man page search on UnixWare

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3DBorder(3)         - draw borders with three-dimensional appearance
a2p(1)              - Awk to Perl translator
abort(5sql)         - abort the current transaction
abort(l)            - abort the current transaction
Access(3)           - check file permissions and other attributes
AddErrInfo(3)       - record information about errors
addftinfo(1)        - add information to troff font files for use with groff
afmtodit(1)         - create font files for use with groff - Tps
after(n)            - Execute a command after a time delay
Alloc(3)            - allocate or free heap memory
AllowExc(3)         - allow all exceptions in next script evaluation
alter_aggregate(5sql) - (unknown subject)
alter_aggregate(l)  - (unknown subject)
alter_conversion(5sql) - (unknown subject)
alter_conversion(l) - (unknown subject)
alter_database(5sql) - (unknown subject)
alter_database(l)   - (unknown subject)
alter_domain(5sql)  - (unknown subject)
alter_domain(l)     - (unknown subject)
alter_function(5sql) - (unknown subject)
alter_function(l)   - (unknown subject)
alter_group(5sql)   - (unknown subject)
alter_group(l)      - (unknown subject)
alter_index(5sql)   - (unknown subject)
alter_language(5sql) - (unknown subject)
alter_language(l)   - (unknown subject)
alter_operator(5sql) - (unknown subject)
alter_operator_class(5sql) - (unknown subject)
alter_operator_class(l) - (unknown subject)
alter_role(5sql)    - (unknown subject)
alter_schema(5sql)  - (unknown subject)
alter_schema(l)     - (unknown subject)
alter_sequence(5sql) - (unknown subject)
alter_sequence(l)   - (unknown subject)
alter_table(5sql)   - (unknown subject)
alter_table(l)      - (unknown subject)
alter_tablespace(5sql) - (unknown subject)
alter_trigger(5sql) - (unknown subject)
alter_trigger(l)    - (unknown subject)
alter_type(5sql)    - (unknown subject)
alter_user(5sql)    - (unknown subject)
alter_user(l)       - (unknown subject)
analyze(5sql)       - collect statistics about a database
analyze(l)          - collect statistics about a database
AnyDBM_File(3)      - provide framework for multiple DBMs
append(n)           - Append to variable
AppInit(3)          - perform application-specific initialization
array(n)            - Manipulate array variables
ASN1_OBJECT_free(3) - object allocation functions
ASN1_OBJECT_new(3)  - object allocation functions
asn1parse(1)        - ASN.1 parsing tool
ASN1_STRING_cmp(3)  - ASN1_STRING utility functions
ASN1_STRING_data(3) - ASN1_STRING utility functions
ASN1_STRING_dup(3)  - ASN1_STRING utility functions
ASN1_STRING_free(3) - ASN1_STRING allocation functions
ASN1_STRING_length(3) - ASN1_STRING utility functions
ASN1_STRING_length_set(3) - ASN1_STRING utility functions
ASN1_STRING_new(3)  - ASN1_STRING allocation functions
ASN1_STRING_print_ex(3) - ASN1_STRING output routines.
ASN1_STRING_print_ex_fp(3) - ASN1_STRING output routines.
ASN1_STRING_set(3)  - ASN1_STRING utility functions
ASN1_STRING_type(3) - ASN1_STRING utility functions
ASN1_STRING_type_new(3) - ASN1_STRING allocation functions
AssocData(3)        - manage associations of string keys and user specified data with Tcl interpreters.
Async(3)            - handle asynchronous events
Attribute::Handlers(3) - Simpler definition of attribute handlers
attributes(3)       - get/set subroutine or variable attributes
attrs(3)            - set/get attributes of a subroutine(deprecated)
Authen::SASL(3)     - SASL Authentication framework
Authen::SASL::Perl(3) - - Perl implementation of the SASL Authentication framework
Authen::SASL::Perl::ANONYMOUS(3) - Anonymous Authentication class
Authen::SASL::Perl::CRAM_MD5(3) - CRAM MD5 Authentication class
Authen::SASL::Perl::DIGEST_MD5(3) - Digest MD5 Authentication class
Authen::SASL::Perl::EXTERNAL(3) - External Authentication class
Authen::SASL::Perl::GSSAPI(3) - GSSAPI(Kerberosv5) Authentication class
Authen::SASL::Perl::LOGIN(3) - Login Authentication class
Authen::SASL::Perl::PLAIN(3) - Plain Login Authentication class
AutoLoader(3)       - load subroutines only on demand
AutoSplit(3)        - split a package for autoloading
autouse(3)          - postpone load of modules until a function is used
B(3)                - The Perl Compiler
BackgdErr(3)        - report Tcl error that occurred in background processing
Backslash(3)        - parse a backslash sequence
base(3)             - Establish IS-A relationship with base classes at compile time
basename(1)         - strip directory and suffix from filenames
bash(1)             - GNU Bourne-Again SHell
bashbug(1)          - report a bug in bash
B::Asmdata(3)       - Autogenerated data about Perl ops, used to generate bytecode
B::Assembler(3)     - Assemble Perl bytecode
B::Bblock(3)        - Walk basic blocks
B::Bytecode(3)      - Perl compiler's bytecode backend
B::C(3)             - Perl compiler's C backend
B::CC(3)            - Perl compiler's optimized C translation backend
B::Concise(3)       - Walk Perl syntax tree, printing concise info about ops
B::Debug(3)         - Walk Perl syntax tree, printing debug info about ops
B::Deparse(3)       - Perl compiler backend to produce perl code
B::Disassembler(3)  - Disassemble Perl bytecode
begin(5sql)         - start a transaction block
begin(l)            - start a transaction block
bell(n)             - Ring a display's bell
Benchmark(3)        - benchmark running times of Perl code
ber_alloc_t(3)      - LBER simplified Basic Encoding Rules library routines for encoding
ber_bvarray_add(3)  - LBER types and allocation functions
ber_bvarray_free(3) - LBER types and allocation functions
ber_bvdup(3)        - LBER types and allocation functions
ber_bvecadd(3)      - LBER types and allocation functions
ber_bvecfree(3)     - LBER types and allocation functions
ber_bvfree(3)       - LBER types and allocation functions
ber_bvstr(3)        - LBER types and allocation functions
ber_bvstrdup(3)     - LBER types and allocation functions
ber_dupbv(3)        - LBER types and allocation functions
ber_first_element(3) - LBER simplified Basic Encoding Rules library routines for decoding
ber_flush(3)        - LBER simplified Basic Encoding Rules library routines for encoding
ber_free(3)         - LBER types and allocation functions
ber_get_bitstring(3) - LBER simplified Basic Encoding Rules library routines for decoding
ber_get_boolean(3)  - LBER simplified Basic Encoding Rules library routines for decoding
ber_get_enum(3)     - LBER simplified Basic Encoding Rules library routines for decoding
ber_get_int(3)      - LBER simplified Basic Encoding Rules library routines for decoding
ber_get_next(3)     - LBER simplified Basic Encoding Rules library routines for decoding
ber_get_null(3)     - LBER simplified Basic Encoding Rules library routines for decoding
ber_get_stringa(3)  - LBER simplified Basic Encoding Rules library routines for decoding
ber_get_stringb(3)  - LBER simplified Basic Encoding Rules library routines for decoding
ber_next_element(3) - LBER simplified Basic Encoding Rules library routines for decoding
ber_peek_tag(3)     - LBER simplified Basic Encoding Rules library routines for decoding
ber_printf(3)       - LBER simplified Basic Encoding Rules library routines for encoding
ber_put_enum(3)     - LBER simplified Basic Encoding Rules library routines for encoding
ber_put_int(3)      - LBER simplified Basic Encoding Rules library routines for encoding
ber_put_null(3)     - LBER simplified Basic Encoding Rules library routines for encoding
ber_put_ostring(3)  - LBER simplified Basic Encoding Rules library routines for encoding
ber_put_seq(3)      - LBER simplified Basic Encoding Rules library routines for encoding
ber_put_set(3)      - LBER simplified Basic Encoding Rules library routines for encoding
ber_put_string(3)   - LBER simplified Basic Encoding Rules library routines for encoding
ber_scanf(3)        - LBER simplified Basic Encoding Rules library routines for decoding
ber_skip_tag(3)     - LBER simplified Basic Encoding Rules library routines for decoding
ber_start_set(3)    - LBER simplified Basic Encoding Rules library routines for encoding
ber_str2bv(3)       - LBER types and allocation functions
BF_cbc_encrypt(3)   - Blowfish encryption
BF_cfb64_encrypt(3) - Blowfish encryption
BF_decrypt(3)       - Blowfish encryption
BF_ecb_encrypt(3)   - Blowfish encryption
BF_encrypt(3)       - Blowfish encryption
BF_ofb64_encrypt(3) - Blowfish encryption
BF_options(3)       - Blowfish encryption
BF_set_key(3)       - Blowfish encryption
bgerror(n)          - Command invoked to process background errors
bigint(3)           - Transparent BigInteger support for Perl
bignum(3)           - Transparent BigNumber support for Perl
bigrat(3)           - Transparent BigNumber/BigRational support for Perl
binary(n)           - Insert and extract fields from binary strings
bind(n)             - Arrange for X events to invoke Tcl scripts
BindTable(3)        - invoke scripts in response to X events
bindtags(n)         - Determine which bindings apply to a window, and order of evaluation
bio(3)              - I/O abstraction
BIO_append_filename(3) - FILE bio
BIO_callback_ctrl(3) - BIO control operations
BIO_ctrl(3)         - BIO control operations
BIO_ctrl_get_read_request(3) - BIO pair BIO
BIO_ctrl_get_write_guarantee(3) - BIO pair BIO
BIO_ctrl_pending(3) - BIO control operations
BIO_ctrl_reset_read_request(3) - BIO pair BIO
BIO_ctrl_wpending(3) - BIO control operations
BIO_debug_callback(3) - BIO callback functions
BIO_destroy_bio_pair(3) - BIO pair BIO
BIO_do_accept(3)    - accept BIO
BIO_do_connect(3)   - connect BIO
BIO_eof(3)          - BIO control operations
BIO_f_base64(3)     - base64 BIO filter
BIO_f_buffer(3)     - buffering BIO
BIO_f_cipher(3)     - cipher BIO filter
BIO_find_type(3)    - BIO chain traversal
BIO_flush(3)        - BIO control operations
BIO_f_md(3)         - message digest BIO filter
BIO_f_null(3)       - null filter
BIO_free(3)         - BIO allocation and freeing functions
BIO_free_all(3)     - BIO allocation and freeing functions
BIO_f_ssl(3)        - SSL BIO
BIO_get_accept_port(3) - accept BIO
BIO_get_bind_mode(3) - accept BIO
BIO_get_callback(3) - BIO callback functions
BIO_get_callback_arg(3) - BIO callback functions
BIO_get_cipher_ctx(3) - cipher BIO filter
BIO_get_cipher_status(3) - cipher BIO filter
BIO_get_close(3)    - BIO control operations
BIO_get_conn_hostname(3) - connect BIO
BIO_get_conn_int_port(3) - connect BIO
BIO_get_conn_ip(3)  - connect BIO
BIO_get_conn_port(3) - connect BIO
BIO_get_fd(3)       - file descriptor BIO
BIO_get_fp(3)       - FILE bio
BIO_get_info_callback(3) - BIO control operations
BIO_get_md(3)       - message digest BIO filter
BIO_get_md_ctx(3)   - message digest BIO filter
BIO_get_mem_data(3) - memory BIO
BIO_get_mem_ptr(3)  - memory BIO
BIO_get_num_renegotiates(3) - SSL BIO
BIO_get_read_request(3) - BIO pair BIO
BIO_get_retry_BIO(3) - BIO retry functions
BIO_get_retry_reason(3) - BIO retry functions
BIO_gets(3)         - BIO I/O functions
BIO_get_ssl(3)      - SSL BIO
BIO_get_write_buf_size(3) - BIO pair BIO
BIO_get_write_guarantee(3) - BIO pair BIO
BIO_int_ctrl(3)     - BIO control operations
BIO_make_bio_pair(3) - BIO pair BIO
BIO_new(3)          - BIO allocation and freeing functions
BIO_new_bio_pair(3) - BIO pair BIO
BIO_new_buffer_ssl_connect(3) - SSL BIO
BIO_new_fd(3)       - file descriptor BIO
BIO_new_file(3)     - FILE bio
BIO_new_fp(3)       - FILE bio
BIO_new_mem_buf(3)  - memory BIO
BIO_new_socket(3)   - socket BIO
BIO_new_ssl(3)      - SSL BIO
BIO_new_ssl_connect(3) - SSL BIO
BIO_next(3)         - BIO chain traversal
BIO_pending(3)      - BIO control operations
BIO_pop(3)          - add and remove BIOs from a chain.
BIO_ptr_ctrl(3)     - BIO control operations
BIO_push(3)         - add and remove BIOs from a chain.
BIO_puts(3)         - BIO I/O functions
BIO_read(3)         - BIO I/O functions
BIO_read_filename(3) - FILE bio
BIO_reset(3)        - BIO control operations
BIO_retry_type(3)   - BIO retry functions
BIO_rw_filename(3)  - FILE bio
BIO_s_accept(3)     - accept BIO
BIO_s_bio(3)        - BIO pair BIO
BIO_s_connect(3)    - connect BIO
BIO_seek(3)         - BIO control operations
BIO_set(3)          - BIO allocation and freeing functions
BIO_set_accept_bios(3) - accept BIO
BIO_set_accept_port(3) - accept BIO
BIO_set_bind_mode(3) - accept BIO
BIO_set_callback(3) - BIO callback functions
BIO_set_callback_arg(3) - BIO callback functions
BIO_set_cipher(3)   - cipher BIO filter
BIO_set_close(3)    - BIO control operations
BIO_set_conn_hostname(3) - connect BIO
BIO_set_conn_int_port(3) - connect BIO
BIO_set_conn_ip(3)  - connect BIO
BIO_set_conn_port(3) - connect BIO
BIO_set_fd(3)       - file descriptor BIO
BIO_set_fp(3)       - FILE bio
BIO_set_info_callback(3) - BIO control operations
BIO_set_md(3)       - message digest BIO filter
BIO_set_mem_buf(3)  - memory BIO
BIO_set_mem_eof_return(3) - memory BIO
BIO_set_nbio(3)     - connect BIO
BIO_set_nbio_accept(3) - accept BIO
BIO_set_ssl(3)      - SSL BIO
BIO_set_ssl_mode(3) - SSL BIO
BIO_set_ssl_renegotiate_bytes(3) - SSL BIO
BIO_set_ssl_renegotiate_timeout(3) - SSL BIO
BIO_set_write_buf_size(3) - BIO pair BIO
BIO_s_fd(3)         - file descriptor BIO
BIO_s_file(3)       - FILE bio
BIO_should_io_special(3) - BIO retry functions
BIO_should_read(3)  - BIO retry functions
BIO_should_retry(3) - BIO retry functions
BIO_should_write(3) - BIO retry functions
BIO_shutdown_wr(3)  - BIO pair BIO
BIO_s_mem(3)        - memory BIO
BIO_s_null(3)       - null data sink
BIO_ssl_copy_session_id(3) - SSL BIO
BIO_ssl_shutdown(3) - SSL BIO
BIO_s_socket(3)     - socket BIO
BIO_tell(3)         - BIO control operations
BIO_vfree(3)        - BIO allocation and freeing functions
BIO_wpending(3)     - BIO control operations
BIO_write(3)        - BIO I/O functions
BIO_write_filename(3) - FILE bio
bison(1)            - GNU Project parser generator (yacc replacement)
bitmap(n)           - Images that display two colors
blib(3)             - Use MakeMaker's uninstalled version of a package
B::Lint(3)          - Perl lint
blowfish(3)         - Blowfish encryption
bmp2tiff(1)         - create a TIFF file from a Microsoft Windows Device Independent Bitmap image file
bn(3)               - multiprecision integer arithmetics
BN_add(3)           - arithmetic operations on BIGNUMs
BN_add_word(3)      - arithmetic functions on BIGNUMs with integers
bn_add_words(3)     - BIGNUM library internal functions
BN_bin2bn(3)        - format conversions
BN_bn2bin(3)        - format conversions
BN_bn2dec(3)        - format conversions
BN_bn2hex(3)        - format conversions
BN_bn2mpi(3)        - format conversions
bn_check_top(3)     - BIGNUM library internal functions
BN_clear(3)         - allocate and free BIGNUMs
BN_clear_bit(3)     - bit operations on BIGNUMs
BN_clear_free(3)    - allocate and free BIGNUMs
BN_cmp(3)           - BIGNUM comparison and test functions
bn_cmp_words(3)     - BIGNUM library internal functions
BN_copy(3)          - copy BIGNUMs
BN_CTX_end(3)       - use temporary BIGNUM variables
BN_CTX_free(3)      - allocate and free BN_CTX structures
BN_CTX_get(3)       - use temporary BIGNUM variables
BN_CTX_init(3)      - allocate and free BN_CTX structures
BN_CTX_new(3)       - allocate and free BN_CTX structures
BN_CTX_start(3)     - use temporary BIGNUM variables
BN_dec2bn(3)        - format conversions
BN_div(3)           - arithmetic operations on BIGNUMs
BN_div_recp(3)      - modular multiplication using reciprocal
BN_div_word(3)      - arithmetic functions on BIGNUMs with integers
bn_div_words(3)     - BIGNUM library internal functions
bn_dump(3)          - BIGNUM library internal functions
BN_dup(3)           - copy BIGNUMs
BN_exp(3)           - arithmetic operations on BIGNUMs
bn_expand2(3)       - BIGNUM library internal functions
bn_expand(3)        - BIGNUM library internal functions
bn_fix_top(3)       - BIGNUM library internal functions
BN_free(3)          - allocate and free BIGNUMs
BN_from_montgomery(3) - Montgomery multiplication
BN_gcd(3)           - arithmetic operations on BIGNUMs
BN_generate_prime(3) - generate primes and test for primality
BN_get_word(3)      - BIGNUM assignment operations
BN_hex2bn(3)        - format conversions
BN_init(3)          - allocate and free BIGNUMs
bn_internal(3)      - BIGNUM library internal functions
BN_is_bit_set(3)    - bit operations on BIGNUMs
BN_is_odd(3)        - BIGNUM comparison and test functions
BN_is_one(3)        - BIGNUM comparison and test functions
BN_is_prime(3)      - generate primes and test for primality
BN_is_prime_fasttest(3) - generate primes and test for primality
BN_is_word(3)       - BIGNUM comparison and test functions
BN_is_zero(3)       - BIGNUM comparison and test functions
BN_lshift1(3)       - bit operations on BIGNUMs
BN_lshift(3)        - bit operations on BIGNUMs
BN_mask_bits(3)     - bit operations on BIGNUMs
BN_mod(3)           - arithmetic operations on BIGNUMs
BN_mod_add(3)       - arithmetic operations on BIGNUMs
BN_mod_exp(3)       - arithmetic operations on BIGNUMs
BN_mod_inverse(3)   - compute inverse modulo n
BN_mod_mul(3)       - arithmetic operations on BIGNUMs
BN_mod_mul_montgomery(3) - Montgomery multiplication
BN_mod_mul_reciprocal(3) - modular multiplication using reciprocal
BN_mod_sqr(3)       - arithmetic operations on BIGNUMs
BN_mod_sub(3)       - arithmetic operations on BIGNUMs
BN_mod_word(3)      - arithmetic functions on BIGNUMs with integers
BN_MONT_CTX_copy(3) - Montgomery multiplication
BN_MONT_CTX_free(3) - Montgomery multiplication
BN_MONT_CTX_init(3) - Montgomery multiplication
BN_MONT_CTX_new(3)  - Montgomery multiplication
BN_MONT_CTX_set(3)  - Montgomery multiplication
BN_mpi2bn(3)        - format conversions
BN_mul(3)           - arithmetic operations on BIGNUMs
bn_mul_add_words(3) - BIGNUM library internal functions
bn_mul_comba4(3)    - BIGNUM library internal functions
bn_mul_comba8(3)    - BIGNUM library internal functions
bn_mul_high(3)      - BIGNUM library internal functions
bn_mul_low_normal(3) - BIGNUM library internal functions
bn_mul_low_recursive(3) - BIGNUM library internal functions
bn_mul_normal(3)    - BIGNUM library internal functions
bn_mul_part_recursive(3) - BIGNUM library internal functions
bn_mul_recursive(3) - BIGNUM library internal functions
BN_mul_word(3)      - arithmetic functions on BIGNUMs with integers
bn_mul_words(3)     - BIGNUM library internal functions
BN_new(3)           - allocate and free BIGNUMs
BN_nnmod(3)         - arithmetic operations on BIGNUMs
BN_num_bits(3)      - get BIGNUM size
BN_num_bits_word(3) - get BIGNUM size
BN_num_bytes(3)     - get BIGNUM size
BN_one(3)           - BIGNUM assignment operations
bn_print(3)         - BIGNUM library internal functions
BN_print(3)         - format conversions
BN_print_fp(3)      - format conversions
BN_pseudo_rand(3)   - generate pseudo-random number
BN_rand(3)          - generate pseudo-random number
BN_RECP_CTX_free(3) - modular multiplication using reciprocal
BN_RECP_CTX_init(3) - modular multiplication using reciprocal
BN_RECP_CTX_new(3)  - modular multiplication using reciprocal
BN_RECP_CTX_set(3)  - modular multiplication using reciprocal
BN_rshift1(3)       - bit operations on BIGNUMs
BN_rshift(3)        - bit operations on BIGNUMs
BN_set_bit(3)       - bit operations on BIGNUMs
bn_set_high(3)      - BIGNUM library internal functions
bn_set_low(3)       - BIGNUM library internal functions
bn_set_max(3)       - BIGNUM library internal functions
BN_set_word(3)      - BIGNUM assignment operations
BN_sqr(3)           - arithmetic operations on BIGNUMs
bn_sqr_comba4(3)    - BIGNUM library internal functions
bn_sqr_comba8(3)    - BIGNUM library internal functions
bn_sqr_normal(3)    - BIGNUM library internal functions
bn_sqr_recursive(3) - BIGNUM library internal functions
bn_sqr_words(3)     - BIGNUM library internal functions
BN_sub(3)           - arithmetic operations on BIGNUMs
BN_sub_word(3)      - arithmetic functions on BIGNUMs with integers
bn_sub_words(3)     - BIGNUM library internal functions
BN_swap(3)          - exchange BIGNUMs
BN_to_montgomery(3) - Montgomery multiplication
BN_ucmp(3)          - BIGNUM comparison and test functions
BN_value_one(3)     - BIGNUM assignment operations
bn_wexpand(3)       - BIGNUM library internal functions
BN_zero(3)          - BIGNUM assignment operations
BoolObj(3)          - manipulate Tcl objects as boolean values
break(n)            - Abort looping command
B::Showlex(3)       - Show lexical variables used in functions or files
B::Stackobj(3)      - Helper module for CC backend
B::Stash(3)         - show what stashes are loaded
B::Terse(3)         - Walk Perl syntax tree, printing terse info about ops
buffer(3)           - simple character arrays structure
BUF_MEM_free(3)     - simple character arrays structure
BUF_MEM_grow(3)     - simple character arrays structure
BUF_MEM_new(3)      - simple character arrays structure
BUF_strdup(3)       - simple character arrays structure
Bundle::DBD::mysql(3) - A bundle to install Perl drivers for MySQL
Bundle::DBI(3)      - A bundle to install DBI and required modules.
Bundle::libnet(3)   - A bundle to install all libnet related modules
Bundle::LWP(3)      - install all libwww-perl related modules
Bundle::Net::LDAP(3) - A bundle for Net::LDAP
button(n)           - Create and manipulate button widgets
B::Xref(3)          - Generates cross reference reports for Perl programs
ByteArrObj(3)       - manipulate Tcl objects as a arrays of bytes
ByteLoader(3)       - load byte compiled perl code
bytes(3)            - Perl pragma to force byte semantics rather than character semantics
bzcmp(1)            - compare bzip2 compressed files
bzdiff(1)           - compare bzip2 compressed files
bzegrep(1)          - search possibly bzip2 compressed files for a regular expression
bzfgrep(1)          - search possibly bzip2 compressed files for a regular expression
bzgrep(1)           - search possibly bzip2 compressed files for a regular expression
bzip2(1)            - a block-sorting file compressor, v1.0.2
bzless(1)           - file perusal filter for crt viewing of bzip2 compressed text
bzmore(1)           - file perusal filter for crt viewing of bzip2 compressed text
c2ph(1)             - Dump C structures as generated from `cc - g - S' stabs
c2ph(1)             - Dump C structures as generated from cc -g -S stabs
ca(1)               - sample minimal CA application
CallDel(3)          - Arrange for callback when interpreter is deleted
canvas(n)           - Create and manipulate canvas widgets
CanvPsY(3)          - utility procedures for generating Postscript for canvases
CanvTkwin(3)        - utility procedures for canvas type managers
CanvTxtInfo(3)      - additional information for managing text items in canvases            - friendlier interface for OpenSSL certificate programs
Carp(3)             - warn of errors (from perspective of caller)
Carp::Heavy(3)      - heavy machinery, no user serviceable parts inside
case(n)             - Evaluate one of several scripts, depending on a given value
cat(1)              - concatenate files and print on the standard output
catch(n)            - Evaluate script and trap exceptional returns
cccp(1)             - The GNU C-Compatible Compiler Preprocessor.
cd(n)               - Change working directory
CGI(3)              - Simple Common Gateway Interface Class
CGI::Apache(3)      - Backward compatibility module for
CGI::Carp(3)        - CGI routines for writing to the HTTPD (or other) error log
CGI::Cookie(3)      - Interface to Netscape Cookies
CGI::Fast(3)        - CGI Interface for Fast CGI
CGI::Pretty(3)      - module to produce nicely formatted HTML code
CGI::Push(3)        - Simple Interface to Server Push
CGI::Switch(3)      - Backward compatibility module for defunct CGI::Switch
CGI::Util(3)        - Internal utilities used by CGI module
charnames(3)        - define character names for `\N{named}' string literal escapes
checkbutton(n)      - Create and manipulate checkbutton widgets
checkpoint(5sql)    - force a transaction log checkpoint
checkpoint(l)       - force a transaction log checkpoint
chgrp(1)            - change group ownership
chmod(1)            - change file access permissions
ChnlStack(3)        - stack an I/O channel on top of another, and undo it
chooseColor(n)      - pops up a dialog box for the user to select a color.
chown(1)            - change file owner and group
chroot(1)           - run command or interactive shell with special root directory
ciphers(1)          - SSL cipher display and cipher list tool.
cjpeg(1)            - compress an image file to a JPEG file
cksum(1)            - checksum and count the bytes in a file
Class::ISA(3)       - - report the search path for a class's ISA tree
Class::Struct(3)    - declare struct-like datatypes as Perl classes
Clipboard(3)        - Manage the clipboard
clipboard(n)        - Manipulate Tk clipboard
clock(n)            - Obtain and manipulate time
close(5sql)         - close a cursor
close(l)            - close a cursor
close(n)            - Close an open channel.
