
pgmdeshadow(1)      - Deshadow a PGM image
pgmedge(1)          - replaced by pamedge
pgmenhance(1)       - edge-enhance a PGM image
pgmhist(1)          - print a histogram of the values in a PGM image
pgmkernel(1)        - generate a convolution kernel
pgmmake(1)          - create a PGM image of a specified gray level and dimensions
pgmmedian(1)        - apply a median filter to a PGM file
pgmminkowski(1)     - compute Minkowski integral
pgmmorphconv(1)     - perform morphological convolutions: dilation, erosion
pgmnoise(1)         - create a PGM image made up of white noise
pgmnorm(1)          - replaced by pnmnorm
pgmoil(1)           - replaced by pamoil
pgmramp(1)          - generate a grayscale ramp
pgmslice(1)         - extract one line of pixel values out of a PGM
pgmtexture(1)       - calculate textural features on a PGM image
pgmtofs(1)          - convert PGM image to Usenix FaceSaver(tm) format
pgmtolispm(1)       - convert a PGM image to Lisp Machine format
pgmtopbm(1)         - convert a PGM image to PBM
pgmtopgm(1)         - copy PGM image
pgmtoppm(1)         - colorize a PGM(grayscale) image into a PPM(color) image
pgpewrap(1)         - Mutt command line munging tool
pgpring(1)          - Mutt key ring dumper
pg_receivexlog(1)   - streams transaction logs from a PostgreSQL cluster
pgrep(1)            - look up or signal processes based on name and other attributes
pg_resetxlog(1)     - reset the write-ahead log and other control information of a PostgreSQL database cluster
pg_restore(1)       - restore a PostgreSQL database from an archive file created by pg_dump
pg_standby(1)       - supports the creation of a PostgreSQL warm standby server
pg_test_fsync(1)    - determine fastest wal_sync_method for PostgreSQL
pg_test_timing(1)   - measure timing overhead
pg_upgrade(1)       - upgrade a PostgreSQL server instance
pg_xlogdump(1)      - Display a human-readable rendering of the write-ahead log of a PostgreSQL database cluster
photo(n)            - Full-color images
pi1toppm(1)         - convert an Atari Degas .pi1 into a PPM image
pi3topbm(1)         - convert an Atari Degas .pi3 file into a PBM image
pic(1)              - compile pictures for troff or TeX
pic2graph(1)        - convert a PIC diagram into a cropped image
pic2tpic(1)         - Convert pic files to tpic format
pick(1)             - search for messages by content
piconv(1)           - - iconv(1), reinvented in perl
picttoppm(1)        - convert a Macintosh PICT file to a PPM
pid(n)              - Retrieve process identifiers
pidof(8)            - find the process ID of a running program.
pinfo(1)            - curses based lynx-style info browser
ping(1)             - send ICMP ECHO_REQUEST packets to network hosts
pinky(1)            - lightweight finger
pitchplay(1)        - wrapper script to play audio tracks with cdda2wav with different pitches through a soundcard (cdda2wav must have soundcard support enabled).
pj_init(3)          - initialize cartographic projection
pjtoppm(1)          - convert an HP PaintJet file to a PPM image
pk2bm(1)            - create a bitmap from a TeX pkfont
pkcs11.conf(5)      - Configuration files for PKCS#11 modules
pkcs12(1)           - PKCS#12 file utility
PKCS12_create(3)    - create a PKCS#12 structure
PKCS12_parse(3)     - parse a PKCS#12 structure
PKCS5_PBKDF2_HMAC_SHA1(3) - (unknown subject)
pkcs7(1)            - PKCS#7 utility
PKCS7_decrypt(3)    - decrypt content from a PKCS#7 envelopedData structure
PKCS7_encrypt(3)    - create a PKCS#7 envelopedData structure
PKCS7_sign(3)       - create a PKCS#7 signedData structure
PKCS7_sign_add_signer(3) - add a signer PKCS7 signed data structure.
PKCS7_verify(3)     - verify a PKCS#7 signedData structure
pkcs8(1)            - PKCS#8 format private key conversion tool
pkey(1)             - public or private key processing tool
pkeyparam(1)        - public key algorithm parameter processing tool
pkeyutl(1)          - public key algorithm utility
pkfix-helper(1)     - preprocess dvips-produced PostScript documents before passing them to pkfix
pkg-config(1)       - Return metainformation about installed libraries
pkg.create(n)       - Construct an appropriate 'package ifneeded' command for a given package specification
pkg_mkIndex(n)      - Build an index for automatic loading of packages
pkill(1)            - look up or signal processes based on name and other attributes
pktogf(1)           - convert packed font files to generic font files
pktopbm(1)          - convert packed(PK) format font into PBM
pktype(1)           - verify and translate a packed font bitmap file to plain text
pl2pm(1)            - Rough tool to translate Perl4 .pl files to Perl5 .pm modules.
place(n)            - Geometry manager for fixed or rubber-sheet placement
PlanesOfScreen(3)   - screen information functions and macros
platform(n)         - System identification support code and utilities   - System identification support code and utilities
play(1)             - Sound eXchange, the Swiss Army knife of audio manipulation
playbucket(1)       - plays the bucket corresponding to the specified file
plot(1)             - translate GNU metafiles to other graphics formats
plotfont(1)         - produce character maps of fonts supported by the plotting utilities
pltotf(1)           - convert property list files to TeX font metric(tfm) format
pluginviewer(8)     - list loadable SASL plugins and their properties
pmap(1)             - report memory map of a process
pmx2pdf(1)          - This script processes pmx files and then deletes intermediate files
pmxab(1)            - a MusiXTeX preprocessor
png2bmp(1)          - PNG-to-BMP converter
png2dbl(1)          - convert a png file to an dbl file
png(5)              - Portable Network Graphics(PNG) format
pngcheck(1)         - Test PNG image files for corruption, and print size/type/compression info.
pngcrush(1)         - optimizes (or modifies) PNG (Portable Network Graphics) files.
pngquant(1)         - PNG converter and lossy image compressor
pngtopnm(1)         - convert a PNG image into a PNM image
pnm(5)              - Netpbm superformat
pnmalias(1)         - antialias a PNM image
pnmarith(1)         - perform arithmetic on two PNM images
pnmcat(1)           - concatenate Netpbm images
pnmcolormap(1)      - create quantization color map for a Netpbm image
pnmcomp(1)          - composite(overlay) two PNM images together
pnmconvol(1)        - general MxN convolution on a Netpbm image
pnmcrop(1)          - crop a PNM image
pnmcut(1)           - replaced by pamcut
pnmdepth(1)         - change the maxval in a PNM image
pnmenlarge(1)       - replaced by pamenlarge
pnmfile(1)          - replaced by pamfile
pnmgamma(1)         - perform gamma adjustment on a PNM image
pnmhisteq(1)        - histogram equalize a PNM image
pnmhistmap(1)       - draw a histogram for a PGM or PPM file
pnmindex(1)         - build a visual index of a bunch of PNM images
pnminterp(1)        - replaced by pamstretch
pnminvert(1)        - invert a PNM image
pnmmargin(1)        - add borders to a PNM image
pnmmontage(1)       - create a montage of PNM images
pnmnlfilt(1)        - non-linear filters: smooth, alpha trim mean, optimal estimation smoothing, edge enhancement.
pnmnoraw(1)         - replaced by pnmtoplainpnm
pnmnorm(1)          - normalize the contrast in a Netbpm image
pnmpad(1)           - add borders to a PNM image
pnmpaste(1)         - paste a rectangle into a PNM image
pnmpsnr(1)          - compute the difference between two images (the PSNR)
pnmquant(1)         - quantize the colors in a Netpbm image to a smaller set
pnmremap(1)         - replace colors in a PNM image with colors from another set
pnmrotate(1)        - rotate a PNM image by some angle
pnmscale(1)         - replaced by pamscale
pnmscalefixed(1)    - scale a PNM file quickly
pnmshear(1)         - shear a PNM image by a specified angle
pnmsmooth(1)        - smooth out an image
pnmsplit(1)         - split a multi-image PNM file into multiple single-image files
pnmstitch(1)        - stitch together two panoramic (side-by-side) photographs
pnmtile(1)          - replicate an image to fill a specified region
pnmtoddif(1)        - Convert a PNM image to DDIF format
pnmtofiasco(1)      - Convert PNM file to FIASCO compressed file
pnmtofits(1)        - replaced by pamtofits
pnmtojbig(1)        - PNM to JBIG file converter
pnmtojpeg(1)        - convert PNM image to a JFIF ('JPEG') image
pnmtopalm(1)        - convert a PNM image to a Palm Bitmap
pnmtopclxl(1)       - convert a PNM image to an HP LaserJet PCL XL printer stream
pnmtoplainpnm(1)    - replaced by pnmtopnm
pnmtopng(1)         - convert a PNM image to PNG
pnmtopnm(1)         - copy a PNM image
pnmtops(1)          - convert PNM image to PostScript
pnmtorast(1)        - convert a PPM into a Sun rasterfile
pnmtorle(1)         - convert a Netpbm image file into an RLE image file.
pnmtosgi(1)         - convert a PNM image to a SGI image file
pnmtosir(1)         - convert a PNM image into a Solitaire format
pnmtotiff(1)        - replaced by pamtotiff
pnmtotiffcmyk(1)    - convert a Netpbm image into a CMYK encoded TIFF file
pnmtoxwd(1)         - convert a PNM into an X11 window dump
pnoutrefresh(3x)    - create and display curses pads
pod2html(1)         - convert .pod files to .html files
pod2latex(1)        - convert pod documentation to latex format
pod2man(1)          - Convert POD data to formatted *roff input
pod2texi(1)         - convert Pod to Texinfo
pod2text(1)         - Convert POD data to formatted ASCII text
pod2usage(1)        - print usage messages from embedded pod docs in files
podchecker(1)       - check the syntax of POD format documentation files
Pod.Checker(3pm)    - check pod documents for syntax errors
Pod.Coverage(3pm)   - Checks if the documentation of a module is comprehensive
Pod.Coverage.CountParents(3pm) - subclass of Pod::Coverage that examines the inheritance tree
Pod.Coverage.ExportOnly(3pm) - subclass of Pod::Coverage than only examines exported functions
Pod.Coverage.Overloader(3pm) - deprecated subclass of Pod::Coverage
Pod.Escapes(3pm)    - - for resolving Pod E<...> sequences
Pod.Find(3pm)       - find POD documents in directory trees
Pod.Html(3pm)       - module to convert pod files to HTML
Pod.InputObjects(3pm) - objects representing POD input paragraphs, commands, etc.
Pod.LaTeX(3pm)      - Convert Pod data to formatted Latex
Pod.Man(3pm)        - Convert POD data to formatted *roff input
Pod.ParseLink(3pm)  - Parse an L<> formatting code in POD text
Pod.Parser(3pm)     - base class for creating POD filters and translators
Pod.ParseUtils(3pm) - helpers for POD parsing and conversion
Pod.Perldoc(3pm)    - Look up Perl documentation in Pod format.
Pod.Perldoc.BaseTo(3pm) - Base for Pod::Perldoc formatters
Pod.Perldoc.GetOptsOO(3pm) - Customized option parser for Pod::Perldoc
Pod.Perldoc.ToChecker(3pm) - let Perldoc check Pod for errors
Pod.Perldoc.ToMan(3pm) - let Perldoc render Pod as man pages
Pod.Perldoc.ToNroff(3pm) - let Perldoc convert Pod to nroff
Pod.Perldoc.ToPod(3pm) - let Perldoc render Pod as ... Pod!
Pod.Perldoc.ToRtf(3pm) - let Perldoc render Pod as RTF
Pod.Perldoc.ToText(3pm) - let Perldoc render Pod as plaintext
Pod.Perldoc.ToTk(3pm) - let Perldoc use Tk::Pod to render Pod
Pod.Perldoc.ToXml(3pm) - let Perldoc render Pod as XML
Pod.PlainText(3pm)  - Convert POD data to formatted ASCII text
podselect(1)        - print selected sections of pod documentation on standard output
Pod.Select(3pm)     - extract selected sections of POD from input
Pod.Simple(3pm)     - framework for parsing Pod
Pod.Simple.Checker(3pm) - - check the Pod syntax of a document
Pod.Simple.Debug(3pm) - - put Pod::Simple into trace/debug mode
Pod.Simple.DumpAsText(3pm) - - dump Pod-parsing events as text
Pod.Simple.DumpAsXML(3pm) - - turn Pod into XML
Pod.Simple.HTML(3pm) - convert Pod to HTML
Pod.Simple.HTMLBatch(3pm) - convert several Pod files to several HTML files
Pod.Simple.LinkSection(3pm) - - represent "section" attributes of L codes
Pod.Simple.Methody(3pm) - - turn Pod::Simple events into method calls
Pod.Simple.PullParser(3pm) - - a pull-parser interface to parsing Pod
Pod.Simple.PullParserEndToken(3pm) - - end-tokens from Pod::Simple::PullParser
Pod.Simple.PullParserStartToken(3pm) - - start-tokens from Pod::Simple::PullParser
Pod.Simple.PullParserTextToken(3pm) - - text-tokens from Pod::Simple::PullParser
Pod.Simple.PullParserToken(3pm) - - tokens from Pod::Simple::PullParser
Pod.Simple.RTF(3pm) - - format Pod as RTF
Pod.Simple.Search(3pm) - find POD documents in directory trees
Pod.Simple.SimpleTree(3pm) - - parse Pod into a simple parse tree
Pod.Simple.Subclassing(3pm) - - write a formatter as a Pod::Simple subclass
Pod.Simple.Text(3pm) - - format Pod as plaintext
Pod.Simple.TextContent(3pm) - - get the text content of Pod
Pod.Simple.XHTML(3pm) - - format Pod as validating XHTML
Pod.Simple.XMLOutStream(3pm) - - turn Pod into XML
Pod.Text(3pm)       - Convert POD data to formatted ASCII text
Pod.Text.Color(3pm) - Convert POD data to formatted color ASCII text
Pod.Text.Overstrike(3pm) - Convert POD data to formatted overstrike text
Pod.Text.Termcap(3pm) - Convert POD data to ASCII text with format escapes
Pod.Usage(3pm)      - print a usage message from embedded pod documentation
pooltype(1)         - display a WEB pool file
popd(1)             - bash built-in commands, see bash(1)
popen(3)            - (unknown subject)
popper(8)           - POP3 server
popt(3)             - Parse command line options
portmap(8c)         - DARPA port to RPC program number mapper
pos_form_cursor(3x) - position a form window cursor
posh(1)             - Policy-compliant Ordinary SHell
POSIX(3pm)          - Perl interface to IEEE Std 1003.1
posix(3)            - (unknown subject)
pos_menu_cursor(3x) - position a menu's cursor
post(8)             - deliver a message
post_form(3x)       - write or erase forms from associated subwindows
postgres(1)         - PostgreSQL database server
postmaster(1)       - PostgreSQL database server
post_menu(3x)       - write or erase menus from associated subwindows
potrace(1)          - transform bitmaps into vector graphics.
pow(3)              - (unknown subject)
poweroff(8)         - reboot, stop or suspend the system.
powf(3)             - (unknown subject)
ppl-config(1)       - obtain information about an installation of the Parma Polyhedra Library
ppl_lcdd(1)         - a PPL-based program for vertex/facet enumeration of convex polyhedra
ppl_pips(1)         - a PPL-based parametric integer programming problem solver
ppm2tiff(1)         - create a TIFF file from PPM, PGM and PBM image files
ppm3d(1)            - convert two PPM images into an anaglyph (red/blue 3d glasses) PPM
ppm(5)              - Netpbm color image format
ppmbrighten(1)      - change a PPM image's Saturation and Value
ppmchange(1)        - change all pixels of one color to another in a PPM image
ppmcie(1)           - draw a CIE color chart as a PPM image
ppmcolormask(1)     - produce mask of areas of a certain color in a PPM file
ppmdcfont(1)        - Turn a Ppmdfont file into C source for a builtin font
ppmddumpfont(1)     - dump a Ppmdfont file
ppmdim(1)           - dim a PPM image
ppmdist(1)          - simplistic grayscale assignment for machine generated, color images
ppmdither(1)        - ordered dither for color images
ppmdmkfont(1)       - Create Ppmdfont 'standard'.
ppmdraw(1)          - draw lines, text, etc on a PPM image
ppmfade(1)          - generate a transition between two image files using special effects
ppmflash(1)         - brighten a picture to approach white
ppmforge(1)         - fractal forgeries of clouds, planets, and starry skies
ppmglobe(1)         - generate strips to glue onto a sphere
ppmhist(1)          - print a histogram of the colors in a PPM image
ppmlabel(1)         - add text to a PPM image
ppmmake(1)          - create a PPM image of a specified color and dimensions
ppmmix(1)           - blend together two PPM images
ppmnorm(1)          - replaced by pnmnorm
ppmntsc(1)          - Make RGB colors legal for NTSC or PAL color systems.
ppmpat(1)           - make a pretty PPM image
ppmquant(1)         - quantize the colors in a PPM image down to a specified number
ppmquantall(1)      - replaced by pnmquantall
ppmrainbow(1)       - Generate a rainbow
ppmrelief(1)        - run a Laplacian relief filter on a PPM image
ppmrough(1)         - create PPM image of two colors with a ragged border between them
ppmshadow(1)        - add simulated shadows to a PPM image
ppmshift(1)         - shift lines of a PPM image left or right by a random amount
ppmspread(1)        - displace a PPM image's pixels by a random amount
ppmsvgalib(1)       - display PPM image on Linux console using Svgalib
ppmtoacad(1)        - convert PPM to Autocad database or slide
ppmtoarbtxt(1)      - generate image in arbitrary text format from PPM image
ppmtobmp(1)         - convert a PPM image into a BMP file
ppmtoeyuv(1)        - convert a PPM image into a Berkeley YUV file
ppmtoicr(1)         - convert a PPM image into NCSA ICR format
ppmtoilbm(1)        - convert a PPM image into an ILBM file
ppmtojpeg(1)        - replaced by pnmtojpeg
ppmtoleaf(1)        - convert PPM image to Interleaf image format
ppmtolj(1)          - convert a PPM image to an HP LaserJet PCL 5 Color file
ppmtomap(1)         - create a map of all colors in a PPM image
ppmtomitsu(1)       - convert a PPM image to a Mitsubishi S340-10 file
ppmtompeg(1)        - encode an MPEG-1 bitstream
ppmtoneo(1)         - convert a PPM into an Atari Neochrome .neo file
ppmtopcx(1)         - convert a PPM image to a PCX file
ppmtopgm(1)         - convert a PPM image to a PGM image
ppmtopi1(1)         - convert a PPM image into an Atari Degas .pi1 file
ppmtopict(1)        - convert a PPM image to a Macintosh PICT file
ppmtopj(1)          - convert a PPM image to an HP PaintJet file
ppmtopjxl(1)        - convert a PPM image to an HP PaintJet XL PCL file
ppmtoppm(1)         - copy PPM image
ppmtopuzz(1)        - convert a PPM image to an X11 'puzzle' file
ppmtorgb3(1)        - separate a PPM image into three PGMs
ppmtosixel(1)       - convert a PPM image to DEC sixel format
ppmtoterm(1)        - convert a PPM image to a ANSI ISO 6429 ascii image
ppmtotga(1)         - replaced by pamtotga
ppmtouil(1)         - replaced by pamtouil
ppmtowinicon(1)     - convert PPM image into a Windows .ico file
ppmtoxpm(1)         - convert a PPM image to an X11 pixmap
ppmtoyuv(1)         - convert a PPM image to an Abekas YUV file
ppmtoyuvsplit(1)    - convert a PPM image to 3 subsampled raw YUV files
ppmtv(1)            - make a PPM image look like taken from an American TV
ppmwheel(1)         - make a PPM image of a color wheel
ppthtml(1)          - A program for converting Microsoft Power Point Files .ppt
pr(1)               - convert text files for printing
pr29_4(3)           - API function
pr29_4z(3)          - API function
pr29_8z(3)          - API function
pr29_strerror(3)    - API function
pr3287(1)           - IBM host printing tool
preconv(1)          - convert encoding of input files to something GNU troff understands
prefresh(3x)        - create and display curses pads
PREPARE(7)          - prepare a statement for execution
PREPARE_TRANSACTION(7) - prepare the current transaction for two-phase commit
prepmx(1)           - preprocessor for PMX, easy music typesetting program
prev(1)             - show the previous message
prezip-bin(1)       - prefix zip delta word list compressor/decompressor
printafm(1)         - Print the metrics from a Postscript font in AFM format using ghostscript
print_description(3) - netsnmp_mib_api functions
printenv(1)         - print all or part of environment
Printexc(3o)        - Facilities for printing exceptions and inspecting current call stack.
printf(1)           - format and print data
Printf(3o)          - Formatted output functions.
print_mib(3)        - netsnmp_mib_api functions
print_objid(3)      - netsnmp_mib_api functions
print_time_table(3) - parse and unparse time intervals
print_value(3)      - netsnmp_varbind_api functions
print_variable(3)   - netsnmp_varbind_api functions
printw(3x)          - print formatted output in curses windows
pristine-bz2(1)     - regenerate pristine bz2 files
pristine-gz(1)      - regenerate pristine gz files
pristine-tar(1)     - regenerate pristine tarballs
pristine-xz(1)      - regenerate pristine xz files
Probe.Perl(3pm)     - Information about the currently running perl
prockill(1)         - send a signal to a process
Proc.Killall(3pm)   - Kill all instances of a process by pattern matching the command-line
Proc.Killfam(3pm)   - kill a list of pids, and all their sub-children
procmail(1)         - autonomous mail processor
procmailex(5)       - procmail rcfile examples
procmailrc(5)       - procmail rcfile
procmailsc(5)       - procmail weighted scoring technique
proc(n)             - Create a Tcl procedure
Proc.ProcessTable(3pm) - Perl extension to access the unix process table
Proc.ProcessTable.Process(3pm) - Perl process objects
procps(1)           - report a snapshot of the current processes.
proftpd(8)          - Professional configurable, secure file transfer protocol server
proj(1)             - forward cartographic projection filter
prompter(1)         - prompting editor front-end for nmh
props(1)            - Change OpenWindows settings
ProtocolRevision(3) - Display macros and functions
ProtocolVersion(3)  - Display macros and functions
prove(1)            - Run tests through a TAP harness.
prtstat(1)          - print statistics of a process
ps(1)               - (unknown subject)
ps2ascii(1)         - Ghostscript translator from PostScript or PDF to ASCII
ps2eps(1)           - convert PostScript to EPS (Encapsulated PostScript) files
ps2epsi(1)          - generate conforming Encapsulated PostScript
ps2frag(1)          - obsolete shell script for the PSfrag system.
ps2pdf12(1)         - Convert PostScript to PDF 1.2 (Acrobat 3-and-later compatible) using ghostscript
ps2pdf13(1)         - Convert PostScript to PDF 1.3 (Acrobat 4-and-later compatible) using ghostscript
ps2pdf14(1)         - Convert PostScript to PDF 1.4 (Acrobat 5-and-later compatible) using ghostscript
ps2pdf(1)           - Convert PostScript to PDF using ghostscript
ps2pdfwr(1)         - Convert PostScript to PDF without specifying CompatibilityLevel, using ghostscript
ps2pk(1)            - creates a TeX pkfont from a type1 PostScript font
ps2ps(1)            - Ghostscript PostScript "distiller"
psbook(1)           - rearrange pages in PostScript file into signatures
pscan(1)            - Format string security checker for C source code
psed(1)             - a stream editor
psf(1)              - filter
psidtopgm(1)        - convert PostScript 'image' data to a PGM image
psktool(1)          - GnuTLS PSK tool
pslatex(1)          - utility to typeset LaTeX files using PostScript fonts
psmandup(1)         - print duplex on non duplex printers
psmerge(1)          - filter to merge several PostScript files into one
psnup(1)            - multiple pages per sheet
pspell-config(1)    - prints information about a libpspell installation
psql(1)             - PostgreSQL interactive terminal
psresize(1)         - multiple pages per sheet
psselect(1)         - select pages from a PostScript file
psset(1)            - insert page device request in PostScript files
pstoedit(1)         - a tool converting PostScript and PDF files into various vector graphic formats
pstopdf(1)          - (unknown subject)
pstopnm(1)          - convert a PostScript file to a PNM image
pstops(1)           - shuffle pages in a PostScript file
pstotext(1)         - extract ASCII text from a PostScript or PDF file
pstree(1)           - display a tree of processes
pstruct(1)          - Dump C structures as generated from "cc - g - S" stabs
ptar(1)             - a tar-like program written in perl
ptardiff(1)         - program that diffs an extracted archive against an unextracted one
ptargrep(1)         - Apply pattern matching to the contents of files in a tar archive
ptee(1)             - emulate the GNU tee program with Perl
pth(3)              - GNU Portable Threads
pth-config(1)       - Pth library build utility
ptked(1)            - an editor in Perl/Tk
ptksh(1)            - Perl/Tk script to provide a graphical user interface for testing Perl/Tk commands and scripts.
ptx(1)              - produce a permuted index of file contents
pulseaudio(1)       - The PulseAudio Sound System
pulse-client.conf(5) - PulseAudio client configuration file
pulse-cli-syntax(5) - PulseAudio Command Line Interface Syntax
pulse-daemon.conf(5) - PulseAudio daemon configuration file
punycode_decode(3)  - API function
punycode_encode(3)  - API function
punycode_strerror(3) - API function
pure-authd(8)       - External authentication agent for Pure-FTPd.
pure-ftpd(8)        - simple File Transfer Protocol server
pure-ftpwho(8)      - Report current FTP sessions
pure-mrtginfo(8)    - provide an MRTG-graphable user count for ftpd
pure-pw(8)          - Manage virtual users files for Pure-FTPd
pure-pwconvert(8)   - Generate a virtual users file from system accounts
pure-quotacheck(8)  - Update virtual quota files for Pure-FTPd
pure-statsdecode(8) - Show human-readable dates from a "stats" logfile
pure-uploadscript(8) - Automatically run an external program after a successful upload
purifyeps(1)        - make an Encapsulated PostScript file work with both dvips and pdflatex
push(8)             - fetch mail via POP
pushd(1)            - bash built-in commands, see bash(1)
putc(3)             - (unknown subject)
putchar(3)          - (unknown subject)
putchar_unlocked(3) - (unknown subject)
putc_unlocked(3)    - (unknown subject)
putp(3x)            - curses interfaces to terminfo database
puts(3)             - (unknown subject)
puts(n)             - Write to a channel
putw(3)             - (unknown subject)
putwchar(3)         - (unknown subject)
putwin(3x)          - miscellaneous curses utility routines
pv(1)               - monitor the progress of data through a pipe
pwd(1)              - print name of current/working directory
pwd(n)              - Return the absolute path of the current working directory
pwdx(1)             - report current working directory of a process
pwgen(1)            - generate pronounceable passwords
pwget(1)            - Perl Web URL fetch program
pwhich(1)           - Perl-only `which'
pylint(1)           - python code static checker
pylint-gui(1)       - Tkinker gui for pylint
pyreverse(1)        - parse python sources files and extract diagrams from them.
python(1)           - an interpreted, interactive, object-oriented programming language
python2.7(1)        - an interpreted, interactive, object-oriented programming language
python3.2(1)        - an interpreted, interactive, object-oriented programming language
qcmd(1)             - Rename or copy files quickly, editing the file names in a text editor
qcp(1)              - Rename or copy files quickly, editing the file names in a text editor
qhull(1)            - convex hull, Delaunay triangulation, Voronoi diagram, halfspace intersection about a point, hull volume, facet area
qiflush(3x)         - curses input options
qiv(1)              - a fast gdk/imlib image viewer for X.
QLength(3)          - Display macros and functions
qmv(1)              - Rename or copy files quickly, editing the file names in a text editor
qop(5)              - "GSS-API Mechanism and QOP files"
qrttoppm(1)         - convert output from the QRT ray tracer to a PPM image
qsf(1)              - quick spam filter
qsort(3)            - (unknown subject)
quantize(5)         - ImageMagick's color reduction algorithm.
Queue(3o)           - First-in first-out queues.
quilt(1)            - tool to manage series of patches
R(1)                - a language for data analysis and graphics
radiobutton(n)      - Create and manipulate radiobutton widgets
raise(3)            - (unknown subject)
raise(n)            - Change a window's position in the stacking order
rake(1)             - simple build program similar to make
rakudo(1)           - Rakudo Perl 6 Compiler
rand(1)             - generate pseudo-random bytes
rand(3)             - pseudo-random number generator
rand(3)             - (unknown subject)
rand48(3)           - (unknown subject)
RAND_add(3)         - add entropy to the PRNG
RAND_add(3)         - (unknown subject)
RAND_bytes(3)       - generate random data
RAND_bytes(3)       - (unknown subject)
RAND_cleanup(3)     - erase the PRNG state
RAND_cleanup(3)     - (unknown subject)
RAND_egd(3)         - query entropy gathering daemon
RAND_event(3)       - add entropy to the PRNG
RAND_file_name(3)   - PRNG seed file
RAND_file_name(3)   - (unknown subject)
RAND_get_rand_method(3) - select RAND method
RAND_get_rand_method(3) - (unknown subject)
RAND_load_file(3)   - PRNG seed file
RAND_load_file(3)   - (unknown subject)
Random(3o)          - Pseudo-random number generators(PRNG).
Random.State(3o)    - no description
RAND_pseudo_bytes(3) - generate random data
RAND_pseudo_bytes(3) - (unknown subject)
RAND_screen(3)      - add entropy to the PRNG
RAND_seed(3)        - add entropy to the PRNG
RAND_seed(3)        - (unknown subject)
RAND_set_rand_engine(3) - (unknown subject)
RAND_set_rand_method(3) - select RAND method
RAND_set_rand_method(3) - (unknown subject)
RAND_SSLeay(3)      - select RAND method
RAND_status(3)      - add entropy to the PRNG
RAND_status(3)      - (unknown subject)
RAND_write_file(3)  - PRNG seed file
RAND_write_file(3)  - (unknown subject)
ranlib(1)           - generate index to archive.
ras2tiff(1)         - create a TIFF file from a Sun rasterfile
rasttopnm(1)        - convert a Sun rasterfile to a PNM image
rats(1)             - Rough Auditing Tool for Security
raw2adpcm(1)        - raw2adpcm converts a raw sound data to adpcm compressed
raw2tiff(1)         - create a TIFF file from a raw data
raw(3x)             - curses input options
rawtopgm(1)         - convert raw grayscale bytes to a PGM image
rawtoppm(1)         - convert a stream of raw RGB bytes to a PPM image
rbox(1)             - generate point distributions for qhull
rc(1)               - shell
rc4(3)              - RC4 encryption
RC4_set_key(3)      - RC4 encryption
rcp(1)              - remote file copy
rcs(1)              - change  attributes
rcs2log(1)          - generates a changelog from RCS files
rcsclean(1)         - clean up working files
rcsdiff(1)          - compare RCS revisions
rcsfile(5)          - format
rcsmerge(1)         - merge RCS revisions
rcvdist(1)          - asynchronously redistribute new mail
rcvpack(1)          - append message to file
rcvstore(1)         - asynchronously incorporate mail into a folder
rcvtty(1)           - report new mail
rd2(1)              - converter from RD to other mark-up language.
rdf2bin(1)          - convert an RDOFF object file to flat binary
rdf2com(1)          - convert an RDOFF object file to flat binary
rdf2ihx(1)          - convert an RDOFF object file to flat binary
rdf2ith(1)          - convert an RDOFF object file to flat binary
rdf2srec(1)         - convert an RDOFF object file to flat binary
rdfdump(1)          - dumps an RDOFF object in human-readable form
rdflib(1)           - manage a library file for use with ldrdf(1)
rdiff(1)            - compute and apply signature-based file differences
rdiff-backup(1)     - local/remote mirror and incremental backup
rdiff-backup-statistics(1) - summarize rdiff-backup statistics files
rdjpgcom(1)         - display text comments from a JPEG file
rdswap(1)           - a multi-language RD documents support tool
rdx(1)              - load and execute an RDOFF object
re(3pm)             - Perl pragma to alter regular expression behaviour
read(1)             - bash built-in commands, see bash(1)
read_all_mibs(3)    - netsnmp_mib_api functions
readcd(1)           - read or write data Compact Discs
read_config_print_usage(3) - netsnmp_config_api functions
read_configs(3)     - netsnmp_config_api functions
readdir(3am)        - directory input parser for gawk
readelf(1)          - Displays information about ELF files.
readfile(3am)       - return the entire contents of a file as a string
readline(3)         - get a line from a user with editing
readlink(1)         - print value of a symbolic link or canonical file name
read_mib(3)         - netsnmp_mib_api functions
readmult(1)         - a multitrack wrapper for cdda2wav
read(n)             - Read from a channel
read_objid(3)       - netsnmp_mib_api functions
readom(1)           - read or write data Compact Discs
readonly(1)         - bash built-in commands, see bash(1)
read_premib_configs(3) - netsnmp_config_api functions
readpst(1)          - convert PST (MS Outlook Personal Folders) files to mbox format
readpstlog(1)       - convert a readpst logfile to text format
readshortcut(1)     - read data from a windows shortcut (.lnk) file
realpath(1)         - print the resolved path
rearj(1)            - Converts other archive formats to .arj files
REASSIGN_OWNED(7)   - change the ownership of database objects owned by a database role
reboot(8)           - reboot, stop or suspend the system.
rebuild-gcj-db(1)   - Merge the per-solib databases made by aot-compile into one system-wide database.
rec(1)              - Sound eXchange, the Swiss Army knife of audio manipulation
recode(1)           - converts files between character sets
recode-sr-latin(1)  - convert Serbian text from Cyrillic to Latin script
recordio(1)         - record the input and output of a program
recountdiff(1)      - recompute patch counts and offsets
RectObj(3)          - The RectObj widget class
rediff(1)           - fix offsets and counts of a hand-edited diff
redrawwin(3x)       - refresh curses windows and lines
refchan(n)          - Command handler API of reflected channels, version 1
refer(1)            - preprocess bibliographic references for groff
refile(1)           - file message in other folders
refresh(3x)         - refresh curses windows and lines
REFRESH_MATERIALIZED_VIEW(7) - replace the contents of a materialized view
regex(3)            - regular-expression library
regex(7)            - POSIX 1003.2 regular expressions
regexp(n)           - Match a regular expression against a string
register_app_config_handler(3) - netsnmp_config_api functions
register_app_prenetsnmp_mib_handler(3) - netsnmp_config_api functions
register_config_handler(3) - netsnmp_config_api functions
register_const_config_handler(3) - netsnmp_config_api functions
register_mib_handlers(3) - netsnmp_config_api functions
register_prenetsnmp_mib_handler(3) - netsnmp_config_api functions
registry(n)         - Manipulate the Windows registry
regsub(n)           - Perform substitutions based on regular expression pattern matching
regtool(1)          - (unknown subject)
REINDEX(7)          - rebuild indexes
reindexdb(1)        - reindex a PostgreSQL database
RELEASE_SAVEPOINT(7) - destroy a previously defined savepoint
remainder(3)        - (unknown subject)
remainderf(3)       - (unknown subject)
remove(3)           - (unknown subject)
removexattr(2)      - remove an extended attribute
remquo(3)           - (unknown subject)
remquof(3)          - (unknown subject)
rename(1)           - rename files
rename(3)           - (unknown subject)
rename(n)           - Rename or delete a command
renattach(1)        - rename/delete dangerous email attachments
rendercheck(1)      - simple tests of the X Render extension.
renice(1)           - alter priority of running processes
repl(1)             - reply to a message
replace(1)          - a string-replacement utility
replace_panel(3x)   - panel stack extension for curses
repstopdf(1)        - convert an EPS file to PDF
req(1)              - PKCS#10 certificate request and certificate generating utility.
reset(1)            - terminal initialization
RESET(7)            - restore the value of a run-time parameter to the default value
reset_prog_mode(3x) - low-level curses routines
reset_shell_mode(3x) - low-level curses routines
resetty(3x)         - low-level curses routines
resize(1)           - set environment and terminal settings to current xterm window size
resize2fs(8)        - ext2/ext3/ext4 file system resizer
resize_term(3x)     - change the curses terminal size
resizeterm(3x)      - change the curses terminal size
resolveip(1)        - resolve host name to IP address or vice versa
resolve_stack_dump(1) - resolve numeric stack trace dump to symbols
restartterm(3x)     - curses interfaces to terminfo database
re_syntax(n)        - Syntax of Tcl regular expressions
return(1)           - bash built-in commands, see bash(1)
return(n)           - Return from a procedure, or set return code of a script
rev(1)              - reverse lines of a file or files
REVOKE(7)           - remove access privileges
revoutput(3am)      - Reverse output strings sample extension
revpath(1)          - generate a relative path that can be used to undo a change-directory
revtwoway(3am)      - Reverse strings sample two-way processor extension
rewind(3)           - (unknown subject)
rexec(1)            - - remote execution client for an exec server
rexecd(8)           - remote execution server
rgb2ycbcr(1)        - convert non-YCbCr TIFF images to a YCbCr TIFF image
rgb3toppm(1)        - combine three PGM images (R, G, B) into one PPM image
rgview(1)           - Vi IMproved, a programmers text editor
rgvim(1)            - Vi IMproved, a programmers text editor
rindex(3)           - (unknown subject)
rint(3)             - (unknown subject)
rintf(3)            - (unknown subject)
ripemd160(1)        - message digests
RIPEMD160(3)        - RIPEMD-160 hash function
RIPEMD160_Final(3)  - RIPEMD-160 hash function
RIPEMD160_Init(3)   - RIPEMD-160 hash function
RIPEMD160_Update(3) - RIPEMD-160 hash function
ripemd(3)           - RIPEMD-160 hash function
ripoffline(3x)      - low-level curses routines
rjoe(1)             - Joe's Own Editor
rlatopam(1)         - convert Alias/Wavefront RLA and RPF image files to PAM image files.
rletopnm(1)         - convert a Utah Raster Tools RLE image file to a PNM image file.
rlog(1)             - print log messages and other information about s
rlogin(1)           - remote login
rlogind(8)          - remote login server
rlwrap(1)           - readline wrapper
RlwrapFilter(3pm)   - Perl class for rlwrap filters
rm(1)               - remove files or directories
rmath(1)            - a computer algebra system with functions and readline
rmdir(1)            - remove empty directories
rmf(1)              - remove an nmh folder
rmm(1)              - remove messages
rnano(1)            - Restricted mode for Nano's ANOther editor, an enhanced free Pico clone
rndc(8)             - name server control utility
rndc.conf(5)        - rndc configuration file
rndc-confgen(8)     - rndc key generation tool
robodoc(1)          - Extract documentation from source code.
robohdrs(1)         - insert ROBODoc headers to source code.
robots(6)           - a game of logic
roff2dvi(1)         - transform roff code into dvi mode
roff2html(1)        - transform roff code into html mode
roff2pdf(1)         - transform roff code into pdf mode
roff2ps(1)          - transform roff code into ps mode
roff2text(1)        - transform roff code into text mode
roff2x(1)           - transform roff code into x mode
roff(7)             - concepts and history of roff typesetting
ROLLBACK(7)         - abort the current transaction
ROLLBACK_PREPARED(7) - cancel a transaction that was earlier prepared for two-phase commit
ROLLBACK_TO_SAVEPOINT(7) - roll back to a savepoint
RootWindow(3)       - Display macros and functions
RootWindowOfScreen(3) - screen information functions and macros
rotatelogs2(8)      - Piped logging program to rotate Apache logs
round(3)            - (unknown subject)
roundf(3)           - (unknown subject)
rpc(3t)             - library routines for remote procedure calls
rpc(5)              - rpc program number data base
rpc_clnt_auth(3t)   - library routines for client side remote procedure call authentication
rpc_clnt_calls(3t)  - library routines for client side calls
rpc_clnt_create(3t) - "library routines for dealing with creation and manipulation of"
rpcgen(1)           - an RPC protocol compiler
rpcinfo(8c)         - report RPC information
rpc.mountd(8)       - NFS mount daemon
rpc.nfsd(8)         - NFS service daemon
rpc_secure(3t)      - library routines for secure remote procedure calls
rpc_soc(3t)         - "library routines for remote procedure calls"
rpc_svc_calls(3t)   - library routines for RPC servers
rpc_svc_create(3t)  - library routines for the creation of server handles
rpc_svc_err(3t)     - library routines for server side remote procedure call errors
rpc_svc_reg(3t)     - library routines for registering servers
rpc.ugidd(8)        - uid/gid mapping daemons
rpc_xdr(3t)         - XDR library routines for remote procedure calls
rpm2cpio(8)         - Extract cpio archive from RPM Package Manager(RPM) package.
rpm(8)              - RPM Package Manager
rpmbuild(8)         - Build RPM Package(s)
rpmdb(8)            - RPM Database Tool
rpmdeps(8)          - Generate RPM Package Dependencies
rpmgraph(8)         - Display RPM Package Dependency Graph
rpmkeys(8)          - RPM Keyring
rpmsign(8)          - RPM Package Signing
rpmspec(8)          - RPM Spec Tool
rpost(1)            - post an article to an NNTP news server
rsa(1)              - RSA key processing tool
rsa(3)              - RSA public key cryptosystem
RSA_blinding_off(3) - protect the RSA operation from timing attacks
RSA_blinding_on(3)  - protect the RSA operation from timing attacks
RSA_check_key(3)    - validate private RSA keys
RSA_flags(3)        - select RSA method
RSA_free(3)         - allocate and free RSA objects
RSA_free(3)         - (unknown subject)
RSA_generate_key(3) - generate RSA key pair
RSA_get_app_data(3) - (unknown subject)
RSA_get_default_method(3) - select RSA method
RSA_get_ex_data(3)  - add application specific data to RSA structures
RSA_get_ex_new_index(3) - add application specific data to RSA structures
RSA_get_method(3)   - select RSA method
RSA_get_method(3)   - (unknown subject)
RSA_new(3)          - allocate and free RSA objects
RSA_new(3)          - (unknown subject)
RSA_new_method(3)   - select RSA method
RSA_new_method(3)   - (unknown subject)
RSA_null_method(3)  - select RSA method
RSA_padding_add_none(3) - asymmetric encryption padding
RSA_padding_add_PKCS1_OAEP(3) - asymmetric encryption padding
RSA_padding_add_PKCS1_type_1(3) - asymmetric encryption padding
RSA_padding_add_PKCS1_type_2(3) - asymmetric encryption padding
RSA_padding_add_SSLv23(3) - asymmetric encryption padding
RSA_padding_check_none(3) - asymmetric encryption padding
RSA_padding_check_PKCS1_OAEP(3) - asymmetric encryption padding
RSA_padding_check_PKCS1_type_1(3) - asymmetric encryption padding
RSA_padding_check_PKCS1_type_2(3) - asymmetric encryption padding
RSA_padding_check_SSLv23(3) - asymmetric encryption padding
RSA_PKCS1_SSLeay(3) - select RSA method
RSA_print(3)        - print cryptographic parameters
RSA_print_fp(3)     - print cryptographic parameters
RSA_private_decrypt(3) - RSA public key cryptography
RSA_private_encrypt(3) - low level signature operations
RSA_public_decrypt(3) - low level signature operations
RSA_public_encrypt(3) - RSA public key cryptography
RSA_set_app_data(3) - (unknown subject)
RSA_set_default_method(3) - select RSA method
RSA_set_ex_data(3)  - add application specific data to RSA structures
RSA_set_method(3)   - select RSA method
RSA_set_method(3)   - (unknown subject)
RSA_sign(3)         - RSA signatures
RSA_sign_ASN1_OCTET_STRING(3) - RSA signatures
RSA_size(3)         - get RSA modulus size
RSA_up_ref(3)       - (unknown subject)
rsautl(1)           - RSA utility
RSA_verify(3)       - RSA signatures
RSA_verify_ASN1_OCTET_STRING(3) - RSA signatures
Rscript(1)          - front end for scripting with R
rsh(1)              - remote shell
rshd(8)             - remote shell server
rsnapshot(1)        - remote filesystem snapshot utility
rsnapshot-diff(1)   - a utility for comparing the disk usage of two snapshots taken by rsnapshot
rstart(1)           - a sample implementation of a Remote Start client
rstartd(1)          - a sample implementation of a Remote Start rsh helper
rstat(1)            - remote status display
rstat_svc(8c)       - kernel statistics server
rsvg-convert(1)     - turn SVG files into raster images.
rsync(1)            - a fast, versatile, remote (and local) file-copying tool
rsyncd.conf(5)      - configuration file for rsync in daemon mode
rtbl(3)             - format data in simple tables
rtbl_add_column(3)  - format data in simple tables
rtbl_add_column_by_id(3) - format data in simple tables
rtbl_add_column_entry(3) - format data in simple tables
rtbl_add_column_entry_by_id(3) - format data in simple tables
rtbl_create(3)      - format data in simple tables
rtbl_destroy(3)     - format data in simple tables
rtbl_format(3)      - format data in simple tables
rtbl_get_flags(3)   - format data in simple tables
rtbl_new_row(3)     - format data in simple tables
rtbl_set_column_affix_by_id(3) - format data in simple tables
rtbl_set_column_prefix(3) - format data in simple tables
rtbl_set_flags(3)   - format data in simple tables
rtbl_set_prefix(3)  - format data in simple tables
rtbl_set_separator(3) - format data in simple tables
rtf2html-htdig(1)   - Convert RTF files to HTML
rtf2pdf(1)          - MicroSoft Rich Text Format(RTF) to Portable Document Format(PDF) translator
rtf2ps(1)           - MicroSoft Rich Text Format(RTF) to PostScript translator
rtime(3t)           - "get remote time"
rtin(1)             - A Usenet newsreader
rtorrent(1)         - a BitTorrent client for ncurses
rubibtex(1)         - make a bibliography for(La)TeX using Russian letters as item names
ruby(1)             - Interpreted object-oriented scripting language
rumakeindex(1)      - process a LaTeX index using Russian Cyrillic characters
run(1)              - start programs with hidden console window
run2(1)             - manual page for run2 (part of run2 0.3.0)
runcon(1)           - run command with specified security context
runlevel(8)         - find the current and previous system runlevel.
runtest(1)          - DejaGnu test driver
run-with-aspell(1)  - script to help use GNU Aspell as an ispell replacement
rview(1)            - Vi IMproved, a programmers text editor
rvim(1)             - Vi IMproved, a programmers text editor
rwarray(3am)        - write and read gawk arrays to/from files
rxp(1)              - XML parser program
rxtelnet(1)         - start a telnet and forward X-connections.
rxterm(1)           - start a secure remote xterm
rxvt(1)             - (unknown subject)
rzip(1)             - a large-file compression program
s2p(1)              - a stream editor
s3270(1)            - IBM host access tool
Safe(3pm)           - Compile and execute code in restricted compartments
SafeBase(n)         - (unknown subject)
safe_finger(8)      - finger client wrapper that protects against nasty stuff from finger servers
sasl(3)             - SASL authentication library
sasl_authorize_t(3) - The SASL authorization callback
sasl_auxprop(3)     - How to work with SASL auxiliary properties
sasl_auxprop_getctx(3) - Acquire an auxiliary property context
sasl_auxprop_request(3) - Request Auxiliary Properties from SASL
sasl_callbacks(3)   - How to work with SASL callbacks
sasl_canon_user_t(3) - Plaintext Password Verification Callback
sasl_chalprompt_t(3) - Realm Acquisition Callback
sasl_checkapop(3)   - Check an APOP challenge/response
sasl_checkpass(3)   - Check a plaintext password
sasl_client_init(3) - SASL client authentication initialization
sasl_client_new(3)  - Create a new client authentication object
sasl_client_start(3) - Begin an authentication negotiation
sasl_client_step(3) - Perform a step in the authentication negotiation
sasldblistusers2(8) - list users in sasldb
sasl_decode(3)      - Decode data received
sasl_dispose(3)     - Dispose of a SASL connection object
sasl_done(3)        - Dispose of a SASL connection object
sasl_encode(3)      - Encode data for transport to authenticated host
sasl_encodev(3)     - Encode data for transport to authenticated host
sasl_errdetail(3)   - Retrieve detailed information about an error
sasl_errors(3)      - SASL error codes
sasl_errstring(3)   - Translate a SASL return code to a human-readable form
sasl_getconfpath_t(3) - The SASL callback to indicate location of the config files
sasl_getopt_t(3)    - The SASL get option callback
sasl_getpath_t(3)   - The SASL callback to indicate location of the mechanism drivers
sasl_getprop(3)     - Get a SASL property
sasl_getrealm_t(3)  - Realm Acquisition Callback
sasl_getsecret_t(3) - The SASL callback for secrets(passwords)
sasl_getsimple_t(3) - The SASL callback for username/authname/realm
sasl_global_listmech(3) - Retrieve a list of the supported SASL mechanisms
sasl_idle(3)        - Perform precalculations during an idle period
sasl_listmech(3)    - Retrieve a list of the supported SASL mechanisms
sasl_log_t(3)       - The SASL logging callback
saslpasswd2(8)      - set a user's sasl password
sasl_server_init(3) - SASL server authentication initialization
sasl_server_new(3)  - Create a new server authentication object
sasl_server_start(3) - Begin an authentication negotiation
sasl_server_step(3) - Perform a step in the authentication negotiation
sasl_server_userdb_checkpass_t(3) - Plaintext Password Verification Callback
sasl_server_userdb_setpass_t(3) - UserDB Plaintext Password Setting Callback
sasl_setpass(3)     - Check a plaintext password
sasl_setprop(3)     - Set a SASL property
sasl_user_exists(3) - Check if a user exists on server
sasl_verifyfile_t(3) - The SASL file verification
sasum(3)            - (unknown subject)
sasum.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
save_d(3)           - AA-lib driver used to save ascii-art image into file in used specified format.
SAVEPOINT(7)        - define a new savepoint within the current transaction
savetty(3x)         - low-level curses routines
saxpy(3)            - (unknown subject)
saxpy.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
sbbcsd(3)           - (unknown subject)
sbbcsd.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
sbdsdc(3)           - (unknown subject)
sbdsdc.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
sbdsqr(3)           - (unknown subject)
sbdsqr.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
sbigtopgm(1)        - convert an SBIG CCDOPS file to PGM
scabs1(3)           - (unknown subject)
scabs1.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
Scalar.Util(3pm)    - A selection of general-utility scalar subroutines
scalbln(3)          - (unknown subject)
scalblnf(3)         - (unknown subject)
scalbn(3)           - (unknown subject)
scalbnf(3)          - (unknown subject)
scale_form(3x)      - make and break form window and subwindow associations
scale_menu(3x)      - make and break menu window and subwindow associations
scale(n)            - Create and manipulate scale widgets
scan(1)             - produce a one line per message scan listing      - Scan file prerequisites
Scanf(3o)           - Formatted input functions.
Scanf.Scanning(3o)  - no description
scan(n)             - Parse string using conversion specifiers in the style of sscanf
scanw(3x)           - convert formatted input from a curses window
scasum(3)           - (unknown subject)
scasum.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
s_client(1)         - SSL/TLS client program
scnrm2(3)           - (unknown subject)
scnrm2.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
scons(1)            - a software construction tool
sconsign(1)         - print SCons .sconsign file information
scons-time(1)       - generate and display SCons timing information
scope(n)            - capture the namespace context for a variable
scopy(3)            - (unknown subject)
scopy.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
scor2prt(1)         - source-parts separation program for pmx, a MusiXTeX preprocessor
scp(1)              - secure copy (remote file copy program)
scr_dump(3x)        - read(write) a curses screen from(to) a file
screen(1)           - screen manager with VT100/ANSI terminal emulation
ScreenCount(3)      - Display macros and functions
ScreenNumberOfCCC(3) - Color Conversion Context macros
ScreenOfDisplay(3)  - Display macros and functions
ScreenWhitePointOfCCC(3) - Color Conversion Context macros
scr_init(3x)        - read(write) a curses screen from(to) a file
script(1)           - make typescript of terminal session
script-email(8)     - Amanda script to send email notifications
scriptreplay(1)     - play back typescripts, using timing information
scrl(3x)            - scroll a curses window
scroll(3x)          - scroll a curses window
scrollbar(n)        - Create and manipulate scrollbar widgets
scrollok(3x)        - curses output options
scr_restore(3x)     - read(write) a curses screen from(to) a file
scr_set(3x)         - read(write) a curses screen from(to) a file
scsum1(3)           - (unknown subject)
scsum1.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
SDBM_File(3pm)      - Tied access to sdbm files
sdiff(1)            - side-by-side merge of file differences
sdisna(3)           - (unknown subject)
sdisna.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
sdot(3)             - (unknown subject)
sdot.f(3)           - (unknown subject)
sdsdot(3)           - (unknown subject)
sdsdot.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
Search.Dict(3pm)    - search for key in dictionary file
second(3)           - (unknown subject)
second_EXT_ETIME_.f(3) - (unknown subject)
second_EXT_ETIME.f(3) - (unknown subject)
second_INT_CPU_TIME.f(3) - (unknown subject)
second_INT_ETIME.f(3) - (unknown subject)
second_NONE.f(3)    - (unknown subject)
__secondtst.f__(3)  - (unknown subject)
secondtst.f(3)      - (unknown subject)
secret-tool(1)      - Store and retrieve passwords
SECURITY_LABEL(7)   - define or change a security label applied to an object
sed(1)              - stream editor for filtering and transforming text
seek(n)             - Change the access position for an open channel
select(1)           - bash built-in commands, see bash(1)
SELECT(7)           - retrieve rows from a table or view
SELECT_INTO(7)      - define a new table from the results of a query
selection(n)        - Manipulate the X selection
SelectSaver(3pm)    - save and restore selected file handle
SelfLoader(3pm)     - load functions only on demand
send(1)             - send a message
send_easy_trap(3)   - send TRAPs or INFORMs from a Net-SNMP MIB module
sendfiles(1)        - send multiple files via a MIME message
send(n)             - Execute a command in a different application
send_trap_vars(3)   - send TRAPs or INFORMs from a Net-SNMP MIB module
send_v2trap(3)      - send TRAPs or INFORMs from a Net-SNMP MIB module
sendxmpp(1)         - send xmpp messages from the commandline.
senseidx(5)         - WordNet's sense index
seq(1)              - print a sequence of numbers
ServerVendor(3)     - Display macros and functions
sess_id(1)          - SSL/TLS session handling utility
sessionkey(3)       - (unknown subject)
sessreg(1)          - manage utmp/wtmp entries for non-init clients
set(1)              - bash built-in commands, see bash(1)
SET(7)              - change a run-time parameter
setbuf(3)           - (unknown subject)
setbuffer(3)        - (unknown subject)
setcchar(3x)        - Get a wide character string and rendition from a cchar_t or set a cchar_t from a wide-character string
SET_CONSTRAINTS(7)  - set constraint check timing for the current transaction
set_current_field(3x) - set and get form page number
set_current_item(3x) - set and get current_menu_item
set_curterm(3x)     - curses interfaces to terminfo database
set_escdelay(3x)    - curses thread support
setfacl(1)          - (unknown subject)
setfattr(1)         - set extended attributes of filesystem objects
set_field_back(3x)  - color and attribute control for form fields
set_field_buffer(3x) - field buffer control
set_field_fore(3x)  - color and attribute control for form fields
set_field_init(3x)  - set hooks for automatic invocation by applications
set_field_just(3x)  - retrieve field characteristics
set_field_opts(3x)  - set and get field options
set_field_pad(3x)   - color and attribute control for form fields
set_field_status(3x) - field buffer control
set_field_term(3x)  - set hooks for automatic invocation by applications
set_field_type(3x)  - data type validation for fields
set_fieldtype_arg(3x) - define validation-field types
set_fieldtype_choice(3x) - define validation-field types
set_field_userptr(3x) - associate application data with a form field
set_form_fields(3x) - make and break connections between fields and forms
set_form_init(3x)   - set hooks for automatic invocation by applications
set_form_opts(3x)   - set and get form options
set_form_page(3x)   - set and get form page number
set_form_sub(3x)    - make and break form window and subwindow associations
set_form_term(3x)   - set hooks for automatic invocation by applications
set_form_userptr(3x) - associate application data with a form item
set_form_win(3x)    - make and break form window and subwindow associations
seticons(1x)        - sets the icon images used in Window Maker
set_item_init(3x)   - set hooks for automatic invocation by applications
set_item_opts(3x)   - set and get menu item options
set_item_term(3x)   - set hooks for automatic invocation by applications
set_item_userptr(3x) - associate application data with a menu item
set_item_value(3x)  - set and get menu item values
setlinebuf(3)       - (unknown subject)
setlocale(3)        - (unknown subject)
Set.Make(3o)        - Functor building an implementation of the set structure given a totally ordered type.
set_max_field(3x)   - field buffer control
set_menu_back(3x)   - color and attribute control for menus
set_menu_fore(3x)   - color and attribute control for menus
set_menu_format(3x) - set and get menu sizes
set_menu_grey(3x)   - color and attribute control for menus
set_menu_init(3x)   - set hooks for automatic invocation by applications
set_menu_items(3x)  - make and break connections between items and menus
set_menu_mark(3x)   - get and set the menu mark string
set_menu_opts(3x)   - set and get menu options
set_menu_pad(3x)    - color and attribute control for menus
set_menu_pattern(3x) - get and set a menu's pattern buffer
set_menu_spacing(3x) - Control spacing between menu items.
set_menu_sub(3x)    - make and break menu window and subwindow associations
set_menu_term(3x)   - set hooks for automatic invocation by applications
set_menu_userptr(3x) - associate application data with a menu item
set_menu_win(3x)    - make and break menu window and subwindow associations
set_new_page(3x)    - form pagination functions
set(n)              - Read and write variables
Set.OrderedType(3o) - Input signature of the functor Set.Make.
set_panel_userptr(3x) - panel stack extension for curses
SET_ROLE(7)         - set the current user identifier of the current session
Set.S(3o)           - Output signature of the functor Set.Make.
setscrreg(3x)       - curses output options
SET_SESSION_AUTHORIZATION(7) - set the session user identifier and the current user identifier of the current session
setsid(1)           - run a program in a new session
setstyle(1x)        - set style related options for Window Maker or loads a theme
setsyx(3x)          - low-level curses routines
set_tabsize(3x)     - curses thread support
setterm(3x)         - curses interfaces to terminfo database
set_term(3x)        - curses screen initialization and manipulation routines
set_top_row(3x)     - set and get current_menu_item
SET_TRANSACTION(7)  - set the characteristics of the current transaction
setupterm(3x)       - curses interfaces to terminfo database
setvbuf(3)          - (unknown subject)
setxattr(2)         - set an extended attribute value
setxkbmap(1)        - set the keyboard using the X Keyboard Extension
sfdisk(8)           - partition table manipulator for Linux
sftp(1)             - secure file transfer program
sftp-server(8)      - SFTP server subsystem
sgbbrd(3)           - (unknown subject)
sgbbrd.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
sgbcon(3)           - (unknown subject)
sgbcon.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
sgbequ(3)           - (unknown subject)
sgbequb(3)          - (unknown subject)
sgbequb.f(3)        - (unknown subject)
sgbequ.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
sgbmv(3)            - (unknown subject)
sgbmv.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
sgbrfs(3)           - (unknown subject)
sgbrfs.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
sgbrfsx(3)          - (unknown subject)
sgbrfsx.f(3)        - (unknown subject)
sgbsv(3)            - (unknown subject)
sgbsv.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
sgbsvx(3)           - (unknown subject)
sgbsvx.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
sgbsvxx(3)          - (unknown subject)
sgbsvxx.f(3)        - (unknown subject)
sgbtf2(3)           - (unknown subject)
sgbtf2.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
sgbtrf(3)           - (unknown subject)
sgbtrf.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
sgbtrs(3)           - (unknown subject)
sgbtrs.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
sgebak(3)           - (unknown subject)
sgebak.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
sgebal(3)           - (unknown subject)
sgebal.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
sgebd2(3)           - (unknown subject)
sgebd2.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
sgebrd(3)           - (unknown subject)
sgebrd.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
sgecon(3)           - (unknown subject)
sgecon.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
sgeequ(3)           - (unknown subject)
sgeequb(3)          - (unknown subject)
sgeequb.f(3)        - (unknown subject)
sgeequ.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
sgees(3)            - (unknown subject)
sgees.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
sgeesx(3)           - (unknown subject)
sgeesx.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
sgeev(3)            - (unknown subject)
sgeev.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
sgeevx(3)           - (unknown subject)
sgeevx.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
sgegs(3)            - (unknown subject)
sgegs.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
sgegv(3)            - (unknown subject)
sgegv.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
sgehd2(3)           - (unknown subject)
sgehd2.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
sgehrd(3)           - (unknown subject)
sgehrd.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
sgejsv(3)           - (unknown subject)
sgejsv.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
sgelq2(3)           - (unknown subject)
sgelq2.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
sgelqf(3)           - (unknown subject)
sgelqf.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
sgels(3)            - (unknown subject)
sgelsd(3)           - (unknown subject)
sgelsd.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
sgels.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
sgelss(3)           - (unknown subject)
sgelss.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
sgelsx(3)           - (unknown subject)
sgelsx.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
sgelsy(3)           - (unknown subject)
sgelsy.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
sgemm(3)            - (unknown subject)
sgemm.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
sgemqrt(3)          - (unknown subject)
sgemqrt.f(3)        - (unknown subject)
sgemv(3)            - (unknown subject)
sgemv.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
sgeql2(3)           - (unknown subject)
sgeql2.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
sgeqlf(3)           - (unknown subject)
sgeqlf.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
sgeqp3(3)           - (unknown subject)
sgeqp3.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
sgeqpf(3)           - (unknown subject)
sgeqpf.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
sgeqr2(3)           - (unknown subject)
sgeqr2.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
sgeqr2p(3)          - (unknown subject)
sgeqr2p.f(3)        - (unknown subject)
sgeqrf(3)           - (unknown subject)
sgeqrf.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
sgeqrfp(3)          - (unknown subject)
sgeqrfp.f(3)        - (unknown subject)
sgeqrt2(3)          - (unknown subject)
sgeqrt2.f(3)        - (unknown subject)
sgeqrt3(3)          - (unknown subject)
sgeqrt3.f(3)        - (unknown subject)
sgeqrt(3)           - (unknown subject)
sgeqrt.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
sger(3)             - (unknown subject)
sger.f(3)           - (unknown subject)
sgerfs(3)           - (unknown subject)
sgerfs.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
sgerfsx(3)          - (unknown subject)
sgerfsx.f(3)        - (unknown subject)
sgerq2(3)           - (unknown subject)
sgerq2.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
sgerqf(3)           - (unknown subject)
sgerqf.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
sgesc2(3)           - (unknown subject)
sgesc2.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
sgesdd(3)           - (unknown subject)
sgesdd.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
sgesv(3)            - (unknown subject)
sgesvd(3)           - (unknown subject)
sgesvd.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
sgesv.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
sgesvj(3)           - (unknown subject)
sgesvj.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
sgesvx(3)           - (unknown subject)
sgesvx.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
sgesvxx(3)          - (unknown subject)
sgesvxx.f(3)        - (unknown subject)
sgetc2(3)           - (unknown subject)
sgetc2.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
sgetf2(3)           - (unknown subject)
sgetf2.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
sgetrf(3)           - (unknown subject)
sgetrf.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
sgetri(3)           - (unknown subject)
sgetri.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
sgetrs(3)           - (unknown subject)
sgetrs.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
sggbak(3)           - (unknown subject)
sggbak.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
sggbal(3)           - (unknown subject)
sggbal.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
sgges(3)            - (unknown subject)
sgges.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
sggesx(3)           - (unknown subject)
sggesx.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
sggev(3)            - (unknown subject)
sggev.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
sggevx(3)           - (unknown subject)
sggevx.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
sggglm(3)           - (unknown subject)
sggglm.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
sgghrd(3)           - (unknown subject)
sgghrd.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
sgglse(3)           - (unknown subject)
sgglse.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
sggqrf(3)           - (unknown subject)
sggqrf.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
sggrqf(3)           - (unknown subject)
sggrqf.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
sggsvd(3)           - (unknown subject)
sggsvd.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
sggsvp(3)           - (unknown subject)
sggsvp.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
sgi2tiff(1)         - create a TIFF file from an SGI image file
sgitopnm(1)         - convert a SGI image file to PNM
sgml2xml-isoent(1)  - Convert SGML to XML with support for ISO entities
sgmldiff(1)         - Find differences in the markup of two SGML files
SGMLS(3pm)          - class for postprocessing the output from the sgmls and nsgmls parsers.