ClrSelect(3)        - Deselect a selection
cluster(5sql)       - cluster a table according to an index
clusterdb(1)        - cluster a PostgreSQL database
cluster(l)          - cluster a table according to an index
CmdCmplt(3)         - Check for unmatched braces in a Tcl command
cmp(1)              - compare two files byte by byte
cmsd(1) [/mnt/man/UnixWare/usr/man/man1/cmsd] - (unknown subject)
comm(1)             - compare two sorted files line by line
comment(5sql)       - define or change the comment of an object
comment(l)          - define or change the comment of an object
commit(5sql)        - commit the current transaction
commit(l)           - commit the current transaction
commit_prepared(5sql) - (unknown subject)
Compress::Zlib(3)   - Interface to zlib compression library
Concat(3)           - concatenate a collection of strings
concat(n)           - Join lists together
Config(3)           - access Perl configuration information
config(5)           - OpenSSL CONF library configuration files
ConfigWidg(3)       - process configuration options for widgets
ConfigWind(3)       - change window configuration or attributes
CONF_modules_free(3) - OpenSSL configuration cleanup functions
CONF_modules_load(3) - OpenSSL configuration functions
CONF_modules_load_file(3) - OpenSSL configuration functions
CONF_modules_unload(3) - OpenSSL configuration cleanup functions
constant(3)         - Perl pragma to declare constants
continue(n)         - Skip to the next iteration of a loop
Convert::ASN1(3)    - ASN.1 Encode/Decode library
CoordToWin(3)       - Find window containing a point
copy(5sql)          - copy data between a file and a table
copy(l)             - copy data between a file and a table
cp(1)               - copy files and directories
cpan(1)             - easily interact with CPAN from the command line
CPAN(3)             - query, download and build perl modules from CPAN sites
CPAN::Admin(3)      - A CPAN Shell for CPAN admins
CPAN::FirstTime(3)  - Utility for CPAN::Config file Initialization
CPAN::Meta(3)       - the distribution metadata for a CPAN dist
CPAN::Meta::Converter(3) - Convert CPAN distribution metadata structures
CPAN::Meta::Feature(3) - an optional feature provided by a CPAN distribution
CPAN::Meta::History(3) - history of CPAN Meta Spec changes
CPAN::Meta::Prereqs(3) - a set of distribution prerequisites by phase and type
CPAN::Meta::Spec(3) - specification for CPAN distribution metadata
CPAN::Meta::Validator(3) - validate CPAN distribution metadata structures
CPAN::Meta::YAML(3) - Read and write a subset of YAML for CPAN Meta files
CPAN::Nox(3)        - Wrapper around without using any XS module
CPAN::Version(3)    - utility functions to compare CPAN versions
cpio(1)             - copy files to and from archives
create_aggregate(5sql) - (unknown subject)
create_aggregate(l) - (unknown subject)
create_cast(5sql)   - (unknown subject)
create_cast(l)      - (unknown subject)
create_constraint_trigger(5sql) - (unknown subject)
create_constraint_trigger(l) - (unknown subject)
create_conversion(5sql) - (unknown subject)
create_conversion(l) - (unknown subject)
create_database(5sql) - (unknown subject)
create_database(l)  - (unknown subject)
createdb(1)         - create a new PostgreSQL database
create_domain(5sql) - (unknown subject)
create_domain(l)    - (unknown subject)
create_function(5sql) - (unknown subject)
create_function(l)  - (unknown subject)
create_group(5sql)  - (unknown subject)
create_group(l)     - (unknown subject)
create_index(5sql)  - (unknown subject)
create_index(l)     - (unknown subject)
createlang(1)       - define a new PostgreSQL procedural language
create_language(5sql) - (unknown subject)
create_language(l)  - (unknown subject)
create_operator(5sql) - (unknown subject)
create_operator_class(5sql) - (unknown subject)
create_operator_class(l) - (unknown subject)
create_operator(l)  - (unknown subject)
create_role(5sql)   - (unknown subject)
create_rule(5sql)   - (unknown subject)
create_rule(l)      - (unknown subject)
create_schema(5sql) - (unknown subject)
create_schema(l)    - (unknown subject)
create_sequence(5sql) - (unknown subject)
create_sequence(l)  - (unknown subject)
create_table(5sql)  - (unknown subject)
create_table_as(5sql) - (unknown subject)
create_table_as(l)  - (unknown subject)
create_table(l)     - (unknown subject)
create_tablespace(5sql) - (unknown subject)
create_trigger(5sql) - (unknown subject)
create_trigger(l)   - (unknown subject)
create_type(5sql)   - (unknown subject)
create_type(l)      - (unknown subject)
createuser(1)       - define a new PostgreSQL user account
create_user(5sql)   - (unknown subject)
create_user(l)      - (unknown subject)
create_view(5sql)   - (unknown subject)
create_view(l)      - (unknown subject)
crl(1)              - CRL utility
crl2pkcs7(1)        - Create a PKCS#7 structure from a CRL and certificates.
CrtChannel(3)       - procedures for creating and manipulating channels
CrtChnlHdlr(3)      - call a procedure when a channel becomes readable or writable
CrtCloseHdlr(3)     - arrange for callbacks when channels are closed
CrtCommand(3)       - implement new commands in C
CrtErrHdlr(3)       - handle X protocol errors
CrtFileHdlr(3)      - associate procedure callbacks with files or devices (Unix only)
CrtGenHdlr(3)       - associate procedure callback with all X events
CrtImgType(3)       - define new kind of image
CrtInterp(3)        - create and delete Tcl command interpreters
CrtItemType(3)      - define new kind of canvas item
CrtMathFnc(3)       - Define a new math function for expressions
CrtObjCmd(3)        - implement new commands in C
CrtPhImgFmt(3)      - define new file format for photo images
CrtSelHdlr(3)       - arrange to handle requests for a selection
CrtSlave(3)         - manage multiple Tcl interpreters, aliases and hidden commands.
CrtTimerHdlr(3)     - call a procedure at a given time
CrtTrace(3)         - arrange for command execution to be traced
CrtWindow(3)        - create or delete window
crypto(3)           - OpenSSL cryptographic library
CRYPTO_destroy_dynlockid(3) - OpenSSL thread support
CRYPTO_get_ex_data(3) - internal application specific data functions
CRYPTO_get_new_dynlockid(3) - OpenSSL thread support
CRYPTO_lock(3)      - OpenSSL thread support
CRYPTO_num_locks(3) - OpenSSL thread support
CRYPTO_set_dynlock_create_callback(3) - OpenSSL thread support
CRYPTO_set_dynlock_destroy_callback(3) - OpenSSL thread support
CRYPTO_set_dynlock_lock_callback(3) - OpenSSL thread support
CRYPTO_set_ex_data(3) - internal application specific data functions
CRYPTO_set_id_callback(3) - OpenSSL thread support
CRYPTO_set_locking_callback(3) - OpenSSL thread support
Crypt::SmbHash(3)   - Perl-only implementation of lanman and nt md4 hash functions, for use in Samba style smbpasswd entries
Crypt::SSLeay(3)    - OpenSSL glue that provides LWP https support
csplit(1)           - split a file into sections determined by context lines
curl(1) [/mnt/man/UnixWare/usr/man/man1/curl] - (unknown subject)
curl(1)             - transfer a URL
curl-config(1)      - Get information about a libcurl installation
curl-config(1) [/mnt/man/UnixWare/usr/man/man1/curl-config] - (unknown subject)
curl_easy_cleanup(3) - End a libcurl easy session
curl_easy_cleanup(3) [/mnt/man/UnixWare/usr/man/man3/curl_easy_cleanup] - (unknown subject)
curl_easy_duphandle(3) - Clone a libcurl session handle
curl_easy_duphandle(3) [/mnt/man/UnixWare/usr/man/man3/curl_easy_duphandle] - (unknown subject)
curl_easy_getinfo(3) - Extract information from a curl session (added in 7.4)
curl_easy_getinfo(3) [/mnt/man/UnixWare/usr/man/man3/curl_easy_getinfo] - (unknown subject)
curl_easy_init(3) [/mnt/man/UnixWare/usr/man/man3/curl_easy_init] - (unknown subject)
curl_easy_init(3)   - Start a libcurl easy session
curl_easy_perform(3) [/mnt/man/UnixWare/usr/man/man3/curl_easy_perform] - (unknown subject)
curl_easy_perform(3) - Perform a file transfer
curl_easy_reset(3) [/mnt/man/UnixWare/usr/man/man3/curl_easy_reset] - (unknown subject)
curl_easy_setopt(3) [/mnt/man/UnixWare/usr/man/man3/curl_easy_setopt] - (unknown subject)
curl_easy_setopt(3) - Set curl easy-session options
curl_easy_strerror(3) [/mnt/man/UnixWare/usr/man/man3/curl_easy_strerror] - (unknown subject)
curl_escape(3) [/mnt/man/UnixWare/usr/man/man3/curl_escape] - (unknown subject)
curl_escape(3)      - URL encodes the given string
curl_formadd(3)     - add a section to a multipart/formdata HTTP POST
curl_formadd(3) [/mnt/man/UnixWare/usr/man/man3/curl_formadd] - (unknown subject)
curl_formfree(3)    - free a previously build multipart/formdata HTTP POST chain
curl_formfree(3) [/mnt/man/UnixWare/usr/man/man3/curl_formfree] - (unknown subject)
curl_formparse(3)   - add a section to a multipart/formdata HTTP POST: deprecated (use curl_formadd instead)
curl_free(3) [/mnt/man/UnixWare/usr/man/man3/curl_free] - (unknown subject)
curl_getdate(3)     - Convert an date in a ASCII string to number of seconds since January 1, 1970
curl_getdate(3) [/mnt/man/UnixWare/usr/man/man3/curl_getdate] - (unknown subject)
curl_getenv(3) [/mnt/man/UnixWare/usr/man/man3/curl_getenv] - (unknown subject)
curl_getenv(3)      - return value for environment name
curl_global_cleanup(3) - Global libcurl cleanup
curl_global_cleanup(3) [/mnt/man/UnixWare/usr/man/man3/curl_global_cleanup] - (unknown subject)
curl_global_init(3) - Global libcurl initialisation
curl_global_init(3) [/mnt/man/UnixWare/usr/man/man3/curl_global_init] - (unknown subject)
curl_global_init_mem(3) [/mnt/man/UnixWare/usr/man/man3/curl_global_init_mem] - (unknown subject)
curl_maprintf(3) [/mnt/man/UnixWare/usr/man/man3/curl_mprintf] - (unknown subject)
curl_mfprintf(3) [/mnt/man/UnixWare/usr/man/man3/curl_mprintf] - (unknown subject)
curl_mprintf(3)     - formatted output conversion
curl_mprintf(3) [/mnt/man/UnixWare/usr/man/man3/curl_mprintf] - (unknown subject)
curl_msnprintf(3) [/mnt/man/UnixWare/usr/man/man3/curl_mprintf] - (unknown subject)
curl_multi_add_handle(3) - add an easy handle to a multi session
curl_multi_add_handle(3) [/mnt/man/UnixWare/usr/man/man3/curl_multi_add_handle] - (unknown subject)
curl_multi_cleanup(3) - close down a multi session
curl_multi_cleanup(3) [/mnt/man/UnixWare/usr/man/man3/curl_multi_cleanup] - (unknown subject)
curl_multi_fdset(3) - add an easy handle to a multi session
curl_multi_fdset(3) [/mnt/man/UnixWare/usr/man/man3/curl_multi_fdset] - (unknown subject)
curl_multi_info_read(3) [/mnt/man/UnixWare/usr/man/man3/curl_multi_info_read] - (unknown subject)
curl_multi_info_read(3) - read multi stack informationals
curl_multi_init(3) [/mnt/man/UnixWare/usr/man/man3/curl_multi_init] - (unknown subject)
curl_multi_init(3)  - Start a multi session
curl_multi_perform(3) - add an easy handle to a multi session
curl_multi_perform(3) [/mnt/man/UnixWare/usr/man/man3/curl_multi_perform] - (unknown subject)
curl_multi_remove_handle(3) - add an easy handle to a multi session
curl_multi_remove_handle(3) [/mnt/man/UnixWare/usr/man/man3/curl_multi_remove_handle] - (unknown subject)
curl_multi_strerror(3) [/mnt/man/UnixWare/usr/man/man3/curl_multi_strerror] - (unknown subject)
curl_mvfprintf(3) [/mnt/man/UnixWare/usr/man/man3/curl_mprintf] - (unknown subject)
curl_mvprintf(3) [/mnt/man/UnixWare/usr/man/man3/curl_mprintf] - (unknown subject)
curl_mvsnprintf(3) [/mnt/man/UnixWare/usr/man/man3/curl_mprintf] - (unknown subject)
curl_mvsprintf(3) [/mnt/man/UnixWare/usr/man/man3/curl_mprintf] - (unknown subject)
curl_share_cleanup(3) [/mnt/man/UnixWare/usr/man/man3/curl_share_cleanup] - (unknown subject)
curl_share_init(3) [/mnt/man/UnixWare/usr/man/man3/curl_share_init] - (unknown subject)
curl_share_setopt(3) [/mnt/man/UnixWare/usr/man/man3/curl_share_setopt] - (unknown subject)
curl_share_strerror(3) [/mnt/man/UnixWare/usr/man/man3/curl_share_strerror] - (unknown subject)
curl_slist_append(3) - add a string to an slist
curl_slist_append(3) [/mnt/man/UnixWare/usr/man/man3/curl_slist_append] - (unknown subject)
curl_slist_free_all(3) - free an entire curl_slist list
curl_slist_free_all(3) [/mnt/man/UnixWare/usr/man/man3/curl_slist_free_all] - (unknown subject)
curl_strequal(3)    - case insensitive string comparisons
curl_strequal(3) [/mnt/man/UnixWare/usr/man/man3/curl_strequal] - (unknown subject)
curl_strnequal(3)   - case insensitive string comparisons
curl_strnequal(3) [/mnt/man/UnixWare/usr/man/man3/curl_strequal] - (unknown subject)
curl_unescape(3) [/mnt/man/UnixWare/usr/man/man3/curl_unescape] - (unknown subject)
curl_unescape(3)    - URL decodes the given string
curl_version(3) [/mnt/man/UnixWare/usr/man/man3/curl_version] - (unknown subject)
curl_version(3)     - returns the libcurl version string
curl_version_info(3) [/mnt/man/UnixWare/usr/man/man3/curl_version_info] - (unknown subject)
cut(1)              - remove sections from each line of files
Cwd(3)              - get pathname of current working directory
d2i_509_CRL_fp(3)   - PKCS#10 certificate request functions.
d2i_DHparams(3)     - PKCS#3 DH parameter functions.
d2i_DSAPrivateKey(3) - DSA key encoding and parsing functions.
d2i_DSA_PUBKEY(3)   - DSA key encoding and parsing functions.
d2i_DSAPublicKey(3) - DSA key encoding and parsing functions.
d2i_DSA_SIG(3)      - DSA key encoding and parsing functions.
d2i_Netscape_RSA(3) - RSA public and private key encoding functions.
d2i_PKCS8PrivateKey(3) - PKCS#8 format private key functions
d2i_PKCS8PrivateKey_bio(3) - PKCS#8 format private key functions
d2i_PKCS8PrivateKey_fp(3) - PKCS#8 format private key functions
d2i_RSAPrivateKey(3) - RSA public and private key encoding functions.
d2i_RSA_PUBKEY(3)   - RSA public and private key encoding functions.
d2i_RSAPublicKey(3) - RSA public and private key encoding functions.
d2i_SSL_SESSION(3)  - convert SSL_SESSION object from/to ASN1 representation
d2i_X509(3)         - X509 encode and decode functions
d2i_X509_ALGOR(3)   - AlgorithmIdentifier functions.
d2i_X509_bio(3)     - X509 encode and decode functions
d2i_X509_CRL(3)     - PKCS#10 certificate request functions.
d2i_X509_CRL_bio(3) - PKCS#10 certificate request functions.
d2i_X509_fp(3)      - X509 encode and decode functions
d2i_X509_NAME(3)    - X509_NAME encoding functions
d2i_X509_REQ(3)     - PKCS#10 certificate request functions.
d2i_X509_REQ_bio(3) - PKCS#10 certificate request functions.
d2i_X509_REQ_fp(3)  - PKCS#10 certificate request functions.
d2i_X509_SIG(3)     - DigestInfo functions.
Data::Dumper(3)     - stringified perl data structures, suitable for both printing and `eval'
date(1)             - print or set the system date and time
DB(3)               - programmatic interface to the Perl debugging API (draft, subject to change)
DBD::DBM(3)         - a DBI driver for DBM & MLDBM files
DBD::File(3)        - Base class for writing file based DBI drivers
DBD::File::Developers(3) - Developers documentation for DBD::File
DBD::File::HowTo(3) - Guide to create DBD::File based driver
DBD::File::Roadmap(3) - Planned Enhancements for DBD::File and pure Perl DBD's
DBD::Gofer(3)       - A stateless-proxy driver for communicating with a remote DBI
DBD::Gofer::Policy::Base(3) - Base class for DBD::Gofer policies
DBD::Gofer::Policy::classic(3) - The 'classic' policy for DBD::Gofer
DBD::Gofer::Policy::pedantic(3) - The 'pedantic' policy for DBD::Gofer
DBD::Gofer::Policy::rush(3) - The 'rush' policy for DBD::Gofer
DBD::Gofer::Transport::Base(3) - base class for DBD::Gofer client transports
DBD::Gofer::Transport::corostream(3) - Async DBD::Gofer stream transport using Coro and AnyEvent
DBD::Gofer::Transport::null(3) - DBD::Gofer client transport for testing
DBD::Gofer::Transport::pipeone(3) - DBD::Gofer client transport for testing
DBD::Gofer::Transport::stream(3) - DBD::Gofer transport for stdio streaming
DBD::mysql(3)       - MySQL driver for the Perl5 Database Interface(DBI)
DBD::mysql::INSTALL(3) - How to install and configure DBD::mysql
DBD::Proxy(3)       - A proxy driver for the DBI
DBD::Sponge(3)      - Create a DBI statement handle from Perl data
dbf2pg(1)           - Insert xBase-style .dbf-files into a PostgreSQL-table
DBI(3)              - Database independent interface for Perl
DBI::Const::GetInfo::ANSI(3) - ISO/IEC SQL/CLI Constants for GetInfo
DBI::Const::GetInfo::ODBC(3) - ODBC Constants for GetInfo
DBI::Const::GetInfoReturn(3) - Data and functions for describing GetInfo results
DBI::Const::GetInfoType(3) - Data describing GetInfo type codes
DBI::DBD(3)         - Perl DBI Database Driver Writer's Guide
DBI::DBD::Metadata(3) - Generate the code and data for some DBI metadata methods
DBI::DBD::SqlEngine(3) - Base class for DBI drivers without their own SQL engine
DBI::DBD::SqlEngine::Developers(3) - Developers documentation for DBI::DBD::SqlEngine
DBI::DBD::SqlEngine::HowTo(3) - Guide to create DBI::DBD::SqlEngine based driver
DBI::FAQ(3)         - - The Frequently Asked Questions for the Perl5 Database Interface
DBI::Gofer::Execute(3) - Executes Gofer requests and returns Gofer responses
DBI::Gofer::Request(3) - Encapsulate a request from DBD::Gofer to DBI::Gofer::Execute
DBI::Gofer::Response(3) - Encapsulate a response from DBI::Gofer::Execute to DBD::Gofer
DBI::Gofer::Serializer::Base(3) - base class for Gofer serialization
DBI::Gofer::Serializer::DataDumper(3) - Gofer serialization using DataDumper
DBI::Gofer::Serializer::Storable(3) - Gofer serialization using Storable
DBI::Gofer::Transport::Base(3) - Base class for Gofer transports
DBI::Gofer::Transport::pipeone(3) - DBD::Gofer server-side transport for pipeone
DBI::Gofer::Transport::stream(3) - DBD::Gofer server-side transport for stream
dbilogstrip(1)      - filter to normalize DBI trace logs for diff'ing
dbiprof(1)          - command-line client for DBI::ProfileData
DBI::Profile(3)     - Performance profiling and benchmarking for the DBI
DBI::ProfileData(3) - manipulate DBI::ProfileDumper data dumps
DBI::ProfileDumper(3) - profile DBI usage and output data to a file
DBI::ProfileDumper::Apache(3) - capture DBI profiling data from Apache/mod_perl
DBI::ProfileSubs(3) - Subroutines for dynamic profile Path
dbiproxy(1)         - A proxy server for the DBD::Proxy driver
DBI::ProxyServer(3) - a server for the DBD::Proxy driver
DBI::PurePerl(3)    - - a DBI emulation using pure perl (no C/XS compilation required)
DBI::SQL::Nano(3)   - a very tiny SQL engine
DBI::Util::CacheMemory(3) - a very fast but very minimal subset of Cache::Memory
DBI::W32ODBC(3)     - An experimental DBI emulation layer for Win32::ODBC
DBM_Filter(3)       - - Filter DBM keys/values
dd(1)               - convert and copy a file
dde(n)              - Execute a Dynamic Data Exchange command
deallocate(5sql)    - deallocate a prepared statement
deallocate(l)       - deallocate a prepared statement
declare(5sql)       - define a cursor
declare(l)          - define a cursor
delete(5sql)        - delete rows of a table
DeleteImg(3)        - Destroy an image.
delete(l)           - delete rows of a table
des(3)              - DES encryption
DES_cbc_cksum(3)    - DES encryption
DES_cfb64_encrypt(3) - DES encryption
DES_cfb_encrypt(3)  - DES encryption
DES_crypt(3)        - DES encryption
DES_ecb2_encrypt(3) - DES encryption
DES_ecb3_encrypt(3) - DES encryption
DES_ecb_encrypt(3)  - DES encryption
DES_ede2_cbc_encrypt(3) - DES encryption
DES_ede2_cfb64_encrypt(3) - DES encryption
DES_ede2_ofb64_encrypt(3) - DES encryption
DES_ede3_cbc_encrypt(3) - DES encryption
DES_ede3_cbcm_encrypt(3) - DES encryption
DES_ede3_cfb64_encrypt(3) - DES encryption
DES_ede3_ofb64_encrypt(3) - DES encryption
DES_enc_read(3)     - DES encryption
DES_enc_write(3)    - DES encryption
DES_fcrypt(3)       - DES encryption
DES_is_weak_key(3)  - DES encryption
DES_key_sched(3)    - DES encryption
des_modes(7)        - (unknown subject)
DES_ncbc_encrypt(3) - DES encryption
DES_ofb64_encrypt(3) - DES encryption
DES_ofb_encrypt(3)  - DES encryption
DES_pcbc_encrypt(3) - DES encryption
DES_quad_cksum(3)   - DES encryption
DES_random_key(3)   - DES encryption
des_read_2passwords(3) - Compatibility user interface functions
des_read_password(3) - Compatibility user interface functions
des_read_pw(3)      - Compatibility user interface functions
des_read_pw_string(3) - Compatibility user interface functions
DES_set_key(3)      - DES encryption
DES_set_key_checked(3) - DES encryption
DES_set_key_unchecked(3) - DES encryption
DES_set_odd_parity(3) - DES encryption
DES_string_to_2keys(3) - DES encryption
DES_string_to_key(3) - DES encryption
destroy(n)          - Destroy one or more windows
DES_xcbc_encrypt(3) - DES encryption
DetachPids(3)       - manage child processes in background
Devel::DProf(3)     - a Perl code profiler
Devel::Peek(3)      - A data debugging tool for the XS programmer
Devel::PPPort(3)    - Perl/Pollution/Portability
Devel::SelfStubber(3) - generate stubs for a SelfLoading module
df(1)               - report filesystem disk space usage
dgst(1)             - message digests
dh(3)               - Diffie-Hellman key agreement
DH_check(3)         - generate and check Diffie-Hellman parameters
DH_compute_key(3)   - perform Diffie-Hellman key exchange
DH_free(3)          - allocate and free DH objects
DH_generate_key(3)  - perform Diffie-Hellman key exchange
DH_generate_parameters(3) - generate and check Diffie-Hellman parameters
DH_get_default_method(3) - select DH method
DH_get_ex_data(3)   - add application specific data to DH structures
DH_get_ex_new_index(3) - add application specific data to DH structures
DH_new(3)           - allocate and free DH objects
DH_new_method(3)    - select DH method
DH_OpenSSL(3)       - select DH method
dhparam(1)          - DH parameter manipulation and generation
DHparams_print(3)   - print cryptographic parameters
DHparams_print_fp(3) - print cryptographic parameters
DH_set_default_method(3) - select DH method
DH_set_ex_data(3)   - add application specific data to DH structures
DH_set_method(3)    - select DH method
DH_size(3)          - get Diffie-Hellman prime size
diagnostics(3)      - produce verbose warning diagnostics
dialog(n)           - Create modal dialog and wait for response
diff(1)             - compare files line by line
diff3(1)            - compare three files line by line
Digest(3)           - Modules that calculate message digests
Digest::base(3)     - Digest base class
Digest::file(3)     - Calculate digests of files
Digest::HMAC(3)     - Keyed-Hashing for Message Authentication
Digest::HMAC_MD5(3) - Keyed-Hashing for Message Authentication
Digest::HMAC_SHA1(3) - Keyed-Hashing for Message Authentication
Digest::MD5(3)      - Perl interface to the MD5 Algorithm
Digest::SHA1(3)     - Perl interface to the SHA-1 algorithm
dir(1)              - list directory contents
dircolors(1)        - color setup for ls
DirHandle(3)        - supply object methods for directory handles
dirname(1)          - strip non-directory suffix from file name
djpeg(1)            - decompress a JPEG file to an image file
DoOneEvent(3)       - wait for events and invoke event handlers
DoubleObj(3)        - manipulate Tcl objects as floating-point values
DoWhenIdle(3)       - invoke a procedure when there are no pending events
dprofpp(1)          - display perl profile data
DrawFocHlt(3)       - draw the traversal highlight ring for a widget
drop_aggregate(5sql) - (unknown subject)
drop_aggregate(l)   - (unknown subject)
drop_cast(5sql)     - (unknown subject)
drop_cast(l)        - (unknown subject)
drop_conversion(5sql) - (unknown subject)
drop_conversion(l)  - (unknown subject)
drop_database(5sql) - (unknown subject)
drop_database(l)    - (unknown subject)
dropdb(1)           - remove a PostgreSQL database
drop_domain(5sql)   - (unknown subject)
drop_domain(l)      - (unknown subject)
drop_function(5sql) - (unknown subject)
drop_function(l)    - (unknown subject)
drop_group(5sql)    - (unknown subject)
drop_group(l)       - (unknown subject)
drop_index(5sql)    - (unknown subject)
drop_index(l)       - (unknown subject)
droplang(1)         - remove a PostgreSQL procedural language
drop_language(5sql) - (unknown subject)
drop_language(l)    - (unknown subject)
drop_operator(5sql) - (unknown subject)
drop_operator_class(5sql) - (unknown subject)
drop_operator_class(l) - (unknown subject)
drop_operator(l)    - (unknown subject)
drop_owned(5sql)    - (unknown subject)
drop_role(5sql)     - (unknown subject)
drop_rule(5sql)     - (unknown subject)
drop_rule(l)        - (unknown subject)
drop_schema(5sql)   - (unknown subject)
drop_schema(l)      - (unknown subject)
drop_sequence(5sql) - (unknown subject)
drop_sequence(l)    - (unknown subject)
drop_table(5sql)    - (unknown subject)
drop_table(l)       - (unknown subject)
drop_tablespace(5sql) - (unknown subject)
drop_trigger(5sql)  - (unknown subject)
drop_trigger(l)     - (unknown subject)
drop_type(5sql)     - (unknown subject)
drop_type(l)        - (unknown subject)
dropuser(1)         - remove a PostgreSQL user account
drop_user(5sql)     - (unknown subject)
drop_user(l)        - (unknown subject)
drop_view(5sql)     - (unknown subject)
drop_view(l)        - (unknown subject)
dsa(1)              - DSA key processing
dsa(3)              - Digital Signature Algorithm
DSA_do_sign(3)      - raw DSA signature operations
DSA_do_verify(3)    - raw DSA signature operations
DSA_dup_DH(3)       - create a DH structure out of DSA structure
DSA_free(3)         - allocate and free DSA objects
DSA_generate_key(3) - generate DSA key pair
DSA_generate_parameters(3) - generate DSA parameters
DSA_get_default_method(3) - select DSA method
DSA_get_ex_data(3)  - add application specific data to DSA structures
DSA_get_ex_new_index(3) - add application specific data to DSA structures
DSA_new(3)          - allocate and free DSA objects
DSA_new_method(3)   - select DSA method
DSA_OpenSSL(3)      - select DSA method
dsaparam(1)         - DSA parameter manipulation and generation
DSAparams_print(3)  - print cryptographic parameters
DSAparams_print_fp(3) - print cryptographic parameters
DSA_print(3)        - print cryptographic parameters
DSA_print_fp(3)     - print cryptographic parameters
DSA_set_default_method(3) - select DSA method
DSA_set_ex_data(3)  - add application specific data to DSA structures
DSA_set_method(3)   - select DSA method
DSA_SIG_free(3)     - allocate and free DSA signature objects
DSA_sign(3)         - DSA signatures
DSA_SIG_new(3)      - allocate and free DSA signature objects
DSA_sign_setup(3)   - DSA signatures
DSA_size(3)         - get DSA signature size
DSA_verify(3)       - DSA signatures
dsdm(1) [/mnt/man/UnixWare/usr/man/man1/dsdm] - (unknown subject)
DString(3)          - manipulate dynamic strings
dtaction(1) [/mnt/man/UnixWare/usr/man/man1/dtaction] - (unknown subject)
dtactionaction(5) [/mnt/man/UnixWare/usr/man/man5/dtactionaction] - (unknown subject)
dtappaction(5) [/mnt/man/UnixWare/usr/man/man5/dtappaction] - (unknown subject)
dtappgather(1) [/mnt/man/UnixWare/usr/man/man1/dtappgather] - (unknown subject)
dtappintegrate(1) [/mnt/man/UnixWare/usr/man/man1/dtappintegrate] - (unknown subject)
dtcalc(1) [/mnt/man/UnixWare/usr/man/man1/dtcalc] - (unknown subject)
dtcalcaction(5) [/mnt/man/UnixWare/usr/man/man5/dtcalcaction] - (unknown subject)
dtcalendaraction(5) [/mnt/man/UnixWare/usr/man/man5/dtcalendaraction] - (unknown subject)
dtchooser(1) [/mnt/man/UnixWare/usr/man/man1/dtchooser] - (unknown subject)
dtcm(1) [/mnt/man/UnixWare/usr/man/man1/dtcm] - (unknown subject)
dtcm_delete(1) [/mnt/man/UnixWare/usr/man/man1/dtcm_delete] - (unknown subject)
dtcm_editor(1) [/mnt/man/UnixWare/usr/man/man1/dtcm_editor] - (unknown subject)
dtcm_insert(1) [/mnt/man/UnixWare/usr/man/man1/dtcm_insert] - (unknown subject)
dtcm_lookup(1) [/mnt/man/UnixWare/usr/man/man1/dtcm_lookup] - (unknown subject)
dtconfig(1) [/mnt/man/UnixWare/usr/man/man1/dtconfig] - (unknown subject)
dtconvertvf(1) [/mnt/man/UnixWare/usr/man/man1/dtconvertvf] - (unknown subject)
dtcreate(1) [/mnt/man/UnixWare/usr/man/man1/dtcreate] - (unknown subject)
dtenvvar(5) [/mnt/man/UnixWare/usr/man/man5/dtenvvar] - (unknown subject)
dtexec(1) [/mnt/man/UnixWare/usr/man/man1/dtexec] - (unknown subject)
dtfile(1) [/mnt/man/UnixWare/usr/man/man1/dtfile] - (unknown subject)
dtfileaction(5) [/mnt/man/UnixWare/usr/man/man5/dtfileaction] - (unknown subject)
dtfile_copy(1) [/mnt/man/UnixWare/usr/man/man1/dtfile_copy] - (unknown subject)
dtfile_error(1) [/mnt/man/UnixWare/usr/man/man1/dtfile_error] - (unknown subject)
dtfilsys(5) [/mnt/man/UnixWare/usr/man/man5/dtfilsys] - (unknown subject)
dtfplist(1) [/mnt/man/UnixWare/usr/man/man1/dtfplist] - (unknown subject)
dtgreet(1) [/mnt/man/UnixWare/usr/man/man1/dtgreet] - (unknown subject)
dthello(1) [/mnt/man/UnixWare/usr/man/man1/dthello] - (unknown subject)
dthelpaction(5) [/mnt/man/UnixWare/usr/man/man5/dthelpaction] - (unknown subject)
dthelp_ctag1(1) [/mnt/man/UnixWare/usr/man/man1/dthelp_ctag1] - (unknown subject)
dthelpgen(1) [/mnt/man/UnixWare/usr/man/man1/dthelpgen] - (unknown subject)
dthelp_htag1(1) [/mnt/man/UnixWare/usr/man/man1/dthelp_htag1] - (unknown subject)
dthelp_htag2(1) [/mnt/man/UnixWare/usr/man/man1/dthelp_htag2] - (unknown subject)
dthelpprint(1) [/mnt/man/UnixWare/usr/man/man1/dthelpprint] - (unknown subject)
dthelptag(1) [/mnt/man/UnixWare/usr/man/man1/dthelptag] - (unknown subject)
dthelpview(1) [/mnt/man/UnixWare/usr/man/man1/dthelpview] - (unknown subject)
dticon(1) [/mnt/man/UnixWare/usr/man/man1/dticon] - (unknown subject)
dticonaction(5) [/mnt/man/UnixWare/usr/man/man5/dticonaction] - (unknown subject)
dtksh(1) [/mnt/man/UnixWare/usr/man/man1/dtksh] - (unknown subject)
dtlogin(1) [/mnt/man/UnixWare/usr/man/man1/dtlogin] - (unknown subject)
dtlp(1) [/mnt/man/UnixWare/usr/man/man1/dtlp] - (unknown subject)
dtmail(1) [/mnt/man/UnixWare/usr/man/man1/dtmail] - (unknown subject)
dtmailaction(5) [/mnt/man/UnixWare/usr/man/man5/dtmailaction] - (unknown subject)
dtmailpr(1) [/mnt/man/UnixWare/usr/man/man1/dtmailpr] - (unknown subject)
dtmanaction(5) [/mnt/man/UnixWare/usr/man/man5/dtmanaction] - (unknown subject)
dtpad(1) [/mnt/man/UnixWare/usr/man/man1/dtpad] - (unknown subject)
dtprintinfo(1) [/mnt/man/UnixWare/usr/man/man1/dtprintinfo] - (unknown subject)
dtprintinfoaction(5) [/mnt/man/UnixWare/usr/man/man5/dtprintinfoaction] - (unknown subject)
dtscreen(1) [/mnt/man/UnixWare/usr/man/man1/dtscreen] - (unknown subject)
dtsearchpath(1) [/mnt/man/UnixWare/usr/man/man1/dtsearchpath] - (unknown subject)
dtsession(1) [/mnt/man/UnixWare/usr/man/man1/dtsession] - (unknown subject)
dtsessionaction(5) [/mnt/man/UnixWare/usr/man/man5/dtsessionaction] - (unknown subject)
dtsession_res(1) [/mnt/man/UnixWare/usr/man/man1/dtsession_res] - (unknown subject)
dtspcd(1) [/mnt/man/UnixWare/usr/man/man1/dtspcd] - (unknown subject)
DtStdAppFontNames(5) [/mnt/man/UnixWare/usr/man/man5/DtStdAppFontNames] - (unknown subject)
DtStdInterfaceFontNames(5) [/mnt/man/UnixWare/usr/man/man5/DtStdInterfaceFontNames] - (unknown subject)
dtstyle(1) [/mnt/man/UnixWare/usr/man/man1/dtstyle] - (unknown subject)
dtstyleaction(5) [/mnt/man/UnixWare/usr/man/man5/dtstyleaction] - (unknown subject)
dtterm(1) [/mnt/man/UnixWare/usr/man/man1/dtterm] - (unknown subject)
dtterm(5) [/mnt/man/UnixWare/usr/man/man5/dtterm] - (unknown subject)
dttermaction(5) [/mnt/man/UnixWare/usr/man/man5/dttermaction] - (unknown subject)
dttextaction(5) [/mnt/man/UnixWare/usr/man/man5/dttextaction] - (unknown subject)
dttrashaction(5) [/mnt/man/UnixWare/usr/man/man5/dttrashaction] - (unknown subject)
dttypes(1) [/mnt/man/UnixWare/usr/man/man1/dttypes] - (unknown subject)
dtwm(1) [/mnt/man/UnixWare/usr/man/man1/dtwm] - (unknown subject)
du(1)               - estimate file space usage
Dumpvalue(3)        - provides screen dump of Perl data.
DynaLoader(3)       - Dynamically load C libraries into Perl code
echo(1)             - display a line of text
ecpg(1)             - embedded SQL C preprocessor
emacs(1)            - GNU project Emacs
enc(1)              - symmetric cipher routines
enc2xs(1)           - - Perl Encode Module Generator
Encode(3)           - character encodings
Encode::Alias(3)    - alias definitions to encodings
Encode::Byte(3)     - Single Byte Encodings
Encode::CJKConstants(3) - - Internally used by Encode::??::ISO_2022_*
Encode::CN(3)       - China-based Chinese Encodings
Encode::CN::HZ(3)   - - internally used by Encode::CN
Encode::Config(3)   - - internally used by Encode
Encode::EBCDIC(3)   - EBCDIC Encodings
Encode::Encoder(3)  - - Object Oriented Encoder
Encode::Encoding(3) - Encode Implementation Base Class
Encode::Guess(3)    - - Guesses encoding from data
Encode::JP(3)       - Japanese Encodings
Encode::JP::H2Z(3)  - - internally used by Encode::JP::2022_JP*
Encode::JP::JIS7(3) - - internally used by Encode::JP
Encode::KR::2022_KR(3) - - internally used by Encode::KR
Encode::KR(3)       - Korean Encodings
Encode::MIME::Header(3) - - MIME 'B' and 'Q' header encoding
Encode::PerlIO(3)   - - a detailed document on Encode and PerlIO
Encode::Supported(3) - - Encodings supported by Encode
Encode::Symbol(3)   - Symbol Encodings
Encode::TW(3)       - Taiwan-based Chinese Encodings
Encode::Unicode(3)  - - Various Unicode Transformation Formats
Encode::Unicode::UTF7(3) - - UTF-7 encoding
encoding(3)         - allows you to write your script in non-ascii or non-utf8
Encoding(3)         - procedures for creating and using encodings.
encoding(n)         - Manipulate encodings
end(5sql)           - commit the current transaction
end(l)              - commit the current transaction
engine(3)           - ENGINE cryptographic module support
English(3)          - use nice English (or awk) names for ugly punctuation variables
entry(n)            - Create and manipulate entry widgets
env(1)              - run a program in a modified environment
Env(3)              - perl module that imports environment variables as scalars or arrays
eof(n)              - Check for end of file condition on channel
epsffit(1)          - fit encapsulated PostScript file(EPSF) into constrained size
eqn(1)              - format equations for troff
err(3)              - error codes
ERR_add_error_data(3) - record an error
ERR_clear_error(3)  - clear the error queue
ERR_error_string(3) - obtain human-readable error message
ERR_error_string_n(3) - obtain human-readable error message
ERR_free_strings(3) - load and free error strings
ERR_func_error_string(3) - obtain human-readable error message
ERR_get_error(3)    - obtain error code and data
ERR_get_error_line(3) - obtain error code and data
ERR_get_error_line_data(3) - obtain error code and data
ERR_GET_FUNC(3)     - get library, function and reason code
ERR_GET_LIB(3)      - get library, function and reason code
ERR_get_next_error_library(3) - load arbitrary error strings
ERR_GET_REASON(3)   - get library, function and reason code
ERR_lib_error_string(3) - obtain human-readable error message
ERR_load_crypto_strings(3) - load and free error strings
ERR_load_strings(3) - load arbitrary error strings
ERR_load_UI_strings(3) - New User Interface
Errno(3)            - System errno constants
error(n)            - Generate an error
ERR_PACK(3)         - load arbitrary error strings
ERR_peek_error(3)   - obtain error code and data
ERR_peek_error_line(3) - obtain error code and data
ERR_peek_error_line_data(3) - obtain error code and data
ERR_peek_last_error(3) - obtain error code and data
ERR_peek_last_error_line(3) - obtain error code and data
ERR_peek_last_error_line_data(3) - obtain error code and data
ERR_print_errors(3) - print error messages
ERR_print_errors_fp(3) - print error messages
ERR_put_error(3)    - record an error
ERR_reason_error_string(3) - obtain human-readable error message
ERR_remove_state(3) - free a thread's error queue
errstr(1)           - lookup error codes
Eval(3)             - execute Tcl scripts
eval(n)             - Evaluate a Tcl script
EventHndlr(3)       - associate procedure callback with an X event
event(n)            - Miscellaneous event facilities: define virtual events and generate events
eview(1)            - easy Vim, edit a file with Vim and setup for modeless editing
evim(1)             - easy Vim, edit a file with Vim and setup for modeless editing
evp(3)              - high-level cryptographic functions
EVP_BytesToKey(3)   - password based encryption routine
EVP_CIPHER_asn1_to_param(3) - EVP cipher routines
EVP_CIPHER_block_size(3) - EVP cipher routines
EVP_CIPHER_CTX_block_size(3) - EVP cipher routines
EVP_CIPHER_CTX_cipher(3) - EVP cipher routines
EVP_CIPHER_CTX_cleanup(3) - EVP cipher routines
EVP_CIPHER_CTX_ctrl(3) - EVP cipher routines
EVP_CIPHER_CTX_flags(3) - EVP cipher routines
EVP_CIPHER_CTX_get_app_data(3) - EVP cipher routines
EVP_CIPHER_CTX_init(3) - EVP cipher routines
EVP_CIPHER_CTX_iv_length(3) - EVP cipher routines
EVP_CIPHER_CTX_key_length(3) - EVP cipher routines
EVP_CIPHER_CTX_mode(3) - EVP cipher routines
EVP_CIPHER_CTX_nid(3) - EVP cipher routines
EVP_CIPHER_CTX_set_app_data(3) - EVP cipher routines
EVP_CIPHER_CTX_set_key_length(3) - EVP cipher routines
EVP_CIPHER_CTX_set_padding(3) - EVP cipher routines
EVP_CIPHER_CTX_type(3) - EVP cipher routines
EVP_CipherFinal(3)  - EVP cipher routines
EVP_CipherFinal_ex(3) - EVP cipher routines
EVP_CIPHER_flags(3) - EVP cipher routines
EVP_CipherInit(3)   - EVP cipher routines
EVP_CipherInit_ex(3) - EVP cipher routines
EVP_CIPHER_iv_length(3) - EVP cipher routines
EVP_CIPHER_key_length(3) - EVP cipher routines
EVP_CIPHER_mode(3)  - EVP cipher routines
EVP_CIPHER_nid(3)   - EVP cipher routines
EVP_CIPHER_param_to_asn1(3) - EVP cipher routines
EVP_CIPHER_type(3)  - EVP cipher routines
EVP_CipherUpdate(3) - EVP cipher routines
EVP_DecryptFinal(3) - EVP cipher routines
EVP_DecryptFinal_ex(3) - EVP cipher routines
EVP_DecryptInit(3)  - EVP cipher routines
EVP_DecryptInit_ex(3) - EVP cipher routines
EVP_DecryptUpdate(3) - EVP cipher routines
EVP_DigestFinal_ex(3) - EVP digest routines
EVP_DigestInit(3)   - EVP digest routines
EVP_DigestInit_ex(3) - EVP digest routines
EVP_DigestUpdate(3) - EVP digest routines
EVP_dss1(3)         - EVP digest routines
EVP_dss(3)          - EVP digest routines
EVP_EncryptFinal(3) - EVP cipher routines
EVP_EncryptFinal_ex(3) - EVP cipher routines
EVP_EncryptInit(3)  - EVP cipher routines
EVP_EncryptInit_ex(3) - EVP cipher routines
EVP_EncryptUpdate(3) - EVP cipher routines
EVP_get_cipherbyname(3) - EVP cipher routines
EVP_get_cipherbynid(3) - EVP cipher routines
EVP_get_cipherbyobj(3) - EVP cipher routines
EVP_get_digestbyname(3) - EVP digest routines
EVP_get_digestbynid(3) - EVP digest routines
EVP_get_digestbyobj(3) - EVP digest routines
EVP_MAX_MD_SIZE(3)  - EVP digest routines
EVP_md2(3)          - EVP digest routines
EVP_md5(3)          - EVP digest routines
EVP_MD_block_size(3) - EVP digest routines
EVP_mdc2(3)         - EVP digest routines
EVP_MD_CTX_block_size(3) - EVP digest routines
EVP_MD_CTX_cleanup(3) - EVP digest routines
EVP_MD_CTX_copy(3)  - EVP digest routines
EVP_MD_CTX_copy_ex(3) - EVP digest routines
EVP_MD_CTX_create(3) - EVP digest routines
EVP_MD_CTX_destroy(3) - EVP digest routines
EVP_MD_CTX_init(3)  - EVP digest routines
EVP_MD_CTX_md(3)    - EVP digest routines
EVP_MD_CTX_size(3)  - EVP digest routines
EVP_MD_CTX_type(3)  - EVP digest routines
EVP_md_null(3)      - EVP digest routines
EVP_MD_pkey_type(3) - EVP digest routines
EVP_MD_size(3)      - EVP digest routines
EVP_MD_type(3)      - EVP digest routines
EVP_OpenFinal(3)    - EVP envelope decryption
EVP_OpenInit(3)     - EVP envelope decryption
EVP_OpenUpdate(3)   - EVP envelope decryption
EVP_PKEY_assign_DH(3) - EVP_PKEY assignment functions.
EVP_PKEY_assign_DSA(3) - EVP_PKEY assignment functions.
EVP_PKEY_assign_EC_KEY(3) - EVP_PKEY assignment functions.
EVP_PKEY_assign_RSA(3) - EVP_PKEY assignment functions.
EVP_PKEY_free(3)    - private key allocation functions.
EVP_PKEY_get1_DH(3) - EVP_PKEY assignment functions.
EVP_PKEY_get1_DSA(3) - EVP_PKEY assignment functions.
EVP_PKEY_get1_EC_KEY(3) - EVP_PKEY assignment functions.
EVP_PKEY_get1_RSA(3) - EVP_PKEY assignment functions.
EVP_PKEY_new(3)     - private key allocation functions.
EVP_PKEY_set1_DH(3) - EVP_PKEY assignment functions.
EVP_PKEY_set1_DSA(3) - EVP_PKEY assignment functions.
EVP_PKEY_set1_EC_KEY(3) - EVP_PKEY assignment functions.
EVP_PKEY_set1_RSA(3) - EVP_PKEY assignment functions.
EVP_PKEY_type(3)    - EVP_PKEY assignment functions.
EVP_ripemd160(3)    - EVP digest routines
EVP_SealFinal(3)    - EVP envelope encryption
EVP_SealInit(3)     - EVP envelope encryption
EVP_SealUpdate(3)   - EVP envelope encryption
EVP_sha1(3)         - EVP digest routines
EVP_sha(3)          - EVP digest routines
EVP_SignFinal(3)    - EVP signing functions
EVP_SignInit(3)     - EVP signing functions
EVP_SignUpdate(3)   - EVP signing functions
EVP_VerifyFinal(3)  - EVP signature verification functions
EVP_VerifyInit(3)   - EVP signature verification functions
EVP_VerifyUpdate(3) - EVP signature verification functions
ex(1)               - Vi IMproved, a programmers text editor
exec(n)             - Invoke subprocess(es)
execute(5sql)       - execute a prepared statement
execute(l)          - execute a prepared statement
Exit(3)             - end the application or thread (and invoke exit handlers)
exit(n)             - End the application
expand(1)           - convert tabs to spaces
explain(5sql)       - show the execution plan of a statement
explain(l)          - show the execution plan of a statement
Exporter(3)         - Implements default import method for modules
Exporter::Heavy(3)  - Exporter guts
expr(1)             - evaluate expressions
ExprLong(3)         - evaluate an expression
ExprLongObj(3)      - evaluate an expression
expr(n)             - Evaluate an expression
extractres(1)       - filter to extract resources from a PostScript document
ExtUtils::Command(3) - utilities to replace common UNIX commands in Makefiles etc.
ExtUtils::Command::MM(3) - Commands for the MM's to use in Makefiles
ExtUtils::Constant(3) - generate XS code to import C header constants
ExtUtils::Constant::Base(3) - base class for ExtUtils::Constant objects
ExtUtils::Constant::Utils(3) - helper functions for ExtUtils::Constant
ExtUtils::Constant::XS(3) - base class for ExtUtils::Constant objects
ExtUtils::Embed(3)  - Utilities for embedding Perl in C/C++ applications
ExtUtils::Install(3) - install files from here to there
ExtUtils::Installed(3) - Inventory management of installed modules
ExtUtils::Liblist(3) - determine libraries to use and how to use them
ExtUtils::MakeMaker(3) - Create a module Makefile
ExtUtils::MakeMaker::bytes(3) - Version-agnostic
ExtUtils::MakeMaker::Config(3) - Wrapper around
ExtUtils::MakeMaker::FAQ(3) - Frequently Asked Questions About MakeMaker
ExtUtils::MakeMaker::Tutorial(3) - Writing a module with MakeMaker
ExtUtils::MakeMaker::vmsish(3) - Platform-agnostic
ExtUtils::Manifest(3) - utilities to write and check a MANIFEST file
ExtUtils::Miniperl(3) - write the C code for perlmain.c
ExtUtils::Mkbootstrap(3) - make a bootstrap file for use by DynaLoader
ExtUtils::Mksymlists(3) - write linker options files for dynamic extension
ExtUtils::MM(3)     - OS adjusted ExtUtils::MakeMaker subclass
ExtUtils::MM_AIX(3) - AIX specific subclass of ExtUtils::MM_Unix
ExtUtils::MM_Any(3) - Platform-agnostic MM methods
ExtUtils::MM_BeOS(3) - methods to override UN*X behaviour in ExtUtils::MakeMaker
ExtUtils::MM_Cygwin(3) - methods to override UN*X behaviour in ExtUtils::MakeMaker
ExtUtils::MM_Darwin(3) - special behaviors for OS X
ExtUtils::MM_DOS(3) - DOS specific subclass of ExtUtils::MM_Unix
ExtUtils::MM_MacOS(3) - once produced Makefiles for MacOS Classic
ExtUtils::MM_NW5(3) - methods to override UN*X behaviour in ExtUtils::MakeMaker
ExtUtils::MM_OS2(3) - methods to override UN*X behaviour in ExtUtils::MakeMaker
ExtUtils::MM_QNX(3) - QNX specific subclass of ExtUtils::MM_Unix
ExtUtils::MM_Unix(3) - methods used by ExtUtils::MakeMaker
ExtUtils::MM_UWIN(3) - U/WIN specific subclass of ExtUtils::MM_Unix
ExtUtils::MM_VMS(3) - methods to override UN*X behaviour in ExtUtils::MakeMaker
ExtUtils::MM_VOS(3) - VOS specific subclass of ExtUtils::MM_Unix
ExtUtils::MM_Win32(3) - methods to override UN*X behaviour in ExtUtils::MakeMaker
ExtUtils::MM_Win95(3) - method to customize MakeMaker for Win9X
ExtUtils::MY(3)     - ExtUtils::MakeMaker subclass for customization
ExtUtils::Packlist(3) - manage .packlist files
ExtUtils::testlib(3) - add blib/* directories to @INC
false(1)            - do nothing, unsuccessfully
Fatal(3)            - replace functions with equivalents which succeed or die
fax2ps(1)           - convert a TIFF facsimile to compressed
fax2tiff(1)         - create a TIFF Class F fax file from raw fax data
fblocked(n)         - Test whether the last input operation exhausted all available input
Fcntl(3)            - load the C Fcntl.h defines
fconfigure(n)       - Set and get options on a channel
fcopy(n)            - Copy data from one channel to another.
fetch(5sql)         - retrieve rows from a query using a cursor
fetch(l)            - retrieve rows from a query using a cursor
fetchmail(1)        - fetch mail from a POP, IMAP, or ETRN-capable server
fetchmailconf(1)    - fetch mail from a POP, IMAP, or ETRN-capable server
fields(3)           - compile-time class fields
file(1)             - determine file type
File::Basename(3)   - Parse file paths into directory, filename and suffix.
FileCache(3)        - keep more files open than the system permits
File::CheckTree(3)  - run many filetest checks on a tree
File::Compare(3)    - Compare files or filehandles
File::Copy(3)       - Copy files or filehandles
File::Copy::Recursive(3) - Perl extension for recursively copying files and directories
File::DosGlob(3)    - DOS like globbing and then some
fileevent(n)        - Execute a script when a channel becomes readable or writable
File::Find(3)       - Traverse a directory tree.
File::Glob(3)       - Perl extension for BSD glob routine
FileHandle(3)       - supply object methods for filehandles
File::Listing(3)    - parse directory listing
filename(n)         - File name conventions supported by Tcl commands
file(n)             - Manipulate file names and attributes
File::Path(3)       - create or remove directory trees
File::Spec(3)       - portably perform operations on file names
File::Spec::Cygwin(3) - methods for Cygwin file specs
File::Spec::Epoc(3) - methods for Epoc file specs
File::Spec::Functions(3) - portably perform operations on file names
File::Spec::Mac(3)  - File::Spec for Mac OS(Classic)
File::Spec::OS2(3)  - methods for OS/2 file specs
File::Spec::Unix(3) - File::Spec for Unix, base for other File::Spec modules
File::Spec::VMS(3)  - methods for VMS file specs
File::Spec::Win32(3) - methods for Win32 file specs
File::stat(3)       - by-name interface to Perl's built-in stat() functions
File::Temp(3)       - return name and handle of a temporary file safely
filetest(3)         - Perl pragma to control the filetest permission operators
Filter::Simple(3)   - Simplified source filtering
Filter::Util::Call(3) - Perl Source Filter Utility Module
find(1)             - search for files in a directory hierarchy
find2perl(1)        - translate find command lines to Perl code
FindBin(3)          - Locate directory of original perl script
FindExec(3)         - identify or return the name of the binary file containing the application
FindPhoto(3)        - manipulate the image data stored in a photo image.
fixdlsrps(1)        - filter to fix DviLaser/PS documents to work with PSUtils
fixfmps(1)          - filter to fix Framemaker documents so PSUtils work
fixmacps(1)         - filter to fix Macintosh documents with saner version of md
fixpsditps(1)       - filter to fix Transcript psdit documents so PSUtils work
fixpspps(1)         - filter to fix PSPrint PostScript so PSUtils work
fixscribeps(1)      - filter to fix Scribe documents so PSUtils work
fixtpps(1)          - filter to fix Tpscript documents to work with PSUtils
fixwfwps(1)         - filter to fix Word for Windows documents so PSUtils work
fixwpps(1)          - filter to fix WP documents so PSUtils work
fixwwps(1)          - filter to fix Windows Write documents so PSUtils work
flush(n)            - Flush buffered output for a channel
fmt(1)              - simple optimal text formatter
focusNext(n)        - Utility procedures for managing the input focus.
focus(n)            - Manage the input focus
fold(1)             - wrap each input line to fit in specified width
FontId(3)           - accessor functions for fonts
font(n)             - Create and inspect fonts.
foreach(n)          - Iterate over all elements in one or more lists
formail(1)          - mail(re)formatter
format(n)           - Format a string in the style of sprintf
for(n)              - ``For'' loop
frame(n)            - Create and manipulate frame widgets
FreeXId(3)          - make X resource identifier available for reuse
g++(1)              - GNU project C++ Compiler
g77(1)              - GNU project Fortran Compiler (v0.5.24)
gawk(1)             - pattern scanning and processing language
gcc(1)              - GNU project C and C++ Compiler (gcc-2.95)
gdbm(3)             - The GNU database manager. Includes dbm and ndbm compatability. (Version .)
gendiff(1)          - utility to aid in error-free diff file generation
gendsa(1)           - generate a DSA private key from a set of parameters
genrsa(1)           - generate an RSA private key
GeomReq(3)          - specify desired geometry or internal border for a window
GET(1)              - Simple command line user agent
getafm(1)           - create an AFM file for a PostScript font.
GetAnchor(3)        - translate between strings and anchor positions
GetBitmap(3)        - maintain database of single-plane pixmaps
GetCapStyl(3)       - translate between strings and cap styles
GetClrmap(3)        - allocate and free colormaps
GetColor(3)         - maintain database of colors
GetCursor(3)        - maintain database of cursors
GetCwd(3)           - manipulate the current working directory
GetFont(3)          - maintain database of fonts
GetGC(3)            - maintain database of read-only graphics contexts
GetImage(3)         - use an image in a widget
GetIndex(3)         - lookup string in table of keywords
GetInt(3)           - convert from string to integer, double, or boolean
GetJoinStl(3)       - translate between strings and join styles
GetJustify(3)       - translate between strings and justification styles
getline(3)          - command-line editing library with history
getOpenFile(n)      - pop up a dialog box for the user to select a file to open or save.