SGMLS.Output(3pm)   - Stack-based Output Procedures
SGMLS.Refs(3pm)     - (unknown subject)
sgrep(1)            - search a file for a structured pattern
sgsvj0(3)           - (unknown subject)
sgsvj0.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
sgsvj1(3)           - (unknown subject)
sgsvj1.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
sgtcon(3)           - (unknown subject)
sgtcon.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
sgtrfs(3)           - (unknown subject)
sgtrfs.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
sgtsv(3)            - (unknown subject)
sgtsv.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
sgtsvx(3)           - (unknown subject)
sgtsvx.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
sgttrf(3)           - (unknown subject)
sgttrf.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
sgttrs(3)           - (unknown subject)
sgttrs.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
sgtts2(3)           - (unknown subject)
sgtts2.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
sh(1)               - GNU Bourne-Again SHell
sha1(1)             - message digests
SHA1(3)             - Secure Hash Algorithm
sha1deep(1)         - Compute and compare SHA-1 message digests
SHA1_Final(3)       - Secure Hash Algorithm
SHA1_Init(3)        - Secure Hash Algorithm
sha(1)              - message digests
sha1sum(1)          - compute and check SHA1 message digest
SHA1_Update(3)      - Secure Hash Algorithm
sha224sum(1)        - compute and check SHA224 message digest
sha256deep(1)       - Compute and compare SHA-256 message digests
sha256sum(1)        - compute and check SHA256 message digest
sha384sum(1)        - compute and check SHA384 message digest
sha(3)              - Secure Hash Algorithm
sha512sum(1)        - compute and check SHA512 message digest
shar(1)             - create shell archives
shasum(1)           - Print or Check SHA Checksums
shed(1)             - (unknown subject)
Shell(3pm)          - run shell commands transparently within perl
Shell(3)            - The Shell widget class
shelltool(1)        - run a shell (or other program) in an OpenWindows terminal window
shgeqz(3)           - (unknown subject)
shgeqz.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
shift(1)            - bash built-in commands, see bash(1)
shilka(1)           - keywords description translator
shopt(1)            - bash built-in commands, see bash(1)
show(1)             - show(display) messages
SHOW(7)             - show the value of a run-time parameter
showfigfonts(6)     - prints a list of available figlet fonts
showmount(8)        - show mount information for an NFS server
show_panel(3x)      - panel stack extension for curses
showrgb(1)          - display an rgb color-name database
shred(1)            - overwrite a file to hide its contents, and optionally delete it
shsein(3)           - (unknown subject)
shsein.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
shseqr(3)           - (unknown subject)
shseqr.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
shuf(1)             - generate random permutations
shutdown(8)         - bring the system down.
shutdown_mib(3)     - netsnmp_mib_api functions
sic(1)              - simple irc client
signal(3)           - (unknown subject)
signbit(3)          - (unknown subject)
signify(1)          - Program to generate semi-random signatures
sigtool(1)          - signature and database management tool
sigtrap(3pm)        - Perl pragma to enable simple signal handling
sin(3)              - (unknown subject)
since(1)            - display content of a file since the last time
sinf(3)             - (unknown subject)
singledelta(1)      - heuristic minimizer of interesting files
sinh(3)             - (unknown subject)
sinhf(3)            - (unknown subject)
siprintf(3)         - (unknown subject)
sirtopnm(1)         - convert a Solitaire file to PNM
siscanf(3)          - (unknown subject)
sisnan(3)           - (unknown subject)
sisnan.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
size(1)             - list section sizes and total size.
sjisconv(1)         - convert a TeX document in SJIS encoding into `preprocessed' form.
skill(1)            - send a signal or report process status
slabad(3)           - (unknown subject)
slabad.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
slabrd(3)           - (unknown subject)
slabrd.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
slabtop(1)          - display kernel slab cache information in real time
slacn2(3)           - (unknown subject)
slacn2.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
slacon(3)           - (unknown subject)
slacon.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
slacpy(3)           - (unknown subject)
slacpy.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
sladiv1(3)          - (unknown subject)
sladiv2(3)          - (unknown subject)
sladiv(3)           - (unknown subject)
sladiv.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
slae2(3)            - (unknown subject)
slae2.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
slaebz(3)           - (unknown subject)
slaebz.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
slaed0(3)           - (unknown subject)
slaed0.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
slaed1(3)           - (unknown subject)
slaed1.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
slaed2(3)           - (unknown subject)
slaed2.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
slaed3(3)           - (unknown subject)
slaed3.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
slaed4(3)           - (unknown subject)
slaed4.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
slaed5(3)           - (unknown subject)
slaed5.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
slaed6(3)           - (unknown subject)
slaed6.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
slaed7(3)           - (unknown subject)
slaed7.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
slaed8(3)           - (unknown subject)
slaed8.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
slaed9(3)           - (unknown subject)
slaed9.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
slaeda(3)           - (unknown subject)
slaeda.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
slaein(3)           - (unknown subject)
slaein.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
slaev2(3)           - (unknown subject)
slaev2.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
slaexc(3)           - (unknown subject)
slaexc.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
slag2(3)            - (unknown subject)
slag2d(3)           - (unknown subject)
slag2d.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
slag2.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
sla_gbamv(3)        - (unknown subject)
sla_gbamv.f(3)      - (unknown subject)
sla_gbrcond(3)      - (unknown subject)
sla_gbrcond.f(3)    - (unknown subject)
sla_gbrfsx_extended(3) - (unknown subject)
sla_gbrfsx_extended.f(3) - (unknown subject)
sla_gbrpvgrw(3)     - (unknown subject)
sla_gbrpvgrw.f(3)   - (unknown subject)
sla_geamv(3)        - (unknown subject)
sla_geamv.f(3)      - (unknown subject)
sla_gercond(3)      - (unknown subject)
sla_gercond.f(3)    - (unknown subject)
sla_gerfsx_extended(3) - (unknown subject)
sla_gerfsx_extended.f(3) - (unknown subject)
sla_gerpvgrw(3)     - (unknown subject)
sla_gerpvgrw.f(3)   - (unknown subject)
slags2(3)           - (unknown subject)
slags2.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
slagtf(3)           - (unknown subject)
slagtf.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
slagtm(3)           - (unknown subject)
slagtm.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
slagts(3)           - (unknown subject)
slagts.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
slagv2(3)           - (unknown subject)
slagv2.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
slahqr(3)           - (unknown subject)
slahqr.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
slahr2(3)           - (unknown subject)
slahr2.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
slahrd(3)           - (unknown subject)
slahrd.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
slaic1(3)           - (unknown subject)
slaic1.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
slaisnan(3)         - (unknown subject)
slaisnan.f(3)       - (unknown subject)
sla_lin_berr(3)     - (unknown subject)
sla_lin_berr.f(3)   - (unknown subject)
slaln2(3)           - (unknown subject)
slaln2.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
slals0(3)           - (unknown subject)
slals0.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
slalsa(3)           - (unknown subject)
slalsa.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
slalsd(3)           - (unknown subject)
slalsd.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
slamc1(3)           - (unknown subject)
slamc2(3)           - (unknown subject)
slamc3(3)           - (unknown subject)
slamc4(3)           - (unknown subject)
slamc5(3)           - (unknown subject)
slamch(3)           - (unknown subject)
slamch.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
slamchf77.f(3)      - (unknown subject)
__slamchtst.f__(3)  - (unknown subject)
slamchtst.f(3)      - (unknown subject)
slamrg(3)           - (unknown subject)
slamrg.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
slaneg(3)           - (unknown subject)
slaneg.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
slangb(3)           - (unknown subject)
slangb.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
slange(3)           - (unknown subject)
slange.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
slangt(3)           - (unknown subject)
slangt.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
slanhs(3)           - (unknown subject)
slanhs.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
slansb(3)           - (unknown subject)
slansb.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
slansf(3)           - (unknown subject)
slansf.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
slansp(3)           - (unknown subject)
slansp.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
slanst(3)           - (unknown subject)
slanst.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
slansy(3)           - (unknown subject)
slansy.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
slantb(3)           - (unknown subject)
slantb.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
slantp(3)           - (unknown subject)
slantp.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
slantr(3)           - (unknown subject)
slantr.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
slanv2(3)           - (unknown subject)
slanv2.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
slapacl(8)          - Check access to a list of attributes.
slapadd(8)          - Add entries to a SLAPD database
slapauth(8)         - Check a list of string-represented IDs for LDAP authc/authz
slapcat(8)          - SLAPD database to LDIF utility
slapd(8)            - Stand-alone LDAP Daemon
slapd.access(5)     - access configuration for slapd, the stand-alone LDAP daemon
slapd.backends(5)   - backends for slapd, the stand-alone LDAP daemon
slapd-bdb(5)        - Berkeley DB backends to slapd
slapd.conf(5)       - configuration file for slapd, the stand-alone LDAP daemon
slapd-config(5)     - configuration backend to slapd
slapd-dnssrv(5)     - DNS SRV referral backend to slapd
slapd-hdb(5)        - Berkeley DB backends to slapd
slapd-ldap(5)       - LDAP backend to slapd
slapd-ldbm(5)       - Discontinued LDBM backend to slapd
slapd-ldif(5)       - LDIF backend to slapd
slapd-mdb(5)        - Memory-Mapped DB backend to slapd
slapd-meta(5)       - metadirectory backend to slapd
slapd-monitor(5)    - Monitor backend to slapd
slapdn(8)           - Check a list of string-represented LDAP DNs based on schema syntax
slapd-ndb(5)        - MySQL NDB backend to slapd
slapd-null(5)       - Null backend to slapd
slapd.overlays(5)   - overlays for slapd, the stand-alone LDAP daemon
slapd-passwd(5)     - /etc/passwd backend to slapd
slapd-perl(5)       - Perl backend to slapd
slapd.plugin(5)     - plugin configuration for slapd, the stand-alone LDAP daemon
slapd-relay(5)      - relay backend to slapd
slapd-shell(5)      - Shell backend to slapd
slapd-sock(5)       - Socket backend/overlay to slapd
slapd-sql(5)        - SQL backend to slapd
slapindex(8)        - Reindex entries in a SLAPD database
slapll(3)           - (unknown subject)
slapll.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
slapmr(3)           - (unknown subject)
slapmr.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
slapmt(3)           - (unknown subject)
slapmt.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
slapo-accesslog(5)  - Access Logging overlay to slapd
slapo-auditlog(5)   - Audit Logging overlay to slapd
slapo-chain(5)      - chain overlay to slapd
slapo-collect(5)    - Collective attributes overlay to slapd
slapo-constraint(5) - Attribute Constraint Overlay to slapd
slapo-dds(5)        - Dynamic Directory Services overlay to slapd
slapo-dyngroup(5)   - Dynamic Group overlay to slapd
slapo-dynlist(5)    - Dynamic List overlay to slapd
slapo-memberof(5)   - Reverse Group Membership overlay to slapd
slapo-pbind(5)      - proxy bind overlay to slapd
slapo-pcache(5)     - proxy cache overlay to slapd
slapo-ppolicy(5)    - Password Policy overlay to slapd
sla_porcond(3)      - (unknown subject)
sla_porcond.f(3)    - (unknown subject)
slapo-refint(5)     - Referential Integrity overlay to slapd
slapo-retcode(5)    - return code overlay to slapd
sla_porfsx_extended(3) - (unknown subject)
sla_porfsx_extended.f(3) - (unknown subject)
sla_porpvgrw(3)     - (unknown subject)
sla_porpvgrw.f(3)   - (unknown subject)
slapo-rwm(5)        - rewrite/remap overlay to slapd
slapo-sock(5)       - Socket backend/overlay to slapd
slapo-sssvlv(5)     - Server Side Sorting and Virtual List View overlay to slapd
slapo-syncprov(5)   - Sync Provider overlay to slapd
slapo-translucent(5) - Translucent Proxy overlay to slapd
slapo-unique(5)     - Attribute Uniqueness overlay to slapd
slapo-valsort(5)    - Value Sorting overlay to slapd
slappasswd(8)       - OpenLDAP password utility
slapschema(8)       - SLAPD in-database schema checking utility
slaptest(8)         - Check the suitability of the OpenLDAP slapd configuration
slapy2(3)           - (unknown subject)
slapy2.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
slapy3(3)           - (unknown subject)
slapy3.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
slaqgb(3)           - (unknown subject)
slaqgb.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
slaqge(3)           - (unknown subject)
slaqge.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
slaqp2(3)           - (unknown subject)
slaqp2.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
slaqps(3)           - (unknown subject)
slaqps.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
slaqr0(3)           - (unknown subject)
slaqr0.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
slaqr1(3)           - (unknown subject)
slaqr1.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
slaqr2(3)           - (unknown subject)
slaqr2.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
slaqr3(3)           - (unknown subject)
slaqr3.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
slaqr4(3)           - (unknown subject)
slaqr4.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
slaqr5(3)           - (unknown subject)
slaqr5.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
slaqsb(3)           - (unknown subject)
slaqsb.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
slaqsp(3)           - (unknown subject)
slaqsp.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
slaqsy(3)           - (unknown subject)
slaqsy.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
slaqtr(3)           - (unknown subject)
slaqtr.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
slar1v(3)           - (unknown subject)
slar1v.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
slar2v(3)           - (unknown subject)
slar2v.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
slarf(3)            - (unknown subject)
slarfb(3)           - (unknown subject)
slarfb.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
slarf.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
slarfg(3)           - (unknown subject)
slarfg.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
slarfgp(3)          - (unknown subject)
slarfgp.f(3)        - (unknown subject)
slarft(3)           - (unknown subject)
slarft.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
slarfx(3)           - (unknown subject)
slarfx.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
slargv(3)           - (unknown subject)
slargv.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
slarnv(3)           - (unknown subject)
slarnv.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
slarra(3)           - (unknown subject)
slarra.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
slarrb(3)           - (unknown subject)
slarrb.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
slarrc(3)           - (unknown subject)
slarrc.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
slarrd(3)           - (unknown subject)
slarrd.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
slarre(3)           - (unknown subject)
slarre.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
slarrf(3)           - (unknown subject)
slarrf.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
slarrj(3)           - (unknown subject)
slarrj.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
slarrk(3)           - (unknown subject)
slarrk.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
slarrr(3)           - (unknown subject)
slarrr.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
slarrv(3)           - (unknown subject)
slarrv.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
slarscl2(3)         - (unknown subject)
slarscl2.f(3)       - (unknown subject)
slartg(3)           - (unknown subject)
slartg.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
slartgp(3)          - (unknown subject)
slartgp.f(3)        - (unknown subject)
slartgs(3)          - (unknown subject)
slartgs.f(3)        - (unknown subject)
slartv(3)           - (unknown subject)
slartv.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
slaruv(3)           - (unknown subject)
slaruv.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
slarz(3)            - (unknown subject)
slarzb(3)           - (unknown subject)
slarzb.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
slarz.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
slarzt(3)           - (unknown subject)
slarzt.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
slas2(3)            - (unknown subject)
slas2.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
slascl2(3)          - (unknown subject)
slascl2.f(3)        - (unknown subject)
slascl(3)           - (unknown subject)
slascl.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
slasd0(3)           - (unknown subject)
slasd0.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
slasd1(3)           - (unknown subject)
slasd1.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
slasd2(3)           - (unknown subject)
slasd2.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
slasd3(3)           - (unknown subject)
slasd3.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
slasd4(3)           - (unknown subject)
slasd4.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
slasd5(3)           - (unknown subject)
slasd5.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
slasd6(3)           - (unknown subject)
slasd6.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
slasd7(3)           - (unknown subject)
slasd7.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
slasd8(3)           - (unknown subject)
slasd8.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
slasda(3)           - (unknown subject)
slasda.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
slasdq(3)           - (unknown subject)
slasdq.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
slasdt(3)           - (unknown subject)
slasdt.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
slaset(3)           - (unknown subject)
slaset.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
slasq1(3)           - (unknown subject)
slasq1.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
slasq2(3)           - (unknown subject)
slasq2.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
slasq3(3)           - (unknown subject)
slasq3.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
slasq4(3)           - (unknown subject)
slasq4.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
slasq5(3)           - (unknown subject)
slasq5.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
slasq6(3)           - (unknown subject)
slasq6.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
slasr(3)            - (unknown subject)
slasr.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
slasrt(3)           - (unknown subject)
slasrt.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
slassq(3)           - (unknown subject)
slassq.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
slasv2(3)           - (unknown subject)
slasv2.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
slaswp(3)           - (unknown subject)
slaswp.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
slasy2(3)           - (unknown subject)
slasy2.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
sla_syamv(3)        - (unknown subject)
sla_syamv.f(3)      - (unknown subject)
slasyf(3)           - (unknown subject)
slasyf.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
slasyf_rook(3)      - (unknown subject)
slasyf_rook.f(3)    - (unknown subject)
sla_syrcond(3)      - (unknown subject)
sla_syrcond.f(3)    - (unknown subject)
sla_syrfsx_extended(3) - (unknown subject)
sla_syrfsx_extended.f(3) - (unknown subject)
sla_syrpvgrw(3)     - (unknown subject)
sla_syrpvgrw.f(3)   - (unknown subject)
slatbs(3)           - (unknown subject)
slatbs.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
slatdf(3)           - (unknown subject)
slatdf.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
slatps(3)           - (unknown subject)
slatps.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
slatrd(3)           - (unknown subject)
slatrd.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
slatrs(3)           - (unknown subject)
slatrs.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
slatrz(3)           - (unknown subject)
slatrz.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
slatzm(3)           - (unknown subject)
slatzm.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
slauu2(3)           - (unknown subject)
slauu2.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
slauum(3)           - (unknown subject)
slauum.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
sla_wwaddw(3)       - (unknown subject)
sla_wwaddw.f(3)     - (unknown subject)
sldtoppm(1)         - convert an AutoCAD slide file to a PPM image
sleep(1)            - delay for a specified amount of time
sliceprint(1)       - slice documents with long lines.
slk_attr(3x)        - curses soft label routines
slk_attr_off(3x)    - curses soft label routines
slk_attroff(3x)     - curses soft label routines
slk_attr_on(3x)     - curses soft label routines
slk_attron(3x)      - curses soft label routines
slk_attr_set(3x)    - curses soft label routines
slk_attrset(3x)     - curses soft label routines
slk_clear(3x)       - curses soft label routines
slk_color(3x)       - curses soft label routines
slk_init(3x)        - curses soft label routines
slk_label(3x)       - curses soft label routines
slk_noutrefresh(3x) - curses soft label routines
slk_refresh(3x)     - curses soft label routines
slk_restore(3x)     - curses soft label routines
slk_set(3x)         - curses soft label routines
slk_touch(3x)       - curses soft label routines
slocal(1)           - asynchronously filter and deliver new mail
slogin(1)           - OpenSSH SSH client (remote login program)
slrn(1)             - An easy to use NNTP / spool based newsreader.
slrnpull(1)         - Pull a small newsfeed for offline reading.
slsh(1)             - Interpreter for S-Lang scripts
smartctl(8)         - Control and Monitor Utility for SMART Disks
smartd(8)           - SMART Disk Monitoring Daemon
smartd.conf(5)      - SMART Disk Monitoring Daemon Configuration File
smi_attribute(3)    - SMI Attribute information routines
smicache(1)         - caching method for use with libsmi
smi_class(3)        - SMI class information routines
smi_config(3)       - SMI library configuration routines
smidiff(1)          - check differences between a pair of SMI or SPPI modules
smidump(1)          - dump SMI or SPPI modules in various formats
smi_event(3)        - SMI identity information routines
smi_identity(3)     - SMI identity information routines
smilint(1)          - syntax and semantic checks of SMIv1/v2 and SPPI modules
smi_macro(3)        - SMI macro and extension information routines
smime(1)            - S/MIME utility
smime_keys(1)       - Utility to add S/MIME certificate to the internal database used by mutt
SMIME_read_CMS(3)   - parse S/MIME message.
SMIME_read_PKCS7(3) - parse S/MIME message.
SMIME_write_CMS(3)  - convert CMS structure to S/MIME format.
SMIME_write_PKCS7(3) - convert PKCS#7 structure to S/MIME format.
smi_module(3)       - SMI module information routines
smi_node(3)         - SMI type information routines
smiquery(1)         - query single information from SMI MIB modules
smi_render(3)       - SMI data and MIB data rendering routines
smistrip(1)         - extract MIB or PIB modules from text files, like RFCs or I-Ds
smi_type(3)         - SMI type information routines
smi_util(3)         - SMI type utility functions
smixlate(1)         - translate SMI/SPPI identifiers
smproxy(1)          - Session Manager Proxy
sndfile-cmp(1)      - compares two audio files
sndfile-concat(1)   - concatenates two or more audio files
sndfile-convert(1)  - convert a sound files from one format to another
sndfile-deinterleave(1) - split a multi-channel into multiple single channel files
sndfile-info(1)     - display information about a sound file
sndfile-interleave(1) - convert multiple single channel files into a multi-channel file
sndfile-metadata-get(1) - retrieve metadata from a sound file
sndfile-metadata-set(1) - set metadata in a sound file
sndfile-play(1)     - play a sound file
snice(1)            - send a signal or report process status
SNMP(3)             - The Perl5 'SNMP' Extension Module for the Net-SNMP SNMP package.
snmp_add_null_var(3) - netsnmp_varbind_api functions
snmp_alarm(3)       - alarm functions
snmp_alarm_register(3) - alarm functions
snmp_alarm_register_hr(3) - alarm functions
snmp_alarm_unregister(3) - alarm functions
snmp_api_errstring(3) - netsnmp_session_api functions
snmp-bridge-mib(1)  - provide Linux bridge information via SNMP
snmpbulkget(1)      - communicates with a network entity using SNMP GETBULK requests.
snmpbulkwalk(1)     - retrieve a subtree of management values using SNMP GETBULK requests
snmp_clone_pdu(3)   - netsnmp_pdu_api functions
snmp_clone_varbind(3) - netsnmp_varbind_api functions
snmp_close(3)       - netsnmp_session_api functions
snmpcmd(1)          - options and behaviour common to most of the Net-SNMP command-line tools
snmpconf(1)         - creates and modifies SNMP configuration files
snmp.conf(5)        - configuration files for the Net-SNMP applications
snmp_config(5)      - handling of Net-SNMP configuration files
snmpd(8)            - daemon to respond to SNMP request packets.
snmpd.conf(5)       - configuration file for the Net-SNMP SNMP agent
snmpdelta(1)        - Monitor delta differences in SNMP Counter values
snmpd.examples(5)   - example configuration for the Net-SNMP agent
snmpdf(1)           - display disk space usage on a network entity via SNMP
snmpd.internal(5)   - internal configuration of the Net-SNMP agent
snmp_error(3)       - netsnmp_session_api functions
snmp_fix_pdu(3)     - netsnmp_pdu_api functions
snmp_free_pdu(3)    - netsnmp_pdu_api functions
snmp_free_var(3)    - netsnmp_varbind_api functions
snmp_free_varbind(3) - netsnmp_varbind_api functions
snmpget(1)          - communicates with a network entity using SNMP GET requests
snmpgetnext(1)      - communicates with a network entity using SNMP GETNEXT requests
snmpinform(1)       - sends an SNMP notification to a manager
snmpnetstat(1)      - display networking status and configuration information from a network entity via SNMP
snmp_open(3)        - netsnmp_session_api functions
snmp_parse_oid(3)   - netsnmp_mib_api functions
snmp_pdu_add_variable(3) - netsnmp_varbind_api functions
snmp_pdu_create(3)  - netsnmp_pdu_api functions
snmp_perror(3)      - netsnmp_session_api functions
snmp_read(3)        - netsnmp_session_api functions
snmp_select_info(3) - netsnmp_session_api functions
snmp_send(3)        - netsnmp_session_api functions
snmp_sess_async_send(3) - session functions
snmp_sess_close(3)  - session functions
snmp_sess_error(3)  - session functions
snmp_sess_init(3)   - session functions
snmp_sess_open(3)   - session functions
snmp_sess_perror(3) - netsnmp_session_api functions
snmp_sess_read(3)   - session functions
snmp_sess_select_info(3) - session functions
snmp_sess_send(3)   - session functions
snmp_sess_session(3) - session functions
snmp_sess_timeout(3) - session functions
snmpset(1)          - communicates with a network entity using SNMP SET requests
snmp_set_mib_errors(3) - netsnmp_mib_api functions
snmp_set_mib_warnings(3) - netsnmp_mib_api functions
snmp_set_save_descriptions(3) - netsnmp_mib_api functions
snmp_set_var_objid(3) - netsnmp_varbind_api functions
snmp_set_var_typed_integer(3) - netsnmp_varbind_api functions
snmp_set_var_typed_value(3) - netsnmp_varbind_api functions
snmp_set_var_value(3) - netsnmp_varbind_api functions
snmpstatus(1)       - retrieves a fixed set of management information from a network entity
snmptable(1)        - retrieve an SNMP table and display it in tabular form
snmptest(1)         - communicates with a network entity using SNMP requests
snmp_timeout(3)     - netsnmp_session_api functions
snmptranslate(1)    - translate MIB OID names between numeric and textual forms
snmptrap(1)         - sends an SNMP notification to a manager
snmptrapd(8)        - Receive and log SNMP trap messages.
snmptrapd.conf(5)   - configuration file for the Net-SNMP notification receiver
snmpusm(1)          - creates and maintains SNMPv3 users on a network entity
snmpvacm(1)         - creates and maintains SNMPv3 View-based Access Control entries on a network entity
snmp_varlist_add_variable(3) - netsnmp_varbind_api functions
snmpwalk(1)         - retrieve a subtree of management values using SNMP GETNEXT requests
snownews(1)         - console RSS newsreader
snprint_description(3) - netsnmp_mib_api functions
snprint_objid(3)    - netsnmp_mib_api functions
snprint_value(3)    - netsnmp_varbind_api functions
snprint_variable(3) - netsnmp_varbind_api functions
snrm2(3)            - (unknown subject)
snrm2.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
socat(1)            - Multipurpose relay (SOcket CAT)
Socket(3pm)         - load the C socket.h defines and structure manipulators
socket(n)           - Open a TCP network connection
soelim(1)           - interpret .so requests in groff input
sopgtr(3)           - (unknown subject)
sopgtr.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
sopmtr(3)           - (unknown subject)
sopmtr.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
sorbdb1(3)          - (unknown subject)
sorbdb1.f(3)        - (unknown subject)
sorbdb2(3)          - (unknown subject)
sorbdb2.f(3)        - (unknown subject)
sorbdb3(3)          - (unknown subject)
sorbdb3.f(3)        - (unknown subject)
sorbdb(3)           - (unknown subject)
sorbdb4(3)          - (unknown subject)
sorbdb4.f(3)        - (unknown subject)
sorbdb5(3)          - (unknown subject)
sorbdb5.f(3)        - (unknown subject)
sorbdb6(3)          - (unknown subject)
sorbdb6.f(3)        - (unknown subject)
sorbdb.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
sorcsd2by1(3)       - (unknown subject)
sorcsd2by1.f(3)     - (unknown subject)
sorcsd(3)           - (unknown subject)
sorcsd.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
sorg2l(3)           - (unknown subject)
sorg2l.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
sorg2r(3)           - (unknown subject)
sorg2r.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
sorgbr(3)           - (unknown subject)
sorgbr.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
sorghr(3)           - (unknown subject)
sorghr.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
sorgl2(3)           - (unknown subject)
sorgl2.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
sorglq(3)           - (unknown subject)
sorglq.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
sorgql(3)           - (unknown subject)
sorgql.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
sorgqr(3)           - (unknown subject)
sorgqr.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
sorgr2(3)           - (unknown subject)
sorgr2.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
sorgrq(3)           - (unknown subject)
sorgrq.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
sorgtr(3)           - (unknown subject)
sorgtr.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
sorm2l(3)           - (unknown subject)
sorm2l.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
sorm2r(3)           - (unknown subject)
sorm2r.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
sormbr(3)           - (unknown subject)
sormbr.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
sormhr(3)           - (unknown subject)
sormhr.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
sorml2(3)           - (unknown subject)
sorml2.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
sormlq(3)           - (unknown subject)
sormlq.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
sormql(3)           - (unknown subject)
sormql.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
sormqr(3)           - (unknown subject)
sormqr.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
sormr2(3)           - (unknown subject)
sormr2.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
sormr3(3)           - (unknown subject)
sormr3.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
sormrq(3)           - (unknown subject)
sormrq.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
sormrz(3)           - (unknown subject)
sormrz.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
sormtr(3)           - (unknown subject)
sormtr.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
sort(1)             - sort lines of text files
Sort(3o)            - Sorting and merging lists.
sort(3pm)           - perl pragma to control sort() behaviour
sortm(1)            - sort messages
Sound(3)            - audio file description.
SoundAbbrevToFileFormat(3) - return a file format for a given name abbreviation string.
SoundCloseFile(3)   - close an audio file description.
SoundCreate(3)      - create a description of an audio file.
SoundFlushFile(3)   - flush an audio file.
SoundOpenFileForReading(3) - open an audio file for reading.
SoundOpenFileForWriting(3) - open an audio file for writing.
SoundReadFile(3)    - read audio data from an audio file.
SoundRewindFile(3)  - rewind an audio file.
SoundSeekFile(3)    - seek to a position in an audio file.
SoundStringToFileFormat(3) - return a file format for a given name string.
SoundTellFile(3)    - return the position of an audio file.
soundtoh(1)         - convert a sound file to a C language header file
SoundWriteFile(3)   - write audio data to an audio file.
source(1)           - bash built-in commands, see bash(1)
source-highlight(1) - convert source code to syntax highlighted document
source-highlight-settings(1) - utility that can be used to write a configuration file for GNU Source-highlight (and its library)
source(n)           - Evaluate a file or resource as a Tcl script
sox(1)              - Sound eXchange, the Swiss Army knife of audio manipulation
soxformat(7)        - Sound eXchange, the Swiss Army knife of audio manipulation
soxi(1)             - Sound eXchange Information, display sound file metadata
spamoracle(1)       - a spam classification tool
spamoracle.conf(5)  - SpamOracle configuration file format
spbcon(3)           - (unknown subject)
spbcon.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
spbequ(3)           - (unknown subject)
spbequ.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
spbrfs(3)           - (unknown subject)
spbrfs.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
spbstf(3)           - (unknown subject)
spbstf.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
spbsv(3)            - (unknown subject)
spbsv.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
spbsvx(3)           - (unknown subject)
spbsvx.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
spbtf2(3)           - (unknown subject)
spbtf2.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
spbtrf(3)           - (unknown subject)
spbtrf.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
spbtrs(3)           - (unknown subject)
spbtrs.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
spctoppm(1)         - convert an Atari compressed Spectrum file to a PPM
speed(1)            - test library performance
speexdec(1)         - The reference implementation speex decoder.
speexenc(1)         - The reference implementation speex encoder.
spftrf(3)           - (unknown subject)
spftrf.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
spftri(3)           - (unknown subject)
spftri.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
spftrs(3)           - (unknown subject)
spftrs.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
spinbox(n)          - Create and manipulate spinbox widgets
spkac(1)            - SPKAC printing and generating utility
splain(1)           - produce verbose warning diagnostics
spline(1)           - interpolate datasets using splines under tension
splint(1)           - A tool for statically checking C programs
split(1)            - split a file into pieces
splitdiff(1)        - separate out incremental patches
splitindex(1)       - manual page for splitindex 0.2a
split(n)            - Split a string into a proper Tcl list
spocon(3)           - (unknown subject)
spocon.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
spoequ(3)           - (unknown subject)
spoequb(3)          - (unknown subject)
spoequb.f(3)        - (unknown subject)
spoequ.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
sporfs(3)           - (unknown subject)
sporfs.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
sporfsx(3)          - (unknown subject)
sporfsx.f(3)        - (unknown subject)
sposv(3)            - (unknown subject)
sposv.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
sposvx(3)           - (unknown subject)
sposvx.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
sposvxx(3)          - (unknown subject)
sposvxx.f(3)        - (unknown subject)
spotf2(3)           - (unknown subject)
spotf2.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
spotrf(3)           - (unknown subject)
spotrf.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
spotri(3)           - (unknown subject)
spotri.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
spotrs(3)           - (unknown subject)
spotrs.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
spottopgm(1)        - convert SPOT satellite images to a PGM image
sppcon(3)           - (unknown subject)
sppcon.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
sppequ(3)           - (unknown subject)
sppequ.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
spprfs(3)           - (unknown subject)
spprfs.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
sppsv(3)            - (unknown subject)
sppsv.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
sppsvx(3)           - (unknown subject)
sppsvx.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
spptrf(3)           - (unknown subject)
spptrf.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
spptri(3)           - (unknown subject)
spptri.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
spptrs(3)           - (unknown subject)
spptrs.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
sprintf(3)          - (unknown subject)
sprut(1)            - internal representation description translator
spstf2(3)           - (unknown subject)
spstf2.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
spstrf(3)           - (unknown subject)
spstrf.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
sptcon(3)           - (unknown subject)
sptcon.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
spteqr(3)           - (unknown subject)
spteqr.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
sptrfs(3)           - (unknown subject)
sptrfs.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
sptsv(3)            - (unknown subject)
sptsv.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
sptsvx(3)           - (unknown subject)
sptsvx.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
spttrf(3)           - (unknown subject)
spttrf.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
spttrs(3)           - (unknown subject)
spttrs.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
sptts2(3)           - (unknown subject)
sptts2.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
sputoppm(1)         - convert an Atari uncompressed Spectrum file to a PPM image
sqlite3(1)          - A command line interface for SQLite version 3
sqlite3(n)          - an interface to the SQLite3 database engine
sqrt(3)             - (unknown subject)
sqrtf(3)            - (unknown subject)
squid(8)            - (unknown subject)
squidclient(1)      - (unknown subject)
SRC_ilaver.f(3)     - (unknown subject)
SRC_xerbla_array.f(3) - (unknown subject)
SRC_xerbla.f(3)     - (unknown subject)
srot(3)             - (unknown subject)
srot.f(3)           - (unknown subject)
srotg(3)            - (unknown subject)
srotg.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
srotm(3)            - (unknown subject)
srotm.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
srotmg(3)           - (unknown subject)
srotmg.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
srptool(1)          - GnuTLS SRP tool
srscl(3)            - (unknown subject)
srscl.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
ssbev(3)            - (unknown subject)
ssbevd(3)           - (unknown subject)
ssbevd.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
ssbev.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
ssbevx(3)           - (unknown subject)
ssbevx.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
ssbgst(3)           - (unknown subject)
ssbgst.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
ssbgv(3)            - (unknown subject)
ssbgvd(3)           - (unknown subject)
ssbgvd.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
ssbgv.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
ssbgvx(3)           - (unknown subject)
ssbgvx.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
ssbmv(3)            - (unknown subject)
ssbmv.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
ssbtrd(3)           - (unknown subject)
ssbtrd.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
sscal(3)            - (unknown subject)
sscal.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
sscanf(3)           - (unknown subject)
s_server(1)         - SSL/TLS server program
ssfrk(3)            - (unknown subject)
ssfrk.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
ssh(1)              - OpenSSH SSH client (remote login program)
ssh-add(1)          - adds private key identities to the authentication agent
ssh-agent(1)        - authentication agent
ssh_config(5)       - OpenSSH SSH client configuration files
ssh-copy-id(1)      - use locally available keys to authorise logins on a remote machine
sshd(8)             - OpenSSH SSH daemon
sshd_config(5)      - OpenSSH SSH daemon configuration file
ssh-keygen(1)       - authentication key generation, management and conversion
ssh-keyscan(1)      - gather ssh public keys
ssh-keysign(8)      - ssh helper program for host-based authentication
ssh-pkcs11-helper(8) - ssh-agent helper program for PKCS#11 support
ssl(3)              - OpenSSL SSL/TLS library
SSL_accept(3)       - wait for a TLS/SSL client to initiate a TLS/SSL handshake
SSL_add_client_CA(3) - set list of CAs sent to the client when requesting a client certificate
SSL_add_session(3)  - manipulate session cache
SSL_alert_desc_string(3) - get textual description of alert information
SSL_alert_desc_string_long(3) - get textual description of alert information
SSL_alert_type_string(3) - get textual description of alert information
SSL_alert_type_string_long(3) - get textual description of alert information
SSL_callback_ctrl(3) - internal handling functions for SSL_CTX and SSL objects
SSL_check_private_key(3) - load certificate and key data
SSL_CIPHER_description(3) - get SSL_CIPHER properties
SSL_CIPHER_get_bits(3) - get SSL_CIPHER properties
SSL_CIPHER_get_name(3) - get SSL_CIPHER properties
SSL_CIPHER_get_version(3) - get SSL_CIPHER properties
SSL_clear(3)        - reset SSL object to allow another connection
SSL_clear_options(3) - manipulate SSL options
SSL_COMP_add_compression_method(3) - handle SSL/TLS integrated compression methods
SSL_connect(3)      - initiate the TLS/SSL handshake with an TLS/SSL server
SSL_ctrl(3)         - internal handling functions for SSL_CTX and SSL objects
SSL_CTX_add_client_CA(3) - set list of CAs sent to the client when requesting a client certificate
SSL_CTX_add_extra_chain_cert(3) - add certificate to chain
SSL_CTX_add_session(3) - manipulate session cache
SSL_CTX_callback_ctrl(3) - internal handling functions for SSL_CTX and SSL objects
SSL_CTX_check_private_key(3) - load certificate and key data
SSL_CTX_clear_options(3) - manipulate SSL options
SSL_CTX_ctrl(3)     - internal handling functions for SSL_CTX and SSL objects
SSL_CTX_flush_sessions(3) - remove expired sessions
SSL_CTX_free(3)     - free an allocated SSL_CTX object
SSL_CTX_get_cert_store(3) - manipulate X509 certificate verification storage
SSL_CTX_get_client_CA_list(3) - get list of client CAs
SSL_CTX_get_client_cert_cb(3) - handle client certificate callback function
SSL_CTX_get_ex_data(3) - internal application specific data functions
SSL_CTX_get_ex_new_index(3) - internal application specific data functions
SSL_CTX_get_info_callback(3) - handle information callback for SSL connections
SSL_CTX_get_max_cert_list(3) - manipulate allowed for the peer's certificate chain
SSL_CTX_get_mode(3) - manipulate SSL engine mode
SSL_CTX_get_options(3) - manipulate SSL options
SSL_CTX_get_quiet_shutdown(3) - manipulate shutdown behaviour
SSL_CTX_get_session_cache_mode(3) - enable/disable session caching
SSL_CTX_get_timeout(3) - manipulate timeout values for session caching
SSL_CTX_get_verify_callback(3) - get currently set verification parameters
SSL_CTX_get_verify_depth(3) - get currently set verification parameters
SSL_CTX_get_verify_mode(3) - get currently set verification parameters
SSL_CTX_load_verify_locations(3) - set default locations for trusted CA certificates
SSL_CTX_need_tmp_rsa(3) - handle RSA keys for ephemeral key exchange
SSL_CTX_new(3)      - create a new SSL_CTX object as framework for TLS/SSL enabled functions
SSL_CTX_remove_session(3) - manipulate session cache
SSL_CTX_sess_accept(3) - obtain session cache statistics
SSL_CTX_sess_accept_good(3) - obtain session cache statistics
SSL_CTX_sess_accept_renegotiate(3) - obtain session cache statistics
SSL_CTX_sess_cache_full(3) - obtain session cache statistics
SSL_CTX_sess_cb_hits(3) - obtain session cache statistics
SSL_CTX_sess_connect(3) - obtain session cache statistics
SSL_CTX_sess_connect_good(3) - obtain session cache statistics
SSL_CTX_sess_connect_renegotiate(3) - obtain session cache statistics
SSL_CTX_sess_get_cache_size(3) - manipulate session cache size
SSL_CTX_sess_get_get_cb(3) - provide callback functions for server side external session caching
SSL_CTX_sess_get_new_cb(3) - provide callback functions for server side external session caching
SSL_CTX_sess_get_remove_cb(3) - provide callback functions for server side external session caching
SSL_CTX_sess_hits(3) - obtain session cache statistics
SSL_CTX_sessions(3) - access internal session cache
SSL_CTX_sess_misses(3) - obtain session cache statistics
SSL_CTX_sess_number(3) - obtain session cache statistics
SSL_CTX_sess_set_cache_size(3) - manipulate session cache size
SSL_CTX_sess_set_get_cb(3) - provide callback functions for server side external session caching
SSL_CTX_sess_set_new_cb(3) - provide callback functions for server side external session caching
SSL_CTX_sess_set_remove_cb(3) - provide callback functions for server side external session caching
SSL_CTX_sess_timeouts(3) - obtain session cache statistics
SSL_CTX_set_cert_store(3) - manipulate X509 certificate verification storage
SSL_CTX_set_cert_verify_callback(3) - set peer certificate verification procedure
SSL_CTX_set_cipher_list(3) - choose list of available SSL_CIPHERs
SSL_CTX_set_client_CA_list(3) - set list of CAs sent to the client when requesting a client certificate
SSL_CTX_set_client_cert_cb(3) - handle client certificate callback function
SSL_CTX_set_default_passwd_cb(3) - set passwd callback for encrypted PEM file handling
SSL_CTX_set_default_passwd_cb_userdata(3) - set passwd callback for encrypted PEM file handling
SSL_CTX_set_ex_data(3) - internal application specific data functions
SSL_CTX_set_generate_session_id(3) - manipulate generation of SSL session IDs (server only)
SSL_CTX_set_info_callback(3) - handle information callback for SSL connections
SSL_CTX_set_max_cert_list(3) - manipulate allowed for the peer's certificate chain
SSL_CTX_set_mode(3) - manipulate SSL engine mode
SSL_CTX_set_msg_callback(3) - install callback for observing protocol messages
SSL_CTX_set_msg_callback_arg(3) - install callback for observing protocol messages
SSL_CTX_set_options(3) - manipulate SSL options
SSL_CTX_set_psk_client_callback(3) - set PSK client callback
SSL_CTX_set_psk_server_callback(3) - set PSK identity hint to use
SSL_CTX_set_quiet_shutdown(3) - manipulate shutdown behaviour
SSL_CTX_set_session_cache_mode(3) - enable/disable session caching
SSL_CTX_set_session_id_context(3) - set context within which session can be reused (server side only)
SSL_CTX_set_ssl_version(3) - choose a new TLS/SSL method
SSL_CTX_set_timeout(3) - manipulate timeout values for session caching
SSL_CTX_set_tmp_dh(3) - handle DH keys for ephemeral key exchange
SSL_CTX_set_tmp_dh_callback(3) - handle DH keys for ephemeral key exchange
SSL_CTX_set_tmp_rsa(3) - handle RSA keys for ephemeral key exchange
SSL_CTX_set_tmp_rsa_callback(3) - handle RSA keys for ephemeral key exchange
SSL_CTX_set_verify(3) - set peer certificate verification parameters
SSL_CTX_set_verify_depth(3) - set peer certificate verification parameters
SSL_CTX_use_certificate(3) - load certificate and key data
SSL_CTX_use_certificate_ASN1(3) - load certificate and key data
SSL_CTX_use_certificate_chain_file(3) - load certificate and key data
SSL_CTX_use_certificate_file(3) - load certificate and key data
SSL_CTX_use_PrivateKey(3) - load certificate and key data
SSL_CTX_use_PrivateKey_ASN1(3) - load certificate and key data
SSL_CTX_use_PrivateKey_file(3) - load certificate and key data
SSL_CTX_use_psk_identity_hint(3) - set PSK identity hint to use
SSL_CTX_use_RSAPrivateKey(3) - load certificate and key data
SSL_CTX_use_RSAPrivateKey_ASN1(3) - load certificate and key data
SSL_CTX_use_RSAPrivateKey_file(3) - load certificate and key data
SSL_do_handshake(3) - perform a TLS/SSL handshake
SSLeay(3)           - get OpenSSL version number
SSLeay_add_ssl_algorithms(3) - initialize SSL library by registering algorithms
SSLeay_version(3)   - get OpenSSL version number
SSL_flush_sessions(3) - remove expired sessions
SSL_free(3)         - free an allocated SSL structure
SSL_get_accept_state(3) - prepare SSL object to work in client or server mode
SSL_get_cipher(3)   - get SSL_CIPHER of a connection
SSL_get_cipher_bits(3) - get SSL_CIPHER of a connection
SSL_get_cipher_list(3) - get list of available SSL_CIPHERs
SSL_get_cipher_name(3) - get SSL_CIPHER of a connection
SSL_get_ciphers(3)  - get list of available SSL_CIPHERs
SSL_get_cipher_version(3) - get SSL_CIPHER of a connection
SSL_get_client_CA_list(3) - get list of client CAs
SSL_get_current_cipher(3) - get SSL_CIPHER of a connection
SSL_get_default_timeout(3) - get default session timeout value
SSL_get_error(3)    - obtain result code for TLS/SSL I/O operation
SSL_get_ex_data(3)  - internal application specific data functions
SSL_get_ex_data_X509_STORE_CTX_idx(3) - get ex_data index to access SSL structure from X509_STORE_CTX
SSL_get_ex_new_index(3) - internal application specific data functions
SSL_get_fd(3)       - get file descriptor linked to an SSL object
SSL_get_info_callback(3) - handle information callback for SSL connections
SSL_get_max_cert_list(3) - manipulate allowed for the peer's certificate chain
SSL_get_mode(3)     - manipulate SSL engine mode
SSL_get_msg_callback_arg(3) - install callback for observing protocol messages
SSL_get_options(3)  - manipulate SSL options
SSL_get_peer_cert_chain(3) - get the X509 certificate chain of the peer
SSL_get_peer_certificate(3) - get the X509 certificate of the peer
SSL_get_psk_identity(3) - get PSK client identity and hint
SSL_get_psk_identity_hint(3) - get PSK client identity and hint
SSL_get_quiet_shutdown(3) - manipulate shutdown behaviour
SSL_get_rbio(3)     - get BIO linked to an SSL object
SSL_get_secure_renegotiation_support(3) - manipulate SSL options
SSL_get_session(3)  - retrieve TLS/SSL session data
SSL_get_shutdown(3) - manipulate shutdown state of an SSL connection
SSL_get_SSL_CTX(3)  - get the SSL_CTX from which an SSL is created
SSL_get_ssl_method(3) - choose a new TLS/SSL method
SSL_get_verify_callback(3) - get currently set verification parameters
SSL_get_verify_depth(3) - get currently set verification parameters
SSL_get_verify_mode(3) - get currently set verification parameters
SSL_get_verify_result(3) - get result of peer certificate verification
SSL_get_version(3)  - get the protocol version of a connection.
SSL_has_matching_session_id(3) - manipulate generation of SSL session IDs (server only)
SSL_library_init(3) - initialize SSL library by registering algorithms
SSL_load_client_CA_file(3) - load certificate names from file
SSL_load_error_strings(3) - load and free error strings
SSL_need_tmp_rsa(3) - handle RSA keys for ephemeral key exchange
SSL_new(3)          - create a new SSL structure for a connection
SSL_pending(3)      - obtain number of readable bytes buffered in an SSL object
SSL_read(3)         - read bytes from a TLS/SSL connection.
SSL_remove_session(3) - manipulate session cache
SSL_rstate_string(3) - get textual description of state of an SSL object during read operation
SSL_rstate_string_long(3) - get textual description of state of an SSL object during read operation
SSL_SESSION_free(3) - free an allocated SSL_SESSION structure
SSL_SESSION_get_ex_data(3) - internal application specific data functions
SSL_SESSION_get_ex_new_index(3) - internal application specific data functions
SSL_SESSION_get_time(3) - retrieve and manipulate session time and timeout settings
SSL_SESSION_get_timeout(3) - retrieve and manipulate session time and timeout settings
SSL_session_reused(3) - query whether a reused session was negotiated during handshake
SSL_SESSION_set_ex_data(3) - internal application specific data functions
SSL_SESSION_set_time(3) - retrieve and manipulate session time and timeout settings
SSL_SESSION_set_timeout(3) - retrieve and manipulate session time and timeout settings
SSL_set_bio(3)      - connect the SSL object with a BIO
SSL_set_cipher_list(3) - choose list of available SSL_CIPHERs
SSL_set_client_CA_list(3) - set list of CAs sent to the client when requesting a client certificate
SSL_set_connect_state(3) - prepare SSL object to work in client or server mode
SSL_set_ex_data(3)  - internal application specific data functions
SSL_set_fd(3)       - connect the SSL object with a file descriptor
SSL_set_generate_session_id(3) - manipulate generation of SSL session IDs (server only)
SSL_set_info_callback(3) - handle information callback for SSL connections
SSL_set_max_cert_list(3) - manipulate allowed for the peer's certificate chain
SSL_set_mode(3)     - manipulate SSL engine mode
SSL_set_msg_callback(3) - install callback for observing protocol messages
SSL_set_options(3)  - manipulate SSL options
SSL_set_psk_client_callback(3) - set PSK client callback
SSL_set_psk_server_callback(3) - set PSK identity hint to use
SSL_set_quiet_shutdown(3) - manipulate shutdown behaviour
SSL_set_session(3)  - set a TLS/SSL session to be used during TLS/SSL connect
SSL_set_session_id_context(3) - set context within which session can be reused (server side only)
SSL_set_shutdown(3) - manipulate shutdown state of an SSL connection
SSL_set_ssl_method(3) - choose a new TLS/SSL method
SSL_set_tmp_dh(3)   - handle DH keys for ephemeral key exchange
SSL_set_tmp_dh_callback(3) - handle DH keys for ephemeral key exchange
SSL_set_tmp_rsa(3)  - handle RSA keys for ephemeral key exchange
SSL_set_tmp_rsa_callback(3) - handle RSA keys for ephemeral key exchange
SSL_set_verify(3)   - set peer certificate verification parameters
SSL_set_verify_depth(3) - set peer certificate verification parameters
SSL_set_verify_result(3) - override result of peer certificate verification
SSL_shutdown(3)     - shut down a TLS/SSL connection
SSL_state_string(3) - get textual description of state of an SSL object
SSL_state_string_long(3) - get textual description of state of an SSL object
SSL_use_certificate(3) - load certificate and key data
SSL_use_certificate_ASN1(3) - load certificate and key data
SSL_use_certificate_file(3) - load certificate and key data
SSL_use_PrivateKey(3) - load certificate and key data
SSL_use_PrivateKey_ASN1(3) - load certificate and key data
SSL_use_PrivateKey_file(3) - load certificate and key data
SSL_use_psk_identity_hint(3) - set PSK identity hint to use
SSL_use_RSAPrivateKey(3) - load certificate and key data
SSL_use_RSAPrivateKey_ASN1(3) - load certificate and key data
SSL_use_RSAPrivateKey_file(3) - load certificate and key data
SSL_want(3)         - obtain state information TLS/SSL I/O operation
SSL_want_nothing(3) - obtain state information TLS/SSL I/O operation
SSL_want_read(3)    - obtain state information TLS/SSL I/O operation
SSL_want_write(3)   - obtain state information TLS/SSL I/O operation
SSL_want_x509_lookup(3) - obtain state information TLS/SSL I/O operation
SSL_write(3)        - write bytes to a TLS/SSL connection.
ssmtp(8)            - send a message using smtp
ssmtp.conf(5)       - ssmtp configuration file
ssp(1)              - (unknown subject)
sspcon(3)           - (unknown subject)
sspcon.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
sspev(3)            - (unknown subject)
sspevd(3)           - (unknown subject)
sspevd.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
sspev.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
sspevx(3)           - (unknown subject)
sspevx.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
sspgst(3)           - (unknown subject)
sspgst.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
sspgv(3)            - (unknown subject)
sspgvd(3)           - (unknown subject)
sspgvd.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
sspgv.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
sspgvx(3)           - (unknown subject)
sspgvx.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
sspmv(3)            - (unknown subject)
sspmv.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
sspr2(3)            - (unknown subject)
sspr2.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
sspr(3)             - (unknown subject)
sspr.f(3)           - (unknown subject)
ssprfs(3)           - (unknown subject)
ssprfs.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
sspsv(3)            - (unknown subject)
sspsv.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
sspsvx(3)           - (unknown subject)
sspsvx.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
ssptrd(3)           - (unknown subject)
ssptrd.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
ssptrf(3)           - (unknown subject)
ssptrf.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
ssptri(3)           - (unknown subject)
ssptri.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
ssptrs(3)           - (unknown subject)
ssptrs.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
sstebz(3)           - (unknown subject)
sstebz.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
sstedc(3)           - (unknown subject)
sstedc.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
sstegr(3)           - (unknown subject)
sstegr.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
sstein(3)           - (unknown subject)
sstein.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
sstemr(3)           - (unknown subject)
sstemr.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
ssteqr(3)           - (unknown subject)
ssteqr.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
ssterf(3)           - (unknown subject)
ssterf.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
sstev(3)            - (unknown subject)
sstevd(3)           - (unknown subject)
sstevd.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
sstev.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
sstevr(3)           - (unknown subject)
sstevr.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
sstevx(3)           - (unknown subject)
sstevx.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
sswap(3)            - (unknown subject)
sswap.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
ssycon(3)           - (unknown subject)
ssycon.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
ssycon_rook(3)      - (unknown subject)
ssycon_rook.f(3)    - (unknown subject)
ssyconv(3)          - (unknown subject)
ssyconv.f(3)        - (unknown subject)
ssyequb(3)          - (unknown subject)
ssyequb.f(3)        - (unknown subject)
ssyev(3)            - (unknown subject)
ssyevd(3)           - (unknown subject)
ssyevd.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
ssyev.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
ssyevr(3)           - (unknown subject)
ssyevr.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
ssyevx(3)           - (unknown subject)
ssyevx.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
ssygs2(3)           - (unknown subject)
ssygs2.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
ssygst(3)           - (unknown subject)
ssygst.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
ssygv(3)            - (unknown subject)
ssygvd(3)           - (unknown subject)
ssygvd.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
ssygv.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
ssygvx(3)           - (unknown subject)
ssygvx.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
ssymm(3)            - (unknown subject)
ssymm.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
ssymv(3)            - (unknown subject)
ssymv.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
ssyr2(3)            - (unknown subject)
ssyr2.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
ssyr2k(3)           - (unknown subject)
ssyr2k.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
ssyr(3)             - (unknown subject)
ssyr.f(3)           - (unknown subject)
ssyrfs(3)           - (unknown subject)
ssyrfs.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
ssyrfsx(3)          - (unknown subject)
ssyrfsx.f(3)        - (unknown subject)
ssyrk(3)            - (unknown subject)
ssyrk.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
ssysv(3)            - (unknown subject)
ssysv.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
ssysv_rook(3)       - (unknown subject)
ssysv_rook.f(3)     - (unknown subject)
ssysvx(3)           - (unknown subject)
ssysvx.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
ssysvxx(3)          - (unknown subject)
ssysvxx.f(3)        - (unknown subject)
ssyswapr(3)         - (unknown subject)
ssyswapr.f(3)       - (unknown subject)
ssytd2(3)           - (unknown subject)
ssytd2.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
ssytf2(3)           - (unknown subject)
ssytf2.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
ssytf2_rook(3)      - (unknown subject)
ssytf2_rook.f(3)    - (unknown subject)
ssytrd(3)           - (unknown subject)
ssytrd.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
ssytrf(3)           - (unknown subject)
ssytrf.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
ssytrf_rook(3)      - (unknown subject)
ssytrf_rook.f(3)    - (unknown subject)
ssytri2(3)          - (unknown subject)
ssytri2.f(3)        - (unknown subject)
ssytri2x(3)         - (unknown subject)
ssytri2x.f(3)       - (unknown subject)
ssytri(3)           - (unknown subject)
ssytri.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
ssytri_rook(3)      - (unknown subject)
ssytri_rook.f(3)    - (unknown subject)
ssytrs2(3)          - (unknown subject)
ssytrs2.f(3)        - (unknown subject)
ssytrs(3)           - (unknown subject)
ssytrs.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
ssytrs_rook(3)      - (unknown subject)
ssytrs_rook.f(3)    - (unknown subject)
Stack(3o)           - Last-in first-out stacks.
Standards(7)        - X Window System Standards and Specifications
standend(3x)        - curses character and window attribute control routines
standout(3x)        - curses character and window attribute control routines
start_color(3x)     - curses color manipulation routines
start-pulseaudio-kde(1) - PulseAudio Sound Server KDE Startup Script
start-pulseaudio-x11(1) - PulseAudio Sound Server X11 Startup Script
START_TRANSACTION(7) - start a transaction block
startx(1)           - initialize an X session
startxwin(1)        - Cygwin XWin server initializer
stat(1)             - display file or file system status
states(1)           - awk alike text processing tool
stbcon(3)           - (unknown subject)
stbcon.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
stbmv(3)            - (unknown subject)
stbmv.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
stbrfs(3)           - (unknown subject)
stbrfs.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
stbsv(3)            - (unknown subject)
stbsv.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
stbtrs(3)           - (unknown subject)
stbtrs.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
stdio64(3)          - (unknown subject)
StdLabels(3o)       - Standard labeled libraries.
StdLabels.Array(3o) - no description
StdLabels.List(3o)  - no description
StdLabels.String(3o) - no description
steghide(1)         - a steganography program
stfsm(3)            - (unknown subject)
stfsm.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
stftri(3)           - (unknown subject)
stftri.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
stfttp(3)           - (unknown subject)
stfttp.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
stfttr(3)           - (unknown subject)
stfttr.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
stgevc(3)           - (unknown subject)
stgevc.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
stgex2(3)           - (unknown subject)
stgex2.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
stgexc(3)           - (unknown subject)
stgexc.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
stgsen(3)           - (unknown subject)
stgsen.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
stgsja(3)           - (unknown subject)
stgsja.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
stgsna(3)           - (unknown subject)
stgsna.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
stgsy2(3)           - (unknown subject)
stgsy2.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
stgsyl(3)           - (unknown subject)
stgsyl.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
s_time(1)           - SSL/TLS performance timing program
Storable(3pm)       - persistence for Perl data structures
stow(8)             - software package installation manager
stpcon(3)           - (unknown subject)
stpcon.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
stpcpy(3)           - (unknown subject)
stpmqrt(3)          - (unknown subject)
stpmqrt.f(3)        - (unknown subject)
stpmv(3)            - (unknown subject)
stpmv.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
stpncpy(3)          - (unknown subject)
stpqrt2(3)          - (unknown subject)
stpqrt2.f(3)        - (unknown subject)
stpqrt(3)           - (unknown subject)
stpqrt.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
stprfb(3)           - (unknown subject)
stprfb.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
stprfs(3)           - (unknown subject)
stprfs.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
stpsv(3)            - (unknown subject)
stpsv.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
stptri(3)           - (unknown subject)
stptri.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
stptrs(3)           - (unknown subject)
stptrs.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
stpttf(3)           - (unknown subject)
stpttf.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
stpttr(3)           - (unknown subject)
stpttr.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
Str(3o)             - Regular expressions and high-level string processing
strace(1)           - (unknown subject)
strcasecmp(3)       - (unknown subject)
strcasestr(3)       - (unknown subject)
strcat(3)           - (unknown subject)
strchr(3)           - (unknown subject)
strcmp(3)           - (unknown subject)
strcoll(3)          - (unknown subject)
strcon(3)           - (unknown subject)
strcon.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
strcpy(3)           - (unknown subject)
strcspn(3)          - (unknown subject)
stream(1)           - a lightweight tool to stream one or more pixel components of the image or portion of the image to your choice of storage formats.
Stream(3o)          - Streams and parsers.
strerror(3)         - (unknown subject)
strerror_r(3)       - (unknown subject)
strevc(3)           - (unknown subject)
strevc.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
strexc(3)           - (unknown subject)
strexc.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
strfile(8)          - create a random access file for storing strings
strftime(3)         - (unknown subject)
strict(3pm)         - Perl pragma to restrict unsafe constructs
string2key(8)       - map a password into a key
StringLabels(3o)    - String operations.
string(n)           - Manipulate strings
stringprep(3)       - API function
stringprep_4i(3)    - API function
stringprep_4zi(3)   - API function
stringprep_check_version(3) - API function
stringprep_convert(3) - API function
stringprep_locale_charset(3) - API function
stringprep_locale_to_utf8(3) - API function
stringprep_profile(3) - API function
stringprep_strerror(3) - API function
stringprep_ucs4_nfkc_normalize(3) - API function
stringprep_ucs4_to_utf8(3) - API function
stringprep_unichar_to_utf8(3) - API function
stringprep_utf8_nfkc_normalize(3) - API function
stringprep_utf8_to_locale(3) - API function
stringprep_utf8_to_ucs4(3) - API function
stringprep_utf8_to_unichar(3) - API function
strings(1)          - print the strings of printable characters in files.
strip(1)            - Discard symbols from object files.
strlen(3)           - (unknown subject)
strlwr(3)           - (unknown subject)
strmm(3)            - (unknown subject)
strmm.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
strmv(3)            - (unknown subject)
strmv.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
strncasecmp(3)      - (unknown subject)
strncat(3)          - (unknown subject)
strncmp(3)          - (unknown subject)
strncpy(3)          - (unknown subject)
strnlen(3)          - (unknown subject)
strpbrk(3)          - (unknown subject)
strrchr(3)          - (unknown subject)
strrfs(3)           - (unknown subject)
strrfs.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
strsen(3)           - (unknown subject)
strsen.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
strsm(3)            - (unknown subject)
strsm.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
strsna(3)           - (unknown subject)
strsna.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
strspn(3)           - (unknown subject)
strstr(3)           - (unknown subject)
strsv(3)            - (unknown subject)
strsv.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
strsyl(3)           - (unknown subject)
strsyl.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
strti2(3)           - (unknown subject)
strti2.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
strtod(3)           - (unknown subject)
strtok(3)           - (unknown subject)
strtol(3)           - (unknown subject)
strtoll(3)          - (unknown subject)
strtoul(3)          - (unknown subject)
strtoull(3)         - (unknown subject)
strtri(3)           - (unknown subject)
strtri.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
strtrs(3)           - (unknown subject)
strtrs.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
strttf(3)           - (unknown subject)
strttf.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
strttp(3)           - (unknown subject)
strttp.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
strupr(3)           - (unknown subject)
strxfrm(3)          - (unknown subject)
stty(1)             - change and print terminal line settings
stunnel(8)          - universal SSL tunnel
sty2dtx(1)          - - Converts a LaTeX .sty file to a documented .dtx file
stzrqf(3)           - (unknown subject)
stzrqf.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
stzrzf(3)           - (unknown subject)
stzrzf.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
su(1)               - run a shell with substitute user and group IDs
Sub.Exporter(3pm)   - a sophisticated exporter for custom-built routines
Sub.Exporter.Cookbook(3pm) - useful, demonstrative, or stupid Sub::Exporter tricks
Sub.Exporter.Tutorial(3pm) - a friendly guide to exporting with Sub::Exporter
Sub.Exporter.Util(3pm) - utilities to make Sub::Exporter easier
Sub.Install(3pm)    - install subroutines into packages easily
subpad(3x)          - create and display curses pads
subs(3pm)           - Perl pragma to predeclare sub names
subst(n)            - Perform backslash, command, and variable substitutions
subwin(3x)          - create curses windows
suck(1)             - Pull a small newsfeed from an NNTP server, avoiding the NEWNEWS command.
sudoku(6)           - sudoku board game
sum(1)              - checksum and count the blocks in a file
suspend(1)          - bash built-in commands, see bash(1)
suspend(8)          - reboot, stop or suspend the system.
svn(1)              - Subversion command line client tool
svnadmin(1)         - Subversion repository administration tool
SVN.Base(3pm)       - Base class for importing symbols for svn modules
SVN.Client(3pm)     - Subversion client functions
SVN.Core(3pm)       - Core module of the subversion perl bindings
SVN.Delta(3pm)      - Subversion delta functions
svndumpfilter(1)    - Filter a subversion repository 'dumpfile'.
SVN.Fs(3pm)         - Subversion filesystem functions
svn-load(1)         - An enhanced import facility for Subversion
svnlook(1)          - Subversion repository examination tool
svnmucc(1)          - Multiple URL Command Client for Subversion
SVN.Ra(3pm)         - Subversion remote access functions
svnrdump(1)         - Subversion remote repository dumper and loader
SVN.Repos(3pm)      - Subversion repository functions
svnserve(8)         - Server for the 'svn' repository access method
svnserve.conf(5)    - Repository configuration file for svnserve
svnsync(1)          - Subversion repository synchronization tool
svnversion(1)       - Produce a compact version identifier for a working copy.
SVN.Wc(3pm)         - Subversion working copy functions
swab(3)             - (unknown subject)
swaplabel(8)        - print or change the label or UUID of a swap area
SWF(3pm)            - an autoloadable interface module for Ming - a library for generating ShockWave Flash format movies.
SWF.Action(3pm)     - SWF action class
SWF.BinaryData(3pm) - SWF binary data class
SWF.Bitmap(3pm)     - Bitmap class
SWF.Blur(3pm)       - SWF blur class
SWF.BrowserFont(3pm) - SWF BrowserFont class
SWF.Button(3pm)     - SWF button class
SWF.ButtonRecord(3pm) - SWF Button Helper Class
SWF.Character(3pm)  - SWF Character Class
SWF.Constants(3pm)  - Constants defined in ming
SWF.CXform(3pm)     - SWF CXform class
SWF.DisplayItem(3pm) - SWF DisplayItem class
SWFDisplayItem_addFilter(3) - adds a surface filter
SWFDisplayItem_cacheAsBitmap(3) - set cashing flag
SWFDisplayItem_get_x(3) - Methods for reading position data
SWFDisplayItem_setBlendMode(3) - set blend mdoe
SWF.Fill(3pm)       - SWF fill class
SWF.Filter(3pm)     - SWF filter class
SWF.FilterMatrix(3pm) - SWF FilterMatrix class
SWF.Font(3pm)       - SWF Font class
SWF.FontCharacter(3pm) - SWF Font Helper Class
SWF.FontCollection(3pm) - SWF font collection class
SWF.Gradient(3pm)   - SWF gradient class
SWF.InitAction(3pm) - SWF init action class
SWF.Matrix(3pm)     - SWF matrix class
SWF.Morph(3pm)      - SWF Morph Class
SWF.Movie(3pm)      - SWF Movie class
SWFMovie_add(3)     - add a block to a movie.
SWF.MovieClip(3pm)  - MovieClip Class
SWFMovie_labelFrame(3) - Add a label Frame
SWFMovie_namedAnchor(3) - Add a named anchor Frame
SWFMovie_protect(3) - enable edit protections for a movie
SWFMovie_setBackground(3) - set the background color for a movie
SWFMovie_setDimension(3) - set the dimensions of a movie
SWFMovie_setNumberOfFrames(3) - set the frame count of a movie
SWFMovie_setRate(3) - set the frame rate of a movie
SWF.PrebuiltClip(3pm) - SWF PrebuiltClip class
SWF.Shadow(3pm)     - SWF shadow class
SWF.Shape(3pm)      - Shape class
SWFShape_drawArc(3) - draw an arc of radius r, centered at (x, y), from angle startAngle to angle
SWFShape_drawCubic(3) - returns number of splines used
SWFShape_drawScaledLineTo(3) - x, y relative to shape origin
SWFShape_movePenTo(3) - x, y relative to shape origin
SWFShape_moveScaledPenTo(3) - move pen relative to shape origin
SWF.Sound(3pm)      - SWF Sound class
SWF.SoundInstance(3pm) - SWF Sound Instance class
SWF.SoundStream(3pm) - SWF Sound Stream class
SWF.Sprite(3pm)     - Sprite(MovieClip) Class
SWF.Text(3pm)       - SWF Text class
SWF.TextField(3pm)  - SWF TextField class
swftocxx(1)         - decompile a swf file into C++ code
swftoperl(1)        - decompile a swf file into Perl code
swftophp(1)         - decompile a swf file into Perl code
swftopython(1)      - decompile a swf file into Perl code
swftotcl(1)         - decompile a swf file into Perl code
SWF.VideoStream(3pm) - SWF Video class
SWFVideoStream_getNumFrames(3) - returns the number of video-frames
SWFVideoStream_getVideoFrame(3) - embedes a video frame in a SWFBlock object
SWFVideoStream_hasAudio(3) - returns 1 if embedded video stream has also an audio stream
SWFVideoStream_setDimension(3) - sets video dimension
swipl(1)            - SWI-Prolog 6.4.1
swipl-ld(1)         - Create a SWI-Prolog embedded executable
swipl-rc(1)         - SWI-Prolog resource archiver
Switch(3pm)         - A switch statement for Perl
switch(n)           - Evaluate one of several scripts, depending on a given value
swprintf(3)         - (unknown subject)
swscanf(3)          - (unknown subject)
sxpm(1)             - Show an XPM (X PixMap) file and/or convert XPM 1 or 2 files to XPM 3.
Symbol(3pm)         - manipulate Perl symbols and their names
symilar(1)          - tool for checking similarities in different files
symlinks(1)         - symbolic link maintenance utility
sync(1)             - flush file system buffers
syncok(3x)          - create curses windows
synctex(1)          - command line client tool to support the Synchronize TeXnology available in recent TeX engines.
synctex(5)          - Synchronize TeXnology help file
Sys(3o)             - System interface.
sysctl(8)           - configure kernel parameters at runtime
sysctl.conf(5)      - sysctl(8) preload/configuration file
Sys.Hostname(3pm)   - Try every conceivable way to get hostname
syslogd(8)          - Syslog server
syslog-ng(8)        - syslog-ng system logger application
syslog-ng.conf(5)   - syslog-ng configuration file
syslog-ng-ctl(1)    - Display message statistics and enable verbose, debug and trace modes in syslog-ng
Sys.Syslog(3pm)     - Perl interface to the UNIX syslog(3) calls
system(3)           - (unknown subject)
systempapername(3)  - return names for managing system paper information
systempapersizefile(3) - return names for managing system paper information
t1ascii(1)          - convert PostScript Type 1 font from binary to ASCII
t1asm(1)            - assemble PostScript Type 1 font
t1binary(1)         - convert PostScript Type 1 font from ASCII to binary
t1disasm(1)         - disassemble PostScript Type 1 font
t1dotlessj(1)       - create a dotless-j PostScript Type 1 font
t1lint(1)           - check a PostScript Type 1 font for correctness
t1mac(1)            - translate a PFA or PFB PostScript Type 1 font into Macintosh format
t1rawafm(1)         - produce raw AFM metrics from a PostScript Type 1 font
t1reencode(1)       - reencode a PostScript Type 1 font
t1testpage(1)       - create a PostScript proof for a Type 1 font
t1unmac(1)          - translate a Mac PostScript Type 1 font into PFA or PFB format
TABLE(7)            - retrieve rows from a table or view
tabs(1)             - set tabs on a terminal
tac(1)              - concatenate and print files in reverse
tack(1)             - terminfo action checker
tail(1)             - output the last part of files
tailf(1)            - follow the growth of a log file
tailor(1)           - tool to keep in sync various kinds of repository
talk(1)             - Talk client
talkd(8)            - Talk server
tan(3)              - (unknown subject)
tanf(3)             - (unknown subject)
tangle(1)           - translate WEB to Pascal
tanh(3)             - (unknown subject)
tanhf(3)            - (unknown subject)
TAP.Base(3pm)       - Base class that provides common functionality to TAP::Parser and TAP::Harness
tapelist(5)         - The list of Amanda volumes in use
TAP.Formatter.Base(3pm) - Base class for harness output delegates
TAP.Formatter.Color(3pm) - Run Perl test scripts with color
TAP.Formatter.Console(3pm) - Harness output delegate for default console output
TAP.Formatter.Console.ParallelSession(3pm) - Harness output delegate for parallel console output
TAP.Formatter.Console.Session(3pm) - Harness output delegate for default console output
TAP.Formatter.File(3pm) - Harness output delegate for file output
TAP.Formatter.File.Session(3pm) - Harness output delegate for file output
TAP.Formatter.Session(3pm) - Abstract base class for harness output delegate
TAP.Harness(3pm)    - Run test scripts with statistics
TAP.Object(3pm)     - Base class that provides common functionality to all "TAP::*" modules
TAP.Parser(3pm)     - Parse TAP output
TAP.Parser.Aggregator(3pm) - Aggregate TAP::Parser results
TAP.Parser.Grammar(3pm) - A grammar for the Test Anything Protocol.
TAP.Parser.Iterator(3pm) - Base class for TAP source iterators
TAP.Parser.Iterator.Array(3pm) - Iterator for array-based TAP sources
TAP.Parser.IteratorFactory(3pm) - Figures out which SourceHandler objects to use for a given Source
TAP.Parser.Iterator.Process(3pm) - Iterator for process-based TAP sources
TAP.Parser.Iterator.Stream(3pm) - Iterator for filehandle-based TAP sources
TAP.Parser.Multiplexer(3pm) - Multiplex multiple TAP::Parsers
TAP.Parser.Result(3pm) - Base class for TAP::Parser output objects
TAP.Parser.Result.Bailout(3pm) - Bailout result token.
TAP.Parser.Result.Comment(3pm) - Comment result token.
TAP.Parser.ResultFactory(3pm) - Factory for creating TAP::Parser output objects
TAP.Parser.Result.Plan(3pm) - Plan result token.
TAP.Parser.Result.Pragma(3pm) - TAP pragma token.
TAP.Parser.Result.Test(3pm) - Test result token.
TAP.Parser.Result.Unknown(3pm) - Unknown result token.
TAP.Parser.Result.Version(3pm) - TAP syntax version token.
TAP.Parser.Result.YAML(3pm) - YAML result token.
TAP.Parser.Scheduler(3pm) - Schedule tests during parallel testing
TAP.Parser.Scheduler.Job(3pm) - A single testing job.
TAP.Parser.Scheduler.Spinner(3pm) - A no-op job.
TAP.Parser.Source(3pm) - a TAP source & meta data about it
TAP.Parser.SourceHandler(3pm) - Base class for different TAP source handlers
TAP.Parser.SourceHandler.Executable(3pm) - Stream output from an executable TAP source
TAP.Parser.SourceHandler.File(3pm) - Stream TAP from a text file.
TAP.Parser.SourceHandler.Handle(3pm) - Stream TAP from an IO::Handle or a GLOB.
TAP.Parser.SourceHandler.Perl(3pm) - Stream TAP from a Perl executable
TAP.Parser.SourceHandler.RawTAP(3pm) - Stream output from raw TAP in a scalar/array ref.
TAP.Parser.Utils(3pm) - Internal TAP::Parser utilities
TAP.Parser.YAMLish.Reader(3pm) - Read YAMLish data from iterator
TAP.Parser.YAMLish.Writer(3pm) - Write YAMLish data
tar(5)              - format of tape archive files
targetinfo(3)       - (unknown subject)
targetname(3)       - (unknown subject)
task(1)             - A command line todo manager.
task-color(5)       - A color tutorial for the taskwarrior command line todo manager.
task-faq(5)         - A FAQ for the task(1) command line todo manager.
taskrc(5)           - Configuration file for the task(1) command
task-sync(5)        - A tutorial for the task(1) data synchronization capabilities.
task-tutorial(5)    - A tutorial for the task(1) command line todo manager.
tasm(1)             - TASM Frontend For The Yasm Modular Assembler
tatd(1)             - Tool for UML Activity Diagrams
tbl(1)              - format tables for troff
tblgen(1)           - Target Description To C++ Code Generator
tcbd(1)             - Tool for UML Collaboration Diagrams
Tcl_Access(3)       - check file permissions and other attributes
Tcl_AddErrorInfo(3) - retrieve or record information about errors and other return options
Tcl_AddObjErrorInfo(3) - retrieve or record information about errors and other return options
Tcl_AlertNotifier(3) - the event queue and notifier interfaces
Tcl_Alloc(3)        - allocate or free heap memory
Tcl_AllocStatBuf(3) - procedures to interact with any filesystem
Tcl_AllowExceptions(3) - allow all exceptions in next script evaluation
Tcl_AppendAllObjTypes(3) - manipulate Tcl object types
Tcl_AppendElement(3) - manipulate Tcl result
Tcl_AppendExportList(3) - manipulate namespaces
Tcl_AppendFormatToObj(3) - manipulate Tcl objects as strings
Tcl_AppendLimitedToObj(3) - manipulate Tcl objects as strings
Tcl_AppendObjToErrorInfo(3) - retrieve or record information about errors and other return options
Tcl_AppendObjToObj(3) - manipulate Tcl objects as strings
Tcl_AppendPrintfToObj(3) - manipulate Tcl objects as strings
Tcl_AppendResult(3) - manipulate Tcl result
Tcl_AppendResultVA(3) - manipulate Tcl result
Tcl_AppendStringsToObj(3) - manipulate Tcl objects as strings
Tcl_AppendStringsToObjVA(3) - manipulate Tcl objects as strings
Tcl_AppendToObj(3)  - manipulate Tcl objects as strings
Tcl_AppendUnicodeToObj(3) - manipulate Tcl objects as strings
Tcl_AppInit(3)      - perform application-specific initialization
Tcl_AsyncCreate(3)  - handle asynchronous events
Tcl_AsyncDelete(3)  - handle asynchronous events
Tcl_AsyncInvoke(3)  - handle asynchronous events
Tcl_AsyncMark(3)    - handle asynchronous events
Tcl_AsyncReady(3)   - handle asynchronous events
Tcl_AttemptAlloc(3) - allocate or free heap memory
Tcl_AttemptRealloc(3) - allocate or free heap memory
Tcl_AttemptSetObjLength(3) - manipulate Tcl objects as strings
Tcl_BackgroundError(3) - report Tcl error that occurred in background processing
Tcl_Backslash(3)    - parse a backslash sequence
Tcl_BadChannelOption(3) - procedures for creating and manipulating channels
Tcl_CallWhenDeleted(3) - Arrange for callback when interpreter is deleted
Tcl_CancelIdleCall(3) - invoke a procedure when there are no pending events
Tcl_ChannelBlockModeProc(3) - procedures for creating and manipulating channels
Tcl_ChannelBuffered(3) - procedures for creating and manipulating channels
Tcl_ChannelClose2Proc(3) - procedures for creating and manipulating channels
Tcl_ChannelCloseProc(3) - procedures for creating and manipulating channels
Tcl_ChannelFlushProc(3) - procedures for creating and manipulating channels
Tcl_ChannelGetHandleProc(3) - procedures for creating and manipulating channels
Tcl_ChannelGetOptionProc(3) - procedures for creating and manipulating channels
Tcl_ChannelHandlerProc(3) - procedures for creating and manipulating channels
Tcl_ChannelInputProc(3) - procedures for creating and manipulating channels
Tcl_ChannelName(3)  - procedures for creating and manipulating channels
Tcl_ChannelOutputProc(3) - procedures for creating and manipulating channels
Tcl_ChannelSeekProc(3) - procedures for creating and manipulating channels
Tcl_ChannelSetOptionProc(3) - procedures for creating and manipulating channels
Tcl_ChannelThreadActionProc(3) - procedures for creating and manipulating channels
Tcl_ChannelTruncateProc(3) - procedures for creating and manipulating channels
Tcl_ChannelVersion(3) - procedures for creating and manipulating channels
Tcl_ChannelWatchProc(3) - procedures for creating and manipulating channels
Tcl_ChannelWideSeekProc(3) - procedures for creating and manipulating channels
Tcl_Chdir(3)        - manipulate the current working directory
Tcl_ClearChannelHandlers(3) - procedures for creating and manipulating channels
Tcl_Close(3)        - buffered I/O facilities using channels
Tcl_CommandComplete(3) - Check for unmatched braces in a Tcl command
Tcl_CommandTraceInfo(3) - monitor renames and deletes of a command
Tcl_Concat(3)       - concatenate a collection of strings
Tcl_ConcatObj(3)    - manipulate Tcl objects as strings
Tcl_ConditionFinalize(3) - Tcl thread support
Tcl_ConditionNotify(3) - Tcl thread support
Tcl_ConditionWait(3) - Tcl thread support
Tcl_ConvertCountedElement(3) - manipulate Tcl lists
Tcl_ConvertElement(3) - manipulate Tcl lists
Tcl_ConvertToType(3) - manipulate Tcl object types
Tcl_CreateAlias(3)  - manage multiple Tcl interpreters, aliases and hidden commands
Tcl_CreateAliasObj(3) - manage multiple Tcl interpreters, aliases and hidden commands
Tcl_CreateChannel(3) - procedures for creating and manipulating channels
Tcl_CreateChannelHandler(3) - call a procedure when a channel becomes readable or writable
Tcl_CreateCloseHandler(3) - arrange for callbacks when channels are closed
Tcl_CreateCommand(3) - implement new commands in C
Tcl_CreateEncoding(3) - procedures for creating and using encodings
Tcl_CreateEnsemble(3) - manipulate ensemble commands
Tcl_CreateEventSource(3) - the event queue and notifier interfaces
Tcl_CreateExitHandler(3) - end the application or thread (and invoke exit handlers)
Tcl_CreateFileHandler(3) - associate procedure callbacks with files or devices (Unix only)
Tcl_CreateHashEntry(3) - procedures to manage hash tables
Tcl_CreateInterp(3) - create and delete Tcl command interpreters
Tcl_CreateMathFunc(3) - Define, query and enumerate math functions for expressions
Tcl_CreateNamespace(3) - manipulate namespaces
Tcl_CreateObjCommand(3) - implement new commands in C
Tcl_CreateObjTrace(3) - arrange for command execution to be traced
Tcl_CreateSlave(3)  - manage multiple Tcl interpreters, aliases and hidden commands
Tcl_CreateThread(3) - Tcl thread support
Tcl_CreateThreadExitHandler(3) - end the application or thread (and invoke exit handlers)
Tcl_CreateTimerHandler(3) - call a procedure at a given time
Tcl_CreateTrace(3)  - arrange for command execution to be traced
Tcl_CutChannel(3)   - procedures for creating and manipulating channels
Tcl_DecrRefCount(3) - manipulate Tcl objects
Tcl_DeleteAssocData(3) - manage associations of string keys and user specified data with Tcl interpreters
Tcl_DeleteChannelHandler(3) - call a procedure when a channel becomes readable or writable
Tcl_DeleteCloseHandler(3) - arrange for callbacks when channels are closed
Tcl_DeleteCommand(3) - implement new commands in C
Tcl_DeleteCommandFromToken(3) - implement new commands in C
Tcl_DeleteEvents(3) - the event queue and notifier interfaces
Tcl_DeleteEventSource(3) - the event queue and notifier interfaces
Tcl_DeleteExitHandler(3) - end the application or thread (and invoke exit handlers)
Tcl_DeleteFileHandler(3) - associate procedure callbacks with files or devices (Unix only)
Tcl_DeleteHashEntry(3) - procedures to manage hash tables
Tcl_DeleteHashTable(3) - procedures to manage hash tables
Tcl_DeleteInterp(3) - create and delete Tcl command interpreters
Tcl_DeleteNamespace(3) - manipulate namespaces
Tcl_DeleteThreadExitHandler(3) - end the application or thread (and invoke exit handlers)
Tcl_DeleteTimerHandler(3) - call a procedure at a given time
Tcl_DeleteTrace(3)  - arrange for command execution to be traced
Tcl_DetachChannel(3) - buffered I/O facilities using channels
Tcl_DetachPids(3)   - manage child processes in background
Tcl_DictObjDone(3)  - manipulate Tcl objects as dictionaries
Tcl_DictObjFirst(3) - manipulate Tcl objects as dictionaries
Tcl_DictObjGet(3)   - manipulate Tcl objects as dictionaries
Tcl_DictObjNext(3)  - manipulate Tcl objects as dictionaries
Tcl_DictObjPut(3)   - manipulate Tcl objects as dictionaries
Tcl_DictObjPutKeyList(3) - manipulate Tcl objects as dictionaries
Tcl_DictObjRemove(3) - manipulate Tcl objects as dictionaries
Tcl_DictObjRemoveKeyList(3) - manipulate Tcl objects as dictionaries
Tcl_DictObjSize(3)  - manipulate Tcl objects as dictionaries
Tcl_DiscardInterpState(3) - save and restore an interpreter's state
Tcl_DiscardResult(3) - save and restore an interpreter's state
Tcl_DontCallWhenDeleted(3) - Arrange for callback when interpreter is deleted
Tcl_DoOneEvent(3)   - wait for events and invoke event handlers
Tcl_DoWhenIdle(3)   - invoke a procedure when there are no pending events
Tcl_DStringAppend(3) - manipulate dynamic strings
Tcl_DStringAppendElement(3) - manipulate dynamic strings
Tcl_DStringEndSublist(3) - manipulate dynamic strings
Tcl_DStringFree(3)  - manipulate dynamic strings
Tcl_DStringGetResult(3) - manipulate dynamic strings
Tcl_DStringInit(3)  - manipulate dynamic strings
Tcl_DStringLength(3) - manipulate dynamic strings
Tcl_DStringResult(3) - manipulate dynamic strings
Tcl_DStringSetLength(3) - manipulate dynamic strings
Tcl_DStringStartSublist(3) - manipulate dynamic strings
Tcl_DStringTrunc(3) - manipulate dynamic strings
Tcl_DStringValue(3) - manipulate dynamic strings
Tcl_DumpActiveMemory(3) - Validated memory allocation interface
Tcl_DuplicateObj(3) - manipulate Tcl objects
tcl_endOfWord(n)    - standard library of Tcl procedures
Tcl_Eof(3)          - buffered I/O facilities using channels
Tcl_ErrnoId(3)      - manipulate errno to store and retrieve error codes
Tcl_ErrnoMsg(3)     - manipulate errno to store and retrieve error codes
Tcl_Eval(3)         - execute Tcl scripts
Tcl_EvalEx(3)       - execute Tcl scripts
Tcl_EvalFile(3)     - execute Tcl scripts
Tcl_EvalObjEx(3)    - execute Tcl scripts
Tcl_EvalObjv(3)     - execute Tcl scripts
Tcl_EvalTokens(3)   - parse Tcl scripts and expressions
Tcl_EvalTokensStandard(3) - parse Tcl scripts and expressions
Tcl_EventuallyFree(3) - avoid freeing storage while it is being used
Tcl_Exit(3)         - end the application or thread (and invoke exit handlers)
Tcl_ExitThread(3)   - end the application or thread (and invoke exit handlers)
Tcl_Export(3)       - manipulate namespaces
Tcl_ExposeCommand(3) - manage multiple Tcl interpreters, aliases and hidden commands
Tcl_ExprBoolean(3)  - evaluate an expression
Tcl_ExprBooleanObj(3) - evaluate an expression
Tcl_ExprDouble(3)   - evaluate an expression
Tcl_ExprDoubleObj(3) - evaluate an expression
Tcl_ExprLong(3)     - evaluate an expression
Tcl_ExprLongObj(3)  - evaluate an expression
Tcl_ExprObj(3)      - evaluate an expression
Tcl_ExprString(3)   - evaluate an expression
Tcl_ExternalToUtf(3) - procedures for creating and using encodings
Tcl_ExternalToUtfDString(3) - procedures for creating and using encodings
Tcl_Finalize(3)     - end the application or thread (and invoke exit handlers)
Tcl_FinalizeNotifier(3) - the event queue and notifier interfaces
Tcl_FinalizeThread(3) - end the application or thread (and invoke exit handlers)
Tcl_FindCommand(3)  - manipulate namespaces
Tcl_FindEnsemble(3) - manipulate ensemble commands
Tcl_FindExecutable(3) - identify or return the name of the binary file containing the application
Tcl_FindHashEntry(3) - procedures to manage hash tables
tcl_findLibrary(n)  - standard library of Tcl procedures
Tcl_FindNamespace(3) - manipulate namespaces
Tcl_FirstHashEntry(3) - procedures to manage hash tables
Tcl_Flush(3)        - buffered I/O facilities using channels
Tcl_ForgetImport(3) - manipulate namespaces
Tcl_Format(3)       - manipulate Tcl objects as strings
Tcl_Free(3)         - allocate or free heap memory
Tcl_FreeEncoding(3) - procedures for creating and using encodings
Tcl_FreeParse(3)    - parse Tcl scripts and expressions
Tcl_FreeResult(3)   - manipulate Tcl result
Tcl_FSAccess(3)     - procedures to interact with any filesystem
Tcl_FSChdir(3)      - procedures to interact with any filesystem
Tcl_FSConvertToPathType(3) - procedures to interact with any filesystem
Tcl_FSCopyDirectory(3) - procedures to interact with any filesystem
Tcl_FSCopyFile(3)   - procedures to interact with any filesystem
Tcl_FSCreateDirectory(3) - procedures to interact with any filesystem
Tcl_FSData(3)       - procedures to interact with any filesystem
Tcl_FSDeleteFile(3) - procedures to interact with any filesystem
Tcl_FSEqualPaths(3) - procedures to interact with any filesystem
Tcl_FSEvalFile(3)   - procedures to interact with any filesystem
Tcl_FSEvalFileEx(3) - procedures to interact with any filesystem
Tcl_FSFileAttrsGet(3) - procedures to interact with any filesystem
Tcl_FSFileAttrsSet(3) - procedures to interact with any filesystem
Tcl_FSFileAttrStrings(3) - procedures to interact with any filesystem
Tcl_FSFileSystemInfo(3) - procedures to interact with any filesystem
Tcl_FSGetCwd(3)     - procedures to interact with any filesystem
Tcl_FSGetFileSystemForPath(3) - procedures to interact with any filesystem
Tcl_FSGetInternalRep(3) - procedures to interact with any filesystem
Tcl_FSGetNativePath(3) - procedures to interact with any filesystem
Tcl_FSGetNormalizedPath(3) - procedures to interact with any filesystem
Tcl_FSGetPathType(3) - procedures to interact with any filesystem
Tcl_FSGetTranslatedPath(3) - procedures to interact with any filesystem
Tcl_FSGetTranslatedStringPath(3) - procedures to interact with any filesystem
Tcl_FSJoinPath(3)   - procedures to interact with any filesystem
Tcl_FSJoinToPath(3) - procedures to interact with any filesystem
Tcl_FSLink(3)       - procedures to interact with any filesystem
Tcl_FSListVolumes(3) - procedures to interact with any filesystem
Tcl_FSLoadFile(3)   - procedures to interact with any filesystem
Tcl_FSLstat(3)      - procedures to interact with any filesystem
Tcl_FSMatchInDirectory(3) - procedures to interact with any filesystem
Tcl_FSMountsChanged(3) - procedures to interact with any filesystem
Tcl_FSNewNativePath(3) - procedures to interact with any filesystem
Tcl_FSOpenFileChannel(3) - procedures to interact with any filesystem
Tcl_FSPathSeparator(3) - procedures to interact with any filesystem
Tcl_FSRegister(3)   - procedures to interact with any filesystem
Tcl_FSRemoveDirectory(3) - procedures to interact with any filesystem
Tcl_FSRenameFile(3) - procedures to interact with any filesystem
Tcl_FSSplitPath(3)  - procedures to interact with any filesystem
Tcl_FSStat(3)       - procedures to interact with any filesystem
Tcl_FSUnregister(3) - procedures to interact with any filesystem
Tcl_FSUtime(3)      - procedures to interact with any filesystem
Tcl_GetAlias(3)     - manage multiple Tcl interpreters, aliases and hidden commands
Tcl_GetAliasObj(3)  - manage multiple Tcl interpreters, aliases and hidden commands
Tcl_GetAssocData(3) - manage associations of string keys and user specified data with Tcl interpreters
Tcl_GetBignumFromObj(3) - manipulate Tcl objects as integer values
Tcl_GetBoolean(3)   - convert from string to integer, double, or boolean
Tcl_GetBooleanFromObj(3) - store/retrieve boolean value in a Tcl_Obj
Tcl_GetByteArrayFromObj(3) - manipulate Tcl objects as a arrays of bytes
Tcl_GetChannel(3)   - buffered I/O facilities using channels
Tcl_GetChannelBufferSize(3) - procedures for creating and manipulating channels
Tcl_GetChannelError(3) - functions to create/intercept Tcl errors by channel drivers.
Tcl_GetChannelErrorInterp(3) - functions to create/intercept Tcl errors by channel drivers.
Tcl_GetChannelHandle(3) - procedures for creating and manipulating channels
Tcl_GetChannelInstanceData(3) - procedures for creating and manipulating channels
Tcl_GetChannelMode(3) - procedures for creating and manipulating channels
Tcl_GetChannelName(3) - procedures for creating and manipulating channels
Tcl_GetChannelNames(3) - buffered I/O facilities using channels
Tcl_GetChannelNamesEx(3) - buffered I/O facilities using channels
Tcl_GetChannelOption(3) - buffered I/O facilities using channels
Tcl_GetChannelThread(3) - procedures for creating and manipulating channels
Tcl_GetChannelType(3) - procedures for creating and manipulating channels
Tcl_GetCharLength(3) - manipulate Tcl objects as strings
Tcl_GetCommandFromObj(3) - implement new commands in C
Tcl_GetCommandFullName(3) - implement new commands in C
Tcl_GetCommandInfo(3) - implement new commands in C
Tcl_GetCommandInfoFromToken(3) - implement new commands in C
Tcl_GetCommandName(3) - implement new commands in C
Tcl_GetCurrentNamespace(3) - manipulate namespaces
Tcl_GetCurrentThread(3) - the event queue and notifier interfaces
Tcl_GetCwd(3)       - manipulate the current working directory
Tcl_GetDefaultEncodingDir(3) - procedures for creating and using encodings
Tcl_GetDouble(3)    - convert from string to integer, double, or boolean
Tcl_GetDoubleFromObj(3) - manipulate Tcl objects as floating-point values
Tcl_GetEncoding(3)  - procedures for creating and using encodings
Tcl_GetEncodingFromObj(3) - procedures for creating and using encodings
Tcl_GetEncodingName(3) - procedures for creating and using encodings
Tcl_GetEncodingNameFromEnvironment(3) - procedures for creating and using encodings
Tcl_GetEncodingNames(3) - procedures for creating and using encodings
Tcl_GetEncodingSearchPath(3) - procedures for creating and using encodings
Tcl_GetEnsembleFlags(3) - manipulate ensemble commands
Tcl_GetEnsembleMappingDict(3) - manipulate ensemble commands
Tcl_GetEnsembleNamespace(3) - manipulate ensemble commands
Tcl_GetEnsembleSubcommandList(3) - manipulate ensemble commands
Tcl_GetEnsembleUnknownHandler(3) - manipulate ensemble commands
Tcl_GetErrno(3)     - manipulate errno to store and retrieve error codes
Tcl_GetGlobalNamespace(3) - manipulate namespaces
Tcl_GetHashKey(3)   - procedures to manage hash tables
Tcl_GetHashValue(3) - procedures to manage hash tables
Tcl_GetHostName(3)  - get the name of the local host
Tcl_GetIndexFromObj(3) - lookup string in table of keywords
Tcl_GetIndexFromObjStruct(3) - lookup string in table of keywords
Tcl_GetInt(3)       - convert from string to integer, double, or boolean
Tcl_GetInterpPath(3) - manage multiple Tcl interpreters, aliases and hidden commands
Tcl_GetIntFromObj(3) - manipulate Tcl objects as integer values
Tcl_GetLongFromObj(3) - manipulate Tcl objects as integer values
Tcl_GetMaster(3)    - manage multiple Tcl interpreters, aliases and hidden commands
Tcl_GetMathFuncInfo(3) - Define, query and enumerate math functions for expressions
Tcl_GetNameOfExecutable(3) - identify or return the name of the binary file containing the application
Tcl_GetNamespaceUnknownHandler(3) - manipulate namespaces
Tcl_GetObjResult(3) - manipulate Tcl result
Tcl_GetObjType(3)   - manipulate Tcl object types
Tcl_GetOpenFile(3)  - Return a FILE* for a channel registered in the given interpreter (Unix only)
Tcl_GetPathType(3)  - manipulate platform-dependent file paths
Tcl_GetRange(3)     - manipulate Tcl objects as strings
Tcl_GetRegExpFromObj(3) - Pattern matching with regular expressions
Tcl_GetReturnOptions(3) - retrieve or record information about errors and other return options
Tcl_Gets(3)         - buffered I/O facilities using channels
Tcl_GetServiceMode(3) - the event queue and notifier interfaces
Tcl_GetSlave(3)     - manage multiple Tcl interpreters, aliases and hidden commands
Tcl_GetsObj(3)      - buffered I/O facilities using channels
Tcl_GetStackedChannel(3) - manipulate stacked I/O channels
Tcl_GetStdChannel(3) - procedures for retrieving and replacing the standard channels
Tcl_GetString(3)    - manipulate Tcl objects as strings
Tcl_GetStringFromObj(3) - manipulate Tcl objects as strings
Tcl_GetStringResult(3) - manipulate Tcl result
Tcl_GetThreadData(3) - Tcl thread support
Tcl_GetTime(3)      - get date and time
Tcl_GetTopChannel(3) - manipulate stacked I/O channels
Tcl_GetUniChar(3)   - manipulate Tcl objects as strings
Tcl_GetUnicode(3)   - manipulate Tcl objects as strings
Tcl_GetUnicodeFromObj(3) - manipulate Tcl objects as strings
Tcl_GetVar2(3)      - manipulate Tcl variables
Tcl_GetVar2Ex(3)    - manipulate Tcl variables
Tcl_GetVar(3)       - manipulate Tcl variables
Tcl_GetVersion(3)   - get the version of the library at runtime
Tcl_GetWideIntFromObj(3) - manipulate Tcl objects as integer values
Tcl_GlobalEval(3)   - execute Tcl scripts
Tcl_GlobalEvalObj(3) - execute Tcl scripts
Tcl_HashStats(3)    - procedures to manage hash tables
Tcl_HideCommand(3)  - manage multiple Tcl interpreters, aliases and hidden commands
Tcl_Import(3)       - manipulate namespaces
Tcl_IncrRefCount(3) - manipulate Tcl objects
Tcl_Init(3)         - find and source initialization script
Tcl_InitCustomHashTable(3) - procedures to manage hash tables
Tcl_InitHashTable(3) - procedures to manage hash tables
Tcl_InitMemory(3)   - Validated memory allocation interface
Tcl_InitNotifier(3) - the event queue and notifier interfaces
Tcl_InitObjHashTable(3) - procedures to manage hash tables
Tcl_InitStubs(3)    - initialize the Tcl stubs mechanism
Tcl_InputBlocked(3) - buffered I/O facilities using channels
Tcl_InputBuffered(3) - buffered I/O facilities using channels
Tcl_Interp(3)       - client-visible fields of interpreter structures
Tcl_InterpDeleted(3) - create and delete Tcl command interpreters
Tcl_InvalidateStringRep(3) - manipulate Tcl objects
Tcl_IsChannelExisting(3) - procedures for creating and manipulating channels
Tcl_IsChannelRegistered(3) - procedures for creating and manipulating channels
Tcl_IsChannelShared(3) - procedures for creating and manipulating channels
Tcl_IsEnsemble(3)   - manipulate ensemble commands
Tcl_IsSafe(3)       - manage multiple Tcl interpreters, aliases and hidden commands
Tcl_IsShared(3)     - manipulate Tcl objects
Tcl_IsStandardChannel(3) - buffered I/O facilities using channels
Tcl_JoinPath(3)     - manipulate platform-dependent file paths
Tcl_JoinThread(3)   - Tcl thread support
Tcl_LimitAddHandler(3) - manage and check resource limits on interpreters
Tcl_LimitCheck(3)   - manage and check resource limits on interpreters
Tcl_LimitExceeded(3) - manage and check resource limits on interpreters
Tcl_LimitGetCommands(3) - manage and check resource limits on interpreters
Tcl_LimitGetGranularity(3) - manage and check resource limits on interpreters
Tcl_LimitGetTime(3) - manage and check resource limits on interpreters
Tcl_LimitReady(3)   - manage and check resource limits on interpreters
Tcl_LimitRemoveHandler(3) - manage and check resource limits on interpreters
Tcl_LimitSetCommands(3) - manage and check resource limits on interpreters
Tcl_LimitSetGranularity(3) - manage and check resource limits on interpreters
Tcl_LimitSetTime(3) - manage and check resource limits on interpreters
Tcl_LimitTypeEnabled(3) - manage and check resource limits on interpreters
Tcl_LimitTypeExceeded(3) - manage and check resource limits on interpreters
Tcl_LimitTypeReset(3) - manage and check resource limits on interpreters
Tcl_LimitTypeSet(3) - manage and check resource limits on interpreters
Tcl_LinkVar(3)      - link Tcl variable to C variable
Tcl_ListMathFuncs(3) - Define, query and enumerate math functions for expressions
Tcl_ListObjAppendElement(3) - manipulate Tcl objects as lists
Tcl_ListObjAppendList(3) - manipulate Tcl objects as lists
Tcl_ListObjGetElements(3) - manipulate Tcl objects as lists
Tcl_ListObjIndex(3) - manipulate Tcl objects as lists
Tcl_ListObjLength(3) - manipulate Tcl objects as lists
Tcl_ListObjReplace(3) - manipulate Tcl objects as lists
Tcl_LogCommandInfo(3) - retrieve or record information about errors and other return options
Tcl_Main(3)         - main program and event loop definition for Tcl-based applications
Tcl_MakeFileChannel(3) - buffered I/O facilities using channels
Tcl_MakeSafe(3)     - manage multiple Tcl interpreters, aliases and hidden commands
Tcl_MakeTcpClientChannel(3) - procedures to open channels using TCP sockets
TCL_MEM_DEBUG(3)    - Compile-time flag to enable Tcl memory debugging
Tcl_Merge(3)        - manipulate Tcl lists
Tcl_MutexFinalize(3) - Tcl thread support
Tcl_MutexLock(3)    - Tcl thread support
Tcl_MutexUnlock(3)  - Tcl thread support
Tcl_NewBignumObj(3) - manipulate Tcl objects as integer values
Tcl_NewBooleanObj(3) - store/retrieve boolean value in a Tcl_Obj
Tcl_NewByteArrayObj(3) - manipulate Tcl objects as a arrays of bytes
Tcl_NewDictObj(3)   - manipulate Tcl objects as dictionaries
Tcl_NewDoubleObj(3) - manipulate Tcl objects as floating-point values
Tcl_NewIntObj(3)    - manipulate Tcl objects as integer values
Tcl_NewListObj(3)   - manipulate Tcl objects as lists
Tcl_NewLongObj(3)   - manipulate Tcl objects as integer values
Tcl_NewObj(3)       - manipulate Tcl objects
Tcl_NewStringObj(3) - manipulate Tcl objects as strings
Tcl_NewUnicodeObj(3) - manipulate Tcl objects as strings
Tcl_NewWideIntObj(3) - manipulate Tcl objects as integer values
Tcl_NextHashEntry(3) - procedures to manage hash tables
Tcl_NotifyChannel(3) - procedures for creating and manipulating channels
Tcl(n)              - Tool Command Language
Tcl_NumUtfChars(3)  - routines for manipulating UTF-8 strings
Tcl_ObjGetVar2(3)   - manipulate Tcl variables
Tcl_ObjPrintf(3)    - manipulate Tcl objects as strings
Tcl_ObjSetVar2(3)   - manipulate Tcl variables
Tcl_OpenCommandChannel(3) - buffered I/O facilities using channels
Tcl_OpenFileChannel(3) - buffered I/O facilities using channels
Tcl_OpenTcpClient(3) - procedures to open channels using TCP sockets
Tcl_OpenTcpServer(3) - procedures to open channels using TCP sockets
Tcl_OutputBuffered(3) - buffered I/O facilities using channels
Tcl_Panic(3)        - report fatal error and abort
Tcl_PanicVA(3)      - report fatal error and abort
Tcl_ParseBraces(3)  - parse Tcl scripts and expressions
Tcl_ParseCommand(3) - parse Tcl scripts and expressions
Tcl_ParseExpr(3)    - parse Tcl scripts and expressions
Tcl_ParseQuotedString(3) - parse Tcl scripts and expressions
Tcl_ParseVar(3)     - parse Tcl scripts and expressions
Tcl_ParseVarName(3) - parse Tcl scripts and expressions
Tcl_PkgPresent(3)   - package version control
Tcl_PkgPresentEx(3) - package version control
Tcl_PkgProvide(3)   - package version control
Tcl_PkgProvideEx(3) - package version control
Tcl_PkgRequire(3)   - package version control
Tcl_PkgRequireEx(3) - package version control
Tcl_PkgRequireProc(3) - package version control
Tcl_PosixError(3)   - retrieve or record information about errors and other return options
Tcl_Preserve(3)     - avoid freeing storage while it is being used
Tcl_PrintDouble(3)  - Convert floating value to string
Tcl_PutEnv(3)       - procedures to manipulate the environment
Tcl_QueryTimeProc(3) - get date and time
Tcl_QueueEvent(3)   - the event queue and notifier interfaces
Tcl_Read(3)         - buffered I/O facilities using channels
Tcl_ReadChars(3)    - buffered I/O facilities using channels
Tcl_ReadRaw(3)      - buffered I/O facilities using channels
Tcl_Realloc(3)      - allocate or free heap memory
Tcl_ReapDetachedProcs(3) - manage child processes in background
Tcl_RecordAndEval(3) - save command on history list before evaluating
Tcl_RecordAndEvalObj(3) - save command on history list before evaluating
Tcl_RegExpCompile(3) - Pattern matching with regular expressions
Tcl_RegExpExec(3)   - Pattern matching with regular expressions
Tcl_RegExpExecObj(3) - Pattern matching with regular expressions
Tcl_RegExpGetInfo(3) - Pattern matching with regular expressions
Tcl_RegExpMatch(3)  - Pattern matching with regular expressions
Tcl_RegExpMatchObj(3) - Pattern matching with regular expressions
Tcl_RegExpRange(3)  - Pattern matching with regular expressions
Tcl_RegisterChannel(3) - buffered I/O facilities using channels
Tcl_RegisterConfig(3) - procedures to register embedded configuration information
Tcl_RegisterObjType(3) - manipulate Tcl object types
Tcl_Release(3)      - avoid freeing storage while it is being used
Tcl_ResetResult(3)  - manipulate Tcl result
Tcl_RestoreInterpState(3) - save and restore an interpreter's state
Tcl_RestoreResult(3) - save and restore an interpreter's state
Tcl_SaveInterpState(3) - save and restore an interpreter's state
Tcl_SaveResult(3)   - save and restore an interpreter's state
Tcl_ScanCountedElement(3) - manipulate Tcl lists
Tcl_ScanElement(3)  - manipulate Tcl lists
Tcl_Seek(3)         - buffered I/O facilities using channels
Tcl_ServiceAll(3)   - the event queue and notifier interfaces
Tcl_ServiceEvent(3) - the event queue and notifier interfaces
Tcl_SetAssocData(3) - manage associations of string keys and user specified data with Tcl interpreters
Tcl_SetBignumObj(3) - manipulate Tcl objects as integer values
Tcl_SetBooleanObj(3) - store/retrieve boolean value in a Tcl_Obj
Tcl_SetByteArrayLength(3) - manipulate Tcl objects as a arrays of bytes
Tcl_SetByteArrayObj(3) - manipulate Tcl objects as a arrays of bytes
Tcl_SetChannelBufferSize(3) - procedures for creating and manipulating channels
Tcl_SetChannelError(3) - functions to create/intercept Tcl errors by channel drivers.
Tcl_SetChannelErrorInterp(3) - functions to create/intercept Tcl errors by channel drivers.
Tcl_SetChannelOption(3) - buffered I/O facilities using channels
Tcl_SetCommandInfo(3) - implement new commands in C
Tcl_SetCommandInfoFromToken(3) - implement new commands in C
Tcl_SetDefaultEncodingDir(3) - procedures for creating and using encodings
Tcl_SetDoubleObj(3) - manipulate Tcl objects as floating-point values
Tcl_SetEncodingSearchPath(3) - procedures for creating and using encodings
Tcl_SetEnsembleFlags(3) - manipulate ensemble commands
Tcl_SetEnsembleMappingDict(3) - manipulate ensemble commands
Tcl_SetEnsembleSubcommandList(3) - manipulate ensemble commands
Tcl_SetEnsembleUnknownHandler(3) - manipulate ensemble commands
Tcl_SetErrno(3)     - manipulate errno to store and retrieve error codes
Tcl_SetErrorCode(3) - retrieve or record information about errors and other return options
Tcl_SetErrorCodeVA(3) - retrieve or record information about errors and other return options
Tcl_SetExitProc(3)  - end the application or thread (and invoke exit handlers)
Tcl_SetHashValue(3) - procedures to manage hash tables
Tcl_SetIntObj(3)    - manipulate Tcl objects as integer values
Tcl_SetListObj(3)   - manipulate Tcl objects as lists
Tcl_SetLongObj(3)   - manipulate Tcl objects as integer values
Tcl_SetMainLoop(3)  - main program and event loop definition for Tcl-based applications
Tcl_SetMaxBlockTime(3) - the event queue and notifier interfaces
Tcl_SetNamespaceUnknownHandler(3) - manipulate namespaces
Tcl_SetObjErrorCode(3) - retrieve or record information about errors and other return options
Tcl_SetObjLength(3) - manipulate Tcl objects as strings
Tcl_SetObjResult(3) - manipulate Tcl result
Tcl_SetPanicProc(3) - report fatal error and abort
Tcl_SetRecursionLimit(3) - set maximum allowable nesting depth in interpreter
Tcl_SetResult(3)    - manipulate Tcl result
Tcl_SetReturnOptions(3) - retrieve or record information about errors and other return options
Tcl_SetServiceMode(3) - the event queue and notifier interfaces
Tcl_SetStdChannel(3) - procedures for retrieving and replacing the standard channels
Tcl_SetStringObj(3) - manipulate Tcl objects as strings
Tcl_SetSystemEncoding(3) - procedures for creating and using encodings
Tcl_SetTimeProc(3)  - get date and time
Tcl_SetTimer(3)     - the event queue and notifier interfaces
Tcl_SetUnicodeObj(3) - manipulate Tcl objects as strings
Tcl_SetVar2(3)      - manipulate Tcl variables
Tcl_SetVar2Ex(3)    - manipulate Tcl variables
Tcl_SetVar(3)       - manipulate Tcl variables
Tcl_SetWideIntObj(3) - manipulate Tcl objects as integer values
tclsh(1)            - Simple shell containing Tcl interpreter
Tcl_SignalId(3)     - Convert signal codes
Tcl_SignalMsg(3)    - Convert signal codes
Tcl_Sleep(3)        - delay execution for a given number of milliseconds
Tcl_SourceRCFile(3) - source the Tcl rc file
Tcl_SpliceChannel(3) - procedures for creating and manipulating channels
Tcl_SplitList(3)    - manipulate Tcl lists
Tcl_SplitPath(3)    - manipulate platform-dependent file paths
Tcl_StackChannel(3) - manipulate stacked I/O channels
Tcl_StandardChannels(3) - How the Tcl library deals with the standard channels
tcl_startOfNextWord(n) - standard library of Tcl procedures
tcl_startOfPreviousWord(n) - standard library of Tcl procedures
Tcl_Stat(3)         - check file permissions and other attributes
Tcl_StaticPackage(3) - make a statically linked package available via the 'load' command
Tcl_StringCaseMatch(3) - test whether a string matches a pattern
Tcl_StringMatch(3)  - test whether a string matches a pattern
Tcl_SubstObj(3)     - perform substitutions on Tcl objects
Tcl_TakeBignumFromObj(3) - manipulate Tcl objects as integer values
Tcl_Tell(3)         - buffered I/O facilities using channels
tcltest(n)          - Test harness support code and utilities
Tcl_ThreadAlert(3)  - the event queue and notifier interfaces
Tcl_ThreadQueueEvent(3) - the event queue and notifier interfaces
Tcl_TraceCommand(3) - monitor renames and deletes of a command
Tcl_TraceVar2(3)    - monitor accesses to a variable
Tcl_TraceVar(3)     - monitor accesses to a variable
Tcl_TranslateFileName(3) - convert file name to native form and replace tilde with home directory
Tcl_TruncateChannel(3) - buffered I/O facilities using channels
Tcl_Ungets(3)       - buffered I/O facilities using channels
Tcl_UniChar(3)      - routines for manipulating UTF-8 strings
Tcl_UniCharAtIndex(3) - routines for manipulating UTF-8 strings
Tcl_UniCharCaseMatch(3) - routines for manipulating UTF-8 strings
Tcl_UniCharIsAlnum(3) - routines for classification of Tcl_UniChar characters
Tcl_UniCharIsAlpha(3) - routines for classification of Tcl_UniChar characters
Tcl_UniCharIsControl(3) - routines for classification of Tcl_UniChar characters
Tcl_UniCharIsDigit(3) - routines for classification of Tcl_UniChar characters
Tcl_UniCharIsGraph(3) - routines for classification of Tcl_UniChar characters
Tcl_UniCharIsLower(3) - routines for classification of Tcl_UniChar characters
Tcl_UniCharIsPrint(3) - routines for classification of Tcl_UniChar characters
Tcl_UniCharIsPunct(3) - routines for classification of Tcl_UniChar characters
Tcl_UniCharIsSpace(3) - routines for classification of Tcl_UniChar characters
Tcl_UniCharIsUpper(3) - routines for classification of Tcl_UniChar characters
Tcl_UniCharIsWordChar(3) - routines for classification of Tcl_UniChar characters
Tcl_UniCharLen(3)   - routines for manipulating UTF-8 strings
Tcl_UniCharNcasecmp(3) - routines for manipulating UTF-8 strings
Tcl_UniCharNcmp(3)  - routines for manipulating UTF-8 strings
Tcl_UniCharToLower(3) - routines for manipulating the case of Unicode characters and UTF-8 strings
Tcl_UniCharToTitle(3) - routines for manipulating the case of Unicode characters and UTF-8 strings
Tcl_UniCharToUpper(3) - routines for manipulating the case of Unicode characters and UTF-8 strings
Tcl_UniCharToUtf(3) - routines for manipulating UTF-8 strings
Tcl_UniCharToUtfDString(3) - routines for manipulating UTF-8 strings
Tcl_UnlinkVar(3)    - link Tcl variable to C variable
Tcl_UnregisterChannel(3) - buffered I/O facilities using channels
Tcl_UnsetVar2(3)    - manipulate Tcl variables
Tcl_UnsetVar(3)     - manipulate Tcl variables
Tcl_UnstackChannel(3) - manipulate stacked I/O channels
Tcl_UntraceCommand(3) - monitor renames and deletes of a command
Tcl_UntraceVar2(3)  - monitor accesses to a variable
Tcl_UntraceVar(3)   - monitor accesses to a variable
Tcl_UpdateLinkedVar(3) - link Tcl variable to C variable
Tcl_UpVar2(3)       - link one variable to another
Tcl_UpVar(3)        - link one variable to another
Tcl_UtfAtIndex(3)   - routines for manipulating UTF-8 strings
Tcl_UtfBackslash(3) - routines for manipulating UTF-8 strings
Tcl_UtfCharComplete(3) - routines for manipulating UTF-8 strings
Tcl_UtfFindFirst(3) - routines for manipulating UTF-8 strings
Tcl_UtfFindLast(3)  - routines for manipulating UTF-8 strings
Tcl_UtfNext(3)      - routines for manipulating UTF-8 strings
Tcl_UtfPrev(3)      - routines for manipulating UTF-8 strings
Tcl_UtfToExternal(3) - procedures for creating and using encodings
Tcl_UtfToExternalDString(3) - procedures for creating and using encodings
Tcl_UtfToLower(3)   - routines for manipulating the case of Unicode characters and UTF-8 strings
Tcl_UtfToTitle(3)   - routines for manipulating the case of Unicode characters and UTF-8 strings
Tcl_UtfToUniChar(3) - routines for manipulating UTF-8 strings
Tcl_UtfToUniCharDString(3) - routines for manipulating UTF-8 strings
Tcl_UtfToUpper(3)   - routines for manipulating the case of Unicode characters and UTF-8 strings
Tcl_ValidateAllMemory(3) - Validated memory allocation interface
Tcl_VarEval(3)      - execute Tcl scripts
Tcl_VarEvalVA(3)    - execute Tcl scripts
tclvars(n)          - Variables used by Tcl
Tcl_VarTraceInfo2(3) - monitor accesses to a variable
Tcl_VarTraceInfo(3) - monitor accesses to a variable
Tcl_WaitForEvent(3) - the event queue and notifier interfaces
Tcl_WaitPid(3)      - manage child processes in background
Tcl_WinTCharToUtf(3) - procedures for creating and using encodings
Tcl_WinUtfToTChar(3) - procedures for creating and using encodings
tcl_wordBreakAfter(n) - standard library of Tcl procedures
tcl_wordBreakBefore(n) - standard library of Tcl procedures
Tcl_Write(3)        - buffered I/O facilities using channels
Tcl_WriteChars(3)   - buffered I/O facilities using channels
Tcl_WriteObj(3)     - buffered I/O facilities using channels
Tcl_WriteRaw(3)     - buffered I/O facilities using channels
Tcl_WrongNumArgs(3) - generate standard error message for wrong number of arguments
tcm(1)              - Toolkit for Conceptual Modeling
tcmd(1)             - Toolkit for Conceptual Modeling Daemon
tcmdv(1)            - Toolkit for Conceptual Modeling Daemon
tcmt(1)             - Toolkit for Conceptual Modeling Daemon
tcpclient(1)        - create an outgoing TCP connection
tcpd(1)             - Tool for UML Component Diagrams
tcpd(8)             - access control facility for internet services
tcpdchk(8)          - tcp wrapper configuration checker
tcpdmatch(8)        - tcp wrapper oracle
tcp-environ(5)      - TCP-related environment variables
tcprules(1)         - compile rules for tcpserver
tcprulescheck(1)    - try out rules for tcpserver
tcpserver(1)        - accept incoming TCP connections
tcrd(1)             - Tool for Class-Relationship Diagrams
tcsh(1)             - C shell with file name completion and command line editing
tdbbackup(8)        - tool for backing up and for validating the integrity of samba .tdb files
tdbdump(8)          - tool for printing the contents of a TDB file
tdbrestore(8)       - tool for creating a TDB file out of a tdbdump output
tdbtool(8)          - manipulate the contents TDB files
tdfd(1)             - Tool for Data Flow Diagrams
tdpd(1)             - Tool for UML Deployment Diagrams
Ted(1)              - an easy rich text processor (RTF file editor)
tee(1)              - read from standard input and write to standard output and files
Tee(3pm)            - Pure Perl emulation of GNU tee
Tee.App(3pm)        - Implementation of ptee
tefd(1)             - Tool for Data and Event Flow Diagrams
tek2plot(1)         - translate Tektronix files to other graphics formats
telinit(8)          - process control initialization
tell(n)             - Return current access position for an open channel
telnet(1)           - User interface to TELNET
telnetd(8)          - Telnet server
tenletxr(1)         - forward X-connections backwards.
terd(1)             - Tool for Entity-Relationship Diagrams
term(5)             - format of compiled term file.
term(7)             - conventions for naming terminal types
Term.ANSIColor(3pm) - Color screen output using ANSI escape sequences
term_attrs(3x)      - curses environment query routines
termattrs(3x)       - curses environment query routines
Term.Cap(3pm)       - Perl termcap interface
Term.Complete(3pm)  - Perl word completion module
terminfo(5)         - terminal capability data base
termname(3x)        - curses environment query routines
Term.ReadKey(3pm)   - A perl module for simple terminal control
Term.ReadLine(3pm)  - Perl interface to various "readline" packages. If no real package is found, substitutes stubs instead of basic functions.
Term.ReadLine.Gnu(3pm) - Perl extension for the GNU Readline/History Library
Term.UI(3pm)        - Term::ReadLine UI made easy
Term.UI.History(3pm) - (unknown subject)
tesd(1)             - Tool for Entity relationShip Diagrams
test(1)             - check file types and compare values
Test(3pm)           - provides a simple framework for writing test scripts
Test.Builder(3pm)   - Backend for building test libraries
Test.Builder.Module(3pm) - Base class for test modules
Test.Builder.Tester(3pm) - test testsuites that have been built with Test::Builder
Test.Builder.Tester.Color(3pm) - turn on colour in Test::Builder::Tester
Test.Harness(3pm)   - Run Perl standard test scripts with statistics
testhost(1)         - test the status of an NNTP news server
Test.Inter(3pm)     - framework for more readable interactive test scripts
Test.More(3pm)      - yet another framework for writing test scripts
Test.NoWarnings(3pm) - Make sure you didn't emit any warnings while testing
Test.Pod(3pm)       - check for POD errors in files
Test.Pod.Coverage(3pm) - Check for pod coverage in your distribution.
Test.Reporter(3pm)  - sends test results to
Test.Reporter.Transport(3pm) - base class for Test::Reporter transports
Test.Reporter.Transport.File(3pm) - File transport for Test::Reporter
Test.Reporter.Transport.Metabase(3pm) - Metabase transport for Test::Reporter
Test.Reporter.Transport.Null(3pm) - Null transport for Test::Reporter
Test.Simple(3pm)    - Basic utilities for writing tests.
Test.Tester(3pm)    - Ease testing test modules built with Test::Builder
Test.Tester.Capture(3pm) - Help testing test modules built with Test::Builder
Test.Tester.CaptureRunner(3pm) - Help testing test modules built with Test::Builder
Test.Tutorial(3pm)  - A tutorial about writing really basic tests
Test.YAML(3pm)      - Testing Module for YAML Implementations
tex(1)              - text formatting and typesetting
tex2lyx(1)          - translate well-behaved LaTeX into LyX
tex2xindy(1)        - a preprocessor of the xindy index processor
texconfig(1)        - configures teTeX or TeX Live
texconfig-sys(1)    - configures teTeX or TeX Live system-wide
texdiff(1)          - Compares two(La)TeX documents to create a merged version showing changes, similar to that of 'Change Tracking' in some word processors.
texdirflatten(1)    - Collects all components of a(La)TeX file in a single output directory - i.e., flattens its hierarchy.
texdoc(1)           - find & view documentation in TeX Live
texdoctk(1)         - GUI for easier access of TeX package and program documentations
texexec(1)          - (unknown subject)
texhash(1)          - create ls-R databases
texi2any(1)         - translate Texinfo documents
texi2dvi(1)         - convert Texinfo documents to DVI or PDF
texi2dvi4a2ps(1)    - Compile Texinfo and LaTeX files to DVI or PDF
texi2html(1)        - a Texinfo to HTML converter
texi2pdf(1)         - convert Texinfo documents to DVI or PDF
texindex(1)         - sort Texinfo index files
texindy(1)          - create sorted and tagged index from raw LaTeX index
texinfo(5)          - software documentation system
texlinks(1)         - maintain symbolic links from format to engine
texlua(1)           - An extended version of pdfTeX using Lua as an embedded scripting language
texluac(1)          - An extended version of pdfTeX using Lua as an embedded scripting language
texmacs(1)          - (unknown subject)
texmfstart(1)       - (unknown subject)
text2ps(1)          - convert text files to PostScript
Text.Abbrev(3pm)    - create an abbreviation table from a list
Text.Balanced(3pm)  - Extract delimited text sequences from strings.
Text.CSV(3pm)       - comma-separated values manipulator (using XS or PurePerl)
Text.CSV_PP(3pm)    - Text::CSV_XS compatible pure-Perl module
Text.CSV_XS(3pm)    - comma-separated values manipulation routines
textdomain(3)       - set domain for future gettext() calls
textedit(1)         - XView window- and mouse-based text editor
text(n)             - Create and manipulate text widgets
Text.ParseWords(3pm) - parse text into an array of tokens or array of arrays
Text.Soundex(3pm)   - Implementation of the soundex algorithm.
Text.Tabs(3pm)      - - expand and unexpand tabs per the unix expand(1) and unexpand(1)
Text.Wrap(3pm)      - line wrapping to form simple paragraphs
tfet(1)             - Tool for Function Entity-type Tables
tfmtodit(1)         - create font files for use with groff - Tdvi
tfrt(1)             - Tool for Function Refinement Trees
tftopl(1)           - convert TeX font metric(tfm) files to property lists
tftp(1)             - IPv4 Trivial File Transfer Protocol client
tftpd(8)            - Trivial File Transfer Protocol server
tgamma(3)           - (unknown subject)
tgammaf(3)          - (unknown subject)
tgatoppm(1)         - convert TrueVision Targa file to a PPM image
tgd(1)              - Tool for Generic Diagrams
tgetent(3x)         - direct curses interface to the terminfo capability database
tgetflag(3x)        - direct curses interface to the terminfo capability database
tgetnum(3x)         - direct curses interface to the terminfo capability database
tgetstr(3x)         - direct curses interface to the terminfo capability database
tgoto(3x)           - direct curses interface to the terminfo capability database
tgt(1)              - Tool for Generic Tables
tgtt(1)             - Tool for Generic Textual Trees
then(1)             - bash built-in commands, see bash(1)
thinkjettopbm(1)    - convert HP ThinkJet printer commands file to PBM
Thread(3pm)         - Manipulate threads in Perl (for old code only)
Thread.Queue(3pm)   - Thread-safe queues
threads(3)          - OpenSSL thread support
threads(3pm)        - Perl interpreter-based threads
Thread.Semaphore(3pm) - Thread-safe semaphores
threads.shared(3pm) - Perl extension for sharing data structures between threads
thumbnail(1)        - create a TIFF file with thumbnail images
thumbpdf(1)         - generate thumbnail images for a PDF file created with pdftex
tic(1m)             - the terminfo entry-description compiler
tie(1)              - merge or apply WEB change files
Tie.Array(3pm)      - base class for tied arrays
Tie.File(3pm)       - Access the lines of a disk file via a Perl array
Tie.Handle(3pm)     - base class definitions for tied handles
Tie.Hash(3pm)       - base class definitions for tied hashes
Tie.Hash.NamedCapture(3pm) - Named regexp capture buffers
Tie.Memoize(3pm)    - add data to hash when needed
Tie.RefHash(3pm)    - use references as hash keys
Tie.Registry(3pm)   - Legacy interface to Win32::TieRegistry(DEPRECATED)
Tie.Scalar(3pm)     - base class definitions for tied scalars
Tie.StdHandle(3pm)  - base class definitions for tied handles
Tie.SubstrHash(3pm) - Fixed-table-size, fixed-key-length hashing
Tie.Watch(3pm)      - place watchpoints on Perl variables.
tiff2bw(1)          - convert a color TIFF image to greyscale
tiff2pdf(1)         - convert a TIFF image to a PDF document
tiff2ps(1)          - convert a TIFF image to
tiff2rgba(1)        - convert a TIFF image to RGBA color space
TIFFbuffer(3tiff)   - I/O buffering control routines
TIFFClose(3tiff)    - close a previously opened TIFF file
tiffcmp(1)          - compare two TIFF files
TIFFcodec(3tiff)    - codec-related utility routines
TIFFcolor(3tiff)    - color conversion routines.
tiffcp(1)           - copy (and possibly convert) a TIFF file
tiffcrop(1)         - select, copy, crop, convert, extract, and/or process one or more TIFF files.
TIFFDataWidth(3tiff) - Get the size of TIFF data types
tiffdither(1)       - convert a greyscale image to bilevel using dithering
tiffdump(1)         - print verbatim information about TIFF files
TIFFError(3tiff)    - library error handling interface
TIFFFlush(3tiff)    - flush pending writes to an open TIFF file
TIFFGetField(3tiff) - get the value(s) of a tag in an open TIFF file
tiffgt(1)           - display an image stored in a TIFF file (Silicon Graphics version)
tifficc(1)          - little cms ICC profile applier for TIFF.
tiffinfo(1)         - print information about TIFF files
tiffmedian(1)       - apply the median cut algorithm to data in a TIFF file
TIFFmemory(3tiff)   - memory management-related functions for use with TIFF files
TIFFOpen(3tiff)     - open a TIFF file for reading or writing
TIFFPrintDirectory(3tiff) - print a description of a TIFF directory
TIFFquery(3tiff)    - query routines
TIFFReadDirectory(3tiff) - get the contents of the next directory in an open TIFF file
TIFFReadEncodedStrip(3tiff) - read and decode a strip of data from an open TIFF file
TIFFReadEncodedTile(3tiff) - read and decode a tile of data from an open TIFF file
TIFFReadRawStrip(3tiff) - return the undecoded contents of a strip of data from an open TIFF file
TIFFReadRawTile(3tiff) - return an undecoded tile of data from an open TIFF file
TIFFReadRGBAImage(3tiff) - read and decode an image into a fixed-format raster
TIFFReadRGBAStrip(3tiff) - read and decode an image strip into a fixed-format raster
TIFFReadRGBATile(3tiff) - read and decode an image tile into a fixed-format raster
TIFFReadScanline(3tiff) - read and decode a scanline of data from an open TIFF file
TIFFReadTile(3tiff) - read and decode a tile of data from an open TIFF file
TIFFRGBAImage(3tiff) - read and decode an image into a raster
tiffset(1)          - set a field in a TIFF header
TIFFSetDirectory(3tiff) - set the current directory for an open TIFF file
TIFFSetField(3tiff) - set the value(s) of a tag in a TIFF file open for writing
TIFFsize(3tiff)     - return the size of various items associated with an open TIFF file
tiffsplit(1)        - split a multi-image TIFF into single-image TIFF files
TIFFstrip(3tiff)    - strip-related utility routines
tiffsv(1)           - save an image from the framebuffer in a TIFF file (Silicon Graphics version)
TIFFswab(3tiff)     - byte- and bit-swapping routines
TIFFtile(3tiff)     - tile-related utility routines
tifftopnm(1)        - convert a TIFF file into a PNM image
TIFFWarning(3tiff)  - library warning interface
TIFFWriteDirectory(3tiff) - write the current directory in an open TIFF file
TIFFWriteEncodedStrip(3tiff) - compress and write a strip of data to an open TIFF file
TIFFWriteEncodedTile(3tiff) - compress and write a tile of data to an open TIFF file
TIFFWriteRawStrip(3tiff) - write a strip of raw data to an open TIFF file
TIFFWriteRawTile(3tiff) - write a tile of raw data to an open TIFF file
TIFFWriteScanline(3tiff) - write a scanline to an open TIFF file
TIFFWriteTile(3tiff) - encode and write a tile of data to an open TIFF file
tificc(1)           - little cms ICC profile applier for TIFF.
tig(1)              - text-mode interface for git
tigerdeep(1)        - Compute and compare Tiger message digests
tigetflag(3x)       - curses interfaces to terminfo database
tigetnum(3x)        - curses interfaces to terminfo database
tigetstr(3x)        - curses interfaces to terminfo database
tigmanual(7)        - text-mode interface for git
tigrc(5)            - tig configuration file
time(1)             - bash built-in commands, see bash(1)
time(3am)           - time functions for gawk
time(3)             - (unknown subject)
Time.gmtime(3pm)    - by-name interface to Perl's built-in gmtime() function
Time.HiRes(3pm)     - High resolution alarm, sleep, gettimeofday, interval timers
Time.Local(3pm)     - efficiently compute time from local and GMT time
Time.localtime(3pm) - by-name interface to Perl's built-in localtime() function
time(n)             - Time the execution of a script
timeout(1)          - run a command with a time limit
timeout(3x)         - curses input options
Time.Piece(3pm)     - Object Oriented time objects
times(1)            - bash built-in commands, see bash(1)
Time.Seconds(3pm)   - a simple API to convert seconds to other date values        - internal object used by Time::gmtime and Time::localtime
tin(1)              - A Usenet newsreader
tin(5)              - related files        - Post and sign an article via NNTP
tinyirc(1)          - A tiny IRC client
tirc(1)             - Internet Relay Chat client
Tk_3DBorderColor(3) - draw borders with three-dimensional appearance
Tk_3DBorderGC(3)    - draw borders with three-dimensional appearance
Tk_3DHorizontalBevel(3) - draw borders with three-dimensional appearance
Tk_3DVerticalBevel(3) - draw borders with three-dimensional appearance
Tk(3pm)             - a graphical user interface toolkit for Perl
Tk.804delta(3pm)    - what is new for perl/Tk 804
Tk_AddOption(3)     - Add an option to the option database
Tk.Adjuster(3pm)    - Allow size of packed widgets to be adjusted by user
Tk.after(3pm)       - Execute a command after a time delay
Tk_Alloc3DBorderFromObj(3) - draw borders with three-dimensional appearance
Tk_AllocBitmapFromObj(3) - maintain database of single-plane pixmaps
Tk_AllocColorFromObj(3) - maintain database of colors
Tk_AllocCursorFromObj(3) - maintain database of cursors
Tk_AllocFontFromObj(3) - maintain database of fonts
Tk.Animation(3pm)   - Display sequence of Tk::Photo images
Tk_AttachHWND(3)    - manage interactions between the Windows handle and an X window
Tk_Attributes(3)    - retrieve information from Tk's local data structure
Tk.Balloon(3pm)     - pop up help balloons.