GetOpnFl(3)         - Get a standard IO File * handle from a channel. (Unix only)
GetOption(3)        - retrieve an option from the option database
Getopt::Long(3)     - Extended processing of command line options
Getopt::Std(3)      - Process single-character switches with switch clustering
GetPixels(3)        - translate between strings and screen units
GetPixmap(3)        - allocate and free pixmaps
GetRelief(3)        - translate between strings and relief values
GetRootCrd(3)       - Compute root-window coordinates of window
GetScroll(3)        - parse arguments for scrolling commands
GetSelect(3)        - retrieve the contents of a selection
gets(n)             - Read a line from a channel
GetStdChan(3)       - procedures for retrieving and replacing the standard channels
GetUid(3)           - convert from string to unique identifier
GetVersion(3)       - get the version of the library at runtime
GetVisual(3)        - translate from string to visual
GetVRoot(3)         - Get location and size of virtual root for window
gif2tiff(1)         - create a TIFF file from a GIF87 format image file
glib-config(1)      - script to get information about the installed version of GLib
global(n)           - Access global variables
glob(n)             - Return names of files that match patterns
grab(n)             - Confine pointer and keyboard events to a window sub-tree
grant(5sql)         - define access privileges
grant(l)            - define access privileges
grid(n)             - Geometry manager that arranges widgets in a grid
grn(1)              - groff preprocessor for gremlin files
grodvi(1)           - convert groff output to TeX dvi format
groff(1)            - front end for the groff document formatting system
groff(7)            - a short reference for the GNU roff language
groff_char(7)       - groff character names
groff_font(5)       - format of groff device and font description files
groff_man(7)        - groff `man' macros to support generation of man pages
groff_mdoc(7)       - reference for groff's mdoc implementation
groff_me(7)         - troff macros for formatting papers
groff_mm(7)         - groff mm macros
groff_mmse(7)       - svenska mm makro fr groff
groff_ms(7)         - groff ms macros
groff_mwww(7)       - groff macros for authoring web pages
groff_out(5)        - groff intermediate output format
groff_tmac(5)       - macro files in the roff typesetting system
grog(1)             - guess options for groff command
grohtml(1)          - html driver for groff
grolbp(1)           - groff driver for Canon CAPSL printers (LBP-4 and LBP-8 series laser printers).
grolj4(1)           - groff driver for HP Laserjet 4 family
grops(1)            - PostScript driver for groff
grotty(1)           - groff driver for typewriter-like devices
groups(1)           - print the groups a user is in
GSSAPI(3)           - Perl extension providing access to the GSSAPIv2 library
GSSAPI::OID(3)      - methods for handling GSSAPI OIDs and some constant OIDs
GSSAPI::OID::Set(3) - methods for handling sets of GSSAPI OIDs, and some constant OID sets.
GSSAPI::Status(3)   - methods for handlings GSSAPI statuses
gtk-config(1)       - script to get information about the installed version of GTK+
gunzip(1)           - compress or expand files
gview(1)            - Vi IMproved, a programmers text editor
gvim(1)             - Vi IMproved, a programmers text editor
gvimdiff(1)         - edit two or three versions of a file with Vim and show differences
gzcat(1)            - compress or expand files
gzexe(1)            - compress executable files in place
gzip(1)             - compress or expand files
h2ph(1)             - convert .h C header files to .ph Perl header files
h2xs(1)             - convert .h C header files to Perl extensions
HandleEvent(3)      - invoke event handlers for window system events
Hash(3)             - procedures to manage hash tables
Hash::Util(3)       - A selection of general-utility hash subroutines
head(1)             - output the first part of files
HEAD(1)             - Simple command line user agent
history(3)          - GNU History Library
history(n)          - Manipulate the history list
hmac(3)             - HMAC message authentication code
HMAC(3)             - HMAC message authentication code
HMAC_cleanup(3)     - HMAC message authentication code
HMAC_Final(3)       - HMAC message authentication code
HMAC_Init(3)        - HMAC message authentication code
HMAC_Update(3)      - HMAC message authentication code
hostid(1)           - print the numeric identifier for the current host
hostname(1)         - set or print the name of the current host system
hpftodit(1)         - create font description files for use with groff - Tlj4
HTML::Entities(3)   - Encode or decode strings with HTML entities
HTML::Filter(3)     - Filter HTML text through the parser
HTML::Form(3)       - Class that represents an HTML form element
HTML::HeadParser(3) - Parse <HEAD> section of a HTML document
HTML::LinkExtor(3)  - Extract links from an HTML document
HTML::Parser(3)     - HTML parser class
HTML::PullParser(3) - Alternative HTML::Parser interface
HTML::Tagset(3)     - data tables useful in parsing HTML
HTML::TokeParser(3) - Alternative HTML::Parser interface
HTTP::Cookies(3)    - HTTP cookie jars
HTTP::Cookies::Microsoft(3) - access to Microsoft cookies files
HTTP::Cookies::Netscape(3) - access to Netscape cookies files
HTTP::Daemon(3)     - a simple http server class
HTTP::Date(3)       - date conversion routines
HTTP::Headers(3)    - Class encapsulating HTTP Message headers
HTTP::Headers::Util(3) - Header value parsing utility functions
HTTP::Message(3)    - HTTP style message (base class)
http(n)             - Client-side implementation of the HTTP/1.0 protocol.
Http(n)             - Client-side implementation of the HTTP/1.0 protocol.
HTTP::Negotiate(3)  - choose a variant to serve
HTTP::Request(3)    - HTTP style request message
HTTP::Request::Common(3) - Construct common HTTP::Request objects
HTTP::Response(3)   - HTTP style response message
HTTP::Status(3)     - HTTP Status code processing
I18N::Collate(3)    - compare 8-bit scalar data according to the current locale
I18N::Langinfo(3)   - query locale information
I18N::LangTags(3)   - functions for dealing with RFC3066-style language tags
I18N::LangTags::Detect(3) - detect the user's language preferences
I18N::LangTags::List(3) - - tags and names for human languages
i2d_DHparams(3)     - PKCS#3 DH parameter functions.
i2d_DSAPrivateKey(3) - DSA key encoding and parsing functions.
i2d_DSA_PUBKEY(3)   - DSA key encoding and parsing functions.
i2d_DSAPublicKey(3) - DSA key encoding and parsing functions.
i2d_DSA_SIG(3)      - DSA key encoding and parsing functions.
i2d_Netscape_RSA(3) - RSA public and private key encoding functions.
i2d_PKCS8PrivateKey_bio(3) - PKCS#8 format private key functions
i2d_PKCS8PrivateKey_fp(3) - PKCS#8 format private key functions
i2d_PKCS8PrivateKey_nid_bio(3) - PKCS#8 format private key functions
i2d_PKCS8PrivateKey_nid_fp(3) - PKCS#8 format private key functions
i2d_RSAPrivateKey(3) - RSA public and private key encoding functions.
i2d_RSA_PUBKEY(3)   - RSA public and private key encoding functions.
i2d_RSAPublicKey(3) - RSA public and private key encoding functions.
i2d_SSL_SESSION(3)  - convert SSL_SESSION object from/to ASN1 representation
i2d_X509(3)         - X509 encode and decode functions
i2d_X509_ALGOR(3)   - AlgorithmIdentifier functions.
i2d_X509_bio(3)     - X509 encode and decode functions
i2d_X509_CRL(3)     - PKCS#10 certificate request functions.
i2d_X509_CRL_bio(3) - PKCS#10 certificate request functions.
i2d_X509_CRL_fp(3)  - PKCS#10 certificate request functions.
i2d_X509_fp(3)      - X509 encode and decode functions
i2d_X509_NAME(3)    - X509_NAME encoding functions
i2d_X509_REQ(3)     - PKCS#10 certificate request functions.
i2d_X509_REQ_bio(3) - PKCS#10 certificate request functions.
i2d_X509_REQ_fp(3)  - PKCS#10 certificate request functions.
i2d_X509_SIG(3)     - DigestInfo functions.
id(1)               - print real and effective UIDs and GIDs
IdToWindow(3)       - Find Tk's window information for an X window
if(3)               - `use' a Perl module if a condition holds
if(n)               - Execute scripts conditionally
igawk(1)            - gawk with include files
image(n)            - Create and manipulate images
ImgChanged(3)       - notify widgets that image needs to be redrawn
includeres(1)       - filter to include resources in a PostScript document
incr(n)             - Increment the value of a variable
indxbib(1)          - make inverted index for bibliographic databases
info(n)             - Return information about the state of the Tcl interpreter
initdb(1)           - create a new PostgreSQL database cluster
initlocation(1)     - create a secondary PostgreSQL database storage area
InitStubs(3)        - initialize the Tcl stubs mechanism
insert(5sql)        - create new rows in a table
insert(l)           - create new rows in a table
install(1)          - copy files and set attributes
instmodsh(1)        - A shell to examine installed modules
integer(3)          - Perl pragma to use integer arithmetic instead of floating point
InternAtom(3)       - manage cache of X atoms
Interp(3)           - client-visible fields of interpreter structures
interp(n)           - Create and manipulate Tcl interpreters
IntObj(3)           - manipulate Tcl objects as integers
IO(3)               - load various IO modules
IO::Dir(3)          - supply object methods for directory handles
IO::File(3)         - supply object methods for filehandles
IO::Handle(3)       - supply object methods for I/O handles
IO::Pipe(3)         - supply object methods for pipes
IO::Poll(3)         - Object interface to system poll call
IO::Seekable(3)     - supply seek based methods for I/O objects
IO::Select(3)       - OO interface to the select system call
IO::Socket(3)       - Object interface to socket communications
IO::Socket::INET(3) - Object interface for AF_INET domain sockets
IO::Socket::SSL(3)  - - Nearly transparent SSL encapsulation for IO::Socket::INET.
IO::Socket::UNIX(3) - Object interface for AF_UNIX domain sockets
ipcclean(1)         - remove shared memory and semaphores from a failed PostgreSQL server
IPC::Msg(3)         - SysV Msg IPC object class
IPC::Open2(3)       - open a process for both reading and writing
IPC::Open3(3)       - open a process for reading, writing, and error handling
IPC::Semaphore(3)   - SysV Semaphore IPC object class
IPC::SysV(3)        - SysV IPC constants
Jcode(3)            - Japanese Charset Handler
join(1)             - join lines of two files on a common field
join(n)             - Create a string by joining together list elements
jpeg(7) [/mnt/man/UnixWare/usr/man/man7/jpeg] - (unknown subject)
jpegtran(1)         - lossless transformation of JPEG files
JSON::PP(3)         - JSON::XS compatible pure-Perl module.
JSON::PP::Boolean(3) - dummy module providing JSON::PP::Boolean
JSON::PP::Compat5006(3) - Helper module in using JSON::PP in Perl 5.6
label(n)            - Create and manipulate label widgets
lappend(n)          - Append list elements onto a variable
lber-decode(3)      - LBER simplified Basic Encoding Rules library routines for decoding
lber-encode(3)      - LBER simplified Basic Encoding Rules library routines for encoding
lber-memory(3)      - LBER memory allocators
lber-types(3)       - LBER types and allocation functions
ldap(3)             - OpenLDAP Lightweight Directory Access Protocol API
ldap_abandon(3)     - Abandon an LDAP operation in progress
ldap_abandon_ext(3) - Abandon an LDAP operation in progress
ldapadd(1)          - LDAP modify entry and LDAP add entry tools
ldap_add(3)         - Perform an LDAP add operation
ldap_add_ext(3)     - Perform an LDAP add operation
ldap_add_ext_s(3)   - Perform an LDAP add operation
ldap_add_s(3)       - Perform an LDAP add operation
ldap_attributetype2name(3) - Schema definition handling routines
ldap_attributetype2str(3) - Schema definition handling routines
ldap_attributetype_free(3) - Schema definition handling routines
ldap_bind(3)        - LDAP bind routines
ldap_bind_s(3)      - LDAP bind routines
ldapcompare(1)      - LDAP compare tool
ldap_compare(3)     - Perform an LDAP compare operation
ldap_compare_ext(3) - Perform an LDAP compare operation
ldap_compare_ext_s(3) - Perform an LDAP compare operation
ldap_compare_s(3)   - Perform an LDAP compare operation
ldap.conf(5)        - ldap configuration file
ldap_count_entries(3) - LDAP result entry parsing and counting routines
ldap_count_messages(3) - Stepping through messages in a result chain
ldap_count_references(3) - Stepping through continuation references in a result chain
ldap_count_values(3) - LDAP attribute value handling routines
ldap_count_values_len(3) - LDAP attribute value handling routines
ldap_dcedn2dn(3)    - LDAP DN handling routines
ldapdelete(1)       - LDAP delete entry tool
ldap_delete(3)      - Perform an LDAP delete operation
ldap_delete_ext(3)  - Perform an LDAP delete operation
ldap_delete_ext_s(3) - Perform an LDAP delete operation
ldap_delete_s(3)    - Perform an LDAP delete operation
ldap_dn2ad_canonical(3) - LDAP DN handling routines
ldap_dn2dcedn(3)    - LDAP DN handling routines
ldap_dn2str(3)      - LDAP DN handling routines
ldap_dn2ufn(3)      - LDAP DN handling routines
ldap_err2string(3)  - LDAP protocol error handling routines
ldap_errlist(3)     - LDAP protocol error handling routines
ldap_error(3)       - LDAP protocol error handling routines
ldap_explode_dn(3)  - LDAP DN handling routines
ldap_explode_rdn(3) - LDAP DN handling routines
ldap_first_attribute(3) - step through LDAP entry attributes
ldap_first_entry(3) - LDAP result entry parsing and counting routines
ldap_first_message(3) - Stepping through messages in a result chain
ldap_first_reference(3) - Stepping through continuation references in a result chain
ldap_free_urldesc(3) - LDAP Uniform Resource Locator routines
ldap_get_dn(3)      - LDAP DN handling routines
ldap_get_values(3)  - LDAP attribute value handling routines
ldap_get_values_len(3) - LDAP attribute value handling routines
ldap_init(3)        - Initialize the LDAP library and open a connection to an LDAP server
ldap_is_ldap_url(3) - LDAP Uniform Resource Locator routines
ldap_matchingrule2name(3) - Schema definition handling routines
ldap_matchingrule2str(3) - Schema definition handling routines
ldap_matchingrule_free(3) - Schema definition handling routines
ldapmodify(1)       - LDAP modify entry and LDAP add entry tools
ldap_modify(3)      - Perform an LDAP modify operation
ldap_modify_ext(3)  - Perform an LDAP modify operation
ldap_modify_ext_s(3) - Perform an LDAP modify operation
ldap_modify_s(3)    - Perform an LDAP modify operation
ldapmodrdn(1)       - LDAP rename entry tool
ldap_modrdn2(3)     - Perform an LDAP modify RDN operation
ldap_modrdn2_s(3)   - Perform an LDAP modify RDN operation
ldap_modrdn(3)      - Perform an LDAP modify RDN operation
ldap_modrdn_s(3)    - Perform an LDAP modify RDN operation
ldap_mods_free(3)   - Perform an LDAP modify operation
ldap_msgfree(3)     - Wait for the result of an LDAP operation
ldap_msgid(3)       - Wait for the result of an LDAP operation
ldap_msgtype(3)     - Wait for the result of an LDAP operation
ldap_next_attribute(3) - step through LDAP entry attributes
ldap_next_entry(3)  - LDAP result entry parsing and counting routines
ldap_next_message(3) - Stepping through messages in a result chain
ldap_next_reference(3) - Stepping through continuation references in a result chain
ldap_objectclass2name(3) - Schema definition handling routines
ldap_objectclass2str(3) - Schema definition handling routines
ldap_objectclass_free(3) - Schema definition handling routines
ldap_open(3)        - Initialize the LDAP library and open a connection to an LDAP server
ldap_parse_extended_result(3) - Parsing results
ldap_parse_reference(3) - Extract referrals and controls from a reference message
ldap_parse_result(3) - Parsing results
ldap_parse_sasl_bind_result(3) - Parsing results
ldappasswd(1)       - change the password of an LDAP entry
ldap_perror(3)      - LDAP protocol error handling routines
ldap_result2error(3) - LDAP protocol error handling routines
ldap_result(3)      - Wait for the result of an LDAP operation
ldap_sasl_bind(3)   - LDAP bind routines
ldap_sasl_bind_s(3) - LDAP bind routines
ldap_schema(3)      - Schema definition handling routines
ldap_scherr2str(3)  - Schema definition handling routines
ldapsearch(1)       - LDAP search tool
ldap_search(3)      - Perform an LDAP search operation
ldap_search_ext(3)  - Perform an LDAP search operation
ldap_search_ext_s(3) - Perform an LDAP search operation
ldap_search_s(3)    - Perform an LDAP search operation
ldap_search_st(3)   - Perform an LDAP search operation
ldap_simple_bind(3) - LDAP bind routines
ldap_simple_bind_s(3) - LDAP bind routines
ldap_sort(3)        - LDAP sorting routines
ldap_sort_entries(3) - LDAP sorting routines
ldap_sort_strcasecmp(3) - LDAP sorting routines
ldap_sort_values(3) - LDAP sorting routines
ldap_str2attributetype(3) - Schema definition handling routines
ldap_str2dn(3)      - LDAP DN handling routines
ldap_str2matchingrule(3) - Schema definition handling routines
ldap_str2objectclass(3) - Schema definition handling routines
ldap_str2syntax(3)  - Schema definition handling routines
ldap_syntax2name(3) - Schema definition handling routines
ldap_syntax2str(3)  - Schema definition handling routines
ldap_syntax_free(3) - Schema definition handling routines
ldap_unbind(3)      - LDAP bind routines
ldap_unbind_ext(3)  - LDAP bind routines
ldap_unbind_ext_s(3) - LDAP bind routines
ldap_unbind_s(3)    - LDAP bind routines
ldap_url(3)         - LDAP Uniform Resource Locator routines
ldap_url_parse(3)   - LDAP Uniform Resource Locator routines
ldap_value_free(3)  - LDAP attribute value handling routines
ldap_value_free_len(3) - LDAP attribute value handling routines
ldapwhoami(1)       - LDAP who am i? tool
ld_errno(3)         - LDAP protocol error handling routines
ldif(5)             - LDAP Data Interchange Format
less(1)             - opposite of more
less(3)             - perl pragma to request less of something from the compiler
lesskey(1)          - specify key bindings for less
lhash(3)            - dynamic hash table
lh_delete(3)        - dynamic hash table
lh_doall(3)         - dynamic hash table
lh_doall_arg(3)     - dynamic hash table
lh_error(3)         - dynamic hash table
lh_free(3)          - dynamic hash table
lh_insert(3)        - dynamic hash table
lh_new(3)           - dynamic hash table
lh_node_stats(3)    - LHASH statistics
lh_node_stats_bio(3) - LHASH statistics
lh_node_usage_stats(3) - LHASH statistics
lh_node_usage_stats_bio(3) - LHASH statistics
lh_retrieve(3)      - dynamic hash table
lh_stats(3)         - LHASH statistics
lh_stats_bio(3)     - LHASH statistics
lib(3)              - manipulate @INC at compile time
libcurl(3)          - client-side URL transfers
libcurl(3) [/mnt/man/UnixWare/usr/man/man3/libcurl] - (unknown subject)
libcurl-easy(3) [/mnt/man/UnixWare/usr/man/man3/libcurl-easy] - (unknown subject)
libcurl-errors(3) [/mnt/man/UnixWare/usr/man/man3/libcurl-errors] - (unknown subject)
libcurl-errors(3)   - (unknown subject)
libcurl-multi(3)    - how to use the multi interface
libcurl-multi(3) [/mnt/man/UnixWare/usr/man/man3/libcurl-multi] - (unknown subject)
libcurl-share(3) [/mnt/man/UnixWare/usr/man/man3/libcurl-share] - (unknown subject)
libcurl-tutorial(3) [/mnt/man/UnixWare/usr/man/man3/libcurl-tutorial] - (unknown subject)
libnetcfg(1)        - configure libnet
libpng(3)           - Portable Network Graphics(PNG) Reference Library 1.2.12
libpngpf(3)         - Portable Network Graphics(PNG) Reference Library 1.2.12 (private functions)
library(n)          - standard library of Tcl procedures
libtiff(3tiff)      - introduction to libtiff, a library for reading and writing TIFF files
lindex(n)           - Retrieve an element from a list
LinkVar(3)          - link Tcl variable to C variable
linsert(n)          - Insert elements into a list
listbox(n)          - Create and manipulate listbox widgets
listen(5sql)        - listen for a notification
listen(l)           - listen for a notification
list(n)             - Create a list
ListObj(3)          - manipulate Tcl objects as lists
List::Util(3)       - A selection of general-utility list subroutines
lkbib(1)            - search bibliographic databases
llength(n)          - Count the number of elements in a list
ln(1)               - make links between files
load(5sql)          - load or reload a shared library file
load(l)             - load or reload a shared library file
load(n)             - Load machine code and initialize new commands.
loadTk(n)           - Load Tk into a safe interpreter.
locale(3)           - Perl pragma to use and avoid POSIX locales for built-in operations
Locale::Constants(3) - constants for Locale codes
Locale::Country(3)  - ISO codes for country identification (ISO 3166)
Locale::Currency(3) - ISO three letter codes for currency identification (ISO 4217)
Locale::gettext(3)  - message handling functions
Locale::Language(3) - ISO two letter codes for language identification (ISO 639)
Locale::Maketext(3) - framework for localization
Locale::Maketext::TPJ13(3) - - article about software localization
Locale::Msgcat(3)   - Perl extension for blah blah blah
Locale::Script(3)   - ISO codes for script identification (ISO 15924)
locate(1)           - list files in databases that match a pattern
locatedb(5)         - front-compressed file name database
lock(5sql)          - lock a table
lockfile(1)         - conditional semaphore-file creator
lock(l)             - lock a table
lookbib(1)          - search bibliographic databases
lower(n)            - Change a window's position in the stacking order
lrange(n)           - Return one or more adjacent elements from a list
lreplace(n)         - Replace elements in a list with new elements
ls(1)               - list directory contents
lsearch(n)          - See if a list contains a particular element
lsort(n)            - Sort the elements of a list
LWP(3)              - The World-Wide Web library for Perl
LWP::Authen::Ntlm(3) - Library for enabling NTLM authentication(Microsoft) in LWP
LWP::ConnCache(3)   - Connection cache manager
lwpcook(3)          - The libwww-perl cookbook
LWP::Debug(3)       - debug routines for the libwww-perl library
LWP::DebugFile(3)   - routines for tracing/debugging LWP
lwp-download(1)     - Fetch large files from the web
LWP::MediaTypes(3)  - guess media type for a file or a URL
LWP::MemberMixin(3) - Member access mixin class
lwp-mirror(1)       - Simple mirror utility
LWP::Protocol(3)    - Base class for LWP protocols
lwp-request(1)      - Simple command line user agent
lwp-rget(1)         - Retrieve web documents recursively
LWP::RobotUA(3)     - a class for well-behaved Web robots
LWP::Simple(3)      - simple procedural interface to LWP
lwptut(3)           - - An LWP Tutorial
LWP::UserAgent(3)   - Web user agent class
lynx(1)             - a general purpose distributed information browser for the World Wide Web
magic(4)            - file command's magic number file
MainLoop(3)         - loop for events until all windows are deleted
MaintGeom(3)        - maintain geometry of one window relative to another
MainWin(3)          - find the main window for an application
make(1)             - GNU make utility to maintain groups of programs
ManageGeom(3)       - arrange to handle geometry requests for a window
map(1)              - An utility to map texts from and to unicode
MapWindow(3)        - map or unmap a window
Math::BigFloat(3)   - Arbitrary size floating point math package
Math::BigInt(3)     - Arbitrary size integer/float math package
Math::BigInt::Calc(3) - Pure Perl module to support Math::BigInt
Math::BigInt::CalcEmu(3) - Emulate low-level math with BigInt code
Math::BigRat(3)     - Arbitrary big rational numbers
Math::Complex(3)    - complex numbers and associated mathematical functions
Math::Trig(3)       - trigonometric functions
mc(1)               - Visual shell for Unix-like systems.
mcedit(1)           - Internal file editor of GNU Midnight Commander.
mcview(1)           - Internal file viewer of GNU Midnight Commander.
md2(1)              - message digests
MD2(3)              - MD2, MD4, and MD5 hash functions
MD2_Final(3)        - MD2, MD4, and MD5 hash functions
MD2_Init(3)         - MD2, MD4, and MD5 hash functions
MD2_Update(3)       - MD2, MD4, and MD5 hash functions
md4(1)              - message digests
MD4(3)              - MD2, MD4, and MD5 hash functions
MD4_Final(3)        - MD2, MD4, and MD5 hash functions
MD4_Init(3)         - MD2, MD4, and MD5 hash functions
MD4_Update(3)       - MD2, MD4, and MD5 hash functions
md5(1)              - calculate a message-digest fingerprint(checksum) for a file
md5(1)              - message digests
md5(3)              - MD2, MD4, and MD5 hash functions
MD5(3)              - MD2, MD4, and MD5 hash functions
md5check(1)         - check MD5 checksums of critical system files
MD5_Final(3)        - MD2, MD4, and MD5 hash functions
MD5_Init(3)         - MD2, MD4, and MD5 hash functions
md5sum(1)           - compute and check MD5 message digest
MD5_Update(3)       - MD2, MD4, and MD5 hash functions
mdc2(1)             - message digests
mdc2(3)             - MDC2 hash function
MDC2(3)             - MDC2 hash function
MDC2_Final(3)       - MDC2 hash function
MDC2_Init(3)        - MDC2 hash function
MDC2_Update(3)      - MDC2 hash function
MeasureChar(3)      - routines to measure and display simple single-line strings.
Memoize(3)          - Make functions faster by trading space for time
Memoize::AnyDBM_File(3) - glue to provide EXISTS for AnyDBM_File for Storable use
Memoize::Expire(3)  - Plug-in module for automatic expiration of memoized values
Memoize::ExpireFile(3) - test for Memoize expiration semantics
Memoize::ExpireTest(3) - test for Memoize expiration semantics
Memoize::NDBM_File(3) - glue to provide EXISTS for NDBM_File for Storable use
Memoize::SDBM_File(3) - glue to provide EXISTS for SDBM_File for Storable use
Memoize::Storable(3) - store Memoized data in Storable database
menubar(n)          - Obsolete support for menu bars
menubutton(n)       - Create and manipulate menubutton widgets
menu(n)             - Create and manipulate menu widgets
messageBox(n)       - pops up a message window and waits for user response.
message(n)          - Create and manipulate message widgets
MIME::Base64(3)     - Encoding and decoding of base64 strings
MIME::QuotedPrint(3) - Encoding and decoding of quoted-printable strings
mkdir(1)            - make directories
mkfifo(1)           - make FIFOs (named pipes)
mkmapfile(1)        - create Unicode mapfiles
mknod(1)            - make block or character special files
mmroff(7)           - reference preprocessor
Modes_of_DES(7)     - (unknown subject)
move(5sql)          - position a cursor
move(l)             - position a cursor
MoveToplev(3)       - Adjust the position of a top-level window
mozilla(1)          - a Web browser for X11 derived from Netscape Communicator
mozplugger(7)       - a streaming multimedia plugin for UNIX mozilla
msgcat(n)           - Tcl message catalog
msql2mysql(1)       - convert mSQL programs for use with MySQL
mutt(1)             - The Mutt Mail User Agent
mutt_dotlock(1)     - Lock mail spool files.
muttrc(5)           - Configuration file for the Mutt Mail User Agent
mv(1)               - move(rename) files
myisamchk(1)        - MyISAM table-maintenance utility
myisamlog(1)        - display MyISAM log file contents
myisampack(1)       - generate compressed, read-only MyISAM tables
mysql(1)            - the MySQL command-line tool
mysqlaccess(1)      - client for checking access privileges
mysqladmin(1)       - client for administering a MySQL server
mysqlbinlog(1)      - utility for processing binary log files
mysqlcheck(1)       - a table maintenance and repair program
mysql_config(1)     - get compile options for compiling clients
mysqld(1)           - the MySQL server
mysqld_multi(1)     - manage multiple MySQL servers
mysqld_safe(1)      - MySQL server startup script safe_mysqld - MySQL server startup script
mysqldump(1)        - a database backup program
mysql_fix_privilege_tables(1) - upgrade MySQL system tables
mysqlhotcopy(1)     - a database backup program
mysqlimport(1)      - a data import program
mysqlman(1)         - default man page for mysql
mysqlmanager(1)     - the MySQL Instance Manager
mysql.server(1)     - MySQL server startup script
mysqlshow(1)        - display database, table, and column information
mysql_upgrade(1)    - check tables for MySQL upgrade
mysql_zap(1)        - kill processes that match a pattern
Name(3)             - convert between names and window tokens
NameOfImg(3)        - Return name of image.
namespace(n)        - create and manipulate contexts for commands and variables
NDBM_File(3)        - Tied access to ndbm files
neqn(1)             - format equations for ascii output
Net::Cmd(3)         - Network Command class (as used by FTP, SMTP etc)
Net::Config(3)      - Local configuration data for libnet
Net::Domain(3)      - Attempt to evaluate the current host's internet name and domain
Net::FTP(3)         - FTP Client class
Net::hostent(3)     - by-name interface to Perl's built-in gethost*() functions
Net::HTTP(3)        - Low-level HTTP connection(client)
Net::HTTP::NB(3)    - Non-blocking HTTP client
Net::LDAP(3)        - Lightweight Directory Access Protocol
Net::LDAP::Constant(3) - Constants for use with Net::LDAP
Net::LDAP::Control(3) - LDAPv3 control object base class
Net::LDAP::Control::EntryChange(3) - LDAPv3 Entry Change Notification control object
Net::LDAP::Control::ManageDsaIT(3) - LDAPv3 Manage DSA-IT control object
Net::LDAP::Control::Paged(3) - LDAPv3 Paged results control object
Net::LDAP::Control::PersistentSearch(3) - LDAPv3 Persistent Search control object
Net::LDAP::Control::ProxyAuth(3) - LDAPv3 Proxy Authentication control object
Net::LDAP::Control::Sort(3) - Server Side Sort(SSS) control object
Net::LDAP::Control::SortResult(3) - Server Side Sort(SSS) result control object
Net::LDAP::Control::VLV(3) - LDAPv3 Virtual List View control object
Net::LDAP::Control::VLVResponse(3) - - LDAPv3 Virtual List View server response
Net::LDAP::DSML(3)  - - A DSML Writer for Net::LDAP
Net::LDAP::Entry(3) - An LDAP entry object
Net::LDAP::Examples(3) - PERL LDAP by Example
Net::LDAP::Extension::SetPassword(3) - LDAPv3 Modify Password extension object
Net::LDAP::Extension::WhoAmI(3) - LDAP "Who am I?" Operation
Net::LDAP::Extra(3) - - Load extra Net::LDAP methods
Net::LDAP::FAQ(3)   - Frequently Asked Questions about Net::LDAP
Net::LDAP::Filter(3) - representation of LDAP filters
Net::LDAPI(3)       - use LDAP over a UNIX domain socket
Net::LDAP::LDIF(3)  - LDIF reading and writing
Net::LDAP::Message(3) - Message response from LDAP server
Net::LDAP::Reference(3) - search reference
Net::LDAP::RFC(3)   - List of related RFC's
Net::LDAP::RootDSE(3) - An LDAP RootDSE object
Net::LDAPS(3)       - use LDAP over an SSL connection
Net::LDAP::Schema(3) - Load and manipulate an LDAP v3 Schema
Net::LDAP::Search(3) - Object returned by Net::LDAP search method
Net::LDAP::Security(3) - Security issues with LDAP connections
Net::LDAP::Util(3)  - Utility functions
Net::libnetFAQ(3)   - libnet Frequently Asked Questions
Net::netent(3)      - by-name interface to Perl's built-in getnet*() functions
Net::Netrc(3)       - OO interface to users netrc file
Net::NNTP(3)        - NNTP Client class
Net::Ping(3)        - check a remote host for reachability
Net::POP3(3)        - Post Office Protocol 3 Client class(RFC1939)
Net::protoent(3)    - by-name interface to Perl's built-in getproto*() functions
Net::servent(3)     - by-name interface to Perl's built-in getserv*() functions
Net::SMTP(3)        - Simple Mail Transfer Protocol Client
Net::SSLeay(3)      - Perl extension for using OpenSSL
Net::SSLeay::Handle(3) - Perl module that lets SSL(HTTPS) sockets be handled as standard file handles.