Tk.bind(3pm)        - Arrange for X events to invoke callbacks
Tk_BindEvent(3)     - invoke scripts in response to X events
tk_bindForTraversal(n) - Obsolete support for menu bars
Tk.bindtags(3pm)    - Determine which bindings apply to a window, and order of evaluation
tk_bisque(n)        - Modify the Tk color palette
Tk.Bitmap(3pm)      - Images that display two colors
Tk.BrowseEntry(3pm) - entry widget with popup choices.
Tk.Button(3pm)      - Create and manipulate Button widgets
Tk.callbacks(3pm)   - Specifying code for Tk to call.
Tk.Canvas(3pm)      - Create and manipulate Canvas widgets
Tk_CanvasDrawableCoords(3) - utility procedures for canvas type managers
Tk_CanvasEventuallyRedraw(3) - utility procedures for canvas type managers
Tk_CanvasGetCoord(3) - utility procedures for canvas type managers
Tk_CanvasPsBitmap(3) - utility procedures for generating Postscript for canvases
Tk_CanvasPsColor(3) - utility procedures for generating Postscript for canvases
Tk_CanvasPsFont(3)  - utility procedures for generating Postscript for canvases
Tk_CanvasPsPath(3)  - utility procedures for generating Postscript for canvases
Tk_CanvasPsStipple(3) - utility procedures for generating Postscript for canvases
Tk_CanvasPsY(3)     - utility procedures for generating Postscript for canvases
Tk_CanvasSetStippleOrigin(3) - utility procedures for canvas type managers
Tk_CanvasTagsOption(3) - utility procedures for canvas type managers
Tk_CanvasTextInfo(3) - additional information for managing text items in canvases
Tk_CanvasTkwin(3)   - utility procedures for canvas type managers
Tk_CanvasWindowCoords(3) - utility procedures for canvas type managers
Tk_Changes(3)       - retrieve information from Tk's local data structure
Tk_ChangeWindowAttributes(3) - change window configuration or attributes
Tk_CharBbox(3)      - routines to measure and display single-font, multi-line, justified text.
Tk.Checkbutton(3pm) - Create and manipulate Checkbutton widgets
Tk.chooseColor(3pm) - pops up a dialog box for the user to select a color.
tk_chooseColor(n)   - pops up a dialog box for the user to select a color.
Tk.chooseDirectory(3pm) - pops up a dialog box for the user to select a directory.
tk_chooseDirectory(n) - pops up a dialog box for the user to select a directory.
Tk_Class(3)         - set or retrieve a window's class
Tk_ClearSelection(3) - Deselect a selection
Tk.Clipboard(3pm)   - Manipulate Tk clipboard
Tk_ClipboardAppend(3) - Manage the clipboard
Tk_ClipboardClear(3) - Manage the clipboard
Tk.CmdLine(3pm)     - Process standard X11 command line options and set initial resources
Tk_CollapseMotionEvents(3) - Add a window event to the Tcl event queue
Tk.ColorEditor(3pm) - a general purpose Tk widget Color Editor
Tk_Colormap(3)      - retrieve information from Tk's local data structure
Tk.Common(3pm)      - private class used by Drag&Drop
Tk.composite(3pm)   - Defining a new composite widget class
Tk.Compound(3pm)    - Create multi-line compound images.
Tk_ComputeTextLayout(3) - routines to measure and display single-font, multi-line, justified text.
Tk.ConfigSpecs(3pm) - Defining behaviour of 'configure' for composite widgets.
Tk_ConfigureInfo(3) - process configuration options for widgets
Tk_ConfigureValue(3) - process configuration options for widgets
Tk_ConfigureWidget(3) - process configuration options for widgets
Tk_ConfigureWindow(3) - change window configuration or attributes
Tk_CoordsToWindow(3) - Find window containing a point
Tk_CreateBinding(3) - invoke scripts in response to X events
Tk_CreateBindingTable(3) - invoke scripts in response to X events
Tk_CreateClientMessageHandler(3) - associate procedure callback with ClientMessage type X events
Tk_CreateErrorHandler(3) - handle X protocol errors
Tk_CreateEventHandler(3) - associate procedure callback with an X event
Tk_CreateGenericHandler(3) - associate procedure callback with all X events
Tk_CreateImageType(3) - define new kind of image
Tk_CreateItemType(3) - define new kind of canvas item
Tk_CreateOptionTable(3) - process configuration options
Tk_CreatePhotoImageFormat(3) - define new file format for photo images
Tk_CreateSelHandler(3) - arrange to handle requests for a selection
Tk_CreateWindow(3)  - create or delete window
Tk_CreateWindowFromPath(3) - create or delete window
Tk_DefineBitmap(3)  - maintain database of single-plane pixmaps
Tk_DefineCursor(3)  - change window configuration or attributes
Tk_DeleteAllBindings(3) - invoke scripts in response to X events
Tk_DeleteBinding(3) - invoke scripts in response to X events
Tk_DeleteBindingTable(3) - invoke scripts in response to X events
Tk_DeleteClientMessageHandler(3) - associate procedure callback with ClientMessage type X events
Tk_DeleteErrorHandler(3) - handle X protocol errors
Tk_DeleteEventHandler(3) - associate procedure callback with an X event
Tk_DeleteGenericHandler(3) - associate procedure callback with all X events
Tk_DeleteImage(3)   - Destroy an image.
Tk_DeleteOptionTable(3) - process configuration options
Tk_DeleteSelHandler(3) - arrange to handle requests for a selection
Tk.demos.widget_lib.slide(3pm) - a 2 position horizontal or vertical switch.
Tk.demos.widget_lib.trace2(3pm) - Text contents defined by a traced variable.
Tk_Depth(3)         - retrieve information from Tk's local data structure
Tk.Derived(3pm)     - Base class for widgets derived from others
Tk_DestroyWindow(3) - create or delete window
Tk.Dialog(3pm)      - Create modal dialog and wait for a response.
Tk.DialogBox(3pm)   - create and manipulate a dialog screen.
tk_dialog(n)        - Create modal dialog and wait for response
Tk.DirTree(3pm)     - Create and manipulate DirTree widgets
Tk_Display(3)       - retrieve information from Tk's local data structure
Tk_DisplayName(3)   - retrieve information from Tk's local data structure
Tk_DistanceToTextLayout(3) - routines to measure and display single-font, multi-line, justified text.
Tk.DItem(3pm)       - Tix Display Items
Tk_Draw3DPolygon(3) - draw borders with three-dimensional appearance
Tk_Draw3DRectangle(3) - draw borders with three-dimensional appearance
Tk_DrawChars(3)     - routines to measure and display simple single-line strings.
Tk_DrawFocusHighlight(3) - draw the traversal highlight ring for a widget
Tk_DrawTextLayout(3) - routines to measure and display single-font, multi-line, justified text.
Tk.DropSite(3pm)    - Receive side of Drag & Drop abstraction
Tk.Entry(3pm)       - Create and manipulate Entry widgets
Tk.Error(3pm)       - Method invoked to process background errors
tkerror(n)          - Command invoked to process background errors
Tk.event(3pm)       - Miscellaneous event facilities: define virtual events and generate events
Tk.Eventloop(3pm)   - ToolKit for Events
Tk.exit(3pm)        - End the application
Tk.FBox(3pm)        - a file dialog
Tk.fileevent(3pm)   - Execute a callback when a filehandle becomes readable or writable
Tk.FileSelect(3pm)  - a widget for choosing files
Tk_Fill3DPolygon(3) - draw borders with three-dimensional appearance
Tk_Fill3DRectangle(3) - draw borders with three-dimensional appearance
Tk_FindPhoto(3)     - manipulate the image data stored in a photo image.
Tk.focus(3pm)       - Manage the input focus
tk_focusFollowsMouse(n) - Utility procedures for managing the input focus.
tk_focusNext(n)     - Utility procedures for managing the input focus.
tk_focusPrev(n)     - Utility procedures for managing the input focus.
Tk.Font(3pm)        - Create and inspect fonts.
Tk_FontId(3)        - accessor functions for fonts
Tk.form(3pm)        - Geometry manager based on attachment rules
Tk.Frame(3pm)       - Create and manipulate Frame widgets
Tk_Free3DBorder(3)  - draw borders with three-dimensional appearance
Tk_Free3DBorderFromObj(3) - draw borders with three-dimensional appearance
Tk_FreeBitmap(3)    - maintain database of single-plane pixmaps
Tk_FreeBitmapFromObj(3) - maintain database of single-plane pixmaps
Tk_FreeColor(3)     - maintain database of colors
Tk_FreeColorFromObj(3) - maintain database of colors
Tk_FreeColormap(3)  - allocate and free colormaps
Tk_FreeConfigOptions(3) - process configuration options
Tk_FreeCursor(3)    - maintain database of cursors
Tk_FreeCursorFromObj(3) - maintain database of cursors
Tk_FreeFont(3)      - maintain database of fonts
Tk_FreeFontFromObj(3) - maintain database of fonts
Tk_FreeGC(3)        - maintain database of read-only graphics contexts
Tk_FreeImage(3)     - use an image in a widget
Tk_FreeOptions(3)   - process configuration options for widgets
Tk_FreePixmap(3)    - allocate and free pixmaps
Tk_FreeSavedOptions(3) - process configuration options
Tk_FreeTextLayout(3) - routines to measure and display single-font, multi-line, justified text.
Tk_FreeXId(3)       - make X resource identifier available for reuse
Tk_GeometryRequest(3) - specify desired geometry or internal border for a window
Tk_Get3DBorder(3)   - draw borders with three-dimensional appearance
Tk_Get3DBorderFromObj(3) - draw borders with three-dimensional appearance
Tk_GetAllBindings(3) - invoke scripts in response to X events
Tk_GetAnchor(3)     - translate between strings and anchor positions
Tk_GetAnchorFromObj(3) - translate between strings and anchor positions
Tk_GetAtomName(3)   - manage cache of X atoms
Tk_GetBinding(3)    - invoke scripts in response to X events
Tk_GetBitmap(3)     - maintain database of single-plane pixmaps
Tk_GetBitmapFromObj(3) - maintain database of single-plane pixmaps
Tk_GetCapStyle(3)   - translate between strings and cap styles
Tk_GetColor(3)      - maintain database of colors
Tk_GetColorByValue(3) - maintain database of colors
Tk_GetColorFromObj(3) - maintain database of colors
Tk_GetColormap(3)   - allocate and free colormaps
Tk_GetCursor(3)     - maintain database of cursors
Tk_GetCursorFromData(3) - maintain database of cursors
Tk_GetCursorFromObj(3) - maintain database of cursors
Tk_GetDash(3)       - convert from string to valid dash structure.
Tk_GetFont(3)       - maintain database of fonts
Tk_GetFontFromObj(3) - maintain database of fonts
Tk_GetFontMetrics(3) - accessor functions for fonts
Tk_GetGC(3)         - maintain database of read-only graphics contexts
Tk_GetHINSTANCE(3)  - retrieve the global application instance handle
Tk_GetHWND(3)       - manage interactions between the Windows handle and an X window
Tk_GetImage(3)      - use an image in a widget
Tk_GetImageMasterData(3) - define new kind of image
Tk_GetItemTypes(3)  - define new kind of canvas item
Tk_GetJoinStyle(3)  - translate between strings and join styles
Tk_GetJustify(3)    - translate between strings and justification styles
Tk_GetJustifyFromObj(3) - translate between strings and justification styles
Tk_GetMMFromObj(3)  - translate between strings and screen units
Tk_GetNumMainWindows(3) - functions for querying main window information
Tk.getOpenFile(3pm) - pop up a dialog box for the user to select a file to open or save.
tk_getOpenFile(n)   - pop up a dialog box for the user to select a file to open or save.
Tk_GetOption(3)     - retrieve an option from the option database
Tk_GetOptionInfo(3) - process configuration options
Tk_GetOptionValue(3) - process configuration options
Tk_GetPixels(3)     - translate between strings and screen units
Tk_GetPixelsFromObj(3) - translate between strings and screen units
Tk_GetPixmap(3)     - allocate and free pixmaps
Tk_GetRelief(3)     - translate between strings and relief values
Tk_GetReliefFromObj(3) - translate between strings and relief values
Tk_GetRootCoords(3) - Compute root-window coordinates of window
tk_getSaveFile(n)   - pop up a dialog box for the user to select a file to open or save.
Tk_GetScreenMM(3)   - translate between strings and screen units
Tk_GetScrollInfo(3) - parse arguments for scrolling commands
Tk_GetScrollInfoObj(3) - parse arguments for scrolling commands
Tk_GetSelection(3)  - retrieve the contents of a selection
Tk_GetUid(3)        - convert from string to unique identifier
Tk_GetUserInactiveTime(3) - discover user inactivity time
Tk_GetVisual(3)     - translate from string to visual
Tk_GetVRootGeometry(3) - Get location and size of virtual root for window
Tk_Grab(3)          - manipulate grab state in an application
Tk.grab(3pm)        - Confine pointer and keyboard events to a window sub-tree
Tk.grid(3pm)        - Geometry manager that arranges widgets in a grid
Tk_HandleEvent(3)   - invoke event handlers for window system events
Tk_Height(3)        - retrieve information from Tk's local data structure
Tk.HList(3pm)       - Create and manipulate Tix Hierarchial List widgets
Tk_HWNDToWindow(3)  - Find Tk's window information for a Windows window
Tk.IconList(3pm)    - an icon list widget
Tk_IdToWindow(3)    - Find Tk's window information for an X window
Tk.Image(3pm)       - Create and manipulate images
Tk_ImageChanged(3)  - notify widgets that image needs to be redrawn
Tk_Init(3)          - add Tk to an interpreter and make a new Tk application.
Tk_InitConsoleChannels(3) - Install the console channels as standard channels
Tk_InitImageArgs(3) - define new kind of image
Tk_InitOptions(3)   - process configuration options
Tk_InitStubs(3)     - initialize the Tk stubs mechanism
Tk.InputO(3pm)      - Create and manipulate TIX InputO widgets
Tk_InternalBorderBottom(3) - retrieve information from Tk's local data structure
Tk_InternalBorderLeft(3) - retrieve information from Tk's local data structure
Tk_InternalBorderRight(3) - retrieve information from Tk's local data structure
Tk_InternalBorderTop(3) - retrieve information from Tk's local data structure
Tk.Internals(3pm)   - what is Perl Tk interface doing when you call Tk functions.
Tk_InternAtom(3)    - manage cache of X atoms
Tk_Interp(3)        - retrieve information from Tk's local data structure
Tk_IntersectTextLayout(3) - routines to measure and display single-font, multi-line, justified text.
Tk.IO(3pm)          - high level interface to Tk's 'fileevent' mechanism
Tk_IsContainer(3)   - retrieve information from Tk's local data structure
Tk_IsEmbedded(3)    - retrieve information from Tk's local data structure
Tk_IsMapped(3)      - retrieve information from Tk's local data structure
Tk_IsTopLevel(3)    - retrieve information from Tk's local data structure
tkjpeg(1)           - simple JPEG viewer using perl/Tk
Tk.JPEG(3pm)        - JPEG loader for Tk::Photo
Tk.Label(3pm)       - Create and manipulate Label widgets
Tk.Labelframe(3pm)  - Create and manipulate Labelframe widgets
Tk.LabFrame(3pm)    - labeled frame.
Tk.Listbox(3pm)     - Create and manipulate Listbox widgets
Tk_Main(3)          - main program for Tk-based applications
Tk_MainLoop(3)      - loop for events until all windows are deleted
Tk_MaintainGeometry(3) - maintain geometry of one window relative to another
Tk_MainWindow(3)    - functions for querying main window information
Tk.MainWindow(3pm)  - Root widget of a widget tree
Tk_MakeWindowExist(3) - create or delete window
Tk_ManageGeometry(3) - arrange to handle geometry requests for a window
Tk_MapWindow(3)     - map or unmap a window
Tk_MeasureChars(3)  - routines to measure and display simple single-line strings.
Tk.mega(3pm)        - Perl/Tk support for writing widgets in pure Perl
Tk.Menu(3pm)        - Create and manipulate Menu widgets
tk_menuBar(n)       - Obsolete support for menu bars
Tk.Menubutton(3pm)  - Create and manipulate Menubutton widgets
Tk.Menu.Item(3pm)   - Base class for Menu items
tk_menuSetFocus(n)  - Create and manipulate menu widgets
Tk.Message(3pm)     - Create and manipulate Message widgets
Tk.messageBox(3pm)  - pop up a message window and wait for user response.
tk_messageBox(n)    - pops up a message window and waits for user response.
tkmib(1)            - an interactive graphical MIB browser for SNMP
Tk_MinReqHeight(3)  - retrieve information from Tk's local data structure
Tk_MinReqWidth(3)   - retrieve information from Tk's local data structure
Tk_MoveResizeWindow(3) - change window configuration or attributes
Tk_MoveToplevelWindow(3) - Adjust the position of a top-level window
Tk_MoveWindow(3)    - change window configuration or attributes
Tk.MsgBox(3pm)      - create and manipulate a message dialog
Tk.Mwm(3pm)         - Communicate with the Motif(tm) window manager.
Tk_Name(3)          - convert between names and window tokens
Tk_NameOf3DBorder(3) - draw borders with three-dimensional appearance
Tk_NameOfAnchor(3)  - translate between strings and anchor positions
Tk_NameOfBitmap(3)  - maintain database of single-plane pixmaps
Tk_NameOfCapStyle(3) - translate between strings and cap styles
Tk_NameOfColor(3)   - maintain database of colors
Tk_NameOfCursor(3)  - maintain database of cursors
Tk_NameOfFont(3)    - maintain database of fonts
Tk_NameOfImage(3)   - Return name of image.
Tk_NameOfJoinStyle(3) - translate between strings and join styles
Tk_NameOfJustify(3) - translate between strings and justification styles
Tk_NameOfRelief(3)  - translate between strings and relief values
Tk_NameToWindow(3)  - convert between names and window tokens
tk(n)               - Manipulate Tk internal state
Tk.NoteBook(3pm)    - display several windows in limited space with notebook metaphor.
Tk_Offset(3)        - process configuration options
Tk.option(3pm)      - Using the option database in Perl/Tk
Tk.Optionmenu(3pm)  - Let the user select one of some predefined options values
tk_optionMenu(n)    - Create an option menubutton and its menu
Tk.options(3pm)     - Standard options supported by widgets and their manipulation
Tk.overview(3pm)    - An overview of an Object Oriented Tk8 extension for perl5
Tk_OwnSelection(3)  - make a window the owner of the primary selection
Tk.pack(3pm)        - Geometry manager that packs around edges of cavity
Tk.palette(3pm)     - Modify the Tk color palette
Tk.Pane(3pm)        - A window panner
Tk.Panedwindow(3pm) - Create and manipulate Panedwindow widgets
Tk_Parent(3)        - retrieve information from Tk's local data structure
Tk_ParseArgv(3)     - process command-line options
Tk_PathName(3)      - convert between names and window tokens
Tk.Photo(3pm)       - Full-color images
Tk_PhotoBlank(3)    - manipulate the image data stored in a photo image.
Tk_PhotoExpand(3)   - manipulate the image data stored in a photo image.
Tk_PhotoGetImage(3) - manipulate the image data stored in a photo image.
Tk_PhotoGetSize(3)  - manipulate the image data stored in a photo image.
Tk_PhotoPutBlock(3) - manipulate the image data stored in a photo image.
Tk_PhotoPutZoomedBlock(3) - manipulate the image data stored in a photo image.
Tk_PhotoSetSize(3)  - manipulate the image data stored in a photo image.
Tk.Pixmap(3pm)      - Create color images from XPM files.       - Geometry manager for fixed or rubber-sheet placement
Tk.PNG(3pm)         - PNG loader for Tk::Photo
Tk_PointToChar(3)   - routines to measure and display single-font, multi-line, justified text.
Tk.Popup(3pm)       - popup dialog windows.
tk_popup(n)         - Post a popup menu
Tk_PostscriptFontName(3) - accessor functions for fonts
Tk_PreserveColormap(3) - allocate and free colormaps
Tk.ProgressBar(3pm) - A graphical progress bar
Tk.pTk(3pm)         - how to make your Tk source portable to other interpreted languages.
Tk_QueueWindowEvent(3) - Add a window event to the Tcl event queue
Tk.Radiobutton(3pm) - Create and manipulate Radiobutton widgets
Tk_RedrawImage(3)   - use an image in a widget
Tk.Reindex(3pm)     - change the base index of Text-like widgets
Tk_ReqHeight(3)     - retrieve information from Tk's local data structure
Tk_ReqWidth(3)      - retrieve information from Tk's local data structure
Tk_ResetUserInactiveTime(3) - discover user inactivity time
Tk_ResizeWindow(3)  - change window configuration or attributes
Tk_RestackWindow(3) - Change a window's position in the stacking order
Tk_RestoreSavedOptions(3) - process configuration options
Tk_RestrictEvents(3) - filter and selectively delay X events
Tk.ROText(3pm)      - 'readonly' perl/Tk Text widget
Tk_SafeInit(3)      - add Tk to an interpreter and make a new Tk application.
Tk.Scale(3pm)       - Create and manipulate Scale widgets
Tk_Screen(3)        - retrieve information from Tk's local data structure
Tk_ScreenNumber(3)  - retrieve information from Tk's local data structure
Tk.Scrollbar(3pm)   - Create and manipulate Scrollbar widgets
Tk.Scrolled(3pm)    - Create a widget with attached scrollbar(s)
Tk.selection(3pm)   - Manipulate the X selection
Tk.send(3pm)        - Execute a command in a different application
Tk_SetAppName(3)    - Set the name of an application for 'send' commands
Tk_SetBackgroundFromBorder(3) - draw borders with three-dimensional appearance
Tk_SetCaretPos(3)   - set the display caret location
Tk_SetClass(3)      - set or retrieve a window's class
Tk_SetClassProcs(3) - register widget specific procedures
Tk_SetGrid(3)       - control the grid for interactive resizing
Tk_SetInternalBorder(3) - specify desired geometry or internal border for a window
Tk_SetInternalBorderEx(3) - specify desired geometry or internal border for a window
Tk_SetMinimumRequestSize(3) - specify desired geometry or internal border for a window
Tk_SetOptions(3)    - process configuration options
tk_setPalette(n)    - Modify the Tk color palette
Tk_SetWindowBackground(3) - change window configuration or attributes
Tk_SetWindowBackgroundPixmap(3) - change window configuration or attributes
Tk_SetWindowBorder(3) - change window configuration or attributes
Tk_SetWindowBorderPixmap(3) - change window configuration or attributes
Tk_SetWindowBorderWidth(3) - change window configuration or attributes
Tk_SetWindowColormap(3) - change window configuration or attributes
Tk_SetWindowVisual(3) - change visual characteristics of window
Tk_SizeOfBitmap(3)  - maintain database of single-plane pixmaps
Tk_SizeOfImage(3)   - use an image in a widget
Tk.Spinbox(3pm)     - Create and manipulate Spinbox widgets
Tk_StrictMotif(3)   - Return value of tk_strictMotif variable
Tk.Submethods(3pm)  - add aliases for tk sub-commands
Tk.SunConst(3pm)    - Constants for Sun's Drag&Drop protocol
Tk.Table(3pm)       - Scrollable 2 dimensional table of Tk widgets
Tk.Tcl-perl(3pm)    - (unknown subject)
Tk.Text(3pm)        - Create and manipulate Text widgets
tk_textCopy(n)      - Create and manipulate text widgets
tk_textCut(n)       - Create and manipulate text widgets
Tk_TextLayoutToPostscript(3) - routines to measure and display single-font, multi-line, justified text.
tk_textPaste(n)     - Create and manipulate text widgets
Tk.TextUndo(3pm)    - perl/tk text widget with bindings to undo changes.
Tk_TextWidth(3)     - routines to measure and display simple single-line strings.
Tk.Tiler(3pm)       - Scrollable frame with sub-widgets arranged into rows
Tk.TixGrid(3pm)     - Create and manipulate Tix Grid widgets
Tk.tixWm(3pm)       - Tix's addition to the standard TK wm command.
Tk.tkvars(3pm)      - Variables used or set by Tk
Tk.TList(3pm)       - Create and manipulate Tix Tabular List widgets
Tk.Toplevel(3pm)    - Create and manipulate Toplevel widgets
Tk.Trace(3pm)       - emulate Tcl/Tk trace functions.
Tk.Tree(3pm)        - Create and manipulate Tree widgets
Tk_Uid(3)           - convert from string to unique identifier
Tk_UndefineCursor(3) - change window configuration or attributes
Tk_UnderlineChars(3) - routines to measure and display simple single-line strings.
Tk_UnderlineTextLayout(3) - routines to measure and display single-font, multi-line, justified text.
Tk_Ungrab(3)        - manipulate grab state in an application
Tk_UnmaintainGeometry(3) - maintain geometry of one window relative to another
Tk_UnmapWindow(3)   - map or unmap a window
Tk_UnsetGrid(3)     - control the grid for interactive resizing
Tk.UserGuide(3pm)   - Writing Tk applications in Perl 5
tkvars(n)           - Variables used or set by Tk
Tk_Visual(3)        - retrieve information from Tk's local data structure
tkwait(n)           - Wait for variable to change or window to be destroyed
Tk.Widget(3pm)      - Base class of all widgets
Tk.WidgetDemo(3pm)  - create a standard widget demonstration window.
Tk.widgets(3pm)     - preload widget classes
Tk_Width(3)         - retrieve information from Tk's local data structure
Tk_WindowId(3)      - retrieve information from Tk's local data structure
Tk.WinPhoto(3pm)    - Load a Photo image from a window
Tk.Wm(3pm)          - Communicate with window manager
Tk.X11Font(3pm)     - a class for finding X Fonts
Tk.X(3pm)           - Perl extension for Xlib constants.
Tk_X(3)             - retrieve information from Tk's local data structure
Tk.Xrm(3pm)         - X Resource/Defaults/Options routines that obey the rules.
Tk_Y(3)             - retrieve information from Tk's local data structure
tld_check_4(3)      - API function
tld_check_4t(3)     - API function
tld_check_4tz(3)    - API function
tld_check_4z(3)     - API function
tld_check_8z(3)     - API function
tld_check_lz(3)     - API function
tld_default_table(3) - API function
tld_get_4(3)        - API function
tld_get_4z(3)       - API function
tld_get_table(3)    - API function
tld_get_z(3)        - API function
tld_strerror(3)     - API function
tload(1)            - graphic representation of system load average
tmail(1)            - Mail Delivery Module
tm(n)               - Facilities for locating and loading of Tcl Modules
tmpfile(3)          - (unknown subject)
tmpfile64(3)        - (unknown subject)
tmpnam(3)           - (unknown subject)
tmux(1)             - terminal multiplexer
tnef(1)             - decode Microsoft's Transport Neutral Encapsulaton Format
tnftp(1)            - Internet file transfer program
toascii(3)          - (unknown subject)
toast(1)            - GSM 06.10 lossy sound compression
toe(1m)             - table of(terminfo) entries
tolower(3)          - (unknown subject)
top(1)              - display Linux tasks
topformflat(1)      - heuristic minimizer of interesting files
toplevel(n)         - Create and manipulate toplevel widgets
TopLevelShell(3)    - The TopLevelShell widget class
top_panel(3x)       - panel stack extension for curses
top_row(3x)         - set and get current_menu_item
touch(1)            - change file timestamps
touchline(3x)       - curses refresh control routines
touchwin(3x)        - curses refresh control routines
toupper(3)          - (unknown subject)
towctrans(3)        - (unknown subject)
towlower(3)         - (unknown subject)
towupper(3)         - (unknown subject)
tparm(3x)           - curses interfaces to terminfo database
tpic2pdftex(1)      - convert tpic \specials for use by pdftex
tpmtool(1)          - GnuTLS TPM tool
tpsd(1)             - Tool for Process Structure Diagrams
tput(1)             - initialize a terminal or query terminfo database
tputs(3x)           - curses interfaces to terminfo database
tr(1)               - translate or delete characters
trace(3x)           - curses debugging routines
_traceattr2(3x)     - curses debugging routines
_traceattr(3x)      - curses debugging routines
_tracecchar_t2(3x)  - curses debugging routines
_tracecchar_t(3x)   - curses debugging routines
_tracechar(3x)      - curses debugging routines
_tracechtype2(3x)   - curses debugging routines
_tracechtype(3x)    - curses debugging routines
_tracedump(3x)      - curses debugging routines
_tracef(3x)         - curses debugging routines
_tracemouse(3x)     - curses debugging routines
trace(n)            - Monitor variable accesses, command usages and command executions
Traits(5)           - Lists the traits used by the Motif Toolkit.
trampoline(3)       - closures as first-class C functions
trampoline_r(3)     - closures as first-class C functions
transfig(1)         - creates a makefile for portable LaTeX figures
transform(3x)       - transformations available for ASImages libAfterImage/transform.h
TransientShell(3)   - The TransientShell widget class
transset(1)         - Set transparency on a window
trap(1)             - bash built-in commands, see bash(1)
traptoemail(1)      - snmptrapd handler script to convert snmp traps into emails
tree(1)             - list contents of directories in a tree-like format.
trietool-0.2(1)     - trie manipulation tool
troff(1)            - the troff processor of the groff text formatting system
trpg(1)             - Tool for Recursive Process Graphs
true(1)             - do nothing, successfully
trunc(3)            - (unknown subject)
truncate(1)         - shrink or extend the size of a file to the specified size
TRUNCATE(7)         - empty a table or set of tables
truncf(3)           - (unknown subject)
trust(1)            - Tool for operating on the trust policy store
try-from(8)         - test program for the tcp_wrapper
ts(1)               - Time Stamping Authority tool (client/server)
tscd(1)             - Tool for UML Statechart Diagrams
tset(1)             - terminal initialization
tsget(1)            - Time Stamping HTTP/HTTPS client
tsnd(1)             - Tool for System Network Diagrams
tsort(1)            - perform topological sort
tsql(1)             - utility to test FreeTDS connections and queries
tssd(1)             - Tool for UML Static-Structure Diagrams
tstd(1)             - Tool for State Transition Diagrams
tstiee(3)           - (unknown subject)
tstiee.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
ttcp(1)             - test TCP and UDP performance
ttdt(1)             - Tool for Transaction Decomposition Tables
ttf2afm(1)          - utility to generate AFM files for TrueType fonts
ttf2pk(1)           - convert a TrueType font into TeX's PK format
ttf2tfm(1)          - build TeX metric files from a TrueType font
ttfdump(1)          - Dumping the contents of a TrueType Font file
ttftotype42(1)      - create PostScript Type 42 wrapper of TrueType font
Ttk_AddPadding(3)   - Tk themed geometry utilities
Ttk_BoxContains(3)  - Tk themed geometry utilities
ttk.button(n)       - Widget that issues a command when pressed
ttk.checkbutton(n)  - On/off widget
ttk.combobox(n)     - text field with popdown selection list
Ttk_CreateTheme(3)  - create and use Tk themes.
ttk.entry(n)        - Editable text field widget
Ttk_ExpandBox(3)    - Tk themed geometry utilities
ttk.frame(n)        - Simple container widget
Ttk_GetBorderFromObj(3) - Tk themed geometry utilities
Ttk_GetCurrentTheme(3) - create and use Tk themes.
Ttk_GetDefaultTheme(3) - create and use Tk themes.
Ttk_GetPaddingFromObj(3) - Tk themed geometry utilities
Ttk_GetStickyFromObj(3) - Tk themed geometry utilities
Ttk_GetTheme(3)     - create and use Tk themes.
ttk_image(n)        - Define an element based on an image
ttk.intro(n)        - Introduction to the Tk theme engine
ttk.labelframe(n)   - Container widget with optional label
ttk.label(n)        - Display a text string and/or image
Ttk_MakeBox(3)      - Tk themed geometry utilities
Ttk_MakePadding(3)  - Tk themed geometry utilities
ttk.menubutton(n)   - Widget that pops down a menu when pressed
ttk.notebook(n)     - Multi-paned container widget
Ttk_PackBox(3)      - Tk themed geometry utilities
Ttk_PadBox(3)       - Tk themed geometry utilities
ttk.panedwindow(n)  - Multi-pane container window
Ttk_PlaceBox(3)     - Tk themed geometry utilities
ttk.progressbar(n)  - Provide progress feedback
ttk.radiobutton(n)  - Mutually exclusive option widget
Ttk_RelievePadding(3) - Tk themed geometry utilities
ttk.scale(n)        - Create and manipulate a scale widget
ttk.scrollbar(n)    - Control the viewport of a scrollable widget
ttk.separator(n)    - Separator bar
ttk.sizegrip(n)     - Bottom-right corner resize widget
ttk.spinbox(n)      - Selecting text field widget
Ttk_StickBox(3)     - Tk themed geometry utilities        - Manipulate style database
ttk.treeview(n)     - hierarchical multicolumn data display widget
Ttk_UniformPadding(3) - Tk themed geometry utilities
ttk_vsapi(n)        - Define a Microsoft Visual Styles element
ttk.widget(n)       - Standard options and commands supported by Tk themed widgets
ttut(1)             - Tool for Transaction-Use Tables
tty(1)              - print the file name of the terminal connected to standard input
tucd(1)             - Tool for UML Use-case Diagrams
tune2fs(8)          - adjust tunable filesystem parameters on ext2/ext3/ext4 filesystems
twm(1)              - Tab Window Manager for the X Window System
txt2regex(1)        - a Regular Expression Wizard, written with bash2 builtins
type(1)             - bash built-in commands, see bash(1)
typeahead(3x)       - curses input options
typefortune(1)      - manual page for typefortune (part of gtypist)
typeset(1)          - bash built-in commands, see bash(1)
typespeed(6)        - Test your typing speed and get your fingers' CPS.
tzfile(5)           - time zone information
__tz_lock(3)        - (unknown subject)
tzselect(8)         - select a time zone
tzset(3)            - (unknown subject)
ucs2any(1)          - generate BDF fonts containing subsets of ISO 10646-1 codepoints
ugidd(8)            - uid/gid mapping daemons
ui(3)               - New User Interface
UI_add_error_string(3) - New User Interface
UI_add_info_string(3) - New User Interface
UI_add_input_boolean(3) - New User Interface
UI_add_input_string(3) - New User Interface
UI_add_user_data(3) - New User Interface
UI_add_verify_string(3) - New User Interface
ui_compat(3)        - Compatibility user interface functions
UI_construct_prompt(3) - New User Interface
UI_ctrl(3)          - New User Interface
UI_dup_error_string(3) - New User Interface
UI_dup_info_string(3) - New User Interface
UI_dup_input_boolean(3) - New User Interface
UI_dup_input_string(3) - New User Interface
UI_dup_verify_string(3) - New User Interface
UI_free(3)          - New User Interface
UI_get0_result(3)   - New User Interface
UI_get0_user_data(3) - New User Interface
UI_get_default_method(3) - New User Interface
UI_get_method(3)    - New User Interface
uil(1)              - The user interface language compiler
Uil(3)              - Invokes the UIL compiler from within an application
UIL(5)              - The user interface language file format
UilDumpSymbolTable(3) - Dumps the contents of a named UIL symbol table to standard output
UI_new(3)           - New User Interface
UI_new_method(3)    - New User Interface
UI_OpenSSL(3)       - New User Interface
UI_process(3)       - New User Interface
UI_set_default_method(3) - New User Interface
UI_set_method(3)    - New User Interface
ul(1)               - do underlining
ulimit(1)           - bash built-in commands, see bash(1)
umask(1)            - bash built-in commands, see bash(1)
umined(1)           - powerful text editor with extensive Unicode and CJK support
umount(1)           - (unknown subject)
unace(1)            - extract, test and view ACE archives
unalias(1)          - bash built-in commands, see bash(1)
unalz(1)            - decompresses alzip formatted files with names ending in ".alz"
uname(1)            - print system information
uncompface(1)       - compress and expand 48x48x1 face image files
uncompface(3)       - compress and expand 48x48x1 face image files
unctrl(3)           - (unknown subject)
unctrl(3x)          - miscellaneous curses utility routines
unexpand(1)         - convert spaces to tabs
ungetc(3)           - (unknown subject)
ungetch(3x)         - get (or push back) characters from curses terminal keyboard
ungetmouse(3x)      - mouse interface through curses
ungetwc(3)          - (unknown subject)
unget_wch(3x)       - get (or push back) a wide character from curses terminal keyboard
Unicode.Collate(3pm) - Unicode Collation Algorithm
Unicode.Collate.CJK.Big5(3pm) - weighting CJK Unified Ideographs for Unicode::Collate
Unicode.Collate.CJK.GB2312(3pm) - weighting CJK Unified Ideographs for Unicode::Collate
Unicode.Collate.CJK.JISX0208(3pm) - weighting JIS KANJI for Unicode::Collate
Unicode.Collate.CJK.Korean(3pm) - weighting CJK Unified Ideographs for Unicode::Collate
Unicode.Collate.CJK.Pinyin(3pm) - weighting CJK Unified Ideographs for Unicode::Collate
Unicode.Collate.CJK.Stroke(3pm) - weighting CJK Unified Ideographs for Unicode::Collate
Unicode.Collate.Locale(3pm) - Linguistic tailoring for DUCET via Unicode::Collate
Unicode.Normalize(3pm) - Unicode Normalization Forms
Unicode.UCD(3pm)    - Unicode character database
unifdef(1)          - remove preprocessor conditionals from code
unifdefall(1)       - remove preprocessor conditionals from code
uniq(1)             - report or omit repeated lines
uniqbeg(7)          - unique beginners for noun hierarchies
units(1)            - unit conversion program
UNIVERSAL(3pm)      - base class for ALL classes (blessed references)
unix2dos(1)         - DOS/Mac to Unix and vice versa text file format converter
unix2mac(1)         - DOS/Mac to Unix and vice versa text file format converter
Unix(3o)            - Interface to the Unix system
Unix.LargeFile(3o)  - File operations on large files.
unknown(n)          - Handle attempts to use non-existent commands
unlink(1)           - call the unlink function to remove the specified file
UNLISTEN(7)         - stop listening for a notification
unload(n)           - Unload machine code
unlzma(1)           - Compress or decompress .xz and .lzma files
unparse_time(3)     - parse and unparse time intervals
unparse_time_approx(3) - parse and unparse time intervals
unpost_form(3x)     - write or erase forms from associated subwindows
unpost_menu(3x)     - write or erase menus from associated subwindows
unregister_all_config_handlers(3) - netsnmp_config_api functions
unregister_app_config_handler(3) - netsnmp_config_api functions
unregister_config_handler(3) - netsnmp_config_api functions
unrtf(1)            - converts document in RTF format to other formats
unseen(1)           - scan new messages in all folders with new messages
unset(1)            - bash built-in commands, see bash(1)
unset(n)            - Delete variables
unshar(1)           - unpack a shar file
unstr(8)            - dump strings in pointer order
untex(1)            - strip LaTeX comands from input
until(1)            - bash built-in commands, see bash(1)
untouchwin(3x)      - curses refresh control routines
unwrapdiff(1)       - demangle word-wrapped patches
unxz(1)             - Compress or decompress .xz and .lzma files
unzip(1)            - list, test and extract compressed files in a ZIP archive
unzipsfx(1)         - self-extracting stub for prepending to ZIP archives
UPDATE(7)           - update rows of a table
update-ca-trust(8)  - manage consolidated and dynamic configuration of CA certificates and associated trust
updatedb(1)         - update a file name database
update-desktop-database(1) - Build cache database of MIME types handled by desktop files
update-mime-database(1) - a program to build the Shared MIME-Info database cache
update(n)           - Process pending events and idle callbacks
update_panels(3x)   - panel stack extension for curses
updmap(1)           - manage TeX font maps, per-user
updmap.cfg(5)       - configuration of font mapping/inclusion for dvips and friends.
updmap-sys(1)       - manage TeX font maps, system-wide
upgrade-windowmaker-defaults(8) - Convert old wmaker configuration files
uplevel(n)          - Execute a script in a different stack frame
uptime(1)           - Tell how long the system has been running.
upvar(n)            - Create link to variable in a different stack frame
upx(1)              - compress or expand executable files
URI(3pm)            - Uniform Resource Identifiers (absolute and relative)       - URI that contains immediate data
URI.Escape(3pm)     - Percent-encode and percent-decode unsafe characters
URI.file(3pm)       - URI that maps to local file names
URI.Heuristic(3pm)  - Expand URI using heuristics
URI.ldap(3pm)       - LDAP Uniform Resource Locators
URI._punycode(3pm)  - encodes Unicode string in Punycode
URI.QueryParam(3pm) - Additional query methods for URIs
URI.Split(3pm)      - Parse and compose URI strings
URI.URL(3pm)        - Uniform Resource Locators
URI.WithBase(3pm)   - URIs which remember their base
urlgrabber(1)       - a high-level cross-protocol url-grabber.   - Spawn appropriate viewer for a given URL
urxvt(1)            - (ouR XVT, unicode), a VT102 emulator for the X window system
urxvt(7)            - FAQ, command sequences and other background information
urxvtc(1)           - control the urxvtd daemon
urxvtd(1)           - urxvt terminal daemon
urxvtperl(3)        - rxvt-unicode's embedded perl interpreter
use_default_colors(3x) - use terminal's default colors
use_env(3x)         - miscellaneous curses utility routines
use_extended_names(3x) - miscellaneous curses extensions
use_legacy_coding(3x) - use terminal's default colors
User.grent(3pm)     - by-name interface to Perl's built-in getgr*() functions
username(3)         - (unknown subject)
User.pwent(3pm)     - by-name interface to Perl's built-in getpw*() functions
users(1)            - print the user names of users currently logged in to the current host
use_screen(3x)      - curses thread support
use_window(3x)      - curses thread support
ustr(3)             - ustr string library functions
ustr_const(3)       - ustr string library constants
ustr-import(1)      - ustr string library import tool
usual(n)            - access default option-handling commands
uterm(1)            - start script for a Unicode capable terminal window
utf8(3pm)           - Perl pragma to enable/disable UTF-8 (or UTF-EBCDIC) in source code
utf8trans(1)        - Transliterate UTF-8 characters according to a table
uucpd(8)            - Unix to Unix Copy
uudecode(1)         - encode a binary file, or decode its representation
uuencode(1)         - encode a binary file, or decode its representation
uuencode(5)         - format of an encoded uuencode file
uufilter(1)         - decode uuencoded files to stdout
uuid(3)             - DCE compatible Universally Unique Identifier library
uuid_clear(3)       - reset value of UUID variable to the NULL value
uuid_compare(3)     - compare whether two UUIDs are the same
uuid_copy(3)        - copy a UUID value
uuidd(8)            - UUID generation daemon
uuidgen(1)          - create a new UUID value
uuid_generate(3)    - create a new unique UUID value
uuid_generate_random(3) - create a new unique UUID value
uuid_generate_time(3) - create a new unique UUID value
uuid_generate_time_safe(3) - create a new unique UUID value
uuid_is_null(3)     - compare the value of the UUID to the NULL value
uuid_parse(3)       - convert an input UUID string into binary representation
uuid_time(3)        - extract the time at which the UUID was created
uuid_unparse(3)     - convert an UUID from binary representation to a string
uw-imapd(8)         - Internet Message Access Protocol server
uw-ipopd(8)         - Post Office Protocol server
uxterm(1)           - X terminal emulator for Unicode (UTF-8) environments
va_alist(3)         - (unknown subject)
va_arg(3)           - (unknown subject)
va_arg-trad(3)      - (unknown subject)
vacall(3)           - C functions called with variable arguments
VACUUM(7)           - garbage-collect and optionally analyze a database
vacuumdb(1)         - garbage-collect and analyze a PostgreSQL database
vacuumlo(1)         - remove orphaned large objects from a PostgreSQL database
va_end(3)           - (unknown subject)
va_end-trad(3)      - (unknown subject)
valac-0.20(1)       - compiler that translates Vala source code into C source and header files
valac-0.22(1)       - compiler that translates Vala source code into C source and header files
valac(1)            - compiler that translates Vala source code into C source and header files
vala-gen-introspect-0.20(1) - generate a GI file for GObject and glib based packages
vala-gen-introspect-0.22(1) - generate a GI file for GObject and glib based packages
vala-gen-introspect(1) - generate a GI file for GObject and glib based packages
VALUES(7)           - compute a set of rows
vapigen-0.20(1)     - generate a Vala API
vapigen-0.22(1)     - generate a Vala API
vapigen(1)          - generate a Vala API
variable(n)         - create and initialize a namespace variable
variables(5)        - Format of specifying variable names to SNMP tools.
varnishadm(1)       - Control a running varnish instance
varnish-cli(7)      - Varnish Command Line Interface
varnish-counters(7) - Varnish counter field definitions
varnishd(1)         - HTTP accelerator daemon
varnishhist(1)      - Varnish request histogram
varnishlog(1)       - Display Varnish logs
varnishncsa(1)      - Display Varnish logs in Apache / NCSA combined log format
varnishreplay(1)    - HTTP traffic replay tool
varnishsizes(1)     - Varnish object size request histogram
varnishstat(1)      - Varnish Cache statistics
varnishtest(1)      - Test program for Varnish
varnishtop(1)       - Varnish log entry ranking
vars(3pm)           - Perl pragma to predeclare global variable names(obsolete)
va_start(3)         - (unknown subject)
va_start-trad(3)    - (unknown subject)
vcl(7)              - Varnish Configuration Language
vcut(1)             - cuts Ogg Vorbis files
vdir(1)             - list directory contents
vdltodmx(1)         - dmx configuration file parser and printer
VendorRelease(3)    - Display macros and functions
VendorShell(3)      - The VendorShell widget class
verify(1)           - Utility to verify certificates.
verify_krb5_conf(8) - checks krb5.conf for obvious errors
version(1)          - print OpenSSL version information
version(3pm)        - Perl extension for Version Objects
version.Internals(3pm) - Perl extension for Version Objects
version.Requirements(3pm) - a set of version requirements for a CPAN dist
vfprintf(3)         - (unknown subject)
vfscanf(3)          - (unknown subject)
vftovp(1)           - convert virtual font(vf) files to virtual property lists(vpl)
vfu(1)              - VFU is console (text-mode) file manager for UNIX/Linux
vfwprintf(3)        - (unknown subject)
vfwscanf(3)         - (unknown subject)
vid_attr(3x)        - curses interfaces to terminfo database
vidattr(3x)         - curses interfaces to terminfo database
vid_puts(3x)        - curses interfaces to terminfo database
vidputs(3x)         - curses interfaces to terminfo database
vidtoppm(1)         - archived but not working
view(1)             - Vi IMproved, a programmers text editor
viewres(1)          - graphical class browser for Xt
vim(1)              - Vi IMproved, a programmers text editor
vimdiff(1)          - edit two, three or four versions of a file with Vim and show differences
vimtutor(1)         - the Vim tutor
viprintf(3)         - (unknown subject)
VirtualBindings(3)  - Bindings for virtual mouse and key events
viscanf(3)          - (unknown subject)
VisualOfCCC(3)      - Color Conversion Context macros
vline(3x)           - create curses borders, horizontal and vertical lines
vline_set(3x)       - create curses borders or lines using complex characters and renditions
vlna(1)             - adds tilde after each non-syllabic preposition
vmod_std(3)         - Varnish Standard Module
vmsish(3pm)         - Perl pragma to control VMS-specific language features
vmstat(8)           - Report virtual memory statistics
vorbiscomment(1)    - List or edit comments in Ogg Vorbis files
vptovf(1)           - convert virtual property lists to virtual font metrics
vsyasm(1)           - TASM Frontend For The Yasm Modular Assembler
vwait(n)            - Process events until a variable is written
vw_printw(3x)       - print formatted output in curses windows
vwprintw(3x)        - print formatted output in curses windows
vw_scanw(3x)        - convert formatted input from a curses window
vwscanw(3x)         - convert formatted input from a curses window
w(1)                - Show who is logged on and what they are doing.           - Convert tin wildmat filters to tin regexp filters
w3m(1)              - a text based Web browser and pager
w3mman(1)           - an interface to the on-line reference manuals by w3m(1)
waddch(3x)          - add a character (with attributes) to a curses window, then advance the cursor
waddchnstr(3x)      - add a string of characters (and attributes) to a curses window
waddchstr(3x)       - add a string of characters (and attributes) to a curses window
waddnstr(3x)        - add a string of characters to a curses window and advance cursor
waddnwstr(3x)       - add a string of wide characters to a curses window and advance cursor
waddstr(3x)         - add a string of characters to a curses window and advance cursor
wadd_wch(3x)        - add a complex character and rendition to a curses window, then advance the cursor
wadd_wchnstr(3x)    - add an array of complex characters (and attributes) to a curses window
wadd_wchstr(3x)     - add an array of complex characters (and attributes) to a curses window
waddwstr(3x)        - add a string of wide characters to a curses window and advance cursor
wait(1)             - bash built-in commands, see bash(1)
wall(1)             - send a message to everybody's terminal.
Wand-config(1)      - get information about the installed version of the Magick Wand
warnings(3pm)       - Perl pragma to control optional warnings
warnings.register(3pm) - warnings import function
watch(1)            - execute a program periodically, showing output fullscreen
wattr_get(3x)       - curses character and window attribute control routines
wattr_off(3x)       - curses character and window attribute control routines
wattroff(3x)        - curses character and window attribute control routines
wattr_on(3x)        - curses character and window attribute control routines
wattron(3x)         - curses character and window attribute control routines
wattr_set(3x)       - curses character and window attribute control routines
wattrset(3x)        - curses character and window attribute control routines
wavpack(1)          - encode wav files to wavpack
wbkgd(3x)           - curses window background manipulation routines
wbkgdset(3x)        - curses window background manipulation routines
wbkgrnd(3x)         - curses window complex background manipulation routines
wbkgrndset(3x)      - curses window complex background manipulation routines
wbmptopbm(1)        - convert a wireless bitmap(wbmp) file to a PBM
wborder(3x)         - create curses borders, horizontal and vertical lines
wborder_set(3x)     - create curses borders or lines using complex characters and renditions
wc(1)               - print newline, word, and byte counts for each file
wcd(7)              - Wherever Change Directory
wcharstrings(3)     - (unknown subject)
wchgat(3x)          - curses character and window attribute control routines
wclear(3x)          - clear all or part of a curses window
wclrtobot(3x)       - clear all or part of a curses window
wclrtoeol(3x)       - clear all or part of a curses window
wcolor_set(3x)      - curses character and window attribute control routines
wcpcpy(3)           - (unknown subject)
wcpncpy(3)          - (unknown subject)
wcscasecmp(3)       - (unknown subject)
wcscat(3)           - (unknown subject)
wcschr(3)           - (unknown subject)
wcscmp(3)           - (unknown subject)
wcscoll(3)          - (unknown subject)
wcscpy(3)           - (unknown subject)
wcscspn(3)          - (unknown subject)
wcsdup(3)           - (unknown subject)
wcsftime(3)         - (unknown subject)
wcslcat(3)          - (unknown subject)
wcslcpy(3)          - (unknown subject)
wcslen(3)           - (unknown subject)
wcsncasecmp(3)      - (unknown subject)
wcsncat(3)          - (unknown subject)
wcsncmp(3)          - (unknown subject)
wcsncpy(3)          - (unknown subject)
wcsnlen(3)          - (unknown subject)
wcspbrk(3)          - (unknown subject)
wcsrchr(3)          - (unknown subject)
wcsrtombs(3)        - (unknown subject)
wcsspn(3)           - (unknown subject)
wcsstr(3)           - (unknown subject)
wcstod(3)           - (unknown subject)
wcstok(3)           - (unknown subject)
wcstol(3)           - (unknown subject)
wcstoll(3)          - (unknown subject)
wcstombs(3)         - (unknown subject)
wcstoul(3)          - (unknown subject)
wcstoull(3)         - (unknown subject)
wcswidth(3)         - (unknown subject)
wcsxfrm(3)          - (unknown subject)
wctomb(3)           - (unknown subject)
wctrans(3)          - (unknown subject)
wctype(3)           - (unknown subject)
wcursyncup(3x)      - create curses windows
wcwidth(3)          - (unknown subject)
wdel(1)             - A wget-like program for deleting files on ftp servers
wdelch(3x)          - delete character under the cursor in a curses window
wdeleteln(3x)       - delete and insert lines in a curses window
wdiff(1)            - display word differences between text files
wdread(1)           - read value from defaults database
wdwrite(1x)         - writes keys and values to the defaults database
Weak(3o)            - Arrays of weak pointers and hash tables of weak pointers.
Weak.Make(3o)       - Functor building an implementation of the weak hash table structure.
Weak.S(3o)          - The output signature of the functor Weak.Make.
weave(1)            - translate WEB to TeX
webcheck(1)         - website link checker
webpmux(1)          - command line tool to create WebP Mux/container file.
wechochar(3x)       - add a character (with attributes) to a curses window, then advance the cursor
wecho_wchar(3x)     - add a complex character and rendition to a curses window, then advance the cursor
weechat(1)          - the extensible chat client
wenclose(3x)        - mouse interface through curses
werase(3x)          - clear all or part of a curses window
wftopfa(1)          - Convert a Wadalab base font to Postscript .PFA (or .PFB) format using ghostscript
wget(1)             - The non-interactive network downloader.
wgetbkgrnd(3x)      - curses window complex background manipulation routines
wgetch(3x)          - get (or push back) characters from curses terminal keyboard
wgetnstr(3x)        - accept character strings from curses terminal keyboard
wgetn_wstr(3x)      - get an array of wide characters from a curses terminal keyboard
wgetparent(3x)      - curses window properties
wgetscrreg(3x)      - curses window properties
wgetstr(3x)         - accept character strings from curses terminal keyboard
wget_wch(3x)        - get (or push back) a wide character from curses terminal keyboard
wget_wstr(3x)       - get an array of wide characters from a curses terminal keyboard
whatis(1)           - search the whatis database for complete words.
whatnow(1)          - prompting front-end for sending messages
whereis(1)          - locate the binary, source, and manual page files for a command
which(1)            - shows the full path of(shell) commands.
while(1)            - bash built-in commands, see bash(1)
while(n)            - Execute script repeatedly as long as a condition is met
whirlpooldeep(1)    - Compute and compare Whirlpool message digests
WhitePixel(3)       - Display macros and functions
WhitePixelOfScreen(3) - screen information functions and macros
whline(3x)          - create curses borders, horizontal and vertical lines
whline_set(3x)      - create curses borders or lines using complex characters and renditions
who@ (1)             - print list of active users on a host
who(1)              - show who is logged on
whoami(1)           - print effective userid
whois(1)            - client for the whois directory service
whois.conf(5)       - alternative WHOIS servers list for whois client
whom(1)             - report to whom a message would go
widget(1)           - Demonstration of Perl/Tk widgets
Widget(n)           - base class for mega-widgets within a frame
WidthMMOfScreen(3)  - screen information functions and macros
WidthOfScreen(3)    - screen information functions and macros
wiggle(1)           - apply rejected patches and perform word-wise diffs
Win32(3pm)          - Interfaces to some Win32 API Functions
Win32API.File(3pm)  - Low-level access to Win32 system API calls for files/dirs.
Win32API.Net(3pm)   - Perl interface to the Windows NT LanManager API account management functions.
Win32API.Registry(3pm) - Low-level access to Win32 system API calls from WINREG.H
Win32.ChangeNotify(3pm) - Monitor events related to files and directories
Win32.Clipboard(3pm) - Interaction with the Windows clipboard
Win32.Console(3pm)  - Win32 Console and Character Mode Functions
Win32CORE(3pm)      - Win32 CORE function stubs
Win32.DBIODBC(3pm)  - Win32::ODBC emulation layer for the DBI
Win32.Event(3pm)    - Use Win32 event objects from Perl
Win32.EventLog(3pm) - Process Win32 Event Logs from Perl
Win32.File(3pm)     - manage file attributes in perl
Win32.FileSecurity(3pm) - manage FileSecurity Discretionary Access Control Lists in perl
Win32.GridLayout(3pm) - Grid layout support for Win32::GUI
Win32.GUI.BitmapInline(3pm) - Inline bitmap support for Win32::GUI
Win32.GUI.Constants(3pm) - exporter for Win32 API constants - Perl Win32::GUI Demo Launcher application
Win32.GUI.DropFiles(3pm) - Extension to Win32::GUI for shell Drag&Drop integration
Win32.GUI.Perl(3pm) - - Scintilla control with Perl awareness.
Win32.GUI.ReleaseNotes(3pm) - release notes for Win32::GUI
Win32.GUI.RN_0_0_502(3pm) - This is the release notes for Version 0.0.502 of Win32::GUI
Win32.GUI.RN_0_0_588(3pm) - This is the release notes for Version 0.0.588 of Win32::GUI
Win32.GUI.RN_0_0_665(3pm) - This is the release notes for Version 0.0.665 of Win32::GUI
Win32.GUI.RN_0_0_670(3pm) - This is the release notes for Version 0.0.670 of Win32::GUI
Win32.GUI.RN_0_0_671(3pm) - This is the release notes for Version 0.0.671 of Win32::GUI
Win32.GUI.RN_0_99_1(3pm) - This is the release notes for Version 0.99_1 of Win32::GUI
Win32.GUI.RN_1_02(3pm) - This is the release notes for Version 1.02 of Win32::GUI
Win32.GUI.RN_1_03(3pm) - This is the release notes for Version 1.03 of Win32::GUI
Win32.GUI.RN_1_0(3pm) - This is the release notes for Version 1.0 of Win32::GUI
Win32.GUI.RN_1_04(3pm) - This is the release notes for Version 1.04 of Win32::GUI
Win32.GUI.RN_1_05(3pm) - release notes for v1.05 of Win32::GUI
Win32.GUI.RN_1_06(3pm) - release notes for v1.06 of Win32::GUI
Win32.GUI.Scintilla(3pm) - Add Scintilla edit control to Win32::GUI
Win32.GUI.Tags(3pm) - export :tag definitions for Win32::GUI::Constants
Win32.Internet(3pm) - Access to WININET.DLL functions
Win32.IPC(3pm)      - Base class for Win32 synchronization objects
Win32.Job(3pm)      - Run sub-processes in a "job" environment
Win32.Mutex(3pm)    - Use Win32 mutex objects from Perl
Win32.NetAdmin(3pm) - manage network groups and users in perl
Win32.NetResource(3pm) - manage network resources in perl
Win32.ODBC(3pm)     - ODBC Extension for Win32
Win32.OLE(3pm)      - OLE Automation extensions
Win32.OLE.Const(3pm) - Extract constant definitions from TypeLib
Win32.OLE.Enum(3pm) - OLE Automation Collection Objects
Win32.OLE.NEWS(3pm) - What's new in Win32::OLE
Win32.OLE.NLS(3pm)  - OLE National Language Support
Win32.OLE.TPJ(3pm)  - (unknown subject)
Win32.OLE.Variant(3pm) - Create and modify OLE VARIANT variables
Win32.PerfLib(3pm)  - accessing the Windows NT Performance Counter
Win32.Pipe(3pm)     - Win32 Named Pipe
Win32.Process(3pm)  - Create and manipulate processes.
Win32.Registry(3pm) - accessing the Windows registry [obsolete, use Win32::TieRegistry]
Win32.Semaphore(3pm) - Use Win32 semaphore objects from Perl
Win32.Service(3pm)  - manage system services in perl
Win32.Sound(3pm)    - An extension to play with Windows sounds
Win32.TieRegistry(3pm) - Manipulate the Win32 Registry
winch(3x)           - get a character and attributes from a curses window
winchnstr(3x)       - get a string of characters (and attributes) from a curses window
winchstr(3x)        - get a string of characters (and attributes) from a curses window
wind(3)             - (unknown subject)
windmc(1)           - generates Windows message resources.
WindowMaker(1x)     - X11 window manager with a NEXTSTEP look
WindowsWM(3)        - Cygwin/X rootless window management extension.
wind_profile(3)     - (unknown subject)
wind_punycode_label_toascii(3) - (unknown subject)
windres(1)          - manipulate Windows resources.
wind_stringprep(3)  - (unknown subject)
wind_ucs2read(3)    - (unknown subject)
wind_ucs2utf8(3)    - (unknown subject)
wind_ucs2utf8_length(3) - (unknown subject)
wind_ucs2write(3)   - (unknown subject)
wind_ucs4utf8(3)    - (unknown subject)
wind_ucs4utf8_length(3) - (unknown subject)
wind_utf8ucs2(3)    - (unknown subject)
wind_utf8ucs2_length(3) - (unknown subject)
wind_utf8ucs4(3)    - (unknown subject)
wind_utf8ucs4_length(3) - (unknown subject)
winfo(n)            - Return window-related information
winicontoppm(1)     - convert a Windows .ico image into 1 or more PPM images
winln(1)            - create a Windows symbolic link
winnstr(3x)         - get a string of characters from a curses window
winnwstr(3x)        - get a string of wchar_t characters from a curses window
winsch(3x)          - insert a character before cursor in a curses window
winsdelln(3x)       - delete and insert lines in a curses window
winsertln(3x)       - delete and insert lines in a curses window
winsnstr(3x)        - insert string before cursor in a curses window
wins_nwstr(3x)      - insert a wide-character string into a curses window
winsstr(3x)         - insert string before cursor in a curses window
winstr(3x)          - get a string of characters from a curses window
wins_wch(3x)        - insert a complex character and rendition into a window
wins_wstr(3x)       - insert a wide-character string into a curses window
win_wch(3x)         - extract a complex character and rendition from a window
win_wchnstr(3x)     - get an array of complex characters and renditions from a curses window
win_wchstr(3x)      - get an array of complex characters and renditions from a curses window
winwstr(3x)         - get a string of wchar_t characters from a curses window
winxed(1)           - The Winxed Language
wipefs(8)           - wipe a signature from a device
wish(1)             - Simple windowing shell
wishwn(1)           - default version of the Tcl_AppInit procedure for wnb(1)
WITH(7)             - retrieve rows from a table or view
wmagnify(1x)        - magnify parts of the screen
wmaker(1x)          - X11 window manager with a NEXTSTEP look
wmemchr(3)          - (unknown subject)
wmemcmp(3)          - (unknown subject)
wmemcpy(3)          - (unknown subject)
wmemmove(3)         - (unknown subject)
wmemset(3)          - (unknown subject)
wmgenmenu(1)        - Writes a menu structure usable as ~/GNUstep/Defaults/WMRootMenu to stdout
WML(5)              - The widget meta-language file format for creating uil compilers
wmmenugen(1)        - Window Maker PropList menu generator
wm(n)               - Communicate with window manager
wmouse_trafo(3x)    - mouse interface through curses
wmove(3x)           - move curses window cursor
wmsetbg(1x)         - sets the background on the X11 display
WMShell(3)          - The WMShell widget class
wn(1)               - command line interface to WordNet lexical database
wnb(1)              - WordNet window-based browser interface
wndb(5)             - WordNet database files
wngloss(7)          - glossary of terms used in WordNet system
wngroups(7)         - discussion of WordNet search code to group similar verb senses
wninput(5)          - WordNet lexicographer files that are input to grind(1)
wnintro(1)          - WordNet user commands
wnintro(3)          - introduction to WordNet library functions
wnintro(5)          - introduction to descriptions of WordNet file formats
wnintro(7)          - introduction to miscellaneous WordNet information
wnlicens(7)         - text of WordNet license
wnoutrefresh(3x)    - refresh curses windows and lines
wnpkgs(7)           - description of various WordNet system packages
wnsearch(3)         - functions for searching the WordNet database
wnstats(7)          - WordNet 3.0 database statistics
wnutil(3)           - utility functions used by the interface code
wodim(1)            - write data to optical disk media
word-list-compress(1) - word list compressor/decompressor for GNU Aspell
WPrefs(1x)          - Window Maker configuration tool
wprintw(3x)         - print formatted output in curses windows
wput(1)             - A wget-like ftp-uploader
wredrawln(3x)       - refresh curses windows and lines
wrefresh(3x)        - refresh curses windows and lines
wresize(3x)         - resize a curses window
wrestool(1)         - extract resources from Microsoft Windows(R) binaries
wrjpgcom(1)         - insert text comments into a JPEG file
ws(3)               - (unknown subject)
wscanw(3x)          - convert formatted input from a curses window
wscrl(3x)           - scroll a curses window
wsetscrreg(3x)      - curses output options
wstandend(3x)       - curses character and window attribute control routines
wstandout(3x)       - curses character and window attribute control routines
wsyncdown(3x)       - create curses windows
wsyncup(3x)         - create curses windows
wtf(6)              - translates acronyms and filename suffixes for you.
wtfdump(6)          - lists the contents of a wtf database.
wtfindex(6)         - builds string file indexes for wtf .
wtimeout(3x)        - curses input options
wtouchln(3x)        - curses refresh control routines
wtpt(1)             - Show media white of profiles, identifying black body locus.
wunctrl(3x)         - miscellaneous curses utility routines
wvgain(1)           - adds ReplayGain information to wavpack files
wvline(3x)          - create curses borders, horizontal and vertical lines
wvline_set(3x)      - create curses borders or lines using complex characters and renditions
wvunpack(1)         - decodes wavpack encoded files
WWW.RobotRules(3pm) - database of robots.txt-derived permissions
WWW.RobotRules.AnyDBM_File(3pm) - Persistent RobotRules
wxcopy(1x)          - copy stdin or file into cutbuffer
wxpaste(1x)         - output a cutbuffer to stdout
x11perf(1)          - X11 server performance test program
x11perfcomp(1)      - X11 server performance comparison program
x3270(1)            - IBM host access tool
x3270if(1)          - command interface to x3270, c3270 and s3270
x3270-script(1)     - (unknown subject)
x509(1)             - Certificate display and signing utility
x509(3)             - X.509 certificate handling
X509_free(3)        - X509 certificate ASN1 allocation functions
X509_NAME_add_entry(3) - X509_NAME modification functions
X509_NAME_add_entry_by_NID(3) - X509_NAME modification functions
X509_NAME_add_entry_by_OBJ(3) - X509_NAME modification functions
X509_NAME_add_entry_by_txt(3) - X509_NAME modification functions
X509_NAME_delete_entry(3) - X509_NAME modification functions
X509_NAME_entry_count(3) - X509_NAME lookup and enumeration functions
X509_NAME_ENTRY_create_by_NID(3) - X509_NAME_ENTRY utility functions
X509_NAME_ENTRY_create_by_OBJ(3) - X509_NAME_ENTRY utility functions
X509_NAME_ENTRY_create_by_txt(3) - X509_NAME_ENTRY utility functions
X509_NAME_ENTRY_get_data(3) - X509_NAME_ENTRY utility functions
X509_NAME_ENTRY_get_object(3) - X509_NAME_ENTRY utility functions
X509_NAME_ENTRY_set_data(3) - X509_NAME_ENTRY utility functions
X509_NAME_ENTRY_set_object(3) - X509_NAME_ENTRY utility functions
X509_NAME_get_entry(3) - X509_NAME lookup and enumeration functions
X509_NAME_get_index_by_NID(3) - X509_NAME lookup and enumeration functions
X509_NAME_get_index_by_OBJ(3) - X509_NAME lookup and enumeration functions
X509_NAME_get_text_by_NID(3) - X509_NAME lookup and enumeration functions
X509_NAME_get_text_by_OBJ(3) - X509_NAME lookup and enumeration functions
X509_NAME_oneline(3) - X509_NAME printing routines.
X509_NAME_print(3)  - X509_NAME printing routines.
X509_NAME_print_ex(3) - X509_NAME printing routines.
X509_NAME_print_ex_fp(3) - X509_NAME printing routines.
X509_new(3)         - X509 certificate ASN1 allocation functions
X509_STORE_CTX_cleanup(3) - X509_STORE_CTX initialisation
X509_STORE_CTX_free(3) - X509_STORE_CTX initialisation
X509_STORE_CTX_get0_param(3) - X509_STORE_CTX initialisation
X509_STORE_CTX_get1_chain(3) - get or set certificate verification status information
X509_STORE_CTX_get_current_cert(3) - get or set certificate verification status information
X509_STORE_CTX_get_error(3) - get or set certificate verification status information
X509_STORE_CTX_get_error_depth(3) - get or set certificate verification status information
X509_STORE_CTX_get_ex_data(3) - add application specific data to X509_STORE_CTX structures
X509_STORE_CTX_get_ex_new_index(3) - add application specific data to X509_STORE_CTX structures
X509_STORE_CTX_init(3) - X509_STORE_CTX initialisation
X509_STORE_CTX_new(3) - X509_STORE_CTX initialisation
X509_STORE_CTX_set0_crls(3) - X509_STORE_CTX initialisation
X509_STORE_CTX_set0_param(3) - X509_STORE_CTX initialisation
X509_STORE_CTX_set_cert(3) - X509_STORE_CTX initialisation
X509_STORE_CTX_set_chain(3) - X509_STORE_CTX initialisation
X509_STORE_CTX_set_default(3) - X509_STORE_CTX initialisation
X509_STORE_CTX_set_error(3) - get or set certificate verification status information
X509_STORE_CTX_set_ex_data(3) - add application specific data to X509_STORE_CTX structures
X509_STORE_CTX_set_verify_cb(3) - set verification callback
X509_STORE_CTX_trusted_stack(3) - X509_STORE_CTX initialisation
X509_STORE_set_verify_cb(3) - set verification callback
X509_STORE_set_verify_cb_func(3) - set verification callback
x509v3_config(5)    - X509 V3 certificate extension configuration format
X509_verify_cert(3) - discover and verify X509 certificte chain
X509_verify_cert_error_string(3) - get or set certificate verification status information
X509_VERIFY_PARAM_add0_policy(3) - X509 verification parameters
X509_VERIFY_PARAM_clear_flags(3) - X509 verification parameters
X509_VERIFY_PARAM_get_depth(3) - X509 verification parameters
X509_VERIFY_PARAM_get_flags(3) - X509 verification parameters
X509_VERIFY_PARAM_set1_policies(3) - X509 verification parameters
X509_VERIFY_PARAM_set_depth(3) - X509 verification parameters
X509_VERIFY_PARAM_set_flags(3) - X509 verification parameters
X509_VERIFY_PARAM_set_purpose(3) - X509 verification parameters
X509_VERIFY_PARAM_set_time(3) - X509 verification parameters
X509_VERIFY_PARAM_set_trust(3) - X509 verification parameters
X(7)                - a portable, network-transparent window system
x86_64-pc-cygwin-addr2line(1) - convert addresses into file names and line numbers.
x86_64-pc-cygwin-ar(1) - create, modify, and extract from archives
x86_64-pc-cygwin-as(1) - the portable GNU assembler.
x86_64-pc-cygwin-c++filt(1) - Demangle C++ and Java symbols.
x86_64-pc-cygwin-cpp(1) - The C Preprocessor
x86_64-pc-cygwin-dlltool(1) - Create files needed to build and use DLLs.
x86_64-pc-cygwin-elfedit(1) - Update the ELF header of ELF files.
x86_64-pc-cygwin-g++(1) - GNU project C and C++ compiler
x86_64-pc-cygwin-gcc(1) - GNU project C and C++ compiler
x86_64-pc-cygwin-gcov(1) - coverage testing tool
x86_64-pc-cygwin-gfortran(1) - GNU Fortran compiler
x86_64-pc-cygwin-gprof(1) - display call graph profile data
x86_64-pc-cygwin-ld(1) - The GNU linker
x86_64-pc-cygwin-nlmconv(1) - converts object code into an NLM.
x86_64-pc-cygwin-nm(1) - list symbols from object files
x86_64-pc-cygwin-objcopy(1) - copy and translate object files
x86_64-pc-cygwin-objdump(1) - display information from object files.
x86_64-pc-cygwin-pkg-config(1) - Return metainformation about installed libraries
x86_64-pc-cygwin-ranlib(1) - generate index to archive.
x86_64-pc-cygwin-readelf(1) - Displays information about ELF files.
x86_64-pc-cygwin-size(1) - list section sizes and total size.
x86_64-pc-cygwin-strings(1) - print the strings of printable characters in files.
x86_64-pc-cygwin-strip(1) - Discard symbols from object files.
x86_64-pc-cygwin-windmc(1) - generates Windows message resources.
x86_64-pc-cygwin-windres(1) - manipulate Windows resources.
x86_64-w64-mingw32-addr2line(1) - convert addresses into file names and line numbers.
x86_64-w64-mingw32-ar(1) - create, modify, and extract from archives
x86_64-w64-mingw32-as(1) - the portable GNU assembler.
x86_64-w64-mingw32-c++filt(1) - Demangle C++ and Java symbols.
x86_64-w64-mingw32-cpp(1) - The C Preprocessor
x86_64-w64-mingw32-dlltool(1) - Create files needed to build and use DLLs.
x86_64-w64-mingw32-elfedit(1) - Update the ELF header of ELF files.
x86_64-w64-mingw32-g++(1) - GNU project C and C++ compiler
x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc(1) - GNU project C and C++ compiler
x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcov(1) - coverage testing tool
x86_64-w64-mingw32-gfortran(1) - GNU Fortran compiler
x86_64-w64-mingw32-gprof(1) - display call graph profile data
x86_64-w64-mingw32-ld(1) - The GNU linker
x86_64-w64-mingw32-nlmconv(1) - converts object code into an NLM.
x86_64-w64-mingw32-nm(1) - list symbols from object files
x86_64-w64-mingw32-objcopy(1) - copy and translate object files
x86_64-w64-mingw32-objdump(1) - display information from object files.
x86_64-w64-mingw32-pkg-config(1) - Return metainformation about installed libraries
x86_64-w64-mingw32-ranlib(1) - generate index to archive.
x86_64-w64-mingw32-readelf(1) - Displays information about ELF files.
x86_64-w64-mingw32-size(1) - list section sizes and total size.
x86_64-w64-mingw32-strings(1) - print the strings of printable characters in files.
x86_64-w64-mingw32-strip(1) - Discard symbols from object files.
x86_64-w64-mingw32-windmc(1) - generates Windows message resources.
x86_64-w64-mingw32-windres(1) - manipulate Windows resources.
XActivateScreenSaver(3) - manipulate the screen saver
XAddConnectionWatch(3) - handle Xlib internal connections
XAddHost(3)         - control host access and host control structure
XAddHosts(3)        - control host access and host control structure
XAddPixel(3)        - image utilities
XAddToSaveSet(3)    - change a client's save set
XAllocClassHint(3)  - allocate class hints structure and set or read a window's WM_CLASS property
XAllocColor(3)      - allocate and free colors
XAllocColorCells(3) - allocate and free colors
XAllocColorPlanes(3) - allocate and free colors
XAllocIconSize(3)   - allocate icon size structure and set or read a window's WM_ICON_SIZES property
XAllocNamedColor(3) - allocate and free colors
XAllocSizeHints(3)  - allocate size hints structure and set or read a window's WM_NORMAL_HINTS property
XAllocStandardColormap(3) - allocate, set, or read a standard colormap structure
XAllocWMHints(3)    - allocate window manager hints structure and set or read a window's WM_HINTS property
XAllowDeviceEvents(3) - release queued events
XAllowEvents(3)     - release queued events
XAnyEvent(3)        - generic X event structures
XArc(3)             - draw arcs and arc structure
xargs(1)            - build and execute command lines from standard input
xasy(1x)            - script-based vector graphics language
Xau(3)              - X authority database routines
XauDisposeAuth(3)   - X authority database routines
XauFileName(3)      - X authority database routines
XauGetAuthByAddr(3) - X authority database routines
XauGetBestAuthByAddr(3) - X authority database routines
XauLockAuth(3)      - X authority database routines
XauReadAuth(3)      - X authority database routines
xauth(1)            - X authority file utility
XAutoRepeatOff(3)   - manipulate keyboard settings and keyboard control structure
XAutoRepeatOn(3)    - manipulate keyboard settings and keyboard control structure
XauUnlockAuth(3)    - X authority database routines
XauWriteAuth(3)     - X authority database routines
Xaw(3)              - X Athena Widgets
XBaseFontNameListOfFontSet(3) - obtain fontset information
XBell(3)            - manipulate keyboard settings and keyboard control structure
xbiff(1)            - mailbox flag for X
xbmtopbm(1)         - convert an X11 or X10 bitmap to a PBM image
XButtonEvent(3)     - KeyPress, KeyRelease, ButtonPress, ButtonRelease, and MotionNotify event structures
xcalc(1)            - scientific calculator for X
xcb_alloc_color(3)  - Allocate a color
xcb_alloc_color_cells(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_alloc_color_cells_masks(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_alloc_color_cells_masks_end(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_alloc_color_cells_masks_length(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_alloc_color_cells_pixels(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_alloc_color_cells_pixels_end(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_alloc_color_cells_pixels_length(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_alloc_color_cells_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_alloc_color_cells_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_alloc_color_planes(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_alloc_color_planes_pixels(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_alloc_color_planes_pixels_end(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_alloc_color_planes_pixels_length(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_alloc_color_planes_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_alloc_color_planes_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_alloc_color_reply(3) - Allocate a color
xcb_alloc_color_unchecked(3) - Allocate a color
xcb_alloc_named_color(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_alloc_named_color_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_alloc_named_color_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_allow_events(3) - release queued events
xcb_allow_events_checked(3) - release queued events
xcb_bell(3)         - (unknown subject)
xcb_bell_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_big_requests_enable(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_big_requests_enable_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_big_requests_enable_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_button_press_event_t(3) - a mouse button was pressed/released
xcb_button_release_event_t(3) - a mouse button was pressed/released
xcb_change_active_pointer_grab(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_change_active_pointer_grab_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_change_gc(3)    - change graphics context components
xcb_change_gc_checked(3) - change graphics context components
xcb_change_hosts(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_change_hosts_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_change_keyboard_control(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_change_keyboard_control_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_change_keyboard_mapping(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_change_keyboard_mapping_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_change_pointer_control(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_change_pointer_control_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_change_property(3) - Changes a window property
xcb_change_property_checked(3) - Changes a window property
xcb_change_save_set(3) - Changes a client's save set
xcb_change_save_set_checked(3) - Changes a client's save set
xcb_change_window_attributes(3) - change window attributes
xcb_change_window_attributes_checked(3) - change window attributes
xcb_circulate_notify_event_t(3) - NOT YET DOCUMENTED
xcb_circulate_request_event_t(3) - NOT YET DOCUMENTED
xcb_circulate_window(3) - Change window stacking order
xcb_circulate_window_checked(3) - Change window stacking order
xcb_clear_area(3)   - (unknown subject)
xcb_clear_area_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_client_message_event_t(3) - NOT YET DOCUMENTED
xcb_close_font(3)   - (unknown subject)
xcb_close_font_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_colormap_notify_event_t(3) - the colormap for some window changed
xcb_composite_create_region_from_border_clip(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_composite_create_region_from_border_clip_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_composite_get_overlay_window(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_composite_get_overlay_window_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_composite_get_overlay_window_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_composite_name_window_pixmap(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_composite_name_window_pixmap_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_composite_query_version(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_composite_query_version_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_composite_query_version_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_composite_redirect_subwindows(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_composite_redirect_subwindows_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_composite_redirect_window(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_composite_redirect_window_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_composite_release_overlay_window(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_composite_release_overlay_window_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_composite_unredirect_subwindows(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_composite_unredirect_subwindows_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_composite_unredirect_window(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_composite_unredirect_window_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_configure_notify_event_t(3) - NOT YET DOCUMENTED
xcb_configure_request_event_t(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_configure_window(3) - Configures window attributes
xcb_configure_window_checked(3) - Configures window attributes
xcb_convert_selection(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_convert_selection_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_copy_area(3)    - copy areas
xcb_copy_area_checked(3) - copy areas
xcb_copy_colormap_and_free(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_copy_colormap_and_free_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_copy_gc(3)      - (unknown subject)
xcb_copy_gc_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_copy_plane(3)   - (unknown subject)
xcb_copy_plane_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_create_colormap(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_create_colormap_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_create_cursor(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_create_cursor_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_create_gc(3)    - Creates a graphics context
xcb_create_gc_checked(3) - Creates a graphics context
xcb_create_glyph_cursor(3) - create cursor
xcb_create_glyph_cursor_checked(3) - create cursor
xcb_create_notify_event_t(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_create_pixmap(3) - Creates a pixmap
xcb_create_pixmap_checked(3) - Creates a pixmap
xcb_create_window(3) - Creates a window
xcb_create_window_checked(3) - Creates a window
xcb_damage_add(3)   - (unknown subject)
xcb_damage_add_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_damage_create(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_damage_create_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_damage_destroy(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_damage_destroy_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_damage_notify_event_t(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_damage_query_version(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_damage_query_version_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_damage_query_version_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_damage_subtract(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_damage_subtract_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_delete_property(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_delete_property_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_destroy_notify_event_t(3) - a window is destroyed
xcb_destroy_subwindows(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_destroy_subwindows_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_destroy_window(3) - Destroys a window
xcb_destroy_window_checked(3) - Destroys a window
xcb_dpms_capable(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_dpms_capable_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_dpms_capable_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_dpms_disable(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_dpms_disable_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_dpms_enable(3)  - (unknown subject)
xcb_dpms_enable_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_dpms_force_level(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_dpms_force_level_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_dpms_get_timeouts(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_dpms_get_timeouts_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_dpms_get_timeouts_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_dpms_get_version(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_dpms_get_version_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_dpms_get_version_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_dpms_info(3)    - (unknown subject)
xcb_dpms_info_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_dpms_info_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_dpms_set_timeouts(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_dpms_set_timeouts_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_dri2_authenticate(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_dri2_authenticate_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_dri2_authenticate_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_dri2_buffer_swap_complete_event_t(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_dri2_connect(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_dri2_connect_alignment_pad(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_dri2_connect_alignment_pad_end(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_dri2_connect_alignment_pad_length(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_dri2_connect_device_name(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_dri2_connect_device_name_end(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_dri2_connect_device_name_length(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_dri2_connect_driver_name(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_dri2_connect_driver_name_end(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_dri2_connect_driver_name_length(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_dri2_connect_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_dri2_connect_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_dri2_copy_region(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_dri2_copy_region_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_dri2_copy_region_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_dri2_create_drawable(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_dri2_create_drawable_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_dri2_destroy_drawable(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_dri2_destroy_drawable_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_dri2_get_buffers(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_dri2_get_buffers_buffers(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_dri2_get_buffers_buffers_iterator(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_dri2_get_buffers_buffers_length(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_dri2_get_buffers_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_dri2_get_buffers_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_dri2_get_buffers_with_format(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_dri2_get_buffers_with_format_buffers(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_dri2_get_buffers_with_format_buffers_iterator(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_dri2_get_buffers_with_format_buffers_length(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_dri2_get_buffers_with_format_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_dri2_get_buffers_with_format_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_dri2_get_msc(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_dri2_get_msc_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_dri2_get_msc_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_dri2_get_param(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_dri2_get_param_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_dri2_get_param_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_dri2_invalidate_buffers_event_t(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_dri2_query_version(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_dri2_query_version_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_dri2_query_version_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_dri2_swap_buffers(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_dri2_swap_buffers_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_dri2_swap_buffers_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_dri2_swap_interval(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_dri2_swap_interval_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_dri2_wait_msc(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_dri2_wait_msc_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_dri2_wait_msc_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_dri2_wait_sbc(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_dri2_wait_sbc_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_dri2_wait_sbc_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_enter_notify_event_t(3) - the pointer is in a different window
xcb-examples(3)     - manpage examples
xcb_expose_event_t(3) - NOT YET DOCUMENTED
xcb_fill_poly(3)    - (unknown subject)
xcb_fill_poly_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_focus_in_event_t(3) - NOT YET DOCUMENTED
xcb_focus_out_event_t(3) - NOT YET DOCUMENTED
xcb_force_screen_saver(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_force_screen_saver_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_free_colormap(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_free_colormap_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_free_colors(3)  - (unknown subject)
xcb_free_colors_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_free_cursor(3)  - Deletes a cursor
xcb_free_cursor_checked(3) - Deletes a cursor
xcb_free_gc(3)      - Destroys a graphics context
xcb_free_gc_checked(3) - Destroys a graphics context
xcb_free_pixmap(3)  - Destroys a pixmap
xcb_free_pixmap_checked(3) - Destroys a pixmap
xcb_get_atom_name(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_get_atom_name_name(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_get_atom_name_name_end(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_get_atom_name_name_length(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_get_atom_name_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_get_atom_name_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_get_font_path(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_get_font_path_path_iterator(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_get_font_path_path_length(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_get_font_path_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_get_font_path_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_get_geometry(3) - Get current window geometry
xcb_get_geometry_reply(3) - Get current window geometry
xcb_get_geometry_unchecked(3) - Get current window geometry
xcb_get_image(3)    - (unknown subject)
xcb_get_image_data(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_get_image_data_end(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_get_image_data_length(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_get_image_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_get_image_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_get_input_focus(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_get_input_focus_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_get_input_focus_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_get_keyboard_control(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_get_keyboard_control_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_get_keyboard_control_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_get_keyboard_mapping(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_get_keyboard_mapping_keysyms(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_get_keyboard_mapping_keysyms_end(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_get_keyboard_mapping_keysyms_length(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_get_keyboard_mapping_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_get_keyboard_mapping_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_get_modifier_mapping(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_get_modifier_mapping_keycodes(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_get_modifier_mapping_keycodes_end(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_get_modifier_mapping_keycodes_length(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_get_modifier_mapping_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_get_modifier_mapping_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_get_motion_events(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_get_motion_events_events(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_get_motion_events_events_iterator(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_get_motion_events_events_length(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_get_motion_events_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_get_motion_events_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_get_pointer_control(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_get_pointer_control_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_get_pointer_control_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_get_pointer_mapping(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_get_pointer_mapping_map(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_get_pointer_mapping_map_end(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_get_pointer_mapping_map_length(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_get_pointer_mapping_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_get_pointer_mapping_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_get_property(3) - Gets a window property
xcb_get_property_reply(3) - Gets a window property
xcb_get_property_unchecked(3) - Gets a window property
xcb_get_property_value(3) - Gets a window property
xcb_get_property_value_end(3) - Gets a window property
xcb_get_property_value_length(3) - Gets a window property
xcb_get_screen_saver(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_get_screen_saver_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_get_screen_saver_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_get_selection_owner(3) - Gets the owner of a selection
xcb_get_selection_owner_reply(3) - Gets the owner of a selection
xcb_get_selection_owner_unchecked(3) - Gets the owner of a selection
xcb_get_window_attributes(3) - Gets window attributes
xcb_get_window_attributes_reply(3) - Gets window attributes
xcb_get_window_attributes_unchecked(3) - Gets window attributes
xcb_glx_are_textures_resident(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_are_textures_resident_data(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_are_textures_resident_data_end(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_are_textures_resident_data_length(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_are_textures_resident_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_are_textures_resident_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_change_drawable_attributes(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_change_drawable_attributes_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_client_info(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_client_info_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_copy_context(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_copy_context_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_create_context(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_create_context_attribs_arb(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_create_context_attribs_arb_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_create_context_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_create_glx_pixmap(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_create_glx_pixmap_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_create_new_context(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_create_new_context_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_create_pbuffer(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_create_pbuffer_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_create_pixmap(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_create_pixmap_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_create_window(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_create_window_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_delete_lists(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_delete_lists_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_delete_queries_arb(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_delete_queries_arb_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_delete_textures(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_delete_textures_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_delete_window(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_delete_window_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_destroy_context(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_destroy_context_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_destroy_glx_pixmap(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_destroy_glx_pixmap_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_destroy_pbuffer(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_destroy_pbuffer_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_destroy_pixmap(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_destroy_pixmap_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_end_list(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_end_list_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_feedback_buffer(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_feedback_buffer_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_finish(3)   - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_finish_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_finish_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_flush(3)    - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_flush_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_gen_lists(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_gen_lists_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_gen_lists_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_gen_queries_arb(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_gen_queries_arb_data(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_gen_queries_arb_data_end(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_gen_queries_arb_data_length(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_gen_queries_arb_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_gen_queries_arb_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_gen_textures(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_gen_textures_data(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_gen_textures_data_end(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_gen_textures_data_length(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_gen_textures_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_gen_textures_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_booleanv(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_booleanv_data(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_booleanv_data_end(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_booleanv_data_length(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_booleanv_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_booleanv_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_clip_plane(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_clip_plane_data(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_clip_plane_data_end(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_clip_plane_data_length(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_clip_plane_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_clip_plane_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_color_table(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_color_table_data(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_color_table_data_end(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_color_table_data_length(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_color_table_parameterfv(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_color_table_parameterfv_data(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_color_table_parameterfv_data_end(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_color_table_parameterfv_data_length(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_color_table_parameterfv_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_color_table_parameterfv_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_color_table_parameteriv(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_color_table_parameteriv_data(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_color_table_parameteriv_data_end(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_color_table_parameteriv_data_length(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_color_table_parameteriv_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_color_table_parameteriv_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_color_table_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_color_table_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_compressed_tex_image_arb(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_compressed_tex_image_arb_data(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_compressed_tex_image_arb_data_end(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_compressed_tex_image_arb_data_length(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_compressed_tex_image_arb_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_compressed_tex_image_arb_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_convolution_filter(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_convolution_filter_data(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_convolution_filter_data_end(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_convolution_filter_data_length(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_convolution_filter_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_convolution_filter_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_convolution_parameterfv(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_convolution_parameterfv_data(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_convolution_parameterfv_data_end(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_convolution_parameterfv_data_length(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_convolution_parameterfv_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_convolution_parameterfv_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_convolution_parameteriv(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_convolution_parameteriv_data(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_convolution_parameteriv_data_end(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_convolution_parameteriv_data_length(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_convolution_parameteriv_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_convolution_parameteriv_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_doublev(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_doublev_data(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_doublev_data_end(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_doublev_data_length(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_doublev_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_doublev_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_drawable_attributes(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_drawable_attributes_attribs(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_drawable_attributes_attribs_end(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_drawable_attributes_attribs_length(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_drawable_attributes_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_drawable_attributes_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_error(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_error_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_error_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_fb_configs(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_fb_configs_property_list(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_fb_configs_property_list_end(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_fb_configs_property_list_length(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_fb_configs_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_fb_configs_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_floatv(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_floatv_data(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_floatv_data_end(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_floatv_data_length(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_floatv_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_floatv_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_histogram(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_histogram_data(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_histogram_data_end(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_histogram_data_length(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_histogram_parameterfv(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_histogram_parameterfv_data(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_histogram_parameterfv_data_end(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_histogram_parameterfv_data_length(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_histogram_parameterfv_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_histogram_parameterfv_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_histogram_parameteriv(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_histogram_parameteriv_data(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_histogram_parameteriv_data_end(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_histogram_parameteriv_data_length(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_histogram_parameteriv_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_histogram_parameteriv_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_histogram_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_histogram_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_integerv(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_integerv_data(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_integerv_data_end(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_integerv_data_length(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_integerv_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_integerv_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_lightfv(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_lightfv_data(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_lightfv_data_end(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_lightfv_data_length(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_lightfv_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_lightfv_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_lightiv(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_lightiv_data(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_lightiv_data_end(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_lightiv_data_length(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_lightiv_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_lightiv_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_mapdv(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_mapdv_data(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_mapdv_data_end(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_mapdv_data_length(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_mapdv_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_mapdv_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_mapfv(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_mapfv_data(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_mapfv_data_end(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_mapfv_data_length(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_mapfv_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_mapfv_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_mapiv(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_mapiv_data(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_mapiv_data_end(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_mapiv_data_length(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_mapiv_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_mapiv_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_materialfv(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_materialfv_data(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_materialfv_data_end(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_materialfv_data_length(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_materialfv_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_materialfv_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_materialiv(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_materialiv_data(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_materialiv_data_end(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_materialiv_data_length(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_materialiv_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_materialiv_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_minmax(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_minmax_data(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_minmax_data_end(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_minmax_data_length(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_minmax_parameterfv(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_minmax_parameterfv_data(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_minmax_parameterfv_data_end(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_minmax_parameterfv_data_length(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_minmax_parameterfv_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_minmax_parameterfv_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_minmax_parameteriv(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_minmax_parameteriv_data(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_minmax_parameteriv_data_end(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_minmax_parameteriv_data_length(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_minmax_parameteriv_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_minmax_parameteriv_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_minmax_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_minmax_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_pixel_mapfv(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_pixel_mapfv_data(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_pixel_mapfv_data_end(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_pixel_mapfv_data_length(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_pixel_mapfv_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_pixel_mapfv_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_pixel_mapuiv(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_pixel_mapuiv_data(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_pixel_mapuiv_data_end(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_pixel_mapuiv_data_length(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_pixel_mapuiv_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_pixel_mapuiv_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_pixel_mapusv(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_pixel_mapusv_data(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_pixel_mapusv_data_end(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_pixel_mapusv_data_length(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_pixel_mapusv_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_pixel_mapusv_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_polygon_stipple(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_polygon_stipple_data(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_polygon_stipple_data_end(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_polygon_stipple_data_length(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_polygon_stipple_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_polygon_stipple_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_queryiv_arb(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_queryiv_arb_data(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_queryiv_arb_data_end(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_queryiv_arb_data_length(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_queryiv_arb_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_queryiv_arb_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_query_objectiv_arb(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_query_objectiv_arb_data(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_query_objectiv_arb_data_end(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_query_objectiv_arb_data_length(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_query_objectiv_arb_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_query_objectiv_arb_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_query_objectuiv_arb(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_query_objectuiv_arb_data(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_query_objectuiv_arb_data_end(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_query_objectuiv_arb_data_length(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_query_objectuiv_arb_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_query_objectuiv_arb_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_separable_filter(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_separable_filter_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_separable_filter_rows_and_cols(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_separable_filter_rows_and_cols_end(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_separable_filter_rows_and_cols_length(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_separable_filter_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_string(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_string_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_string_string(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_string_string_end(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_string_string_length(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_string_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_tex_envfv(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_tex_envfv_data(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_tex_envfv_data_end(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_tex_envfv_data_length(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_tex_envfv_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_tex_envfv_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_tex_enviv(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_tex_enviv_data(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_tex_enviv_data_end(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_tex_enviv_data_length(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_tex_enviv_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_tex_enviv_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_tex_gendv(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_tex_gendv_data(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_tex_gendv_data_end(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_tex_gendv_data_length(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_tex_gendv_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_tex_gendv_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_tex_genfv(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_tex_genfv_data(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_tex_genfv_data_end(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_tex_genfv_data_length(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_tex_genfv_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_tex_genfv_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_tex_geniv(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_tex_geniv_data(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_tex_geniv_data_end(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_tex_geniv_data_length(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_tex_geniv_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_tex_geniv_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_tex_image(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_tex_image_data(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_tex_image_data_end(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_tex_image_data_length(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_tex_image_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_tex_image_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_tex_level_parameterfv(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_tex_level_parameterfv_data(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_tex_level_parameterfv_data_end(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_tex_level_parameterfv_data_length(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_tex_level_parameterfv_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_tex_level_parameterfv_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_tex_level_parameteriv(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_tex_level_parameteriv_data(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_tex_level_parameteriv_data_end(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_tex_level_parameteriv_data_length(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_tex_level_parameteriv_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_tex_level_parameteriv_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_tex_parameterfv(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_tex_parameterfv_data(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_tex_parameterfv_data_end(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_tex_parameterfv_data_length(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_tex_parameterfv_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_tex_parameterfv_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_tex_parameteriv(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_tex_parameteriv_data(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_tex_parameteriv_data_end(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_tex_parameteriv_data_length(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_tex_parameteriv_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_tex_parameteriv_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_visual_configs(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_visual_configs_property_list(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_visual_configs_property_list_end(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_visual_configs_property_list_length(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_visual_configs_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_get_visual_configs_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_is_direct(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_is_direct_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_is_direct_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_is_list(3)  - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_is_list_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_is_list_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_is_query_arb(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_is_query_arb_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_is_query_arb_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_is_texture(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_is_texture_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_is_texture_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_make_context_current(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_make_context_current_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_make_context_current_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_make_current(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_make_current_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_make_current_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_new_list(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_new_list_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_pbuffer_clobber_event_t(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_pixel_storef(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_pixel_storef_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_pixel_storei(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_pixel_storei_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_query_context(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_query_context_attribs(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_query_context_attribs_end(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_query_context_attribs_length(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_query_context_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_query_context_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_query_extensions_string(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_query_extensions_string_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_query_extensions_string_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_query_server_string(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_query_server_string_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_query_server_string_string(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_query_server_string_string_end(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_query_server_string_string_length(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_query_server_string_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_query_version(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_query_version_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_query_version_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_read_pixels(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_read_pixels_data(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_read_pixels_data_end(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_read_pixels_data_length(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_read_pixels_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_read_pixels_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_render(3)   - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_render_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_render_large(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_render_large_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_render_mode(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_render_mode_data(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_render_mode_data_end(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_render_mode_data_length(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_render_mode_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_render_mode_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_select_buffer(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_select_buffer_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_set_client_info_2arb(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_set_client_info_2arb_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_set_client_info_arb(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_set_client_info_arb_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_swap_buffers(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_swap_buffers_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_use_x_font(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_use_x_font_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_vendor_private(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_vendor_private_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_vendor_private_with_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_vendor_private_with_reply_data_2(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_vendor_private_with_reply_data_2_end(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_vendor_private_with_reply_data_2_length(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_vendor_private_with_reply_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_vendor_private_with_reply_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_wait_gl(3)  - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_wait_gl_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_wait_x(3)   - (unknown subject)
xcb_glx_wait_x_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_grab_button(3)  - Grab pointer button(s)
xcb_grab_button_checked(3) - Grab pointer button(s)
xcb_grab_key(3)     - Grab keyboard key(s)
xcb_grab_keyboard(3) - Grab the keyboard
xcb_grab_keyboard_reply(3) - Grab the keyboard
xcb_grab_keyboard_unchecked(3) - Grab the keyboard
xcb_grab_key_checked(3) - Grab keyboard key(s)
xcb_grab_pointer(3) - Grab the pointer
xcb_grab_pointer_reply(3) - Grab the pointer
xcb_grab_pointer_unchecked(3) - Grab the pointer
xcb_grab_server(3)  - (unknown subject)
xcb_grab_server_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_graphics_exposure_event_t(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_gravity_notify_event_t(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_image_text_16(3) - Draws text
xcb_image_text_16_checked(3) - Draws text
xcb_image_text_8(3) - Draws text
xcb_image_text_8_checked(3) - Draws text
xcb_input_allow_device_events(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_input_allow_device_events_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_input_change_device_dont_propagate_list(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_input_change_device_dont_propagate_list_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_input_change_device_key_mapping(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_input_change_device_key_mapping_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_input_change_device_notify_event_t(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_input_change_keyboard_device(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_input_change_keyboard_device_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_input_change_keyboard_device_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_input_change_pointer_device(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_input_change_pointer_device_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_input_change_pointer_device_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_input_close_device(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_input_close_device_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_input_device_bell(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_input_device_bell_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_input_device_button_press_event_t(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_input_device_button_release_event_t(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_input_device_button_state_notify_event_t(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_input_device_key_press_event_t(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_input_device_key_release_event_t(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_input_device_key_state_notify_event_t(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_input_device_mapping_notify_event_t(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_input_device_motion_notify_event_t(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_input_device_presence_notify_event_t(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_input_device_state_notify_event_t(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_input_device_valuator_event_t(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_input_focus_in_event_t(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_input_focus_out_event_t(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_input_get_device_button_mapping(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_input_get_device_button_mapping_map(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_input_get_device_button_mapping_map_end(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_input_get_device_button_mapping_map_length(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_input_get_device_button_mapping_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_input_get_device_button_mapping_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_input_get_device_control(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_input_get_device_control_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_input_get_device_control_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_input_get_device_dont_propagate_list(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_input_get_device_dont_propagate_list_classes(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_input_get_device_dont_propagate_list_classes_end(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_input_get_device_dont_propagate_list_classes_length(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_input_get_device_dont_propagate_list_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_input_get_device_dont_propagate_list_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_input_get_device_focus(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_input_get_device_focus_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_input_get_device_focus_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_input_get_device_key_mapping(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_input_get_device_key_mapping_keysyms(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_input_get_device_key_mapping_keysyms_end(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_input_get_device_key_mapping_keysyms_length(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_input_get_device_key_mapping_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_input_get_device_key_mapping_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_input_get_device_modifier_mapping(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_input_get_device_modifier_mapping_keymaps(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_input_get_device_modifier_mapping_keymaps_end(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_input_get_device_modifier_mapping_keymaps_length(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_input_get_device_modifier_mapping_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_input_get_device_modifier_mapping_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_input_get_device_motion_events(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_input_get_device_motion_events_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_input_get_device_motion_events_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_input_get_extension_version(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_input_get_extension_version_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_input_get_extension_version_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_input_get_feedback_control(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_input_get_feedback_control_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_input_get_feedback_control_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_input_get_selected_extension_events(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_input_get_selected_extension_events_all_classes(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_input_get_selected_extension_events_all_classes_end(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_input_get_selected_extension_events_all_classes_length(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_input_get_selected_extension_events_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_input_get_selected_extension_events_this_classes(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_input_get_selected_extension_events_this_classes_end(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_input_get_selected_extension_events_this_classes_length(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_input_get_selected_extension_events_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_input_grab_device(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_input_grab_device_button(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_input_grab_device_button_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_input_grab_device_key(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_input_grab_device_key_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_input_grab_device_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_input_grab_device_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_input_list_input_devices(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_input_list_input_devices_devices(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_input_list_input_devices_devices_iterator(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_input_list_input_devices_devices_length(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_input_list_input_devices_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_input_list_input_devices_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_input_open_device(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_input_open_device_class_info(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_input_open_device_class_info_iterator(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_input_open_device_class_info_length(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_input_open_device_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_input_open_device_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_input_proximity_in_event_t(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_input_proximity_out_event_t(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_input_query_device_state(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_input_query_device_state_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_input_query_device_state_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_input_select_extension_event(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_input_select_extension_event_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_input_send_extension_event(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_input_send_extension_event_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_input_set_device_button_mapping(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_input_set_device_button_mapping_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_input_set_device_button_mapping_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_input_set_device_focus(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_input_set_device_focus_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_input_set_device_mode(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_input_set_device_mode_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_input_set_device_mode_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_input_set_device_modifier_mapping(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_input_set_device_modifier_mapping_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_input_set_device_modifier_mapping_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_input_set_device_valuators(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_input_set_device_valuators_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_input_set_device_valuators_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_input_ungrab_device(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_input_ungrab_device_button(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_input_ungrab_device_button_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_input_ungrab_device_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_input_ungrab_device_key(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_input_ungrab_device_key_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_install_colormap(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_install_colormap_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_intern_atom(3)  - Get atom identifier by name
xcb_intern_atom_reply(3) - Get atom identifier by name
xcb_intern_atom_unchecked(3) - Get atom identifier by name
xcb_keymap_notify_event_t(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_key_press_event_t(3) - a key was pressed/released
xcb_key_release_event_t(3) - a key was pressed/released
xcb_kill_client(3)  - kills a client
xcb_kill_client_checked(3) - kills a client
xcb_leave_notify_event_t(3) - the pointer is in a different window
xcb_list_extensions(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_list_extensions_names_iterator(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_list_extensions_names_length(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_list_extensions_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_list_extensions_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_list_fonts(3)   - get matching font names
xcb_list_fonts_names_iterator(3) - get matching font names
xcb_list_fonts_names_length(3) - get matching font names
xcb_list_fonts_reply(3) - get matching font names
xcb_list_fonts_unchecked(3) - get matching font names
xcb_list_fonts_with_info(3) - get matching font names and information
xcb_list_fonts_with_info_name(3) - get matching font names and information
xcb_list_fonts_with_info_name_end(3) - get matching font names and information
xcb_list_fonts_with_info_name_length(3) - get matching font names and information
xcb_list_fonts_with_info_properties(3) - get matching font names and information
xcb_list_fonts_with_info_properties_iterator(3) - get matching font names and information
xcb_list_fonts_with_info_properties_length(3) - get matching font names and information
xcb_list_fonts_with_info_reply(3) - get matching font names and information
xcb_list_fonts_with_info_unchecked(3) - get matching font names and information
xcb_list_hosts(3)   - (unknown subject)
xcb_list_hosts_hosts_iterator(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_list_hosts_hosts_length(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_list_hosts_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_list_hosts_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_list_installed_colormaps(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_list_installed_colormaps_cmaps(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_list_installed_colormaps_cmaps_end(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_list_installed_colormaps_cmaps_length(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_list_installed_colormaps_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_list_installed_colormaps_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_list_properties(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_list_properties_atoms(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_list_properties_atoms_end(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_list_properties_atoms_length(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_list_properties_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_list_properties_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_lookup_color(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_lookup_color_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_lookup_color_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_map_notify_event_t(3) - a window was mapped
xcb_mapping_notify_event_t(3) - keyboard mapping changed
xcb_map_request_event_t(3) - window wants to be mapped
xcb_map_subwindows(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_map_subwindows_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_map_window(3)   - Makes a window visible
xcb_map_window_checked(3) - Makes a window visible
xcb_motion_notify_event_t(3) - a key was pressed
xcb_no_exposure_event_t(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_no_operation(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_no_operation_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_open_font(3)    - opens a font
xcb_open_font_checked(3) - opens a font
xcb_poly_arc(3)     - (unknown subject)
xcb_poly_arc_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_poly_fill_arc(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_poly_fill_arc_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_poly_fill_rectangle(3) - Fills rectangles
xcb_poly_fill_rectangle_checked(3) - Fills rectangles
xcb_poly_line(3)    - draw lines
xcb_poly_line_checked(3) - draw lines
xcb_poly_point(3)   - (unknown subject)
xcb_poly_point_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_poly_rectangle(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_poly_rectangle_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_poly_segment(3) - draw lines
xcb_poly_segment_checked(3) - draw lines
xcb_poly_text_16(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_poly_text_16_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_poly_text_8(3)  - (unknown subject)
xcb_poly_text_8_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_property_notify_event_t(3) - a window property changed
xcb_put_image(3)    - (unknown subject)
xcb_put_image_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_query_best_size(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_query_best_size_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_query_best_size_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_query_colors(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_query_colors_colors(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_query_colors_colors_iterator(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_query_colors_colors_length(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_query_colors_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_query_colors_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_query_extension(3) - check if extension is present
xcb_query_extension_reply(3) - check if extension is present
xcb_query_extension_unchecked(3) - check if extension is present
xcb_query_font(3)   - query font metrics
xcb_query_font_char_infos(3) - query font metrics
xcb_query_font_char_infos_iterator(3) - query font metrics
xcb_query_font_char_infos_length(3) - query font metrics
xcb_query_font_properties(3) - query font metrics
xcb_query_font_properties_iterator(3) - query font metrics
xcb_query_font_properties_length(3) - query font metrics
xcb_query_font_reply(3) - query font metrics
xcb_query_font_unchecked(3) - query font metrics
xcb_query_keymap(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_query_keymap_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_query_keymap_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_query_pointer(3) - get pointer coordinates
xcb_query_pointer_reply(3) - get pointer coordinates
xcb_query_pointer_unchecked(3) - get pointer coordinates
xcb_query_text_extents(3) - get text extents
xcb_query_text_extents_reply(3) - get text extents
xcb_query_text_extents_unchecked(3) - get text extents
xcb_query_tree(3)   - query the window tree
xcb_query_tree_children(3) - query the window tree
xcb_query_tree_children_end(3) - query the window tree
xcb_query_tree_children_length(3) - query the window tree
xcb_query_tree_reply(3) - query the window tree
xcb_query_tree_unchecked(3) - query the window tree
xcb_randr_add_output_mode(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_randr_add_output_mode_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_randr_change_output_property(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_randr_change_output_property_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_randr_configure_output_property(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_randr_configure_output_property_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_randr_create_mode(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_randr_create_mode_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_randr_create_mode_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_randr_delete_output_mode(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_randr_delete_output_mode_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_randr_delete_output_property(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_randr_delete_output_property_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_randr_destroy_mode(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_randr_destroy_mode_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_crtc_gamma(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_crtc_gamma_blue(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_crtc_gamma_blue_end(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_crtc_gamma_blue_length(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_crtc_gamma_green(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_crtc_gamma_green_end(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_crtc_gamma_green_length(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_crtc_gamma_red(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_crtc_gamma_red_end(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_crtc_gamma_red_length(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_crtc_gamma_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_crtc_gamma_size(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_crtc_gamma_size_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_crtc_gamma_size_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_crtc_gamma_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_crtc_info(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_crtc_info_outputs(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_crtc_info_outputs_end(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_crtc_info_outputs_length(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_crtc_info_possible(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_crtc_info_possible_end(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_crtc_info_possible_length(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_crtc_info_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_crtc_info_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_crtc_transform(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_crtc_transform_current_filter_name(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_crtc_transform_current_filter_name_end(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_crtc_transform_current_filter_name_length(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_crtc_transform_current_params(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_crtc_transform_current_params_end(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_crtc_transform_current_params_length(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_crtc_transform_pending_filter_name(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_crtc_transform_pending_filter_name_end(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_crtc_transform_pending_filter_name_length(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_crtc_transform_pending_params(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_crtc_transform_pending_params_end(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_crtc_transform_pending_params_length(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_crtc_transform_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_crtc_transform_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_output_info(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_output_info_clones(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_output_info_clones_end(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_output_info_clones_length(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_output_info_crtcs(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_output_info_crtcs_end(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_output_info_crtcs_length(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_output_info_modes(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_output_info_modes_end(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_output_info_modes_length(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_output_info_name(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_output_info_name_end(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_output_info_name_length(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_output_info_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_output_info_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_output_primary(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_output_primary_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_output_primary_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_output_property(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_output_property_data(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_output_property_data_end(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_output_property_data_length(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_output_property_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_output_property_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_panning(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_panning_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_panning_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_screen_info(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_screen_info_rates_iterator(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_screen_info_rates_length(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_screen_info_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_screen_info_sizes(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_screen_info_sizes_iterator(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_screen_info_sizes_length(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_screen_info_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_screen_resources(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_screen_resources_crtcs(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_screen_resources_crtcs_end(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_screen_resources_crtcs_length(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_screen_resources_current(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_screen_resources_current_crtcs(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_screen_resources_current_crtcs_end(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_screen_resources_current_crtcs_length(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_screen_resources_current_modes(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_screen_resources_current_modes_iterator(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_screen_resources_current_modes_length(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_screen_resources_current_names(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_screen_resources_current_names_end(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_screen_resources_current_names_length(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_screen_resources_current_outputs(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_screen_resources_current_outputs_end(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_screen_resources_current_outputs_length(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_screen_resources_current_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_screen_resources_current_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_screen_resources_modes(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_screen_resources_modes_iterator(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_screen_resources_modes_length(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_screen_resources_names(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_screen_resources_names_end(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_screen_resources_names_length(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_screen_resources_outputs(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_screen_resources_outputs_end(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_screen_resources_outputs_length(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_screen_resources_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_screen_resources_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_screen_size_range(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_screen_size_range_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_randr_get_screen_size_range_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_randr_list_output_properties(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_randr_list_output_properties_atoms(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_randr_list_output_properties_atoms_end(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_randr_list_output_properties_atoms_length(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_randr_list_output_properties_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_randr_list_output_properties_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_randr_notify_event_t(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_randr_query_output_property(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_randr_query_output_property_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_randr_query_output_property_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_randr_query_output_property_valid_values(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_randr_query_output_property_valid_values_end(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_randr_query_output_property_valid_values_length(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_randr_query_version(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_randr_query_version_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_randr_query_version_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_randr_screen_change_notify_event_t(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_randr_select_input(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_randr_select_input_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_randr_set_crtc_config(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_randr_set_crtc_config_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_randr_set_crtc_config_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_randr_set_crtc_gamma(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_randr_set_crtc_gamma_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_randr_set_crtc_transform(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_randr_set_crtc_transform_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_randr_set_output_primary(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_randr_set_output_primary_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_randr_set_panning(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_randr_set_panning_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_randr_set_panning_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_randr_set_screen_config(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_randr_set_screen_config_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_randr_set_screen_config_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_randr_set_screen_size(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_randr_set_screen_size_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_recolor_cursor(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_recolor_cursor_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_record_create_context(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_record_create_context_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_record_disable_context(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_record_disable_context_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_record_enable_context(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_record_enable_context_data(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_record_enable_context_data_end(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_record_enable_context_data_length(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_record_enable_context_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_record_enable_context_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_record_free_context(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_record_free_context_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_record_get_context(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_record_get_context_intercepted_clients_iterator(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_record_get_context_intercepted_clients_length(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_record_get_context_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_record_get_context_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_record_query_version(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_record_query_version_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_record_query_version_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_record_register_clients(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_record_register_clients_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_record_unregister_clients(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_record_unregister_clients_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_render_add_glyphs(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_render_add_glyphs_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_render_add_traps(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_render_add_traps_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_render_change_picture(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_render_change_picture_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_render_composite(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_render_composite_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_render_composite_glyphs_16(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_render_composite_glyphs_16_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_render_composite_glyphs_32(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_render_composite_glyphs_32_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_render_composite_glyphs_8(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_render_composite_glyphs_8_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_render_create_anim_cursor(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_render_create_anim_cursor_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_render_create_conical_gradient(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_render_create_conical_gradient_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_render_create_cursor(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_render_create_cursor_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_render_create_glyph_set(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_render_create_glyph_set_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_render_create_linear_gradient(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_render_create_linear_gradient_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_render_create_picture(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_render_create_picture_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_render_create_radial_gradient(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_render_create_radial_gradient_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_render_create_solid_fill(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_render_create_solid_fill_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_render_fill_rectangles(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_render_fill_rectangles_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_render_free_glyphs(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_render_free_glyphs_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_render_free_glyph_set(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_render_free_glyph_set_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_render_free_picture(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_render_free_picture_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_render_query_filters(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_render_query_filters_aliases(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_render_query_filters_aliases_end(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_render_query_filters_aliases_length(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_render_query_filters_filters_iterator(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_render_query_filters_filters_length(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_render_query_filters_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_render_query_filters_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_render_query_pict_formats(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_render_query_pict_formats_formats(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_render_query_pict_formats_formats_iterator(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_render_query_pict_formats_formats_length(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_render_query_pict_formats_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_render_query_pict_formats_screens_iterator(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_render_query_pict_formats_screens_length(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_render_query_pict_formats_subpixels(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_render_query_pict_formats_subpixels_end(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_render_query_pict_formats_subpixels_length(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_render_query_pict_formats_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_render_query_pict_index_values(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_render_query_pict_index_values_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_render_query_pict_index_values_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_render_query_pict_index_values_values(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_render_query_pict_index_values_values_iterator(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_render_query_pict_index_values_values_length(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_render_query_version(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_render_query_version_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_render_query_version_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_render_reference_glyph_set(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_render_reference_glyph_set_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_render_set_picture_clip_rectangles(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_render_set_picture_clip_rectangles_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_render_set_picture_filter(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_render_set_picture_filter_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_render_set_picture_transform(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_render_set_picture_transform_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_render_trapezoids(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_render_trapezoids_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_render_triangles(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_render_triangles_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_render_tri_fan(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_render_tri_fan_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_render_tri_strip(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_render_tri_strip_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_reparent_notify_event_t(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_reparent_window(3) - Reparents a window
xcb_reparent_window_checked(3) - Reparents a window
xcb-requests(3)     - about request manpages
xcb_resize_request_event_t(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_res_query_client_pixmap_bytes(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_res_query_client_pixmap_bytes_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_res_query_client_pixmap_bytes_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_res_query_client_resources(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_res_query_client_resources_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_res_query_client_resources_types(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_res_query_client_resources_types_iterator(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_res_query_client_resources_types_length(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_res_query_client_resources_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_res_query_clients(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_res_query_clients_clients(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_res_query_clients_clients_iterator(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_res_query_clients_clients_length(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_res_query_clients_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_res_query_clients_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_res_query_version(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_res_query_version_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_res_query_version_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_rotate_properties(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_rotate_properties_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_screensaver_notify_event_t(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_screensaver_query_info(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_screensaver_query_info_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_screensaver_query_info_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_screensaver_query_version(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_screensaver_query_version_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_screensaver_query_version_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_screensaver_select_input(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_screensaver_select_input_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_screensaver_set_attributes(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_screensaver_set_attributes_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_screensaver_suspend(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_screensaver_suspend_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_screensaver_unset_attributes(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_screensaver_unset_attributes_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_selection_clear_event_t(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_selection_notify_event_t(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_selection_request_event_t(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_selinux_get_client_context(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_selinux_get_client_context_context(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_selinux_get_client_context_context_end(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_selinux_get_client_context_context_length(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_selinux_get_client_context_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_selinux_get_client_context_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_selinux_get_device_context(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_selinux_get_device_context_context(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_selinux_get_device_context_context_end(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_selinux_get_device_context_context_length(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_selinux_get_device_context_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_selinux_get_device_context_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_selinux_get_device_create_context(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_selinux_get_device_create_context_context(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_selinux_get_device_create_context_context_end(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_selinux_get_device_create_context_context_length(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_selinux_get_device_create_context_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_selinux_get_device_create_context_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_selinux_get_property_context(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_selinux_get_property_context_context(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_selinux_get_property_context_context_end(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_selinux_get_property_context_context_length(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_selinux_get_property_context_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_selinux_get_property_context_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_selinux_get_property_create_context(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_selinux_get_property_create_context_context(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_selinux_get_property_create_context_context_end(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_selinux_get_property_create_context_context_length(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_selinux_get_property_create_context_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_selinux_get_property_create_context_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_selinux_get_property_data_context(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_selinux_get_property_data_context_context(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_selinux_get_property_data_context_context_end(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_selinux_get_property_data_context_context_length(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_selinux_get_property_data_context_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_selinux_get_property_data_context_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_selinux_get_property_use_context(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_selinux_get_property_use_context_context(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_selinux_get_property_use_context_context_end(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_selinux_get_property_use_context_context_length(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_selinux_get_property_use_context_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_selinux_get_property_use_context_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_selinux_get_selection_context(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_selinux_get_selection_context_context(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_selinux_get_selection_context_context_end(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_selinux_get_selection_context_context_length(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_selinux_get_selection_context_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_selinux_get_selection_context_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_selinux_get_selection_create_context(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_selinux_get_selection_create_context_context(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_selinux_get_selection_create_context_context_end(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_selinux_get_selection_create_context_context_length(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_selinux_get_selection_create_context_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_selinux_get_selection_create_context_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_selinux_get_selection_data_context(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_selinux_get_selection_data_context_context(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_selinux_get_selection_data_context_context_end(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_selinux_get_selection_data_context_context_length(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_selinux_get_selection_data_context_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_selinux_get_selection_data_context_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_selinux_get_selection_use_context(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_selinux_get_selection_use_context_context(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_selinux_get_selection_use_context_context_end(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_selinux_get_selection_use_context_context_length(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_selinux_get_selection_use_context_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_selinux_get_selection_use_context_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_selinux_get_window_context(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_selinux_get_window_context_context(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_selinux_get_window_context_context_end(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_selinux_get_window_context_context_length(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_selinux_get_window_context_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_selinux_get_window_context_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_selinux_get_window_create_context(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_selinux_get_window_create_context_context(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_selinux_get_window_create_context_context_end(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_selinux_get_window_create_context_context_length(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_selinux_get_window_create_context_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_selinux_get_window_create_context_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_selinux_list_properties(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_selinux_list_properties_properties_iterator(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_selinux_list_properties_properties_length(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_selinux_list_properties_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_selinux_list_properties_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_selinux_list_selections(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_selinux_list_selections_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_selinux_list_selections_selections_iterator(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_selinux_list_selections_selections_length(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_selinux_list_selections_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_selinux_query_version(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_selinux_query_version_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_selinux_query_version_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_selinux_set_device_context(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_selinux_set_device_context_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_selinux_set_device_create_context(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_selinux_set_device_create_context_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_selinux_set_property_create_context(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_selinux_set_property_create_context_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_selinux_set_property_use_context(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_selinux_set_property_use_context_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_selinux_set_selection_create_context(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_selinux_set_selection_create_context_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_selinux_set_selection_use_context(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_selinux_set_selection_use_context_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_selinux_set_window_create_context(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_selinux_set_window_create_context_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_send_event(3)   - send an event
xcb_send_event_checked(3) - send an event
xcb_set_access_control(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_set_access_control_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_set_clip_rectangles(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_set_clip_rectangles_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_set_close_down_mode(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_set_close_down_mode_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_set_dashes(3)   - (unknown subject)
xcb_set_dashes_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_set_font_path(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_set_font_path_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_set_input_focus(3) - Sets input focus
xcb_set_input_focus_checked(3) - Sets input focus
xcb_set_modifier_mapping(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_set_modifier_mapping_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_set_modifier_mapping_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_set_pointer_mapping(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_set_pointer_mapping_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_set_pointer_mapping_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_set_screen_saver(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_set_screen_saver_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_set_selection_owner(3) - Sets the owner of a selection
xcb_set_selection_owner_checked(3) - Sets the owner of a selection
xcb_shape_combine(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_shape_combine_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_shape_get_rectangles(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_shape_get_rectangles_rectangles(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_shape_get_rectangles_rectangles_iterator(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_shape_get_rectangles_rectangles_length(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_shape_get_rectangles_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_shape_get_rectangles_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_shape_input_selected(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_shape_input_selected_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_shape_input_selected_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_shape_mask(3)   - (unknown subject)
xcb_shape_mask_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_shape_notify_event_t(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_shape_offset(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_shape_offset_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_shape_query_extents(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_shape_query_extents_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_shape_query_extents_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_shape_query_version(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_shape_query_version_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_shape_query_version_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_shape_rectangles(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_shape_rectangles_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_shape_select_input(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_shape_select_input_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_shm_attach(3)   - (unknown subject)
xcb_shm_attach_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_shm_completion_event_t(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_shm_create_pixmap(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_shm_create_pixmap_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_shm_detach(3)   - (unknown subject)
xcb_shm_detach_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_shm_get_image(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_shm_get_image_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_shm_get_image_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_shm_put_image(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_shm_put_image_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_shm_query_version(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_shm_query_version_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_shm_query_version_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_store_colors(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_store_colors_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_store_named_color(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_store_named_color_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_sync_alarm_notify_event_t(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_sync_await(3)   - (unknown subject)
xcb_sync_await_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_sync_await_fence(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_sync_await_fence_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_sync_change_alarm(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_sync_change_alarm_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_sync_change_counter(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_sync_change_counter_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_sync_counter_notify_event_t(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_sync_create_alarm(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_sync_create_alarm_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_sync_create_counter(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_sync_create_counter_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_sync_create_fence(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_sync_create_fence_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_sync_destroy_alarm(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_sync_destroy_alarm_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_sync_destroy_counter(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_sync_destroy_counter_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_sync_destroy_fence(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_sync_destroy_fence_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_sync_get_priority(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_sync_get_priority_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_sync_get_priority_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_sync_initialize(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_sync_initialize_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_sync_initialize_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_sync_list_system_counters(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_sync_list_system_counters_counters_iterator(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_sync_list_system_counters_counters_length(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_sync_list_system_counters_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_sync_list_system_counters_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_sync_query_alarm(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_sync_query_alarm_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_sync_query_alarm_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_sync_query_counter(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_sync_query_counter_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_sync_query_counter_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_sync_query_fence(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_sync_query_fence_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_sync_query_fence_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_sync_reset_fence(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_sync_reset_fence_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_sync_set_counter(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_sync_set_counter_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_sync_set_priority(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_sync_set_priority_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_sync_trigger_fence(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_sync_trigger_fence_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_test_compare_cursor(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_test_compare_cursor_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_test_compare_cursor_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_test_fake_input(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_test_fake_input_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_test_get_version(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_test_get_version_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_test_get_version_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_test_grab_control(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_test_grab_control_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_translate_coordinates(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_translate_coordinates_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_translate_coordinates_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_ungrab_button(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_ungrab_button_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_ungrab_key(3)   - release a key combination
xcb_ungrab_keyboard(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_ungrab_keyboard_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_ungrab_key_checked(3) - release a key combination
xcb_ungrab_pointer(3) - release the pointer
xcb_ungrab_pointer_checked(3) - release the pointer
xcb_ungrab_server(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_ungrab_server_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_uninstall_colormap(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_uninstall_colormap_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_unmap_notify_event_t(3) - a window is unmapped
xcb_unmap_subwindows(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_unmap_subwindows_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_unmap_window(3) - Makes a window invisible
xcb_unmap_window_checked(3) - Makes a window invisible
xcb_visibility_notify_event_t(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_warp_pointer(3) - move mouse pointer
xcb_warp_pointer_checked(3) - move mouse pointer
xcb_xc_misc_get_version(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xc_misc_get_version_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xc_misc_get_version_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xc_misc_get_xid_list(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xc_misc_get_xid_list_ids(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xc_misc_get_xid_list_ids_end(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xc_misc_get_xid_list_ids_length(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xc_misc_get_xid_list_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xc_misc_get_xid_list_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xc_misc_get_xid_range(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xc_misc_get_xid_range_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xc_misc_get_xid_range_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xevie_end(3)    - (unknown subject)
xcb_xevie_end_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xevie_end_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xevie_query_version(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xevie_query_version_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xevie_query_version_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xevie_select_input(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xevie_select_input_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xevie_select_input_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xevie_send(3)   - (unknown subject)
xcb_xevie_send_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xevie_send_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xevie_start(3)  - (unknown subject)
xcb_xevie_start_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xevie_start_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xf86dri_auth_connection(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xf86dri_auth_connection_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xf86dri_auth_connection_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xf86dri_close_connection(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xf86dri_close_connection_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xf86dri_create_context(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xf86dri_create_context_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xf86dri_create_context_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xf86dri_create_drawable(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xf86dri_create_drawable_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xf86dri_create_drawable_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xf86dri_destroy_context(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xf86dri_destroy_context_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xf86dri_destroy_drawable(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xf86dri_destroy_drawable_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xf86dri_get_client_driver_name(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xf86dri_get_client_driver_name_client_driver_name(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xf86dri_get_client_driver_name_client_driver_name_end(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xf86dri_get_client_driver_name_client_driver_name_length(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xf86dri_get_client_driver_name_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xf86dri_get_client_driver_name_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xf86dri_get_device_info(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xf86dri_get_device_info_device_private(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xf86dri_get_device_info_device_private_end(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xf86dri_get_device_info_device_private_length(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xf86dri_get_device_info_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xf86dri_get_device_info_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xf86dri_get_drawable_info(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xf86dri_get_drawable_info_back_clip_rects(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xf86dri_get_drawable_info_back_clip_rects_iterator(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xf86dri_get_drawable_info_back_clip_rects_length(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xf86dri_get_drawable_info_clip_rects(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xf86dri_get_drawable_info_clip_rects_iterator(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xf86dri_get_drawable_info_clip_rects_length(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xf86dri_get_drawable_info_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xf86dri_get_drawable_info_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xf86dri_open_connection(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xf86dri_open_connection_bus_id(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xf86dri_open_connection_bus_id_end(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xf86dri_open_connection_bus_id_length(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xf86dri_open_connection_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xf86dri_open_connection_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xf86dri_query_direct_rendering_capable(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xf86dri_query_direct_rendering_capable_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xf86dri_query_direct_rendering_capable_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xf86dri_query_version(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xf86dri_query_version_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xf86dri_query_version_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xfixes_change_cursor(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xfixes_change_cursor_by_name(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xfixes_change_cursor_by_name_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xfixes_change_cursor_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xfixes_change_save_set(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xfixes_change_save_set_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xfixes_copy_region(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xfixes_copy_region_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xfixes_create_region(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xfixes_create_region_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xfixes_create_region_from_bitmap(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xfixes_create_region_from_bitmap_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xfixes_create_region_from_gc(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xfixes_create_region_from_gc_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xfixes_create_region_from_picture(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xfixes_create_region_from_picture_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xfixes_create_region_from_window(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xfixes_create_region_from_window_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xfixes_cursor_notify_event_t(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xfixes_destroy_region(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xfixes_destroy_region_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xfixes_expand_region(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xfixes_expand_region_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xfixes_fetch_region(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xfixes_fetch_region_rectangles(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xfixes_fetch_region_rectangles_iterator(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xfixes_fetch_region_rectangles_length(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xfixes_fetch_region_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xfixes_fetch_region_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xfixes_get_cursor_image(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xfixes_get_cursor_image_and_name(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xfixes_get_cursor_image_and_name_cursor_image(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xfixes_get_cursor_image_and_name_cursor_image_end(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xfixes_get_cursor_image_and_name_cursor_image_length(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xfixes_get_cursor_image_and_name_name(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xfixes_get_cursor_image_and_name_name_end(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xfixes_get_cursor_image_and_name_name_length(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xfixes_get_cursor_image_and_name_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xfixes_get_cursor_image_and_name_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xfixes_get_cursor_image_cursor_image(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xfixes_get_cursor_image_cursor_image_end(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xfixes_get_cursor_image_cursor_image_length(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xfixes_get_cursor_image_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xfixes_get_cursor_image_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xfixes_get_cursor_name(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xfixes_get_cursor_name_name(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xfixes_get_cursor_name_name_end(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xfixes_get_cursor_name_name_length(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xfixes_get_cursor_name_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xfixes_get_cursor_name_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xfixes_hide_cursor(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xfixes_hide_cursor_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xfixes_intersect_region(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xfixes_intersect_region_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xfixes_invert_region(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xfixes_invert_region_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xfixes_query_version(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xfixes_query_version_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xfixes_query_version_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xfixes_region_extents(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xfixes_region_extents_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xfixes_select_cursor_input(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xfixes_select_cursor_input_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xfixes_selection_notify_event_t(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xfixes_select_selection_input(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xfixes_select_selection_input_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xfixes_set_cursor_name(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xfixes_set_cursor_name_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xfixes_set_gc_clip_region(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xfixes_set_gc_clip_region_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xfixes_set_picture_clip_region(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xfixes_set_picture_clip_region_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xfixes_set_region(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xfixes_set_region_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xfixes_set_window_shape_region(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xfixes_set_window_shape_region_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xfixes_show_cursor(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xfixes_show_cursor_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xfixes_subtract_region(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xfixes_subtract_region_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xfixes_translate_region(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xfixes_translate_region_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xfixes_union_region(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xfixes_union_region_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xinerama_get_screen_count(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xinerama_get_screen_count_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xinerama_get_screen_count_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xinerama_get_screen_size(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xinerama_get_screen_size_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xinerama_get_screen_size_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xinerama_get_state(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xinerama_get_state_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xinerama_get_state_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xinerama_is_active(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xinerama_is_active_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xinerama_is_active_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xinerama_query_screens(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xinerama_query_screens_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xinerama_query_screens_screen_info(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xinerama_query_screens_screen_info_iterator(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xinerama_query_screens_screen_info_length(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xinerama_query_screens_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xinerama_query_version(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xinerama_query_version_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xinerama_query_version_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_access_x_notify_event_t(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_action_message_event_t(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_bell(3)     - (unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_bell_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_bell_notify_event_t(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_compat_map_notify_event_t(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_controls_notify_event_t(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_extension_device_notify_event_t(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_get_compat_map(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_get_compat_map_group_rtrn(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_get_compat_map_group_rtrn_iterator(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_get_compat_map_group_rtrn_length(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_get_compat_map_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_get_compat_map_si_rtrn(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_get_compat_map_si_rtrn_end(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_get_compat_map_si_rtrn_length(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_get_compat_map_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_get_controls(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_get_controls_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_get_controls_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_get_device_info(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_get_device_info_btn_actions(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_get_device_info_btn_actions_iterator(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_get_device_info_btn_actions_length(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_get_device_info_leds_iterator(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_get_device_info_leds_length(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_get_device_info_name(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_get_device_info_name_end(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_get_device_info_name_length(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_get_device_info_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_get_device_info_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_get_geometry(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_get_geometry_colors_iterator(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_get_geometry_colors_length(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_get_geometry_doodads_iterator(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_get_geometry_doodads_length(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_get_geometry_key_aliases(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_get_geometry_key_aliases_iterator(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_get_geometry_key_aliases_length(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_get_geometry_label_font(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_get_geometry_properties_iterator(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_get_geometry_properties_length(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_get_geometry_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_get_geometry_sections_iterator(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_get_geometry_sections_length(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_get_geometry_shapes_iterator(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_get_geometry_shapes_length(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_get_geometry_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_get_indicator_map(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_get_indicator_map_maps(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_get_indicator_map_maps_iterator(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_get_indicator_map_maps_length(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_get_indicator_map_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_get_indicator_map_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_get_indicator_state(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_get_indicator_state_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_get_indicator_state_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_get_kbd_by_name(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_get_kbd_by_name_replies(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_get_kbd_by_name_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_get_kbd_by_name_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_get_map(3)  - (unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_get_map_map(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_get_map_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_get_map_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_get_named_indicator(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_get_named_indicator_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_get_named_indicator_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_get_names(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_get_names_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_get_names_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_get_names_value_list(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_get_state(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_get_state_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_get_state_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_indicator_map_notify_event_t(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_indicator_state_notify_event_t(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_latch_lock_state(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_latch_lock_state_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_list_components(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_list_components_compat_maps_iterator(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_list_components_compat_maps_length(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_list_components_geometries_iterator(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_list_components_geometries_length(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_list_components_keycodes_iterator(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_list_components_keycodes_length(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_list_components_keymaps_iterator(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_list_components_keymaps_length(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_list_components_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_list_components_symbols_iterator(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_list_components_symbols_length(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_list_components_types_iterator(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_list_components_types_length(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_list_components_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_map_notify_event_t(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_names_notify_event_t(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_new_keyboard_notify_event_t(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_per_client_flags(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_per_client_flags_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_per_client_flags_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_select_events(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_select_events_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_set_compat_map(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_set_compat_map_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_set_controls(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_set_controls_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_set_debugging_flags(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_set_debugging_flags_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_set_debugging_flags_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_set_device_info(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_set_device_info_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_set_geometry(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_set_geometry_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_set_indicator_map(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_set_indicator_map_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_set_map(3)  - (unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_set_map_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_set_named_indicator(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_set_named_indicator_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_set_names(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_set_names_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_state_notify_event_t(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_use_extension(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_use_extension_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xkb_use_extension_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_x_print_attribut_notify_event_t(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_x_print_create_context(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_x_print_create_context_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_x_print_notify_event_t(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_x_print_print_destroy_context(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_x_print_print_destroy_context_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_x_print_print_end_doc(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_x_print_print_end_doc_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_x_print_print_end_job(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_x_print_print_end_job_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_x_print_print_end_page(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_x_print_print_end_page_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_x_print_print_get_attributes(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_x_print_print_get_attributes_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_x_print_print_get_attributes_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_x_print_print_get_context(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_x_print_print_get_context_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_x_print_print_get_context_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_x_print_print_get_document_data(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_x_print_print_get_document_data_data(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_x_print_print_get_document_data_data_end(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_x_print_print_get_document_data_data_length(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_x_print_print_get_document_data_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_x_print_print_get_document_data_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_x_print_print_get_image_resolution(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_x_print_print_get_image_resolution_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_x_print_print_get_image_resolution_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_x_print_print_get_one_attributes(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_x_print_print_get_one_attributes_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_x_print_print_get_one_attributes_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_x_print_print_get_one_attributes_value(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_x_print_print_get_one_attributes_value_end(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_x_print_print_get_one_attributes_value_length(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_x_print_print_get_page_dimensions(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_x_print_print_get_page_dimensions_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_x_print_print_get_page_dimensions_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_x_print_print_get_printer_list(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_x_print_print_get_printer_list_printers_iterator(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_x_print_print_get_printer_list_printers_length(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_x_print_print_get_printer_list_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_x_print_print_get_printer_list_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_x_print_print_get_screen_of_context(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_x_print_print_get_screen_of_context_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_x_print_print_get_screen_of_context_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_x_print_print_input_selected(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_x_print_print_input_selected_all_events_list(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_x_print_print_input_selected_all_events_list_end(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_x_print_print_input_selected_all_events_list_length(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_x_print_print_input_selected_event_list(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_x_print_print_input_selected_event_list_end(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_x_print_print_input_selected_event_list_length(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_x_print_print_input_selected_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_x_print_print_input_selected_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_x_print_print_put_document_data(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_x_print_print_put_document_data_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_x_print_print_query_screens(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_x_print_print_query_screens_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_x_print_print_query_screens_roots(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_x_print_print_query_screens_roots_end(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_x_print_print_query_screens_roots_length(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_x_print_print_query_screens_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_x_print_print_query_version(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_x_print_print_query_version_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_x_print_print_query_version_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_x_print_print_rehash_printer_list(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_x_print_print_rehash_printer_list_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_x_print_print_select_input(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_x_print_print_select_input_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_x_print_print_set_attributes(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_x_print_print_set_attributes_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_x_print_print_set_context(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_x_print_print_set_context_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_x_print_print_set_image_resolution(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_x_print_print_set_image_resolution_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_x_print_print_set_image_resolution_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_x_print_print_start_doc(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_x_print_print_start_doc_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_x_print_print_start_job(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_x_print_print_start_job_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_x_print_print_start_page(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_x_print_print_start_page_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xv_get_port_attribute(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xv_get_port_attribute_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xv_get_port_attribute_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xv_get_still(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xv_get_still_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xv_get_video(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xv_get_video_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xv_grab_port(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xv_grab_port_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xv_grab_port_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xv_list_image_formats(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xv_list_image_formats_format(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xv_list_image_formats_format_iterator(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xv_list_image_formats_format_length(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xv_list_image_formats_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xv_list_image_formats_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xvmc_create_context(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xvmc_create_context_priv_data(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xvmc_create_context_priv_data_end(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xvmc_create_context_priv_data_length(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xvmc_create_context_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xvmc_create_context_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xvmc_create_subpicture(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xvmc_create_subpicture_priv_data(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xvmc_create_subpicture_priv_data_end(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xvmc_create_subpicture_priv_data_length(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xvmc_create_subpicture_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xvmc_create_subpicture_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xvmc_create_surface(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xvmc_create_surface_priv_data(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xvmc_create_surface_priv_data_end(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xvmc_create_surface_priv_data_length(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xvmc_create_surface_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xvmc_create_surface_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xvmc_destroy_context(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xvmc_destroy_context_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xvmc_destroy_subpicture(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xvmc_destroy_subpicture_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xvmc_destroy_surface(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xvmc_destroy_surface_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xvmc_list_subpicture_types(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xvmc_list_subpicture_types_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xvmc_list_subpicture_types_types(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xvmc_list_subpicture_types_types_iterator(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xvmc_list_subpicture_types_types_length(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xvmc_list_subpicture_types_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xvmc_list_surface_types(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xvmc_list_surface_types_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xvmc_list_surface_types_surfaces(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xvmc_list_surface_types_surfaces_iterator(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xvmc_list_surface_types_surfaces_length(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xvmc_list_surface_types_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xvmc_query_version(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xvmc_query_version_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xvmc_query_version_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xv_port_notify_event_t(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xv_put_image(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xv_put_image_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xv_put_still(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xv_put_still_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xv_put_video(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xv_put_video_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xv_query_adaptors(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xv_query_adaptors_info_iterator(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xv_query_adaptors_info_length(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xv_query_adaptors_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xv_query_adaptors_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xv_query_best_size(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xv_query_best_size_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xv_query_best_size_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xv_query_encodings(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xv_query_encodings_info_iterator(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xv_query_encodings_info_length(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xv_query_encodings_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xv_query_encodings_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xv_query_extension(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xv_query_extension_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xv_query_extension_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xv_query_image_attributes(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xv_query_image_attributes_offsets(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xv_query_image_attributes_offsets_end(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xv_query_image_attributes_offsets_length(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xv_query_image_attributes_pitches(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xv_query_image_attributes_pitches_end(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xv_query_image_attributes_pitches_length(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xv_query_image_attributes_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xv_query_image_attributes_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xv_query_port_attributes(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xv_query_port_attributes_attributes_iterator(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xv_query_port_attributes_attributes_length(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xv_query_port_attributes_reply(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xv_query_port_attributes_unchecked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xv_select_port_notify(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xv_select_port_notify_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xv_select_video_notify(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xv_select_video_notify_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xv_set_port_attribute(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xv_set_port_attribute_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xv_shm_put_image(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xv_shm_put_image_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xv_stop_video(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xv_stop_video_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xv_ungrab_port(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xv_ungrab_port_checked(3) - (unknown subject)
xcb_xv_video_notify_event_t(3) - (unknown subject)
XChangeActivePointerGrab(3) - grab the pointer
XChangeDeviceControl(3) - query and change input device controls
XChangeDeviceDontPropagateList(3) - query or change the dont-propagate-list for extension devices
XChangeDeviceKeyMapping(3) - query or change device key mappings
XChangeDeviceProperty(3) - Get, change or delete a device's property.