Net::Time(3)        - time and daytime network client interface
NEXT(3)             - Provide a pseudo-class NEXT (et al) that allows method redispatch
nice(1)             - run a program with modified scheduling priority
nl(1)               - number lines of files
nohup(1)            - run a command immune to hangups, with output to a non-tty
Notifier(3)         - the event queue and notifier interfaces
notify(5sql)        - generate a notification
notify(l)           - generate a notification
nroff(1)            - emulate nroff command with groff
nseq(1)             - create or examine a netscape certificate sequence
O(3)                - Generic interface to Perl Compiler backends
OBJ_cleanup(3)      - ASN1 object utility functions
OBJ_cmp(3)          - ASN1 object utility functions
OBJ_create(3)       - ASN1 object utility functions
OBJ_dup(3)          - ASN1 object utility functions
Object(3)           - manipulate Tcl objects
ObjectType(3)       - manipulate Tcl object types
OBJ_ln2nid(3)       - ASN1 object utility functions
OBJ_nid2ln(3)       - ASN1 object utility functions
OBJ_nid2obj(3)      - ASN1 object utility functions
OBJ_nid2sn(3)       - ASN1 object utility functions
OBJ_obj2nid(3)      - ASN1 object utility functions
OBJ_obj2txt(3)      - ASN1 object utility functions
OBJ_sn2nid(3)       - ASN1 object utility functions
OBJ_txt2nid(3)      - ASN1 object utility functions
OBJ_txt2obj(3)      - ASN1 object utility functions
ocsp(1)             - Online Certificate Status Protocol utility
od(1)               - dump files in octal and other formats
ODBM_File(3)        - Tied access to odbm files
Opcode(3)           - Disable named opcodes when compiling perl code
open(3)             - perl pragma to set default PerlIO layers for input and output
OpenFileChnl(3)     - buffered I/O facilities using channels
open(n)             - Open a file-based or command pipeline channel
openssl(1)          - OpenSSL command line tool
OpenSSL_add_all_algorithms(3) - add algorithms to internal table
OpenSSL_add_all_ciphers(3) - add algorithms to internal table
OpenSSL_add_all_digests(3) - add algorithms to internal table
OpenSSL_add_ssl_algorithms(3) - initialize SSL library by registering algorithms
OPENSSL_config(3)   - simple OpenSSL configuration functions
OPENSSL_load_builtin_modules(3) - add standard configuration modules
OPENSSL_no_config(3) - simple OpenSSL configuration functions
OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER(3) - get OpenSSL version number
OpenTcp(3)          - procedures to open channels using TCP sockets
ops(3)              - Perl pragma to restrict unsafe operations when compiling
optionMenu(n)       - Create an option menubutton and its menu
option(n)           - Add/retrieve window options to/from the option database
options(n)          - Standard options supported by widgets
overload(3)         - Package for overloading Perl operations
OwnSelect(3)        - make a window the owner of the primary selection
package(n)          - Facilities for package loading and version control
pack(n)             - Geometry manager that packs around edges of cavity
pack-old(n)         - Obsolete syntax for packer geometry manager
pal2rgb(1)          - convert a palette color TIFF image to a full color image
palette(n)          - Modify the Tk color palette
ParseArgv(3)        - process command-line options
ParseCmd(3)         - parse Tcl scripts and expressions
Parse::CPAN::Meta(3) - Parse META.yml and META.json CPAN metadata files
passwd(1)           - compute password hashes
paste(1)            - merge lines of files
pathchk(1)          - check whether file names are valid or portable
pcre(3)             - Perl-compatible regular expressions.
pcregrep(1)         - a grep with Perl-compatible regular expressions.
pcreposix(3)        - POSIX API for Perl-compatible regular expressions.
pcretest(1)         - a program for testing Perl-compatible regular expressions.
pem(3)              - PEM routines
PEM(3)              - PEM routines
perl(1)             - Practical Extraction and Report Language
perl5004delta(1)    - what's new for perl5.004
perl5005delta(1)    - what's new for perl5.005
perl561delta(1)     - what's new for perl v5.6.x
perl56delta(1)      - what's new for perl v5.6.0
perl570delta(1)     - what's new for perl v5.7.0
perl571delta(1)     - what's new for perl v5.7.1
perl572delta(1)     - what's new for perl v5.7.2
perl573delta(1)     - what's new for perl v5.7.3
perl581delta(1)     - what is new for perl v5.8.1
perl582delta(1)     - what is new for perl v5.8.2
perl583delta(1)     - what is new for perl v5.8.3
perl584delta(1)     - what is new for perl v5.8.4
perl585delta(1)     - what is new for perl v5.8.5
perl586delta(1)     - what is new for perl v5.8.6
perl587delta(1)     - what is new for perl v5.8.7
perl588delta(1)     - what is new for perl v5.8.8
perl58delta(1)      - what is new for perl v5.8.0
perlaix(1)          - Perl version 5 on IBM Unix(AIX) systems
perlamiga(1)        - Perl under Amiga OS
perlapi(1)          - autogenerated documentation for the perl public API
perlapio(1)         - perl's IO abstraction interface.
perlapollo(1)       - Perl version 5 on Apollo DomainOS
perlartistic(1)     - the Perl Artistic License
perlbeos(1)         - Perl version 5.8+ on BeOS
perlbook(1)         - Perl book information
perlboot(1)         - Beginner's Object-Oriented Tutorial
perlbot(1)          - Bag'o Object Tricks (the BOT)
perlbs2000(1)       - building and installing Perl for BS2000.
perlbug(1)          - how to submit bug reports on Perl
perlcall(1)         - Perl calling conventions from C
perlcc(1)           - generate executables from Perl programs
perlce(1)           - Perl for WinCE
perlcheat(1)        - Perl 5 Cheat Sheet
perlclib(1)         - Internal replacements for standard C library functions
perlcn(1)           -  Perl Ö¸
perlcompile(1)      - Introduction to the Perl Compiler-Translator
perlcygwin(1)       - Perl for Cygwin
perldata(1)         - Perl data types
perldbmfilter(1)    - Perl DBM Filters
perldebguts(1)      - Guts of Perl debugging
perldebtut(1)       - Perl debugging tutorial
perldebug(1)        - Perl debugging
perldelta(1)        - what is new for perl v5.8.8
perldelta(1)        - what's new for perl5.004
perldgux(1)         - Perl under DG/UX.
perldiag(1)         - various Perl diagnostics
perldoc(1)          - Look up Perl documentation in pod format.
perldoc(1)          - Look up Perl documentation in Pod format.
perldos(1)          - Perl under DOS, W31, W95.
perldsc(1)          - Perl Data Structures Cookbook
perlebcdic(1)       - Considerations for running Perl on EBCDIC platforms
perlembed(1)        - how to embed perl in your C program
perlepoc(1)         - Perl for EPOC
perlfaq1(1)         - General Questions About Perl ($Revision: 1.12 $, $Date: 1997/04/24 22:43:34 $)
perlfaq1(1)         - General Questions About Perl ($Revision: 1.19 $, $Date: 2005/12/31 00:54:37 $)
perlfaq(1)          - frequently asked questions about Perl
perlfaq(1)          - frequently asked questions about Perl ($Date: 1997/04/24 22:46:06 $)
perlfaq2(1)         - Obtaining and Learning about Perl ($Revision: 1.16 $, $Date: 1997/04/23 18:04:09 $)
perlfaq2(1)         - Obtaining and Learning about Perl ($Revision: 1.39 $, $Date: 2006/01/08 14:27:07 $)
perlfaq3(1)         - Programming Tools ($Revision: 1.22 $, $Date: 1997/04/24 22:43:42 $)
perlfaq3(1)         - Programming Tools ($Revision: 1.56 $, $Date: 2005/12/31 00:54:37 $)
perlfaq4(1)         - Data Manipulation ($Revision: 1.19 $, $Date: 1997/04/24 22:43:57 $)
perlfaq4(1)         - Data Manipulation ($Revision: 1.73 $, $Date: 2005/12/31 00:54:37 $)
perlfaq5(1)         - Files and Formats ($Revision: 1.22 $, $Date: 1997/04/24 22:44:02 $)
perlfaq5(1)         - Files and Formats ($Revision: 1.42 $, $Date: 2005/12/31 00:54:37 $)
perlfaq6(1)         - Regexps ($Revision: 1.17 $, $Date: 1997/04/24 22:44:10 $)
perlfaq6(1)         - Regular Expressions ($Revision: 1.38 $, $Date: 2005/12/31 00:54:37 $)
perlfaq7(1)         - General Perl Language Issues ($Revision: 1.28 $, $Date: 2005/12/31 00:54:37 $)
perlfaq7(1)         - Perl Language Issues ($Revision: 1.18 $, $Date: 1997/04/24 22:44:14 $)
perlfaq8(1)         - System Interaction ($Revision: 1.21 $, $Date: 1997/04/24 22:44:19 $)
perlfaq8(1)         - System Interaction ($Revision: 1.27 $, $Date: 2005/12/31 00:54:37 $)
perlfaq9(1)         - Networking ($Revision: 1.17 $, $Date: 1997/04/24 22:44:29 $)
perlfaq9(1)         - Networking ($Revision: 1.28 $, $Date: 2005/12/31 00:54:37 $)
perlfilter(1)       - Source Filters
perlfork(1)         - Perl's fork() emulation
perlform(1)         - Perl formats
perlfreebsd(1)      - Perl version 5 on FreeBSD systems
perlfunc(1)         - Perl builtin functions
perlglossary(1)     - Perl Glossary
perlgpl(1)          - the GNU General Public License, version 2
perlguts(1)         - Introduction to the Perl API
perlguts(1)         - Perl's Internal Functions
perlhack(1)         - How to hack at the Perl internals
perlhist(1)         - the Perl history records
perlhpux(1)         - Perl version 5 on Hewlett-Packard Unix (HP-UX) systems
perlhurd(1)         - Perl version 5 on Hurd
perlintern(1)       - autogenerated documentation of purely internal Perl functions
perlintro(1)        - - a brief introduction and overview of Perl
PerlIO(3)           - On demand loader for PerlIO layers and root of PerlIO::* name space
PerlIO::encoding(3) - encoding layer
perliol(1)          - C API for Perl's implementation of IO in Layers.
PerlIO::scalar(3)   - in-memory IO, scalar IO
PerlIO::via(3)      - Helper class for PerlIO layers implemented in perl
PerlIO::via::QuotedPrint(3) - PerlIO layer for quoted-printable strings
perlipc(1)          - Perl interprocess communication (signals, fifos, pipes, safe subprocesses, sockets, and semaphores)
perlirix(1)         - Perl version 5 on Irix systems
perlivp(1)          - Perl Installation Verification Procedure
perljp(1)           - ܸ Perl 
perlko(1)           - Perl ѱ ڵ
perllexwarn(1)      - Perl Lexical Warnings
perllinux(1)        - Perl version 5 on Linux systems
perllocale(1)       - Perl locale handling (internationalization and localization)
perllol(1)          - Manipulating Arrays of Arrays in Perl
perllol(1)          - Manipulating Lists of Lists in Perl
perlmachten(1)      - Perl version 5 on Power MachTen systems
perlmacos(1)        - Perl under Mac OS(Classic)
perlmacosx(1)       - Perl under Mac OS X
perlmint(1)         - Perl version 5 on Atari MiNT
perlmod(1)          - Perl modules (packages and symbol tables)
perlmodinstall(1)   - Installing CPAN Modules
perlmodlib(1)       - constructing new Perl modules and finding existing ones
perlmodstyle(1)     - Perl module style guide
perlmpeix(1)        - Perl/iX for HP e3000 MPE
perlnetware(1)      - Perl for NetWare
perlnewmod(1)       - preparing a new module for distribution
perlnumber(1)       - semantics of numbers and numeric operations in Perl
perlobj(1)          - Perl objects
perlop(1)           - Perl operators and precedence
perlopenbsd(1)      - Perl version 5 on OpenBSD systems
perlopentut(1)      - tutorial on opening things in Perl
perlos2(1)          - Perl under OS/2, DOS, Win0.3*, Win0.95 and WinNT.
perlos390(1)        - building and installing Perl for OS/390 and z/OS
perlos400(1)        - Perl version 5 on OS/400
perlothrtut(1)      - old tutorial on threads in Perl
perlpacktut(1)      - tutorial on `pack' and `unpack'
perlplan9(1)        - Plan 9-specific documentation for Perl
perlpod(1)          - plain old documentation
perlpod(1)          - the Plain Old Documentation format
perlpodspec(1)      - Plain Old Documentation: format specification and notes
perlport(1)         - Writing portable Perl
perlqnx(1)          - Perl version 5 on QNX
perlre(1)           - Perl regular expressions
perlref(1)          - Perl references and nested data structures
perlreftut(1)       - Mark's very short tutorial about references
perlrequick(1)      - Perl regular expressions quick start
perlreref(1)        - Perl Regular Expressions Reference
perlretut(1)        - Perl regular expressions tutorial
perlrun(1)          - how to execute the Perl interpreter
perlsec(1)          - Perl security
perlsolaris(1)      - Perl version 5 on Solaris systems
perlstyle(1)        - Perl style guide
perlsub(1)          - Perl subroutines
perlsyn(1)          - Perl syntax
perlthrtut(1)       - tutorial on threads in Perl
perltie(1)          - how to hide an object class in a simple variable
perltoc(1)          - perl documentation table of contents
perltodo(1)         - Perl TO-DO List
perltooc(1)         - Tom's OO Tutorial for Class Data in Perl
perltoot(1)         - Tom's object-oriented tutorial for perl
perltrap(1)         - Perl traps for the unwary
perltru64(1)        - Perl version 5 on Tru64 (formerly known as Digital UNIX formerly known as DEC OSF/1) systems
perltw(1)           - 餤 Perl n
perlunicode(1)      - Unicode support in Perl
perluniintro(1)     - Perl Unicode introduction
perlutil(1)         - utilities packaged with the Perl distribution
perluts(1)          - Perl under UTS
perlvar(1)          - Perl predefined variables
perlvmesa(1)        - building and installing Perl for VM/ESA.
perlvms(1)          - VMS-specific documentation for Perl
perlvos(1)          - Perl for Stratus VOS
perlwin32(1)        - Perl under Windows
perlxs(1)           - XS language reference manual
perlxstut(1)        - Tutorial for writing XSUBs
perlxstut(1)        - Tutorial for XSUBs
perror(1)           - explain error codes
pfbtops(1)          - translate a PostScript font in .pfb format to ASCII
pg_config(1)        - retrieve information about the installed version of PostgreSQL
pg_controldata(1)   - display control information of a PostgreSQL database cluster
pg_ctl(1)           - start, stop, or restart a PostgreSQL server
pg_dump(1)          - extract a PostgreSQL database into a script file or other archive file
pg_dumpall(1)       - extract a PostgreSQL database cluster into a script file
pg_resetxlog(1)     - reset the write-ahead log and other control information of a PostgreSQL database cluster
pg_restore(1)       - restore a PostgreSQL database from an archive file created by pg_dump
pgtclsh(1)          - PostgreSQL Tcl shell client
pgtksh(1)           - PostgreSQL Tcl/Tk shell client
photo(n)            - Full-color images
pic(1)              - compile pictures for troff or TeX
pico(1)             - simple text editor in the style of the Pine Composer
piconv(1)           - - iconv(1), reinvented in perl
pid(n)              - Retrieve process id(s)
pilot(1)            - simple file system browser in the style of the Pine Composer
pine(1)             - a Program for Internet News and Email
pinky(1)            - lightweight finger
pkcs12(1)           - PKCS#12 file utility
PKCS12_create(3)    - create a PKCS#12 structure
PKCS12_parse(3)     - parse a PKCS#12 structure
pkcs7(1)            - PKCS#7 utility
PKCS7_decrypt(3)    - decrypt content from a PKCS#7 envelopedData structure
PKCS7_encrypt(3)    - create a PKCS#7 envelopedData structure
PKCS7_sign(3)       - create a PKCS#7 signedData structure
PKCS7_verify(3)     - verify a PKCS#7 signedData structure
pkcs8(1)            - PKCS#8 format private key conversion tool
pkg_mkIndex(n)      - Build an index for automatic loading of packages
pkgMkIndex(n)       - Build an index for automatic loading of packages
PkgRequire(3)       - package version control
pl2pm(1)            - Rough tool to translate Perl4 .pl files to Perl5 .pm modules.
place(n)            - Geometry manager for fixed or rubber-sheet placement
pluginviewer(8)     - list loadable SASL plugins and their properties
png(5)              - Portable Network Graphics(PNG) format
pod2html(1)         - convert .pod files to .html files
pod2latex(1)        - convert pod documentation to latex format
pod2man(1)          - Convert POD data to formatted *roff input
pod2man(1)          - translate embedded Perl pod directives into man pages
pod2text(1)         - Convert POD data to formatted ASCII text
pod2usage(1)        - print usage messages from embedded pod docs in files
podchecker(1)       - check the syntax of POD format documentation files
Pod::Checker(3)     - check pod documents for syntax errors
Pod::Find(3)        - find POD documents in directory trees
Pod::Html(3)        - module to convert pod files to HTML
Pod::InputObjects(3) - objects representing POD input paragraphs, commands, etc.
Pod::LaTeX(3)       - Convert Pod data to formatted Latex
Pod::Man(3)         - Convert POD data to formatted *roff input
Pod::ParseLink(3)   - Parse an L<> formatting code in POD text
Pod::Parser(3)      - base class for creating POD filters and translators
Pod::ParseUtils(3)  - helpers for POD parsing and conversion
Pod::Perldoc::ToChecker(3) - let Perldoc check Pod for errors
Pod::Perldoc::ToMan(3) - let Perldoc render Pod as man pages
Pod::Perldoc::ToNroff(3) - let Perldoc convert Pod to nroff
Pod::Perldoc::ToPod(3) - let Perldoc render Pod as ... Pod!
Pod::Perldoc::ToRtf(3) - let Perldoc render Pod as RTF
Pod::Perldoc::ToText(3) - let Perldoc render Pod as plaintext
Pod::Perldoc::ToTk(3) - let Perldoc use Tk::Pod to render Pod
Pod::Perldoc::ToXml(3) - let Perldoc render Pod as XML
Pod::Plainer(3)     - Perl extension for converting Pod to old style Pod.
Pod::PlainText(3)   - Convert POD data to formatted ASCII text
podselect(1)        - print selected sections of pod documentation on standard output
Pod::Select(3)      - extract selected sections of POD from input
Pod::Text(3)        - Convert POD data to formatted ASCII text
Pod::Text::Color(3) - Convert POD data to formatted color ASCII text
Pod::Text::Overstrike(3) - Convert POD data to formatted overstrike text
Pod::Text::Termcap(3) - Convert POD data to ASCII text with format escapes
Pod::Usage(3)       - print a usage message from embedded pod documentation
popt(3)             - Parse command line options
popup(n)            - Post a popup menu
POSIX(3)            - Perl interface to IEEE Std 1003.1
POST(1)             - Simple command line user agent
postgres(1)         - PostgreSQL database server
postmaster(1)       - PostgreSQL database server
ppm2tiff(1)         - create a TIFF file from a PPM image file
pr(1)               - convert text files for printing
prepare(5sql)       - prepare a statement for execution
prepare(l)          - prepare a statement for execution
prepare_transaction(5sql) - (unknown subject)
Preserve(3)         - avoid freeing storage while it's being used
PrintDbl(3)         - Convert floating value to string
printenv(1)         - print all or part of environment
printf(1)           - format and print data
procmail(1)         - autonomous mail processor
procmailex(5)       - procmail rcfile examples
procmailrc(5)       - procmail rcfile
procmailsc(5)       - procmail weighted scoring techique
proc(n)             - Create a Tcl procedure
prove(1)            - - A command-line tool for running tests against Test::Harness
psbook(1)           - rearrange pages in PostScript file into signatures
psed(1)             - a stream editor
psmerge(1)          - filter to merge several PostScript files into one
psnup(1)            - multiple pages per sheet
psql(1)             - PostgreSQL interactive terminal
psresize(1)         - multiple pages per sheet
psselect(1)         - select pages from a PostScript file
pstops(1)           - shuffle pages in a PostScript file
pstruct(1)          - Dump C structures as generated from `cc - g - S' stabs
pstruct(1)          - Dump C structures as generated from cc -g -S stabs
ptx(1)              - produce a permuted index of file contents
puts(n)             - Write to a channel
pwd(1)              - print name of current/working directory
pwd(n)              - Return the current working directory
python(1)           - an interpreted, interactive, object-oriented programming language
QWinEvent(3)        - Add a window event to the Tcl event queue
radiobutton(n)      - Create and manipulate radiobutton widgets
raise(n)            - Change a window's position in the stacking order
rand(1)             - generate pseudo-random bytes
rand(3)             - pseudo-random number generator
RAND_add(3)         - add entropy to the PRNG
RAND_bytes(3)       - generate random data
RAND_cleanup(3)     - erase the PRNG state
RAND_egd(3)         - query entropy gathering daemon
RAND_event(3)       - add entropy to the PRNG
RAND_file_name(3)   - PRNG seed file
RAND_get_rand_method(3) - select RAND method
RAND_load_file(3)   - PRNG seed file
RAND_pseudo_bytes(3) - generate random data
RAND_screen(3)      - add entropy to the PRNG
RAND_seed(3)        - add entropy to the PRNG
RAND_set_rand_method(3) - select RAND method
RAND_SSLeay(3)      - select RAND method
RAND_status(3)      - add entropy to the PRNG
RAND_write_file(3)  - PRNG seed file
ras2tiff(1)         - create a TIFF file from a Sun rasterfile
raw2tiff(1)         - create a TIFF file from a raw data
rc4(3)              - RC4 encryption
RC4(3)              - RC4 encryption
RC4_set_key(3)      - RC4 encryption
rdjpgcom(1)         - display text comments from a JPEG file
re(3)               - Perl pragma to alter regular expression behaviour
readline(3)         - get a line from a user with editing
read(n)             - Read from a channel
reassign_owned(5sql) - (unknown subject)
RecEvalObj(3)       - save command on history list before evaluating
RecordEval(3)       - save command on history list before evaluating
refer(1)            - preprocess bibliographic references for groff
RegExp(3)           - Pattern matching with regular expressions
regexp(n)           - Match a regular expression against a string
registry(n)         - Manipulate the Windows registry
regsub(n)           - Perform substitutions based on regular expression pattern matching
reindex(5sql)       - rebuild indexes
reindexdb(1)        - reindex a PostgreSQL database
reindex(l)          - rebuild indexes
release_savepoint(5sql) - (unknown subject)
rename(n)           - Rename or delete a command
replace(1)          - a string-replacement utility
req(1)              - PKCS#10 certificate request and certificate generating utility.
reset(5sql)         - restore the value of a run-time parameter to the default value
reset(l)            - restore the value of a run-time parameter to the default value
resource(n)         - Manipulate Macintosh resources
Restack(3)          - Change a window's position in the stacking order
RestrictEv(3)       - filter and selectively delay X events
re_syntax(n)        - Syntax of Tcl regular expressions.
return(n)           - Return from a procedure
revoke(5sql)        - remove access privileges
revoke(l)           - remove access privileges
rgb2ycbcr(1)        - convert non-YCbCr TIFF images to a YCbCr TIFF image
rgview(1)           - Vi IMproved, a programmers text editor
rgvim(1)            - Vi IMproved, a programmers text editor
ripemd160(1)        - message digests
RIPEMD160(3)        - RIPEMD-160 hash function
RIPEMD160_Final(3)  - RIPEMD-160 hash function
RIPEMD160_Init(3)   - RIPEMD-160 hash function
RIPEMD160_Update(3) - RIPEMD-160 hash function
ripemd(3)           - RIPEMD-160 hash function
rm(1)               - remove files or directories
rmdir(1)            - remove empty directories
roff(7)             - a survey of the roff typesetting system
rollback(5sql)      - abort the current transaction
rollback(l)         - abort the current transaction
rollback_prepared(5sql) - (unknown subject)
rollback_to_savepoint(5sql) - (unknown subject)
rpc.cmsd(1) [/mnt/man/UnixWare/usr/man/man1/cmsd] - (unknown subject)
rpm2cpio(8)         - Converts Red Hat Packge(RPM) to cpio archive
rpm(8)              - Red Hat Package Manager
rsa(1)              - RSA key processing tool
rsa(3)              - RSA public key cryptosystem
RSA_blinding_off(3) - protect the RSA operation from timing attacks
RSA_blinding_on(3)  - protect the RSA operation from timing attacks
RSA_check_key(3)    - validate private RSA keys
RSA_flags(3)        - select RSA method
RSA_free(3)         - allocate and free RSA objects
RSA_generate_key(3) - generate RSA key pair
RSA_get_default_method(3) - select RSA method
RSA_get_ex_data(3)  - add application specific data to RSA structures
RSA_get_ex_new_index(3) - add application specific data to RSA structures
RSA_get_method(3)   - select RSA method
RSA_new(3)          - allocate and free RSA objects
RSA_new_method(3)   - select RSA method
RSA_null_method(3)  - select RSA method
RSA_padding_add_none(3) - asymmetric encryption padding
RSA_padding_add_PKCS1_OAEP(3) - asymmetric encryption padding
RSA_padding_add_PKCS1_type_1(3) - asymmetric encryption padding
RSA_padding_add_PKCS1_type_2(3) - asymmetric encryption padding
RSA_padding_add_SSLv23(3) - asymmetric encryption padding
RSA_padding_check_none(3) - asymmetric encryption padding
RSA_padding_check_PKCS1_OAEP(3) - asymmetric encryption padding
RSA_padding_check_PKCS1_type_1(3) - asymmetric encryption padding
RSA_padding_check_PKCS1_type_2(3) - asymmetric encryption padding
RSA_padding_check_SSLv23(3) - asymmetric encryption padding
RSA_PKCS1_SSLeay(3) - select RSA method
RSA_print(3)        - print cryptographic parameters
RSA_print_fp(3)     - print cryptographic parameters
RSA_private_decrypt(3) - RSA public key cryptography
RSA_private_encrypt(3) - low level signature operations
RSA_public_decrypt(3) - low level signature operations
RSA_public_encrypt(3) - RSA public key cryptography
RSA_set_default_method(3) - select RSA method
RSA_set_ex_data(3)  - add application specific data to RSA structures
RSA_set_method(3)   - select RSA method
RSA_sign(3)         - RSA signatures
RSA_sign_ASN1_OCTET_STRING(3) - RSA signatures
RSA_size(3)         - get RSA modulus size
rsautl(1)           - RSA utility
RSA_verify(3)       - RSA signatures
RSA_verify_ASN1_OCTET_STRING(3) - RSA signatures
rsync(1)            - a fast, versatile, remote (and local) file-copying tool
rsyncd.conf(5)      - configuration file for rsync in daemon mode
rview(1)            - Vi IMproved, a programmers text editor
rvim(1)             - Vi IMproved, a programmers text editor
s2p(1)              - a stream editor
s2p(1)              - Sed to Perl translator
Safe(3)             - Compile and execute code in restricted compartments
SafeBase(n)         - (unknown subject)
safe_mysqld(1)      - MySQL server startup script safe_mysqld - MySQL server startup script
safe(n)             - (unknown subject)
sasl(3)             - SASL authentication library
sasl_authorize_t(3) - The SASL authorization callback
sasl_auxprop(3)     - How to work with SASL auxiliary properties
sasl_auxprop_getctx(3) - Acquire an auxiliary property context
sasl_auxprop_request(3) - Request Auxiliary Properties from SASL
sasl_callbacks(3)   - How to work with SASL callbacks
sasl_canon_user_t(3) - Plaintext Password Verification Callback
sasl_chalprompt_t(3) - Realm Acquisition Callback
sasl_checkapop(3)   - Check an APOP challenge/response
sasl_checkpass(3)   - Check a plaintext password
sasl_client_init(3) - SASL client authentication initialization
sasl_client_new(3)  - Create a new client authentication object
sasl_client_start(3) - Begin an authentication negotiation
sasl_client_step(3) - Perform a step in the authentication negotiation
sasldblistusers2(8) - list users in sasldb
sasl_decode(3)      - Decode data received
sasl_dispose(3)     - Dispose of a SASL connection object
sasl_done(3)        - Dispose of a SASL connection object
sasl_encode(3)      - Encode data for transport to authenticated host
sasl_encodev(3)     - Encode data for transport to authenticated host
sasl_errdetail(3)   - Retrieve detailed information about an error
sasl_errors(3)      - SASL error codes
sasl_errstring(3)   - Translate a SASL return code to a human-readable form
sasl_getconfpath_t(3) - The SASL callback to indicate location of the config files
sasl_getopt_t(3)    - The SASL get option callback
sasl_getpath_t(3)   - The SASL callback to indicate location of the mechanism drivers
sasl_getprop(3)     - Get a SASL property
sasl_getrealm_t(3)  - Realm Acquisition Callback
sasl_getsecret_t(3) - The SASL callback for secrets(passwords)
sasl_getsimple_t(3) - The SASL callback for username/authname/realm
sasl_global_listmech(3) - Retrieve a list of the supported SASL mechanisms
sasl_idle(3)        - Perform precalculations during an idle period
sasl_listmech(3)    - Retrieve a list of the supported SASL mechanisms
sasl_log_t(3)       - The SASL logging callback
saslpasswd2(8)      - set a user's sasl password
sasl_server_init(3) - SASL server authentication initialization
sasl_server_new(3)  - Create a new server authentication object
sasl_server_start(3) - Begin an authentication negotiation
sasl_server_step(3) - Perform a step in the authentication negotiation
sasl_server_userdb_checkpass_t(3) - Plaintext Password Verification Callback
sasl_server_userdb_setpass_t(3) - UserDB Plaintext Password Setting Callback
sasl_setpass(3)     - Check a plaintext password
sasl_setprop(3)     - Set a SASL property
sasl_user_exists(3) - Check if a user exists on server
sasl_verifyfile_t(3) - The SASL file verification
savepoint(5sql)     - define a new savepoint within the current transaction
SaveResult(3)       - save and restore an interpreter's result
Scalar::Util(3)     - A selection of general-utility scalar subroutines
scale(n)            - Create and manipulate scale widgets
scan(n)             - Parse string using conversion specifiers in the style of sscanf
s_client(1)         - SSL/TLS client program
scp(1)              - secure copy (remote file copy program)
screen(1)           - screen manager with VT100/ANSI terminal emulation
scrollbar(n)        - Create and manipulate scrollbar widgets
SDBM_File(3)        - Tied access to sdbm files
sdiff(1)            - side-by-side merge of file differences
Search::Dict(3)     - search for key in dictionary file
seek(n)             - Change the access position for an open channel
select(5sql)        - retrieve rows from a table or view
select_into(5sql)   - (unknown subject)
select_into(l)      - (unknown subject)
selection(n)        - Manipulate the X selection
select(l)           - retrieve rows from a table or view
SelectSaver(3)      - save and restore selected file handle
SelfLoader(3)       - load functions only on demand
send(n)             - Execute a command in a different application
sess_id(1)          - SSL/TLS session handling utility
set(5sql)           - change a run-time parameter
SetAppName(3)       - Set the name of an application for ``send'' commands
SetClass(3)         - set or retrieve a window's class
set_constraints(5sql) - (unknown subject)
set_constraints(l)  - (unknown subject)
SetErrno(3)         - manipulate errno to store and retrieve error codes
SetGrid(3)          - control the grid for interactive resizing
set(l)              - change a run-time parameter
set(n)              - Read and write variables
SetOptions(3)       - process configuration options
SetRecLmt(3)        - set maximum allowable nesting depth in interpreter
SetResult(3)        - manipulate Tcl result
set_role(5sql)      - (unknown subject)
set_session_authorization(5sql) - (unknown subject)
set_session_authorization(l) - (unknown subject)
set_transaction(5sql) - (unknown subject)
set_transaction(l)  - (unknown subject)
SetVar(3)           - manipulate Tcl variables
SetVisual(3)        - change visual characteristics of window
sftp(1)             - secure file transfer program
sftp-server(8)      - SFTP server subsystem
sgi2tiff(1)         - create a TIFF file from an SGI image file
sha1(1)             - message digests
SHA1(3)             - Secure Hash Algorithm
SHA1_Final(3)       - Secure Hash Algorithm
SHA1_Init(3)        - Secure Hash Algorithm
sha(1)              - message digests
SHA1_Update(3)      - Secure Hash Algorithm
sha(3)              - Secure Hash Algorithm
Shell(3)            - run shell commands transparently within perl
show(5sql)          - show the value of a run-time parameter
show(l)             - show the value of a run-time parameter
shred(1)            - delete a file securely, first overwriting it to hide its contents
sigtrap(3)          - Perl pragma to enable simple signal handling
slapacl(8)          - Check access to a list of attributes.
slapadd(8)          - Add entries to a SLAPD database
slapauth(8)         - Check a list of string-represented IDs for authc/authz.
slapcat(8)          - SLAPD database to LDIF utility
slapd(8)            - Stand-alone LDAP Daemon
slapd.access(5)     - access configuration for slapd, the stand-alone LDAP daemon
slapd-bdb(5)        - Berkeley DB backends to slapd
slapd.conf(5)       - configuration file for slapd, the stand-alone LDAP daemon
slapd-dnssrv(5)     - DNS SRV referral backend to slapd
slapd-hdb(5)        - Berkeley DB backends to slapd
slapd-ldap(5)       - LDAP backend to slapd
slapd-ldbm(5)       - LDBM backend to slapd
slapd-ldif(5)       - LDIF backend to slapd
slapd-meta(5)       - metadirectory backend
slapd-monitor(5)    - Monitor backend to slapd
slapdn(8)           - Check a list of string-represented DNs based on schema syntax.
slapd-null(5)       - Null backend to slapd
slapd-passwd(5)     - /etc/passwd backend to slapd
slapd-perl(5)       - Perl backend to slapd
slapd.plugin(5)     - plugin configuration for slapd, the stand-alone LDAP daemon
slapd-relay(5)      - relay backend to slapd
slapd.replog(5)     - slapd replication log format
slapd-shell(5)      - Shell backend to slapd
slapd-sql(5)        - SQL backend to slapd
slapd-tcl(5)        - Tcl backend to slapd
slapindex(8)        - SLAPD index to LDIF utility
slapo-accesslog(5)  - Access Logging overlay
slapo-auditlog(5)   - Audit Logging overlay
slapo-chain(5)      - chain overlay
slapo-dynlist(5)    - Dynamic List overlay
slapo-lastmod(5)    - Last Modification overlay
slapo-pcache(5)     - proxycache overlay
slapo-ppolicy(5)    - Password Policy overlay
slapo-refint(5)     - Referential Integrity overlay
slapo-retcode(5)    - return code overlay
slapo-rwm(5)        - rewrite/remap overlay
slapo-syncprov(5)   - Sync Provider overlay
slapo-translucent(5) - Translucent Proxy overlay
slapo-unique(5)     - Attribute Uniqueness overlay
slapo-valsort(5)    - Value Sorting overlay
slappasswd(8)       - OpenLDAP password utility
slaptest(8)         - Check the suitability of the slapd.conf file.
sleep(1)            - delay for a specified amount of time
Sleep(3)            - delay execution for a given number of milliseconds
slogin(1)           - OpenSSH SSH client (remote login program)
slurpd(8)           - Standalone LDAP Update Replication Daemon
smime(1)            - S/MIME utility
SMIME_read_PKCS7(3) - parse S/MIME message.
SMIME_write_PKCS7(3) - convert PKCS#7 structure to S/MIME format.
Socket(3)           - load the C socket.h defines and structure manipulators
socket(n)           - Open a TCP network connection
soelim(1)           - interpret .so requests in groff input
sort(1)             - sort lines of text files
sort(3)             - perl pragma to control sort() behaviour
source(n)           - Evaluate a file or resource as a Tcl script
speed(1)            - test library performance
spkac(1)            - SPKAC printing and generating utility
splain(1)           - produce verbose warning diagnostics
splain(1)           - standalone program to do the same thing
split(1)            - split a file into pieces
SplitList(3)        - manipulate Tcl lists
split(n)            - Split a string into a proper Tcl list
SplitPath(3)        - manipulate platform-dependent file paths
s_server(1)         - SSL/TLS server program
ssh(1)              - OpenSSH SSH client (remote login program)
ssh-add(1)          - adds RSA or DSA identities to the authentication agent
ssh-agent(1)        - authentication agent
ssh_config(5)       - OpenSSH SSH client configuration files
sshd(8)             - OpenSSH SSH daemon
sshd_config(5)      - OpenSSH SSH daemon configuration file
ssh-keygen(1)       - authentication key generation, management and conversion
ssh-keyscan(1)      - gather ssh public keys
ssh-keysign(8)      - ssh helper program for hostbased authentication
ssl(3)              - OpenSSL SSL/TLS library
SSL(3)              - OpenSSL SSL/TLS library
SSL_accept(3)       - wait for a TLS/SSL client to initiate a TLS/SSL handshake
SSL_add_client_CA(3) - set list of CAs sent to the client when requesting a client certificate
SSL_add_session(3)  - manipulate session cache
SSL_alert_desc_string(3) - get textual description of alert information
SSL_alert_desc_string_long(3) - get textual description of alert information
SSL_alert_type_string(3) - get textual description of alert information
SSL_alert_type_string_long(3) - get textual description of alert information
SSL_callback_ctrl(3) - internal handling functions for SSL_CTX and SSL objects
SSL_check_private_key(3) - load certificate and key data
SSL_CIPHER_description(3) - get SSL_CIPHER properties
SSL_CIPHER_get_bits(3) - get SSL_CIPHER properties
SSL_CIPHER_get_name(3) - get SSL_CIPHER properties
SSL_CIPHER_get_version(3) - get SSL_CIPHER properties
SSL_clear(3)        - reset SSL object to allow another connection
SSL_COMP_add_compression_method(3) - handle SSL/TLS integrated compression methods
SSL_connect(3)      - initiate the TLS/SSL handshake with an TLS/SSL server
SSL_ctrl(3)         - internal handling functions for SSL_CTX and SSL objects
SSL_CTX_add_client_CA(3) - set list of CAs sent to the client when requesting a client certificate
SSL_CTX_add_extra_chain_cert(3) - add certificate to chain
SSL_CTX_add_session(3) - manipulate session cache
SSL_CTX_callback_ctrl(3) - internal handling functions for SSL_CTX and SSL objects
SSL_CTX_check_private_key(3) - load certificate and key data
SSL_CTX_ctrl(3)     - internal handling functions for SSL_CTX and SSL objects
SSL_CTX_flush_sessions(3) - remove expired sessions
SSL_CTX_free(3)     - free an allocated SSL_CTX object
SSL_CTX_get_cert_store(3) - manipulate X509 certificate verification storage
SSL_CTX_get_client_CA_list(3) - get list of client CAs
SSL_CTX_get_client_cert_cb(3) - handle client certificate callback function
SSL_CTX_get_ex_data(3) - internal application specific data functions
SSL_CTX_get_ex_new_index(3) - internal application specific data functions
SSL_CTX_get_info_callback(3) - handle information callback for SSL connections
SSL_CTX_get_max_cert_list(3) - manipulate allowed for the peer's certificate chain
SSL_CTX_get_mode(3) - manipulate SSL engine mode
SSL_CTX_get_options(3) - manipulate SSL engine options
SSL_CTX_get_quiet_shutdown(3) - manipulate shutdown behaviour
SSL_CTX_get_session_cache_mode(3) - enable/disable session caching
SSL_CTX_get_timeout(3) - manipulate timeout values for session caching
SSL_CTX_get_verify_callback(3) - get currently set verification parameters
SSL_CTX_get_verify_depth(3) - get currently set verification parameters
SSL_CTX_get_verify_mode(3) - get currently set verification parameters
SSL_CTX_load_verify_locations(3) - set default locations for trusted CA certificates
SSL_CTX_need_tmp_rsa(3) - handle RSA keys for ephemeral key exchange
SSL_CTX_new(3)      - create a new SSL_CTX object as framework for TLS/SSL enabled functions
SSL_CTX_remove_session(3) - manipulate session cache
SSL_CTX_sess_accept(3) - obtain session cache statistics
SSL_CTX_sess_accept_good(3) - obtain session cache statistics
SSL_CTX_sess_accept_renegotiate(3) - obtain session cache statistics
SSL_CTX_sess_cache_full(3) - obtain session cache statistics
SSL_CTX_sess_cb_hits(3) - obtain session cache statistics
SSL_CTX_sess_connect(3) - obtain session cache statistics
SSL_CTX_sess_connect_good(3) - obtain session cache statistics
SSL_CTX_sess_connect_renegotiate(3) - obtain session cache statistics
SSL_CTX_sess_get_cache_size(3) - manipulate session cache size
SSL_CTX_sess_get_get_cb(3) - provide callback functions for server side external session caching
SSL_CTX_sess_get_new_cb(3) - provide callback functions for server side external session caching
SSL_CTX_sess_get_remove_cb(3) - provide callback functions for server side external session caching
SSL_CTX_sess_hits(3) - obtain session cache statistics
SSL_CTX_sessions(3) - access internal session cache
SSL_CTX_sess_misses(3) - obtain session cache statistics
SSL_CTX_sess_number(3) - obtain session cache statistics
SSL_CTX_sess_set_cache_size(3) - manipulate session cache size
SSL_CTX_sess_set_get_cb(3) - provide callback functions for server side external session caching
SSL_CTX_sess_set_new_cb(3) - provide callback functions for server side external session caching
SSL_CTX_sess_set_remove_cb(3) - provide callback functions for server side external session caching
SSL_CTX_sess_timeouts(3) - obtain session cache statistics
SSL_CTX_set_cert_store(3) - manipulate X509 certificate verification storage
SSL_CTX_set_cert_verify_callback(3) - set peer certificate verification procedure
SSL_CTX_set_cipher_list(3) - choose list of available SSL_CIPHERs
SSL_CTX_set_client_CA_list(3) - set list of CAs sent to the client when requesting a client certificate
SSL_CTX_set_client_cert_cb(3) - handle client certificate callback function
SSL_CTX_set_default_passwd_cb(3) - set passwd callback for encrypted PEM file handling
SSL_CTX_set_default_passwd_cb_userdata(3) - set passwd callback for encrypted PEM file handling
SSL_CTX_set_ex_data(3) - internal application specific data functions
SSL_CTX_set_generate_session_id(3) - manipulate generation of SSL session IDs (server only)
SSL_CTX_set_info_callback(3) - handle information callback for SSL connections
SSL_CTX_set_max_cert_list(3) - manipulate allowed for the peer's certificate chain
SSL_CTX_set_mode(3) - manipulate SSL engine mode
SSL_CTX_set_msg_callback(3) - install callback for observing protocol messages
SSL_CTX_set_msg_callback_arg(3) - install callback for observing protocol messages
SSL_CTX_set_options(3) - manipulate SSL engine options
SSL_CTX_set_quiet_shutdown(3) - manipulate shutdown behaviour
SSL_CTX_set_session_cache_mode(3) - enable/disable session caching
SSL_CTX_set_session_id_context(3) - set context within which session can be reused (server side only)
SSL_CTX_set_ssl_version(3) - choose a new TLS/SSL method
SSL_CTX_set_timeout(3) - manipulate timeout values for session caching
SSL_CTX_set_tmp_dh(3) - handle DH keys for ephemeral key exchange
SSL_CTX_set_tmp_dh_callback(3) - handle DH keys for ephemeral key exchange
SSL_CTX_set_tmp_rsa(3) - handle RSA keys for ephemeral key exchange
SSL_CTX_set_tmp_rsa_callback(3) - handle RSA keys for ephemeral key exchange
SSL_CTX_set_verify(3) - set peer certificate verification parameters
SSL_CTX_set_verify_depth(3) - set peer certificate verification parameters
SSL_CTX_use_certificate(3) - load certificate and key data
SSL_CTX_use_certificate_ASN1(3) - load certificate and key data
SSL_CTX_use_certificate_chain_file(3) - load certificate and key data
SSL_CTX_use_certificate_file(3) - load certificate and key data
SSL_CTX_use_PrivateKey(3) - load certificate and key data
SSL_CTX_use_PrivateKey_ASN1(3) - load certificate and key data
SSL_CTX_use_PrivateKey_file(3) - load certificate and key data
SSL_CTX_use_RSAPrivateKey(3) - load certificate and key data
SSL_CTX_use_RSAPrivateKey_ASN1(3) - load certificate and key data
SSL_CTX_use_RSAPrivateKey_file(3) - load certificate and key data
SSL_do_handshake(3) - perform a TLS/SSL handshake
SSLeay(3)           - get OpenSSL version number
SSLeay_add_ssl_algorithms(3) - initialize SSL library by registering algorithms
SSLeay_version(3)   - get OpenSSL version number
SSL_flush_sessions(3) - remove expired sessions
SSL_free(3)         - free an allocated SSL structure
SSL_get_accept_state(3) - prepare SSL object to work in client or server mode
SSL_get_cipher(3)   - get SSL_CIPHER of a connection
SSL_get_cipher_bits(3) - get SSL_CIPHER of a connection
SSL_get_cipher_list(3) - get list of available SSL_CIPHERs
SSL_get_cipher_name(3) - get SSL_CIPHER of a connection
SSL_get_ciphers(3)  - get list of available SSL_CIPHERs
SSL_get_cipher_version(3) - get SSL_CIPHER of a connection
SSL_get_client_CA_list(3) - get list of client CAs
SSL_get_current_cipher(3) - get SSL_CIPHER of a connection
SSL_get_default_timeout(3) - get default session timeout value
SSL_get_error(3)    - obtain result code for TLS/SSL I/O operation
SSL_get_ex_data(3)  - internal application specific data functions
SSL_get_ex_data_X509_STORE_CTX_idx(3) - get ex_data index to access SSL structure from X509_STORE_CTX
SSL_get_ex_new_index(3) - internal application specific data functions
SSL_get_fd(3)       - get file descriptor linked to an SSL object
SSL_get_info_callback(3) - handle information callback for SSL connections
SSL_get_max_cert_list(3) - manipulate allowed for the peer's certificate chain
SSL_get_mode(3)     - manipulate SSL engine mode
SSL_get_msg_callback_arg(3) - install callback for observing protocol messages
SSL_get_options(3)  - manipulate SSL engine options
SSL_get_peer_cert_chain(3) - get the X509 certificate chain of the peer
SSL_get_peer_certificate(3) - get the X509 certificate of the peer
SSL_get_quiet_shutdown(3) - manipulate shutdown behaviour
SSL_get_rbio(3)     - get BIO linked to an SSL object
SSL_get_session(3)  - retrieve TLS/SSL session data
SSL_get_shutdown(3) - manipulate shutdown state of an SSL connection
SSL_get_SSL_CTX(3)  - get the SSL_CTX from which an SSL is created
SSL_get_ssl_method(3) - choose a new TLS/SSL method
SSL_get_verify_callback(3) - get currently set verification parameters
SSL_get_verify_depth(3) - get currently set verification parameters
SSL_get_verify_mode(3) - get currently set verification parameters
SSL_get_verify_result(3) - get result of peer certificate verification
SSL_get_version(3)  - get the protocol version of a connection.
SSL_has_matching_session_id(3) - manipulate generation of SSL session IDs (server only)
SSL_library_init(3) - initialize SSL library by registering algorithms
SSL_load_client_CA_file(3) - load certificate names from file
SSL_load_error_strings(3) - load and free error strings
SSL_need_tmp_rsa(3) - handle RSA keys for ephemeral key exchange
SSL_new(3)          - create a new SSL structure for a connection
SSL_pending(3)      - obtain number of readable bytes buffered in an SSL object
SSL_read(3)         - read bytes from a TLS/SSL connection.
SSL_remove_session(3) - manipulate session cache
SSL_rstate_string(3) - get textual description of state of an SSL object during read operation
SSL_rstate_string_long(3) - get textual description of state of an SSL object during read operation
SSL_SESSION_free(3) - free an allocated SSL_SESSION structure
SSL_SESSION_get_ex_data(3) - internal application specific data functions
SSL_SESSION_get_ex_new_index(3) - internal application specific data functions
SSL_SESSION_get_time(3) - retrieve and manipulate session time and timeout settings
SSL_SESSION_get_timeout(3) - retrieve and manipulate session time and timeout settings
SSL_session_reused(3) - query whether a reused session was negotiated during handshake
SSL_SESSION_set_ex_data(3) - internal application specific data functions
SSL_SESSION_set_time(3) - retrieve and manipulate session time and timeout settings
SSL_set_bio(3)      - connect the SSL object with a BIO
SSL_set_cipher_list(3) - choose list of available SSL_CIPHERs
SSL_set_client_CA_list(3) - set list of CAs sent to the client when requesting a client certificate
SSL_set_connect_state(3) - prepare SSL object to work in client or server mode
SSL_set_ex_data(3)  - internal application specific data functions
SSL_set_fd(3)       - connect the SSL object with a file descriptor
SSL_set_generate_session_id(3) - manipulate generation of SSL session IDs (server only)
SSL_set_info_callback(3) - handle information callback for SSL connections
SSL_set_max_cert_list(3) - manipulate allowed for the peer's certificate chain
SSL_set_mode(3)     - manipulate SSL engine mode
SSL_set_msg_callback(3) - install callback for observing protocol messages
SSL_set_options(3)  - manipulate SSL engine options
SSL_set_quiet_shutdown(3) - manipulate shutdown behaviour
SSL_set_session(3)  - set a TLS/SSL session to be used during TLS/SSL connect
SSL_set_session_id_context(3) - set context within which session can be reused (server side only)
SSL_set_shutdown(3) - manipulate shutdown state of an SSL connection
SSL_set_ssl_method(3) - choose a new TLS/SSL method
SSL_set_tmp_dh(3)   - handle DH keys for ephemeral key exchange
SSL_set_tmp_dh_callback(3) - handle DH keys for ephemeral key exchange
SSL_set_tmp_rsa(3)  - handle RSA keys for ephemeral key exchange
SSL_set_tmp_rsa_callback(3) - handle RSA keys for ephemeral key exchange
SSL_set_verify(3)   - set peer certificate verification parameters
SSL_set_verify_depth(3) - set peer certificate verification parameters
SSL_set_verify_result(3) - override result of peer certificate verification
SSL_shutdown(3)     - shut down a TLS/SSL connection
SSL_state_string(3) - get textual description of state of an SSL object
SSL_state_string_long(3) - get textual description of state of an SSL object
SSL_use_certificate(3) - load certificate and key data
SSL_use_certificate_ASN1(3) - load certificate and key data
SSL_use_certificate_file(3) - load certificate and key data
SSL_use_PrivateKey(3) - load certificate and key data
SSL_use_PrivateKey_ASN1(3) - load certificate and key data
SSL_use_PrivateKey_file(3) - load certificate and key data
SSL_use_RSAPrivateKey(3) - load certificate and key data
SSL_use_RSAPrivateKey_ASN1(3) - load certificate and key data
SSL_use_RSAPrivateKey_file(3) - load certificate and key data
SSL_want(3)         - obtain state information TLS/SSL I/O operation
SSL_want_nothing(3) - obtain state information TLS/SSL I/O operation
SSL_want_read(3)    - obtain state information TLS/SSL I/O operation
SSL_want_write(3)   - obtain state information TLS/SSL I/O operation
SSL_want_x509_lookup(3) - obtain state information TLS/SSL I/O operation
SSL_write(3)        - write bytes to a TLS/SSL connection.
start_transaction(5sql) - (unknown subject)
start_transaction(l) - (unknown subject)
StaticPkg(3)        - make a statically linked package available via the load command
s_time(1)           - SSL/TLS performance timing program
Storable(3)         - persistence for Perl data structures
strict(3)           - Perl pragma to restrict unsafe constructs
StrictMotif(3)      - Return value of tk_strictMotif variable
string(n)           - Manipulate strings
StringObj(3)        - manipulate Tcl objects as strings
StrMatch(3)         - test whether a string matches a pattern
stty(1)             - change and print terminal line settings
su(1)               - run a shell with substitute user and group IDs
subs(3)             - Perl pragma to predeclare sub names
subst(n)            - Perform backslash, command, and variable substitutions
sum(1)              - checksum and count the blocks in a file
Switch(3)           - A switch statement for Perl
switch(n)           - Evaluate one of several scripts, depending on a given value
Symbol(3)           - manipulate Perl symbols and their names
sync(1)             - flush filesystem buffers
Sys::Hostname(3)    - Try every conceivable way to get hostname
Sys::Syslog(3)      - Perl interface to the UNIX syslog(3) calls
tac(1)              - concatenate and print files in reverse
tail(1)             - output the last part of files
tbl(1)              - format tables for troff
Tcl_Access(3)       - check file permissions and other attributes
Tcl_AddErrorInfo(3) - record information about errors
Tcl_AddObjErrorInfo(3) - record information about errors
Tcl_AlertNotifier(3) - the event queue and notifier interfaces
Tcl_Alloc(3)        - allocate or free heap memory
Tcl_AllowExceptions(3) - allow all exceptions in next script evaluation
Tcl_AppendAllObjTypes(3) - manipulate Tcl object types
Tcl_AppendElement(3) - manipulate Tcl result
Tcl_AppendObjToObj(3) - manipulate Tcl objects as strings
Tcl_AppendResult(3) - manipulate Tcl result
Tcl_AppendResultVA(3) - manipulate Tcl result
Tcl_AppendStringsToObj(3) - manipulate Tcl objects as strings
Tcl_AppendStringsToObjVA(3) - manipulate Tcl objects as strings
Tcl_AppendToObj(3)  - manipulate Tcl objects as strings
Tcl_AppendUnicodeToObj(3) - manipulate Tcl objects as strings
Tcl_AppInit(3)      - perform application-specific initialization
Tcl_AsyncCreate(3)  - handle asynchronous events
Tcl_AsyncDelete(3)  - handle asynchronous events
Tcl_AsyncInvoke(3)  - handle asynchronous events
Tcl_AsyncMark(3)    - handle asynchronous events
Tcl_AsyncReady(3)   - handle asynchronous events
Tcl_BackgroundError(3) - report Tcl error that occurred in background processing
Tcl_Backslash(3)    - parse a backslash sequence
Tcl_BadChannelOption(3) - procedures for creating and manipulating channels
Tcl_CallWhenDeleted(3) - Arrange for callback when interpreter is deleted
Tcl_CancelIdleCall(3) - invoke a procedure when there are no pending events
Tcl_Chdir(3)        - manipulate the current working directory
Tcl_Close(3)        - buffered I/O facilities using channels
Tcl_CommandComplete(3) - Check for unmatched braces in a Tcl command
Tcl_Concat(3)       - concatenate a collection of strings
Tcl_ConcatObj(3)    - manipulate Tcl objects as strings
Tcl_ConditionNotify(3) - Tcl thread support.