XChangeFeedbackControl(3) - query and change input device feedbacks
XChangeGC(3)        - create or free graphics contexts and graphics context structure
XChangeKeyboardControl(3) - manipulate keyboard settings and keyboard control structure
XChangeKeyboardDevice(3) - change which device is used as the X keyboard
XChangeKeyboardMapping(3) - manipulate keyboard encoding and keyboard encoding structure
XChangePointerControl(3) - control pointer
XChangePointerDevice(3) - change which device is the X pointer
XChangeProperty(3)  - obtain and change window properties
XChangeSaveSet(3)   - change a client's save set
XChangeWindowAttributes(3) - change window attributes
XChar2b(3)          - load or unload fonts and font metric structures
XCharStruct(3)      - load or unload fonts and font metric structures
XCheckIfEvent(3)    - check the event queue with a predicate procedure
XCheckMaskEvent(3)  - select events by type
XCheckTypedEvent(3) - select events by type
XCheckTypedWindowEvent(3) - select events by type
XCheckWindowEvent(3) - select events by type
XCirculateEvent(3)  - CirculateNotify event structure
XCirculateRequestEvent(3) - CirculateRequest event structure
XCirculateSubwindows(3) - change window stacking order
XCirculateSubwindowsDown(3) - change window stacking order
XCirculateSubwindowsUp(3) - change window stacking order
XClassHint(3)       - allocate class hints structure and set or read a window's WM_CLASS property
XClearArea(3)       - clear area or window
XClearWindow(3)     - clear area or window
XClientMessageEvent(3) - ClientMessage event structure
xclip(1)            - command line interface to X selections(clipboard)
xclipboard(1)       - X clipboard client
XClipBox(3)         - generate regions
xclip-copyfile(1)   - copy and move files via the X clipboard
xclock(1)           - analog / digital clock for X
XCloseDevice(3)     - open or close an extension input device
XCloseDisplay(3)    - connect or disconnect to X server
XCloseIM(3)         - open, close, and obtain input method information
XCloseOM(3)         - open output methods
XcmsAllocColor(3)   - allocate colors
XcmsAllocNamedColor(3) - allocate colors
XcmsCCCOfColormap(3) - query and modify CCC of a colormap
XcmsCIELab(3)       - Xcms color structure
XcmsCIELabQueryMaxC(3) - obtain the CIE L*a*b* coordinates
XcmsCIELabQueryMaxL(3) - obtain the CIE L*a*b* coordinates
XcmsCIELabQueryMaxLC(3) - obtain the CIE L*a*b* coordinates
XcmsCIELabQueryMinL(3) - obtain the CIE L*a*b* coordinates
XcmsCIELuv(3)       - Xcms color structure
XcmsCIELuvQueryMaxC(3) - obtain the CIE L*u*v* coordinates
XcmsCIELuvQueryMaxL(3) - obtain the CIE L*u*v* coordinates
XcmsCIELuvQueryMaxLC(3) - obtain the CIE L*u*v* coordinates
XcmsCIELuvQueryMinL(3) - obtain the CIE L*u*v* coordinates
XcmsCIEuvY(3)       - Xcms color structure
XcmsCIExyY(3)       - Xcms color structure
XcmsCIEXYZ(3)       - Xcms color structure
XcmsColor(3)        - Xcms color structure
XcmsConvertColors(3) - convert CCC color specifications
XcmsCreateCCC(3)    - creating and destroying CCCs
xcmsdb(1)           - Device Color Characterization utility for X Color Management System
XcmsDefaultCCC(3)   - obtain the default CCC for a screen
XcmsFreeCCC(3)      - creating and destroying CCCs
XcmsLookupColor(3)  - obtain color values
XcmsPad(3)          - Xcms color structure
XcmsQueryBlack(3)   - obtain black, blue, green, red, and white CCC color specifications
XcmsQueryBlue(3)    - obtain black, blue, green, red, and white CCC color specifications
XcmsQueryColor(3)   - obtain color values
XcmsQueryColors(3)  - obtain color values
XcmsQueryGreen(3)   - obtain black, blue, green, red, and white CCC color specifications
XcmsQueryRed(3)     - obtain black, blue, green, red, and white CCC color specifications
XcmsQueryWhite(3)   - obtain black, blue, green, red, and white CCC color specifications
XcmsRGB(3)          - Xcms color structure
XcmsRGBi(3)         - Xcms color structure
XcmsSetCCCOfColormap(3) - query and modify CCC of a colormap
XcmsSetWhiteAdjustProc(3) - modifying CCC attributes
XcmsSetWhitePoint(3) - modifying CCC attributes
XcmsStoreColor(3)   - set colors
XcmsStoreColors(3)  - set colors
XcmsTekHVC(3)       - Xcms color structure
XcmsTekHVCQueryMaxC(3) - obtain the TekHVC coordinates
XcmsTekHVCQueryMaxV(3) - obtain the TekHVC coordinates
XcmsTekHVCQueryMaxVC(3) - obtain the TekHVC coordinates
XcmsTekHVCQueryMaxVSamples(3) - obtain the TekHVC coordinates
XcmsTekHVCQueryMinV(3) - obtain the TekHVC coordinates
XColor(3)           - create, copy, or destroy colormaps and color structure
XColormapEvent(3)   - ColormapNotify event structure
xcompmgr(1)         - sample X compositing manager
XCompose(3)         - X client mappings for multi-key input sequences
XCompose(5)         - X client mappings for multi-key input sequences
Xcomposite(3)       - X Composite Extension library
XCompositeCreateRegionFromBorderClip(3) - X Composite Extension library
XCompositeGetOverlayWindow(3) - X Composite Extension library
XCompositeNameWindowPixmap(3) - X Composite Extension library
XCompositeQueryExtension(3) - X Composite Extension library
XCompositeQueryVersion(3) - X Composite Extension library
XCompositeRedirectSubwindows(3) - X Composite Extension library
XCompositeRedirectWindow(3) - X Composite Extension library
XCompositeReleaseOverlayWindow(3) - X Composite Extension library
XCompositeUnredirectSubwindows(3) - X Composite Extension library
XCompositeUnredirectWindow(3) - X Composite Extension library
XCompositeVersion(3) - X Composite Extension library
XConfigureEvent(3)  - ConfigureNotify event structure
XConfigureRequestEvent(3) - ConfigureRequest event structure
XConfigureWindow(3) - configure windows and window changes structure
xconsole(1)         - monitor system console messages with X
XContextDependentDrawing(3) - obtain fontset information
XContextualDrawing(3) - obtain fontset information
XConvertCase(3)     - convert keysyms
XConvertSelection(3) - manipulate window selection         - inetd.conf to xinetd.conf converter
XCopyArea(3)        - copy areas
XCopyColormapAndFree(3) - create, copy, or destroy colormaps and color structure
XCopyGC(3)          - create or free graphics contexts and graphics context structure
XCopyPlane(3)       - copy areas
XCreateBitmapFromData(3) - manipulate bitmaps
XCreateColormap(3)  - create, copy, or destroy colormaps and color structure
XCreateFontCursor(3) - create cursors
XCreateFontSet(3)   - create and free an international text drawing font set
XCreateGC(3)        - create or free graphics contexts and graphics context structure
XCreateGlyphCursor(3) - create cursors
XCreateIC(3)        - create, destroy, and obtain the input method of an input context
XCreateImage(3)     - image utilities
XCreateOC(3)        - create output contexts
XCreatePixmap(3)    - create or destroy pixmaps
XCreatePixmapCursor(3) - create cursors
XCreatePixmapFromBitmapData(3) - manipulate bitmaps
XCreateRegion(3)    - create or destroy regions
XCreateSimpleWindow(3) - create windows and window attributes structure
XCreateWindow(3)    - create windows and window attributes structure
XCreateWindowEvent(3) - CreateNotify event structure
XCrossingEvent(3)   - EnterNotify and LeaveNotify event structure
xcscope(1)          - xemacs cscope lisp support package
XcupGetReservedColormapEntries(3) - list colormap entries reserved by the system
XcupQueryVersion(3) - Returns TOG-CUP protocol version supported by the X server
XcupStoreColors(3)  - initialize shareable colormap entries at specific locations
Xcursor(3)          - Cursor management library
XcursorCursorsCreate(3) - Cursor management library
XcursorCursorsDestroy(3) - Cursor management library
XcursorFilenameLoad(3) - Cursor management library
XcursorFilenameLoadAllImages(3) - Cursor management library
XcursorFilenameLoadCursor(3) - Cursor management library
XcursorFilenameLoadImage(3) - Cursor management library
XcursorFilenameLoadImages(3) - Cursor management library
XcursorFilenameSave(3) - Cursor management library
XcursorFilenameSaveImages(3) - Cursor management library
xcursorgen(1)       - create an X cursor file from a collection of PNG images
XcursorGetDefaultSize(3) - Cursor management library
XcursorGetTheme(3)  - Cursor management library
XcursorImageCreate(3) - Cursor management library
XcursorImageDestroy(3) - Cursor management library
XcursorImagesCreate(3) - Cursor management library
XcursorImagesDestroy(3) - Cursor management library
XcursorLibraryLoadCursor(3) - Cursor management library
XcursorLibraryLoadCursors(3) - Cursor management library
XcursorLibraryLoadImage(3) - Cursor management library
XcursorLibraryLoadImages(3) - Cursor management library
XcursorSetDefaultSize(3) - Cursor management library
XcursorSetTheme(3)  - Cursor management library
XcursorShapeLoadCursor(3) - Cursor management library
XcursorShapeLoadCursors(3) - Cursor management library
XcursorShapeLoadImage(3) - Cursor management library
XcursorShapeLoadImages(3) - Cursor management library
XcursorSupportsARGB(3) - Cursor management library
XcursorXcFileLoad(3) - Cursor management library
XcursorXcFileLoadAllImages(3) - Cursor management library
XcursorXcFileLoadImage(3) - Cursor management library
XcursorXcFileLoadImages(3) - Cursor management library
XcursorXcFileSave(3) - Cursor management library
xcutsel(1)          - interchange between cut buffer and selection
XdbeAllocateBackBufferName(3) - allocates a DBE buffer.
XdbeBeginIdiom(3)   - marks the beginning of a DBE idiom sequence.
XdbeDeallocateBackBufferName(3) - frees a DBE buffer.
xdbedizzy(1)        - demo of DBE creating a double buffered spinning scene
XdbeEndIdiom(3)     - marks the end of a DBE idiom sequence.
XdbeFreeVisualInfo(3) - frees information returned by XdbeGetVisualInfo().
XdbeGetBackBufferAttributes(3) - returns attributes of a DBE buffer.
XdbeGetVisualInfo(3) - Get dbe Visual Informations
XdbeQueryExtension(3) - returns the version of DBE supported by the server.
XdbeSwapBuffers(3)  - swaps front and back DBE buffers.
XDefaultString(3)   - convert text lists and text property structures
XDefineCursor(3)    - define cursors
XDeleteContext(3)   - associative look-up routines
XDeleteDeviceProperty(3) - Get, change or delete a device's property.
XDeleteModifiermapEntry(3) - manipulate keyboard encoding and keyboard encoding structure
XDeleteProperty(3)  - obtain and change window properties
xdelta(1)           - Invoke Xdelta
XDestroyIC(3)       - create, destroy, and obtain the input method of an input context
XDestroyImage(3)    - image utilities
XDestroyOC(3)       - create output contexts
XDestroyRegion(3)   - create or destroy regions
XDestroySubwindows(3) - destroy windows
XDestroyWindow(3)   - destroy windows
XDestroyWindowEvent(3) - DestroyNotify event structure
XDeviceBell(3)      - ring a bell on a device supported through the input extension
XDeviceTimeCoord(3) - get device motion history
XDirectionalDependentDrawing(3) - obtain fontset information
XDisableAccessControl(3) - control host access and host control structure
XDisplayKeycodes(3) - manipulate keyboard encoding and keyboard encoding structure
XDisplayMotionBufferSize(3) - send events and pointer motion history structure
XDisplayName(3)     - default error handlers
XDisplayOfIM(3)     - open, close, and obtain input method information
XDisplayOfOM(3)     - open output methods
xditview(1)         - display ditroff output
Xdmx(1)             - Distributed Multi-head X server
xdmxconfig(1)       - a graphical configuration tool for Xdmx configuration files
xdpr(1)             - dump an X window directly to a printer
xdpyinfo(1)         - display information utility for X
XDrawArc(3)         - draw arcs and arc structure
XDrawArcs(3)        - draw arcs and arc structure
XDrawImageString16(3) - draw image text
XDrawImageString(3) - draw image text
XDrawLine(3)        - draw lines, polygons, and line structure
XDrawLines(3)       - draw lines, polygons, and line structure
XDrawPoint(3)       - draw points and points structure
XDrawPoints(3)      - draw points and points structure
XDrawRectangle(3)   - draw rectangles and rectangles structure
XDrawRectangles(3)  - draw rectangles and rectangles structure
XDrawSegments(3)    - draw lines, polygons, and line structure
XDrawString16(3)    - draw text characters
XDrawString(3)      - draw text characters
XDrawText16(3)      - draw polytext text and text drawing structures
XDrawText(3)        - draw polytext text and text drawing structures
xdvi(1)             - DVI Previewer for the X Window System
xedit(1)            - simple text editor for X
xemacs(1)           - Emacs: The Next Generation
XEmptyRegion(3)     - determine if regions are empty or equal
XEnableAccessControl(3) - control host access and host control structure
Xephyr(1)           - X server outputting to a window on a pre-existing X display
XEqualRegion(3)     - determine if regions are empty or equal
xerbla(3)           - (unknown subject)
xerbla_array(3)     - (unknown subject)
XErrorEvent(3)      - X error event structure
xev(1)              - print contents of X events
XEvent(3)           - generic X event structures
XEventsQueued(3)    - handle output buffer or event queue
Xevi(3)             - X Extended Visual Information functions
XeviGetVisualInfo(3) - X Extended Visual Information functions
XeviQueryExtension(3) - X Extended Visual Information functions
XeviQueryVersion(3) - X Extended Visual Information functions
XExposeEvent(3)     - Expose event structure
XExtendedMaxRequestSize(3) - Display macros and functions
XExtentsOfFontSet(3) - obtain the maximum extents structure for a font set
xeyes(1)            - a follow the mouse X demo
xfd(1)              - display all the characters in an X font
xferlog(5)          - ProFTPD server logfile
XFetchBuffer(3)     - manipulate cut and paste buffers
XFetchBytes(3)      - manipulate cut and paste buffers
XFetchName(3)       - set or read a window's WM_NAME property
xfig(1)             - Facility for Interactive Generation of figures under X11
XFillArc(3)         - fill rectangles, polygons, or arcs
XFillArcs(3)        - fill rectangles, polygons, or arcs
XFillPolygon(3)     - fill rectangles, polygons, or arcs
XFillRectangle(3)   - fill rectangles, polygons, or arcs
XFillRectangles(3)  - fill rectangles, polygons, or arcs
XFilterEvent(3)     - filter X events for an input method
XFindContext(3)     - associative look-up routines
Xfixes(3)           - Augmented versions of core protocol requests
XFlush(3)           - handle output buffer or event queue
XFocusChangeEvent(3) - FocusIn and FocusOut event structure
XFontProp(3)        - load or unload fonts and font metric structures
xfontsel(1)         - point and click selection of X11 font names
XFontSetExtents(3)  - XFontSetExtents structure
XFontsOfFontSet(3)  - obtain fontset information
XFontStruct(3)      - load or unload fonts and font metric structures
XForceScreenSaver(3) - manipulate the screen saver
XFree(3)            - free client data
XFreeColormap(3)    - create, copy, or destroy colormaps and color structure
XFreeColors(3)      - allocate and free colors
XFreeCursor(3)      - manipulate cursors
XFreeDeviceList(3)  - list available input devices
XFreeEventData(3)   - retrieve and free additional event data through cookies.
XFreeExtensionList(3) - list available extensions
XFreeFont(3)        - load or unload fonts and font metric structures
XFreeFontInfo(3)    - obtain or free font names and information
XFreeFontNames(3)   - obtain or free font names and information
XFreeFontPath(3)    - set, get, or free the font search path
XFreeFontSet(3)     - create and free an international text drawing font set
XFreeGC(3)          - create or free graphics contexts and graphics context structure
XFreeModifiermap(3) - manipulate keyboard encoding and keyboard encoding structure
XFreePixmap(3)      - create or destroy pixmaps
XFreeStringList(3)  - convert string lists and text property structure
Xft(3)              - X FreeType interface library
xgc(1)              - X graphics demo
XGContextFromGC(3)  - create or free graphics contexts and graphics context structure
XGCValues(3)        - create or free graphics contexts and graphics context structure
XGenericEventCookie(3) - retrieve and free additional event data through cookies.
XGetAtomName(3)     - create or return atom names
XGetAtomNames(3)    - create or return atom names
XGetClassHint(3)    - allocate class hints structure and set or read a window's WM_CLASS property
XGetCommand(3)      - set or read a window's WM_COMMAND property
XGetDeviceButtonMapping(3) - query or change device button mappings
XGetDeviceControl(3) - query and change input device controls
XGetDeviceDontPropagateList(3) - query or change the dont-propagate-list for extension devices
XGetDeviceFocus(3)  - control extension input device focus
XGetDeviceKeyMapping(3) - query or change device key mappings
XGetDeviceModifierMapping(3) - query or change device modifier mappings
XGetDeviceMotionEvents(3) - get device motion history
XGetDeviceProperty(3) - Get, change or delete a device's property.
XGetErrorDatabaseText(3) - default error handlers
XGetErrorText(3)    - default error handlers
XGetEventData(3)    - retrieve and free additional event data through cookies.
XGetExtensionVersion(3) - query the version of the input extension.
XGetFeedbackControl(3) - query and change input device feedbacks
XGetFontPath(3)     - set, get, or free the font search path
XGetFontProperty(3) - load or unload fonts and font metric structures
XGetGCValues(3)     - create or free graphics contexts and graphics context structure
XGetGeometry(3)     - get current window attribute or geometry and current window attributes structure
XGetIconName(3)     - set or read a window's WM_ICON_NAME property
XGetIconSizes(3)    - allocate icon size structure and set or read a window's WM_ICON_SIZES property
XGetICValues(3)     - set and obtain XIC values
XGetImage(3)        - transfer images
XGetIMValues(3)     - open, close, and obtain input method information
XGetInputFocus(3)   - control input focus
XGetKeyboardControl(3) - manipulate keyboard settings and keyboard control structure
XGetKeyboardMapping(3) - manipulate keyboard encoding and keyboard encoding structure
XGetModifierMapping(3) - manipulate keyboard encoding and keyboard encoding structure
XGetMotionEvents(3) - send events and pointer motion history structure
XGetOCValues(3)     - create output contexts
XGetOMValues(3)     - open output methods
XGetPixel(3)        - image utilities
XGetPointerControl(3) - control pointer
XGetPointerMapping(3) - manipulate pointer settings
XGetRGBColormaps(3) - allocate, set, or read a standard colormap structure
XGetScreenSaver(3)  - manipulate the screen saver
XGetSelectedExtensionEvents(3) - select extension events, get the list of currently selected extension events
XGetSelectionOwner(3) - manipulate window selection
XGetSubImage(3)     - transfer images
xgettext(1)         - extract gettext strings from source
XGetTextProperty(3) - set and read text properties
XGetTransientForHint(3) - set or read a window's WM_TRANSIENT_FOR property
XGetVisualInfo(3)   - obtain visual information and visual structure
XGetWindowAttributes(3) - get current window attribute or geometry and current window attributes structure
XGetWindowProperty(3) - obtain and change window properties
XGetWMClientMachine(3) - set or read a window's WM_CLIENT_MACHINE property
XGetWMColormapWindows(3) - set or read a window's WM_COLORMAP_WINDOWS property
XGetWMHints(3)      - allocate window manager hints structure and set or read a window's WM_HINTS property
XGetWMIconName(3)   - set or read a window's WM_ICON_NAME property
XGetWMName(3)       - set or read a window's WM_NAME property
XGetWMNormalHints(3) - allocate size hints structure and set or read a window's WM_NORMAL_HINTS property
XGetWMProtocols(3)  - set or read a window's WM_PROTOCOLS property
XGetWMSizeHints(3)  - allocate size hints structure and set or read a window's WM_NORMAL_HINTS property
XGetXCBConnection(3) - get the XCB connection for an Xlib Display
XGrabButton(3)      - grab pointer buttons
XGrabDevice(3)      - grab/release the specified extension device
XGrabDeviceButton(3) - grab/ungrab extension input device buttons
XGrabDeviceKey(3)   - grab/ungrab extension input device Keys
XGrabKey(3)         - grab keyboard keys
XGrabKeyboard(3)    - grab the keyboard
XGrabPointer(3)     - grab the pointer
XGrabServer(3)      - grab the server
xgraph(1x)          - Draw a graph on an X11 Display
XGraphicsExposeEvent(3) - GraphicsExpose and NoExpose event structures
xgraph(man)         - Draw a graph on an X11 Display
XGravityEvent(3)    - GravityNotify event structure
xhost(1)            - server access control program for X
XHostAddress(3)     - control host access and host control structure
XIBarrierReleasePointer(3) - allow pointer movement across a pointer barrier
XIBarrierReleasePointers(3) - allow pointer movement across a pointer barrier
XIChangeHierarchy(3) - change the device hierarchy.
XIChangeProperty(3) - change, retrieve or delete a device's property.
XIconifyWindow(3)   - manipulate top-level windows
XIconSize(3)        - allocate icon size structure and set or read a window's WM_ICON_SIZES property
XIDefineCursor(3)   - define device cursors.
XIDeleteProperty(3) - change, retrieve or delete a device's property.
XIfEvent(3)         - check the event queue with a predicate procedure
XIFreeDeviceInfo(3) - get information about devices.
XIGetClientPointer(3) - set or get the ClientPointer device.
XIGetFocus(3)       - set or get the device's focus.
XIGetProperty(3)    - change, retrieve or delete a device's property.
XIGetSelectedEvents(3) - select for or get selected XI2 events on the window.
XIGrabButton(3)     - grab/ungrab buttons or keys
XIGrabDevice(3)     - grab or ungrab the device.
XIGrabEnter(3)      - grab/ungrab enter or focus in events.
XIGrabFocusIn(3)    - grab/ungrab enter or focus in events.
XIGrabKeycode(3)    - grab/ungrab buttons or keys
XIGrabTouchBegin(3) - grab/ungrab buttons or keys
XIListProperties(3) - List a device's properties.
ximage(3x)          - functionality for displaying ASImages on X display libAfterImage/ximage.h
XIMOfIC(3)          - create, destroy, and obtain the input method of an input context
ximtoppm(1)         - convert an Xim file to a PPM image
xindy(1)            - create sorted and tagged index from raw index
Xinerama(3)         - API for Xinerama extension to X11 Protocol
XineramaIsActive(3) - API for Xinerama extension to X11 Protocol
XineramaQueryExtension(3) - API for Xinerama extension to X11 Protocol
XineramaQueryScreens(3) - API for Xinerama extension to X11 Protocol
XineramaQueryVersion(3) - API for Xinerama extension to X11 Protocol
xinetd(8)           - the extended Internet services daemon
xinetd.conf(5)      - Extended Internet Services Daemon configuration file
xinetd.log(5)       - xinetd service log format
xinit(1)            - X Window System initializer
XInitImage(3)       - image utilities
XInitThreads(3)     - multi-threading support
xinput(1)           - utility to configure and test X input devices
XInsertModifiermapEntry(3) - manipulate keyboard encoding and keyboard encoding structure
XInstallColormap(3) - control colormaps
XInternalConnectionNumbers(3) - handle Xlib internal connections
XInternAtom(3)      - create or return atom names
XInternAtoms(3)     - create or return atom names
XIntersectRegion(3) - region arithmetic
XIQueryDevice(3)    - get information about devices.
XIQueryPointer(3)   - get device pointer coordinates.
XIQueryVersion(3)   - announce and query the support XI2 version.
XISelectEvents(3)   - select for or get selected XI2 events on the window.
XISetClientPointer(3) - set or get the ClientPointer device.
XISetFocus(3)       - set or get the device's focus.
XIUndefineCursor(3) - define device cursors.
XIUngrabButton(3)   - grab/ungrab buttons or keys
XIUngrabDevice(3)   - grab or ungrab the device.
XIUngrabEnter(3)    - grab/ungrab enter or focus in events.
XIUngrabFocusIn(3)  - grab/ungrab enter or focus in events.
XIUngrabKeycode(3)  - grab/ungrab buttons or keys
XIUngrabTouchBegin(3) - grab/ungrab buttons or keys
XIWarpPointer(3)    - move a device's pointer.
XkbActionCtrls(3)   - Returns the ctrls fields of act converted to an unsigned int
XkbAddDeviceLedInfo(3) - Initialize an XkbDeviceLedInfoRec structure
XkbAddGeomColor(3)  - Add one color name to an existing keyboard geometry description
XkbAddGeomDoodad(3) - Add one doodad to a section of a keyboard geometry or to the top-level geometry
XkbAddGeomKey(3)    - Add one key at the end of an existing row of keys
XkbAddGeomKeyAlias(3) - Add one key alias to an existing keyboard geometry description
XkbAddGeomOutline(3) - Add one outline to an existing shape
XkbAddGeomOverlay(3) - Add one overlay to a section
XkbAddGeomOverlayKey(3) - Add a key to an existing overlay row
XkbAddGeomOverlayRow(3) - Add a row to an existing overlay
XkbAddGeomProperty(3) - Add one property to an existing keyboard geometry description
XkbAddGeomRow(3)    - Add a row to a section
XkbAddGeomSection(3) - Add one section to an existing keyboard geometry
XkbAddGeomShape(3)  - Add a shape to a keyboard geometry
XkbAddSymInterpret(3) - Add a symbol interpretation to the list of symbol interpretations in an XkbCompatRec
XkbAllocClientMap(3) - Allocate and initialize an empty client map description record
XkbAllocCompatMap(3) - Allocate a new compatibility map if you do not already have one available
XkbAllocControls(3) - Allocates an XkbControlsRec structure in the XkbDescRec
XkbAllocDeviceInfo(3) - Obtain an XkbDeviceInfoRec structure
XkbAllocDeviceLedInfo(3) - Obtain an XkbDeviceLedInfoRec structure
XkbAllocGeomColors(3) - Allocate geometry colors
XkbAllocGeomDoodads(3) - Allocate doodads that are global to a keyboard geometry
XkbAllocGeometry(3) - Allocate an entire geometry
XkbAllocGeomKeyAliases(3) - Allocate geometry key aliases
XkbAllocGeomKeys(3) - Allocate space for an arbitrary number of keys to a row
XkbAllocGeomOutlines(3) - Allocate space for an arbitrary number of outlines to a shape
XkbAllocGeomOverlayKey(3) - Allocate keys in an overlay row
XkbAllocGeomOverlayRows(3) - Allocate rows in a overlay
XkbAllocGeomOverlays(3) - Allocate overlays in a section
XkbAllocGeomPoints(3) - Allocate points in an outline
XkbAllocGeomProps(3) - Allocate geometry properties
XkbAllocGeomRows(3) - Allocate rows in a section
XkbAllocGeomSectionDoodads(3) - Allocate doodads that are specific to a section
XkbAllocGeomSections(3) - Allocate geometry sections
XkbAllocGeomShapes(3) - Allocate space for an arbitrary number of geometry shapes
XkbAllocIndicatorMaps(3) - Allocates, directly, the indicators member of the keyboard description record
XkbAllocKeyboard(3) - Creates a keyboard description from scratch
XkbAllocNames(3)    - Allocate symbolic names structures
XkbAllocServerMap(3) - Allocate and initialize an empty server map description record
XkbApplyCompatMapToKey(3) - Apply the new compatibility mapping to an individual key to get its semantics updated
xkbbell(1)          - XKB extension user utility
XkbBell(3)          - Rings the bell on the default keyboard
XkbBellEvent(3)     - Provides a function that initiates a bell event for the keyboard without ringing the bell
XkbChangeControls(3) - Provides a flexible method for updating the controls in a server to match those in the changed keyboard description
XkbChangeDeviceInfo(3) - Update the server's description of a device with the changes noted in an XkbDeviceChangesRec
XkbChangeEnabledControls(3) - Manipulates the EnabledControls control
XkbChangeIndicators(3) - Changes indicator maps or state without passing the entire keyboard description
XkbChangeMap(3)     - Update only partial components of a keyboard description, modify the appropriate fields in the server and map components of a local copy of the ke...
XkbChangeNames(3)   - _summary-line_
XkbChangeTypesOfKey(3) - Change the number of groups and the types bound to a key
xkbcomp(1)          - compile XKB keyboard description
XkbComputeRowBounds(3) - Update the bounding box of a row
XkbComputeSectionBounds(3) - Update the bounding box of a section
XkbComputeShapeBounds(3) - Updates the bounding box of a shape
XkbComputeShapeTop(3) - Determines the bounding box of the top surface of a shape
XkbCopyKeyType(3)   - Copy one XkbKeyTypeRec structures
XkbCopyKeyTypes(3)  - Copy more than one XkbKeyTypeRec structure
XkbDeviceBell(3)    - Rings the bell on an X input extension device or the default keyboard
XkbDeviceBellEvent(3) - Creates a bell event for an X input extension device or for the keyboard, without ringing the corresponding bell
xkbevd(1)           - XKB event daemon
XkbFindOverlayForKey(3) - Find the alternate name by using the primary name for a key that is part of an overlay
XkbForceBell(3)     - Overrides user preference settings for audible bells to ring the bell on the default keyboard
XkbForceDeviceBell(3) - Rings the bell on any keyboard, overriding user preference settings for audible bells
XkbFreeClientMap(3) - Free memory used by the client map member of an XkbDescRec structure
XkbFreeCompatMap(3) - Free an entire compatibility map or selected portions of one
XkbFreeComponentList(3) - Free the structure returned by XkbListComponents
XkbFreeControls(3)  - Frees memory used by the ctrls member of an XkbDescRec structure
XkbFreeDeviceInfo(3) - Free an XkbDeviceInfoRec structure
XkbFreeGeomColors(3) - Free geometry colors
XkbFreeGeomDoodads(3) - Free geometry doodads
XkbFreeGeometry(3)  - Free an entire geometry
XkbFreeGeomKeyAliases(3) - Free geometry key aliases
XkbFreeGeomKeys(3)  - Free geometry keys
XkbFreeGeomOutlines(3) - Free geometry outlines
XkbFreeGeomOverlayKeys(3) - Free keys in an overlay row
XkbFreeGeomOverlayRows(3) - Free rows in an overlay
XkbFreeGeomOverlays(3) - Free rows in a section
XkbFreeGeomPoints(3) - Free points in a outline
XkbFreeGeomProperties(3) - Free geometry properties
XkbFreeGeomRows(3)  - Free rows in a section
XkbFreeGeomSections(3) - Free geometry sections
XkbFreeGeomShapes(3) - Free geometry shapes
XkbFreeIndicatorMaps(3) - Frees memory used by the indicators member of an XkbDescRec structure
XkbFreeKeyboard(3)  - Destroys either an entire XkbDescRec or just some of its members
XkbFreeNames(3)     - Free symbolic names structures
XkbFreeServerMap(3) - Free memory used by the server member of an XkbDescRec structure
XkbGetAccessXTimeout(3) - Queries the current AccessXTimeout options for a keyboard device
XkbGetAutoRepeatRate(3) - Gets the current attributes of the RepeatKeys control for a keyboard device
XkbGetAutoResetControls(3) - Gets the current values of the auto-reset controls
XkbGetBounceKeysDelay(3) - Queries the current BounceKeys delay for a keyboard device.
XkbGetCompatMap(3)  - Fetch any combination of the current compatibility map components from the server
XkbGetControls(3)   - Finds the current state of Xkb server controls
XkbGetControlsChanges(3) - Updates a local copy of a keyboard description with the changes previously noted by one or more calls to XkbNoteControlsChanges
XkbGetDetectableAutoRepeat(3) - Determines whether or not the server supports DetectableAutoRepeat
XkbGetDeviceButtonActions(3) - Query the button actions associated with an X Input Extension device
XkbGetDeviceInfo(3) - Determine whether the X server allows Xkb access to particular capabilities of input devices other than the core X keyboard, or to determine the s...
XkbGetDeviceInfoChanges(3) - Query the changes that have occurred in the button actions or indicator names and indicator maps associated with an input extension device
XkbGetDeviceLedInfo(3) - Query the indicator names, maps, and state associated with an LED feedback of an input extension device
XkbGetGeometry(3)   - Loads a keyboard geometry if you already have the keyboard description
XkbGetIndicatorChanges(3) - Updates a local copy of the keyboard description with the actual values of one or more calls to XkbNoteIndicatorChanges
XkbGetIndicatorMap(3) - Gets the map for one or more indicators, using a mask to specify the indicators
XkbGetIndicatorState(3) - Obtains the current state of the keyboard indicators
XkbGetKeyActions(3) - Update the actions (the key_acts array) for a subset of the keys in a keyboard description
XkbGetKeyBehaviors(3) - Obtain the behaviors (the behaviors array) for a subset of the keys in a keyboard description from the server
XkbGetKeyboard(3)   - Retrieves one or more components of a keyboard device description
XkbGetKeyboardByName(3) - Build a new keyboard description from a set of named components, and to optionally have the server use the resulting description to replace an...
XkbGetKeyExplicitComponents(3) - Obtain the explicit components (the explicit array) for a subset of the keys in a keyboard description
XkbGetKeyModifierMap(3) - Update the modifier map for one or more of the keys in a keyboard description
XkbGetKeySyms(3)    - Obtain the symbols for a subset of the keys in a keyboard description
XkbGetKeyTypes(3)   - Obtain the list of available key types in the server's keyboard mapping
XkbGetKeyVirtualModMap(3) - Obtain the virtual modifier map (the vmodmap array) for a subset of the keys in a keyboard description
XkbGetMap(3)        - Allocate an XkbDescRec structure and populate it with the server's keyboard client map and server map
XkbGetNameChanges(3) - Update the local copy of the keyboard description with the actual values of the results of one or more calls to XkbNoteNameChanges
XkbGetNamedGeometry(3) - Loads a keyboard geometry description from this database by name
XkbGetNamedIndicator(3) - Look up the indicator map and other information for an indicator by name
XkbGetNames(3)      - Obtain symbolic names from the server
XkbGetSlowKeysDelay(3) - Gets the SlowKeys acceptance delay for a keyboard device
XkbGetState(3)      - Obtains the keyboard state
XkbGetStickyKeysOptions(3) - Queries the current StickyKeys attributes for a keyboard device
XkbGetUpdatedMap(3) - Update the client or server map information in an existing keyboard description
XkbGetVirtualMods(3) - Obtain a subset of the virtual modifier bindings (the vmods array) in a keyboard description
XkbGetXlibControls(3) - Determines the current state of the Library Controls
XkbIgnoreExtension(3) - Prevents core X library keyboard functions from using the X Keyboard Extension
XkbInitCanonicalKeyTypes(3) - Set the definitions of the canonical key types in a client map to their default values
XkbKeyAction(3)     - Returns the key action
XkbKeyActionEntry(3) - Returns a pointer to the key action corresponding to group grp and shift level lvl from the two-dimensional table of key actions associated with ...
XkbKeyActionsPtr(3) - Returns a pointer to the two-dimensional array of key actions associated with the key corresponding to keycode
XkbKeycodeToKeysym(3) - Finds the keysym bound to a particular key at a specified group and shift level
XkbKeyGroupInfo(3)  - Returns the number of groups of symbols bound to the key corresponding to keycode
XkbKeyGroupsWidth(3) - Computes the maximum width associated with the key corresponding to keycode
XkbKeyGroupWidth(3) - Computes the width of the type associated with the group grp for the key corresponding to keycode
XkbKeyHasActions(3) - Determines if the key corresponding to keycode has any actions associated with it
XkbKeyNumActions(3) - Computes the number of actions associated with the key corresponding to keycode
XkbKeyNumGroups(3)  - Returns the number of groups of symbols bound to the key corresponding to keycode
XkbKeyNumSyms(3)    - Returns the total number of keysyms for the key corresponding to keycode
XkbKeySymEntry(3)   - Returns the keysym corresponding to shift level shift and group grp from the two-dimensional array of keysyms for the key corresponding to keycode
XkbKeySymsOffset(3) - Returns the offset of the two-dimensional array of keysyms for the key corresponding to keycode
XkbKeySymsPtr(3)    - Returns the pointer to the two-dimensional array of keysyms for the key corresponding to keycode
XkbKeysymToModifiers(3) - Finds the set of modifiers bound to a particular keysym on the core keyboard
XkbKeyType(3)       - Obtain the index of a key type or the pointer to a key type
XkbKeyTypeIndex(3)  - Obtain the index of a key type or the pointer to a key type
XkbKeyTypesForCoreSymbols(3) - Determine the Xkb key types appropriate for the symbols bound to a key in a core keyboard mapping
XkbLatchGroup(3)    - Latches the keysym group
XkbLatchModifiers(3) - Latches and unlatches any of the eight real keyboard modifiers
XkbLibraryVersion(3) - Determines the compatibility of a library at runtime.
XkbListComponents(3) - List of components for one or more component types
XkbLockGroup(3)     - Locks the keysym group
XkbLockModifiers(3) - Locks and unlocks any of the eight real keyboard modifiers
XkbLookupKeyBinding(3) - Find the string bound to a key by XRebindKeySym
XkbLookupKeySym(3)  - Find the symbol associated with a key for a particular state
XkbModActionVMods(3) - Returns the vmods1 and vmods2 fields of act converted to the vmods format of an Xkb modifier description
XkbNoteControlsChanges(3) - Notes the changes in a changes structure when a client receives an XkbControlsNotify event
XkbNoteDeviceChanges(3) - Note device changes reported in an XkbExtensionDeviceNotify event
XkbNoteIndicatorChanges(3) - Notes the changes in a changes structure
XkbNoteNameChanges(3) - Note the changed names in a changes structure
XkbOpenDisplay(3)   - Checks for a compatible version of the Xkb extension in both the library and the server, and initializes the extension for use.
XkbOutOfRangeGroupInfo(3) - Returns only the out-of-range processing information from the group_info field of an XkbSymMapRec structure
XkbOutOfRangeGroupNumber(3) - Returns the out-of-range group number, represented as a group index, from the group_info field of an XkbSymMapRec structure
xkbprint(1)         - print an XKB keyboard description
XkbPtrActionX(3)    - Returns the high_XXX and low_XXX fields of act converted to a signed int
XkbPtrActionY(3)    - Returns the high_YYY and low_YYY fields of act converted to a signed int
XkbQueryExtension(3) - Determines the compatibility of a library at runtime.
XkbRefreshKeyboardMapping(3) - Update the keyboard description that is internal to the X library
XkbResizeDeviceButtonActions(3) - Allocate additional space for button actions in an XkbDeviceInfoRec structure
XkbResizeKeyActions(3) - Change the number of actions bound to a key
XkbResizeKeySyms(3) - Change the number of symbols bound to a key
XkbResizeKeyType(3) - Change the number of levels in a key type
XkbSAActionSetCtrls(3) - Sets the ctrls0 through ctrls3 fields of act from ctrls
XkbSAGroup(3)       - Returns the group_XXX field of act converted to a signed int
XkbSAPtrDfltValue(3) - Returns the valueXXX field of act converted to a signed int
XkbSARedirectSetVMods(3) - Sets the vmods0 and vmods1 of act from v
XkbSARedirectSetVModsMask(3) - Sets the vmods_mask0 and vmods_mask1 fields of act from vm
XkbSARedirectVMods(3) - Returns the vmods0 and vmods1 fields of act converted to an unsigned int
XkbSARedirectVModsMask(3) - Returns the vmods_mask0 and vmods_mask1 fields of act converted to an unsigned int
XkbSAScreen(3)      - Returns the screenXXX field of act converted to a signed int
XkbSASetGroup(3)    - Sets the group_XXX field of act from the group index grp
XkbSASetPtrDfltValue(3) - Sets the valueXXX field of act from val
XkbSASetScreen(3)   - Sets the screenXXX field of act from s
XkbSelectEventDetails(3) - Selects or deselects for a specific Xkb event and optionally places conditions on when events of that type are reported to your client
XkbSelectEvents(3)  - Selects and / or deselects for delivery of one or more Xkb events and has them delivered under all conditions
XkbSetAccessXTimeout(3) - Configures the AccessXTimeout options for a keyboard device
XkbSetAutoRepeatRate(3) - Sets the attributes of the RepeatKeys control for a keyboard device
XkbSetAutoResetControls(3) - Changes the current values of the AutoReset control attributes
XkbSetBounceKeysDelay(3) - Sets the BounceKeys delay for a keyboard device
XkbSetCompatMap(3)  - Modify the server's compatibility map
XkbSetControls(3)   - Copies changes to the X server based on a modified ctrls structure in a local copy of the keyboard description
XkbSetDebuggingFlags(3) - Change the values of any of the debug controls
XkbSetDetectableAutoRepeat(3) - Sets DetectableAutoRepeat
XkbSetDeviceButtonActions(3) - Change only the button actions for an input extension device
XkbSetDeviceInfo(3) - Modify some or all of the characteristics of an X Input Extension device
XkbSetIgnoreLockMods(3) - Sets the modifiers that, if locked, are not to be reported in matching events to passive grabs
XkbSetIndicatorMap(3) - Downloads the changes to the server based on modifications to a local copy of the keyboard description which will update the maps for one or mor...
XkbSetMap(3)        - Send a complete new set of values for entire components to the server.
XkbSetModActionVMods(3) - Sets the vmods1 and vmods2 fields of act using the vmods format of an Xkb modifier description
XkbSetNamedIndicator(3) - Names an indicator if it is not already named; toggles the state of the indicator; sets the indicator to a specified state and sets the indica...
XkbSetNames(3)      - Change the symbolic names in the server
XkbSetPtrActionX(3) - Sets the high_XXX and low_XXX fields of act from the signed integer value x
XkbSetPtrActionY(3) - Sets the high_YYY and low_YYY fields of act from the signed integer value y
XkbSetServerInternalMods(3) - Sets the modifiers that are consumed by the server before events are delivered to the client
XkbSetXlibControls(3) - Changes the state of the Library Controls
XkbTranslateKeyCode(3) - Translate a keycode to a key symbol and modifiers
XkbTranslateKeySym(3) - Find the string and symbol associated with a keysym for a given keyboard state
XkbUpdateMapFromCore(3) - Update a local Xkb keyboard map to reflect the mapping expressed by a core format mapping
XkbVirtualModsToReal(3) - Determines the mapping of virtual modifiers to core X protocol modifiers
xkbvleds(1)         - XKB extension user utility
xkbwatch(1)         - XKB extension user utility
xkeyboard-config(7) - XKB data description files
XKeyboardControl(3) - manipulate keyboard settings and keyboard control structure
XKeycodeToKeysym(3) - convert keysyms
XKeyEvent(3)        - KeyPress, KeyRelease, ButtonPress, ButtonRelease, and MotionNotify event structures
XKeymapEvent(3)     - KeymapNotify event structure
XKeysymToKeycode(3) - convert keysyms
XKeysymToString(3)  - convert keysyms
xkill(1)            - kill a client by its X resource
XKillClient(3)      - control clients
xlaunch(1)          - GUI tool for configuring and starting XWin
xlhtml(1)           - A program for converting Microsoft Excel Files .xls
XListDepths(3)      - Display macros and functions
XListDeviceProperties(3) - List a device's properties.