Tcl_ConditionWait(3) - Tcl thread support.
Tcl_ConvertElement(3) - manipulate Tcl lists
Tcl_ConvertToType(3) - manipulate Tcl object types
Tcl_CreateAlias(3)  - manage multiple Tcl interpreters, aliases and hidden commands.
Tcl_CreateAliasObj(3) - manage multiple Tcl interpreters, aliases and hidden commands.
Tcl_CreateChannel(3) - procedures for creating and manipulating channels
Tcl_CreateChannelHandler(3) - call a procedure when a channel becomes readable or writable
Tcl_CreateCloseHandler(3) - arrange for callbacks when channels are closed
Tcl_CreateCommand(3) - implement new commands in C
Tcl_CreateEncoding(3) - procedures for creating and using encodings.
Tcl_CreateEventSource(3) - the event queue and notifier interfaces
Tcl_CreateExitHandler(3) - end the application or thread (and invoke exit handlers)
Tcl_CreateFileHandler(3) - associate procedure callbacks with files or devices (Unix only)
Tcl_CreateHashEntry(3) - procedures to manage hash tables
Tcl_CreateInterp(3) - create and delete Tcl command interpreters
Tcl_CreateMathFunc(3) - Define a new math function for expressions
Tcl_CreateObjCommand(3) - implement new commands in C
Tcl_CreateSlave(3)  - manage multiple Tcl interpreters, aliases and hidden commands.
Tcl_CreateThreadExitHandler(3) - end the application or thread (and invoke exit handlers)
Tcl_CreateTimerHandler(3) - call a procedure at a given time
Tcl_CreateTrace(3)  - arrange for command execution to be traced
Tcl_DecrRefCount(3) - manipulate Tcl objects
Tcl_DeleteAssocData(3) - manage associations of string keys and user specified data with Tcl interpreters.
Tcl_DeleteChannelHandler(3) - call a procedure when a channel becomes readable or writable
Tcl_DeleteCloseHandler(3) - arrange for callbacks when channels are closed
Tcl_DeleteCommand(3) - implement new commands in C
Tcl_DeleteCommandFromToken(3) - implement new commands in C
Tcl_DeleteEvents(3) - the event queue and notifier interfaces
Tcl_DeleteEventSource(3) - the event queue and notifier interfaces
Tcl_DeleteExitHandler(3) - end the application or thread (and invoke exit handlers)
Tcl_DeleteFileHandler(3) - associate procedure callbacks with files or devices (Unix only)
Tcl_DeleteHashEntry(3) - procedures to manage hash tables
Tcl_DeleteHashTable(3) - procedures to manage hash tables
Tcl_DeleteInterp(3) - create and delete Tcl command interpreters
Tcl_DeleteThreadExitHandler(3) - end the application or thread (and invoke exit handlers)
Tcl_DeleteTimerHandler(3) - call a procedure at a given time
Tcl_DeleteTrace(3)  - arrange for command execution to be traced
Tcl_DetachPids(3)   - manage child processes in background
Tcl_DiscardResult(3) - save and restore an interpreter's result
Tcl_DontCallWhenDeleted(3) - Arrange for callback when interpreter is deleted
Tcl_DoOneEvent(3)   - wait for events and invoke event handlers
Tcl_DoWhenIdle(3)   - invoke a procedure when there are no pending events
Tcl_DStringAppend(3) - manipulate dynamic strings
Tcl_DStringAppendElement(3) - manipulate dynamic strings
Tcl_DStringEndSublist(3) - manipulate dynamic strings
Tcl_DStringFree(3)  - manipulate dynamic strings
Tcl_DStringGetResult(3) - manipulate dynamic strings
Tcl_DStringInit(3)  - manipulate dynamic strings
Tcl_DStringLength(3) - manipulate dynamic strings
Tcl_DStringResult(3) - manipulate dynamic strings
Tcl_DStringSetLength(3) - manipulate dynamic strings
Tcl_DStringStartSublist(3) - manipulate dynamic strings
Tcl_DStringValue(3) - manipulate dynamic strings
Tcl_DuplicateObj(3) - manipulate Tcl objects
Tcl_Eof(3)          - buffered I/O facilities using channels
Tcl_Eval(3)         - execute Tcl scripts
Tcl_EvalEx(3)       - execute Tcl scripts
Tcl_EvalFile(3)     - execute Tcl scripts
Tcl_EvalObjEx(3)    - execute Tcl scripts
Tcl_EvalObjv(3)     - execute Tcl scripts
Tcl_EvalTokens(3)   - parse Tcl scripts and expressions
Tcl_EventuallyFree(3) - avoid freeing storage while it's being used
Tcl_Exit(3)         - end the application or thread (and invoke exit handlers)
Tcl_ExposeCommand(3) - manage multiple Tcl interpreters, aliases and hidden commands.
Tcl_ExprBoolean(3)  - evaluate an expression
Tcl_ExprBooleanObj(3) - evaluate an expression
Tcl_ExprDouble(3)   - evaluate an expression
Tcl_ExprDoubleObj(3) - evaluate an expression
Tcl_ExprLong(3)     - evaluate an expression
Tcl_ExprLongObj(3)  - evaluate an expression
Tcl_ExprObj(3)      - evaluate an expression
Tcl_ExprString(3)   - evaluate an expression
Tcl_ExternalToUtf(3) - procedures for creating and using encodings.
Tcl_ExternalToUtfDString(3) - procedures for creating and using encodings.
Tcl_Finalize(3)     - end the application or thread (and invoke exit handlers)
Tcl_FinalizeNotifier(3) - the event queue and notifier interfaces
Tcl_FinalizeThread(3) - end the application or thread (and invoke exit handlers)
Tcl_FindExecutable(3) - identify or return the name of the binary file containing the application
Tcl_FindHashEntry(3) - procedures to manage hash tables
Tcl_FirstHashEntry(3) - procedures to manage hash tables
Tcl_Flush(3)        - buffered I/O facilities using channels
Tcl_Free(3)         - allocate or free heap memory
Tcl_FreeEncoding(3) - procedures for creating and using encodings.
Tcl_FreeParse(3)    - parse Tcl scripts and expressions
Tcl_GetAlias(3)     - manage multiple Tcl interpreters, aliases and hidden commands.
Tcl_GetAliasObj(3)  - manage multiple Tcl interpreters, aliases and hidden commands.
Tcl_GetAssocData(3) - manage associations of string keys and user specified data with Tcl interpreters.
Tcl_GetBoolean(3)   - convert from string to integer, double, or boolean
Tcl_GetBooleanFromObj(3) - manipulate Tcl objects as boolean values
Tcl_GetByteArrayFromObj(3) - manipulate Tcl objects as a arrays of bytes
Tcl_GetChannel(3)   - buffered I/O facilities using channels
Tcl_GetChannelBufferSize(3) - procedures for creating and manipulating channels
Tcl_GetChannelHandle(3) - procedures for creating and manipulating channels
Tcl_GetChannelInstanceData(3) - procedures for creating and manipulating channels
Tcl_GetChannelMode(3) - procedures for creating and manipulating channels
Tcl_GetChannelName(3) - procedures for creating and manipulating channels
Tcl_GetChannelOption(3) - buffered I/O facilities using channels
Tcl_GetChannelType(3) - procedures for creating and manipulating channels
Tcl_GetCharLength(3) - manipulate Tcl objects as strings
Tcl_GetCommandInfo(3) - implement new commands in C
Tcl_GetCommandName(3) - implement new commands in C
Tcl_GetCurrentThread(3) - the event queue and notifier interfaces
Tcl_GetCwd(3)       - manipulate the current working directory
Tcl_GetDefaultEncodingDir(3) - procedures for creating and using encodings.
Tcl_GetDouble(3)    - convert from string to integer, double, or boolean
Tcl_GetDoubleFromObj(3) - manipulate Tcl objects as floating-point values
Tcl_GetEncoding(3)  - procedures for creating and using encodings.
Tcl_GetEncodingName(3) - procedures for creating and using encodings.
Tcl_GetEncodingNames(3) - procedures for creating and using encodings.
Tcl_GetErrno(3)     - manipulate errno to store and retrieve error codes
Tcl_GetHashKey(3)   - procedures to manage hash tables
Tcl_GetHashValue(3) - procedures to manage hash tables
Tcl_GetIndexFromObj(3) - lookup string in table of keywords
Tcl_GetInt(3)       - convert from string to integer, double, or boolean
Tcl_GetInterpPath(3) - manage multiple Tcl interpreters, aliases and hidden commands.
Tcl_GetIntFromObj(3) - manipulate Tcl objects as integers
Tcl_GetLongFromObj(3) - manipulate Tcl objects as integers
Tcl_GetMaster(3)    - manage multiple Tcl interpreters, aliases and hidden commands.
Tcl_GetNameOfExecutable(3) - identify or return the name of the binary file containing the application
Tcl_GetObjResult(3) - manipulate Tcl result
Tcl_GetObjType(3)   - manipulate Tcl object types
Tcl_GetOpenFile(3)  - Get a standard IO File * handle from a channel. (Unix only)
Tcl_GetPathType(3)  - manipulate platform-dependent file paths
Tcl_GetRange(3)     - manipulate Tcl objects as strings
Tcl_GetRegExpFromObj(3) - Pattern matching with regular expressions
Tcl_GetRegExpInfo(3) - Pattern matching with regular expressions
Tcl_Gets(3)         - buffered I/O facilities using channels
Tcl_GetServiceMode(3) - the event queue and notifier interfaces
Tcl_GetSlave(3)     - manage multiple Tcl interpreters, aliases and hidden commands.
Tcl_GetsObj(3)      - buffered I/O facilities using channels
Tcl_GetStdChannel(3) - procedures for retrieving and replacing the standard channels
Tcl_GetString(3)    - manipulate Tcl objects as strings
Tcl_GetStringFromObj(3) - manipulate Tcl objects as strings
Tcl_GetStringResult(3) - manipulate Tcl result
Tcl_GetThreadData(3) - Tcl thread support.
Tcl_GetUniChar(3)   - manipulate Tcl objects as strings
Tcl_GetUnicode(3)   - manipulate Tcl objects as strings
Tcl_GetVar2(3)      - manipulate Tcl variables
Tcl_GetVar2Ex(3)    - manipulate Tcl variables
Tcl_GetVar(3)       - manipulate Tcl variables
Tcl_GetVersion(3)   - get the version of the library at runtime
Tcl_GlobalEval(3)   - execute Tcl scripts
Tcl_GlobalEvalObj(3) - execute Tcl scripts
Tcl_HashStats(3)    - procedures to manage hash tables
Tcl_HideCommand(3)  - manage multiple Tcl interpreters, aliases and hidden commands.
Tcl_IncrRefCount(3) - manipulate Tcl objects
Tcl_InitHashTable(3) - procedures to manage hash tables
Tcl_InitNotifier(3) - the event queue and notifier interfaces
Tcl_InitStubs(3)    - initialize the Tcl stubs mechanism
TclInitStubs(3)     - initialize the Tcl stubs mechanism
Tcl_InputBlocked(3) - buffered I/O facilities using channels
Tcl_InputBuffered(3) - buffered I/O facilities using channels
Tcl_Interp(3)       - client-visible fields of interpreter structures
Tcl_InterpDeleted(3) - create and delete Tcl command interpreters
Tcl_IsSafe(3)       - manage multiple Tcl interpreters, aliases and hidden commands.
Tcl_IsShared(3)     - manipulate Tcl objects
Tcl_JoinPath(3)     - manipulate platform-dependent file paths
Tcl_LinkVar(3)      - link Tcl variable to C variable
Tcl_ListObjAppendElement(3) - manipulate Tcl objects as lists
Tcl_ListObjAppendList(3) - manipulate Tcl objects as lists
Tcl_ListObjGetElements(3) - manipulate Tcl objects as lists
Tcl_ListObjIndex(3) - manipulate Tcl objects as lists
Tcl_ListObjLength(3) - manipulate Tcl objects as lists
Tcl_ListObjReplace(3) - manipulate Tcl objects as lists
Tcl_Main(3)         - main program for Tcl-based applications
Tcl_MakeFileChannel(3) - buffered I/O facilities using channels
Tcl_MakeSafe(3)     - manage multiple Tcl interpreters, aliases and hidden commands.
Tcl_MakeTcpClientChannel(3) - procedures to open channels using TCP sockets
Tcl_Merge(3)        - manipulate Tcl lists
Tcl_MutexLock(3)    - Tcl thread support.
Tcl_MutexUnlock(3)  - Tcl thread support.
Tcl_NewBooleanObj(3) - manipulate Tcl objects as boolean values
Tcl_NewByteArrayObj(3) - manipulate Tcl objects as a arrays of bytes
Tcl_NewDoubleObj(3) - manipulate Tcl objects as floating-point values
Tcl_NewIntObj(3)    - manipulate Tcl objects as integers
Tcl_NewListObj(3)   - manipulate Tcl objects as lists
Tcl_NewLongObj(3)   - manipulate Tcl objects as integers
Tcl_NewObj(3)       - manipulate Tcl objects
Tcl_NewStringObj(3) - manipulate Tcl objects as strings
Tcl_NewUnicodeObj(3) - manipulate Tcl objects as strings
Tcl_NextHashEntry(3) - procedures to manage hash tables
Tcl_NotifyChannel(3) - procedures for creating and manipulating channels
Tcl(n)              - Summary of Tcl language syntax.
Tcl_NumUtfChars(3)  - routines for manipulating UTF-8 strings.
Tcl_ObjGetVar2(3)   - manipulate Tcl variables
Tcl_ObjSetVar2(3)   - manipulate Tcl variables
Tcl_OpenCommandChannel(3) - buffered I/O facilities using channels
Tcl_OpenFileChannel(3) - buffered I/O facilities using channels
Tcl_OpenTcpClient(3) - procedures to open channels using TCP sockets
Tcl_OpenTcpServer(3) - procedures to open channels using TCP sockets
Tcl_ParseBraces(3)  - parse Tcl scripts and expressions
Tcl_ParseCommand(3) - parse Tcl scripts and expressions
Tcl_ParseExpr(3)    - parse Tcl scripts and expressions
Tcl_ParseQuotedString(3) - parse Tcl scripts and expressions
Tcl_ParseVarName(3) - parse Tcl scripts and expressions
Tcl_PkgPresent(3)   - package version control
Tcl_PkgPresentEx(3) - package version control
Tcl_PkgProvide(3)   - package version control
Tcl_PkgProvideEx(3) - package version control
Tcl_PkgRequire(3)   - package version control
Tcl_PkgRequireEx(3) - package version control
Tcl_PosixError(3)   - record information about errors
Tcl_Preserve(3)     - avoid freeing storage while it's being used
Tcl_PrintDouble(3)  - Convert floating value to string
Tcl_QueueEvent(3)   - the event queue and notifier interfaces
Tcl_Read(3)         - buffered I/O facilities using channels
Tcl_ReadChars(3)    - buffered I/O facilities using channels
Tcl_Realloc(3)      - allocate or free heap memory
Tcl_ReapDetachedProcs(3) - manage child processes in background
Tcl_RecordAndEval(3) - save command on history list before evaluating
Tcl_RecordAndEvalObj(3) - save command on history list before evaluating
Tcl_RegExpCompile(3) - Pattern matching with regular expressions
Tcl_RegExpExec(3)   - Pattern matching with regular expressions
Tcl_RegExpMatch(3)  - Pattern matching with regular expressions
Tcl_RegExpMatchObj(3) - Pattern matching with regular expressions
Tcl_RegExpRange(3)  - Pattern matching with regular expressions
Tcl_RegisterChannel(3) - buffered I/O facilities using channels
Tcl_RegisterObjType(3) - manipulate Tcl object types
Tcl_Release(3)      - avoid freeing storage while it's being used
Tcl_ResetResult(3)  - manipulate Tcl result
Tcl_RestoreResult(3) - save and restore an interpreter's result
Tcl_SaveResult(3)   - save and restore an interpreter's result
Tcl_ScanElement(3)  - manipulate Tcl lists
Tcl_Seek(3)         - buffered I/O facilities using channels
Tcl_ServiceAll(3)   - the event queue and notifier interfaces
Tcl_ServiceEvent(3) - the event queue and notifier interfaces
Tcl_SetAssocData(3) - manage associations of string keys and user specified data with Tcl interpreters.
Tcl_SetBooleanObj(3) - manipulate Tcl objects as boolean values
Tcl_SetByteArrayLength(3) - manipulate Tcl objects as a arrays of bytes
Tcl_SetByteArrayObj(3) - manipulate Tcl objects as a arrays of bytes
Tcl_SetChannelBufferSize(3) - procedures for creating and manipulating channels
Tcl_SetChannelOption(3) - buffered I/O facilities using channels
Tcl_SetCommandInfo(3) - implement new commands in C
Tcl_SetDefaultEncodingDir(3) - procedures for creating and using encodings.
Tcl_SetDoubleObj(3) - manipulate Tcl objects as floating-point values
Tcl_SetErrno(3)     - manipulate errno to store and retrieve error codes
Tcl_SetErrorCode(3) - record information about errors
Tcl_SetErrorCodeVA(3) - record information about errors
Tcl_SetHashValue(3) - procedures to manage hash tables
Tcl_SetIntObj(3)    - manipulate Tcl objects as integers
Tcl_SetListObj(3)   - manipulate Tcl objects as lists
Tcl_SetLongObj(3)   - manipulate Tcl objects as integers
Tcl_SetMaxBlockTime(3) - the event queue and notifier interfaces
Tcl_SetObjLength(3) - manipulate Tcl objects as strings
Tcl_SetObjResult(3) - manipulate Tcl result
Tcl_SetRecursionLimit(3) - set maximum allowable nesting depth in interpreter
Tcl_SetResult(3)    - manipulate Tcl result
Tcl_SetServiceMode(3) - the event queue and notifier interfaces
Tcl_SetStdChannel(3) - procedures for retrieving and replacing the standard channels
Tcl_SetStringObj(3) - manipulate Tcl objects as strings
Tcl_SetSystemEncoding(3) - procedures for creating and using encodings.
Tcl_SetTimer(3)     - the event queue and notifier interfaces
Tcl_SetUnicodeObj(3) - manipulate Tcl objects as strings
Tcl_SetVar2(3)      - manipulate Tcl variables
Tcl_SetVar2Ex(3)    - manipulate Tcl variables
Tcl_SetVar(3)       - manipulate Tcl variables
tclsh(1)            - Simple shell containing Tcl interpreter
Tcl_Sleep(3)        - delay execution for a given number of milliseconds
Tcl_SplitList(3)    - manipulate Tcl lists
Tcl_SplitPath(3)    - manipulate platform-dependent file paths
Tcl_StackChannel(3) - stack an I/O channel on top of another, and undo it
Tcl_Stat(3)         - check file permissions and other attributes
Tcl_StaticPackage(3) - make a statically linked package available via the load command
Tcl_StringCaseMatch(3) - test whether a string matches a pattern
Tcl_StringMatch(3)  - test whether a string matches a pattern
Tcl_Tell(3)         - buffered I/O facilities using channels
tcltest(n)          - Test harness support code and utilities
Tcltest(n)          - Test harness support code and utilities
Tcl_ThreadAlert(3)  - the event queue and notifier interfaces
Tcl_ThreadQueueEvent(3) - the event queue and notifier interfaces
Tcl_TraceVar2(3)    - monitor accesses to a variable
Tcl_TraceVar(3)     - monitor accesses to a variable
Tcl_TranslateFileName(3) - convert file name to native form and replace tilde with home directory
Tcl_UniChar(3)      - routines for manipulating UTF-8 strings.
Tcl_UniCharAtIndex(3) - routines for manipulating UTF-8 strings.
Tcl_UniCharLen(3)   - routines for manipulating UTF-8 strings.
Tcl_UniCharNcmp(3)  - routines for manipulating UTF-8 strings.
Tcl_UniCharToLower(3) - routines for manipulating the case of Unicode characters and UTF-8 strings.
Tcl_UniCharToTitle(3) - routines for manipulating the case of Unicode characters and UTF-8 strings.
Tcl_UniCharToUpper(3) - routines for manipulating the case of Unicode characters and UTF-8 strings.
Tcl_UniCharToUtf(3) - routines for manipulating UTF-8 strings.
Tcl_UniCharToUtfDString(3) - routines for manipulating UTF-8 strings.
Tcl_UnlinkVar(3)    - link Tcl variable to C variable
Tcl_UnregisterChannel(3) - buffered I/O facilities using channels
Tcl_UnsetVar2(3)    - manipulate Tcl variables
Tcl_UnsetVar(3)     - manipulate Tcl variables
Tcl_UnstackChannel(3) - stack an I/O channel on top of another, and undo it
Tcl_UntraceVar2(3)  - monitor accesses to a variable
Tcl_UntraceVar(3)   - monitor accesses to a variable
Tcl_UpdateLinkedVar(3) - link Tcl variable to C variable
Tcl_UpVar2(3)       - link one variable to another
Tcl_UpVar(3)        - link one variable to another
Tcl_UtfAtIndex(3)   - routines for manipulating UTF-8 strings.
Tcl_UtfBackslash(3) - routines for manipulating UTF-8 strings.
Tcl_UtfCharComplete(3) - routines for manipulating UTF-8 strings.
Tcl_UtfFindFirst(3) - routines for manipulating UTF-8 strings.
Tcl_UtfFindLast(3)  - routines for manipulating UTF-8 strings.
Tcl_UtfNext(3)      - routines for manipulating UTF-8 strings.
Tcl_UtfPrev(3)      - routines for manipulating UTF-8 strings.
Tcl_UtfToExternal(3) - procedures for creating and using encodings.
Tcl_UtfToExternalDString(3) - procedures for creating and using encodings.
Tcl_UtfToLower(3)   - routines for manipulating the case of Unicode characters and UTF-8 strings.
Tcl_UtfToTitle(3)   - routines for manipulating the case of Unicode characters and UTF-8 strings.
Tcl_UtfToUniChar(3) - routines for manipulating UTF-8 strings.
Tcl_UtfToUniCharDString(3) - routines for manipulating UTF-8 strings.
Tcl_UtfToUpper(3)   - routines for manipulating the case of Unicode characters and UTF-8 strings.
Tcl_VarEval(3)      - execute Tcl scripts
Tcl_VarEvalVA(3)    - execute Tcl scripts
tclvars(n)          - Variables used by Tcl
Tcl_VarTraceInfo2(3) - monitor accesses to a variable
Tcl_VarTraceInfo(3) - monitor accesses to a variable
Tcl_WaitForEvent(3) - the event queue and notifier interfaces
Tcl_WinTCharToUtf(3) - procedures for creating and using encodings.
Tcl_WinUtfToTChar(3) - procedures for creating and using encodings.
Tcl_Write(3)        - buffered I/O facilities using channels
Tcl_WriteChars(3)   - buffered I/O facilities using channels
Tcl_WriteObj(3)     - buffered I/O facilities using channels
Tcl_WrongNumArgs(3) - generate standard error message for wrong number of arguments
tcsh(1)             - C shell with file name completion and command line editing
tee(1)              - read from standard input and write to standard output and files
tell(n)             - Return current access position for an open channel
Term::ANSIColor(3)  - Color screen output using ANSI escape sequences
Term::Cap(3)        - Perl termcap interface
Term::Complete(3)   - Perl word completion module
Term::ReadKey(3)    - A perl module for simple terminal control
Term::ReadLine(3)   - Perl interface to various `readline' packages. If no real package is found, substitutes stubs instead of basic functions.
test(1)             - check file types and compare values
Test(3)             - provides a simple framework for writing test scripts
Test::Builder(3)    - Backend for building test libraries
Test::Builder::IO::Scalar(3) - A copy of IO::Scalar for Test::Builder
Test::Builder::Module(3) - Base class for test modules
Test::Builder::Tester(3) - test testsuites that have been built with Test::Builder
Test::Builder::Tester::Color(3) - turn on colour in Test::Builder::Tester
Test::Harness(3)    - Run Perl standard test scripts with statistics
Test::Harness::Assert(3) - simple assert
Test::Harness::Iterator(3) - Internal Test::Harness Iterator
Test::Harness::Point(3) - object for tracking a single test point
Test::Harness::Straps(3) - detailed analysis of test results
Test::Harness::TAP(3) - Documentation for the TAP format
Test::More(3)       - yet another framework for writing test scripts
Test::Simple(3)     - Basic utilities for writing tests.
Test::Tutorial(3)   - A tutorial about writing really basic tests
Text::Abbrev(3)     - create an abbreviation table from a list
Text::Balanced(3)   - Extract delimited text sequences from strings.
TextLayout(3)       - routines to measure and display single-font, multi-line, justified text.
text(n)             - Create and manipulate text widgets
Text::ParseWords(3) - parse text into an array of tokens or array of arrays
Text::Soundex(3)    - Implementation of the Soundex Algorithm as Described by Knuth
Text::Tabs(3)       - - expand and unexpand tabs per the unix expand(1) and unexpand(1)
Text::Wrap(3)       - line wrapping to form simple paragraphs
tfmtodit(1)         - create font files for use with groff - Tdvi
Thread(3)           - manipulate threads in Perl (for old code only)
Thread(3)           - Tcl thread support.