XListExtensions(3)  - list available extensions
XListFonts(3)       - obtain or free font names and information
XListFontsWithInfo(3) - obtain or free font names and information
XListHosts(3)       - control host access and host control structure
XListInputDevices(3) - list available input devices
XListInstalledColormaps(3) - control colormaps
XListPixmapFormats(3) - image format functions and macros
XListProperties(3)  - obtain and change window properties
xload(1)            - system load average display for X
XLoadFont(3)        - load or unload fonts and font metric structures
xloadimage(1)       - load images into an X11 window or onto the root window
XLoadQueryFont(3)   - load or unload fonts and font metric structures
XLocaleOfFontSet(3) - obtain fontset information
XLocaleOfIM(3)      - open, close, and obtain input method information
XLocaleOfOM(3)      - open output methods
XLockDisplay(3)     - multi-threading support
xlogo(1)            - X Window System logo
XLookupColor(3)     - obtain color values
XLookupKeysym(3)    - handle keyboard input events in Latin-1
XLookupString(3)    - handle keyboard input events in Latin-1
XLowerWindow(3)     - change window stacking order
xls2csv(1)          - reads MS-Excel file and puts its content as comma-separated data on standard output
xlsatoms(1)         - list interned atoms defined on server
xlsclients(1)       - list client applications running on a display
xlsfonts(1)         - server font list displayer for X
xlsx2csv(1)         - Convert xslx xml files to csv format
XmActivateProtocol(3) - A VendorShell function that activates a protocol
XmActivateWMProtocol(3) - A VendorShell convenience interface that activates a protocol
XmAddProtocolCallback(3) - A VendorShell function that adds client callbacks for a protocol
XmAddProtocols(3)   - A VendorShell function that adds the protocols to the protocol manager and allocates the internal tables
XmAddTabGroup(3)    - A function that adds a manager or a primitive widget to the list of tab groups
XmAddToPostFromList(3) - a RowColumn function that makes a menu accessible from more than one widget
XmAddWMProtocolCallback(3) - A VendorShell convenience interface that adds client callbacks for a protocol
XmAddWMProtocols(3) - A VendorShell convenience interface that adds the protocols to the protocol manager and allocates the internal tables
xmag(1)             - magnify parts of the screen
xman(1)             - Manual page display program for the X Window System
XMapEvent(3)        - MapNotify and MappingNotify event structures
XMappingEvent(3)    - MapNotify and MappingNotify event structures
XMapRaised(3)       - map windows
XMapRequestEvent(3) - MapRequest event structure
XMapSubwindows(3)   - map windows
XMapWindow(3)       - map windows
Xmark(1)            - summarize x11perf results
XmArrowButton(3)    - The ArrowButton widget class
XmArrowButtonGadget(3) - The ArrowButtonGadget widget class
XMaskEvent(3)       - select events by type
XMatchVisualInfo(3) - obtain visual information and visual structure
XMaxRequestSize(3)  - Display macros and functions
XmbDrawImageString(3) - draw image text using a single font set
XmbDrawString(3)    - draw text using a single font set
XmbDrawText(3)      - draw text using multiple font sets
xmbind(1)           - Configures virtual key bindings
XmbLookupString(3)  - obtain composed input from an input method
XmbResetIC(3)       - reset the state of an input context
XmbSetWMProperties(3) - set standard window properties
XmbTextEscapement(3) - obtain the escapement of text
XmbTextExtents(3)   - compute text extents
XmbTextListToTextProperty(3) - convert text lists and text property structures
XmbTextPerCharExtents(3) - obtain per-character information for a text string
XmbTextPropertyToTextList(3) - convert text lists and text property structures
Xmbuf(3)            - X multibuffering functions
XmbufChangeBufferAttributes(3) - X multibuffering functions
XmbufChangeWindowAttributes(3) - X multibuffering functions
XmbufCreateBuffers(3) - X multibuffering functions
XmbufCreateStereoWindow(3) - X multibuffering functions
XmbufDestroyBuffers(3) - X multibuffering functions
XmbufDisplayBuffers(3) - X multibuffering functions
XmbufGetBufferAttributes(3) - X multibuffering functions
XmbufGetScreenInfo(3) - X multibuffering functions
XmbufGetVersion(3)  - X multibuffering functions
XmbufGetWindowAttributes(3) - X multibuffering functions
XmbufQueryExtension(3) - X multibuffering functions
XmBulletinBoard(3)  - The BulletinBoard widget class
XmButtonBox(3)      - The Button Box class
XmCascadeButton(3)  - The CascadeButton widget class
XmCascadeButtonGadget(3) - The CascadeButtonGadget widget class
XmCascadeButtonGadgetHighlight(3) - A CascadeButtonGadget function that sets the highlight state
XmCascadeButtonHighlight(3) - A CascadeButton and CascadeButtonGadget function that sets the highlight state
XmChangeColor(3)    - Recalculates all associated colors of a widget
XmClipboardCancelCopy(3) - A clipboard function that cancels a copy to the clipboard
XmClipboardCopy(3)  - A clipboard function that copies a data item to temporary storage for later copying to clipboard
XmClipboardCopyByName(3) - A clipboard function that copies a data item passed by name
XmClipboardEndCopy(3) - A clipboard function that completes the copying of data to the clipboard
XmClipboardEndRetrieve(3) - A clipboard function that completes retrieval of data from the clipboard
XmClipboardInquireCount(3) - A clipboard function that returns the number of data item formats
XmClipboardInquireFormat(3) - A clipboard function that returns a specified format name
XmClipboardInquireLength(3) - A clipboard function that returns the length of the stored data
XmClipboardInquirePendingItems(3) - A clipboard function that returns a list of data ID/private ID pairs
XmClipboardLock(3)  - A clipboard function that locks the clipboard
XmClipboardRegisterFormat(3) - A clipboard function that registers a new format
XmClipboardRetrieve(3) - A clipboard function that retrieves a data item from the clipboard
XmClipboardStartCopy(3) - A clipboard function that sets up a storage and data structure
XmClipboardStartRetrieve(3) - A clipboard function that prepares to retrieve data from the clipboard
XmClipboardUndoCopy(3) - A clipboard function that deletes the last item placed on the clipboard
XmClipboardUnlock(3) - A clipboard function that unlocks the clipboard
XmClipboardWithdrawFormat(3) - A clipboard function that indicates that the application no longer wants to supply a data item
XmColorSelector(3)  - (unknown subject)
XmColumn(3)         - The XmColumn widget class
XmComboBox(3)       - The ComboBox widget class
XmComboBoxAddItem(3) - add an item to the ComboBox widget
XmComboBoxDeletePos(3) - Delete a XmComboBox item
XmComboBoxSelectItem(3) - select a XmComboBox item
XmComboBoxSetItem(3) - set an item in the XmComboBox list
XmComboBoxUpdate(3) - A ComboBox function that resynchronizes data
XmCommand(3)        - The Command widget class
XmCommandAppendValue(3) - A Command function that appends the passed XmString to the end of the string displayed in the command area of the widget
XmCommandError(3)   - A Command function that displays an error message
XmCommandGetChild(3) - A Command function that is used to access a component
XmCommandSetValue(3) - A Command function that replaces a displayed string
XmContainer(3)      - The Container widget class
XmContainerCopy(3)  - Container widget function to copy primary selection to the clipboard
XmContainerCopyLink(3) - Container widget function to copy links to the clipboard
XmContainerCut(3)   - Container widget function to move items to the clipboard
XmContainerGetItemChildren(3) - Container widget function to find all children of an item
XmContainerPaste(3) - Container widget function to insert items from the clipboard
XmContainerPasteLink(3) - Container widget function to insert links from the clipboard
XmContainerRelayout(3) - Container widget relayout function
XmContainerReorder(3) - Container widget function to reorder children
XmConvertStringToUnits(3) - A function that converts a string specification to a unit value
XmConvertUnits(3)   - A function that converts a value in one unit type to another unit type
XmCreateArrowButton(3) - The ArrowButton widget creation function
XmCreateArrowButtonGadget(3) - The ArrowButtonGadget creation function
XmCreateBulletinBoard(3) - The BulletinBoard widget creation function
XmCreateBulletinBoardDialog(3) - The BulletinBoard BulletinBoardDialog convenience creation function
XmCreateButtonBox(3) - The ButtonBox widget creation function
XmCreateCascadeButton(3) - The CascadeButton widget creation function
XmCreateCascadeButtonGadget(3) - The CascadeButtonGadget creation function
XmCreateCombinationBox2(3) - The CombinationBox2 widget creation function
XmCreateComboBox(3) - The default ComboBox widget creation function
XmCreateCommand(3)  - The Command widget creation function
XmCreateCommandDialog(3) - The Command CommandDialog convenience creation function
XmCreateContainer(3) - The Container widget creation function
XmCreateDialogShell(3) - The DialogShell widget creation function
XmCreateDragIcon(3) - A Drag and Drop function that creates a DragIcon widget
XmCreateDrawingArea(3) - The DrawingArea widget creation function
XmCreateDrawnButton(3) - The DrawnButton widget creation function
XmCreateDropDown(3) - The default DropDown widget creation function
XmCreateDropDownComboBox(3) - The Drop-down ComboBox widget creation function
XmCreateDropDownList(3) - The Drop-down list ComboBox widget creation function
XmCreateErrorDialog(3) - The MessageBox ErrorDialog convenience creation function
XmCreateFileSelectionBox(3) - The FileSelectionBox widget creation function
XmCreateFileSelectionDialog(3) - The FileSelectionBox FileSelectionDialog convenience creation function
XmCreateForm(3)     - The Form widget creation function
XmCreateFormDialog(3) - A Form FormDialog convenience creation function
XmCreateFrame(3)    - The Frame widget creation function
XmCreateHierarchy(3) - The Hierarchy widget creation function
XmCreateIconGadget(3) - The IconGadget widget creation function
XmCreateInformationDialog(3) - The MessageBox InformationDialog convenience creation function
XmCreateLabel(3)    - The Label widget creation function
XmCreateLabelGadget(3) - The LabelGadget creation function
XmCreateList(3)     - The List widget creation function
XmCreateMainWindow(3) - The MainWindow widget creation function
XmCreateMenuBar(3)  - A RowColumn widget convenience creation function
XmCreateMenuShell(3) - The MenuShell widget creation function
XmCreateMessageBox(3) - The MessageBox widget creation function
XmCreateMessageDialog(3) - The MessageBox MessageDialog convenience creation function
XmCreateNotebook(3) - The Notebook widget creation function
XmCreateOptionMenu(3) - A RowColumn widget convenience creation function
XmCreateOutline(3)  - The Outline widget creation function
XmCreatePanedWindow(3) - The PanedWindow widget creation function
XmCreatePopupMenu(3) - A RowColumn widget convenience creation function
XmCreatePromptDialog(3) - The SelectionBox PromptDialog convenience creation function
XmCreatePulldownMenu(3) - A RowColumn widget convenience creation function
XmCreatePushButton(3) - The PushButton widget creation function
XmCreatePushButtonGadget(3) - The PushButtonGadget creation function
XmCreateQuestionDialog(3) - The MessageBox QuestionDialog convenience creation function
XmCreateRadioBox(3) - A RowColumn widget convenience creation function
XmCreateRowColumn(3) - The RowColumn widget creation function
XmCreateScale(3)    - The Scale widget creation function
XmCreateScrollBar(3) - The ScrollBar widget creation function
XmCreateScrolledList(3) - The List ScrolledList convenience creation function
XmCreateScrolledText(3) - The Text ScrolledText convenience creation function
XmCreateScrolledWindow(3) - The ScrolledWindow widget creation function
XmCreateSelectionBox(3) - The SelectionBox widget creation function
XmCreateSelectionDialog(3) - The SelectionBox SelectionDialog convenience creation function
XmCreateSeparator(3) - The Separator widget creation function
XmCreateSeparatorGadget(3) - The SeparatorGadget creation function
XmCreateSimpleCheckBox(3) - A RowColumn widget convenience creation function
XmCreateSimpleMenuBar(3) - A RowColumn widget convenience creation function
XmCreateSimpleOptionMenu(3) - A RowColumn widget convenience creation function
XmCreateSimplePopupMenu(3) - A RowColumn widget convenience creation function
XmCreateSimplePulldownMenu(3) - A RowColumn widget convenience creation function
XmCreateSimpleRadioBox(3) - A RowColumn widget convenience creation function
XmCreateSimpleSpinBox(3) - the SimpleSpinBox widget creation function
XmCreateSpinBox(3)  - The SpinBox creation function
XmCreateTemplateDialog(3) - A MessageBox TemplateDialog convenience creation function
XmCreateText(3)     - The Text widget creation function
XmCreateTextField(3) - The TextField widget creation function
XmCreateToggleButton(3) - The ToggleButton widget creation function
XmCreateToggleButtonGadget(3) - The ToggleButtonGadget creation function
XmCreateWarningDialog(3) - The MessageBox WarningDialog convenience creation function
XmCreateWorkArea(3) - A function that creates a RowColumn WorkArea
XmCreateWorkingDialog(3) - The MessageBox WorkingDialog convenience creation function
XmCvtByteStreamToXmString(3) - A compound string function that converts from a compound string in Byte Stream format to a compound string
XmCvtCTToXmString(3) - A compound string function that converts compound text to a compound string
XmCvtStringToUnitType(3) - A function that converts a string to a unit-type value
XmCvtTextPropertyToXmStringTable(3) - A function that converts from a TextProperty Structure to a StringTable
XmCvtXmStringTableToTextProperty(3) - A function that converts from XmStringTable to an XTextProperty Structure
XmCvtXmStringToByteStream(3) - A compound string function that converts a compound string to a Byte Stream format
XmCvtXmStringToCT(3) - A compound string function that converts a compound string to compound text
XmDataField(3)      - The DataField widget class
XmDataFieldCopy(3)  - A DataField function that copies the primary selection to the clipboard
XmDataFieldCut(3)   - A DataField function that copies the primary selection to the clipboard and deletes the selected text
XmDataFieldGetSelection(3) - A DataField function that retrieves the value of the primary selection
XmDataFieldGetSelectionPosition(3) - A DataField function that accesses the position of the primary selection
XmDataFieldGetString(3) - A DataField function that accesses the string value
XmDataFieldGetStringWcs(3) - A DataField function that retrieves a copy of the wide character string value of a DataField widget
XmDataFieldPaste(3) - A DataField function that inserts the clipboard selection
XmDataFieldSetAddMode(3) - A DataField function that sets the state of Add mode
XmDataFieldSetEditable(3) - A DataField function that sets the edit permission
XmDataFieldSetHighlight(3) - A DataField function that highlights text
XmDataFieldSetInsertionPosition(3) - A DataField function that sets the position of the insertion cursor
XmDataFieldSetSelection(3) - A DataField function that sets the primary selection of the text
XmDataFieldSetString(3) - A DataField function that sets the string value
XmDataFieldXYToPos(3) - A DataField function that accesses the character position nearest an x and y position
XmDeactivateProtocol(3) - A VendorShell function that deactivates a protocol without removing it
XmDeactivateWMProtocol(3) - A VendorShell convenience interface that deactivates a protocol without removing it
XmDestroyPixmap(3)  - A pixmap caching function that removes a pixmap from the pixmap cache
XmDialogShell(3)    - The DialogShell widget class
XmDirection(3)      - Data type for the direction of widget components
XmDirectionMatch(3) - A function that checks for a specified direction component
XmDirectionMatchPartial(3) - A function that checks for a specified direction component
XmDirectionToStringDirection(3) - A function that converts an XmDirection value to an XmStringDirection value
XmDisplay(3)        - The Display widget class
XmDragCancel(3)     - A Drag and Drop function that terminates a drag transaction
XmDragContext(3)    - The DragContext widget class
XmDragIcon(3)       - The DragIcon widget class
XmDragStart(3)      - A Drag and Drop function that initiates a drag and drop transaction
XmDrawingArea(3)    - The DrawingArea widget class
XmDrawnButton(3)    - The DrawnButton widget class
XmDropDown(3)       - The DropDown widget class
XmDropDownGetChild(3) - A DropDown function that is used to access a component
XmDropSite(3)       - The DropSite Registry
XmDropSiteConfigureStackingOrder(3) - A Drag and Drop function that reorders a stack of widgets that are registered drop sites
XmDropSiteEndUpdate(3) - A Drag and Drop function that facilitates processing updates to multiple drop sites
XmDropSiteQueryStackingOrder(3) - A Drag and Drop function that returns the parent, a list of children, and the number of children for a specified widget
XmDropSiteRegister(3) - A Drag and Drop function that identifies a drop site and assigns resources that specify its behavior
XmDropSiteRegistered(3) - A Drag and Drop function that determines if a drop site has been registered
XmDropSiteRetrieve(3) - A Drag and Drop function that retrieves resource values set on a drop site
XmDropSiteStartUpdate(3) - A Drag and Drop function that facilitates processing updates to multiple drop sites
XmDropSiteUnregister(3) - A Drag and Drop function that frees drop site information
XmDropSiteUpdate(3) - A Drag and Drop function that sets resource values for a drop site
XmDropTransfer(3)   - The DropTransfer widget class
XmDropTransferAdd(3) - A Drag and Drop function that enables additional drop transfer entries to be processed after initiating a drop transfer
XmDropTransferStart(3) - A Drag and Drop function that initiates a drop transfer
xmessage(1)         - display a message or query in a window (X-based /bin/echo)
XmExt18List(3)      - (unknown subject)
XmFileSelectionBox(3) - The FileSelectionBox widget class
XmFileSelectionBoxGetChild(3) - A FileSelectionBox function used to access a component
XmFileSelectionDoSearch(3) - A FileSelectionBox function that initiates a directory search
XmFontList(3)       - Data type for a font list
XmFontListAdd(3)    - A font list function that creates a new font list
XmFontListAppendEntry(3) - A font list function that appends an entry to a font list
XmFontListCopy(3)   - A font list function that copies a font list
XmFontListCreate(3) - A font list function that creates a font list
XmFontListEntryCreate(3) - A font list function that creates a font list entry
XmFontListEntryFree(3) - A font list function that recovers memory used by a font list entry
XmFontListEntryGetFont(3) - A font list function that retrieves font information from a font list entry
XmFontListEntryGetTag(3) - A font list function that retrieves the tag of a font list entry
XmFontListEntryLoad(3) - A font list function that loads a font or creates a font set and creates an accompanying font list entry
XmFontListFree(3)   - A font list function that recovers memory used by a font list
XmFontListFreeFontContext(3) - A font list function that instructs the toolkit that the font list context is no longer needed
XmFontListGetNextFont(3) - A font list function that allows applications to access the fonts and character sets in a font list
XmFontListInitFontContext(3) - A font list function that allows applications to access the entries in a font list
XmFontListNextEntry(3) - A font list function that returns the next entry in a font list
XmFontListRemoveEntry(3) - A font list function that removes a font list entry from a font list
XmFontSelector(3)   - (unknown subject)
XmForm(3)           - The Form widget class
XmFrame(3)          - The Frame widget class
XmGadget(3)         - The Gadget widget class
XmGetAtomName(3)    - A function that returns the string representation for an atom
XmGetColorCalculation(3) - A function to get the procedure used for default color calculation
XmGetColors(3)      - A function that generates foreground, select, and shadow colors
XmGetDestination(3) - A function that returns the widget ID of the widget to be used as the current destination for quick paste and certain clipboard operations
XmGetDragContext(3) - A Drag and Drop function that retrieves the DragContext widget ID associated with a timestamp
XmGetFocusWidget(3) - Returns the ID of the widget that has keyboard focus
XmGetMenuCursor(3)  - A function that returns the cursor ID for the current menu cursor
XmGetPixmap(3)      - A pixmap caching function that generates a pixmap, stores it in a pixmap cache, and returns the pixmap
XmGetPixmapByDepth(3) - A pixmap caching function that generates a pixmap, stores it in a pixmap cache, and returns the pixmap
XmGetPostedFromWidget(3) - A RowColumn function that returns the widget from which a menu was posted
XmGetScaledPixmap(3) - read a pixmap file and scale it according to pixmap and print resolution
XmGetSecondaryResourceData(3) - A function that provides access to secondary widget resource data
XmGetTabGroup(3)    - Returns the widget ID of a tab group
XmGetTearOffControl(3) - A RowColumn function that obtains the widget ID for the tear-off control in a menu
XmGetVisibility(3)  - A function that determines if a widget is visible
XmGetXmDisplay(3)   - A Display function that returns the XmDisplay object ID for a specified display
XmGetXmScreen(3)    - A Screen function that returns the XmScreen object ID for a specified screen
xmgrace(1)          - full-featured GUI mode
xmh(1)              - send and read mail with an X interface to MH
XmHierarchy(3)      - The Hierarchy widget class
XmHierarchyGetChildNodes(3) - A List function that returns all instances of an item in the list
XmHierarchyOpenAllAncestors(3) - A Hierarchy function that opens all ancestors of the Hierarchy
XmIconBox(3)        - The IconBox widget class
XmIconBoxIsCellEmpty(3) - A function that determines whether a cell in the IconBox is empty
XmIconButton(3)     - (unknown subject)
XmIconGadget(3)     - The IconGadget widget class
XmImCloseXIM(3)     - An input manager function that releases the input method associated with a specified widget
XmImFreeXIC(3)      - An input manager function that unregisters widgets for an XIC
XmImGetXIC(3)       - An input manager function that obtains an XIC for a widget
XmImGetXIM(3)       - An input manager function that retrieves the input method associated with a specified widget
XmImMbLookupString(3) - An input manager function that retrieves a composed string from an input method
XmImMbResetIC(3)    - An input manager function that resets the input context for a widget
XmImRegister(3)     - An input manager function that registers a widget with an input manager
XmImSetFocusValues(3) - An input manager function that notifies an input manager that a widget has received input focus and updates the input context attributes
XmImSetValues(3)    - An input manager function that updates attributes of an input context
XmImSetXIC(3)       - An input manager function that registers an existing XIC with a widget
XmImUnregister(3)   - An input manager function that removes a widget from association with its input manager
XmImUnsetFocus(3)   - An input manager function that notifies an input method that a widget has lost input focus
XmImVaSetFocusValues(3) - An input manager function that notifies an input manager that a widget has received input focus and updates the input context attributes
XmImVaSetValues(3)  - An input manager function that updates attributes of an input context
xmined(1)           - powerful text editor with extensive Unicode and CJK support
XmInstallImage(3)   - A pixmap caching function that adds an image to the image cache
XmInternAtom(3)     - A macro that returns an atom for a given name
XmIsMotifWMRunning(3) - A function that determines whether the window manager is running
XmIsTraversable(3)  - A function that identifies whether a widget can be traversed
xmkmf(1)            - create a Makefile from an Imakefile
xml2-config(1)      - script to get information about the installed version of GNOME-XML
xml2po(1)           - program to create a PO-template file from a DocBook XML file and merge it back into a(translated) XML file
XmLabel(3)          - The Label widget class
XmLabelGadget(3)    - The LabelGadget widget class
xmlcatalog(1)       - Command line tool to parse and manipulate XML or SGML catalog files.
xmlif(1)            - conditional processing instructions for XML
XmList(3)           - The List widget class
XmListAddItem(3)    - A List function that adds an item to the list
XmListAddItems(3)   - A List function that adds items to the list
XmListAddItemsUnselected(3) - A List function that adds items to a list
XmListAddItemUnselected(3) - A List function that adds an item to the list
XmListDeleteAllItems(3) - A List function that deletes all items from the list
XmListDeleteItem(3) - A List function that deletes an item from the list
XmListDeleteItems(3) - A List function that deletes items from the list
XmListDeleteItemsPos(3) - A List function that deletes items from the list starting at the given position
XmListDeletePos(3)  - A List function that deletes an item from a list at a specified position
XmListDeletePositions(3) - A List function that deletes items from a list based on an array of positions
XmListDeselectAllItems(3) - A List function that unhighlights and removes all items from the selected list
XmListDeselectItem(3) - A List function that deselects the specified item from the selected list
XmListDeselectPos(3) - A List function that deselects an item at a specified position in the list
XmListGetKbdItemPos(3) - A List function that returns the position of the item at the location cursor
XmListGetMatchPos(3) - A List function that returns all instances of an item in the list
XmListGetSelectedPos(3) - A List function that returns the position of every selected item in the list
XmListItemExists(3) - A List function that checks if a specified item is in the list
XmListItemPos(3)    - A List function that returns the position of an item in the list
XmListPosSelected(3) - A List function that determines if the list item at a specified position is selected
XmListPosToBounds(3) - A List function that returns the bounding box of an item at a specified position in a list
XmListReplaceItems(3) - A List function that replaces the specified elements in the list
XmListReplaceItemsPos(3) - A List function that replaces the specified elements in the list
XmListReplaceItemsPosUnselected(3) - A List function that replaces items in a list without selecting the replacement items
XmListReplaceItemsUnselected(3) - A List function that replaces items in a list
XmListReplacePositions(3) - A List function that replaces items in a list based on position
XmListSelectItem(3) - A List function that selects an item in the list
XmListSelectPos(3)  - A List function that selects an item at a specified position in the list
XmListSetAddMode(3) - A List function that sets add mode in the list
XmListSetBottomItem(3) - A List function that makes an existing item the last visible item in the list
XmListSetBottomPos(3) - A List function that makes a specified item the last visible item in the list
XmListSetHorizPos(3) - A List function that scrolls to the specified position in the list
XmListSetItem(3)    - A List function that makes an existing item the first visible item in the list
XmListSetKbdItemPos(3) - A List function that sets the location cursor at a specified position
XmListSetPos(3)     - A List function that makes the item at the given position the first visible position in the list
XmListUpdateSelectedList(3) - A List function that updates the XmNselectedItems resource
XmListYToPos(3)     - A List function that returns the position of the item at a specified y-coordinate
XML.LibXML(3pm)     - Perl Binding for libxml2
XML.LibXML.Attr(3pm) - XML::LibXML Attribute Class
XML.LibXML.AttributeHash(3pm) - tie an XML::LibXML::Element to a hash to access its attributes
XML.LibXML.Boolean(3pm) - Boolean true/false values
XML.LibXML.CDATASection(3pm) - XML::LibXML Class for CDATA Sections
XML.LibXML.Comment(3pm) - XML::LibXML Comment Class
XML.LibXML.Common(3pm) - Constants and Character Encoding Routines
XML.LibXML.Devel(3pm) - makes functions from LibXML.xs available
XML.LibXML.Document(3pm) - XML::LibXML DOM Document Class
XML.LibXML.DocumentFragment(3pm) - XML::LibXML's DOM L2 Document Fragment Implementation
XML.LibXML.DOM(3pm) - XML::LibXML DOM Implementation
XML.LibXML.Dtd(3pm) - XML::LibXML DTD Handling
XML.LibXML.Element(3pm) - XML::LibXML Class for Element Nodes
XML.LibXML.ErrNo(3pm) - Structured Errors This module is based on xmlerror.h libxml2 C header file. It defines symbolic constants for all libxml2 error codes. Currently...
XML.LibXML.Error(3pm) - Structured Errors
XML.LibXML.InputCallback(3pm) - XML::LibXML Class for Input Callbacks
XML.LibXML.Literal(3pm) - Simple string values.
XML.LibXML.Namespace(3pm) - XML::LibXML Namespace Implementation
XML.LibXML.Node(3pm) - Abstract Base Class of XML::LibXML Nodes
XML.LibXML.NodeList(3pm) - a list of XML document nodes
XML.LibXML.Number(3pm) - Simple numeric values.
XML.LibXML.Parser(3pm) - Parsing XML Data with XML::LibXML
XML.LibXML.Pattern(3pm) - XML::LibXML::Pattern - interface to libxml2 XPath patterns
XML.LibXML.PI(3pm)  - XML::LibXML Processing Instructions
XML.LibXML.Reader(3pm) - XML::LibXML::Reader - interface to libxml2 pull parser
XML.LibXML.RegExp(3pm) - XML::LibXML::RegExp - interface to libxml2 regular expressions
XML.LibXML.RelaxNG(3pm) - RelaxNG Schema Validation
XML.LibXML.SAX(3pm) - XML::LibXML direct SAX parser
XML.LibXML.SAX.Builder(3pm) - Building DOM trees from SAX events.
XML.LibXML.SAX.Generator(3pm) - Generate SAX events from a LibXML tree
XML.LibXML.Schema(3pm) - XML Schema Validation
XML.LibXML.Text(3pm) - XML::LibXML Class for Text Nodes
XML.LibXML.XPathContext(3pm) - XPath Evaluation
XML.LibXML.XPathExpression(3pm) - XML::LibXML::XPathExpression - interface to libxml2 pre-compiled XPath expressions
xmllint(1)          - command line XML tool
XML.NamespaceSupport(3pm) - a simple generic namespace support class
XML.Parser(3pm)     - A perl module for parsing XML documents
XML.Parser.Expat(3pm) - Lowlevel access to James Clark's expat XML parser
XML.Parser.Style.Debug(3pm) - Debug style for XML::Parser
XML.Parser.Style.Objects(3pm) - (unknown subject)
XML.Parser.Style.Stream(3pm) - Stream style for XML::Parser
XML.Parser.Style.Subs(3pm) - (unknown subject)
XML.Parser.Style.Tree(3pm) - (unknown subject)
XML.SAX(3pm)        - Simple API for XML
XML.SAX.Base(3pm)   - Base class SAX Drivers and Filters
XML.SAX.BuildSAXBase(3pm) - Base class SAX Drivers and Filters
XML.SAX.DocumentLocator(3pm) - Helper class for document locators
XML.SAX.Exception(3pm) - Exception classes for XML::SAX
XML.SAX.Intro(3pm)  - An Introduction to SAX Parsing with Perl
XML.SAX.ParserFactory(3pm) - Obtain a SAX parser
XML.SAX.PurePerl(3pm) - Pure Perl XML Parser with SAX2 interface
XML.SAX.PurePerl.Reader(3pm) - Abstract Reader factory class
XML.Simple(3pm)     - Easily read/write XML (esp config files)
xmlstarlet(1)       - command line XML/XSLT toolkit
xmlto(1)            - apply an XSL stylesheet to an XML document
xmlwf(1)            - Determines if an XML document is well-formed
XmMainWindow(3)     - The MainWindow widget class
XmMainWindowSep1(3) - A MainWindow function that returns the widget ID of the first Separator
XmMainWindowSep2(3) - A MainWindow function that returns the widget ID of the second Separator widget
XmMainWindowSep3(3) - A MainWindow function that returns the widget ID of the third Separator widget
XmMainWindowSetAreas(3) - A MainWindow function that identifies manageable children for each area
XmManager(3)        - The Manager widget class
XmMapSegmentEncoding(3) - A compound string function that returns the compound text encoding format associated with the specified font list tag
XmMenuPosition(3)   - A RowColumn function that positions a Popup menu pane
XmMenuShell(3)      - The MenuShell widget class
XmMessageBox(3)     - The MessageBox widget class
XmMessageBoxGetChild(3) - A MessageBox function that is used to access a component
XmMultiList(3)      - The Multi-column List widget
XmMultiListDeselectItems(3) - A MultiList function that deselects items in the list by matching column entries
XmMultiListDeselectRow(3) - A MultiList function that deselects a row in the list
XmMultiListGetSelectedRowArray(3) - an MultiList function that returns an array of integers which are selected row numbers.
XmMultiListGetSelectedRows(3) - an MultiList function that returns the rows that currently are selected.
XmMultiListMakeRowVisible(3) - A MultiList function that shifts the visible list rows as desired
XmMultiListSelectAllItems(3) - an MultiList function that selects all rows of the list
XmMultiListSelectItems(3) - A MultiList function that selects items in the list by matching column entries
XmMultiListSelectRow(3) - A MultiList function that selects a row in the list
XmMultiListToggleRow(3) - An MultiList function that toggles the selection state of a specified row
XmMultiListUnselectAllItems(3) - an MultiList function that deselects all rows of the list
XmMultiListUnselectItem(3) - An MultiList function that deselects the specified item of the list
XmNotebook(3)       - The Notebook widget class
XmNotebookGetPageInfo(3) - A Notebook function that returns page information
XmObjectAtPoint(3)  - A toolkit function that determines which child intersects or comes closest to a specified point
XModifierKeymap(3)  - manipulate keyboard encoding and keyboard encoding structure
xmodmap(1)          - utility for modifying keymaps and pointer button mappings in X
xmon(1)             - interactive X protocol monitor
xmonui(1)           - interactive X protocol monitor
XmOptionButtonGadget(3) - A RowColumn function that obtains the widget ID for the CascadeButtonGadget in an OptionMenu
XmOptionLabelGadget(3) - A RowColumn function that obtains the widget ID for the LabelGadget in an OptionMenu
xmore(1)            - plain text display program for the X Window System
XMotionEvent(3)     - KeyPress, KeyRelease, ButtonPress, ButtonRelease, and MotionNotify event structures
XmOutline(3)        - The Outline widget class
XMoveResizeWindow(3) - configure windows and window changes structure
XMoveWindow(3)      - configure windows and window changes structure
XmPaned(3)          - The Paned widget class
XmPanedGetPanes(3)  - A Paned function that returns the number of panes in the paned widget
XmPanedWindow(3)    - The PanedWindow widget class
XmParseMapping(3)   - Data type for a compound string parse mapping
XmParseMappingCreate(3) - A compound string function to create a parse mapping
XmParseMappingFree(3) - A compound string function to free a parse mapping
XmParseMappingGetValues(3) - A compound string function to retrieve attributes of a parse mapping
XmParseMappingSetValues(3) - A compound string function to set attributes of a parse mapping
XmParseTable(3)     - Data type for a compound string parse table
XmParseTableFree(3) - A compound string function that recovers memory
XmPrimitive(3)      - The Primitive widget class
XmPrintPopupPDM(3)  - Send a notification for the PDM to be popped up
XmPrintSetup(3)     - setup and create a Print Shell widget
XmPrintShell(3)     - a shell widget class used for printing in Motif
XmPrintToFile(3)    - Retrieves and saves data that would normally be printed by the X Print Server.
XmProcessTraversal(3) - A function that determines which component receives keyboard events when a widget has the focus
XmPushButton(3)     - The PushButton widget class
XmPushButtonGadget(3) - The PushButtonGadget widget class
XmRedisplayWidget(3) - Synchronously activates the expose method of a widget to draw its content
XmRegisterSegmentEncoding(3) - A compound string function that registers a compound text encoding format for a specified font list element tag
XmRemoveFromPostFromList(3) - a RowColumn function that disables a menu for a particular widget
XmRemoveProtocolCallback(3) - A VendorShell function that removes a callback from the internal list
XmRemoveProtocols(3) - A VendorShell function that removes the protocols from the protocol manager and deallocates the internal tables
XmRemoveTabGroup(3) - A function that removes a tab group
XmRemoveWMProtocolCallback(3) - A VendorShell convenience interface that removes a callback from the internal list
XmRemoveWMProtocols(3) - A VendorShell convenience interface that removes the protocols from the protocol manager and deallocates the internal tables
XmRenderTable(3)    - Data type for a render table
XmRenderTableAddRenditions(3) - Creates a new render table
XmRenderTableCopy(3) - A render table function that copies renditions
XmRenderTableCvtFromProp(3) - A render table function that converts from a string representation to a render table
XmRenderTableCvtToProp(3) - A render table function that converts a render table to a string representation
XmRenderTableFree(3) - A render table function that recovers memory
XmRenderTableGetRendition(3) - A convenience function that matches a rendition tag
XmRenderTableGetRenditions(3) - A convenience function that matches rendition tags
XmRenderTableGetTags(3) - A convenience function that gets rendition tags
XmRenderTableRemoveRenditions(3) - A convenience function that removes renditions
XmRendition(3)      - The Rendition registry
XmRenditionCreate(3) - A convenience function that creates a rendition
XmRenditionFree(3)  - A convenience function that frees a rendition
XmRenditionRetrieve(3) - A convenience function that retrieves rendition resources
XmRenditionUpdate(3) - A convenience function that modifies resources
XmRepTypeAddReverse(3) - A representation type manager function that installs the reverse converter for a previously registered representation type
XmRepTypeGetId(3)   - A representation type manager function that retrieves the identification number of a representation type
XmRepTypeGetNameList(3) - A representation type manager function that generates a list of values for a representation type
XmRepTypeGetRecord(3) - A representation type manager function that returns information about a representation type
XmRepTypeGetRegistered(3) - A representation type manager function that returns a copy of the registration list
XmRepTypeInstallTearOffModelConverter(3) - A representation type manager function that installs the resource converter for XmNtearOffModel.
XmRepTypeRegister(3) - A representation type manager function that registers a representation type resource
XmRepTypeValidValue(3) - A representation type manager function that tests the validity of a numerical value of a representation type resource
XmResolveAllPartOffsets(3) - A function that allows writing of upward-compatible applications and widgets
XmResolvePartOffsets(3) - A function that allows writing of upward-compatible applications and widgets
XmRowColumn(3)      - The RowColumn widget class
XmScale(3)          - The Scale widget class
XmScaleGetValue(3)  - A Scale function that returns the current slider position
XmScaleSetTicks(3)  - A Scale function that controls tick marks
XmScaleSetValue(3)  - A Scale function that sets a slider value
XmScreen(3)         - The Screen widget class
XmScrollBar(3)      - The ScrollBar widget class
XmScrollBarGetValues(3) - A ScrollBar function that returns the ScrollBar's increment values
XmScrollBarSetValues(3) - A ScrollBar function that changes ScrollBar's increment values and the slider's size and position
XmScrolledWindow(3) - The ScrolledWindow widget class
XmScrolledWindowSetAreas(3) - A ScrolledWindow function that adds or changes a window work region and a horizontal or vertical ScrollBar widget to the ScrolledWindow wi...
XmScrollVisible(3)  - A ScrolledWindow function that makes an invisible descendant of a ScrolledWindow work area visible
XmSelectionBox(3)   - The SelectionBox widget class
XmSelectionBoxGetChild(3) - A SelectionBox function that is used to access a component
XmSeparator(3)      - The Separator widget class
XmSeparatorGadget(3) - The SeparatorGadget widget class
XmSetColorCalculation(3) - A function to set the procedure used for default color calculation
XmSetFontUnit(3)    - A function that sets the font unit value for a display
XmSetFontUnits(3)   - A function that sets the font unit value for a display
XmSetMenuCursor(3)  - A function that modifies the menu cursor for a client
XmSetProtocolHooks(3) - A VendorShell function that allows preactions and postactions to be executed when a protocol message is received from MWM
XmSetWMProtocolHooks(3) - A VendorShell convenience interface that allows preactions and postactions to be executed when a protocol message is received from the window ...
XmSimpleSpinBox(3)  - a simple SpinBox widget class
XmSimpleSpinBoxAddItem(3) - add an item to the XmSimpleSpinBox
XmSimpleSpinBoxDeletePos(3) - delete a XmSimpleSpinBox item
XmSimpleSpinBoxSetItem(3) - set an item in the XmSimpleSpinBox list
XmSlideContext(3)   - The SlideContext widget class
XmSpinBox(3)        - The SpinBox widget class
XmSpinBoxValidatePosition(3) - translate the current value of the specified XmSpinBox child into a valid position
XmString(3)         - Data type for a compound string
XmStringBaseline(3) - A compound string function that returns the number of pixels between the top of the character box and the baseline of the first line of text
XmStringByteCompare(3) - A compound string function that indicates the results of a byte-by-byte comparison
XmStringByteStreamLength(3) - A function that returns the size of a string
XmStringCompare(3)  - A compound string function that compares two strings
XmStringComponentCreate(3) - A compound string function that creates arbitrary components
XmStringComponentType(3) - Data type for compound string components
XmStringConcat(3)   - A compound string function that appends one string to another
XmStringConcatAndFree(3) - A compound string function that appends one string to another and frees the original strings
XmStringCopy(3)     - A compound string function that makes a copy of a string
XmStringCreate(3)   - A compound string function that creates a compound string
XmStringCreateLocalized(3) - A compound string function that creates a compound string in the current locale
XmStringCreateLtoR(3) - A compound string function that creates a compound string
XmStringCreateSimple(3) - A compound string function that creates a compound string in the language environment of a widget
XmStringDirection(3) - Data type for the direction of display in a string
XmStringDirectionCreate(3) - A compound string function that creates a compound string
XmStringDirectionToDirection(3) - A function that converts from XmStringDirection to XmDirection
XmStringDraw(3)     - A compound string function that draws a compound string in an X window
XmStringDrawImage(3) - A compound string function that draws a compound string in an X Window and creates an image
XmStringDrawUnderline(3) - A compound string function that underlines a string drawn in an X Window
XmStringEmpty(3)    - A compound string function that provides information on the existence of non-zero-length text components
XmStringExtent(3)   - A compound string function that determines the size of the smallest rectangle that will enclose the compound string
XmStringFree(3)     - A compound string function that conditionally deallocates memory
XmStringFreeContext(3) - A compound string function that releases the string scanning context data structure
XmStringGenerate(3) - A convenience function that generates a compound string
XmStringGetLtoR(3)  - A compound string function that searches for a text segment in the input compound string
XmStringGetNextComponent(3) - A compound string function that returns the type and value of the next component in a compound string
XmStringGetNextSegment(3) - A compound string function that fetches the bytes in the next segment of a compound string
XmStringGetNextTriple(3) - An XmString function that returns the type, length, and value of the next component in the compound string
XmStringHasSubstring(3) - A compound string function that indicates whether one compound string is contained within another
XmStringHeight(3)   - A compound string function that returns the line height of the given compound string
XmStringInitContext(3) - A compound string function that creates a data structure for scanning an XmString component by component
XmStringIsVoid(3)   - A compound string function that provides information on the existence of non-zero-length text components, tab components, or separator components
XmStringLength(3)   - A compound string function that obtains the length of a compound string
XmStringLineCount(3) - A compound string function that returns the number of separators plus one in the provided compound string
XmStringNConcat(3)  - A compound string function that appends a specified number of bytes to a compound string
XmStringNCopy(3)    - A compound string function that creates a copy of a compound string
XmStringParseText(3) - A function that converts a character string to a compound string
XmStringPeekNextComponent(3) - A compound string function that returns the component type of the next component to be fetched
XmStringPeekNextTriple(3) - A function that returns the component type of the next component
XmStringPutRendition(3) - A convenience function that places renditions around strings
XmStringSegmentCreate(3) - A compound string function that creates a compound string
XmStringSeparatorCreate(3) - A compound string function that creates a compound string
XmStringTable(3)    - Data type for an array of compound strings
XmStringTableParseStringArray(3) - A convenience function that converts an array of strings to a compound string table
XmStringTableProposeTablist(3) - A convenience function that returns a tab list
XmStringTableToXmString(3) - A convenience function that converts a compound string table to a single compound string
XmStringTableUnparse(3) - A convenience function that converts a table of compound strings to an array of text
XmStringToXmStringTable(3) - A convenience function that converts a single compound string to a table of compound strings
XmStringUnparse(3)  - A compound string function that unparses text
XmStringWidth(3)    - A compound string function that returns the width of the widest line in a compound string
XmTab(3)            - Data type for a tab stop
XmTabCreate(3)      - A convenience function that creates a tab stop
XmTabFree(3)        - A convenience function that frees a tab
XmTabGetValues(3)   - A convenience function that returns tab values
XmTabList(3)        - Data type for a tab list
XmTabListCopy(3)    - A convenience function that creates a new tab list from an existing list
XmTabListFree(3)    - A convenience function that frees the memory of a new tab list
XmTabListGetTab(3)  - A convenience function that returns a copy of a tab
XmTabListInsertTabs(3) - A convenience function that inserts tabs into a tab list
XmTabListRemoveTabs(3) - A convenience function that removes noncontiguous tabs
XmTabListReplacePositions(3) - A convenience function that creates a new tab list with replacement tabs
XmTabListTabCount(3) - A convenience function that counts the number of tabs
XmTabSetValue(3)    - A convenience function that sets a tab stop
XmTabStack(3)       - The TabStack widget class
XmTabStackGetSelectedTab(3) - A TabStack function that returns the widget ID of the currently selectedtab
XmTabStackSelectTab(3) - A TabStack function that sets the currently displayed child
XmTabStackXYToWidget(3) - A TabStack function that converts a pixel coordinate to the widget ID of the tab occupying that space
XmTargetsAreCompatible(3) - A function that tests whether the target types match between a drop site and source object
XmText(3)           - The Text widget class
XmTextClearSelection(3) - A Text function that clears the primary selection
XmTextCopy(3)       - A Text function that copies the primary selection to the clipboard
XmTextCopyLink(3)   - A Text function that copies a link to the primary selection to the clipboard
XmTextCut(3)        - A Text function that copies the primary selection to the clipboard and deletes the selected text
XmTextDisableRedisplay(3) - A Text function that temporarily prevents visual update of the Text widget
XmTextEnableRedisplay(3) - A Text function that forces the visual update of a Text widget
XmTextField(3)      - The TextField class
XmTextFieldClearSelection(3) - A TextField function that clears the primary selection
XmTextFieldCopy(3)  - A TextField function that copies the primary selection to the clipboard
XmTextFieldCopyLink(3) - A TextField function that copies a link to the primary selection to the clipboard
XmTextFieldCut(3)   - A TextField function that copies the primary selection to the clipboard and deletes the selected text
XmTextFieldGetBaseline(3) - A TextField function that accesses the y position of the baseline
XmTextFieldGetEditable(3) - A TextField function that accesses the edit permission state
XmTextFieldGetInsertionPosition(3) - A TextField function that accesses the position of the insertion cursor
XmTextFieldGetLastPosition(3) - A TextField function that accesses the position of the last text character
XmTextFieldGetMaxLength(3) - A TextField function that accesses the value of the current maximum allowable length of a text string entered from the keyboard
XmTextFieldGetSelection(3) - A TextField function that retrieves the value of the primary selection
XmTextFieldGetSelectionPosition(3) - A TextField function that accesses the position of the primary selection
XmTextFieldGetSelectionWcs(3) - A TextField function that retrieves the value of a wide character encoded primary selection
XmTextFieldGetString(3) - A TextField function that accesses the string value
XmTextFieldGetStringWcs(3) - A TextField function that retrieves a copy of the wide character string value of a TextField widget
XmTextFieldGetSubstring(3) - A TextField function that retrieves a copy of a portion of the internal text buffer
XmTextFieldGetSubstringWcs(3) - A TextField function that retrieves a portion of a wide character internal text buffer
XmTextFieldInsert(3) - A TextField function that inserts a character string into a text string
XmTextFieldInsertWcs(3) - A TextField function that inserts a wide character string into a TextField widget
XmTextFieldPaste(3) - A TextField function that inserts the clipboard selection
XmTextFieldPasteLink(3) - A TextField function that inserts a link to the clipboard selection
XmTextFieldPosToXY(3) - A TextField function that accesses the x and y position of a character position
XmTextFieldRemove(3) - A TextField function that deletes the primary selection
XmTextFieldReplace(3) - A TextField function that replaces part of a text string
XmTextFieldReplaceWcs(3) - A TextField function that replaces part of a wide character string in a TextField widget
XmTextFieldSetAddMode(3) - A TextField function that sets the state of Add mode
XmTextFieldSetEditable(3) - A TextField function that sets the edit permission
XmTextFieldSetHighlight(3) - A TextField function that highlights text
XmTextFieldSetInsertionPosition(3) - A TextField function that sets the position of the insertion cursor
XmTextFieldSetMaxLength(3) - A TextField function that sets the value of the current maximum allowable length of a text string entered from the keyboard
XmTextFieldSetSelection(3) - A TextField function that sets the primary selection of the text
XmTextFieldSetString(3) - A TextField function that sets the string value
XmTextFieldSetStringWcs(3) - A TextField function that sets a wide character string value
XmTextFieldShowPosition(3) - A TextField function that forces text at a given position to be displayed
XmTextFieldXYToPos(3) - A TextField function that accesses the character position nearest an x and y position
XmTextFindString(3) - A Text function that finds the beginning position of a text string
XmTextFindStringWcs(3) - A Text function that finds the beginning position of a wide character text string
XmTextGetBaseline(3) - A Text function that accesses the y position of the baseline
XmTextGetCenterline(3) - Return the height(length) of a character string when the writing direction is vertical
XmTextGetEditable(3) - A Text function that accesses the edit permission state
XmTextGetInsertionPosition(3) - A Text function that accesses the position of the insert cursor
XmTextGetLastPosition(3) - A Text function that accesses the last position in the text
XmTextGetMaxLength(3) - A Text function that accesses the value of the current maximum allowable length of a text string entered from the keyboard
XmTextGetSelection(3) - A Text function that retrieves the value of the primary selection
XmTextGetSelectionPosition(3) - A Text function that accesses the position of the primary selection
XmTextGetSelectionWcs(3) - A Text function that retrieves the value of a wide character encoded primary selection
XmTextGetSource(3)  - A Text function that accesses the source of the widget
XmTextGetString(3)  - A Text function that accesses the string value
XmTextGetStringWcs(3) - A Text function that retrieves a copy of the wide character string value of a Text widget
XmTextGetSubstring(3) - A Text function that retrieves a copy of a portion of the internal text buffer
XmTextGetSubstringWcs(3) - A Text function that retrieves a portion of a wide character internal text buffer
XmTextGetTopCharacter(3) - A Text function that accesses the position of the first character displayed
XmTextInsert(3)     - A Text function that inserts a character string into a text string
XmTextInsertWcs(3)  - A Text function that inserts a wide character string into a Text widget
XmTextPaste(3)      - A Text function that inserts the clipboard selection
XmTextPasteLink(3)  - A Text function that inserts a link to the clipboard selection
XmTextPosition(3)   - Data type for a character position within a text string
XmTextPosToXY(3)    - A Text function that accesses the x and y position of a character position
XmTextRemove(3)     - A Text function that deletes the primary selection
XmTextReplace(3)    - A Text function that replaces part of a text string
XmTextReplaceWcs(3) - A Text function that replaces part of a wide character string in a Text widget
XmTextScroll(3)     - A Text function that scrolls text
XmTextSetAddMode(3) - A Text function that sets the state of Add mode
XmTextSetEditable(3) - A Text function that sets the edit permission
XmTextSetHighlight(3) - A Text function that highlights text
XmTextSetInsertionPosition(3) - A Text function that sets the position of the insert cursor
XmTextSetMaxLength(3) - A Text function that sets the value of the current maximum allowable length of a text string entered from the keyboard
XmTextSetSelection(3) - A Text function that sets the primary selection of the text
XmTextSetSource(3)  - A Text function that sets the source of the widget
XmTextSetString(3)  - A Text function that sets the string value
XmTextSetStringWcs(3) - A Text function that sets a wide character string value
XmTextSetTopCharacter(3) - A Text function that sets the position of the first character displayed
XmTextShowPosition(3) - A Text function that forces text at a given position to be displayed
XmTextXYToPos(3)    - A Text function that accesses the character position nearest an x and y position
XmToggleButton(3)   - The ToggleButton widget class
XmToggleButtonGadget(3) - The ToggleButtonGadget widget class
XmToggleButtonGadgetGetState(3) - A ToggleButtonGadget function that obtains the state of a ToggleButtonGadget
XmToggleButtonGadgetSetState(3) - A ToggleButtonGadget function that sets or changes the current state
XmToggleButtonGetState(3) - A ToggleButton function that obtains the state of a ToggleButton
XmToggleButtonSetState(3) - A ToggleButton function that sets or changes the current state
XmToggleButtonSetValue(3) - A ToggleButton function that sets or changes the current state
XmTrackingEvent(3)  - A Toolkit function that provides a modal interaction
XmTrackingLocate(3) - A Toolkit function that provides a modal interaction
XmTransferDone(3)   - A toolkit function that completes a data transfer
XmTransferSendRequest(3) - A toolkit function that transfers a MULTIPLE request
XmTransferSetParameters(3) - A toolkit function that establishes parameters to be passed by the next call to XmTransferValue
XmTransferStartRequest(3) - A toolkit function that begins a MULTIPLE transfer
XmTransferValue(3)  - A toolkit function that transfers data to a destination
XmTranslateKey(3)   - The default keycode-to-keysym translator
XmTree(3)           - The Tree widget class
XmUninstallImage(3) - A pixmap caching function that removes an image from the image cache
XmUpdateDisplay(3)  - A function that processes all pending exposure events immediately
XmVaCreateArrowButton(3) - A ArrowButton widget convenience creation functions.
XmVaCreateArrowButtonGadget(3) - A ArrowButtonGadget widget convenience creation functions.
XmVaCreateBulletinBoard(3) - A BulletinBoard widget convenience creation functions.
XmVaCreateButtonBox(3) - A ButtonBox widget convenience creation functions.
XmVaCreateCascadeButton(3) - A CascadeButton widget convenience creation functions.
XmVaCreateCascadeButtonGadget(3) - A CascadeButtonGadget widget convenience creation functions.
XmVaCreateColorSelector(3) - A ColorSelector widget convenience creation functions.
XmVaCreateColumn(3) - A Column widget convenience creation functions.
XmVaCreateCombinationBox2(3) - A Form widget convenience creation functions.
XmVaCreateComboBox(3) - A ComboBox widget convenience creation functions.
XmVaCreateCommand(3) - A Command widget convenience creation functions.
XmVaCreateContainer(3) - A Container widget convenience creation functions.
XmVaCreateDataField(3) - A DataField widget convenience creation functions.
XmVaCreateDrawingArea(3) - A DrawingArea widget convenience creation functions.
XmVaCreateDrawnButton(3) - A DrawnButton widget convenience creation functions.
XmVaCreateDropDown(3) - A DropDown widget convenience creation functions.
XmVaCreateExt18List(3) - A Form widget convenience creation functions.
XmVaCreateFileSelectionBox(3) - A FileSelectionBox widget convenience creation functions.
XmVaCreateForm(3)   - A Form widget convenience creation functions.
XmVaCreateFrame(3)  - A Frame widget convenience creation functions.
XmVaCreateHierarchy(3) - A Hierarchy widget convenience creation functions.
XmVaCreateIconGadget(3) - A IconGadget widget convenience creation functions.
XmVaCreateLabel(3)  - A Label widget convenience creation functions.
XmVaCreateLabelGadget(3) - A LabelGadget widget convenience creation functions.
XmVaCreateList(3)   - A List widget convenience creation functions.
XmVaCreateMainWindow(3) - A MainWindow widget convenience creation functions.
XmVaCreateManagedArrowButton(3) - A ArrowButton widget convenience creation functions.
XmVaCreateManagedArrowButtonGadget(3) - A ArrowButtonGadget widget convenience creation functions.
XmVaCreateManagedBulletinBoard(3) - A BulletinBoard widget convenience creation functions.
XmVaCreateManagedButtonBox(3) - A ButtonBox widget convenience creation functions.
XmVaCreateManagedCascadeButton(3) - A CascadeButton widget convenience creation functions.
XmVaCreateManagedCascadeButtonGadget(3) - A CascadeButtonGadget widget convenience creation functions.
XmVaCreateManagedColorSelector(3) - A ColorSelector widget convenience creation functions.
XmVaCreateManagedColumn(3) - A Column widget convenience creation functions.
XmVaCreateManagedCombinationBox2(3) - A Form widget convenience creation functions.
XmVaCreateManagedComboBox(3) - A ComboBox widget convenience creation functions.
XmVaCreateManagedCommand(3) - A Command widget convenience creation functions.
XmVaCreateManagedContainer(3) - A Container widget convenience creation functions.
XmVaCreateManagedDataField(3) - A DataField widget convenience creation functions.
XmVaCreateManagedDrawingArea(3) - A DrawingArea widget convenience creation functions.
XmVaCreateManagedDrawnButton(3) - A DrawnButton widget convenience creation functions.
XmVaCreateManagedDropDown(3) - A DropDown widget convenience creation functions.
XmVaCreateManagedExt18List(3) - A Form widget convenience creation functions.
XmVaCreateManagedFileSelectionBox(3) - A FileSelectionBox widget convenience creation functions.
XmVaCreateManagedForm(3) - A Form widget convenience creation functions.
XmVaCreateManagedFrame(3) - A Frame widget convenience creation functions.
XmVaCreateManagedHierarchy(3) - A Hierarchy widget convenience creation functions.
XmVaCreateManagedIconGadget(3) - A IconGadget widget convenience creation functions.
XmVaCreateManagedLabel(3) - A Label widget convenience creation functions.
XmVaCreateManagedLabelGadget(3) - A LabelGadget widget convenience creation functions.
XmVaCreateManagedList(3) - A List widget convenience creation functions.
XmVaCreateManagedMainWindow(3) - A MainWindow widget convenience creation functions.
XmVaCreateManagedMessageBox(3) - A MessageBox widget convenience creation functions.
XmVaCreateManagedMultiList(3) - A MultiList widget convenience creation functions.
XmVaCreateManagedNotebook(3) - A Notebook widget convenience creation functions.
XmVaCreateManagedOutline(3) - A Outline widget convenience creation functions.
XmVaCreateManagedPanedWindow(3) - A PanedWindow widget convenience creation functions.
XmVaCreateManagedPushButton(3) - A PushButton widget convenience creation functions.
XmVaCreateManagedPushButtonGadget(3) - A PushButtonGadget widget convenience creation functions.
XmVaCreateManagedRowColumn(3) - A RowColumn widget convenience creation functions.
XmVaCreateManagedScale(3) - A Scale widget convenience creation functions.
XmVaCreateManagedScrollBar(3) - A ScrollBar widget convenience creation functions.
XmVaCreateManagedScrolledWindow(3) - A ScrolledWindow widget convenience creation functions.
XmVaCreateManagedSelectionBox(3) - A SelectionBox widget convenience creation functions.
XmVaCreateManagedSeparatorGadget(3) - A SeparatorGadget widget convenience creation functions.
XmVaCreateManagedSimpleSpinBox(3) - A SimpleSpinBox widget convenience creation functions.
XmVaCreateManagedSpinBox(3) - A SpinBox widget convenience creation functions.
XmVaCreateManagedTabStack(3) - A TabStack widget convenience creation functions.
XmVaCreateManagedText(3) - A Text widget convenience creation functions.
XmVaCreateManagedTextField(3) - A TextField widget convenience creation functions.
XmVaCreateManagedToggleButton(3) - A ToggleButton widget convenience creation functions.
XmVaCreateManagedToggleButtonGadget(3) - A ToggleButtonGadget widget convenience creation functions.
XmVaCreateMessageBox(3) - A MessageBox widget convenience creation functions.
XmVaCreateMultiList(3) - A MultiList widget convenience creation functions.
XmVaCreateNotebook(3) - A Notebook widget convenience creation functions.
XmVaCreateOutline(3) - A Outline widget convenience creation functions.
XmVaCreatePanedWindow(3) - A PanedWindow widget convenience creation functions.
XmVaCreatePushButton(3) - A PushButton widget convenience creation functions.
XmVaCreatePushButtonGadget(3) - A PushButtonGadget widget convenience creation functions.
XmVaCreateRowColumn(3) - A RowColumn widget convenience creation functions.
XmVaCreateScale(3)  - A Scale widget convenience creation functions.
XmVaCreateScrollBar(3) - A ScrollBar widget convenience creation functions.
XmVaCreateScrolledWindow(3) - A ScrolledWindow widget convenience creation functions.
XmVaCreateSelectionBox(3) - A SelectionBox widget convenience creation functions.
XmVaCreateSeparatorGadget(3) - A SeparatorGadget widget convenience creation functions.
XmVaCreateSimpleCheckBox(3) - A RowColumn widget convenience creation function
XmVaCreateSimpleMenuBar(3) - A RowColumn widget convenience creation function
XmVaCreateSimpleOptionMenu(3) - A RowColumn widget convenience creation function
XmVaCreateSimplePopupMenu(3) - A RowColumn widget convenience creation function
XmVaCreateSimplePulldownMenu(3) - A RowColumn widget convenience creation function
XmVaCreateSimpleRadioBox(3) - A RowColumn widget convenience creation function
XmVaCreateSimpleSpinBox(3) - A SimpleSpinBox widget convenience creation functions.
XmVaCreateSpinBox(3) - A SpinBox widget convenience creation functions.
XmVaCreateTabStack(3) - A TabStack widget convenience creation functions.
XmVaCreateText(3)   - A Text widget convenience creation functions.
XmVaCreateTextField(3) - A TextField widget convenience creation functions.
XmVaCreateToggleButton(3) - A ToggleButton widget convenience creation functions.
XmVaCreateToggleButtonGadget(3) - A ToggleButtonGadget widget convenience creation functions.
XmWidgetGetBaselines(3) - Retrieves baseline information for a widget
XmWidgetGetDisplayRect(3) - Retrieves display rectangle information for a widget
Xnest(1)            - a nested X server
XNewModifiermap(3)  - manipulate keyboard encoding and keyboard encoding structure
XNextEvent(3)       - select events by type
xnlock(1)           - amusing lock screen program with message for passers-by
XNoExposeEvent(3)   - GraphicsExpose and NoExpose event structures
XNoOp(3)            - No Operation
XOffsetRegion(3)    - region arithmetic
XOMOfOC(3)          - create output contexts
xon(1)              - start an X program on a remote machine
XOpenDevice(3)      - open or close an extension input device
XOpenDisplay(3)     - connect or disconnect to X server
XOpenIM(3)          - open, close, and obtain input method information
XOpenOM(3)          - open output methods
Xorg(1)             - X11R7 X server
xorg.conf(5)        - configuration files for Xorg X server
xorg.conf.d(5)      - configuration files for Xorg X server
XOrgFoundation(7)   - X.Org Foundation information
XParseColor(3)      - obtain color values
XParseGeometry(3)   - parse window geometry
xpce-client(1)      - Contact an XPCE server socket
xpdf(1)             - Portable Document Format(PDF) file viewer for X (version 3.03)
xpdfrc(5)           - configuration file for Xpdf tools (version 3.03)
XPeekEvent(3)       - select events by type
XPeekIfEvent(3)     - check the event queue with a predicate procedure
XPending(3)         - handle output buffer or event queue
XPixmapFormatValues(3) - image format functions and macros
xpmroot(1)          - Sets the root window of the current X display to image
xpmtoppm(1)         - convert an X11 pixmap to a PPM image
XPoint(3)           - draw points and points structure
XPointInRegion(3)   - determine if regions are empty or equal
XPolygonRegion(3)   - generate regions
xpr(1)              - print an X window dump
XProcessInternalConnection(3) - handle Xlib internal connections
XProjectTeam(7)     - X.Org Group information
xprop(1)            - property displayer for X
XPropertyEvent(3)   - PropertyNotify event structure
XPutBackEvent(3)    - put events back on the queue
XPutImage(3)        - transfer images
XPutPixel(3)        - image utilities
XQueryBestCursor(3) - manipulate cursors
XQueryBestSize(3)   - determine efficient sizes
XQueryBestStipple(3) - determine efficient sizes
XQueryBestTile(3)   - determine efficient sizes
XQueryColor(3)      - obtain color values
XQueryColors(3)     - obtain color values
XQueryDeviceState(3) - query the state of an extension input device.
XQueryExtension(3)  - list available extensions
XQueryFont(3)       - load or unload fonts and font metric structures
XQueryKeymap(3)     - manipulate keyboard settings and keyboard control structure
XQueryPointer(3)    - get pointer coordinates
XQueryTextExtents16(3) - compute or query text extents
XQueryTextExtents(3) - compute or query text extents
XQueryTree(3)       - query window tree information
XRaiseWindow(3)     - change window stacking order
xrandr(1)           - primitive command line interface to RandR extension
Xrandr(3)           - X Resize, Rotate and Reflection extension.
xrdb(1)             - X server resource database utility
XReadBitmapFile(3)  - manipulate bitmaps
XReadBitmapFileData(3) - manipulate bitmaps
XRebindKeysym(3)    - handle keyboard input events in Latin-1
XRecolorCursor(3)   - manipulate cursors
XReconfigureWMWindow(3) - manipulate top-level windows
XRectangle(3)       - draw rectangles and rectangles structure
XRectInRegion(3)    - determine if regions are empty or equal
xrefresh(1)         - refresh all or part of an X screen
XRefreshKeyboardMapping(3) - handle keyboard input events in Latin-1
XRegisterIMInstantiateCallback(3) - open, close, and obtain input method information
XRemoveConnectionWatch(3) - handle Xlib internal connections
XRemoveFromSaveSet(3) - change a client's save set
XRemoveHost(3)      - control host access and host control structure
XRemoveHosts(3)     - control host access and host control structure
XReparentEvent(3)   - ReparentNotify event structure
XReparentWindow(3)  - reparent windows
XRes(3)             - X-Resource extension client library
XResetScreenSaver(3) - manipulate the screen saver
XResizeRequestEvent(3) - ResizeRequest event structure
XResizeWindow(3)    - configure windows and window changes structure
XResourceManagerString(3) - obtain server resource properties
XResQueryClientPixmapBytes(3) - X-Resource extension client library
XResQueryClientResources(3) - X-Resource extension client library
XResQueryClients(3) - X-Resource extension client library
XResQueryExtension(3) - X-Resource extension client library
XResQueryVersion(3) - X-Resource extension client library
XRestackWindows(3)  - change window stacking order
XrmCombineDatabase(3) - merge resource databases
XrmCombineFileDatabase(3) - merge resource databases
XrmDestroyDatabase(3) - retrieve and store resource databases
XrmEnumerateDatabase(3) - enumerate resource database entries
XrmGetDatabase(3)   - retrieve and store resource databases
XrmGetFileDatabase(3) - retrieve and store resource databases
XrmGetResource(3)   - retrieve database resources and search lists
XrmGetStringDatabase(3) - retrieve and store resource databases
XrmInitialize(3)    - initialize the Resource Manager, Resource Manager structures, and parse the command line
XrmLocaleOfDatabase(3) - retrieve and store resource databases
XrmMergeDatabases(3) - merge resource databases
XrmOptionDescRec(3) - initialize the Resource Manager, Resource Manager structures, and parse the command line
XrmOptionKind(3)    - initialize the Resource Manager, Resource Manager structures, and parse the command line
XrmParseCommand(3)  - initialize the Resource Manager, Resource Manager structures, and parse the command line
XrmPermStringToQuark(3) - manipulate resource quarks
XrmPutFileDatabase(3) - retrieve and store resource databases
XrmPutLineResource(3) - store database resources
XrmPutResource(3)   - store database resources
XrmPutStringResource(3) - store database resources
XrmQGetResource(3)  - retrieve database resources and search lists
XrmQGetSearchList(3) - retrieve database resources and search lists
XrmQGetSearchResource(3) - retrieve database resources and search lists
XrmQPutResource(3)  - store database resources
XrmQPutStringResource(3) - store database resources
XrmQuarkToString(3) - manipulate resource quarks
XrmSetDatabase(3)   - retrieve and store resource databases
XrmStringToBindingQuarkList(3) - manipulate resource quarks
XrmStringToQuark(3) - manipulate resource quarks
XrmStringToQuarkList(3) - manipulate resource quarks
XrmUniqueQuark(3)   - manipulate resource quarks
XrmValue(3)         - initialize the Resource Manager, Resource Manager structures, and parse the command line
XRotateBuffers(3)   - manipulate cut and paste buffers
XRotateWindowProperties(3) - obtain and change window properties
XRRConfigCurrentConfiguration(3) - X Resize, Rotate and Reflection extension.
XRRConfigCurrentRate(3) - X Resize, Rotate and Reflection extension.
XRRConfigRates(3)   - X Resize, Rotate and Reflection extension.
XRRConfigRotations(3) - X Resize, Rotate and Reflection extension.
XRRConfigSizes(3)   - X Resize, Rotate and Reflection extension.
XRRConfigTimes(3)   - X Resize, Rotate and Reflection extension.
XRRFreeScreenConfigInfo(3) - X Resize, Rotate and Reflection extension.
XRRGetScreenInfo(3) - X Resize, Rotate and Reflection extension.
XRRQueryExtension(3) - X Resize, Rotate and Reflection extension.
XRRQueryVersion(3)  - X Resize, Rotate and Reflection extension.
XRRRootToScreen(3)  - X Resize, Rotate and Reflection extension.
XRRSelectInput(3)   - X Resize, Rotate and Reflection extension.
XRRSetScreenConfig(3) - X Resize, Rotate and Reflection extension.
XRRSetScreenConfigAndRate(3) - X Resize, Rotate and Reflection extension.
XSaveContext(3)     - associative look-up routines
xscope(1)           - X Window Protocol Viewer
XScreenNumberOfScreen(3) - screen information functions and macros
XScreenResourceString(3) - obtain server resource properties
XScreenSaverAllocInfo(3) - X11 Screen Saver extension client library
XScreenSaverGetRegistered(3) - X11 Screen Saver extension client library
XScreenSaverQueryExtension(3) - X11 Screen Saver extension client library
XScreenSaverQueryInfo(3) - X11 Screen Saver extension client library
XScreenSaverQueryVersion(3) - X11 Screen Saver extension client library
XScreenSaverRegister(3) - X11 Screen Saver extension client library
XScreenSaverSelectInput(3) - X11 Screen Saver extension client library
XScreenSaverSetAttributes(3) - X11 Screen Saver extension client library
XScreenSaverSuspend(3) - X11 Screen Saver extension client library
XScreenSaverUnregister(3) - X11 Screen Saver extension client library
XScreenSaverUnsetAttributes(3) - X11 Screen Saver extension client library
Xsecurity(7)        - X display access control
XSegment(3)         - draw lines, polygons, and line structure
XSelectExtensionEvent(3) - select extension events, get the list of currently selected extension events
XSelectInput(3)     - select input events
XSelectionClearEvent(3) - SelectionClear event structure
XSelectionEvent(3)  - SelectionNotify event structure
XSelectionRequestEvent(3) - SelectionRequest event structure
XSendEvent(3)       - send events and pointer motion history structure
XSendExtensionEvent(3) - send input extension events to a client
Xserver(1)          - X Window System display server
xset(1)             - user preference utility for X
XSetAccessControl(3) - control host access and host control structure
XSetAfterFunction(3) - enable or disable synchronization
XSetArcMode(3)      - GC convenience routines
XSetBackground(3)   - GC convenience routines
xsetbg(1)           - load images into an X11 window or onto the root window
XSetClassHint(3)    - allocate class hints structure and set or read a window's WM_CLASS property
XSetClipMask(3)     - GC convenience routines
XSetClipOrigin(3)   - GC convenience routines
XSetClipRectangles(3) - GC convenience routines
XSetCloseDownMode(3) - control clients
XSetCommand(3)      - set or read a window's WM_COMMAND property
XSetDashes(3)       - GC convenience routines
XSetDeviceButtonMapping(3) - query or change device button mappings
XSetDeviceFocus(3)  - control extension input device focus
XSetDeviceMode(3)   - change the mode of a device
XSetDeviceModifierMapping(3) - query or change device modifier mappings
XSetDeviceValuators(3) - initialize the valuators on an extension input device
XSetErrorHandler(3) - default error handlers
XSetEventQueueOwner(3) - set event queue owner on a shared Xlib/XCB connection
XSetFillRule(3)     - GC convenience routines
XSetFillStyle(3)    - GC convenience routines
XSetFont(3)         - GC convenience routines
XSetFontPath(3)     - set, get, or free the font search path
XSetForeground(3)   - GC convenience routines
XSetFunction(3)     - GC convenience routines
XSetGraphicsExposure(3) - GC convenience routines
XSetICFocus(3)      - set and unset input context focus
XSetIconName(3)     - set or read a window's WM_ICON_NAME property
XSetIconSizes(3)    - allocate icon size structure and set or read a window's WM_ICON_SIZES property
XSetICValues(3)     - set and obtain XIC values
XSetIMValues(3)     - open, close, and obtain input method information
XSetInputFocus(3)   - control input focus
XSetIOErrorHandler(3) - default error handlers
XSetLineAttributes(3) - GC convenience routines
XSetLocaleModifiers(3) - determine locale support and configure locale modifiers
XSetModifierMapping(3) - manipulate keyboard encoding and keyboard encoding structure
XSetOCValues(3)     - create output contexts
XSetOMValues(3)     - open output methods
XSetPlaneMask(3)    - GC convenience routines
XSetPointerMapping(3) - manipulate pointer settings
XSetRegion(3)       - create or destroy regions
XSetRGBColormaps(3) - allocate, set, or read a standard colormap structure
xsetroot(1)         - root window parameter setting utility for X
XSetScreenSaver(3)  - manipulate the screen saver
XSetSelectionOwner(3) - manipulate window selection
XSetState(3)        - GC convenience routines
XSetStipple(3)      - GC convenience routines
XSetSubwindowMode(3) - GC convenience routines
XSetTextProperty(3) - set and read text properties
XSetTile(3)         - GC convenience routines
XSetTransientForHint(3) - set or read a window's WM_TRANSIENT_FOR property
XSetTSOrigin(3)     - GC convenience routines
XSetWindowAttributes(3) - create windows and window attributes structure
XSetWindowBackground(3) - change window attributes
XSetWindowBackgroundPixmap(3) - change window attributes
XSetWindowBorder(3) - change window attributes
XSetWindowBorderPixmap(3) - change window attributes
XSetWindowBorderWidth(3) - configure windows and window changes structure
XSetWindowColormap(3) - change window attributes
XSetWMClientMachine(3) - set or read a window's WM_CLIENT_MACHINE property
XSetWMColormapWindows(3) - set or read a window's WM_COLORMAP_WINDOWS property
XSetWMHints(3)      - allocate window manager hints structure and set or read a window's WM_HINTS property
XSetWMIconName(3)   - set or read a window's WM_ICON_NAME property
XSetWMName(3)       - set or read a window's WM_NAME property
XSetWMNormalHints(3) - allocate size hints structure and set or read a window's WM_NORMAL_HINTS property
XSetWMProperties(3) - set standard window properties
XSetWMProtocols(3)  - set or read a window's WM_PROTOCOLS property
XSetWMSizeHints(3)  - allocate size hints structure and set or read a window's WM_NORMAL_HINTS property
XShape(3)           - X nonrectangular shape functions
XShapeCombineMask(3) - X nonrectangular shape functions
XShapeCombineRectangles(3) - X nonrectangular shape functions
XShapeCombineRegion(3) - X nonrectangular shape functions
XShapeCombineShape(3) - X nonrectangular shape functions
XShapeGetRectangles(3) - X nonrectangular shape functions
XShapeInputSelected(3) - X nonrectangular shape functions
XShapeOffsetShape(3) - X nonrectangular shape functions
XShapeQueryExtension(3) - X nonrectangular shape functions
XShapeQueryExtents(3) - X nonrectangular shape functions
XShapeQueryVersion(3) - X nonrectangular shape functions
XShapeSelectInput(3) - X nonrectangular shape functions
XShm(3)             - X Shared Memory extension functions
XShmAttach(3)       - X Shared Memory extension functions
XShmCreateImage(3)  - X Shared Memory extension functions
XShmCreatePixmap(3) - X Shared Memory extension functions
XShmDetach(3)       - X Shared Memory extension functions
XShmGetEventBase(3) - X Shared Memory extension functions
XShmGetImage(3)     - X Shared Memory extension functions
XShmPixmapFormat(3) - X Shared Memory extension functions
XShmPutImage(3)     - X Shared Memory extension functions
XShmQueryExtension(3) - X Shared Memory extension functions
XShmQueryVersion(3) - X Shared Memory extension functions
XShrinkRegion(3)    - region arithmetic
XSizeHints(3)       - allocate size hints structure and set or read a window's WM_NORMAL_HINTS property
XSLoader(3pm)       - Dynamically load C libraries into Perl code
xsltproc(1)         - command line XSLT processor
xsm(1)              - X Session Manager
xsri(1)             - set the root window background in X
Xss(3)              - X11 Screen Saver extension client library
XStandardColormap(3) - allocate, set, or read a standard colormap structure
xstdcmap(1)         - X standard colormap utility
XStoreBuffer(3)     - manipulate cut and paste buffers
XStoreBytes(3)      - manipulate cut and paste buffers
XStoreColor(3)      - set colors
XStoreColors(3)     - set colors
XStoreName(3)       - set or read a window's WM_NAME property
XStoreNamedColor(3) - set colors
XStringListToTextProperty(3) - convert string lists and text property structure
XStringToKeysym(3)  - convert keysyms
XS.Typemap(3pm)     - module to test the XS typemaps distributed with perl
XSubImage(3)        - image utilities
xsubpp(1)           - compiler to convert Perl XS code into C code
XSubtractRegion(3)  - region arithmetic
XSupportsLocale(3)  - determine locale support and configure locale modifiers
XSync(3)            - handle output buffer or event queue
XSynchronize(3)     - enable or disable synchronization
XtAddActions(3)     - register an action table
XtAddCallback(3)    - add and remove callback procedures
XtAddCallbacks(3)   - add and remove callback procedures
XtAddConverter(3)   - register resource converter
XtAddEventHandler(3) - add and remove event handlers
XtAddExposureToRegion(3) - merge exposure events into a region
XtAddGrab(3)        - redirect user input to a modal widget
XtAddInput(3)       - register input, timeout, and workprocs
XtAddRawEventHandler(3) - add and remove event handlers
XtAddTimeOut(3)     - register input, timeout, and workprocs
XtAddWorkProc(3)    - register input, timeout, and workprocs
xtail(1)            - Watch the growth of files.
XtAllocateGC(3)     - obtain a sharable GC with modifiable fields
XtAppAddActionHook(3) - register an action hook procedure
XtAppAddActions(3)  - register an action table
XtAppAddBlockHook(3) - register a block hook procedure
XtAppAddConverter(3) - register resource converter
XtAppAddInput(3)    - register and remove an input source
XtAppAddSignal(3)   - register and remove a signal source
XtAppAddTimeOut(3)  - register and remove timeouts
XtAppAddWorkProc(3) - Add and remove background processing procedures
XtAppCreateShell(3) - create top-level widget instance
XtAppError(3)       - low-level error handlers
XtAppErrorMsg(3)    - high-level error handlers
XtAppGetErrorDatabase(3) - obtain error database
XtAppGetErrorDatabaseText(3) - obtain error database
XtAppGetExitFlag(3) - thread support functions
XtAppGetSelectionTimeout(3) - set and obtain selection timeout values
XtAppInitialize(3)  - initialize, open, or close a display
XtAppLock(3)        - lock and unlock application context
XtAppMainLoop(3)    - query and process events and input
XtAppNextEvent(3)   - query and process events and input
XtAppPeekEvent(3)   - query and process events and input
XtAppPending(3)     - query and process events and input
XtAppProcessEvent(3) - query and process events and input
XtAppReleaseCacheRefs(3) - decrement reference counts for resources
XtAppSetErrorHandler(3) - low-level error handlers
XtAppSetErrorMsgHandler(3) - high-level error handlers
XtAppSetExitFlag(3) - thread support functions
XtAppSetFallbackResources(3) - set fallback resources
XtAppSetSelectionTimeout(3) - set and obtain selection timeout values
XtAppSetTypeConverter(3) - register resource converter
XtAppSetWarningHandler(3) - low-level error handlers
XtAppSetWarningMsgHandler(3) - high-level error handlers
XtAppUnlock(3)      - lock and unlock application context
XtAppWarning(3)     - low-level error handlers
XtAppWarningMsg(3)  - high-level error handlers
XtAsprintf(3)       - memory management functions
XtAugmentTranslations(3) - manage translation tables
XtBuildEventMask(3) - retrieve a widget's event mask
XtCallAcceptFocus(3) - calla widget's accept_focus procedure
XtCallActionProc(3) - invoke an action procedure directly
XtCallbackExclusive(3) - map a pop-up
XtCallbackNone(3)   - map a pop-up
XtCallbackNonexclusive(3) - map a pop-up
XtCallbackPopdown(3) - unmap a pop-up
XtCallCallbackList(3) - process callbacks
XtCallCallbacks(3)  - process callbacks
XtCallConverter(3)  - invoke resource converters
XtCalloc(3)         - memory management functions
XtCancelSelectionRequest(3) - bundle multiple selection conversion requests into a single request using MULTIPLE target
XtChangeManagedSet(3) - manage and unmanage children
XtCheckSubclass(3)  - obtain and verify a widget's class
XtClass(3)          - obtain and verify a widget's class
XtCloseDisplay(3)   - initialize, open, or close a display
XtConfigureWidget(3) - move and resize widgets
XtConvert(3)        - invoke resource converters
XtConvertAndStore(3) - invoke resource converters
XtConvertCase(3)    - convert KeySym to KeyCodes
XtCreateApplicationContext(3) - create, destroy, and obtain an application context
XtCreateApplicationShell(3) - create top-level widget instance
XtCreateManagedWidget(3) - create and destroy widgets
XtCreatePopupShell(3) - create a popup shell
XtCreateSelectionRequest(3) - bundle multiple selection conversion requests into a single request using MULTIPLE target
XtCreateWidget(3)   - create and destroy widgets
XtCreateWindow(3)   - window creation convenience function
XtDatabase(3)       - initialize, open, or close a display
XtDestroyApplicationContext(3) - create, destroy, and obtain an application context
XtDestroyWidget(3)  - create and destroy widgets
XtDirectConvert(3)  - invoke resource converters
XtDisownSelection(3) - set selection owner
XtDispatchEvent(3)  - query and process events and input
XtDispatchEventToWidget(3) - extension event handling
XtDisplay(3)        - obtain window information about a widget
XtDisplayInitialize(3) - initialize, open, or close a display
XtDisplayOfObject(3) - obtain window information about a widget
XtDisplayStringConversionWarning(3) - issue a conversion warning message
XtDisplayToApplicationContext(3) - obtain an application context
xterm(1)            - terminal emulator for X
XtError(3)          - low-level error handlers
XtErrorMsg(3)       - high-level error handlers
XTestCompareCurrentCursorWithWindow(3) - XTest extension functions
XTestCompareCursorWithWindow(3) - XTest extension functions
XTestDiscard(3)     - XTest extension functions
XTestFakeButtonEvent(3) - XTest extension functions
XTestFakeKeyEvent(3) - XTest extension functions
XTestFakeMotionEvent(3) - XTest extension functions
XTestFakeRelativeMotionEvent(3) - XTest extension functions
XTestGrabControl(3) - XTest extension functions
XTestQueryExtension(3) - XTest extension functions
XTestSetGContextOfGC(3) - XTest extension functions
XTestSetVisualIDOfVisual(3) - XTest extension functions
XTextExtents16(3)   - compute or query text extents
XTextExtents(3)     - compute or query text extents
XTextItem16(3)      - draw polytext text and text drawing structures
XTextItem(3)        - draw polytext text and text drawing structures
XTextProperty(3)    - convert string lists and text property structure
XTextPropertyToStringList(3) - convert string lists and text property structure
XTextWidth16(3)     - compute text width
XTextWidth(3)       - compute text width
XtFindFile(3)       - search for a file using substitutions in the path list
XtFree(3)           - memory management functions
XtGetActionKeysym(3) - obtain corresponding keysym
XtGetActionList(3)  - obtain class action list
XtGetApplicationNameAndClass(3) - retrieve application name and class
XtGetApplicationResources(3) - obtain application resources
XtGetClassExtension(3) - locate a class extension record
XtGetConstraintResourceList(3) - obtain resource list
XtGetDisplays(3)    - retrieve a list of displays associated with an application context
XtGetErrorDatabase(3) - obtain error database
XtGetErrorDatabaseText(3) - obtain error database
XtGetGC(3)          - obtain and destroy a sharable GC
XtGetKeyboardFocusWidget(3) - extension event handling
XtGetKeysymTable(3) - query keysyms and keycodes
XtGetMultiClickTime(3) - set and get multi-click times
XtGetResourceList(3) - obtain resource list
XtGetSelectionParameters(3) - retrieve target parameters for a selection request with a single target
XtGetSelectionRequest(3) - retrieve the event that triggered the XtConvertSelectionProc
XtGetSelectionTimeout(3) - set and obtain selection timeout values
XtGetSelectionValue(3) - obtain selection values
XtGetSelectionValueIncremental(3) - obtain selection values
XtGetSelectionValues(3) - obtain selection values
XtGetSelectionValuesIncremental(3) - obtain selection values
XtGetSubresources(3) - obtain subresources
XtGetSubvalues(3)   - obtain and set widget resources
XtGetValues(3)      - obtain and set widget resources
XtGrabButton(3)     - manage grabs
XtGrabKey(3)        - manage grabs
XtGrabKeyboard(3)   - manage grabs
XtGrabPointer(3)    - manage grabs
XtHasCallbacks(3)   - process callbacks
XtHooksOfDisplay(3) - external agent access points
XTimeCoord(3)       - send events and pointer motion history structure
XtInitialize(3)     - initialize
XtInitializeWidgetClass(3) - initialize a widget class
XtInsertEventHandler(3) - add and remove event handlers
XtInsertEventTypeHandler(3) - extension event handling
XtInsertRawEventHandler(3) - add and remove event handlers
XtInstallAccelerators(3) - managing accelerator tables
XtInstallAllAccelerators(3) - managing accelerator tables
XtIsApplicationShell(3) - obtain and verify a widget's class
XtIsComposite(3)    - obtain and verify a widget's class
XtIsConstraint(3)   - obtain and verify a widget's class
XtIsManaged(3)      - manage and unmanage children
XtIsObject(3)       - obtain and verify a widget's class
XtIsOverrideShell(3) - obtain and verify a widget's class
XtIsRealized(3)     - realize and unrealize widgets
XtIsRectObj(3)      - obtain and verify a widget's class
XtIsSensitive(3)    - set and check a widget's sensitivity state
XtIsSessionShell(3) - obtain and verify a widget's class
XtIsShell(3)        - obtain and verify a widget's class
XtIsSubclass(3)     - obtain and verify a widget's class
XtIsTopLevelShell(3) - obtain and verify a widget's class
XtIsTransientShell(3) - obtain and verify a widget's class
XtIsVendorShell(3)  - obtain and verify a widget's class
XtIsWidget(3)       - obtain and verify a widget's class
XtIsWMShell(3)      - obtain and verify a widget's class
XtKeysymToKeycodeList(3) - query keysyms and keycodes
XtLastEventProcessed(3) - last event, last timestamp processed
XtLastTimestampProcessed(3) - last event, last timestamp processed
XtMainLoop(3)       - query and process events and input
XtMakeGeometryRequest(3) - make geometry manager request
XtMakeResizeRequest(3) - make geometry manager request
XtMalloc(3)         - memory management functions
XtManageChild(3)    - manage and unmanage children
XtManageChildren(3) - manage and unmanage children
XtMapWidget(3)      - map and unmap widgets
XtMergeArgLists(3)  - set and merge ArgLists
XtMoveWidget(3)     - move and resize widgets
XtName(3)           - obtain widget's name
XtNameToWidget(3)   - translating strings to widgets or widgets to windows
XtNew(3)            - memory management functions
XtNewString(3)      - memory management functions
XtNextEvent(3)      - query and process events and input
XtNoticeSignal(3)   - register and remove a signal source
XtNumber(3)         - determine the byte offset or number of array elements
XtOffset(3)         - determine the byte offset or number of array elements
XtOffsetOf(3)       - determine the byte offset or number of array elements
XtOpenApplication(3) - initialize, open, or close a display
XtOpenDisplay(3)    - initialize, open, or close a display
XtOverrideTranslations(3) - manage translation tables
xtow(1)             - An X Compositing Window Manager for Microsoft Windows
XtOwnSelection(3)   - set selection owner
XtOwnSelectionIncremental(3) - set selection owner
XtParent(3)         - obtain widget's parent widget id
XtParseAcceleratorTable(3) - managing accelerator tables
XtParseTranslationTable(3) - manage translation tables
XtPeekEvent(3)      - query and process events and input
XtPending(3)        - query and process events and input
XtPopdown(3)        - unmap a pop-up
XtPopup(3)          - map a pop-up
XtPopupSpringLoaded(3) - map a pop-up
XtProcessEvent(3)   - query and process events and input
XtProcessLock(3)    - lock and unlock process
XtProcessUnlock(3)  - lock and unlock process
XtQueryGeometry(3)  - query the preferred geometry of a child widget
XTranslateCoordinates(3) - translate window coordinates
XtRealizeWidget(3)  - realize and unrealize widgets
XtRealloc(3)        - memory management functions
XtRegisterCaseConverter(3) - convert KeySym to KeyCodes
XtRegisterDrawable(3) - register a drawable with the Intrinsics event dispatcher
XtRegisterExtensionSelector(3) - extension event handling
XtRegisterGrabAction(3) - register button and key grabs
XtReleaseGC(3)      - obtain and destroy a sharable GC
XtReleasePropertyAtom(3) - maintain a cache of property atoms
XtRemoveActionHook(3) - register an action hook procedure
XtRemoveAllCallbacks(3) - add and remove callback procedures
XtRemoveBlockHook(3) - register a block hook procedure
XtRemoveCallback(3) - add and remove callback procedures
XtRemoveCallbacks(3) - add and remove callback procedures
XtRemoveEventHandler(3) - add and remove event handlers
XtRemoveEventTypeHandler(3) - extension event handling
XtRemoveGrab(3)     - redirect user input to a modal widget
XtRemoveInput(3)    - register and remove an input source
XtRemoveRawEventHandler(3) - add and remove event handlers
XtRemoveSignal(3)   - register and remove a signal source
XtRemoveTimeOut(3)  - register and remove timeouts
XtRemoveWorkProc(3) - Add and remove background processing procedures
XtReservePropertyAtom(3) - maintain a cache of property atoms
XtResizeWidget(3)   - move and resize widgets
XtResolvePathname(3) - search for a file using standard substitution
XtScreen(3)         - obtain window information about a widget
XtScreenDatabase(3) - initialize, open, or close a display
XtScreenOfObject(3) - obtain window information about a widget
XtSendSelectionRequest(3) - bundle multiple selection conversion requests into a single request using MULTIPLE target
XtSessionGetToken(3) - token management for checkpointing
XtSessionReturnToken(3) - token management for checkpointing
XtSetArg(3)         - set and merge ArgLists
XtSetErrorHandler(3) - low-level error handlers
XtSetErrorMsgHandler(3) - high-level error handlers
XtSetEventDispatcher(3) - extension event handling
XtSetKeyboardFocus(3) - focus events on a child widget
XtSetKeyTranslator(3) - convert KeySym to KeyCodes
XtSetLanguageProc(3) - set the language procedure
XtSetMappedWhenManaged(3) - map and unmap widgets
XtSetMultiClickTime(3) - set and get multi-click times
XtSetSelectionParameters(3) - specify target parameters for a selection request with a single target
XtSetSelectionTimeout(3) - set and obtain selection timeout values
XtSetSensitive(3)   - set and check a widget's sensitivity state
XtSetSubvalues(3)   - obtain and set widget resources
XtSetTypeConverter(3) - register resource converter
XtSetValues(3)      - obtain and set widget resources
XtSetWarningHandler(3) - low-level error handlers
XtSetWarningMsgHandler(3) - high-level error handlers
XtSetWMColormapWindows(3) - Set the value of the WM_COLORMAP_WINDOWS property
XtStringConversionWarning(3) - issue a conversion warning message
XtSuperclass(3)     - obtain and verify a widget's class
XtToolkitInitialize(3) - create, destroy, and obtain an application context
XtToolkitThreadInitialize(3) - initialize the toolkit for multiple threads
XtTranslateCoords(3) - translate widget coordinates
XtTranslateKeycode(3) - convert KeySym to KeyCodes
XtUngrabButton(3)   - manage grabs
XtUngrabKey(3)      - manage grabs
XtUngrabKeyboard(3) - manage grabs
XtUngrabPointer(3)  - manage grabs
XtUninstallTranslations(3) - manage translation tables
XtUnmanageChild(3)  - manage and unmanage children
XtUnmanageChildren(3) - manage and unmanage children
XtUnmapWidget(3)    - map and unmap widgets
XtUnrealizeWidget(3) - realize and unrealize widgets
XtUnregisterDrawable(3) - register a drawable with the Intrinsics event dispatcher
XtVaAppCreateShell(3) - create top-level widget instance
XtVaAppInitialize(3) - initialize, open, or close a display
XtVaCreateArgsList(3) - dynamically allocate a varargs list
XtVaCreateManagedWidget(3) - create and destroy widgets
XtVaCreatePopupShell(3) - create a popup shell
XtVaCreateWidget(3) - create and destroy widgets
XtVaGetApplicationResources(3) - obtain application resources
XtVaGetSubresources(3) - obtain subresources
XtVaGetSubvalues(3) - obtain and set widget resources
XtVaGetValues(3)    - obtain and set widget resources
XtVaOpenApplication(3) - initialize, open, or close a display
XtVaSetSubvalues(3) - obtain and set widget resources
XtVaSetValues(3)    - obtain and set widget resources
XtWarning(3)        - low-level error handlers
XtWarningMsg(3)     - high-level error handlers
XtWidgetToApplicationContext(3) - create, destroy, and obtain an application context
XtWindow(3)         - obtain window information about a widget
XtWindowOfObject(3) - obtain window information about a widget
XtWindowToWidget(3) - translating strings to widgets or widgets to windows
XUndefineCursor(3)  - define cursors
XUngrabButton(3)    - grab pointer buttons
XUngrabDevice(3)    - grab/release the specified extension device
XUngrabDeviceButton(3) - grab/ungrab extension input device buttons
XUngrabDeviceKey(3) - grab/ungrab extension input device Keys
XUngrabKey(3)       - grab keyboard keys
XUngrabKeyboard(3)  - grab the keyboard
XUngrabPointer(3)   - grab the pointer
XUngrabServer(3)    - grab the server
XUninstallColormap(3) - control colormaps
XUnionRectWithRegion(3) - region arithmetic
XUnionRegion(3)     - region arithmetic
XUniqueContext(3)   - associative look-up routines
XUnloadFont(3)      - load or unload fonts and font metric structures
XUnlockDisplay(3)   - multi-threading support
XUnmapEvent(3)      - UnmapNotify event structure
XUnmapSubwindows(3) - unmap windows
XUnmapWindow(3)     - unmap windows
XUnregisterIMInstantiateCallback(3) - open, close, and obtain input method information
XUnsetICFocus(3)    - set and unset input context focus
Xutf8DrawImageString(3) - draw image text using a single font set
Xutf8DrawString(3)  - draw text using a single font set
Xutf8DrawText(3)    - draw text using multiple font sets
Xutf8LookupString(3) - obtain composed input from an input method
Xutf8ResetIC(3)     - reset the state of an input context
Xutf8SetWMProperties(3) - set standard window properties
Xutf8TextEscapement(3) - obtain the escapement of text
Xutf8TextExtents(3) - compute text extents
Xutf8TextListToTextProperty(3) - convert text lists and text property structures
Xutf8TextPerCharExtents(3) - obtain per-character information for a text string
Xutf8TextPropertyToTextList(3) - convert text lists and text property structures
XVaCreateNestedList(3) - allocate a nested variable argument list
Xvfb(1)             - virtual framebuffer X server for X Version 11
xview(1)            - load images into an X11 window or onto the root window
xview(1)            - xview toolkit information
XVisibilityEvent(3) - VisibilityNotify event structure
XVisualIDFromVisual(3) - obtain visual information and visual structure
XVisualInfo(3)      - obtain visual information and visual structure
xvminitoppm(1)      - convert an XV 'thumbnail' picture to PPM
XWarpPointer(3)     - move pointer
XwcDrawImageString(3) - draw image text using a single font set
XwcDrawString(3)    - draw text using a single font set
XwcDrawText(3)      - draw text using multiple font sets
XwcFreeStringList(3) - convert text lists and text property structures
XwcLookupString(3)  - obtain composed input from an input method
XwcResetIC(3)       - reset the state of an input context
XwcTextEscapement(3) - obtain the escapement of text
XwcTextExtents(3)   - compute text extents
XwcTextListToTextProperty(3) - convert text lists and text property structures
XwcTextPerCharExtents(3) - obtain per-character information for a text string
XwcTextPropertyToTextList(3) - convert text lists and text property structures
xwd(1)              - dump an image of an X window
xwdtopnm(1)         - convert an X11 or X10 window dump file to a PNM image
XWin(1)             - X Server for the Cygwin environment on Microsoft Windows
xwinclip(1)         - An X11 and Windows clipboard integration tool
XWindowAttributes(3) - get current window attribute or geometry and current window attributes structure
XWindowChanges(3)   - configure windows and window changes structure
XWindowEvent(3)     - select events by type
xwininfo(1)         - window information utility for X
XWinrc(5)           - XWin Server Resource Configuration File.
xwinwm(1)           - (unknown subject)
XWithdrawWindow(3)  - manipulate top-level windows
XWMGeometry(3)      - parse window geometry
XWMHints(3)         - allocate window manager hints structure and set or read a window's WM_HINTS property
XWriteBitmapFile(3) - manipulate bitmaps
xwud(1)             - image displayer for X
xxd(1)              - make a hexdump or do the reverse.
XXorRegion(3)       - region arithmetic
xz(1)               - Compress or decompress .xz and .lzma files
xzcat(1)            - Compress or decompress .xz and .lzma files
xzcmp(1)            - compare compressed files
xzdec(1)            - Small .xz and .lzma decompressors
xzdiff(1)           - compare compressed files
xzegrep(1)          - search compressed files for a regular expression
xzfgrep(1)          - search compressed files for a regular expression
xzgrep(1)           - search compressed files for a regular expression
xzless(1)           - view xz or lzma compressed(text) files
xzmore(1)           - view xz or lzma compressed(text) files
y0(3)               - (unknown subject)
y0f(3)              - (unknown subject)
y1(3)               - (unknown subject)
y1f(3)              - (unknown subject)
yacc(1)             - GNU Project parser generator
YAML(3pm)           - YAML Ain't Markup Language(tm)
YAML.Any(3pm)       - Pick a YAML implementation and use it.
YAML.Dumper(3pm)    - YAML class for dumping Perl objects to YAML
YAML.Dumper.Base(3pm) - Base class for YAML Dumper classes
YAML.Error(3pm)     - Error formatting class for YAML modules
YAML.Loader(3pm)    - YAML class for loading Perl objects to YAML
YAML.Loader.Base(3pm) - Base class for YAML Loader classes
YAML.Marshall(3pm)  - YAML marshalling class you can mixin to your classes
YAML.Node(3pm)      - A generic data node that encapsulates YAML information
YAML.Syck(3pm)      - Fast, lightweight YAML loader and dumper
YAML.Tag(3pm)       - Tag URI object class for YAML
YAML.Types(3pm)     - Marshall Perl internal data types to/from YAML
yasm(1)             - The Yasm Modular Assembler
yasm_arch(7)        - Yasm Supported Target Architectures
yasm_dbgfmts(7)     - Yasm Supported Debugging Formats
yasm_objfmts(7)     - Yasm Supported Object Formats
yasm_parsers(7)     - Yasm Supported Parsers (Assembler Syntaxes)
ybmtopbm(1)         - convert a Bennet Yee 'face' file to PBM
yes(1)              - output a string repeatedly until killed
yn(3)               - (unknown subject)
ynf(3)              - (unknown subject)
ytasm(1)            - TASM Frontend For The Yasm Modular Assembler
ytree(1)            - File Manager -
yuvsplittoppm(1)    - convert separate Y, U, and V files into a PPM image
yuvtoppm(1)         - convert Abekas YUV bytes to PPM
zaxpy(3)            - (unknown subject)
zaxpy.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
zbbcsd(3)           - (unknown subject)
zbbcsd.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zbdsqr(3)           - (unknown subject)
zbdsqr.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zcat(1)             - compress or expand files
zcgesv(3)           - (unknown subject)
zcgesv.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zcmp(1)             - compare compressed files
zcopy(3)            - (unknown subject)
zcopy.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
zcposv(3)           - (unknown subject)
zcposv.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zdiff(1)            - compare compressed files
zdotc(3)            - (unknown subject)
zdotc.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
zdotu(3)            - (unknown subject)
zdotu.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
zdrot(3)            - (unknown subject)
zdrot.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
zdrscl(3)           - (unknown subject)
zdrscl.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zdscal(3)           - (unknown subject)
zdscal.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zdump(8)            - time zone dumper
zeisstopnm(1)       - convert a Zeiss confocal file to PNM
zforce(1)           - force a '.gz' extension on all gzip files
zgbbrd(3)           - (unknown subject)
zgbbrd.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zgbcon(3)           - (unknown subject)
zgbcon.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zgbequ(3)           - (unknown subject)
zgbequb(3)          - (unknown subject)
zgbequb.f(3)        - (unknown subject)
zgbequ.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zgbmv(3)            - (unknown subject)
zgbmv.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
zgbrfs(3)           - (unknown subject)
zgbrfs.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zgbrfsx(3)          - (unknown subject)
zgbrfsx.f(3)        - (unknown subject)
zgbsv(3)            - (unknown subject)
zgbsv.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
zgbsvx(3)           - (unknown subject)
zgbsvx.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zgbsvxx(3)          - (unknown subject)
zgbsvxx.f(3)        - (unknown subject)
zgbtf2(3)           - (unknown subject)
zgbtf2.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zgbtrf(3)           - (unknown subject)
zgbtrf.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zgbtrs(3)           - (unknown subject)
zgbtrs.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zgebak(3)           - (unknown subject)
zgebak.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zgebal(3)           - (unknown subject)
zgebal.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zgebd2(3)           - (unknown subject)
zgebd2.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zgebrd(3)           - (unknown subject)
zgebrd.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zgecon(3)           - (unknown subject)
zgecon.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zgeequ(3)           - (unknown subject)
zgeequb(3)          - (unknown subject)
zgeequb.f(3)        - (unknown subject)
zgeequ.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zgees(3)            - (unknown subject)
zgees.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
zgeesx(3)           - (unknown subject)
zgeesx.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zgeev(3)            - (unknown subject)
zgeev.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
zgeevx(3)           - (unknown subject)
zgeevx.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zgegs(3)            - (unknown subject)
zgegs.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
zgegv(3)            - (unknown subject)
zgegv.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
zgehd2(3)           - (unknown subject)
zgehd2.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zgehrd(3)           - (unknown subject)
zgehrd.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zgelq2(3)           - (unknown subject)
zgelq2.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zgelqf(3)           - (unknown subject)
zgelqf.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zgels(3)            - (unknown subject)
zgelsd(3)           - (unknown subject)
zgelsd.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zgels.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
zgelss(3)           - (unknown subject)
zgelss.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zgelsx(3)           - (unknown subject)
zgelsx.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zgelsy(3)           - (unknown subject)
zgelsy.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zgemm(3)            - (unknown subject)
zgemm.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
zgemqrt(3)          - (unknown subject)
zgemqrt.f(3)        - (unknown subject)
zgemv(3)            - (unknown subject)
zgemv.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
zgeql2(3)           - (unknown subject)
zgeql2.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zgeqlf(3)           - (unknown subject)
zgeqlf.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zgeqp3(3)           - (unknown subject)
zgeqp3.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zgeqpf(3)           - (unknown subject)
zgeqpf.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zgeqr2(3)           - (unknown subject)
zgeqr2.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zgeqr2p(3)          - (unknown subject)
zgeqr2p.f(3)        - (unknown subject)
zgeqrf(3)           - (unknown subject)
zgeqrf.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zgeqrfp(3)          - (unknown subject)
zgeqrfp.f(3)        - (unknown subject)
zgeqrt2(3)          - (unknown subject)
zgeqrt2.f(3)        - (unknown subject)
zgeqrt3(3)          - (unknown subject)
zgeqrt3.f(3)        - (unknown subject)
zgeqrt(3)           - (unknown subject)
zgeqrt.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zgerc(3)            - (unknown subject)
zgerc.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
zgerfs(3)           - (unknown subject)
zgerfs.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zgerfsx(3)          - (unknown subject)
zgerfsx.f(3)        - (unknown subject)
zgerq2(3)           - (unknown subject)
zgerq2.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zgerqf(3)           - (unknown subject)
zgerqf.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zgeru(3)            - (unknown subject)
zgeru.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
zgesc2(3)           - (unknown subject)
zgesc2.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zgesdd(3)           - (unknown subject)
zgesdd.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zgesv(3)            - (unknown subject)
zgesvd(3)           - (unknown subject)
zgesvd.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zgesv.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
zgesvx(3)           - (unknown subject)
zgesvx.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zgesvxx(3)          - (unknown subject)
zgesvxx.f(3)        - (unknown subject)
zgetc2(3)           - (unknown subject)
zgetc2.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zgetf2(3)           - (unknown subject)
zgetf2.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zgetrf(3)           - (unknown subject)
zgetrf.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zgetri(3)           - (unknown subject)
zgetri.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zgetrs(3)           - (unknown subject)
zgetrs.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zggbak(3)           - (unknown subject)
zggbak.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zggbal(3)           - (unknown subject)
zggbal.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zgges(3)            - (unknown subject)
zgges.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
zggesx(3)           - (unknown subject)
zggesx.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zggev(3)            - (unknown subject)
zggev.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
zggevx(3)           - (unknown subject)
zggevx.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zggglm(3)           - (unknown subject)
zggglm.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zgghrd(3)           - (unknown subject)
zgghrd.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zgglse(3)           - (unknown subject)
zgglse.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zggqrf(3)           - (unknown subject)
zggqrf.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zggrqf(3)           - (unknown subject)
zggrqf.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zggsvd(3)           - (unknown subject)
zggsvd.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zggsvp(3)           - (unknown subject)
zggsvp.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zgrep(1)            - search possibly compressed files for a regular expression
zgtcon(3)           - (unknown subject)
zgtcon.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zgtrfs(3)           - (unknown subject)
zgtrfs.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zgtsv(3)            - (unknown subject)
zgtsv.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
zgtsvx(3)           - (unknown subject)
zgtsvx.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zgttrf(3)           - (unknown subject)
zgttrf.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zgttrs(3)           - (unknown subject)
zgttrs.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zgtts2(3)           - (unknown subject)
zgtts2.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zgz(1)              - Frankenstein's compressor
zhbev(3)            - (unknown subject)
zhbevd(3)           - (unknown subject)
zhbevd.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zhbev.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
zhbevx(3)           - (unknown subject)
zhbevx.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zhbgst(3)           - (unknown subject)
zhbgst.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zhbgv(3)            - (unknown subject)
zhbgvd(3)           - (unknown subject)
zhbgvd.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zhbgv.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
zhbgvx(3)           - (unknown subject)
zhbgvx.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zhbmv(3)            - (unknown subject)
zhbmv.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
zhbtrd(3)           - (unknown subject)
zhbtrd.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zhecon(3)           - (unknown subject)
zhecon.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zhecon_rook(3)      - (unknown subject)
zhecon_rook.f(3)    - (unknown subject)
zheequb(3)          - (unknown subject)
zheequb.f(3)        - (unknown subject)
zheev(3)            - (unknown subject)
zheevd(3)           - (unknown subject)
zheevd.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zheev.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
zheevr(3)           - (unknown subject)
zheevr.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zheevx(3)           - (unknown subject)
zheevx.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zhegs2(3)           - (unknown subject)
zhegs2.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zhegst(3)           - (unknown subject)
zhegst.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zhegv(3)            - (unknown subject)
zhegvd(3)           - (unknown subject)
zhegvd.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zhegv.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
zhegvx(3)           - (unknown subject)
zhegvx.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zhemm(3)            - (unknown subject)
zhemm.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
zhemv(3)            - (unknown subject)
zhemv.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
zher2(3)            - (unknown subject)
zher2.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
zher2k(3)           - (unknown subject)
zher2k.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zher(3)             - (unknown subject)
zher.f(3)           - (unknown subject)
zherfs(3)           - (unknown subject)
zherfs.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zherfsx(3)          - (unknown subject)
zherfsx.f(3)        - (unknown subject)
zherk(3)            - (unknown subject)
zherk.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
zhesv(3)            - (unknown subject)
zhesv.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
zhesv_rook(3)       - (unknown subject)
zhesv_rook.f(3)     - (unknown subject)
zhesvx(3)           - (unknown subject)
zhesvx.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zhesvxx(3)          - (unknown subject)
zhesvxx.f(3)        - (unknown subject)
zheswapr(3)         - (unknown subject)
zheswapr.f(3)       - (unknown subject)
zhetd2(3)           - (unknown subject)
zhetd2.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zhetf2(3)           - (unknown subject)
zhetf2.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zhetf2_rook(3)      - (unknown subject)
zhetf2_rook.f(3)    - (unknown subject)
zhetrd(3)           - (unknown subject)
zhetrd.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zhetrf(3)           - (unknown subject)
zhetrf.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zhetrf_rook(3)      - (unknown subject)
zhetrf_rook.f(3)    - (unknown subject)
zhetri2(3)          - (unknown subject)
zhetri2.f(3)        - (unknown subject)
zhetri2x(3)         - (unknown subject)
zhetri2x.f(3)       - (unknown subject)
zhetri(3)           - (unknown subject)
zhetri.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zhetri_rook(3)      - (unknown subject)
zhetri_rook.f(3)    - (unknown subject)
zhetrs2(3)          - (unknown subject)
zhetrs2.f(3)        - (unknown subject)
zhetrs(3)           - (unknown subject)
zhetrs.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zhetrs_rook(3)      - (unknown subject)
zhetrs_rook.f(3)    - (unknown subject)
zhfrk(3)            - (unknown subject)
zhfrk.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
zhgeqz(3)           - (unknown subject)
zhgeqz.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zhpcon(3)           - (unknown subject)
zhpcon.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zhpev(3)            - (unknown subject)
zhpevd(3)           - (unknown subject)
zhpevd.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zhpev.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
zhpevx(3)           - (unknown subject)
zhpevx.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zhpgst(3)           - (unknown subject)
zhpgst.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zhpgv(3)            - (unknown subject)
zhpgvd(3)           - (unknown subject)
zhpgvd.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zhpgv.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
zhpgvx(3)           - (unknown subject)
zhpgvx.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zhpmv(3)            - (unknown subject)
zhpmv.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
zhpr2(3)            - (unknown subject)
zhpr2.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
zhpr(3)             - (unknown subject)
zhpr.f(3)           - (unknown subject)
zhprfs(3)           - (unknown subject)
zhprfs.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zhpsv(3)            - (unknown subject)
zhpsv.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
zhpsvx(3)           - (unknown subject)
zhpsvx.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zhptrd(3)           - (unknown subject)
zhptrd.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zhptrf(3)           - (unknown subject)
zhptrf.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zhptri(3)           - (unknown subject)
zhptri.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zhptrs(3)           - (unknown subject)
zhptrs.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zhsein(3)           - (unknown subject)
zhsein.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zhseqr(3)           - (unknown subject)
zhseqr.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zic(8)              - time zone compiler
zip(1)              - package and compress(archive) files
zip_add(3)          - add file to zip archive or replace file in zip archive
zip_add_dir(3)      - add directory to zip archive
zipcloak(1)         - encrypt entries in a zipfile
zip_close(3)        - close zip archive
zipcmp(1)           - compare contents of zip archives
zip_delete(3)       - delete file from zip archive
zip_dir_add(3)      - add directory to zip archive
zip_discard(3)      - close zip archive and discard changes
zip_error_clear(3)  - clear error state for archive or file
zip_error_get(3)    - get error codes for archive or file
zip_error_get_sys_type(3) - get type of system error code
zip_errors(3)       - list of all libzip error codes
zip_error_to_str(3) - get string representation of zip error
zip_fclose(3)       - close file in zip archive
zip_fdopen(3)       - open zip archive using open file descriptor
zip_file_add(3)     - add file to zip archive or replace file in zip archive
zip_file_error_clear(3) - clear error state for archive or file
zip_file_error_get(3) - get error codes for archive or file
zip_file_extra_field_delete(3) - delete extra field for file in zip
zip_file_extra_field_delete_by_id(3) - delete extra field for file in zip
zip_file_extra_field_get(3) - get extra field for file in zip
zip_file_extra_field_get_by_id(3) - get extra field for file in zip
zip_file_extra_fields_count(3) - count extra fields for file in zip
zip_file_extra_fields_count_by_id(3) - count extra fields for file in zip
zip_file_extra_field_set(3) - set extra field for file in zip
zip_file_get_comment(3) - get comment for file in zip
zip_file_get_external_attributes(3) - get external attributes for file in zip
zip_file_rename(3)  - rename file in zip archive
zip_file_replace(3) - add file to zip archive or replace file in zip archive
zip_file_set_comment(3) - set comment for file in zip
zip_file_set_external_attributes(3) - set external attributes for file in zip
zip_file_strerror(3) - get string representation for a zip error
zip_fopen(3)        - open file in zip archive for reading
zip_fopen_encrypted(3) - open encrypted file in zip archive for reading
zip_fopen_index(3)  - open file in zip archive for reading
zip_fopen_index_encrypted(3) - open encrypted file in zip archive for reading
zip_fread(3)        - read from file
zip_get_archive_comment(3) - get zip archive comment
zip_get_archive_flag(3) - get status flags for zip
zip_get_file_comment(3) - get comment for file in zip
zip_get_name(3)     - get name of file by index
zip_get_num_entries(3) - get number of files in archive
zip_get_num_files(3) - get number of files in archive
zipgrep(1)          - search files in a ZIP archive for lines matching a pattern
zipinfo(1)          - list detailed information about a ZIP archive
zipmerge(1)         - merge zip archives
zip_name_locate(3)  - get index of file by name
zipnote(1)          - write the comments in zipfile to stdout, edit comments and rename files in zipfile
zip_open(3)         - open zip archive
zip_rename(3)       - rename file in zip archive
zip_replace(3)      - add file to zip archive or replace file in zip archive
zip_set_archive_comment(3) - set zip archive comment
zip_set_archive_flag(3) - set zip archive flag
zip_set_default_password(3) - set default password for encrypted files in zip
zip_set_file_comment(3) - set comment for file in zip
zip_set_file_compression(3) - set compression method for file in zip
zip_source_buffer(3) - create zip data source from buffer
zip_source_file(3)  - create data source from a file
zip_source_filep(3) - create data source from FILE *
zip_source_free(3)  - free zip data source
zip_source_function(3) - create data source from function
zip_source_zip(3)   - create data source from zip file
zipsplit(1)         - split a zipfile into smaller zipfiles
zip_stat(3)         - get information about file
zip_stat_index(3)   - get information about file
zip_stat_init(3)    - initialize zip_stat structure
zip_strerror(3)     - get string representation for a zip error
ziptorrent(1)       - torrentzip zip archives
zip_unchange(3)     - undo changes to file in zip archive
zip_unchange_all(3) - undo all changes in a zip archive
zip_unchange_archive(3) - undo global changes to zip archive
zlabrd(3)           - (unknown subject)
zlabrd.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zlacgv(3)           - (unknown subject)
zlacgv.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zlacn2(3)           - (unknown subject)
zlacn2.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zlacon(3)           - (unknown subject)
zlacon.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zlacp2(3)           - (unknown subject)
zlacp2.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zlacpy(3)           - (unknown subject)
zlacpy.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zlacrm(3)           - (unknown subject)
zlacrm.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zlacrt(3)           - (unknown subject)
zlacrt.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zladiv(3)           - (unknown subject)
zladiv.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zlaed0(3)           - (unknown subject)
zlaed0.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zlaed7(3)           - (unknown subject)
zlaed7.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zlaed8(3)           - (unknown subject)
zlaed8.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zlaein(3)           - (unknown subject)
zlaein.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zlaesy(3)           - (unknown subject)
zlaesy.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zlaev2(3)           - (unknown subject)
zlaev2.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zlag2c(3)           - (unknown subject)
zlag2c.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zla_gbamv(3)        - (unknown subject)
zla_gbamv.f(3)      - (unknown subject)
zla_gbrcond_c(3)    - (unknown subject)
zla_gbrcond_c.f(3)  - (unknown subject)
zla_gbrcond_x(3)    - (unknown subject)
zla_gbrcond_x.f(3)  - (unknown subject)
zla_gbrfsx_extended(3) - (unknown subject)
zla_gbrfsx_extended.f(3) - (unknown subject)
zla_gbrpvgrw(3)     - (unknown subject)
zla_gbrpvgrw.f(3)   - (unknown subject)
zla_geamv(3)        - (unknown subject)
zla_geamv.f(3)      - (unknown subject)
zla_gercond_c(3)    - (unknown subject)
zla_gercond_c.f(3)  - (unknown subject)
zla_gercond_x(3)    - (unknown subject)
zla_gercond_x.f(3)  - (unknown subject)
zla_gerfsx_extended(3) - (unknown subject)
zla_gerfsx_extended.f(3) - (unknown subject)
zla_gerpvgrw(3)     - (unknown subject)
zla_gerpvgrw.f(3)   - (unknown subject)
zlags2(3)           - (unknown subject)
zlags2.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zlagtm(3)           - (unknown subject)
zlagtm.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zla_heamv(3)        - (unknown subject)
zla_heamv.f(3)      - (unknown subject)
zlahef(3)           - (unknown subject)
zlahef.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zlahef_rook(3)      - (unknown subject)
zlahef_rook.f(3)    - (unknown subject)
zla_hercond_c(3)    - (unknown subject)
zla_hercond_c.f(3)  - (unknown subject)
zla_hercond_x(3)    - (unknown subject)
zla_hercond_x.f(3)  - (unknown subject)
zla_herfsx_extended(3) - (unknown subject)
zla_herfsx_extended.f(3) - (unknown subject)
zla_herpvgrw(3)     - (unknown subject)
zla_herpvgrw.f(3)   - (unknown subject)
zlahqr(3)           - (unknown subject)
zlahqr.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zlahr2(3)           - (unknown subject)
zlahr2.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zlahrd(3)           - (unknown subject)
zlahrd.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zlaic1(3)           - (unknown subject)
zlaic1.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zla_lin_berr(3)     - (unknown subject)
zla_lin_berr.f(3)   - (unknown subject)
zlals0(3)           - (unknown subject)
zlals0.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zlalsa(3)           - (unknown subject)
zlalsa.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zlalsd(3)           - (unknown subject)
zlalsd.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zlangb(3)           - (unknown subject)
zlangb.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zlange(3)           - (unknown subject)
zlange.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zlangt(3)           - (unknown subject)
zlangt.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zlanhb(3)           - (unknown subject)
zlanhb.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zlanhe(3)           - (unknown subject)
zlanhe.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zlanhf(3)           - (unknown subject)
zlanhf.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zlanhp(3)           - (unknown subject)
zlanhp.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zlanhs(3)           - (unknown subject)
zlanhs.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zlanht(3)           - (unknown subject)
zlanht.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zlansb(3)           - (unknown subject)
zlansb.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zlansp(3)           - (unknown subject)
zlansp.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zlansy(3)           - (unknown subject)
zlansy.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zlantb(3)           - (unknown subject)
zlantb.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zlantp(3)           - (unknown subject)
zlantp.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zlantr(3)           - (unknown subject)
zlantr.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zlapll(3)           - (unknown subject)
zlapll.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zlapmr(3)           - (unknown subject)
zlapmr.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zlapmt(3)           - (unknown subject)
zlapmt.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zla_porcond_c(3)    - (unknown subject)
zla_porcond_c.f(3)  - (unknown subject)
zla_porcond_x(3)    - (unknown subject)
zla_porcond_x.f(3)  - (unknown subject)
zla_porfsx_extended(3) - (unknown subject)
zla_porfsx_extended.f(3) - (unknown subject)
zla_porpvgrw(3)     - (unknown subject)
zla_porpvgrw.f(3)   - (unknown subject)
zlaqgb(3)           - (unknown subject)
zlaqgb.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zlaqge(3)           - (unknown subject)
zlaqge.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zlaqhb(3)           - (unknown subject)
zlaqhb.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zlaqhe(3)           - (unknown subject)
zlaqhe.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zlaqhp(3)           - (unknown subject)
zlaqhp.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zlaqp2(3)           - (unknown subject)
zlaqp2.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zlaqps(3)           - (unknown subject)
zlaqps.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zlaqr0(3)           - (unknown subject)
zlaqr0.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zlaqr1(3)           - (unknown subject)
zlaqr1.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zlaqr2(3)           - (unknown subject)
zlaqr2.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zlaqr3(3)           - (unknown subject)
zlaqr3.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zlaqr4(3)           - (unknown subject)
zlaqr4.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zlaqr5(3)           - (unknown subject)
zlaqr5.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zlaqsb(3)           - (unknown subject)
zlaqsb.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zlaqsp(3)           - (unknown subject)
zlaqsp.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zlaqsy(3)           - (unknown subject)
zlaqsy.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zlar1v(3)           - (unknown subject)
zlar1v.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zlar2v(3)           - (unknown subject)
zlar2v.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zlarcm(3)           - (unknown subject)
zlarcm.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zlarf(3)            - (unknown subject)
zlarfb(3)           - (unknown subject)
zlarfb.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zlarf.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
zlarfg(3)           - (unknown subject)
zlarfg.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zlarfgp(3)          - (unknown subject)
zlarfgp.f(3)        - (unknown subject)
zlarft(3)           - (unknown subject)
zlarft.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zlarfx(3)           - (unknown subject)
zlarfx.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zlargv(3)           - (unknown subject)
zlargv.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zlarnv(3)           - (unknown subject)
zlarnv.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zlarrv(3)           - (unknown subject)
zlarrv.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zlarscl2(3)         - (unknown subject)
zlarscl2.f(3)       - (unknown subject)
zlartg(3)           - (unknown subject)
zlartg.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zlartv(3)           - (unknown subject)
zlartv.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zlarz(3)            - (unknown subject)
zlarzb(3)           - (unknown subject)
zlarzb.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zlarz.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
zlarzt(3)           - (unknown subject)
zlarzt.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zlascl2(3)          - (unknown subject)
zlascl2.f(3)        - (unknown subject)
zlascl(3)           - (unknown subject)
zlascl.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zlaset(3)           - (unknown subject)
zlaset.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zlasr(3)            - (unknown subject)
zlasr.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
zlassq(3)           - (unknown subject)
zlassq.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zlaswp(3)           - (unknown subject)
zlaswp.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zla_syamv(3)        - (unknown subject)
zla_syamv.f(3)      - (unknown subject)
zlasyf(3)           - (unknown subject)
zlasyf.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zlasyf_rook(3)      - (unknown subject)
zlasyf_rook.f(3)    - (unknown subject)
zla_syrcond_c(3)    - (unknown subject)
zla_syrcond_c.f(3)  - (unknown subject)
zla_syrcond_x(3)    - (unknown subject)
zla_syrcond_x.f(3)  - (unknown subject)
zla_syrfsx_extended(3) - (unknown subject)
zla_syrfsx_extended.f(3) - (unknown subject)
zla_syrpvgrw(3)     - (unknown subject)
zla_syrpvgrw.f(3)   - (unknown subject)
zlat2c(3)           - (unknown subject)
zlat2c.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zlatbs(3)           - (unknown subject)
zlatbs.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zlatdf(3)           - (unknown subject)
zlatdf.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zlatps(3)           - (unknown subject)
zlatps.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zlatrd(3)           - (unknown subject)
zlatrd.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zlatrs(3)           - (unknown subject)
zlatrs.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zlatrz(3)           - (unknown subject)
zlatrz.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zlatzm(3)           - (unknown subject)
zlatzm.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zlauu2(3)           - (unknown subject)
zlauu2.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zlauum(3)           - (unknown subject)
zlauum.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zla_wwaddw(3)       - (unknown subject)
zla_wwaddw.f(3)     - (unknown subject)
zless(1)            - file perusal filter for crt viewing of compressed text
zlib(3)             - compression/decompression library
zmore(1)            - file perusal filter for crt viewing of compressed text
znew(1)             - recompress .Z files to .gz files
zoneserver(8)       - handle zone transfers and other TCP functions for MaraDNS
zoo(1)              - manipulate archives of files in compressed form
zpbcon(3)           - (unknown subject)
zpbcon.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zpbequ(3)           - (unknown subject)
zpbequ.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zpbrfs(3)           - (unknown subject)
zpbrfs.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zpbstf(3)           - (unknown subject)
zpbstf.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zpbsv(3)            - (unknown subject)
zpbsv.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
zpbsvx(3)           - (unknown subject)
zpbsvx.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zpbtf2(3)           - (unknown subject)
zpbtf2.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zpbtrf(3)           - (unknown subject)
zpbtrf.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zpbtrs(3)           - (unknown subject)
zpbtrs.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zpftrf(3)           - (unknown subject)
zpftrf.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zpftri(3)           - (unknown subject)
zpftri.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zpftrs(3)           - (unknown subject)
zpftrs.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zpocon(3)           - (unknown subject)
zpocon.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zpoequ(3)           - (unknown subject)
zpoequb(3)          - (unknown subject)
zpoequb.f(3)        - (unknown subject)
zpoequ.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zporfs(3)           - (unknown subject)
zporfs.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zporfsx(3)          - (unknown subject)
zporfsx.f(3)        - (unknown subject)
zposv(3)            - (unknown subject)
zposv.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
zposvx(3)           - (unknown subject)
zposvx.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zposvxx(3)          - (unknown subject)
zposvxx.f(3)        - (unknown subject)
zpotf2(3)           - (unknown subject)
zpotf2.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zpotrf(3)           - (unknown subject)
zpotrf.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zpotri(3)           - (unknown subject)
zpotri.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zpotrs(3)           - (unknown subject)
zpotrs.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zppcon(3)           - (unknown subject)
zppcon.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zppequ(3)           - (unknown subject)
zppequ.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zpprfs(3)           - (unknown subject)
zpprfs.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zppsv(3)            - (unknown subject)
zppsv.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
zppsvx(3)           - (unknown subject)
zppsvx.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zpptrf(3)           - (unknown subject)
zpptrf.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zpptri(3)           - (unknown subject)
zpptri.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zpptrs(3)           - (unknown subject)
zpptrs.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zpstf2(3)           - (unknown subject)
zpstf2.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zpstrf(3)           - (unknown subject)
zpstrf.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zptcon(3)           - (unknown subject)
zptcon.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zpteqr(3)           - (unknown subject)
zpteqr.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zptrfs(3)           - (unknown subject)
zptrfs.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zptsv(3)            - (unknown subject)
zptsv.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
zptsvx(3)           - (unknown subject)
zptsvx.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zpttrf(3)           - (unknown subject)
zpttrf.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zpttrs(3)           - (unknown subject)
zpttrs.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zptts2(3)           - (unknown subject)
zptts2.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zrot(3)             - (unknown subject)
zrot.f(3)           - (unknown subject)
zrotg(3)            - (unknown subject)
zrotg.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
zscal(3)            - (unknown subject)
zscal.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
zsh(1)              - the Z shell
zshall(1)           - the Z shell meta-man page
zshbuiltins(1)      - zsh built-in commands
zshcalsys(1)        - zsh calendar system
zshcompctl(1)       - zsh programmable completion
zshcompsys(1)       - zsh completion system
zshcompwid(1)       - zsh completion widgets
zshcontrib(1)       - user contributions to zsh
zshexpn(1)          - zsh expansion and substitution
zshmisc(1)          - everything and then some
zshmodules(1)       - zsh loadable modules
zshoptions(1)       - zsh options
zshparam(1)         - zsh parameters
zshroadmap(1)       - informal introduction to the zsh manual
zshtcpsys(1)        - zsh tcp system
zshzftpsys(1)       - zftp function front-end
zshzle(1)           - zsh command line editor
zspcon(3)           - (unknown subject)
zspcon.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zspmv(3)            - (unknown subject)
zspmv.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
zspr(3)             - (unknown subject)
zspr.f(3)           - (unknown subject)
zsprfs(3)           - (unknown subject)
zsprfs.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zspsv(3)            - (unknown subject)
zspsv.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
zspsvx(3)           - (unknown subject)
zspsvx.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zsptrf(3)           - (unknown subject)
zsptrf.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zsptri(3)           - (unknown subject)
zsptri.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zsptrs(3)           - (unknown subject)
zsptrs.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zstedc(3)           - (unknown subject)
zstedc.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zstegr(3)           - (unknown subject)
zstegr.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zstein(3)           - (unknown subject)
zstein.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zstemr(3)           - (unknown subject)
zstemr.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zsteqr(3)           - (unknown subject)
zsteqr.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zswap(3)            - (unknown subject)
zswap.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
zsycon(3)           - (unknown subject)
zsycon.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zsycon_rook(3)      - (unknown subject)
zsycon_rook.f(3)    - (unknown subject)
zsyconv(3)          - (unknown subject)
zsyconv.f(3)        - (unknown subject)
zsyequb(3)          - (unknown subject)
zsyequb.f(3)        - (unknown subject)
zsymm(3)            - (unknown subject)
zsymm.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
zsymv(3)            - (unknown subject)
zsymv.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
zsync(1)            - Partial/differential file download client over HTTP
zsyncmake(1)        - Build control file for zsync(1)
zsyr2k(3)           - (unknown subject)
zsyr2k.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zsyr(3)             - (unknown subject)
zsyr.f(3)           - (unknown subject)
zsyrfs(3)           - (unknown subject)
zsyrfs.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zsyrfsx(3)          - (unknown subject)
zsyrfsx.f(3)        - (unknown subject)
zsyrk(3)            - (unknown subject)
zsyrk.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
zsysv(3)            - (unknown subject)
zsysv.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
zsysv_rook(3)       - (unknown subject)
zsysv_rook.f(3)     - (unknown subject)
zsysvx(3)           - (unknown subject)
zsysvx.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zsysvxx(3)          - (unknown subject)
zsysvxx.f(3)        - (unknown subject)
zsyswapr(3)         - (unknown subject)
zsyswapr.f(3)       - (unknown subject)
zsytf2(3)           - (unknown subject)
zsytf2.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zsytf2_rook(3)      - (unknown subject)
zsytf2_rook.f(3)    - (unknown subject)
zsytrf(3)           - (unknown subject)
zsytrf.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zsytrf_rook(3)      - (unknown subject)
zsytrf_rook.f(3)    - (unknown subject)
zsytri2(3)          - (unknown subject)
zsytri2.f(3)        - (unknown subject)
zsytri2x(3)         - (unknown subject)
zsytri2x.f(3)       - (unknown subject)
zsytri(3)           - (unknown subject)
zsytri.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zsytri_rook(3)      - (unknown subject)
zsytri_rook.f(3)    - (unknown subject)
zsytrs2(3)          - (unknown subject)
zsytrs2.f(3)        - (unknown subject)
zsytrs(3)           - (unknown subject)
zsytrs.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zsytrs_rook(3)      - (unknown subject)
zsytrs_rook.f(3)    - (unknown subject)
ztbcon(3)           - (unknown subject)
ztbcon.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
ztbmv(3)            - (unknown subject)
ztbmv.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
ztbrfs(3)           - (unknown subject)
ztbrfs.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
ztbsv(3)            - (unknown subject)
ztbsv.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
ztbtrs(3)           - (unknown subject)
ztbtrs.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
ztfsm(3)            - (unknown subject)
ztfsm.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
ztftri(3)           - (unknown subject)
ztftri.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
ztfttp(3)           - (unknown subject)
ztfttp.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
ztfttr(3)           - (unknown subject)
ztfttr.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
ztgevc(3)           - (unknown subject)
ztgevc.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
ztgex2(3)           - (unknown subject)
ztgex2.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
ztgexc(3)           - (unknown subject)
ztgexc.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
ztgsen(3)           - (unknown subject)
ztgsen.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
ztgsja(3)           - (unknown subject)
ztgsja.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
ztgsna(3)           - (unknown subject)
ztgsna.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
ztgsy2(3)           - (unknown subject)
ztgsy2.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
ztgsyl(3)           - (unknown subject)
ztgsyl.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
ztpcon(3)           - (unknown subject)
ztpcon.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
ztpmqrt(3)          - (unknown subject)
ztpmqrt.f(3)        - (unknown subject)
ztpmv(3)            - (unknown subject)
ztpmv.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
ztpqrt2(3)          - (unknown subject)
ztpqrt2.f(3)        - (unknown subject)
ztpqrt(3)           - (unknown subject)
ztpqrt.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
ztprfb(3)           - (unknown subject)
ztprfb.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
ztprfs(3)           - (unknown subject)
ztprfs.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
ztpsv(3)            - (unknown subject)
ztpsv.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
ztptri(3)           - (unknown subject)
ztptri.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
ztptrs(3)           - (unknown subject)
ztptrs.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
ztpttf(3)           - (unknown subject)
ztpttf.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
ztpttr(3)           - (unknown subject)
ztpttr.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
ztrcon(3)           - (unknown subject)
ztrcon.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
ztrevc(3)           - (unknown subject)
ztrevc.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
ztrexc(3)           - (unknown subject)
ztrexc.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
ztrmm(3)            - (unknown subject)
ztrmm.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
ztrmv(3)            - (unknown subject)
ztrmv.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
ztrrfs(3)           - (unknown subject)
ztrrfs.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
ztrsen(3)           - (unknown subject)
ztrsen.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
ztrsm(3)            - (unknown subject)
ztrsm.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
ztrsna(3)           - (unknown subject)
ztrsna.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
ztrsv(3)            - (unknown subject)
ztrsv.f(3)          - (unknown subject)
ztrsyl(3)           - (unknown subject)
ztrsyl.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
ztrti2(3)           - (unknown subject)
ztrti2.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
ztrtri(3)           - (unknown subject)
ztrtri.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
ztrtrs(3)           - (unknown subject)
ztrtrs.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
ztrttf(3)           - (unknown subject)
ztrttf.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
ztrttp(3)           - (unknown subject)
ztrttp.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
ztzrqf(3)           - (unknown subject)
ztzrqf.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
ztzrzf(3)           - (unknown subject)
ztzrzf.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zunbdb1(3)          - (unknown subject)
zunbdb1.f(3)        - (unknown subject)
zunbdb2(3)          - (unknown subject)
zunbdb2.f(3)        - (unknown subject)
zunbdb3(3)          - (unknown subject)
zunbdb3.f(3)        - (unknown subject)
zunbdb(3)           - (unknown subject)
zunbdb4(3)          - (unknown subject)
zunbdb4.f(3)        - (unknown subject)
zunbdb5(3)          - (unknown subject)
zunbdb5.f(3)        - (unknown subject)
zunbdb6(3)          - (unknown subject)
zunbdb6.f(3)        - (unknown subject)
zunbdb.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zuncsd2by1(3)       - (unknown subject)
zuncsd2by1.f(3)     - (unknown subject)
zuncsd(3)           - (unknown subject)
zuncsd.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zung2l(3)           - (unknown subject)
zung2l.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zung2r(3)           - (unknown subject)
zung2r.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zungbr(3)           - (unknown subject)
zungbr.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zunghr(3)           - (unknown subject)
zunghr.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zungl2(3)           - (unknown subject)
zungl2.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zunglq(3)           - (unknown subject)
zunglq.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zungql(3)           - (unknown subject)
zungql.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zungqr(3)           - (unknown subject)
zungqr.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zungr2(3)           - (unknown subject)
zungr2.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zungrq(3)           - (unknown subject)
zungrq.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zungtr(3)           - (unknown subject)
zungtr.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zunm2l(3)           - (unknown subject)
zunm2l.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zunm2r(3)           - (unknown subject)
zunm2r.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zunmbr(3)           - (unknown subject)
zunmbr.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zunmhr(3)           - (unknown subject)
zunmhr.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zunml2(3)           - (unknown subject)
zunml2.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zunmlq(3)           - (unknown subject)
zunmlq.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zunmql(3)           - (unknown subject)
zunmql.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zunmqr(3)           - (unknown subject)
zunmqr.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zunmr2(3)           - (unknown subject)
zunmr2.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zunmr3(3)           - (unknown subject)
zunmr3.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zunmrq(3)           - (unknown subject)
zunmrq.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zunmrz(3)           - (unknown subject)
zunmrz.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zunmtr(3)           - (unknown subject)
zunmtr.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zupgtr(3)           - (unknown subject)
zupgtr.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zupmtr(3)           - (unknown subject)
zupmtr.f(3)         - (unknown subject)
zzip_close(3)       - ...
zzip_closedir(3)    - ...
zzip_compr_str(3)   - ...
zzip_dir_alloc(3)   - ...
zzip_dir_alloc_ext_io(3) - ...
zzip_dir_close(3)   - ...
zzip_dirfd(3)       - ...
zzip_dir_fdopen(3)  - ...
zzip_dir_fdopen_ext_io(3) - ...
zzip_dir_free(3)    - ...
zzip_dirhandle(3)   - ...
zzip_dir_open(3)    - ...
zzip_dir_open_ext_io(3) - ...
zzip_dir_read(3)    - ...
zzip_dir_real(3)    - ...
zzip_dir_stat(3)    - ...
zzip_disk_buffer(3) - turn a filehandle into a mmapped zip disk archive handle
zzip_disk_close(3)  - turn a filehandle into a mmapped zip disk archive handle
zzip_disk_entry_fopen(3) - openening a file part wrapped within a(mmapped) zip archive
zzip_disk_entry_strdup_comment(3) - helper functions for(mmapped) zip access api
zzip_disk_entry_strdup_name(3) - helper functions for(mmapped) zip access api
zzip_disk_entry_to_data(3) - helper functions for(mmapped) zip access api
zzip_disk_entry_to_file_header(3) - helper functions for(mmapped) zip access api
zzip_disk_fclose(3) - openening a file part wrapped within a(mmapped) zip archive
zzip_disk_feof(3)   - openening a file part wrapped within a(mmapped) zip archive
zzip_disk_findfile(3) - search for files in the(mmapped) zip central directory
zzip_disk_findfirst(3) - search for files in the(mmapped) zip central directory
zzip_disk_findmatch(3) - search for files in the(mmapped) zip central directory
zzip_disk_findnext(3) - search for files in the(mmapped) zip central directory
zzip_disk_fopen(3)  - openening a file part wrapped within a(mmapped) zip archive
zzip_disk_fread(3)  - openening a file part wrapped within a(mmapped) zip archive
zzip_disk_init(3)   - turn a filehandle into a mmapped zip disk archive handle
zzip_disk_mmap(3)   - turn a filehandle into a mmapped zip disk archive handle
zzip_disk_munmap(3) - turn a filehandle into a mmapped zip disk archive handle
zzip_disk_new(3)    - turn a filehandle into a mmapped zip disk archive handle
zzip_disk_open(3)   - turn a filehandle into a mmapped zip disk archive handle
zzip_entry_data_offset(3) - helper functions for(fseeko) zip access api
zzip_entry_fclose(3) - open a file within a zip disk for reading
zzip_entry_feof(3)  - open a file within a zip disk for reading
zzip_entry_ffile(3) - open a file within a zip disk for reading
zzip_entry_findfile(3) - search for files in the(fseeko) zip central directory
zzip_entry_findfirst(3) - search for files in the(fseeko) zip central directory
zzip_entry_findmatch(3) - search for files in the(fseeko) zip central directory
zzip_entry_findnext(3) - search for files in the(fseeko) zip central directory
zzip_entry_fopen(3) - open a file within a zip disk for reading
zzip_entry_fread(3) - open a file within a zip disk for reading
zzip_entry_fread_file_header(3) - helper functions for(fseeko) zip access api
zzip_entry_free(3)  - search for files in the(fseeko) zip central directory
zzip_entry_strdup_name(3) - helper functions for(fseeko) zip access api
zzip_errno(3)       - ...
zzip_error(3)       - ...
zzip_fclose(3)      - ...
__zzip_fetch_disk_trailer(3) - ...
zzip_file_close(3)  - ...
zzip_file_open(3)   - ...
zzip_file_read(3)   - ...
zzip_file_real(3)   - ...
zzip_file_stat(3)   - ...
zzip_fopen(3)       - (unknown subject)
zzip_fread(3)       - ...
zzip_freopen(3)     - (unknown subject)
zzip_fstat(3)       - ...
zzip_get_default_io(3) - ...
zzip_inflate_init(3) - ...
zzip_init_io(3)     - ...
zzip_open(3)        - ...
zzip_opendir(3)     - ...
zzip_opendir_ext_io(3) - ...
zzip_open_ext_io(3) - ...
zzip_open_shared_io(3) - ...
__zzip_parse_root_directory(3) - ...
zzip_read(3)        - ...
zzip_readdir(3)     - ...
zzip_realdir(3)     - ...
zzip_realfd(3)      - ...
zzip_rewind(3)      - ...
zzip_rewinddir(3)   - (unknown subject)
zzip_seek(3)        - ...
zzip_seek32(3)      - ...
zzip_seekdir32(3)   - (unknown subject)
zzip_seekdir(3)     - (unknown subject)
zzip_seterror(3)    - ...
zzip_strerror(3)    - ...
zzip_strerror_of(3) - ...
zzip_tell(3)        - ...
zzip_tell32(3)      - ...
zzip_telldir32(3)   - (unknown subject)
zzip_telldir(3)     - (unknown subject)
__zzip_try_open(3)  - ...

List of man pages available for Cygwin

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