Thread::Queue(3)    - thread-safe queues
threads(3)          - OpenSSL thread support
threads(3)          - Perl extension allowing use of interpreter based threads from perl
Thread::Semaphore(3) - thread-safe semaphores
threads::shared(3)  - Perl extension for sharing data structures between threads
thumbnail(1)        - create a TIFF file with thumbnail images
Tie::Array(3)       - base class for tied arrays
Tie::File(3)        - Access the lines of a disk file via a Perl array
Tie::Handle(3)      - base class definitions for tied handles
Tie::Hash(3)        - base class definitions for tied hashes
Tie::Memoize(3)     - add data to hash when needed
Tie::RefHash(3)     - use references as hash keys
Tie::Scalar(3)      - base class definitions for tied scalars
Tie::SubstrHash(3)  - Fixed-table-size, fixed-key-length hashing
tiff2bw(1)          - convert a color TIFF image to greyscale
tiff2pdf(1)         - convert a TIFF image to a PDF document
tiff2ps(1)          - convert a TIFF image to
tiff2rgba(1)        - convert a TIFF image to RGBA color space
TIFFbuffer(3tiff)   - I/O buffering control routines
TIFFClose(3tiff)    - close a previously opened TIFF file
tiffcmp(1)          - compare two TIFF files
TIFFcodec(3tiff)    - codec-related utility routines
TIFFcolor(3tiff)    - color conversion routines.
tiffcp(1)           - copy (and possibly convert) a TIFF file
TIFFDataWidth(3tiff) - Get the size of TIFF data types
tiffdither(1)       - convert a greyscale image to bilevel using dithering
tiffdump(1)         - print verbatim information about TIFF files
TIFFError(3tiff)    - library error handling interface
TIFFFlush(3tiff)    - flush pending writes to an open TIFF file
TIFFGetField(3tiff) - get the value(s) of a tag in an open TIFF file
tiffgt(1)           - display an image stored in a TIFF file (Silicon Graphics version)
tiffinfo(1)         - print information about TIFF files
tiffmedian(1)       - apply the median cut algorithm to data in a TIFF file
TIFFmemory(3tiff)   - memory management-related functions for use with TIFF files
TIFFOpen(3tiff)     - open a TIFF file for reading or writing
TIFFPrintDirectory(3tiff) - print a description of a TIFF directory
TIFFquery(3tiff)    - query routines
TIFFReadDirectory(3tiff) - get the contents of the next directory in an open TIFF file
TIFFReadEncodedStrip(3tiff) - read and decode a strip of data from an open TIFF file
TIFFReadEncodedTile(3tiff) - read and decode a tile of data from an open TIFF file
TIFFReadRawStrip(3tiff) - return the undecoded contents of a strip of data from an open TIFF file
TIFFReadRawTile(3tiff) - return an undecoded tile of data from an open TIFF file
TIFFReadRGBAImage(3tiff) - read and decode an image into a fixed-format raster
TIFFReadRGBAStrip(3tiff) - read and decode an image strip into a fixed-format raster
TIFFReadRGBATile(3tiff) - read and decode an image tile into a fixed-format raster
TIFFReadScanline(3tiff) - read and decode a scanline of data from an open TIFF file
TIFFReadTile(3tiff) - read and decode a tile of data from an open TIFF file
TIFFRGBAImage(3tiff) - read and decode an image into a raster
tiffset(1)          - set a field in a TIFF header
TIFFSetDirectory(3tiff) - set the current directory for an open TIFF file
TIFFSetField(3tiff) - set the value(s) of a tag in a TIFF file open for writing
TIFFsize(3tiff)     - return the size of various items associated with an open TIFF file
tiffsplit(1)        - split a multi-image TIFF into single-image TIFF files
TIFFstrip(3tiff)    - strip-related utility routines
tiffsv(1)           - save an image from the framebuffer in a TIFF file (Silicon Graphics version)
TIFFswab(3tiff)     - byte- and bit-swapping routines
TIFFtile(3tiff)     - tile-related utility routines
TIFFWarning(3tiff)  - library warning interface
TIFFWriteDirectory(3tiff) - write the current directory in an open TIFF file
TIFFWriteEncodedStrip(3tiff) - compress and write a strip of data to an open TIFF file
TIFFWriteEncodedTile(3tiff) - compress and write a tile of data to an open TIFF file
TIFFWriteRawStrip(3tiff) - write a strip of raw data to an open TIFF file
TIFFWriteRawTile(3tiff) - write a tile of raw data to an open TIFF file
TIFFWriteScanline(3tiff) - write a scanline to an open TIFF file
TIFFWriteTile(3tiff) - encode and write a tile of data to an open TIFF file
Time::gmtime(3)     - by-name interface to Perl's built-in gmtime() function
Time::HiRes(3)      - High resolution alarm, sleep, gettimeofday, interval timers
Time::Local(3)      - efficiently compute time from local and GMT time
Time::localtime(3)  - by-name interface to Perl's built-in localtime() function
time(n)             - Time the execution of a script
Time::tm(3)         - internal object used by Time::gmtime and Time::localtime
Tk_3DBorderColor(3) - draw borders with three-dimensional appearance
Tk_3DBorderGC(3)    - draw borders with three-dimensional appearance
Tk_3DHorizontalBevel(3) - draw borders with three-dimensional appearance
Tk_3DVerticalBevel(3) - draw borders with three-dimensional appearance
Tk_Alloc3DBorderFromObj(3) - draw borders with three-dimensional appearance
Tk_AllocBitmapFromObj(3) - maintain database of single-plane pixmaps
Tk_AllocColorFromObj(3) - maintain database of colors
Tk_AllocCursorFromObj(3) - maintain database of cursors
Tk_AllocFontFromObj(3) - maintain database of fonts
Tk_Attributes(3)    - retrieve information from Tk's local data structure
Tk_BindEvent(3)     - invoke scripts in response to X events
tk_bindForTraversal(n) - Obsolete support for menu bars
tk_bisque(n)        - Modify the Tk color palette
Tk_CanvasDrawableCoords(3) - utility procedures for canvas type managers
Tk_CanvasEventuallyRedraw(3) - utility procedures for canvas type managers
Tk_CanvasGetCoord(3) - utility procedures for canvas type managers
Tk_CanvasPsBitmap(3) - utility procedures for generating Postscript for canvases
Tk_CanvasPsColor(3) - utility procedures for generating Postscript for canvases
Tk_CanvasPsFont(3)  - utility procedures for generating Postscript for canvases
Tk_CanvasPsPath(3)  - utility procedures for generating Postscript for canvases
Tk_CanvasPsStipple(3) - utility procedures for generating Postscript for canvases
Tk_CanvasPsY(3)     - utility procedures for generating Postscript for canvases
Tk_CanvasSetStippleOrigin(3) - utility procedures for canvas type managers
Tk_CanvasTagsOption(3) - utility procedures for canvas type managers
Tk_CanvasTextInfo(3) - additional information for managing text items in canvases
Tk_CanvasTkwin(3)   - utility procedures for canvas type managers
Tk_CanvasWindowCoords(3) - utility procedures for canvas type managers
Tk_Changes(3)       - retrieve information from Tk's local data structure
Tk_ChangeWindowAttributes(3) - change window configuration or attributes
Tk_CharBbox(3)      - routines to measure and display single-font, multi-line, justified text.
tk_chooseColor(n)   - pops up a dialog box for the user to select a color.
Tk_Class(3)         - set or retrieve a window's class
Tk_ClearSelection(3) - Deselect a selection
Tk_ClipboardAppend(3) - Manage the clipboard
Tk_ClipboardClear(3) - Manage the clipboard
Tk_Colormap(3)      - retrieve information from Tk's local data structure
Tk_ComputeTextLayout(3) - routines to measure and display single-font, multi-line, justified text.
Tk_ConfigureInfo(3) - process configuration options for widgets
Tk_ConfigureValue(3) - process configuration options for widgets
Tk_ConfigureWidget(3) - process configuration options for widgets
Tk_ConfigureWindow(3) - change window configuration or attributes
Tk_CoordsToWindow(3) - Find window containing a point
Tk_CreateBinding(3) - invoke scripts in response to X events
Tk_CreateBindingTable(3) - invoke scripts in response to X events
Tk_CreateErrorHandler(3) - handle X protocol errors
Tk_CreateEventHandler(3) - associate procedure callback with an X event
Tk_CreateGenericHandler(3) - associate procedure callback with all X events
Tk_CreateImageType(3) - define new kind of image
Tk_CreateItemType(3) - define new kind of canvas item
Tk_CreateOptionTable(3) - process configuration options
Tk_CreatePhotoImageFormat(3) - define new file format for photo images
Tk_CreateSelHandler(3) - arrange to handle requests for a selection
Tk_CreateWindow(3)  - create or delete window
Tk_CreateWindowFromPath(3) - create or delete window
Tk_DefineBitmap(3)  - maintain database of single-plane pixmaps
Tk_DefineCursor(3)  - change window configuration or attributes
Tk_DeleteAllBindings(3) - invoke scripts in response to X events
Tk_DeleteBinding(3) - invoke scripts in response to X events
Tk_DeleteBindingTable(3) - invoke scripts in response to X events
Tk_DeleteErrorHandler(3) - handle X protocol errors
Tk_DeleteEventHandler(3) - associate procedure callback with an X event
Tk_DeleteGenericHandler(3) - associate procedure callback with all X events
Tk_DeleteImage(3)   - Destroy an image.
Tk_DeleteOptionTable(3) - process configuration options
Tk_DeleteSelHandler(3) - arrange to handle requests for a selection
Tk_Depth(3)         - retrieve information from Tk's local data structure
Tk_DestroyWindow(3) - create or delete window
tk_dialog(n)        - Create modal dialog and wait for response
Tk_Display(3)       - retrieve information from Tk's local data structure
Tk_DisplayName(3)   - retrieve information from Tk's local data structure
Tk_DistanceToTextLayout(3) - routines to measure and display single-font, multi-line, justified text.
Tk_Draw3DPolygon(3) - draw borders with three-dimensional appearance
Tk_Draw3DRectangle(3) - draw borders with three-dimensional appearance
Tk_DrawChars(3)     - routines to measure and display simple single-line strings.
Tk_DrawFocusHighlight(3) - draw the traversal highlight ring for a widget
Tk_DrawTextLayout(3) - routines to measure and display single-font, multi-line, justified text.
tkerror(n)          - Command invoked to process background errors
Tk_Fill3DPolygon(3) - draw borders with three-dimensional appearance
Tk_Fill3DRectangle(3) - draw borders with three-dimensional appearance
Tk_FindPhoto(3)     - manipulate the image data stored in a photo image.
tk_focusFollowsMouse(n) - Utility procedures for managing the input focus.
tk_focusNext(n)     - Utility procedures for managing the input focus.
tk_focusPrev(n)     - Utility procedures for managing the input focus.
Tk_FontId(3)        - accessor functions for fonts
Tk_FontMetrics(3)   - accessor functions for fonts
Tk_Free3DBorder(3)  - draw borders with three-dimensional appearance
Tk_Free3DBorderFromObj(3) - draw borders with three-dimensional appearance
Tk_FreeBitmap(3)    - maintain database of single-plane pixmaps
Tk_FreeBitmapFromObj(3) - maintain database of single-plane pixmaps
Tk_FreeColor(3)     - maintain database of colors
Tk_FreeColorFromObj(3) - maintain database of colors
Tk_FreeColormap(3)  - allocate and free colormaps
Tk_FreeConfigOptions(3) - process configuration options
Tk_FreeCursor(3)    - maintain database of cursors
Tk_FreeCursorFromObj(3) - maintain database of cursors
Tk_FreeFont(3)      - maintain database of fonts
Tk_FreeFontFromObj(3) - maintain database of fonts
Tk_FreeGC(3)        - maintain database of read-only graphics contexts
Tk_FreeImage(3)     - use an image in a widget
Tk_FreeOptions(3)   - process configuration options for widgets
Tk_FreePixmap(3)    - allocate and free pixmaps
Tk_FreeSavedOptions(3) - process configuration options
Tk_FreeTextLayout(3) - routines to measure and display single-font, multi-line, justified text.
Tk_FreeXId(3)       - make X resource identifier available for reuse
Tk_GeometryRequest(3) - specify desired geometry or internal border for a window
Tk_Get3DBorder(3)   - draw borders with three-dimensional appearance
Tk_Get3DBorderFromObj(3) - draw borders with three-dimensional appearance
Tk_GetAllBindings(3) - invoke scripts in response to X events
Tk_GetAnchor(3)     - translate between strings and anchor positions
Tk_GetAnchorFromObj(3) - translate between strings and anchor positions
Tk_GetAtomName(3)   - manage cache of X atoms
Tk_GetBinding(3)    - invoke scripts in response to X events
Tk_GetBitmap(3)     - maintain database of single-plane pixmaps
Tk_GetBitmapFromData(3) - maintain database of single-plane pixmaps
Tk_GetBitmapFromObj(3) - maintain database of single-plane pixmaps
Tk_GetCapStyle(3)   - translate between strings and cap styles
Tk_GetColor(3)      - maintain database of colors
Tk_GetColorByValue(3) - maintain database of colors
Tk_GetColorFromObj(3) - maintain database of colors
Tk_GetColormap(3)   - allocate and free colormaps
Tk_GetCursor(3)     - maintain database of cursors
Tk_GetCursorFromData(3) - maintain database of cursors
Tk_GetCursorFromObj(3) - maintain database of cursors
Tk_GetFont(3)       - maintain database of fonts
Tk_GetFontFromObj(3) - maintain database of fonts
Tk_GetGC(3)         - maintain database of read-only graphics contexts
Tk_GetImage(3)      - use an image in a widget
Tk_GetImageMasterData(3) - define new kind of image
Tk_GetItemTypes(3)  - define new kind of canvas item
Tk_GetJoinStyle(3)  - translate between strings and join styles
Tk_GetJustify(3)    - translate between strings and justification styles
Tk_GetJustifyFromObj(3) - translate between strings and justification styles
Tk_GetMMFromObj(3)  - translate between strings and screen units
tk_getOpenFile(n)   - pop up a dialog box for the user to select a file to open or save.
Tk_GetOption(3)     - retrieve an option from the option database
Tk_GetOptionInfo(3) - process configuration options
Tk_GetOptionValue(3) - process configuration options
Tk_GetPixels(3)     - translate between strings and screen units
Tk_GetPixelsFromObj(3) - translate between strings and screen units
Tk_GetPixmap(3)     - allocate and free pixmaps
Tk_GetRelief(3)     - translate between strings and relief values
Tk_GetReliefFromObj(3) - translate between strings and relief values
Tk_GetRootCoords(3) - Compute root-window coordinates of window
tk_getSaveFile(n)   - pop up a dialog box for the user to select a file to open or save.
Tk_GetScreenMM(3)   - translate between strings and screen units
Tk_GetScrollInfo(3) - parse arguments for scrolling commands
Tk_GetSelection(3)  - retrieve the contents of a selection
Tk_GetUid(3)        - convert from string to unique identifier
Tk_GetVisual(3)     - translate from string to visual
Tk_GetVRootGeometry(3) - Get location and size of virtual root for window
Tk_HandleEvent(3)   - invoke event handlers for window system events
Tk_Height(3)        - retrieve information from Tk's local data structure
Tk_IdToWindow(3)    - Find Tk's window information for an X window
Tk_ImageChanged(3)  - notify widgets that image needs to be redrawn
Tk_Init(3)          - add Tk to an interpreter and make a new Tk application.
Tk_InitOptions(3)   - process configuration options
Tk_InitStubs(3)     - initialize the Tk stubs mechanism
TkInitStubs(3)      - initialize the Tk stubs mechanism
Tk_InternalBorderWidth(3) - retrieve information from Tk's local data structure
Tk_InternAtom(3)    - manage cache of X atoms
Tk_IntersectTextLayout(3) - routines to measure and display single-font, multi-line, justified text.
Tk_IsMapped(3)      - retrieve information from Tk's local data structure
Tk_IsTopLevel(3)    - retrieve information from Tk's local data structure
Tk_Main(3)          - main program for Tk-based applications
Tk_MainLoop(3)      - loop for events until all windows are deleted
Tk_MaintainGeometry(3) - maintain geometry of one window relative to another
Tk_MainWindow(3)    - find the main window for an application
Tk_MakeWindowExist(3) - create or delete window
Tk_ManageGeometry(3) - arrange to handle geometry requests for a window
Tk_MapWindow(3)     - map or unmap a window
Tk_MeasureChars(3)  - routines to measure and display simple single-line strings.
tk_menuBar(n)       - Obsolete support for menu bars
tk_messageBox(n)    - pops up a message window and waits for user response.
Tk_MoveResizeWindow(3) - change window configuration or attributes
Tk_MoveToplevelWindow(3) - Adjust the position of a top-level window
Tk_MoveWindow(3)    - change window configuration or attributes
Tk_Name(3)          - convert between names and window tokens
Tk_NameOf3DBorder(3) - draw borders with three-dimensional appearance
Tk_NameOfAnchor(3)  - translate between strings and anchor positions
Tk_NameOfBitmap(3)  - maintain database of single-plane pixmaps
Tk_NameOfCapStyle(3) - translate between strings and cap styles
Tk_NameOfColor(3)   - maintain database of colors
Tk_NameOfCursor(3)  - maintain database of cursors
Tk_NameOfFont(3)    - maintain database of fonts
Tk_NameOfImage(3)   - Return name of image.
Tk_NameOfJoinStyle(3) - translate between strings and join styles
Tk_NameOfJustify(3) - translate between strings and justification styles
Tk_NameOfRelief(3)  - translate between strings and relief values
Tk_NameToWindow(3)  - convert between names and window tokens
tk(n)               - Manipulate Tk internal state
Tk_Offset(3)        - process configuration options
tk_optionMenu(n)    - Create an option menubutton and its menu
Tk_OwnSelection(3)  - make a window the owner of the primary selection
Tk_Parent(3)        - retrieve information from Tk's local data structure
Tk_ParseArgv(3)     - process command-line options
Tk_PathName(3)      - convert between names and window tokens
Tk_PhotoBlank(3)    - manipulate the image data stored in a photo image.
Tk_PhotoExpand(3)   - manipulate the image data stored in a photo image.
Tk_PhotoGetImage(3) - manipulate the image data stored in a photo image.
Tk_PhotoGetSize(3)  - manipulate the image data stored in a photo image.
Tk_PhotoPutBlock(3) - manipulate the image data stored in a photo image.
Tk_PhotoPutZoomedBlock(3) - manipulate the image data stored in a photo image.
Tk_PhotoSetSize(3)  - manipulate the image data stored in a photo image.
Tk_PointToChar(3)   - routines to measure and display single-font, multi-line, justified text.
tk_popup(n)         - Post a popup menu
Tk_PostscriptFontName(3) - accessor functions for fonts
Tk_QueueWindowEvent(3) - Add a window event to the Tcl event queue
Tk_RedrawImage(3)   - use an image in a widget
Tk_ReqHeight(3)     - retrieve information from Tk's local data structure
Tk_ReqWidth(3)      - retrieve information from Tk's local data structure
Tk_ResizeWindow(3)  - change window configuration or attributes
Tk_RestackWindow(3) - Change a window's position in the stacking order
Tk_RestoreSavedOptions(3) - process configuration options
Tk_RestrictEvents(3) - filter and selectively delay X events
Tk_Screen(3)        - retrieve information from Tk's local data structure
Tk_ScreenNumber(3)  - retrieve information from Tk's local data structure
Tk_SetAppName(3)    - Set the name of an application for ``send'' commands
Tk_SetBackgroundFromBorder(3) - draw borders with three-dimensional appearance
Tk_SetClass(3)      - set or retrieve a window's class
Tk_SetGrid(3)       - control the grid for interactive resizing
Tk_SetInternalBorder(3) - specify desired geometry or internal border for a window
Tk_SetOptions(3)    - process configuration options
tk_setPalette(n)    - Modify the Tk color palette
Tk_SetWindowBackground(3) - change window configuration or attributes
Tk_SetWindowBackgroundPixmap(3) - change window configuration or attributes
Tk_SetWindowBorder(3) - change window configuration or attributes
Tk_SetWindowBorderPixmap(3) - change window configuration or attributes
Tk_SetWindowBorderWidth(3) - change window configuration or attributes
Tk_SetWindowColormap(3) - change window configuration or attributes
Tk_SetWindowVisual(3) - change visual characteristics of window
Tk_SizeOfBitmap(3)  - maintain database of single-plane pixmaps
Tk_SizeOfImage(3)   - use an image in a widget
Tk_StrictMotif(3)   - Return value of tk_strictMotif variable
Tk_TextLayoutToPostscript(3) - routines to measure and display single-font, multi-line, justified text.
Tk_TextWidth(3)     - routines to measure and display simple single-line strings.
Tk_Uid(3)           - convert from string to unique identifier
Tk_UndefineCursor(3) - change window configuration or attributes
Tk_UnderlineChars(3) - routines to measure and display simple single-line strings.
Tk_UnderlineTextLayout(3) - routines to measure and display single-font, multi-line, justified text.
Tk_UnmaintainGeometry(3) - maintain geometry of one window relative to another
Tk_UnmapWindow(3)   - map or unmap a window
Tk_UnsetGrid(3)     - control the grid for interactive resizing
tkvars(n)           - Variables used or set by Tk
Tk_Visual(3)        - retrieve information from Tk's local data structure
tkwait(n)           - Wait for variable to change or window to be destroyed
Tk_Width(3)         - retrieve information from Tk's local data structure
Tk_WindowId(3)      - retrieve information from Tk's local data structure
Tk_X(3)             - retrieve information from Tk's local data structure
Tk_Y(3)             - retrieve information from Tk's local data structure
top(1)              - display and update information about the top cpu processes
toplevel(n)         - Create and manipulate toplevel widgets
touch(1)            - change file timestamps
ToUpper(3)          - routines for manipulating the case of Unicode characters and UTF-8 strings.
tr(1)               - translate or delete characters
trace(n)            - Monitor variable accesses
TraceVar(3)         - monitor accesses to a variable
Translate(3)        - convert file name to native form and replace tilde with home directory
troff(1)            - format documents
true(1)             - do nothing, successfully
truncate(5sql)      - empty a table or set of tables
truncate(l)         - empty a table
tsort(1)            - perform topological sort
ttcp(1) [/mnt/man/UnixWare/usr/man/man1/ttcp] - (unknown subject)
ttmv(1) [/mnt/man/UnixWare/usr/man/man1/ttmv] - (unknown subject)
ttrm(1) [/mnt/man/UnixWare/usr/man/man1/ttrm] - (unknown subject)
ttrmdir(1) [/mnt/man/UnixWare/usr/man/man1/ttrmdir] - (unknown subject)
ttsession(1) [/mnt/man/UnixWare/usr/man/man1/ttsession] - (unknown subject)
ttsnoop(1) [/mnt/man/UnixWare/usr/man/man1/ttsnoop] - (unknown subject)
tttar(1) [/mnt/man/UnixWare/usr/man/man1/tttar] - (unknown subject)
tttrace(1) [/mnt/man/UnixWare/usr/man/man1/tttrace] - (unknown subject)
tt_type_comp(1) [/mnt/man/UnixWare/usr/man/man1/tt_type_comp] - (unknown subject)
tty(1)              - print the file name of the terminal connected to standard input
ui(3)               - New User Interface
UI_add_error_string(3) - New User Interface
UI_add_info_string(3) - New User Interface
UI_add_input_boolean(3) - New User Interface
UI_add_input_string(3) - New User Interface
UI_add_user_data(3) - New User Interface
UI_add_verify_string(3) - New User Interface
ui_compat(3)        - Compatibility user interface functions
UI_construct_prompt(3) - New User Interface
UI_ctrl(3)          - New User Interface
UI_dup_error_string(3) - New User Interface
UI_dup_info_string(3) - New User Interface
UI_dup_input_boolean(3) - New User Interface
UI_dup_input_string(3) - New User Interface
UI_dup_verify_string(3) - New User Interface
UI_free(3)          - New User Interface
UI_get0_result(3)   - New User Interface
UI_get0_user_data(3) - New User Interface
UI_get_default_method(3) - New User Interface
UI_get_method(3)    - New User Interface
uil(1) [/mnt/man/UnixWare/usr/man/man1/uil] - (unknown subject)
UI_new(3)           - New User Interface
UI_new_method(3)    - New User Interface
UI_OpenSSL(3)       - New User Interface
UI_process(3)       - New User Interface
UI_set_default_method(3) - New User Interface
UI_set_method(3)    - New User Interface
umap(1)             - map between different character sets
unexpand(1)         - convert spaces to tabs
Unicode::CharName(3) - Look up Unicode character names
Unicode::Collate(3) - Unicode Collation Algorithm
Unicode::Map(3)     - (unknown subject)
Unicode::Map8(3)    - Mapping table between 8-bit chars and Unicode
Unicode::MapUTF8(3) - Conversions to and from arbitrary character sets and UTF8
Unicode::Normalize(3) - Unicode Normalization Forms
Unicode::String(3)  - String of Unicode characters (UTF-16BE)
Unicode::UCD(3)     - Unicode character database
uniq(1)             - remove duplicate lines from a sorted file
UNIVERSAL(3)        - base class for ALL classes (blessed references)
unknown(n)          - Handle attempts to use non-existent commands
unlisten(5sql)      - stop listening for a notification
unlisten(l)         - stop listening for a notification
unset(n)            - Delete variables
update(5sql)        - update rows of a table
updatedb(1)         - update a file name database
update(l)           - update rows of a table
update(n)           - Process pending events and idle callbacks
uplevel(n)          - Execute a script in a different stack frame
UpVar(3)            - link one variable to another
upvar(n)            - Create link to variable in a different stack frame
URI(3)              - Uniform Resource Identifiers (absolute and relative)
URI::data(3)        - URI that contains immediate data
URI::Escape(3)      - Escape and unescape unsafe characters
URI::file(3)        - URI that maps to local file names
URI::Heuristic(3)   - Expand URI using heuristics
URI::ldap(3)        - LDAP Uniform Resource Locators
URI::QueryParam(3)  - Additional query methods for URIs
URI::Split(3)       - Parse and compose URI strings
URI::URL(3)         - Uniform Resource Locators
URI::WithBase(3)    - URIs which remember their base
User::grent(3)      - by-name interface to Perl's built-in getgr*() functions
User::pwent(3)      - by-name interface to Perl's built-in getpw*() functions
users(1)            - print the user names of users currently logged in to the current host
Utf(3)              - routines for manipulating UTF-8 strings.
utf8(3)             - Perl pragma to enable/disable UTF-8 (or UTF-EBCDIC) in source code
vacuum(5sql)        - garbage-collect and optionally analyze a database
vacuumdb(1)         - garbage-collect and analyze a PostgreSQL database
vacuum(l)           - garbage-collect and optionally analyze a database
values(5sql)        - compute a set of rows
variable(n)         - create and initialize a namespace variable
vars(3)             - Perl pragma to predeclare global variable names(obsolete)
vdir(1)             - list directory contents
verify(1)           - Utility to verify certificates.
version(1)          - print OpenSSL version information
version(3)          - Perl extension for Version Objects
version::Internals(3) - Perl extension for Version Objects
Version::Requirements(3) - a set of version requirements for a CPAN dist
view(1)             - Vi IMproved, a programmers text editor
vim(1)              - Vi IMproved, a programmers text editor
vimdiff(1)          - edit two or three versions of a file with Vim and show differences
vimtutor(1)         - the Vim tutor
vmsish(3)           - Perl pragma to control VMS-specific language features
vwait(n)            - Process events until a variable is written
warnings(3)         - Perl pragma to control optional warnings
warnings::register(3) - warnings import function
wc(1)               - print the number of bytes, words, and lines in files
while(n)            - Execute script repeatedly as long as a condition is met
who(1)              - show who is logged on
whoami(1)           - print effective userid
Win32::DBIODBC(3)   - Win32::ODBC emulation layer for the DBI
WindowId(3)         - retrieve information from Tk's local data structure
winfo(n)            - Return window-related information
wish(1)             - Simple windowing shell
wm(n)               - Communicate with window manager
wrjpgcom(1)         - insert text comments into a JPEG file
WrongNumArgs(3)     - generate standard error message for wrong number of arguments
WWW::RobotRules(3)  - database of robots.txt-derived permissions
WWW::RobotRules::AnyDBM_File(3) - Persistent RobotRules
x509(1)             - Certificate display and signing utility
X509_free(3)        - X509 certificate ASN1 allocation functions
X509_NAME_add_entry(3) - X509_NAME modification functions
X509_NAME_add_entry_by_NID(3) - X509_NAME modification functions
X509_NAME_add_entry_by_OBJ(3) - X509_NAME modification functions
X509_NAME_add_entry_by_txt(3) - X509_NAME modification functions
X509_NAME_delete_entry(3) - X509_NAME modification functions
X509_NAME_entry_count(3) - X509_NAME lookup and enumeration functions
X509_NAME_ENTRY_create_by_NID(3) - X509_NAME_ENTRY utility functions
X509_NAME_ENTRY_create_by_OBJ(3) - X509_NAME_ENTRY utility functions
X509_NAME_ENTRY_create_by_txt(3) - X509_NAME_ENTRY utility functions
X509_NAME_ENTRY_get_data(3) - X509_NAME_ENTRY utility functions
X509_NAME_ENTRY_get_object(3) - X509_NAME_ENTRY utility functions
X509_NAME_ENTRY_set_data(3) - X509_NAME_ENTRY utility functions
X509_NAME_ENTRY_set_object(3) - X509_NAME_ENTRY utility functions
X509_NAME_get_entry(3) - X509_NAME lookup and enumeration functions
X509_NAME_get_index_by_NID(3) - X509_NAME lookup and enumeration functions
X509_NAME_get_index_by_OBJ(3) - X509_NAME lookup and enumeration functions
X509_NAME_get_text_by_NID(3) - X509_NAME lookup and enumeration functions
X509_NAME_get_text_by_OBJ(3) - X509_NAME lookup and enumeration functions
X509_NAME_oneline(3) - X509_NAME printing routines.
X509_NAME_print(3)  - X509_NAME printing routines.
X509_NAME_print_ex(3) - X509_NAME printing routines.
X509_NAME_print_ex_fp(3) - X509_NAME printing routines.
X509_new(3)         - X509 certificate ASN1 allocation functions
xargs(1)            - build and execute command lines from standard input
xmbind(1) [/mnt/man/UnixWare/usr/man/man1/xmbind] - (unknown subject)
XML::SAX::Base(3)   - Base class SAX Drivers and Filters
XML::SAX::Exception(3) - Exception classes for XML::SAX
XS::APItest(3)      - Test the perl C API
XSLoader(3)         - Dynamically load C libraries into Perl code
XS::Typemap(3)      - module to test the XS typemaps distributed with perl
xsubpp(1)           - compiler to convert Perl XS code into C code
xxd(1)              - make a hexdump or do the reverse.
yes(1)              - output a string repeatedly until killed
zcmp(1)             - compare compressed files
zdiff(1)            - compare compressed files
zforce(1)           - force a '.gz' extension on all gzip files
zgrep(1)            - search possibly compressed files for a regular expression
zip(1)              - package and compress(archive) files
zmore(1)            - file perusal filter for crt viewing of compressed text
znew(1)             - recompress .Z files to .gz files
zsh(1)              - the Z shell
zshall(1)           - the Z shell meta-man page
zshbuiltins(1)      - zsh built-in commands
zshcompctl(1)       - zsh programmable completion
zshcompsys(1)       - zsh completion system
zshcompwid(1)       - zsh completion widgets
zshcontrib(1)       - user contributions to zsh
zshexpn(1)          - zsh expansion and substitution
zshmisc(1)          - everything and then some
zshmodules(1)       - zsh loadable modules
zshoptions(1)       - zsh options
zshparam(1)         - zsh parameters
zshzftpsys(1)       - zftp function front-end
zshzle(1)           - zsh command line editor
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